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                                     Visibility, Core
  “As a researcher focusing          Standards, and the
                                     Power of the Story:
   on school libraries and
  how young people engage
  with them to learn, I am
  captivated by the stories
    that people tell about
                                     Creating a Visible Future for School Libraries
 dR. Ross J. todd                                                                           Peer reviewed. Accepted for publication, October 1, 2012

                                                                                                   how their school library had helped them
    introduCtion: the power of the story                                                           with their learning, as well as the develop-
                                                                                                   ment of life skills. Collectively these stories
    I have always been inspired by many of the statements of novelist and essayist Salman          provide compelling, cumulative and deeply
    Rushdie. In his essay titled “One Thousand Days in a Balloon,” he says, “Those who do          personal insights into the power of school
    not have power over the story that dominates their lives—the power to retell it, rethink it,   libraries. And such stories, over the years,
    deconstruct it, joke about it, and change it as times change—truly are powerless, because      have provided me with claims, challenges,
    they cannot think new thoughts” (Rushdie, 1993, 17). In a similar vein, the American poet      and questions about the role of school li-
    William Carlos Williams (1883–1963) speaks of the power of the story: “Their story, yours      braries in learning and their future in an
    and mine—it’s what we all carry with us on this trip we take, and we owe it to each other      evolving educational landscape.
    to respect our stories and learn from them” (Williams, in Cole, 1989, 30). Ah, the power of        Part of my motivation for documenting
    the story, and the challenge to learn from them.                                               stories about the dynamics and future of
        I believe in the power of the good story! Falling under the scholarly discourse of nar-    school libraries centers on questions being
    rative intelligence, Mateaas and Sengers (1999) claim that a growing number of fields,         asked about the sustainability of school li-
    ranging from history to psychology, law and medicine, education to social work, have           braries in many countries, with evidence
    embraced the use of stories and narrative forms as an effective methodology to hone in         of cuts in library budgets and professional
    on findings not possible through traditional scientific methods in order to develop rich       staffing. With this decreasing visibility,
    patterns of meaning and insights. Sandelowski (1991) posits that the narrative nature of       there are also fundamental questions being
    human beings has often been lost in the data-driven research environment, yet it is these      asked about the sustainability of school in
    narratives that convey the richness, depth, and variation of experience and, through tell-     the increasingly digital information envi-
    ing and selection, are given cohesion, meaning, and direction. According to Atlee (2003)       ronment of school education (Hay & Todd,
    of the Co-Intelligence Institute, the strengths of the use of “story” as a data collection     2010), particularly the increasing trend of
    and presentation approach include the tendency to understand things better when they           mobile technology as the dominant plat-
    are presented in the form of a story (and sometimes to have trouble understanding things       form for accessing information content,
    when they aren’t presented as stories); the capacity to sense the importance of context,       the changing arena of content publishing,
    character, and history in any explanation; the ability to see another’s viewpoint when pre-    and development of new delivery platforms
    sented with the stories that underlie or embody that viewpoint; the ability and tendency       such as apps, ebooks and etexts.
    to see people, places, and things in fresh, insightful, and functional ways in a story; and
    the ability to recognize certain elements as significant, as embodying certain meanings        from inVisibility to
    that “make sense of things.                                                                    opportunity
        As a researcher focusing on school libraries and how young people engage with them
    to learn, I am captivated by the stories that people tell about them. Story, as a data-        The question of visibility has plagued
    collection approach, has been pervasive in much of my research. I remember when we             the school library profession for decades.
    collected ten thousand stories as part of the Student Learning through Ohio School Li-         Hartzell (2002), Turner (1980), and Oberg
    braries research study (Todd & Kuhlthau, 2005). Students told in many different ways           (2006) speak of occupational invisibility

    8   TEACHER LIBRARIAN     39:6
and have identified a number of reasons         gation of ideas, and writing, speaking, and      to 2011. The purpose of this study was to
for this by administrators and teachers.        listening as central to developing informed      construct a picture of the status of New Jer-
These include the pervasive nature of the       creative responses to information. And in        sey’s school libraries and to understand the
stereotypical image; administrators’ and        my view, students’ developing deep knowl-        contextual and professional dynamics and
teachers’ lack of exposure to the value of      edge of their curriculum standards is core       contribution of quality school libraries to
libraries; school librarians in teacher and     work of the school librarian.                    education in New Jersey. Executive sum-
administrative training; a lack of under-           Eleven years ago, in a keynote address       maries and full reports of these findings are
standing of the role of school librarians in    at the IASL conference in New Zealand            available at the CISSL website: cissl.rutgers.
the workplace; the difficulty in measuring      (Todd 2001), I made the statement: “In or-       edu (Todd, Gordon, & Lu, 2010; Todd, Gor-
the extent and value of librarians’ contri-     der for school libraries to play a key role in   don, & Lu, 2011). Phase 2 of the NJ research
butions to classrooms; lack of seeing the       the information age school, I believe there      focused on documenting the perspectives,
strong connection to the learning agenda        needs to be a fundamental shift from think-      perceptions, attitudes, and values of school
of the school; and the lack of visibility in    ing about the movement and management            principals, curriculum leaders, and class-
professional organizations outside of li-       of information resources through structures      room teachers through the narrative stories
brarianship. At the same time, a body of        and networks, and from information skills        of their use of and engagement with the
research exists that helps us understand        and information literacy, to a key focus on      school library. We believed that these sto-
the dynamics of visibility, centering on        knowledge construction and human un-             ries would provide insight into how they see
advancing school goals and including an         derstanding, implemented through a con-          students using and learning through school
explicit focus on instruction and curricu-      structivist, inquiry-based framework. . . .      libraries; their attitudes, values and beliefs
lum, team-based leadership in learning,         Information is the heartbeat of meaningful       about school libraries; and their insights
and leadership in schoolwide professional       learning in schools. But it is not the hall-     on the impact of school libraries on stu-
development (Henri, Hay, & Oberg, 2002;         mark of the twenty-first-century school.         dent learning. This involved focus groups of
Oberg 2006).                                    The hallmark of a school library in the          ninety seven participants in twelve schools
    These dynamics of visibility are parallel   twenty-first century . . . is the development    that were chosen because of their high lev-
with the emergence of the Common Core           of human understanding, meaning making,          els of instructional collaborations under-
Standards, and the affordances offered by       and constructing knowledge.” While our           taken by school librarian-teacher teams,
these standards for building visibility are     quest for the development of an informa-         as identified in the first phase of the study.
enormous. From my perspective, at the           tion-literate school is indeed a noble one, I    Classroom teachers constituted 49%, 29%
heart of the Common Core Standards is the       believe that deep knowledge is the core out-     were school or district administrative lead-
information-to-knowledge journey of stu-        come of a school, enabled through powerful       ers such as principals and curriculum coor-
dents, a focus on developing deep knowl-        pedagogies that develop the critical and an-     dinators, and 22% were school librarians.
edge and understanding of curriculum            alytical-thinking and knowledge-building         The focus groups addressed four themes:
content through engagement with informa-        processes. It is no longer about the teacher     (1) In what ways does the school support
tional texts. The Common Core Standards         teaching “content” and the school librarian      learning through the school library? (2) In
provide an intensified focus on the deep        teaching “information skills.” It is about the   what ways, if any, does the school library
critical reading of complex informational       mutuality of intent—working together to de-      contribute to learning? (3) What do students
texts to build meaning and understanding        velop deep knowledge and understanding.          learn through their interaction and engage-
of curriculum content. Deep critical read-      The Common Core Standards clearly signal         ment with the school library? (4) How do
ing involves school librarians not just en-     the knowledge-based competencies that            you envision the future of school libraries?
gaging in the evaluation of text but also       I believe should be the instructional focus      The stories of effective school libraries, as
matching learners, texts, readability levels,   of the school librarian, an essential part of    told in this study, provide support for the
and tasks. It also involves the explicit and    the challenge of being visible in the learn-     central concepts of visibility, content stan-
systematic development of capacity to in-       ing agenda of schools as they grapple with       dards, and knowledge.
teract with text to construct deep knowl-       Common Core Standards.
