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   A few months after I joined college, I randomly got a
    friend request from a certain Shruthi Swamy on
    Orkut(Orkut was a social networking site back in our
    days, and it was quite popular at that time)
   Her profile pic had two people in it and I automatically
    assumed that the profile belonged to the girl in the front.
    For quite a few days, I went around looking for the girl in
    college, till i finally decided to ask my friend Ritesh(yes,
    the same Ritesh uncle) who Shruthi Swamy was. He
    said 'everyone in class thinks it's the girl in the front(I
    didn't know anyone else who did),but it's actually the girl
    standing at the back. The one in the front is her sister(It
    wasn't, it was her cousin).I'll show you next time when
    we see her(he didn't)'.
   I don't remember the first time we spoke to Shruthi,
    but I do remember that we used to exchange smiles
    every time we saw each other and even said 'hi' a
    few times. But nothing more....
   This is how our first ever conversation on orkut went [This was before we had seen
    each other in college(December 1, 2008)]
   Shruthi : you're ol eh?

   Vinay :
   i probably wasn't ol when u scrapped i am..
   Were u the one who sent a friend request on Y! messenger?

   Shruthi:yep. tat was me.
   n are you de one sometimes i find wit ritesh n vedant?

   Vinay:yupp.that's me.send me the request again on messenger..
   I've no clue who u r.neva seen u in

   Shruthi : oh really?i always hang wit rady,bhanu n people...

   Vinay:I thought u are the girl on the left in ur pic..that's why..ya i've seen u..
   so how did ur internals go?

   Shruthi:physio sucked!anat n biochem were decent i can say.
   how did yours go?

   Vinay:mine only biochem was good..anat and physio were terrible

   Shruthi:how come i hardly see ya at col?

   Vinay:u never see me in college?why's that:-)

   Shruthi:how am i supposed to know tat?like until rady tol' me,i didn't
    know you were a classmate!

   Vinay:haha.i'm a 'low-profile guy':-)
   until u scrapped me, i didn't know u were in my

   Shruthi: gotta go.cya!

   Vinay:Byeeeeee
   (What stood out in this conversation is my use of
    the word 'neva'. I never ever say 'neva' . I think I
    was full trying to act 'cool' or maybe I found her
    intimidating.Lol.Or maybe that's just how I used to
    message back then..It's been a long time kids. I
    don't really remember all the details)

    Oh and I also remember her as the girl who asked
    me to join "highest number of flings"
    community.Some super girl antha I thought.

   Things were going well for sometime. Then something bad
    happened. When I was in first year, I used to sleep in the bus the
    whole time .I used to be soooo sleepy. And since we had theory
    class for the first two hours, i used to force myself to get up from
    the bus when it reached college, somehow manage to walk till
    the rest room, piss, stagger into the classroom and continue my
    sleep for the next two hours.

    One day, I missed the bus in the morning, and came with the
    driver by car instead. Again I slept till the last minute, and walked
    into college, still extremely sleepy. Shruthi saw me near the rest
    room and asked
    'Did you come in the bus?'
    'Did Sanjana come in your bus?'
    ‘I'm not sure‘
     (Yes, it’s the same Sanjana who made you wet your bed the day
    after she met you and gave you one of her famous looks)
   I don't know why I told her that I came by bus. I was
    probably so sleepy that I didn't even realise what I was
    saying.And then I sat in class and was feeling kinda
    weird cause I though she might think I'm a big liar. I was
    hoping that she wouldn't tell sanjana about our
    conversation , cause if she did, she would find out that I
    lied to her. And then I fell into a very disturbed sleep.The
    next day, I was thinking about all the excuses I could
    give her just in case Shruthi confronted me about the lie.
    The best one I could come up with was 'I was so
    mesmerized by your beauty that I didn't know what I was
    saying'.Lol.Cheesy, I know.

   For some reason, things got weird after that. I don't
    know if it was the guilt of knowing that I lied to
    her(though I wouldn't call it a lie. You should know not to
    disturb a person while he's sleeping) or if we never got a
    chance to speak after that ,but our conversations
    stopped and so did the exchange of smiles.

