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Sir ___ was six months into the second American tour when his
manager received a telegram from the New York Motion Picture
Company (NYMPC). It asked, "Is there a man named __ff__ in
your company or something like that", with a request that that
this actor contact the company. A member of NYMPC had seen
____ perform and felt that he would make a good replacement
for Fred Mace star of their Keystone Studios who intended to
leave . _____ thought the Keystone comedies "a crude mélange
of rough and rumble", but liked the idea of working in films and
justified, "Besides, it would mean a new life.― In 1919 _____ cofounded the United Artists. _____ was born in London , at 19 he
was signed to the prestigious Fred Karno company which took
him to America. In 1940 he satirised Adolf Hitler and was later
accused of communist sympathies, involvement in paternal suite.
An FBI investigation was opened on _____ and he was
eventually forced to leave the United States and settle in
Switzerland. He was also given an Order of the British Empire
Award. Who was he and which award was he given?
Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin and he satirised Adolf
Hitler in The Dictator. He appeared in his first movie The Kid in
Knight Commander or Dame Commander of
the Most Excellent Order of the British
Empire (KBE or DBE)

Young Charlie Chaplin
The X Bank began when Queen Victoria granted a Royal Charter to
Scotsman James Wilson in 1853. X opened its first branches in Mumbai, Kolkata
and Shanghai in 1858, followed by Hong Kong and Singapore in 1859. The Bank
started issuing banknotes of the Hong Kong dollar in 1862. The Y Bank was a
British bank founded in the Cape Province of South Africa in 1862 by Scot, John
Paterson. Having established a considerable number of branches Y was
prominent in financing the development of the diamond fields of Kimberley from
1867 and later extended its network further north to the new town of
Johannesburg when gold was discovered there in 1885. Half the output of the
second largest gold field in the world passed through The Y Bank on its way to
London. Y expanded widely in Africa over the years, but from 1883 to 1962 was
formally known as the Y Bank of South Africa. In 1962 the bank changed its
name to Y Bank Limited, and the South African operations were formed into a
separate subsidiary which took the parent bank's previous name, Y Bank of
South Africa Ltd. Both banks acquired other smaller banks along the way and
spread their networks further. In 1969, the banks decided to merge and form Z.
At present it operates a network of over 1,700 branches and outlets (including
subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures) across more than 70 countries and
employs around 87,000 people. It is a universal bank with operations in
consumer, corporate and institutional banking, and treasury services. Despite its
UK base, around 90% of its profits come from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
X: Chartered Bank Y: Standard Bank
Z: Standard Chartered
In 1947 X Y and Z invented a semiconductor device P at
AT&T‘s Bell Labs. X is the only man to win Nobel Prize in a
category twice . Z was the Solid State Physics Group Leader at
Bell Labs at that time . In early 1950‘s Bell Labs sold the
patent for the device for $1 to Masaru Ibuka, as they thought
the device was useless and had nothing new. Ibuka later cofounded a company Q with Akio Morita ,which was initially
known as Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo (Tokyo Telecommunications
Engineering Corporation), using the device invented by X Y and
Z they made another device TR-63, which became popular
very soon. Later X Y and Z won the Nobel Prize in 1956 for the
invention of the device P.
Identify X Y Z P and Q.
X is John Bardeen, Y is Walter Houser Brittain, Z is William Shockley, P is
Point Contact Tansistor and Q is Sony Corporation. They invented the first
point contact transistor but Field Effect Transistors existed since 1925.Sony
invented the first transistor radio using the transistor.
John Bardeen has won the Nobel Prize for Physics twice , first for the
invention of transistor in 1956 and again in 1972 with Leon N
Cooper and John Robert Schrieffer for a fundamental theory of
conventional superconductivity known as the BCS Theory.
