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Presenter: Dr. Veda Vrata Aalok
+ 91 999909 1646
“Vedic Prana Yoga”
Or “Respiration
Awareness Yoga”
= RAY =
VPY = Vedic Prana Yoga or
RAY = Respiration Awareness
Any Subject, Object, Thought, Action or
Practice related to “Veda” is Vedic.
What is ‘Veda’ then?
 ‘Vid ’= to know, to experience and to realize a
Truth of Life, as Seers-Scientists are Aware of.
 ‘Veda ’ = An intuitively realized truth. Veda
especially also refers to ‘The four volumes of
Vedas’, the earliest scriptures on earth.
 ‘Vedic’ = All actions and Practices adhered to
with thoughts, depending on such spiritedly
realized and practiced truths in Awareness.
Vedic, spelt as per the original Skt. Word has to be
‘VAIDIC’; And, it includes “Vision, Awareness,
Intuition, Divinity, Insight, Conscience’.
What is Prana?
Vedic seers visualized the hidden forces
functioning in nature to support and
sustain all life existing on our planet.
They termed the source of all these forces as
Prana. This word thus, denotes both, 1.
the ‘Individual Life Force’ in every living
organism”, and 2. “the cosmic source of
life or ‘Universal Life Power’ generated
by the Creator for sustaining His
We may safely define that, Prana is the
key-Force, ‘Respiration’ * in our Nerves
& cells that activates and synchronizes all
systems and different zones of the body.
What is Yoga?
Yuj = Unify, unite, contemplate, meditate,
join, connect etc.
{What? And How do you look at Yoga?}
Yoga = That path which accomplishes the
Unification of various aspects of our life.
It is in no way simply a Physical Work-out!
Yoga has to be a ‘Harmonious Art of
Living’, a Holistically healthy Life ever in
Bliss, the Inherent and Real Happiness.
Thus, ‘Vedic Prana Yoga’ may be seen as
“Respiration Awareness Yoga” or RAY.
RAY = Respiration Awareness Yoga
in Chakra-s = Pranic Energy
RAY cleanses purifies and nourishes our 3
bodies, (Shareera-s), 3 humours, (Ayurvedic
Dosha-s), 5 Life-Functions (Prana-s), 5
Physical elements, (Pancha-Mahaanhoota-
s) and their qualities, (Guna-s), 5+5 organs of
action & sensing, (the 10 karma & Jnaana-
Indriya-s), 8 Centres, Chakra-s, 9 gates
(Dvaara-s); and opens up the 10th
gate to
connect us with the 8th
Chakra, the less told
Guru Chakra of the Universal Divine Force.
Cleansing of the 3 Bodies
Gross or ‘sthoola’ Body, made up of Anna:
Through outer and inner Physical movements of
limbs or Kriya-s, i.e., Asana-s, Mudra-s and
Bandha-s etc., the qualities of Fire, Water and
Earth, which form our Pitta and Kapha in the
Subtle or ‘sookshma’ Body of Prana: Through
Respiration and sensation or Spanda, the quality
of Air or Vaata, another subtle element of our
Causal or ‘KaaraNa’ Body, made up of 4 Antah-
KaraNa-s, the Mind, Memory, Intellect, Ego:
Yoga: a Journey to Own Self!
In our Existential Reality, let’s move Inwards!
• Is my Body Comfortably Stable? No strain or
tension in any limb! My Spine is straight-up!
I’ve done due physical work-out? To unify
my Total Self, I’ll move in through my body
• Am I breathing fine? Any obstruction in free
flow of my respiration? Nose is clear. Whole
of the Breathing passage has no blockages.
• My Mind isn’t wavering! Any emotional stress?
Any unfinished job needs my prior attention?
My Mind is focused on my own self?
What is Pranic?
As is clear, Prana is invisible, subtle and non-
tangible. How can it be operated manually?
