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Art on Paper in collaboration with BOZAR
Terarken Rooms, Bozar
Rue Ravenstein 23, 1000 Brussels
Preview & Vernissage : Wednesday 7/9/2016
Fair : Thursday 8/9/2016 - Sunday 11/9/2016
MICHEL CULOT, General Manager vo-event, t +32 2 340 04 70
ADELINE D’URSEL, Fair director, t +32 479 28 64 58
PAULINE HATZIGEORGIOU, Artistic director, t +32 473 69 04 72
SOPHIE CARRÉE, Press, t +32 2 346 05 00
We are pleased to announce the 2th edition of the Brussels Contemporary Drawing Fair Art
on Paper in collaboration with BOZAR, which will take place from the 7th to the 11th of
September 2016.
One gallery; one artist. A concept initiated last year that is reiterated for this second edition. In the
Terarken Rooms of Bozar, 25 galleries approved by a selection committee will present leading
and emerging artists working in the field of drawing. For this second edition, the fair presents two
distinct types of exhibitors in the main exhibition rooms. Established galleries will thus rub
shoulders with up-and-coming galleries.
Please fill in the word document directly or write in capital letters.
The application form and documentation must be sent by email to
Application forms sent by post will not be considered.
Application deadline : 25/02/2016
Gallery name : ______________________________________________________________
Name of gallery director : ______________________________________________________
Date gallery was founded : __ / __ / ____
Address : _____________________________________________Nr : ________
PB : _____________ Post code : __________ City : __________________
Country : ___________________________________________________________________
Website : ___________________________________________________________________
General e-mail: ______________________________________________________________
General phone : _____________________________________________________________
Bruno Robert
01 04 2015
rue de la Cité Foulc 13
30000 Nîmes
00 33 4 30 50 57 93
Name : ______________________________________________________________________
First name : __________________________________________________________________
Function : ____________________________________________________________
Direct phone: _________________________________________________________
Mobile : _____________________________________________________________
Direct e-mail : ________________________________________________________
Correspondence EN FR NL
Gallery name : _______________________________________________________
Legal form : _________________________________________________________
VAT Nr : ____________________________________________________________
Bank account Nr : ____________________________________________________
IBAN : _____________________________________________________________
BIC / SWIFT : _______________________________________________________
Invoice address, if different from correspondence address :
Address : _____________________________________________Nr : ________
PB : _____________ Post code : __________ City : __________________
Country : __________________________________________________________
VAT rules for foreign exhibitors
Decision E.T. 116547 applicable as of 01/07/2009. Info via or +32
(0)2 577 40 70
Do you intend to sell goods or services in Belgium? Yes No
Belgian VAT-number : BE__ ____ ____ ____
Young solo-shows is intended to galleries active for less than 5 years, who actively support
emerging artists. The gallery applies with one represented artist that is not yet known within the
European context to exhibit as solo show. Around ten young galleries will be accepted (selected by
a committee of art collectors, curators and gallerists). The attribution of the booth to the gallery is
determined by the selection committee.
0033 4 30 50 57 93
00 33 6 13 18 48 66
non personnel
227 08 97 9000
FR76 1350 6100 0022 7089 7900 078
385 001 706 00022
For ART ON PAPER IN COLLABORATION WITH BOZAR we have chosen an ‘all inclusive’ price
• The booth, a U shape of 2,5 meter high white wooden walls (indicated A - B - C - wall A: between
2,7 and 3,5 meters long, wall B & C: 4 meters long), includes basic lighting (a light spot attached
on the ceiling in the middle of the booth). The exhibitor will be able to rent additional spots (25€
each) and pedestals, tables, etc (package around 50€). Other furniture will not be allowed.
• The signage bearing your gallery name & city
• The name of your gallery and link to your website on
• 50 (two person) PREVIEW invitations (valid for the preview on Wednesday starting 11 am and
during the entire fair)
• 100 (two person) VIP invitations (valid for the opening Wednesday starting 7 pm and during the
entire fair)
• 200 simple invitations (valid during the normal opening hours)
• A link to your personalized digital invitations, valid during the normal opening hours, that can be
emailed out to all your clients.
• Advertising campaign valued at 150 000€
• Press coverage valued at 250 000€
> YOUNG PACKAGE: 3000 € exclusive of 21% VAT
Extra costs (additional lighting and furniture) to be filled in the exhibitor form.
