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Ellie Hamilton
   Intertext Research 1 – The Grudge            Pages 3-9
   Intertext Research 2 – Paranormal Activity   Pages 10-16
   Intertext Research 3 – Cloverfield           Pages 17-23
   Intertext Research 4 – Black Swan            Pages 24-30
Intertext Research
Intertext Research 1 – The Grudge
“Karen Davis is an American Nurse
moves to Tokyo and encounter a
supernatural spirit who is vengeful and
often possesses its victims. A series of
horrifying and mysterious deaths start to
occur, with the spirit passing its curse
onto each victim. Karen must find away to
break the spell, before she becomes its
next victim.”
Intertext Research 1 – The Grudge

 Produced by Columbia Pictures and
  Ghost House Pictures
 Released 24th October 2004
 Estimated budget of $10,000,000
 Grossed over $180,000,000
 Average review of 3/5 – “Throughout the
  entire film a feeling of complete unease
  gripped hold of me”
Intertext Research 1 – The Grudge
Visual Codes
This is the first intertext that I have looked at, it is the trailer for the
movie The Grudge. The colours used are very dark, lots of black
and pale blues, greys and white which contrast therefore binary
oppositions theory can be applied. The dark colours connote fear
and danger thus the audience immediately understand that it is
scary, which is very conventional.
The dress codes for the trailer are casual, Karen is wearing a
jumper or hoody and you don‟t see her trousers. This gives the
audience the impression that she is just going about her everyday
life and so it is a surprise when very abnormal things begin to
The setting is predominantly the house that she is investigating, that
the previous deaths happened in and where the spirit of Kayako is.
The house becomes associated to death and fear for the audience
and they expect bad things to happen when she goes there.
Intertext Research 1 – The Grudge
Audio Codes
Audio is very important, it is used to build tension. It uses non-
diagetic sounds such as a cat meowing, which has the effect of
fear on the audience as the connotations of cats are bad luck
and black magic, they are also very iconographic. The fact that it
is non-diagetic because the boy makes the very realistic meow
sound is very effective in scaring the audience. The trailer uses a
mix between soundtrack and voice-over which is also effective in
building tension and making the audience feel involved in the
trailer, it sounds like the narrator whispering in their ear, this has
the effect of fear on the audience, which is very conventional.
Intertext Research 1 – The Grudge
    Technical Codes
    There is a range of camera angles used, the particularly
    effective ones are the low angle shot and the extreme
    close-up of an eye showing a reflection of what is
    happening, this gives the idea of seeing through the
    eyes of the character and is an interesting and unusual
    shot. It also begins with a very conventional establishing
    shot that shows the setting, Tokyo. The shots are edited
    together mostly with fast cuts between the narrative
    shots and then fades are used when it goes to
    information/text shots. This builds tension but also gives
    the audience a sense of confusion and panic. The trailer
    is fairly effective in terms of scaring the audience but
    also getting the audiences' interest.
Establishing                    Extreme close-
shot, very                      up of eye but
conventional                    with long shot in
Intertext Research 1 – The Grudge
Action Codes
The action codes for the trailer are often quite
quick, sharp, sudden movements. This is
because it along with the audio is very
effective in making the audience jump, and
scaring them. There is also the movement of
the background behind the text, it waves
diagonally across the screen and looks like
hair blowing in the wind which is quite
iconographic of the film because of the girl
with long, dark, straggly hair.
Intertext Research 1 – The Grudge
Narrative Codes
The trailer follows a fairly linear narrative but with quick
flashbacks to the past when the original family lived there. It
follows Propp‟s theory quite clearly, Karen Davis is the
hero, Doug is the princess and Kayako is the villain. There
are the rest of Propp‟s characters in the film but those are the
ones that you see in the trailer. They are very often seen as
the most important characters and so it is very conventional
that you see them in the trailer.
The trailer follows Todorov‟s theory but also the conventions
of the genre because it shows the equilibrium briefly at the
beginning, then it shows the disruption and the recognition.
This is fairly representative of the film but without giving too
much away, although the film does spend a while on the
attempt to repair. It is conventional for films in this genre to
follow Todorov‟s theory even if it has been manipulated.
Intertext Research 2 – Paranormal
“After a young, middle class
couple moves into a suburban
house, they become increasingly
disturbed by a presence that may
or may not be somehow demonic
but is certainly most active in the
middle of the night. Especially
when they sleep.”
Intertext Research 2 – Paranormal
 Produced by Blumhouse Productions
 UK released date 25th November 2009
 Estimated budget of $15,000
 Grossed almost $200,000,000
 Average review of 4/5 – “Both hair-
  raising and chilling, this suburban drama
  skips genre clichés, to come up with a
  claustrophobic classic”
Intertext Research 2 – Paranormal
Visual Codes
The dress codes are very much everyday, casual clothes. This is
because the people they are filming are supposed to be average people
just going to the cinema. The people in the film are also dressed in
casual clothes such as jeans and t-shirts, this is conventional of
thriller/horror movies, this is because it allows to audience to identify
with the characters, thus making it scarier and so uses and
gratifications theory can be applied.
The lighting for the film looks natural, like the lighting that would exist in
the setting of a house because again it allows the audience to identify
with the characters but the lighting in the cinema is dark because it is
meant to look like a real cinema. The colours used are quite contrasting
and so you can apply binary oppositions, it has the effect of fear on the
audience because the lack of colour connotes fear and darkness.
The setting is also very conventional as thriller/horror movies are often
based around one particular location or character. But showing the
location of the cinema and people reactions is very unconventional. It
creates a lot of interest and so it required them to spend less on
Intertext Research 2 – Paranormal
Audio Codes
The film uses mostly voice-overs that are diagetic but
not always synchronous. This is a direct mode of
address and the audience feel more involved in the
trailer and therefore the film seem scarier.
It also uses sound effects that are diagetic such as
doors slamming or when the boyfriend is thrown into
the camera, this makes it seem more real and
therefore scarier also. It also uses some soundtrack
in the background, such as drum beats. These are
used to build tension in the trailer.
Intertext Research 2 – Paranormal
Technical Codes
The film looks to have low production values the
audience so identify with the characters and so they feel
involved in the movie and trailer and like it could be
them. The trailer looks like someone taking a camera
into the cinema and recording. The idea behind the
camera angles/shots and the editing is that it makes the
film seem much more realistic, therefore making the
story more believable and scary to the audience.
The trailer uses lots of medium close-ups and zooming
shots, but the camera is not held steady it looks like an
amateur holding the camera because it feels more real.