Yes! We can, by all means, feel it through our
sixth sense, our Mind. That is why Yogis did
develop many ‘Pranic Practices’ mainly for:
Cleansing: by Exhaling, Holding-out Breath
with Gestures (Mudra-s) in Palms & Body
Balancing: by Breathing through both sides of
Nose with proper Palm-Gestures, Appropriate,
Exact, Whole, Complementary, in All Aspects.
Nourishing: by Inhaling, Breath-Holding in
with Palm-Body Gestures in Asana-s
Natural Clear ‘Hum-Sohum’
Sound in Relaxed Respiration
 Breathe deeply, but in
a naturally elongated
 Maximize Inhale, and
try to Exhale still more.
 Let Respiration make a
hiss-humming Humm-
Sohum sound at your
throat as it does in
 It is complementary to
each Practice. And, use
Begin with the Use of
Inhale full breath first.
 Chant nasal ‘O’, sweet
and loud as a single Cosmic
sound of ‘Oή-Kaara’. It
combines the 3 Vowel Sounds
of 3 letters ‘A-U-M’ of Sanskrit
 Two Gestures are
1. Inner edges of palms close
Ears; tips of fingers & thumbs
press 5 back-neck-points.
2. ‘Namo-Mudra’, fingers and
thumbs of both palms placed
on chest face each other.
Gesture for Sound-
Hearing Neck-Pressure
Naada-Shravana &
1. 'Ashwini-Mudra' = Mentally operated ‘Squeeze-
Release of Perineum’ exercises Genitals
2. 'Moola-Bandha' = 'Root Lock', or Lower lock, at
the anus, perineum, uterus or prostate. One has
to enhance duration of this 'Squeeze’ slowly.
3. Natural Cosmic Sound = ‘Hum-Sohum’ in
Relaxed Respiration, focused on 2 Base
Chakras, feeling that organs of Elimination for
Earth-Water elements within are cleansed,; &
Kapha’s & Apaana’s activities in whole body are
4. Abdominal or Belly-Breath with Mani
Mudra: i.e., pulled in belly-button or Navel at
an Exhale; and expanded abdomen or belly at
the Inhale.
5. 'Baahya-Kumbhaka' = 'Shoonyaka' =
'Holding-out of Breath'; staying to capacity in
triple locks, add the Upper lock at the throat,
chin lowered tightly; and Middle Lock, keep
Navel pulled in.
6. Agnisaara = Gentle and slow or bearably faster
and vigorous ‘Belly-Pumping’ ‘Pull-release of
Navel’, in ‘Out-held Breath’, with Perineum’s
Squeeze-Release or with Lower Root Locked.
7.‘Kapaala-Bhaati’ = Skull-Bellows Breath thrown
out with a thrust from and a push by Navel-pull.
Pranic Meditation on 3
8. Place gently Both palms, energized by rubbing
together, over and under the Navel, distanced and
untouched. Feel Apaana flowing out of and Prana
entering into each and every organ within.
 Listen to the Natural Cosmic Sound = ‘Hum-
Sohum’ in Relaxed Respiration.
 Focus on the 3 Lower Chakras, Moola-Adhaara, Sva-
adhishthana, Mani-Poora. Feel that the two organs
of Elimination for Kapha, the ‘Humor’ for Earth-
Water elements: and Digestive system for Pitta
‘Humor’ or Fire element in us are getting cleansed by
Apaana with every Exhale. Experience that every
Inhale brings in Prana to nourish the activities of
Samaana in the whole body.
9. Vaksha-Bhaati: ‘Thoracic Breath Thrusts’:
Fists made with thumbs in, elbows near
waist, back stretched straight, chest raised.
Inhale by expanding ribs & Exhale forced
out-Thrust. Focus on the Lung-ducts under
chest centre.
10. Skandha-Bhaati: ‘Clavicle Breath
Thrusts’: Inhale raising shoulders & Exhale
forcefully lowering them. Do it in straight
moves; and in rotation from back to front
and vice-versa too. Focus on the affected
11. Meru-Bhaati: ‘Spine Cleansing Respiration’:
Both Palms on knees; straighten back; Inhale
& stretch back further; twist to left exhaling;
place right palm on left knee & left palm on
waist with pressure; inhaling stretch back up
to shoulders; exhaling return to front posture.