   For the rest of the first year, I had a bad bad opinion about Shruthi.It looked as if
    she had completely stopped talking to me, and at times she even ignored me(i did
    the same of course, so i can't really blame her).Just like you people have
    nicknames for everyone in class, back in my days, I had nicknames for all my
    classmates as well.But I always kept it to myself. And you know what Shruthi's
    name was?? T.K Girl(Thika Kobbu girl)

   I also rememeber that she used to travel in my bus once in a while.And everytime i
    saw her in the bus, i used to be like 'Oh damn!Can't sleep peacefully today!'lol.My
    bus was usually really really silent and it had the perfect atmosphere to sleep in,
    but whenever Shruthi Swamy travelled in our bus, she ended up talking way too
    much to everyone in the bus and ruining my sleep.

   There were also times when they all used to imitate the way i sleep and have a big
    laugh about it.Little did they know, that i was awake the whole time and trying hard
    not to laugh, thinking of their reactions if i told them that I was awake

   Another reason why i hated her was because she entered the bus one saturday
    and broke the news that Ritika liked Bharath uncle .(You remember Ritika right?It
    was that pretty aunty with twins whom i showed you guys the other day and told
    you that if things had gone differently, you would be calling her mommy right now) I
    was so disapponted.She had shattered all my dreams:-(
   Then came the class re-union after during the first year
    holidays.I remember Shruthi speaking to me ,as i sat in
    one of the chairs in the Garuda mall (yes, that tiny place
    that was torn down recently. Believe it or not, it was
    pretty famous back in those days)ground floor. It felt
    weird..She just said 'Hi Vinay, how you been?' I thought
    'Why is this girl talking to me?'. The rest of the story
    involving bowling, gang-forming and imaginary red cars
    of course has been told to you enough number of times
    as bed-time stories when you were kids:-)

   The next time she spoke to me ,if i remember correctly
    was after we got the re-evaluation results. I was with
    Divya and Shruthi came over and congratulated both of
    us and said something lame about me and Divya being
    'bum-chums'(or was that Sanjana who said it?I'm not
    very sure)

   1/1/2010 - Shruthi suddenly started chatting with me on Gtalk and i was very very surprised.
    And then , we had the most weird conversation ever! lol:-)
   Shru : yappy yappy new yr1

   me: thank u.same 2 u

   Shru : thanks

   wat did u do?

   me: party with cousins..u?

   Shru : went out for lunch..friends

   me: did we have a half day today?

   Shru : yeah
 hey !
 u my classmate?

   fish!
   lol
   i tot another friend i had

   me: lol
   Shru : hehehe
   wat's yo surname?
   me: let me confirm..whom am i chatting with?:-)
   Shru : yo vinay from vims?
   im swamy from yo class
   me: yup
   thought so..

   Shru : yeah..
   so how was it?
   yo day?
   we had a let off at 12.30

   me: day was good.bunked coll
   urs?
   Shru : decent


   The next time we had a chance to talk was when i called
    them for my birthday treat in Beijing Bites:-)
    Unfortunately I don't remember much about this day,

   except that i know i invited Shruthi and sanjana when
    they were both sitting in class and i think they both were
    wondering why i'm even bothered calling them.Well, I

   because they had stayed back for the cake cutting on
    my b'day(and also cause sanjana gave me a big box of
    orbit:-) lol.See, i told you she's not as scary as she

   Shreya aunty invited us for the cake-cutting on Shruthi's birthday. I think Rakeshu
    had to get the cake or something for her to cut.We hardly knew Shruthi and were
    planning to bunk off.But then Shreya forced us to come near the ground for the
    cake-cutting. Oh and, i suggested a nice little terrace place near our college
    grounds for the cake-cutting. I was so proud of myself for having found such a nice
    place. Also i had to opportunity to fullu show off my strength to shreya when i lifted
    these two heavy stone bricks and moved them side by side so that we could place
    the cake on it.Shruthi entered the terrace, wore her specs after sometime, finally
    saw who all were there and proceeded to cut the cake.

