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Police Discretion and the Use of Force Essay
Discretion is defined as the authority to make a decision between two or more choices (Pollock,
2010). More specifically, it is defined as "the capacity to identify and to document criminal and
noncriminal events" (Boivin & Cordeau, 2011). Every police officer has a great deal of discretion
concerning when to use their authority, power, persuasion, or force. Depending on how an officer
sees their duty to society will determine an officer's discretion. Discretion leads to selective
enforcement practices and may result in discrimination against certain groups of people or select
individuals (Young, 2011). Most police officer discretion is exercised in situations with individuals
(Sherman, 1984). Discrimination can lead ... Show more content on ...
While police see the action of racial profiling as a normal police tactic, minority groups see the
actions as racist (Young, 2011). Although most studies on police officer discretion is focused on
racial profiling, it has also been shown that officers patrol hot spots. Hot spots are areas known to
have a high rate of criminal activity. Focusing on hot spots is an officer's discretion, because they
are ignoring other areas that could potential produce criminal activities. All surveillance and
enforcement efforts are focused on the "hot" area. Not only are officers ignoring other areas, but
they have determined those areas are not as important as the hot spot. Hot spots can prove to be
problematic if the criminal activity located in the hot spot before it was being patrolled is moved to a
new location. The new location is prone to no police surveillance because all resources are focused
on the old hot spot (Mastrofski, 2011).
Discretion and the Use of Force Police have the uncontested right to use force when necessary to
apprehend a suspect. If the force exceeds that which is necessary it is defined as excessive force and
is illegal. An officer's discretion on use of force is a based on judgment. They do not know if a judge
will later rule an instance of use of force as excessive or not. There is a fine line between what is
considered acceptable force and what is considered excessive force. All an
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Society´s Problem with Down Syndrome
On September 10, 2011, Gilberto Powell, a Down syndrome man, was walking home from his
friend's house, less than one block away from his own home, when he was stopped by two Miami–
Dade police officers. The officers had stopped him due to their suspicion that Powell had a weapon
on him. What the two officers believed to be a weapon was simply a colostomy bag that Gilberto
wore on his waist. The officers tried to do a pat–down search of the 22–year–old man. Gilberto
became frightened by the two officers and pushed off the car in an attempt to flee to his home.
Police say that they gave multiple commands for him to stop moving, when he fell on the ground
and hit his head. He still tried to escape by hitting one of the officers in the chest. The officer then
struck Gilberto in the face with an open hand in an attempt to subdue him. He was then handcuffed.
The officers then forcibly removed the colostomy bag. This event makes many people wonder if
officers would act with excessive force if an innocent citizen were under suspicion for some sort of
crime. This leads into the controversy of whether or not officers should be held responsible for what
they have done. The argument for the police officers is that they are simply doing what they were
trained to do. To act fast and resolve a problem quickly is the way they learned how to deal with a
problem. Proponents for the victims of these cases believe that officers should be able to identify the
signs of a person with special
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Research Paper On Police Brutality
Police Brutality (Criminal Officers) In our times, the police have become the criminals. Some police
are using their power to do bad things, and society has come to fear the police. The law enforcement
system needs change. The courts have failed the police, and the police have turned to other means of
justice. We must stop the corruption in the police force. The family of the people who is being killed
is being hurt more than anything. I have respect for the police and the job they do. Policemen are a
selected few who do a dangerous job. Police have done many great things to help improve
communities, help people during their off–duty hours and stand strong in face of many fears. The
police trying to enforce the law are on the streets in all types of weather. Instead of being at home
with their families on holidays they are working to keep the peace. Every day, they step out in a
world where violence is considered appropriate. Our laws have allowed individuals to slip through
the cracks of our justice system. Criminals who have raped and killed have walked on technicalities.
The results have left the officers with a sense of failure by the system. Some police officers have
taken matters into their own hands. Across America police have been involved in scandals and
drugs. They are abusing the power that they have been given. The communities have begun not to
trust the police because of their conduct toward the citizens. People have been beaten and harassed
by the guys
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Police Authority vs Individual Rights
It is easy for police to get caught up in the idea that it is them against the rest of society (Barkan,
2012). Many citizens in today's democratic society have a negative or fearful view of our law
enforcement. Think back to grade school, who was that one kid in class that everyone was annoyed
by or despised? Most people would answer the teacher's pet or the tattletale. We have grown up
from a young age to have a negative view towards those that get us into trouble when we think we
can get away with something we know is wrong. In the adult world, the police force can equate to
those tattletales. The overall basis for a democratic society is freedom. We stress that freedom
allows us to be individualistic. Herbert L. Packer, a law ... Show more content on ...