Repeat the same on right side. 3 times on each
12. Meru-utkarsha-Bhaati: ‘Spine Stretching
up Respiration’: Place palms tightly on thighs.
straightening arms, shrug shoulders up
inhaling. Pull up Neck-Back Vertebrae
inhaling more and more. Exhaling hold the
Spine-stretch tightly. Inhale and loosen the
pull. Repeat 3 times.
13. Paarshva-Bhaati: ‘Respiration for Cleansing
Torso-Sides’: Raise folded arms to shoulder
level; push arms backwards 2-3 times and
inhale each time; press sides; bend forward
exhaling; and maximize it in 3-4 times. Hold
out breath in Shoonyaka with Bandha-s to
your capacity.
14. Oordhva-Poorna-Bhaati: ‘Upper & Whole
Torso Cleansing Respiration’: Raise Folded
hands; stretch arms on Torso-sides and back;
inhale fully 2-3 time; Make fists, Join elbows;
and lower arms exhaling in 3-4 thrusts. Hold
out breath in Shoonyaka with Bandha-s to
Meditation at Heart Chakra
15. Place right palm over and left palm under
the Chest centre. Focus inside the Chest.
Feel the gas-exchange in Lungs and sound of
Heart-beats. Be aware of their better
synchronized functioning; and improved co-
ordination in purifying and circulating the
 Visualize the flowering Heart Lotus, which
is also known as Anahat-Chakra. It is
powered to regulate the distribution of
Prana evenly to all the systems, organs and
cells of the body. Our ‘Vaata’ or ‘Air Humor’
is purified.
16. Lion-Roar or ‘Singha-Garjana’ : Cleanse
the Throat by protruding tongue out of your
mouth. Exhale forcefully with a sound, thus
imitating the ‘Lion-Breathing’. Then, Growl
like a Lion; and then roar to your capacity, an
17. Snoring Sound or ‘Gharghara-Ujjaayee’ :
Cleanse Eyebrow-centre by forcefully pulling
in breath with constriction at the back of
nose, i.e., at the pharynx. Again, do it by
squeezing glottis near the Tonsils. This is an
18. Inverted Vocal Sound ‘Swara-
Ujjaayee’ : Constricting the Vocal Cords,
produce sound while inhaling. This is
‘Voice In-Sound’ at the Larynx and Glottis.
19. ‘Sizzling Bee-sound in Space-Gesture’
or ‘Seetkaaree-Bhraamaree’ in
‘Khecharee Mudraa’ : Pull in breath
through closed teeth placing tongue behind
and opening lips to produce a sizzle. Inhale
to capacity.
 To exhale, close lips, separate teeth, place
tongue on soft palate, 4 fingers press 4
points on head-top; thumb shuts ears by
pushing the tragus in the ear-hole. This is
Meditation at Throat Chakra
20. Place right palm on Neck and left palm on
the Throat. Focus inside the Chakra. Feel the
Sound-Vibes in Mind, also listen to the Heart-
beats. Be aware of the improved synchronized
functions of Prana and Mind, with enhanced
co-ordination in purifying and circulating
Life-Force everywhere .
 Visualize the flowering Lotus at Throat. It is
known as Vishuddhi-Chakra. It sends Prana
evenly to all spaces in our systems, organs and
cells of the body. All our ‘Humors’ are
21. Alternate-Respiration’ in ‘Accent-Altering
Gesture’ ‘Anuloma-Viloma’ in ‘Vayu-Swara-
Vikalpa-Mudra’ : Place Index Fingers’ Tips at
the Roots of thumbs. Raise right palm to place
two mid-fingers at inner edges of eye-brows.
 Use the freed thumb and little finger to close
or open right or left nostril respectively.
 Breathe deeply making a hiss-humming Hum-
Sohum sound at the throat from left and right
sides changing consecutively after each Inhale.
 This balances the Lunar & Solar ‘Chandra-
Soorya’ Accents of Respiration.
