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1 11Louise Watson Professional Portfolio

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ns –ked 20 g, Se ty, Vi ts to d or ided ner/I ckaging News ests Secondary College (Berkeley Vale Freelance Graphic Designer/Illu Produced illustrationssto
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                                                                       includ larat Un , Second tificate
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Print Portfolio1

  • 1. 1 11Louise Watson Professional Portfolio u ns 7 et.a icatio oria 2 et.n un , Vict iin m s ort n@ Com urne - 2011 erial ng atso ic bo 0 at Supp arni ked ph Mel 01 t m le 8 61 at _w ise Gra of nce2 prin ning class Wor to 0lou e IV rsity rie uce ve pe od ar Le ole SW 09 wh , N tio tions ria ns ked or 1 1 33 rtific Uni k Ex d pr . 20 and ey tra ica Victo in Tvo or an dn illus un iaW s st 38 Ce uy ck l Sy n@iin mm or e, ill11 al Arti t : 04 05 - ndar oriaW sign g sto vidua or tsouced CoVictourn 0sk20 terial ppor rning d s 5 7 at wa hic s, elb ced - Vma Su lea ke isu – ph 20 co ict de derin indi od lustr uise_ Grap er M ane2 ingint ing ss Wor to 01 FE g, Se , V to Pr ap of nc pr 60 22 TA chin rsity ents d or ided er/Il 610lo IV sprsity Adv acuce Learn ole cla W ons ked ing. rie tic cli ff an Prov ign 8ckag ficate ewiveests pe Prod 2009 d wh ey, NS strati Wor 2 of ea ve NUn k Ex . pr s4 NSW tute of T Uni with s/sta Des 38 pa Ceader y nter ncled ck. al an Sydn illu ria ills in Artis 33 rti t 1 21 2 2 al d or an sti lor arat ising sines NSW ic ns: 04 05 -Le ndarus/I Wvehi g sto du r uced Victo sk al an Rvo 7Rvvo5 2T11 Vo errig n In ria sig s), raph tioph 20or SecoSkill to de derin indivi strato. Prod pers, nced Visu 7 1R7o o7 72 , T ther Bache B de lia g bu pu all G ec – FE at g, es.ty, Vi own or cto Ad luntee T Tv rked W Wo g Produc ney, NS s learnin wit obe d llu ng pa Adva ticing Vo 60 T oT rin 22 TA strhin d ts d R ad rts m t ed lun - ce r/I Ro Nor 96 ne A inclu agin Ca lan s W rr e of/Illu ac azin rsi than en aff an Prov signe ckagier Ne ests Prac ide whole g Suppor s to ws Provid g sto duce prin - 2011 ia Artist sup h Ch Crea g 20 Ad teer co cli R ign and erience urne, ons obe ive vanced iaWork Victor ing gs an ale ee NS tut er Te ag se wit port ief of tive 10 with 1 rnin als pa T 19 Fi ies ter Cre 201 Fr rrigales Instiign r of m Un enwi ess/st W De and ad /In hicle. R7 2 2 tin esign tion Su - Seco cticing skills in ,m V sup Chief ativ g 0- be h cli news Sta cati of 08 Tee pr Descheloandlla s lic busin us), NS aphic ons ator Le Skills n ve rat Has D NSW lor Dut iors ley teri ite e Sec isin with port new of Sta Suite, ond Visual pa ff to , CS ndary phi clas ha en 30 phic ign, ache SW xter erke – 20 ad, Pr rth ic - Ba ers ts river ging Camp ce Gr rrecti llustr ines. d ow Ba e lia apers, illustra Of vio ts ern beh clients spa ff to CS5 ary Sch of Me mmuni to pe t ma 5 s, an ficerT ral sup pro r an produ (Illus Scho u tions ria s4 R own erests Ad Victor Ar lud s Ro Noph 96 ape pro n1 ra es /e ial Off avioral to proper and duc (Illustra ool - B ast, N rs ge (B 2006 stiater sign ra 19 spFin ulls D mana Vale Free ess ner/I magaz ense inc lan co an d t.a ne unica Victo atso a G D Gr sig ugger po duce d ma ce tra ol M ng and icerTu sup Me G 0 na t duc ma e ima tor, W lom ol of 1995 l Co interio Colle rs’. 