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Adam Sykes 1401181
Design Rationale
SWOT/Mind map
Final Design
Exploded view
Survey analysis
Design ideas
System Design
1 1
Page 1
Design Rationale
The main purpose of the Re-Design of the RAC Torch/Lantern is to improve upon the existing product in such a way that sales would
increase at a higher price than currently retailing at, without costing the manufacture much more to produce the upgraded device.
These improvements will come in the form of aesthetical changes, mechanical developments and an improvement in the way the
device is marketed toward clients. The changes made will be influenced by the results of surveys and questionnaires directed at
different age groups and sections of society to gather a wide range of results and put into practice the most popular responses. The
intended demographic for this device is currently aimed toward both male and female adults who would most likely come across this
product whilst on the RAC website or by searching for a similar device. This market can be expanded to include all RAC customers if
the device was offered as a welcome gift when joining RAC. Further sales could be achieved by having some advertisements, whether
these be television ads or in tech magazines. The RAC torch has further been aimed at not only car drivers, but also campers, with
its retractable hook which can be attached to the underside of a car bonnet and the inside ceiling of a tent. However, no specific
market segment needs to be targeted, as anyone interested in a wind-up torch will come across their product. Although there are
many different companies producing wind-up torches, no singular business has gained a monopoly as of yet, meaning that the
market is an oligopoly, this means that RAC could potentially become the market leaders after the product has been re-designed.
Page 2
User needs Additional features
System design
Elderly Disabled
Glow in the dark
Twisty dimmer function
Extendable crank
Motor impairedBetter grip
Less packaging
Rubber over mould
Raised buttons
Offer a free torch to each
new RAC customer as an
incentive to join RAC as
well as promoting their
environmentally conscious side
B e t t e r
F a s t e r
c h a rg e
Ad campaign to promote
environmental concern
Encourage the recycling of the packaging
Inexpensive, retailing from £7 to £12 at various
different websites and retailors. Functions extremely
well, with reviews from users pointing out how it
still works perfectly after a long time of ownership
RAC are a very well-known and trusted brand.
No notable faults or problems with the device,
however the marketing and advertisement behind it
to no advertisements for any type of Wind-Up torch.
As there are no current market leaders for Wind-Up
torches, RAC could fill the void and lead the market. If the
device was made available at more stores offline, more
people would come across it and be likely to purchase
it. With improved advertisement, enhanced functionality
and added features, the result would be an increase
in sales at a higher price than currently retailing at.
Before RAC become market leaders, another
well-known brand with a similar product could
theoretically take control of the market, however
with such devices meaning that there are few
well-known brands involved in the market at all.
SWOT/Mind map
Page 3
Survey analysis
“maybe an interesting texture/
pattern, like carbon fibre, etc.”
The fact that over 90% of the people who answered this survey said they would be
more likely to purchase a Wind-Up Torch over an ordinary battery powered torch,
shows not only a market for the product, but also that people are becoming more
environmentally conscious. As Wind-Up torches are often less powerful than their
battery operated counterparts, due a more powerful device requiring more frequent
winding up, and with people saying they would rather own the more environmentally
friendly option, shows that “eco” products are still currently popular with consumers.
into colour pigment to make it glow in the dark would be a positive feature. One result
showed a lack of caring for the colour, due to this not affecting a product such as a
torch. And one result supporting that the colour should remain the same due to it
being a recognisable aspect of RAC and their branding. The remaining 33% said they
would rather have other colour options. Of these 33%, 4 of them said they would like
a range of colours to pick from. However 1 person suggested further possibilities of
surface finish other than simply the colour: “maybe an interesting texture/pattern,
like carbon fibre, etc.” These results show that the colour of the product is a key
factor and selling point, especially the prospect of making the device glow in the
dark so that it can be found more easily in an emergency situation or a power-cut.