edge. This includes such capabilities as                                                         listen to the stories
analyzing texts for pertinent ideas and the     one Common goal
interconnection of main ideas and support-                                                       In the twelve schools, the work of the
ing ideas, connecting ideas across diverse      This is clearly illustrated in the findings of   school librarians was highly visible, highly
texts, developing arguments, crafting in-       the recent New Jersey research study “One        valued, and focused firmly on enabling the
formed and evidence-based conclusions           Common Goal: Student Learning,” under-           school to meet curriculum goals that cen-
through interaction with diverse and con-       taken in two phases by the Center for In-        tered around core content standards. From
flicting viewpoints, establishing and justi-    ternational Scholarship in School Libraries      the focus group data, we identified a num-
fying positions through the critical interro-   (CISSL) at Rutgers University from 2009          ber of key factors that contributed to this

                                                                                                                           OCTOBER 2012      9
       be tt y wi n s l ow
                                              visibility, and indeed, to the sustainability       ing to implement the curriculum to
                                              of these school libraries. These include the        teachers are teaching . . . from a cur-
       Junior fiction
                                              school library as a pedagogical center; the         riculum perspective, the library is the
                                              school librarian primarily working as a             place where the curriculum gets im-
Bending the Rules                             coteacher; the focus on curriculum knowl-           plemented. And not just pieces of the
The Friendship Matchmaker. Randa              edge and meeting syllabus standards; and            curriculum but the whole curriculum.
Abdel-Fattah.Walker Publishing                the implementation of an inquiry-based              For me, [the school librarian’s] abil-
Company, 2011. $15.99. 978-0-802-             pedagogy. It was clear in these schools that        ity to work with other teachers is very
72832-6.Grades 4-6. Lara Zany, an             the school libraries existed within a culture       important for that. She’s not seeing
official “loner by choice”, is famous for     of schoolwide support—there was deeply              one part of the knowledge that we’re
friendship coaching, but when the new         embedded belief in the vision of the school         trying to impart to students, she’s
girl challenges her to a matchmaker           library as a pedagogical center, trusting           seeing the whole picture and that al-
showdown, Lara discovers (to her              school librarians with the freedom to enact         lows her to bring language arts skills,
surprise) friendships aren’t always made      their learning-centered vision, and ongo-           to science skills to history, and so on
by following rules.                           ing support from principals and teachers.           makes it easier.
Geeks, Girls, and Secret Identities.          Take some time to listen to and reflect on
Mike Jung. Arthur A. Levine Books,            the following stories.                            Visibility through
2012.$16.99. 978-0-545-39251-8. Grades                                                          Coteaching
3-7. Vincent, George, and Max (who            Visibility through
comprise the Captain Stupendous Fan           Learning-Centered Vision                          Visibility in learning was enabled primar-
Club, the world’s smallest fan club ever)                                                       ily through the school librarians working
are stunned when Captain Stupendous           The stories as told in these schools share the    as coteachers. A school principal claimed,
has a heart attack and transfers his          strong belief of the central importance of,              Probably the greatest asset is that
powers to one of their classmates.            and contribution of, school libraries to the         [the] librarians see themselves as cote-
Gold Medal Summer. Donna Freitas.             learning, life, and culture of their schools, a      achers in every situation, instead of
Arthur A. Levine Books, 2012. $16.99.         belief that stems from a learning-centered           maybe what we always thought of as
978-0-545-32788-6. Grades 5-8. Fourteen-      vision made visible throughout the school.           a traditional librarian. So I see that as
year-old Joey has to choose between           A school principal says, “The media spe-             our greatest strength. They are three
the next level of gymnastics and a gold       cialist articulated that she had a vision and        individuals who truly believe that they
medal (a goal she’s had for years)            having that vision of what the media cen-            are co-teachers with that teacher. They
or having a normal life (including a          ter should be, a place where people want             are impacting a very specific type of
boyfriend, dating, and hanging out with       to come and learn. However that may be,              knowledge that they want the students
friends). Committed gymnasts can’t have       whether it’s formal or informal, they share          to come away with whether it’s research
both….                                        that vision and therefore it happens.”               or media literacy leading to content
Showoff. Gordon Korman. Scholastic                At the heart of this vision is the cen-          knowledge. They are approaching it
Press, 2012. $16.99. 978-0-545-32059-7.       tral role of learning, as expressed by a lan-        from a teaching standpoint which has
Grades 3-7. When Luthor, a former attack      guage arts supervisor: “The library serves           not always been my experience.
dog, causes destruction at a dog show,        as a learning tool to support every avenue            This is echoed by an English teacher:
his owner, Samantha, has to take him to       of education rather than just as a micro-                I really think that [it is] because the
the pound. Can Sam’s friends find a way       scope just supporting biology or a chalk-            librarians are coteachers for the most
to reunite the grief-stricken girl and her    board just supporting note taking. So the            part. The kids get to see us working
dog?                                          library becomes more all encompassing as             together with another adult. And I
                                              a tool that supports learning.”                      think that’s really important. They get
A Star Is Born (The Cruisers, book
3).Walter Dean Myers. Scholastic                  A district curriculum supervisor em-             to learn how to collaborate. How to
Press, 2012. $17.99. 978-0-439-91628-8.       phasizes that this learning role focuses on          be curious and how to work through
Grade 5-7. When LaShonda is offered a         implementing the school curriculum:                  problems together. Maybe that’s a hid-
much-needed design scholarship (which                One of the things that I’ve tried to          den type of learning, but I think that’s
will take her away from her autistic little      emphasize in my role is that he library           one of the most valuable things that
brother), she has to make some difficult         and the librarians are not separate               they get out of it is that they get to see
choices – and the Cruisers are right             from the rest of the school. It’s not a           us work together and model what we
behind her, no matter what.                      separate piece. It’s actually the center          want them to be able to do in small
                                                 of the school. . . . Being involved in            groups and together as a class.
                                                 the curriculum decisions and help-                 Another English teacher claims:

     10   TEACHER LIBRARIAN     39:6
                                                                                             b ett y wi ns l ow
      They’re not just librarians, and I        part of the growth concept. And they
  don’t mean that in a negative sense,          have challenged themselves to be on
                                                                                             Junior fiction
  but they’re educators. They’re teach-         the cutting edge of what’s going on
  ers. [School librarian] teaches, [school      and what teachers need. So what they
  librarian] teaches, and that is the key.      do is challenge themselves to go out
                                                                                             Mysteries and Mayhem
  Because they are in the classroom with        and figure out how best to service           The Always War. Margaret Peterson
  kids, or young adult learners, and they       what our needs are. And in order for         Haddix. Simon & Schuster, 2011. $16.99.
  know what it’s like, they haven’t for-        them to do that, they have to listen         978-1-416-99526-5. Grades 4-6. A
  gotten—they know the apprehension             very well, they have to be willing to        futuristic America has been at war for
  that we might feel, they understand           get outside of their comfort zone and        more than seventy-five years, with no
  when we’re nervous about teaching             be educated, and then they work to           end in sight, until fifteen-year-old Tessa,
  something that’s new to us, and they          integrate this through their teaching.       her childhood friend Gideon (now a war
  just ease those tensions completely.                                                       hero), and a young orphan, Dek, throw a
  And they make it a comfortable situ-        The Investment of Visibility                   monkey wrench into the works.
  ation. . . . And they go above and be-                                                     The False Prince. Jennifer A. Nielsen.
  yond for one teacher—and they’re not        As portrayed by the above principals, it       Scholastic Press, 2012. $17.99. 978-0-545-
  just doing it for one of us—there are a     is the primacy of the teaching role that is    28413-4. Grades 4-7. To unite a country
  lot of us.                                  valued. This contributes a significant part    headed into civil war, a nobleman
   One school principal cuts to the es-       in the wider school culture of investing in    attempts to train an orphan boy to
sence of why school libraries are visible     school libraries, giving the school librar-    impersonate the heir to the throne (long
and valuable, and that centers on quality     ians the freedom to implement their profes-    missing and presumed dead). However,
teaching:                                     sional expertise and supporting them with      the boys have other plans….
