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Sales Digits Guaranteed To Turn Your Prospects To customers
PUSH MARKETING: Sales Digits Guaranteed To Turn Your Prospects To customers
has been, formerly published as
Sales digits: AN instant sales classic
Here is the Newest, Quickest and Easiest possible style with which you can create Great, Evergreen
marketing that pulls sales and outright profit, creating Fat Bottom Line of sales and profit for you and the
outfit you represent. Whether you operate over the internet or off the internet, these new secrets will make
you the marketer and Sales Person to beat plus this is the best Sales classic ever revealed and you get never
before told secrets such as:
Reveal Marketing: You’ll learn how to use Facts and Time to your own advantage to creating amazing and an
instant love for your information package, product and service. Learn about the forever living concepts of Fact
based Reveal Marketing; Time based Reveal Marketing and Ultimate Reveal Marketing with practical examples
to guide you in applying them to your campaign and approach for a DEFINITE fat bottom line of sales and
Distinction Style Marketing secret exposes you to how you can join your style with that of the producer of the
solution you are marketing to create trust and welcome for you anytime. Practical examples to guide you into
making your customers look for you and your solutions at all time.
The Surveyor Marketing Approach: You get to know to catalogue you your products and you also learn a
brand new concept of Benefits Building teaching you to better write or present a winning sales presentation
each time you try.
Providence Marketing: You learn, with practical guide examples, how to create a greater moving force for your
Quality Assurance, Recruitment Marketing Plus after Sales: These three will show you how to create an
undying lust for your information, product and service plus you get a secret, never before revealed formula on
how to recruit affiliates and downline plus never before known secrets on how to use testimonials and how to
best follow up your new downline and simply consolidate on your breakthrough.
In no moment from now, you’ll have secret keys never revealed before on how you can create guaranteed
instant cash flow any time you want to. There are practical steps to guide you all through each concept
revealed in this material and all these for a Marketers’ price.
This course and all related material are copyrighted, may be reproduced in part only, and restricted to a verse
of not more that five lines from each chapter, while quoting the source as “Sales Digits by Eugy Enoch” or as
appropriate. However, this course and all related material and may not be copied, shared or otherwise made
available in whole without the written consent of the author. If you are not the original purchaser of this
product, please contact the author to inform the copyright owner on how you came to be with this material. A
reward will be provided in any case where a violation is successfully prosecuted.
Reach the author on social media via the following channels for copyright infringements and abuse reports:
Table of Contents
About The Book
Copyright Notice
Sales Digits #1
The Reveal or Rhema Marketing style
Expose the problem(s) of your audience/customer!
Other Forms of Reveal Marketing
Sales Digits #2
Distinction Style Marketing
Producer and marketer: two becoming one
Sales Digits #3
The Surveyor Marketing Approach
Catalogue your solution and Benefits Building
Sales Digits #4
Providence Marketing
Sales Digits #5
Quality Market Approach
It is time to create your own gigs based on your solution(s), their ingredients and full benefits
Sales Digits #6
The Recruitment Marketing Approach
Approach the Networking Style
Part 1- The Recruitment Marketing Approach
Part 2 – The Recruitment Marketing Exercise
After work approach: the need to share info
Other Books by the same author
Do you care for a little extra help?
About the Author
This work is dedicated to internet marketers, net writers, and authors who have inspired hope in me over the
years and without whom, I wouldn’t have had the necessary foundational knowledge upon which to produce
this master key.
This marketing and sales classic is my lessons of over ten (10) years of trying to crack nut in marketing. I came
into marketing, beginning with internet marketing in 2004 and struggled all through to 2006 without a dime to
show for it. 2006 had me smiling for a while when I earned my first pay check, which I never received, by the
way. Subsequent years proved difficult for me, I tried my hands on various products, even joined a newspaper
mlm opportunity, with nothing to show for it. I attended several seminars, subscribed to lots of newsletters
which only resulted in filled up mail boxes. I forayed into across the border importation between 2008 and
2009, and also had little to show for it. I took up teaching later and experience some respite. So basically for 10
years I was a frustrated but hopeful rising and falling marketer. However, one can’t rise and fall all the time.
One day one will have to learn, the easy or hard way, and then get up, this time stronger and with deep
knowledge. This knowledge is what I have contained in this explosive revolutionary and great new marketing
concept you have with you today… read on to discover hidden secrets, approach and styles in marketing a
solution – an information package, product, service, event… - to prospects and turn them into your life long
customers almost immediately. In fact with the never told secrets – which I painfully discovered - contained in
this evergreen material, your prospects are your customers.
I welcome you to a time of achieving a fat bottom line in your sales…Eugy Enoch
Almost no one feels comfortable with that but that is one way that is sure going to get you the attention you
need. You are going to get the surefire, immediate and deep attention you need to get everything started and
While teaching in various high schools and tutorial centers, I found out that just praising students for their
good performances in certain subjects they were good in only made them remain good, even go better in
those same subjects without any significant improvements in other subjects where they performed poorly but
pointing out [exposing] areas to them where they performed poorly gets me their attention, and by strongly
recommending the solutions which had helped them in their key strength subjects, helped them perform
better in these other subjects, even if the solution were already or previously known to them.
Unless you are selling information, product or service for a specific customer base, say for example: Breast
Cancer Patients. It works just as much to generalize the particular class of problem so that you might have as
an example; “sicknesses/disease affecting the head or afflictions of the head” rather than going ahead to list
‘headaches, migraines and so forth’ or “financial mess/struggles” in place of going ahead to list ‘bad debt, bad
credit rating, bad loans and so forth’.
So how do you go about exposing the relevant problem of your prospect? Let’s do it this way: see the problem
(whatever it is and in whatever form) as Darkness and the solution (your information, product or service) as Light.
So how do you expose the problem? Simply shine your light at the darkness. I have been to a couple of [African]
countries where there is no electricity for a greater part of the day and all of a sudden, the light comes on and it
just suddenly feels like a brand new day.
Here are some examples to guide you in the success guaranteed act of Reveal Marketing: Let me show you (or
how to ) (or where to ) [introduce your solution – that is shining your light], if you are tired of
(or fed up with ) [exposing the problem – the darkness].
The above can be transposed also to read or go this way; Are you are tired of
(or fed up with ) [exposing the problem – the darkness]? If so, Let me show you (or how to
) (or where to ) [introduce your solution – that is shining your light].
Other examples include: I need your attention here: if you have suffered from
(or are suffering from ) [exposing the problem – the darkness], then simply read on or listen up
because you are about to see for yourself [your solution – that is shining your light].
Skip this and you skip a shockingly simple and a most deliberate
effort/plan to free you from______ . I can’t believe that a highly efficient solution such as (give a short description
of the solution describing shortly how it solves the problem it intends to solve) has been made this simple and
cheap. You would be amazed if you just go to page .
The above last example is good in internet marketing if you just want to post an article or a note that will lead your
prospects away from the current page to a sales page or a landing page or just a web page on site or elsewhere.
MARKETING (Also known as advanced Reveal marketing)
This is where you lace your lines with facts. Your facts may come before, at the middle, or the end of your line.
Whether you sell online or offline, an MLM marketer
or just a marketing manager or sales person for a company or on your own, you do well to lace your marketing
lines with facts. This is like designing your cake with sweet, frosty icing. Some of the reasons for lacing Reveal
Marketing with facts include:
TO further educate the customer on the need to see the seller’s product or service as the solution to the problem
on ground thereby creating a willingness to purchase. IT portrays the seller as a person of knowledge and an
adequate understanding of the problem at hand, creating an instant admiration for the seller and consequently for
the creating an atmosphere for sales.