22. ‘Meditative Nerve-Awareness’ ‘Naadee-
Chetana-Dhyana’ : Use ‘Palms’ Spine-
Gesture’, ‘Meru-Mudra’ of Thumbs by
forming fists in fingers and stretching
thumbs straight up.
 Focus on respiration to find its motion in
the nose. Shifting of stretch in thumbs shall
help you discern left-right nostrils’
prominence or dominance. Alternately, for a
deeper focus, discern it in a gesture of
‘Meditation=Dhyana’ by uniting tips of
 The Aura around us is the protecting shield
of our Creator God, caring for us
continuously. This is the Chakra of Guru.
Now connect to It.
 Pass through each Chakra from Root to
 Experience Blessings showered by Guru’s
Grace and healing touch of His Embrace.
 Feel Love-Vibes of OM-Sound and Waves
of Prana cleansing and nourishing each of
the Chakra’s roots, stems and blossoming
“Feeling separate from the rest
is an optical illusion of consciousness...
Our task is to free ourselves
from this prison
by widening our circle of compassion
to embrace all living creatures,
and the whole nature in its beauty.”
The seer scientist, Einstein
We are a Part of the Whole
“Disease (is) not an entity, but a fluctuating condition of
the patient’s body, a battle between substance of disease
and the natural self-healing tendency of the body.”
-- Hippocrates.
In medical applications of
testing,… one often
completely forgets such
an everyday experience;
and says: “Let’s assume
that all individuals in
the sample are
Humans are not
molecules in a volume
of an ideal gas, and not
members of a normally
distributed ”specimen”
-- Prof. B. M. Hegde, MD, PhD
• Dangerous CROs have
invaded India.
• Mostly repetitive
• 99% is Pharmaceutical
company sponsored
research. (90% + Vs 30%
• “Copy Cat” - “me too”
• Enough & More
research fraud already!
-- Prof. B. M. Hegde, MD, PhD

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RAY in Chakra-s-1

  • 1. vksýe~ ueks xqjos xq#H;'p! vkpk;Z jktsUnzukFk 'kkL=kh o ekrk yhykorh Presenter: Dr. Veda Vrata Aalok + 91 999909 1646 “Vedic Prana Yoga” Or “Respiration Awareness Yoga” = RAY =
  • 2. VPY = Vedic Prana Yoga or RAY = Respiration Awareness Yoga Any Subject, Object, Thought, Action or Practice related to “Veda” is Vedic. What is ‘Veda’ then?  ‘Vid ’= to know, to experience and to realize a Truth of Life, as Seers-Scientists are Aware of.  ‘Veda ’ = An intuitively realized truth. Veda especially also refers to ‘The four volumes of Vedas’, the earliest scriptures on earth.  ‘Vedic’ = All actions and Practices adhered to with thoughts, depending on such spiritedly realized and practiced truths in Awareness. Vedic, spelt as per the original Skt. Word has to be ‘VAIDIC’; And, it includes “Vision, Awareness, Intuition, Divinity, Insight, Conscience’.
  • 3. 3 What is Prana? Vedic seers visualized the hidden forces functioning in nature to support and sustain all life existing on our planet. They termed the source of all these forces as Prana. This word thus, denotes both, 1. the ‘Individual Life Force’ in every living organism”, and 2. “the cosmic source of life or ‘Universal Life Power’ generated by the Creator for sustaining His creation”. We may safely define that, Prana is the key-Force, ‘Respiration’ * in our Nerves & cells that activates and synchronizes all systems and different zones of the body.
  • 4. 4 What is Yoga? Yuj = Unify, unite, contemplate, meditate, join, connect etc. {What? And How do you look at Yoga?} Yoga = That path which accomplishes the Unification of various aspects of our life. It is in no way simply a Physical Work-out! Yoga has to be a ‘Harmonious Art of Living’, a Holistically healthy Life ever in Bliss, the Inherent and Real Happiness. Thus, ‘Vedic Prana Yoga’ may be seen as “Respiration Awareness Yoga” or RAY.
