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Yoga You
This e-book has been written for information purposes only. Every
effort has been made to make this e-book as complete and accurate as
However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this
e-book provides information only up to the publishing date. Therefore,
this e-book should be used as a guide - not as the ultimate source.
The purpose of this e-book is to educate. The author and the publisher
does not warrant that the information contained in this e-book is fully
complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions.
The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility
to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or
alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this e-book.
Yoga You
Yoga You
Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................7
Step One: The Introduction and Preparation .................................8
Step Two: The Main Routine .......................................................8
Step Three: Ending the Session...................................................8
Chapter 1: Questions Commonly Asked About Yoga................10
What is Yoga? ..........................................................................10
Do I Need To Be Religious To Get The Most Out Of Yoga? ..............11
Where Can I Do Yoga? ..............................................................11
I'm Not Very Fit - Is Yoga for Me?...............................................12
Misunderstandings About Yoga ..............................................................12
Misconception Number One: Yoga Is A Form Of Exercise. .............13
Misconception Number Two: Yoga Is For Hippies .........................13
Misconception Number Three: Yoga Is a Fad ...............................13
Misconception Number Four: Yoga Is Too Slow To Help Me Lose
Weight/Gain Tone Etc. ..............................................................14
Chapter 2: Yoga and Exercise .................................................16
Achieving the Correct Yoga Poses ..........................................................18
Chapter 3: The Philosophy Of Yoga .........................................21
Non-Spiritual Yoga .................................................................................23
Chapter 4: Getting The Most Out Of Yoga For Your Health ......26
Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight .............................................................28
Chapter 5: The Motivations of Yoga Practices .........................31
Yoga You
Chapter 6: Finding The Right Yoga Class.................................34
Decide On What You Want To Achieve Before Choosing A Style ......34
Join a Class-By-Class Program ...................................................35
Ensure That You Are Being Taught By Someone Who Knows What
They Are Doing ........................................................................35
Be Aware Of Hidden Costs .........................................................36
Mistakes Made By Yoga Newbies............................................................36
Not Knowing What You Want From Yoga......................................37
Jumping In Feet First ................................................................37
Choosing the Wrong Teacher .....................................................38
Chapter 7: Yoga Benefits For The Businessman ......................39
Physical Health.........................................................................39
Mental Health...........................................................................40
Importance Yoga Has For Office Workers...............................................42
So How Does This All Help Our Office Worker? .............................42
Chapter 8: Safe Yoga Practices ...............................................44
Start Slowly.............................................................................44
Use Proper Equipment...............................................................44
Wear Good Clothing ..................................................................45
Learn from an Expert ................................................................45
Listen to Your Body...................................................................45
Conclusion ..............................................................................46
Mobility and Flexibility...............................................................46
Reduced Stress ........................................................................47
Yoga You
The benefits of Yoga are well known to everyone who has ever
tried the discipline but if you are new to Yoga let me recap.
Yoga is a fantastically popular and effective way of strengthening you
physically as well as mentally and spiritually. This last 'spiritual' aspect
may turn some people off, but it's not something that needs to be
associated with religion.
Really the best alternate word for the spiritual strength of Yoga is
contentment or happiness. It allows you to be a calmer person and
more happy with yourself. Put like that it sounds pretty great doesn't
So you've probably heard a little about Yoga and wondered what it's all
about. You probably have a few preconceptions and maybe an image
of an old man with a long beard sitting in the lotus position springs
into your head in automatic association with the word.
Yoga You
Let's go through step by step what you can expect in a typical Yoga
Step One: The Introduction and Preparation
Most Yoga classes begin in a standing position. There are both mental
and physical reasons for this and they are closely connected. The
standing position is the most natural Human position there is.
Leonardo Da Vinci produced a famous scientific picture of the
symmetry of the human body when it is in its natural standing
position. The outstretched arms and legs can have a perfect circle
drawn around them and this is true of everyone regardless of their
height or weight.
What this means is that a standing pose comes naturally to us - we
are not worried about getting it wrong and we can concentrate of the
state of the body. Breathing exercises will be a key part of the warm
up stage for your routine.
This is the only time in your life you will be 'taught' to breath and it's a
skill which allows people to restore calm to their bodies and thoughts.
Step Two: The Main Routine
This is the art of your Yoga session which will vary the greatest
depending on what forms of Yoga you are learning. While the
individual exercises you will be doing are going to be quite different,
the nature of them will be very similar.
This will mean moving into certain poses and positions and holding
those poses to allow the body to stretch out muscles and muscle
groups that in many cases haven't been given much attention during
the week.
Some Yoga teachers will talk to you about energy points of chakras.
