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December 15 2099 20:00 GMT
I, am Ophir.
I am the one-hundredth son of Adam, the first man. I am the youngest offspring of the Adam and
Eve. I am a member of the 98,a group of heirs of Adam and Eve who are tasked with guarding the
keys of creation. I have the special charge of being the scribe of man and I do give this my final
witness. I give the chronicle from the beginnings of man, the children of God to these, the last day. I
have been blessed with this honor from the days of the Grand Council in Heaven at the beginning of
time. I have continued this duty after leaving heaven to come to Earth.
I have chronicledthe rise of the serpents as servants of God. I marveled as they tamed a wildearth to
make it pleasant for man. I shed tears with them when a scant portion of their number ledby Satan
who was beguiledby Lucifer betrayed God. My heart did leap when they did prostrate themselves
before God and beg forgiveness.
I did watch while Lucifer did conspire with the she-demon Lilithto thwart God’s plan by creating a
body for Lilith’sunholy essence to inhabit despite the law of God. I watched God the Father, God the
Son and God the Holy Ghost work together to create the keys of creation. With this they were able
to lock away the creative power that only those God deemed worthy could wieldit.
I did chronicle the rise of the servants of God, those ministering angels, yea even the Nephilim. I
watched as pride and jealousy did overtake these servants who were so beloved brothers and friends
of God. These were to be teachers to man, but they felt they could be as God. They tried to thwart all
of creation, even destroy the treasure that God hath given, even this Earth. I mourned when they did
falter and did bring forth a wrath of God even unto their destruction.
I did rise with joy when our Father, Adam, did entrust to me and my 99 brethren the keys of all
creation. I did mourn when my eldest brother Cain did murder in a fit of anger and jealousy my
brother Abel. I did stand in terrible awe when God in his judgement did cast punishment against
I have but one final duty. I return the 98 keys of creation that I and my brethren held unto the hands
of man. I lay upon man the charge that they may wrest the 99th key of creation from the great and
terrible monster, the lynch pin of the un-holy Trinity of the Master, the Deceiver, and the Beast even
Cain. In doing this man may prove himself worthy in the eyes of God of the 100th key of creation.
In this man may fulfill the full measure of his creation and this Earth’s grand and gloriousmission
will be complete.
I go now to be with my Father, his Son and the Holy Ghost that I may rest. I have fought the good
fight and I will soon stand in judgement and hear the words
Day 1: Dec 15 2099 23:30
to Dec 16 2099 23:30
The Chronicle of Man Chapter 1
1. In the beginning the Lord God even our
Father did look out upon all of his host
and he was pleased.
2.He saw that each had gained light to the
limits of their ability in this, their first
estate. It was for this purpose he being
God called this counsel. He did burst
with joy at the glory of his creation and
the majesty of it all.
3.As all were gathered one like unto the
Father on his right hand did step
forward and address the gathered host
and open the counsel he called forth.
4.Greetings my brothers and sisters, yea
even my friends, Father has called all of
us together in this great assembly to
introduce you to a grand and glorious
5.Know this, that there is nothing more
that he can teach you here. There was a
great gasp from all the souls that shall
ever live at this announcement.
6.Be at peace children Father has a plan
for you. He shall create a new world for
you to go and master that if you show
yourself master over a few things he
shall make you master over all.
7.One at the front of the crowd did step
forth and did proclaim. Yea my brother I
say unto you that is some may master a
few things while some may master none.
Those that master none shall surely be
cast out. Send me forth and I will master
all for each of these my friends and none
shall be cast out.
8.A grand murmur did rise from the
assembled throng. Two did step forward
with great anger and began to speak, but
yea two of their companions did take
hold of them. Michael, Peter stay calm
and have faith in Father.
9.Peter and Michael did stand down at the
exhortation of James and John.
10. Father seeing the great turmoil
amongst his children did stand forth and
did say, my dear little ones be at peace. I
shall provide a savior, yea even my
begotten son who sits at my right hand
that all who so chose to follow me may
be saved and not cast out.
11. There was one among the host who
was called Lilith for she was crafty and
wise beyond all the host of heaven.
12. She ye even Lilith did attach herself as
a companion and help meet unto one of
the mightiest of the host of heaven. This
great and mighty one even the star of
the morning Lucifer.
