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The battle between every startup and
incumbent comes down to whether
the startup gets distribution before
the incumbent gets innovation.
Alex Rampell, a16z
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WELCOME to the 2020 Portuguese Fintech Landscape Guide.
We have been doing this guide since 2017 and
since then we have been searching the Portuguese
ecosystem for new fintech companies and for new
projects in the fintech area.
Since 2017 many companies have appeared
and many others have disappeared, as in any
ecosystem; it’s moving, and that’s good. Founders have
success, and founders fail, and they move on, applying
the knowledge they earn, in new projects.
The #fintechPortugal project, that started in
2015, is also changing. The first idea was to create an
association, but we would like to be more one-2-one,
less political and more practical, we didn’t want to be
limited to the usual limited partners of an association,
we wanted to be more global, and our ecosystem was
very small. So, we decided to move on as a consulting
company. Using social networks like facebook,
linkedin, twitter, youtube and Instagram, we have
been promoting #fintechPortugal and Portuguese
fintech startups to the world and to international
investors and fintech ecosystems.
Since 2017 the Portuguese Fintech Landscape
Guide, and the Portuguese Fintech Map have been
downloaded thousands of times, from people all
around the world.
We have also been using our social media
pages to share news and opinion articles from the
diverse ecosystems around the world. We try to give,
what we think is, valuable information for our fintech
founders, such as, use cases, trends, events, and
whatever we think can help to develop our ecosystem.
In 2019 we partnered with HubIn and the
Spanish incubator ABanca Innova. 20 Portuguese
fintech companies went to ABanca headquarters in
Lisbon to promote their projects and 5 were selected
to go to Spain and participate in a bootcamp where
they met several ABanca department leaders that
evaluated the projects and gave their feedback. Finally,
2 Portuguese fintechs were selected to do a POC (proof
of concept) in ABanca Innovation hub. And for 2020 a
new batch is coming.
For us, our 2020 quarantine, also gave birth to
a new project, FTP, we will write about
it in a later chapter
As we all know 2020 has been a year to
remember. We are going through events that some
generations never thought they would experience in
their lifetime. And these events are changing us as
individuals and also the institutions that are part of our
society. As Bob Dylan once said, “the times they are a-
changin´”, and they are, and in so many different
Let’s hope that fintech and technology can
take is part in this change for good, and that we all
can also be a part of it, by going the extra mile, by
taking chances and by making things happen, for the
benefit of all.
Augusto Santos
Founder #fintechPortugal
Partner FTP
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You can´t look at the competition
and say you´re going to do it better.
You have to look at the competition
and say you´re going to do it
Steve Jobs, Apple
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Since 2015 we have been working under the brand #fintechPortugal, and we will continue to do so through
social media, promoting our work and distributing news for Portuguese fintech founders. Beginning in 2020 our
consulting services will be developed through the FTP brand.
From the start, one of our mottos was #givefirst. The act of helping without expecting nothing in return. In
order to give before you get, we must adopt a philosophy of helping others without an expectation of what we are
going to get back. It’s not altruistic - we do expect to get things in return - but we don’t set up the relationship to be
a transactional one. And this motto will live forever in our actions.
While the mission of #fintechPortugal is “Connecting Globally, Acting Locally” with FTP we
have the mission to empower the partnership and we adopted the African proverb “If You Want To Go Fast, Go
Alone. If You Want To Go Far, Go Together.”
There are many dimensions to the power of partnerships. We do believe that it’s the best way to grow,
particularly in a small country like Portugal.
Since the beginning, the duality of banks and fintechs, was mainly attributed to rivalry. Fintechs wanted to
replace banks and banks saw fintechs as a menace. Recently they realized that the partnership model is the best
business model for both entities. Partnerships are a win-win combination, when both parties have common goals
and complement each other. But there is much more to talk about partnerships for both entities.
That’s the mission of FTP
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No matter how brilliant your mind or
strategy, if you´re playing a solo
game, you´ll always lose out to a
Reid Hoffmann, LinkedIn
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ABANCA Innova is a vertical program for startups that offers participating projects a support package
designed to provide management knowledge, resources and materials to grow your Startup. In addition, among the
startups selected for the program, the most interesting for the entity will be chosen for development and financing,
when appropriate, of a proof of concept at ABANCA. This proof of concept is a real test with the entity, in which the
Startup will see its idea materialized and will be able to show the value contribution of its proposal to the market.
The startups selected in the program will participate in a Bootcamp in which they will receive training and
resources through lectures and workshops with different industry experts. In addition, they will have visibility before
the most relevant people of the entity. During the process, startups will participate in closed and informal
conversations, called Cafés Fintech, with executives and employees of ABANCA, which will allow them to learn about
the functioning of the different areas.
Among these participating startups, those that are most related to the bank's business will be chosen and
will have the opportunity to validate their value proposition through the definition and implementation of a proof of
concept with the entity.
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During this pilot process, ABANCA will assign a corporate mentor to startups, relevant to its business area,
whose fundamental mission is the search for synergies between Startup and the company, to accompany them
during the definition and implementation of the proof of concept. Together with that person, startups can add non-
corporate mentors (references in entrepreneurship, investment, ... and other relevant ecosystem players) that will
offer them feedback. The ABANCA Innova team will conduct sessions with each elected Startup to monitor the
evolution of the implementation of the proof of concept and analyze the results obtained during the pilot.
ABANCA Innova offers the possibility of receiving direct capital investment. For that, startups can participate
in different Startup Days of the entity and participate in the main investment events of the national
entrepreneurship ecosystem. During the program, startups will have access to free services (perks), such as the use
of Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud or tools, among others, for digital marketing, communication, human or legal
Participating startups will have at their disposal the ABANCA Innova Innovation Center in A Coruña, a work
space and innovation space where they can live with ABANCA professionals and their entrepreneurship ecosystem. A
Coworking space that helps to generate an atmosphere of knowledge sharing and joint collaborations, enhancing the
synergies created in the space. In addition, ABANCA Innova organizes events and lectures in which it will meet
outstanding professionals with much to contribute.
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ABANCA Innova 3rd Edition (2019)
The 3rd edition of the program, 1st in Portugal, started on November 13, 2019 with the presentation of the
program to 20 Portuguese fintech startups who also presented their projects to a panel of specialists from the
ABANCA bank.
Of these 20 startups, 5 were selected for the bootcamp to be carried out at the ABANCA facilities in A
The Bootcamp took place between 11 and 12 December 2019, and it included 4 Portuguese fintech startups,
who made their presentations and had a targeted mentoring program, presented by several bank specialists.
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Check out one of the press releases from 2019 and some comments of the participants.
Let’s do some kissing first. O evento da ABANCA INNOVA excedeu as expectativas. Os encontros de startups
concentram-se muitas vezes a resolver desafios de ambição desmedida e em conversas estimulantes, com os heads
of innovation, mas inconsequentes. Desta vez foi diferente! Não é caso raro, mas é sempre de valorizar quando se
quer de facto trabalhar com as startups e promover um ambiente saudável de inovação. De facto, neste evento
estávamos nós, as startups, os responsáveis de negócio, os responsáveis de IT e especialistas internos na avaliação
de empresas e projetos. Estavam presentes os fornecedores, os clientes, os facilitadores e os financiadores. Todos
na mesma sala e a discutir ideias. E todos com o mesmo objetivo em mente: vamos promover pilotos e aprender
alguma coisa uns com os outros. Vamos namorar um pouco, conhecermo-nos um pouco melhor. O ambiente de
inovação não pode estar fora das organizações e correr em caminho paralelo. A inovação, sobretudo a inovação
incremental, nasce de parcerias consequentes."
Filipe Charters / Data-xl
Nos dias 11 e 12 de Dezembro ocorreu na Corunha, Espanha, um evento de inovação promovido pelo
banco espanhol, Abanca. O evento contou com a presença de representantes de diversas estruturas do banco,
assim como startups convidadas a apresentarem as suas soluções. Foi um evento muito bem organizado, onde
existia um espírito de compromisso e de missão para com o projeto de inovação. Os representantes das diversas
áreas de intervenção (Negócio, IT, Investimento, Inovação) demonstraram um conhecimento profundo das
soluções que as startups apresentaram, tendo promovido uma mentoria direcionada para que estas pudessem
chegar ao Case Study “Abanca” perfeito. Em Portugal, os programas deste tipo são escassos e os que existem (em
que tivemos o prazer de participar), aportam um nível menor de envolvimento e compromisso das entidades para
com as empresas que promovem soluções inovadoras, o que denota que, aparentemente, não existe uma cultura
de inovação, digitalização, progresso, nas instituições análogas com sede no nosso país."
Miguel Rangel / Invisible Collector
Opinião sobre o evento na Corunha O evento foi muito interessante no geral, o que mais teve impacto
a meu ver foi a possibilidade de networking e as 4 reuniões individuais com cada projeto. A vontade que o
banco tem em inovar e melhorar e largar para trás o passado obscuro de bancarrota é de louvar, tomara que
existisse este nível de preocupação nos bancos portugueses. Coisas que poderiam ser melhoradas: - O inglês
deles é muito fraco, muitas das vezes as reuniões eram melhores em português do que em inglês, para quem
vem da realidade Portuguesa é algo atípico. - Faltou um guia sobre o que se iria falar em cada uma das reuniões,
muitas das vezes tínhamos que ir apalpando terreno para perceber o que cada reunião esperava (e como
começávamos a falar em inglês muitas das vezes eles não percebiam e o feedback era difícil) Necessidade de
mais eventos destes em Portugal- Definitivamente, a nossa comunidade de fintech tem muita força mas falta
apoio (quer do governo, quer dos bancos) para que comece a fervilhar, eu assisti ao bootstrap do que se viu
no reino unido em 2014 e meetups, conferencias foi o que fez reunir muita malta e começar a criar o colosso
que hoje em dia vemos (Revolut, Monzo, etc). Alias uma das coisas mega importantes foi mesmo a criação do, a meu ver foi um dos momentos em que se viu alguém preocupado em criar união sobre este tema."
Artur Goulão / UTrust
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ABANCA Innova 4rd Edition (2020)
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Every Company Will Be a Fintech
Angela Strange, a16z
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You´ve got to start with the customer
experience and work back toward the
technology – not the other way
Steve Jobs, Apple
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We made some changes regarding our last editions.
Now, we only show the photo, with link to LinkedIn profile, of the founder or the person in charge of the
company. As this is a Portuguese Fintech Guide, the person is always of Portuguese nationality, even if the
headquarters of the company are outside Portugal, or the founder is not the CEO. In previous editions we tried to
show all founders, but we found out it was difficult to maintain the information updated. If you click on the logo of
the company you have a link to its webpage.
Companies also change a lot. Some disappear, some change their logos, some merge, and many are created,
but we will try to keep it updated regularly. If you notice something that should be changed, please gives us that
information, we will appreciate it.
We kept the information about foundation date and headquarters and a small description of what they do.
Almost all the information came from LinkedIn or directly with the companies.
This year we also made a table of categories, and now, each company has a category number and
description; in case you want to find a particular fintech vertical or horizontal. This was no easy task as one startup
can be a part of more than one category, but we did our best.
In the last editions we made a Fintech Map, only with the logos of the companies. This time and since we
had them categorized, we created a Portuguese Fintech Radar, as you can see in the first pages. If you like it, please
help us promote it.
Augusto Santos
Founder #fintechPortugal
Partner FTP
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Innovation is part of our dna. It is present in the
characteristics of each product and in the channels of
remote access to the bank, in the applications that
we create for smartphone or tablet, or in the
complete offer adapted to your lifestyle.