These are important junctions in your body where congestion occurs
and stretching them out allows energy to flow freely around your
Step Three: Ending the Session
Yoga You
While the main session is about releasing pent up energies, this stage
of your Yoga workout is all about allowing that energy to flow around
your body. Many people have trouble with thinking about some
strange mystic force that is flowing through you and driving it to
certain parts of your body.
If you are one of them just mentally substitute the word 'energy' with
the word 'blood'.
We know that the job of blood is to carry nutrients and oxygen around
our body, and we know that if any part of our body is lacking in this
supply that we will become ill, so it's not a huge stretch to think of
blood as the mystic energy force that brings health around our body,
and exercises such as Yoga as being the method of ensuring the
smooth and successful flow of that blood.
Yoga You
Chapter 1: Questions
Commonly Asked About Yoga
Yoga has been around for an incredibly long time and over that
period different practitioners have added their own
refinements and styles into the basic Yoga discipline.
There are so many different styles now it is nearly impossible to count,
but they all stem from the same core philosophy and methodology.
Unfortunately the multiple different styles often lead newcomers to the
exercise discipline to become very confused as to what they are doing
and what they can hope to achieve with Yoga. In this article we
answer some of the common questions.
What is Yoga?
This question is the most common from newcomers. Most people have
a general idea but they are not sure where Yoga fits into the world. Is
it an exercise? Is it a philosophy? Is it a form of physical therapy? Is it
a spiritual process?
Yoga You
The answer is that to different people Yoga is all of these things. At its
core it is a group of exercises and poses which are very low impact
and work by strengthening the body and increasing its flexibility
through static exercise.
This means that each pose will 'stretch' a certain area and the body
benefits from this stretch by increased blood flow and energy release.
Many of the exercises release tension from areas of the body that
regular activities do not cater to.
Because Yoga is performed slowly and with a strong emphasis on
correct breathing patterns there is also a strong mental and spiritual
element to the exercise. It is seen as a way of cleansing mind, body
and spirit.
Do I Need To Be Religious To Get The Most Out Of Yoga?
As mentioned above Yoga is different things to different people. There
are many people in the world who perform Yoga purely for its spiritual
benefits. There are many others who perform Yoga purely for the
physical benefits associated with it.
What you get out of Yoga will depend largely on your mindset, your
openness to new ideas and your ability to let yourself fall fully into a
meditative state. For some people this is very difficult at first, but that
is still not going to prevent them from getting the physical benefits
associated with Yoga classes.
You will find that even if you do not have any strong spiritual base you
will still benefit from an increase in your self-confidence and personal
Where Can I Do Yoga?
Practically anywhere. Many people practice Yoga in their homes every
day. Others will go to the local park and practice Yoga with a group of
To begin with it's a good idea to inquire at your local gym about Yoga
classes, many of them will be holding Yoga every day. Even if they
aren't they will be able to tell you where the best place to learn Yoga
Yoga You
is. Some local councils sponsor Yoga classes in their area in
recognition of the benefits to people who exercise regularly. One of the
big advantages of a Yoga based exercise regime is that there is no
expensive equipment to buy and then store around your house.
Some poses are assisted by cushions to support the body, but in
general the only thing you need is your body.
I'm Not Very Fit - Is Yoga for Me?
Yes. Very much so. One of the fantastic things about Yoga is that the
exercises and poses you will learn can be adjusted to your level.
Fitness isn't usually a problem because the exercises are slow and
often static, but your body will become better at performing them over
time as your strength and flexibility improves. Knowing your limit and
ensuring that you don't 'ease up' out of habit gain the best benefit.
Hopefully you will now have a good understanding of what yoga is and
why you should be doing it. Remember that Yoga is something that
once learned can be practiced anywhere you like and as often as you
like. Indeed, this is one of the key components of Yoga's popularity.
Misunderstandings About Yoga
Yoga is a very popular form of exercising and spiritual balancing, but it
is also very often understood by a lot of people. This is almost
inevitable when you consider the incredible popularity of Yoga as a
discipline and the many different strands that Yoga has.
Quite often people have experience with one type of Yoga but not
another, and as such they will base their overall impression of Yoga on
what they have seen.
It is like people basing their impression on Germans on the most
famous German they know - Adolf Hitler, or more recently the
portrayal of George Bush internationally as the only example of an
American anyone knows.
Yoga You
The truth is that Yoga can be very different depending on who you
learn it from and how they perceive Yoga. This article looks at some of
the common misconceptions.
Misconception Number One: Yoga Is A Form Of Exercise.
