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Clockwise – 20 questions
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FUQs (+10/-0)
Infinite Bounce/Pounce (+10/-5)
What was the 1948 assignment which gained
him international recognition?
He traveled to the United States in 1935 with an invitation to exhibit his work at New York's Julien Levy
Gallery. When he returned to France, he applied for a job with renowned French film director Jean
Renoir. He acted in Renoir's 1936 film Partie de campagne and in the 1939 La Règle du jeu, for which he
played a butler and served as second assistant. Renoir made him act so he could understand how it felt
to be on the other side of the camera. He also helped Renoir make a film for the Communist party on the
200 families, including his own, who ran France.
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Coverage of funeral of Mahatma Gandhi
FUQ 1. ID the subjects of these Cartier-Bresson
photographs. (5+5)
Alberto Giacometti
Albert Camus
● It was a group commission from eighteen merchants who were also a part-time civic guard. The payment
terms were simple: The more money each man put in, the more prominently X would paint him.
Unfortunately, like many of X’s best works, it suffered from poor attempts at conservation, with thick layers
of varnish being spilled all over it, darkening the scene to such an extent that when Y saw it a century and a
half later, he referred to it as “Z” and the name stuck.
● ID X and the artwork Z. (2.5 points+2.5 points)
● ID the English painter Y,who coined the popular name of the painting. (5 points)
James Boswell dedicated his magnum opus ‘Life of Samuel Johnson’ to him.
The Night Watch by Rembrandt
Joshua Reynolds
Q3.What exactly was he trying to do?
In 1890, a New York pharmaceutical manufacturer by name Eugene Schieffelin
brought natural disaster into the USA without actually meaning to do so. He
released sixty starlings at the Central Park, which were imported at great expense
from Europe.His attempts to introduce bullfinches, chaffinches, nightingales, and
skylarks were not successful.
He wanted to introduce all the birds mentioned in
the plays of William Shakespeare to North America.
Q4.What drink?
This drink, originated in the mid-18th century, was mostly manufactured with
coke-fired malt, which produced less smoking and roasting of barley in the malting
process, and hence didn’t have a very dark texture. Once brewed, they were meant
to cellar for a long period and hence were ideal for export to distant lands. They were
hence named after their primary market and texture.
Indian Pale Ale
Q5.Where was this maze constructed?
To celebrate the 20th year of his ownership, John W. Cullen decided to build a maze
here, as the lack of one used to let down visitors. At a colleague’s suggestion, Mr.
Cullen opted to hold a contest for the design, a move that amplified the public-
relations potential. A panel of judges received 329 entries from around the world,
and the winner was a New York architect named Mairim Dallaryan Standing.
Stanley Hotel , featured in The Shining
Q6.What two-worded term?
The term is credited to a 1961 attempt by creditors to oust Howard Hughes from
control of TWA airlines. Charles C. Tillinghast Jr. was hired as president and CEO of
TWA and since the control of the airline was in litigation, Tillinghast received an
employment contract, that included a clause that would pay him money in the
event that he lost his job.
Golden Parachute
Q7.What was the inspiration for this video
The National Endowment for the Arts in 2012 bestowed the University of Southern California with a $40,000
grant to create an online video game in which players "will inhabit an open, three-dimensional game world which
will simulate the geography and environment of _______ “.
FUQ 2.
ID the company.
Founder Joe Mansueto initially had the idea for the company in 1982 while reviewing
mutual fund annual reports he had requested from several prominent fund
managers.However, it was only after a year working as a stock analyst for Harris
Associates, seeing the fund industry and potential competitors up close, that he was
convinced that the opportunity was there.
The company was subsequently founded in 1984 from his one-bedroom Chicago
apartment with an initial investment of US$80,000. The name of the company was
taken from the last sentence in Walden, a book by Henry David Thoreau; "the sun is
but a __________ ___".
Q8.What campaign?
C. L. R. James was a tireless political activist, James's writing on the Communist
International stirred debate in Trotskyist circles, and his history of the Haitian
Revolution, The Black Jacobins, is a seminal text in the literature of the African
Diaspora.While working as the editor of The Nation, he led a successful campaign in
Frank Worrell to be appointed as the first black
captain of the West Indies cricket team.
Q9.What term, best known to us thanks to a
1926 novel?
The term also came to mean someone who wants his or her flamboyant behavior to be seen at all costs.
British television show Soccer AM has a section appropriately named X, dedicated to flashy tricks from
the past week's games.
Oft-cited examples of this in the field of sports include Leon Lett's grocery-bag-carrying of a recovered
football in Super Bowl XXVII; Bill Shoemaker's standing in the saddle before the finish line of the 1957
Kentucky Derby, costing him the win ; Lindsey Jacobellis' grab of her snowboard which caused her to
crash right before the finish of the Snowboard Cross final at the 2006 Winter Olympics, costing her a
first-place finish and a gold medal (she got a silver medal instead).
FUQ 3.
The production of which Indian movie was
inspired by the 1929 film version of Show Boat?
Q10.ID both the trophies. (5+5)
A) In 1988,the trophy was damaged by the antics of some drunken players, including England
number eight Dean Richards and Scotland flanker John Jeffrey who played football with the
trophy along Princes Street in Edinburgh. Jeffrey received a six-month ban , whilst Richards was
given a one-match sentence from England.ID?
B) The trophy, designed by former French international and professional sculptor Jean-Pierre Rives,
was awarded for the first time on 3 February 2007 to France as part of the celebrations of the
bicentenary of X's birth. As of 2018, the trophy has been contested twelve times, with France
winning ten and Italy two.ID?
