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The Real Estate
Marketer’s Guide to
Collaboration Marketing
2nd in a 3-part series
Releasing the Marketing Genius
in Your Sales Force
New Technology
Marketers engaging in the important tasks of
brand awareness and supporting independent
sales teams with overflowing lead funnels
have an abundance of technology at their
disposal that promise overall success with
the bottom line.
With the rise of digital marketing technology,
there is a great deal for marketers to be
excited about as there are now ways to
quantify, identify, and prove how and where
marketing efforts can create strong leads
that translate into good sales.
However, with all the growth in technology
that supports marketing efforts and access
to data, there is a downside. Oftentimes, the
incredible amount of technology exceeds
the ability to manage and use it effectively.
Now more than ever companies have the
capability to not only spread their brand
message across many channels, but with
that ability, there is a need to spend time
learning, relearning, and executing on what
has been learned, as well as training sales
teams on what is available in the rich world
of promotional technology.
This presents the subtle irony of having
more at your disposal, offering ways to stay
ahead of the marketing game, and creating
more efficiency. It ultimately results in the
need for more resources to tackle everything
efficiently. What’s a marketer to do? Does
one throw in the niche-specific separate real
estate applications for one’s industry, and
the management and execution? It becomes
a serious conundrum as to how to manage it
The Details
The information provided below offers a way
out or at least a way through these challenges
with ease. Thankfully, there are professionals
with the knowledge they’ve gleaned through
many years of experience thinking about this
very challenge for marketers.
The good news is that there is technology
that enables marketers to manage the influx
of marketing applications, organize and rein
in the plethora of comprehensive distribution
channels. This new technology not only offers
promises of effective management of these
same channels, but creates platforms that
allow for the subtle balance of protecting
and promoting brand messaging. This also
allows independent sales agents, and other
departments the ability to respond uniquely
to their own niche markets’ needs and
The good news is that there is technology that
enables marketers to manage the influx of
marketing applications.
1Book 2 of 3
Part Two
The Successful Marketer’s Guide to Releasing
the Marketing Genius in Your Sales Force
(the 2nd in a 3-part series) explains how
to capitalize on digital marketing channels
within a large sales force. We will discuss the
specific ways to achieve this balance, and
what to look for in software applications.
Beginning with a summary of the concept
of Collaboration Marketing proposed in
the first eBook, The Successful Marketer’s
Guide to Collaboration Marketing, this 2nd
part in the series will tackle the ways to
compartmentalize all the digital marketing
channels with organization and efficiency.
In other words, utilizing the appropriate
technology, a marketer can leverage their
independent sales teams’ constituencies
to spread the company’s brand messaging
far and wide without acquiring additional
departmental resources or taking up too
much of your valuable time. Sound too good
to be true? Read on. We’re here to say it’s
entirely possible. With a bit of education,
effort, and visionary insight, there is
a way.
Let’s Get Started
The information provided below offers a
way out. We’ve organized this eBook into
three parts after summarizing the concept
of Collaboration Marketing as explained in
detail in the first eBook.
The first part, Reining in Digital Marketing
Channels for Powerful Collaboration
Marketing, addresses how technology can
help you gain control over your digital
marketing channels, thereby simplifying the
work of creating brand-compliant content
for each channel.
Part Two
The second part, Diverse Real Estate
Applications, addresses niche-specific
applications, namely real estate, and ways
to incorporate these applications within an
overall hub allowing marketers the ability to
oversee brand messaging and compliance
that their independent sales agents can
The last section, Bringing Digital Channels
Together For Distribution, discusses how
one comprehensive platform enables all
departmental levels, from the overall brand,
to the independent sales agents, to have
oversight in all areas of concept, execution,
and distribution; and, importantly, doing all
of this while maintaining the privacy of an
independent sales agent’s database. Excited
Introduction (continued)
2Book 2 of 3
The Successful
Marketer’s Guide to
Collaboration Marketing
A Review of the Principles of True
Collaboration Marketing and Its Capabilities
Harmonizing Sales and Marketing
Brand Protection
In the first eBook in the 3-book series, we introduced the concept
of Collaboration Marketing. You will recall that Collaboration
Marketing is a strategy to harmonize marketing and sales teams
to effect a greater increase in the bottom line. The idea behind this
is to help orchestrate, navigate, and engage independent sales
teams while at the same time managing important marketing
channels. It doesn’t have to be a struggle!
An important aspect of Collaboration Marketing is supporting
brand compliance throughout an organization, especially among
sales teams that may independently manage and market to their
own client base. Collaboration Marketing involves the process
of leveraging your brand across all suitable digital marketing
channels in ways that don’t drain marketing resources.
Building an effective and successful
strategy for promoting your brand
and supporting the marketing
efforts of sales agents.
Collaboration Marketing
A Summary
4Book 2 of 3
When partnering with independent sales teams, building this type
of strategy also involves encouraging and building trust between
your independent sales agents and marketing teams. When there
is trust, a company can bring all of its marketing aspects together
to benefit both agents’ efforts and overall brand promotion.
Creating a multi-tiered content hub that combines brand content,
contacts, and distribution methods, the work of brand promotion
and compliance becomes easier for everyone involved.
A central marketing hub is a great place to start, and if robust in
scope, it can match up the appropriate departments within an
organization in order for the harmonious marketing strategies
and campaigns to be executed. Approved content that is brand
compliant and consistent can be used to quickly and beautifully
to execute those campaigns.
A marketer’s worst nightmare is a brand’s misrepresentation in
the marketplace, eroding the brand’s reputation on a large scale.
This can take the form of a rogue customer service department’s
script or a sales agent’s social media post.
True Collaboration Marketing has the
capability to produce results that are
greater than anyone can accomplish alone.
Central Marketing Hub
Bringing it all Together
5Book 2 of 3
A Marketer’s Conundrum
Let us reflect back on the situation from the first eBook between
marketer Doreen and sales agent Don, a typical scenario in most
real estate organizations. Doreen was tasked with revamping Don’s
new email marketing design while attempting to remain brand-
compliant, uploading contacts for a marketing piece promoting
a recent condominium development, and bringing new team-
members up to speed. Frustrated with these time-consuming
challenges, Doreen sought a simple solution to the problem.
How should she consolidate these monumental tasks and handle
this marketing problem quickly and effectively so that she can
focus on her ever-growing to-do list?
The solution is a Collaboration Marketing system that utilizes
a comprehensive, organization-wide content hub with a multi-
tier structure that seamlessly allows for the production and
distribution of fresh, relevant content across a multitude of
marketing channels.