X was first aired on 16 October 1958. It had been commissioned to producer John
Hunter Blair by Owen Reed, the head of children's programmes at the BBC, as there
were no programmes in existence that catered for children aged between five and
eight. Reed got his inspiration after watching Children's Television Club, the
brainchild of former radio producer, Trevor Hill, who created the latter show as a
successor to his programme Out of School, broadcast on BBC Radio's Children's
Hour; Hill networked the programme from BBC Manchester and launched it aboard
the Royal Iris paddle steamer on Merseyside with presenter Judith
Chalmers welcoming everyone aboard at the bottom of the gangplank . It was
subsequently televised about once a month. Hill relates how Reed came to stay with
him and his wife, Margaret Potter, in Cheshire, and was so taken with the ―X" flag
on the side of the ship and the programme in general, that he asked to rename it
and take it to London to be broadcast on a weekly basis . The ―X" is used as a
maritime signal, indicating that the vessel flying it is about to leave, and Reed
chose the name to represent 'a voyage of adventure' on which the programme
would set out. Hunter Blair also pointed out that ____ was a child's favourite colour,
and ____ was the common name of a typical child's friend. The first two presenters
were Christopher Trace, an actor, and Leila Williams, winner of Miss Great Britain in
1957. The first colour edition of X was aired on 14 September 1970, and the last
black and white edition on 24 June 1974.It is the longest running children‘s
show.Currently it is aired on CBBC.
The presenters also maintain the famous X Garden. The original
garden, adjacent to Television Centre, was designed by Percy
Thrower in 1974. Its features include an Italian sunken garden with
a pond, which contains goldfish, a vegetable patch, greenhouse
and viewing platform. George the Tortoise was interred in the
garden following his death in 2004, and there is also a bust of the
dog Petra, sculptures of Mabel and the X ship, and a plaque in
honour of Percy Thrower. In 2000 X time capsule was buried in the
Garden and later relocated to the current location, where it is due
to be opened in 2029.
Children (and adults) who appear on the show or achieve something notable
may be awarded the coveted X badge. The X badge allows holders free entry
into a number of visitor attractions across the UK. In March 2006, this
privilege was temporarily suspended after a number of badges were
discovered for sale on the auction site eBay. This suspension was lifted in
June 2006, when a new ―X Badge Card" was introduced to combat the
problem, which is issued to each badge winner to prove that they are the
rightful owners.
X is Blue Peter
X is a Swedish company. The name has been
associated with the iron industry for more than 350
years. A leading Swedish steel producer by the early
1870s, X expanded into weapons manufacture when
steel produced via the Siemens-Martin process began
to be used for gun manufacture. Xs‘ most famous
owner was Alfred Nobel. The modern corporate
structure was created in 1873 with the foundation
of Aktiebolaget (AB) X-Gullspång. The company's
name was shortened to AB X in 1919.
 This the logo of the
older Iron Factory of
X is Bofors.
In 1986, a $285 million contract between the Government of
India and Swedish arms company Bofors was signed for supply of
410 155mm Howitzer Haubits FH 77 field guns. In 1987, Swedish
Radio alleged that Bofors paid illegal commissions to top Indian
politicians and key defence officials to seal the deal. The scandal
contributed to the defeat of Rajiv Gandhi in elections three years
Benjamin Franklin
Q 8)
X formally the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, is
the central bank of the United Kingdom and the model on which most
modern central banks have been based.It was established following
England‘s defeat to France in Battle of Beachy Head, to raise 1.2mn
Euros to rebuild navy. The 1.2mn was raised in 12 days and half of it
was used to rebuild navy. Established in 1694, it is the second oldest
central bank in the world, after the Sveriges Riksbank, and the
world's 8th oldest bank. It was established to act as the English
Government's banker, and is still the banker for HM Government. The
Bank was privately owned from its foundation in 1694 until nationalised
in 1946. The Bank is one of eight banks authorised to issue banknotes
in the United Kingdom, but has a monopoly on the issue of banknotes
in England and Wales and regulates the issue of banknotes by
commercial banks in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Bank's
headquarters have been in London's main financial district, the City of
London, on Threadneedle Street, since 1734. It is sometimes known by
the metonym The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street or The Old Lady, a
name taken from the legend of Sarah Whitehead, whose ghost is said
to haunt the Bank's garden.
X is the Bank of England

Building of the bank
Q 9)

Identify the tape with given hints
Mary had a Little Lamb being
recited by Edison.