Assuming you are selling a product that takes care or cures injury I children, your Advanced Reveal Marketing pitch
could go like this:
Children need some doses of physical activity to be able to develop strong; physically, socially…. During this time of
physical activity, children are prone to accidents and injuries some of which will be so severe that it might threaten
their very social life and could make them feel very lonely all through adult life and so children, out of a pure heart,
depend on (you or mummy or daddy or their parents – depending on the situation you find yourself) to give them
[introduce your product/service here in full detail]
LEVEL 2 MKT. TIME BASED REVEAL MARKETING (also known as Real reveal marketing)
Time solves everything. In fact it is one of the greatest teachers in human history. In the concept of time based
Reveal Marketing, the element of time is included in your jingle to basically spur or ginger your prospects to almost
immediate action.
Examples: Your child may be between the ages of 3-12 now and seemingly free from worries (or is your child
between the ages of 3-12 and seemingly free from worries?) (but) 10-15 years down the line, the story may change
for the worse as many young people come down with [fill in the dash depending on the problem you are
advertising/marketing for or against] at the age bracket of 22-?? Years with all its attendant physical, emotional
and social challenges which might come down heavy on your baby girl/boy unless you act now by […what are you
waiting for, introduce your info package, product or service here in detail].
20… [The year] may be leaving you behind if you don’t act now and grab this [introduce your
product/service/info package]. How I built wealth after years of trial and error (or frustrations), what I
did and how I did it. These secrets can be all yours before [the year] runs out if you act now.
You have ___ months or weeks to take advantage of [state your offer] before the year runs out on you.
You can have a different story to tell if you hurry now and grab [state your offer]
[Warning: Time based Reveal marketing is a double edged weapon which if not used properly will amount to
delayed response by prospects. However, they remain your prospects for a very long when they finally become
your paying customers or affiliates – that’s the sweet part]
Advanced Reveal (knowledge/information/fact based) Marketing + Real Reveal (time based) Marketing =
Ultimate Reveal Marketing style Levels [1+2] = level [3]
Here, knowledge or fact based reveal marketing is combined with time based reveal marketing for all the benefits.
The way and manner you combine your message isn’t as important as the message itself.
Example: Children between the ages of 3-12 years require more doses of physical activity to develop strong
physically, socially…. Though such physical activity may make them seem happy and free from worries, they are
however prone to accidents and injuries during this period which in 10-15 years time can cause them severe
challenges physically, emotionally, and even socially and could affect the way they integrate into society all of (hope
or depend on you) to help them prevent by giving them or buying them products like or paying for them
services like
[the blank spaces is for your offerings]
Having come this far, its time to create the distinction in your marketing, indicating the truth and Life your
information, product or service brings to your prospect and how the producer intend to use the product to bring
satisfaction to the customer.
Let’s see how you can create distinction in your marketing program to increase customer admiration of you
and your information, product or service and hence deepen your penetration rate.
While teaching at high school, I find out that the prerequisites to a students’ grasping of a particular subject(s)
amongst others is to also; like the teacher of the particular subject(s) and remain comfortable going to the
particular school – yes you read that right. In using distinction style marketing, remember that no matter what
the producer provides in terms of information or trainings, you still have your own way of doing things. The
idea here is to merge the two styles as one – Your prospects will definitely sense the oneness in the offering.
So for an effective marketing campaign, your prospects need to:
Like you or be comfortable with you to reason that the information, product, service, event, or whatever it is
going to bring them the “life” or “gain” or “freedom” they desire which you have exposed to them earlier.
Like the producer or be comfortable to reason that the producer also desire same thing as above for them and
is not just out to fleece them (you have double work if you are marketing your own info package, products,
services or event)
The above also means that you need to go through any training(s) provided by the producer of the
product/service/event you are marketing so you know and understand the mindset of your producer and
integrate same into your campaigns and journey with the particular info package, products, services or event.
Examples: Include testimonials, cases, warranty offered by you or the producer where appropriate.
After years of research, this is a foolproof system that is (clinically/market) PROVEN to (cure/solve)
[highlight the problem in the dash], The company has been in the business of helping [problem]
just like you finally get [solution] for number of years (or length of time) and is poised to
do the same for you/to you if you would plug into [product, service, event…] (or if you would only
[introduce the product, service, event… ])
Let me break down what you get when you (list your points using any listing style of your choice such as
with .Bullets, *Asterisks and so forth)
It only takes to start (make the requirements seem cost effective and easy to integrate into the life
schedule of your prospect) and won’t interfere with your busy life…..
The above examples are a guide and you are welcome to add your own creative examples as you prepare your
campaigns. Let us now take a journey to gathering your products/services and selling their benefits to your
You must market and sell your wares in a way that will be good to the producer (unless you are also the
producer) and attractive and pleasant to the buyer (even though it requires the buyer to do some little or
great work using the product or service). Please allow me to briefly state a relevant explanation of a surveyor
in my own terms to add a proper understanding of this success guaranteed concept – the surveyor is a
professional who gets a land ready for development and building by taking measurements and providing
proper documentation or record of his measurements. A surveyor may also mean an individual who can
quantify a building by taking inventory of materials with an explained knowledge of their usefulness.
In the surveyor approach, you simply employ a two (2) pronged approach namely:
This is where you simply list other products, services available by the producer to your prospects. Keep it brief
and if you are writing, use any listing style – bullets, asterisk – you feel appropriate. Remember, the aim here is
to list any other info packages, products, services or events available by the producer you represent only; even
if you don’t have them physically with you and at the moment for offline marketing.
Benefits Building
This is where you explain to your prospects the benefits of your list as a whole; not necessarily the benefits of each item in
your catalogue, but of the catalogue as a whole – that is your catalogue as one unit – and try to stick to how your
catalogue benefits them in their welfare, health, nutrition, body(use any variable only where applicable to avoid
information overload; especially if you are marketing via word of mouth) testimonials will add the spice to your Benefits
This is where you are Building on the Benefits as a whole and that’s what I call Benefits Building.
Now while building on your benefits, you may cite references of two or three of your products/services, unless of course
there are only two or three products in your package/offering. If you’re a digital or an internet marketer, you may simply
link to a sales page, inventory page, or landing page where you have your list with benefits.
The surveyor approach marketing method is where you need to learn to summarize or simply cut a long story short to use
it effectively. While using the surveyor approach with a potential customer for the first time, you may not include price in
your gigs or rapport unless you are about to check out or there is an ongoing promo/ price reduction by the producer or a
charity cause with the product/service currently ongoing or the prospect deliberately asks you.
While also using Benefits Building, try to include some relevant features, parts, ingredients or aspects of the particular
product/service/event… that makes it tick – it goes a long way to assure your prospects. (Compare this to a fruit with seed.
What is a fruit is without its seed which are a vital part of the fruit. So it is with your product/ service/ events with some
relevant key features, parts, ingredients or aspects – these will do the miracle for you). You also need to note that
explaining your product/ service to this level to your prospect instantly elevates you to a person of knowledge – Teacher,
Consultant, Coach – before your prospects who will be happy to have met a genius today and who he/she can build trust
and rapport with. What other bridge do you wish to build between you and your prospect when this is done, even by your
Cataloguing and Benefits Building examples:
I am going to take you through our [clinically/market] proven list that is guaranteed to [how it would impact their
welfare, health, body, hair or as appropriate – depending on the particular product/service you are marketing] then
go ahead to list your other goodies as much as time permits.
Now the best part is that these products/services (or my list, or all these) is going to help you (or make you
) (or do ) for you (as applicable). This very one(s) (indicate the one(s)) contains which
and it is going to help you in a smart way. {Add testimonials and instances you have
observed or those provided by the producer or the wholesaler}
In the distinction marketing, the marketer tries to distinguish or separate the marketers’ style and the
producers’ style (there is equal focus on both) in his head but delivers them as one to the prospect hence
creating a situation where the prospects reasons that the seller/marketer and the producer are working
together as one – for his/her benefits.
In providence marketing, the producer is the main focus is the producer and his products/service as it takes
care of the customers’ needs/wants.
Anyone can succeed greatly using the providence marketing style and integrating the providence marketing
style in his/her marketing and sales approach. All that is required for successful providence marketing is
knowledge on the producer(s), their visions and missions, and thorough knowledge of the solution itself. Any
trainings or information provided by the producer should be very well understood. One sure benefit of the
providence marketing approach is that it makes the marketer appear like a co-owner and hence builds
credibility and would help the marketer in recruitments and sub-recruitments where applicable.