Backing up the results from the first question, the third question from the
survey shows that 80% of the people asked would be willing to pay more
than the current product retails for if there were added and improved
functions/specifications. With 20% stating they would be willing to pay
more than double the current price for a similar device with improved
functionality and features. 40% said they would be willing to pay an
additional half of the original value and 26% saying they would be willing
to pay up to double (rather than more than double). This then proves how
people will be willing to pay more for the addition of quality as well as simply
for knowledge that they are buying a product that is less damaging on the
planet than an ordinary torch. Further selling points can be addressed that
buying new batteries or recharging them from mains electricity is more
costly in the long run, therefore this device would save its users money.
This is a statement that would aid in the advertisement of the product.
Page 4
Survey analysis
-“Light changing colours.”
-“Maybe a handle so it can become a hanging
light for tents or a dark room.”
-“Several modes, such as flashing, and strobe for
attracting attention in an emergency.”
-“So it could attach to a bike, it woul also have to
be very bright to compete with more traditional
torches and maybe use high powered LED’s.”
-Four “No’s”
-And one joke response.
Shown in both the bar chart and the data table, question four revealed a relatively mixed view on the order of importance
of attributes in the product. Ultimately showing that different people value certain aspects higher than others do, showing
that all off the attributes must be taken into account when being re-designed. The attribute with the most votes as number
1 was battery life, yet two people classed this as the least important attribute. Not surprisingly, the additional features
choice received the least amount of high votes, with no one voting as number 1 and eight people voting is at number 6. This
then proves that although important, people hold things such as the ease of use and the products lifespan I higher regard.
slot inside the body of the device. Although not met with a resounding positive majority, the highest response was from 47% of
in that it will require less space whilst being stored and in transportation, on top of the fact that this feature will protect the
Of the four useful responses to the final question, several of them are definite possibilities. Super-bright colour
changing LED’s could be utilised rather than the white LED’s used in the original device. However this feature
is somewhat irrelevant, due to white light being the brightest and the most useful, therefore the addition of
different coloured lights would be unlikely to result in increased sales. The device does currently have a hook,
as this person asked for, however it is not very practical and is defiantly an area which will be improved upon.
Page 5
Design ideas
On this page I have displayed some of the
different ideas towards the re-design of the
RAC Torch/Lantern. Following a majority of
people in the questionnaire stating that they
either liked the original colour, were impartial
or thought it should remain the same but
with a glow in the dark element, I have
decided to include the RAC branded orange
as a highlight of the neutral greys and whites.
I felt keeping the device predominantly colour
neutral would not only give the product a
cleaner more minimalistic design approach,
but it would also reduce any issues with the
colour as there is very little of it. As shown in
the middle image, I am going to incorporate
an extendable crank with increased gear
ratio to speed up the charge time. The two
sketches on the right show arrows on the
base of the device signifying that if you
turn the dial the brightness will increase/
decrease. This is an element I will include in
the final design, however I will remove the
arrows, as they would reduce the aesthetical
value of the product without serving much
purpose, seeing as you would feel the dial
move when your hand is placed on it. The
top two designs were variations on ordinary
torches with a lantern section included in the
handle. Although I found the top left idea
to be the most appealing due to its looks,
it would have reduce functionality due to
having only two of its three sides open for
a lantern. Additionally, its significant design
departure from the original device is less
in keeping with RAC’s more simplistic and
functional design approach. The bottom left
ideas are similar in shape to the original, with
les curves in the body and a more rounded
base. This device also includes the function
to cover and reveal the lantern section. This
feature not only protects the lantern when
not being used, it also means the product
can be shipped and stored taking up less
space than the original whist being able to
extend to larger than the original. While
compacted, the device still retains plenty
of space for the user’s hand, with a rubber
over mould adding both grip and comfort.