Throughout all realms of the criminal justice system, it is hard to use discretion when arresting or
prosecuting people. Another difficulty that police in our democratic society face is the discrepancy
between their own personal freedoms and upholding the law, their job (Barkan, 2012). Police
officers are allowed to think what they want or say how they feel, a right granted to them in the Bill
of Rights. However, under the badge, police officers are required and expected to abide by the laws
of the United States. Sometimes, the level of authority police hold in this situation can get them into
trouble legally. This is what we call police misconduct (Barkan, 2012). One of the most notorious
police scandals in history was the LA antigang Rampart Division scandal. In 2000, Rafael Perez, an
LA police officer was arrested for stealing drugs. In exchange for a plea bargain Perez notified
authorities of other corruptive instances in the Rampart Division. More than 70 officers were
scrutinized for these acts (Barkan, 2012). Overall, it is agreed upon that there needs to be a definite
balance between public safety and individual freedom (Barkan, 2012). This balance, which rides on
a fine line in our society, is difficult to determine. That is why police, prosecutors, and any members
of our criminal justice
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The Problem Of Police Brutality
As of September 1, 2015, in the United States police officers have killed 776 people and 161 of
those people were unarmed at the time of their death (MintPress). There have been too many
incidents where police officers have injured or killed someone that could have been prevented.
Using maximum force with a suspect has become a routine in many confrontations. Officers have
not been given the proper training to deal with individuals and how to handle them without using a
weapon. If they were given more training on how to deal with situations resulting in using a weapon
to stop an individual during certain scenarios police brutality situations would decrease, lives would
be saved, and police would get their good reputation back. However, police departments would have
to spend more money on re–training. Some people agree with police brutality and think that a
civilian deserved their punishment, which is not right because no one deserves to be beaten or killed.
Situations involving police brutality have been increasing throughout the years, which is a problem
that must to be solved. Police brutality can be defined as a cruel or inhuman treatment by a police
officer. Police brutality situations can happen in different ways, for example a person can be stopped
by the police for what appears to be a routine traffic stop, for not using a turn signal and the situation
can get out of control. The driver can become defensive to the police officer and does not
understand why they
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Police Brutality Essay
Police Brutality When one thinks of police misconduct many not too distant stories might go
through our heads. Most adults will remember how they felt when they saw the brutal beating of
Rodney King on their local news station; or the outrage they experienced when they heard that the
evidence in the OJ Simpson trial had been tampered with. But thanks to new guidelines, procedures
and even civilian groups who now "police" the police, instances of police misconduct may soon start
seeing a decline.      In the past police misconduct was loosely
defined, if at all. But with recent cases receiving so much news coverage legal definitions have been
worked out. The term "police deviance" includes brutality, ... Show more content on
The officers were investigating a burglary when they happened upon the multi–millionaire and
Notre Dame graduate. An investigation by the family's attorney revealed that DuBose cooperated
with the officers' investigation until they began to "harass and intimidate" him (Amnesty
International 1999a). The officers claimed that DuBose charged at them with a pair of nunchakus
sticks, a martial arts weapon that he allegedly wrestled away from one of them. Several onlookers
said DuBose was shot in the back (Perry A3). To add insult to injury after shooting DuBose the
officers stood over his body for more than ten minutes before calling an ambulance (Amnesty
International 1999c). An autopsy report revealed that DuBose was shot twelve times, six in the back
(Perry A3). When asked to explain how a young man of DuBose's stature could end up being killed
in this manner San Diego's police chief called it an isolated incident––an aberration (Jeffries, 2001)
     Ms.Cheng, a member of the Oct 22 Coalition say that as of
1990 more than 2000 deaths have resulted because of police brutality. In more than 30 cases
suspects have been shot, killed or injured by NYC police officers in questionable circumstances in
recent years. There are serious doubts about whether the suspects had
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Police Brutality Argumentative Essay
In 2015 an American citizen was killed every 8 hours at the hands of the police; the very people that
are responsible for preventing and stopping crime. Most of these victims are targeted for being
anything other than white as police believe that unarmed minorities are dangerous no matter the
situation. That's why police brutality has led to the increased deaths of African–Americans, Native–
Americans, Hispanics, and the LGBT community based only on the color of their skin or self–
identification. This excessive force by the U.S. police needs to be punished to further prevent the
casualties of more people. Usually, people who commit homicide are convicted and sentenced to
many years of incarceration but almost all police that has murdered are never found guilty. For
example, Darren Wilson, a 28–year–old white police officer, killed Michael Brown, a black 18–
year–old, after shooting at least 10 rounds at him. Just imagine losing your child just two days
before their first day of college over cigarillos. Then a mere three months later Wilson was found
not guilty even with the amount of compelling evidence against him proving that police have
always, subjected minorities to apparently discriminatory treatment and have physically abused
minorities while using racial epithets(Collins, Cynthia 2). Even though Michael deserved some
punishment Wilson had no right to take it to the extreme and shoot a ... Show more content on ...