Reveal what prompted the producer go into the production of the particular product/service. Explain what the
producer believes is the cause of the particular problem in the life or body….of the prospect or adopt a wider
view – in the life or body….of lots of people. After which go ahead and reveal how the solution has imparted
the life of the producer(s);
Show the cost and pain of developing the solution and how it will mark a turning point in the life, wellbeing,
and finance… of the prospect [or people] (be as specific as possible here). These will be for signs and token of
the providence of the producers to better the days of the prospect and will also go a long way to also mark a
turning point in trust and participation of the prospect. The above two would reveal and explain what birthed
the particular solution or event and what challenges the producer faced and dealt with using the same
solution plus other revelations.
On the part of the prospects, the expositions and explanations would help them come to take the solution
personal – that is to apply the solution to their situation at present with a desire to go on living with the
solution. The marketer would have been able to educate the prospects while helping them effectively
recognize and understand their challenges better and see with the solution – the marketers’ info
Below is an example to guide you in providence marketing (this however does not replace your ability to be
The producer (you may use direct names) got involved in a ghastly accident… [Give details if you know – people
love stories so it is to your advantage, only respect their time and pay great attention to their body language
plus be as dramatic as possible and use your senses too – once in a long while, while talking, accidentally touch
the prospect for a second only if you are physically with them and it is possible to do so],
OR, The producer was terribly sick… [Give details if you know] for days/weeks/ months/years, OR, The
producer [name names] was in a financial mess…[Give details if you know, and you should] for
days/weeks/months/years. It is during these trying times that the producer accidentally or by chance
stumbled upon OR got inspiration to write after
days/weeks/months/years of . The producer thereafter started experiencing
with this product/service and consequently, after days/weeks/months/years has decided to enrich
people’s lives or help who are or might be going through the same [expose the problem again] to
get well/free if or when they will use [The solution again].
I learnt this secret after thinking closely about one of the multi level marketing and wealth empowerment seminars
I attended. This seminar was about investment in numismatics [silver and gold] coins. This particular seminar really
caught my interest and I decided thereafter that I was going to join this outfit. However, it was during the writing of
this book that I discovered that I had fallen in love with this particular opportunity, not because of the benefits
included – which was nice (this outfit offered a reward system that paid up to 4 times a month) – but because of
the way the speaker had made an excellent way of infusing quality to his presentation. What I had discovered was
Quality Market approach or Quality Assurance Marketing.
Let me pause here to remind you that information about your solution could take various forms which includes but
not limited to: Written form (books, articles, sales copy, newsletters….), Oral forms (as in word of mouth), Media
(audio – visuals), Practical demonstrations and exhibitions… which could be digital or non – digital. The idea in
Quality Market Approach is to let your solution (that is your information pack, product, service, event…) bring
forth or evoke abundant information – in whatever form – that moves and have life.
The above exposes two variables in your information or gig and that is: movement and Life (that is it must carry
Information that moves is one that will draw attention everywhere it is displayed or advertised or told.
Information that has Life is one that will bring hope or an expectation to the consumers of such information such
as the hearers. So any information about whatever solution (info pack, product, service, event…) you are offering
should be created relevant and fit for any geography it might be displayed in and it must stir up hope or
expectations in the hearts of your hearers and readers. Apart from your solution bringing forth abundant moving
information with life, your solution should also bring forth information about you and the producer, though two,
working together as one to ensure full benefits to the prospect.
The information I describe above is going to be created by you – the marketer and seller – and the idea is to allow
your product/service… inspire you to produce abundance of your own information about it. Stretch your creative
ability to any imaginable limit. Let’s get down to practical… The Quality Market Approach is of two classes: The
PRO Quality market approach or PRO Quality marketing style: where the PRO stands for Professional, is an
approach that stands you out as a professional by essentially helping you create your own information about the
product/service. Quality information will involve all necessary info about the solution(s) you are marketing,
essential ingredients and content and full benefits.
So it’s not only about the information provided by the producer of the solution you are marketing. You are
expected to also go ahead and forge your own sword as well - as sharp and heavy as you can bear. This is what
drew out interest in me for the numismatic coins business opportunity I mentioned earlier. There was just enough
relevant information that I couldn’t possibly be negative about this offer in any way.
Apart from movement and life, information contained in your marketing and sales copy may contain elements of
fear (fear of what the problem might cause the sufferer if they don’t subscribe to your solution), logic (sense of
reason), scarcity (of the product should the prospect give in to procrastinations), there also should be element of
Apart from movement and life, information contained in your marketing and sales copy may contain elements of
fear (fear of what the problem might cause the sufferer if they don’t subscribe to your solution), logic (sense of
reason), scarcity (of the product should the prospect give in to procrastinations), there also should be element of
In fact, the idea is to create monstrous and powerful giant whale information or write up in your which by now also
possesses the qualities of movement and life.
Another class of the Quality Market approach which you can integrate into your marketing is the EX. Quality
market approach or Quality marketing EX. or simply; Quality EX. Where the “EX” stands for executive. I attended a
forex seminar recently where the presenter gave us his business card while introducing himself as a manager in the
company. Even though I knew about the technicalities involved in forex and ordinarily may have left the venue not
interested, I somehow reasoned that I was with one of the “executives” in this seminar and it made me somehow
made up my mind to trade forex on the platform being presented to us by this young man.
One of the factors that fired my interest in investing in silver and gold coins at the coin seminar I mentioned earlier
was the fact that the presenter, who was marketing the investment scheme mentioned that he had met with the
two founders of the company in person and had discussed certain aspects of the business with them.
This made me see him like a pal to the owners (that is, as one of the executives) and came to trust his package. In
fact it made me see him as one of the executives even though he was merely marketing their investments and
MLM opportunity just like every other recruited affiliate is doing in their respective places.
The idea in ‘Quality EX’ is to make your hearers and readers feel that they are listening or reading something from
one of the “executives” without taking any time. In fact one line or one moment of Quality EX in your marketing is
enough and you can do this (assuming you have never met with the owners or producer) by waving a book, audio
or video material or playing a media file of the producer to your audience. You may also integrate Quality Ex into
your marketing by making a quick one or two sentence reference from the producers in your writings. You also may
make reference to an email or text you had sent to the producer of the solutions that you are marketing and if still
available, have the reply of such email or text conversation read out to your audience. All these will make your
marketing good, in fact, you can promote your product/service good and it would sound just as good as though it
was coming from the mouth of the producers. This is Quality EX.
The last thing you do in Quality marketing is Quality Assurance marketing style
which simply is to go on to indicate that your solutions which you have to market, will remain, and provide solution
to the problem and challenge for a very long time to come, in fact go on to give assurance that the company will
remain for a long time to come with non – stop research to continue to develop more effective and efficient
solution, plus your relationship with the producer (if you are not the producer) will continue and can only wax
stronger. When you do this, you are only a marketer but a quality and creative marketer.
Here are is some example to guide you, in no particular order:
This is a wonder [name an essential function of the solution or catalogue as a whole], it contains
[essential content or ingredients] which does [dump all the information you could ever
create about your product or catalogue as a whole; at the same time, shorten them to avoid too much data, and
while doing this, try not to peddle falsehood – people will eventually know a lie which might just end it all]. In fact,
you can actually while you sleep! Here are other benefits you get out of the system/miracle product [optional -
continue with list of full benefits, but in this case, give references to a few specific ones, do this as much as time and
space permits]. After working with people just like you, here are some of my
results…. number (or %) of clients said that happened in
their first 10 days. If you don’t do something today about , you may continue to [this is to inject
fear]. However, with [your product or service], you are guaranteed results or you get your money
back [this is to infuse logic]. So let nothing keep you back as this won’t last long because…. [This is where you may
inject scarcity if any]. I would have to get back to the producer [you may name names if the producer is known] with
as they [the producer] would love to use the information to [give an
assurance of any kind] of which I would continue to work with them to bring you their latest products and offerings
based on data I would get from you [now or later] on how this has been helpful
to you [Quality Assurance].