      We’re still in a time where we          budgeting for resources and opportunities      Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Super
  don’t believe our information cen-          for professional development, particularly     Sleuth. Jane O’Connor. Robin Preiss
  ters are as powerful as they are, as        in difficult economic times. This is further   Glasser. HarperCollins, 2012. $9.99.
  our educators believe. Our librarian        explained by another school principal:         978-0-062-08293-0. Grades 2-4. Nancy
  is a powerful educator. Our informa-               The key to having a successful li-      and her best friend, Bree, love pretending
  tion center is as good as the teaching         brary is the librarians, and as a dis-      to be sleuths, but when a crime actually
  that goes on there. Principals also ac-        trict we’ve recognized that. They are       occurs at school, will they be able to find
  knowledge that this teaching function          teachers. They teach. And we not only       the missing item from show-and-tell and
  is at the nucleus of all the functions         provide financial assistance in terms       identify the crook?
  that a school librarian performs on a          of materials but also for professional      The Mastermind Plot. Angie Frazier.
  daily basis: Well obviously it’s well          development. . . . They have to find        Scholastic Press, 2012. $16.99. 978-0-
  organized and, from an administra-             out what’s the most up-to-date things       545-20864-2. Grades 4-6. When Suzanna
  tive perspective, it’s financially well        happening in informational technol-         visits her Bostonian grandmother, she
  supported. The library is stocked with         ogy, and once they know then they           hopes to get training from her famous
  resources and that continues year af-          can scaffold that as teachers, and          detective uncle, but he doesn’t want her
  ter year. And the librarian does a great       that’s what everyone is saying about        “meddling” in his current case, even if
  job of selecting pertinent resources for       how they help the teachers. But they        she does have great ideas!
  kids and with the financial support            can do that because they themselves
                                                                                             The Secret of the Ginger Mice. Frances
  and him navigating through materi-             are professionally developed and they       Watt. Running Press Book Publishers,
  als; what kids like and what the kids          can pass that on in that procedure.         2012. $12.95. 978-0-762-44410-6. Grades
  want to read that all plays into it too.        A seventh-grade social studies teacher     4-6. Alice and Alex set off to find their
  But most importantly, our librarian is      further commented:                             missing brother, Alistair, while Alistair
  a teacher and works so much in an in-              A school that values its library is     teams up with Tibby Rose (the only other
  valuable teaching capacity.                    a school that values education. Just        ginger-colored mouse he’s ever seen) to
   And from the perspective of another           looking around here and seeing the          find their way home, amidst kidnappings,
principal:                                       resources available, you know that the      mysterious letters, and other dangers.
      The librarians are not necessarily         leaders of this school system believe
  librarians—they are media teachers.            in a strong library.
  They’re teachers first. And their role is       A principal explains what is behind
  entirely different here than anywhere       his support of the school library, and his
  else I’ve ever been. Because they are

                                                                                                              OCTOBER 2012    11
       J O HN P E T ER S
                                               explanation centers on their visibility in       tent knowledge. From the perspective of
                                               terms of learning outcomes:                      the focus group participants, this is a key
       picture books
                                                      I understood that the media center        dimension of visibility. They valued the
                                                  in a library would be the center of any       instructional role of the school librarians
BACK TO SCHOOL                                    great high school. And any good high          emphasizing to students the development
It’s Time for Preschool! Esmé Raji                school would feed off of the energy           of deep knowledge and understanding of
Codell. Ill by Sue Ramá. Greenwillow,             of the media center. In early 2000 we         curriculum content standards, enabled
2012. $15.99. 978-0-06-145518-6. Grades           brought these two in, and we recognized       through a suite of information-to-knowl-
PreK-1. A soothing readaloud for                  that the media center was not only the        edge capabilities. School libraries were
anxious new students, this picturebook            center of the building but the center         viewed as places where the content of the
systematically lays out typical common            of the world. We had to open up our           disciplines come together and was inte-
preschool activities and in very simple
                                                  school to that way of thinking. Thanks        grated to create deep knowledge, and this
illustrations shows both familiar
                                                  to the progressive leadership we’ve got-      was the core work of the library. A district
classroom items and a multicultural
                                                  ten from our media specialists, we’ve         curriculum supervisor claimed:
group of children (generally) having a
good time with them.                              gotten that. People have challenged me,              The library is the place where
                                                  asking why we have two media special-            the disciplines meet. It’s where the
Monster School: First Day Frights.
                                                  ists—these are tough budgetary times as          academic disciplines are integrated.
Dave Keane. HarperCollins, 2012.
                                                  you know. Our governor is challenging            Whereas in the classroom, we some-
$16.99. 978-0-06-085476-8. Grades K-2.
                                                  us daily to do more with less, and we            times become compartmentalized.
Young Norm wonders whether he’ll
fit in—considering that his teacher               can point to the evidence of continu-            Here, students can access info across
has just one eye, his principal has no            ing increases in test scores, continu-           disciplines, and I think that’s a really
head, and his classmates are all creepy           ing increases in SAT scores, continuing          important application of the knowl-
creatures. Fledgling readers will laugh           increases in advance proficient ratings          edge that’s happening in the class-
at the unusually diverse cast depicted            in our state-mandated graduation test.           room and being developed more
in Keane’s comical cartoon illustrations.         These things are a direct reflection of          deeply. They can come here and apply
They can easily listen to this reassuring         the work our media specialists and our           it in a real-world setting.
tale or read it for themselves.                   content specialists have done with our            A curriculum supervisor explains that
Substitute Creacher. Chris Gall. Little           students on a daily basis. . . . Another      this happens in two ways:
Brown, 2011. $16.99. 978-0-316-08915-9.           important thing to point out is that we              In terms of contributing to the
Grades 1-3. The best “sub” since Miss             have made it a priority, our media center        learning process, the library does it,
Nelson, Mr. Creacher sports green                 budget—it is not a secondary thing. We           but on two different levels. In terms
tentacles and eyes in the back of his head,       set up a regular budget line for purg-           of content support but also skill sup-
along with a bag full of cautionary tales         ing our books. We don’t have books out           port. And sometimes those skills are
about the sad fates of former students            here that are outdated; we don’t have            sometimes more imperative than the
who ate glue, passed notes, didn’t pay
                                                  books out here that don’t belong. We do          content because they are lifelong
attention, or played pranks. In Gall’s
                                                  regular purging and regular buying of            skills that the teachers are supporting
wonderfully detailed paintings not only
                                                  books that are that work for kids. I tell        through their content as well.
do the chastened students undergo a
transformation—but so too does Creacher.          you that is a big, big challenge when             Content and skills meet, and deep
                                                  you are cutting here, you’re cutting a        learning of curriculum content is enabled
Ten Rules You Absolutely Must Not
                                                  security guard, you’re cutting this. The      through the mutuality of working together
Break If You Want to Survive the School
                                                  average Joe doesn’t understand, but we        to develop content standards. It is not a case
Bus. John Grandits. Ill. By Michael Allen
                                                  are trying to keep our eye on the ball.       of the teacher teaching content, and the
Austin. Clarion Books, 2011. $16.99. 978-0-
618-78822-4. Grades 2-3. Worried about            And the nice thing about it for me is         school librarian teaching skills, but working
being laughed at or pounded by big kids,          that I have so many people around here        together to ensure that the skills learned are
having his lunch stolen, and other hazards,       that give me daily reminders, including       powerful competencies for students to de-
a voluble lad tries to follow the rules laid      the media specialists.                        velop content knowledge. Teachers saw this
down by his older and more experienced                                                          happening through inquiry-based instruc-
brother. Things don’t quite work out           Visibility through                               tion and implemented through instructional
as expected, though. Accomplished              Developing Content                               teams. This inquiry-based instruction gave
illustrations in which the narrator’s fellow   Knowledge                                        emphasis to developing deep knowledge
riders (and the driver) are cast as big,                                                        and understanding, rather than that of in-
(deceptively) mean looking figures,
                                               Central to the teaching role is school librar-   formation collection and skills of finding
sometimes with animal heads, punch up
                                               ians working in teams to develop core con-       information. Teachers across the discipline
the humor of this wry anxiety-dispeller.