The violence that some officers exude to minorities should only be used in extreme, desperate
situations not when a teen steals some cigars or is walking home with a hood on. Besides showing
an interest in racial justice and issues of race helps to break down barriers, exposed as false
perceived misunderstandings, and shed light on commonly held perceptions of a race–infused
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Similarities and Differences in the Criminal Subculture...
The Similarities and Differences in the Criminal Subculture and the Police Subculture
August 14, 2012
The Similarities and Differences in the Criminal Subculture and the Police Subculture A police
officers job is to protect and serve. An officer is to offer assistance to those in need and to enforce
the laws established by the law makers. A police officer's job is not the monotonous 8–5 job that
most is ever changing, 24–7. It is not a normal environment. Think about it, a police
officer runs into a gun fight.......normal folks run away from it! A criminal is the exact opposite of a
police officer. They often do not have jobs and those that do are normally using their job to commit
their crimes! They ... Show more content on ...
Because police officers are identified by their jobs, members of the public frequently treat them as
police, even when off–duty. This increases the need for bonding and socializing between officers,
officers' families, and families of other officers. Officers are often unable to step back from jobs and
separate their professional and personal lives (Hickman et al, 2004).
Because this separation is so difficult, officers often manifest a perceived sense of victimization.
This is where someone feels like a victim, whether real or imagined, is also the first step on the
Continuum of Compromise. As a sense of perceived victimization intensifies, officers become more
distrusting and resentful of anyone who controls their job role (Lyman, 1999).
Sometimes the perceived sense of victimization leads to the second step on the slippery slope which
is Acts of Omission. This occurs when officers rationalize and justify not doing things they are
responsible for doing. Acts of Omission can include selective non–productivity, such as ignoring
traffic violations or certain criminal violations. It can also include "Not seeing" or avoiding on–sight
activity, superficial investigations, omitting paperwork, lack of follow up, doing enough to just "get
by" and other activities which officers can easily omit (Lyman, 1999).
Once officers routinely omit job responsibilities, the journey to the next step is not a difficult one to
make, Acts of Commission. At this stage,
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Police Brutality Over The Years
It feels as if nothing has changed about police brutality over the years. The usual cycle is that juries
acquit the police, cops get their jobs back, and brutality happens again. One of the most broadcasted
cases of police brutality, was the beating of Rodney King. On the night of March 2, 1991, a
bystander named George Holiday, videotaped the moment when five officers used excess force on
an African American man named Rodney King, beating him with batons as he struggled on the
ground. Also, it was recorded that an officer stomped on King's shoulder causing his head to hit hard
against the asphalt. Holiday sent the videotape to a local TV station and soon sent shock waves
around the world, catapulting police brutality and race relations in the United States to center stage.
Most viewers who watched the tape revealed the brutal and senseless beating of a hopeless drunk.
After debating for seven days over the fate of the officers, on April 29, 1992, the clerk announced
the final verdict, the five officers were not guilty. The African American community in Los Angeles
were outraged when they heard the decision that the five officers were found innocent the following
year. The decision triggered three days of violent riots causing 54 people to die, 7,000 people to get
arrested and costing the city millions of dollars for damages. During the riots, blacks would use
baseball bats to batter cars driven by whites, another white individual got hit in the face by a block
of concrete,
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Essay The Consequences of Lack of Self Discipline
The Consequences of Lack of Self Discipline
Here I am going to look at the police service and investigate how members of this service could
bring the force to disrepute by not having sufficient self discipline and behaving in an inadequate
way. Such behaviours could have terrible consequences. I shall be talking about the following
Y Consequences involving members of the public
Y Consequences affecting members of that public service
Y Consequences involving the force
Consequences involving members of the public:
Members of the police force behaving inappropriately can lead to a member of the public suffering
negative consequences.
I shall now give an example of a ... Show more content on ...
This would affect the morale of the team as they would feel frustrated about the events that had
taken place and they would loose trust in one another.
Consequences involving the force:
I shall now give two examples of situations which can affect the police force as a whole:
– If when making an arrest a group of officers used excessive force and the subject sustained serious
injuries, then turns out to be innocent. The subject would quite rightly be unhappy about the
situation and would sue the force and receive compensation.
– Police officers carrying out a 'stop and search' without lawful reasons bring the police into
disrepute, as it can then be assumed by people that this 'stop and search' was carried out because of a
stereotype towards that person, this could be because of their race, age, or because of the way in
which that person is dressed.