When Doreen and her
team are able to create,
access, manage consistent
design elements, templates,
images, fresh content and
contact lists, everybody
wins. Don is able to maintain
the security of his contacts
database and use his new
design while Doreen and
her team can quickly and
effectively create marketing
pieces that are brand-
compliant without being
exposed to sensitive contact
The Solution
Top tiers of an organization can contribute
to the content hub, providing images and
templates that can be used company-wide,
while marketers can use these elements to
quickly and effectively create pieces that
reach targeted consumers and collect data
on the effectiveness of a given piece.
Elements Come Together
6Book 2 of 3
Top-to-Bottom Consensus
After Don, Doreen and her team, and the rest of the company
adopt a system of collaboration marketing, this scenario is very
different than without it. Doreen can strategize and delegate
marketing pieces to team-members old and new with confidence.
Don, in turn, can rest assured that all of the content being
distributed is brand-compliant, and that his contacts are safe from
prying eyes even while they are being used.
True to its name, Collaboration Marketing requires a top-to-bottom
consensus regarding the system. When executives, sales teams,
and marketing people work together to create and maintain a
content hub, everyone can do their job with less stress and higher
Collaboration Marketing eliminates ambiguity surrounding brand-
compliance, gathering contacts, and receiving important analytics
to determine the effectiveness of any piece or campaign.
Innovation needs to be part of your culture.
Consumers are transforming faster than we are,
and if we dont catch up, we’re in trouble.
Ian Schafer, Marketoonist
A System of Collaboration
7Book 2 of 3
•	Collaboration Marketing is a strategy for
harmonizing marketing and sales teams to effect
a greater increase in the bottom line.
•	Collaboration Marketing is the process of
leveraging your brand across all suitable digital
marketing channels in ways that don’t put a strain
on marketing resources.
•	Collaboration Marketing utilizes a
comprehensive, organization-wide content hub
with a multi-tier structure that seamlessly allows
for the production and distribution of fresh,
relevant content across a spectrum of marketing
•	Collaboration Marketing requires a top-to-
bottom consensus regarding the system, with
executives, sales teams, and marketing people
working together to create and maintain a
content hub so that everyone can do their job
within a framework that leads to less stress and
higher productivity.
8Book 2 of 3
Reining in Digital
Channels for Powerful
Collaboration Marketing
What’s A Marketer With A Large Sales Force To Do?
More Avenues to Reach Audiences
Reining it In
While email marketing remains the basis for targeting appropriate
potential and recurring clients, there are a number of other
methods through which individuals and organizations relate
with marketing content. This can be frustrating for marketing
teams in their quest to reach audiences across platforms without
performing redundant work.
How do we manage all of these platforms and applications
effectively? The solution is a content hub where one can easily
and seamlessly create pieces and then quickly share them across
all manner of platforms and applications. This approach saves
time and money for organizations because the entire spectrum of
digital marketing avenues can be accessed from one discrete hub.
The solution is a content hub where
one can easily and seamlessly
create pieces and then quickly share
them across all manner of platforms
and applications.
A Marketer’s Best Friend
10Book 2 of 3
Leveraging email marketing
assets as the hub for an
organization’s broader digital
marketing strategy allows
marketing teams to work from
the most important digital
landscape, and move to other
platforms as needed.
When an organization collaborates on a content hub that
streamlines brand-compliant materials, templates, and contacts
to all of these outlets from one point efficiency is optimized.
Relevant and interested parties are reached quickly and easily,
and it frees up time for other projects. That means more time
to study analytics and more time to hone marketing and sales
Take a risk and keep testing, because what
works today won’t work tomorrow, but what
worked yesterday may work again.
Amrita Sahasrabudhe
Email Marketing
Applications as
The Hub
Brand Compliance Across Platforms
First Things First
11Book 2 of 3
Leveraging Collaboration Marketing within all digital marketing
platforms (in addition to print) puts brands in control of message,
sales agents in control of reach, and marketers in a position to do
their job with greater efficiency.
Instead of relating separately
with numerous existing
platforms that are available,
teams and agents can relate
with one platform as the
basis for reaching out to key
and inconsistency. The results
are powerful.
When every tier in an organization participates in managing
their part of a content hub, reaching out to clients and studying
analytics is easy and the company’s bottom line will reap the
The Abundance of Marketing Channels
A Multi-Tier Hub Acts as a Springboard
Organizations should consistently reach
their target audiences. Teams and agents
can relate with one platform as the
basis for reaching out to key audiences
without redundancy and inconsistency.
The Results are Powerful
Obviously, the highest type of efficiency is
that which can use existing material to the
best advantage.
Jawaharlal Nehru
From the Top Down
12Book 2 of 3
Greater Visibility
Expand Your Reach
Social media pages and accounts,
similarly, may either be the focal
point of marketing materials or
those materials could manifest as
retargeted advertisements.
With the rise of mobile
devices, stand-alone real estate
applications, and social media,
retargeting is a great way for
many clients to relate with listings
and advertisements.
When people visit websites and
blogs, an organization’s content
may be explicitly available as
the main content, but frequently
advertising information on those
sites shows up as peripheral
advertising and retargeted
The solution is a content hub where one can easily and seamlessly create pieces
and then quickly share them across all manner of platforms and applications.
A multi-tiered hub allows the right content to be put in front of the right people
at the right time.
Dynamic Web Retargeting
13Book 2 of 3
Total spending on Internet advertising is
predicted to grow 12.9% next year. The
Internet will become the largest medium for
advertising in 2016 (ahead of TV).
Relevant and interested parties are reached quickly and easily,
and it frees up time for other projects. That means more time
to study analytics and more time to hone marketing and sales
strategies. This approach saves time and money for organizations
because the entire spectrum of digital marketing avenues can be
accessed from one discrete hub.
When an organization’s members and teams collaborate on
a content hub that streamlines brand-compliant materials,
templates, videos, MLS listings, and contacts to all of these outlets
from one point, efficiency is optimized. In turn, audiences get a
consistent picture of the brand and its message. A multi-tiered
structure controls who has access to what and when ensuring that
no member is left in the dark about which materials and elements
to use. The structure of such a marketing platform puts everyone
in the right place, at the right time, and with the right tools.
Powerful Publishing
Consistent Content
Tying It All Together
14Book 2 of 3
Knowledge is Power
Staying on Top
“One-third of marketers say they don’t know which digital
marketing tactic has the biggest positive impact on revenue. 26%
of respondents say email is the digital marketing channel with
the greatest positive impact on revenue; SEO is second (17%),
followed by paid search (15%), social media (5%), and online
display advertising (5%).”