13. She did murmur unto her help meet
that was he not the greatest of all of
god’s host lest it be his own son. Should
he not be the savior of all mankind and
could he not bring back every soul thru
the force of his own will.
14. Lucifer was flattered by the wiles of
Lilith and was caught up in his pride
that he did see himself as greater than
even God’s only begotten.
15. The one called Lucifer, he who did
stand up to Father and did address the
throng, and did say yea my brethren do
you wish to risk yourself on a Savior, an
Atonement, or even Repentance. I say
NAY. You deserve to go forth and return
with no risk.
16. Father looked sadly forth and did say
in a quiet, still small voice, Lucifer
depart, and with that simple utterance
Lucifer and one third of all of the souls
that existed and will ever exist did
depart from the presence of Father
never more to return. Some did leave
due to fear and some pride, but all
entered the pure darkness known only
when one fully leaves the presence of
December 15, 2099 23:45 GMT
The hallway is quiet. Most of the faculty and staff are
gone for the evening. It is finals week and as has been
the tradition in the Anthropology department finals are
on Thursday and Friday. No one is around on a Tuesday
night. That makes the single figure in a threadbare
anachronistic robe methodically moving down the
hallway seem even more out of place. With each step he
supports himself with a steel staff.
He pauses for a moment and scans the long corridor. His
eyes fix on a glimmer of light from an office nearly
three quarters if the way down. He straightens his back
and adjusts the large leather pouch slung about his
shoulder. He strokes his salt and pepper beard for a
moment, then continues down the hall.
He passes nearly a dozen offices. Each one silent, none
with any more life than the tombs that the professors on
this wing only hope to explore. He quietly smiles to
himself about how each of these men crave adventure,
but they spend their lives in tomes and manuscripts. His
mind wanders thru his sacred charge. He must make it
to the end of the hall to deliver his message, but he is so
tired. He carries with him the weight of the ages and at
this moment his imperfect form feels every gram of that
He stops for a moment half way down the hall at a water
fountain. The acrid taste of processed water does little to
quench his thirst, but little is sufficient for now. He
continues his progress down the hallway. He pauses
momentarily to catch his breath. He knows he has little
time. His spirit is strong, but his frail body is failing him
more at every moment.
He knows he is the last of his kind, but he must warn his
friend. He knows that now a mere 20 feet from him sits
a kindred spirit who can carry his sacred charge. This
charge he has carried as a weight for time uncounted.
He shuffles the last few feet and now is standing in front
of a wooden office door with a frosted glass window.
Painted on the window is the name “A. Jason Madison
PHD” He lightly raps on the glass window. Moments
pass as if an eternity when the door opens. A disheveled
man in his early thirties is standing before him.
He smiles and extends his hand out of his office “Ophir,
my friend what brings you here.”
The extended hand is returned as both men grasp arms
at the elbow. Jason leads Ophir into the office. Ophir
then looks gravely at Jason. “We have much to talk
about my friend and I am weary and I fear I have little
time left to say all that God would have me say.”
“Well, then take a seat and we’ll talk” as Jason closes
the door.
Jason grabs the seat at his desk while Ophir sits at the
small davenport facing the desk from the right hand side
of the office. Ophir lowers the pouch to the floor at his
Ophir pauses for several long moments, then questions
“How long have we known each other my friend?”
Jason pauses pensively for a moment. “Let’s see, I was a
grad student on a dig outside of Ur. I would say about
10 years.”
“I saw something special about you then, something
Jason shudders almost embarrassed by Ophir’s
“Don’t be ashamed my friend.” Ophir reassures” I
would not have allowed you to find the Chronicle of
Man if you were not worthy.”
Jason, still slightly embarrassed, “ Thank you for your
faith in me, but I can’t say as I have a lot of faith in the
divine, God, Angels or anything like that.”
“With everything that you have seen in your life, with
everything that you have done in your life, how can you
not have faith in God and his works.”
“Well, I know that the Bible is an accurate history
because I’ve proven that, but where was God for mom
and dad?”
“Jason, I do not claim to know God’s will, but know he
loves you and has a purpose.”