    Shot showing                                Explains to the
    Micah holding the                           audience that
    main camera used                            they are filming
    for filming                                 themselves
Intertext Research 2 – Paranormal
Action Codes
The film also uses quite a lot of
sharp, sudden movements match the
audio and use of editing, such as cuts. The
trailer ends quite suddenly with Micah
being thrown at the camera and so this has
the effect of fear on the audience. Sudden
movements, particularly if they start from
nowhere, can be very effective in making
the audience jump.
Intertext Research 2 – Paranormal
Narrative Codes
The trailer is unconventional because it is much more about
people's reactions to the movie than the movie itself it shows
quite a small amount of the movie, so it creates a lot of
The trailer follows a fairly linear narrative, it also follows
Propp‟s theory quite clearly, Katie is the hero, Micah is the
princess/helper and the psychic is the mentor.
The trailer follows Todorov‟s theory but is quite
unconventional because it doesn‟t just use clips from the film.
It shows the equilibrium of the people going to see the film
but also in the film itself. And it then show the disruption and
the recognition of the disruption which is when they start to
think something it in the house and when the people in the
cinema start to get scared. And then the attempt to repair
which is when they are talking to the psychic.
Intertext Research 3 – Cloverfield
“Cloverfield follows five New Yorkers
from the perspective of a hand-held
video camera. The movie starts as a
monster of unknown origin destroys a
building. As the characters go to
investigate, parts of the building and the
head of the Statue of Liberty comes
raining down. The movie follows their
adventure trying to escape and save a
friend, a love interest of the main
Intertext Research 3 – Cloverfield

 Produced by Paramount Pictures
 UK release date 1st February 2008
 Estimated budget $25,000,000
 Grossed over $170,000,000
 Average review 4/5 – “A dazzling
  experiment that paid off immensely, this
  is cinematic pleasure at its purest.”
Intertext Research 3 – Cloverfield
Visual Codes
The trailer is quite dark and fairly dimly lit it looks realistic like
it is set in an apartment at night and like it is filmed with just
and hand-held. This makes it more relatable for the target
audience so uses and gratifications theory can be
applied, and thus it is scarier and more appealing.
It is set in an apartment mostly. This is important to the
narrative but also it is again relatable for the target
audience, it looks like an average, everyday setting, it is just
people living their normal lives which makes it scarier
because the audience can identify with the characters. So
again it follows uses and gratifications theory.
The dress codes fit in with the other visual codes and are
very conventional, they are dressed in clothes appropriate for
the setting and narrative such as going-out dresses and a
shirt and jeans.
Intertext Research 3 – Cloverfield
Audio Codes
The trailer uses diagetic sound of people talking
and music, it doesn‟t use a soundtrack. This
makes it seem much more realistic and scary. It
is mostly people speaking or screaming which
along with the direct modes of address makes the
audience feel more involved in the scene. This is
quite unconventional, to use entirely diagetic and
pretty much entirely synchronous audio
throughout the entire trailer. It comes as a shock
to the audience and makes the whole trailer
seem much more realistic and scary.
Intertext Research 3 – Cloverfield
Technical Codes
The trailer uses a lot of medium close-ups which is very conventional
but again makes it look more amateur. It also uses some panning shots
but they are not steady shots, they are a bit shaky, this makes the film
look like it has low production value and makes the audience feel more
involved in the film and allows them to identify with the characters.
The trailer uses entirely cuts, this is so that it looks more amateur but
also so that it doesn‟t detract from more important things in the shots.
Some of the editing uses cuts but with brief gaps in between the shots.
This builds tension and confusion because the camera jumps about and
so the audience don‟t understand what is going on, which makes it
                                  The shot goes
                                  from straight
                                  to looking up
                                  and on its side
                                  which is very
Intertext Research 3 – Cloverfield

Action Codes
When the rocks start flying at the characters
from the sky they all start to run across the
roof and down the stairs, this shows their
urgency and so the audience understands
that they must be afraid. They are also
running frantically which suggests
urgency, this fear is passed onto the
audience. Then in the street lots of people are
running across the shot, this adds to the idea
of panic which is mimicked by the audience.
Intertext Research 3 – Cloverfield
Narrative Codes
The trailer follows an almost entirely linear narrative to the point
where it just shows pretty much one scene of the film. All apart from
the very end after its shown a small part of the credits it cuts back
to obviously before the party because one of the guests says
“Tonight‟s gunna be the best night ever.”. As the audience you know
this isn't true because you‟ve already seen what is going to happen
and so it is scarier for the audience because they can identify with
the character, they can imagine it happening to them.
The trailer seems to follow at least part of Propp‟s theory which is
very conventional, the hero is Rob and the princess is Beth and
then there are a number of characters who play the role of helper:
Hud, Jason, Lily and Marlena. It is fairly unconventional for a film in
this genre to have quite so many important characters, they
generally have fewer main characters, but this just makes it more
interesting for the audience.
Todorov‟s theory can also be applied to the trailer, it shows the
equilibrium, the disruption and the recognition. These are when
everyone is at the party and they are all happy and having fun; then
when they feel the earthquakes and they go onto the roof and see
the disaster in the city; and finally when they all start to panic and
run out into the street.
Intertext Research 4 – Black Swan
A ballet dancer wins the lead in
"Swan Lake" and is perfect for
the role of the delicate White
Swan - Princess Odette - but
slowly loses her mind as she
becomes more and more like
Odile, the Black Swan.