 Shreya messaged us once we got back home.I wish i had my old n70 to copy-paste
    it, but i dont,so it went something like this
Shreya:Thank you for coming to the cake cutting. It meant a lot to shruthi
Me: No problem shreya
Shreya" LOSERS! I can't believe you wanted to run away
Me:We weren't going to run away shreya
I spent the next few minutes convincing shreya that we werent planning on running
    away (Even though we were!I didn't know Shruthi at all, and we were planning to
 bunk the after-lunch theory classes).By the end of the day, i was convinced shreya
    hated me.

   Finally ,the ice-breaker came in Anthargange :-)
    The bus journey back to Bangalore was the first
    time we spoke more than 2 sentences in a
    conversation .I was sitting in the row behind
    Shruthi,tarika and shreya and lightiga we started off
    talking :-)She started asking my family history n all.
    lol.She also told me that my kannada is very
    different.And i thought that wasn't a compliment.I
    thought she was makin fun of my kannada. "What's
    your mother tongue?"she asked .And of course she
    told me the famous "You're a Tamilian?You're a
    Tamilian" dialogue for the first time ever.

  For some reason, she never used to listen to me even if
   i spoke something to her.I guess it wan't really her fault.I
   think i wasn't loud enough for her to hear.
 One incident which i clearly remember was the day after
   Mathuga.I was walking into the hospital with Sushma
   and Shruthi was walking towards us. She smiled and
   said 'Hi Vinay' , and i swear I said 'Hi'.But apparently i
   wasn't loud enough and Sushma asked me 'Why didn't
   you say hi to her?'.
'I did!'
'Oh I don't think she heard you'
'How do you know?'
'Cause she just made a "Why the hell!!!" face'
 And i though 'Oh god!All the ice-breaking in Anthargange
   has come to nothing'
   The HAL day! I was so excited about the match.HAL were the only team
    from bangalore to play in the I-league.This was way back in 2011. they
    got relegated that season and unfortunately, have never made it back to
    the top division since.Stupid Tejas screwed up the match timings.I was
    quite disappointed that Tarika and shreya werent coming, but even more
    disappointed when i heard that Shruthi are coming :-P "What is wrong
    with tejas?Why is he inviting so many people?" i thought. And then of
    course, i realised that she was more sane than most people who had
    come to watch the match.So much confusion that day!
    Mall!Shopping!Movie!Lunch!She were the only person apart from me
    who was genuinly interested in watching that match.And i was pleasantly
    surprised.The whole point of me getting up early on a sunday was to go
    watch a football match! NOt to see celebrities wearing shades or go
    window shopping.The photo session with the churchill brothers players
    was fun too.

   Remember the story Tejas always brings up?About how Kayne Vincent
    shouted 'Ehh benchoot' to his friend? :-P
     And then the mathuga trip.This was probably the
    time when we started talking more for more than 2
    minutes at a time. I was fullu impressed by her

   skills during cricket of course.I thought it was
   And then there was this point where Shruthi used to
    get scared for everything..EVERYTHING! We called
    her ‘shruttttthhhhiiii’ in a seductive way, she got
    scared; we flirted with her just a little bit, she got
    scared; we gave her a seductive look, she got
    scared. She was no fun at all.But eventually she
    started playing along, and that's when things got
    interesting :-)

   And then i guess i got to know her more and more
    each day once i got close to tarika and shreya

   And then the rasta ang was formed!First event-
    Shruthi's birthday.The whole plan was so sudden
    and spontaneous. The drive to the new airport was
    simply amazing.We had a great time there ,and of
    course whet out appetites for more such drives and