Well yes it is, but so is walking. I can walk from my couch to my table
and I can hardly claim to have done my exercise for the day. The truth
is that exercise is just the beginning of what yoga is. Its closer to a
combination of exercise, physiotherapy, psychology and spirituality all
rolled into one.
As you come to master Yoga you will need to become more and more
mentally strong, and most importantly disciplined. If you can discipline
yourself to do regular Yoga sessions, and maintain your discipline to
do each pose for the prescribed time, and do it properly, then you will
naturally become a very disciplined and organized person.
For some people this transcends to a spiritual level because they are
so efficient and clearing their thoughts while meditating.
Misconception Number Two: Yoga Is For Hippies
As previously mentioned Yoga can be a very spiritual experience if you
become good enough at clearing your thoughts and concentrating
whilst performing the exercises.
But you certainly do not have to begin with any spiritual belief. Yoga
believes in aligning the body and the mind and the spirit through
achieving inner balance.
What that means to you is probably going to depend entirely on what
your beliefs already are. For some people it will be a spiritually freeing
experience, for others it will be an effective way of distressing and
achieving a level of calmness of thought. Still others will claim that
these things are one and the same.
Misconception Number Three: Yoga Is a Fad
Recently there have been some much hyped up Yoga courses making
big claims about what Yoga can achieve. These are easy to associate
Yoga You
with other 'fad' exercise crazes. However Yoga is not something new
and is based in documents that are hundreds of years old which
describe exercises and poses that were probably being performed for
generations before that.
An individual style of Yoga may come and go, but as long as people
are still stretching before a game of football then Yoga will still be
being used.
Misconception Number Four: Yoga Is Too Slow To Help Me
Lose Weight/Gain Tone Etc.
This one is way off the mark, but we have been somewhat trained by
the weight loss industry that weight loss, and toning our body is all
about hours in the gym and fast high impact exercise.
That's simply not true. Yoga can help with weight loss and in
particularly toning for a number of reasons. Firstly the exercises, while
low impact and performed either statically or slowly - are still
While you use them you are using your muscles, and in many cases
you are using muscles and muscle groups that regular exercise
programs ignore. The second way that Yoga can be of benefit in a
weight loss program is that it will increase your mental strength and
allow you to be more disciplined with your food consumption.
When it comes down to it excess weight is a result of excess eating
and not enough physical exercise to burn off those calories. Have you
ever noticed how some people can eat donut after donut and not put
on any weight at all?
It seems unfair, but it's a natural result of the state of their body.
Usually these people will be quite 'sinewy' and this muscle allows them
the metabolize food faster.
That's the third benefit of Yoga in weight loss, as your muscles develop
your body will actually become more efficient at consuming foods and
processing them into nutrients and waste.
Yoga You
Hopefully we have now gone some way to explaining away the various
myths associated with Yoga. It is such a broad topic that it is very
much a case of Yoga being what you make of it.
Yoga You
Chapter 2: Yoga and Exercise
Is Yoga the perfect form of exercise and relaxation? Let's make
a list of what our ideal type of exercise would do.
Firstly it would be simple enough that anyone could do it, but have
enough variations and different methods that it would maintain the
interest of someone who had been practicing it for years.
It would need to be easy to learn so that people could pick up the
basics quickly and stat seeing the benefits as soon as possible. To be a
perfect form of exercise it would need to be capable of keep our body
in good shape all by itself.
It would help with weight loss, circulation and increasing the strength
of the muscles. It would stimulate the lymphatic system as well as the
blood flow and help the body dispose of waste products, improving the
overall immune response system.
It would also have benefits that went beyond health - the sharpening
of the mind and an increased sense of wellbeing and contentment.
Ideally it would be an exercise form that required no expensive
Yoga You
equipment and that could be practiced practically anywhere, alone or
in a group.
This is quite a demanding set of prerequisites for a perfect form of
exercise. Let's see if Yoga measures up to these standards.
Yoga is a discipline that has its roots in India. The documents that
modern Yoga is based on are hundreds of years old, and the principles
behind these documents were practiced long before that. It is a low
impact form of exercise that has been tweaked and customized by
literally thousands of different teachers and enthusiasts.
They are numerous resulting 'styles' of Yoga, but they all have the
same core background and beliefs. What we refer to as Yoga in the
West is usually the physical component of an entire life philosophy that
has its own beliefs and code of ethics built in.
The physical focus of Yoga is on poses and slow movements that are
low impact and usually use nothing more than our own body.
Sometimes props and supports are used to assist the body in
achieving and holding a particular pose.