Please Note that in networking or affiliate marketing, if you cannot link with the producer in any form, try to link
with your middle man or a distributor. In fact in most cases, an uplink is just about all you need.
Where applicable, this is where you market a solution to a client in a manner that
suggests that you want them to experience what you or others experience or to get what you or others are getting;
In other words, to join you in business.
We have seen how you can detail the benefits of a solution as touching a clients’ welfare – health, nutrition, body
and some finance. Well, here is much the same except that you focus mainly on finance and material benefits
before finally throwing open an offer for recruitment.
The Recruitment Marketing Approach is grouped into two classes for easy understanding:
Kind Benefits: this is similar to the Benefits Building style of the surveyor approach except that, in the kind benefits
system, more focus is on material benefits. So if you are marketing for a company that offers material benefits such
as cars, travel, shopping, a home… all that is required of you is to go ahead and explain each of the material
benefits in full or as much as time and space (if you are writing) permits. This is where I need you to add charisma
and a “touch of spice,” even being dramatic to any level that appeal to the senses. As much as you can demonstrate
is allowed.
Money Benefits: this has to do with all monies payable to customers or marketers as the case may be. Most MLM
companies offer both money and other material kind benefits and you do well also to combine them as one unit
while still maintaining a distinction between the two by talking about money benefits first before immediately
switching over to the other material kind benefits or the other way around (as you may please) unless the two are
inter twined, as provided by the company or outfit you represent. When talking or writing the material benefits, if
there is a car, and a house, for example, you may do well to give information on the car before you move on to the
house or the other way around (as you might be pleased to). Whichever way, just follow the benefits provided by
the outfit you represent; on benefit – after its kind – to another benefit – after its kind. Remember your charm,
charisma and charge – knowing you are in charge here.
While going through or going over your kind benefits, your prospects should lighten up and you should feel a sense
of “doing something good.” Add a little bit of quality assurance; assuring your prospects that your benefits are
approved and assured for a long time to come.
After stating or writing your Kind and money benefits go ahead and announce that you have brought an
opportunity from the producers for the prospects to reproduce the same experience or solutions, as the case may
be, in their places or areas in the likeness, manner and in line with the producers’ vision and mission – this you
must have enlightened them about. I have discovered, especially while teaching students in high school that
students would rather submit to someone with a sense of leadership. So, people would be more willing to be
recruited into a system that provides them that sense of leadership.
When recruiting, spare no one - whether Male and female, old and young, please recruit. Imbibe the secret of mass
recruitment each time you step out to market solutions that has recruitment options and packages.
After recruitments, repeat your quality assurance, letting your new recruits know they are now just like you and
should immediately take up all the company’s solutions and go out to reproduce themselves in as many places as
possible. Tell them to make use of, as they would, all available testimonials, cases, research, catalogue, training,
information and build their own benefits and that you will continue to work with them for a very long period of
time. Give them your contact information or that of the company, where applicable. All benefits are theirs just as
they are yours, do these and you would create a solution market that will continually affect people for a very long
time. Remember, the recruitment marketing approach can only be applied where there is the recruitment option in
a provided by a company or outfit. However, if you have gone up to this point and have recruited, you may go on to
consolidate on the successful marketing you have just created. You consolidate by rest and give or by rest and
share… read on to see what you ought to give or share.
Remember “there is love in sharing.” After a major marketing breakthrough you may want to take a little break,
however, you may want to work some more. It is good, however, to consolidate on what have achieved. There are
many ways to do that and I will highlight some here.
Share Testimonials. Irrespective of what else you might call it (cases, instances…) simply gather them as plenty as
you can and proudly flaunt them at will and without any fear for restrictions. Send them to your customers and if
you are a recruiter, send out these new cases and testimonials to your downline, to share with them and urge them
to display these testimonials as they move along in the business while you also encourage them to get along well in
the business – to get their own cases and testimonials.
Newsletter and Periodicals You should collect the emails or physical addresses or both of your customers and
downline (where applicable) and periodically send them all necessary information about what they ought to do,
what the company is doing to better their status and any major breakthroughs that they could use. I suggest your
newsletter come once a month. That way it contains the much needed information and the time required for
downline to practice what information they have received.
Seminars and Practical classes which may include on the spot training and certifications from producers to
marketers or from marketers to their downline.
Apprenticeship: This should be used where applicable and it involves placing the new affiliate or a newly recruited
marketer in a physical location – a store, office… - that provides or sells the solutions and lets them take care of it
and work there for a while; the aim being to further share experience and expose the newly recruited affiliate or
The bottom line of every marketing is sales which lead to gain and the uppermost line is creativity; however the
creativity in your marketing will determine how fat your bottom line gets.
The information provided in this material guarantees the marketer a fat bottom line and as the approach and styles
provided here are applied, the approach and styles will ensure that marketers can only get better and creative while
achieving a fat bottom line for the marketer.
These Sales Digits will be available soon on CD/DVD Format
The following books are from the same author, all books and more are available on Amazon, ibookstore, Kobo,
Smashwords, Bookrix, Okadabooks and other places.
1. Poetic Memoirs of a Young Son
2. Living Souls – A Teen Chase To Glory
3. Glass Apple
I will be able to offer you a little extra help in your marketing and sales jobs by offering you to choose one of the
following options: Sales Writing, Marketing and After Sales
Please note that all packages above are based upon the “Push Marketing: Sales Digits to turn your prospects into
customers.” OR “Sales Digits: A one time classic” material advertised in this page.
If you work and want to have an added stream of income to you or you simply want to have an internet business
built for you and marketed, while you sit back and watch your profits soar, please contact me via any of my social
media pages:
All consultations are FREE, for a limited time only.
About me
My pen name is Eugy Enoch and am an experienced, talented and exceptional leader committed to maintaining
cutting edge technical and relationship skills and up-to-date industry knowledge; with outstanding relationship
building, training and presentation skills and excellent at juggling multiple tasks and working under pressure.
Broad industry experience includes Education, ICT, Books Publishing/Promotion, Media, Sales, Administration,
Charity and Religion.
My experience as marketer
I am a high school teacher and writer who ventured into Freelancing and Marketing, beginning with internet affiliate
marketing in 2004. I struggled until 2006 before I made my first penny, $51.99 while marketing for a software
company. Although my check never reached me - guess it must have been stolen at the mail. After much
discouragement, I tried my hands on other internet and Multi Level Marketing for a marketing success most of which
failed. I was also into cross country importation – in partnership - at the time. However, it was not until recently
(2014) after I had attended a seminar that opened my eyes to see that I may have been screwing my style up, that I
decided to take stock of all what I have been through and to decide if I might give marketing another chance. I
gathered my experiences plus a little of what I had known, jot them down and with the information, relaunched my
internet affiliate business which to my surprise started earning me steady income… the key is DO IT RIGHT.
You will surely get it no matter how little it starts. In this material, I have noted, with practical examples, guides to
help you to become an instant top consultant, marketer and sales person in your field.

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Push Marketing

  • 1. PUSH MARKETING Sales Digits Guaranteed To Turn Your Prospects To customers By EUGY ENOCH
  • 2. PUSH MARKETING: Sales Digits Guaranteed To Turn Your Prospects To customers has been, formerly published as Sales digits: AN instant sales classic
  • 3. ABOUT THE BOOK Here is the Newest, Quickest and Easiest possible style with which you can create Great, Evergreen marketing that pulls sales and outright profit, creating Fat Bottom Line of sales and profit for you and the outfit you represent. Whether you operate over the internet or off the internet, these new secrets will make you the marketer and Sales Person to beat plus this is the best Sales classic ever revealed and you get never before told secrets such as: Reveal Marketing: You’ll learn how to use Facts and Time to your own advantage to creating amazing and an instant love for your information package, product and service. Learn about the forever living concepts of Fact based Reveal Marketing; Time based Reveal Marketing and Ultimate Reveal Marketing with practical examples to guide you in applying them to your campaign and approach for a DEFINITE fat bottom line of sales and profit. Distinction Style Marketing secret exposes you to how you can join your style with that of the producer of the solution you are marketing to create trust and welcome for you anytime. Practical examples to guide you into making your customers look for you and your solutions at all time. The Surveyor Marketing Approach: You get to know to catalogue you your products and you also learn a brand new concept of Benefits Building teaching you to better write or present a winning sales presentation each time you try.
