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Prince or Princess?
Steps towards choosing your baby’s gender before conception.

           Written by: Alicia Pennington

          Copyright ©
Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide

            Disclaimer: The information on this ebook is provided for educational purposes only
            and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. The information on this
            ebook is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care
            professional and is not intended as medical advice. We encourage you to make your
            own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a
            qualified health care professional.

            These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
            This ebook is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are
            pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your
            physician before using this ebook.

            No part of this eBook may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
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                                                         Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Preparing To Have A Baby ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Conceiving & Gender: Boy or Girl? .......................................................................................................................... 11
How Gender Is Decided ........................................................................................................................................... 15
   To Have A Boy ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
   To Have A Girl ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
Let’s Get Pregnant! .................................................................................................................................................. 24
   STEP #1: Testing your pH Level............................................................................................................................ 26
   STEP #2: Adjusting your pH Level (If needed...) .................................................................................................. 27
   STEP #3: Conceiving on the 'Crucial Dates' ......................................................................................................... 28
   The Most Important Part: How to predict your Special Days ............................................................................. 30
Step-By-Step Method To Conceive.......................................................................................................................... 32
Steps To Conceive A Baby Boy................................................................................................................................. 34
   Steps To Conceive A Baby Girl ............................................................................................................................. 36
Sexy Science: Assume Position!............................................................................................................................... 38
   Sexual Positions To Conceive A Baby Boy ........................................................................................................... 39
   Sexual Positions To Conceive A Baby Girl ............................................................................................................ 40
Diet To Conceive ...................................................................................................................................................... 41
   The Modern/Western Diet .................................................................................................................................. 42
   Iron ...................................................................................................................................................................... 43
   Calcium ................................................................................................................................................................ 43
   The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Baby Gender Selection .............................................................................................. 44
       Day-to-Day Diet Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 48
   The Chinese Way ................................................................................................................................................. 49
       Day-to-Day Diet Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 51
   In a nutshell… ...................................................................................................................................................... 52
The Old Wives' Tales................................................................................................................................................ 54
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................... 57

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While many couples leave the determination of their baby's gender to fate or to the natural
happenstance of biology, other couples desperately seek ways to influence or select the
gender of a future child. This is particularly true for Western couples who already have a boy or
a girl (or a gaggle of one or the other) and wish to "balance" things by having a baby of
the opposite sex. Other couples simply wish to have a modicum of control in determining if
their (next) child will be a boy or a girl. Still, others have a certain baby name or nursery color
in mind before they even start trying-to-conceive.

Whatever the case, a great deal of wild speculation, formal research, and heated debate has
been conducted over the past several decades with regard to this age old question of gender
and baby-making.

"Age old" you say? Indeed, techniques for influencing the gender of a baby have been around
for thousands of years, with some methods clearly more scientific than others. On one end of
the spectrum, astrology and star charts have offered couples assistance in choosing gender
for centuries, the most well-known of these being the Ancient Chinese Birth Chart. More
"scientific" methods of influencing baby gender have circulated through the West for

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centuries, most of which have proven to be Old Wives' Tales, wishful thinking, or simple
superstition (not unlike the belief that having sex standing up will function as a contraceptive).

Selecting the Gender of Your Baby offers couples an in-depth analysis of gender selection
methods, a history of common techniques and myths, as well as an overview of current
thoughts and theories on the subject. We'll review the biological mechanism behind the
determination of gender at conception and explain how recent findings in the
reproductive sciences have promoted the rise of popular techniques like ours.

Lastly, we'll offer our critical thoughts on these methods, keeping in mind that the jury is still out
and that strident scientific debate continues over this controversial topic!

Alicia Pennington

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                  Preparing To Have A Baby

Are you ready to have a baby?

Maybe you’re thinking about starting a
family. Maybe you’re trying to conceive. Or
perhaps you already know that you’re
pregnant. If so, congratulations! When you
decide to have a child, your life will change.
The choices you make now — even if you
haven’t yet conceived — can have a lasting
effect on your future child. The changes
pregnancy brings can be exhilarating and
unsettling, blissful and exhausting.

As you prepare for this sometimes
unpredictable journey, let this book serve as
your guide. Think of pregnancy as a
wonderful opportunity to nurture your child
in every way, and use this book to prepare
for the exciting changes ahead.

While pregnancy is an incredible journey, what happens in your body before pregnancy is also
an amazing process. From puberty until menopause, a woman’s body prepares every month to
become pregnant. This process begins in the brain, when the pituitary gland sends a hormonal
signal to the ovaries, two small, oval-shaped organs buried deep inside the pelvis on either
side of the uterus. And each month, in response to this signal, one of the ovaries releases a
mature egg cell—ready to be fertilized by a sperm cell. In most cases, only one egg each
month has the potential to become a new baby.

The ovaries do not just produce the egg cell, they also release powerful hormones that cause
physical changes in the uterus, preparing it to receive and nurture a newly fertilized egg. So
whether or not a woman becomes pregnant, each month her body sets the stage for the arrival
of a developing baby… just in case.

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The Ovaries: Where It All Begins

While the main function of the ovaries is to produce egg cells, the ovaries also manage the
monthly preparation for pregnancy by creating varying amounts of the female hormones
estrogen and progesterone, which prepare the body to support the early growth and
development of the baby. Estrogen and progesterone have other roles in the body—helping to
keep bones and blood vessels healthy, for example—but it is the ovaries’ role in pregnancy
that is our main focus here.

Training for the Big Event

Ready to sign up for the mother of all of marathons—that nine-month-long endurance event
that culminates with the birth of a baby? Before you slip into your running shoes and head for
the starting line, you’ll want to be sure you’re up for the race.

Here are some things you can start doing right now to ensure the happiest and healthiest
possible outcome to your pregnancy:

Watch your weight—but not too carefully

While it’s always a good idea to get to a healthy weight prior to attempting a pregnancy, the
key word is “healthy,” not “body of a supermodel.” Believe it or not, the extra padding on your
hips and thighs that drives you crazy on a day-to-day basis will serve you well as you embark
on Project Baby.

Women who have too little body fat tend to stop ovulating, which can wreak havoc on their
plans to conceive, and those who do manage to conceive face an increased risk of having a
low-birth weight baby (one who weighs in at less than five pounds and who could be at
increased risk of experiencing some potentially serious health problems).

That said, when it comes to body fat, you can have too much of a good thing. Women who
start their pregnancy significantly overweight or who gain too much weight during pregnancy
face a higher-than-average risk of experiencing pre-eclampsia (a serious medical condition
characterized by extremely high blood pressure) or gestational diabetes (a form of diabetes
that occurs during pregnancy and that puts a woman at increased risk of developing diabetes
later in life); and of requiring a labor induction and/or a Caesarean section (two medical
interventions that aren’t without risk). What’s more, overweight women are more likely to give
birth to excessively large babies, babies with neural tube defects, and babies who are at
increased risk of developing diabetes later in life.

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Now before you do anything drastic, like bidding a fond goodbye to cheesecake or swearing off
Tidbits and all your other favorite foods for the next nine months, make sure you’ve actually got
some weight to lose. Studies have shown that 97% of women who consider themselves to be
slightly overweight are actually within the normal weight range for their height.

Since most of us tend to be less than objective when sizing up our own bodies, rather than
merely looking in the mirror it’s better to see how your weight measures up on the Body Mass
Index (BMI).

Here’s how to interpret the BMI figure that you’ll find in the table for someone of your particular
height and weight:

   •   If your BMI falls between 20 and 25, you’re already at a healthy weight. (You’re also in
       very good company! Nearly half of women of childbearing age fall into the “healthy
       weight” category.)

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   •   If your BMI is greater than 25 but less than 27, you’re in the “overweight warning zone”
       (in other words, those few extra pounds will bring a problem for you).

   •   If your BMI is greater than 27 but less than 30, you’re at risk of developing some weight-
       related health problems.

   •   If your BMI is 30 or greater, you’re classified as obese and consequently face an even
       greater risk of experiencing weight-related health problems.

If your BMI is higher and you’d like to lose a few pounds before you become pregnant, the last
thing your body needs or wants is to be forced to follow the Fad Diet du Jour. Not only do you
run the risk of depleting your body of the very types of nutrients it will need to build a healthy
baby, your body will actually stop ovulating. (When your body is faced with famine-like
conditions, it goes into self-preservation mode. After all, if there’s barely enough food around to
sustain you, your body isn’t about to do anything crazy like embark on a pregnancy.)

A far more sensible approach to losing those unwanted pounds is to eat sensibly and exercise
regularly. It will not be the quick fix or magic little pill that you’re after, but it’s a much more
body-friendly alternative to crash dieting.

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       Conceiving & Gender: Boy or Girl?

In order to fully understand , or apply, the gender selection methods discussed below, we
first need to review the dynamics of fertility, conception, and early pregnancy. Gender is
determined even before the fertilized egg attaches itself to the mother's womb, but the
strategies underlying gender selection techniques require that you have a firm grasp on
how a baby is conceived, and when precisely ovulation and conception take place during
your menstrual cycle. You will also need to recognize natural fertility signs - changes in
cervical mucus, cervix position, and basal body temperature.

                                         Timing Intercourse

        What does it mean to "time lovemaking"? To provide a brief summary, timing
        intercourse (i.e., have procreative sex) refers to planning to make love
        around your most fertile time of the month, the days just preceding and
        during ovulation. You do not need a stopwatch to "time intercourse" - it's not
        a race - but you will need an ovulation calendar or fertility chart so you can
        identify your "fertile window" - those crucial days of the month when you can
        conceive a baby.

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As noted above, "timing intercourse" is central not only to conceiving a baby, but to also
influencing baby gender. Let's begin with ovulation.

Ovulation is defined as the release of the egg from the mature ovarian follicle - the time of the
month when you are most fertile. If you are trying to conceive a baby - or select the gender
of your future child - then knowing when you ovulate is very important as you need to
time lovemaking during this short, "fertile window" of opportunity. For gender selection, you
not only need to time intercourse for ovulation, but further pinpoint days that will favor
the odds of having a girl!

During the ovulation phase that precedes the release of a woman's egg, estrogen levels
are high in order to help build the endometrial lining of the womb, stimulate luteinizing
hormone, and facilitate the production of cervical mucus. Cervical mucus is produced
inside the cervix, and as you approach your ovulation date, the amount of cervical
fluids will markedly increase. Moreover, you will see changes in the look and feel of these
cervical fluids.

Why do these changes take place? Because cervical mucus plays an important role in
human reproduction, allowing sperm to more efficiently "swim" from your vagina, through the
cervical canal, and into the womb. Cervical mucus also offers protection for the sperm
and will help the sperm stay alive longer (up to five days inside a woman's body).
Therefore, the presence of fertile cervical mucus prior to and during ovulation will increase
your chances of getting pregnant.

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As a fertility sign, observing changes in the amount and quality of cervical mucus is a
great ovulation prediction method. As you near ovulation, the amount of cervical fluids will
increase and the texture will change from sticky to slippery, from dry and firm to stretchy and
thin. It will also change in appearance from white or yellow to a more clear, translucent,
or egg-white look and feel.

Fertile-quality, or "egg-white cervical mucus", is the perfect medium in which sperm can
"swimmingly" navigate their way to the egg. And when you see it, you know that
ovulation is about to take place or already underway.

Observing changes in cervical mucus is also an important variable in gender selection.
For gender selection techniques, cervical mucus alters the pH levels of the vagina - and
we'll see how relative acidity or alkalinity in the vagina will favor the odds of having a boy or a

Ovulation takes place around the middle of your cycle. Estrogen, dominant during the
first weeks of your cycle, suddenly begins to drop and luteinizing hormone (LH)
suddenly rises - and how! Right in the middle of your cycle, you will experience what is
called the LH surge. LH functions to wear a hole in the surface of the ovarian follicle where
the egg matures. This breakdown in the surface of the follicle allows the egg to burst
into the fallopian tube, the passageway leading to the womb. Ovulation tests function by
detecting the LH surge and are very effective in predicting fertility – and, as we shall
see, in assisting with gender selection methods. A positive ovulation test will show you that
you will ovulate within the next 12 to 36 hours.

Ovulation directly follows the LH surge, typically mid-cycle. The egg is released and can
live for 24 hours, so timing lovemaking is crucial both for conceiving and, according to all
modern theories, “tactically” influencing gender.

Following ovulation, estrogen levels slowly decline and LH drops off the map. Now,
progesterone becomes the dominant hormone during the second half of your menstrual
cycle, the luteal phase. See the figure above: The black line signifies progesterone, and
as you can see it rises with ovulation and peaks during the middle of the luteal phase. In
an interesting turn of events, what was formerly known as the ovarian follicle (which housed
the maturing ovum) now becomes the corpus luteum. In this secondary role, the corpus
luteum is the "luteal body" that secretes progesterone. Progesterone warms the body
for pregnancy. By taking and recording your resting (or basal) temperature daily, you
can identify this thermal shift and know when you ovulate each month!

After ovulation, the egg is swept into the fallopian tube and drifts along, brushed by waves of
hair-like cilia toward the womb. If you have correctly predicted ovulation - and timed
intercourse effectively - then between 100 and 300 million sperm will be on the way to the

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solitary ovum. However, some sperm will probably become lost, heading in the wrong direction
or up the wrong the fallopian tube; other sperm will be neutralized by the immunity-function of
white blood cells; still other sperm will be hindered by different pH levels of the vagina. In fact,
of the millions of sperm that start their way from the vagina to the fallopian tube, only several
hundred of the healthiest will meet the egg!

The sperm will typically find the egg in the lower quadrant of a fallopian tube and start to
swarm around the surface of the egg. The ovum is covered by a protective field known as the
zona pellucida, and in order for fertilization to take place, sperm cells must find a keyhole (or
receptor) to unlock the zona pellucida, gain entrance, and burrow their way to the oocyte, the
genetic core of the ovum. Only one sperm will connect with the oocyte, precipitating genetic
combination – and signaling that fertilization has just taken place. The gender of your baby will
be decided at this moment, when the sex chromosome of the single sperm unites with the sex
chromosome contained in the ovum. With fertilization, the ovum becomes the zygote - or
embryo - and now passes through complex phases of cell division and differentiation.

You have just conceived!

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                      How Gender Is Decided

How gender is "decided" biologically is based on the combination of two sex
chromosomes that are inherited from the mother and the father. A woman's egg contains
an X chromosome and a man's sperm contributes a determining Y or X chromosome.
Whether the child will be a boy or a girl depends on if the sperm from the male contains an X
(girl) or a Y (boy).

Much of modern gender selection speculation focuses on the different characteristics of
"male/Y" or "female/X" sperm, like how fast each type of sperm swims, or how long each
sperm type can survive in the womb, or which type of sperm can better withstand different
pH-levels (acidity) in the vagina.

To provide a brief overview, when a woman ovulates, the egg always carries just an X
chromosome. However, an individual sperm will carry either an X or a Y chromosome. If a
sperm with an X chromosome fertilizes the egg, the embryo will develop into a girl (XX). If a
sperm with a Y chromosome fertilized the egg, the embryo will develop into a boy (XY).

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Hence, we frequently refer to sperm as being either “boy” (Y) or “girl” (X) sperm, even
though these terms are configurative and rather unscientific sounding.

What has been firmly established, however, is that male (Y) and female (X) sperm
exhibit different physical attributes and unique qualities. And by understanding the
properties and behaviors of each type of sperm, environmental-reproductive
contingencies will be manipulated to favor the odds of one type of sperm reaching the egg
and determining the gender of your baby.

From this theoretical foundation, a number of gender selection theories have evolved,
which attempts to control a number of variables: timing intercourse in relation to ovulation
date, use of sexual position/depth of male penetration, and presence or absence of female

Method of sex selection is that by changing these three factors above, X or Y chromosome
sperm will be offered a differential advantage in being able to reach, and therefore
fertilize, the egg.

The Y-chromosome sperm (boys) have been found to be smaller and faster than the
female X-chromosome sperm. They exhibit high motility and be able to get to the egg
quickly. However, Y-chromosome sperm will be less resilient than X-chromosome sperm,
will die sooner, and will not be able to withstand more acidic environments (pH levels of
the vagina) during certain times of the menstrual cycle. Boy sperm live fast and die young, so
to speak.