“Purpose you say. What purpose is there to take away
an eight year old’s parents with the Apocalypse virus
when their only crime was to serve him thru Catholic
“You had Thomas to care for you.”
“I love Tommy and am grateful every day for all that he
gave up for me, but where was God for me? When I
proved that Noah built his ark near Springfield Missouri
backing claims by nineteenth century Mormon prophets
did his self-proclaimed chosen people back me up from
the academic ridicule I suffered.”
“They did not, but did they claim any measure of the
accolades that you received. Why are you so angry at
“For all the proof that I have, I would think I would find
a greater witness of God.”
“Oh, my dear Jason, that is the quandary. You cannot
witness matters of the spirit with the mind. You must
give yourself over to the spirit. You must get your
witness from the voice that does not speak words.”
“Ok what’s the reason for the visit?”
“Let us, as you would say, cut to the chase. You know
of the ‘98’ as we have communed with you and you
have sat at our table and dined with us. We have had
you in our sanctuary, but you must know all for what is
about to transpire. What do you know of the ‘98’?”
“Well, from what I have gathered from the Chronicle of
Man and other legends, ancient writings, and listening to
you and the other members that you are a secret society
which has been in existence since the fall of man
protecting and guiding man to the path of God.”
Ophir adjusts a little on the davenport and scoots closer
to Jason “That is partly true. You see we are the 98
remaining descendants of the father of man. I am his
youngest son. We were charged by the very God that
you now deny with the sacred duty of protecting
humankind from the forces of darkness. We were to
nurture, guide and teach man.” Ophir pauses for a long
moment then draws a deep breath and continues. “I am
the scribe of the ‘98’ and it has been my unique pleasure
to document the entire history of man. From this I
obtained a unique perspective of God and his glories
that abound.”
Jason pauses to take it all in “So, you claim that you
wrote the Chronicle of Man, all of it from the beginning
of time till now?”
Ophir smiles “Yes, so when I say that you are worthy I
say it from experience.” Ophir sits forward at the edge
of his seat. “Now, back to the business at hand. I have a
mission, even a sacred trust for you.” Ophir coughs
raggedly and pauses.
“Though I cannot buy that you are Adam’s literal son
since that would make you about 14,000 years old give
or take a few months, I will gladly do anything for you
my friend.” Jason looks at the tired and haggard frame
of Ophir. “You do not look so well my friend, could you
not find another of the ‘98’ to come in your stead?”
Jason’s question hangs in the air for a long moment
before Ophir replies “I am the last of the ’98’, all of my
brothers have transcended to be with Father in glory, but
that is not important now. Each of the 100 sons carry a
key of creation.” Ophir lifts the satchel to the seat beside
him. “I carry with me 98 of the 100 keys of creation. I
now confer them upon you.” Ophir hands the satchel to
Jason chokes for a moment. ”That means...”
“Yes, Jason the prophecy, if you were to believe in such
things, is nigh. You know where you must go.”
Jason nods” I think so.”
Ophir pauses then leans closer to Jason. “Have you
found it?”
“I was just going over data on this before you came. I
think I may have found it.”
Ophir coughs, “Beware the Master, Beware the
Deceiver for the Beast returns.”
Jason is transfixed “You don’t mean...”
“Yes, he who tasted the first blood, even Cain.”
Jason sits back almost believing that Cain would still be
around to destroy the souls of men. He almost buys into
the whole story. Then, almost as if an optical illusion
Ophir begins to fade to transparent. “I go to rest with
Father, be careful my friend. Remember, the keys are
now yours.” and with that Ophir fades totally from the
room as if he were never there.
Jason reaches over to the davenport where Ophir once
sat and retrieves the satchel. He places it in the center of
his desk and carefully opens the flap. Contained within
are 98 crystals with luster brighter than diamond. He
closes the satchel and muses “So that is what a key of
creation looks like.”
Jason moves the satchel to the side of his desk and pulls
and gathers the notes from his desk and places them in
his antique leather brief case. He is disturbed for a
moment by a silent beep that would only be heard by
him. There is an imperceptible flash at his peripheral
vision. It is at this point that he remembers his vis-chip
implant. He shudders for a moment when he realizes
that he is still connected to the net. With a few subtle
eye movements he is able to activate the set up menu for
his chip. He scrolls thru the control screens till he comes
to the menu option for the control of the network access.