The poses can vary greatly in their degree of difficulty and even the
same pose can have many different stages or levels. The perfect
example is a simple forward stretch. One person may be able to
stretch out past their knees, another may be able to reach their ankles
and somebody else may be able to touch the floor.
This level of progression allows us to see a physical difference in our
flexibility level as we practice Yoga more regularly. And because Yoga
does not require any special equipment we are not refined to set class
times and can practice Yoga anywhere and anytime the fancy takes us.
We can even do breathing exercises to clear the mind while sitting at a
work desk.
Yoga has some incredible health benefits which stem from controlled
breathing and increased blood flow. Our bodies organs simply do not
operate at peak efficiency unless they are receiving the oxygen and
nutrients that they need.
Yoga You
The waste products from our muscles and organs are carried away by
the lymphatic system. Both systems can develop chokepoints and
blockages that different Yoga poses will address and correct.
The result is a better more regular blood pressure, a more efficient
immunity system and an optimal digestive process.
Because Yoga movements are slow and simple, the focus on correct
breathing has a pronounced mental effect on the body. It provides us
with an enhanced ability to focus, and to un-clutter our thoughts. This
is a valuable edge in modern life and its importance should not be
under estimated.
Finally many regular Yoga enthusiasts will tell you that there is a
spiritual side to Yoga, how far this affects an individual will probably
depend on their beliefs before they begin practicing Yoga, but it can
perhaps be thought of most accurately with a greater comfort and
connection with your own body. The increased acceptance of yourself,
and comfort with your own being results directly in more happy
So, it looks like Yoga does indeed check all the boxes and can be
thought of as a perfect exercise form.
Achieving the Correct Yoga Poses
Yoga has been described as a science which seeks to achieve the
harmonious and balanced development of the body, mind and soul. It
is a system which allows us to bring culture, balance and happiness to
It works via a need for strong mental discipline and the ancient
theories, which it is based on regarding the interconnection between
the mind and body, are now being regularly supported by modern
scientific theory. Yoga consists of a number of different exercises or
Examples of these poses are the cat and cow poses. Both are
connected and begin with you on all fours on the floor. Arching the
Yoga You
back upwards like a cornered cat places you in the cat pose and the
reverse, lowering the back puts you into the cow pose.
Another common form of exercise is a forward bend that will help in
the stretching of the lower back and hamstring muscles. There are a
number of other advantages to forward bends: They release tension in
the back neck and shoulder as well as increasing the flexibility of the
Forward bends can be uncomfortable if you have any injuries in the
next or back area, but regularly performing will help assists in the
recovery of these injuries and even strengthen the area for the future.
The counterpart of a forward bend is a back bend. These open up the
chest, hips and rib cage area. As well as strengthening the arms, they
also provide increased strength and flexibility to the shoulders.
This type of exercise is fantastic at increasing the stability of the spine,
but is also useful for relieving built up tension along the front of the
body and the hips. The relationship between back and forward bends
is a perfect example of the importance of the bodies balance in Yoga.
Hatha Yoga poses were developed in India during the fifteenth
century. They are designed as an aid to relaxation and healing and
usually introduced with a concept of "the contemplation of one reality".
The result of using these exercises properly and in conjunction with
suitable breathing exercises and meditation is an increase in vitality,
physical health and a stronger mental health.
Hatha Yoga exercises have become a part of numerous different Yoga
disciplines over the years and it's quite common to see exercises such
as the half-moon posture, the bow posture of the salutation posture
even if it is not Hatha Yoga you are practicing. This is because the
principles of Yoga and the movements and balances required are fairly
consistent from one discipline to another.
Another simple Yoga exercise is doing the twist. Twists will strengthen
and stretch your back or abdominal muscles and help to increase the
flexibility of your spine. They also aid in increasing your bodies
circulation that brings oxygen supplies to your cells. This fresh blood
Yoga You
and oxygen supply that is released as you twist will improve the
functioning of your body’s internal organs.
A yoga session will often begin with a standing pose. These are a very
good low impact, low stress starting point for a Yoga session. Standing
poses benefit the legs and hips and help provide a sense of centering,
balance and of course strength to the legs themselves.
The end of a Yoga session is usually marked by a group of poses
known as Relation and Restorative Poses. This group of exercises is
designed to give the positive energies and forces released by the Yoga
session to move throughout your body and benefit you completely.
Yoga You
Chapter 3: The Philosophy Of
Yoga is different things to different people, so what it means to
you will depend greatly on how you were introduced to it and
how you enjoyed your initial experiences with it.
For some people Yoga is simply a method of exercising that ensures
they have a healthy supple body. For other people Yoga transcends a
method of exercise and is a spiritual experience that allows them to
find the balance and centering their lives need. This type of Yoga
comes closer to a life philosophy than any other.