Dulce Mota
F O U N D E D 1 9 9 4 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
Fact-finding, risk tolerance, digital client agreements
and recurring payments, all from a single dashboard.
Onboard removes the hassle at the start of the advice
journey for you and your clients, letting you get on
with what you do best.
André Costa
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 3 L O C A T I O N L O N D O N
ADYTA focuses its activity in the area of defense and
protection of communications through innovative
solutions tailored to each client. it also provides
services of design and implementation of cloud
systems and data protection.
Carlos Carvalho
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
Associação fintech insurtech de Portugal. We are an
eclectic non-profit association that seeks to promote
and develop the fintech and insurtech sectors in
João Machado Mota
Executive Director
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
Making use of Deep Neural Networks, Natural
Language Processing and other powerful algorithms,
AGENTIFAI provides digital intelligent agents that are
capable to understand and maintain natural
conversations with customers.
Rui Lopes
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 6 L O C A T I O N B R A G A
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Gathering property data from multiple public sources,
we developed a Machine Learning algorithm that
allows any Real Estate stakeholder to perform AI-
powered appraisals of any kind of property in the
Portuguese market.
Gonçalo Abreu
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N B R A G A
The most advanced digital asset platform, for secure
crypto custody, trading, staking, governance, and more.
Diogo Monica
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N S A N F R A N C I S C O
The Portuguese blockchain alliance is an ecosystem
composed of companies, startups, universities and
students with the objective to develop the national
skills in blockchain.
Rui -Serapicos
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N S A N F R A N C I S C O
Portuguese blockchain and cryptocurrency association
Fred Antunes
Board President
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
APPCOINS is a protocol for the App Economy supported
by the Aptoide App Store, and the first ICO serving 200
million users with the goal of creating a trustworthy
economy without intermediaries.
Paulo Trezentos
CEO and Co-Founder of Aptoide
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N S I N G A P O R E , L I S B O N
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The insurance and pension funds supervisory authority
(ASF) is the national authority responsible for
regulating and supervising both prudential and
behavioral insurance, reinsurance, pension funds and
their managing entities and insurance mediation.
Paula Alves Ribeiro
F O U N D E D 1 9 0 7 L O C A T I O N L i s b o a
AYR is a breakthrough platform that counts and values
the CO2 you didn’t produce by making sustainable
choices, rewarding you with AYR Credits that stored the
value of your savings.
Pedro Diez Gaspar
Future Business Technology Director at
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
Beta-i is a collaborative innovation consultancy with
global reach. We also use our 10-years acceleration
expertise and network to help ecosystems grow,
connecting a huge network of entrepreneurs, mentors,
experts, investors and knowledge institutions to solve
things that matter.
Pedro Rocha Vieira
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 0 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
At Betmarkets, anyone can invest in sports betting
through the knowledge of professional bettors.
Afonso Vieira
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
BETPROTOCOL is an open protocol that facilitates peer-
to-peer betting Dapps powered by low fees and a
governance token ecosystem.
Rui Teixeira
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
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BINARYEDGE combines machine learning and
cybersecurity techniques in a custom-built platform to
scan, acquire and classify public internet data. this
platform scans the entire public internet space and
creates real-time threat intelligence streams and
reports about your company.
Tiago Henriques
CEO u nt il a cqu is itio n by C oa lit io n ( Jan / 2020)
General Manager Security at Coalition, Inc.
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N S W I T Z E R L A N D
A new form of payment, very convenient and available
wherever you are, Blink Pay is the right choice for
paying your bills, in the blink of an eye.
João Rosa de Carvalho
Dir. Operations @ Altice Pay
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
Disrupting businesses with innovative blockchain and
cybersecurity solutions
José Figueiredo
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
Banco BNI Europa is a financial institution with the
ambition to grow significantly and it intends to
challenge the high street banks, while using the latest
technology offered by the fintech industry in terms of
risk analysis, time to market and customer experience.
Pedro Pinto Coelho
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 4 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
BOONZI is a personal finance platform that helps
families keeping track of their financial position and
consumption habits, helping them spot instant savings
and establish monthly goals.
João Saleiro
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 3 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
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Banco de Portugal is the central bank of the Portuguese
republic. the bank is part of the euro system and the
European system of central banks, the single
supervisory mechanism and the single resolution
mechanism. the bank has two core missions: to
maintain price stability and to promote the stability of
the financial system.
Rita Bairros
Payment systems regulation unit
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 3 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
Card4B develops and operates Integrated Mobility
solutions through interoperable contactless ticketing
software, passenger interaction, embedded systems
and smartphones, systems integration and business
Henrique Parente
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 3 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
The first platform of its kind to bring the worlds of
renewables cooperatives and crowdfunding together in
one, easy to navigate space, CITIZENERGY is directly
supporting the decentralization and democratization of
our energy landscape.
Nuno Brito Jorge
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 4 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
The Portuguese securities market commission, also
known by its initials as "CMVM", supervises and
regulates securities and other financial instruments and
activities of all those who operate within said markets.
Ana Frasquilho
Equipa de Fintech e Desenvolvimento de
F O U N D E D 1 9 9 1 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
PETAPILOT is a technology company that builds
software for tax compliance, fraud detection, SAF-T
validation, and business-to-government reporting,
which helps businesses mitigate the burden and risk of
modern compliance.
Valter Pinho
CEO PetaPilot, SA
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 4 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
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06 COMPARISON is a free and independent online
platform for comparison and analysis of financial
products and services that offers users the possibility to
identify and acquire the solution most suited to their
José Figueiredo
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
COMPARAMAIS is an online comparison site that helps
consumers find the best energy, telecommunications
and banking prices in Portugal. the team has a vast
experience in comparison companies and diversified
training in banking, insurance and digital marketing.
Bruno Araújo
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
COVERFLEX is the first all-in-one digital solution for the
insurance sector. with monthly pricing plans and a fixed
price per employee, it provides dedicated customer
support that will guide you from purchase to claims.
Nuno Pinto
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
As a team of Portuguese crypto coin believers, we
decided to launch CRYPTOESCUDO (cesc, short form), a
coin based in cryptography, that uses complex
mathematical problems to achieve a high security level.
Eugénio Apolo
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 4 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
A 100% mobile solution, with no adhesion or
maintenance fees, without complications, with a
language stripped of formalism, with a young and
irreverent attitude, reflecting a native digital
generation and with well-defined concerns and causes
that completely cut it - and in principle - with the past
and with the banking sector.
Rui Negrões Soares
Head of Digital Bank at CGD
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
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DATA XL's flagship product is the insurance pricing
room (IPR). the insurance pricing room allows nonlife
companies to set up the best profitable price to their
customer, using mathematical pricing discrimination
Filipe Charters
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 6 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
We provide high quality AI training data to fuel your AI
and machine learning initiatives. Our fully customizable
workflows in speech, NLP, and vision are designed to
help you reach your business goals quickly, easily and
with guaranteed results.
Daniela Braga
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N S E A T T L E , L I S B O A
We are a consulting company specialized in Information
Technology, and proudly the only Portuguese company
certified as SWIFT Ready Solutions. With 100%
Portuguese capital, D-EVO Consulting established
strong partnerships with world leading companies in
the financial sector.
Artur Pereira
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N S E A T T L E , L I S B O A
DIDIMO is the world’s leading provider of fast,
automated solutions for the generation of high-quality
real-time humans. Our DIDIMO virtual avatars are
created in around 90 seconds.
Veronica Costa Orvalho
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
DIGITALSIGN is an electronic security company, with
emphasis on its activity as a Portuguese certifying entity
for the issuance of qualified digital certificates.
Fernando Moreira
F O U N D E D - L O C A T I O N G U I M A R Ã E S
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DOCDIGITIZER bundles AI and Machine Learning data
extraction with human revision, guaranteeing 100%
João Fernandes
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
The free services of doctor finance are available to all
Portuguese, in 5 fronts: housing credit, consolidated
credit, credit renegotiation, insurance and training in
personal finance.
Rui Bairrada
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 4 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
DRIVIT's mission is to provide tools capable of helping
drivers to address everyday burdens while reducing the
impact that the car has in our environment and public
space in general.
Gonçalo Farinha
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
Either you are a company selling online, a service
provider with monthly fees, a school or a club with
recurrent payments or an association raising funds,
with EASYPAY collecting those payments just became
easier and flexible.
Sebastião Lancastre
F O U N D E D 2 0 0 0 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
EBANKIT is an omnichannel banking software company
that helps financial institutions worldwide to future-
proof their businesses.
Renato Oliveira
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 4 L O C A T I O N L O N D O N , P O R T O
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Get to know the secure service that delivers your pre
prepared messages, even if something happens to you.
Pedro Martins
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N V I L A N O V A D E G A I A
ESOLIDAR is a global giving marketplace that empowers
the connection between charities and their
communities by providing easy ways to raise funds and
Marco Barbosa
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 4 L O C A T I O N B R A G A , L O N D O N
EUPAGO is a 100% national payment institution,
accredited and supervised by Banco de Portugal and
specializing in supporting payments made over the
Internet, consisting of an ideal solution from corporate
e-commerce situations to private sales.
Telmo Santos
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
We optimize exits providing an investment
management platform for startup shareholders and
portfolio managers to help track KPIs, understand
market trends and get advice in building liquidity to
reach their goals.
Francisco Santos
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
Billing management for the modern entrepreneur.
Dedicate your time to the business and your customers.
Billing must be less of the concerns. So, simplify the way
to bill
Paulo Solinho Barbosa
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 3 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
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Commercial management and billing solution, certified
by the Tax Authority, which allows you to issue invoices
and control your sales, with all the information always
just a click away, always up to date and properly
Hugo Pinto
CEO GoFact
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 2 L O C A T I O N B R A G A
Whether you are a bank, acquirer, merchant or any
player in the commerce value chain, FEEDZAI is all you
need to manage risk in today’s world of multirail, real
time payments. Online or offline, card or mobile,
FEEDZAI offers the most advanced machine learning
engine to mitigate fraud and stay compliant
Nuno Sebastião
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 2 L O C A T I O N C A L I F O R N I A , L O N D O N , L I S B O N
Unlock the power of real-time payment data
Access global data from Visa©, Mastercard© and
Amex© with Fidel’s API and accelerate your
André Elias
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 3 L O C A T I O N L O N D O N
Finanfarma, created in 2007, is a “Fintech for Health”
specialized in the implementation of innovative credit
and payment solutions that enhance and streamline
the creation of value in the Health and Wellness area,
contributing to a profitable and sustained growth in the
Ricardo Costa e Silva
Board Member
F O U N D E D 1 9 9 4 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
Our success story began in September 1994 with the
creation of a startup dedicated to the development of
software for trading on the Oporto Stock Exchange.
António Jesus
F O U N D E D 1 9 9 4 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
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Improving people's lives by untangling the financial
José Gomes
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N B R A G A
Portugal FINLAB is a communication channel between
innovators in the financial sector in Portugal – start-ups
or incumbents – and the sector’s regulatory authorities.
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
The biggest Fintech, Regtech, Insurtech and
Cybersecurity Hub in Portugal. This is a space where
Startups, Investors, Corporations and Regulators will
work together and create value for the future. This is
the must-go place for Fintech in Portugal.
Marco Nigris
Managing Director
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
Connecting the dots. Empowering Portuguese fintech
ecosystem. Combining innovative business models and
technology to enable, enhance and disrupt financial
Augusto Santos
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
FINTECH SERVER is a suite of software components for
fintech platforms and applications.