English, Dutch or French)
YEAR : _______ ART FAIR: _______________________________________________________
YEAR : _______ ART FAIR: _______________________________________________________
YEAR : _______ ART FAIR: _______________________________________________________
YEAR : _______ ART FAIR: _______________________________________________________
YEAR : _______ ART FAIR: _______________________________________________________
@rtédition est une agence et édition artistique d’Art Contemporain basée à Nîmes. Sa vocation
est de promouvoir le travail des artistes qu’elle représente et ainsi présenter une certaine vision de
l’Art Contemporain.
Nous présentons le travail sélectionné auprès des amateurs, des collectionneurs, des entreprises,
des institutions. L’agence défend une dizaine d’artistes et pour se faire participe à des foires en
Europe, privilégie le travail en réseau avec d’autres galeries et organise des expositions dans son
espace ou en collaboration, principalement avec les collectivités locales.
ART3G Bordeaux
ART3F Montpellier
Name : __________________________________________
Year of birth : _____________________________________
Nationality : ______________________________________
City of residence : _________________________________
Technique : ______________________________________
Price range of artworks : ______€ to______€
2E. BRIEF DESCRIPTION ABOUT HIS/HER WORK (max. 150 words in English, Dutch or
words in English, Dutch or French)
José-Xavier POLET
Alès, France
José-Xavier Polet arpente les recoins d’une abstraction narrative en tant que pré-cognitif. Cette
époque pré-cognitive se terminera tantôt avec les nouveaux progrès enregistrés par les sciences
cognitives mettant en lumière le processus de création. Ces progrès qui scelleront le lien entre les
arts et les sciences pour mieux encore préserver la précieuse part d’intuition et de spontanéité dont
nous avons besoin à tout jamais.
Sa manière, ce sont les aplats nervurés, diaphanes, quasi sans matière. Avec un travail constant
sur les 3 couleurs primaires, sur la dilution de l’acrylique et des encres. Des collages aussi qui
ajoutent au mystère et à la profondeur, comme des barrières qu’il faudra bien franchir, un jour ou
Et finalement la clé reste la ligne, dans tous ses états, comme artéfact par excellence, mille et mille
fois revisitée. Déclinée. Ligne du destin, ligne- frontière et contour arbitraire, convenue, hasardeuse
et trace du libre-arbitre humain.
@rtédition a choisi de présenter la série des Dazibao de José-Xavier Polet. Habitué à travailler
le papier, José-Xavier Polet a voulu continuer ses recherches sur le dénuement en le choisissant
comme support. Ainsi née la série des Dazibao, évocation des journaux muraux chinois revisités
à la sauce cosmopolite. Sauf qu’en lieu et place d’un texte, il se trouve la déclaration
de José-Xavier Polet, artiste citoyen du monde, sur l’abstraction narrative et le pré-cognitif.
Technique mixte
2400 4500
Documentation needs to be sent by e-mail to Please gather all
documents (visuals, cv, text) in 1 pdf file. Documentation sent by post will not be considered and
will not be returned.
• A maximum of 5 images (.jpeg) of the works that will be shown or similar works by the exhibiting
• An installation view of your stand at your last art fair
• The artist’s resume
• A maximum of 5 installation views at the gallery and works shown at the gallery
All the submitted applications will be the subject of a selection by the Selection Committee
established by the artistic director. The selection of the exhibitors is based on the following criteria:
adequacy of the artist’s practice in regard to the field of contemporary drawing, quality of the
proposal, availability of exhibition space and equivalence of the vision of the fair and the direction
of the gallery. The committee meetings will be held at the end of February 2016. The decision of
the Selection Committee will be notified in writing by the artistic director one month after these
I am aware of the General Conditions of participation. I acknowledge acceptance of the terms set
out in this application form and the general conditions.
Name and first name : _____________________________________
Gallery: ________________________________________________
Place : _________________________________________________
Date : __________________________________________________
SIGNATURE, preceded by the words "Approved and agreed":
Please note: Kindly sign each page.