Yoga You
Yoga You

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  • 2. Yoga You 2 Disclaimer This e-book has been written for information purposes only. Every effort has been made to make this e-book as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this e-book provides information only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this e-book should be used as a guide - not as the ultimate source. The purpose of this e-book is to educate. The author and the publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this e-book is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this e-book.
  • 4. Yoga You 4 Table of Contents Introduction .............................................................................7 Step One: The Introduction and Preparation .................................8 Step Two: The Main Routine .......................................................8 Step Three: Ending the Session...................................................8 Chapter 1: Questions Commonly Asked About Yoga................10 What is Yoga? ..........................................................................10 Do I Need To Be Religious To Get The Most Out Of Yoga? ..............11 Where Can I Do Yoga? ..............................................................11 I'm Not Very Fit - Is Yoga for Me?...............................................12 Misunderstandings About Yoga ..............................................................12 Misconception Number One: Yoga Is A Form Of Exercise. .............13 Misconception Number Two: Yoga Is For Hippies .........................13 Misconception Number Three: Yoga Is a Fad ...............................13 Misconception Number Four: Yoga Is Too Slow To Help Me Lose Weight/Gain Tone Etc. ..............................................................14 Chapter 2: Yoga and Exercise .................................................16 Achieving the Correct Yoga Poses ..........................................................18 Chapter 3: The Philosophy Of Yoga .........................................21 Non-Spiritual Yoga .................................................................................23 Chapter 4: Getting The Most Out Of Yoga For Your Health ......26 Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight .............................................................28 Chapter 5: The Motivations of Yoga Practices .........................31
  • 5. Yoga You 5 Chapter 6: Finding The Right Yoga Class.................................34 Decide On What You Want To Achieve Before Choosing A Style ......34 Join a Class-By-Class Program ...................................................35 Ensure That You Are Being Taught By Someone Who Knows What They Are Doing ........................................................................35 Be Aware Of Hidden Costs .........................................................36 Mistakes Made By Yoga Newbies............................................................36 Not Knowing What You Want From Yoga......................................37 Jumping In Feet First ................................................................37 Choosing the Wrong Teacher .....................................................38 Chapter 7: Yoga Benefits For The Businessman ......................39 Physical Health.........................................................................39 Mental Health...........................................................................40 Happiness................................................................................41 Importance Yoga Has For Office Workers...............................................42 So How Does This All Help Our Office Worker? .............................42 Chapter 8: Safe Yoga Practices ...............................................44 Start Slowly.............................................................................44 Use Proper Equipment...............................................................44 Wear Good Clothing ..................................................................45 Learn from an Expert ................................................................45 Listen to Your Body...................................................................45 Conclusion ..............................................................................46 Mobility and Flexibility...............................................................46 Strength..................................................................................47 Reduced Stress ........................................................................47
  • 6. Yoga You 6 Introduction ____________________________________ The benefits of Yoga are well known to everyone who has ever tried the discipline but if you are new to Yoga let me recap. Yoga is a fantastically popular and effective way of strengthening you physically as well as mentally and spiritually. This last 'spiritual' aspect may turn some people off, but it's not something that needs to be associated with religion. Really the best alternate word for the spiritual strength of Yoga is contentment or happiness. It allows you to be a calmer person and more happy with yourself. Put like that it sounds pretty great doesn't it? So you've probably heard a little about Yoga and wondered what it's all about. You probably have a few preconceptions and maybe an image of an old man with a long beard sitting in the lotus position springs into your head in automatic association with the word.
  • 7. Yoga You 7 Let's go through step by step what you can expect in a typical Yoga session. Step One: The Introduction and Preparation Most Yoga classes begin in a standing position. There are both mental and physical reasons for this and they are closely connected. The standing position is the most natural Human position there is. Leonardo Da Vinci produced a famous scientific picture of the symmetry of the human body when it is in its natural standing position. The outstretched arms and legs can have a perfect circle drawn around them and this is true of everyone regardless of their height or weight. What this means is that a standing pose comes naturally to us - we are not worried about getting it wrong and we can concentrate of the state of the body. Breathing exercises will be a key part of the warm up stage for your routine. This is the only time in your life you will be 'taught' to breath and it's a skill which allows people to restore calm to their bodies and thoughts. Step Two: The Main Routine This is the art of your Yoga session which will vary the greatest depending on what forms of Yoga you are learning. While the individual exercises you will be doing are going to be quite different, the nature of them will be very similar. This will mean moving into certain poses and positions and holding those poses to allow the body to stretch out muscles and muscle groups that in many cases haven't been given much attention during the week. Some Yoga teachers will talk to you about energy points of chakras. These are important junctions in your body where congestion occurs and stretching them out allows energy to flow freely around your body. Step Three: Ending the Session
  • 8. Yoga You 8 While the main session is about releasing pent up energies, this stage of your Yoga workout is all about allowing that energy to flow around your body. Many people have trouble with thinking about some strange mystic force that is flowing through you and driving it to certain parts of your body. If you are one of them just mentally substitute the word 'energy' with the word 'blood'. We know that the job of blood is to carry nutrients and oxygen around our body, and we know that if any part of our body is lacking in this supply that we will become ill, so it's not a huge stretch to think of blood as the mystic energy force that brings health around our body, and exercises such as Yoga as being the method of ensuring the smooth and successful flow of that blood.