Intertext Research 4 – Black Swan

 Produced by Fox Searchlight Pictures
 UK release date 21st January 2010
 Estimated budget $13,000,000
 Grossed over $100,000,000
 Average review 4/5 – “This is a very
  strange film. In a way, it seems like
  nothing we've seen before.”
Intertext Research 4 – Black Swan
Visual Codes
The trailer is quite well lit and bright but uses a lot of dark colours such as black
and grey these connote evil and darkness. But then it uses soft, pale colours
iconographic of ballet such as pale pink and white, these colours connote good
and purity. It follows the theory of binary oppositions as there is lots of conflict
visual and conceptual and the conceptual conflicts are represented a lot through
colour. The contrast of white and pale pink with black is fairly unconventional
and comes as quite a shock to the audience as usually darker colours are used.
The connotations of the colours used are very important and they become easily
recognised by the audience as representing good and evil.
The dress codes are in line with the colours used they are mostly dressed in
pale pink/white and black. Nina is shown in the beginning of the trailer in pale
pink/white but as the trailer goes on she is shown in increasing amounts of black
and Lily is shown in black, these colours correspond with the audience‟s feeling
towards the characters based on the connotations of the different colours.
The trailer is set mostly in the ballet studio, it is not only because of its
importance as part of the narrative but also because of the various connotations
of it and how it is so iconographic. Ballet and ballet studio‟s represent
tradition, femininity but also purity as it is widely considered to be one of the
purest art forms and so the contrast between that and the evil surrounding
it, makes it fascinating and terrifying for the audience.
Intertext Research 4 – Black Swan
Audio Codes
The trailer uses a mix between a soundtrack and voice
over, which is sometimes diagetic and sometimes non-
diagetic. The sound track uses a variety of instruments
but one that stands out particularly is a violin, it creates
very pure notes but with a quite sinister edge to them. It
is very effective in creating fear in the audience.
The soundtrack is also used to build tension very
effectively, by fading in and out. It also uses sounds that
sound a bit like a gust of wind but in a context in which
they don‟t fit this can be very scary and suggests the
idea of spirits moving around. And it uses lots of people
whispering over the top of each other to create a
sinister effect, this makes it very scary for the audience.
Intertext Research 4 – Black Swan
Technical Codes
The trailer uses a variety of very interesting shots very
effectively. There is an extreme close-up of her ballet shoes, this
is effective because they are so important, so iconographic.
Another extremely effective shot/use of special effects is the one
where she is looking away from the mirror behind her and her
reflection turns around. This is not only scary, but further
suggests the idea of madness.
The shots are edited together using mostly cuts but with some
fades, this builds tension and is very conventional of films in this

                                                Extreme close-up
                                                of iconic ballet
Intertext Research 4 – Black Swan

Action Codes
At the beginning of the trailer the
movements are all very soft and graceful
but as it goes on and Nina goes
increasingly mad, her movements become
faster and more panicked, she begins to
run at various points and the feeling of out-
of control is passed on to the audience
making the trailer scarier.
Intertext Research 4 – Black Swan
Narrative Codes
The trailer follows Propp‟s theory to an extent, but it has been
manipulated and it is very complicated because the
characters seem to change rolls within the film Nina begins
as very much the hero but as it progresses she becomes the
villain and Lily goes from being the helper, to the villain, to
the hero. Then Thomas is the mentor and then the princess
and her mother is the dispatcher. And so the lines between
the character roles are very blurred. It is conventional for a
psychological thriller to do this, but perhaps not to the
extreme that it is done in this film.
Todorov‟s theory can also be applied, it shows the
equilibrium, when Nina has got the part of Odette and she is
happy; then the disruption is when Lily comes along and
things start going wrong and Lily becomes Nina‟s alternate;
the recognition is when she start to realise she is going
slightly mad.
Censorship Issues – 15
From BBFC Website:
Suitable only for 15 years and over
No one younger than 15 may see a „15‟ film in a cinema. No one younger than 15 may rent or buy a „15‟
rated video work.
The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour.
Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse
of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example, aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to
be acceptable
Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.
Imitable behaviour
Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which
could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.
There may be frequent use of strong language (for example, „fuck‟). The strongest terms (for
example, „cunt‟) may be acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated use of the strongest
language is unlikely to be acceptable.
No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds.
Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are
unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable. There may
be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and
have a strong contextual justification.
Censorship Issues – 18
From BBFC Website:
Suitable only for adults
No-one younger than 18 may see an „18‟ film in a cinema. No-one younger than 18 may rent or buy an „18‟
       rated video.
In line with the consistent findings of the BBFC‟s public consultations and The Human Rights Act 1998, at
       „18‟ the BBFC‟s guideline concerns will not normally override the principle that adults should be free to
       choose their own entertainment. Exceptions are most likely in the following areas:
      where the material is in breach of the criminal law, or has been created through the commission of a
       criminal offence
      where material or treatment appears to the BBFC to risk harm to individuals or, through their
       behaviour, to society – for example, any detailed portrayal of violent or dangerous acts, or of illegal
       drug use, which may cause harm to public health or morals. This may include portrayals of sexual or
       sexualised violence which might, for example, eroticise or endorse sexual assault
      where there are more explicit images of sexual activity which cannot be justified by context. Such
       images may be appropriate in „R18‟ works, and in „sex works‟ (see below) would normally be confined
       to that category.
      In the case of video works (including video games), which may be more accessible to younger
       viewers, intervention may be more frequent than
Sex education at ‘18’
Where sex material genuinely seeks to inform and educate in matters such as human sexuality, safer sex
       and health, explicit images of sexual activity may be permitted.
Sex works at ‘18’
Sex works are works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation. Sex works containing only
       material which may be simulated are generally passed „18‟. Sex works containing clear images of real
       sex, strong fetish material, sexually explicit animated images, or other very strong sexual images will
       be confined to the „R18‟ category. Material which is unacceptable in a sex work at „R18‟ is also
       unacceptable in a sex work at „18‟.
Censorship Issues
What I have learnt from this:
 That censorship for films is very important
  because it effects who can watch the film and
  therefore who the target audience is.
 I haven‟t learnt the difference between „15‟ rated
  films and „18‟ rated films. „15‟ rated films can
  contain violence, horror or sexual content but it
  cannot be too explicit or be shown for too long.
  Whereas „18‟ rated films can show almost anything
  but if they are extremely sexually explicit they are
  classified as „18R‟.
 I have decided that my film will be rated „15‟, this is
  because it will include a certain level of horror and
  violence but not too much that would make it an
  18 because this could seriously effect my choice of
  target audience.
Target Audience

Questionnaire links:


Questionnaire   The results from this question
                shows that almost two thirds of
                the people who answered my
                questions were female so this will
                slightly skew my results but nit by
                enough that it will have much of
                an effect. Also my target
                audience will be males and
                female so I know that I have
                collected results from both.