  • 4. Providence Marketing: You learn, with practical guide examples, how to create a greater moving force for your sales. Quality Assurance, Recruitment Marketing Plus after Sales: These three will show you how to create an undying lust for your information, product and service plus you get a secret, never before revealed formula on how to recruit affiliates and downline plus never before known secrets on how to use testimonials and how to best follow up your new downline and simply consolidate on your breakthrough. In no moment from now, you’ll have secret keys never revealed before on how you can create guaranteed instant cash flow any time you want to. There are practical steps to guide you all through each concept revealed in this material and all these for a Marketers’ price. IN FACT THIS IS JUST HOW TO SELL – ONLINE OR NOT – AND YOU SHOULD TRY IT.
  • 5. COPYRIGHT NOTICE This course and all related material are copyrighted, may be reproduced in part only, and restricted to a verse of not more that five lines from each chapter, while quoting the source as “Sales Digits by Eugy Enoch” or as appropriate. However, this course and all related material and may not be copied, shared or otherwise made available in whole without the written consent of the author. If you are not the original purchaser of this product, please contact the author to inform the copyright owner on how you came to be with this material. A reward will be provided in any case where a violation is successfully prosecuted. Reach the author on social media via the following channels for copyright infringements and abuse reports: Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin: Telegram: Instagram: Github:
  • 6. Table of Contents About The Book Copyright Notice Dedication Preface CHAPTER 1 Sales Digits #1 The Reveal or Rhema Marketing style Expose the problem(s) of your audience/customer! Other Forms of Reveal Marketing CHAPTER 2 Sales Digits #2 Distinction Style Marketing Producer and marketer: two becoming one
  • 7. CHAPTER 3 Sales Digits #3 The Surveyor Marketing Approach Catalogue your solution and Benefits Building CHAPTER 4 Sales Digits #4 Providence Marketing CHAPTER 5 Sales Digits #5 Quality Market Approach It is time to create your own gigs based on your solution(s), their ingredients and full benefits CHAPTER 6 Sales Digits #6 The Recruitment Marketing Approach Approach the Networking Style Part 1- The Recruitment Marketing Approach Part 2 – The Recruitment Marketing Exercise
  • 8. APPENDIX I After work approach: the need to share info APPENDIX II Other Books by the same author APPENDIX III Do you care for a little extra help? APPENDIX IV About the Author
  • 9. DEDICATION This work is dedicated to internet marketers, net writers, and authors who have inspired hope in me over the years and without whom, I wouldn’t have had the necessary foundational knowledge upon which to produce this master key.
  • 10. PREFACE This marketing and sales classic is my lessons of over ten (10) years of trying to crack nut in marketing. I came into marketing, beginning with internet marketing in 2004 and struggled all through to 2006 without a dime to show for it. 2006 had me smiling for a while when I earned my first pay check, which I never received, by the way. Subsequent years proved difficult for me, I tried my hands on various products, even joined a newspaper mlm opportunity, with nothing to show for it. I attended several seminars, subscribed to lots of newsletters which only resulted in filled up mail boxes. I forayed into across the border importation between 2008 and 2009, and also had little to show for it. I took up teaching later and experience some respite. So basically for 10 years I was a frustrated but hopeful rising and falling marketer. However, one can’t rise and fall all the time. One day one will have to learn, the easy or hard way, and then get up, this time stronger and with deep knowledge. This knowledge is what I have contained in this explosive revolutionary and great new marketing concept you have with you today… read on to discover hidden secrets, approach and styles in marketing a solution – an information package, product, service, event… - to prospects and turn them into your life long customers almost immediately. In fact with the never told secrets – which I painfully discovered - contained in this evergreen material, your prospects are your customers. – GUARANTEED. I welcome you to a time of achieving a fat bottom line in your sales…Eugy Enoch
  • 11. CHAPTER 1 THE REVEAL OR RHEMA MARKETING STYLE EXPOSE THE PROBLEM(S) OF YOUR AUDIENCE/CUSTOMER Almost no one feels comfortable with that but that is one way that is sure going to get you the attention you need. You are going to get the surefire, immediate and deep attention you need to get everything started and going. While teaching in various high schools and tutorial centers, I found out that just praising students for their good performances in certain subjects they were good in only made them remain good, even go better in those same subjects without any significant improvements in other subjects where they performed poorly but pointing out [exposing] areas to them where they performed poorly gets me their attention, and by strongly recommending the solutions which had helped them in their key strength subjects, helped them perform better in these other subjects, even if the solution were already or previously known to them. Unless you are selling information, product or service for a specific customer base, say for example: Breast Cancer Patients. It works just as much to generalize the particular class of problem so that you might have as an example; “sicknesses/disease affecting the head or afflictions of the head” rather than going ahead to list ‘headaches, migraines and so forth’ or “financial mess/struggles” in place of going ahead to list ‘bad debt, bad credit rating, bad loans and so forth’.
  • 12. So how do you go about exposing the relevant problem of your prospect? Let’s do it this way: see the problem (whatever it is and in whatever form) as Darkness and the solution (your information, product or service) as Light. So how do you expose the problem? Simply shine your light at the darkness. I have been to a couple of [African] countries where there is no electricity for a greater part of the day and all of a sudden, the light comes on and it just suddenly feels like a brand new day. Here are some examples to guide you in the success guaranteed act of Reveal Marketing: Let me show you (or how to ) (or where to ) [introduce your solution – that is shining your light], if you are tired of (or fed up with ) [exposing the problem – the darkness]. The above can be transposed also to read or go this way; Are you are tired of (or fed up with ) [exposing the problem – the darkness]? If so, Let me show you (or how to ) (or where to ) [introduce your solution – that is shining your light]. Other examples include: I need your attention here: if you have suffered from (or are suffering from ) [exposing the problem – the darkness], then simply read on or listen up because you are about to see for yourself [your solution – that is shining your light]. Skip this and you skip a shockingly simple and a most deliberate effort/plan to free you from______ . I can’t believe that a highly efficient solution such as (give a short description of the solution describing shortly how it solves the problem it intends to solve) has been made this simple and cheap. You would be amazed if you just go to page . The above last example is good in internet marketing if you just want to post an article or a note that will lead your prospects away from the current page to a sales page or a landing page or just a web page on site or elsewhere.