The X-chromosome sperm (girls) have been found to be more robust and resilient than the
Y sperm - and more deliberate (slower). X-chromosome sperm are larger and are more
capable of enduring vaginal environments where the pH levels are more acidic. Typically,
the vagina and cervical environments become less acidic right before and during ovulation,
due to the increased presence of fertile cervical mucus. Boy sperm live fast and die young.
Girl sperm are like the tortoise in the Tortoise and the Hare children's fable: “Slow and
steady still wins the race”.

Vagina environments, sexual positions, and dates of intercourse (timed in relation to
ovulation) will favor one sperm type over the other, based on the unique X and Y sperm
attributes described above.

The pH acidity or alkalinity in the vagina and cervix will have an effect on the gender of your
baby. In short, X or girl sperm, while more robust and slower than Y/male sperm, are more
resilient to acidity in the vagina. X's will be slower, but they will also be able to withstand an
acidic environment where pH levels "weed out" the male-chromosome sperm.

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Male or Y sperm are quick and speedy, but weaker, so if knocked out by unfavorable pH
levels, the "girl sperm" must outlast the males and fertilize the egg. High alkalinity, on
the other hand, would tend to favor the alacrity of male sperm and a “quick trip to the egg” for
the Y-chromosome sperm. As noted in our previous section, pH levels of the vagina can
be naturally altered by changes in cervical mucus when a woman approaches ovulation. On
the days just prior to and during ovulation, cervical mucus becomes “fertile” and is
characterized by high alkalinity (lower acidity).

To clarify, higher vaginal acidity during the “transitional” days several days before
ovulation will favor girl sperm (not because an acidic environment is better - it’s not - but
because the more robust and larger X-chromosome sperm can endure this environment
longer than the weaker, faster Y-sperm). In turn, high alkalinity favors boy sperm
because it provides an overall sperm-friendly environment - and high-alkaline vaginal
environments are typically associated with fertile-quality cervical mucus which is produced
directly before and during ovulation.

Vaginal pH levels can also be influenced by female orgasm: If a woman has an orgasm during
procreative sex, secretions will be released that make the vagina and cervix more
alkaline. Therefore, alkalinity and orgasms would by implication, favor the “boy sperm”.

 Douching is also another (more controversial) method for “controlling” the relative acidity or
alkalinity of the vaginal tract. Acidic or alkaline douching solutions are recommended in some
theories helping out girl or boy sperm respectively.

                                     How Is Ultrasound Used?

        A doctor will order or perform an ultrasound for a wide variety of reasons
        during pregnancy. It might be used to confirm an early pregnancy, to
        determine whether it is a multiple pregnancy (twins or triplets, for example), to
        assign the due date by assessing the gestational age (how far along the
        pregnancy is), to measure the size and rate of the baby’s growth, to check
        the blood flow in the umbilical cord, or to make sure the baby’s organs are
        developing normally.

        While 3D ultrasound produces the pictures that are most irresistible to
        parents, it is 2D ultrasound that is most useful to the doctor because it shows
        the internal organs of both baby and mother. There are several other types of
        ultrasound images that can provide additional information to help the doctor
        evaluate the pregnancy. For this reason, a sonogram will often include 2D
        ultrasound images together with images of one or more of the other types of

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        The ultrasound images and explanations in this book answer the questions of
        every pregnant couple: How is our baby growing? What does our baby look
        like now? What changes are happening this week? This month? How does
        ultrasound help my doctor make sure my baby is developing normally?
        It’s just amazing.

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To Have A Boy

If the boy sperm are faster but have a shorter life
span, then the objective here is to time lovemaking in
nearest proximity to ovulation - right before ovulation
takes place or the day you ovulate. The concept here
is that Y-chromosome sperm will swim quicker than the
X-chromosome and more of the Ys will reach the egg
sooner. Therefore, the chances of having a boy are

Remember, the egg can survive for only 24 hours following
ovulation. Only one sperm can fertilize the egg (out of the
millions who start the journey), so timing intercourse close
to ovulation would favor quicker Y-chromosome sperm,
even if their lifespan is short.

To increase the odds of having a boy baby, do not have intercourse during your
"transitional fertile” days four to five days before you ovulate. Rather, time lovemaking
directly prior to and during ovulation – your “peak fertility” days. Make some deep
penetration in order to get the sperm closer to the cervical canal, closer to the egg,
and more likely closer to the abundant cervical mucus that must be present during your most
fertile days. As for sexual position, rear entry or "doggy style" for deepest penetration. The
women have to try to have an orgasm at the same time as the man or before the
man; purportedly, orgasms increase endocervical secretion and increase the pH alkaline
level of the vagina. The men have to avoid wearing tight clothes and taking hot showers, etc,
prior to intercourse as heat will more likely weed out the Y-sperm than the X-sperm.

Together, these factors must:

   1) Decrease the travel distance of sperm
   2) Provide a more alkaline pH environment in the vagina (due to presence of
      cervical mucus and/or female orgasm)
   3) Get male sperm to the egg quicker
   4) Promote environments conducive to male sperm survival.

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To Have A Girl

To have a girl, we simply reverse the terms.
Instead of timing intercourse directly prior/during
ovulation, make love during the transitional days
and up to two to three days before you
ovulate. Try to avoid sex when your cervical
mucus is most fertile (when you have egg-white
cervical fluids) or after you receive a positive
ovulation test or strong ferning patterns on your
ovulation microscope.

The women have to avoid having an orgasm and
recommends shallow penetration to make it
more arduous for male sperm to make the big
journey. Hence, the missionary position is advised -
or any shallow-penetration strategy that deposits
sperm near the entrance to the cervix.

The principle here is that these integrated methods will favor the slower, more resilient
sperm. Female X-chromosome sperm can endure a more acidic vaginal environment, live
longer, and swim further than their male counterparts.

In order to implement the method, we need also know when you ovulate during your cycle.
Predicting ovulation accurately is the key to success in conceiving, as timing intercourse
is the cornerstone of influencing your baby's gender.

Let's take a practical approach to applying this method…

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Timing and Frequency of Intercourse:

Again, timing sex is the key to this method. To increase the odds of conceiving a girl
baby, it is recommended to time intercourse daily from the end of your period up to 2 to 3
days before you anticipate ovulation to take place. This method favors the slower but
larger and more resilient X-chromosome sperm (girls). X sperm will fare better than Y
sperm in a more acidic vaginal environment when cervical mucus is not yet quite "fertile".

To conceive a boy, it’s recommended to time intercourse directly prior to and during
ovulation. This means commencing with sex no earlier than 24 hours before ovulation.
Having sex the day you ovulate is also crucial. The fast but less "durable" Y-chromosome
sperm are favored when cervical mucus is fertile, like egg-white, and the vagina is less acidic.

Sexual Position and Orgasm:

Sexual position and orgasm are also variables in determining gender. To conceive a girl,
shallow penetration is advised (ala the missionary position) and the woman must not have
an orgasm, as this can produce alkaline mucus that will favor boy sperm.

To conceive a boy, orgasm is needed, as are deep-penetration positions that deposit the
sperm above the neck of the cervix, such as rear entry or “doggy style”.

BBT Charting:

Fertility charting with a basal thermometer will provide you with the date of your ovulation
thermal shift. The day you ovulate, progesterone levels increase in your body, causing a
marked jump in your resting (or basal) temperature. Usually, you will see this increase a day
after you ovulate. Over a few unique cycles, you'll see patterns that indicate when
ovulation typically takes place for you. If you are trying to have a girl, you'll know to begin
timing sex during the period at least 2 to 3 days out from your moment of peak fertility.

That's because "girl sperm" can survive longer than "boy sperm" - they are more
robust and able to survive the more acidic vaginal conditions that exist antecedent to the
presence of more "fertile cervical mucus" during ovulation. To have a boy, you need to time
intercourse as close to ovulation as possible - with 24 hours and the day of. For more details
and instructions on BBT charting, see our discussion on the side panel.

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Cervical Mucus:

Cervical fluids play a unique role in reproductive success. During most of your cycle,
you have acidic or hostile cervical mucus (or very little mucus at all), which protects the
vagina, but is very inimical to sperm health. However, during your time of peak fertility,
cervical fluids increase and become "fertile", providing a more alkaline, sperm-friendly
medium in which sperm can thrive. Y-chromosome sperm need cervical mucus more
than the more robust X-chromosome sperm.

During ovulation, cervical mucus is abundant and like raw egg-white. It's stretchy, thin,
watery, and translucent. To time intercourse to have a girl, you need to have sex before
experiencing this quality of fertile cervical mucus. In other words, the presence of
"transitional cervical mucus" indicates the period to time intercourse for having a girl baby.
To have a boy, wait until you experience fertile, egg-white cervical mucus and then begin
having sex.

Below you will find an overview of the changes that will take place in your cervical
fluid throughout your cycle.


Following the menstrual period, there is a feeling of dryness. There will be no visible mucus.
Gradually, more mucus will accumulate - yellow, cloudy, or white in color and CM will be sticky
to the touch. It must “hold its form” (will not be pliable or stretchy but stiff and tacky).
Vaginal environment: hostile to sperm, pH level = acidic.

Approaching Ovulation (Transitional):

As you approach ovulation, your cervical mucus will increase. First, there will be a moistness
or stickiness to the mucus, as well as a white or cream-colored appearance. CM will still
hold its form, though it exhibit some viscous or fluid characteristics. Vaginal
environment: somewhat hostile to sperm, pH level = relatively acidic. Robust girl sperm

During Ovulation (Peak Fertility):

At ovulation, the quantity of mucus will increase greatly and the appearance will resemble
"egg whites", often semitransparent. The texture will become increasingly slippery and
'stretchable'. This is your most fertile time. Cervical mucus must stretch between your

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fingers like raw egg whites and CM must be translucent. Vaginal environment: fertile,
hospitable to sperm, pH level = relatively alkaline. Faster boy-sperm favored.

Following Ovulation:

Following ovulation, the slippery quality of the cervical mucus will decrease and the mucus
will become sticky and cloudier. Post-ovulatory dryness will also ensue. Vaginal
environment: increasingly hostile to sperm, pH level = relatively acidic. If ovulation date
has passed, it’s academic – you are at low fertility.

Ovulation Predictor Kits and Fertility Monitors:

You have to use the ovulation tests - though saliva microscopes like Fertile Focus and
digital fertility monitors are equally excellent for tracking fertility. For LH urine tests, it is
advised to test twice daily as you need to detect the earliest moment of your LH surge. Test in
the late morning or early afternoon, and then again in the evening. The presence of a
positive ovulation test indicates that you will likely ovulate within 12 to 36 hours. Hence, if
you want a boy, you need to abstain from intercourse until you verify that ovulation is
imminent with a positive result on your ovulation predictor kit. It’s even recommended by
some to wait 12 hours after your first positive OPK to time lovemaking (if you want to have a
boy). For conceiving girls, a positive ovulation test would indicate that it’s time to stop
procreative lovemaking for this particular cycle.

If you are using a saliva ovulation microscope, "transitional" ferning patterns will indicate the
best time to favor X-chromosome sperm, though you'll need to wait for strong "positive" ferning
patterns to favor Y-chromosome sperm.

High-tech fertility monitors like OvaCue or the ClearBlue will provide you with transition and
peak fertility dates. To augment your fertility chart and cervical mucus observations, a
digital fertility monitor can tell you when to make love for a girl (transitional days) and for a boy
(peak days).

The more charting techniques and natural fertility signs you employ, the better you will be
able to pinpoint when ovulation takes place each month. Along with BBT charting, monitoring
cervical mucus, and ovulation testing, other natural fertility signs include 1) changes in the
position of the cervix 2) increased libido 3) increased breast sensitivity 4) mittelschmerz
(ovulation pains) 5) and spotting during ovulation. Not all women will experience these

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                            Let’s Get Pregnant!

If you conceive on one of the remaining dates of the month (outside of the Crucial Dates), you
will end up with the 50/50 chance of conceiving either a boy or a girl. And you do NOT want to
let 'Mother Nature' decide for you this time, do you?

So all you have to do is to have intercourse on the 'Crucial Dates' each month (the dates
change from one month to another) and to protect yourself from conception for the remaining
days of the month until you finally get pregnant with your little prince… or princess!

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                                       Did you know that...
                    ALKALINITY favors the conception of a baby BOY
                      ACIDITY favors the conception of a baby GIRL

This is an important gender selection factor that most people are not aware of. This simple
scientific theory was a part of both our high school's biology and chemistry classes. (We were
probably day dreaming back then and we forgot all about it...!)

Still, scientific researches have demonstrated many times that the woman's reproductive tract
'acidity level' will definitely have a DIRECT impact on the gender of the baby she will conceive.

The woman's reproductive tract includes:

      The vagina
      The ovaries
      The fallopian tubes
      The cervix

The man carries 2 types of sperm:

    The X-chromosome sperm (GIRL)
    The Y-chromosome sperm (BOY)

X-sperm (GIRL) are: bigger - slower - more resilient in the woman's tract.

Y-sperm (BOY) are: smaller - faster - weak - less resilient in the tract.

The mother-to-be internal environment (tract) could be too acidic OR too alkaline and simply
"kill" the "Y" sperm (BOY) or the "X" sperm (GIRL).

Remember that the male Y-sperm are weaker. A highly acidic tract is a harsher environment
for them to survive in. Once they've been eliminated by acidity, the only ones left to reach the
ovum are the X-sperm, producing a baby girl.

On the other hand, if the woman's tract is highly alkaline, it will act as a booster on the "Y"
sperm (male) in addition to the fact that they already are faster and will easily beat the "X"
sperm (female) in their run to the ovum (egg).

So quite simply, the *optimal* pH acidity level of your reproductive tract will most definitely
make ALL the difference in the process of selecting your baby's gender.

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No matter which gender selection method you intend to use and even if you strictly follow the
rules, you could still fail at conceiving the desired gender if you are either too acidic or too

STEP #1: Testing your pH Level

The FIRST STEP you definitely must go through before you can even dream about selecting
your baby's gender is to make sure that you have the optimal and appropriate pH level.
Because if you don't, you might as well forget about it. This is a pure and simple theory backed
by scientific evidence. There is no way around it.

You just can't beat the nature. Don't even try to go against it. Work with it.

The very first step towards baby gender selection success is the mother's pH level. Years of
scientific researches and evidences can't be wrong.

Test the pH level of the mother's reproductive tract to determine if it is favorable to the
conception of a baby boy OR a baby girl.

This Kit will not only tell you what is your pH level but it will also give you complete instructions
and guidelines (100% safe and natural) on exactly HOW to adjust and maintain your pH level
in the optimal zone required to conceive the desired gender (if needed).

You MUST test your pH level each month for 5 consecutive days PRIOR to attempting
conception on the 'Crucial Dates'.

As a woman, there are very short periods of time when you are likely to conceive. In these
short periods of time, certain factors will decide to whether a boy or a girl is conceived.

It is as simple as this:

If your ph is alkaline you are much more likely to have a boy.

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If your ph is acidic you are much more likely to have a girl.

   Why use the PH Level Test Kit?

       •   Highly accurate pH test strips
       •   Color chart to analyze your test results
       •   Calculation grid to determine your pH level
       •   Complete easy-to-follow instructions
       •   The optimal pH level required to conceive a Boy or a Girl
       •   100% safe & natural methods to adjust your pH level

STEP #2: Adjusting your pH Level (If needed...)

Now that you have completed your pH level test and have your results...


   1. If your pH level is already in the appropriate "Optimal Zone"...

       Congratulations! You can go to STEP #3 right now and try to conceive on the next set of
       'Crucial Dates'!

   2. If your pH level is NOT in the appropriate "optimal zone"...

       You MUST adjust your pH level BEFORE trying to conceive on our now famous and
       renown 'Crucial Dates'. There is absolutely NO way around it! (It will make ALL the
       difference between success or failure for you...)

       Have an Orgasm!

       When you reach orgasm, your body starts to produce specific substances that alter the
       acidity of your vagina. When your vagina is more alkaline than acid, you have a perfect
       environment for conceiving a boy!

       Not only having an orgasm before your man makes your vagina less acidic and more
       alkaline, which favors the boy producing Y sperm, but the contractions that accompany
       orgasm help move the sperm up and into the cervix. An additional chance for the boy
       producing Y sperm being available when the egg is available for fertilization!

       So… ladies first! 