Jorge Pereira
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N B R A G A
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FINTECH PARTNERS. If You Want To Go Fast, Go Alone.
If You Want To Go Far, Go Together.
Augusto Santos
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
Fyde provides granular access controls for your
enterprise apps and workloads, and continuously
monitors access requests. Enable strong device
authentication, improve security posture of
unmanaged devices and remediate configuration
José Luís Pereira
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 6 L O C A T I O N C A L I F O R N I A , P O R T O
GOPARITY is an online sustainable investment platform.
it connects citizens and institutional investors with
exciting investment opportunities that also make the
world a better place to live in.
Nuno Brito Jorge
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 6 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
We create insurance products that go beyond
traditional insurance by adding Services to the
insurance offer and enabling usage-based products on
a digital channel.
Domingos Bruges
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N N E W Y O R K , L I S B O A
We create APIs that let you - or your customers - access
information (assets, loans, investment portfolios) and
transactions at the traditional banks, enabling the
creation of a new generation of banking enabled
applications and services!
Diogo Nesbitt
F O U N D E D - L O C A T I O N -
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Your HISONIA assistant will help you getting it all done.
Avoid bureaucracy, find out the products at the best
prices and ratings. After all it's Simple! You can still win
Coins4Life, reward from your insurances managed by
us. Coins4Life can be exchanged for awards and
Igor de Brito
F O U N D E D - L O C A T I O N -
Infrastructure & Software solutions for Retail Investors
& Portfolio Managers. Business Development
Consultantship for Money Managers, Proprietary
Trading Desks & Investment Services Affiliates.
Rui Gago
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N C Y P R U S
HOLD provides a crypto and cash exchange app with a
free Debit card where customers can instantly buy, sell,
and exchange crypto and cash anywhere at great rates
and with zero fees.
Guilherme Almeida
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N M A L T A , P O R T O
we are an it company specialized in the design,
development and implementation of software
solutions for the insurance global market.
Helena Leite
F O U N D E D 1 9 8 4 L O C A T I O N P O R T O , L I S B O A
We help insurance companies to automate claims,
manage all providers, reduce costs and improve
customer experience by using advanced workflow
solutions combined with Machine Learning / AI
João Medina
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
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INVISIBLE COLLECTOR is a receivables relationship
agent that puts creditors and debtors on the same
page, while providing real-time performance analytics
and predictive cash-flows.
Miguel Rangel
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 6 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
Allow businesses, online stores, schools, clubs,
associations and municipalities to issue Multibanco
references in their documents or websites.
Filipe Moura
F O U N D E D 2 0 0 5 L O C A T I O N A V E I R O
IMPACTMARKET is a decentralized financial and
philanthropic infrastructure for the new impact
economy that empowers people, charities, funders and
businesses to make positive social change by leveraging
the blockchain for efficient fundraising, governance,
and transparency.
Marco Barbosa
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N B R A G A
INFOSISTEMA is a technology and business consulting
company providing systems of engagement,
integration and advanced analytics solutions to banking
and insurance companies.
Alexandre do Monte Lee
F O U N D E D 1 9 9 6 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
INVOICEXPRESS is an online invoicing software. its'
simple and intuitive interface makes your life easier,
let's face it invoicing is not as smooth as you'd like. it is
targeted specially to micro, small and medium
enterprises - and freelancers.
Alexandre do Monte Lee
F O U N D E D 2 0 0 9 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
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ITSCREDIT is a software company specialized in credit
solutions and their implementation.
Filipe Catalão
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
ITSECTOR is a software development company
specialized in digital transformation for financial
José Jorge Ferreira
Board Member
F O U N D E D 2 0 0 5 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
IZILEND is a lending platform for Real Estate projects in
Spain and Portugal. IZILEND provides bridge financing
to Real Estate Developers that need to act swiftly when
looking for new projects and need flexible and
customized solutions.
Bernardo Faria e Maia
Managing Director
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A , M A D R I D
JASMIN is an easy to use cloud management software.
Anytime and anywhere, you can control the buying and
selling cycles of your business, charge your customers
faster, track current accounts and optimize inventory
and warehouse management.
José Dionísio
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N -
With JSCRAMBLER, JavaScript applications become self-
defensive and resilient to tampering and reverse-
engineering, while also providing complete visibility
over client-side attacks, including DOM tampering, web
supply chain attacks like Magecart, and customer
Rui Ribeiro
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 4 L O C A T I O N P O R T O , L I S B O A , S A N F R A N C I S C O
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Creating an online store requires setting up
infrastructure, managing backups, performing regular
updates, developing software and ensuring security.
JUMPSELLER is the eCommerce solution that allows you
to set up an online store with just a few clicks of the
mouse and start selling!
Filipe Gonçalves
F O U N D E D 2 0 0 9 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
KEEP WARRANTY is an app that saves your purchase
slips and warranties, reminding you when they’re about
to expire. you can store your warranties by category,
making it easier to organize and find them.
Romana Ibrahim
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N S E T Ú B A L
KEYRUPTIVE is a mobile application for secure storage
and management of your digital assets. the
KEYRUPTIVE app offers security levels comparable to
hardware wallets but with the convenience of a home
banking app.
Francisco Almeida Maia
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N B R A G A
KOOLI is a b2b2c white label and cloud-based insurance
platform that connects people, business and insurance
companies in an innovative, attractive and personalized
José Pedro Costa
F O U N D E D - L O C A T I O N -
We use technology to enable a greater and simpler
delivery of End to end insurance that better address
real needs, in one unique integrated experience.
Cristóvão Pereira
F O U N D E D - L O C A T I O N -
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LIQUI.DO helps small and medium businesses get the
equipment they need to grow their business. driven by
proprietary algorithms, cloud computing and
automation, is building the future of equipment
José Capitão
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
LLUNI Software is focused on developing solutions for
the insurance mediation market through cutting-edge
products and technologies that provide business
models with a high integration rate.
Leandro Fernandes
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 3 L O C A T I O N B R A G A
LOQR provides adaptive authentication security
solutions. we are deploying world leading client
recognition and access management systems.
Ricardo Costa
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
Finally, an insurance that adapts to you. Quickly register
the things you care about and insure them within
seconds. You now have a clear view of what is covered
and not covered.
João Cardoso De Jesus
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N P A R I S , L E I R I A
We offer payments by mobile phone and references
Multibanco and Payshop so that the invoices of your
company can be easily paid.
José António Ribeiro
F O U N D E D 2 0 0 7 L O C A T I O N V I L A N O V A D E G A I A
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MAGNIFINANCE automates 90% of all financial
management tasks and does all the heavy lifting so you
can manage your finances with no typing.
Jorge Rodrigues dos Santos
F O U N D E D 2 0 0 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
We have created a core banking system that will change
the way we view and use money forever. Create your
account in minutes directly from your phone and
instantly start changing the way you use money.
Joaquim Lambiza
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N L O N D O N
We are a team of experienced professionals working
with blockchain and crypto assets for more than 5
years. We provide consulting in those areas as well as
ICO design and advisory services.
Mário Valente
Managing Partner
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
MB WAY is the MULTIBANCO solution that allows you
to make purchases online and in physical stores,
generate MB NET virtual cards, send, ask for money and
split the account and still use and withdraw money
through your smartphone, the MB WAY app or the apps
Tomás Albuquerque
Senior Product Manager
F O U N D E D - L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
We’re learning from data to help drivers spend less and
use less, so every journey has a positive impact on the
António Luís Mendes Fradique
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
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MEO WALLET is a fast, secure and innovative way to
make and receive payments on your phone, on your
computer and on the tv.
João Zúquete Da Silva
Chief Corporate Officer at Altice Portugal
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 2 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
M-ESKUDO “bank in your hand” is the next generation
of digital finance based on a dedicate device for the last
mile. It is the global anywhere anytime remote platform
for banking. M-ESKUDO targets the unbanked and
Manuel Valadas Preto
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 2 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
Use our Bitcoin terminals (Bitcoin ATM) to acquire
virtual currencies instantly!
Fernando Guimarães
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N B R A G A
At moey! we're building a totally different banking
experience. A bank that is 100% mobile, without
opening or maintenance costs, without complications.
A bank with a fresh attitude and a non-complicated
language which aims to cut with the past of the banking
Diogo Rito
Head of Product and Business Development
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N B R A G A
MOLONI is an innovative commercial management
software designed for micro, small and medium-sized
businesses as well as for professionals. no initial
investment, complete and intuitive.
Ruben Costa
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
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MONEYLAB's labs and workshops aim to teach children
and young people to become financially responsible
and independent adults.
Bárbara Barroso
F O U N D E D ~ - L O C A T I O N -
Buying insurance should be simple, transparent and
personalized. We believe that there is a lot to do to
achieve this - the reason why we created MUDEY! The
intelligent way to buy and manage your insurances.
Ana Teixeira
F O U N D E D - L O C A T I O N -
at MULTICERT, we are focused in electronic
certification and electronic communications
/transactions security, offering several security
solutions for individuals, companies and even
Salvador Palha
F O U N D E D 2 0 0 2 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A , P O R T O
Financial management software with aggregated,
qualified and independent information. A new
relationship between companies, accountants and
financial institutions.
Orlando Costa
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
Alternative digital banking solutions. "banks can't
ignore 4% of the world's population."
Currently, visually impaired people are presented with
limited digital banking solutions, with low security and
low autonomy features.
Pedro Camacho
Executive Director
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N F U N C H A L , L I S B O A
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Nvalores is an independent comparator of banking
products in Portugal. Simulate and compare and find
the best solution in personal loans, home loans, credit
cards, bank accounts and place your order online.
Ricardo Rodrigues
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 3 L O C A T I O N S E T U B A L
We are the Portuguese fintech of reference with more
than 300 ME of collections and more than 20 million
transactions. PAGAQUI acts as Merchant Agent for Visa
Europe, Payment Facilitator for Mastercard and Alipay
João Barros
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
PARCELAJÁ is focused on installment payments
through credit cards, at no cost whatsoever for end
customers. The developed software allows end
customers to pay their purchased products or services
over the store counter from 2 to 12 times with their
credit card, without any interest or charges and without
any bureaucracies or waiting time for credit approval.
Miguel Quintas
Managing Director
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
We are a Fintech company dedicated to providing
Artificial Intelligence solutions to the Investment
Paulo Cardeira Gomes
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
PASSWORKS is a technology start-up that developed a
mobile wallet solution that leverages different mobile
wallets technologies, such as apple wallet or android
pay, in one single platform, allowing our customers to
create content for the mobile wallets and manage the
entire life cycle easily.
Francisco Belo
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
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PAYCRITICAL is a payments company founded by a
team of experienced industry specialists. the company
provides technology, consultancy services and
guidance on digital payments. they offer visa,
Mastercard, Amex, Multibanco, Mb Way, Sepa direct
debits among many other available payment methods.
Hugo Hilário
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
PAYLEND is a financial solution made with real estate
consultants in mind. In a simple and intuitive way, it
allows them to receive right away instead of having to
wait for the agency's deed or payment cycle.
Diogo Dantas da Cunha
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
PAYSHOP is a service that allows the charging of mobile
phones and transport tickets, payment of various bills
like telephone, electricity, water, gas, television, taxes
and tolls, among others.