Calcutta Cup
Giuseppe Garibaldi Trophy
Q11.He shot his first tiger on a six-week trip to
India in 1893. “I cannot describe my joy,” he
wrote of the kill.He also tallied his kills in a
massive journal. The grand sum of pheasant,
partridge etc.. that he shot was 272,511. Who?
Q12.What was his last football-related
The creator of the Metodo tactical formation,Vittorio Pozzo is regarded as one of
the greatest managers of all time,and is the first person to guide a national team to
two FIFA World Cup titles as coach,leading the Italy national team to victory in
the 1934 and 1938 FIFA World Cups.
Nicknamed Il Vecchio Maestro ("The Old Master," in Italian),he also led Italy to a
gold medal at the 1936 Olympic football tournament, and managed the Italian
championship squads of the 1930 and 1935 editions of the Central European
International Cup.
Recognition of the bodies of the victims in the
Superga air disaster.
1) A remote manipulator, also known as a telefactor, telemanipulator, or X (after the short story of
the same name by Robert A. Heinlein which features a man who invents and uses such devices), is
a device which, through electronic, hydraulic, or mechanical linkages, allows a hand-like
mechanism to be controlled by a human operator. X is also the middle name of a famous 19th
century American philosopher. (5 points)
2) Heinlein got the idea for the novel when he and his wife Virginia were brainstorming one evening
in 1948. She suggested a new version of this 1894 novel, but with a child raised by Martians.
ID both the novels. (2.5 points +2.5 points)
Stranger in a Strange Land
The Jungle Book
Harriet Quimby was an early American aviator and a movie screenwriter. In 1911, she was awarded a
U.S. pilot's certificate by the Aero Club of America, becoming the first woman to gain a pilot's license in
the United States.Later Quimby took off from Dover, England, en route to Calais, France, and made the
flight in 59 minutes, landing about 25 miles (40 km) from Calais on a beach in Équihen-Plage, Pas-de-
Calais. She became the first woman to pilot an aircraft across the English Channel. But her
accomplishment received little media attention. Why? (5)
In 1911 Quimby authored seven screenplays or scenarios that were made into silent film shorts by
Biograph Studios. All seven were directed by the same individual before he went on to direct his
landmark projects. Who was the director? (5)
Sinking of the RMS Titanic
D. W. Griffith
FUQ 4. The person on the extreme left is DW Griffith.
ID the remaining three & what did they found
together? (2.5*4=10 points)
United Artists founders, Griffith, Pickford,
Chaplin, and Fairbanks
Q15. FITB.
● Thomas Telford was a Scottish civil engineer, architect and stonemason, and bridge
and canal builder.Such was his reputation as a prolific designer of highways and related bridges, he
was dubbed The ____________ ___ ______ (a pun on an ancient wonder), and, reflecting his command of
all types of civil engineering in the early 19th century, he was elected as the first President of
the Institution of Civil Engineers, a post he held for 14 years until his death.
Colossus of Roads
Q16. What nickname was given to this
Volkswagen microbus used by Jack Kevorkian
to euthanize terminally-ill patients?
Q17.Whose journal articles?
Racial-Morphological Examinations of the Anterior Portion of the Lower Jaw in Four Racial Groups. This
dissertation, completed in 1935 and first published in 1937. In this work he sought to demonstrate that
there were structural differences in the lower jaws of individuals from different ethnic groups, and that
racial distinctions could be made based on these differences.
Hereditary Transmission of Fistulae Auris. This journal article, published in Der Erbarzt (The Genetic
Physician), focuses on fistula auris (an abnormal fissure on the external ear) as a hereditary trait.
Mengele noted that individuals who have this trait also tend to have a dimple on their chin.
Q18.Their names were synonymous with speed.
ID both.(5+5)
1) He was an American pioneer automobile racer "whose name was synonymous with speed in the
first two decades of the 20th century".He began racing in 1902 and continued until his retirement
in 1918. He was the first man to drive a car at 60 miles per hour (96 km/h).Who?
2) For many years during and after his career, the rhetorical phrase "Who do you think you are, X?"
was supposedly the standard question all British policemen asked speeding motorists. X relates he
himself was once stopped for speeding and asked just that; he reports the traffic officer had some
difficulty believing him. Who?
Barney Oldfield
Sir Stirling Moss
Q19.ID both the authors involved and the iconic
three-volume work.
X found himself caught up in other projects and unable to meet the terms of a contract he had signed
with his publisher for a history of the Y. X proposed that Z produce the work instead; X even sent his
friend a library of books and other materials concerning the Y and by 1834, Z was working furiously on
the project. When he had completed the first volume, Z sent his only complete manuscript to X. While in
X's care the manuscript was destroyed by a careless household maid who mistook it for trash and used it
as a firelighter. Z then rewrote the entire manuscript, achieving what he described as a book that came
"direct and flamingly from the heart."
The book was closely studied by Mark Twain during the last year of his life, and it was reported to be the
last book he read before his death.
X-John Stuart Mill
Y-French Revolution
z-Thomas Carlyle
FUQ 5.
Who painted the
"Arrangement in Grey and
Black, No. 2: Portrait of
Thomas Carlyle"?
James Abbott McNeill Whistler
FUQ to FUQ 5 :)
The title of this musical piece was suggested
by the composer’s wife after a visit to a gallery
exhibition of James McNeill Whistler paintings,
which bear titles such as Nocturne in Black and
Gold: The Falling Rocket and Arrangement in
Grey and Black (better known as Whistler's
Mother). Which 1924 musical composition?
Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin
The film was smuggled from Iran to Cannes on a flash drive hidden inside a
birthday cake.
It was specially screened at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival and later at the New
York Film Festival, and others. It also took part in the International
Competition of the 27th Warsaw International Film Festival.
ID the critically acclaimed film.
(The name of this film will remind you of a 1929 artwork).
Mr Gobel labeled himself "________ ______ ," and the nickname stuck for the rest of his career. The TV show
typically included a segment in which Gobel appeared with a guitar, started to sing, then got sidetracked
into a story, with the song always left unfinished after fitful starts and stops.
What famous "endling" was supposedly named after this character played by Mr Gobel?
Lonesome George
The Embarkation for X is a painting by the French painter Jean-Antoine Watteau. It is also known as
Voyage to X and Pilgrimage to the Isle of X. Watteau submitted this work to the Royal Academy of
Painting and Sculpture as his reception piece in 1717.
We are all familiar with a neighbouring island of X because it was the location of a 1900 discovery.
In the ancient world, X was thought to be the birthplace of Venus, goddess of love. Thus, the island
became sacred to the goddess and love. ID X?
Q23. ID the actress and the word Y.
● The origin of X’s stage name is disputed; The Guinness Book of Movie Facts and Feats says it came
from director Frank Powell, who learned X had a relative named Barranger. In promoting the
1917 film Cleopatra, Fox Studio publicists noted that the name was an anagram of the word Y, and
her press agents, to enhance her exotic appeal to moviegoers, falsely promoted the young Ohio
native as "the daughter of a sheik and a French woman, born in the Sahara."
Theda Bara
Arab Death
FUQ 6.
In 1994, she was
honored with her
image on a U.S.
postage stamp
designed by X.
Who is X?
Al Hirschfeld
When the author was seven years old, he and one of his brothers were playing a game of William Tell, when his brother shot him in
the eye with an arrow.He lost that eye, and the injury later caused him to become almost entirely blind. He was unable to participate
in sports and other activities in his childhood because of this injury, but he developed a creative mind which he used to express
himself in writings.A famous Neurologist suggests that his imagination may be partly explained by Charles Bonnet syndrome, a
neurological condition which causes complex visual hallucinations in people who have suffered some level of visual loss.
ID the author, best known for a work which has been adapted for film twice, once in 1947 and again in 2013. (5 points)
ID the Nobel prize winning Neurologist. (5 points)
James Thurber
V .S. Ramachandran
Q25.The family name derives from the
expression which literally means "originating
from Coevorden", a city in the northeast of the
Netherlands.A large city which has hosted
many international events is named after the
most famous member of the family.
Which city?
FUQ 7.
A statue
an event from the
1954 British
Empire and
Games held in
ID both.
Roger Bannister and John Landy
Lieutenant Steyn van Hensbroek, an official of the Dutch Colonial Administration
planned a trip to a certain island. He armed himself, and accompanied by a team of
soldiers he landed on the island. After a few days, Hensbroek managed to kill one of
the strange animals found there.Van Hensbroek took the animal to headquarters
where measurements were taken.Which animal? (5 points)
What,from the world of entertainment resulted out of this expedition? (5 points)
The discovery of the location was announced to the wider world in 1693 by the
presentation of a paper to the Royal Society from Sir Richard Bulkeley, although
the discoverer had, in fact, been the Bishop of Derry who had visited the site a
year earlier. The site received international attention when artist Susanna Drury
made watercolour paintings of it in 1739. Which location? (5 points)
Several photographs of this location was used for a project by a chap named
Aubrey Powell in early 1970s. What purpose? (5 points)
Giant’s Causeway
Album cover of Houses of the Holy
In 1996, Vogue held a fashion shoot inside the building. Vogue's pictures of scantily-
dressed women outraged local opinion, and as a result, non-Muslims have been
banned from entering the building ever since.
ID the building. (10 points)
(The pic on the left can be taken as a clue.)
Great Mosque of Djenne
Q29.If the product is branded Essex for the
lower end of the market and Boston for the
mid range market, name the premium brand of
this Iconic German-American company which
has just two factories to supply worldwide,
Queens in NY and Hamburg, Germany.
FUQ(s) 8
1) What is the Ticker Symbol of Steinway and sons? (5 points)
2) As part of the 150th anniversary, who created a commemorative Steinway limited edition grand
piano in 2003? (5 points)
LVB (tribute to Ludwig Van Beethoven)
Karl Lagerfeld
Q30. What connects?
● Umaid Bhawan Palace,Jodhpur ● Bara Imambara,Lucknow ● Rumi Darwaza,Lucknow
All of them were built to generate employment
during the famine.
In 1883, Joseph __________ embarked on a Royal Geographical Society expedition to explore a route from
the eastern coast of Africa to the northern shores of Lake Victoria. British Empire traders wanted a
route that would avoid potentially hostile Maasai and German traders who were competing in the
area.His leadership was again a success, demonstrating the feasibility of the route and making many
important biological, geological, and ethnographic observations, though his attempt to climb Mount
Kilimanjaro in a day failed. He was honored by the naming of X that can be found in numbers exceeding
550,000.X? (5 points)
His book Through Masai Land published in January 1885 and was a best seller. One of the first to read it
was the young Y. His imagination fired by Joseph's expedition, Y promptly wrote a book of his own and
became a pioneer of a new literary genre. Which book? (5 points)
Thomson's gazelle
King Solomon’s Mines
ID both the
names that
has been
blanked out.
Which event?