With a blink he is able to deactivate the network
connection. During the jockeying with his vis-chip
Jason is able to gather his notes into his case. He slings
the satchel over his shoulder and grabs his case.
Jason has seen many things in his short 30 years on
Earth, but what he saw tonight stretches it even for him.
As he reaches the door he looks back at the empty
Davenport where one of his dearest friends once sat. Did
he really witness someone called up to Heaven. He had
studied Biblical archeology his entire life. He is an
international expert and has empirically proven large
portions of the Bible as well as other sacred texts, but
the thought that Ophir is the son of Adam stretches
credibility even for Jason.
He closes the door of his office and heads down the hall
to the stairwell. He chuckles to himself as he passes the
elevator. His thoughts are carried to his Brother,
Tommy. He feels that neither of them belong in this
century. Tommy with his love of classic cars and Jason
with his love of classic everything else. Tommy has
always been less willing to use modern technology like
a vis-chip implant than Jason. The truth is that Jason
only sees technology as a necessary evil; if he did not
need the technology to do his research he would live his
life with a pad of paper and a quill.
Jason finally gets to the door of the building. He opens
the door into the parking lot. At the back of the lot near
a light post docked to a charging station is a worn 30
year old hover car. As he approaches the car the
evidence of wear is apparent. The car takes on an almost
“furry” nature as countless fibers in the outer shell of
the composite body are broken and frayed. He knows he
could buy a newer car, or like everyone else even in the
confederation, use mass transportation. He always liked
the old Tesla though. It was the last year they built
Tesla’s. Tommy would say that this would make the car
a classic. That does not matter to Jason, what matters is
that this was one of the last cars which could be ordered
without the auto-drive feature. He hates the auto-drive.
It left you to the most common routes; the quickest
paths from point A to B; There is no chance to explore;
to leave your path to chance and wind up where the
wind blows you. He thumbs the pad on the door and it
opens in response. He wiggles himself comfortably into
the seat. As it has been programed, the battery bank
warms the magnetron on the Xray gun. Steadily the
intensity increases on the Hafnium core. The
temperature rises and air begins to jet thru the lift vents.
The vents vector the rushing air into a thrust that lifts
the car and moves it forward. As Jason steers his way
home he realizes how control of his destiny just as he is
now controlling his car may be crucial from this point

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  • 1. December 15 2099 20:00 GMT I, am Ophir. I am the one-hundredth son of Adam, the first man. I am the youngest offspring of the Adam and Eve. I am a member of the 98,a group of heirs of Adam and Eve who are tasked with guarding the keys of creation. I have the special charge of being the scribe of man and I do give this my final witness. I give the chronicle from the beginnings of man, the children of God to these, the last day. I have been blessed with this honor from the days of the Grand Council in Heaven at the beginning of time. I have continued this duty after leaving heaven to come to Earth. I have chronicledthe rise of the serpents as servants of God. I marveled as they tamed a wildearth to make it pleasant for man. I shed tears with them when a scant portion of their number ledby Satan who was beguiledby Lucifer betrayed God. My heart did leap when they did prostrate themselves before God and beg forgiveness. I did watch while Lucifer did conspire with the she-demon Lilithto thwart God’s plan by creating a body for Lilith’sunholy essence to inhabit despite the law of God. I watched God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost work together to create the keys of creation. With this they were able to lock away the creative power that only those God deemed worthy could wieldit. I did chronicle the rise of the servants of God, those ministering angels, yea even the Nephilim. I watched as pride and jealousy did overtake these servants who were so beloved brothers and friends of God. These were to be teachers to man, but they felt they could be as God. They tried to thwart all of creation, even destroy the treasure that God hath given, even this Earth. I mourned when they did falter and did bring forth a wrath of God even unto their destruction. I did rise with joy when our Father, Adam, did entrust to me and my 99 brethren the keys of all creation. I did mourn when my eldest brother Cain did murder in a fit of anger and jealousy my brother Abel. I did stand in terrible awe when God in his judgement did cast punishment against Cain I have but one final duty. I return the 98 keys of creation that I and my brethren held unto the hands of man. I lay upon man the charge that they may wrest the 99th key of creation from the great and terrible monster, the lynch pin of the un-holy Trinity of the Master, the Deceiver, and the Beast even Cain. In doing this man may prove himself worthy in the eyes of God of the 100th key of creation. In this man may fulfill the full measure of his creation and this Earth’s grand and gloriousmission will be complete. I go now to be with my Father, his Son and the Holy Ghost that I may rest. I have fought the good fight and I will soon stand in judgement and hear the words Amen
  • 2. Day 1: Dec 15 2099 23:30 to Dec 16 2099 23:30
  • 3. The Chronicle of Man Chapter 1 1. In the beginning the Lord God even our Father did look out upon all of his host and he was pleased. 2.He saw that each had gained light to the limits of their ability in this, their first estate. It was for this purpose he being God called this counsel. He did burst with joy at the glory of his creation and the majesty of it all. 3.As all were gathered one like unto the Father on his right hand did step forward and address the gathered host and open the counsel he called forth. 4.Greetings my brothers and sisters, yea even my friends, Father has called all of us together in this great assembly to introduce you to a grand and glorious work. 5.Know this, that there is nothing more that he can teach you here. There was a great gasp from all the souls that shall ever live at this announcement.