0 Ham Dece NSWNewof p)Du riors, eley 2008 Pre pr u sig and rs lic s im 9 Lea .F tie et. 1st aphic ge tor 338 610louise_wa ions nto ah rt to bro gazine age , In entor iin mm rne, 11 ial ppor rning d 201 lbo por 2260 – ph: 0438 gaz ges Ind l hic r Gra signage ggerah t to e bro Communicat r/Sm De rs ns ia ed R 2 n@ Co ou 0 - 20 ter Su lea Road, Terrigal NSW IV Graphic chu ine r elo ho Bi Year De for veh Lake stude chure tex s to de esig with , Victor University c Co ke to uise – Dip ho ed ntra op ary ache oniona apeelan n, fo ch NS s/exte (Berk 06 – ials, aphic paicatioDrive et.a pe 2005 - Certificate Victoria ith @ii W ma ing Hastings or sig /Sm 1st phic for Lak student res, text. suppor n & Syd 13 or Melbourne, Institute of TAFE University of and tso hic lly Fam Co sig elb sig Watson130 class W s to d t. sup Fr t 95 Ba astos ily M e201 int s e Sc plet Ce s, sh nd d te omot ma Gr of De text- ot , erior llege ’. 20 mater ceet.n News ullVict 20 nts s, n ith Yea De veh es Sec s 200 Pho Lo wa 11 Blue mp ner Ce icles, Seco an pro 2002 po & Ph Fa Bill 10 - 2011 ck. 200 and promo 2 Fre t text tosh ily e_ Grap of Louise e pr W on Northern Teaching, Secondaruy r Co sign . Pra watson ats Gr un , arn Design ke icle 11 Co Fam nc ty 2011 – Diploma Graphic ati Wor - Bachelor of 201 y Experience20 20 y Blu Com igner hicle Seco s an uise WDiplo 02 olpped 19 &alPh op int Co chers onal n@iin t formm op).F Lo rt er ond Le ole , NS d uis – Di Scho leted ntr shop ndary tea motio Free tex oto mily 1 Blue Schmplete Central shop ary teacher tional elance for Ne op).Fu s, 11 packag trator s ort uis t pr . 20 ho or IV rsi perie oduc 09 d wh of Design, NSW 1996 tis VictoriaWork print materials Design rection signer/I ividual sh urne 2011 ial ey illustr ria ills in Ar Arts Ballarat University, license s. Skills/ Newsp lan design and produce Learning Support pro 0lo nt res, s nntr sh ee pp arning d e W plo 19 al Co int ate ive Ex Billy Blue Schooldn Co chers na 4 lan t for shLouise – Dip Co ma wsp aruy IV Gra ol Co interior lleg s’. 200 teri Graphi ape ll Dri Bill Year Des r ve ke ary pr . 20 an al Fine with clients to ool d de huLo 11 – xtue Sc su let r Ce les,mithcond and tea omoti 02so t texCo otobomily 0 - Bachelor of 5 vehicle at Fr or ic Ph el er 8 61 fic Un k Ne op).F Wa lom of 1995 Exp ats ma of De 95 ast eriors llege ’. 20 l ma ce ed - cto sk stock. 2009 ing. te sig mat Su or and stock dual r Sy uc1995Vi ed NSW Duties include liaising ast, e ver - Bac NS s/ex (Be 6 – als, Pre c De rs and s lice 2 20 e Bl to mp ne hic 33 rti y Year Completed rs, Coast, Visu and ordering learning louise_ fo La stu ke and whole class on Gr - 1st phic ge rah t to broc azin lly ages Co , Inde vetor/S s Se dents res, pr ise_w supp ph n of M Fae201 int ning ss le or 4 De llus Gr ws tson a 38 - Ce aru W sign 1st ivi 13 ap sign, Bach , NS /ex (B 06 terial ap pa ull Dr 130Graphi sign W teriors rkeley 2008 t. 20 ra & g ato od pe nc business/staff Provided individual Sydney, NSW Worked Int pre sign str . Pr Central , NS helor nse riors, managing c De ed ind ma sig ith to ph: 04 05 cond ctoria de derinGraphiclluDesigner pa Adva acticing v ar 0 Ha hic NS elo W ter erk – 20 s, hic pe Du ke tex to G sig W Val Fre Campus), NSW clients iaWork Bi er/I gaz ind Gra signa ugge ppor uce mag e imt Ye ator ge Men La t to stu brochu 0lou agesIV , Inde ity /Sm nc e pr Lear ole cla SW ss and shop interiors/exte ive der c , De for strator De rs an rs Hastin Design W 199of Fin ties inc manag e Cam elance correc llustrat ines. R 08 Pre ns –ked 20 g, Se ty, Vi ts to d or ided ner/I ckaging News ests Secondary College (Berkeley Vale Freelance Graphic Designer/Illu Produced illustrationssto stin Desig W r of Dutie iors, eley NSW orderin R d for vehicles, Pr ng. Produc , NSW Workeg own includ larat Un , Second tificate