Page 6
Final Design
re-design solution using Google SketchUp. I decided to produce a 3D model before drawing a final image
as this way I would be able to view it from all angles and add in details that would otherwise prove difficult
of the body where the rubber grip is attached, showing an orange band around the device. Additionally,
this method of presenting a design is of a higher standard than a two point perspective sketch and
coloured marker, and allows the product to be shown off from any viewpoint. The additional features this
device has over its predecessor, on top of aesthetics, include: an extendable crank with increased gearing
and a larger battery, a rotating dimmer dial, a rubber grip, a new and improved design of hook (rather
than small handle) aimed at tents, glow in the dark orange sections and a retractable lantern section.
Page 7
Final Design
This page highlights one of biggest new
designed device. When closed, the rubber
over mould which is on both sections of the
device, closes together almost seamlessly,
creating the illusion of a solid small torch.
However, a small pull to the top of the
device and the lantern will be revealed. The
top cap will have no electrical functionality
whatsoever and therefore will not trigger
the lantern to turn on, this is done by
holding down the power button. The
reason that that the device can be opened
without the lantern being switched on is
so that it can still function as an ordinary
torch, only now with a longer handle.
Page 8
Exploded view1
1-	 Hook rather than hoop, therefore can hook onto things
rather than just being a useless handle.
2-	 Retractable lantern cover.
3-	 Larger battery, meaning more light time before the user
has to recharge the device.
4-	 Rotating dimmer dial.
5-	 Glow in the dark orange sections.
6-	 Extendable crank for faster charges.
7-	 Increased gearing for faster charges.
8-	 Rubber over mould for grip and comfort as well as securing
the two injection moulded halves together (on top of the bolded
Exploded view drawings help to show how the product is
assembled as well as viewing the full amount of components
in a product. This drawing has been coloured to further aid in
viewing the assembly, as if it was left black and white it would be
a lot harder to discern different parts from one another. Above
is a list of the mew/upgraded features to the device. To the right
is a hand drawn marker rendered sketch of the final device, this
was drawn to show that the device is in fact a smooth cylinder,
despite the CAD model looking more angular, as this was purely
the limitations of the software to create a smooth curved cylinder.
Page 9
System Design
As previously stated throughout this project, one of the main factors of this re-design has nothing to do with
changing the product at all, but rather the incentive to buy it. When carrying out an initial questionnaire
concerning the market of wind-up torches as a whole, only one person answered with “Yes” to the question;
“Have you ever seen an advertisement for a wind-up torch?” This shows that there could potentially be a large
untapped market for these devices but without getting the word out, people won’t buy them. The one place
someone had seen an advertisement for such a device was in a gadget magazine, however if these advertisements
were to either air on television or better yet YouTube, then thousands more people would see them. The
reason the internet would be the best place for this type of device to be advertised is because search engines
and web browsers compile data on individual users and can tailor ads for specific people. Essentially the type
of people who would be more likely to purchase the product would be the ones subjected to adverts for it.
A further way to increase the sales of the device would be to include it in an offer/scheme, for example, RAC
could offer their new customers a free wind-up torch once they’ve joined up. Although this would not increase
the profits for the device itself, it would increase the company’s overall profit due to customers unsure which
service to buy into being swayed by the addition of a free and newly re-designed device. This would improve
people’s overall outlook towards the company due to the introduction welcome gifts. Additionally, television
ads or posters featuring this deal would mean more people becoming exposed to the product and potentially
googling it and buying it for themselves, rather than buying breakdown cover. On the next page is an example
poster that might be used to either encourage people into joining thee RAC, or simply to purchase the product.
Page 10
Page 11
Image references:
CERN. (2010). 23 August to 3 September 2010 in Uxbridge, UK . Available:
ch/csc-archive/2010/Default_2010/Default.asp. Last accessed 21/4/2015.
RAC. (2013). RAC LED Wind up torch & lantern. Available:
gency/torches-warning-lights/product/rac-wind-up-led-torch-lantern.html Last accessed 21/04/2015.
mp/. Last accessed 21/4/2015.
NA. (2014). Foundation & Pre-Masters’ Courses. Available:
foundation-and-pre-masters-courses. Last accessed 21/4/2015.