  • 4. 6.Be at peace children Father has a plan for you. He shall create a new world for you to go and master that if you show yourself master over a few things he shall make you master over all. 7.One at the front of the crowd did step forth and did proclaim. Yea my brother I say unto you that is some may master a few things while some may master none. Those that master none shall surely be cast out. Send me forth and I will master all for each of these my friends and none shall be cast out. 8.A grand murmur did rise from the assembled throng. Two did step forward with great anger and began to speak, but yea two of their companions did take hold of them. Michael, Peter stay calm and have faith in Father. 9.Peter and Michael did stand down at the exhortation of James and John. 10. Father seeing the great turmoil amongst his children did stand forth and did say, my dear little ones be at peace. I shall provide a savior, yea even my
  • 5. begotten son who sits at my right hand that all who so chose to follow me may be saved and not cast out. 11. There was one among the host who was called Lilith for she was crafty and wise beyond all the host of heaven. 12. She ye even Lilith did attach herself as a companion and help meet unto one of the mightiest of the host of heaven. This great and mighty one even the star of the morning Lucifer. 13. She did murmur unto her help meet that was he not the greatest of all of god’s host lest it be his own son. Should he not be the savior of all mankind and could he not bring back every soul thru the force of his own will. 14. Lucifer was flattered by the wiles of Lilith and was caught up in his pride that he did see himself as greater than even God’s only begotten. 15. The one called Lucifer, he who did stand up to Father and did address the throng, and did say yea my brethren do you wish to risk yourself on a Savior, an
  • 6. Atonement, or even Repentance. I say NAY. You deserve to go forth and return with no risk. 16. Father looked sadly forth and did say in a quiet, still small voice, Lucifer depart, and with that simple utterance Lucifer and one third of all of the souls that existed and will ever exist did depart from the presence of Father never more to return. Some did leave due to fear and some pride, but all entered the pure darkness known only when one fully leaves the presence of God.