Silvia Correia
Executive Board Member at PayShop
Portugal and Head of Payments at CTT -
Correios de Portugal, S.A
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
POLYGON is a Portuguese technology company
specialized in the development of multimodal
biometrics for cross-platform and cross-device usage
(web, mobile, call center, physical). Our aim is to
identify and authenticate users on remote digital
interfaces in real time, in a secure and easy to use
Alberto Araújo Lima
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
Portugal fintech is a non-profit association of financial
technology (fintech). The association's mission is to
create the best conditions for the development of
fintech, insurtech and cybersecurity startups in
Margarida Mendes da Maia
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 6 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
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PPL - The reference Crowdfunding platform in Portugal
Pedro Domingos
Managing Director
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
at PRAZO.PT we are making the path to digital factoring,
creating value for suppliers, buyers, partners and
Pedro Fernandes
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
We develop full-spectrum, user-friendly solutions
which guarantee the security and privacy of all your
digital communications.
Henrique Corrêa da Silva
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
PROTECHTING supports innovative startup projects in
the areas of protection and prevention, services (in
fintech and insurtech) and health.
José Villa de Freitas
Marketing Manager at FIDELIDADE
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
We are a technology company comprised of two
business units, "origami" and "alive", focused on strong
innovation at the intersection of the most current
disruptive technologies: VR/AR, Biometrics, AI, Dlts and
Ricardo Lopes
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
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We are a pioneer in raising and managing collaborative
financing, usually called crowdfunding, specifically
geared towards making and managing real estate
investments. We provide small investors and savers
with the possibility to invest directly in premium real
estate assets, just as big investors and real estate funds
Vasco Pinto
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
Automotive insurance simulator. In less than 3 minutes
with a single simulation check and compare the offers
of various insurance companies.
Miguel Teixeira
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
RAIZE is the largest peer-to-peer lender in Portugal and
one of the fastest growing in Iberia. we operate our
own payments institution regulated by the bank of
Portugal making us one of the most solidly regulated
platforms in Europe.
José Maria Rego
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
A cloud platform for smart retail product analysis and
price comparison that uses powerful machine learning
algorithms, data fusion and computer vision to reshape
the way retailers get their competitive intelligence
Ana Pinto
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
Insanely simple insurance switching. Stop overpaying
on your insurance. RNWL automatically analyses the
market, offers you the best deals and can even make
the switch for you.
Gonçalo de Vasconcelos
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
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SAPHETY is a leading company in solutions for
electronic documents exchange, electronic invoicing
and data synchronization amongst companies.
Nuno Matos
VP Product Marketing
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
Our goal is to become the world’s largest pension fund
without touching a penny of our clients' funds. Unlike
with traditional banking, our clients will be the only
ones with access to their private key.
Sérgio Silva
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
SECURIBOX cloud-based solutions of data and
documents aggregation, organization and analysis
allow us to provide you with information that really
João Rodrigues
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A , P A R I S
SEEDIMO is the first Portuguese platform for real estate
crowdfunding. through our platform, we offer access to
a community of real estate investors.
Fernando Belezas
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
SEEDRS is the world’s leading equity crowdfunding
platform. we make it simple for anyone - from angels
and venture capitalists, to friends and family - to
become investors in ambitious, growth-focused
European businesses.
Carlos Silva
Non-Executive Director
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
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SENSEI is a scalable, seamless store-wide solution that
empowers the stores of the future to be check-out and
cash free.
Vasco Portugal
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
SHOPKIT is a service that allows you to create your
online store easily, conveniently and appropriate to
your type of business. the process is simple and fast. in
5 minutes, you're ready to start selling your products
André Castro
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
SIBS offers to more than 300 million users the most
modern, reliable and secure financial services, namely
in the payments area. more than three billion
transactions are processed by Sibs, which results as one
of the largest payment processors in Europe. the most
recognized brands are Multibanco, MbWay and MbNet.
Madalena Cascais Tomé
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
Sibs API market provides both market-shared and
provider-specific payments, information and analytics
APIs. We provide all psd2-compliant APIs (account
information, payment initiation and availability of
funds) as well as the Mb Way API which offers a simple
solution to integrate checkout payments into online
Madalena Cascais Tomé
CEO Sibs
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
Sibs incubator. With more than three decades of
existence, Sibs offers to more than 300 million users the
most modern, reliable and secure financial services,
namely in the payments area.
Maria Antónia Saldanha
Director of SIBS PAYFORWARD - Innovation
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
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SLYK Payspaces is the easiest way for any individual or
business to launch a wallet network with built-in tools
for selling, hiring, raising funds, accepting donations,
and more. Payspaces are your one-stop shop for easy
ecommerce, no domain, site, or online store required.
Jorge Pereira
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
The 1st startup accelerator developed and powered by
a Portuguese law firm, together with specialized
partners, dedicated to the development of products
and solutions for service companies. We are looking for
technology-based startups with a primary focus in the
following areas. Legaltech, fintech e insurtech.
Paulo Bandeira
F O U N D E D - L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
STUDENT FINANCE is an educational technology
company focused on helping partner schools and
universities financing students’ education through
income-share -agreements (“ISA”) to help increase
educational opportunity and empower people to
access high-impact careers.
Marta Palmeiro
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
SUADE provides financial institutions with a data-driven
software platform to deliver their regulatory
requirements. the company works closely with financial
institutions in developing an industry-led solution.
Diana Paredes
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
SWITCH provides the technical infrastructure for
transaction orchestration across the entire payments
value chain. We believe in the power of networks as a
way to unlock additional value, so we’re committed to
support projects that require interaction between
multiple participants.
Ruca Sousa Marques
Executive Director
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
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A platform where companies can offer products and
services that employees really want. #makethemsmile
Bruno Lima
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
We’re a fintech company made up of data-scientists,
investment professionals, software developers and
marketers with one mission: to be an early investor in
every British startup success story.
Gonçalo de Vasconcelos
Founder and NED
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
We are an end-to-end platform that manages open
innovation challenges for organizations or corporate
businesses. The challenges are solved by our
community of innovators and the best projects are
selected through our transparent and auditable voting
Mário Ribeiro Alves
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
UNIVERSE COIN is an international company that offers
a payment gateway for cryptocurrencies and an app
that converts immediately to FIAT currency the value
for the receiver of the transfer.
Jorge Mesquita
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
We believe digital currencies are the money of
tomorrow. UTRUST helps merchants easily accept
digital currencies for goods, and helps buyers pay with
them. One merchant at a time, we’re revolutionizing
how payments happen.
Artur Goulão Ferreira
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
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New Fintech startup focused on developing innovative
solutions for payments market. Simplifying the
experience for consumers.
Luís Ferreira
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
VAWLT is a dynamic storage platform that simplifies the
operation of multiple clouds, while improving data
security standards, and enabling optimal usage of
storage resources.
Bruno Santos Amaro
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
VIA VERDE was born in 1991 as an innovative
technological solution that allowed drivers to pay toll
charges without stopping their vehicles. since then we
have been enriching our range of services with several
applications for the Via Verde identifier: payments in
Galp fuel stations, parking lots and McDrive
Pedro Mourisca
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
Covering also the entire id management life cycle,
VISION-BOX® delivers, to governments and issuing
authorities, solutions ranging from live biometric
enrolment stations, document verification kiosks and
digital document dispensers through to personalization
Miguel Leitmann
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
VISOR.AI is a chatbot company. we help businesses
automate their online customer service thanks to
automated replies using artificial intelligence and
Bruno Matias
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
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The global protocol for digital ID transactions. WALLID
technology uses the Blockchain to safely and privately
store user’s ID documents in their own digital wallets
and relies on digital certificates and PKI technology to
ensure all documents stored and shared by users' come
from a reliable and verifiable source
Filipe Veiga
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
We are dedicated to removing costs, delay, and
uncertainty from cross-border transfers. We combine
the most secure and reliable bank networks with the
most efficient financial technology to provide
businesses with a far superior currency swap solution.
Carlos Veiga
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
XnFinity, Lda. (“XNFY”) is a company with a focus in AI
and innovative solutions applied to retailers.
Orlando Ribas Fernandes
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
Elevating data and privacy in a world moving towards
AI. Great experiences do not need to come at the
expense of users' privacy and security. Rather, privacy
and security can help support great experiences. We
provide privacy and synthetic data tools.
Gonçalo Martins Ribeiro
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
At YOONIK we are building the future, combining state
of the art technology in AI & Blockchain to deliver
private, convenient and secure Customer Recognition.
Pedro Torres
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
ftp fintech . partners 49 / 5 0
A mobile shopping and checkout solution that reduces
checkout time, while enhancing the overall customer
shopping experience. Ideal for retailers looking to
improve customer satisfaction while also reducing
operational costs.
João Paulo Rodrigues
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
YUBUY® is an innovative interactive TV commerce
solution that allows an easy, quick and secure purchase
of services and goods, all of which are seamlessly
integrated with the traditional linear TV user
Miguel Carvalho
F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
ftp fintech . partners 50 / 5 0
# f i n t e c h P o r t u g a l f t p f i n t e c h . p a r t n e r s
w w w . f i n t e c h . p t 2 0 2 0

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Portuguese Fintech Landscape Guide 2020 v2

  • 1. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 1 / 5 0
  • 2. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 2 / 5 0 The battle between every startup and incumbent comes down to whether the startup gets distribution before the incumbent gets innovation. Alex Rampell, a16z
  • 3. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 3 / 5 0 WELCOME to the 2020 Portuguese Fintech Landscape Guide. We have been doing this guide since 2017 and since then we have been searching the Portuguese ecosystem for new fintech companies and for new projects in the fintech area. Since 2017 many companies have appeared and many others have disappeared, as in any ecosystem; it’s moving, and that’s good. Founders have success, and founders fail, and they move on, applying the knowledge they earn, in new projects. The #fintechPortugal project, that started in 2015, is also changing. The first idea was to create an association, but we would like to be more one-2-one, less political and more practical, we didn’t want to be limited to the usual limited partners of an association, we wanted to be more global, and our ecosystem was very small. So, we decided to move on as a consulting company. Using social networks like facebook, linkedin, twitter, youtube and Instagram, we have been promoting #fintechPortugal and Portuguese fintech startups to the world and to international investors and fintech ecosystems. Since 2017 the Portuguese Fintech Landscape Guide, and the Portuguese Fintech Map have been downloaded thousands of times, from people all around the world. We have also been using our social media pages to share news and opinion articles from the diverse ecosystems around the world. We try to give, what we think is, valuable information for our fintech founders, such as, use cases, trends, events, and whatever we think can help to develop our ecosystem. In 2019 we partnered with HubIn and the Spanish incubator ABanca Innova. 20 Portuguese fintech companies went to ABanca headquarters in Lisbon to promote their projects and 5 were selected to go to Spain and participate in a bootcamp where they met several ABanca department leaders that evaluated the projects and gave their feedback. Finally, 2 Portuguese fintechs were selected to do a POC (proof of concept) in ABanca Innovation hub. And for 2020 a new batch is coming. For us, our 2020 quarantine, also gave birth to a new project, FTP, we will write about it in a later chapter As we all know 2020 has been a year to remember. We are going through events that some generations never thought they would experience in their lifetime. And these events are changing us as individuals and also the institutions that are part of our society. As Bob Dylan once said, “the times they are a- changin´”, and they are, and in so many different dimensions. Let’s hope that fintech and technology can take is part in this change for good, and that we all can also be a part of it, by going the extra mile, by taking chances and by making things happen, for the benefit of all. Augusto Santos Founder #fintechPortugal Partner FTP
  • 4. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 4 / 5 0 You can´t look at the competition and say you´re going to do it better. You have to look at the competition and say you´re going to do it differently. Steve Jobs, Apple
  • 5. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 5 / 5 0 fintech . partners Since 2015 we have been working under the brand #fintechPortugal, and we will continue to do so through social media, promoting our work and distributing news for Portuguese fintech founders. Beginning in 2020 our consulting services will be developed through the FTP brand. From the start, one of our mottos was #givefirst. The act of helping without expecting nothing in return. In order to give before you get, we must adopt a philosophy of helping others without an expectation of what we are going to get back. It’s not altruistic - we do expect to get things in return - but we don’t set up the relationship to be a transactional one. And this motto will live forever in our actions. While the mission of #fintechPortugal is “Connecting Globally, Acting Locally” with FTP we have the mission to empower the partnership and we adopted the African proverb “If You Want To Go Fast, Go Alone. If You Want To Go Far, Go Together.” . CONNECTING GLOBALLY, ACTING LOCALLY IF YOU WANT TO GO FAST, GO ALONE. IF YOU WANT TO GO FAR, GO TOGETHER There are many dimensions to the power of partnerships. We do believe that it’s the best way to grow, particularly in a small country like Portugal. Since the beginning, the duality of banks and fintechs, was mainly attributed to rivalry. Fintechs wanted to replace banks and banks saw fintechs as a menace. Recently they realized that the partnership model is the best business model for both entities. Partnerships are a win-win combination, when both parties have common goals and complement each other. But there is much more to talk about partnerships for both entities. That’s the mission of FTP
  • 6. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 6 / 5 0 No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy, if you´re playing a solo game, you´ll always lose out to a team. Reid Hoffmann, LinkedIn
  • 7. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 7 / 5 0 ABANCA Innova ABANCA Innova is a vertical program for startups that offers participating projects a support package designed to provide management knowledge, resources and materials to grow your Startup. In addition, among the startups selected for the program, the most interesting for the entity will be chosen for development and financing, when appropriate, of a proof of concept at ABANCA. This proof of concept is a real test with the entity, in which the Startup will see its idea materialized and will be able to show the value contribution of its proposal to the market. The startups selected in the program will participate in a Bootcamp in which they will receive training and resources through lectures and workshops with different industry experts. In addition, they will have visibility before the most relevant people of the entity. During the process, startups will participate in closed and informal conversations, called Cafés Fintech, with executives and employees of ABANCA, which will allow them to learn about the functioning of the different areas. Among these participating startups, those that are most related to the bank's business will be chosen and will have the opportunity to validate their value proposition through the definition and implementation of a proof of concept with the entity.
