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Why Libraries Should Be the Next Great
Start-Up Incubators
FEB 19, 2013


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Co-working spaces are often treated today as a novelty, as a thoroughly modern solution to the
changing needs of a workforce now more loyal to their laptops than any long-term employers. But
the idea is actually as old as the public library.

One of the world’s first and most famous libraries, in Alexandria, Egypt, was frequently home some
2,000 years ago to the self-starters and self-employed of that era. “When you look back in history,
they had philosophers and mathematicians and all sorts of folks who would get together and solve
the problems of their time,” says Tracy Lea, the venture manager with Arizona State University’s
economic development and community engagement arm. “We kind of look at it as the first template
for the university. They had lecture halls, gathering spaces. They had co-working spaces.”

This old idea of the public library as co-working space now offers a modern answer – one among
many – for how these aging institutions could become more relevant two millennia after the original
Alexandria library burned to the ground. Would-be entrepreneurs everywhere are looking for
business know-how and physical space to incubate their start-ups. Libraries meanwhile may be
associated today with an outmoded product in paper books. But they also happen to have just about
everything a 21st century innovator could need: Internet access, work space, reference materials,
professional guidance.

Why not, Lea suggests, put these two ideas together? Arizona State is planning in the next few
months to roll out a network of co-working business incubators inside public libraries, starting with
a pilot in the downtown Civic Center Library in Scottsdale. The university is calling the plan,
ambitiously, the Alexandria Network.

Participating libraries will host dedicated co-working spaces for the program, as well as both formal
classes and informal mentoring from the university’s start-up resources. The librarians themselves
will be trained by the university to help deliver some of the material. The network will offer
everything, in short, but seed money. “As we develop this pilot and start to scale it out,” Lea adds,
“we would like to be able to direct people on how to find those resources.”

Libraries also provide a perfect venue to expand the concept of start-up accelerators beyond the
renovated warehouses and stylish offices of “innovation districts.” They offer a more familiar entry-
point for potential entrepreneurs less likely to walk into a traditional start-up incubator (or an ASU
office, for that matter). Public libraries long ago democratized access to knowledge; now they could
do the same in a start-up economy.

“We refer to it as democratizing entrepreneurship,” Lea says, “so everyone really can be involved.”

Top image: gagliardifoto/Shutterstock
As much as I encourage libraries to innovate and become something more, this particular
idea seems beyond the capabilities of a vast majority of libraries. The notion that libraries
offer "professional guidance" for "a 21st century innovator" is grossly misinformed by
the author, if not totally absurd. If library staff were capable of offering professional
guidance to innovators and entrepreneurs, their own organization wouldn't be in the tough
straits they find themselves today - looking for a new mission.

Offering Internet access - of course. Offering work space - sure. Offering reference
materials - absolutely. But, professional guidance - that's dreaming. Not to mention that
as soon as some disgruntled, disappointed, and bankrupt "would-be entrepreneur" decides
it was the "professional guidance" they received at the library that sank their business, the
library will be in for the lawsuit of its life.

   o   I'm a librarian, going on my sixteenth year of public service. We have volunteers
       from SCORE ( ) as well as other professionals come in and
       give programs, run workshops and offer guidance to entrepreneurs. Librarians at
       my library teach beginning and intermediary computer classes and some are
       trained in doing expert market research and prospecting research using
       sophisticated databases. So it's a partnership. I think this article is suggesting a
       change in direction that should be welcome to both forward thinking librarians
       and entrepreneurs.

       Also: libraries are busier and more competently staffed than I've ever seen them in
       my lifetime. Check out the ALA's latest state of the libraries report
       ( ) if you don't believe me. Libraries are only in
       "tough straits" because of huge mistakes and deceptions made by misinformed
       and greedy people in the banking and investment fields. Forward thinking
       librarians like those featured in this article should be commended for trying to be
       part of the solution to a problem they did not create.

              Strategic partnerships are the best, and for business related projects
               SCORE is also the best. Librarians teaching computer classes is also an
               excellent program and the partnership you describe sounds perfect, and
               innovative librarians deserve commendation.

               However, where I take exception is with the partnership described in this
               article that promotes public librarians providing "professional guidance to
               innovators and entrepreneurs" which is far beyond most librarians'
               expertise. Librarians highly competent (and I certainly won't argue with
               their competence being higher than ever before) in librarianship is a far
               cry from being competent to provide "professional guidance."
Steve, you're misreading "professional guidance" in this article. Taken in context this phrase is clearly
referring to the ability of librarians to guide patrons in their access to and use of library resources, NOT
the ability of librarians to offer any specific business advice.

The "professional" part of "professional guidance" refers to the librarians themselves, not to the
research interests of the patrons; otherwise, the phrase would be something like "entrepreneurial
guidance." As for delivering material, the article makes it clear that ASU has developed and/or compiled
a collection of materials specific to the issues of start-ups. Training librarians to help patrons access this
specific set of materials, as they are trained to assist with any major reference resource, falls well short
of your notion that librarians will be expected to give specific advice on particular business decisions.

The "professional" part of "professional guidance" refers to the librarians themselves, not to the
research interests of the patrons; otherwise, the phrase would be something like "entrepreneurial
guidance." As for delivering material, the article makes it clear that ASU has developed and/or compiled
a collection of materials specific to the issues of start-ups. Training librarians to help patrons access this
specific set of materials, as they are trained to assist with any major reference resource, falls well short
of your notion that librarians will be expected to give specific advice on particular business decisions.
A Non-Hipster Approach to a Co-
Working Space
A new initiative introduced by Arizona State University works with libraries to create
co-work spaces where entrepreneurs can gain training and support.

                                                                           Jetta Productions
Though myriad co-work spaces already operate in public libraries across the U.S., Arizona
State University is taking it to the next level.

Arizona State University’s Venture Catalyst start-up unit and the Scottsdale Public Library
System have announced the introduction of the Alexandria Network, a system of co-work
spaces for entrepreneurs in public libraries across Arizona. What's novel? The program will
collaborate with libraries to reach entrepreneurs who may be less savvy than their peers and
actually train library staff to deal with entrepreneurs.