   1st October was of course another unforgettable
    day :-) We had to convince you so much to lie at
    home and join us on our night out. But once you
    were out of the house, you were in no mood to
    return.And who can forget the crazy
    'Nammmmmaaaaaa Metroooo!'
  And then Nida messaged one fine day asking
 about crushes and stuff.We kept texting for
 sometime and then she randomly asked "Do you
 have a crush on shruthi.Don't worry, i shall keep
 this to myself".I just wanted to confuse her so i said
 'maybe' or something like that. And that was all it
 took for nida to find/create sparks between me and
   Kids, after we finished our 3rd year exams, we went on
    this little trip to gokarna and dandeli.Before going, I had
    fooled Shruthi saying that i wouldn't be going on that
    trip, but decided to surprise her at the last moment. I
    thought it was very awwwww that she was so happy that
    i was coming :-) And then of course full bonding
    happened off during the trip, which is very much evident
    if you look at all the pictures. Sparks flying everywhere,
    and nida definitely didn't miss seeing them.And of
    course the bus journey back home that me and you
    mommy were talking about so recently.. When she woke
    me up to help her look for antihistaminics, stole my
    pullover from me and pushed me away when i tried to
    get some warmth by hugging her. Lol.Ok, she didn't
    push me away, it was just not comfortable to hug in that
    bus.The whole thing was so awwww :-)
   And the final year of course, things were great
    between us. We had so much fun and so many
    adventures. I don't want to spoil your 18th birthday
    gift that i've been promising you, but all i can say is
    Shruthi,Shreya,Tarika and I did some pretty crazy
    stuff. Watching dirty picture at our house, Tejas'
    22nd birthday ,watching chelsea win their first ever
    champions league trophy(ok ok, i know i've told you
    this story a billion times already!), driving till Tumkur
    for Shreya's b’day and playing cricket, the list is
    endless.There are a few stories of course which are
    innapropriate for me,as your dad to share with you
    both.But, this pretty much sums it up
   And as you guys already know, a few months late,
    to no one's real surprise, we both were dating.And
    i'm sure you've heard enough stories about what
    happened after that.A few more years down the
    lane, we were blessed with you both, the best kids
    in the world.And kids, that is the story of how i met
    your mother.
   From not being able to text more than 2 messages at a
    time , to spending a major share of my daily quota of
    100 messages on you; from not talking to you at all ,to
    talking to you all the time; from hating you, to liking you
    a lot ; things have come a long way. And i'm really glad i
    got to know you. I really am.And don't worry shru, i won't
    let you mess things up between us :-P So stop worrying

   Have a great year ahead
   And a very happy birthday once again, shruthi/T.K
    girl/shrublah/shruthi swamy/shrutttttthhhhiiiiiiiii/shrublah
    swamy/shruuu/my shruberry