  • 7. December 15, 2099 23:45 GMT The hallway is quiet. Most of the faculty and staff are gone for the evening. It is finals week and as has been the tradition in the Anthropology department finals are on Thursday and Friday. No one is around on a Tuesday night. That makes the single figure in a threadbare anachronistic robe methodically moving down the hallway seem even more out of place. With each step he supports himself with a steel staff. He pauses for a moment and scans the long corridor. His eyes fix on a glimmer of light from an office nearly three quarters if the way down. He straightens his back and adjusts the large leather pouch slung about his shoulder. He strokes his salt and pepper beard for a moment, then continues down the hall. He passes nearly a dozen offices. Each one silent, none with any more life than the tombs that the professors on this wing only hope to explore. He quietly smiles to himself about how each of these men crave adventure, but they spend their lives in tomes and manuscripts. His mind wanders thru his sacred charge. He must make it to the end of the hall to deliver his message, but he is so tired. He carries with him the weight of the ages and at this moment his imperfect form feels every gram of that weight. He stops for a moment half way down the hall at a water fountain. The acrid taste of processed water does little to
  • 8. quench his thirst, but little is sufficient for now. He continues his progress down the hallway. He pauses momentarily to catch his breath. He knows he has little time. His spirit is strong, but his frail body is failing him more at every moment. He knows he is the last of his kind, but he must warn his friend. He knows that now a mere 20 feet from him sits a kindred spirit who can carry his sacred charge. This charge he has carried as a weight for time uncounted. He shuffles the last few feet and now is standing in front of a wooden office door with a frosted glass window. Painted on the window is the name “A. Jason Madison PHD” He lightly raps on the glass window. Moments pass as if an eternity when the door opens. A disheveled man in his early thirties is standing before him. He smiles and extends his hand out of his office “Ophir, my friend what brings you here.” The extended hand is returned as both men grasp arms at the elbow. Jason leads Ophir into the office. Ophir then looks gravely at Jason. “We have much to talk about my friend and I am weary and I fear I have little time left to say all that God would have me say.” “Well, then take a seat and we’ll talk” as Jason closes the door. Jason grabs the seat at his desk while Ophir sits at the small davenport facing the desk from the right hand side of the office. Ophir lowers the pouch to the floor at his feet.
  • 9. Ophir pauses for several long moments, then questions “How long have we known each other my friend?” Jason pauses pensively for a moment. “Let’s see, I was a grad student on a dig outside of Ur. I would say about 10 years.” “I saw something special about you then, something divine.” Jason shudders almost embarrassed by Ophir’s comment. “Don’t be ashamed my friend.” Ophir reassures” I would not have allowed you to find the Chronicle of Man if you were not worthy.” Jason, still slightly embarrassed, “ Thank you for your faith in me, but I can’t say as I have a lot of faith in the divine, God, Angels or anything like that.” “With everything that you have seen in your life, with everything that you have done in your life, how can you not have faith in God and his works.” “Well, I know that the Bible is an accurate history because I’ve proven that, but where was God for mom and dad?” “Jason, I do not claim to know God’s will, but know he loves you and has a purpose.” “Purpose you say. What purpose is there to take away an eight year old’s parents with the Apocalypse virus when their only crime was to serve him thru Catholic Charities?” “You had Thomas to care for you.”
  • 10. “I love Tommy and am grateful every day for all that he gave up for me, but where was God for me? When I proved that Noah built his ark near Springfield Missouri backing claims by nineteenth century Mormon prophets did his self-proclaimed chosen people back me up from the academic ridicule I suffered.” “They did not, but did they claim any measure of the accolades that you received. Why are you so angry at God?” “For all the proof that I have, I would think I would find a greater witness of God.” “Oh, my dear Jason, that is the quandary. You cannot witness matters of the spirit with the mind. You must give yourself over to the spirit. You must get your witness from the voice that does not speak words.” “Ok what’s the reason for the visit?” “Let us, as you would say, cut to the chase. You know of the ‘98’ as we have communed with you and you have sat at our table and dined with us. We have had you in our sanctuary, but you must know all for what is about to transpire. What do you know of the ‘98’?” “Well, from what I have gathered from the Chronicle of Man and other legends, ancient writings, and listening to you and the other members that you are a secret society which has been in existence since the fall of man protecting and guiding man to the path of God.” Ophir adjusts a little on the davenport and scoots closer to Jason “That is partly true. You see we are the 98 remaining descendants of the father of man. I am his