      12   TEACHER LIBRARIAN     39:6
                                                                                                   JO HN P E T ER S
areas in these schools wanted their students          because you have to think. It’s not
to develop deep knowledge and under-                  just a project they’re given in writ-
                                                                                                   picture books
standing of curriculum content, and their             ten form. It has a visual component,
collaborative inquiry-centered instruction            it’s something they can identify with
with school librarians served that goal. The          that’s in their interest, and it has a
                                                                                                   PICTURE BOOK
development of a range of information pro-            product; and they get to demonstrate         BIOGRAPHIES: Middle
cesses and research capabilities was a vehi-          their understanding in class on the          Grades
cle to curriculum content standards, and not          white board, so you know, it’s library       Alicia Alonso: Prima Ballerina.
an end in its own right, even though such             orientation but in a different format        Carmen T. Bernier-Grand. Ill. by Raul
capabilities are viewed as vitally important          leading to students knowing history I        Colón. Marshall Cavendish, 2011.
lifetime capabilities.                                guess its the best way to explain it.        $19.99. 978-0-7614-5562-2. Grades 4-6.
    A supervisor of Instruction explains it            And a school principal sums it up in a      Presented in free verse poems and
this way: “There are the ideas such as media       powerful way:                                   graceful, evocative paintings, this story
literacy, visual literacy, information literacy—          I think for me it comes down to if       of a dancer who battled progressive
they’ve all sort of been folded under the um-         you’ve ever seen in class support where      partial blindness to become one of
brella of twenty-first-century inquiry skills.”       there’s a strong coteaching model, and       Cuba’s most renowned artists makes
A language arts supervisor elaborates:                it’s hard to know who the regular ed         inspiring reading. Based on original
       You have to inquire within a li-               teacher is, who the special ed teacher       interviews as well as published sources,
   brary, but you also have to be capable             is, where one person’s role ends and         this handsomely designed book ends
   in your content area. . . . So the li-             another person’s role starts, and in a       with multimedia resource lists.
   brarian’s role is two-fold: There’s sup-           really good coteaching model there is        Irena Sendler and the Children of the
   porting what goes on in every content              joint ownership of the lessons, presen-      Warsaw Ghetto. Susan Goldman Rubin.
   area so that they have to know what’s              tation, of the learning that goes on,        Ill. by Bill Farnsworth. Holiday House,
   going on globally, but then they have              not just for some of the students but        2011. $18.95. 978-0-8234-2251-7. Grades
   to be able to support the inquiry skills           for all of the students, so I think what     4-6. The story of a Catholic social worker
   that the students need to be able to               you see here is a true coteaching model      who joined the Polish Underground in
   conduct research or to use software,               where there is teaming going on. So,         WWII and helped to smuggle nearly
   to locate a book. So in terms of con-              what happens is, I think the librarians      400 children out of the Warsaw ghetto,
   tributing to the learning process, the             challenge the teachers to step outside       and then helped to keep many of them
   library does it, but on two different              of their comfort zone because they step      hidden from the Nazis. Farnsworth’s
   levels: in terms of content support but            outside of their comfort zone.               grim looking illustrations underscore
   also inquiry skills support. And some-              With emphasis on inquiry, thinking,         the dangers she and her young charges
   times those skills are more imperative          and knowledge building, the school librar-      faced, and readers will find both her
   than the content because they are life-         ies were positioned as knowledge spaces         courage and her ingenuity admirable.
   long skills that the teachers are sup-          rather than information places—particu-         Multimedia resource list at the end.
   porting through their content as well.          larly at a time when the educational land-      Joan of Arc. Demi. Marshall Cavendish,
    These educators recognize the intercon-        scape in many countries is calling for          2011. $19.99. 978-0-7614-5953-8. Grades
nectedness of content and skills and the           students to be creators and producers of        5-7. “To live without belief, that is a fate
mutuality of working together in a seam-           knowledge rather than receivers of infor-       more terrible than dying.” So said Joan,
less way to enable this connection. The            mation. A middle school teachers explains,      visionary, warrior, and patron saint of
perspective of a history teacher reiterates               So it represents that space; it repre-   France. In typically sumptuous fashion,
the importance of this interconnectedness:            sents that thirst for knowledge—where        Demi presents scenes of the martyred
       I don’t want it to be something                students can go if they want more.           hero—usually in full armor astride a
   that’s detached from what the students             And I think not only physically is it        white horse—shining amid triumphs
   need to know about history. So it was              that space, but also psychologically         and tribulations highlighted with gold
   creating history knowledge. It was                 representing that to them, because our       and surrounded with intricately detailed
                                                                                                   borders. There are many biographies of
   not just transporting information, but             job is also to create a thirst of knowl-
                                                                                                   Joan of Arc, but none so visually rich.
   you know transforming information                  edge. . . . Having that space for them is
   with new knowledge for them. It cuts               important for them, to go there, and to
   down on a lot of issues like plagia-               know that’s there, and that someone
   rism. There’s no possible way to pla-              will guide them through. And to point
   giarize those assignments because you              them in the direction they need to go.
   have to think. And the kids like them

                                                                                                                      OCTOBER 2012   13
ConClusion                                     Coles, R. (1989). The call of stories: Teaching   Sandelowski, M. (1991). “Telling stories:
                                               and the moral imagination. Boston: A Peter        Narrative approaches in qualitative re-
From this study, some key factors contrib-     Davison Book/ Houghton Mifflin.                   search.” IMAGE: Journal of Nursing Schol-
uting to building visibility emerge. These                                                       arship, 23(3), 161–166.
include a vision of the school library as      Hay, L. (2010). “Shift happens: It’s time to
a pedagogical center; the school librarian     rethink, rebuild and rebrand.” Access, 24(4),     Todd, R. (2001). Transitions for preferred fu-
primarily working as a coteacher; the focus    5–10.                                             tures of school libraries: Knowledge space,
on curriculum knowledge and meeting syl-                                                         not information place; connections, not col-
labus standards; and the implementation        Hartzell, G. (2002). “The principal’s per-        lections; actions, not positions; evidence,
of an inquiry-based pedagogy. These are        ceptions of school libraries and teacher-         not advocacy. Keynote address: Interna-
the building blocks of sustainable school      librarians.” School Libraries Worldwide,          tional Association of School Libraries (IASL)
libraries for the future. These factors are    8(1), 92–110.                                     Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 2001.
central to emerging conceptions of future                                                        Available at
school libraries, such as Hay’s iCentre con-   Hay, L., & Todd, R. (2010). School librar-        events/conf/virtualpaper2001.html.
ception (Hay, 2010) and the Learning Com-      ies 21C: School library futures project. Re-
mons conception of Loertscher, Koechlin,       port for New South Wales Department of            Todd, R. J., Gordon, C. A., & Lu, Y. (2010).
Zwaan, and Rosenfeld[Q: add to refs]           Education & Training, Curriculum K–12             Report on findings and recommendations of
(2012). These conceptions bring together a     Directorate, School Libraries & Informa-          the New Jersey school library study phase
set of core elements that in my view char-     tion Literacy Unit. Sydney: Curriculum            1: One common goal: Student learning.
acterize a sustainable and visible school      K–12 Directorate. Available at http://www.        New Brunswick, NJ: CISSL. Available at
library for the future. These include con- 
nected leadership through a team approach      schoollibraries/assets/pdf/21c_report.pdf.
to instruction; engaging information for                                                         Todd, R., Gordon, C., & Lu, Y. (2011). Report
learning experts, curriculum instructional     Henri, J., Hay, L., & Oberg, D. (2002). “An       on findings and recommendations of the
experts, and technology instruction experts    international study on principal influence        New Jersey school library study phase 2:
who support deep learning of students;         and information services in schools: Syn-         Once common goal: Student Learning. New
pedagogical fusion, where the expertise        ergy in themes and methods.” School Li-           Brunswick, NJ: CISSL. Available at www.
of teams mutually fuse declarative knowl-      braries Worldwide, 8(1), 49–70.         
edge (knowledge of disciplinary content);
and procedural knowledge (the process          Loertscher, D., Koechlin, C., & Zwaan, S.         Todd, R., & Kuhlthau, C. (2005). “Student
capabilities that enable the information-      (2010). The new learning commons where            learning through Ohio school libraries, part 1:
to-knowledge experience and engagement         learners win! Reinventing school libraries        How effective school libraries help students.”
with information in all its forms) in a ho-    and computer labs, 2nd Ed. Salt Lake City:        School Libraries Worldwide, 11(1), 89–110.
listic and integrated way through a con-       High Willow Research and Publishing.