Q 10)
X is a 2011 3-D concert film centering on singer Y. It was released in the United
States and Canada on February 11, 2011. The film follows the pop star Y during 10
days counting down to what is considered his biggest performance, that of August
31, 2010 in Madison Square Garden, which sold out in 22 minutes. It shows footage
of the performances during this period from his My World Tour. It shows excited
female fans, and several instances of the "One Less Lonely Girl" routine of inviting a
girl on stage for him to serenade and give flowers to, and of surprising random girls
with free tickets to his concerts. The main people around Y, being like family and
good friends to him, are interviewed, but Y himself is not. Various instances of
praying together before a show are shown. The film also includes a visit Y made to
his hometown while being in Canada for the tour. He is scolded for having damaged
his voice while having fun with his old friends. Reluctantly he accepts the
postponement of a performance in Syracuse. He is not allowed to speak for some
days, and thus recovers enough to do the next performance, at MSG. Also included
are some stories and old videos of Y childhood. He was raised by his mother but
also had a very special bond with his maternal grandfather. The latter still gets
emotional about the time that Y and his mother moved to Atlanta. The Youtube
video of the film is one of the most hated one and has over hundred
thousand dislikes.
Identify X and Y.
X is Never Say Never and Y is Justin
Q 11)
______ (d.b.a. X in the U.S. and Canada) is a German chemical and
pharmaceutical company. _____, also known as ―German ______‖ and
―_____ Darmstadt‖, was founded in Darmstadt, Germany, in
1668, making it the world's oldest operating chemical and
pharmaceutical company. The company was privately owned until
going public in 1995. However, the _____ family still controls a
majority (≈70%) of the company's shares. The roots of _____ reach
back into the 17th Century. In 1668, Friedrich Jacob ______, an
apothecary, assumed ownership of the Engel-Apotheke ("Angel
Pharmacy") in Darmstadt, Germany. In 1816, Emanuel _____ took
over the pharmacy. Thanks to his scientific education he was
successful in isolating and characterizing alkaloids in the pharmacy
laboratory. He began the manufacture of these substances "in bulk" in
1827, touting them as a "Cabinet of Pharmaceutical and Chemical
Innovations". He and his successors gradually built up a chemicalpharmaceutical factory that produced — in addition to raw materials
for pharmaceutical preparations — a multitude of other chemicals and
(from 1890) medicines. Identify the company and X. Why does
the company have a different name in the U.S. and Canada?
The company is Merck KGaA and X is EMD Millipore.
Following World War I, Merck lost possession of its foreign
sites, including the Merck & Co. subsidiary in the United States.
Merck & Co., which operates as Merck Sharp and Dohme (MSD)
outside the U.S. and Canada.. Since Merck & Co. holds the
rights to the Merck name in the U.S. and Canada, the company
operated under the umbrella brand EMD Chemicals in North
America, and since 2010 as EMD Millipore (after the acquisition
of Millipore Corporation), formed from the initials of Emanuel
Merck, Darmstadt.
The NDR series android X is introduced in April 2005 into the
Martin family home to perform housekeeping and maintenance
duties. The family's reactions range from acceptance and curiosity
to outright rejection and deliberate vandalism by Grace, which
leads to the discovery that X can both identify emotions and
reciprocate in kind. When X accidentally breaks a figurine
belonging to "Little Miss" Amanda, he carves a replacement out of
wood. The family is astonished by this creativity and ―Sir‖ Richard
Martin takes X to his manufacturer, to inquire if all the robots are
like him. The company's CEO sees this development as a problem
and wishes to scrap X. Angered, Martin takes X home and allows
him to pursue his own development, encouraging X to educate
himself in the humanities.
Identify X and the movie.
X is the robot Andrew and the movie is Bicentennial
They have all played U.S. Presidents in movies or on Television.

1)Duke R. Lee -George Washington in the movie In the Days of
Daniel Boone(1923)
2)Joseph Kilgour - George Washington in movies Washington
Under the American Flag (1909), Washington Under the British
Flag(1909), The Battle Cry of Peace (1915), The Dawn of
Freedom (1915), The Spirit of '76 (1917).