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   1. Douche

       Some professionals suggest of the use of water & vinegar douche, whereby you will
       make your pH level more acidic and favor the conception of a baby girl. Or that if you
       douche with a water & baking soda solution, your pH level will be more alkaline and
       therefore favor the conception of a baby boy.

STEP #3: Conceiving on the 'Crucial Dates'

Is there something like optimal time of conception that favors the birth of boy babies?

Scientists have long been suspecting that there really is a connection between the time of year
that baby's been conceived and her sex. The sex ratio between female and male births seems
to vary with the seasons of the year. More interesting, it seems to correlate with temperature
about one month before conception!

Scientists from the University of Muenster in Germany compared monthly temperatures in
Germany from 1946 to 2001 with German birth records of that period. He found that more girls
were born after cold spells, and boys followed heat waves. Indeed, it looks like temperatures
before the babies were conceived somehow influenced the sex of those children!

   1. How to Predicting My "Special Days"?

       There will be two variations in temperature during a cycle, three if conception has
       occurred. For most women, 96.5 to 97.5 degrees is considered normal during the first
       two weeks of the menstrual cycle, prior to 'Special Days' and 97.6 to 98.6 degrees after
       'Special Days' due to hormonal changes. Post-'Special Days' temps will remain high for
       a period usually 12 to 16 days until they drop again when your cycle ends and
       menstrual period begins.

       By charting the differences you can determine when 'Special Days' has taken place.
       What you are looking for is a temperature shift of at least 0.4 degrees higher than all
       temperatures the previous six days over a 48-hour period.

       After doing a few charts, you will notice a very distinct and predictable pattern of
       'Special Days', which will help you time future intercourse.

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   2. How to take my Basal Body Temperature?

       To take your Basal Body Temperature, you need a special (ultrasensitive) BBT
       thermometer. Such a thermometer is graduated in one-tenth of a degree increments,
       and is generally inexpensive ($6-$12). Your Basal Body Temperature can be taken
       either orally or vaginally, with orally being the more accurate method. Whichever you
       choose, try to keep it consistent throughout the cycle. Also try to place the BBT
       thermometer the same location in your mouth or the same depth vaginally every day.

       Your BBT temperature refers to the temperature of your body at rest - your temperature
       when you first wake up in the morning. It is recommended that you take your BBT first
       thing upon awakening, after at least three to four hours of sleep, before doing anything
       else (or your temperature will fluctuate), as well as avoid eating or drinking.

       Your temperature can rise up to one-tenth of a degree for every 30 minutes taken later
       than normal and fall one-tenth of a degree for every 30 minutes taken earlier than
       normal. If your temperature wasn't taken at the normal time, adjust it using this rule.

       Your temperature can also be affected if you have a fever, if you didn't get a good
       night's sleep, if you had an alcoholic drink the night before, if you experienced a jet lag
       and by changes in sleeping habits.

       Studies indicate that the sperm with the X chromosome - or female chromosome - have
       a longer life span than the male sperm (with the Y chromosome).

       Yet the male sperm appear to have a higher motility. Sperm motility is measured in two
       ways: percentage of sperm exhibiting movement, and the quality - or dynamics - of this
       movement, which is called the forward progression. Poor motility means the sperm have
       a difficult time swimming toward the egg. FertilAid for Men is a non-prescription male
       fertility supplement that has been shown to improve sperm motility.

       Hence, "female sperm" exhibit less motility - yet have a longer life span. The "male
       sperm" exhibit increased motility, but have a shorter life span than the X chromosome

       It is believed that if intercourse takes place on 'Special Days', then the probability is
       greater that the child will be male, due to the high motility (forward progression) and the
       decreased life span of the sperm.

       The sperm with the X chromosome - or female chromosome - have a longer life span
       than the male sperm, but exhibit decreased motility. Therefore, intercourse that takes
       place earlier will provide an increased probability of a girl.

       And don't forget your PH level...

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       PH is alkaline you are much more likely to have a boy.

       PH is acidic you are much more likely to have a girl.

       Reminder: For An Absolutely 'Mind-Boggling' Success Rate, you must accurately
       calculate your 'Crucial Dates'. You can practice it for three months and grasp the law of
       your 'Special Days'.

The Most Important Part: How to predict your Special Days

You must start testing 5 days before you are due to ovulate daily, if you are unsure check the
chart below to see when to start testing.

                                Cycle Length          Start Testing

                                   21 days               Day 6
                                   22 days               Day 6
                                   23 days               Day 7
                                   24 days               Day 7
                                   25 days               Day 8
                                   26 days               Day 9
                                   27 days               Day 10
                                   28 days               Day 11
                                   29 days               Day 12
                                   30 days               Day 13
                                   31 days               Day 14
                                   32 days               Day 15
                                   33 days               Day 16
                                   34 days               Day 17
                                   35 days               Day 18
                                   36 days               Day 19
                                   37 days               Day 20
                                   38 days               Day 21

For example, if your menstrual cycle is 34 days and last period was on 4th May, you have to
start testing your PH level and body temperature 5 days before May 21th.

If your PH level is between 6.2-7.5 and your body temperature is above 36.9 degree Celsius,
you'll conceive a baby boy.

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If your PH level is between 4.5-5.7 and your body temperature is between 36.5-36.9 degree
Celsius, you'll conceive a baby girl.

This is a pure and simple theory backed by scientific evidence. There is no way around it. You
just can't beat the nature. Don't even try to go against it. Work with it. Years of scientific
researches and evidences can't be wrong.

It has been proven over and over again with 76,879 couples from all over the world! We can
provide technical support if you has questions about the baby gender selection.

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       Step-By-Step Method To Conceive

Information presented in this ebook is quite comprehensively introducing the main principles
and methods of gender planning, therefore we think now it is more or less clear for you what
must be done, why and how it must be done in order to maximum increase probability of
giving a birth to a baby of desirable gender .

Regardless of the fact that currently it is possible to easily use almost all described methods,
we are sure, that most of readers will hardly ever try procedures of artificial planning, nor will
start to order expensive calendars.

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Considering this, we have tried to create procedure of important steps, which would join the
main methods of natural planning, and the process itself would become coherent, clear and
free of charge.

Part of advices is meant for men, the other part for women, and some advices - for both
genders at the same time. If in the line of advice “Husband” column is marked by plus sign,
that means it's for men, if plus stands at “Wife” this is a woman's task, and if both columns
are marked both will have to fulfill a task .

These important steps are presented in such an order, that nothing bad will happen if you
consciously or unconsciously miss any of them, and you will not have to start everything from
the beginning. Just simply continue from that place, were the time left until planned
moment of impregnation corresponds to the real terms.

Of course, the less steps you will make, the less will be probability of success, however, even
in that case it will be much higher than if trusting only on the God's will, don’t you agree?

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Steps To Conceive A Baby Boy

Steps         Time                                 Advices                     Husband   Wife

  1       3-4 months       Start filling calendar of fertile days. For
                           watching fertility evidences and determining           -       +
                           ovulation use any method acceptable for you.

  2        1-2 month       a) Start a "sodium - potassium" diet. Eat more
                           meat, fish, and salted and smoked products.           +        +
                           Use possibly less milk and dairy products.

                           b) In fertility calendar set 'Special Day' or the
                           other day possibly closest to it.                      -       +

                           c) Plan monthly agenda in the way that
                           nobody and nothing (unexpected outing, party          +        +
                           with lots of used alcohol, etc.) could disturb
                           sexual intercourse in the chosen day.

  3       2 -3 weeks       a) Make sexual life more active. Have sexual
                           intercourses at least 2-3 times a week,               +        +
                           however use contraception means for
                           preventing pregnancy without intention.

                           b) Keep the testes cool by staying under a
                           cool environment. Avoid outfits like                  +        -
                           jockstraps, wet suits and other tight-fitting
                           clothing such as jogging suits.

  4         1-2 days       If necessary, move the family bed in which
                           you will make love in North-South direction.          +        -

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  5        8-24 hours      Set yourself psychologically for the
                           lovemaking act. Create intimate and cozy           +           +
                           environment, and a good mood.

  6        2-4 hours       Rest and relax.
                                                                              +           -

  7        30-60 min.      Take a cup or two of strong caffeinated
                           coffee.                                            +           -

  8        15-30 min.      Conduct soda douching prior to sexual 15-30
                           min. intercourse. (2 stricken teaspoons, i.e.      -           +
                           without pile, mix with 500 ml of water)

  9          0 min.        Use deep penetration and the "rear entry"
                           position.                                          +           +

                           Try to experience orgasm during sexual
                           intercourse before the man ejaculates.             -           +

If you are not sure of Special day, you must repeat steps 5-9 of the procedure next day as well.

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Steps To Conceive A Baby Girl

Steps         Time                                 Advices                    Husband   Wife

  1       3-4 months       Start filling calendar of fertile days. For
                           watching fertility evidences and determining          -       +
                           ovulation use any method acceptable for you.

  2        1-2 month       a) Start "calcium-magnesium" diet. Use more
                           milk and dairy products. Use possibly less           +        +
                           meat, fish, and salted and smoked products.

                           b) In fertility calendar set the day, which is 2
                           days before ovulation day.                            -       +

                           c) Plan monthly agenda in the way, that
                           nobody and nothing (unexpected outing, party         +        +
                           with lots of used alcohol, etc.) could disturb
                           sexual intercourse in the chosen day.

  3       2 -3 weeks       a) Make sexual life rate slower. Take the
                           trouble to have sexual intercourses as rare as       +        +
                           possible or refuse them at all.

                           b) Keep the testes warm by staying under a
                           warm environment but be warned that                  +        -
                           prolong wear of overly tight outfit can lower
                           your sperm count so much that no pregnancy
                           is possible.

  4         1-2 days       If necessary, move the family bed in which
                           you will make love in East-West direction.           +        -

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  5       8-24 hours       Set yourself psychologically for the
                           lovemaking act. Create intimate and cozy             +            +
                           environment, and a good mood.

  6        2-4 hours       Take easy exercises or play easy sports, or
                           do simple physical jobs.                             +             -

  7        30-60 min.      Abstain from having coffee or other drinks
                           with caffeine.                                       +             -

  8        15-30 min.      Conduct vinegar douching prior to sexual
                           intercourse (2 teaspoons of 3% apple vinegar          -           +
                           mix with 500ml of water)

  9          0 min.        Use shallow penetration in the "missionary"
                           position (face to face with male on top)             +            +

                           Make sure not to achieve orgasm prior man
                           ejaculation. Visualize a girl during orgasm.          -           +

After sexual intercourse, restrain from sexual relations or use contraception means until fertility
period of current cycle will end.

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           Sexy Science: Assume Position!

Let’s review what we've learned up to this point. The sperm that contains the y chromosome is
different than the sperm that contains the x chromosome, correct?

The sperm which contains the x chromosome or baby girl sperm is larger, heavier, slower and
much tougher. We also know that the male sperm will rush to fertilize the women’s egg. While
it can be faster than the female sperm, it will also die quicker.

Now, there are ways that you can make use of this information to work in your favor. That’s
right, you guessed it. Baby isn't even conceived yet and you’re already making the necessary
adjustment. Now you’re going to change your positions during intercourse to help you pick
your baby’s gender! Wouldn’t that be great or what? 

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Sexual Positions To Conceive A Baby Boy

So you want a baby boy? To get pregnant with a baby boy, you have to position the sperm as
close as possible to the egg. This gives the weak little guys a short trip and limits their time in a
hostile vaginal environment.

   1. From Behind (a.k.a. "doggy style"): Who doesn’t like doggie? This is one of the most
      powerful ways to have sex. The woman kneels before the man, facing away.
      Penetration is then from behind, enabling the man to enter with deeper thrusts and
      deposit the sperm close to the cervix. Due to the control this position offers the man, his
      orgasms could be a lot more intense as well.

       If you want to have even more fun with this position, the man can use his arm around
       and stroke his partner's breast as well as clitoris during intercourse. The woman, on the
       other hand, can delight her partner by reaching in between, "tickling" his testicles softly
       as he moves the base of his penis. The resulting orgasms will astonish you both!

   2. The “Spread Eagle” position. This position requires the woman to lie on her stomach
      and spread her legs wide. The man then enters her vagina from behind. This position
       Allows the man to penetrate the vagina deep. The man being in control helps because
       he knows exactly when he is about to ejaculate and can thrust his penis deep into the
       vagina while he ejaculates. It’s important that the man ensures deep penetration as he
       ejaculates so that the sperm gets up above the neck of the cervix.

   3. The “Astride” position. This position requires the woman to sit astride the man with
      her legs on each side while the man lies on his back.The woman then lowers herself to
      the man so that his penis penetrates her vagina. With the woman on top it’s important
      for the man to communicate when he’s about to ejaculate so that the woman can press
      down and ensure the deepest penetration possible during ejaculation.

TIP: To conceive a boy, penis must penetrate as deep as possible while ejaculating.

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Sexual Positions To Conceive A Baby Girl

So you want a baby girl? Then you have to do some shallow penetration with your partner. A
better window of opportunity allows the slower, yet much more durable "female sperm" to take
their time to accomplish their purpose.

   1. Missionary Position (a.k.a. Man on top): A lot of experts and parents have the same
      opinion that having the man positioned on top offers the greatest possibility of having a
      girl. The extent of penetration combined with the prone position of the woman allows the
      sperm to be deposited near the cervical opening. Additional "plus" for this popular
      position is that it allows both partners to communicate through seductive looks, intimate
      kisses, touches and oral stimulation of breasts and nipples (for both partners!), and

   2. Spooning: The woman lay down with her back to her partner and he cuddles her from
      behind. The penetration with this position will not be as deep as the ‘doggy style’, but
      both partners can be quite relaxed, which can really help to achieve conception. The
      woman can move against her partner, inviting stimulation and allowing him to enter her
      from behind. The man is able to manually stimulate the woman's breasts and clitoris.
      Gentle kisses and communication between the two can ignite even more satisfaction.

   3. "Living on the Edge": You have to take this one literally! The woman lays on the edge
      of the bed or couch. The man can then enter from the front from either a standing or
      kneeling position. Like the missionary position, penetration will not be as deep as the
      doggy style. The unusual position will excite you both. Again, manual stimulation of both
      partners can add even more pleasure and intensity. Gravity, ladies, remains on your
      side helping the sperm meet their goal!

TIP: To conceive a girl, withdraw penis as close as possible to cervix while ejaculating.

One last thing: you have to lie down after sex. Whether you want a boy or a girl, it doesn’t
matter. The woman have to lie down on her back with her hips elevated (you can try put a
pillow beneath them) after sex to help the sperm swim down to her cervix.

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                        Diet To Conceive

You’ve no doubt heard the expression “You are what you eat”, right?

Well, your food intake can determine what type of sperm (male or female) a woman’s egg
attracts. Therefore, what you eat will influence the boy sperm or the girl sperm to be attracted
to your egg. It is advisable to begin your diet at least six weeks before you try to conceive your

Eating a variety of healthy foods is never more important than when you’re planning a
pregnancy. Don’t wait until your pregnancy is confirmed before you start eating for two; begin
the moment you start trying to conceive. That means ensuring that your diet includes adequate
amounts of folic acid, iron, and calcium—three nutrients that have a critically important role to
play during pregnancy.

You don’t, of course, have to up your caloric intake at this point, unless, of course, you’re
seriously underweight and in weight-gain mode. That part of the “eating for two” program can
wait until you get the official word that there’s a baby on the way.

This guide is designed to provide you with an adequate number of servings from each of the
four basic food groups: grain products, vegetables and fruit, milk products, and meat and

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   The Modern/Western Diet

   During pregnancy, it’s important to eat a variety of healthy foods. Eating at least three meals a
   day and healthy snacks is probably the best way to consume a greater variety of foods. If
   morning sickness makes this impossible, try eating a series of snacks or small meals
   throughout the day. Remember that you can get servings from several food groups at once if
   you eat them in combination. A slice of cheese pizza, for example, would count toward
   servings in the grain (crust), vegetable (tomato sauce) and dairy (cheese) groups.

   When you’re pregnant, aim to eat more than the minimum number of servings typically
   recommended in each category of the food pyramid. The increased minimum serving listed on
   the next page will provide you with 1,800 to 2,800 calories daily.