structivist, inquiry-centered pedagogical                                                        Turner, P. M. (1980). “The relationship
framework; and making visible the focus        Mateas, M., & Sengers, P. (1999). (Eds.) Nar-     between the principal’s attitude and the
on learning, policy development, and ap-       rative intelligence: An introduction to the NI    amount and type of instructional devel-
proaches to documenting evidence of            Symposium. Working notes of the Narrative         opment performed by the media profes-
learning outcomes. These core dimensions       Intelligence Symposium, AAAI Fall Sympo-          sional.” International Journal of Instruc-
underpin pedagogical policy and practice,      sium Series. Menlo Park: Calif.: AAAI Press.      tional Media, 7(2), 127–138.
strategic and operational functionality, de-   Oberg, D. (2006). Developing the respect and
cision making, and continuous investment       support of school administrators. Available
and improvement—it’s all about carefully       at            Ross J. Todd is associate professor, Rut-
chosen actions underpinned by a learning-      tion/397062/developing_the_respect_and_           gers University, School of Communication
centered mindset. And that is at the heart     support_of_school_administrators/.                and Information, Department of Library &
of professional visibility.                                                                      Information Science. He is drector of the
                                               Rushdie, S. (1993). “One Thousand Days in         Center for International Scholarship in
referenCes                                     a Balloon.” In Steve MacDonogh, (ed.), The        School Libraries. A highly respected re-
                                               Rushdie Letters: Freedom to Speak, Free-          searcher, Todd is a prolific contributor to
Atlee, T. (2003). “The power of story: The     dom to Write. Dingle, County Kerry: Bran-         professional literature.
story paradigm.” Eugene, OR: Co-Intelli-       don Book Publishers.
gence Institute. Available at http://www.

14   TEACHER LIBRARIAN      39:6

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Ross Todd

  • 1. FeatuReARtiCLE Visibility, Core “As a researcher focusing Standards, and the Power of the Story: on school libraries and how young people engage with them to learn, I am captivated by the stories that people tell about them.” Creating a Visible Future for School Libraries dR. Ross J. todd Peer reviewed. Accepted for publication, October 1, 2012 how their school library had helped them introduCtion: the power of the story with their learning, as well as the develop- ment of life skills. Collectively these stories I have always been inspired by many of the statements of novelist and essayist Salman provide compelling, cumulative and deeply Rushdie. In his essay titled “One Thousand Days in a Balloon,” he says, “Those who do personal insights into the power of school not have power over the story that dominates their lives—the power to retell it, rethink it, libraries. And such stories, over the years, deconstruct it, joke about it, and change it as times change—truly are powerless, because have provided me with claims, challenges, they cannot think new thoughts” (Rushdie, 1993, 17). In a similar vein, the American poet and questions about the role of school li- William Carlos Williams (1883–1963) speaks of the power of the story: “Their story, yours braries in learning and their future in an and mine—it’s what we all carry with us on this trip we take, and we owe it to each other evolving educational landscape. to respect our stories and learn from them” (Williams, in Cole, 1989, 30). Ah, the power of Part of my motivation for documenting the story, and the challenge to learn from them. stories about the dynamics and future of I believe in the power of the good story! Falling under the scholarly discourse of nar- school libraries centers on questions being rative intelligence, Mateaas and Sengers (1999) claim that a growing number of fields, asked about the sustainability of school li- ranging from history to psychology, law and medicine, education to social work, have braries in many countries, with evidence embraced the use of stories and narrative forms as an effective methodology to hone in of cuts in library budgets and professional on findings not possible through traditional scientific methods in order to develop rich staffing. With this decreasing visibility, patterns of meaning and insights. Sandelowski (1991) posits that the narrative nature of there are also fundamental questions being human beings has often been lost in the data-driven research environment, yet it is these asked about the sustainability of school in narratives that convey the richness, depth, and variation of experience and, through tell- the increasingly digital information envi- ing and selection, are given cohesion, meaning, and direction. According to Atlee (2003) ronment of school education (Hay & Todd, of the Co-Intelligence Institute, the strengths of the use of “story” as a data collection 2010), particularly the increasing trend of and presentation approach include the tendency to understand things better when they mobile technology as the dominant plat- are presented in the form of a story (and sometimes to have trouble understanding things form for accessing information content, when they aren’t presented as stories); the capacity to sense the importance of context, the changing arena of content publishing, character, and history in any explanation; the ability to see another’s viewpoint when pre- and development of new delivery platforms sented with the stories that underlie or embody that viewpoint; the ability and tendency such as apps, ebooks and etexts. to see people, places, and things in fresh, insightful, and functional ways in a story; and the ability to recognize certain elements as significant, as embodying certain meanings from inVisibility to that “make sense of things. opportunity As a researcher focusing on school libraries and how young people engage with them to learn, I am captivated by the stories that people tell about them. Story, as a data- The question of visibility has plagued collection approach, has been pervasive in much of my research. I remember when we the school library profession for decades. collected ten thousand stories as part of the Student Learning through Ohio School Li- Hartzell (2002), Turner (1980), and Oberg braries research study (Todd & Kuhlthau, 2005). Students told in many different ways (2006) speak of occupational invisibility 8 TEACHER LIBRARIAN 39:6
  • 2. and have identified a number of reasons gation of ideas, and writing, speaking, and to 2011. The purpose of this study was to for this by administrators and teachers. listening as central to developing informed construct a picture of the status of New Jer- These include the pervasive nature of the creative responses to information. And in sey’s school libraries and to understand the stereotypical image; administrators’ and my view, students’ developing deep knowl- contextual and professional dynamics and teachers’ lack of exposure to the value of edge of their curriculum standards is core contribution of quality school libraries to libraries; school librarians in teacher and work of the school librarian. education in New Jersey. Executive sum- administrative training; a lack of under- Eleven years ago, in a keynote address maries and full reports of these findings are standing of the role of school librarians in at the IASL conference in New Zealand available at the CISSL website: cissl.rutgers. the workplace; the difficulty in measuring (Todd 2001), I made the statement: “In or- edu (Todd, Gordon, & Lu, 2010; Todd, Gor- the extent and value of librarians’ contri- der for school libraries to play a key role in don, & Lu, 2011). Phase 2 of the NJ research butions to classrooms; lack of seeing the the information age school, I believe there focused on documenting the perspectives, strong connection to the learning agenda needs to be a fundamental shift from think- perceptions, attitudes, and values of school of the school; and the lack of visibility in ing about the movement and management principals, curriculum leaders, and class- professional organizations outside of li- of information resources through structures room teachers through the narrative stories brarianship. At the same time, a body of and networks, and from information skills of their use of and engagement with the research exists that helps us understand and information literacy, to a key focus on school library. We believed that these sto- the dynamics of visibility, centering on knowledge construction and human un- ries would provide insight into how they see advancing school goals and including an derstanding, implemented through a con- students using and learning through school explicit focus on instruction and curricu- structivist, inquiry-based framework. . . . libraries; their attitudes, values and beliefs lum, team-based leadership in learning, Information is the heartbeat of meaningful about school libraries; and their insights and leadership in schoolwide professional learning in schools. But it is not the hall- on the impact of school libraries on stu- development (Henri, Hay, & Oberg, 2002; mark of the twenty-first-century school. dent learning. This involved focus groups of Oberg 2006). The hallmark of a school library in the ninety seven participants in twelve schools These dynamics of visibility are parallel twenty-first century . . . is the development that were chosen because of their high lev- with the emergence of the Common Core of human understanding, meaning making, els of instructional collaborations under- Standards, and the affordances offered by and constructing knowledge.” While our taken by school librarian-teacher teams, these standards for building visibility are quest for the development of an informa- as identified in the first phase of the study. enormous. From my perspective, at the tion-literate school is indeed a noble one, I Classroom teachers constituted 49%, 29% heart of the Common Core Standards is the believe that deep knowledge is the core out- were school or district