Golf at the 1900 Paris Olympics
The _________________ Project was a psychedelic training center and intentional community
created during the beginning of the counterculture of the 1960s by Timothy Leary and
Richard Alpert under the umbrella of their nonprofit group, the International Federation for
Internal Freedom (IFIF).The idea for the community was influenced by Aldous Huxley's
fictional novel, Island.
FITB with a town that literally means ‘“water of the yellow mountain;” in Purépecha
language. (5 points)
Where did you come across the same town in 1994? (5 points)
The Shawshank Redemption
Q34.What connects this American
gastroenterologist Burrill Bernard _____ and
Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a
Crucifixion,a triptych by Francis Bacon?
Chestburster from Alien
The design of the "chestburster" was inspired by Francis Bacon's 1944 painting Three Studies for Figures
at the Base of a Crucifixion.Giger's original design resembled a plucked chicken, which was redesigned
and refined into the final version seen onscreen.Screenwriter Dan O'Bannon credits his experiences with
Crohn's disease for inspiring the chest-bursting scene.
He came up with the story while he worked in Yugoslavia as a production assistant
on the film Kelly's Heroes (1970). He and a Yugoslav member of the crew were
driving in the back of a car on location when they came across a group of gypsies. The
gypsies appeared to be performing rituals on a man being buried so that he would
not "rise from the grave." This made him realize that he would never be able to
confront the undead and gave him the idea for a film in which a man would go
through the same thing.
Who and which movie resulted? (2.5 points + 2.5 points)
He also made a notable contribution to an iconic entertainer in 1983 and 1991
What did he do? (2.5 points + 2.5 points)
John Landis, directed the music
videos of Thriller and Black or
● “When you first see that painting it's very bucolic, but when you look closer there's all this really strange stuff
going on people on fire, people carving a live sheep, this weird dude who looks like a tree root sitting around with a
dog. There's all this really weird stuff going on. I liked that the first impression is that it's just pretty, but then you
realize that the scene is this weird chaos. I like that you can't really take it for what it is, that your first impression
of it is wrong.”
● Fleet Foxes Vocalist/guitarist Robin Pecknold speaks about the Cover art of their debut album "Fleet Foxes".
Which painting is featured on the album cover?
Netherlandish Proverbs
He was the 1960 Olympic gold medalist in the decathlon, having won silver in 1956. He
had previously won a gold in the 1955 Pan American Games. He was the USA team's flag
bearer at the 1960 Olympics and lit the Olympic flame at the Los Angeles Games in 1984.
After he retired from athletics, he turned to acting, sportscasting and public service and was
instrumental in creating the California Special Olympics.
Who? (5 points)
In 1968 he, football player Rosey Grier, and journalist George Plimpton played an important
role in doing something. What was this non-sporting claim to fame? (5 points)
Rafer Johnson
They tackled Sirhan Sirhan moments after he
had fatally shot Robert F. Kennedy.
FUQ 9.
ID X and the movie. (5+5)
● While training for the 1960 Olympics, his friend X told him about a part in the
movie Y that X thought might make him a star: the Ethiopian gladiator Draba.
Johnson read for and got the role, but was forced to turn it down because the
Amateur Athletic Union told him it would make him a professional and
therefore ineligible for the Olympics.The role eventually went to another UCLA
great, Woody Strode.
X-Kirk Douglas
At the end of 1894 his career took a dramatic and unexpected turn when he began to work for
French stage actress Sarah Bernhardt. She made a telephone call to Maurice de Brunhoff, the
manager of the publishing firm Lemercier which printed her theatrical posters, ordering a new
poster for the continuation of the play Gismonda.
In the second part of his career, at the age of 43, he returned to his homeland of Bohemia-
Moravia region in Austria and devoted himself to painting a series of twenty monumental
canvases known as The Slav Epic, depicting the history of all the Slavic peoples of the world.
ID the artist. (5 points)
One of the largest collections of this artist’s works is in the possession of a former world no. 1
who started collecting his works upon meeting Jiri _____ in 1982. His collection was exhibited
publicly for the first time in 2013 in Prague. Who was the collector? (5 points)
Alphonse Mucha
Ivan Lendl
● In Satyajit Ray's Shatranj Ke Khilari, X is shown as a very enthusiastic patron of
dance and music. He is proud of the fact that songs and poems composed by him are
favored by his subjects. When it is revealed that the British are about to annex his
throne, his chief-minister breaks down, but he himself maintains his calm because,
according to him "only music and poetry can bring a real man to tears“.
ID X. (5 points)
● The actor who played the role of X in the movie is synonymous with an iconic role in
Bollywood history. ID the actor. (5 points)
Wajid Ali Shah
Amjad Khan
FUQ 10.
Amjad Khan played a major role in Utsav directed
by Girish Karnad. Which ancient Indian
philosopher’s role did he play in this movie?
Vatsayana, author of Kamasutra
Q40.In the years leading up to the Civil War, he
raised money to purchase slaves from captivity and to
send rifles — nicknamed "_________'s Bibles" — to
abolitionists fighting in Kansas.
He also championed Charles Darwin's theory of
evolution, stating that it was not incompatible with
Christian beliefs.He was widely rumored to be an
adulterer, and in 1872 the Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly
published a story about his affair with Elizabeth
Richards Tilton, the wife of his friend and former co-
worker Theodore Tilton. In 1874, Tilton filed charges
for "criminal conversation" against him. The
subsequent trial resulted in a hung jury and was one of
the most widely reported trials of the century.Several
of his brothers and sisters became well-known
educators and activists, most notably X, who achieved
worldwide fame with a 1852 work. ID both.