“A lot of co-working spaces are targeting a particular type of person--this is more broad,"
Gordon McConnell, Assistant Vice President of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Venture
Acceleration at ASU told Inc. "It’s probably for people that wouldn’t go to hipster co-
working spaces. It’s great that those are happening—they’re an important foundation level
to entrepreneurship. This is democratizing it a little bit."

McConnell also hopes the co-work spaces will be appealing to those among the growing
population of entrepreneurs over age 50.

“Those are the people we’re trying to target, and they’ll be geographically spread out,” he

The pilot space will open in the Scottsdale Civic Center Library in early April, at which time
the initiative also expects to announce the opening of six to eight more locations.

In addition to the work space, the library staff will be trained to provide basic assistance to
those who visit the spaces seeking guidance on starting a business. Workshops on topics
such as "Business Models vs. Business Plans" and "Legal Concerns for Startups" are
currently open to both entrepreneurs and the library staff members learning to help them.

In response to the new intitiave, McConnell said, "[Library staff] were like, 'Yeah, this is
great. We need to change. We don’t have this background in working with start-ups, you can
support us.'"
New role for public libraries: small business
By Joe McKendrick | February 19, 2013, 1:24 PM PST

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The ultimate coworking space may have already been sitting in the middle of your town or
city for decades now — the public library.

That‘s the viewThe Atlantic’s Emily Badger puts forth in this proposal that provides an aging
institution a new mission that makes really good use of tax dollars, while providing venues that
promote startups and entrepreneurship. Libraries ―have just about everything a 21st century
innovator could need: Internet access, work space, reference materials, professional guidance,‖
she observes.

For the past few years, public libraries have been seeing strong demand to serve as resource
centers for unemployed or underemployed job hunters, providing career reference materials and
Internet access.

In a survey of 730 library managers I helped conduct in conjunction with Library Resource
Guide, we found that many see their institutions as hubs that will help address the gap between
unemployment and skills shortages among employers. Seven out of ten report increasing demand
for Internet access, and more than one-third say they are seeing more patrons seeking technical
information/training or job search/career development information.

By extension, if public libraries are operating as de facto employment opportunity and training
centers, it‘s not too much of a stretch to see them providing supportive environments for startups
and small businesses.

Some libraries are already re-inventing themselves as 3D printing centers or hackerspaces. In
2011, the Fayetteville Free Library of Fayetteville, NY assumed a new mission in efforts to serve
its constituencies with 3D printing facilities — the ―FFL Fab Lab‖ is a space set aside with 3D
printing technology, which seeks to encourage innovation and learning of the concept.

Badger says the idea of transforming libraries into small business workspaces will soon be put to
practice by Arizona State University, which intends to ―roll out a network of co-working
business incubators inside public libraries, starting with a pilot in the downtown Civic Center
Library in Scottsdale.‖ The plan is ambitious:

―Participating libraries will host dedicated co-working spaces for the program, as well as both
formal classes and informal mentoring from the university‘s start-up resources. The librarians
themselves will be trained by the university to help deliver some of the material. The network
will offer everything, in short, but seed money.‖

(Photo credit: U.S. Bureau for Ocean Energy Management.)

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incubators/13154 Transforming Knowledge in the Age of the Internet the Library Empire Libraries Transformed
For Immediate Release
April 9, 2012

Contact: Macey Morales

2012 State of America’s Library Report
shows free access to information in jeopardy
                       ALA releases Top Ten List of Most Frequently Challenged Books of 2011

CHICAGO — Publishers limiting library e-book lending, budget cuts and book challenges are just a few library trends of
the past year that are placing free access to information in jeopardy. These trends as well as other are detailed in the 2012
State of America‘s Libraries Report released today by the American Library Association (ALA) in conjunction with
National Library Week (April 8 – 14).

The rapid growth of e-books has stimulated increasing demand for them in libraries, but libraries only have limited access
to e-books because of restrictions placed on their use by publishers. Macmillan Publishing, Simon and Schuster and
Hachette Book Group refused to sell e-books to libraries. HarperCollins imposed an arbitrary 26 loans per e-book license,
and Penguin refused to let libraries lend its new titles altogether. When Random House raised e-book prices, the ALA
urged it to reconsider. ―In a time of extreme financial constraint, a major price increase effectively curtails access for many
libraries, and especially our communities that are hardest hit economically,‖ Molly Raphael, ALA president, said in a

The single-minded drive to reduce budget deficits continued to take its toll on essential services at all levels of society in
2011, with teachers and librarians sometimes seen as easy targets for layoffs. Even the federal Institute of Museum and
Library Services suffered budget cuts, and the Library of Congress lost nearly 10 percent of its workforce.

School librarians faced especially draconian budgetary challenges in 2011. Cuts began at the federal level in May 2011,
when the Department of Education eliminated fiscal 2011 funding for the Improving Literacy Through School Libraries
program, the only federal program solely for school libraries in the United States. The effects were soon felt at the state
and local levels

Academic librarians and their colleagues in higher education in the United States also continued to navigate a ―new
normal,‖ characterized by stagnating budgets, unsustainable costs, increased student enrollments and reduced staff.

Even during a period of budget battles, however, the library community, led by the ALA, stood firm against censorship.
Internet-age versions of copyright and piracy issues shot to the forefront as 2011 turned into 2012, and the acronyms
SOPA (the Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (the PROTECT IP Act of 2011) became part of the vocabulary as the library
and First Amendment communities took a strong stand against proponents of the legislation.