  • 9. Yoga You 9 Chapter 1: Questions Commonly Asked About Yoga ____________________________________ Yoga has been around for an incredibly long time and over that period different practitioners have added their own refinements and styles into the basic Yoga discipline. There are so many different styles now it is nearly impossible to count, but they all stem from the same core philosophy and methodology. Unfortunately the multiple different styles often lead newcomers to the exercise discipline to become very confused as to what they are doing and what they can hope to achieve with Yoga. In this article we answer some of the common questions. What is Yoga? This question is the most common from newcomers. Most people have a general idea but they are not sure where Yoga fits into the world. Is it an exercise? Is it a philosophy? Is it a form of physical therapy? Is it a spiritual process?
  • 10. Yoga You 10 The answer is that to different people Yoga is all of these things. At its core it is a group of exercises and poses which are very low impact and work by strengthening the body and increasing its flexibility through static exercise. This means that each pose will 'stretch' a certain area and the body benefits from this stretch by increased blood flow and energy release. Many of the exercises release tension from areas of the body that regular activities do not cater to. Because Yoga is performed slowly and with a strong emphasis on correct breathing patterns there is also a strong mental and spiritual element to the exercise. It is seen as a way of cleansing mind, body and spirit. Do I Need To Be Religious To Get The Most Out Of Yoga? As mentioned above Yoga is different things to different people. There are many people in the world who perform Yoga purely for its spiritual benefits. There are many others who perform Yoga purely for the physical benefits associated with it. What you get out of Yoga will depend largely on your mindset, your openness to new ideas and your ability to let yourself fall fully into a meditative state. For some people this is very difficult at first, but that is still not going to prevent them from getting the physical benefits associated with Yoga classes. You will find that even if you do not have any strong spiritual base you will still benefit from an increase in your self-confidence and personal contentment. Where Can I Do Yoga? Practically anywhere. Many people practice Yoga in their homes every day. Others will go to the local park and practice Yoga with a group of friends. To begin with it's a good idea to inquire at your local gym about Yoga classes, many of them will be holding Yoga every day. Even if they aren't they will be able to tell you where the best place to learn Yoga
  • 11. Yoga You 11 is. Some local councils sponsor Yoga classes in their area in recognition of the benefits to people who exercise regularly. One of the big advantages of a Yoga based exercise regime is that there is no expensive equipment to buy and then store around your house. Some poses are assisted by cushions to support the body, but in general the only thing you need is your body. I'm Not Very Fit - Is Yoga for Me? Yes. Very much so. One of the fantastic things about Yoga is that the exercises and poses you will learn can be adjusted to your level. Fitness isn't usually a problem because the exercises are slow and often static, but your body will become better at performing them over time as your strength and flexibility improves. Knowing your limit and ensuring that you don't 'ease up' out of habit gain the best benefit. Hopefully you will now have a good understanding of what yoga is and why you should be doing it. Remember that Yoga is something that once learned can be practiced anywhere you like and as often as you like. Indeed, this is one of the key components of Yoga's popularity. Misunderstandings About Yoga Yoga is a very popular form of exercising and spiritual balancing, but it is also very often understood by a lot of people. This is almost inevitable when you consider the incredible popularity of Yoga as a discipline and the many different strands that Yoga has. Quite often people have experience with one type of Yoga but not another, and as such they will base their overall impression of Yoga on what they have seen. It is like people basing their impression on Germans on the most famous German they know - Adolf Hitler, or more recently the portrayal of George Bush internationally as the only example of an American anyone knows.