Understanding the impact that these online channels have
is crucial to understanding marketing campaigns overall.
especially email, they can be better informed and prepared
in order to improve their reach across the internet overall.
Studying analytics is a crucial step in creating and revising
marketing pieces, and yet “Less than 30% of small businesses use
Website analytics, call tracking, or coupon codes. 18% of small
businesses admit to not tracking anything.”
Less than 30% of small businesses
use website analytics, call tracking,
or coupon codes. 18% of small
businesses admit to not
tracking anything.
15Book 2 of 3
•	Central Hub Managing digital marketing
platforms effectively requires a hub where one
can easily and seamlessly create the appropriate
marketing pieces in order to quickly share them
across all manner of promotional marketing
•	Collaboration and Consistency When an
organization collaborates on a content hub that
streamlines brand-compliant materials, templates,
and contacts to all of these outlets from one
point, efficiency is optimized.
•	Bringing it Back Home Collaboration Marketing
is most effective when the content hub begins
with email.
•	Leverage and Control Leveraging Collaboration
Marketing and comprehensive analytics from one
digital marketing platform puts brands in control
of message, sales agents in control of reach,
and marketers in a position to do their job with
greater efficiency.
16Book 2 of 3
Real Estate
One Platform to Rule Them All
One Platform
Brand Compliance
What about the applications specific to real estate that allow
your agents to market properties based on the specific needs
and expectations of their audience? While email marketing is
a powerful tool to closely integrate the many digital marketing
channels for the efficient promotion of content, there is another
important prior step: accessing relevant content to effortlessly
include in marketing pieces.
When such things as local real estate market data, property listings,
video tours, pertinent news, and messaging for a sales agent’s
own circle of influence is easily accessible within one application
in order to create a relevant marketing piece, it becomes a sales
agent’s dream.
When the same information is
easily incorporated by agents into a
template, it is a dream come true for
a marketer.
Real Estate Applications
18Book 2 of 3
Sales and Marketing Narrative
She asks Don to provide some detail about what he’d like to do to promote
his business over the next few months. He shares a very comprehensive
plan based on all the articles he’s been reading about digital marketing and
other ways to successfully grow his client base.
Don has recently hired a media company to write a few articles and blog
posts on the local real estate market, as well as the cultural scene of South
Beach Miami, and he’d like to design a few ads in the area’s newspapers.
This software, she explains,
will enable Don and others
to make a significant impact
in their marketing efforts
without a great deal of effort.
Don, always seeking to reduce
his amount of desk time, is
intrigued. Doreen, happy that
she has piqued the interest of
Don, invites him to sit down
for a quick tutorial.
Let’s head back to the story of Don and Doreen to explain in greater detail
this concept of one comprehensive platform for simultaneously managing
the needs of marketers, agents, and the brand.
Don has just made the decision to ramp up the marketing efforts to his
clients in the winter season when there is a lull in his business. He seeks help
from Doreen who enthusiastically informs him that they’ve recently made an
acquisition of new marketing software.
Agent Don
Marketer Doreen
19Book 2 of 3
Don’s Three Month Plan
Engage in more social media interactions to build
his reputation as a thought leader while potentially
increasing referrals. He’d prefer daily posts to his main
social media apps such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter,
and Pinterest, but he’d also like to try some newer
exchanges if there is time, such as Instagram.
More frequent email marketing pieces so as to stay top-
of-mind with clients, rather than just the Open House
Invitations and New Market Listings that tend to be less
Create commentary from local monthly market reports of
areas his clients are typically interested in, and possibly
include other areas for vacation spots and second homes.
Write his own as well as sharing blog posts of his real
estate knowledge on a consistent basis, and include them
in other areas where his clients have access.
Quarterly ads in local newspapers focusing on what he
can do for clients.
Five Steps
Don’s Comprehensive
Marketing Plan
20Book 2 of 3
Further Possibilities
As Doreen reads through Don’s plan, she makes a few notes of
additional actions Don can take based on what she knows about
the new software application. She’s excited that Don’s so willing
to dive in to do this work because it will not only help his business
grow, but it will also be positive for the brand overall. Doreen
explains to Don that many of his objectives can be handled solely
and seamlessly in the new application.
Since he’s interested in creating print ads, has he ever thought
about digital ads as well? This new application includes ways to
create, access, and distribute ads online. Retargeting is a recent
digital phenomenon that is proven to be effective with increasing
brand awareness. Don’s excitement grows as Doreen continues to
talk about the application’s many abilities.
But, he’s also concerned. How can his plan be accomplished
without spending inordinate amounts of time behind a desk, in
mortal combat with his computer? This is the best part, says
She goes on to explain that
as a marketer she has the
twofold responsibility of
protecting and promoting
the brand while at the
same time supporting her
agents’ sales and marketing
efforts. Here’s where the
new application can assist
her in both, and help Don
successfully tackle his new
marketing plan.
A Marketing Plan Evolves
A marketer has the twofold responsibility of
protecting and promoting the brand while at
the same time supporting her agents’ sales
and marketing efforts.
Twofold Marketing Responsibility
21Book 2 of 3
Doreen’s Solution
The New Application
What about my video tours? They are hosted
on separate applications. Is it possible to
include them?
Real estate listings data, personal or brand blog posts, links to
hosted videos, are all readily available to simply and easily search
and drop into your template.”What about my video tours?” Don
asks. “They are hosted on separate applications. Is it possible to
include them?”
Doreen can create brand-compliant templates and give Don access
to add information appropriate to his audience. There is no need to
adjust or redesign any of the content elements once Don includes
them in the marketing piece. The template automatically does
this for him. Font style, content placement, and email structure
is locked down. Don won’t spend an inordinate amount of time
having to design a smart marketing piece.
Combining Content and Materials
A New Email Platform
22Book 2 of 3
Doreen’s Solutions
“Yes,” Doreen says emphatically.” Our new software works with
a few vendors in this arena, but the software also provides an
avenue for other applications to be integrated through something
called an API (Application Program Interface) key. There’s some
additional work to get it started, but after the integration, your
app will always be at the ready.”
Since marketing pieces may vary in size depending on their
eventual placement or distribution, templates are designed
with these size specifications and content needs in mind. For
example, a digital ad placement will have a different structure
and appropriate content placement than an email marketing
Structural Flexibility
Answering Don’s Question
Images and videos will have different requirements based on whether
the marketing piece is used as a physical print ad versus a digital ad.
The application ensures that the elements that make up the intended
marketing piece are optimal.