Other than the aesthetical improvements between the re-designed device and the original RAC Wind-
Up Torch/Lantern, there have also been a number of improved mechanical and physical improvements,
all of which would cost the manufacture very little more than the original product as all the materials
(excluding the rubber grip) are the same, as are the processes. The biggest cost for the manufacture
would be the initial setup cots which would include calibrating all the machinery and having new specially
made steel mould halves made for the injection moulding machines. Despite these costs, the added
functionality and improved looks atop the advertisement would surly mean an increase of sales, which
as was shown in the survey, could be sold at an increased price. The RRP for the re-designed device
would be around £18/£22 as going any higher would severely limit the potential market as these types of
devices are predominantly rarely needed emergency lights, meaning people wouldn’t pay much higher.
Yet the electronic improvements put into this device would mean its battery last longer and charges
faster, with the super bright LED’s already outputting a fair amount of light, this device could potentially
be used in all situations a torch is required, especially with its ability to have its brightness precisely
controlled. The new handle on the device now functions as an actual hook, meaning it will be able to be
hung off things, making it the perfect camping accessory too. The device will operate on an alternating
current of 40Hz and will not exceed 20°C, let alone the 30°C it must remain below to conform to the
British standards on miniature lamps. All of this will ensure that RAC come out on top of the market
for wind-up torches, and could then improve their range of other wind-up products by employing the
same method as this re-design to their existing products, until the market for wind-up devices is theirs.

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  • 2. Contents Design Rationale 1 SWOT/Mind map 2 Final Design 6-7 Exploded view 8 Survey analysis 3-4 Design ideas 5 System Design 9-10 Conclusion 1 1
  • 3. Page 1 Design Rationale The main purpose of the Re-Design of the RAC Torch/Lantern is to improve upon the existing product in such a way that sales would increase at a higher price than currently retailing at, without costing the manufacture much more to produce the upgraded device. These improvements will come in the form of aesthetical changes, mechanical developments and an improvement in the way the device is marketed toward clients. The changes made will be influenced by the results of surveys and questionnaires directed at different age groups and sections of society to gather a wide range of results and put into practice the most popular responses. The intended demographic for this device is currently aimed toward both male and female adults who would most likely come across this product whilst on the RAC website or by searching for a similar device. This market can be expanded to include all RAC customers if the device was offered as a welcome gift when joining RAC. Further sales could be achieved by having some advertisements, whether these be television ads or in tech magazines. The RAC torch has further been aimed at not only car drivers, but also campers, with its retractable hook which can be attached to the underside of a car bonnet and the inside ceiling of a tent. However, no specific market segment needs to be targeted, as anyone interested in a wind-up torch will come across their product. Although there are many different companies producing wind-up torches, no singular business has gained a monopoly as of yet, meaning that the market is an oligopoly, this means that RAC could potentially become the market leaders after the product has been re-designed.