3) Francis X. Bushman – George Washington in the movie The
Flag: A Story Inspired by the Tradition of Betsy Ross (1927)
4) Burgess Meredith - James Madison in the movie Magnificent
Doll (1946)
5) William Daniels - John Adams in the movie The Rebels (1979)
6) Jeffrey Jones - Thomas Jefferson in the Tv series George
Washington: The Forging of a Nation (TV mini-series) (1986)
7) Benjamin Walker -Abraham Lincoln in the movie Abraham
Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)
8) Paul Giamatti - John Adams in the movie John Adams (2008)
Q14) X suffered 2 setbacks:On September 11, 2001, X occupied three floors of One World Trade Center where
one of its employees was killed in the terrorist attacks of that day. Its global
headquarters in Three World Financial Center were severely damaged and rendered
unusable by falling debris, displacing over 6,500 employees. The bank recovered
quickly and rebuilt its presence. Trading operations moved across the Hudson River
to its Jersey City, New Jersey, facilities, where an impromptu trading floor was built
in a hotel and brought online less than forty-eight hours after the attacks. When
stock markets reopened on September 17, 2001, X's sales and trading capabilities
were restored.
At 1:45AM on September 15, 2008, the firm filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy
protection following the massive exodus of most of its clients, drastic losses in its
stock, and devaluation of its assets by credit rating agencies. X‗s bankruptcy filing
is the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history, and is thought to have played a major role
in the unfolding of the late-2000s global financial crisis. The following day, Y
announced its agreement to purchase, subject to regulatory approval, X's North
American investment-banking and trading divisions along with its New York
headquarters building. On September 20, 2008, a revised version of that
agreement was approved by US Bankruptcy Court Judge James M. Peck. The next
week, Nomura Holdings announced that it would acquire X‘s franchise in the AsiaPacific region, including Japan, Hong Kong and Australia, as well as X‗s investment
banking and equities businesses in Europe and the Middle East. The deal became
effective on October 13, 2008.Identify X and Y.
The picture shows announcement of X‘s Bankruptcy
X is Lehman Brothers and Y is Barclays.

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  • 1. Q1) Sir ___ was six months into the second American tour when his manager received a telegram from the New York Motion Picture Company (NYMPC). It asked, "Is there a man named __ff__ in your company or something like that", with a request that that this actor contact the company. A member of NYMPC had seen ____ perform and felt that he would make a good replacement for Fred Mace star of their Keystone Studios who intended to leave . _____ thought the Keystone comedies "a crude mélange of rough and rumble", but liked the idea of working in films and justified, "Besides, it would mean a new life.― In 1919 _____ cofounded the United Artists. _____ was born in London , at 19 he was signed to the prestigious Fred Karno company which took him to America. In 1940 he satirised Adolf Hitler and was later accused of communist sympathies, involvement in paternal suite. An FBI investigation was opened on _____ and he was eventually forced to leave the United States and settle in Switzerland. He was also given an Order of the British Empire Award. Who was he and which award was he given?