Element Optimization
23Book 2 of 3
Doreen’s Solutions
For all templates, the software has created a repository to store
images such as logos or property photos, as well as documents
to conveniently include in a template or access from a link. Don
is thrilled with this prospect, and asks about the photos that
Doreen’s photographer took of the recent condo development.
Doreen happily responds that she can make her company marketing
account repository available to any and all agents. Gone are the
days of the incessant requests from agents for this or that photo,
and the hours of following up on individual requests. Access is
instantaneous within the platform.
Instant Access
The Shared Repository
The ideal top
down structure
of an effective
digital marketing
strategy and
24Book 2 of 3
Don takes all of this information in, thinking about even more
marketing ideas with this newly implemented software application.
Even more exciting is that he doesn’t have to depend on Doreen’s
schedule availability (or lack thereof) for her to get back to him
on simple tasks. Oh, the possibilities!
But, wait. There’s more! When Don learns about the many ways
these marketing pieces can be distributed, easily, and again
without her assistance, Doreen knows that there will be further
thought to the myriad possibilities. And, she knows that with this
new platform, it is now within her means to transform her sales
team into brilliant marketing machines.
To say, ‘well done’ to any bit of good work is to
take hold of the powers which have made the
effort and strengthen them beyond
our knowledge.
Phillips Brooks, eminent scholar, engineer, statistician.
Icing on the Cake
Another Satisfied Agent
The Magic of Collaboration
25Book 2 of 3
•	Relevant Marketing Pieces Real estate market
data, property listings, video tours, pertinent
news, and messaging for a sales agent’s own
circle of influence should be easily accessible
within one application in order to create a
relevant marketing piece.
•	Relevant Data When relevant content is easily
accessible for agents, more opportunities arise to
effectively promote the brand.
•	Bringing it Back Home Agents actively engage
in their own marketing with brand-compliant
marketing pieces, marketing resources are
available to focus on the company’s marketing
26Book 2 of 3
Bringing Digital
Channels Together
for Distribution
Empowering Organizations
Under One Roof
Lightening the Load
Ideally, a collaborative real estate marketing platform can draw
upon existing listings, websites, and blogs to populate a digital
marketing piece. Simplicity is crucial for allowing agents to easily
drag and drop MLS listings alongside internal property descriptions
and information about the surrounding neighborhoods, regions,
and local amenities, etc. into a pre-formatted and pre-designed
marketing piece that is brand-compliant.
The easier it is to draw together a piece with existing descriptive
content, the more simple it is for sales agents to create an effective
marketing piece. When agents are able to quickly disseminate
relevant web materials to marketers and create a piece that works
for everyone, the process is streamlined and painless. No longer
do sales teams and marketing teams have to argue and wrestle
for information when everyone contributes equally to a dynamic
content hub. There are some technical components to understand,
but ultimately these elements should come together to create a
singular platform that all tiers of an organization can use.
These elements should come together
to create a singular platform that all
tiers of an organization can use.
In a Perfect World
28Book 2 of 3
Surely you’ve heard of all the marketing tools that promise great
returns. Maybe you’ve even seen some of your colleague’s ads
show up as you browse the web.
Now you’re wondering how you can take advantage of an up and
coming concept called Retargeting. Behavioral retargeting (also
known as behavioral remarketing) is a form of online targeted
advertising by which online advertising is targeted to consumers
based on their previous internet actions.
Retargeting tags online users by including a pixel within the target
webpage or email, which sets a cookie in the user’s browser. Once
the cookie is set, the advertiser is able to show display ads to that
particular user elsewhere on the internet via an ad exchange.
The Specifics
Overall Impressions
This means that every time someone searches for a specific item
for purchase, a cookie is set and web ads reflect that initial search.
This is a key practice that increases visibility and sales overall.
When potential clients are repeatedly reminded of what they are
looking for, they are more likely to put their money where their
mouse is and make a purchase.
“The internet has turned what used to
be a controlled one way message into a
real time dialogue with millions.”
Danielle Sacks, award-winning journalist
Behavioral Retargeting
29Book 2 of 3
Adobe conducted a study
in 2013 about marketers in
which 76% of respondents
believed that marketing
has changed more in the
past two years than in
the last 50. But, only 9%
believed that their digital
marketing is working.
“Users who
are retargeted
to are 70%
more likely to
According to a survey conducted by AdWeek, almost half of those surveyed
agreed that analytics skills will become a core competence in marketing
within the near future. Easy access to analytics means a better understanding
of what works and what doesn’t in your targeted marketing efforts.
When this information is available to an entire sales or marketing team,
members can more easily understand the effectiveness of their work.
Comprehensive analytic information ideally should be available every time
a marketing piece is published.
30Book 2 of 3
The answer is that most marketing professionals within large
organizations feel powerless to create effective brand-compliant
content. The managers and executives may understand the brand,
but sales agents are chiefly concerned with their bottom line which
leaves everyone scrambling for a compromise and a solution to
the problem of company-wide miscommunication.
When digital marketing does work, it is because there is a
multi-tier collaboration happening. When the top brass in any
organization are able to delineate and institute brand-compliant
practices, agents and marketers can quickly and easily collaborate
to conceive of methods that create consistent materials for the
public. Drawing upon a general, company-wide content hub is the
ultimate method for generating uniform marketing materials.
Individuals within organizations are empowered to create their
own brand-compliant marketing pieces with content that is niche-
specific, addressing their specific audience, the company as a
whole will see the benefits. A single platform that combines a
content hub, simple template creation, and analytic tools provides
the ultimate solution for businesses that have a wide diversity of
skills, ideals, and priorities.
Why do Marketers Stress Out?
Putting a Platform to Work
Empowering Your Team
Ease and Simplicity
31Book 2 of 3
•	System Confidence Simplicity is key in a true
collaboration marketing platform to give sales
agents the confidence to utilize the system.
•	Readily Accessible New and successful digital
marketing channels should be inclusive and
readily accessible within your Collaboration
Marketing platform.
•	Shared Resources Agents actively engage
in their own marketing with brand-compliant
marketing pieces, marketing resources are
available to focus on the company’s marketing
32Book 2 of 3
Two Heads Media
THM is a content-focused national media firm that specializes in creating and implement-
ing marketing plans through a variety of mediums. As a Certified Marketing Partner of
rezora, we assist clients with the development and execution of strategies across the many
digital and print channels enabled by rezora’s platform.
Balancing great content with strong execution is paramount to what we do. Our creative
group of writers, editors, and strategists bring 30+ years of experience in content market-
ing and media relations.