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  • 1.
  • 2. Finale Clockwise – 20 questions Anti-Clockwise – 20 questions FUQs (+10/-0) Infinite Bounce/Pounce (+10/-5)
  • 3. Q1.Who? What was the 1948 assignment which gained him international recognition? He traveled to the United States in 1935 with an invitation to exhibit his work at New York's Julien Levy Gallery. When he returned to France, he applied for a job with renowned French film director Jean Renoir. He acted in Renoir's 1936 film Partie de campagne and in the 1939 La Règle du jeu, for which he played a butler and served as second assistant. Renoir made him act so he could understand how it felt to be on the other side of the camera. He also helped Renoir make a film for the Communist party on the 200 families, including his own, who ran France.
  • 5. Henri Cartier-Bresson Coverage of funeral of Mahatma Gandhi
  • 6. FUQ 1. ID the subjects of these Cartier-Bresson photographs. (5+5)
  • 9. Q2. ● It was a group commission from eighteen merchants who were also a part-time civic guard. The payment terms were simple: The more money each man put in, the more prominently X would paint him. Unfortunately, like many of X’s best works, it suffered from poor attempts at conservation, with thick layers of varnish being spilled all over it, darkening the scene to such an extent that when Y saw it a century and a half later, he referred to it as “Z” and the name stuck. ● ID X and the artwork Z. (2.5 points+2.5 points) ● ID the English painter Y,who coined the popular name of the painting. (5 points) James Boswell dedicated his magnum opus ‘Life of Samuel Johnson’ to him.
  • 11. The Night Watch by Rembrandt Joshua Reynolds
  • 12. Q3.What exactly was he trying to do? In 1890, a New York pharmaceutical manufacturer by name Eugene Schieffelin brought natural disaster into the USA without actually meaning to do so. He released sixty starlings at the Central Park, which were imported at great expense from Europe.His attempts to introduce bullfinches, chaffinches, nightingales, and skylarks were not successful.
  • 14. He wanted to introduce all the birds mentioned in the plays of William Shakespeare to North America.
  • 15. Q4.What drink? This drink, originated in the mid-18th century, was mostly manufactured with coke-fired malt, which produced less smoking and roasting of barley in the malting process, and hence didn’t have a very dark texture. Once brewed, they were meant to cellar for a long period and hence were ideal for export to distant lands. They were hence named after their primary market and texture.
  • 18. Q5.Where was this maze constructed? To celebrate the 20th year of his ownership, John W. Cullen decided to build a maze here, as the lack of one used to let down visitors. At a colleague’s suggestion, Mr. Cullen opted to hold a contest for the design, a move that amplified the public- relations potential. A panel of judges received 329 entries from around the world, and the winner was a New York architect named Mairim Dallaryan Standing.
  • 20. Stanley Hotel , featured in The Shining
  • 21. Q6.What two-worded term? The term is credited to a 1961 attempt by creditors to oust Howard Hughes from control of TWA airlines. Charles C. Tillinghast Jr. was hired as president and CEO of TWA and since the control of the airline was in litigation, Tillinghast received an employment contract, that included a clause that would pay him money in the event that he lost his job.
  • 24. Q7.What was the inspiration for this video game? The National Endowment for the Arts in 2012 bestowed the University of Southern California with a $40,000 grant to create an online video game in which players "will inhabit an open, three-dimensional game world which will simulate the geography and environment of _______ “.
  • 26.
  • 27. FUQ 2. ID the company. Founder Joe Mansueto initially had the idea for the company in 1982 while reviewing mutual fund annual reports he had requested from several prominent fund managers.However, it was only after a year working as a stock analyst for Harris Associates, seeing the fund industry and potential competitors up close, that he was convinced that the opportunity was there. The company was subsequently founded in 1984 from his one-bedroom Chicago apartment with an initial investment of US$80,000. The name of the company was taken from the last sentence in Walden, a book by Henry David Thoreau; "the sun is but a __________ ___".
  • 29.
  • 30. Q8.What campaign? C. L. R. James was a tireless political activist, James's writing on the Communist International stirred debate in Trotskyist circles, and his history of the Haitian Revolution, The Black Jacobins, is a seminal text in the literature of the African Diaspora.While working as the editor of The Nation, he led a successful campaign in 1960.
  • 32. Frank Worrell to be appointed as the first black captain of the West Indies cricket team.
  • 33. Q9.What term, best known to us thanks to a 1926 novel? The term also came to mean someone who wants his or her flamboyant behavior to be seen at all costs. British television show Soccer AM has a section appropriately named X, dedicated to flashy tricks from the past week's games. Oft-cited examples of this in the field of sports include Leon Lett's grocery-bag-carrying of a recovered football in Super Bowl XXVII; Bill Shoemaker's standing in the saddle before the finish line of the 1957 Kentucky Derby, costing him the win ; Lindsey Jacobellis' grab of her snowboard which caused her to crash right before the finish of the Snowboard Cross final at the 2006 Winter Olympics, costing her a first-place finish and a gold medal (she got a silver medal instead).
  • 35.
  • 36. FUQ 3. The production of which Indian movie was inspired by the 1929 film version of Show Boat?
  • 38.
  • 39. Q10.ID both the trophies. (5+5) A) In 1988,the trophy was damaged by the antics of some drunken players, including England number eight Dean Richards and Scotland flanker John Jeffrey who played football with the trophy along Princes Street in Edinburgh. Jeffrey received a six-month ban , whilst Richards was given a one-match sentence from England.ID? B) The trophy, designed by former French international and professional sculptor Jean-Pierre Rives, was awarded for the first time on 3 February 2007 to France as part of the celebrations of the bicentenary of X's birth. As of 2018, the trophy has been contested twelve times, with France winning ten and Italy two.ID?