  • 4. Page 2 User needs Additional features Environmental Materials System design Elderly Disabled Glow in the dark Twisty dimmer function Retractable Extendable crank Visually impaired Motor impairedBetter grip Less packaging Polylactide Rubber over mould Raised buttons Offer a free torch to each new RAC customer as an incentive to join RAC as well as promoting their environmentally conscious side Functionality B e t t e r battery F a s t e r c h a rg e Ad campaign to promote environmental concern Encourage the recycling of the packaging Strengths: Inexpensive, retailing from £7 to £12 at various different websites and retailors. Functions extremely well, with reviews from users pointing out how it still works perfectly after a long time of ownership RAC are a very well-known and trusted brand. Weakness: No notable faults or problems with the device, however the marketing and advertisement behind it coulddefinitelybeimproved,asthereseemstobelittle to no advertisements for any type of Wind-Up torch. Opportunity: As there are no current market leaders for Wind-Up torches, RAC could fill the void and lead the market. If the device was made available at more stores offline, more people would come across it and be likely to purchase it. With improved advertisement, enhanced functionality and added features, the result would be an increase in sales at a higher price than currently retailing at. Threats: Before RAC become market leaders, another well-known brand with a similar product could theoretically take control of the market, however thisishighlyunlikelyduetoalackofpublicinterest with such devices meaning that there are few well-known brands involved in the market at all. SWOT/Mind map
  • 5. Page 3 Survey analysis “maybe an interesting texture/ pattern, like carbon fibre, etc.” The fact that over 90% of the people who answered this survey said they would be more likely to purchase a Wind-Up Torch over an ordinary battery powered torch, shows not only a market for the product, but also that people are becoming more environmentally conscious. As Wind-Up torches are often less powerful than their battery operated counterparts, due a more powerful device requiring more frequent winding up, and with people saying they would rather own the more environmentally friendly option, shows that “eco” products are still currently popular with consumers. Thesecondquestionofthesurveygainedsomeinterestingresults,witha53%majority sayingthatratherchangingthecolourofthedevice,addingaphoto-luminouselement into colour pigment to make it glow in the dark would be a positive feature. One result showed a lack of caring for the colour, due to this not affecting a product such as a torch. And one result supporting that the colour should remain the same due to it being a recognisable aspect of RAC and their branding. The remaining 33% said they would rather have other colour options. Of these 33%, 4 of them said they would like a range of colours to pick from. However 1 person suggested further possibilities of surface finish other than simply the colour: “maybe an interesting texture/pattern, like carbon fibre, etc.” These results show that the colour of the product is a key factor and selling point, especially the prospect of making the device glow in the dark so that it can be found more easily in an emergency situation or a power-cut. Backing up the results from the first question, the third question from the survey shows that 80% of the people asked would be willing to pay more than the current product retails for if there were added and improved functions/specifications. With 20% stating they would be willing to pay more than double the current price for a similar device with improved functionality and features. 40% said they would be willing to pay an additional half of the original value and 26% saying they would be willing to pay up to double (rather than more than double). This then proves how people will be willing to pay more for the addition of quality as well as simply for knowledge that they are buying a product that is less damaging on the planet than an ordinary torch. Further selling points can be addressed that buying new batteries or recharging them from mains electricity is more costly in the long run, therefore this device would save its users money. This is a statement that would aid in the advertisement of the product.
  • 6. Page 4 Survey analysis -“Light changing colours.” -“Maybe a handle so it can become a hanging light for tents or a dark room.” -“Several modes, such as flashing, and strobe for attracting attention in an emergency.” -“So it could attach to a bike, it woul also have to be very bright to compete with more traditional torches and maybe use high powered LED’s.” -Four “No’s” -And one joke response. Shown in both the bar chart and the data table, question four revealed a relatively mixed view on the order of importance of attributes in the product. Ultimately showing that different people value certain aspects higher than others do, showing that all off the attributes must be taken into account when being re-designed. The attribute with the most votes as number 1 was battery life, yet two people classed this as the least important attribute. Not surprisingly, the additional features choice received the least amount of high votes, with no one voting as number 1 and eight people voting is at number 6. This then proves that although important, people hold things such as the ease of use and the products lifespan I higher regard. Questionfiveaddressesoneofthepossiblere-designoptions,havingthetopsectionoftheproductbeabletoberetractableand slot inside the body of the device. Although not met with a resounding positive majority, the highest response was from 47% of thepeopleaskedsaying“Yes,thisfeaturesoundslikeagoodidea.”Anadditional33%statedtheywereimpartialanddidnotmind wheatearthisfeaturewasaddedornot.Onepersonfeltthattheproductwasalreadycompactenough,withtheremaining13% sayingtheydidn’twantthisfeature.Ultimately,withtheoverallpositive/mixedresponsetothisfeatureaswellasitsfunctionality, in that it will require less space whilst being stored and in transportation, on top of the fact that this feature will protect the lanternsectionifthedeviceisdroppedwhilstbeingusedasatorch,itseemsasifitwouldbeawellsuitedfeatureofthere-design. Of the four useful responses to the final question, several of them are definite possibilities. Super-bright colour changing LED’s could be utilised rather than the white LED’s used in the original device. However this feature is somewhat irrelevant, due to white light being the brightest and the most useful, therefore the addition of different coloured lights would be unlikely to result in increased sales. The device does currently have a hook, as this person asked for, however it is not very practical and is defiantly an area which will be improved upon.