  • 12. Yoga You 12 The truth is that Yoga can be very different depending on who you learn it from and how they perceive Yoga. This article looks at some of the common misconceptions. Misconception Number One: Yoga Is A Form Of Exercise. Well yes it is, but so is walking. I can walk from my couch to my table and I can hardly claim to have done my exercise for the day. The truth is that exercise is just the beginning of what yoga is. Its closer to a combination of exercise, physiotherapy, psychology and spirituality all rolled into one. As you come to master Yoga you will need to become more and more mentally strong, and most importantly disciplined. If you can discipline yourself to do regular Yoga sessions, and maintain your discipline to do each pose for the prescribed time, and do it properly, then you will naturally become a very disciplined and organized person. For some people this transcends to a spiritual level because they are so efficient and clearing their thoughts while meditating. Misconception Number Two: Yoga Is For Hippies As previously mentioned Yoga can be a very spiritual experience if you become good enough at clearing your thoughts and concentrating whilst performing the exercises. But you certainly do not have to begin with any spiritual belief. Yoga believes in aligning the body and the mind and the spirit through achieving inner balance. What that means to you is probably going to depend entirely on what your beliefs already are. For some people it will be a spiritually freeing experience, for others it will be an effective way of distressing and achieving a level of calmness of thought. Still others will claim that these things are one and the same. Misconception Number Three: Yoga Is a Fad Recently there have been some much hyped up Yoga courses making big claims about what Yoga can achieve. These are easy to associate
  • 13. Yoga You 13 with other 'fad' exercise crazes. However Yoga is not something new and is based in documents that are hundreds of years old which describe exercises and poses that were probably being performed for generations before that. An individual style of Yoga may come and go, but as long as people are still stretching before a game of football then Yoga will still be being used. Misconception Number Four: Yoga Is Too Slow To Help Me Lose Weight/Gain Tone Etc. This one is way off the mark, but we have been somewhat trained by the weight loss industry that weight loss, and toning our body is all about hours in the gym and fast high impact exercise. That's simply not true. Yoga can help with weight loss and in particularly toning for a number of reasons. Firstly the exercises, while low impact and performed either statically or slowly - are still exercises. While you use them you are using your muscles, and in many cases you are using muscles and muscle groups that regular exercise programs ignore. The second way that Yoga can be of benefit in a weight loss program is that it will increase your mental strength and allow you to be more disciplined with your food consumption. When it comes down to it excess weight is a result of excess eating and not enough physical exercise to burn off those calories. Have you ever noticed how some people can eat donut after donut and not put on any weight at all? It seems unfair, but it's a natural result of the state of their body. Usually these people will be quite 'sinewy' and this muscle allows them the metabolize food faster. That's the third benefit of Yoga in weight loss, as your muscles develop your body will actually become more efficient at consuming foods and processing them into nutrients and waste.
  • 14. Yoga You 14 Hopefully we have now gone some way to explaining away the various myths associated with Yoga. It is such a broad topic that it is very much a case of Yoga being what you make of it.
  • 15. Yoga You 15 Chapter 2: Yoga and Exercise ____________________________________ Is Yoga the perfect form of exercise and relaxation? Let's make a list of what our ideal type of exercise would do. Firstly it would be simple enough that anyone could do it, but have enough variations and different methods that it would maintain the interest of someone who had been practicing it for years. It would need to be easy to learn so that people could pick up the basics quickly and stat seeing the benefits as soon as possible. To be a perfect form of exercise it would need to be capable of keep our body in good shape all by itself. It would help with weight loss, circulation and increasing the strength of the muscles. It would stimulate the lymphatic system as well as the blood flow and help the body dispose of waste products, improving the overall immune response system. It would also have benefits that went beyond health - the sharpening of the mind and an increased sense of wellbeing and contentment. Ideally it would be an exercise form that required no expensive
  • 16. Yoga You 16 equipment and that could be practiced practically anywhere, alone or in a group. This is quite a demanding set of prerequisites for a perfect form of exercise. Let's see if Yoga measures up to these standards. Yoga is a discipline that has its roots in India. The documents that modern Yoga is based on are hundreds of years old, and the principles behind these documents were practiced long before that. It is a low impact form of exercise that has been tweaked and customized by literally thousands of different teachers and enthusiasts. They are numerous resulting 'styles' of Yoga, but they all have the same core background and beliefs. What we refer to as Yoga in the West is usually the physical component of an entire life philosophy that has its own beliefs and code of ethics built in. The physical focus of Yoga is on poses and slow movements that are low impact and usually use nothing more than our own body. Sometimes props and supports are used to assist the body in achieving and holding a particular pose. The poses can vary greatly in their degree of difficulty and even the same pose can have many different stages or levels. The perfect example is a simple forward stretch. One person may be able to stretch out past their knees, another may be able to reach their ankles and somebody else may be able to touch the floor. This level of progression allows us to see a physical difference in our flexibility level as we practice Yoga more regularly. And because Yoga does not require any special equipment we are not refined to set class times and can practice Yoga anywhere and anytime the fancy takes us. We can even do breathing exercises to clear the mind while sitting at a work desk. Yoga has some incredible health benefits which stem from controlled breathing and increased blood flow. Our bodies organs simply do not operate at peak efficiency unless they are receiving the oxygen and nutrients that they need.