                The results from this question
                show that the majority of the
                people who answered my
                questions were 15-18 this is
                good because this is the majority
                of my target audience and so I
                know that the results I collect will
                be helpful and useful.
                               This tells me that the people who
                               answered my questions were all in
                               demographic E which fits with my
                               target audience and so I am further
                               sure that the answers I get will be
                               applicable to my target audience. It
                               also just adds to my knowledge of
                               my target audience and my target
                               audience profile.

These answers tell me more about my target
audience, it tells me about their media usage which
can come under the interests heading. But also it gives
me an idea about how I would go about doing the
marketing and advertising for my film.
Internet, music, TV and film all have high percentages
this is good because I could advertise my film on the
TV and via the internet but it also tells me that a lot of
my target audience watch films fairly regularly.
These answers tell me that all of
 Questionnaire                      my target audience watch at least
                                    some films, with the most common
                                    answers being 3-4 and 5-6 times a
                                    month. This means that I don‟t have
                                    to get them interested in film
                                    altogether but that I do need to do
                                    something that would stand out and
                                    make them choose my film/trailer
                                    over another one.

The answers that I got from this
question tell me that my target
audience watch quite a lot of TV.
Again this provides me with more
information about their interests
but also this could be used when
planning a marketing/advertising
            This gives me a further
            idea about the
            interests of my target
            audience, I know that
            they have a wide
            range of film interests
            and that they watch a
            range of genres almost
            half like horrors and
            thrillers but             The answers that I got from
            interestingly more than   this question are very
            half like crime/mystery   helpful. They tell me that a
            so I think that we will   small proportion of my target
            think about               audience don‟t like horrors
            incorporating this into   or thrillers but that most do.
            our storyline. Perhaps    Also that there is a slight
            through an                sway towards thrillers over
            investigation of some     horrors and so I think that
            sort.                     we will go for a thriller trailer
                                      rather than a horror one.
These answers tell me that The Grudge
Questionnaire                       and Paranormal Activity appear often as
                                    people‟s favourites. This is very good
                                    news because they were both film trailers
                                    that I analysed and so hopefully I have
                                    worked out what made them people‟s
                                    favourites in my analysis and can
                                    hopefully bring these things across into
                                    my film trailer.

This again adds to my target
audience profile, my knowledge of
my audience and their interests.
These answers have given me things to think
                               about for my trailer lots of people liked how
Questionnaire                  they are scary and so I want to make my
                               trailer as scary as possible. Some people also
                               disliked when they looked unrealistic, so this is
                               another reason why I will do a thriller instead
                               of a horror because a horror would require
                               more gore, blood and guts, which would be
                               difficult to make realistic and so I will avoid this
                               with a thriller. Also a thriller gives more
                               opportunity to do things jumping out, which a
                               couple of people also talked about.

  The people that gave answers to this
  question said that they liked hand-
  held camera work and the
  tense, effective use of music. These
  are both things I will think about
  carefully for my trailer.
                The answers that I got from this
                question are extremely helpful
                because before this I hadn‟t thought
                much about characters. Most
                people liked teenagers in
                horrors/thrillers, I think that this is
                because they can identify with the
                characters. This is also good news
                for me because realistically they
                are by far the easiest actors for us
                to get hold of to use in our trailer.
                They also equally like male and
                female characters so we will
                probably include both. But
                interestingly the characters they
                want to see the most is bad
                characters, this we will think about
                a lot when further planning our
These two questions were linked and they
were two of the most important questions.
The really interesting thing is that everybody
preferred the second idea of a movie filmed
from the killers point of view. They said that
they preferred it because it was more
interesting and unusual. They thought that it
had more potential and that we could use it
to get some good camera shots and angle
such as point of view shots, like suggested in
the first question. We will definitely use this
to decide on our storyline and we will go with
the second idea based on the results from
the questionnaire. The second idea got very
positive reviews and because the people
who answered my questionnaire were in the
target audience, the trailer is very likely to
appeal to the target audience.
What I have learned from my questionnaire results:
 I got answers from people that I know are in my target audience
  based on gender, age and occupation.
 I got background information on my target audience based on
  types of media they use, genres of films they watch, how much
  TV and film they watch and what their favourite films are.
 I also collected information that I will use more specifically for
  the genre of my trailer, the characters that I will use, the
  influences and intertexts my trailer will have, the effects etc that
  I will try and include and the storyline itself.
 I have found out which of the ideas that I was considering the
  target audience preferred and why they preferred it. I also
  received a small amount of constructive criticism, but overall
  very positive reviews for the second idea that I proposed.
 From this feedback I have decided that the basic storyline for
  my trailer is going to be “A movie filmed entirely from the
  killer‟s/murderer‟s point of view, where you see everything the
  way they do.
Target Audience Theories and
Audience theories applied to my text
  Hypodermic Syringe Model
I will be injecting the idea of fear, thrill and excitement
   into my audience through my trailer.
 Uses and Gratifications Theory
Because the results of my questionnaire showed that
   most of my target audience want to see teenagers
   as characters in my trailer at least some of my
   characters will be teenagers. The reason that they
   wanted to see teenagers is because they can
   identify with them. The trailer will also be used for
   entertainment and social interaction and
Audience theories applied to my text