Bryce Navin
Project Manager/ Head Writer
Melissa Whitaker
Writer/ Editor
Mark Inman
Copy Editor
Chris Cole
Head Designer
rezora specializes in collaboration marketing for the real estate industry, having developed
a platform which allows clients with independent sales teams to have greater reach in their
marketing programs. With the ability to work within one single platform, marketers are
empowered to provide brand management and access to analytics across multiple digital
marketing channels for their entire organization.
Rick Chastain
VP Business Development and Client Services
Paul Reinarz

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rezora book 2 09JAN17

  • 1. The Real Estate Marketer’s Guide to Collaboration Marketing 2nd in a 3-part series Releasing the Marketing Genius in Your Sales Force
  • 2. New Technology Marketers engaging in the important tasks of brand awareness and supporting independent sales teams with overflowing lead funnels have an abundance of technology at their disposal that promise overall success with the bottom line. With the rise of digital marketing technology, there is a great deal for marketers to be excited about as there are now ways to quantify, identify, and prove how and where marketing efforts can create strong leads that translate into good sales. However, with all the growth in technology that supports marketing efforts and access to data, there is a downside. Oftentimes, the incredible amount of technology exceeds the ability to manage and use it effectively. Now more than ever companies have the capability to not only spread their brand message across many channels, but with that ability, there is a need to spend time learning, relearning, and executing on what has been learned, as well as training sales teams on what is available in the rich world of promotional technology. This presents the subtle irony of having more at your disposal, offering ways to stay ahead of the marketing game, and creating more efficiency. It ultimately results in the need for more resources to tackle everything efficiently. What’s a marketer to do? Does one throw in the niche-specific separate real estate applications for one’s industry, and the management and execution? It becomes a serious conundrum as to how to manage it all. The Details The information provided below offers a way out or at least a way through these challenges with ease. Thankfully, there are professionals with the knowledge they’ve gleaned through many years of experience thinking about this very challenge for marketers. The good news is that there is technology that enables marketers to manage the influx of marketing applications, organize and rein in the plethora of comprehensive distribution channels. This new technology not only offers promises of effective management of these same channels, but creates platforms that allow for the subtle balance of protecting and promoting brand messaging. This also allows independent sales agents, and other departments the ability to respond uniquely to their own niche markets’ needs and requirements. The good news is that there is technology that enables marketers to manage the influx of marketing applications. Introduction 1Book 2 of 3
  • 3. Part Two The Successful Marketer’s Guide to Releasing the Marketing Genius in Your Sales Force (the 2nd in a 3-part series) explains how to capitalize on digital marketing channels within a large sales force. We will discuss the specific ways to achieve this balance, and what to look for in software applications. Beginning with a summary of the concept of Collaboration Marketing proposed in the first eBook, The Successful Marketer’s Guide to Collaboration Marketing, this 2nd part in the series will tackle the ways to compartmentalize all the digital marketing channels with organization and efficiency. In other words, utilizing the appropriate technology, a marketer can leverage their independent sales teams’ constituencies to spread the company’s brand messaging far and wide without acquiring additional departmental resources or taking up too much of your valuable time. Sound too good to be true? Read on. We’re here to say it’s entirely possible. With a bit of education, effort, and visionary insight, there is a way. Let’s Get Started The information provided below offers a way out. We’ve organized this eBook into three parts after summarizing the concept of Collaboration Marketing as explained in detail in the first eBook. The first part, Reining in Digital Marketing Channels for Powerful Collaboration Marketing, addresses how technology can help you gain control over your digital marketing channels, thereby simplifying the work of creating brand-compliant content for each channel. Part Two The second part, Diverse Real Estate Applications, addresses niche-specific applications, namely real estate, and ways to incorporate these applications within an overall hub allowing marketers the ability to oversee brand messaging and compliance that their independent sales agents can access. The last section, Bringing Digital Channels Together For Distribution, discusses how one comprehensive platform enables all departmental levels, from the overall brand, to the independent sales agents, to have oversight in all areas of concept, execution, and distribution; and, importantly, doing all of this while maintaining the privacy of an independent sales agent’s database. Excited yet? Introduction (continued) 2Book 2 of 3
  • 4. 1 The Successful Marketer’s Guide to Collaboration Marketing A Review of the Principles of True Collaboration Marketing and Its Capabilities
  • 5. Harmonizing Sales and Marketing Brand Protection In the first eBook in the 3-book series, we introduced the concept of Collaboration Marketing. You will recall that Collaboration Marketing is a strategy to harmonize marketing and sales teams to effect a greater increase in the bottom line. The idea behind this is to help orchestrate, navigate, and engage independent sales teams while at the same time managing important marketing channels. It doesn’t have to be a struggle! An important aspect of Collaboration Marketing is supporting brand compliance throughout an organization, especially among sales teams that may independently manage and market to their own client base. Collaboration Marketing involves the process of leveraging your brand across all suitable digital marketing channels in ways that don’t drain marketing resources. Building an effective and successful strategy for promoting your brand and supporting the marketing efforts of sales agents. Collaboration Marketing A Summary 4Book 2 of 3
  • 6. When partnering with independent sales teams, building this type of strategy also involves encouraging and building trust between your independent sales agents and marketing teams. When there is trust, a company can bring all of its marketing aspects together to benefit both agents’ efforts and overall brand promotion. Creating a multi-tiered content hub that combines brand content, contacts, and distribution methods, the work of brand promotion and compliance becomes easier for everyone involved. A central marketing hub is a great place to start, and if robust in scope, it can match up the appropriate departments within an organization in order for the harmonious marketing strategies and campaigns to be executed. Approved content that is brand compliant and consistent can be used to quickly and beautifully to execute those campaigns. A marketer’s worst nightmare is a brand’s misrepresentation in the marketplace, eroding the brand’s reputation on a large scale. This can take the form of a rogue customer service department’s script or a sales agent’s social media post. True Collaboration Marketing has the capability to produce results that are greater than anyone can accomplish alone. rezora Central Marketing Hub Bringing it all Together 5Book 2 of 3