Robert Bruno
Art On Paper 2016
Art.1 - General provisions
"Art On Paper 2016" will be held from the 8th to the 11th of September at BOZAR, 23 rue
Ravenstein in Brussels. The exhibition preview and opening shall take place on the 7th of
In submitting an application for Art On Paper 2016, the gallery declares its intention to be retained
as an exhibitor. No cancellation will be accepted after the deadline for the application, on the
February 25th, 2016. All applicants will be notified of their acceptance or rejection of their
application within one month after the Selection Committee meeting. The final selection meeting is
expected at the end of March. In case of acceptance of the application, the exhibitor undertakes to
comply, without restriction or restraint, the clauses of the Regulation and any new provisions that
may be imposed by circumstances and adopted by the organizers in the interest of Art On Paper
In case that, for any major, unforeseeable or economic reasons, the show cannot take place, the
applications for admission shall be cancelled and the amounts available, following payments of
expenses incurred, shall be divided among exhibitors, prorated to the amounts paid by each one.
Art.2 - Exhibitors
The following are considered exhibitors: galleries of professional standing - regardless of the media
of the works presented - and the media organisations, using the trade register as proof of activity.
The organizers reserve the right to exclude products / or services that they do not deem to meet
the purpose of the show or that they deem non-compliant with regulations in force.
Art. 3 - Attribution of the booth
Art on Paper 2016 takes place in the « Terarken » rooms located in the basement of the Palais des
Beaux Arts, 23 rue Ravenstein in Brussels. The show is composed by 25 booths whose
dimensions vary slightly depending on the characteristics of the rooms in which they are inserted.
The dimensions of the exhibition walls are between 10 meters and 13 meters in total length for a
booth of about 12 or 14m2.
The attribution of the booth to the exhibitor is carried by the artistic director and Selection
Committee. Larger booths will be prioritized to the galleries who chose the Established package,
while smaller booths will be assigned to Young galleries.
Art.4 - Reservation and payment
The signature of the participant registration file by the exhibitor shall bring about definitive
compliance with all the clauses of these regulations by the exhibitor. The exhibitor shall be
admitted to his stand only after having settled the full cost (for payments made by bank transfer, he
shall bring proof of payment). In the event that one or more invoices due to VO-Communication
remain unpaid at the latest 15 days after their date of issue, this non-payment will, ipso jure and
without prior formal notice, lead to forfeiture of the right to the space, without prejudice to the other
provisions of this article or of these General Conditions. It follows that, in this event, VO-
Communication may freely dispose of the space and re-let it to another exhibiting candidate.
Art. 5 - Cancellation
In case of cancellation by the exhibitor, he shall remain liable to pay of the invoice for the space as
long as the organizers have not had the ability of re-letting in the usual condition to a gallery
selected by the committee. 50% of the cost of the booth shall be retained by the organizers if the
cancellation is made prior to the 30th of March 2016. As of April 1 2016, the full participant amount
shall be due.
Art.6 - Setting up / Removal
The setting up and removal schedule will be disclosed in the Exhibitor's File.
Artworks that arrive after the opening of the event may only be transported to the stand outside
public opening hours. In the event that an exhibitor has not removed his wares within the allocated
time, the organizers shall ensure the safe-keeping of the wares, with the carrier authorized by the
organizers, and this at the expense of the exhibitor.
Any damages and additional costs that may occur at the time of safe-keeping shall not in any way
be incumbent upon the organizers.
Each stand must be permanently manned during the opening hours of the show, up to and
including the final day.
Art.7 - Organisation of the exhibition space
The exhibitors undertake to comply with the artistic proposal made in their participant registration
file, and in particular the presentation of one artist as solo show. All decorations or animations that
digress from the general provisions for the organisation of a show that is open to the public shall be
subject to the opinion of the artistic management and may not be carried out without the
agreement of the latter.
The exhibitor shall be held liable for any damages caused by an installation that is not planned for
by the organiser. Exhibitors must maintain their stand in good condition and the management
reserves the right to intervene to re-establish this good condition.
Art.8 - Sales
Sales are authorized during the event. However, for security reasons, no wares may be removed
from the exhibition hall without a release voucher that describes the ware being removed, signed
by the exhibitor and validated by the organizers.
Art.9 - Security
All the necessary measures are ensured by the organizers for the general security of the show out
of opening hours to be efficient. It is incumbent upon each exhibitor to maintain a careful watch
over his own materials.Any person who enters prohibited areas that are duly signposted, shall do
so without the organizers being held liable.
Art.10 - Cleaning
Cleaning and ongoing maintenance of the floors (areas of movement, entrance and free floor
space) shall be provided and paid for by the organizers.