                                   The Modern/Western Diet Plan

Food Group        Why You Need This Type  Number of                          What Constitutes A Serving
                         of Food         Servings/Day

Grain            Grain products are critical for          5 to 12       •   1 slice of bread
products         converting food to energy               servings       •   30 grams (1 ounce) of cold cereal
                 and for maintaining healthy                            •   175 mL (3/4 cup) of hot cereal
                 nervous system.                                        •   1/2 a bagel, pita, or bun
                                                                        •   125 mL (1/2 cup) of pasta or rice

Vegetables       Vegetables and fruits are a              5 to 12       •   1 medium-sized vegetable or fruit
and fruits       good source of fibre and an             servings       •   125 mL (1/2 cup) fresh, frozen, or
                 excellent source of vitamin C                              canned vegetables or fruit
                 as well as hundreds of                                 •   250 mL (1 cup) of tossed salad
                 disease-fighting compounds                             •   125 mL (1/2 cup) of fruit juice
                 called phytochemicals.

Milk products    Milk products are an                 2 to 4 servings   •   250 mL (1 cup) milk
                 excellent source of calcium,                           •   50 grams approximately (11/2 ounces)
                 responsible for keeping                                    of hard cheese
                 bones strong and staving off                           •   175 mL (: cup) of yogourt
                 osteoporosis, a debilitating
                 bone-thinning disease.

Meat and         Meat and alternatives provide        2 to 3 servings   •   50 to 100 grams (11/2 to 3 ounces) of
Alternatives     excellent sources of protein.                              meat, poultry, or fish
                                                                        •   1 to 2 eggs
                                                                        •   125 to 250 mL (1/2 to 1 cup) of beans
                                                                        •   100 grams (3 ounces) of tofu
                                                                        •   30 mL (2 tbsp.) of peanut butter

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Folic acid isn’t the only nutrient that a woman planning a pregnancy needs to be concerned
about. Iron also plays an important role during pregnancy, helping the body to create the
additional red blood cells needed to carry oxygen from your lungs to various parts of your body
as well as to your growing baby. If you have a severe case of anemia, your baby faces an
increased risk of intrauterine growth restriction and fetal hypoxia during labor, and you’ll be
less able to handle the blood loss associated with atypical vaginal or Caesarean delivery.

Unfortunately, many women of childbearing age don’t get enough iron in their diet. As a result,
they already be iron-deficient (anemic) by the time they become pregnant. Because it’s
important to ensure that a pregnant woman has adequate iron reserves, your doctor will likely
check your hemoglobin level at your preconception health checkup and throughout your

   o Choose whole-grain foods such as whole wheat bread and brown rice.

   o Eat breakfast cereals that are high in fibre. (You can give your bowl of breakfast cereal
     an added fibre boost by topping it with fresh fruit such as bananas, blueberries,
     strawberries, or raisins.)

   o Look for ways to increase your intake of vegetables. Eat them raw or add them to soups
     and casseroles.

   o Find creative ways to work legumes into your diet, like adding beans to soups, chili, and
     pasta dishes.


We all know that calcium plays an important role during pregnancy, but many women don’t
realize why it’s so important to go into pregnancy with adequate stores of this crucial mineral.
Here’s what you need to know. A woman who is calcium-deficient prior to and during
pregnancy will give birth to a calcium-deficient baby who is at increased risk of being born
prematurely. What’s more, she could find herself at increased risk of developing osteoporosis
later in life.

Even though Mother Nature does her best to ensure that a pregnant woman will obtain
adequate amounts of calcium from her food—a pregnant body is twice as efficient at absorbing
calcium as a non-pregnant one—if the woman isn’t consuming enough calcium-rich foods, her
body will start to take calcium from her bones in order to meet the needs of her developing

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The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Baby Gender Selection

This chart is for those trying to "adjust" their body pH. The pH scale is from 0 to 14, with
numbers below 7 acidic ( low on oxygen ) and numbers above 7 alkaline.

Generally, alkaline forming foods include: most fruits, green vegetables, peas, beans, lentils,
spices, herbs and seasonings, and seeds and nuts. Generally, acid forming foods include:
meat, fish, poultry, eggs, grains, and legumes.

                          BOY DIET                                GIRL DIET

         ALKALINE FOODS &                           ACIDIC FOODS &

             •   Alfalfa                               •   Corn
             •   Barley Grass                          •   Lentils
             •   Beet Greens                           •   Olives
             •   Beets                                 •   Winter Squash
             •   Broccoli                              •   ACIDIFYING FRUITS
             •   Cabbage                               •   Blueberries
             •   Carrot                                •   Canned or Glazed Fruits
             •   Cauliflower                           •   Cranberries
             •   Celery                                •   Currants
             •   Chard Greens                          •   Plums
             •   Chlorella                             •   Prunes
             •   Collard Greens
             •   Cucumber                           ACIDIFYING GRAINS,
             •   Dandelions                         GRAIN PRODUCTS
             •   Dulce
             •   Edible Flowers                        •   Amaranth
             •   Eggplant                              •   Barley
             •   Fermented Veggies                     •   Bran, oat
             •   Garlic                                •   Bran, wheat
             •   Green Beans                           •   Bread
             •   Green Peas                            •   Corn
             •   Kale                                  •   Cornstarch
             •   Kohlrabi                              •   Crackers, soda
             •   Lettuce                               •   Flour, wheat
             •   Mushrooms                             •   Flour, white

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             •   Mustard Greens                      •   Hemp Seed Flour
             •   Nightshade Veggies                  •   Kamut
             •   Onions                              •   Macaroni
             •   Parsnips (high glycemic)            •   Noodles
             •   Peas                                •   Oatmeal
             •   Peppers                             •   Oats (rolled)
             •   Sea Veggies                         •   Quinoa
             •   Spinach, green                      •   Spelt
             •   Spirulina                           •   Wheat Germ
             •   Sprouts                             •   Wheat
             •   Sweet Potatoes
             •   Tomatoes                          ACIDIFYING BEANS & LEGUMES
             •   Watercress
             •   Wheat Grass                         •   Almond Milk
             •   Wild Greens                         •   Black Beans
                                                     •   Chick Peas
         ALKALIZING ORIENTAL                         •   Green Peas
         VEGETABLES                                  •   Kidney Beans
                                                     •   Lentils
             •   Daikon                              •   Pinto Beans
             •   Dandelion Root                      •   Red Beans
             •   Kombu                               •   Rice Milk
             •   Maitake                             •   Soy Beans
             •   Nori                                •   Soy Milk
             •   Reishi                              •   White Beans
             •   Shitake
             •   Umeboshi                          ACIDIFYING DAIRY
             •   Wakam
                                                     •   Butter
         ALKALIZING FRUITS                           •   Cheese
                                                     •   Cheese, Processed
             •   Apple                               •   Ice Cream
             •   Apricot                             •   Ice Milk
             •   Avocado
             •   Banana (high glycemic)            ACIDIFYING NUTS & BUTTERS
             •   Berries
             •   Blackberries                        •   Cashews
             •   Cantaloupe                          •   Legumes
             •   Cherries, sour                      •   Peanut Butter
             •   Coconut, fresh                      •   Peanuts
             •   Currants                            •   Pecans
             •   Dates, dried                        •   Tahini
             •   Figs, dried                         •   Walnuts
             •   Grapes

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             •   Grapefruit                        ACIDIFYING ANIMAL PROTEIN
             •   Honeydew Melon
             •   Lemon                               •   Bacon
             •   Lime                                •   Beef
             •   Muskmelons                          •   Carp
             •   Nectarine                           •   Clams
             •   Orange                              •   Cod
             •   Peach                               •   Corned Beef
             •   Pear                                •   Fish
             •   Pineapple                           •   Haddock
             •   Raisins                             •   Lamb
                                                     •   Lobster
         ALKALIZING PROTEIN                          •   Mussels

             •   Almonds                           ACIDIFYING FATS & OILS
             •   Chestnuts
             •   Millet                              •   Avocado Oil
             •   Tempeh (fermented)                  •   Butter
             •   Tofu (fermented)                    •   Canola Oil
             •   Whey Protein Powder                 •   Corn Oil
                                                     •   Flax Oil
         ALKALIZING SWEETENERS                       •   Hemp Seed Oil
                                                     •   Lard
             •   Stevia                              •   Olive Oil
                                                     •   Safflower Oil
         ALKALIZING SPICES &                         •   Sesame Oil
         SEASONINGS                                  •   Sunflower Oil

             •   Chili Pepper                      ACIDIFYING SWEETENERS
             •   Cinnamon
             •   Curry                               •   Carob
             •   Ginger                              •   Corn Syrup
             •   Herbs (all)                         •   Sugar
             •   Miso
             •   Mustard                           ACIDIFYING ALCOHOL
             •   Sea Salt
             •   Tamari                              •   Beer
                                                     •   Hard Liquor
         ALKALIZING OTHER                            •   Spirits
                                                     •   Wine
             •   Alkaline Antioxidant Water
             •   Apple Cider Vinegar               ACIDIFYING OTHER FOODS
             •   Bee Pollen
             •   Fresh Fruit Juice                   •   Catsup

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             •   Green Juices                        •   Cocoa
             •   Lecithin Granules                   •   Mustard
             •   Mineral Water                       •   Pepper
             •   Molasses, blackstrap                •   Soft Drinks
             •   Probiotic Cultures                  •   Vinegar
             •   Soured Dairy Products
             •   Veggie Juices                     ACIDIFYING DRUGS &
                                                     •   Aspirin
             •   Cesium: pH 14                       •   Chemicals
             •   Potassium: pH 14                    •   Drugs, Medicinal
             •   Sodium: pH 14                       •   Drugs, Psychedelic
                                                     •   Herbicides
                                                     •   Pesticides
                                                     •   Tobacco

                                                   ACIDIFYING JUNK FOOD

                                                     •   Beer: pH 2.5
                                                     •   Coca-Cola: pH 2

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Day-to-Day Diet Plan
“The Modern/Western Way”

     Day                                               Serving Size

   Monday         On the first day, you must only have milk and bread for breakfast. The next meal
                  composes of 2 eggs and a tomato. Dinner is served with 7 ounces of red meat and a
                  green salad.

   Tuesday        Breakfast includes milk and a slice of toast or 3 pieces crackers. Lunch includes
                  seven ounces of red meat and green salad. Dinner is served with 5 and ½ ounce of
                  ham and 1 cup of yogurt.

 Wednesday        This day still offers milk and toast or crackers for breakfast. Lunch is served with
                  green salad and 1 tomato and 1 orange. Dinner is prepared with 3 and ½ ounce of
                  ham, fruit salad and 2 eggs.

  Thursday        It starts the day with milk or a cup of tea, a slice of toast or crackers. The second
                  meal has 5 and ¼ ounce of gruyere cheese, 1 egg and 1 carrot. Dinner is served with
                  fruit salad and 1 cup of yogurt.

    Friday        Breakfast offers 5 and ¼ ounce of ham and 1 cup of carrots. Lunch is served with 7
                  ounces of broiled fish and 1 tomato. Dinner offers 8 and ¾ ounce of red meat.

   Saturday       Breakfast still offers milk, a slice of toast or crackers. Lunch is prepared with a
                  cranberries or blueberries and ¼ baked chicken. Dinner is served with 2 eggs and 1
                  cup of raw carrots.

   Sunday         Breakfast offers coffee, a slice of toast or crackers. Lunch is prepared with a citrus
                  fruit and ¼ baked chicken. Dinner is served with 2 eggs and 1 cup of avocado.

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The Chinese Way

Traditional Chinese medicine recognizes food as the most important energy source for your
body. A meal is not merely an addition of calories, but is an opportunity to supply the body with
energy needed for health and conception. According to Chinese medicine experts, the goal of
the fertility diet is to bring the body back into balance so conception can take place.

In the Chinese way, you have to avoid processed foods. According to Chinese medicine,
eating processed and canned foods is like taking the life-giving properties of food away from
your body. Processed white flour and wheat are energetically cold as well as constricting and
create dampness in your body. This could ruin your entire reproductive system, making it
difficult for conception to take place. Choose unprocessed, natural and organic foods as much
as possible to create a healthy internal environment for you and your baby inside.

If you’re a vegetarian, you can continue to follow your diet during pregnancy and have a
healthy baby. But you’ll need to plan and review your food intake. To get the nutrition you
need, eat a wide variety of foods and balance your intake each day.

If you normally include fish, milk and eggs in your diet, you’ll have an easier time getting the
iron, calcium and protein you need. If you don’t eat any animal products at all, that is, you’re a
vegan, you’ll need to carefully plan your daily food intake. Vegans often have difficulty getting
enough zinc, vitamin B-12, iron, calcium and folic acid. To avoid this problem, try the following:

   o Eat at least four servings of calcium-rich foods each day. Nondairy sources include
     broccoli, kale, dried beans, and calcium-fortified juices, cereals and soy products.

   o Add more energy-rich foods to your diet. This is particularly important if you’re having
     trouble gaining enough weight. Good sources include nuts, nut butters, seeds and dried

   o Seek advice on supplements. Many vegans need a vitamin B-12 supplement. A
     prenatal vitamin that supplements other nutritional needs also necessary. To be sure
     what’s right for you, consult with your health care provider and, if recommended, a
     registered dietitian.

Fish and shellfish

Seafood is highly nutritious and can continue to be part of your diet during pregnancy. Fish is a
great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for brain development in the growing
baby. Both fresh and frozen fish must be properly prepared to eliminate viral or bacterial
contamination. When cooking, use the 10-minute rule. This involves measuring fish at its
thickest part and cooking for 10 minutes per inch at 450 F. Shellfish such as clams, oysters
and shrimp must be boiled for four to six minutes.

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While you’re pregnant, avoid all raw and undercooked seafood. It’s also a good idea to buy
fresh fish and seafood the same day you plan to eat it. Be aware that environmental toxins can
be a problem with some freshwater fish and ocean seafood.

One last note: everybody is different, so please talk to your doctor before making any
adjustment in a healthy and balanced preconception diet.

                                      The Chinese Diet Plan

Food Group           Why You Need This              Number of            What Constitutes A Serving
                       Type of Food                Servings/Day

Breads            Cereals, bagels, brown, rice,    3 to 4 servings   •    1 serving = 1/2 cup pasta,
                  whole-grain breads, rolls                               cooked cereal or rice;
                  and crackers, whole-wheat                          •    1 slice bread, 1/2 bagel

Vegetables        Leaf lettuce, spinach,           4 to 6 servings   •    ½ cup cooked/raw fruit
and fruits        peppers, sweat potatoes,                           •    1 cup of raw vegetables
                  peas, green beans, broccoli,                       •    1 medium sized piece of fruit
                  carrots, corn, tomatoes.

                  Apples, bananas, grapes,
                  mango, pineapple, orange,
                  melon, peach, raisins.

Milk and          Skim milk, low-fat cheese,       3 to 4 servings   •    1 cup of milk
cheese            low-fat yogurt, low-fat                            •    1 ounce of cheese
                  cottage cheese.

Meat, fish,       Chicken, dried peas, beans,      2 to 3 servings   •    1 serving, 2 to 3 ounce
and eggs          fish, ducks, lean pork, eggs.                      •    1 egg

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Day-to-Day Diet Plan
“The Chinese Way”

     Day                                               Serving Size

   Monday         Choose your favorite vegetable and eat it in any quantities: at least 1 kg during the
                  day. During this day you must drink more mineral water (non-carbonated). For lunch 1
                  cup of rice, 1 cup of vegetables, soup and 1 apple. For dinner 1 cup of rice and 1 cup
                  of vegetables, finish it with a cup of milk late night.

   Tuesday        If the previous day was vegetable, it means it must be followed by fruit day. For
                  example, apple, orange or pear day. Divide fruits for the 5 meals and eat it during the
                  day. If you feel very hungry, then drink a glass of yogurt. For lunch 1 cup of rice with
                  potatoes, chicken soup and 1 orange. For dinner 1 cup of fried rice with carrots and

 Wednesday        For the third day, you can have all vegetables and vegetable soups that suit your
                  taste. Examples are cabbage soup, carrot soup, onion soup, eggplant soup, pumpkin
                  soup, among others. Then 1 cup of noodles, 1 cup of spinach, 1 cup of corn soup and
                  1 fresh apple in the morning. For dinner 1 cup of rice, 3 ounces of fish or tofu, and 1
                  cup of warm tea.

  Thursday        You can start off the day with a cup of green tea with honey. Then 1 cup of rice, 3
                  ounces of fish or tofu, 1 cup of vegetables, soup and 1 fresh fruit in the morning for
                  lunch. For dinner 1 cup of noodles with broccoli and egg, and plain mineral water.