  • 2. Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin and he satirised Adolf Hitler in The Dictator. He appeared in his first movie The Kid in (1921) Knight Commander or Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (KBE or DBE) Young Charlie Chaplin
  • 3. Q2) The X Bank began when Queen Victoria granted a Royal Charter to Scotsman James Wilson in 1853. X opened its first branches in Mumbai, Kolkata and Shanghai in 1858, followed by Hong Kong and Singapore in 1859. The Bank started issuing banknotes of the Hong Kong dollar in 1862. The Y Bank was a British bank founded in the Cape Province of South Africa in 1862 by Scot, John Paterson. Having established a considerable number of branches Y was prominent in financing the development of the diamond fields of Kimberley from 1867 and later extended its network further north to the new town of Johannesburg when gold was discovered there in 1885. Half the output of the second largest gold field in the world passed through The Y Bank on its way to London. Y expanded widely in Africa over the years, but from 1883 to 1962 was formally known as the Y Bank of South Africa. In 1962 the bank changed its name to Y Bank Limited, and the South African operations were formed into a separate subsidiary which took the parent bank's previous name, Y Bank of South Africa Ltd. Both banks acquired other smaller banks along the way and spread their networks further. In 1969, the banks decided to merge and form Z. At present it operates a network of over 1,700 branches and outlets (including subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures) across more than 70 countries and employs around 87,000 people. It is a universal bank with operations in consumer, corporate and institutional banking, and treasury services. Despite its UK base, around 90% of its profits come from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
  • 4. X: Chartered Bank Y: Standard Bank Z: Standard Chartered
  • 5. Q3) In 1947 X Y and Z invented a semiconductor device P at AT&T‘s Bell Labs. X is the only man to win Nobel Prize in a category twice . Z was the Solid State Physics Group Leader at Bell Labs at that time . In early 1950‘s Bell Labs sold the patent for the device for $1 to Masaru Ibuka, as they thought the device was useless and had nothing new. Ibuka later cofounded a company Q with Akio Morita ,which was initially known as Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo (Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation), using the device invented by X Y and Z they made another device TR-63, which became popular very soon. Later X Y and Z won the Nobel Prize in 1956 for the invention of the device P. Identify X Y Z P and Q.
  • 6. X is John Bardeen, Y is Walter Houser Brittain, Z is William Shockley, P is Point Contact Tansistor and Q is Sony Corporation. They invented the first point contact transistor but Field Effect Transistors existed since 1925.Sony invented the first transistor radio using the transistor. John Bardeen has won the Nobel Prize for Physics twice , first for the invention of transistor in 1956 and again in 1972 with Leon N Cooper and John Robert Schrieffer for a fundamental theory of conventional superconductivity known as the BCS Theory.
  • 7. Q4) X was first aired on 16 October 1958. It had been commissioned to producer John Hunter Blair by Owen Reed, the head of children's programmes at the BBC, as there were no programmes in existence that catered for children aged between five and eight. Reed got his inspiration after watching Children's Television Club, the brainchild of former radio producer, Trevor Hill, who created the latter show as a successor to his programme Out of School, broadcast on BBC Radio's Children's Hour; Hill networked the programme from BBC Manchester and launched it aboard the Royal Iris paddle steamer on Merseyside with presenter Judith Chalmers welcoming everyone aboard at the bottom of the gangplank . It was subsequently televised about once a month. Hill relates how Reed came to stay with him and his wife, Margaret Potter, in Cheshire, and was so taken with the ―X" flag on the side of the ship and the programme in general, that he asked to rename it and take it to London to be broadcast on a weekly basis . The ―X" is used as a maritime signal, indicating that the vessel flying it is about to leave, and Reed chose the name to represent 'a voyage of adventure' on which the programme would set out. Hunter Blair also pointed out that ____ was a child's favourite colour, and ____ was the common name of a typical child's friend. The first two presenters were Christopher Trace, an actor, and Leila Williams, winner of Miss Great Britain in 1957. The first colour edition of X was aired on 14 September 1970, and the last black and white edition on 24 June 1974.It is the longest running children‘s show.Currently it is aired on CBBC.
  • 8. The presenters also maintain the famous X Garden. The original garden, adjacent to Television Centre, was designed by Percy Thrower in 1974. Its features include an Italian sunken garden with a pond, which contains goldfish, a vegetable patch, greenhouse and viewing platform. George the Tortoise was interred in the garden following his death in 2004, and there is also a bust of the dog Petra, sculptures of Mabel and the X ship, and a plaque in honour of Percy Thrower. In 2000 X time capsule was buried in the Garden and later relocated to the current location, where it is due to be opened in 2029.
  • 9. Children (and adults) who appear on the show or achieve something notable may be awarded the coveted X badge. The X badge allows holders free entry into a number of visitor attractions across the UK. In March 2006, this privilege was temporarily suspended after a number of badges were discovered for sale on the auction site eBay. This suspension was lifted in June 2006, when a new ―X Badge Card" was introduced to combat the problem, which is issued to each badge winner to prove that they are the rightful owners.