Art.11 - Insurance
Aside from the mandatory insurance risk cover, exhibitors must be insured by their usual company
for all other risks involved, particularly for theft, damage of artworks or exhibition materials. The
exhibitors shall not hold the organizers liable in the event of fire, explosion, flooding, other
disturbances, or for any factor that is not attributable to the organizers, agents or employees. In
particular, the organizers shall not be held liable for any damages in the event that the whole space
being let cannot be effectively used by the exhibitors as a result of a force majeure event.
Art.12 - Various prohibitions
Unless expressly agreed by the organizers, it is prohibited for exhibitors to rent out all or part of the
space, whether it is free of charge, paid, or as an exchange of services. In compliance with
applicable legal provisions, a total ban on smoking is in force. Exhibitors must ensure this
prohibition is complied with in and around their space.
Art. 13 – Authorization for visual distribution
Exhibitors shall authorize Art On Paper 2016 to use visuals of the artworks, free of charge, sent out
by the latter for communication about the show on all types of media (internet, press, television,
etc.). They shall authorize Art On Paper 2016, free of charge, to photograph / film the stand and to
use the image of the stand on all types of media at the time the report / filming is conducted.
The photo shots produced in this way shall be used exclusively in the context of Art On Paper
2016's internal and external, national and international communication, for its training or
promotional needs or for public information on its activities.
This authorization refers to the right to represent or to have represented, to reproduce or to have
reproduced, in part or in full, the photographs / films, either by Art On Paper 2016 itself, or through
any third party or organisation authorized by Art On Paper 2016, worldwide, by any known or as
yet unknown technological methods and processes, for
instance via the written press (which includes infomercials and advertorials, which are advertising
articles with an editorial presentation, but which excludes press advertisements), or via audiovisual
means, via computer (airwaves, satellites, computer networks, etc.), on all media (film, paper,
video, CD-ROM, CDI, DVD, etc.) and in all formats, whether inserted into audiovisual documents,
computer, multimedia, intranet or extranet websites, graphic publishing in any form etc., both in the
commercial and non-commercial sector, public or private, for the purpose of collective and / or
domestic receipt.
This authorization also refers to the right granted to Art On Paper 2016 to use, reproduce and
distribute, in full or in part, on any media and under the above-mentioned conditions any comments
that the organizers hold in the context of an interview duly commissioned by Art On Paper 2016 in
the context of its internal and external communication.
This authorization shall be valid without any time limit from the date of his signature.
Art. 14 - Promotion of the event
The organizers let the exhibitors to undertake in the dissemination and notifications for announcing
the show (Newsletters, paper invitations, electronic invitations, ...) provided by Vo-Event. In order
to ensure the promotion of Art on Paper 2016, exhibitors therefore undertake to use and/or make
available their file of art collectors in order to ensure a sufficient number of invitations for the
opening and other events as part of the show. The organizers reserve the right to use these files
for the exclusive purpose of promoting the show.
Art.15 - Organizers' responsibility
The organizers may, in the event of force majeure and for instance in the event of a public
transport strike, postpone the show, modify its opening hours, or exclude the public. They may
cancel it or close it prior to the scheduled date, for instance in the event that the owner refuses to
give access to the premises for any reason whatsoever. In the event that the show is cancelled due
to force majeure, the administrative costs incurred by the organizers (10% of the total of the stand
excl. VAT) shall be due by the exhibitor, prorated to his contribution.
Art.16 - Application of these regulations
The organizers reserve the right to rule on disputed cases, or on cases not provided for in these
regulations at any moment. These decisions, even delivered verbally, may not be appealed and
shall be immediately enforceable.
The organizers reserve the right to modify these regulations in the general interest of the show.
Art.17 - Claims
For the purpose of amicable settlement, exhibitors' claims must be submitted to the organizers by
registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt within 15 days from the closure of the show.
Following this period, claims shall no longer be receivable. Any dispute shall be exclusively subject
to the jurisdiction of the courts of Brussels and shall be subject to Belgian law. Solely the French
text is authoritative for the interpretation of these regulations.