  • 8. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 8 / 5 0 During this pilot process, ABANCA will assign a corporate mentor to startups, relevant to its business area, whose fundamental mission is the search for synergies between Startup and the company, to accompany them during the definition and implementation of the proof of concept. Together with that person, startups can add non- corporate mentors (references in entrepreneurship, investment, ... and other relevant ecosystem players) that will offer them feedback. The ABANCA Innova team will conduct sessions with each elected Startup to monitor the evolution of the implementation of the proof of concept and analyze the results obtained during the pilot. ABANCA Innova offers the possibility of receiving direct capital investment. For that, startups can participate in different Startup Days of the entity and participate in the main investment events of the national entrepreneurship ecosystem. During the program, startups will have access to free services (perks), such as the use of Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud or tools, among others, for digital marketing, communication, human or legal resources. Participating startups will have at their disposal the ABANCA Innova Innovation Center in A Coruña, a work space and innovation space where they can live with ABANCA professionals and their entrepreneurship ecosystem. A Coworking space that helps to generate an atmosphere of knowledge sharing and joint collaborations, enhancing the synergies created in the space. In addition, ABANCA Innova organizes events and lectures in which it will meet outstanding professionals with much to contribute.
  • 9. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 9 / 5 0 ABANCA Innova 3rd Edition (2019) The 3rd edition of the program, 1st in Portugal, started on November 13, 2019 with the presentation of the program to 20 Portuguese fintech startups who also presented their projects to a panel of specialists from the ABANCA bank. Of these 20 startups, 5 were selected for the bootcamp to be carried out at the ABANCA facilities in A Coruña. The Bootcamp took place between 11 and 12 December 2019, and it included 4 Portuguese fintech startups, who made their presentations and had a targeted mentoring program, presented by several bank specialists.
  • 10. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 10 / 5 0 Check out one of the press releases from 2019 and some comments of the participants. Let’s do some kissing first. O evento da ABANCA INNOVA excedeu as expectativas. Os encontros de startups concentram-se muitas vezes a resolver desafios de ambição desmedida e em conversas estimulantes, com os heads of innovation, mas inconsequentes. Desta vez foi diferente! Não é caso raro, mas é sempre de valorizar quando se quer de facto trabalhar com as startups e promover um ambiente saudável de inovação. De facto, neste evento estávamos nós, as startups, os responsáveis de negócio, os responsáveis de IT e especialistas internos na avaliação de empresas e projetos. Estavam presentes os fornecedores, os clientes, os facilitadores e os financiadores. Todos na mesma sala e a discutir ideias. E todos com o mesmo objetivo em mente: vamos promover pilotos e aprender alguma coisa uns com os outros. Vamos namorar um pouco, conhecermo-nos um pouco melhor. O ambiente de inovação não pode estar fora das organizações e correr em caminho paralelo. A inovação, sobretudo a inovação incremental, nasce de parcerias consequentes." Filipe Charters / Data-xl Nos dias 11 e 12 de Dezembro ocorreu na Corunha, Espanha, um evento de inovação promovido pelo banco espanhol, Abanca. O evento contou com a presença de representantes de diversas estruturas do banco, assim como startups convidadas a apresentarem as suas soluções. Foi um evento muito bem organizado, onde existia um espírito de compromisso e de missão para com o projeto de inovação. Os representantes das diversas áreas de intervenção (Negócio, IT, Investimento, Inovação) demonstraram um conhecimento profundo das soluções que as startups apresentaram, tendo promovido uma mentoria direcionada para que estas pudessem chegar ao Case Study “Abanca” perfeito. Em Portugal, os programas deste tipo são escassos e os que existem (em que tivemos o prazer de participar), aportam um nível menor de envolvimento e compromisso das entidades para com as empresas que promovem soluções inovadoras, o que denota que, aparentemente, não existe uma cultura de inovação, digitalização, progresso, nas instituições análogas com sede no nosso país." Miguel Rangel / Invisible Collector Opinião sobre o evento na Corunha O evento foi muito interessante no geral, o que mais teve impacto a meu ver foi a possibilidade de networking e as 4 reuniões individuais com cada projeto. A vontade que o banco tem em inovar e melhorar e largar para trás o passado obscuro de bancarrota é de louvar, tomara que existisse este nível de preocupação nos bancos portugueses. Coisas que poderiam ser melhoradas: - O inglês deles é muito fraco, muitas das vezes as reuniões eram melhores em português do que em inglês, para quem vem da realidade Portuguesa é algo atípico. - Faltou um guia sobre o que se iria falar em cada uma das reuniões, muitas das vezes tínhamos que ir apalpando terreno para perceber o que cada reunião esperava (e como começávamos a falar em inglês muitas das vezes eles não percebiam e o feedback era difícil) Necessidade de mais eventos destes em Portugal- Definitivamente, a nossa comunidade de fintech tem muita força mas falta apoio (quer do governo, quer dos bancos) para que comece a fervilhar, eu assisti ao bootstrap do que se viu no reino unido em 2014 e meetups, conferencias foi o que fez reunir muita malta e começar a criar o colosso que hoje em dia vemos (Revolut, Monzo, etc). Alias uma das coisas mega importantes foi mesmo a criação do, a meu ver foi um dos momentos em que se viu alguém preocupado em criar união sobre este tema." Artur Goulão / UTrust
  • 11. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 11 / 5 0 ABANCA Innova 4rd Edition (2020)
  • 12. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 12 / 5 0 Every Company Will Be a Fintech Company Angela Strange, a16z
  • 13. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 13 / 5 0 PORTUGUESE FINTECH RADAR
  • 14. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 14 / 5 0 You´ve got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology – not the other way around. Steve Jobs, Apple
  • 17. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 17 / 5 0 PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE GUIDE 2020 We made some changes regarding our last editions. Now, we only show the photo, with link to LinkedIn profile, of the founder or the person in charge of the company. As this is a Portuguese Fintech Guide, the person is always of Portuguese nationality, even if the headquarters of the company are outside Portugal, or the founder is not the CEO. In previous editions we tried to show all founders, but we found out it was difficult to maintain the information updated. If you click on the logo of the company you have a link to its webpage. Companies also change a lot. Some disappear, some change their logos, some merge, and many are created, but we will try to keep it updated regularly. If you notice something that should be changed, please gives us that information, we will appreciate it. We kept the information about foundation date and headquarters and a small description of what they do. Almost all the information came from LinkedIn or directly with the companies. This year we also made a table of categories, and now, each company has a category number and description; in case you want to find a particular fintech vertical or horizontal. This was no easy task as one startup can be a part of more than one category, but we did our best. In the last editions we made a Fintech Map, only with the logos of the companies. This time and since we had them categorized, we created a Portuguese Fintech Radar, as you can see in the first pages. If you like it, please help us promote it. Enjoy. Augusto Santos Founder #fintechPortugal Partner FTP
  • 18. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 18 / 5 0
  • 19. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 19 / 5 0 03 BANK Innovation is part of our dna. It is present in the characteristics of each product and in the channels of remote access to the bank, in the applications that we create for smartphone or tablet, or in the complete offer adapted to your lifestyle. Dulce Mota CEO F O U N D E D 1 9 9 4 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 11 FINANCIAL ADVICE Fact-finding, risk tolerance, digital client agreements and recurring payments, all from a single dashboard. Onboard removes the hassle at the start of the advice journey for you and your clients, letting you get on with what you do best. André Costa Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 3 L O C A T I O N L O N D O N 23 SECURITY ADYTA focuses its activity in the area of defense and protection of communications through innovative solutions tailored to each client. it also provides services of design and implementation of cloud systems and data protection. Carlos Carvalho CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N P O R T O 01 ASSOCIATION Associação fintech insurtech de Portugal. We are an eclectic non-profit association that seeks to promote and develop the fintech and insurtech sectors in Portugal João Machado Mota Executive Director F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 05 CHATBOT /AI Making use of Deep Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing and other powerful algorithms, AGENTIFAI provides digital intelligent agents that are capable to understand and maintain natural conversations with customers. Rui Lopes CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 6 L O C A T I O N B R A G A
  • 20. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 20 / 5 0 04 BIGDATA /AI /PROPTECH Gathering property data from multiple public sources, we developed a Machine Learning algorithm that allows any Real Estate stakeholder to perform AI- powered appraisals of any kind of property in the Portuguese market. Gonçalo Abreu Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N B R A G A 8 CRYPTO The most advanced digital asset platform, for secure crypto custody, trading, staking, governance, and more. Diogo Monica Co-Founder President F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N S A N F R A N C I S C O 01 ASSOCIATION The Portuguese blockchain alliance is an ecosystem composed of companies, startups, universities and students with the objective to develop the national skills in blockchain. Rui -Serapicos President F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N S A N F R A N C I S C O 01 ASSOCIATION Portuguese blockchain and cryptocurrency association Fred Antunes Board President F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 08 CRYPTO APPCOINS is a protocol for the App Economy supported by the Aptoide App Store, and the first ICO serving 200 million users with the goal of creating a trustworthy economy without intermediaries. Paulo Trezentos CEO and Co-Founder of Aptoide F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N S I N G A P O R E , L I S B O N
  • 21. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 21 / 5 0 20 REGULATOR The insurance and pension funds supervisory authority (ASF) is the national authority responsible for regulating and supervising both prudential and behavioral insurance, reinsurance, pension funds and their managing entities and insurance mediation. Paula Alves Ribeiro Supervisor F O U N D E D 1 9 0 7 L O C A T I O N L i s b o a 22 REWARDS AYR is a breakthrough platform that counts and values the CO2 you didn’t produce by making sustainable choices, rewarding you with AYR Credits that stored the value of your savings. Pedro Diez Gaspar Future Business Technology Director at CEiiA F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N P O R T O 14 INCUBATOR Beta-i is a collaborative innovation consultancy with global reach. We also use our 10-years acceleration expertise and network to help ecosystems grow, connecting a huge network of entrepreneurs, mentors, experts, investors and knowledge institutions to solve things that matter. Pedro Rocha Vieira Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 0 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 16 INVESTMENT At Betmarkets, anyone can invest in sports betting through the knowledge of professional bettors. Afonso Vieira Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N P O R T O 16 INVESTMENT /BLOCKCHAIN BETPROTOCOL is an open protocol that facilitates peer- to-peer betting Dapps powered by low fees and a governance token ecosystem. Rui Teixeira Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 22. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 22 / 5 0 23 SECURITY /BIGDATA BINARYEDGE combines machine learning and cybersecurity techniques in a custom-built platform to scan, acquire and classify public internet data. this platform scans the entire public internet space and creates real-time threat intelligence streams and reports about your company. Tiago Henriques Founder CEO u nt il a cqu is itio n by C oa lit io n ( Jan / 2020) General Manager Security at Coalition, Inc. F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N S W I T Z E R L A N D 19 PAYMENTS A new form of payment, very convenient and available wherever you are, Blink Pay is the right choice for paying your bills, in the blink of an eye. João Rosa de Carvalho Dir. Operations @ Altice Pay F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 23 SECURITY /BLOCKCHAIN Disrupting businesses with innovative blockchain and cybersecurity solutions José Figueiredo Co-Founder F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 03 BANK Banco BNI Europa is a financial institution with the ambition to grow significantly and it intends to challenge the high street banks, while using the latest technology offered by the fintech industry in terms of risk analysis, time to market and customer experience. Pedro Pinto Coelho Chairman CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 4 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 17 MANAGEMENT /FINANCIAL BOONZI is a personal finance platform that helps families keeping track of their financial position and consumption habits, helping them spot instant savings and establish monthly goals. João Saleiro Co-Founder F O U N D E D 2 0 1 3 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 23. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 23 / 5 0 20 REGULATOR Banco de Portugal is the central bank of the Portuguese republic. the bank is part of the euro system and the European system of central banks, the single supervisory mechanism and the single resolution mechanism. the bank has two core missions: to maintain price stability and to promote the stability of the financial system. Rita Bairros Payment systems regulation unit F O U N D E D 2 0 1 3 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 00 OTHERS /TICKETING Card4B develops and operates Integrated Mobility solutions through interoperable contactless ticketing software, passenger interaction, embedded systems and smartphones, systems integration and business intelligence. Henrique Parente CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 3 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 13 FINANCING /CROWDFUNDING The first platform of its kind to bring the worlds of renewables cooperatives and crowdfunding together in one, easy to navigate space, CITIZENERGY is directly supporting the decentralization and democratization of our energy landscape. Nuno Brito Jorge Co-Founder F O U N D E D 2 0 1 4 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 20 REGULATOR The Portuguese securities market commission, also known by its initials as "CMVM", supervises and regulates securities and other financial instruments and activities of all those who operate within said markets. Ana Frasquilho Equipa de Fintech e Desenvolvimento de Mercado F O U N D E D 1 9 9 1 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 04 BIGDATA /AI PETAPILOT is a technology company that builds software for tax compliance, fraud detection, SAF-T validation, and business-to-government reporting, which helps businesses mitigate the burden and risk of modern compliance. Valter Pinho CEO PetaPilot, SA F O U N D E D 2 0 1 4 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
  • 24. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 24 / 5 0 06 COMPARISON is a free and independent online platform for comparison and analysis of financial products and services that offers users the possibility to identify and acquire the solution most suited to their needs. José Figueiredo CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 06 COMPARISON COMPARAMAIS is an online comparison site that helps consumers find the best energy, telecommunications and banking prices in Portugal. the team has a vast experience in comparison companies and diversified training in banking, insurance and digital marketing. Bruno Araújo CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 15 INSURTECH COVERFLEX is the first all-in-one digital solution for the insurance sector. with monthly pricing plans and a fixed price per employee, it provides dedicated customer support that will guide you from purchase to claims. Nuno Pinto Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N P O R T O 08 CRYPTO As a team of Portuguese crypto coin believers, we decided to launch CRYPTOESCUDO (cesc, short form), a coin based in cryptography, that uses complex mathematical problems to achieve a high security level. Eugénio Apolo Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 4 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 03 BANK A 100% mobile solution, with no adhesion or maintenance fees, without complications, with a language stripped of formalism, with a young and irreverent attitude, reflecting a native digital generation and with well-defined concerns and causes that completely cut it - and in principle - with the past and with the banking sector. Rui Negrões Soares Head of Digital Bank at CGD F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 25. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 25 / 5 0 15 INSURTECH DATA XL's flagship product is the insurance pricing room (IPR). the insurance pricing room allows nonlife companies to set up the best profitable price to their customer, using mathematical pricing discrimination techniques. Filipe Charters Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 6 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 04 BIGDATA /AI We provide high quality AI training data to fuel your AI and machine learning initiatives. Our fully customizable workflows in speech, NLP, and vision are designed to help you reach your business goals quickly, easily and with guaranteed results. Daniela Braga Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N S E A T T L E , L I S B O A 07 CONSULTING We are a consulting company specialized in Information Technology, and proudly the only Portuguese company certified as SWIFT Ready Solutions. With 100% Portuguese capital, D-EVO Consulting established strong partnerships with world leading companies in the financial sector. Artur Pereira CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N S E A T T L E , L I S B O A 02 AUTHENTICATION /SECURITY DIDIMO is the world’s leading provider of fast, automated solutions for the generation of high-quality real-time humans. Our DIDIMO virtual avatars are created in around 90 seconds. Veronica Costa Orvalho Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N P O R T O 23 SECURITY /CERTIFICATES DIGITALSIGN is an electronic security company, with emphasis on its activity as a Portuguese certifying entity for the issuance of qualified digital certificates. Fernando Moreira CEO F O U N D E D - L O C A T I O N G U I M A R Ã E S
  • 26. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 26 / 5 0 04 BIGDATA /AI DOCDIGITIZER bundles AI and Machine Learning data extraction with human revision, guaranteeing 100% accuracy. João Fernandes Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 11 FINANCIAL ADVICE The free services of doctor finance are available to all Portuguese, in 5 fronts: housing credit, consolidated credit, credit renegotiation, insurance and training in personal finance. Rui Bairrada CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 4 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 15 INSURTECH DRIVIT's mission is to provide tools capable of helping drivers to address everyday burdens while reducing the impact that the car has in our environment and public space in general. Gonçalo Farinha CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 19 PAYMENTS Either you are a company selling online, a service provider with monthly fees, a school or a club with recurrent payments or an association raising funds, with EASYPAY collecting those payments just became easier and flexible. Sebastião Lancastre Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 0 0 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 09 DEVELOPMENT EBANKIT is an omnichannel banking software company that helps financial institutions worldwide to future- proof their businesses. Renato Oliveira CEO Chairman F O U N D E D 2 0 1 4 L O C A T I O N L O N D O N , P O R T O
  • 27. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 27 / 5 0 23 SECURITY Get to know the secure service that delivers your pre prepared messages, even if something happens to you. Pedro Martins Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N V I L A N O V A D E G A I A 13 FINANCING /CROWDFUNDING ESOLIDAR is a global giving marketplace that empowers the connection between charities and their communities by providing easy ways to raise funds and awareness. Marco Barbosa Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 4 L O C A T I O N B R A G A , L O N D O N 19 PAYMENTS EUPAGO is a 100% national payment institution, accredited and supervised by Banco de Portugal and specializing in supporting payments made over the Internet, consisting of an ideal solution from corporate e-commerce situations to private sales. Telmo Santos CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N P O R T O 16 INVESTMENT We optimize exits providing an investment management platform for startup shareholders and portfolio managers to help track KPIs, understand market trends and get advice in building liquidity to reach their goals. Francisco Santos Founder F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N P O R T O 17 MANAGEMENT Billing management for the modern entrepreneur. Dedicate your time to the business and your customers. Billing must be less of the concerns. So, simplify the way to bill Paulo Solinho Barbosa CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 3 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
  • 28. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 28 / 5 0 17 MANAGEMENT Commercial management and billing solution, certified by the Tax Authority, which allows you to issue invoices and control your sales, with all the information always just a click away, always up to date and properly organized. Hugo Pinto CEO GoFact F O U N D E D 2 0 1 2 L O C A T I O N B R A G A 23 SECURITY Whether you are a bank, acquirer, merchant or any player in the commerce value chain, FEEDZAI is all you need to manage risk in today’s world of multirail, real time payments. Online or offline, card or mobile, FEEDZAI offers the most advanced machine learning engine to mitigate fraud and stay compliant Nuno Sebastião Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 2 L O C A T I O N C A L I F O R N I A , L O N D O N , L I S B O N 19 PAYMENTS Unlock the power of real-time payment data Access global data from Visa©, Mastercard© and Amex© with Fidel’s API and accelerate your innovations André Elias Co-Founder CTO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 3 L O C A T I O N L O N D O N 09 DEVELOPMENT Finanfarma, created in 2007, is a “Fintech for Health” specialized in the implementation of innovative credit and payment solutions that enhance and streamline the creation of value in the Health and Wellness area, contributing to a profitable and sustained growth in the sector. Ricardo Costa e Silva Board Member F O U N D E D 1 9 9 4 L O C A T I O N P O R T O 09 DEVELOPMENT Our success story began in September 1994 with the creation of a startup dedicated to the development of software for trading on the Oporto Stock Exchange. António Jesus CEO F O U N D E D 1 9 9 4 L O C A T I O N P O R T O
  • 29. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 29 / 5 0 09 DEVELOPMENT Improving people's lives by untangling the financial world. José Gomes CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N B R A G A 14 INCUBATOR Portugal FINLAB is a communication channel between innovators in the financial sector in Portugal – start-ups or incumbents – and the sector’s regulatory authorities. PORTUGUESE FINLAB COMMITTEE CMVM BANCO PORTUGAL ASF F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 14 INCUBATOR The biggest Fintech, Regtech, Insurtech and Cybersecurity Hub in Portugal. This is a space where Startups, Investors, Corporations and Regulators will work together and create value for the future. This is the must-go place for Fintech in Portugal. Marco Nigris Managing Director F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 07 CONSULTING Connecting the dots. Empowering Portuguese fintech ecosystem. Combining innovative business models and technology to enable, enhance and disrupt financial services. Augusto Santos Founder F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N P O R T O 09 DEVELOPMENT FINTECH SERVER is a suite of software components for fintech platforms and applications. Jorge Pereira Founder F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N B R A G A
  • 30. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 30 / 5 0 07 CONSULTING /INVESTMENT FINTECH PARTNERS. If You Want To Go Fast, Go Alone. If You Want To Go Far, Go Together. Augusto Santos CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N P O R T O 23 SECURITY /AUTHENTICATION Fyde provides granular access controls for your enterprise apps and workloads, and continuously monitors access requests. Enable strong device authentication, improve security posture of unmanaged devices and remediate configuration errors. José Luís Pereira Founder CTO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 6 L O C A T I O N C A L I F O R N I A , P O R T O 13 FINANCING GOPARITY is an online sustainable investment platform. it connects citizens and institutional investors with exciting investment opportunities that also make the world a better place to live in. Nuno Brito Jorge Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 6 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 15 INSURTECH We create insurance products that go beyond traditional insurance by adding Services to the insurance offer and enabling usage-based products on a digital channel. Domingos Bruges Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N N E W Y O R K , L I S B O A 09 DEVELOPMENT We create APIs that let you - or your customers - access information (assets, loans, investment portfolios) and transactions at the traditional banks, enabling the creation of a new generation of banking enabled applications and services! Diogo Nesbitt Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D - L O C A T I O N -