  • 10. X is Blue Peter
  • 11. Q5) X is a Swedish company. The name has been associated with the iron industry for more than 350 years. A leading Swedish steel producer by the early 1870s, X expanded into weapons manufacture when steel produced via the Siemens-Martin process began to be used for gun manufacture. Xs‘ most famous owner was Alfred Nobel. The modern corporate structure was created in 1873 with the foundation of Aktiebolaget (AB) X-Gullspång. The company's name was shortened to AB X in 1919.
  • 12.  This the logo of the older Iron Factory of X
  • 13. X is Bofors. In 1986, a $285 million contract between the Government of India and Swedish arms company Bofors was signed for supply of 410 155mm Howitzer Haubits FH 77 field guns. In 1987, Swedish Radio alleged that Bofors paid illegal commissions to top Indian politicians and key defence officials to seal the deal. The scandal contributed to the defeat of Rajiv Gandhi in elections three years later.
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  • 22. Q 8) X formally the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, is the central bank of the United Kingdom and the model on which most modern central banks have been based.It was established following England‘s defeat to France in Battle of Beachy Head, to raise 1.2mn Euros to rebuild navy. The 1.2mn was raised in 12 days and half of it was used to rebuild navy. Established in 1694, it is the second oldest central bank in the world, after the Sveriges Riksbank, and the world's 8th oldest bank. It was established to act as the English Government's banker, and is still the banker for HM Government. The Bank was privately owned from its foundation in 1694 until nationalised in 1946. The Bank is one of eight banks authorised to issue banknotes in the United Kingdom, but has a monopoly on the issue of banknotes in England and Wales and regulates the issue of banknotes by commercial banks in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Bank's headquarters have been in London's main financial district, the City of London, on Threadneedle Street, since 1734. It is sometimes known by the metonym The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street or The Old Lady, a name taken from the legend of Sarah Whitehead, whose ghost is said to haunt the Bank's garden.
  • 23. X is the Bank of England Logo Building of the bank
  • 24. Q 9) Identify the tape with given hints
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  • 27. Mary had a Little Lamb being recited by Edison.
  • 28. Q 10) X is a 2011 3-D concert film centering on singer Y. It was released in the United States and Canada on February 11, 2011. The film follows the pop star Y during 10 days counting down to what is considered his biggest performance, that of August 31, 2010 in Madison Square Garden, which sold out in 22 minutes. It shows footage of the performances during this period from his My World Tour. It shows excited female fans, and several instances of the "One Less Lonely Girl" routine of inviting a girl on stage for him to serenade and give flowers to, and of surprising random girls with free tickets to his concerts. The main people around Y, being like family and good friends to him, are interviewed, but Y himself is not. Various instances of praying together before a show are shown. The film also includes a visit Y made to his hometown while being in Canada for the tour. He is scolded for having damaged his voice while having fun with his old friends. Reluctantly he accepts the postponement of a performance in Syracuse. He is not allowed to speak for some days, and thus recovers enough to do the next performance, at MSG. Also included are some stories and old videos of Y childhood. He was raised by his mother but also had a very special bond with his maternal grandfather. The latter still gets emotional about the time that Y and his mother moved to Atlanta. The Youtube video of the film is one of the most hated one and has over hundred thousand dislikes. Identify X and Y.
  • 29. X is Never Say Never and Y is Justin Bieber.
  • 30. Q 11) ______ (d.b.a. X in the U.S. and Canada) is a German chemical and pharmaceutical company. _____, also known as ―German ______‖ and ―_____ Darmstadt‖, was founded in Darmstadt, Germany, in 1668, making it the world's oldest operating chemical and pharmaceutical company. The company was privately owned until going public in 1995. However, the _____ family still controls a majority (≈70%) of the company's shares. The roots of _____ reach back into the 17th Century. In 1668, Friedrich Jacob ______, an apothecary, assumed ownership of the Engel-Apotheke ("Angel Pharmacy") in Darmstadt, Germany. In 1816, Emanuel _____ took over the pharmacy. Thanks to his scientific education he was successful in isolating and characterizing alkaloids in the pharmacy laboratory. He began the manufacture of these substances "in bulk" in 1827, touting them as a "Cabinet of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Innovations". He and his successors gradually built up a chemicalpharmaceutical factory that produced — in addition to raw materials for pharmaceutical preparations — a multitude of other chemicals and (from 1890) medicines. Identify the company and X. Why does the company have a different name in the U.S. and Canada?