Incidents like the ones I have written about have serious consequences in the ways society view the
police force. The public would loose respect for the force, and therefore loose part of the authority
they have which in turn would make policing in the area harder.
Self discipline:
It is important that a good level of self discipline is maintained. This
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Historical, Social and Political Issues in the Movie...
Historical, Social and Political Issues in the movie FREEDOM WRITERS The thorough
presentation of a well researched context in the film provided the environment for priming the
viewers on the concept of belonging which was highlighted in the film. This grounded the film and
prepared the viewers on the film's main focus. Through the brief but meaningful snippets of what
happened during the trial of Rodney King, the viewers were introduced to the conflict used in the
film that surfaced and distinctly placed attention on the concept of belonging. In the film, the
Freedom Writers were made following the Rodney King trial in 1992 and the OJ Simpson murder
case in 1994. These trials brought out the sensitive issues about injustices ... Show more content on ...
This summed up their sense of belonging, ensured by having their own territory and being with their
own race. The need for belonging stemmed from their perception and actual experiences not only in
school but the community as a whole. There was always the fight for one's own turf. This was
emphasized during this scene that showed the two Latinos who had to run from the group of
Cambodians who were chasing them and the attack on these Latinos that necessitated them to split
up. Unfortunately the woman made a wrong turn and bumped into another group which caused her
to be physically harmed. This scene highlighted that though they belonged to one community, they
did not quite see themselves as part of that community and sub–groups or tribes abounded because it
was in these smaller groups that they found security. They needed to form groups based on their race
and color. They stuck together and supported each other because they found comfort from one
another just like members of a family caring for each other. They became so distrusting of other
groups because of the past painful events that happened in their lives. Every race needed to establish
that they were not inferior over the others. But all of these initial behavior and attitude changed
because their English teacher paved the way for them to trust and support each other. As Eva said
"It's a sign of respect... for you",
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Is Police Misconduct Been A Problem For Decades?
Essay # 3
Police misconduct has been a problem for decades. People have been; falsely imprisoned, beaten,
robbed, raped, and killed at the hands of corrupt cops. This has been a problem for a long time to a
diverse group of people, however, it has always and continues to be a major problem for black or
African American people. African Americans have been brutalized and killed by corrupt cops since
the 1600's, sadly this behavior continues in the year 2016. The United States government should put
policies and laws in place to hold corrupt police offers accountable for their crimes, and possibly put
an end to the injustice of the "so called" justice system.
In the 1600's community volunteers began to form and were referred to as, "the watch night
committee", however, these watches were also conducted during the day time as well. These
committees composed of the locals were formed to catch runaway slaves, thieves, and men trying to
evade military duty, and were not always successful in their efforts to control or minimize crime
(Potter, Gary 2013). In the 1800's Sir Robert Peel, a highly educated lawyer and son of a wealthy
cotton mill owner laid the foundation and is responsible for, "The Metropolitan Police Act of 1829.
Peel laid the foundations of a modern professional police force. This act established the London
police force, whose members were called, "Peelers" or "Bobbies"(Sir Robert Peel 2004). Shortly
after Peel established the London police force the United States
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Essay on Police in Ontario
Policing in Ontario
1. What are the different types of police forces we have in Ontario and how do they differ and how
are they the same?
In Ontario, we have three different types of police forces. They are the municipal which are the
numbered divisions within a city, provincial which is the Ontario Provincial Police, and federal
which is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Municipal police forces are established by the
municipalities and are usually in every major city. If a city has a population of approximately 50
000–100 000, then they usually contract out the policing to the RCMP such as in the case of
Burnaby and Northern Vancouver, B.C. Municipal police forces are the most common type of
policing found in ... Show more content on ...
Another reason why I strongly believe that policing in Ontario is good is because of the T.A.V.I.S.
program. The Toronto Anti–Violence Intervention Strategy is a group of officers who focus on
community policing and interaction with the community. They are deployed within a neighbourhood
who are experiencing a rise in crime, and it's their job to try to figure out the root cause of the
problem by cooperating with the community. Their goals are to make neighbourhoods safer, not by
arresting more people, but by the reduction of crime. Even though I believe policing in Ontario is
good, there can obviously be changes or enhancements in order to be more effective. First off,
Ontario needs to recognize aboriginal policing as a fully fledged police force. Not only are they
more effective than regular police, they are also the preferred policing amongst the aboriginal people
themselves. One of the most important aspects the police have to work on is community support and
trust. They need to reach out and communicate with the communities. I say this because I believe
the reputation of officers is tarnished, especially amongst any persons in priority neighbourhoods
under the age of 30. In order to prove this, I went to the Kingston/Galloway area which is one of the
priority neighbourhoods. I interviewed approximately 15 people of all different races, ages (under
30), and nationalities. Remarkably, not a single person
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Essay on Police Corruption: Crooked Cops
"Democracy must be built through open societies that share information. When there is information,
there is enlightenment. When there is debate, there are solutions. When there is no sharing of power,
no rule of law, no accountability, there is abuse, corruption, subjugation and indignation."