  • 42. Q11.He shot his first tiger on a six-week trip to India in 1893. “I cannot describe my joy,” he wrote of the kill.He also tallied his kills in a massive journal. The grand sum of pheasant, partridge etc.. that he shot was 272,511. Who?
  • 44.
  • 45. Q12.What was his last football-related assignment? The creator of the Metodo tactical formation,Vittorio Pozzo is regarded as one of the greatest managers of all time,and is the first person to guide a national team to two FIFA World Cup titles as coach,leading the Italy national team to victory in the 1934 and 1938 FIFA World Cups. Nicknamed Il Vecchio Maestro ("The Old Master," in Italian),he also led Italy to a gold medal at the 1936 Olympic football tournament, and managed the Italian championship squads of the 1930 and 1935 editions of the Central European International Cup.
  • 47. Recognition of the bodies of the victims in the Superga air disaster.
  • 48. Q13. 1) A remote manipulator, also known as a telefactor, telemanipulator, or X (after the short story of the same name by Robert A. Heinlein which features a man who invents and uses such devices), is a device which, through electronic, hydraulic, or mechanical linkages, allows a hand-like mechanism to be controlled by a human operator. X is also the middle name of a famous 19th century American philosopher. (5 points) 2) Heinlein got the idea for the novel when he and his wife Virginia were brainstorming one evening in 1948. She suggested a new version of this 1894 novel, but with a child raised by Martians. ID both the novels. (2.5 points +2.5 points)
  • 50. Waldo Stranger in a Strange Land The Jungle Book
  • 51. Q14. Harriet Quimby was an early American aviator and a movie screenwriter. In 1911, she was awarded a U.S. pilot's certificate by the Aero Club of America, becoming the first woman to gain a pilot's license in the United States.Later Quimby took off from Dover, England, en route to Calais, France, and made the flight in 59 minutes, landing about 25 miles (40 km) from Calais on a beach in Équihen-Plage, Pas-de- Calais. She became the first woman to pilot an aircraft across the English Channel. But her accomplishment received little media attention. Why? (5) In 1911 Quimby authored seven screenplays or scenarios that were made into silent film shorts by Biograph Studios. All seven were directed by the same individual before he went on to direct his landmark projects. Who was the director? (5)
  • 53. Sinking of the RMS Titanic D. W. Griffith
  • 54. FUQ 4. The person on the extreme left is DW Griffith. ID the remaining three & what did they found together? (2.5*4=10 points)
  • 56. United Artists founders, Griffith, Pickford, Chaplin, and Fairbanks
  • 57. Q15. FITB. ● Thomas Telford was a Scottish civil engineer, architect and stonemason, and bridge and canal builder.Such was his reputation as a prolific designer of highways and related bridges, he was dubbed The ____________ ___ ______ (a pun on an ancient wonder), and, reflecting his command of all types of civil engineering in the early 19th century, he was elected as the first President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, a post he held for 14 years until his death.
  • 60. Q16. What nickname was given to this Volkswagen microbus used by Jack Kevorkian to euthanize terminally-ill patients?
  • 63. Q17.Whose journal articles? Racial-Morphological Examinations of the Anterior Portion of the Lower Jaw in Four Racial Groups. This dissertation, completed in 1935 and first published in 1937. In this work he sought to demonstrate that there were structural differences in the lower jaws of individuals from different ethnic groups, and that racial distinctions could be made based on these differences. Hereditary Transmission of Fistulae Auris. This journal article, published in Der Erbarzt (The Genetic Physician), focuses on fistula auris (an abnormal fissure on the external ear) as a hereditary trait. Mengele noted that individuals who have this trait also tend to have a dimple on their chin.
  • 65.
  • 66. Q18.Their names were synonymous with speed. ID both.(5+5) 1) He was an American pioneer automobile racer "whose name was synonymous with speed in the first two decades of the 20th century".He began racing in 1902 and continued until his retirement in 1918. He was the first man to drive a car at 60 miles per hour (96 km/h).Who? 2) For many years during and after his career, the rhetorical phrase "Who do you think you are, X?" was supposedly the standard question all British policemen asked speeding motorists. X relates he himself was once stopped for speeding and asked just that; he reports the traffic officer had some difficulty believing him. Who?
  • 69. Q19.ID both the authors involved and the iconic three-volume work. X found himself caught up in other projects and unable to meet the terms of a contract he had signed with his publisher for a history of the Y. X proposed that Z produce the work instead; X even sent his friend a library of books and other materials concerning the Y and by 1834, Z was working furiously on the project. When he had completed the first volume, Z sent his only complete manuscript to X. While in X's care the manuscript was destroyed by a careless household maid who mistook it for trash and used it as a firelighter. Z then rewrote the entire manuscript, achieving what he described as a book that came "direct and flamingly from the heart." The book was closely studied by Mark Twain during the last year of his life, and it was reported to be the last book he read before his death.
  • 71. X-John Stuart Mill Y-French Revolution z-Thomas Carlyle
  • 72. FUQ 5. Who painted the "Arrangement in Grey and Black, No. 2: Portrait of Thomas Carlyle"?
  • 75. FUQ to FUQ 5 :) The title of this musical piece was suggested by the composer’s wife after a visit to a gallery exhibition of James McNeill Whistler paintings, which bear titles such as Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket and Arrangement in Grey and Black (better known as Whistler's Mother). Which 1924 musical composition?