  • 7. Page 5 Design ideas On this page I have displayed some of the different ideas towards the re-design of the RAC Torch/Lantern. Following a majority of people in the questionnaire stating that they either liked the original colour, were impartial or thought it should remain the same but with a glow in the dark element, I have decided to include the RAC branded orange as a highlight of the neutral greys and whites. I felt keeping the device predominantly colour neutral would not only give the product a cleaner more minimalistic design approach, but it would also reduce any issues with the colour as there is very little of it. As shown in the middle image, I am going to incorporate an extendable crank with increased gear ratio to speed up the charge time. The two sketches on the right show arrows on the base of the device signifying that if you turn the dial the brightness will increase/ decrease. This is an element I will include in the final design, however I will remove the arrows, as they would reduce the aesthetical value of the product without serving much purpose, seeing as you would feel the dial move when your hand is placed on it. The top two designs were variations on ordinary torches with a lantern section included in the handle. Although I found the top left idea to be the most appealing due to its looks, it would have reduce functionality due to having only two of its three sides open for a lantern. Additionally, its significant design departure from the original device is less in keeping with RAC’s more simplistic and functional design approach. The bottom left ideas are similar in shape to the original, with les curves in the body and a more rounded base. This device also includes the function to cover and reveal the lantern section. This feature not only protects the lantern when not being used, it also means the product can be shipped and stored taking up less space than the original whist being able to extend to larger than the original. While compacted, the device still retains plenty of space for the user’s hand, with a rubber over mould adding both grip and comfort.
  • 8. Page 6 Final Design Takinginspirationfromthebottomleftdesignonthepreviouspage,Irendereda3DCADmodelofmyfinal re-design solution using Google SketchUp. I decided to produce a 3D model before drawing a final image as this way I would be able to view it from all angles and add in details that would otherwise prove difficult todraw,suchastheraised“power”symbolonthepowerbuttonandthelip/gapbetweenthetwosections of the body where the rubber grip is attached, showing an orange band around the device. Additionally, this method of presenting a design is of a higher standard than a two point perspective sketch and coloured marker, and allows the product to be shown off from any viewpoint. The additional features this device has over its predecessor, on top of aesthetics, include: an extendable crank with increased gearing and a larger battery, a rotating dimmer dial, a rubber grip, a new and improved design of hook (rather than small handle) aimed at tents, glow in the dark orange sections and a retractable lantern section.
  • 9. Page 7 Final Design This page highlights one of biggest new featuresandpotentialsellingpintsoftheRe- designed device. When closed, the rubber over mould which is on both sections of the device, closes together almost seamlessly, creating the illusion of a solid small torch. However, a small pull to the top of the device and the lantern will be revealed. The top cap will have no electrical functionality whatsoever and therefore will not trigger the lantern to turn on, this is done by holding down the power button. The reason that that the device can be opened without the lantern being switched on is so that it can still function as an ordinary torch, only now with a longer handle.