  • 7. A Marketer’s Conundrum Let us reflect back on the situation from the first eBook between marketer Doreen and sales agent Don, a typical scenario in most real estate organizations. Doreen was tasked with revamping Don’s new email marketing design while attempting to remain brand- compliant, uploading contacts for a marketing piece promoting a recent condominium development, and bringing new team- members up to speed. Frustrated with these time-consuming challenges, Doreen sought a simple solution to the problem. How should she consolidate these monumental tasks and handle this marketing problem quickly and effectively so that she can focus on her ever-growing to-do list? The solution is a Collaboration Marketing system that utilizes a comprehensive, organization-wide content hub with a multi- tier structure that seamlessly allows for the production and distribution of fresh, relevant content across a multitude of marketing channels. When Doreen and her team are able to create, access, manage consistent design elements, templates, images, fresh content and contact lists, everybody wins. Don is able to maintain the security of his contacts database and use his new design while Doreen and her team can quickly and effectively create marketing pieces that are brand- compliant without being exposed to sensitive contact information. The Solution Top tiers of an organization can contribute to the content hub, providing images and templates that can be used company-wide, while marketers can use these elements to quickly and effectively create pieces that reach targeted consumers and collect data on the effectiveness of a given piece. Elements Come Together 6Book 2 of 3
  • 8. Top-to-Bottom Consensus After Don, Doreen and her team, and the rest of the company adopt a system of collaboration marketing, this scenario is very different than without it. Doreen can strategize and delegate marketing pieces to team-members old and new with confidence. Don, in turn, can rest assured that all of the content being distributed is brand-compliant, and that his contacts are safe from prying eyes even while they are being used. True to its name, Collaboration Marketing requires a top-to-bottom consensus regarding the system. When executives, sales teams, and marketing people work together to create and maintain a content hub, everyone can do their job with less stress and higher productivity. Collaboration Marketing eliminates ambiguity surrounding brand- compliance, gathering contacts, and receiving important analytics to determine the effectiveness of any piece or campaign. Innovation needs to be part of your culture. Consumers are transforming faster than we are, and if we dont catch up, we’re in trouble. Ian Schafer, Marketoonist A System of Collaboration 7Book 2 of 3
  • 9. • Collaboration Marketing is a strategy for harmonizing marketing and sales teams to effect a greater increase in the bottom line. • Collaboration Marketing is the process of leveraging your brand across all suitable digital marketing channels in ways that don’t put a strain on marketing resources. • Collaboration Marketing utilizes a comprehensive, organization-wide content hub with a multi-tier structure that seamlessly allows for the production and distribution of fresh, relevant content across a spectrum of marketing channels. • Collaboration Marketing requires a top-to- bottom consensus regarding the system, with executives, sales teams, and marketing people working together to create and maintain a content hub so that everyone can do their job within a framework that leads to less stress and higher productivity. Summary 8Book 2 of 3
  • 10. 2 Reining in Digital Channels for Powerful Collaboration Marketing What’s A Marketer With A Large Sales Force To Do?
  • 11. More Avenues to Reach Audiences Reining it In While email marketing remains the basis for targeting appropriate potential and recurring clients, there are a number of other methods through which individuals and organizations relate with marketing content. This can be frustrating for marketing teams in their quest to reach audiences across platforms without performing redundant work. How do we manage all of these platforms and applications effectively? The solution is a content hub where one can easily and seamlessly create pieces and then quickly share them across all manner of platforms and applications. This approach saves time and money for organizations because the entire spectrum of digital marketing avenues can be accessed from one discrete hub. The solution is a content hub where one can easily and seamlessly create pieces and then quickly share them across all manner of platforms and applications. A Marketer’s Best Friend 10Book 2 of 3
  • 12. Leveraging email marketing assets as the hub for an organization’s broader digital marketing strategy allows marketing teams to work from the most important digital landscape, and move to other platforms as needed. When an organization collaborates on a content hub that streamlines brand-compliant materials, templates, and contacts to all of these outlets from one point efficiency is optimized. Relevant and interested parties are reached quickly and easily, and it frees up time for other projects. That means more time to study analytics and more time to hone marketing and sales strategies. Take a risk and keep testing, because what works today won’t work tomorrow, but what worked yesterday may work again. Amrita Sahasrabudhe Email Marketing Applications as The Hub Brand Compliance Across Platforms EMAIL RE TARGETINGTWITTER LISTINGS PRINT FACEBO O K CONTENT HUB First Things First 11Book 2 of 3
  • 13. Leveraging Collaboration Marketing within all digital marketing platforms (in addition to print) puts brands in control of message, sales agents in control of reach, and marketers in a position to do their job with greater efficiency. Instead of relating separately with numerous existing platforms that are available, teams and agents can relate with one platform as the basis for reaching out to key audienceswithoutredundancy and inconsistency. The results are powerful. When every tier in an organization participates in managing their part of a content hub, reaching out to clients and studying analytics is easy and the company’s bottom line will reap the benefits. The Abundance of Marketing Channels A Multi-Tier Hub Acts as a Springboard Organizations should consistently reach their target audiences. Teams and agents can relate with one platform as the basis for reaching out to key audiences without redundancy and inconsistency. The Results are Powerful Obviously, the highest type of efficiency is that which can use existing material to the best advantage. Jawaharlal Nehru From the Top Down 12Book 2 of 3
  • 14. Greater Visibility Expand Your Reach Social media pages and accounts, similarly, may either be the focal point of marketing materials or those materials could manifest as retargeted advertisements. With the rise of mobile devices, stand-alone real estate applications, and social media, retargeting is a great way for many clients to relate with listings and advertisements. When people visit websites and blogs, an organization’s content may be explicitly available as the main content, but frequently advertising information on those sites shows up as peripheral advertising and retargeted material. The solution is a content hub where one can easily and seamlessly create pieces and then quickly share them across all manner of platforms and applications. A multi-tiered hub allows the right content to be put in front of the right people at the right time. Dynamic Web Retargeting 13Book 2 of 3
  • 15. Total spending on Internet advertising is predicted to grow 12.9% next year. The Internet will become the largest medium for advertising in 2016 (ahead of TV). Relevant and interested parties are reached quickly and easily, and it frees up time for other projects. That means more time to study analytics and more time to hone marketing and sales strategies. This approach saves time and money for organizations because the entire spectrum of digital marketing avenues can be accessed from one discrete hub. When an organization’s members and teams collaborate on a content hub that streamlines brand-compliant materials, templates, videos, MLS listings, and contacts to all of these outlets from one point, efficiency is optimized. In turn, audiences get a consistent picture of the brand and its message. A multi-tiered structure controls who has access to what and when ensuring that no member is left in the dark about which materials and elements to use. The structure of such a marketing platform puts everyone in the right place, at the right time, and with the right tools. Powerful Publishing Consistent Content Tying It All Together 14Book 2 of 3