  • 17. Yoga You 17 The waste products from our muscles and organs are carried away by the lymphatic system. Both systems can develop chokepoints and blockages that different Yoga poses will address and correct. The result is a better more regular blood pressure, a more efficient immunity system and an optimal digestive process. Because Yoga movements are slow and simple, the focus on correct breathing has a pronounced mental effect on the body. It provides us with an enhanced ability to focus, and to un-clutter our thoughts. This is a valuable edge in modern life and its importance should not be under estimated. Finally many regular Yoga enthusiasts will tell you that there is a spiritual side to Yoga, how far this affects an individual will probably depend on their beliefs before they begin practicing Yoga, but it can perhaps be thought of most accurately with a greater comfort and connection with your own body. The increased acceptance of yourself, and comfort with your own being results directly in more happy people. So, it looks like Yoga does indeed check all the boxes and can be thought of as a perfect exercise form. Achieving the Correct Yoga Poses Yoga has been described as a science which seeks to achieve the harmonious and balanced development of the body, mind and soul. It is a system which allows us to bring culture, balance and happiness to ourselves. It works via a need for strong mental discipline and the ancient theories, which it is based on regarding the interconnection between the mind and body, are now being regularly supported by modern scientific theory. Yoga consists of a number of different exercises or poses. Examples of these poses are the cat and cow poses. Both are connected and begin with you on all fours on the floor. Arching the
  • 18. Yoga You 18 back upwards like a cornered cat places you in the cat pose and the reverse, lowering the back puts you into the cow pose. Another common form of exercise is a forward bend that will help in the stretching of the lower back and hamstring muscles. There are a number of other advantages to forward bends: They release tension in the back neck and shoulder as well as increasing the flexibility of the spine. Forward bends can be uncomfortable if you have any injuries in the next or back area, but regularly performing will help assists in the recovery of these injuries and even strengthen the area for the future. The counterpart of a forward bend is a back bend. These open up the chest, hips and rib cage area. As well as strengthening the arms, they also provide increased strength and flexibility to the shoulders. This type of exercise is fantastic at increasing the stability of the spine, but is also useful for relieving built up tension along the front of the body and the hips. The relationship between back and forward bends is a perfect example of the importance of the bodies balance in Yoga. Hatha Yoga poses were developed in India during the fifteenth century. They are designed as an aid to relaxation and healing and usually introduced with a concept of "the contemplation of one reality". The result of using these exercises properly and in conjunction with suitable breathing exercises and meditation is an increase in vitality, physical health and a stronger mental health. Hatha Yoga exercises have become a part of numerous different Yoga disciplines over the years and it's quite common to see exercises such as the half-moon posture, the bow posture of the salutation posture even if it is not Hatha Yoga you are practicing. This is because the principles of Yoga and the movements and balances required are fairly consistent from one discipline to another. Another simple Yoga exercise is doing the twist. Twists will strengthen and stretch your back or abdominal muscles and help to increase the flexibility of your spine. They also aid in increasing your bodies circulation that brings oxygen supplies to your cells. This fresh blood
  • 19. Yoga You 19 and oxygen supply that is released as you twist will improve the functioning of your body’s internal organs. A yoga session will often begin with a standing pose. These are a very good low impact, low stress starting point for a Yoga session. Standing poses benefit the legs and hips and help provide a sense of centering, balance and of course strength to the legs themselves. The end of a Yoga session is usually marked by a group of poses known as Relation and Restorative Poses. This group of exercises is designed to give the positive energies and forces released by the Yoga session to move throughout your body and benefit you completely.
  • 20. Yoga You 20 Chapter 3: The Philosophy Of Yoga ____________________________________ Yoga is different things to different people, so what it means to you will depend greatly on how you were introduced to it and how you enjoyed your initial experiences with it. For some people Yoga is simply a method of exercising that ensures they have a healthy supple body. For other people Yoga transcends a method of exercise and is a spiritual experience that allows them to find the balance and centering their lives need. This type of Yoga comes closer to a life philosophy than any other. THIS IS THE DEMO EBOOK IF YOU TO ACCESS COMPLETE EBOOK AND ALL BONUSES AND COMPLETE RESCOURSES CHECK OUT THIS