– Atifete Jahjaga ––
They are the everyday heroes that many people often take for granted until a pivotal moment of
tragedy or madness enters into their lives. While we sleep in our warm beds at night police officers
work around the clock during all times of the night to ensure the safety and security of our
communities and its citizens both young and old (Aveni, Thomas J.). However, what happens when
our everyday heroes are found ... Show more content on ...
Shortly afterwards a second police car came up and a five day uproar resulted in the lives of 34
people, nearly 1000 wounded people, and over 200 million dollars in property damage (Los Angeles
Watts Riots of 1965).
After the disgracing actions of his partner, Officer Hanson, the "good cop" requests a change in
partners, a commendable act on his part. However, the actions of his African American overseer
Lieutenant Dixon, to whom Hanson consulted about his request, were disturbing. Lieutenant
Dixon"s overall personae, while disagreeable for a man in his position, as a black man and an
authority figure, shows the viewers from whom Officer Ryan"s preconceived judgments may have
derived. While the numbers have increased over the years, the statistics and demographics of the
number of black officers on the Los Angeles Police Department, LAPD, and other such precincts
have not been many in comparison to the number of white law officers (Hutchinson, Earl Ofari).
Officer Ryan makes a statement about how his father hired and worked alongside black people in a
time when it was almost unheard of for a white man to do such an act (Crash). After being raised
upon this notion from his father"s work experience and training for seventeen years under
Lieutenant Dixon, one could certainly perceive Officer Ryan"s distaste towards people in a higher
position than he was, especially those
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Argumeative Effects Of The Los Angeles Riots
The Los Angeles Riots Argumentative Essay
How did the Los Angeles Riots help bring a change to the community and to the LAPD? Rodney
King was an African American motorist who inspired positive police reforms after he was brutally
beaten by four members of the LAPD. Rodney King had an impact on the lives of everyone. He was
an inspiration to most of the black African Americans. He was their voice.
The Los Angeles Riots were the second riots to happen after the Watts Riots. The L.A Riots took
place on April 9, 1992. The riots broke out in less than a day and lasted five days and killed more
than 50 people and left more than 2,000 injured. On April 30, 1992, writers Richard A. Serrano and
Tracy Wilkinson wrote an article in the Los Angeles Times newspaper saying "hours after the
verdicts were announced, angry demonstrators torched buildings, looted stores and assaulted
passersby as civic leaders pleaded for calm." The riots started after the verdict was given, people
were filled with anger after they police officers were acquitted of all charges against them. Tensions
also arose with Korean store owners.
The riots helped bring a change to the community for the African Americans because before the riots
they didn't have a voice, any protest or march they did didn't receive attention. When the riots
happened, they got the attention that they were searching for. The communities were said to be too
"poor" to care about them. In the article Sandy banks publish it said "The devastation was
heartbreaking, but I understood the rage behind it. Los Angeles had been building to this moment,
with years of protests, meetings, and marches that got little attention outside a black community
seemed too wretched and too poor to care about." Los Angeles was going to have a breakout sooner
or later due to the little attention put for the communities that were in need. The communities felt
that with Rodney King, they finally had a voice. For the community Rodney King was their voice
because of him the people started caring, everything started changing. Later in life they would not
be ignored anymore. The government and the people would focus more on them and not treat them
as bad as they had.
The African American community had
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Public Perception of the Police Essay
The media portrayal of policing is filled with both positive and negative representations of police
work. As a result, a complex relationship exists between media consumption and public attitudes
towards the police. The purpose of this study is to test the impact that media consumption has on
attitudes toward police misconduct. The research design proposed for use in this study would be the
experimental design, a two–group, posttest–only, randomized experiment.
The public impression of police use of force, as brutality, in modern day policing continues to be a
sensitive issue for law enforcement agencies across the nation. Police agencies across the United
States deal with accusations of misuse of force on ... Show more content on ...
This journal article discusses data on various types of less then lethal use of force weapon systems
and the effect they have on the suspect and the officer who was forced to use it. It examines the
future of police action and new advances in suspect restraint systems (Albert, 1999).