administrative lead- information-to-knowledge journey of stu- come of a school, enabled through powerful ers such as principals and curriculum coor- dents, a focus on developing deep knowl- pedagogies that develop the critical and an- dinators, and 22% were school librarians. edge and understanding of curriculum alytical-thinking and knowledge-building The focus groups addressed four themes: content through engagement with informa- processes. It is no longer about the teacher (1) In what ways does the school support tional texts. The Common Core Standards teaching “content” and the school librarian learning through the school library? (2) In provide an intensified focus on the deep teaching “information skills.” It is about the what ways, if any, does the school library critical reading of complex informational mutuality of intent—working together to de- contribute to learning? (3) What do students texts to build meaning and understanding velop deep knowledge and understanding. learn through their interaction and engage- of curriculum content. Deep critical read- The Common Core Standards clearly signal ment with the school library? (4) How do ing involves school librarians not just en- the knowledge-based competencies that you envision the future of school libraries? gaging in the evaluation of text but also I believe should be the instructional focus The stories of effective school libraries, as matching learners, texts, readability levels, of the school librarian, an essential part of told in this study, provide support for the and tasks. It also involves the explicit and the challenge of being visible in the learn- central concepts of visibility, content stan- systematic development of capacity to in- ing agenda of schools as they grapple with dards, and knowledge. teract with text to construct deep knowl- Common Core Standards. edge. This includes such capabilities as listen to the stories analyzing texts for pertinent ideas and the one Common goal interconnection of main ideas and support- In the twelve schools, the work of the ing ideas, connecting ideas across diverse This is clearly illustrated in the findings of school librarians was highly visible, highly texts, developing arguments, crafting in- the recent New Jersey research study “One valued, and focused firmly on enabling the formed and evidence-based conclusions Common Goal: Student Learning,” under- school to meet curriculum goals that cen- through interaction with diverse and con- taken in two phases by the Center for In- tered around core content standards. From flicting viewpoints, establishing and justi- ternational Scholarship in School Libraries the focus group data, we identified a num- fying positions through the critical interro- (CISSL) at Rutgers University from 2009 ber of key factors that contributed to this OCTOBER 2012 9
  • 3. bookmarkit be tt y wi n s l ow visibility, and indeed, to the sustainability ing to implement the curriculum to of these school libraries. These include the teachers are teaching . . . from a cur- Junior fiction school library as a pedagogical center; the riculum perspective, the library is the school librarian primarily working as a place where the curriculum gets im- Bending the Rules coteacher; the focus on curriculum knowl- plemented. And not just pieces of the The Friendship Matchmaker. Randa edge and meeting syllabus standards; and curriculum but the whole curriculum. Abdel-Fattah.Walker Publishing the implementation of an inquiry-based For me, [the school librarian’s] abil- Company, 2011. $15.99. 978-0-802- pedagogy. It was clear in these schools that ity to work with other teachers is very 72832-6.Grades 4-6. Lara Zany, an the school libraries existed within a culture important for that. She’s not seeing official “loner by choice”, is famous for of schoolwide support—there was deeply one part of the knowledge that we’re friendship coaching, but when the new embedded belief in the vision of the school trying to impart to students, she’s girl challenges her to a matchmaker library as a pedagogical center, trusting seeing the whole picture and that al- showdown, Lara discovers (to her school librarians with the freedom to enact lows her to bring language arts skills, surprise) friendships aren’t always made their learning-centered vision, and ongo- to science skills to history, and so on by following rules. ing support from principals and teachers. makes it easier. Geeks, Girls, and Secret Identities. Take some time to listen to and reflect on Mike Jung. Arthur A. Levine Books, the following stories. Visibility through 2012.$16.99. 978-0-545-39251-8. Grades Coteaching 3-7. Vincent, George, and Max (who Visibility through comprise the Captain Stupendous Fan Learning-Centered Vision Visibility in learning was enabled primar- Club, the world’s smallest fan club ever) ily through the school librarians working are stunned when Captain Stupendous The stories as told in these schools share the as coteachers. A school principal claimed, has a heart attack and transfers his strong belief of the central importance of, Probably the greatest asset is that powers to one of their classmates. and contribution of, school libraries to the [the] librarians see themselves as cote- Gold Medal Summer. Donna Freitas. learning, life, and culture of their schools, a achers in every situation, instead of Arthur A. Levine Books, 2012. $16.99. belief that stems from a learning-centered maybe what we always thought of as 978-0-545-32788-6. Grades 5-8. Fourteen- vision made visible throughout the school. a traditional librarian. So I see that as year-old Joey has to choose between A school principal says, “The media spe- our greatest strength. They are three the next level of gymnastics and a gold cialist articulated that she had a vision and individuals who truly believe that they medal (a goal she’s had for years) having that vision of what the media cen- are co-teachers with that teacher. They or having a normal life (including a ter should be, a place where people want are impacting a very specific type of boyfriend, dating, and hanging out with to come and learn. However that may be, knowledge that they want the students friends). Committed gymnasts can’t have whether it’s formal or informal, they share to come away with whether it’s research both…. that vision and therefore it happens.” or media literacy leading to content Showoff. Gordon Korman. Scholastic At the heart of this vision is the cen- knowledge. They are approaching it Press, 2012. $16.99. 978-0-545-32059-7. tral role of learning, as expressed by a lan- from a teaching standpoint which has Grades 3-7. When Luthor, a former attack guage arts supervisor: “The library serves not always been my experience. dog, causes destruction at a dog show, as a learning tool to support every avenue This is echoed by an English teacher: his owner, Samantha, has to take him to of education rather than just as a micro- I really think that [it is] because the the pound. Can Sam’s friends find a way scope just supporting biology or a chalk- librarians are coteachers for the most to reunite the grief-stricken girl and her board just supporting note taking. So the part. The kids get to see us working dog? library becomes more all encompassing as together with another adult. And I a tool that supports learning.” think that’s really important. They get A Star Is Born (The Cruisers, book 3).Walter Dean Myers. Scholastic A district curriculum supervisor em- to learn how to collaborate. How to Press, 2012. $17.99. 978-0-439-91628-8. phasizes that this learning role focuses on be curious and how to work through Grade 5-7. When LaShonda is offered a implementing the school curriculum: problems together. Maybe that’s a hid- much-needed design scholarship (which One of the things that I’ve tried to den type of learning, but I think that’s will take her away from her autistic little emphasize in my role is that he library one of the most valuable things that brother), she has to make some difficult and the librarians are not separate they get out of it is that they get to see choices – and the Cruisers are right from the rest of the school. It’s not a us work together and model what we behind her, no matter what. separate piece. It’s actually the center want them to be able to do in small of the school. . . . Being involved in groups and together as a class. the curriculum decisions and help- Another English teacher claims: 10 TEACHER LIBRARIAN 39:6
  • 4. bookmarkit b ett y wi ns l ow They’re not just librarians, and I part of the growth concept. And they don’t mean that in a negative sense, have challenged themselves to be on Junior fiction but they’re educators. They’re teach- the cutting edge of what’s going on ers. [School librarian] teaches, [school and what teachers need. So what they librarian] teaches, and that is the key. do is challenge themselves to go out Mysteries and Mayhem Because they are in the classroom with and figure out how best to service The Always War. Margaret Peterson kids, or young adult learners, and they what our needs are. And in order for Haddix. Simon & Schuster, 2011. $16.99. know what it’s like, they haven’t for- them to do that, they have to listen 978-1-416-99526-5. Grades 4-6. A gotten—they know the apprehension very well, they have to be willing to futuristic America has been at war for that we might feel, they understand get outside of their comfort zone and more than seventy-five years, with no when we’re nervous about teaching be educated, and then they work to end in sight, until fifteen-year-old Tessa, something that’s new to us, and they integrate this through their teaching. her childhood friend Gideon (now a war just ease those tensions completely. hero), and a young orphan, Dek, throw a And they make it a comfortable situ- The Investment of Visibility monkey wrench into the works. ation. . . . And they go above and be- The False Prince. Jennifer A. Nielsen. yond for one teacher—and they’re not As portrayed by the above principals, it Scholastic Press, 2012. $17.99. 