Book banning efforts were alive and well in 2011. The ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) received 326 reports
regarding attempts to remove or restrict materials from school curricula and library bookshelves. The Top Ten Most
Frequently Challenged Books of 2011 include the following titles; each title is followed by the reasons given for
challenging the book:

         1) ttyl; ttfn; l8r, g8r (series), by Lauren Myracle
         Offensive language; religious viewpoint; sexually explicit; unsuited to age group

         2) The Color of Earth (series), by Kim Dong Hwa
         Nudity; sex education; sexually explicit; unsuited to age group

         3) The Hunger Games trilogy, by Suzanne Collins
         Anti-ethnic; anti-family; insensitivity; offensive language; occult/satanic; violence
4) My Mom’s Having A Baby! A Kid’s Month-by-Month Guide to Pregnancy, by DoriHillestad Butler
          Nudity; sex education; sexually explicit; unsuited to age group

          5) The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie
          Offensive language; racism; religious viewpoint; sexually explicit; unsuited to age group

          6) Alice (series), by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
          Nudity; offensive language; religious viewpoint

          7) Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley
          Insensitivity; nudity; racism; religious viewpoint; sexually explicit

          8) What My Mother Doesn’t Know, by Sonya Sones
          Nudity; offensive language; sexually explicit

          9) Gossip Girl (series), by Cecily Von Ziegesar
          Drugs; offensive language; sexually explicit

          10) To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee
          Offensive language; racism

*A challenge is defined as a formal, written complaint filed with a library or school requesting that a book or other
material be restricted or removed because of its content or appropriateness.

The State of America‘s Libraries Report documents trends in library usage and details the impact of library budget cuts,
technology use and the various other challenges facing U.S. libraries. The full Report is available at
3D printing: coming to a library near you
By Joe McKendrick | November 14, 2011, 2:11 PM PST

more +


A few months back, we talked about the challenges faced by libraries in the era of ebooks, digital
information and shrinking budgets. An emerging idea, now being pioneered at one New York
state library, is to offer 3D printing facilities to enable constituents to develop and innovate new
ideas and products.

The Fayetteville Free Library of Fayetteville, NY recently has assumed a new mission in efforts
to serve its constituencies with 3D printing facilities. The ―FFL Fab Lab‖ is a space set aside
with 3D printing technology, which seeks to encourage innovation and learning of the concept.
At the foundation of the FFL‘s Fab Lab will be a MakerBot Thing-o-Matic 3D printer, donated
to the library. The Fab Lab‘s 3D printer uses plastic as its raw material.
As stated on the library‘s Fab Lab Website, the goal is to provide what is known as a
―hackerspace‖ to the local public, providing access to equipment that may be too expensive to
purchase on an individual basis:

―These spaces, known as Fabrication Labs (fab labs), Hackerspaces, and Tech Shops, share
common goals: collaboration and ‗making.‘ They exist to give their specific communities the
ability to ‗make‘ through sharing knowledge and skills. They provide the technology necessary
to make almost anything. However, these spaces often provide services to a specific or targeted
group and are not easily accessible to ‗outsiders‘ - traditional Fab Labs are tied to MIT and are
generally found in underserved communities, Hackerspaces have membership fees, and Tech-
Shops, on average, cost around $1.5 million to start. Imagine - what if the Fayetteville Free
Library had similar tools as MIT at its fingertips (at an affordable cost), with the knowledge
necessary to use them?‖

As discussed on this website, along with its high customization, 3D printing offers enormous
potential to minimize the costs of mass production, and even bring a lot of that production back
to the domestic economy. The Fayetteville Fab Lab may also kick-start a new role for public
libraries as well — as incubators and resource centers for new businesses and innovations.

Phillip Torrone first pitched this idea in Make Magazine a few months back — proposing a new,
entrepreneurial and innovator incubator role for the nation‘s 9,000 public libraries:

―If the only public space where 3D printers, laser cutters, and learning electronics happens is in
fee/memberships-based spaces (TechShops, hackerspaces), that will leave out a segment of the
population, who will never have access. FabLabs often are geared towards under-served
communities, so perhaps it will be a combination of FabLabs and hackerspaces. What if we were
to convert just 1% or even 10% of the 9,000 public libraries in the USA to TechShops?‖

For her part, Lauren Smedley, the genius behind Fayetteville‘s Fab Lab, ―wants to prove that
libraries aren‘t just about books,‖ as quoted by KQED. ―They are about free access to
information and to technology — and not just to reading books or using computers, but actually
building and making things.‖

Smedley also would like to add a CNC Router and laser cutter to the Fab Lab‘s inventory, and
also plans to offer free classes and programs on 3D Printing, 3D design software training, and
computer programming.
Why Libraries Matter
Posted: 11/22/2011 8:24 am


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American Library Association , Library Budget Cuts , Ala, Helping Libraries , Libraries ,
Libraries In Crisis , Libraries In Crisis , Library Budget , Library Problems , Public Libraries ,
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This blogpost is part of our ongoing series on Libraries In Crisis.

It seems that every time you pick up a newspaper or visit a website, you find a story about
libraries facing major budget cuts.

The recession has proven a double edged sword for public libraries.

On the one hand, as the economy remains stagnant, deep budget cuts will continue to pose a
threat to library service. According to the American Library Association's 2011 State of
America's Libraries Report, 21 states reported cuts in state funding for public libraries from
fiscal 2010 to fiscal 2011. Of these, nearly half indicated that the cuts were greater than 10
percent. The study also found that cuts at the state level were often compounded by cuts at the
local level, the source of most library funding.
On the other hand, the struggling economy has fueled renewed interest and use in library services,
with Americans capitalizing on free access to books, magazines, e-books, DVDs, the Internet
and professional assistance. And public libraries are also serving as a lifeline for people trying to
adapt to challenging economic circumstances, providing technology training and online
resources for employment, access to government resources, continuing education, retooling for
new careers and starting a small business.

Libraries not only benefit their users individually. They also act as community hubs, bringing
people together and connecting them to worlds beyond their communities. Libraries offer more
than just books; they are community centers where everyone has access to programs and services
that fuel lifelong learning.

In nearly all communities, it is not unusual to see patrons lining up outside of library branches,
waiting for their doors to open. Public libraries serve as a lifeline for those who need access to
technologies such as computers and wireless environments. Libraries offer more than just access;
they are staffed with trained professional librarians who assist library patrons in finding what
they seek among the myriad of "hits" that Internet search engines generate.