   Toodles,
   -Your Vinyyourpooh

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  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. THE ORKUT GIRL  THE ORKUT GIRL  A few months after I joined college, I randomly got a friend request from a certain Shruthi Swamy on Orkut(Orkut was a social networking site back in our days, and it was quite popular at that time)  Her profile pic had two people in it and I automatically assumed that the profile belonged to the girl in the front. For quite a few days, I went around looking for the girl in college, till i finally decided to ask my friend Ritesh(yes, the same Ritesh uncle) who Shruthi Swamy was. He said 'everyone in class thinks it's the girl in the front(I didn't know anyone else who did),but it's actually the girl standing at the back. The one in the front is her sister(It wasn't, it was her cousin).I'll show you next time when we see her(he didn't)'.
  • 4.
  • 5. I don't remember the first time we spoke to Shruthi, but I do remember that we used to exchange smiles every time we saw each other and even said 'hi' a few times. But nothing more....
  • 6. SCRAP ME  This is how our first ever conversation on orkut went [This was before we had seen each other in college(December 1, 2008)]   Shruthi : you're ol eh?  Vinay :  i probably wasn't ol when u scrapped i am..  Were u the one who sent a friend request on Y! messenger?  Shruthi:yep. tat was me.  n are you de one sometimes i find wit ritesh n vedant?  Vinay:yupp.that's me.send me the request again on messenger..  I've no clue who u r.neva seen u in  Shruthi : oh really?i always hang wit rady,bhanu n people...  Vinay:I thought u are the girl on the left in ur pic..that's why..ya i've seen u..
  • 7. so how did ur internals go?  Shruthi:physio sucked!anat n biochem were decent i can say.  how did yours go?  Vinay:mine only biochem was good..anat and physio were terrible  Shruthi:how come i hardly see ya at col?  Vinay:u never see me in college?why's that:-)  Shruthi:how am i supposed to know tat?like until rady tol' me,i didn't know you were a classmate!  Vinay:haha.i'm a 'low-profile guy':-)  until u scrapped me, i didn't know u were in my  Shruthi: gotta go.cya!  Vinay:Byeeeeee
  • 8. (What stood out in this conversation is my use of the word 'neva'. I never ever say 'neva' . I think I was full trying to act 'cool' or maybe I found her intimidating.Lol.Or maybe that's just how I used to message back then..It's been a long time kids. I don't really remember all the details)  Oh and I also remember her as the girl who asked me to join "highest number of flings" community.Some super girl antha I thought.
  • 9. THE GIRL WHOM I LIED TO  Things were going well for sometime. Then something bad happened. When I was in first year, I used to sleep in the bus the whole time .I used to be soooo sleepy. And since we had theory class for the first two hours, i used to force myself to get up from the bus when it reached college, somehow manage to walk till the rest room, piss, stagger into the classroom and continue my sleep for the next two hours.  One day, I missed the bus in the morning, and came with the driver by car instead. Again I slept till the last minute, and walked into college, still extremely sleepy. Shruthi saw me near the rest room and asked 'Did you come in the bus?' 'Yes' 'Did Sanjana come in your bus?' ‘I'm not sure‘ (Yes, it’s the same Sanjana who made you wet your bed the day after she met you and gave you one of her famous looks)
  • 10. I don't know why I told her that I came by bus. I was probably so sleepy that I didn't even realise what I was saying.And then I sat in class and was feeling kinda weird cause I though she might think I'm a big liar. I was hoping that she wouldn't tell sanjana about our conversation , cause if she did, she would find out that I lied to her. And then I fell into a very disturbed sleep.The next day, I was thinking about all the excuses I could give her just in case Shruthi confronted me about the lie. The best one I could come up with was 'I was so mesmerized by your beauty that I didn't know what I was saying'.Lol.Cheesy, I know.  For some reason, things got weird after that. I don't know if it was the guilt of knowing that I lied to her(though I wouldn't call it a lie. You should know not to disturb a person while he's sleeping) or if we never got a chance to speak after that ,but our conversations stopped and so did the exchange of smiles.
  • 11. THE GIRL WHO RUINED MY SLEEP IN THE BUS  For the rest of the first year, I had a bad bad opinion about Shruthi.It looked as if she had completely stopped talking to me, and at times she even ignored me(i did the same of course, so i can't really blame her).Just like you people have nicknames for everyone in class, back in my days, I had nicknames for all my classmates as well.But I always kept it to myself. And you know what Shruthi's name was?? T.K Girl(Thika Kobbu girl)  I also rememeber that she used to travel in my bus once in a while.And everytime i saw her in the bus, i used to be like 'Oh damn!Can't sleep peacefully today!'lol.My bus was usually really really silent and it had the perfect atmosphere to sleep in, but whenever Shruthi Swamy travelled in our bus, she ended up talking way too much to everyone in the bus and ruining my sleep.  There were also times when they all used to imitate the way i sleep and have a big laugh about it.Little did they know, that i was awake the whole time and trying hard not to laugh, thinking of their reactions if i told them that I was awake  Another reason why i hated her was because she entered the bus one saturday and broke the news that Ritika liked Bharath uncle .(You remember Ritika right?It was that pretty aunty with twins whom i showed you guys the other day and told you that if things had gone differently, you would be calling her mommy right now) I was so disapponted.She had shattered all my dreams:-(