978-0-545- just doing it for one of us—there are a is the primacy of the teaching role that is 28413-4. Grades 4-7. To unite a country lot of us. valued. This contributes a significant part headed into civil war, a nobleman One school principal cuts to the es- in the wider school culture of investing in attempts to train an orphan boy to sence of why school libraries are visible school libraries, giving the school librar- impersonate the heir to the throne (long and valuable, and that centers on quality ians the freedom to implement their profes- missing and presumed dead). However, teaching: sional expertise and supporting them with the boys have other plans…. We’re still in a time where we budgeting for resources and opportunities Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy, Super don’t believe our information cen- for professional development, particularly Sleuth. Jane O’Connor. Robin Preiss ters are as powerful as they are, as in difficult economic times. This is further Glasser. HarperCollins, 2012. $9.99. our educators believe. Our librarian explained by another school principal: 978-0-062-08293-0. Grades 2-4. Nancy is a powerful educator. Our informa- The key to having a successful li- and her best friend, Bree, love pretending tion center is as good as the teaching brary is the librarians, and as a dis- to be sleuths, but when a crime actually that goes on there. Principals also ac- trict we’ve recognized that. They are occurs at school, will they be able to find knowledge that this teaching function teachers. They teach. And we not only the missing item from show-and-tell and is at the nucleus of all the functions provide financial assistance in terms identify the crook? that a school librarian performs on a of materials but also for professional The Mastermind Plot. Angie Frazier. daily basis: Well obviously it’s well development. . . . They have to find Scholastic Press, 2012. $16.99. 978-0- organized and, from an administra- out what’s the most up-to-date things 545-20864-2. Grades 4-6. When Suzanna tive perspective, it’s financially well happening in informational technol- visits her Bostonian grandmother, she supported. The library is stocked with ogy, and once they know then they hopes to get training from her famous resources and that continues year af- can scaffold that as teachers, and detective uncle, but he doesn’t want her ter year. And the librarian does a great that’s what everyone is saying about “meddling” in his current case, even if job of selecting pertinent resources for how they help the teachers. But they she does have great ideas! kids and with the financial support can do that because they themselves The Secret of the Ginger Mice. Frances and him navigating through materi- are professionally developed and they Watt. Running Press Book Publishers, als; what kids like and what the kids can pass that on in that procedure. 2012. $12.95. 978-0-762-44410-6. Grades want to read that all plays into it too. A seventh-grade social studies teacher 4-6. Alice and Alex set off to find their But most importantly, our librarian is further commented: missing brother, Alistair, while Alistair a teacher and works so much in an in- A school that values its library is teams up with Tibby Rose (the only other valuable teaching capacity. a school that values education. Just ginger-colored mouse he’s ever seen) to And from the perspective of another looking around here and seeing the find their way home, amidst kidnappings, principal: resources available, you know that the mysterious letters, and other dangers. The librarians are not necessarily leaders of this school system believe librarians—they are media teachers. in a strong library. They’re teachers first. And their role is A principal explains what is behind entirely different here than anywhere his support of the school library, and his else I’ve ever been. Because they are OCTOBER 2012 11
  • 5. bookmarkit J O HN P E T ER S explanation centers on their visibility in tent knowledge. From the perspective of terms of learning outcomes: the focus group participants, this is a key picture books I understood that the media center dimension of visibility. They valued the in a library would be the center of any instructional role of the school librarians BACK TO SCHOOL great high school. And any good high emphasizing to students the development It’s Time for Preschool! Esmé Raji school would feed off of the energy of deep knowledge and understanding of Codell. Ill by Sue Ramá. Greenwillow, of the media center. In early 2000 we curriculum content standards, enabled 2012. $15.99. 978-0-06-145518-6. Grades brought these two in, and we recognized through a suite of information-to-knowl- PreK-1. A soothing readaloud for that the media center was not only the edge capabilities. School libraries were anxious new students, this picturebook center of the building but the center viewed as places where the content of the systematically lays out typical common of the world. We had to open up our disciplines come together and was inte- preschool activities and in very simple school to that way of thinking. Thanks grated to create deep knowledge, and this illustrations shows both familiar to the progressive leadership we’ve got- was the core work of the library. A district classroom items and a multicultural ten from our media specialists, we’ve curriculum supervisor claimed: group of children (generally) having a good time with them. gotten that. People have challenged me, The library is the place where asking why we have two media special- the disciplines meet. It’s where the Monster School: First Day Frights. ists—these are tough budgetary times as academic disciplines are integrated. Dave Keane. HarperCollins, 2012. you know. Our governor is challenging Whereas in the classroom, we some- $16.99. 978-0-06-085476-8. Grades K-2. us daily to do more with less, and we times become compartmentalized. Young Norm wonders whether he’ll fit in—considering that his teacher can point to the evidence of continu- Here, students can access info across has just one eye, his principal has no ing increases in test scores, continu- disciplines, and I think that’s a really head, and his classmates are all creepy ing increases in SAT scores, continuing important application of the knowl- creatures. Fledgling readers will laugh increases in advance proficient ratings edge that’s happening in the class- at the unusually diverse cast depicted in our state-mandated graduation test. room and being developed more in Keane’s comical cartoon illustrations. These things are a direct reflection of deeply. They can come here and apply They can easily listen to this reassuring the work our media specialists and our it in a real-world setting. tale or read it for themselves. content specialists have done with our A curriculum supervisor explains that Substitute Creacher. Chris Gall. Little students on a daily basis. . . . Another this happens in two ways: Brown, 2011. $16.99. 978-0-316-08915-9. important thing to point out is that we In terms of contributing to the Grades 1-3. The best “sub” since Miss have made it a priority, our media center learning process, the library does it, Nelson, Mr. Creacher sports green budget—it is not a secondary thing. We but on two different levels. In terms tentacles and eyes in the back of his head, set up a regular budget line for purg- of content support but also skill sup- along with a bag full of cautionary tales ing our books. We don’t have books out port. And sometimes those skills are about the sad fates of former students here that are outdated; we don’t have sometimes more imperative than the who ate glue, passed notes, didn’t pay books out here that don’t belong. We do content because they are lifelong attention, or played pranks. In Gall’s regular purging and regular buying of skills that the teachers are supporting wonderfully detailed paintings not only books that are that work for kids. I tell through their content as well. do the chastened students undergo a transformation—but so too does Creacher. you that is a big, big challenge when Content and skills meet, and deep you are cutting here, you’re cutting a learning of curriculum content is enabled Ten Rules You Absolutely Must Not security guard, you’re cutting this. The through the mutuality of working together Break If You Want to Survive the School average Joe doesn’t understand, but we to develop content standards. It is not a case Bus. John Grandits. Ill. By Michael Allen are trying to keep our eye on the ball. of the teacher teaching content, and the Austin. Clarion Books, 2011. $16.99. 978-0- 618-78822-4. Grades 2-3. Worried about And the nice thing about it for me is school librarian teaching skills, but working being laughed at or pounded by big kids, that I have so many people around here together to ensure that the skills learned are having his lunch stolen, and other hazards, that give me daily reminders, including powerful competencies for students to de- a voluble lad tries to follow the rules laid the media specialists. velop content knowledge. Teachers saw this down by his older and more experienced happening through inquiry-based instruc- brother. Things don’t quite work out Visibility through tion and implemented through instructional as expected, though. Accomplished Developing Content teams. This inquiry-based instruction gave illustrations in which the narrator’s fellow Knowledge emphasis to developing deep knowledge riders (and the driver) are cast as big, and understanding, rather than that of in- (deceptively) mean looking figures, Central to the teaching role is school librar- formation collection and skills of finding sometimes with animal heads, punch up ians working in teams to develop core con- information. Teachers across the discipline the humor of this wry anxiety-dispeller. 12 TEACHER LIBRARIAN 39:6