Many communities across the country depend on public library staff and technology services
more than ever. According to the 2011 Public Library Funding and Technology Access Study, an
annual report produced by the American Library Association (ALA) with support from the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation, more than 65 percent of public libraries report that they are the
only source of free public access to computers and the Internet in their communities. There is no
question that demand for library computer access will continue to flourish as more employers
and government agencies not only provide information exclusively in a digital format but also
require information to be submitted on line.

Every library in the country has similar stories. America's libraries are helping America's
workers return to work. Libraries are a lifeline for job-seekers. More than 74 percent of libraries
offer software and other resources to help patrons create resumes and employment materials, and
72 percent of libraries report that staff helped patrons complete online job applications. A small
example, repeated over and over in libraries across the country, will illustrate this point. In
Portland, OR, a laid-off, middle-aged housekeeper, who had never used a computer, found a new
housekeeping job with a major department store with the assistance of library staff who helped
her complete a multi-page, online-only application.

Chicago's public library is also doing its part to help residents avoid potholes in the long road to
economic recovery. Several branches host programs on using e-mail to help in the job search, as
well as programs on starting a small business and even one on getting good deals on everything
imaginable. The Chicago Public Library, like many other libraries, also offers free passes to
many of Chicago's other cultural institutions.

The demand for library service is so great in Chicago that when Mayor Rahm Emanuel
announced that he planned to cut hours and eliminate library positions, the community fought
back. After public outcry from Chicago aldermen and their constituents, Mayor Emanuel
restored $3.3 million to the library budget, allowing for a full six-day-a-week schedule and
preventing the layoff of more than 100 library employees. Cuts were still made to Chicago
Public Libraries, but community support lessened the blow.

We need library supporters to continue to step forward all across the country. Many have and the
results are impressive; decision-makers listen to what people in their communities want.
Libraries design their services to meet the diverse needs of their specific communities so it is not
surprising that people fight for what matters to them. Resources are available to help
communities at

In this economy everyone is expected to do more with less, but it is my hope that local
governments understand that every service hour lost in our libraries translates into lost
opportunities to connect people to distance education, employment opportunities and hands-on

Libraries provide an anchor of stability for millions of Americans tightening their financial belts
during these tough economic times. As our nation - indeed the world - struggles to emerge from
this economic crisis, we cannot afford to close the books on libraries. Libraries are very much a
part of the solution, not just for individuals but for whole communities. We make essential
resources available within our walls and in virtual space. Every hour lost, every building closed,
every librarian laid off means less access for fewer people, just at a time when people need us the
most. We need our diverse publics to speak out and say, "Libraries are essential for learning and
essential for life."

OCLA perceptions of libraries
Web Extra: Public Libraries in the Digital Age

MetroFocus | THIRTEEN, by Marisa Wong, February 27, 2013

NYC Libraries: Despite City Cuts, Attendance Spikes

MetroFocus | THIRTEEN, by Beth Garbitelli& Greg Jacobs, February 25, 2013

Kings Highway Library has become the borough’s top-performing branch thanks to immigrants

New York Daily News, by Lore Croghan, February 11, 2013

Despite drop in money, library attendance is higher than ever

amNew York, by Tim Herrera, February 03, 2013

How budget cuts are affecting the New York City Public Library’s work

CUNY TV Independent Sources, January 30, 2013

Report finds foreign bookworms in boro

Queens Chronicle, by Joseph Orovic, January 24, 2013

Despite cuts, more Bronxites are using public libraries

The Riverdale Press, January 24, 2013

Circumstance and opportunity collide to make libraries relevant again

Upstart Business Journal, by AnikaAnand, January 22, 2013

Local library branches score for busiest in New York City

Bronx Times, by Kirsten Sanchez, January 21, 2013

Borough library caters to immigrants’ special needs

Queens Times Ledger, by Rich Bockmann, January 19, 2013

Queens Library Hits High Marks

Queens Tribune, by Megan Montalvo, January 17, 2013

Giving Libraries Their Due

WNYC Brian Lehrer Show, January 15, 2013

Proposal Would Replace Shuttered Brooklyn Libraries With New Spaces
Wall Street Journal, by Jennifer Maloney, January 15, 2013

Brooklyn Public Library May Close Older Carnegie Buildings

Curbed NY, by Jessica Dailey, January 15, 2013

BK libraries striding toward the future with new technology

News 12 Brooklyn, January 15, 2013

Library Eyes New Page

Wall Street Journal, by Jennifer Maloney, January 14, 2013

The New York Public Library Highlights Essential Service Following “Branches of Opportunity” Report

NY Public Library, January 14, 2013

East Flatbush residents say two-year renovation at local library will leave them out in the cold

NYDailyNews, by Mark Morales, January 10, 2013

New York City Public Libraries Open Fewer Hours Than Libraries in Other Major Cities

Next City, by David Giles, January 10, 2013

New report shows the Bronx with fastest growth in public library usage of any borough

NYDailyNews, by Patrice O'Shaughnessy, January 10, 2013

New Report From NYC Think Tank Looks at Future of All Three New York City Public Library Systems

Info Docket, by Gary Price, January 09, 2013

More people than ever using New York’s public libraries

Melville House Books, by Ellie Robins, January 09, 2013

What Does the City’s Recovery Need? More Libraries

City Limits, by David Giles, January 09, 2013

City library support, years overdue

NYDailyNews, by David Giles, January 09, 2013

Startup News: Kickstarter and IndieGogo Show Off Their Metrics and Middle Schoolers Get Appy

Beta Beat, by Ross Barkan, January 09, 2013
Today’s Report: City’s Libraries Serving More People In More Ways Than Ever Before