Read and approved
Name and signature

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@Rtédition application form young gallery to Bozar -Art on Paper

  • 1. Art on Paper in collaboration with BOZAR Terarken Rooms, Bozar Rue Ravenstein 23, 1000 Brussels Preview & Vernissage : Wednesday 7/9/2016 Fair : Thursday 8/9/2016 - Sunday 11/9/2016 MICHEL CULOT, General Manager vo-event, t +32 2 340 04 70 ADELINE D’URSEL, Fair director, t +32 479 28 64 58 PAULINE HATZIGEORGIOU, Artistic director, t +32 473 69 04 72 SOPHIE CARRÉE, Press, t +32 2 346 05 00 We are pleased to announce the 2th edition of the Brussels Contemporary Drawing Fair Art on Paper in collaboration with BOZAR, which will take place from the 7th to the 11th of September 2016. One gallery; one artist. A concept initiated last year that is reiterated for this second edition. In the Terarken Rooms of Bozar, 25 galleries approved by a selection committee will present leading and emerging artists working in the field of drawing. For this second edition, the fair presents two distinct types of exhibitors in the main exhibition rooms. Established galleries will thus rub shoulders with up-and-coming galleries. ______________________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION YOUNG GALLERY ______________________________________________________________________________ Please fill in the word document directly or write in capital letters. The application form and documentation must be sent by email to Application forms sent by post will not be considered. Application deadline : 25/02/2016 YOUNG GALLERY Gallery name : ______________________________________________________________ Name of gallery director : ______________________________________________________ Date gallery was founded : __ / __ / ____ Address : _____________________________________________Nr : ________ PB : _____________ Post code : __________ City : __________________ Country : ___________________________________________________________________ Website : ___________________________________________________________________ General e-mail: ______________________________________________________________ General phone : _____________________________________________________________ @rtédition Bruno Robert 01 04 2015 rue de la Cité Foulc 13 30000 Nîmes FRANCE 00 33 4 30 50 57 93
  • 2. CONTACT PERSON RESPONSIBLE : Name : ______________________________________________________________________ First name : __________________________________________________________________ Function : ____________________________________________________________ Direct phone: _________________________________________________________ Mobile : _____________________________________________________________ Direct e-mail : ________________________________________________________ Correspondence EN FR NL INVOICE DATA Gallery name : _______________________________________________________ Legal form : _________________________________________________________ VAT Nr : ____________________________________________________________ Bank account Nr : ____________________________________________________ IBAN : _____________________________________________________________ BIC / SWIFT : _______________________________________________________ Invoice address, if different from correspondence address : Address : _____________________________________________Nr : ________ PB : _____________ Post code : __________ City : __________________ Country : __________________________________________________________ VAT rules for foreign exhibitors Decision E.T. 116547 applicable as of 01/07/2009. Info via or +32 (0)2 577 40 70 Do you intend to sell goods or services in Belgium? Yes No Belgian VAT-number : BE__ ____ ____ ____ 2. YOUNG SOLO-SHOW Young solo-shows is intended to galleries active for less than 5 years, who actively support emerging artists. The gallery applies with one represented artist that is not yet known within the European context to exhibit as solo show. Around ten young galleries will be accepted (selected by a committee of art collectors, curators and gallerists). The attribution of the booth to the gallery is determined by the selection committee. ROBERT Bruno Director 0033 4 30 50 57 93 00 33 6 13 18 48 66 @rtédition non personnel 227 08 97 9000 FR76 1350 6100 0022 7089 7900 078 AGRIFRPP835 385 001 706 00022
  • 3. 2A. YOUNG PACKAGE For ART ON PAPER IN COLLABORATION WITH BOZAR we have chosen an ‘all inclusive’ price including: • The booth, a U shape of 2,5 meter high white wooden walls (indicated A - B - C - wall A: between 2,7 and 3,5 meters long, wall B & C: 4 meters long), includes basic lighting (a light spot attached on the ceiling in the middle of the booth). The exhibitor will be able to rent additional spots (25€ each) and pedestals, tables, etc (package around 50€). Other furniture will not be allowed. • The signage bearing your gallery name & city • The name of your gallery and link to your website on • 50 (two person) PREVIEW invitations (valid for the preview on Wednesday starting 11 am and during the entire fair) • 100 (two person) VIP invitations (valid for the opening Wednesday starting 7 pm and during the entire fair) • 200 simple invitations (valid during the normal opening hours) • A link to your personalized digital invitations, valid during the normal opening hours, that can be emailed out to all your clients. • Advertising campaign valued at 150 000€ • Press coverage valued at 250 000€ > YOUNG PACKAGE: 3000 € exclusive of 21% VAT Extra costs (additional lighting and furniture) to be filled in the exhibitor form. 2B. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE ORIENTATION OF THE GALLERY (max. 150 words in English, Dutch or French) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2C. ART FAIRS YOUR GALLERY HAS PARTICIPATED IN YEAR : _______ ART FAIR: _______________________________________________________ YEAR : _______ ART FAIR: _______________________________________________________ YEAR : _______ ART FAIR: _______________________________________________________ YEAR : _______ ART FAIR: _______________________________________________________ YEAR : _______ ART FAIR: _______________________________________________________ @rtédition est une agence et édition artistique d’Art Contemporain basée à Nîmes. Sa vocation est de promouvoir le travail des artistes qu’elle représente et ainsi présenter une certaine vision de l’Art Contemporain. Nous présentons le travail sélectionné auprès des amateurs, des collectionneurs, des entreprises, des institutions. L’agence défend une dizaine d’artistes et pour se faire participe à des foires en Europe, privilégie le travail en réseau avec d’autres galeries et organise des expositions dans son espace ou en collaboration, principalement avec les collectivités locales. 2015 ART3F PARIS 2015 2015 ART3G Bordeaux ART3F Montpellier
  • 4. 2D. ARTIST TO BE REPRESENTED AT ART ON PAPER 2016 Name : __________________________________________ Year of birth : _____________________________________ Nationality : ______________________________________ City of residence : _________________________________ Technique : ______________________________________ Price range of artworks : ______€ to______€ 2E. BRIEF DESCRIPTION ABOUT HIS/HER WORK (max. 150 words in English, Dutch or French): ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2F. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PROPOSITION FOR ART ON PAPER 2016 (max. 150 words in English, Dutch or French) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ José-Xavier POLET 1948 Belgian Alès, France José-Xavier Polet arpente les recoins d’une abstraction narrative en tant que pré-cognitif. Cette époque pré-cognitive se terminera tantôt avec les nouveaux progrès enregistrés par les sciences cognitives mettant en lumière le processus de création. Ces progrès qui scelleront le lien entre les arts et les sciences pour mieux encore préserver la précieuse part d’intuition et de spontanéité dont nous avons besoin à tout jamais. Sa manière, ce sont les aplats nervurés, diaphanes, quasi sans matière. Avec un travail constant sur les 3 couleurs primaires, sur la dilution de l’acrylique et des encres. Des collages aussi qui ajoutent au mystère et à la profondeur, comme des barrières qu’il faudra bien franchir, un jour ou l’autre. Et finalement la clé reste la ligne, dans tous ses états, comme artéfact par excellence, mille et mille fois revisitée. Déclinée. Ligne du destin, ligne- frontière et contour arbitraire, convenue, hasardeuse et trace du libre-arbitre humain. @rtédition a choisi de présenter la série des Dazibao de José-Xavier Polet. Habitué à travailler le papier, José-Xavier Polet a voulu continuer ses recherches sur le dénuement en le choisissant comme support. Ainsi née la série des Dazibao, évocation des journaux muraux chinois revisités à la sauce cosmopolite. Sauf qu’en lieu et place d’un texte, il se trouve la déclaration de José-Xavier Polet, artiste citoyen du monde, sur l’abstraction narrative et le pré-cognitif. Technique mixte 2400 4500
  • 5. 3. DOCUMENTATION Documentation needs to be sent by e-mail to Please gather all documents (visuals, cv, text) in 1 pdf file. Documentation sent by post will not be considered and will not be returned. • A maximum of 5 images (.jpeg) of the works that will be shown or similar works by the exhibiting artist • An installation view of your stand at your last art fair • The artist’s resume • A maximum of 5 installation views at the gallery and works shown at the gallery 4. SELECTION All the submitted applications will be the subject of a selection by the Selection Committee established by the artistic director. The selection of the exhibitors is based on the following criteria: adequacy of the artist’s practice in regard to the field of contemporary drawing, quality of the proposal, availability of exhibition space and equivalence of the vision of the fair and the direction of the gallery. The committee meetings will be held at the end of February 2016. The decision of the Selection Committee will be notified in writing by the artistic director one month after these meetings. 5. DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT I am aware of the General Conditions of participation. I acknowledge acceptance of the terms set out in this application form and the general conditions. Name and first name : _____________________________________ Gallery: ________________________________________________ Place : _________________________________________________ Date : __________________________________________________ SIGNATURE, preceded by the words "Approved and agreed": Please note: Kindly sign each page. Robert Bruno @rtédition Nîmes 15/02/2016