    Friday        Begin the morning day with an egg, cooked beans, peanut butter and nuts for
                  breakfast. For lunch, you can have 1 cup of rice, 3 ounces of meat, 1 cup of
                  vegetables, soup, and 1 fresh fruit like an apple. For dinner, 1 cup of noodles with
                  cabbage and egg.

   Saturday       Today is a meat feast time because you can eat one portion of Peking duck with
                  garnishes of green vegetables in the morning. Red meat, fish, poultry-skin removed
                  for dinner with broccoli, cabbage, and green peas.

   Sunday         You can only have a variety of fruits and fruit juices. Fruits such as apples, oranges,
                  acai berries; watermelons, plums, peaches, and grapes are excellent fruits for
                  breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can try to make your fresh fruit juices for snacks.

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In a nutshell…

Girl’s Diet : Foods Rich in Magnesium and Calsium

If you are hoping to conceive a beautiful, bonny girl then try to consume foods that are rich in
magnesium and calcium.

Dairy products such as milk, yoghurt and cheese (especially parmesan and cheddar) are an
excellent choice and so are leafy green vegetables and salad items such as bok choy,
broccoli, Chinese cabbage, collard greens, kale, mustard greens, turnip greens and white
beans. Avoid food that contains a particularly high salt content and also refrain from adding a
lot of salt to your food. Fruits such as apples, grapefruits and tangerines are very healthy and
are important items to consume when trying to conceive a baby girl along with eggs and
believe it or not you can also indulge yourself in some delicious ice-cream!

The following foods are also appropriate for conceiving a girl:

● Fish – Halibut, Tuna, Sardines and Whitebait

● Artichokes

● Grains such as barley, buckwheat flour, raw oat bran, whole wheat flour

● Prune juice

● Dairy – canned condensed milk, low fat yogurt

● Unsalted nuts – almonds, brazil nuts and cashews

● Beans particularly black beans, navy beans and white beans

● Pumpkin seeds

● Spinach

● Tomato paste

● Tofu and soybean

● Lasagne, Pizza with cheese and tomato, Macaroni cheese

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Princeor princess
Princeor princess
Princeor princess
Princeor princess
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Princeor princess