  • 13. OTHER FORMS OF REVEAL MARKETING LEVEL 1 MKT. KNOWLEDGE/INFORMATION/FACT BASED REVEAL MARKETING (Also known as advanced Reveal marketing) This is where you lace your lines with facts. Your facts may come before, at the middle, or the end of your line. Whether you sell online or offline, an MLM marketer or just a marketing manager or sales person for a company or on your own, you do well to lace your marketing lines with facts. This is like designing your cake with sweet, frosty icing. Some of the reasons for lacing Reveal Marketing with facts include: TO further educate the customer on the need to see the seller’s product or service as the solution to the problem on ground thereby creating a willingness to purchase. IT portrays the seller as a person of knowledge and an adequate understanding of the problem at hand, creating an instant admiration for the seller and consequently for the creating an atmosphere for sales. Assuming you are selling a product that takes care or cures injury I children, your Advanced Reveal Marketing pitch could go like this: Children need some doses of physical activity to be able to develop strong; physically, socially…. During this time of physical activity, children are prone to accidents and injuries some of which will be so severe that it might threaten their very social life and could make them feel very lonely all through adult life and so children, out of a pure heart, depend on (you or mummy or daddy or their parents – depending on the situation you find yourself) to give them [introduce your product/service here in full detail]
  • 14. LEVEL 2 MKT. TIME BASED REVEAL MARKETING (also known as Real reveal marketing) Time solves everything. In fact it is one of the greatest teachers in human history. In the concept of time based Reveal Marketing, the element of time is included in your jingle to basically spur or ginger your prospects to almost immediate action. Examples: Your child may be between the ages of 3-12 now and seemingly free from worries (or is your child between the ages of 3-12 and seemingly free from worries?) (but) 10-15 years down the line, the story may change for the worse as many young people come down with [fill in the dash depending on the problem you are advertising/marketing for or against] at the age bracket of 22-?? Years with all its attendant physical, emotional and social challenges which might come down heavy on your baby girl/boy unless you act now by […what are you waiting for, introduce your info package, product or service here in detail]. 20… [The year] may be leaving you behind if you don’t act now and grab this [introduce your product/service/info package]. How I built wealth after years of trial and error (or frustrations), what I did and how I did it. These secrets can be all yours before [the year] runs out if you act now. You have ___ months or weeks to take advantage of [state your offer] before the year runs out on you. You can have a different story to tell if you hurry now and grab [state your offer] [Warning: Time based Reveal marketing is a double edged weapon which if not used properly will amount to delayed response by prospects. However, they remain your prospects for a very long when they finally become your paying customers or affiliates – that’s the sweet part]
  • 15. LEVEL 3 MKT. ULTIMATE REVEAL MARKETING STYLE Advanced Reveal (knowledge/information/fact based) Marketing + Real Reveal (time based) Marketing = Ultimate Reveal Marketing style Levels [1+2] = level [3] Here, knowledge or fact based reveal marketing is combined with time based reveal marketing for all the benefits. The way and manner you combine your message isn’t as important as the message itself. Example: Children between the ages of 3-12 years require more doses of physical activity to develop strong physically, socially…. Though such physical activity may make them seem happy and free from worries, they are however prone to accidents and injuries during this period which in 10-15 years time can cause them severe challenges physically, emotionally, and even socially and could affect the way they integrate into society all of (hope or depend on you) to help them prevent by giving them or buying them products like or paying for them services like [the blank spaces is for your offerings] Having come this far, its time to create the distinction in your marketing, indicating the truth and Life your information, product or service brings to your prospect and how the producer intend to use the product to bring satisfaction to the customer.
  • 16. CHAPTER 2 DISTINCTION STYLE MARKETING PRODUCER AND MARKETER: TWO BECOME ONE Let’s see how you can create distinction in your marketing program to increase customer admiration of you and your information, product or service and hence deepen your penetration rate. While teaching at high school, I find out that the prerequisites to a students’ grasping of a particular subject(s) amongst others is to also; like the teacher of the particular subject(s) and remain comfortable going to the particular school – yes you read that right. In using distinction style marketing, remember that no matter what the producer provides in terms of information or trainings, you still have your own way of doing things. The idea here is to merge the two styles as one – Your prospects will definitely sense the oneness in the offering. So for an effective marketing campaign, your prospects need to: Like you or be comfortable with you to reason that the information, product, service, event, or whatever it is going to bring them the “life” or “gain” or “freedom” they desire which you have exposed to them earlier. Like the producer or be comfortable to reason that the producer also desire same thing as above for them and is not just out to fleece them (you have double work if you are marketing your own info package, products, services or event) The above also means that you need to go through any training(s) provided by the producer of the product/service/event you are marketing so you know and understand the mindset of your producer and integrate same into your campaigns and journey with the particular info package, products, services or event.
  • 17. Examples: Include testimonials, cases, warranty offered by you or the producer where appropriate. After years of research, this is a foolproof system that is (clinically/market) PROVEN to (cure/solve) [highlight the problem in the dash], The company has been in the business of helping [problem] just like you finally get [solution] for number of years (or length of time) and is poised to do the same for you/to you if you would plug into [product, service, event…] (or if you would only [introduce the product, service, event… ]) Let me break down what you get when you (list your points using any listing style of your choice such as with .Bullets, *Asterisks and so forth) It only takes to start (make the requirements seem cost effective and easy to integrate into the life schedule of your prospect) and won’t interfere with your busy life….. The above examples are a guide and you are welcome to add your own creative examples as you prepare your campaigns. Let us now take a journey to gathering your products/services and selling their benefits to your prospects.
  • 18. CHAPTER 3 THE SURVEYOR MARKETING APPROACH CATALOGUE YOUR PRODUCTS AND BENEFITS BUILDING You must market and sell your wares in a way that will be good to the producer (unless you are also the producer) and attractive and pleasant to the buyer (even though it requires the buyer to do some little or great work using the product or service). Please allow me to briefly state a relevant explanation of a surveyor in my own terms to add a proper understanding of this success guaranteed concept – the surveyor is a professional who gets a land ready for development and building by taking measurements and providing proper documentation or record of his measurements. A surveyor may also mean an individual who can quantify a building by taking inventory of materials with an explained knowledge of their usefulness. In the surveyor approach, you simply employ a two (2) pronged approach namely: Cataloguing This is where you simply list other products, services available by the producer to your prospects. Keep it brief and if you are writing, use any listing style – bullets, asterisk – you feel appropriate. Remember, the aim here is to list any other info packages, products, services or events available by the producer you represent only; even if you don’t have them physically with you and at the moment for offline marketing.
  • 19. Benefits Building This is where you explain to your prospects the benefits of your list as a whole; not necessarily the benefits of each item in your catalogue, but of the catalogue as a whole – that is your catalogue as one unit – and try to stick to how your catalogue benefits them in their welfare, health, nutrition, body(use any variable only where applicable to avoid information overload; especially if you are marketing via word of mouth) testimonials will add the spice to your Benefits Building. This is where you are Building on the Benefits as a whole and that’s what I call Benefits Building. Now while building on your benefits, you may cite references of two or three of your products/services, unless of course there are only two or three products in your package/offering. If you’re a digital or an internet marketer, you may simply link to a sales page, inventory page, or landing page where you have your list with benefits. The surveyor approach marketing method is where you need to learn to summarize or simply cut a long story short to use it effectively. While using the surveyor approach with a potential customer for the first time, you may not include price in your gigs or rapport unless you are about to check out or there is an ongoing promo/ price reduction by the producer or a charity cause with the product/service currently ongoing or the prospect deliberately asks you. While also using Benefits Building, try to include some relevant features, parts, ingredients or aspects of the particular product/service/event… that makes it tick – it goes a long way to assure your prospects. (Compare this to a fruit with seed. What is a fruit is without its seed which are a vital part of the fruit. So it is with your product/ service/ events with some relevant key features, parts, ingredients or aspects – these will do the miracle for you). You also need to note that explaining your product/ service to this level to your prospect instantly elevates you to a person of knowledge – Teacher, Consultant, Coach – before your prospects who will be happy to have met a genius today and who he/she can build trust and rapport with. What other bridge do you wish to build between you and your prospect when this is done, even by your prospects?
  • 20. Cataloguing and Benefits Building examples: I am going to take you through our [clinically/market] proven list that is guaranteed to [how it would impact their welfare, health, body, hair or as appropriate – depending on the particular product/service you are marketing] then go ahead to list your other goodies as much as time permits. Now the best part is that these products/services (or my list, or all these) is going to help you (or make you ) (or do ) for you (as applicable). This very one(s) (indicate the one(s)) contains which and it is going to help you in a smart way. {Add testimonials and instances you have observed or those provided by the producer or the wholesaler}
  • 21. CHAPTER 4 PROVIDENCE MARKETING In the distinction marketing, the marketer tries to distinguish or separate the marketers’ style and the producers’ style (there is equal focus on both) in his head but delivers them as one to the prospect hence creating a situation where the prospects reasons that the seller/marketer and the producer are working together as one – for his/her benefits. In providence marketing, the producer is the main focus is the producer and his products/service as it takes care of the customers’ needs/wants. Anyone can succeed greatly using the providence marketing style and integrating the providence marketing style in his/her marketing and sales approach. All that is required for successful providence marketing is knowledge on the producer(s), their visions and missions, and thorough knowledge of the solution itself. Any trainings or information provided by the producer should be very well understood. One sure benefit of the providence marketing approach is that it makes the marketer appear like a co-owner and hence builds credibility and would help the marketer in recruitments and sub-recruitments where applicable.