  • 16. Knowledge is Power Staying on Top “One-third of marketers say they don’t know which digital marketing tactic has the biggest positive impact on revenue. 26% of respondents say email is the digital marketing channel with the greatest positive impact on revenue; SEO is second (17%), followed by paid search (15%), social media (5%), and online display advertising (5%).” Understanding the impact that these online channels have is crucial to understanding marketing campaigns overall. Whenteamscantrackanalyticsacrossvariousplatforms,and especially email, they can be better informed and prepared in order to improve their reach across the internet overall. Studying analytics is a crucial step in creating and revising marketing pieces, and yet “Less than 30% of small businesses use Website analytics, call tracking, or coupon codes. 18% of small businesses admit to not tracking anything.” Less than 30% of small businesses use website analytics, call tracking, or coupon codes. 18% of small businesses admit to not tracking anything. Analytics 15Book 2 of 3
  • 17. • Central Hub Managing digital marketing platforms effectively requires a hub where one can easily and seamlessly create the appropriate marketing pieces in order to quickly share them across all manner of promotional marketing channels. • Collaboration and Consistency When an organization collaborates on a content hub that streamlines brand-compliant materials, templates, and contacts to all of these outlets from one point, efficiency is optimized. • Bringing it Back Home Collaboration Marketing is most effective when the content hub begins with email. • Leverage and Control Leveraging Collaboration Marketing and comprehensive analytics from one digital marketing platform puts brands in control of message, sales agents in control of reach, and marketers in a position to do their job with greater efficiency. Summary 16Book 2 of 3
  • 19. One Platform Brand Compliance What about the applications specific to real estate that allow your agents to market properties based on the specific needs and expectations of their audience? While email marketing is a powerful tool to closely integrate the many digital marketing channels for the efficient promotion of content, there is another important prior step: accessing relevant content to effortlessly include in marketing pieces. When such things as local real estate market data, property listings, video tours, pertinent news, and messaging for a sales agent’s own circle of influence is easily accessible within one application in order to create a relevant marketing piece, it becomes a sales agent’s dream. When the same information is easily incorporated by agents into a template, it is a dream come true for a marketer. Real Estate Applications 18Book 2 of 3
  • 20. Sales and Marketing Narrative She asks Don to provide some detail about what he’d like to do to promote his business over the next few months. He shares a very comprehensive plan based on all the articles he’s been reading about digital marketing and other ways to successfully grow his client base. Don has recently hired a media company to write a few articles and blog posts on the local real estate market, as well as the cultural scene of South Beach Miami, and he’d like to design a few ads in the area’s newspapers. This software, she explains, will enable Don and others to make a significant impact in their marketing efforts without a great deal of effort. Don, always seeking to reduce his amount of desk time, is intrigued. Doreen, happy that she has piqued the interest of Don, invites him to sit down for a quick tutorial. Let’s head back to the story of Don and Doreen to explain in greater detail this concept of one comprehensive platform for simultaneously managing the needs of marketers, agents, and the brand. Don has just made the decision to ramp up the marketing efforts to his clients in the winter season when there is a lull in his business. He seeks help from Doreen who enthusiastically informs him that they’ve recently made an acquisition of new marketing software. Agent Don Marketer Doreen 19Book 2 of 3
  • 21. Don’s Three Month Plan Engage in more social media interactions to build his reputation as a thought leader while potentially increasing referrals. He’d prefer daily posts to his main social media apps such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest, but he’d also like to try some newer exchanges if there is time, such as Instagram. More frequent email marketing pieces so as to stay top- of-mind with clients, rather than just the Open House Invitations and New Market Listings that tend to be less consistent. Create commentary from local monthly market reports of areas his clients are typically interested in, and possibly include other areas for vacation spots and second homes. Write his own as well as sharing blog posts of his real estate knowledge on a consistent basis, and include them in other areas where his clients have access. Quarterly ads in local newspapers focusing on what he can do for clients. 1 2 3 4 5 Five Steps Don’s Comprehensive Marketing Plan 20Book 2 of 3
  • 22. Further Possibilities As Doreen reads through Don’s plan, she makes a few notes of additional actions Don can take based on what she knows about the new software application. She’s excited that Don’s so willing to dive in to do this work because it will not only help his business grow, but it will also be positive for the brand overall. Doreen explains to Don that many of his objectives can be handled solely and seamlessly in the new application. Since he’s interested in creating print ads, has he ever thought about digital ads as well? This new application includes ways to create, access, and distribute ads online. Retargeting is a recent digital phenomenon that is proven to be effective with increasing brand awareness. Don’s excitement grows as Doreen continues to talk about the application’s many abilities. But, he’s also concerned. How can his plan be accomplished without spending inordinate amounts of time behind a desk, in mortal combat with his computer? This is the best part, says Doreen. She goes on to explain that as a marketer she has the twofold responsibility of protecting and promoting the brand while at the same time supporting her agents’ sales and marketing efforts. Here’s where the new application can assist her in both, and help Don successfully tackle his new marketing plan. A Marketing Plan Evolves A marketer has the twofold responsibility of protecting and promoting the brand while at the same time supporting her agents’ sales and marketing efforts. Twofold Marketing Responsibility 21Book 2 of 3
  • 23. Doreen’s Solution The New Application What about my video tours? They are hosted on separate applications. Is it possible to include them? Don Real estate listings data, personal or brand blog posts, links to hosted videos, are all readily available to simply and easily search and drop into your template.”What about my video tours?” Don asks. “They are hosted on separate applications. Is it possible to include them?” Doreen can create brand-compliant templates and give Don access to add information appropriate to his audience. There is no need to adjust or redesign any of the content elements once Don includes them in the marketing piece. The template automatically does this for him. Font style, content placement, and email structure is locked down. Don won’t spend an inordinate amount of time having to design a smart marketing piece. Combining Content and Materials A New Email Platform 22Book 2 of 3
  • 24. Doreen’s Solutions “Yes,” Doreen says emphatically.” Our new software works with a few vendors in this arena, but the software also provides an avenue for other applications to be integrated through something called an API (Application Program Interface) key. There’s some additional work to get it started, but after the integration, your app will always be at the ready.” Since marketing pieces may vary in size depending on their eventual placement or distribution, templates are designed with these size specifications and content needs in mind. For example, a digital ad placement will have a different structure and appropriate content placement than an email marketing piece. Structural Flexibility Answering Don’s Question Images and videos will have different requirements based on whether the marketing piece is used as a physical print ad versus a digital ad. The application ensures that the elements that make up the intended marketing piece are optimal. Element Optimization 23Book 2 of 3