  • 10. Page 8 Exploded view1 2 3 4 6 7 8 1- Hook rather than hoop, therefore can hook onto things rather than just being a useless handle. 2- Retractable lantern cover. 3- Larger battery, meaning more light time before the user has to recharge the device. 4- Rotating dimmer dial. 5- Glow in the dark orange sections. 6- Extendable crank for faster charges. 7- Increased gearing for faster charges. 8- Rubber over mould for grip and comfort as well as securing the two injection moulded halves together (on top of the bolded Exploded view drawings help to show how the product is assembled as well as viewing the full amount of components in a product. This drawing has been coloured to further aid in viewing the assembly, as if it was left black and white it would be a lot harder to discern different parts from one another. Above is a list of the mew/upgraded features to the device. To the right is a hand drawn marker rendered sketch of the final device, this was drawn to show that the device is in fact a smooth cylinder, despite the CAD model looking more angular, as this was purely the limitations of the software to create a smooth curved cylinder. 5
  • 11. Page 9 System Design As previously stated throughout this project, one of the main factors of this re-design has nothing to do with changing the product at all, but rather the incentive to buy it. When carrying out an initial questionnaire concerning the market of wind-up torches as a whole, only one person answered with “Yes” to the question; “Have you ever seen an advertisement for a wind-up torch?” This shows that there could potentially be a large untapped market for these devices but without getting the word out, people won’t buy them. The one place someone had seen an advertisement for such a device was in a gadget magazine, however if these advertisements were to either air on television or better yet YouTube, then thousands more people would see them. The reason the internet would be the best place for this type of device to be advertised is because search engines and web browsers compile data on individual users and can tailor ads for specific people. Essentially the type of people who would be more likely to purchase the product would be the ones subjected to adverts for it. A further way to increase the sales of the device would be to include it in an offer/scheme, for example, RAC could offer their new customers a free wind-up torch once they’ve joined up. Although this would not increase the profits for the device itself, it would increase the company’s overall profit due to customers unsure which service to buy into being swayed by the addition of a free and newly re-designed device. This would improve people’s overall outlook towards the company due to the introduction welcome gifts. Additionally, television ads or posters featuring this deal would mean more people becoming exposed to the product and potentially googling it and buying it for themselves, rather than buying breakdown cover. On the next page is an example poster that might be used to either encourage people into joining thee RAC, or simply to purchase the product.
  • 13. Page 11 Conclusion Image references: CERN. (2010). 23 August to 3 September 2010 in Uxbridge, UK . Available: ch/csc-archive/2010/Default_2010/Default.asp. Last accessed 21/4/2015. RAC. (2013). RAC LED Wind up torch & lantern. Available: gency/torches-warning-lights/product/rac-wind-up-led-torch-lantern.html Last accessed 21/04/2015. NA. (2014). BRUNEL UNIVERSITY PUBLIC LECTURE 2014: RT HON DAVID WILLETTS MP. Available: http:// mp/. Last accessed 21/4/2015. NA. (2014). Foundation & Pre-Masters’ Courses. Available: foundation-and-pre-masters-courses. Last accessed 21/4/2015. Other than the aesthetical improvements between the re-designed device and the original RAC Wind- Up Torch/Lantern, there have also been a number of improved mechanical and physical improvements, all of which would cost the manufacture very little more than the original product as all the materials (excluding the rubber grip) are the same, as are the processes. The biggest cost for the manufacture would be the initial setup cots which would include calibrating all the machinery and having new specially made steel mould halves made for the injection moulding machines. Despite these costs, the added functionality and improved looks atop the advertisement would surly mean an increase of sales, which as was shown in the survey, could be sold at an increased price. The RRP for the re-designed device would be around £18/£22 as going any higher would severely limit the potential market as these types of devices are predominantly rarely needed emergency lights, meaning people wouldn’t pay much higher. Yet the electronic improvements put into this device would mean its battery last longer and charges faster, with the super bright LED’s already outputting a fair amount of light, this device could potentially be used in all situations a torch is required, especially with its ability to have its brightness precisely controlled. The new handle on the device now functions as an actual hook, meaning it will be able to be hung off things, making it the perfect camping accessory too. The device will operate on an alternating current of 40Hz and will not exceed 20°C, let alone the 30°C it must remain below to conform to the British standards on miniature lamps. All of this will ensure that RAC come out on top of the market for wind-up torches, and could then improve their range of other wind-up products by employing the same method as this re-design to their existing products, until the market for wind-up devices is theirs.