Research Methods
The research design proposed for use in this study would be the experimental design, a two–group,
posttest–only, randomized experiment. There are several demographic variables to consider such as
race, gender, age, household income, education, victim of crime, victim of violent crime,
charged/arrested for a crime, etc., which will be included in the analysis by utilizing content analysis
and a coding system. By utilizing content analysis we can learn a great deal about popular culture
and many other issues through studying the characteristics of messages delivered through the mass
media (Bachman & Schutt, 2007). In order to alleviate the problems of creating a coding process
only highly trained and qualified personnel will be utilized to create and administer this study. The
two groups created for this study will be randomly selected adults of the general population. One
group will have access to the use of force documentation, to include the law enforcement agencies
summary of events, as well as the media's portrayal of the incident. The comparison group will only
be provided with the media's various news reporting of the
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Police Brutality
The Price of Police Brutality
Chris Lawton
Union Institute and University
Applied Ethics in Criminal Justice Management
CJM 303
Professor Toni Bland
October 19, 2012
This paper will differentiate between reasonable force and excessive force. I will describe when
excessive force turns into police brutality and how the police culture can influence police brutality. I
will discuss some of the many negative repercussions that excessive force / police brutality have on
the law enforcement officers, agency, city, community and profession.
The Price of Police Brutality
Is there a difference between excessive force and police brutality? Is one worse than the other? What
are some of the negative aspects associated with ... Show more content on ...
There may be circumstances when no matter how much an individual officer may believe the force
he applied was reasonable and just, the powers to be at that particular agency may deem it
excessive. If an officer goes out every day with common sense and good moral character and does
what he believes is right, sometimes these things happen.
What turns an excessive force situation into police brutality? It is the mindset of the officer involved
in the incident and his justification of the use of force. If an officer applies force to an individual to
inflict punishment instead of over–coming resistance, then by definition it becomes brutality. Brutal
is defined as grossly ruthless or unfeeling, cruel, cold–blooded, harsh, severe (merriam– An example may be an officer stops an individual in a park drinking
a beer in violation of park rules. During the contact the individual pushes the officer and flees. The
officer catches the fleeing suspect and tackles him to the ground. As suspect is on the ground he
begins to put his hands behind his head he tells the officer he's sorry and will comply, the officer
sprays pepper spray in the suspect's eyes. The officer gets up off the suspect, takes out his baton and
strikes the suspect three times in the back while yelling at him he should never run from the police.
Chasing the fleeing suspect and tackling him would
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Essay on Ethics in Policing
Ethics in Policing
November 1, 2009
William Whitlatch, Instructor
Ethics in Policing
According to Webster's Dictionary, ethics is defined "as the discipline dealing with what is good and
bad and with moral duty and obligation" (Merriam–Webster Online). This concept is prevalent in the
world of police work since police officers are supposed to be the "good" in whatever is considered a
"bad" situation. Many police departments offer training in ethics during the time in which a cadet is
in the police academy and after officers are put on the streets, which is called in–service training. It
is the hope that while this training is available to officers, that they hold a basic code of ethics within
themselves which ... Show more content on ...
While the wording of the police code of conduct may vary by jurisdiction, the end result is the
same– "protect those that need protecting, perform the job with integrity, keep others information
confidential unless the performance of duty or legal provision requires otherwise, use discretion
based on reasonableness, never employ use of force unless in the defense of life, and behave in a
manner that does not discredit the office in which they are employed" (Ethics and Law Enforcement,
Corruption Police corruption is one of the ethical issues affecting law enforcement officers.
Corruption is defined as "impairment of integrity, virtue or moral principle; inducement to do wrong
by improper or unlawful means" (Merriam Webster Online, 2009). While the most recognizable
form of corruption involves officers taking money for favors (bribery), the actions that are
considered corruption include filing false police reports, harassment of any person due to sex, race,
creed, religion, national origin or sexual orientation, and failure to protect the rights of citizens.
Corruption exists in all levels of law enforcement. When people think of police misconduct, they
immediately think of police brutality. While police brutality is a form of police misconduct, the term
is much broader. Police misconduct is any conduct that is outside the ethical code that officers are
sworn to follow.
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Essay On Police Brutality
J Free Argumentative Essays: Police Brutality 777 Words 4 Pages Police Brutality Police work is
dangerous. Sometimes police put in situations that excessive force is needed. But, because some
officers use these extreme measures in situations when it is not, police brutality should be addressed.
The use of excessive force may or may not be large problem, but it should be looked into by both
the police and the public. For those people who feel racism is not a factor in causing the use of
excessive force, here is a startling fact. In Tampa Bay, Florida, five men died while in the custody of
the Tampa Bay police Department (C.C. 27). The thing is, the Tampa Bay Police Department is
made up ... Show more content on ...