 Polysemic Readings
-Preferred Reading: That the audience will
  find the trailer scary, exciting and
  interesting and that it would make them
  want to watch the whole movie.
-Oppositional Reading: That the audience
  will find it boring, unrealistic or too scary,
  and that it does not make them want to
  watch the whole movie.
Audience theories applied to my text
 Two-Step Flow Theory
The audience will be filtered information from
  opinion leaders such as friends and family
  that they look up to, respect and trust the
  opinion of. However, other opinion leaders
  could also be film critics or anyone‟s
  opinion that the audience trust not
  necessarily someone they know. But the
  hope in these situations is that the opinion
  leaders like it, otherwise they could lead
  other people who might like it to dislike it.
Target audience Profile
    Age:15-21
   Gender: Male & Female
   Occupation: Student and/or weekend/part-time job
   Income: Low, maximum monthly income of £200
   Education: At least GCSE‟s but most likely A Levels also if not
    Higher Education also
   Demographics: E – Unemployed, Students, Casual workers
   Psychographics: Most likely to be mainstreamers or explorers
   Media Consumption: High – 5-8 hours of TV watched a week, 3-6
    films watched a month
   Hobbies & interests: A wide range of media interests but particularly
    internet, music and TV; other interest can include magazines and
    video games; also a wide range of film genres watched, particularly
   Nationality: Can be any but most likely to be western;
    British, American, etc