Gotham Gazette, by Cristian Salazar, January 09, 2013

Center for Urban Future Releases Report on NYC Library Trends

MetroFocus, January 08, 2013

As Use of Libraries Grows, Government Support Has Eroded

The New York Times, by Sam Roberts, January 08, 2013

The Future of Libraries

WNYC, January 08, 2013

New Report on Libraries Transforming in the Digital Age

WNYC-New Tech City Blog, by ManoushZomorodi, January 08, 2013

NY1 Online: Examining Growing Importance Of Public Libraries

NY1, by Road To City Hall, January 07, 2013

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Readings and videos

  • 1. Why Libraries Should Be the Next Great Start-Up Incubators EMILY BADGER FEB 19, 2013 37 COMMENTS Shutterstock inShare350 Share Print Share on emailEmail
  • 2. Co-working spaces are often treated today as a novelty, as a thoroughly modern solution to the changing needs of a workforce now more loyal to their laptops than any long-term employers. But the idea is actually as old as the public library. One of the world’s first and most famous libraries, in Alexandria, Egypt, was frequently home some 2,000 years ago to the self-starters and self-employed of that era. “When you look back in history, they had philosophers and mathematicians and all sorts of folks who would get together and solve the problems of their time,” says Tracy Lea, the venture manager with Arizona State University’s economic development and community engagement arm. “We kind of look at it as the first template for the university. They had lecture halls, gathering spaces. They had co-working spaces.” This old idea of the public library as co-working space now offers a modern answer – one among many – for how these aging institutions could become more relevant two millennia after the original Alexandria library burned to the ground. Would-be entrepreneurs everywhere are looking for business know-how and physical space to incubate their start-ups. Libraries meanwhile may be associated today with an outmoded product in paper books. But they also happen to have just about everything a 21st century innovator could need: Internet access, work space, reference materials, professional guidance. Why not, Lea suggests, put these two ideas together? Arizona State is planning in the next few months to roll out a network of co-working business incubators inside public libraries, starting with a pilot in the downtown Civic Center Library in Scottsdale. The university is calling the plan, ambitiously, the Alexandria Network. Participating libraries will host dedicated co-working spaces for the program, as well as both formal classes and informal mentoring from the university’s start-up resources. The librarians themselves will be trained by the university to help deliver some of the material. The network will offer everything, in short, but seed money. “As we develop this pilot and start to scale it out,” Lea adds, “we would like to be able to direct people on how to find those resources.” Libraries also provide a perfect venue to expand the concept of start-up accelerators beyond the renovated warehouses and stylish offices of “innovation districts.” They offer a more familiar entry- point for potential entrepreneurs less likely to walk into a traditional start-up incubator (or an ASU office, for that matter). Public libraries long ago democratized access to knowledge; now they could do the same in a start-up economy. “We refer to it as democratizing entrepreneurship,” Lea says, “so everyone really can be involved.” Top image: gagliardifoto/Shutterstock
  • 3. As much as I encourage libraries to innovate and become something more, this particular idea seems beyond the capabilities of a vast majority of libraries. The notion that libraries offer "professional guidance" for "a 21st century innovator" is grossly misinformed by the author, if not totally absurd. If library staff were capable of offering professional guidance to innovators and entrepreneurs, their own organization wouldn't be in the tough straits they find themselves today - looking for a new mission. Offering Internet access - of course. Offering work space - sure. Offering reference materials - absolutely. But, professional guidance - that's dreaming. Not to mention that as soon as some disgruntled, disappointed, and bankrupt "would-be entrepreneur" decides it was the "professional guidance" they received at the library that sank their business, the library will be in for the lawsuit of its life. o I'm a librarian, going on my sixteenth year of public service. We have volunteers from SCORE ( ) as well as other professionals come in and give programs, run workshops and offer guidance to entrepreneurs. Librarians at my library teach beginning and intermediary computer classes and some are trained in doing expert market research and prospecting research using sophisticated databases. So it's a partnership. I think this article is suggesting a change in direction that should be welcome to both forward thinking librarians and entrepreneurs. Also: libraries are busier and more competently staffed than I've ever seen them in my lifetime. Check out the ALA's latest state of the libraries report ( ) if you don't believe me. Libraries are only in "tough straits" because of huge mistakes and deceptions made by misinformed and greedy people in the banking and investment fields. Forward thinking librarians like those featured in this article should be commended for trying to be part of the solution to a problem they did not create.  Strategic partnerships are the best, and for business related projects SCORE is also the best. Librarians teaching computer classes is also an excellent program and the partnership you describe sounds perfect, and innovative librarians deserve commendation. However, where I take exception is with the partnership described in this article that promotes public librarians providing "professional guidance to innovators and entrepreneurs" which is far beyond most librarians' expertise. Librarians highly competent (and I certainly won't argue with their competence being higher than ever before) in librarianship is a far cry from being competent to provide "professional guidance."
  • 4. Steve, you're misreading "professional guidance" in this article. Taken in context this phrase is clearly referring to the ability of librarians to guide patrons in their access to and use of library resources, NOT the ability of librarians to offer any specific business advice. The "professional" part of "professional guidance" refers to the librarians themselves, not to the research interests of the patrons; otherwise, the phrase would be something like "entrepreneurial guidance." As for delivering material, the article makes it clear that ASU has developed and/or compiled a collection of materials specific to the issues of start-ups. Training librarians to help patrons access this specific set of materials, as they are trained to assist with any major reference resource, falls well short of your notion that librarians will be expected to give specific advice on particular business decisions. The "professional" part of "professional guidance" refers to the librarians themselves, not to the research interests of the patrons; otherwise, the phrase would be something like "entrepreneurial guidance." As for delivering material, the article makes it clear that ASU has developed and/or compiled a collection of materials specific to the issues of start-ups. Training librarians to help patrons access this specific set of materials, as they are trained to assist with any major reference resource, falls well short of your notion that librarians will be expected to give specific advice on particular business decisions.