  • 25. Doreen’s Solutions For all templates, the software has created a repository to store images such as logos or property photos, as well as documents to conveniently include in a template or access from a link. Don is thrilled with this prospect, and asks about the photos that Doreen’s photographer took of the recent condo development. Doreen happily responds that she can make her company marketing account repository available to any and all agents. Gone are the days of the incessant requests from agents for this or that photo, and the hours of following up on individual requests. Access is instantaneous within the platform. Instant Access The Shared Repository BRAND MATERIALS COMPANY TEMPLATES AGENT MATERIALS & TEMPLATES CONTENT HUB DIGITAL CHANNELS The ideal top down structure of an effective digital marketing strategy and system 24Book 2 of 3
  • 26. Don takes all of this information in, thinking about even more marketing ideas with this newly implemented software application. Even more exciting is that he doesn’t have to depend on Doreen’s schedule availability (or lack thereof) for her to get back to him on simple tasks. Oh, the possibilities! But, wait. There’s more! When Don learns about the many ways these marketing pieces can be distributed, easily, and again without her assistance, Doreen knows that there will be further thought to the myriad possibilities. And, she knows that with this new platform, it is now within her means to transform her sales team into brilliant marketing machines. To say, ‘well done’ to any bit of good work is to take hold of the powers which have made the effort and strengthen them beyond our knowledge. Phillips Brooks, eminent scholar, engineer, statistician. Icing on the Cake Another Satisfied Agent The Magic of Collaboration 25Book 2 of 3
  • 27. • Relevant Marketing Pieces Real estate market data, property listings, video tours, pertinent news, and messaging for a sales agent’s own circle of influence should be easily accessible within one application in order to create a relevant marketing piece. • Relevant Data When relevant content is easily accessible for agents, more opportunities arise to effectively promote the brand. • Bringing it Back Home Agents actively engage in their own marketing with brand-compliant marketing pieces, marketing resources are available to focus on the company’s marketing objectives. Summary 26Book 2 of 3
  • 28. 4 Bringing Digital Channels Together for Distribution Empowering Organizations
  • 29. Under One Roof Lightening the Load Ideally, a collaborative real estate marketing platform can draw upon existing listings, websites, and blogs to populate a digital marketing piece. Simplicity is crucial for allowing agents to easily drag and drop MLS listings alongside internal property descriptions and information about the surrounding neighborhoods, regions, and local amenities, etc. into a pre-formatted and pre-designed marketing piece that is brand-compliant. The easier it is to draw together a piece with existing descriptive content, the more simple it is for sales agents to create an effective marketing piece. When agents are able to quickly disseminate relevant web materials to marketers and create a piece that works for everyone, the process is streamlined and painless. No longer do sales teams and marketing teams have to argue and wrestle for information when everyone contributes equally to a dynamic content hub. There are some technical components to understand, but ultimately these elements should come together to create a singular platform that all tiers of an organization can use. These elements should come together to create a singular platform that all tiers of an organization can use. In a Perfect World 28Book 2 of 3
  • 30. Surely you’ve heard of all the marketing tools that promise great returns. Maybe you’ve even seen some of your colleague’s ads show up as you browse the web. Now you’re wondering how you can take advantage of an up and coming concept called Retargeting. Behavioral retargeting (also known as behavioral remarketing) is a form of online targeted advertising by which online advertising is targeted to consumers based on their previous internet actions. Retargeting tags online users by including a pixel within the target webpage or email, which sets a cookie in the user’s browser. Once the cookie is set, the advertiser is able to show display ads to that particular user elsewhere on the internet via an ad exchange. The Specifics Overall Impressions This means that every time someone searches for a specific item for purchase, a cookie is set and web ads reflect that initial search. This is a key practice that increases visibility and sales overall. When potential clients are repeatedly reminded of what they are looking for, they are more likely to put their money where their mouse is and make a purchase. “The internet has turned what used to be a controlled one way message into a real time dialogue with millions.” Danielle Sacks, award-winning journalist Behavioral Retargeting 29Book 2 of 3
  • 31. Adobe conducted a study in 2013 about marketers in which 76% of respondents believed that marketing has changed more in the past two years than in the last 50. But, only 9% believed that their digital marketing is working. “Users who are retargeted to are 70% more likely to convert.” Hubspot According to a survey conducted by AdWeek, almost half of those surveyed agreed that analytics skills will become a core competence in marketing within the near future. Easy access to analytics means a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t in your targeted marketing efforts. When this information is available to an entire sales or marketing team, members can more easily understand the effectiveness of their work. Comprehensive analytic information ideally should be available every time a marketing piece is published. 30Book 2 of 3
  • 32. The answer is that most marketing professionals within large organizations feel powerless to create effective brand-compliant content. The managers and executives may understand the brand, but sales agents are chiefly concerned with their bottom line which leaves everyone scrambling for a compromise and a solution to the problem of company-wide miscommunication. When digital marketing does work, it is because there is a multi-tier collaboration happening. When the top brass in any organization are able to delineate and institute brand-compliant practices, agents and marketers can quickly and easily collaborate to conceive of methods that create consistent materials for the public. Drawing upon a general, company-wide content hub is the ultimate method for generating uniform marketing materials. Individuals within organizations are empowered to create their own brand-compliant marketing pieces with content that is niche- specific, addressing their specific audience, the company as a whole will see the benefits. A single platform that combines a content hub, simple template creation, and analytic tools provides the ultimate solution for businesses that have a wide diversity of skills, ideals, and priorities. Why do Marketers Stress Out? Putting a Platform to Work Empowering Your Team Ease and Simplicity 31Book 2 of 3
  • 33. • System Confidence Simplicity is key in a true collaboration marketing platform to give sales agents the confidence to utilize the system. • Readily Accessible New and successful digital marketing channels should be inclusive and readily accessible within your Collaboration Marketing platform. • Shared Resources Agents actively engage in their own marketing with brand-compliant marketing pieces, marketing resources are available to focus on the company’s marketing objectives. Conclusion 32Book 2 of 3
  • 34. Contributors: Two Heads Media THM is a content-focused national media firm that specializes in creating and implement- ing marketing plans through a variety of mediums. As a Certified Marketing Partner of rezora, we assist clients with the development and execution of strategies across the many digital and print channels enabled by rezora’s platform. Balancing great content with strong execution is paramount to what we do. Our creative group of writers, editors, and strategists bring 30+ years of experience in content market- ing and media relations. Bryce Navin Project Manager/ Head Writer Melissa Whitaker Writer/ Editor Mark Inman Copy Editor Chris Cole Head Designer rezora rezora specializes in collaboration marketing for the real estate industry, having developed a platform which allows clients with independent sales teams to have greater reach in their marketing programs. With the ability to work within one single platform, marketers are empowered to provide brand management and access to analytics across multiple digital marketing channels for their entire organization. Rick Chastain VP Business Development and Client Services Paul Reinarz CEO