  • 77. Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin
  • 78. Q20. The film was smuggled from Iran to Cannes on a flash drive hidden inside a birthday cake. It was specially screened at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival and later at the New York Film Festival, and others. It also took part in the International Competition of the 27th Warsaw International Film Festival. ID the critically acclaimed film. (The name of this film will remind you of a 1929 artwork).
  • 80.
  • 82. Q21. Mr Gobel labeled himself "________ ______ ," and the nickname stuck for the rest of his career. The TV show typically included a segment in which Gobel appeared with a guitar, started to sing, then got sidetracked into a story, with the song always left unfinished after fitful starts and stops. What famous "endling" was supposedly named after this character played by Mr Gobel?
  • 85. Q22. The Embarkation for X is a painting by the French painter Jean-Antoine Watteau. It is also known as Voyage to X and Pilgrimage to the Isle of X. Watteau submitted this work to the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture as his reception piece in 1717. We are all familiar with a neighbouring island of X because it was the location of a 1900 discovery. In the ancient world, X was thought to be the birthplace of Venus, goddess of love. Thus, the island became sacred to the goddess and love. ID X?
  • 86.
  • 89. Q23. ID the actress and the word Y. ● The origin of X’s stage name is disputed; The Guinness Book of Movie Facts and Feats says it came from director Frank Powell, who learned X had a relative named Barranger. In promoting the 1917 film Cleopatra, Fox Studio publicists noted that the name was an anagram of the word Y, and her press agents, to enhance her exotic appeal to moviegoers, falsely promoted the young Ohio native as "the daughter of a sheik and a French woman, born in the Sahara."
  • 92. FUQ 6. In 1994, she was honored with her image on a U.S. postage stamp designed by X. Who is X?
  • 95. Q24. When the author was seven years old, he and one of his brothers were playing a game of William Tell, when his brother shot him in the eye with an arrow.He lost that eye, and the injury later caused him to become almost entirely blind. He was unable to participate in sports and other activities in his childhood because of this injury, but he developed a creative mind which he used to express himself in writings.A famous Neurologist suggests that his imagination may be partly explained by Charles Bonnet syndrome, a neurological condition which causes complex visual hallucinations in people who have suffered some level of visual loss. ID the author, best known for a work which has been adapted for film twice, once in 1947 and again in 2013. (5 points) ID the Nobel prize winning Neurologist. (5 points)
  • 97. James Thurber V .S. Ramachandran
  • 98. Q25.The family name derives from the expression which literally means "originating from Coevorden", a city in the northeast of the Netherlands.A large city which has hosted many international events is named after the most famous member of the family. Which city?
  • 101. FUQ 7. A statue commemorating an event from the 1954 British Empire and Commonwealth Games held in Vancouver. ID both.
  • 103. Roger Bannister and John Landy
  • 104. Q26. Lieutenant Steyn van Hensbroek, an official of the Dutch Colonial Administration planned a trip to a certain island. He armed himself, and accompanied by a team of soldiers he landed on the island. After a few days, Hensbroek managed to kill one of the strange animals found there.Van Hensbroek took the animal to headquarters where measurements were taken.Which animal? (5 points) What,from the world of entertainment resulted out of this expedition? (5 points)
  • 106.
  • 107. Q27. The discovery of the location was announced to the wider world in 1693 by the presentation of a paper to the Royal Society from Sir Richard Bulkeley, although the discoverer had, in fact, been the Bishop of Derry who had visited the site a year earlier. The site received international attention when artist Susanna Drury made watercolour paintings of it in 1739. Which location? (5 points) Several photographs of this location was used for a project by a chap named Aubrey Powell in early 1970s. What purpose? (5 points)
  • 109. Giant’s Causeway Album cover of Houses of the Holy
  • 110. Q28. In 1996, Vogue held a fashion shoot inside the building. Vogue's pictures of scantily- dressed women outraged local opinion, and as a result, non-Muslims have been banned from entering the building ever since. ID the building. (10 points) (The pic on the left can be taken as a clue.)
  • 112. Great Mosque of Djenne
  • 113. Q29.If the product is branded Essex for the lower end of the market and Boston for the mid range market, name the premium brand of this Iconic German-American company which has just two factories to supply worldwide, Queens in NY and Hamburg, Germany.
  • 115.
  • 116. FUQ(s) 8 1) What is the Ticker Symbol of Steinway and sons? (5 points) 2) As part of the 150th anniversary, who created a commemorative Steinway limited edition grand piano in 2003? (5 points)
  • 118. LVB (tribute to Ludwig Van Beethoven) Karl Lagerfeld
  • 119. Q30. What connects? ● Umaid Bhawan Palace,Jodhpur ● Bara Imambara,Lucknow ● Rumi Darwaza,Lucknow
  • 121. All of them were built to generate employment during the famine.
  • 122. Q31. In 1883, Joseph __________ embarked on a Royal Geographical Society expedition to explore a route from the eastern coast of Africa to the northern shores of Lake Victoria. British Empire traders wanted a route that would avoid potentially hostile Maasai and German traders who were competing in the area.His leadership was again a success, demonstrating the feasibility of the route and making many important biological, geological, and ethnographic observations, though his attempt to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in a day failed. He was honored by the naming of X that can be found in numbers exceeding 550,000.X? (5 points) His book Through Masai Land published in January 1885 and was a best seller. One of the first to read it was the young Y. His imagination fired by Joseph's expedition, Y promptly wrote a book of his own and became a pioneer of a new literary genre. Which book? (5 points)
  • 125. Q32. ID both the names that has been blanked out. Which event?