  • 5.
  • 6. A Non-Hipster Approach to a Co- Working Space A new initiative introduced by Arizona State University works with libraries to create co-work spaces where entrepreneurs can gain training and support. Jetta Productions
  • 7. Though myriad co-work spaces already operate in public libraries across the U.S., Arizona State University is taking it to the next level. Arizona State University’s Venture Catalyst start-up unit and the Scottsdale Public Library System have announced the introduction of the Alexandria Network, a system of co-work spaces for entrepreneurs in public libraries across Arizona. What's novel? The program will collaborate with libraries to reach entrepreneurs who may be less savvy than their peers and actually train library staff to deal with entrepreneurs. “A lot of co-working spaces are targeting a particular type of person--this is more broad," Gordon McConnell, Assistant Vice President of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Venture Acceleration at ASU told Inc. "It’s probably for people that wouldn’t go to hipster co- working spaces. It’s great that those are happening—they’re an important foundation level to entrepreneurship. This is democratizing it a little bit." McConnell also hopes the co-work spaces will be appealing to those among the growing population of entrepreneurs over age 50. “Those are the people we’re trying to target, and they’ll be geographically spread out,” he added. The pilot space will open in the Scottsdale Civic Center Library in early April, at which time the initiative also expects to announce the opening of six to eight more locations. In addition to the work space, the library staff will be trained to provide basic assistance to those who visit the spaces seeking guidance on starting a business. Workshops on topics such as "Business Models vs. Business Plans" and "Legal Concerns for Startups" are currently open to both entrepreneurs and the library staff members learning to help them. In response to the new intitiave, McConnell said, "[Library staff] were like, 'Yeah, this is great. We need to change. We don’t have this background in working with start-ups, you can support us.'"
  • 8. New role for public libraries: small business incubators By Joe McKendrick | February 19, 2013, 1:24 PM PST 3Comments more + Email Print Digg LinkedIn Reddit Technorati The ultimate coworking space may have already been sitting in the middle of your town or city for decades now — the public library. That‘s the viewThe Atlantic’s Emily Badger puts forth in this proposal that provides an aging institution a new mission that makes really good use of tax dollars, while providing venues that promote startups and entrepreneurship. Libraries ―have just about everything a 21st century innovator could need: Internet access, work space, reference materials, professional guidance,‖ she observes. For the past few years, public libraries have been seeing strong demand to serve as resource centers for unemployed or underemployed job hunters, providing career reference materials and Internet access. In a survey of 730 library managers I helped conduct in conjunction with Library Resource Guide, we found that many see their institutions as hubs that will help address the gap between unemployment and skills shortages among employers. Seven out of ten report increasing demand
  • 9. for Internet access, and more than one-third say they are seeing more patrons seeking technical information/training or job search/career development information. By extension, if public libraries are operating as de facto employment opportunity and training centers, it‘s not too much of a stretch to see them providing supportive environments for startups and small businesses. Some libraries are already re-inventing themselves as 3D printing centers or hackerspaces. In 2011, the Fayetteville Free Library of Fayetteville, NY assumed a new mission in efforts to serve its constituencies with 3D printing facilities — the ―FFL Fab Lab‖ is a space set aside with 3D printing technology, which seeks to encourage innovation and learning of the concept. Badger says the idea of transforming libraries into small business workspaces will soon be put to practice by Arizona State University, which intends to ―roll out a network of co-working business incubators inside public libraries, starting with a pilot in the downtown Civic Center Library in Scottsdale.‖ The plan is ambitious: ―Participating libraries will host dedicated co-working spaces for the program, as well as both formal classes and informal mentoring from the university‘s start-up resources. The librarians themselves will be trained by the university to help deliver some of the material. The network will offer everything, in short, but seed money.‖ (Photo credit: U.S. Bureau for Ocean Energy Management.) Start your week smarter with our weekly e-mail newsletter. It's your cheat sheet for good ideas. Get it. incubators/13154
  • 10. Transforming Knowledge in the Age of the Internet the Library Empire Libraries Transformed
  • 11. NEWS For Immediate Release April 9, 2012 Contact: Macey Morales 2012 State of America’s Library Report shows free access to information in jeopardy ALA releases Top Ten List of Most Frequently Challenged Books of 2011 CHICAGO — Publishers limiting library e-book lending, budget cuts and book challenges are just a few library trends of the past year that are placing free access to information in jeopardy. These trends as well as other are detailed in the 2012 State of America‘s Libraries Report released today by the American Library Association (ALA) in conjunction with National Library Week (April 8 – 14). The rapid growth of e-books has stimulated increasing demand for them in libraries, but libraries only have limited access to e-books because of restrictions placed on their use by publishers. Macmillan Publishing, Simon and Schuster and Hachette Book Group refused to sell e-books to libraries. HarperCollins imposed an arbitrary 26 loans per e-book license, and Penguin refused to let libraries lend its new titles altogether. When Random House raised e-book prices, the ALA urged it to reconsider. ―In a time of extreme financial constraint, a major price increase effectively curtails access for many libraries, and especially our communities that are hardest hit economically,‖ Molly Raphael, ALA president, said in a statement. The single-minded drive to reduce budget deficits continued to take its toll on essential services at all levels of society in 2011, with teachers and librarians sometimes seen as easy targets for layoffs. Even the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services suffered budget cuts, and the Library of Congress lost nearly 10 percent of its workforce. School librarians faced especially draconian budgetary challenges in 2011. Cuts began at the federal level in May 2011, when the Department of Education eliminated fiscal 2011 funding for the Improving Literacy Through School Libraries program, the only federal program solely for school libraries in the United States. The effects were soon felt at the state and local levels Academic librarians and their colleagues in higher education in the United States also continued to navigate a ―new normal,‖ characterized by stagnating budgets, unsustainable costs, increased student enrollments and reduced staff. Even during a period of budget battles, however, the library community, led by the ALA, stood firm against censorship. Internet-age versions of copyright and piracy issues shot to the forefront as 2011 turned into 2012, and the acronyms SOPA (the Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (the PROTECT IP Act of 2011) became part of the vocabulary as the library and First Amendment communities took a strong stand against proponents of the legislation. Book banning efforts were alive and well in 2011. The ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) received 326 reports regarding attempts to remove or restrict materials from school curricula and library bookshelves. The Top Ten Most Frequently Challenged Books of 2011 include the following titles; each title is followed by the reasons given for challenging the book: 1) ttyl; ttfn; l8r, g8r (series), by Lauren Myracle Offensive language; religious viewpoint; sexually explicit; unsuited to age group 2) The Color of Earth (series), by Kim Dong Hwa Nudity; sex education; sexually explicit; unsuited to age group 3) The Hunger Games trilogy, by Suzanne Collins Anti-ethnic; anti-family; insensitivity; offensive language; occult/satanic; violence