  • 1. Prince or Princess? Steps towards choosing your baby’s gender before conception. Written by: Alicia Pennington Copyright ©
  • 2. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Disclaimer: The information on this ebook is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease. The information on this ebook is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This ebook is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this ebook. No part of this eBook may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any other means: - electrically, mechanical, photocopied, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the copyright owners. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 2
  • 3. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 Preparing To Have A Baby ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Conceiving & Gender: Boy or Girl? .......................................................................................................................... 11 How Gender Is Decided ........................................................................................................................................... 15 To Have A Boy ...................................................................................................................................................... 19 To Have A Girl ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 Let’s Get Pregnant! .................................................................................................................................................. 24 STEP #1: Testing your pH Level............................................................................................................................ 26 STEP #2: Adjusting your pH Level (If needed...) .................................................................................................. 27 STEP #3: Conceiving on the 'Crucial Dates' ......................................................................................................... 28 The Most Important Part: How to predict your Special Days ............................................................................. 30 Step-By-Step Method To Conceive.......................................................................................................................... 32 Steps To Conceive A Baby Boy................................................................................................................................. 34 Steps To Conceive A Baby Girl ............................................................................................................................. 36 Sexy Science: Assume Position!............................................................................................................................... 38 Sexual Positions To Conceive A Baby Boy ........................................................................................................... 39 Sexual Positions To Conceive A Baby Girl ............................................................................................................ 40 Diet To Conceive ...................................................................................................................................................... 41 The Modern/Western Diet .................................................................................................................................. 42 Iron ...................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Calcium ................................................................................................................................................................ 43 The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Baby Gender Selection .............................................................................................. 44 Day-to-Day Diet Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 48 The Chinese Way ................................................................................................................................................. 49 Day-to-Day Diet Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 51 In a nutshell… ...................................................................................................................................................... 52 The Old Wives' Tales................................................................................................................................................ 54 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................... 57 Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 3
  • 4. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide [This page is intentionally left blank ] Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 4
  • 5. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Introduction While many couples leave the determination of their baby's gender to fate or to the natural happenstance of biology, other couples desperately seek ways to influence or select the gender of a future child. This is particularly true for Western couples who already have a boy or a girl (or a gaggle of one or the other) and wish to "balance" things by having a baby of the opposite sex. Other couples simply wish to have a modicum of control in determining if their (next) child will be a boy or a girl. Still, others have a certain baby name or nursery color in mind before they even start trying-to-conceive. Whatever the case, a great deal of wild speculation, formal research, and heated debate has been conducted over the past several decades with regard to this age old question of gender and baby-making. "Age old" you say? Indeed, techniques for influencing the gender of a baby have been around for thousands of years, with some methods clearly more scientific than others. On one end of the spectrum, astrology and star charts have offered couples assistance in choosing gender for centuries, the most well-known of these being the Ancient Chinese Birth Chart. More "scientific" methods of influencing baby gender have circulated through the West for Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 5
  • 6. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide centuries, most of which have proven to be Old Wives' Tales, wishful thinking, or simple superstition (not unlike the belief that having sex standing up will function as a contraceptive). Selecting the Gender of Your Baby offers couples an in-depth analysis of gender selection methods, a history of common techniques and myths, as well as an overview of current thoughts and theories on the subject. We'll review the biological mechanism behind the determination of gender at conception and explain how recent findings in the reproductive sciences have promoted the rise of popular techniques like ours. Lastly, we'll offer our critical thoughts on these methods, keeping in mind that the jury is still out and that strident scientific debate continues over this controversial topic! Alicia Pennington Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 6
  • 7. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Preparing To Have A Baby Are you ready to have a baby? Maybe you’re thinking about starting a family. Maybe you’re trying to conceive. Or perhaps you already know that you’re pregnant. If so, congratulations! When you decide to have a child, your life will change. The choices you make now — even if you haven’t yet conceived — can have a lasting effect on your future child. The changes pregnancy brings can be exhilarating and unsettling, blissful and exhausting. As you prepare for this sometimes unpredictable journey, let this book serve as your guide. Think of pregnancy as a wonderful opportunity to nurture your child in every way, and use this book to prepare for the exciting changes ahead. While pregnancy is an incredible journey, what happens in your body before pregnancy is also an amazing process. From puberty until menopause, a woman’s body prepares every month to become pregnant. This process begins in the brain, when the pituitary gland sends a hormonal signal to the ovaries, two small, oval-shaped organs buried deep inside the pelvis on either side of the uterus. And each month, in response to this signal, one of the ovaries releases a mature egg cell—ready to be fertilized by a sperm cell. In most cases, only one egg each month has the potential to become a new baby. The ovaries do not just produce the egg cell, they also release powerful hormones that cause physical changes in the uterus, preparing it to receive and nurture a newly fertilized egg. So whether or not a woman becomes pregnant, each month her body sets the stage for the arrival of a developing baby… just in case. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 7
  • 8. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide The Ovaries: Where It All Begins While the main function of the ovaries is to produce egg cells, the ovaries also manage the monthly preparation for pregnancy by creating varying amounts of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, which prepare the body to support the early growth and development of the baby. Estrogen and progesterone have other roles in the body—helping to keep bones and blood vessels healthy, for example—but it is the ovaries’ role in pregnancy that is our main focus here. Training for the Big Event Ready to sign up for the mother of all of marathons—that nine-month-long endurance event that culminates with the birth of a baby? Before you slip into your running shoes and head for the starting line, you’ll want to be sure you’re up for the race. Here are some things you can start doing right now to ensure the happiest and healthiest possible outcome to your pregnancy: Watch your weight—but not too carefully While it’s always a good idea to get to a healthy weight prior to attempting a pregnancy, the key word is “healthy,” not “body of a supermodel.” Believe it or not, the extra padding on your hips and thighs that drives you crazy on a day-to-day basis will serve you well as you embark on Project Baby. Women who have too little body fat tend to stop ovulating, which can wreak havoc on their plans to conceive, and those who do manage to conceive face an increased risk of having a low-birth weight baby (one who weighs in at less than five pounds and who could be at increased risk of experiencing some potentially serious health problems). That said, when it comes to body fat, you can have too much of a good thing. Women who start their pregnancy significantly overweight or who gain too much weight during pregnancy face a higher-than-average risk of experiencing pre-eclampsia (a serious medical condition characterized by extremely high blood pressure) or gestational diabetes (a form of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy and that puts a woman at increased risk of developing diabetes later in life); and of requiring a labor induction and/or a Caesarean section (two medical interventions that aren’t without risk). What’s more, overweight women are more likely to give birth to excessively large babies, babies with neural tube defects, and babies who are at increased risk of developing diabetes later in life. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 8
  • 9. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Now before you do anything drastic, like bidding a fond goodbye to cheesecake or swearing off Tidbits and all your other favorite foods for the next nine months, make sure you’ve actually got some weight to lose. Studies have shown that 97% of women who consider themselves to be slightly overweight are actually within the normal weight range for their height. Since most of us tend to be less than objective when sizing up our own bodies, rather than merely looking in the mirror it’s better to see how your weight measures up on the Body Mass Index (BMI). Here’s how to interpret the BMI figure that you’ll find in the table for someone of your particular height and weight: • If your BMI falls between 20 and 25, you’re already at a healthy weight. (You’re also in very good company! Nearly half of women of childbearing age fall into the “healthy weight” category.) Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 9
  • 10. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide • If your BMI is greater than 25 but less than 27, you’re in the “overweight warning zone” (in other words, those few extra pounds will bring a problem for you). • If your BMI is greater than 27 but less than 30, you’re at risk of developing some weight- related health problems. • If your BMI is 30 or greater, you’re classified as obese and consequently face an even greater risk of experiencing weight-related health problems. If your BMI is higher and you’d like to lose a few pounds before you become pregnant, the last thing your body needs or wants is to be forced to follow the Fad Diet du Jour. Not only do you run the risk of depleting your body of the very types of nutrients it will need to build a healthy baby, your body will actually stop ovulating. (When your body is faced with famine-like conditions, it goes into self-preservation mode. After all, if there’s barely enough food around to sustain you, your body isn’t about to do anything crazy like embark on a pregnancy.) A far more sensible approach to losing those unwanted pounds is to eat sensibly and exercise regularly. It will not be the quick fix or magic little pill that you’re after, but it’s a much more body-friendly alternative to crash dieting. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 10
  • 11. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Conceiving & Gender: Boy or Girl? In order to fully understand , or apply, the gender selection methods discussed below, we first need to review the dynamics of fertility, conception, and early pregnancy. Gender is determined even before the fertilized egg attaches itself to the mother's womb, but the strategies underlying gender selection techniques require that you have a firm grasp on how a baby is conceived, and when precisely ovulation and conception take place during your menstrual cycle. You will also need to recognize natural fertility signs - changes in cervical mucus, cervix position, and basal body temperature. Timing Intercourse What does it mean to "time lovemaking"? To provide a brief summary, timing intercourse (i.e., have procreative sex) refers to planning to make love around your most fertile time of the month, the days just preceding and during ovulation. You do not need a stopwatch to "time intercourse" - it's not a race - but you will need an ovulation calendar or fertility chart so you can identify your "fertile window" - those crucial days of the month when you can conceive a baby. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 11
  • 12. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide As noted above, "timing intercourse" is central not only to conceiving a baby, but to also influencing baby gender. Let's begin with ovulation. Ovulation is defined as the release of the egg from the mature ovarian follicle - the time of the month when you are most fertile. If you are trying to conceive a baby - or select the gender of your future child - then knowing when you ovulate is very important as you need to time lovemaking during this short, "fertile window" of opportunity. For gender selection, you not only need to time intercourse for ovulation, but further pinpoint days that will favor the odds of having a girl! During the ovulation phase that precedes the release of a woman's egg, estrogen levels are high in order to help build the endometrial lining of the womb, stimulate luteinizing hormone, and facilitate the production of cervical mucus. Cervical mucus is produced inside the cervix, and as you approach your ovulation date, the amount of cervical fluids will markedly increase. Moreover, you will see changes in the look and feel of these cervical fluids. Why do these changes take place? Because cervical mucus plays an important role in human reproduction, allowing sperm to more efficiently "swim" from your vagina, through the cervical canal, and into the womb. Cervical mucus also offers protection for the sperm and will help the sperm stay alive longer (up to five days inside a woman's body). Therefore, the presence of fertile cervical mucus prior to and during ovulation will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 12
  • 13. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide As a fertility sign, observing changes in the amount and quality of cervical mucus is a great ovulation prediction method. As you near ovulation, the amount of cervical fluids will increase and the texture will change from sticky to slippery, from dry and firm to stretchy and thin. It will also change in appearance from white or yellow to a more clear, translucent, or egg-white look and feel. Fertile-quality, or "egg-white cervical mucus", is the perfect medium in which sperm can "swimmingly" navigate their way to the egg. And when you see it, you know that ovulation is about to take place or already underway. Observing changes in cervical mucus is also an important variable in gender selection. For gender selection techniques, cervical mucus alters the pH levels of the vagina - and we'll see how relative acidity or alkalinity in the vagina will favor the odds of having a boy or a girl. Ovulation takes place around the middle of your cycle. Estrogen, dominant during the first weeks of your cycle, suddenly begins to drop and luteinizing hormone (LH) suddenly rises - and how! Right in the middle of your cycle, you will experience what is called the LH surge. LH functions to wear a hole in the surface of the ovarian follicle where the egg matures. This breakdown in the surface of the follicle allows the egg to burst into the fallopian tube, the passageway leading to the womb. Ovulation tests function by detecting the LH surge and are very effective in predicting fertility – and, as we shall see, in assisting with gender selection methods. A positive ovulation test will show you that you will ovulate within the next 12 to 36 hours. Ovulation directly follows the LH surge, typically mid-cycle. The egg is released and can live for 24 hours, so timing lovemaking is crucial both for conceiving and, according to all modern theories, “tactically” influencing gender. Following ovulation, estrogen levels slowly decline and LH drops off the map. Now, progesterone becomes the dominant hormone during the second half of your menstrual cycle, the luteal phase. See the figure above: The black line signifies progesterone, and as you can see it rises with ovulation and peaks during the middle of the luteal phase. In an interesting turn of events, what was formerly known as the ovarian follicle (which housed the maturing ovum) now becomes the corpus luteum. In this secondary role, the corpus luteum is the "luteal body" that secretes progesterone. Progesterone warms the body for pregnancy. By taking and recording your resting (or basal) temperature daily, you can identify this thermal shift and know when you ovulate each month! After ovulation, the egg is swept into the fallopian tube and drifts along, brushed by waves of hair-like cilia toward the womb. If you have correctly predicted ovulation - and timed intercourse effectively - then between 100 and 300 million sperm will be on the way to the Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 13
  • 14. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide solitary ovum. However, some sperm will probably become lost, heading in the wrong direction or up the wrong the fallopian tube; other sperm will be neutralized by the immunity-function of white blood cells; still other sperm will be hindered by different pH levels of the vagina. In fact, of the millions of sperm that start their way from the vagina to the fallopian tube, only several hundred of the healthiest will meet the egg! The sperm will typically find the egg in the lower quadrant of a fallopian tube and start to swarm around the surface of the egg. The ovum is covered by a protective field known as the zona pellucida, and in order for fertilization to take place, sperm cells must find a keyhole (or receptor) to unlock the zona pellucida, gain entrance, and burrow their way to the oocyte, the genetic core of the ovum. Only one sperm will connect with the oocyte, precipitating genetic combination – and signaling that fertilization has just taken place. The gender of your baby will be decided at this moment, when the sex chromosome of the single sperm unites with the sex chromosome contained in the ovum. With fertilization, the ovum becomes the zygote - or embryo - and now passes through complex phases of cell division and differentiation. You have just conceived! Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 14
  • 15. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide How Gender Is Decided How gender is "decided" biologically is based on the combination of two sex chromosomes that are inherited from the mother and the father. A woman's egg contains an X chromosome and a man's sperm contributes a determining Y or X chromosome. Whether the child will be a boy or a girl depends on if the sperm from the male contains an X (girl) or a Y (boy). Much of modern gender selection speculation focuses on the different characteristics of "male/Y" or "female/X" sperm, like how fast each type of sperm swims, or how long each sperm type can survive in the womb, or which type of sperm can better withstand different pH-levels (acidity) in the vagina. To provide a brief overview, when a woman ovulates, the egg always carries just an X chromosome. However, an individual sperm will carry either an X or a Y chromosome. If a sperm with an X chromosome fertilizes the egg, the embryo will develop into a girl (XX). If a sperm with a Y chromosome fertilized the egg, the embryo will develop into a boy (XY). Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 15
  • 16. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Hence, we frequently refer to sperm as being either “boy” (Y) or “girl” (X) sperm, even though these terms are configurative and rather unscientific sounding. What has been firmly established, however, is that male (Y) and female (X) sperm exhibit different physical attributes and unique qualities. And by understanding the properties and behaviors of each type of sperm, environmental-reproductive contingencies will be manipulated to favor the odds of one type of sperm reaching the egg and determining the gender of your baby. From this theoretical foundation, a number of gender selection theories have evolved, which attempts to control a number of variables: timing intercourse in relation to ovulation date, use of sexual position/depth of male penetration, and presence or absence of female orgasm. Method of sex selection is that by changing these three factors above, X or Y chromosome sperm will be offered a differential advantage in being able to reach, and therefore fertilize, the egg. The Y-chromosome sperm (boys) have been found to be smaller and faster than the female X-chromosome sperm. They exhibit high motility and be able to get to the egg quickly. However, Y-chromosome sperm will be less resilient than X-chromosome sperm, will die sooner, and will not be able to withstand more acidic environments (pH levels of the vagina) during certain times of the menstrual cycle. Boy sperm live fast and die young, so to speak. The X-chromosome sperm (girls) have been found to be more robust and resilient than the Y sperm - and more deliberate (slower). X-chromosome sperm are larger and are more capable of enduring vaginal environments where the pH levels are more acidic. Typically, the vagina and cervical environments become less acidic right before and during ovulation, due to the increased presence of fertile cervical mucus. Boy sperm live fast and die young. Girl sperm are like the tortoise in the Tortoise and the Hare children's fable: “Slow and steady still wins the race”. Vagina environments, sexual positions, and dates of intercourse (timed in relation to ovulation) will favor one sperm type over the other, based on the unique X and Y sperm attributes described above. The pH acidity or alkalinity in the vagina and cervix will have an effect on the gender of your baby. In short, X or girl sperm, while more robust and slower than Y/male sperm, are more resilient to acidity in the vagina. X's will be slower, but they will also be able to withstand an acidic environment where pH levels "weed out" the male-chromosome sperm. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 16
  • 17. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Male or Y sperm are quick and speedy, but weaker, so if knocked out by unfavorable pH levels, the "girl sperm" must outlast the males and fertilize the egg. High alkalinity, on the other hand, would tend to favor the alacrity of male sperm and a “quick trip to the egg” for the Y-chromosome sperm. As noted in our previous section, pH levels of the vagina can be naturally altered by changes in cervical mucus when a woman approaches ovulation. On the days just prior to and during ovulation, cervical mucus becomes “fertile” and is characterized by high alkalinity (lower acidity). To clarify, higher vaginal acidity during the “transitional” days several days before ovulation will favor girl sperm (not because an acidic environment is better - it’s not - but because the more robust and larger X-chromosome sperm can endure this environment longer than the weaker, faster Y-sperm). In turn, high alkalinity favors boy sperm because it provides an overall sperm-friendly environment - and high-alkaline vaginal environments are typically associated with fertile-quality cervical mucus which is produced directly before and during ovulation. Vaginal pH levels can also be influenced by female orgasm: If a woman has an orgasm during procreative sex, secretions will be released that make the vagina and cervix more alkaline. Therefore, alkalinity and orgasms would by implication, favor the “boy sperm”. Douching is also another (more controversial) method for “controlling” the relative acidity or alkalinity of the vaginal tract. Acidic or alkaline douching solutions are recommended in some theories helping out girl or boy sperm respectively. How Is Ultrasound Used? A doctor will order or perform an ultrasound for a wide variety of reasons during pregnancy. It might be used to confirm an early pregnancy, to determine whether it is a multiple pregnancy (twins or triplets, for example), to assign the due date by assessing the gestational age (how far along the pregnancy is), to measure the size and rate of the baby’s growth, to check the blood flow in the umbilical cord, or to make sure the baby’s organs are developing normally. While 3D ultrasound produces the pictures that are most irresistible to parents, it is 2D ultrasound that is most useful to the doctor because it shows the internal organs of both baby and mother. There are several other types of ultrasound images that can provide additional information to help the doctor evaluate the pregnancy. For this reason, a sonogram will often include 2D ultrasound images together with images of one or more of the other types of ultrasound. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 17