  • 11. youngest son. We were charged by the very God that you now deny with the sacred duty of protecting humankind from the forces of darkness. We were to nurture, guide and teach man.” Ophir pauses for a long moment then draws a deep breath and continues. “I am the scribe of the ‘98’ and it has been my unique pleasure to document the entire history of man. From this I obtained a unique perspective of God and his glories that abound.” Jason pauses to take it all in “So, you claim that you wrote the Chronicle of Man, all of it from the beginning of time till now?” Ophir smiles “Yes, so when I say that you are worthy I say it from experience.” Ophir sits forward at the edge of his seat. “Now, back to the business at hand. I have a mission, even a sacred trust for you.” Ophir coughs raggedly and pauses. “Though I cannot buy that you are Adam’s literal son since that would make you about 14,000 years old give or take a few months, I will gladly do anything for you my friend.” Jason looks at the tired and haggard frame of Ophir. “You do not look so well my friend, could you not find another of the ‘98’ to come in your stead?” Jason’s question hangs in the air for a long moment before Ophir replies “I am the last of the ’98’, all of my brothers have transcended to be with Father in glory, but that is not important now. Each of the 100 sons carry a key of creation.” Ophir lifts the satchel to the seat beside him. “I carry with me 98 of the 100 keys of creation. I
  • 12. now confer them upon you.” Ophir hands the satchel to Jason. Jason chokes for a moment. ”That means...” “Yes, Jason the prophecy, if you were to believe in such things, is nigh. You know where you must go.” Jason nods” I think so.” Ophir pauses then leans closer to Jason. “Have you found it?” “I was just going over data on this before you came. I think I may have found it.” Ophir coughs, “Beware the Master, Beware the Deceiver for the Beast returns.” Jason is transfixed “You don’t mean...” “Yes, he who tasted the first blood, even Cain.” Jason sits back almost believing that Cain would still be around to destroy the souls of men. He almost buys into the whole story. Then, almost as if an optical illusion Ophir begins to fade to transparent. “I go to rest with Father, be careful my friend. Remember, the keys are now yours.” and with that Ophir fades totally from the room as if he were never there. Jason reaches over to the davenport where Ophir once sat and retrieves the satchel. He places it in the center of his desk and carefully opens the flap. Contained within are 98 crystals with luster brighter than diamond. He closes the satchel and muses “So that is what a key of creation looks like.”
  • 13. Jason moves the satchel to the side of his desk and pulls and gathers the notes from his desk and places them in his antique leather brief case. He is disturbed for a moment by a silent beep that would only be heard by him. There is an imperceptible flash at his peripheral vision. It is at this point that he remembers his vis-chip implant. He shudders for a moment when he realizes that he is still connected to the net. With a few subtle eye movements he is able to activate the set up menu for his chip. He scrolls thru the control screens till he comes to the menu option for the control of the network access. With a blink he is able to deactivate the network connection. During the jockeying with his vis-chip Jason is able to gather his notes into his case. He slings the satchel over his shoulder and grabs his case. Jason has seen many things in his short 30 years on Earth, but what he saw tonight stretches it even for him. As he reaches the door he looks back at the empty Davenport where one of his dearest friends once sat. Did he really witness someone called up to Heaven. He had studied Biblical archeology his entire life. He is an international expert and has empirically proven large portions of the Bible as well as other sacred texts, but the thought that Ophir is the son of Adam stretches credibility even for Jason. He closes the door of his office and heads down the hall to the stairwell. He chuckles to himself as he passes the elevator. His thoughts are carried to his Brother, Tommy. He feels that neither of them belong in this
  • 14. century. Tommy with his love of classic cars and Jason with his love of classic everything else. Tommy has always been less willing to use modern technology like a vis-chip implant than Jason. The truth is that Jason only sees technology as a necessary evil; if he did not need the technology to do his research he would live his life with a pad of paper and a quill. Jason finally gets to the door of the building. He opens the door into the parking lot. At the back of the lot near a light post docked to a charging station is a worn 30 year old hover car. As he approaches the car the evidence of wear is apparent. The car takes on an almost “furry” nature as countless fibers in the outer shell of the composite body are broken and frayed. He knows he could buy a newer car, or like everyone else even in the confederation, use mass transportation. He always liked the old Tesla though. It was the last year they built Tesla’s. Tommy would say that this would make the car a classic. That does not matter to Jason, what matters is that this was one of the last cars which could be ordered without the auto-drive feature. He hates the auto-drive. It left you to the most common routes; the quickest paths from point A to B; There is no chance to explore; to leave your path to chance and wind up where the wind blows you. He thumbs the pad on the door and it opens in response. He wiggles himself comfortably into the seat. As it has been programed, the battery bank warms the magnetron on the Xray gun. Steadily the intensity increases on the Hafnium core. The
  • 15. temperature rises and air begins to jet thru the lift vents. The vents vector the rushing air into a thrust that lifts the car and moves it forward. As Jason steers his way home he realizes how control of his destiny just as he is now controlling his car may be crucial from this point on.