  • 5. RAY = Respiration Awareness Yoga in Chakra-s = Pranic Energy Centers RAY cleanses purifies and nourishes our 3 bodies, (Shareera-s), 3 humours, (Ayurvedic Dosha-s), 5 Life-Functions (Prana-s), 5 Physical elements, (Pancha-Mahaanhoota- s) and their qualities, (Guna-s), 5+5 organs of action & sensing, (the 10 karma & Jnaana- Indriya-s), 8 Centres, Chakra-s, 9 gates (Dvaara-s); and opens up the 10th gate to connect us with the 8th Chakra, the less told Guru Chakra of the Universal Divine Force.
  • 6. Cleansing of the 3 Bodies Gross or ‘sthoola’ Body, made up of Anna: Through outer and inner Physical movements of limbs or Kriya-s, i.e., Asana-s, Mudra-s and Bandha-s etc., the qualities of Fire, Water and Earth, which form our Pitta and Kapha in the body. Subtle or ‘sookshma’ Body of Prana: Through Respiration and sensation or Spanda, the quality of Air or Vaata, another subtle element of our body. Causal or ‘KaaraNa’ Body, made up of 4 Antah- KaraNa-s, the Mind, Memory, Intellect, Ego:
  • 7. Yoga: a Journey to Own Self! In our Existential Reality, let’s move Inwards! • Is my Body Comfortably Stable? No strain or tension in any limb! My Spine is straight-up! I’ve done due physical work-out? To unify my Total Self, I’ll move in through my body only! • Am I breathing fine? Any obstruction in free flow of my respiration? Nose is clear. Whole of the Breathing passage has no blockages. • My Mind isn’t wavering! Any emotional stress? Any unfinished job needs my prior attention? My Mind is focused on my own self?
  • 8. What is Pranic? As is clear, Prana is invisible, subtle and non- tangible. How can it be operated manually? Yes! We can, by all means, feel it through our sixth sense, our Mind. That is why Yogis did develop many ‘Pranic Practices’ mainly for: Cleansing: by Exhaling, Holding-out Breath with Gestures (Mudra-s) in Palms & Body Balancing: by Breathing through both sides of Nose with proper Palm-Gestures, Appropriate, Exact, Whole, Complementary, in All Aspects. Nourishing: by Inhaling, Breath-Holding in with Palm-Body Gestures in Asana-s
  • 9. Natural Clear ‘Hum-Sohum’ Sound in Relaxed Respiration  Breathe deeply, but in a naturally elongated way.  Maximize Inhale, and try to Exhale still more.  Let Respiration make a hiss-humming Humm- Sohum sound at your throat as it does in sleep.  It is complementary to each Practice. And, use Begin with the Use of Dhyana-Mudraa
  • 10. AUM Oή-KAARA Inhale full breath first.  Chant nasal ‘O’, sweet and loud as a single Cosmic sound of ‘Oή-Kaara’. It combines the 3 Vowel Sounds of 3 letters ‘A-U-M’ of Sanskrit alphabet.  Two Gestures are suggested: 1. Inner edges of palms close Ears; tips of fingers & thumbs press 5 back-neck-points. 2. ‘Namo-Mudra’, fingers and thumbs of both palms placed on chest face each other. st Gesture for Sound- Hearing Neck-Pressure Naada-Shravana & Jaalandhara-Peeda
  • 11. MOOLA-ADHARA (ROOT) & SVA- ADHISTHANA (SACRAL) Chakra-s 1. 'Ashwini-Mudra' = Mentally operated ‘Squeeze- Release of Perineum’ exercises Genitals especially. 2. 'Moola-Bandha' = 'Root Lock', or Lower lock, at the anus, perineum, uterus or prostate. One has to enhance duration of this 'Squeeze’ slowly. 3. Natural Cosmic Sound = ‘Hum-Sohum’ in Relaxed Respiration, focused on 2 Base Chakras, feeling that organs of Elimination for Earth-Water elements within are cleansed,; & Kapha’s & Apaana’s activities in whole body are
  • 12. MANI-POORA (SOLAR) CHAKRA 4. Abdominal or Belly-Breath with Mani Mudra: i.e., pulled in belly-button or Navel at an Exhale; and expanded abdomen or belly at the Inhale. 5. 'Baahya-Kumbhaka' = 'Shoonyaka' = 'Holding-out of Breath'; staying to capacity in triple locks, add the Upper lock at the throat, chin lowered tightly; and Middle Lock, keep Navel pulled in. 6. Agnisaara = Gentle and slow or bearably faster and vigorous ‘Belly-Pumping’ ‘Pull-release of Navel’, in ‘Out-held Breath’, with Perineum’s Squeeze-Release or with Lower Root Locked. 7.‘Kapaala-Bhaati’ = Skull-Bellows Breath thrown out with a thrust from and a push by Navel-pull.