  • 12. 4) My Mom’s Having A Baby! A Kid’s Month-by-Month Guide to Pregnancy, by DoriHillestad Butler Nudity; sex education; sexually explicit; unsuited to age group 5) The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie Offensive language; racism; religious viewpoint; sexually explicit; unsuited to age group 6) Alice (series), by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Nudity; offensive language; religious viewpoint 7) Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley Insensitivity; nudity; racism; religious viewpoint; sexually explicit 8) What My Mother Doesn’t Know, by Sonya Sones Nudity; offensive language; sexually explicit 9) Gossip Girl (series), by Cecily Von Ziegesar Drugs; offensive language; sexually explicit 10) To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee Offensive language; racism *A challenge is defined as a formal, written complaint filed with a library or school requesting that a book or other material be restricted or removed because of its content or appropriateness. The State of America‘s Libraries Report documents trends in library usage and details the impact of library budget cuts, technology use and the various other challenges facing U.S. libraries. The full Report is available at
  • 13. 3D printing: coming to a library near you By Joe McKendrick | November 14, 2011, 2:11 PM PST 7Comments more + Email Print Digg LinkedIn Reddit Technorati A few months back, we talked about the challenges faced by libraries in the era of ebooks, digital information and shrinking budgets. An emerging idea, now being pioneered at one New York state library, is to offer 3D printing facilities to enable constituents to develop and innovate new ideas and products. The Fayetteville Free Library of Fayetteville, NY recently has assumed a new mission in efforts to serve its constituencies with 3D printing facilities. The ―FFL Fab Lab‖ is a space set aside with 3D printing technology, which seeks to encourage innovation and learning of the concept. At the foundation of the FFL‘s Fab Lab will be a MakerBot Thing-o-Matic 3D printer, donated to the library. The Fab Lab‘s 3D printer uses plastic as its raw material.
  • 14. As stated on the library‘s Fab Lab Website, the goal is to provide what is known as a ―hackerspace‖ to the local public, providing access to equipment that may be too expensive to purchase on an individual basis: ―These spaces, known as Fabrication Labs (fab labs), Hackerspaces, and Tech Shops, share common goals: collaboration and ‗making.‘ They exist to give their specific communities the ability to ‗make‘ through sharing knowledge and skills. They provide the technology necessary to make almost anything. However, these spaces often provide services to a specific or targeted group and are not easily accessible to ‗outsiders‘ - traditional Fab Labs are tied to MIT and are generally found in underserved communities, Hackerspaces have membership fees, and Tech- Shops, on average, cost around $1.5 million to start. Imagine - what if the Fayetteville Free Library had similar tools as MIT at its fingertips (at an affordable cost), with the knowledge necessary to use them?‖ As discussed on this website, along with its high customization, 3D printing offers enormous potential to minimize the costs of mass production, and even bring a lot of that production back to the domestic economy. The Fayetteville Fab Lab may also kick-start a new role for public libraries as well — as incubators and resource centers for new businesses and innovations. Phillip Torrone first pitched this idea in Make Magazine a few months back — proposing a new, entrepreneurial and innovator incubator role for the nation‘s 9,000 public libraries: ―If the only public space where 3D printers, laser cutters, and learning electronics happens is in fee/memberships-based spaces (TechShops, hackerspaces), that will leave out a segment of the population, who will never have access. FabLabs often are geared towards under-served communities, so perhaps it will be a combination of FabLabs and hackerspaces. What if we were to convert just 1% or even 10% of the 9,000 public libraries in the USA to TechShops?‖ For her part, Lauren Smedley, the genius behind Fayetteville‘s Fab Lab, ―wants to prove that libraries aren‘t just about books,‖ as quoted by KQED. ―They are about free access to information and to technology — and not just to reading books or using computers, but actually building and making things.‖ Smedley also would like to add a CNC Router and laser cutter to the Fab Lab‘s inventory, and also plans to offer free classes and programs on 3D Printing, 3D design software training, and computer programming.
  • 15. Why Libraries Matter Posted: 11/22/2011 8:24 am React Inspiring Funny Typical Important Outrageous Amazing Innovative Beautiful Read more American Library Association , Library Budget Cuts , Ala, Helping Libraries , Libraries , Libraries In Crisis , Libraries In Crisis , Library Budget , Library Problems , Public Libraries , Books News share this story 401 51 26 Submit this story diggredditstumble This blogpost is part of our ongoing series on Libraries In Crisis. It seems that every time you pick up a newspaper or visit a website, you find a story about libraries facing major budget cuts. The recession has proven a double edged sword for public libraries. On the one hand, as the economy remains stagnant, deep budget cuts will continue to pose a threat to library service. According to the American Library Association's 2011 State of America's Libraries Report, 21 states reported cuts in state funding for public libraries from fiscal 2010 to fiscal 2011. Of these, nearly half indicated that the cuts were greater than 10 percent. The study also found that cuts at the state level were often compounded by cuts at the local level, the source of most library funding.