  • 31. The company is Merck KGaA and X is EMD Millipore. Following World War I, Merck lost possession of its foreign sites, including the Merck & Co. subsidiary in the United States. Merck & Co., which operates as Merck Sharp and Dohme (MSD) outside the U.S. and Canada.. Since Merck & Co. holds the rights to the Merck name in the U.S. and Canada, the company operated under the umbrella brand EMD Chemicals in North America, and since 2010 as EMD Millipore (after the acquisition of Millipore Corporation), formed from the initials of Emanuel Merck, Darmstadt.
  • 32. Q12) The NDR series android X is introduced in April 2005 into the Martin family home to perform housekeeping and maintenance duties. The family's reactions range from acceptance and curiosity to outright rejection and deliberate vandalism by Grace, which leads to the discovery that X can both identify emotions and reciprocate in kind. When X accidentally breaks a figurine belonging to "Little Miss" Amanda, he carves a replacement out of wood. The family is astonished by this creativity and ―Sir‖ Richard Martin takes X to his manufacturer, to inquire if all the robots are like him. The company's CEO sees this development as a problem and wishes to scrap X. Angered, Martin takes X home and allows him to pursue his own development, encouraging X to educate himself in the humanities. Identify X and the movie.
  • 33. X is the robot Andrew and the movie is Bicentennial Man.
  • 34. Q13)
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  • 38. They have all played U.S. Presidents in movies or on Television. 1)Duke R. Lee -George Washington in the movie In the Days of Daniel Boone(1923) 2)Joseph Kilgour - George Washington in movies Washington Under the American Flag (1909), Washington Under the British Flag(1909), The Battle Cry of Peace (1915), The Dawn of Freedom (1915), The Spirit of '76 (1917). 3) Francis X. Bushman – George Washington in the movie The Flag: A Story Inspired by the Tradition of Betsy Ross (1927) 4) Burgess Meredith - James Madison in the movie Magnificent Doll (1946) 5) William Daniels - John Adams in the movie The Rebels (1979) 6) Jeffrey Jones - Thomas Jefferson in the Tv series George Washington: The Forging of a Nation (TV mini-series) (1986) 7) Benjamin Walker -Abraham Lincoln in the movie Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012) 8) Paul Giamatti - John Adams in the movie John Adams (2008)
  • 39. Q14) X suffered 2 setbacks:On September 11, 2001, X occupied three floors of One World Trade Center where one of its employees was killed in the terrorist attacks of that day. Its global headquarters in Three World Financial Center were severely damaged and rendered unusable by falling debris, displacing over 6,500 employees. The bank recovered quickly and rebuilt its presence. Trading operations moved across the Hudson River to its Jersey City, New Jersey, facilities, where an impromptu trading floor was built in a hotel and brought online less than forty-eight hours after the attacks. When stock markets reopened on September 17, 2001, X's sales and trading capabilities were restored. At 1:45AM on September 15, 2008, the firm filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection following the massive exodus of most of its clients, drastic losses in its stock, and devaluation of its assets by credit rating agencies. X‗s bankruptcy filing is the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history, and is thought to have played a major role in the unfolding of the late-2000s global financial crisis. The following day, Y announced its agreement to purchase, subject to regulatory approval, X's North American investment-banking and trading divisions along with its New York headquarters building. On September 20, 2008, a revised version of that agreement was approved by US Bankruptcy Court Judge James M. Peck. The next week, Nomura Holdings announced that it would acquire X‘s franchise in the AsiaPacific region, including Japan, Hong Kong and Australia, as well as X‗s investment banking and equities businesses in Europe and the Middle East. The deal became effective on October 13, 2008.Identify X and Y.
  • 40. The picture shows announcement of X‘s Bankruptcy
  • 41. X is Lehman Brothers and Y is Barclays.