  • 13. Pranic Meditation on 3 Chakras 8. Place gently Both palms, energized by rubbing together, over and under the Navel, distanced and untouched. Feel Apaana flowing out of and Prana entering into each and every organ within.  Listen to the Natural Cosmic Sound = ‘Hum- Sohum’ in Relaxed Respiration.  Focus on the 3 Lower Chakras, Moola-Adhaara, Sva- adhishthana, Mani-Poora. Feel that the two organs of Elimination for Kapha, the ‘Humor’ for Earth- Water elements: and Digestive system for Pitta ‘Humor’ or Fire element in us are getting cleansed by Apaana with every Exhale. Experience that every Inhale brings in Prana to nourish the activities of Samaana in the whole body.
  • 14. ANAAHATA (HEART) CHAKRA 9. Vaksha-Bhaati: ‘Thoracic Breath Thrusts’: Fists made with thumbs in, elbows near waist, back stretched straight, chest raised. Inhale by expanding ribs & Exhale forced out-Thrust. Focus on the Lung-ducts under chest centre. 10. Skandha-Bhaati: ‘Clavicle Breath Thrusts’: Inhale raising shoulders & Exhale forcefully lowering them. Do it in straight moves; and in rotation from back to front and vice-versa too. Focus on the affected
  • 15. ANAAHATA CHAKRA (contd.) 11. Meru-Bhaati: ‘Spine Cleansing Respiration’: Both Palms on knees; straighten back; Inhale & stretch back further; twist to left exhaling; place right palm on left knee & left palm on waist with pressure; inhaling stretch back up to shoulders; exhaling return to front posture. Repeat the same on right side. 3 times on each side. 12. Meru-utkarsha-Bhaati: ‘Spine Stretching up Respiration’: Place palms tightly on thighs. straightening arms, shrug shoulders up inhaling. Pull up Neck-Back Vertebrae inhaling more and more. Exhaling hold the Spine-stretch tightly. Inhale and loosen the pull. Repeat 3 times.
  • 16. ANAAHATA CHAKRA (contd.) 13. Paarshva-Bhaati: ‘Respiration for Cleansing Torso-Sides’: Raise folded arms to shoulder level; push arms backwards 2-3 times and inhale each time; press sides; bend forward exhaling; and maximize it in 3-4 times. Hold out breath in Shoonyaka with Bandha-s to your capacity. 14. Oordhva-Poorna-Bhaati: ‘Upper & Whole Torso Cleansing Respiration’: Raise Folded hands; stretch arms on Torso-sides and back; inhale fully 2-3 time; Make fists, Join elbows; and lower arms exhaling in 3-4 thrusts. Hold out breath in Shoonyaka with Bandha-s to
  • 17. Meditation at Heart Chakra 15. Place right palm over and left palm under the Chest centre. Focus inside the Chest. Feel the gas-exchange in Lungs and sound of Heart-beats. Be aware of their better synchronized functioning; and improved co- ordination in purifying and circulating the blood.  Visualize the flowering Heart Lotus, which is also known as Anahat-Chakra. It is powered to regulate the distribution of Prana evenly to all the systems, organs and cells of the body. Our ‘Vaata’ or ‘Air Humor’ is purified.