  • 18. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide The ultrasound images and explanations in this book answer the questions of every pregnant couple: How is our baby growing? What does our baby look like now? What changes are happening this week? This month? How does ultrasound help my doctor make sure my baby is developing normally? It’s just amazing. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 18
  • 19. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide To Have A Boy If the boy sperm are faster but have a shorter life span, then the objective here is to time lovemaking in nearest proximity to ovulation - right before ovulation takes place or the day you ovulate. The concept here is that Y-chromosome sperm will swim quicker than the X-chromosome and more of the Ys will reach the egg sooner. Therefore, the chances of having a boy are increased. Remember, the egg can survive for only 24 hours following ovulation. Only one sperm can fertilize the egg (out of the millions who start the journey), so timing intercourse close to ovulation would favor quicker Y-chromosome sperm, even if their lifespan is short. To increase the odds of having a boy baby, do not have intercourse during your "transitional fertile” days four to five days before you ovulate. Rather, time lovemaking directly prior to and during ovulation – your “peak fertility” days. Make some deep penetration in order to get the sperm closer to the cervical canal, closer to the egg, and more likely closer to the abundant cervical mucus that must be present during your most fertile days. As for sexual position, rear entry or "doggy style" for deepest penetration. The women have to try to have an orgasm at the same time as the man or before the man; purportedly, orgasms increase endocervical secretion and increase the pH alkaline level of the vagina. The men have to avoid wearing tight clothes and taking hot showers, etc, prior to intercourse as heat will more likely weed out the Y-sperm than the X-sperm. Together, these factors must: 1) Decrease the travel distance of sperm 2) Provide a more alkaline pH environment in the vagina (due to presence of cervical mucus and/or female orgasm) 3) Get male sperm to the egg quicker 4) Promote environments conducive to male sperm survival. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 19
  • 20. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide To Have A Girl To have a girl, we simply reverse the terms. Instead of timing intercourse directly prior/during ovulation, make love during the transitional days and up to two to three days before you ovulate. Try to avoid sex when your cervical mucus is most fertile (when you have egg-white cervical fluids) or after you receive a positive ovulation test or strong ferning patterns on your ovulation microscope. The women have to avoid having an orgasm and recommends shallow penetration to make it more arduous for male sperm to make the big journey. Hence, the missionary position is advised - or any shallow-penetration strategy that deposits sperm near the entrance to the cervix. The principle here is that these integrated methods will favor the slower, more resilient sperm. Female X-chromosome sperm can endure a more acidic vaginal environment, live longer, and swim further than their male counterparts. In order to implement the method, we need also know when you ovulate during your cycle. Predicting ovulation accurately is the key to success in conceiving, as timing intercourse is the cornerstone of influencing your baby's gender. Let's take a practical approach to applying this method… Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 20
  • 21. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Timing and Frequency of Intercourse: Again, timing sex is the key to this method. To increase the odds of conceiving a girl baby, it is recommended to time intercourse daily from the end of your period up to 2 to 3 days before you anticipate ovulation to take place. This method favors the slower but larger and more resilient X-chromosome sperm (girls). X sperm will fare better than Y sperm in a more acidic vaginal environment when cervical mucus is not yet quite "fertile". To conceive a boy, it’s recommended to time intercourse directly prior to and during ovulation. This means commencing with sex no earlier than 24 hours before ovulation. Having sex the day you ovulate is also crucial. The fast but less "durable" Y-chromosome sperm are favored when cervical mucus is fertile, like egg-white, and the vagina is less acidic. Sexual Position and Orgasm: Sexual position and orgasm are also variables in determining gender. To conceive a girl, shallow penetration is advised (ala the missionary position) and the woman must not have an orgasm, as this can produce alkaline mucus that will favor boy sperm. To conceive a boy, orgasm is needed, as are deep-penetration positions that deposit the sperm above the neck of the cervix, such as rear entry or “doggy style”. BBT Charting: Fertility charting with a basal thermometer will provide you with the date of your ovulation thermal shift. The day you ovulate, progesterone levels increase in your body, causing a marked jump in your resting (or basal) temperature. Usually, you will see this increase a day after you ovulate. Over a few unique cycles, you'll see patterns that indicate when ovulation typically takes place for you. If you are trying to have a girl, you'll know to begin timing sex during the period at least 2 to 3 days out from your moment of peak fertility. That's because "girl sperm" can survive longer than "boy sperm" - they are more robust and able to survive the more acidic vaginal conditions that exist antecedent to the presence of more "fertile cervical mucus" during ovulation. To have a boy, you need to time intercourse as close to ovulation as possible - with 24 hours and the day of. For more details and instructions on BBT charting, see our discussion on the side panel. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 21
  • 22. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Cervical Mucus: Cervical fluids play a unique role in reproductive success. During most of your cycle, you have acidic or hostile cervical mucus (or very little mucus at all), which protects the vagina, but is very inimical to sperm health. However, during your time of peak fertility, cervical fluids increase and become "fertile", providing a more alkaline, sperm-friendly medium in which sperm can thrive. Y-chromosome sperm need cervical mucus more than the more robust X-chromosome sperm. During ovulation, cervical mucus is abundant and like raw egg-white. It's stretchy, thin, watery, and translucent. To time intercourse to have a girl, you need to have sex before experiencing this quality of fertile cervical mucus. In other words, the presence of "transitional cervical mucus" indicates the period to time intercourse for having a girl baby. To have a boy, wait until you experience fertile, egg-white cervical mucus and then begin having sex. Below you will find an overview of the changes that will take place in your cervical fluid throughout your cycle. Pre-Ovulation: Following the menstrual period, there is a feeling of dryness. There will be no visible mucus. Gradually, more mucus will accumulate - yellow, cloudy, or white in color and CM will be sticky to the touch. It must “hold its form” (will not be pliable or stretchy but stiff and tacky). Vaginal environment: hostile to sperm, pH level = acidic. Approaching Ovulation (Transitional): As you approach ovulation, your cervical mucus will increase. First, there will be a moistness or stickiness to the mucus, as well as a white or cream-colored appearance. CM will still hold its form, though it exhibit some viscous or fluid characteristics. Vaginal environment: somewhat hostile to sperm, pH level = relatively acidic. Robust girl sperm favored. During Ovulation (Peak Fertility): At ovulation, the quantity of mucus will increase greatly and the appearance will resemble "egg whites", often semitransparent. The texture will become increasingly slippery and 'stretchable'. This is your most fertile time. Cervical mucus must stretch between your Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 22
  • 23. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide fingers like raw egg whites and CM must be translucent. Vaginal environment: fertile, hospitable to sperm, pH level = relatively alkaline. Faster boy-sperm favored. Following Ovulation: Following ovulation, the slippery quality of the cervical mucus will decrease and the mucus will become sticky and cloudier. Post-ovulatory dryness will also ensue. Vaginal environment: increasingly hostile to sperm, pH level = relatively acidic. If ovulation date has passed, it’s academic – you are at low fertility. Ovulation Predictor Kits and Fertility Monitors: You have to use the ovulation tests - though saliva microscopes like Fertile Focus and digital fertility monitors are equally excellent for tracking fertility. For LH urine tests, it is advised to test twice daily as you need to detect the earliest moment of your LH surge. Test in the late morning or early afternoon, and then again in the evening. The presence of a positive ovulation test indicates that you will likely ovulate within 12 to 36 hours. Hence, if you want a boy, you need to abstain from intercourse until you verify that ovulation is imminent with a positive result on your ovulation predictor kit. It’s even recommended by some to wait 12 hours after your first positive OPK to time lovemaking (if you want to have a boy). For conceiving girls, a positive ovulation test would indicate that it’s time to stop procreative lovemaking for this particular cycle. If you are using a saliva ovulation microscope, "transitional" ferning patterns will indicate the best time to favor X-chromosome sperm, though you'll need to wait for strong "positive" ferning patterns to favor Y-chromosome sperm. High-tech fertility monitors like OvaCue or the ClearBlue will provide you with transition and peak fertility dates. To augment your fertility chart and cervical mucus observations, a digital fertility monitor can tell you when to make love for a girl (transitional days) and for a boy (peak days). The more charting techniques and natural fertility signs you employ, the better you will be able to pinpoint when ovulation takes place each month. Along with BBT charting, monitoring cervical mucus, and ovulation testing, other natural fertility signs include 1) changes in the position of the cervix 2) increased libido 3) increased breast sensitivity 4) mittelschmerz (ovulation pains) 5) and spotting during ovulation. Not all women will experience these symptoms. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 23
  • 24. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Let’s Get Pregnant! If you conceive on one of the remaining dates of the month (outside of the Crucial Dates), you will end up with the 50/50 chance of conceiving either a boy or a girl. And you do NOT want to let 'Mother Nature' decide for you this time, do you? So all you have to do is to have intercourse on the 'Crucial Dates' each month (the dates change from one month to another) and to protect yourself from conception for the remaining days of the month until you finally get pregnant with your little prince… or princess! Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 24
  • 25. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Did you know that... ALKALINITY favors the conception of a baby BOY ACIDITY favors the conception of a baby GIRL This is an important gender selection factor that most people are not aware of. This simple scientific theory was a part of both our high school's biology and chemistry classes. (We were probably day dreaming back then and we forgot all about it...!) Still, scientific researches have demonstrated many times that the woman's reproductive tract 'acidity level' will definitely have a DIRECT impact on the gender of the baby she will conceive. The woman's reproductive tract includes:  The vagina  The ovaries  The fallopian tubes  The cervix The man carries 2 types of sperm:  The X-chromosome sperm (GIRL)  The Y-chromosome sperm (BOY) X-sperm (GIRL) are: bigger - slower - more resilient in the woman's tract. Y-sperm (BOY) are: smaller - faster - weak - less resilient in the tract. The mother-to-be internal environment (tract) could be too acidic OR too alkaline and simply "kill" the "Y" sperm (BOY) or the "X" sperm (GIRL). Remember that the male Y-sperm are weaker. A highly acidic tract is a harsher environment for them to survive in. Once they've been eliminated by acidity, the only ones left to reach the ovum are the X-sperm, producing a baby girl. On the other hand, if the woman's tract is highly alkaline, it will act as a booster on the "Y" sperm (male) in addition to the fact that they already are faster and will easily beat the "X" sperm (female) in their run to the ovum (egg). So quite simply, the *optimal* pH acidity level of your reproductive tract will most definitely make ALL the difference in the process of selecting your baby's gender. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 25
  • 26. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide No matter which gender selection method you intend to use and even if you strictly follow the rules, you could still fail at conceiving the desired gender if you are either too acidic or too alkaline. STEP #1: Testing your pH Level The FIRST STEP you definitely must go through before you can even dream about selecting your baby's gender is to make sure that you have the optimal and appropriate pH level. Because if you don't, you might as well forget about it. This is a pure and simple theory backed by scientific evidence. There is no way around it. You just can't beat the nature. Don't even try to go against it. Work with it. The very first step towards baby gender selection success is the mother's pH level. Years of scientific researches and evidences can't be wrong. Test the pH level of the mother's reproductive tract to determine if it is favorable to the conception of a baby boy OR a baby girl. This Kit will not only tell you what is your pH level but it will also give you complete instructions and guidelines (100% safe and natural) on exactly HOW to adjust and maintain your pH level in the optimal zone required to conceive the desired gender (if needed). You MUST test your pH level each month for 5 consecutive days PRIOR to attempting conception on the 'Crucial Dates'. As a woman, there are very short periods of time when you are likely to conceive. In these short periods of time, certain factors will decide to whether a boy or a girl is conceived. It is as simple as this: If your ph is alkaline you are much more likely to have a boy. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 26
  • 27. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide If your ph is acidic you are much more likely to have a girl. Why use the PH Level Test Kit? • Highly accurate pH test strips • Color chart to analyze your test results • Calculation grid to determine your pH level • Complete easy-to-follow instructions • The optimal pH level required to conceive a Boy or a Girl • 100% safe & natural methods to adjust your pH level STEP #2: Adjusting your pH Level (If needed...) Now that you have completed your pH level test and have your results... 2 OPTIONS: 1. If your pH level is already in the appropriate "Optimal Zone"... Congratulations! You can go to STEP #3 right now and try to conceive on the next set of 'Crucial Dates'! 2. If your pH level is NOT in the appropriate "optimal zone"... You MUST adjust your pH level BEFORE trying to conceive on our now famous and renown 'Crucial Dates'. There is absolutely NO way around it! (It will make ALL the difference between success or failure for you...) Have an Orgasm! When you reach orgasm, your body starts to produce specific substances that alter the acidity of your vagina. When your vagina is more alkaline than acid, you have a perfect environment for conceiving a boy! Not only having an orgasm before your man makes your vagina less acidic and more alkaline, which favors the boy producing Y sperm, but the contractions that accompany orgasm help move the sperm up and into the cervix. An additional chance for the boy producing Y sperm being available when the egg is available for fertilization! So… ladies first!  Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 27
  • 28. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide 1. Douche Some professionals suggest of the use of water & vinegar douche, whereby you will make your pH level more acidic and favor the conception of a baby girl. Or that if you douche with a water & baking soda solution, your pH level will be more alkaline and therefore favor the conception of a baby boy. STEP #3: Conceiving on the 'Crucial Dates' Is there something like optimal time of conception that favors the birth of boy babies? Scientists have long been suspecting that there really is a connection between the time of year that baby's been conceived and her sex. The sex ratio between female and male births seems to vary with the seasons of the year. More interesting, it seems to correlate with temperature about one month before conception! Scientists from the University of Muenster in Germany compared monthly temperatures in Germany from 1946 to 2001 with German birth records of that period. He found that more girls were born after cold spells, and boys followed heat waves. Indeed, it looks like temperatures before the babies were conceived somehow influenced the sex of those children! 1. How to Predicting My "Special Days"? There will be two variations in temperature during a cycle, three if conception has occurred. For most women, 96.5 to 97.5 degrees is considered normal during the first two weeks of the menstrual cycle, prior to 'Special Days' and 97.6 to 98.6 degrees after 'Special Days' due to hormonal changes. Post-'Special Days' temps will remain high for a period usually 12 to 16 days until they drop again when your cycle ends and menstrual period begins. By charting the differences you can determine when 'Special Days' has taken place. What you are looking for is a temperature shift of at least 0.4 degrees higher than all temperatures the previous six days over a 48-hour period. After doing a few charts, you will notice a very distinct and predictable pattern of 'Special Days', which will help you time future intercourse. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 28
  • 29. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide 2. How to take my Basal Body Temperature? To take your Basal Body Temperature, you need a special (ultrasensitive) BBT thermometer. Such a thermometer is graduated in one-tenth of a degree increments, and is generally inexpensive ($6-$12). Your Basal Body Temperature can be taken either orally or vaginally, with orally being the more accurate method. Whichever you choose, try to keep it consistent throughout the cycle. Also try to place the BBT thermometer the same location in your mouth or the same depth vaginally every day. Your BBT temperature refers to the temperature of your body at rest - your temperature when you first wake up in the morning. It is recommended that you take your BBT first thing upon awakening, after at least three to four hours of sleep, before doing anything else (or your temperature will fluctuate), as well as avoid eating or drinking. Your temperature can rise up to one-tenth of a degree for every 30 minutes taken later than normal and fall one-tenth of a degree for every 30 minutes taken earlier than normal. If your temperature wasn't taken at the normal time, adjust it using this rule. Your temperature can also be affected if you have a fever, if you didn't get a good night's sleep, if you had an alcoholic drink the night before, if you experienced a jet lag and by changes in sleeping habits. Studies indicate that the sperm with the X chromosome - or female chromosome - have a longer life span than the male sperm (with the Y chromosome). Yet the male sperm appear to have a higher motility. Sperm motility is measured in two ways: percentage of sperm exhibiting movement, and the quality - or dynamics - of this movement, which is called the forward progression. Poor motility means the sperm have a difficult time swimming toward the egg. FertilAid for Men is a non-prescription male fertility supplement that has been shown to improve sperm motility. Hence, "female sperm" exhibit less motility - yet have a longer life span. The "male sperm" exhibit increased motility, but have a shorter life span than the X chromosome sperm. It is believed that if intercourse takes place on 'Special Days', then the probability is greater that the child will be male, due to the high motility (forward progression) and the decreased life span of the sperm. The sperm with the X chromosome - or female chromosome - have a longer life span than the male sperm, but exhibit decreased motility. Therefore, intercourse that takes place earlier will provide an increased probability of a girl. And don't forget your PH level... Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 29
  • 30. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide PH is alkaline you are much more likely to have a boy. PH is acidic you are much more likely to have a girl. Reminder: For An Absolutely 'Mind-Boggling' Success Rate, you must accurately calculate your 'Crucial Dates'. You can practice it for three months and grasp the law of your 'Special Days'. The Most Important Part: How to predict your Special Days You must start testing 5 days before you are due to ovulate daily, if you are unsure check the chart below to see when to start testing. Cycle Length Start Testing 21 days Day 6 22 days Day 6 23 days Day 7 24 days Day 7 25 days Day 8 26 days Day 9 27 days Day 10 28 days Day 11 29 days Day 12 30 days Day 13 31 days Day 14 32 days Day 15 33 days Day 16 34 days Day 17 35 days Day 18 36 days Day 19 37 days Day 20 38 days Day 21 For example, if your menstrual cycle is 34 days and last period was on 4th May, you have to start testing your PH level and body temperature 5 days before May 21th. If your PH level is between 6.2-7.5 and your body temperature is above 36.9 degree Celsius, you'll conceive a baby boy. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 30
  • 31. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide If your PH level is between 4.5-5.7 and your body temperature is between 36.5-36.9 degree Celsius, you'll conceive a baby girl. This is a pure and simple theory backed by scientific evidence. There is no way around it. You just can't beat the nature. Don't even try to go against it. Work with it. Years of scientific researches and evidences can't be wrong. It has been proven over and over again with 76,879 couples from all over the world! We can provide technical support if you has questions about the baby gender selection. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 31
  • 32. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Step-By-Step Method To Conceive Information presented in this ebook is quite comprehensively introducing the main principles and methods of gender planning, therefore we think now it is more or less clear for you what must be done, why and how it must be done in order to maximum increase probability of giving a birth to a baby of desirable gender . Regardless of the fact that currently it is possible to easily use almost all described methods, we are sure, that most of readers will hardly ever try procedures of artificial planning, nor will start to order expensive calendars. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 32
  • 33. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Considering this, we have tried to create procedure of important steps, which would join the main methods of natural planning, and the process itself would become coherent, clear and free of charge. Part of advices is meant for men, the other part for women, and some advices - for both genders at the same time. If in the line of advice “Husband” column is marked by plus sign, that means it's for men, if plus stands at “Wife” this is a woman's task, and if both columns are marked both will have to fulfill a task . These important steps are presented in such an order, that nothing bad will happen if you consciously or unconsciously miss any of them, and you will not have to start everything from the beginning. Just simply continue from that place, were the time left until planned moment of impregnation corresponds to the real terms. Of course, the less steps you will make, the less will be probability of success, however, even in that case it will be much higher than if trusting only on the God's will, don’t you agree? Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 33
  • 34. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Steps To Conceive A Baby Boy Steps Time Advices Husband Wife 1 3-4 months Start filling calendar of fertile days. For watching fertility evidences and determining - + ovulation use any method acceptable for you. 2 1-2 month a) Start a "sodium - potassium" diet. Eat more meat, fish, and salted and smoked products. + + Use possibly less milk and dairy products. b) In fertility calendar set 'Special Day' or the other day possibly closest to it. - + c) Plan monthly agenda in the way that nobody and nothing (unexpected outing, party + + with lots of used alcohol, etc.) could disturb sexual intercourse in the chosen day. 3 2 -3 weeks a) Make sexual life more active. Have sexual intercourses at least 2-3 times a week, + + however use contraception means for preventing pregnancy without intention. b) Keep the testes cool by staying under a cool environment. Avoid outfits like + - jockstraps, wet suits and other tight-fitting clothing such as jogging suits. 4 1-2 days If necessary, move the family bed in which you will make love in North-South direction. + - Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 34