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Research and planning

  • 2. Contents  Intertext Research 1 – The Grudge Pages 3-9  Intertext Research 2 – Paranormal Activity Pages 10-16  Intertext Research 3 – Cloverfield Pages 17-23  Intertext Research 4 – Black Swan Pages 24-30
  • 4. Intertext Research 1 – The Grudge About “Karen Davis is an American Nurse moves to Tokyo and encounter a supernatural spirit who is vengeful and often possesses its victims. A series of horrifying and mysterious deaths start to occur, with the spirit passing its curse onto each victim. Karen must find away to break the spell, before she becomes its next victim.” Trailer: lFMA
  • 5. Intertext Research 1 – The Grudge Institution  Produced by Columbia Pictures and Ghost House Pictures  Released 24th October 2004  Estimated budget of $10,000,000  Grossed over $180,000,000  Average review of 3/5 – “Throughout the entire film a feeling of complete unease gripped hold of me”
  • 6. Intertext Research 1 – The Grudge Visual Codes This is the first intertext that I have looked at, it is the trailer for the movie The Grudge. The colours used are very dark, lots of black and pale blues, greys and white which contrast therefore binary oppositions theory can be applied. The dark colours connote fear and danger thus the audience immediately understand that it is scary, which is very conventional. The dress codes for the trailer are casual, Karen is wearing a jumper or hoody and you don‟t see her trousers. This gives the audience the impression that she is just going about her everyday life and so it is a surprise when very abnormal things begin to happen. The setting is predominantly the house that she is investigating, that the previous deaths happened in and where the spirit of Kayako is. The house becomes associated to death and fear for the audience and they expect bad things to happen when she goes there.
  • 7. Intertext Research 1 – The Grudge Audio Codes Audio is very important, it is used to build tension. It uses non- diagetic sounds such as a cat meowing, which has the effect of fear on the audience as the connotations of cats are bad luck and black magic, they are also very iconographic. The fact that it is non-diagetic because the boy makes the very realistic meow sound is very effective in scaring the audience. The trailer uses a mix between soundtrack and voice-over which is also effective in building tension and making the audience feel involved in the trailer, it sounds like the narrator whispering in their ear, this has the effect of fear on the audience, which is very conventional.
  • 8. Intertext Research 1 – The Grudge Technical Codes There is a range of camera angles used, the particularly effective ones are the low angle shot and the extreme close-up of an eye showing a reflection of what is happening, this gives the idea of seeing through the eyes of the character and is an interesting and unusual shot. It also begins with a very conventional establishing shot that shows the setting, Tokyo. The shots are edited together mostly with fast cuts between the narrative shots and then fades are used when it goes to information/text shots. This builds tension but also gives the audience a sense of confusion and panic. The trailer is fairly effective in terms of scaring the audience but also getting the audiences' interest. Establishing Extreme close- shot, very up of eye but conventional with long shot in reflection
  • 9. Intertext Research 1 – The Grudge Action Codes The action codes for the trailer are often quite quick, sharp, sudden movements. This is because it along with the audio is very effective in making the audience jump, and scaring them. There is also the movement of the background behind the text, it waves diagonally across the screen and looks like hair blowing in the wind which is quite iconographic of the film because of the girl with long, dark, straggly hair.
  • 10. Intertext Research 1 – The Grudge Narrative Codes The trailer follows a fairly linear narrative but with quick flashbacks to the past when the original family lived there. It follows Propp‟s theory quite clearly, Karen Davis is the hero, Doug is the princess and Kayako is the villain. There are the rest of Propp‟s characters in the film but those are the ones that you see in the trailer. They are very often seen as the most important characters and so it is very conventional that you see them in the trailer. The trailer follows Todorov‟s theory but also the conventions of the genre because it shows the equilibrium briefly at the beginning, then it shows the disruption and the recognition. This is fairly representative of the film but without giving too much away, although the film does spend a while on the attempt to repair. It is conventional for films in this genre to follow Todorov‟s theory even if it has been manipulated.
  • 11. Intertext Research 2 – Paranormal Activity About “After a young, middle class couple moves into a suburban house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be somehow demonic but is certainly most active in the middle of the night. Especially when they sleep.” Trailer: F_UxLEqd074
  • 12. Intertext Research 2 – Paranormal Activity Institution  Produced by Blumhouse Productions  UK released date 25th November 2009  Estimated budget of $15,000  Grossed almost $200,000,000  Average review of 4/5 – “Both hair- raising and chilling, this suburban drama skips genre clichés, to come up with a claustrophobic classic”
  • 13. Intertext Research 2 – Paranormal Activity Visual Codes The dress codes are very much everyday, casual clothes. This is because the people they are filming are supposed to be average people just going to the cinema. The people in the film are also dressed in casual clothes such as jeans and t-shirts, this is conventional of thriller/horror movies, this is because it allows to audience to identify with the characters, thus making it scarier and so uses and gratifications theory can be applied. The lighting for the film looks natural, like the lighting that would exist in the setting of a house because again it allows the audience to identify with the characters but the lighting in the cinema is dark because it is meant to look like a real cinema. The colours used are quite contrasting and so you can apply binary oppositions, it has the effect of fear on the audience because the lack of colour connotes fear and darkness. The setting is also very conventional as thriller/horror movies are often based around one particular location or character. But showing the location of the cinema and people reactions is very unconventional. It creates a lot of interest and so it required them to spend less on marketing/advertising.
  • 14. Intertext Research 2 – Paranormal Activity Audio Codes The film uses mostly voice-overs that are diagetic but not always synchronous. This is a direct mode of address and the audience feel more involved in the trailer and therefore the film seem scarier. It also uses sound effects that are diagetic such as doors slamming or when the boyfriend is thrown into the camera, this makes it seem more real and therefore scarier also. It also uses some soundtrack in the background, such as drum beats. These are used to build tension in the trailer.
  • 15. Intertext Research 2 – Paranormal Activity Technical Codes The film looks to have low production values the audience so identify with the characters and so they feel involved in the movie and trailer and like it could be them. The trailer looks like someone taking a camera into the cinema and recording. The idea behind the camera angles/shots and the editing is that it makes the film seem much more realistic, therefore making the story more believable and scary to the audience. The trailer uses lots of medium close-ups and zooming shots, but the camera is not held steady it looks like an amateur holding the camera because it feels more real. Shot showing Explains to the Micah holding the audience that main camera used they are filming for filming themselves
  • 16. Intertext Research 2 – Paranormal Activity Action Codes The film also uses quite a lot of sharp, sudden movements match the audio and use of editing, such as cuts. The trailer ends quite suddenly with Micah being thrown at the camera and so this has the effect of fear on the audience. Sudden movements, particularly if they start from nowhere, can be very effective in making the audience jump.
  • 17. Intertext Research 2 – Paranormal Activity Narrative Codes The trailer is unconventional because it is much more about people's reactions to the movie than the movie itself it shows quite a small amount of the movie, so it creates a lot of enigma. The trailer follows a fairly linear narrative, it also follows Propp‟s theory quite clearly, Katie is the hero, Micah is the princess/helper and the psychic is the mentor. The trailer follows Todorov‟s theory but is quite unconventional because it doesn‟t just use clips from the film. It shows the equilibrium of the people going to see the film but also in the film itself. And it then show the disruption and the recognition of the disruption which is when they start to think something it in the house and when the people in the cinema start to get scared. And then the attempt to repair which is when they are talking to the psychic.
  • 18. Intertext Research 3 – Cloverfield About “Cloverfield follows five New Yorkers from the perspective of a hand-held video camera. The movie starts as a monster of unknown origin destroys a building. As the characters go to investigate, parts of the building and the head of the Statue of Liberty comes raining down. The movie follows their adventure trying to escape and save a friend, a love interest of the main character.” Trailer: m8mxiM
  • 19. Intertext Research 3 – Cloverfield Institution  Produced by Paramount Pictures  UK release date 1st February 2008  Estimated budget $25,000,000  Grossed over $170,000,000  Average review 4/5 – “A dazzling experiment that paid off immensely, this is cinematic pleasure at its purest.”