  • 127. Golf at the 1900 Paris Olympics
  • 128. Q33. The _________________ Project was a psychedelic training center and intentional community created during the beginning of the counterculture of the 1960s by Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert under the umbrella of their nonprofit group, the International Federation for Internal Freedom (IFIF).The idea for the community was influenced by Aldous Huxley's fictional novel, Island. FITB with a town that literally means ‘“water of the yellow mountain;” in Purépecha language. (5 points) Where did you come across the same town in 1994? (5 points)
  • 131. Q34.What connects this American gastroenterologist Burrill Bernard _____ and Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion,a triptych by Francis Bacon?
  • 133. Chestburster from Alien The design of the "chestburster" was inspired by Francis Bacon's 1944 painting Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion.Giger's original design resembled a plucked chicken, which was redesigned and refined into the final version seen onscreen.Screenwriter Dan O'Bannon credits his experiences with Crohn's disease for inspiring the chest-bursting scene.
  • 134. Q35. He came up with the story while he worked in Yugoslavia as a production assistant on the film Kelly's Heroes (1970). He and a Yugoslav member of the crew were driving in the back of a car on location when they came across a group of gypsies. The gypsies appeared to be performing rituals on a man being buried so that he would not "rise from the grave." This made him realize that he would never be able to confront the undead and gave him the idea for a film in which a man would go through the same thing. Who and which movie resulted? (2.5 points + 2.5 points) He also made a notable contribution to an iconic entertainer in 1983 and 1991 respectively. What did he do? (2.5 points + 2.5 points)
  • 136. John Landis, directed the music videos of Thriller and Black or White.
  • 137. Q36. ● “When you first see that painting it's very bucolic, but when you look closer there's all this really strange stuff going on people on fire, people carving a live sheep, this weird dude who looks like a tree root sitting around with a dog. There's all this really weird stuff going on. I liked that the first impression is that it's just pretty, but then you realize that the scene is this weird chaos. I like that you can't really take it for what it is, that your first impression of it is wrong.” ● Fleet Foxes Vocalist/guitarist Robin Pecknold speaks about the Cover art of their debut album "Fleet Foxes". Which painting is featured on the album cover?
  • 140. Q37. He was the 1960 Olympic gold medalist in the decathlon, having won silver in 1956. He had previously won a gold in the 1955 Pan American Games. He was the USA team's flag bearer at the 1960 Olympics and lit the Olympic flame at the Los Angeles Games in 1984. After he retired from athletics, he turned to acting, sportscasting and public service and was instrumental in creating the California Special Olympics. Who? (5 points) In 1968 he, football player Rosey Grier, and journalist George Plimpton played an important role in doing something. What was this non-sporting claim to fame? (5 points)
  • 142. Rafer Johnson They tackled Sirhan Sirhan moments after he had fatally shot Robert F. Kennedy.
  • 143. FUQ 9. ID X and the movie. (5+5) ● While training for the 1960 Olympics, his friend X told him about a part in the movie Y that X thought might make him a star: the Ethiopian gladiator Draba. Johnson read for and got the role, but was forced to turn it down because the Amateur Athletic Union told him it would make him a professional and therefore ineligible for the Olympics.The role eventually went to another UCLA great, Woody Strode.
  • 146. Q38. At the end of 1894 his career took a dramatic and unexpected turn when he began to work for French stage actress Sarah Bernhardt. She made a telephone call to Maurice de Brunhoff, the manager of the publishing firm Lemercier which printed her theatrical posters, ordering a new poster for the continuation of the play Gismonda. In the second part of his career, at the age of 43, he returned to his homeland of Bohemia- Moravia region in Austria and devoted himself to painting a series of twenty monumental canvases known as The Slav Epic, depicting the history of all the Slavic peoples of the world. ID the artist. (5 points) One of the largest collections of this artist’s works is in the possession of a former world no. 1 who started collecting his works upon meeting Jiri _____ in 1982. His collection was exhibited publicly for the first time in 2013 in Prague. Who was the collector? (5 points)
  • 149. Q39. ● In Satyajit Ray's Shatranj Ke Khilari, X is shown as a very enthusiastic patron of dance and music. He is proud of the fact that songs and poems composed by him are favored by his subjects. When it is revealed that the British are about to annex his throne, his chief-minister breaks down, but he himself maintains his calm because, according to him "only music and poetry can bring a real man to tears“. ID X. (5 points) ● The actor who played the role of X in the movie is synonymous with an iconic role in Bollywood history. ID the actor. (5 points)
  • 152. FUQ 10. Amjad Khan played a major role in Utsav directed by Girish Karnad. Which ancient Indian philosopher’s role did he play in this movie?
  • 154. Vatsayana, author of Kamasutra
  • 155. Q40.In the years leading up to the Civil War, he raised money to purchase slaves from captivity and to send rifles — nicknamed "_________'s Bibles" — to abolitionists fighting in Kansas. He also championed Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, stating that it was not incompatible with Christian beliefs.He was widely rumored to be an adulterer, and in 1872 the Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly published a story about his affair with Elizabeth Richards Tilton, the wife of his friend and former co- worker Theodore Tilton. In 1874, Tilton filed charges for "criminal conversation" against him. The subsequent trial resulted in a hung jury and was one of the most widely reported trials of the century.Several of his brothers and sisters became well-known educators and activists, most notably X, who achieved worldwide fame with a 1852 work. ID both.
  • 157.
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