"The number of people killed by police has gone down from the middle 1970 's to the middle 1980
's in major cities," says Patrick V. Murphy, former head of police commissions in Detroit, New York,
and Washington, D.C. (C.C. 17). Also, in Kansas City, Missouri, a police department there has 1,110
officers. Amazingly, the only received approximately 108 complaints from the public about those
1,100 officers. Adding to the belief that police brutality isn 't a very big problem, most legal
authorities and officials agree that the use of excessive force by police officers is going down. In
fact, they say that they see brutality declining from twenty years ago (C.C. 57). Police brutality is
defined as involving the unnecessary and unjustified use of force be that either physical or verbal.
Gerald Williams, president of the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) commented, "Let me
assure you we are committed to a professional level of policing with an emphasis on fairness,
humanity, and integrity" (C.C. 168). Other than the police stopping brutality internally, the use of
civilian review boards can be used. These boards must be able to receive all the evidence in a case,
including the police audio tapes, in order to make fair judgment if excessive force was used or not.
If excessive force is present
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The importance of Integrity and Honesty in criminal...
Integrity and Honesty
Integrity can be defined as "an uncompromising adherence to a code of moral, artistic or other
values, utter sincerity, honesty and candor, avoidance of deception, expediency, artificiality or
shallowness of any kind" (Webster's 3rd New International Dictionary 1174). In simpler words this
means to maintain high standards and follow the rules, even when no one is watching. Integrity is
very important in our everyday life if we wish to be good people. The sad thing is that if you ask
some people what integrity means to them they will probably tell you that it doesn't mean much and
some may not even know what integrity is. Certain people feel that in order to get ahead in life they
need to break certain rules. It is ... Show more content on ...
Having a high standard of personal integrity and honesty will really help prepare one for
employment in the justice field in many different ways. Integrity and honesty is one of the most
important requirements for any criminal justice career. It is extremely important to know what is
right and wrong and to be honest no matter what the consequences if you are planning on entering
the justice field, especially a police officer. Police officers must commit to the highest moral and
ethical standards, they can't be prejudice or favor someone without knowing every single detail,
must show good personal conduct, have high integrity on and off duty, and plenty more. One major
reason to have a high standard of integrity and honesty at all times is because if you are a person
who has ever been in trouble for something that showed you had been dishonest (such as theft,
cheating, lying, and more) and you apply for a job in the justice field, they will most likely find it no
matter how off your record it supposedly is and you will not be hired. In their minds they are most
likely thinking that if you could be dishonest once then you can be dishonest again and they don't
want someone likely that employed with them. Another reason to have a high standard of integrity
and honesty at all times would be because if you were able
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Argumentative Essay : Police Brutality
Argumentative Essay and Debate Although I should know by now, I cannot help but think that there
has been an overwhelming amount of police brutality in recent years. Police brutality can be defined
as, when a police officer uses more force than necessary. This issue has spread throughout the
United States of America, and is putting the lives of our citizens in great danger. Police brutality is
not only physical, but it can also be verbal attacks; and, in most cases, it is caused by false arrest and
racial profiling due to police corruption. Police brutality has been and continues to be a major
concern in society and it is used very loosely to any and all forms of police misconduct. Whereas, in
reality, excessive force of police misconduct is what defines police brutality. The jobs of a police
officer are too calmly resolve public disturbance and disputes. Police officers are supposed to
protect citizens; instead they are hurting and using excessive force. It is not right and it is unjust for
a police officer to hurt a citizen due to an assumption without any actual proof of criminal activity.
Police Brutality has increased over the years. This issue has been spreading around the nation and
worldwide. The police officers are hurting more people than the actual criminals that are roaming
the streets. Some officers may have personal problems that distract them from their work, which
could be a cause to why there is a massive increase in police brutality. Even if the police
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Abusing the Force Essay
Abusing the Force
The fundamental purposes of law enforcement is the serve and protect the individuals of society.
Rough treatment is often times afflicted upon unruly citizens as an alternative reform of discipline.
Police abuse remains one of the most serious and divisive human rights violations of today. The
secrecy, stress, and dangers of police work leads to an insular and close–knit occupational culture
that results in a strong distinction between members of the police and society. An in–depth
investigation on police brutalization and its causes of corrupting within the 1991 beating of Rodney
King is evaluated by means of the credibility within the rights of citizens in Canada and the United
States, the effects from prejudice ... Show more content on ...
All are indicted by a grand jury.