  • 20. Intertext Research 3 – Cloverfield Visual Codes The trailer is quite dark and fairly dimly lit it looks realistic like it is set in an apartment at night and like it is filmed with just and hand-held. This makes it more relatable for the target audience so uses and gratifications theory can be applied, and thus it is scarier and more appealing. It is set in an apartment mostly. This is important to the narrative but also it is again relatable for the target audience, it looks like an average, everyday setting, it is just people living their normal lives which makes it scarier because the audience can identify with the characters. So again it follows uses and gratifications theory. The dress codes fit in with the other visual codes and are very conventional, they are dressed in clothes appropriate for the setting and narrative such as going-out dresses and a shirt and jeans.
  • 21. Intertext Research 3 – Cloverfield Audio Codes The trailer uses diagetic sound of people talking and music, it doesn‟t use a soundtrack. This makes it seem much more realistic and scary. It is mostly people speaking or screaming which along with the direct modes of address makes the audience feel more involved in the scene. This is quite unconventional, to use entirely diagetic and pretty much entirely synchronous audio throughout the entire trailer. It comes as a shock to the audience and makes the whole trailer seem much more realistic and scary.
  • 22. Intertext Research 3 – Cloverfield Technical Codes The trailer uses a lot of medium close-ups which is very conventional but again makes it look more amateur. It also uses some panning shots but they are not steady shots, they are a bit shaky, this makes the film look like it has low production value and makes the audience feel more involved in the film and allows them to identify with the characters. The trailer uses entirely cuts, this is so that it looks more amateur but also so that it doesn‟t detract from more important things in the shots. Some of the editing uses cuts but with brief gaps in between the shots. This builds tension and confusion because the camera jumps about and so the audience don‟t understand what is going on, which makes it scarier. The shot goes from straight to looking up and on its side which is very confusing
  • 23. Intertext Research 3 – Cloverfield Action Codes When the rocks start flying at the characters from the sky they all start to run across the roof and down the stairs, this shows their urgency and so the audience understands that they must be afraid. They are also running frantically which suggests urgency, this fear is passed onto the audience. Then in the street lots of people are running across the shot, this adds to the idea of panic which is mimicked by the audience.
  • 24. Intertext Research 3 – Cloverfield Narrative Codes The trailer follows an almost entirely linear narrative to the point where it just shows pretty much one scene of the film. All apart from the very end after its shown a small part of the credits it cuts back to obviously before the party because one of the guests says “Tonight‟s gunna be the best night ever.”. As the audience you know this isn't true because you‟ve already seen what is going to happen and so it is scarier for the audience because they can identify with the character, they can imagine it happening to them. The trailer seems to follow at least part of Propp‟s theory which is very conventional, the hero is Rob and the princess is Beth and then there are a number of characters who play the role of helper: Hud, Jason, Lily and Marlena. It is fairly unconventional for a film in this genre to have quite so many important characters, they generally have fewer main characters, but this just makes it more interesting for the audience. Todorov‟s theory can also be applied to the trailer, it shows the equilibrium, the disruption and the recognition. These are when everyone is at the party and they are all happy and having fun; then when they feel the earthquakes and they go onto the roof and see the disaster in the city; and finally when they all start to panic and run out into the street.
  • 25. Intertext Research 4 – Black Swan About: A ballet dancer wins the lead in "Swan Lake" and is perfect for the role of the delicate White Swan - Princess Odette - but slowly loses her mind as she becomes more and more like Odile, the Black Swan. Trailer: v=5jaI1XOB-bs
  • 26. Intertext Research 4 – Black Swan Institution  Produced by Fox Searchlight Pictures  UK release date 21st January 2010  Estimated budget $13,000,000  Grossed over $100,000,000  Average review 4/5 – “This is a very strange film. In a way, it seems like nothing we've seen before.”
  • 27. Intertext Research 4 – Black Swan Visual Codes The trailer is quite well lit and bright but uses a lot of dark colours such as black and grey these connote evil and darkness. But then it uses soft, pale colours iconographic of ballet such as pale pink and white, these colours connote good and purity. It follows the theory of binary oppositions as there is lots of conflict visual and conceptual and the conceptual conflicts are represented a lot through colour. The contrast of white and pale pink with black is fairly unconventional and comes as quite a shock to the audience as usually darker colours are used. The connotations of the colours used are very important and they become easily recognised by the audience as representing good and evil. The dress codes are in line with the colours used they are mostly dressed in pale pink/white and black. Nina is shown in the beginning of the trailer in pale pink/white but as the trailer goes on she is shown in increasing amounts of black and Lily is shown in black, these colours correspond with the audience‟s feeling towards the characters based on the connotations of the different colours. The trailer is set mostly in the ballet studio, it is not only because of its importance as part of the narrative but also because of the various connotations of it and how it is so iconographic. Ballet and ballet studio‟s represent tradition, femininity but also purity as it is widely considered to be one of the purest art forms and so the contrast between that and the evil surrounding it, makes it fascinating and terrifying for the audience.
  • 28. Intertext Research 4 – Black Swan Audio Codes The trailer uses a mix between a soundtrack and voice over, which is sometimes diagetic and sometimes non- diagetic. The sound track uses a variety of instruments but one that stands out particularly is a violin, it creates very pure notes but with a quite sinister edge to them. It is very effective in creating fear in the audience. The soundtrack is also used to build tension very effectively, by fading in and out. It also uses sounds that sound a bit like a gust of wind but in a context in which they don‟t fit this can be very scary and suggests the idea of spirits moving around. And it uses lots of people whispering over the top of each other to create a sinister effect, this makes it very scary for the audience.
  • 29. Intertext Research 4 – Black Swan Technical Codes The trailer uses a variety of very interesting shots very effectively. There is an extreme close-up of her ballet shoes, this is effective because they are so important, so iconographic. Another extremely effective shot/use of special effects is the one where she is looking away from the mirror behind her and her reflection turns around. This is not only scary, but further suggests the idea of madness. The shots are edited together using mostly cuts but with some fades, this builds tension and is very conventional of films in this genre. Extreme close-up of iconic ballet shoes
  • 30. Intertext Research 4 – Black Swan Action Codes At the beginning of the trailer the movements are all very soft and graceful but as it goes on and Nina goes increasingly mad, her movements become faster and more panicked, she begins to run at various points and the feeling of out- of control is passed on to the audience making the trailer scarier.
  • 31. Intertext Research 4 – Black Swan Narrative Codes The trailer follows Propp‟s theory to an extent, but it has been manipulated and it is very complicated because the characters seem to change rolls within the film Nina begins as very much the hero but as it progresses she becomes the villain and Lily goes from being the helper, to the villain, to the hero. Then Thomas is the mentor and then the princess and her mother is the dispatcher. And so the lines between the character roles are very blurred. It is conventional for a psychological thriller to do this, but perhaps not to the extreme that it is done in this film. Todorov‟s theory can also be applied, it shows the equilibrium, when Nina has got the part of Odette and she is happy; then the disruption is when Lily comes along and things start going wrong and Lily becomes Nina‟s alternate; the recognition is when she start to realise she is going slightly mad.
  • 33. Censorship Issues – 15 From BBFC Website: Suitable only for 15 years and over No one younger than 15 may see a „15‟ film in a cinema. No one younger than 15 may rent or buy a „15‟ rated video work. Discrimination The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour. Drugs Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example, aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable Horror Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised. Imitable behaviour Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised. Language There may be frequent use of strong language (for example, „fuck‟). The strongest terms (for example, „cunt‟) may be acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable. Theme No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds. Violence Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification.