  • 31. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 31 / 5 0 15 INSURTECH Your HISONIA assistant will help you getting it all done. Avoid bureaucracy, find out the products at the best prices and ratings. After all it's Simple! You can still win Coins4Life, reward from your insurances managed by us. Coins4Life can be exchanged for awards and vouchers. Igor de Brito Co-Founder F O U N D E D - L O C A T I O N - 16 INVESTMENT Infrastructure & Software solutions for Retail Investors & Portfolio Managers. Business Development Consultantship for Money Managers, Proprietary Trading Desks & Investment Services Affiliates. Rui Gago Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N C Y P R U S 08 CRYPTO HOLD provides a crypto and cash exchange app with a free Debit card where customers can instantly buy, sell, and exchange crypto and cash anywhere at great rates and with zero fees. Guilherme Almeida CTO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N M A L T A , P O R T O 15 INSURTECH /DEVELOPMENT we are an it company specialized in the design, development and implementation of software solutions for the insurance global market. Helena Leite COO F O U N D E D 1 9 8 4 L O C A T I O N P O R T O , L I S B O A 15 INSURTECH We help insurance companies to automate claims, manage all providers, reduce costs and improve customer experience by using advanced workflow solutions combined with Machine Learning / AI João Medina Founder F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 32. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 32 / 5 0 00 OTHERS /RECEIVABLES /AI INVISIBLE COLLECTOR is a receivables relationship agent that puts creditors and debtors on the same page, while providing real-time performance analytics and predictive cash-flows. Miguel Rangel CFO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 6 L O C A T I O N P O R T O 19 PAYMENTS Allow businesses, online stores, schools, clubs, associations and municipalities to issue Multibanco references in their documents or websites. Filipe Moura CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 0 5 L O C A T I O N A V E I R O 13 FINANCING /CROWDFUNDING IMPACTMARKET is a decentralized financial and philanthropic infrastructure for the new impact economy that empowers people, charities, funders and businesses to make positive social change by leveraging the blockchain for efficient fundraising, governance, and transparency. Marco Barbosa Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N B R A G A 09 DEVELOPMENT INFOSISTEMA is a technology and business consulting company providing systems of engagement, integration and advanced analytics solutions to banking and insurance companies. Alexandre do Monte Lee Founder CEO F O U N D E D 1 9 9 6 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 17 MANAGEMENT INVOICEXPRESS is an online invoicing software. its' simple and intuitive interface makes your life easier, let's face it invoicing is not as smooth as you'd like. it is targeted specially to micro, small and medium enterprises - and freelancers. Alexandre do Monte Lee Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 0 9 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 33. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 33 / 5 0 09 DEVELOPMENT ITSCREDIT is a software company specialized in credit solutions and their implementation. Filipe Catalão CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N P O R T O 09 DEVELOPMENT ITSECTOR is a software development company specialized in digital transformation for financial institutions. José Jorge Ferreira Vice-President Board Member F O U N D E D 2 0 0 5 L O C A T I O N P O R T O 13 FINANCING /PROPTECH IZILEND is a lending platform for Real Estate projects in Spain and Portugal. IZILEND provides bridge financing to Real Estate Developers that need to act swiftly when looking for new projects and need flexible and customized solutions. Bernardo Faria e Maia Managing Director F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A , M A D R I D 17 MANAGEMENT JASMIN is an easy to use cloud management software. Anytime and anywhere, you can control the buying and selling cycles of your business, charge your customers faster, track current accounts and optimize inventory and warehouse management. José Dionísio Co-CEO PRIMAVERA BSS F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N - 23 SECURITY With JSCRAMBLER, JavaScript applications become self- defensive and resilient to tampering and reverse- engineering, while also providing complete visibility over client-side attacks, including DOM tampering, web supply chain attacks like Magecart, and customer hijacking. Rui Ribeiro CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 4 L O C A T I O N P O R T O , L I S B O A , S A N F R A N C I S C O
  • 34. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 34 / 5 0 10 ECOMMERCE Creating an online store requires setting up infrastructure, managing backups, performing regular updates, developing software and ensuring security. JUMPSELLER is the eCommerce solution that allows you to set up an online store with just a few clicks of the mouse and start selling! Filipe Gonçalves Co-Founder F O U N D E D 2 0 0 9 L O C A T I O N P O R T O 15 INSURTECH KEEP WARRANTY is an app that saves your purchase slips and warranties, reminding you when they’re about to expire. you can store your warranties by category, making it easier to organize and find them. Romana Ibrahim Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N S E T Ú B A L 08 CRYPTO KEYRUPTIVE is a mobile application for secure storage and management of your digital assets. the KEYRUPTIVE app offers security levels comparable to hardware wallets but with the convenience of a home banking app. Francisco Almeida Maia CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N B R A G A 15 INSURTECH KOOLI is a b2b2c white label and cloud-based insurance platform that connects people, business and insurance companies in an innovative, attractive and personalized way. José Pedro Costa F O U N D E D - L O C A T I O N - 15 INSURTECH We use technology to enable a greater and simpler delivery of End to end insurance that better address real needs, in one unique integrated experience. Cristóvão Pereira CEO F O U N D E D - L O C A T I O N -
  • 35. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 35 / 5 0 00 OTHER /RENTING LIQUI.DO helps small and medium businesses get the equipment they need to grow their business. driven by proprietary algorithms, cloud computing and automation, is building the future of equipment renting. José Capitão COO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 15 INSURTECH /DEVELOPMENT LLUNI Software is focused on developing solutions for the insurance mediation market through cutting-edge products and technologies that provide business models with a high integration rate. Leandro Fernandes CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 3 L O C A T I O N B R A G A 02 AUTHENTICATION /SECURITY LOQR provides adaptive authentication security solutions. we are deploying world leading client recognition and access management systems. Ricardo Costa Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 15 INSURTECH Finally, an insurance that adapts to you. Quickly register the things you care about and insure them within seconds. You now have a clear view of what is covered and not covered. João Cardoso De Jesus Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N P A R I S , L E I R I A 19 PAYMENTS We offer payments by mobile phone and references Multibanco and Payshop so that the invoices of your company can be easily paid. José António Ribeiro Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 0 7 L O C A T I O N V I L A N O V A D E G A I A
  • 36. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 36 / 5 0 17 MANAGEMENT MAGNIFINANCE automates 90% of all financial management tasks and does all the heavy lifting so you can manage your finances with no typing. Jorge Rodrigues dos Santos CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 0 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 18 OPEN BANKING We have created a core banking system that will change the way we view and use money forever. Create your account in minutes directly from your phone and instantly start changing the way you use money. Joaquim Lambiza Co-Founder F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N L O N D O N 07 CONSULTING /BLOCKCHAIN We are a team of experienced professionals working with blockchain and crypto assets for more than 5 years. We provide consulting in those areas as well as ICO design and advisory services. Mário Valente Managing Partner F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 19 PAYMENTS MB WAY is the MULTIBANCO solution that allows you to make purchases online and in physical stores, generate MB NET virtual cards, send, ask for money and split the account and still use and withdraw money through your smartphone, the MB WAY app or the apps bank Tomás Albuquerque Senior Product Manager F O U N D E D - L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 15 INSURTECH We’re learning from data to help drivers spend less and use less, so every journey has a positive impact on the world. António Luís Mendes Fradique Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 37. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 37 / 5 0 19 PAYMENTS MEO WALLET is a fast, secure and innovative way to make and receive payments on your phone, on your computer and on the tv. João Zúquete Da Silva Chief Corporate Officer at Altice Portugal F O U N D E D 2 0 1 2 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 12 FINANCIAL INCLUSION M-ESKUDO “bank in your hand” is the next generation of digital finance based on a dedicate device for the last mile. It is the global anywhere anytime remote platform for banking. M-ESKUDO targets the unbanked and underserved Manuel Valadas Preto Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 2 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 08 CRYPTO /HARDWARE Use our Bitcoin terminals (Bitcoin ATM) to acquire virtual currencies instantly! Fernando Guimarães Founder F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N B R A G A 03 BANK At moey! we're building a totally different banking experience. A bank that is 100% mobile, without opening or maintenance costs, without complications. A bank with a fresh attitude and a non-complicated language which aims to cut with the past of the banking sector. Diogo Rito Head of Product and Business Development F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N B R A G A 17 MANAGEMENT MOLONI is an innovative commercial management software designed for micro, small and medium-sized businesses as well as for professionals. no initial investment, complete and intuitive. Ruben Costa Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 38. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 38 / 5 0 11 FINANCIAL ADVICE MONEYLAB's labs and workshops aim to teach children and young people to become financially responsible and independent adults. Bárbara Barroso Founder CEO F O U N D E D ~ - L O C A T I O N - 15 INSURTECH Buying insurance should be simple, transparent and personalized. We believe that there is a lot to do to achieve this - the reason why we created MUDEY! The intelligent way to buy and manage your insurances. Ana Teixeira Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D - L O C A T I O N - 23 SECURITY at MULTICERT, we are focused in electronic certification and electronic communications /transactions security, offering several security solutions for individuals, companies and even countries. Salvador Palha CCO F O U N D E D 2 0 0 2 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A , P O R T O 17 MANAGEMENT Financial management software with aggregated, qualified and independent information. A new relationship between companies, accountants and financial institutions. Orlando Costa Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N P O R T O 12 FINANCIAL INCLUSION Alternative digital banking solutions. "banks can't ignore 4% of the world's population." Currently, visually impaired people are presented with limited digital banking solutions, with low security and low autonomy features. Pedro Camacho Founder Executive Director F O U N D E D 2 0 1 7 L O C A T I O N F U N C H A L , L I S B O A
  • 39. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 39 / 5 0 COMPARISON Nvalores is an independent comparator of banking products in Portugal. Simulate and compare and find the best solution in personal loans, home loans, credit cards, bank accounts and place your order online. Ricardo Rodrigues CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 3 L O C A T I O N S E T U B A L 19 PAYMENTS We are the Portuguese fintech of reference with more than 300 ME of collections and more than 20 million transactions. PAGAQUI acts as Merchant Agent for Visa Europe, Payment Facilitator for Mastercard and Alipay João Barros CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 19 PAYMENTS PARCELAJÁ is focused on installment payments through credit cards, at no cost whatsoever for end customers. The developed software allows end customers to pay their purchased products or services over the store counter from 2 to 12 times with their credit card, without any interest or charges and without any bureaucracies or waiting time for credit approval. Miguel Quintas Founder Managing Director F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 16 INVESTMENT /AI We are a Fintech company dedicated to providing Artificial Intelligence solutions to the Investment Industry. Paulo Cardeira Gomes Founder F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 22 REWARDS PASSWORKS is a technology start-up that developed a mobile wallet solution that leverages different mobile wallets technologies, such as apple wallet or android pay, in one single platform, allowing our customers to create content for the mobile wallets and manage the entire life cycle easily. Francisco Belo Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 40. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 40 / 5 0 19 PAYMENTS PAYCRITICAL is a payments company founded by a team of experienced industry specialists. the company provides technology, consultancy services and guidance on digital payments. they offer visa, Mastercard, Amex, Multibanco, Mb Way, Sepa direct debits among many other available payment methods. Hugo Hilário F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 19 PAYMENTS /PROPTECH PAYLEND is a financial solution made with real estate consultants in mind. In a simple and intuitive way, it allows them to receive right away instead of having to wait for the agency's deed or payment cycle. Diogo Dantas da Cunha Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 19 PAYMENTS PAYSHOP is a service that allows the charging of mobile phones and transport tickets, payment of various bills like telephone, electricity, water, gas, television, taxes and tolls, among others. Silvia Correia Executive Board Member at PayShop Portugal and Head of Payments at CTT - Correios de Portugal, S.A F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 23 SECURITY POLYGON is a Portuguese technology company specialized in the development of multimodal biometrics for cross-platform and cross-device usage (web, mobile, call center, physical). Our aim is to identify and authenticate users on remote digital interfaces in real time, in a secure and easy to use experience. Alberto Araújo Lima Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 01 ASSOCIATION Portugal fintech is a non-profit association of financial technology (fintech). The association's mission is to create the best conditions for the development of fintech, insurtech and cybersecurity startups in Portugal. Margarida Mendes da Maia Co-Founder F O U N D E D 2 0 1 6 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 41. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 41 / 5 0 13 FINANCING /CROWDFUNDING PPL - The reference Crowdfunding platform in Portugal Pedro Domingos Co-Founder Managing Director F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 13 FINANCING /FACTORING at PRAZO.PT we are making the path to digital factoring, creating value for suppliers, buyers, partners and funders. Pedro Fernandes CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 23 SECURITY We develop full-spectrum, user-friendly solutions which guarantee the security and privacy of all your digital communications. Henrique Corrêa da Silva Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 14 INCUBATOR PROTECHTING supports innovative startup projects in the areas of protection and prevention, services (in fintech and insurtech) and health. José Villa de Freitas Marketing Manager at FIDELIDADE F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 00 OTHERS /BLOCKCHAIN We are a technology company comprised of two business units, "origami" and "alive", focused on strong innovation at the intersection of the most current disruptive technologies: VR/AR, Biometrics, AI, Dlts and IOT. Ricardo Lopes CEO, CTO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 42. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 42 / 5 0 13 FINANCING /PROPTECH We are a pioneer in raising and managing collaborative financing, usually called crowdfunding, specifically geared towards making and managing real estate investments. We provide small investors and savers with the possibility to invest directly in premium real estate assets, just as big investors and real estate funds do. Vasco Pinto Founder F O U N D E D 2 0 1 9 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 06 COMPARISON /INSURTECH Automotive insurance simulator. In less than 3 minutes with a single simulation check and compare the offers of various insurance companies. Miguel Teixeira Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 13 FINANCING RAIZE is the largest peer-to-peer lender in Portugal and one of the fastest growing in Iberia. we operate our own payments institution regulated by the bank of Portugal making us one of the most solidly regulated platforms in Europe. José Maria Rego Co-Founder F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 21 RETAIL /AI A cloud platform for smart retail product analysis and price comparison that uses powerful machine learning algorithms, data fusion and computer vision to reshape the way retailers get their competitive intelligence data. Ana Pinto Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 15 INSURTECH Insanely simple insurance switching. Stop overpaying on your insurance. RNWL automatically analyses the market, offers you the best deals and can even make the switch for you. Gonçalo de Vasconcelos Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 43. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 43 / 5 0 23 SECURITY /EDI SAPHETY is a leading company in solutions for electronic documents exchange, electronic invoicing and data synchronization amongst companies. Nuno Matos VP Product Marketing F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 08 CRYPTO Our goal is to become the world’s largest pension fund without touching a penny of our clients' funds. Unlike with traditional banking, our clients will be the only ones with access to their private key. Sérgio Silva Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 04 BIGDATA SECURIBOX cloud-based solutions of data and documents aggregation, organization and analysis allow us to provide you with information that really matters. João Rodrigues Co-Founder CTO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A , P A R I S 13 FINANCING /PROPTECH SEEDIMO is the first Portuguese platform for real estate crowdfunding. through our platform, we offer access to a community of real estate investors. Fernando Belezas Co-Founder F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 13 FINANCING /CROWDFUNDING SEEDRS is the world’s leading equity crowdfunding platform. we make it simple for anyone - from angels and venture capitalists, to friends and family - to become investors in ambitious, growth-focused European businesses. Carlos Silva Co-Founder Non-Executive Director F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 44. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 44 / 5 0 21 RETAIL /PAYMENTS SENSEI is a scalable, seamless store-wide solution that empowers the stores of the future to be check-out and cash free. Vasco Portugal Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 10 ECOMMERCE SHOPKIT is a service that allows you to create your online store easily, conveniently and appropriate to your type of business. the process is simple and fast. in 5 minutes, you're ready to start selling your products online. André Castro Founder F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 19 PAYMENTS SIBS offers to more than 300 million users the most modern, reliable and secure financial services, namely in the payments area. more than three billion transactions are processed by Sibs, which results as one of the largest payment processors in Europe. the most recognized brands are Multibanco, MbWay and MbNet. Madalena Cascais Tomé CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 18 OPEN BANKING Sibs API market provides both market-shared and provider-specific payments, information and analytics APIs. We provide all psd2-compliant APIs (account information, payment initiation and availability of funds) as well as the Mb Way API which offers a simple solution to integrate checkout payments into online stores. Madalena Cascais Tomé CEO Sibs F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 14 INCUBATOR Sibs incubator. With more than three decades of existence, Sibs offers to more than 300 million users the most modern, reliable and secure financial services, namely in the payments area. Maria Antónia Saldanha Director of SIBS PAYFORWARD - Innovation Program F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 45. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 45 / 5 0 10 ECOMMERCE SLYK Payspaces is the easiest way for any individual or business to launch a wallet network with built-in tools for selling, hiring, raising funds, accepting donations, and more. Payspaces are your one-stop shop for easy ecommerce, no domain, site, or online store required. Jorge Pereira Founder CTO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 14 INCUBATOR The 1st startup accelerator developed and powered by a Portuguese law firm, together with specialized partners, dedicated to the development of products and solutions for service companies. We are looking for technology-based startups with a primary focus in the following areas. Legaltech, fintech e insurtech. Paulo Bandeira MANAGER STARTUPLAB SRS F O U N D E D - L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 13 FINANCING STUDENT FINANCE is an educational technology company focused on helping partner schools and universities financing students’ education through income-share -agreements (“ISA”) to help increase educational opportunity and empower people to access high-impact careers. Marta Palmeiro Co-Founder CFO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 04 BIGDATA /REGTECH SUADE provides financial institutions with a data-driven software platform to deliver their regulatory requirements. the company works closely with financial institutions in developing an industry-led solution. Diana Paredes Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 19 PAYMENTS SWITCH provides the technical infrastructure for transaction orchestration across the entire payments value chain. We believe in the power of networks as a way to unlock additional value, so we’re committed to support projects that require interaction between multiple participants. Ruca Sousa Marques Executive Director F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 46. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 46 / 5 0 22 REWARDS A platform where companies can offer products and services that employees really want. #makethemsmile Bruno Lima Co-Founder F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 16 INVESTMENT We’re a fintech company made up of data-scientists, investment professionals, software developers and marketers with one mission: to be an early investor in every British startup success story. Gonçalo de Vasconcelos Founder and NED F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 22 REWARDS We are an end-to-end platform that manages open innovation challenges for organizations or corporate businesses. The challenges are solved by our community of innovators and the best projects are selected through our transparent and auditable voting system Mário Ribeiro Alves Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 8 L O C A T I O N P O R T O 08 CRYPTO UNIVERSE COIN is an international company that offers a payment gateway for cryptocurrencies and an app that converts immediately to FIAT currency the value for the receiver of the transfer. Jorge Mesquita COO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 08 CRYPTO We believe digital currencies are the money of tomorrow. UTRUST helps merchants easily accept digital currencies for goods, and helps buyers pay with them. One merchant at a time, we’re revolutionizing how payments happen. Artur Goulão Ferreira Co-Founder CTO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 47. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 47 / 5 0 19 PAYMENTS New Fintech startup focused on developing innovative solutions for payments market. Simplifying the experience for consumers. Luís Ferreira CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 23 SECURITY VAWLT is a dynamic storage platform that simplifies the operation of multiple clouds, while improving data security standards, and enabling optimal usage of storage resources. Bruno Santos Amaro Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 19 PAYMENTS VIA VERDE was born in 1991 as an innovative technological solution that allowed drivers to pay toll charges without stopping their vehicles. since then we have been enriching our range of services with several applications for the Via Verde identifier: payments in Galp fuel stations, parking lots and McDrive establishments. Pedro Mourisca CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 02 AUTHENTICATION /SECURITY Covering also the entire id management life cycle, VISION-BOX® delivers, to governments and issuing authorities, solutions ranging from live biometric enrolment stations, document verification kiosks and digital document dispensers through to personalization systems. Miguel Leitmann Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 05 CHATBOT /AI VISOR.AI is a chatbot company. we help businesses automate their online customer service thanks to automated replies using artificial intelligence and chatbots. Bruno Matias Co-Founder CTO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 48. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 48 / 5 0 23 SECURITY /BLOCKCHAIN The global protocol for digital ID transactions. WALLID technology uses the Blockchain to safely and privately store user’s ID documents in their own digital wallets and relies on digital certificates and PKI technology to ensure all documents stored and shared by users' come from a reliable and verifiable source Filipe Veiga Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 00 OTHERS /TRANSFERS We are dedicated to removing costs, delay, and uncertainty from cross-border transfers. We combine the most secure and reliable bank networks with the most efficient financial technology to provide businesses with a far superior currency swap solution. Carlos Veiga Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 21 RETAIL /AI XnFinity, Lda. (“XNFY”) is a company with a focus in AI and innovative solutions applied to retailers. Orlando Ribas Fernandes Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 04 BIGDATA /AI /SECURITY Elevating data and privacy in a world moving towards AI. Great experiences do not need to come at the expense of users' privacy and security. Rather, privacy and security can help support great experiences. We provide privacy and synthetic data tools. Gonçalo Martins Ribeiro Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 02 AUTHENTICATION /SECURITY At YOONIK we are building the future, combining state of the art technology in AI & Blockchain to deliver private, convenient and secure Customer Recognition. Pedro Torres Co-Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 49. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 49 / 5 0 21 RETAIL /PAYMENTS A mobile shopping and checkout solution that reduces checkout time, while enhancing the overall customer shopping experience. Ideal for retailers looking to improve customer satisfaction while also reducing operational costs. João Paulo Rodrigues Co-Founder CEO XHOCKWARE F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A 19 PAYMENTS YUBUY® is an innovative interactive TV commerce solution that allows an easy, quick and secure purchase of services and goods, all of which are seamlessly integrated with the traditional linear TV user experience. Miguel Carvalho Founder CEO F O U N D E D 2 0 1 5 L O C A T I O N L I S B O A
  • 50. PORTUGUESE FINTECH LANDSCAPE 2020 ftp fintech . partners 50 / 5 0 # f i n t e c h P o r t u g a l f t p f i n t e c h . p a r t n e r s w w w . f i n t e c h . p t 2 0 2 0