  • 16. On the other hand, the struggling economy has fueled renewed interest and use in library services, with Americans capitalizing on free access to books, magazines, e-books, DVDs, the Internet and professional assistance. And public libraries are also serving as a lifeline for people trying to adapt to challenging economic circumstances, providing technology training and online resources for employment, access to government resources, continuing education, retooling for new careers and starting a small business. Libraries not only benefit their users individually. They also act as community hubs, bringing people together and connecting them to worlds beyond their communities. Libraries offer more than just books; they are community centers where everyone has access to programs and services that fuel lifelong learning. In nearly all communities, it is not unusual to see patrons lining up outside of library branches, waiting for their doors to open. Public libraries serve as a lifeline for those who need access to technologies such as computers and wireless environments. Libraries offer more than just access; they are staffed with trained professional librarians who assist library patrons in finding what they seek among the myriad of "hits" that Internet search engines generate. Many communities across the country depend on public library staff and technology services more than ever. According to the 2011 Public Library Funding and Technology Access Study, an annual report produced by the American Library Association (ALA) with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, more than 65 percent of public libraries report that they are the only source of free public access to computers and the Internet in their communities. There is no question that demand for library computer access will continue to flourish as more employers and government agencies not only provide information exclusively in a digital format but also require information to be submitted on line. Every library in the country has similar stories. America's libraries are helping America's workers return to work. Libraries are a lifeline for job-seekers. More than 74 percent of libraries offer software and other resources to help patrons create resumes and employment materials, and 72 percent of libraries report that staff helped patrons complete online job applications. A small example, repeated over and over in libraries across the country, will illustrate this point. In Portland, OR, a laid-off, middle-aged housekeeper, who had never used a computer, found a new housekeeping job with a major department store with the assistance of library staff who helped her complete a multi-page, online-only application. Chicago's public library is also doing its part to help residents avoid potholes in the long road to economic recovery. Several branches host programs on using e-mail to help in the job search, as well as programs on starting a small business and even one on getting good deals on everything imaginable. The Chicago Public Library, like many other libraries, also offers free passes to many of Chicago's other cultural institutions. The demand for library service is so great in Chicago that when Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced that he planned to cut hours and eliminate library positions, the community fought back. After public outcry from Chicago aldermen and their constituents, Mayor Emanuel restored $3.3 million to the library budget, allowing for a full six-day-a-week schedule and
  • 17. preventing the layoff of more than 100 library employees. Cuts were still made to Chicago Public Libraries, but community support lessened the blow. We need library supporters to continue to step forward all across the country. Many have and the results are impressive; decision-makers listen to what people in their communities want. Libraries design their services to meet the diverse needs of their specific communities so it is not surprising that people fight for what matters to them. Resources are available to help communities at In this economy everyone is expected to do more with less, but it is my hope that local governments understand that every service hour lost in our libraries translates into lost opportunities to connect people to distance education, employment opportunities and hands-on help. Libraries provide an anchor of stability for millions of Americans tightening their financial belts during these tough economic times. As our nation - indeed the world - struggles to emerge from this economic crisis, we cannot afford to close the books on libraries. Libraries are very much a part of the solution, not just for individuals but for whole communities. We make essential resources available within our walls and in virtual space. Every hour lost, every building closed, every librarian laid off means less access for fewer people, just at a time when people need us the most. We need our diverse publics to speak out and say, "Libraries are essential for learning and essential for life." OCLA perceptions of libraries
  • 18. Web Extra: Public Libraries in the Digital Age MetroFocus | THIRTEEN, by Marisa Wong, February 27, 2013 NYC Libraries: Despite City Cuts, Attendance Spikes MetroFocus | THIRTEEN, by Beth Garbitelli& Greg Jacobs, February 25, 2013 Kings Highway Library has become the borough’s top-performing branch thanks to immigrants New York Daily News, by Lore Croghan, February 11, 2013 Despite drop in money, library attendance is higher than ever amNew York, by Tim Herrera, February 03, 2013 How budget cuts are affecting the New York City Public Library’s work CUNY TV Independent Sources, January 30, 2013 Report finds foreign bookworms in boro Queens Chronicle, by Joseph Orovic, January 24, 2013 Despite cuts, more Bronxites are using public libraries The Riverdale Press, January 24, 2013 Circumstance and opportunity collide to make libraries relevant again Upstart Business Journal, by AnikaAnand, January 22, 2013 Local library branches score for busiest in New York City Bronx Times, by Kirsten Sanchez, January 21, 2013 Borough library caters to immigrants’ special needs Queens Times Ledger, by Rich Bockmann, January 19, 2013 Queens Library Hits High Marks Queens Tribune, by Megan Montalvo, January 17, 2013 Giving Libraries Their Due WNYC Brian Lehrer Show, January 15, 2013 Proposal Would Replace Shuttered Brooklyn Libraries With New Spaces
  • 19. Wall Street Journal, by Jennifer Maloney, January 15, 2013 Brooklyn Public Library May Close Older Carnegie Buildings Curbed NY, by Jessica Dailey, January 15, 2013 BK libraries striding toward the future with new technology News 12 Brooklyn, January 15, 2013 Library Eyes New Page Wall Street Journal, by Jennifer Maloney, January 14, 2013 The New York Public Library Highlights Essential Service Following “Branches of Opportunity” Report NY Public Library, January 14, 2013 East Flatbush residents say two-year renovation at local library will leave them out in the cold NYDailyNews, by Mark Morales, January 10, 2013 New York City Public Libraries Open Fewer Hours Than Libraries in Other Major Cities Next City, by David Giles, January 10, 2013 New report shows the Bronx with fastest growth in public library usage of any borough NYDailyNews, by Patrice O'Shaughnessy, January 10, 2013 New Report From NYC Think Tank Looks at Future of All Three New York City Public Library Systems Info Docket, by Gary Price, January 09, 2013 More people than ever using New York’s public libraries Melville House Books, by Ellie Robins, January 09, 2013 What Does the City’s Recovery Need? More Libraries City Limits, by David Giles, January 09, 2013 City library support, years overdue NYDailyNews, by David Giles, January 09, 2013 Startup News: Kickstarter and IndieGogo Show Off Their Metrics and Middle Schoolers Get Appy Beta Beat, by Ross Barkan, January 09, 2013
  • 20. Today’s Report: City’s Libraries Serving More People In More Ways Than Ever Before Gotham Gazette, by Cristian Salazar, January 09, 2013 Center for Urban Future Releases Report on NYC Library Trends MetroFocus, January 08, 2013 As Use of Libraries Grows, Government Support Has Eroded The New York Times, by Sam Roberts, January 08, 2013 The Future of Libraries WNYC, January 08, 2013 New Report on Libraries Transforming in the Digital Age WNYC-New Tech City Blog, by ManoushZomorodi, January 08, 2013 NY1 Online: Examining Growing Importance Of Public Libraries NY1, by Road To City Hall, January 07, 2013