  • 22. GUIDE TO THE PROVIDENCE MARKETING APPROACH Reveal what prompted the producer go into the production of the particular product/service. Explain what the producer believes is the cause of the particular problem in the life or body….of the prospect or adopt a wider view – in the life or body….of lots of people. After which go ahead and reveal how the solution has imparted the life of the producer(s); Show the cost and pain of developing the solution and how it will mark a turning point in the life, wellbeing, and finance… of the prospect [or people] (be as specific as possible here). These will be for signs and token of the providence of the producers to better the days of the prospect and will also go a long way to also mark a turning point in trust and participation of the prospect. The above two would reveal and explain what birthed the particular solution or event and what challenges the producer faced and dealt with using the same solution plus other revelations. On the part of the prospects, the expositions and explanations would help them come to take the solution personal – that is to apply the solution to their situation at present with a desire to go on living with the solution. The marketer would have been able to educate the prospects while helping them effectively recognize and understand their challenges better and see with the solution – the marketers’ info package/product/service/event…
  • 23. Below is an example to guide you in providence marketing (this however does not replace your ability to be creative): The producer (you may use direct names) got involved in a ghastly accident… [Give details if you know – people love stories so it is to your advantage, only respect their time and pay great attention to their body language plus be as dramatic as possible and use your senses too – once in a long while, while talking, accidentally touch the prospect for a second only if you are physically with them and it is possible to do so], OR, The producer was terribly sick… [Give details if you know] for days/weeks/ months/years, OR, The producer [name names] was in a financial mess…[Give details if you know, and you should] for days/weeks/months/years. It is during these trying times that the producer accidentally or by chance stumbled upon OR got inspiration to write after days/weeks/months/years of . The producer thereafter started experiencing with this product/service and consequently, after days/weeks/months/years has decided to enrich people’s lives or help who are or might be going through the same [expose the problem again] to get well/free if or when they will use [The solution again].
  • 24. CHAPTER 5 QUALITY MARKET APPROACH IT IS TIME TO CREATE YOUR OWN GIGS BASED ON YOUR SOLUTION(S), THEIR INGREDIENTS AND FULL BENEFITS I learnt this secret after thinking closely about one of the multi level marketing and wealth empowerment seminars I attended. This seminar was about investment in numismatics [silver and gold] coins. This particular seminar really caught my interest and I decided thereafter that I was going to join this outfit. However, it was during the writing of this book that I discovered that I had fallen in love with this particular opportunity, not because of the benefits included – which was nice (this outfit offered a reward system that paid up to 4 times a month) – but because of the way the speaker had made an excellent way of infusing quality to his presentation. What I had discovered was Quality Market approach or Quality Assurance Marketing. Let me pause here to remind you that information about your solution could take various forms which includes but not limited to: Written form (books, articles, sales copy, newsletters….), Oral forms (as in word of mouth), Media (audio – visuals), Practical demonstrations and exhibitions… which could be digital or non – digital. The idea in Quality Market Approach is to let your solution (that is your information pack, product, service, event…) bring forth or evoke abundant information – in whatever form – that moves and have life. The above exposes two variables in your information or gig and that is: movement and Life (that is it must carry life).
  • 25. Information that moves is one that will draw attention everywhere it is displayed or advertised or told. Information that has Life is one that will bring hope or an expectation to the consumers of such information such as the hearers. So any information about whatever solution (info pack, product, service, event…) you are offering should be created relevant and fit for any geography it might be displayed in and it must stir up hope or expectations in the hearts of your hearers and readers. Apart from your solution bringing forth abundant moving information with life, your solution should also bring forth information about you and the producer, though two, working together as one to ensure full benefits to the prospect. The information I describe above is going to be created by you – the marketer and seller – and the idea is to allow your product/service… inspire you to produce abundance of your own information about it. Stretch your creative ability to any imaginable limit. Let’s get down to practical… The Quality Market Approach is of two classes: The PRO Quality market approach or PRO Quality marketing style: where the PRO stands for Professional, is an approach that stands you out as a professional by essentially helping you create your own information about the product/service. Quality information will involve all necessary info about the solution(s) you are marketing, essential ingredients and content and full benefits. So it’s not only about the information provided by the producer of the solution you are marketing. You are expected to also go ahead and forge your own sword as well - as sharp and heavy as you can bear. This is what drew out interest in me for the numismatic coins business opportunity I mentioned earlier. There was just enough relevant information that I couldn’t possibly be negative about this offer in any way. Apart from movement and life, information contained in your marketing and sales copy may contain elements of fear (fear of what the problem might cause the sufferer if they don’t subscribe to your solution), logic (sense of reason), scarcity (of the product should the prospect give in to procrastinations), there also should be element of greatness.
  • 26. Apart from movement and life, information contained in your marketing and sales copy may contain elements of fear (fear of what the problem might cause the sufferer if they don’t subscribe to your solution), logic (sense of reason), scarcity (of the product should the prospect give in to procrastinations), there also should be element of greatness. In fact, the idea is to create monstrous and powerful giant whale information or write up in your which by now also possesses the qualities of movement and life. Another class of the Quality Market approach which you can integrate into your marketing is the EX. Quality market approach or Quality marketing EX. or simply; Quality EX. Where the “EX” stands for executive. I attended a forex seminar recently where the presenter gave us his business card while introducing himself as a manager in the company. Even though I knew about the technicalities involved in forex and ordinarily may have left the venue not interested, I somehow reasoned that I was with one of the “executives” in this seminar and it made me somehow made up my mind to trade forex on the platform being presented to us by this young man. One of the factors that fired my interest in investing in silver and gold coins at the coin seminar I mentioned earlier was the fact that the presenter, who was marketing the investment scheme mentioned that he had met with the two founders of the company in person and had discussed certain aspects of the business with them. This made me see him like a pal to the owners (that is, as one of the executives) and came to trust his package. In fact it made me see him as one of the executives even though he was merely marketing their investments and MLM opportunity just like every other recruited affiliate is doing in their respective places.
  • 27. The idea in ‘Quality EX’ is to make your hearers and readers feel that they are listening or reading something from one of the “executives” without taking any time. In fact one line or one moment of Quality EX in your marketing is enough and you can do this (assuming you have never met with the owners or producer) by waving a book, audio or video material or playing a media file of the producer to your audience. You may also integrate Quality Ex into your marketing by making a quick one or two sentence reference from the producers in your writings. You also may make reference to an email or text you had sent to the producer of the solutions that you are marketing and if still available, have the reply of such email or text conversation read out to your audience. All these will make your marketing good, in fact, you can promote your product/service good and it would sound just as good as though it was coming from the mouth of the producers. This is Quality EX. The last thing you do in Quality marketing is Quality Assurance marketing style which simply is to go on to indicate that your solutions which you have to market, will remain, and provide solution to the problem and challenge for a very long time to come, in fact go on to give assurance that the company will remain for a long time to come with non – stop research to continue to develop more effective and efficient solution, plus your relationship with the producer (if you are not the producer) will continue and can only wax stronger. When you do this, you are only a marketer but a quality and creative marketer.