  • 34. Censorship Issues – 18 From BBFC Website: Suitable only for adults No-one younger than 18 may see an „18‟ film in a cinema. No-one younger than 18 may rent or buy an „18‟ rated video. In line with the consistent findings of the BBFC‟s public consultations and The Human Rights Act 1998, at „18‟ the BBFC‟s guideline concerns will not normally override the principle that adults should be free to choose their own entertainment. Exceptions are most likely in the following areas:  where the material is in breach of the criminal law, or has been created through the commission of a criminal offence  where material or treatment appears to the BBFC to risk harm to individuals or, through their behaviour, to society – for example, any detailed portrayal of violent or dangerous acts, or of illegal drug use, which may cause harm to public health or morals. This may include portrayals of sexual or sexualised violence which might, for example, eroticise or endorse sexual assault  where there are more explicit images of sexual activity which cannot be justified by context. Such images may be appropriate in „R18‟ works, and in „sex works‟ (see below) would normally be confined to that category.  In the case of video works (including video games), which may be more accessible to younger viewers, intervention may be more frequent than Sex education at ‘18’ Where sex material genuinely seeks to inform and educate in matters such as human sexuality, safer sex and health, explicit images of sexual activity may be permitted. Sex works at ‘18’ Sex works are works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation. Sex works containing only material which may be simulated are generally passed „18‟. Sex works containing clear images of real sex, strong fetish material, sexually explicit animated images, or other very strong sexual images will be confined to the „R18‟ category. Material which is unacceptable in a sex work at „R18‟ is also unacceptable in a sex work at „18‟.
  • 35. Censorship Issues What I have learnt from this:  That censorship for films is very important because it effects who can watch the film and therefore who the target audience is.  I haven‟t learnt the difference between „15‟ rated films and „18‟ rated films. „15‟ rated films can contain violence, horror or sexual content but it cannot be too explicit or be shown for too long. Whereas „18‟ rated films can show almost anything but if they are extremely sexually explicit they are classified as „18R‟.  I have decided that my film will be rated „15‟, this is because it will include a certain level of horror and violence but not too much that would make it an 18 because this could seriously effect my choice of target audience.
  • 38. Questionnaire Questionnaire links:  bin/  bin/  bin/
  • 39. Questionnaire The results from this question shows that almost two thirds of the people who answered my questions were female so this will slightly skew my results but nit by enough that it will have much of an effect. Also my target audience will be males and female so I know that I have collected results from both. The results from this question show that the majority of the people who answered my questions were 15-18 this is good because this is the majority of my target audience and so I know that the results I collect will be helpful and useful.
  • 40. Questionnaire This tells me that the people who answered my questions were all in demographic E which fits with my target audience and so I am further sure that the answers I get will be applicable to my target audience. It also just adds to my knowledge of my target audience and my target audience profile. These answers tell me more about my target audience, it tells me about their media usage which can come under the interests heading. But also it gives me an idea about how I would go about doing the marketing and advertising for my film. Internet, music, TV and film all have high percentages this is good because I could advertise my film on the TV and via the internet but it also tells me that a lot of my target audience watch films fairly regularly.
  • 41. These answers tell me that all of Questionnaire my target audience watch at least some films, with the most common answers being 3-4 and 5-6 times a month. This means that I don‟t have to get them interested in film altogether but that I do need to do something that would stand out and make them choose my film/trailer over another one. The answers that I got from this question tell me that my target audience watch quite a lot of TV. Again this provides me with more information about their interests but also this could be used when planning a marketing/advertising campaign.
  • 42. Questionnaire This gives me a further idea about the interests of my target audience, I know that they have a wide range of film interests and that they watch a range of genres almost half like horrors and thrillers but The answers that I got from interestingly more than this question are very half like crime/mystery helpful. They tell me that a so I think that we will small proportion of my target think about audience don‟t like horrors incorporating this into or thrillers but that most do. our storyline. Perhaps Also that there is a slight through an sway towards thrillers over investigation of some horrors and so I think that sort. we will go for a thriller trailer rather than a horror one.
  • 43. These answers tell me that The Grudge Questionnaire and Paranormal Activity appear often as people‟s favourites. This is very good news because they were both film trailers that I analysed and so hopefully I have worked out what made them people‟s favourites in my analysis and can hopefully bring these things across into my film trailer. This again adds to my target audience profile, my knowledge of my audience and their interests.
  • 44. These answers have given me things to think about for my trailer lots of people liked how Questionnaire they are scary and so I want to make my trailer as scary as possible. Some people also disliked when they looked unrealistic, so this is another reason why I will do a thriller instead of a horror because a horror would require more gore, blood and guts, which would be difficult to make realistic and so I will avoid this with a thriller. Also a thriller gives more opportunity to do things jumping out, which a couple of people also talked about. The people that gave answers to this question said that they liked hand- held camera work and the tense, effective use of music. These are both things I will think about carefully for my trailer.
  • 45. Questionnaire The answers that I got from this question are extremely helpful because before this I hadn‟t thought much about characters. Most people liked teenagers in horrors/thrillers, I think that this is because they can identify with the characters. This is also good news for me because realistically they are by far the easiest actors for us to get hold of to use in our trailer. They also equally like male and female characters so we will probably include both. But interestingly the characters they want to see the most is bad characters, this we will think about a lot when further planning our storyline.
  • 46. Questionnaire These two questions were linked and they were two of the most important questions. The really interesting thing is that everybody preferred the second idea of a movie filmed from the killers point of view. They said that they preferred it because it was more interesting and unusual. They thought that it had more potential and that we could use it to get some good camera shots and angle such as point of view shots, like suggested in the first question. We will definitely use this to decide on our storyline and we will go with the second idea based on the results from the questionnaire. The second idea got very positive reviews and because the people who answered my questionnaire were in the target audience, the trailer is very likely to appeal to the target audience.
  • 47. Questionnaire What I have learned from my questionnaire results:  I got answers from people that I know are in my target audience based on gender, age and occupation.  I got background information on my target audience based on types of media they use, genres of films they watch, how much TV and film they watch and what their favourite films are.  I also collected information that I will use more specifically for the genre of my trailer, the characters that I will use, the influences and intertexts my trailer will have, the effects etc that I will try and include and the storyline itself.  I have found out which of the ideas that I was considering the target audience preferred and why they preferred it. I also received a small amount of constructive criticism, but overall very positive reviews for the second idea that I proposed.  From this feedback I have decided that the basic storyline for my trailer is going to be “A movie filmed entirely from the killer‟s/murderer‟s point of view, where you see everything the way they do.
  • 49. Audience theories applied to my text  Hypodermic Syringe Model I will be injecting the idea of fear, thrill and excitement into my audience through my trailer.  Uses and Gratifications Theory Because the results of my questionnaire showed that most of my target audience want to see teenagers as characters in my trailer at least some of my characters will be teenagers. The reason that they wanted to see teenagers is because they can identify with them. The trailer will also be used for entertainment and social interaction and integration.
  • 50. Audience theories applied to my text  Polysemic Readings -Preferred Reading: That the audience will find the trailer scary, exciting and interesting and that it would make them want to watch the whole movie. -Oppositional Reading: That the audience will find it boring, unrealistic or too scary, and that it does not make them want to watch the whole movie.
  • 51. Audience theories applied to my text  Two-Step Flow Theory The audience will be filtered information from opinion leaders such as friends and family that they look up to, respect and trust the opinion of. However, other opinion leaders could also be film critics or anyone‟s opinion that the audience trust not necessarily someone they know. But the hope in these situations is that the opinion leaders like it, otherwise they could lead other people who might like it to dislike it.
  • 52. Target audience Profile  Age:15-21  Gender: Male & Female  Occupation: Student and/or weekend/part-time job  Income: Low, maximum monthly income of £200  Education: At least GCSE‟s but most likely A Levels also if not Higher Education also  Demographics: E – Unemployed, Students, Casual workers  Psychographics: Most likely to be mainstreamers or explorers  Media Consumption: High – 5-8 hours of TV watched a week, 3-6 films watched a month  Hobbies & interests: A wide range of media interests but particularly internet, music and TV; other interest can include magazines and video games; also a wide range of film genres watched, particularly comedies  Nationality: Can be any but most likely to be western; British, American, etc