  • 6. GENERAL REGULATIONS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SHOW Art On Paper 2016 Art.1 - General provisions "Art On Paper 2016" will be held from the 8th to the 11th of September at BOZAR, 23 rue Ravenstein in Brussels. The exhibition preview and opening shall take place on the 7th of September. In submitting an application for Art On Paper 2016, the gallery declares its intention to be retained as an exhibitor. No cancellation will be accepted after the deadline for the application, on the February 25th, 2016. All applicants will be notified of their acceptance or rejection of their application within one month after the Selection Committee meeting. The final selection meeting is expected at the end of March. In case of acceptance of the application, the exhibitor undertakes to comply, without restriction or restraint, the clauses of the Regulation and any new provisions that may be imposed by circumstances and adopted by the organizers in the interest of Art On Paper 2016. In case that, for any major, unforeseeable or economic reasons, the show cannot take place, the applications for admission shall be cancelled and the amounts available, following payments of expenses incurred, shall be divided among exhibitors, prorated to the amounts paid by each one. Art.2 - Exhibitors The following are considered exhibitors: galleries of professional standing - regardless of the media of the works presented - and the media organisations, using the trade register as proof of activity. The organizers reserve the right to exclude products / or services that they do not deem to meet the purpose of the show or that they deem non-compliant with regulations in force. Art. 3 - Attribution of the booth Art on Paper 2016 takes place in the « Terarken » rooms located in the basement of the Palais des Beaux Arts, 23 rue Ravenstein in Brussels. The show is composed by 25 booths whose dimensions vary slightly depending on the characteristics of the rooms in which they are inserted. The dimensions of the exhibition walls are between 10 meters and 13 meters in total length for a booth of about 12 or 14m2. The attribution of the booth to the exhibitor is carried by the artistic director and Selection Committee. Larger booths will be prioritized to the galleries who chose the Established package, while smaller booths will be assigned to Young galleries.
  • 7. Art.4 - Reservation and payment The signature of the participant registration file by the exhibitor shall bring about definitive compliance with all the clauses of these regulations by the exhibitor. The exhibitor shall be admitted to his stand only after having settled the full cost (for payments made by bank transfer, he shall bring proof of payment). In the event that one or more invoices due to VO-Communication remain unpaid at the latest 15 days after their date of issue, this non-payment will, ipso jure and without prior formal notice, lead to forfeiture of the right to the space, without prejudice to the other provisions of this article or of these General Conditions. It follows that, in this event, VO- Communication may freely dispose of the space and re-let it to another exhibiting candidate. Art. 5 - Cancellation In case of cancellation by the exhibitor, he shall remain liable to pay of the invoice for the space as long as the organizers have not had the ability of re-letting in the usual condition to a gallery selected by the committee. 50% of the cost of the booth shall be retained by the organizers if the cancellation is made prior to the 30th of March 2016. As of April 1 2016, the full participant amount shall be due. Art.6 - Setting up / Removal The setting up and removal schedule will be disclosed in the Exhibitor's File. Artworks that arrive after the opening of the event may only be transported to the stand outside public opening hours. In the event that an exhibitor has not removed his wares within the allocated time, the organizers shall ensure the safe-keeping of the wares, with the carrier authorized by the organizers, and this at the expense of the exhibitor. Any damages and additional costs that may occur at the time of safe-keeping shall not in any way be incumbent upon the organizers. Each stand must be permanently manned during the opening hours of the show, up to and including the final day. Art.7 - Organisation of the exhibition space The exhibitors undertake to comply with the artistic proposal made in their participant registration file, and in particular the presentation of one artist as solo show. All decorations or animations that digress from the general provisions for the organisation of a show that is open to the public shall be subject to the opinion of the artistic management and may not be carried out without the agreement of the latter. The exhibitor shall be held liable for any damages caused by an installation that is not planned for by the organiser. Exhibitors must maintain their stand in good condition and the management reserves the right to intervene to re-establish this good condition. Art.8 - Sales Sales are authorized during the event. However, for security reasons, no wares may be removed from the exhibition hall without a release voucher that describes the ware being removed, signed by the exhibitor and validated by the organizers. Art.9 - Security All the necessary measures are ensured by the organizers for the general security of the show out of opening hours to be efficient. It is incumbent upon each exhibitor to maintain a careful watch over his own materials.Any person who enters prohibited areas that are duly signposted, shall do so without the organizers being held liable. Art.10 - Cleaning Cleaning and ongoing maintenance of the floors (areas of movement, entrance and free floor space) shall be provided and paid for by the organizers.