  • 6. bookmarkit JO HN P E T ER S areas in these schools wanted their students because you have to think. It’s not to develop deep knowledge and under- just a project they’re given in writ- picture books standing of curriculum content, and their ten form. It has a visual component, collaborative inquiry-centered instruction it’s something they can identify with with school librarians served that goal. The that’s in their interest, and it has a PICTURE BOOK development of a range of information pro- product; and they get to demonstrate BIOGRAPHIES: Middle cesses and research capabilities was a vehi- their understanding in class on the Grades cle to curriculum content standards, and not white board, so you know, it’s library Alicia Alonso: Prima Ballerina. an end in its own right, even though such orientation but in a different format Carmen T. Bernier-Grand. Ill. by Raul capabilities are viewed as vitally important leading to students knowing history I Colón. Marshall Cavendish, 2011. lifetime capabilities. guess its the best way to explain it. $19.99. 978-0-7614-5562-2. Grades 4-6. A supervisor of Instruction explains it And a school principal sums it up in a Presented in free verse poems and this way: “There are the ideas such as media powerful way: graceful, evocative paintings, this story literacy, visual literacy, information literacy— I think for me it comes down to if of a dancer who battled progressive they’ve all sort of been folded under the um- you’ve ever seen in class support where partial blindness to become one of brella of twenty-first-century inquiry skills.” there’s a strong coteaching model, and Cuba’s most renowned artists makes A language arts supervisor elaborates: it’s hard to know who the regular ed inspiring reading. Based on original You have to inquire within a li- teacher is, who the special ed teacher interviews as well as published sources, brary, but you also have to be capable is, where one person’s role ends and this handsomely designed book ends in your content area. . . . So the li- another person’s role starts, and in a with multimedia resource lists. brarian’s role is two-fold: There’s sup- really good coteaching model there is Irena Sendler and the Children of the porting what goes on in every content joint ownership of the lessons, presen- Warsaw Ghetto. Susan Goldman Rubin. area so that they have to know what’s tation, of the learning that goes on, Ill. by Bill Farnsworth. Holiday House, going on globally, but then they have not just for some of the students but 2011. $18.95. 978-0-8234-2251-7. Grades to be able to support the inquiry skills for all of the students, so I think what 4-6. The story of a Catholic social worker that the students need to be able to you see here is a true coteaching model who joined the Polish Underground in conduct research or to use software, where there is teaming going on. So, WWII and helped to smuggle nearly to locate a book. So in terms of con- what happens is, I think the librarians 400 children out of the Warsaw ghetto, tributing to the learning process, the challenge the teachers to step outside and then helped to keep many of them library does it, but on two different of their comfort zone because they step hidden from the Nazis. Farnsworth’s levels: in terms of content support but outside of their comfort zone. grim looking illustrations underscore also inquiry skills support. And some- With emphasis on inquiry, thinking, the dangers she and her young charges times those skills are more imperative and knowledge building, the school librar- faced, and readers will find both her than the content because they are life- ies were positioned as knowledge spaces courage and her ingenuity admirable. long skills that the teachers are sup- rather than information places—particu- Multimedia resource list at the end. porting through their content as well. larly at a time when the educational land- Joan of Arc. Demi. Marshall Cavendish, These educators recognize the intercon- scape in many countries is calling for 2011. $19.99. 978-0-7614-5953-8. Grades nectedness of content and skills and the students to be creators and producers of 5-7. “To live without belief, that is a fate mutuality of working together in a seam- knowledge rather than receivers of infor- more terrible than dying.” So said Joan, less way to enable this connection. The mation. A middle school teachers explains, visionary, warrior, and patron saint of perspective of a history teacher reiterates So it represents that space; it repre- France. In typically sumptuous fashion, the importance of this interconnectedness: sents that thirst for knowledge—where Demi presents scenes of the martyred I don’t want it to be something students can go if they want more. hero—usually in full armor astride a that’s detached from what the students And I think not only physically is it white horse—shining amid triumphs need to know about history. So it was that space, but also psychologically and tribulations highlighted with gold creating history knowledge. It was representing that to them, because our and surrounded with intricately detailed borders. There are many biographies of not just transporting information, but job is also to create a thirst of knowl- Joan of Arc, but none so visually rich. you know transforming information edge. . . . Having that space for them is with new knowledge for them. It cuts important for them, to go there, and to down on a lot of issues like plagia- know that’s there, and that someone rism. There’s no possible way to pla- will guide them through. And to point giarize those assignments because you them in the direction they need to go. have to think. And the kids like them OCTOBER 2012 13
  • 7. ConClusion Coles, R. (1989). The call of stories: Teaching Sandelowski, M. (1991). “Telling stories: and the moral imagination. Boston: A Peter Narrative approaches in qualitative re- From this study, some key factors contrib- Davison Book/ Houghton Mifflin. search.” IMAGE: Journal of Nursing Schol- uting to building visibility emerge. These arship, 23(3), 161–166. include a vision of the school library as Hay, L. (2010). “Shift happens: It’s time to a pedagogical center; the school librarian rethink, rebuild and rebrand.” Access, 24(4), Todd, R. (2001). Transitions for preferred fu- primarily working as a coteacher; the focus 5–10. tures of school libraries: Knowledge space, on curriculum knowledge and meeting syl- not information place; connections, not col- labus standards; and the implementation Hartzell, G. (2002). “The principal’s per- lections; actions, not positions; evidence, of an inquiry-based pedagogy. These are ceptions of school libraries and teacher- not advocacy. Keynote address: Interna- the building blocks of sustainable school librarians.” School Libraries Worldwide, tional Association of School Libraries (IASL) libraries for the future. These factors are 8(1), 92–110. Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 2001. central to emerging conceptions of future Available at school libraries, such as Hay’s iCentre con- Hay, L., & Todd, R. (2010). School librar- events/conf/virtualpaper2001.html. ception (Hay, 2010) and the Learning Com- ies 21C: School library futures project. Re- mons conception of Loertscher, Koechlin, port for New South Wales Department of Todd, R. J., Gordon, C. A., & Lu, Y. (2010). Zwaan, and Rosenfeld[Q: add to refs] Education & Training, Curriculum K–12 Report on findings and recommendations of (2012). These conceptions bring together a Directorate, School Libraries & Informa- the New Jersey school library study phase set of core elements that in my view char- tion Literacy Unit. Sydney: Curriculum 1: One common goal: Student learning. acterize a sustainable and visible school K–12 Directorate. Available at http://www. New Brunswick, NJ: CISSL. Available at library for the future. These include con- nected leadership through a team approach schoollibraries/assets/pdf/21c_report.pdf. to instruction; engaging information for Todd, R., Gordon, C., & Lu, Y. (2011). Report learning experts, curriculum instructional Henri, J., Hay, L., & Oberg, D. (2002). “An on findings and recommendations of the experts, and technology instruction experts international study on principal influence New Jersey school library study phase 2: who support deep learning of students; and information services in schools: Syn- Once common goal: Student Learning. New pedagogical fusion, where the expertise ergy in themes and methods.” School Li- Brunswick, NJ: CISSL. Available at www. of teams mutually fuse declarative knowl- braries Worldwide, 8(1), 49–70. edge (knowledge of disciplinary content); and procedural knowledge (the process Loertscher, D., Koechlin, C., & Zwaan, S. Todd, R., & Kuhlthau, C. (2005). “Student capabilities that enable the information- (2010). The new learning commons where learning through Ohio school libraries, part 1: to-knowledge experience and engagement learners win! Reinventing school libraries How effective school libraries help students.” with information in all its forms) in a ho- and computer labs, 2nd Ed. Salt Lake City: School Libraries Worldwide, 11(1), 89–110. listic and integrated way through a con- High Willow Research and Publishing. structivist, inquiry-centered pedagogical Turner, P. M. (1980). “The relationship framework; and making visible the focus Mateas, M., & Sengers, P. (1999). (Eds.) Nar- between the principal’s attitude and the on learning, policy development, and ap- rative intelligence: An introduction to the NI amount and type of instructional devel- proaches to documenting evidence of Symposium. Working notes of the Narrative opment performed by the media profes- learning outcomes. These core dimensions Intelligence Symposium, AAAI Fall Sympo- sional.” International Journal of Instruc- underpin pedagogical policy and practice, sium Series. Menlo Park: Calif.: AAAI Press. tional Media, 7(2), 127–138. strategic and operational functionality, de- Oberg, D. (2006). Developing the respect and cision making, and continuous investment support of school administrators. Available and improvement—it’s all about carefully at Ross J. Todd is associate professor, Rut- chosen actions underpinned by a learning- tion/397062/developing_the_respect_and_ gers University, School of Communication centered mindset. And that is at the heart support_of_school_administrators/. and Information, Department of Library & of professional visibility. Information Science. He is drector of the Rushdie, S. (1993). “One Thousand Days in Center for International Scholarship in referenCes a Balloon.” In Steve MacDonogh, (ed.), The School Libraries. A highly respected re- Rushdie Letters: Freedom to Speak, Free- searcher, Todd is a prolific contributor to Atlee, T. (2003). “The power of story: The dom to Write. Dingle, County Kerry: Bran- professional literature. story paradigm.” Eugene, OR: Co-Intelli- don Book Publishers. gence Institute. Available at http://www. 14 TEACHER LIBRARIAN 39:6