  • 28. Here are is some example to guide you, in no particular order: This is a wonder [name an essential function of the solution or catalogue as a whole], it contains [essential content or ingredients] which does [dump all the information you could ever create about your product or catalogue as a whole; at the same time, shorten them to avoid too much data, and while doing this, try not to peddle falsehood – people will eventually know a lie which might just end it all]. In fact, you can actually while you sleep! Here are other benefits you get out of the system/miracle product [optional - continue with list of full benefits, but in this case, give references to a few specific ones, do this as much as time and space permits]. After working with people just like you, here are some of my results…. number (or %) of clients said that happened in their first 10 days. If you don’t do something today about , you may continue to [this is to inject fear]. However, with [your product or service], you are guaranteed results or you get your money back [this is to infuse logic]. So let nothing keep you back as this won’t last long because…. [This is where you may inject scarcity if any]. I would have to get back to the producer [you may name names if the producer is known] with as they [the producer] would love to use the information to [give an assurance of any kind] of which I would continue to work with them to bring you their latest products and offerings based on data I would get from you [now or later] on how this has been helpful to you [Quality Assurance]. Please Note that in networking or affiliate marketing, if you cannot link with the producer in any form, try to link with your middle man or a distributor. In fact in most cases, an uplink is just about all you need.
  • 29. CHAPTER 6 THE RECRUITMENT MARKETING APPROACH THE NETWORKING STYLE Where applicable, this is where you market a solution to a client in a manner that suggests that you want them to experience what you or others experience or to get what you or others are getting; In other words, to join you in business. We have seen how you can detail the benefits of a solution as touching a clients’ welfare – health, nutrition, body and some finance. Well, here is much the same except that you focus mainly on finance and material benefits before finally throwing open an offer for recruitment. PART 1: THE RECRUITMENT MARKETING APPROACH The Recruitment Marketing Approach is grouped into two classes for easy understanding: Kind Benefits: this is similar to the Benefits Building style of the surveyor approach except that, in the kind benefits system, more focus is on material benefits. So if you are marketing for a company that offers material benefits such as cars, travel, shopping, a home… all that is required of you is to go ahead and explain each of the material benefits in full or as much as time and space (if you are writing) permits. This is where I need you to add charisma and a “touch of spice,” even being dramatic to any level that appeal to the senses. As much as you can demonstrate is allowed.
  • 30. Money Benefits: this has to do with all monies payable to customers or marketers as the case may be. Most MLM companies offer both money and other material kind benefits and you do well also to combine them as one unit while still maintaining a distinction between the two by talking about money benefits first before immediately switching over to the other material kind benefits or the other way around (as you may please) unless the two are inter twined, as provided by the company or outfit you represent. When talking or writing the material benefits, if there is a car, and a house, for example, you may do well to give information on the car before you move on to the house or the other way around (as you might be pleased to). Whichever way, just follow the benefits provided by the outfit you represent; on benefit – after its kind – to another benefit – after its kind. Remember your charm, charisma and charge – knowing you are in charge here. While going through or going over your kind benefits, your prospects should lighten up and you should feel a sense of “doing something good.” Add a little bit of quality assurance; assuring your prospects that your benefits are approved and assured for a long time to come. PART 2: THE RECRUITMENT MARKETING EXERCISE After stating or writing your Kind and money benefits go ahead and announce that you have brought an opportunity from the producers for the prospects to reproduce the same experience or solutions, as the case may be, in their places or areas in the likeness, manner and in line with the producers’ vision and mission – this you must have enlightened them about. I have discovered, especially while teaching students in high school that students would rather submit to someone with a sense of leadership. So, people would be more willing to be recruited into a system that provides them that sense of leadership. When recruiting, spare no one - whether Male and female, old and young, please recruit. Imbibe the secret of mass recruitment each time you step out to market solutions that has recruitment options and packages.
  • 31. After recruitments, repeat your quality assurance, letting your new recruits know they are now just like you and should immediately take up all the company’s solutions and go out to reproduce themselves in as many places as possible. Tell them to make use of, as they would, all available testimonials, cases, research, catalogue, training, information and build their own benefits and that you will continue to work with them for a very long period of time. Give them your contact information or that of the company, where applicable. All benefits are theirs just as they are yours, do these and you would create a solution market that will continually affect people for a very long time. Remember, the recruitment marketing approach can only be applied where there is the recruitment option in a provided by a company or outfit. However, if you have gone up to this point and have recruited, you may go on to consolidate on the successful marketing you have just created. You consolidate by rest and give or by rest and share… read on to see what you ought to give or share.
  • 32. APPENDIX I AFTER WORK APPROACH: THE NEED TO SHARE INFO Remember “there is love in sharing.” After a major marketing breakthrough you may want to take a little break, however, you may want to work some more. It is good, however, to consolidate on what have achieved. There are many ways to do that and I will highlight some here. Share Testimonials. Irrespective of what else you might call it (cases, instances…) simply gather them as plenty as you can and proudly flaunt them at will and without any fear for restrictions. Send them to your customers and if you are a recruiter, send out these new cases and testimonials to your downline, to share with them and urge them to display these testimonials as they move along in the business while you also encourage them to get along well in the business – to get their own cases and testimonials. Newsletter and Periodicals You should collect the emails or physical addresses or both of your customers and downline (where applicable) and periodically send them all necessary information about what they ought to do, what the company is doing to better their status and any major breakthroughs that they could use. I suggest your newsletter come once a month. That way it contains the much needed information and the time required for downline to practice what information they have received. Seminars and Practical classes which may include on the spot training and certifications from producers to marketers or from marketers to their downline.
  • 33. Apprenticeship: This should be used where applicable and it involves placing the new affiliate or a newly recruited marketer in a physical location – a store, office… - that provides or sells the solutions and lets them take care of it and work there for a while; the aim being to further share experience and expose the newly recruited affiliate or marketer. The bottom line of every marketing is sales which lead to gain and the uppermost line is creativity; however the creativity in your marketing will determine how fat your bottom line gets. The information provided in this material guarantees the marketer a fat bottom line and as the approach and styles provided here are applied, the approach and styles will ensure that marketers can only get better and creative while achieving a fat bottom line for the marketer. These Sales Digits will be available soon on CD/DVD Format
  • 34. APPENDIX II OTHER BOOKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR The following books are from the same author, all books and more are available on Amazon, ibookstore, Kobo, Smashwords, Bookrix, Okadabooks and other places. 1. Poetic Memoirs of a Young Son 2. Living Souls – A Teen Chase To Glory 3. Glass Apple
  • 35. APPENDIX III DO YOU CARE FOR A LITTLE EXTRA HELP? I will be able to offer you a little extra help in your marketing and sales jobs by offering you to choose one of the following options: Sales Writing, Marketing and After Sales Please note that all packages above are based upon the “Push Marketing: Sales Digits to turn your prospects into customers.” OR “Sales Digits: A one time classic” material advertised in this page. If you work and want to have an added stream of income to you or you simply want to have an internet business built for you and marketed, while you sit back and watch your profits soar, please contact me via any of my social media pages: Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin: Telegram: Instagram: Github: All consultations are FREE, for a limited time only.
  • 36. APPENDIX IV ABOUT THE AUTHOR About me My pen name is Eugy Enoch and am an experienced, talented and exceptional leader committed to maintaining cutting edge technical and relationship skills and up-to-date industry knowledge; with outstanding relationship building, training and presentation skills and excellent at juggling multiple tasks and working under pressure. Broad industry experience includes Education, ICT, Books Publishing/Promotion, Media, Sales, Administration, Charity and Religion. My experience as marketer I am a high school teacher and writer who ventured into Freelancing and Marketing, beginning with internet affiliate marketing in 2004. I struggled until 2006 before I made my first penny, $51.99 while marketing for a software company. Although my check never reached me - guess it must have been stolen at the mail. After much discouragement, I tried my hands on other internet and Multi Level Marketing for a marketing success most of which failed. I was also into cross country importation – in partnership - at the time. However, it was not until recently (2014) after I had attended a seminar that opened my eyes to see that I may have been screwing my style up, that I decided to take stock of all what I have been through and to decide if I might give marketing another chance. I gathered my experiences plus a little of what I had known, jot them down and with the information, relaunched my internet affiliate business which to my surprise started earning me steady income… the key is DO IT RIGHT. You will surely get it no matter how little it starts. In this material, I have noted, with practical examples, guides to help you to become an instant top consultant, marketer and sales person in your field.