  • 12. CLASS RE-UNION  Then came the class re-union after during the first year holidays.I remember Shruthi speaking to me ,as i sat in one of the chairs in the Garuda mall (yes, that tiny place that was torn down recently. Believe it or not, it was pretty famous back in those days)ground floor. It felt weird..She just said 'Hi Vinay, how you been?' I thought 'Why is this girl talking to me?'. The rest of the story involving bowling, gang-forming and imaginary red cars of course has been told to you enough number of times as bed-time stories when you were kids:-)  The next time she spoke to me ,if i remember correctly was after we got the re-evaluation results. I was with Divya and Shruthi came over and congratulated both of us and said something lame about me and Divya being 'bum-chums'(or was that Sanjana who said it?I'm not very sure)
  • 13.
  • 14. NEW YEAR,NEW BEGINNING  1/1/2010 - Shruthi suddenly started chatting with me on Gtalk and i was very very surprised. And then , we had the most weird conversation ever! lol:-)  Shru : yappy yappy new yr1  me: thank u.same 2 u  Shru : thanks   wat did u do?   me: party with cousins..u?  Shru : went out for lunch..friends   me: did we have a half day today?   Shru : yeah 
  • 15.  hey ! wait  u my classmate?  fish!   lol   i tot another friend i had   me: lol   Shru : hehehe   wat's yo surname?   me: let me confirm..whom am i chatting with?:-)
  • 16. Shru : yo vinay from vims?  im swamy from yo class   me: yup   thought so..  Shru : yeah..   so how was it?   yo day?   we had a let off at 12.30  me: day was good.bunked coll   urs?   Shru : decent 
  • 17. MY BIRTHDAY TREAT  The next time we had a chance to talk was when i called them for my birthday treat in Beijing Bites:-) Unfortunately I don't remember much about this day,  except that i know i invited Shruthi and sanjana when they were both sitting in class and i think they both were wondering why i'm even bothered calling them.Well, I called  because they had stayed back for the cake cutting on my b'day(and also cause sanjana gave me a big box of orbit:-) lol.See, i told you she's not as scary as she looks!):-)
  • 18. SHRUTHI'S BIRTHDAY  Shreya aunty invited us for the cake-cutting on Shruthi's birthday. I think Rakeshu had to get the cake or something for her to cut.We hardly knew Shruthi and were planning to bunk off.But then Shreya forced us to come near the ground for the cake-cutting. Oh and, i suggested a nice little terrace place near our college grounds for the cake-cutting. I was so proud of myself for having found such a nice place. Also i had to opportunity to fullu show off my strength to shreya when i lifted these two heavy stone bricks and moved them side by side so that we could place the cake on it.Shruthi entered the terrace, wore her specs after sometime, finally saw who all were there and proceeded to cut the cake. Shreya messaged us once we got back home.I wish i had my old n70 to copy-paste it, but i dont,so it went something like this Shreya:Thank you for coming to the cake cutting. It meant a lot to shruthi Me: No problem shreya Shreya" LOSERS! I can't believe you wanted to run away Me:We weren't going to run away shreya I spent the next few minutes convincing shreya that we werent planning on running away (Even though we were!I didn't know Shruthi at all, and we were planning to  bunk the after-lunch theory classes).By the end of the day, i was convinced shreya hated me.
  • 19. ANTHARGANGE  Finally ,the ice-breaker came in Anthargange :-) The bus journey back to Bangalore was the first time we spoke more than 2 sentences in a conversation .I was sitting in the row behind Shruthi,tarika and shreya and lightiga we started off talking :-)She started asking my family history n all. lol.She also told me that my kannada is very different.And i thought that wasn't a compliment.I thought she was makin fun of my kannada. "What's your mother tongue?"she asked .And of course she told me the famous "You're a Tamilian?You're a Tamilian" dialogue for the first time ever.
  • 20. BACK TO SQUARE ONE  For some reason, she never used to listen to me even if i spoke something to her.I guess it wan't really her fault.I think i wasn't loud enough for her to hear.  One incident which i clearly remember was the day after Mathuga.I was walking into the hospital with Sushma and Shruthi was walking towards us. She smiled and said 'Hi Vinay' , and i swear I said 'Hi'.But apparently i wasn't loud enough and Sushma asked me 'Why didn't you say hi to her?'. 'I did!' 'Oh I don't think she heard you' 'How do you know?' 'Cause she just made a "Why the hell!!!" face' And i though 'Oh god!All the ice-breaking in Anthargange has come to nothing'