  • 18. VISHUDDHI (THROAT) CHAKRA 16. Lion-Roar or ‘Singha-Garjana’ : Cleanse the Throat by protruding tongue out of your mouth. Exhale forcefully with a sound, thus imitating the ‘Lion-Breathing’. Then, Growl like a Lion; and then roar to your capacity, an ‘Outward-Sound’. 17. Snoring Sound or ‘Gharghara-Ujjaayee’ : Cleanse Eyebrow-centre by forcefully pulling in breath with constriction at the back of nose, i.e., at the pharynx. Again, do it by squeezing glottis near the Tonsils. This is an ‘Inward-Sound’.
  • 19. VISHUDDHI CHAKRA (Contd.) 18. Inverted Vocal Sound ‘Swara- Ujjaayee’ : Constricting the Vocal Cords, produce sound while inhaling. This is ‘Voice In-Sound’ at the Larynx and Glottis. 19. ‘Sizzling Bee-sound in Space-Gesture’ or ‘Seetkaaree-Bhraamaree’ in ‘Khecharee Mudraa’ : Pull in breath through closed teeth placing tongue behind and opening lips to produce a sizzle. Inhale to capacity.  To exhale, close lips, separate teeth, place tongue on soft palate, 4 fingers press 4 points on head-top; thumb shuts ears by pushing the tragus in the ear-hole. This is
  • 20. Meditation at Throat Chakra 20. Place right palm on Neck and left palm on the Throat. Focus inside the Chakra. Feel the Sound-Vibes in Mind, also listen to the Heart- beats. Be aware of the improved synchronized functions of Prana and Mind, with enhanced co-ordination in purifying and circulating Life-Force everywhere .  Visualize the flowering Lotus at Throat. It is known as Vishuddhi-Chakra. It sends Prana evenly to all spaces in our systems, organs and cells of the body. All our ‘Humors’ are purified.
  • 21. AAJNAA CHAKRA (for Order) 21. Alternate-Respiration’ in ‘Accent-Altering Gesture’ ‘Anuloma-Viloma’ in ‘Vayu-Swara- Vikalpa-Mudra’ : Place Index Fingers’ Tips at the Roots of thumbs. Raise right palm to place two mid-fingers at inner edges of eye-brows.  Use the freed thumb and little finger to close or open right or left nostril respectively.  Breathe deeply making a hiss-humming Hum- Sohum sound at the throat from left and right sides changing consecutively after each Inhale.  This balances the Lunar & Solar ‘Chandra- Soorya’ Accents of Respiration.
  • 22. SAHASRARA (CROWN) CHAKRA 22. ‘Meditative Nerve-Awareness’ ‘Naadee- Chetana-Dhyana’ : Use ‘Palms’ Spine- Gesture’, ‘Meru-Mudra’ of Thumbs by forming fists in fingers and stretching thumbs straight up.  Focus on respiration to find its motion in the nose. Shifting of stretch in thumbs shall help you discern left-right nostrils’ prominence or dominance. Alternately, for a deeper focus, discern it in a gesture of ‘Meditation=Dhyana’ by uniting tips of
  • 23. GURU (DIVINE) CHAKRA  The Aura around us is the protecting shield of our Creator God, caring for us continuously. This is the Chakra of Guru. Now connect to It.  Pass through each Chakra from Root to Top.  Experience Blessings showered by Guru’s Grace and healing touch of His Embrace.  Feel Love-Vibes of OM-Sound and Waves of Prana cleansing and nourishing each of the Chakra’s roots, stems and blossoming petals.