  • 35. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide 5 8-24 hours Set yourself psychologically for the lovemaking act. Create intimate and cozy + + environment, and a good mood. 6 2-4 hours Rest and relax. + - 7 30-60 min. Take a cup or two of strong caffeinated coffee. + - 8 15-30 min. Conduct soda douching prior to sexual 15-30 min. intercourse. (2 stricken teaspoons, i.e. - + without pile, mix with 500 ml of water) 9 0 min. Use deep penetration and the "rear entry" position. + + Try to experience orgasm during sexual intercourse before the man ejaculates. - + If you are not sure of Special day, you must repeat steps 5-9 of the procedure next day as well. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 35
  • 36. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Steps To Conceive A Baby Girl Steps Time Advices Husband Wife 1 3-4 months Start filling calendar of fertile days. For watching fertility evidences and determining - + ovulation use any method acceptable for you. 2 1-2 month a) Start "calcium-magnesium" diet. Use more milk and dairy products. Use possibly less + + meat, fish, and salted and smoked products. b) In fertility calendar set the day, which is 2 days before ovulation day. - + c) Plan monthly agenda in the way, that nobody and nothing (unexpected outing, party + + with lots of used alcohol, etc.) could disturb sexual intercourse in the chosen day. 3 2 -3 weeks a) Make sexual life rate slower. Take the trouble to have sexual intercourses as rare as + + possible or refuse them at all. b) Keep the testes warm by staying under a warm environment but be warned that + - prolong wear of overly tight outfit can lower your sperm count so much that no pregnancy is possible. 4 1-2 days If necessary, move the family bed in which you will make love in East-West direction. + - Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 36
  • 37. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide 5 8-24 hours Set yourself psychologically for the lovemaking act. Create intimate and cozy + + environment, and a good mood. 6 2-4 hours Take easy exercises or play easy sports, or do simple physical jobs. + - 7 30-60 min. Abstain from having coffee or other drinks with caffeine. + - 8 15-30 min. Conduct vinegar douching prior to sexual intercourse (2 teaspoons of 3% apple vinegar - + mix with 500ml of water) 9 0 min. Use shallow penetration in the "missionary" position (face to face with male on top) + + Make sure not to achieve orgasm prior man ejaculation. Visualize a girl during orgasm. - + After sexual intercourse, restrain from sexual relations or use contraception means until fertility period of current cycle will end. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 37
  • 38. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Sexy Science: Assume Position! Let’s review what we've learned up to this point. The sperm that contains the y chromosome is different than the sperm that contains the x chromosome, correct? The sperm which contains the x chromosome or baby girl sperm is larger, heavier, slower and much tougher. We also know that the male sperm will rush to fertilize the women’s egg. While it can be faster than the female sperm, it will also die quicker. Now, there are ways that you can make use of this information to work in your favor. That’s right, you guessed it. Baby isn't even conceived yet and you’re already making the necessary adjustment. Now you’re going to change your positions during intercourse to help you pick your baby’s gender! Wouldn’t that be great or what?  Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 38
  • 39. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Sexual Positions To Conceive A Baby Boy So you want a baby boy? To get pregnant with a baby boy, you have to position the sperm as close as possible to the egg. This gives the weak little guys a short trip and limits their time in a hostile vaginal environment. 1. From Behind (a.k.a. "doggy style"): Who doesn’t like doggie? This is one of the most powerful ways to have sex. The woman kneels before the man, facing away. Penetration is then from behind, enabling the man to enter with deeper thrusts and deposit the sperm close to the cervix. Due to the control this position offers the man, his orgasms could be a lot more intense as well. If you want to have even more fun with this position, the man can use his arm around and stroke his partner's breast as well as clitoris during intercourse. The woman, on the other hand, can delight her partner by reaching in between, "tickling" his testicles softly as he moves the base of his penis. The resulting orgasms will astonish you both! 2. The “Spread Eagle” position. This position requires the woman to lie on her stomach and spread her legs wide. The man then enters her vagina from behind. This position Allows the man to penetrate the vagina deep. The man being in control helps because he knows exactly when he is about to ejaculate and can thrust his penis deep into the vagina while he ejaculates. It’s important that the man ensures deep penetration as he ejaculates so that the sperm gets up above the neck of the cervix. 3. The “Astride” position. This position requires the woman to sit astride the man with her legs on each side while the man lies on his back.The woman then lowers herself to the man so that his penis penetrates her vagina. With the woman on top it’s important for the man to communicate when he’s about to ejaculate so that the woman can press down and ensure the deepest penetration possible during ejaculation. TIP: To conceive a boy, penis must penetrate as deep as possible while ejaculating. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 39
  • 40. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Sexual Positions To Conceive A Baby Girl So you want a baby girl? Then you have to do some shallow penetration with your partner. A better window of opportunity allows the slower, yet much more durable "female sperm" to take their time to accomplish their purpose. 1. Missionary Position (a.k.a. Man on top): A lot of experts and parents have the same opinion that having the man positioned on top offers the greatest possibility of having a girl. The extent of penetration combined with the prone position of the woman allows the sperm to be deposited near the cervical opening. Additional "plus" for this popular position is that it allows both partners to communicate through seductive looks, intimate kisses, touches and oral stimulation of breasts and nipples (for both partners!), and movement. 2. Spooning: The woman lay down with her back to her partner and he cuddles her from behind. The penetration with this position will not be as deep as the ‘doggy style’, but both partners can be quite relaxed, which can really help to achieve conception. The woman can move against her partner, inviting stimulation and allowing him to enter her from behind. The man is able to manually stimulate the woman's breasts and clitoris. Gentle kisses and communication between the two can ignite even more satisfaction. 3. "Living on the Edge": You have to take this one literally! The woman lays on the edge of the bed or couch. The man can then enter from the front from either a standing or kneeling position. Like the missionary position, penetration will not be as deep as the doggy style. The unusual position will excite you both. Again, manual stimulation of both partners can add even more pleasure and intensity. Gravity, ladies, remains on your side helping the sperm meet their goal! TIP: To conceive a girl, withdraw penis as close as possible to cervix while ejaculating. One last thing: you have to lie down after sex. Whether you want a boy or a girl, it doesn’t matter. The woman have to lie down on her back with her hips elevated (you can try put a pillow beneath them) after sex to help the sperm swim down to her cervix. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 40
  • 41. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Diet To Conceive You’ve no doubt heard the expression “You are what you eat”, right? Well, your food intake can determine what type of sperm (male or female) a woman’s egg attracts. Therefore, what you eat will influence the boy sperm or the girl sperm to be attracted to your egg. It is advisable to begin your diet at least six weeks before you try to conceive your baby Eating a variety of healthy foods is never more important than when you’re planning a pregnancy. Don’t wait until your pregnancy is confirmed before you start eating for two; begin the moment you start trying to conceive. That means ensuring that your diet includes adequate amounts of folic acid, iron, and calcium—three nutrients that have a critically important role to play during pregnancy. You don’t, of course, have to up your caloric intake at this point, unless, of course, you’re seriously underweight and in weight-gain mode. That part of the “eating for two” program can wait until you get the official word that there’s a baby on the way. This guide is designed to provide you with an adequate number of servings from each of the four basic food groups: grain products, vegetables and fruit, milk products, and meat and alternatives. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 41
  • 42. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide The Modern/Western Diet During pregnancy, it’s important to eat a variety of healthy foods. Eating at least three meals a day and healthy snacks is probably the best way to consume a greater variety of foods. If morning sickness makes this impossible, try eating a series of snacks or small meals throughout the day. Remember that you can get servings from several food groups at once if you eat them in combination. A slice of cheese pizza, for example, would count toward servings in the grain (crust), vegetable (tomato sauce) and dairy (cheese) groups. When you’re pregnant, aim to eat more than the minimum number of servings typically recommended in each category of the food pyramid. The increased minimum serving listed on the next page will provide you with 1,800 to 2,800 calories daily. The Modern/Western Diet Plan Food Group Why You Need This Type Number of What Constitutes A Serving of Food Servings/Day Grain Grain products are critical for 5 to 12 • 1 slice of bread products converting food to energy servings • 30 grams (1 ounce) of cold cereal and for maintaining healthy • 175 mL (3/4 cup) of hot cereal nervous system. • 1/2 a bagel, pita, or bun • 125 mL (1/2 cup) of pasta or rice Vegetables Vegetables and fruits are a 5 to 12 • 1 medium-sized vegetable or fruit and fruits good source of fibre and an servings • 125 mL (1/2 cup) fresh, frozen, or excellent source of vitamin C canned vegetables or fruit as well as hundreds of • 250 mL (1 cup) of tossed salad disease-fighting compounds • 125 mL (1/2 cup) of fruit juice called phytochemicals. Milk products Milk products are an 2 to 4 servings • 250 mL (1 cup) milk excellent source of calcium, • 50 grams approximately (11/2 ounces) responsible for keeping of hard cheese bones strong and staving off • 175 mL (: cup) of yogourt osteoporosis, a debilitating bone-thinning disease. Meat and Meat and alternatives provide 2 to 3 servings • 50 to 100 grams (11/2 to 3 ounces) of Alternatives excellent sources of protein. meat, poultry, or fish • 1 to 2 eggs • 125 to 250 mL (1/2 to 1 cup) of beans • 100 grams (3 ounces) of tofu • 30 mL (2 tbsp.) of peanut butter Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 42
  • 43. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Iron Folic acid isn’t the only nutrient that a woman planning a pregnancy needs to be concerned about. Iron also plays an important role during pregnancy, helping the body to create the additional red blood cells needed to carry oxygen from your lungs to various parts of your body as well as to your growing baby. If you have a severe case of anemia, your baby faces an increased risk of intrauterine growth restriction and fetal hypoxia during labor, and you’ll be less able to handle the blood loss associated with atypical vaginal or Caesarean delivery. Unfortunately, many women of childbearing age don’t get enough iron in their diet. As a result, they already be iron-deficient (anemic) by the time they become pregnant. Because it’s important to ensure that a pregnant woman has adequate iron reserves, your doctor will likely check your hemoglobin level at your preconception health checkup and throughout your pregnancy. o Choose whole-grain foods such as whole wheat bread and brown rice. o Eat breakfast cereals that are high in fibre. (You can give your bowl of breakfast cereal an added fibre boost by topping it with fresh fruit such as bananas, blueberries, strawberries, or raisins.) o Look for ways to increase your intake of vegetables. Eat them raw or add them to soups and casseroles. o Find creative ways to work legumes into your diet, like adding beans to soups, chili, and pasta dishes. Calcium We all know that calcium plays an important role during pregnancy, but many women don’t realize why it’s so important to go into pregnancy with adequate stores of this crucial mineral. Here’s what you need to know. A woman who is calcium-deficient prior to and during pregnancy will give birth to a calcium-deficient baby who is at increased risk of being born prematurely. What’s more, she could find herself at increased risk of developing osteoporosis later in life. Even though Mother Nature does her best to ensure that a pregnant woman will obtain adequate amounts of calcium from her food—a pregnant body is twice as efficient at absorbing calcium as a non-pregnant one—if the woman isn’t consuming enough calcium-rich foods, her body will start to take calcium from her bones in order to meet the needs of her developing baby. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 43
  • 44. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Baby Gender Selection This chart is for those trying to "adjust" their body pH. The pH scale is from 0 to 14, with numbers below 7 acidic ( low on oxygen ) and numbers above 7 alkaline. Generally, alkaline forming foods include: most fruits, green vegetables, peas, beans, lentils, spices, herbs and seasonings, and seeds and nuts. Generally, acid forming foods include: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, grains, and legumes. BOY DIET GIRL DIET ALKALINE FOODS & ACIDIC FOODS & ALKALIZING VEGETABLES ACIDIFYING VEGETABLES • Alfalfa • Corn • Barley Grass • Lentils • Beet Greens • Olives • Beets • Winter Squash • Broccoli • ACIDIFYING FRUITS • Cabbage • Blueberries • Carrot • Canned or Glazed Fruits • Cauliflower • Cranberries • Celery • Currants • Chard Greens • Plums • Chlorella • Prunes • Collard Greens • Cucumber ACIDIFYING GRAINS, • Dandelions GRAIN PRODUCTS • Dulce • Edible Flowers • Amaranth • Eggplant • Barley • Fermented Veggies • Bran, oat • Garlic • Bran, wheat • Green Beans • Bread • Green Peas • Corn • Kale • Cornstarch • Kohlrabi • Crackers, soda • Lettuce • Flour, wheat • Mushrooms • Flour, white Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 44
  • 45. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide • Mustard Greens • Hemp Seed Flour • Nightshade Veggies • Kamut • Onions • Macaroni • Parsnips (high glycemic) • Noodles • Peas • Oatmeal • Peppers • Oats (rolled) • Sea Veggies • Quinoa • Spinach, green • Spelt • Spirulina • Wheat Germ • Sprouts • Wheat • Sweet Potatoes • Tomatoes ACIDIFYING BEANS & LEGUMES • Watercress • Wheat Grass • Almond Milk • Wild Greens • Black Beans • Chick Peas ALKALIZING ORIENTAL • Green Peas VEGETABLES • Kidney Beans • Lentils • Daikon • Pinto Beans • Dandelion Root • Red Beans • Kombu • Rice Milk • Maitake • Soy Beans • Nori • Soy Milk • Reishi • White Beans • Shitake • Umeboshi ACIDIFYING DAIRY • Wakam • Butter ALKALIZING FRUITS • Cheese • Cheese, Processed • Apple • Ice Cream • Apricot • Ice Milk • Avocado • Banana (high glycemic) ACIDIFYING NUTS & BUTTERS • Berries • Blackberries • Cashews • Cantaloupe • Legumes • Cherries, sour • Peanut Butter • Coconut, fresh • Peanuts • Currants • Pecans • Dates, dried • Tahini • Figs, dried • Walnuts • Grapes Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 45
  • 46. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide • Grapefruit ACIDIFYING ANIMAL PROTEIN • Honeydew Melon • Lemon • Bacon • Lime • Beef • Muskmelons • Carp • Nectarine • Clams • Orange • Cod • Peach • Corned Beef • Pear • Fish • Pineapple • Haddock • Raisins • Lamb • Lobster ALKALIZING PROTEIN • Mussels • Almonds ACIDIFYING FATS & OILS • Chestnuts • Millet • Avocado Oil • Tempeh (fermented) • Butter • Tofu (fermented) • Canola Oil • Whey Protein Powder • Corn Oil • Flax Oil ALKALIZING SWEETENERS • Hemp Seed Oil • Lard • Stevia • Olive Oil • Safflower Oil ALKALIZING SPICES & • Sesame Oil SEASONINGS • Sunflower Oil • Chili Pepper ACIDIFYING SWEETENERS • Cinnamon • Curry • Carob • Ginger • Corn Syrup • Herbs (all) • Sugar • Miso • Mustard ACIDIFYING ALCOHOL • Sea Salt • Tamari • Beer • Hard Liquor ALKALIZING OTHER • Spirits • Wine • Alkaline Antioxidant Water • Apple Cider Vinegar ACIDIFYING OTHER FOODS • Bee Pollen • Fresh Fruit Juice • Catsup Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 46
  • 47. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide • Green Juices • Cocoa • Lecithin Granules • Mustard • Mineral Water • Pepper • Molasses, blackstrap • Soft Drinks • Probiotic Cultures • Vinegar • Soured Dairy Products • Veggie Juices ACIDIFYING DRUGS & CHEMICALS ALKALIZING MINERALS • Aspirin • Cesium: pH 14 • Chemicals • Potassium: pH 14 • Drugs, Medicinal • Sodium: pH 14 • Drugs, Psychedelic • Herbicides • Pesticides • Tobacco ACIDIFYING JUNK FOOD • Beer: pH 2.5 • Coca-Cola: pH 2 Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 47
  • 48. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Day-to-Day Diet Plan “The Modern/Western Way” Day Serving Size Monday On the first day, you must only have milk and bread for breakfast. The next meal composes of 2 eggs and a tomato. Dinner is served with 7 ounces of red meat and a green salad. Tuesday Breakfast includes milk and a slice of toast or 3 pieces crackers. Lunch includes seven ounces of red meat and green salad. Dinner is served with 5 and ½ ounce of ham and 1 cup of yogurt. Wednesday This day still offers milk and toast or crackers for breakfast. Lunch is served with green salad and 1 tomato and 1 orange. Dinner is prepared with 3 and ½ ounce of ham, fruit salad and 2 eggs. Thursday It starts the day with milk or a cup of tea, a slice of toast or crackers. The second meal has 5 and ¼ ounce of gruyere cheese, 1 egg and 1 carrot. Dinner is served with fruit salad and 1 cup of yogurt. Friday Breakfast offers 5 and ¼ ounce of ham and 1 cup of carrots. Lunch is served with 7 ounces of broiled fish and 1 tomato. Dinner offers 8 and ¾ ounce of red meat. Saturday Breakfast still offers milk, a slice of toast or crackers. Lunch is prepared with a cranberries or blueberries and ¼ baked chicken. Dinner is served with 2 eggs and 1 cup of raw carrots. Sunday Breakfast offers coffee, a slice of toast or crackers. Lunch is prepared with a citrus fruit and ¼ baked chicken. Dinner is served with 2 eggs and 1 cup of avocado. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 48
  • 49. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide The Chinese Way Traditional Chinese medicine recognizes food as the most important energy source for your body. A meal is not merely an addition of calories, but is an opportunity to supply the body with energy needed for health and conception. According to Chinese medicine experts, the goal of the fertility diet is to bring the body back into balance so conception can take place. In the Chinese way, you have to avoid processed foods. According to Chinese medicine, eating processed and canned foods is like taking the life-giving properties of food away from your body. Processed white flour and wheat are energetically cold as well as constricting and create dampness in your body. This could ruin your entire reproductive system, making it difficult for conception to take place. Choose unprocessed, natural and organic foods as much as possible to create a healthy internal environment for you and your baby inside. If you’re a vegetarian, you can continue to follow your diet during pregnancy and have a healthy baby. But you’ll need to plan and review your food intake. To get the nutrition you need, eat a wide variety of foods and balance your intake each day. If you normally include fish, milk and eggs in your diet, you’ll have an easier time getting the iron, calcium and protein you need. If you don’t eat any animal products at all, that is, you’re a vegan, you’ll need to carefully plan your daily food intake. Vegans often have difficulty getting enough zinc, vitamin B-12, iron, calcium and folic acid. To avoid this problem, try the following: o Eat at least four servings of calcium-rich foods each day. Nondairy sources include broccoli, kale, dried beans, and calcium-fortified juices, cereals and soy products. o Add more energy-rich foods to your diet. This is particularly important if you’re having trouble gaining enough weight. Good sources include nuts, nut butters, seeds and dried fruit. o Seek advice on supplements. Many vegans need a vitamin B-12 supplement. A prenatal vitamin that supplements other nutritional needs also necessary. To be sure what’s right for you, consult with your health care provider and, if recommended, a registered dietitian. Fish and shellfish Seafood is highly nutritious and can continue to be part of your diet during pregnancy. Fish is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for brain development in the growing baby. Both fresh and frozen fish must be properly prepared to eliminate viral or bacterial contamination. When cooking, use the 10-minute rule. This involves measuring fish at its thickest part and cooking for 10 minutes per inch at 450 F. Shellfish such as clams, oysters and shrimp must be boiled for four to six minutes. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 49
  • 50. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide While you’re pregnant, avoid all raw and undercooked seafood. It’s also a good idea to buy fresh fish and seafood the same day you plan to eat it. Be aware that environmental toxins can be a problem with some freshwater fish and ocean seafood. One last note: everybody is different, so please talk to your doctor before making any adjustment in a healthy and balanced preconception diet. The Chinese Diet Plan Food Group Why You Need This Number of What Constitutes A Serving Type of Food Servings/Day Breads Cereals, bagels, brown, rice, 3 to 4 servings • 1 serving = 1/2 cup pasta, whole-grain breads, rolls cooked cereal or rice; and crackers, whole-wheat • 1 slice bread, 1/2 bagel pasta. Vegetables Leaf lettuce, spinach, 4 to 6 servings • ½ cup cooked/raw fruit and fruits peppers, sweat potatoes, • 1 cup of raw vegetables peas, green beans, broccoli, • 1 medium sized piece of fruit carrots, corn, tomatoes. Apples, bananas, grapes, mango, pineapple, orange, melon, peach, raisins. Milk and Skim milk, low-fat cheese, 3 to 4 servings • 1 cup of milk cheese low-fat yogurt, low-fat • 1 ounce of cheese cottage cheese. Meat, fish, Chicken, dried peas, beans, 2 to 3 servings • 1 serving, 2 to 3 ounce and eggs fish, ducks, lean pork, eggs. • 1 egg Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 50
  • 51. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide Day-to-Day Diet Plan “The Chinese Way” Day Serving Size Monday Choose your favorite vegetable and eat it in any quantities: at least 1 kg during the day. During this day you must drink more mineral water (non-carbonated). For lunch 1 cup of rice, 1 cup of vegetables, soup and 1 apple. For dinner 1 cup of rice and 1 cup of vegetables, finish it with a cup of milk late night. Tuesday If the previous day was vegetable, it means it must be followed by fruit day. For example, apple, orange or pear day. Divide fruits for the 5 meals and eat it during the day. If you feel very hungry, then drink a glass of yogurt. For lunch 1 cup of rice with potatoes, chicken soup and 1 orange. For dinner 1 cup of fried rice with carrots and tomatoes. Wednesday For the third day, you can have all vegetables and vegetable soups that suit your taste. Examples are cabbage soup, carrot soup, onion soup, eggplant soup, pumpkin soup, among others. Then 1 cup of noodles, 1 cup of spinach, 1 cup of corn soup and 1 fresh apple in the morning. For dinner 1 cup of rice, 3 ounces of fish or tofu, and 1 cup of warm tea. Thursday You can start off the day with a cup of green tea with honey. Then 1 cup of rice, 3 ounces of fish or tofu, 1 cup of vegetables, soup and 1 fresh fruit in the morning for lunch. For dinner 1 cup of noodles with broccoli and egg, and plain mineral water. Friday Begin the morning day with an egg, cooked beans, peanut butter and nuts for breakfast. For lunch, you can have 1 cup of rice, 3 ounces of meat, 1 cup of vegetables, soup, and 1 fresh fruit like an apple. For dinner, 1 cup of noodles with cabbage and egg. Saturday Today is a meat feast time because you can eat one portion of Peking duck with garnishes of green vegetables in the morning. Red meat, fish, poultry-skin removed for dinner with broccoli, cabbage, and green peas. Sunday You can only have a variety of fruits and fruit juices. Fruits such as apples, oranges, acai berries; watermelons, plums, peaches, and grapes are excellent fruits for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can try to make your fresh fruit juices for snacks. Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 51
  • 52. Plan My Baby - Prince or Princess Guide In a nutshell… Girl’s Diet : Foods Rich in Magnesium and Calsium If you are hoping to conceive a beautiful, bonny girl then try to consume foods that are rich in magnesium and calcium. Dairy products such as milk, yoghurt and cheese (especially parmesan and cheddar) are an excellent choice and so are leafy green vegetables and salad items such as bok choy, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, collard greens, kale, mustard greens, turnip greens and white beans. Avoid food that contains a particularly high salt content and also refrain from adding a lot of salt to your food. Fruits such as apples, grapefruits and tangerines are very healthy and are important items to consume when trying to conceive a baby girl along with eggs and believe it or not you can also indulge yourself in some delicious ice-cream! The following foods are also appropriate for conceiving a girl: ● Fish – Halibut, Tuna, Sardines and Whitebait ● Artichokes ● Grains such as barley, buckwheat flour, raw oat bran, whole wheat flour ● Prune juice ● Dairy – canned condensed milk, low fat yogurt ● Unsalted nuts – almonds, brazil nuts and cashews ● Beans particularly black beans, navy beans and white beans ● Pumpkin seeds ● Spinach ● Tomato paste ● Tofu and soybean ● Lasagne, Pizza with cheese and tomato, Macaroni cheese Copyright © All rights reserved. Page 52