  • 8. Art.11 - Insurance Aside from the mandatory insurance risk cover, exhibitors must be insured by their usual company for all other risks involved, particularly for theft, damage of artworks or exhibition materials. The exhibitors shall not hold the organizers liable in the event of fire, explosion, flooding, other disturbances, or for any factor that is not attributable to the organizers, agents or employees. In particular, the organizers shall not be held liable for any damages in the event that the whole space being let cannot be effectively used by the exhibitors as a result of a force majeure event. Art.12 - Various prohibitions Unless expressly agreed by the organizers, it is prohibited for exhibitors to rent out all or part of the space, whether it is free of charge, paid, or as an exchange of services. In compliance with applicable legal provisions, a total ban on smoking is in force. Exhibitors must ensure this prohibition is complied with in and around their space. Art. 13 – Authorization for visual distribution Exhibitors shall authorize Art On Paper 2016 to use visuals of the artworks, free of charge, sent out by the latter for communication about the show on all types of media (internet, press, television, etc.). They shall authorize Art On Paper 2016, free of charge, to photograph / film the stand and to use the image of the stand on all types of media at the time the report / filming is conducted. The photo shots produced in this way shall be used exclusively in the context of Art On Paper 2016's internal and external, national and international communication, for its training or promotional needs or for public information on its activities. This authorization refers to the right to represent or to have represented, to reproduce or to have reproduced, in part or in full, the photographs / films, either by Art On Paper 2016 itself, or through any third party or organisation authorized by Art On Paper 2016, worldwide, by any known or as yet unknown technological methods and processes, for instance via the written press (which includes infomercials and advertorials, which are advertising articles with an editorial presentation, but which excludes press advertisements), or via audiovisual means, via computer (airwaves, satellites, computer networks, etc.), on all media (film, paper, video, CD-ROM, CDI, DVD, etc.) and in all formats, whether inserted into audiovisual documents, computer, multimedia, intranet or extranet websites, graphic publishing in any form etc., both in the commercial and non-commercial sector, public or private, for the purpose of collective and / or domestic receipt. This authorization also refers to the right granted to Art On Paper 2016 to use, reproduce and distribute, in full or in part, on any media and under the above-mentioned conditions any comments that the organizers hold in the context of an interview duly commissioned by Art On Paper 2016 in the context of its internal and external communication. This authorization shall be valid without any time limit from the date of his signature. Art. 14 - Promotion of the event The organizers let the exhibitors to undertake in the dissemination and notifications for announcing the show (Newsletters, paper invitations, electronic invitations, ...) provided by Vo-Event. In order to ensure the promotion of Art on Paper 2016, exhibitors therefore undertake to use and/or make available their file of art collectors in order to ensure a sufficient number of invitations for the opening and other events as part of the show. The organizers reserve the right to use these files for the exclusive purpose of promoting the show. Art.15 - Organizers' responsibility The organizers may, in the event of force majeure and for instance in the event of a public transport strike, postpone the show, modify its opening hours, or exclude the public. They may cancel it or close it prior to the scheduled date, for instance in the event that the owner refuses to give access to the premises for any reason whatsoever. In the event that the show is cancelled due to force majeure, the administrative costs incurred by the organizers (10% of the total of the stand excl. VAT) shall be due by the exhibitor, prorated to his contribution.
  • 9. Art.16 - Application of these regulations The organizers reserve the right to rule on disputed cases, or on cases not provided for in these regulations at any moment. These decisions, even delivered verbally, may not be appealed and shall be immediately enforceable. The organizers reserve the right to modify these regulations in the general interest of the show. Art.17 - Claims For the purpose of amicable settlement, exhibitors' claims must be submitted to the organizers by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt within 15 days from the closure of the show. Following this period, claims shall no longer be receivable. Any dispute shall be exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Brussels and shall be subject to Belgian law. Solely the French text is authoritative for the interpretation of these regulations. Read and approved Name and signature