  • 24. “Feeling separate from the rest is an optical illusion of consciousness... Our task is to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures, and the whole nature in its beauty.” The seer scientist, Einstein We are a Part of the Whole
  • 25. “Disease (is) not an entity, but a fluctuating condition of the patient’s body, a battle between substance of disease and the natural self-healing tendency of the body.” -- Hippocrates. In medical applications of testing,… one often completely forgets such an everyday experience; and says: “Let’s assume that all individuals in the sample are identical”. Humans are not molecules in a volume of an ideal gas, and not members of a normally distributed ”specimen” -- Prof. B. M. Hegde, MD, PhD • Dangerous CROs have invaded India. • Mostly repetitive research. • 99% is Pharmaceutical company sponsored research. (90% + Vs 30% +) • “Copy Cat” - “me too” research. • Enough & More research fraud already! -- Prof. B. M. Hegde, MD, PhD

Editor's Notes

  1. I revere and remember my Inner Eternal Guru God; and all other guides in life, beginning with my parents!
  2. This is how I have perceived the word ‘VEDA’, which may not be acceptable to some; but this is surely in accordance with the Sanskrit Grammar. Deeds done with a spiritual and scientific temper are “Vedic”, ‘with full Awareness of Total Reality’.
  3. This is the medically un-deciphered ‘vital life force’, necessary to keep the individual living being active, alive and continuously growing. The flow of Life-energy from mind to body’s each living cell may be seen as Inner Respiration.
  4. It is to your choice which way you see these Pranic Practices. Call them VPY or RAY or simply Yoga, it is perfectly fine; as long as you are mentally connected to these PPs during their performance; and also to their life-impacting aspects.
  5. Medically, Gross Body constitutes our bones, flesh, limbs, muscles, blood etc,. [the whole musculoskeletal system as such]. Subtle Body has biochemical systems; and the Causal Body may be said to direct our Neurological Nervous system.
  6. Yoga is a journey from mundane to the spiritual spheres. But, the voyage has to begin only from the Outer World to Inner Realities. Ignoring the body or breath can lead us nowhere. “They enter denser darkness who are attached only to Self… It is only through deeds in the Practical Life that one can swim over the death!” So says Vedic seer in Yajurveda, 40/12-14.
  7. Our natural Breathing sound represents the Cosmic sound of Life-Activities in Nature. Therefore, seers saw it as a Mantra. We unknowingly keep on chanting this mantra as we breathe for life continuously, till ultimately, when the end comes. This sound is not only a relaxant, but also an ultrasonic healer; and it helps us feel our reality within as well.
  8. Pranic Practices are meant to cleanse and heal our grosser elements that reside in the Space of our existence. Now, Sound is the basic quality and property of Space. By producing this single syllable resonating sound of OM, we are activating the Inner Void of our body. Moreover, OM being the most representative name of God, Its chanting serves as a prayer too.
  9. The Gross Body is visible to all; and is made up of the 3 gross elements, Earth, Water and Fire. These constitute our bones, organs, tissues, cells etc. and blood. These express the Kapha in Ayurveda.
  10. The Fire element in Mother Nature forms the Intestinal Fluids and bile etc. in the Digestive organism of our body. This expresses the Pitta in Ayurveda.
  11. Meditation effects the root of all diseases, which are actually the resultant affects of our mental disorders. In RAY, we connect our mind to each aspect of our existence step-by-step reaching deeper within. Here, we go deeper into the exterior aspect of our life, the Gross Body.
  12. This step relates to the Subtle Body of ‘Energy’, PRANA, which is responsible for our physical movements and all actions. Prana ’s flow gets blocked in various joints, which is felt by us as pain. Virtually all the Asana-s and work-outs are meant to release these blockages in these joints of our body. So, Mudra-s play this part here too.
  13. This step relates to the Subtle Body of ‘Energy’, PRANA, which is responsible for our physical movements and all actions. Prana ’s flow gets blocked in various joints, which is felt by us as pain. Virtually all the Asana-s and work-outs are meant to release these blockages in these joints of our body. So, Mudra-s play this part here too.
  14. This step relates to the Subtle Body of ‘Energy’, PRANA, which is responsible for our physical movements and all actions. Prana ’s flow gets blocked in various joints, which is felt by us as pain. Virtually all the Asana-s and work-outs are meant to release these blockages in these joints of our body. So, Mudra-s play this part here too.
  15. Now again we repeat Meditation to effect the root of Pranic diseases. We are connecting our mind at this step to reach deeper side of Respiration, the exterior aspect of our Subtle Pranic Body.
  16. Now, we are moving deeper in the subtle-most aspect of our