  • 21. HAL  The HAL day! I was so excited about the match.HAL were the only team from bangalore to play in the I-league.This was way back in 2011. they got relegated that season and unfortunately, have never made it back to the top division since.Stupid Tejas screwed up the match timings.I was quite disappointed that Tarika and shreya werent coming, but even more disappointed when i heard that Shruthi are coming :-P "What is wrong with tejas?Why is he inviting so many people?" i thought. And then of course, i realised that she was more sane than most people who had come to watch the match.So much confusion that day! Mall!Shopping!Movie!Lunch!She were the only person apart from me who was genuinly interested in watching that match.And i was pleasantly surprised.The whole point of me getting up early on a sunday was to go watch a football match! NOt to see celebrities wearing shades or go window shopping.The photo session with the churchill brothers players was fun too.  Remember the story Tejas always brings up?About how Kayne Vincent shouted 'Ehh benchoot' to his friend? :-P
  • 22.
  • 23. MATHUGA And then the mathuga trip.This was probably the time when we started talking more for more than 2 minutes at a time. I was fullu impressed by her captaincy  skills during cricket of course.I thought it was brilliant!
  • 24.
  • 25. WHAT A PUSSY!  And then there was this point where Shruthi used to get scared for everything..EVERYTHING! We called her ‘shruttttthhhhiiii’ in a seductive way, she got scared; we flirted with her just a little bit, she got scared; we gave her a seductive look, she got scared. She was no fun at all.But eventually she started playing along, and that's when things got interesting :-)  And then i guess i got to know her more and more each day once i got close to tarika and shreya
  • 26. RRRRRRAAAAASSSSTTTTTA  And then the rasta ang was formed!First event- Shruthi's birthday.The whole plan was so sudden and spontaneous. The drive to the new airport was simply amazing.We had a great time there ,and of course whet out appetites for more such drives and adventures  1st October was of course another unforgettable day :-) We had to convince you so much to lie at home and join us on our night out. But once you were out of the house, you were in no mood to return.And who can forget the crazy 'Nammmmmaaaaaa Metroooo!'
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. CRUSH-A? And then Nida messaged one fine day asking about crushes and stuff.We kept texting for sometime and then she randomly asked "Do you have a crush on shruthi.Don't worry, i shall keep this to myself".I just wanted to confuse her so i said 'maybe' or something like that. And that was all it took for nida to find/create sparks between me and Shruthi
  • 30. DANDELICIOUS  Kids, after we finished our 3rd year exams, we went on this little trip to gokarna and dandeli.Before going, I had fooled Shruthi saying that i wouldn't be going on that trip, but decided to surprise her at the last moment. I thought it was very awwwww that she was so happy that i was coming :-) And then of course full bonding happened off during the trip, which is very much evident if you look at all the pictures. Sparks flying everywhere, and nida definitely didn't miss seeing them.And of course the bus journey back home that me and you mommy were talking about so recently.. When she woke me up to help her look for antihistaminics, stole my pullover from me and pushed me away when i tried to get some warmth by hugging her. Lol.Ok, she didn't push me away, it was just not comfortable to hug in that bus.The whole thing was so awwww :-)
  • 31.
  • 32. And the final year of course, things were great between us. We had so much fun and so many adventures. I don't want to spoil your 18th birthday gift that i've been promising you, but all i can say is Shruthi,Shreya,Tarika and I did some pretty crazy stuff. Watching dirty picture at our house, Tejas' 22nd birthday ,watching chelsea win their first ever champions league trophy(ok ok, i know i've told you this story a billion times already!), driving till Tumkur for Shreya's b’day and playing cricket, the list is endless.There are a few stories of course which are innapropriate for me,as your dad to share with you both.But, this pretty much sums it up
  • 33. And as you guys already know, a few months late, to no one's real surprise, we both were dating.And i'm sure you've heard enough stories about what happened after that.A few more years down the lane, we were blessed with you both, the best kids in the world.And kids, that is the story of how i met your mother.
  • 34. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHRUTHI!  From not being able to text more than 2 messages at a time , to spending a major share of my daily quota of 100 messages on you; from not talking to you at all ,to talking to you all the time; from hating you, to liking you a lot ; things have come a long way. And i'm really glad i got to know you. I really am.And don't worry shru, i won't let you mess things up between us :-P So stop worrying  Have a great year ahead  And a very happy birthday once again, shruthi/T.K girl/shrublah/shruthi swamy/shrutttttthhhhiiiiiiiii/shrublah swamy/shruuu/my shruberry  Toodles,  -Your Vinyyourpooh