Fundamentally, under the United States Constitution section 242, the officers violates the federal
constitutional rights of Rodney King by wilfully using unreasonable force against him in arresting
him (Staten, 1992). Likewise, King's rights are violated by the sergeant who wilfully permits the
three other officers to unlawfully assault him, therefore depriving him of his right to be kept free
from harm while in official custody. Similarly, as a Canadian citizen, one violates the legal rights of
the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms section 8 of search and seizure whereas everyone has
the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure (Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms, 2002). Obviously in this case, King is not granted the freedom to be secured when he is
being arrested. Therefore, the police officers obstructed justice process and contribute to further
injustice done to the victim. Moreover, given the extensive pre–trial publicity surrounding the case
and that the defendants' being law enforcement officials, they have caused a high level of
indignation and outrage.
Therefore, the accused sought to obtain a change of venue for the trial to a county other than Los
Angeles County. Consequently, the trial site was Simi Valley in Ventura County, a predominantly
white, middle–class, and conservative community 35 miles from
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Police Brutality Argumentative Essay
From the beginning of America's creation, slaves were not seen as people but as property that did
not have the given right to reap thIntroduction The mistreatment of minority communities is starting
to gain national attention though the reasons why they are the topic of discussion is shocking and
disgusting. Michael Brown, a young black man in Ferguson, Missouri, was killed by Officer Darren
Wilson, left in the street for four and a half hours, and conveyed to be a criminal while his killer was
acquitted of all charges. Eric Gardner was strangled by NYPD police who broke protocol, was
acquitted of all charges, and further justified their actions. Overwhelmed by the events going on in
America in regards to police brutality, I wanted to take a deeper look at what event or series of
events had led us to be in the terrifying predicament that our society is in today. The lives of African
American men are being taken every day at the hands of law enforcement and I needed a deeper
understanding of why this was occurring so ... Show more content on ...
The earliest leader of this crusade was Harry J. Anslinger, who was the first commissioner of the
U.S. Treasury Department's Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) in 1930. His observations of drugs
such as marijuana made America worry that blacks would soon attempt to rise in power. He is
quoted as saying "reefer makes darkies think that they're as good as white men" (The Devil Weed
and Harry Anslinger, para 3) and "...most are Negros, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their
Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to
seek sexual relations with Negros, entertainers, and any others" (The Devil Weed and Harry
Anslinger, para 3). This was the start of the New Jim Crow which used drug enforcement to make
blacks criminals and then led to the pipeline to prison
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Essay on The Problem of Police Corruption
Illinois and most notably Chicago are best known for their corrupt public officials. From the days of
Cermak and the Daley political machine, corruption has become second nature to these "public
servants". From rigging elections to accepting 'dirty' donations to the alderman's campaigns,
corruption can be found from the very top of the political layer, down to the lowest government
position. Those involved in the corruption have benefited greatly from their dirty deeds. Public
residents aren't directly aware of this corruption since they aren't public officials, but most can attest
to corruption when it involves the local police officers and the exploitation of the public.
Although corruption has a basic generic definition, it is ... Show more content on ...
Dr. Hollist is a professor at the University of Montana and teaches criminology and other sociology
In regards to the progression of corruption, Dr. Hollist has documented that "Scholars have argued
that there is a progression into serious corruption and they have identified two Types of corrupt
officers. Grass Eaters [depict] a corrupt officer who passively accepts gratuities. Meat Eaters
[depict] a corrupt officer who aggressively solicits bribes." (Hollist).
Hollist is examining a small scope of the nature of police corruption. In addition to Hollist's
identification of corrupt officers, Lawrence Sherman in his book, An Introduction to Policing,
"There are three general categories or levels of corruption within police departments (Lawrence
Sherman, as cited in Dempsey and Forst 2005, 299). The first level is"the rotten apples and rotten
pockets" theory of police corruption, which holds that only one officer or a very small group of
officers in a department or precinct, is corrupt. With this theory, because there is no widespread
corruption within the police department, the organization might not do anything to combat these
corruption acts. The second level of corruption that occurs in departments is known as"pervasive,
unorganized corruption" (Dempsey and Forst 2005, 299). With this form of
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The 1992 Los Angeles Riots Essay
This paper will cover the events that took place within the first five days in south central Los
Angeles after the Rodney King verdict .
In 1992 the city of Los Angeles was one of our nation's largest cities. It had an estimated population
of over 9 million.1 The city had been in a deteriorating state for several years. There also had been
tension growing between the citizens and the police for nearly the last 30 years. This had a lot to do
with riots that occurred in Los Angeles back in the 1960's.2 In 1965 riots in L.A. occurred after a
routine stop by the police involving drunk driving. This stop occurred very close the driver's
residence where massive crowd began to build. When it was all said and done ... Show more content
on ...
Over the course of the next year the tensions and suspense from this case continued to grow. The
police knew that civil unrest was going to occur no matter how the outcome of this case, but knew it
stood to be worse had the defendants be found not guilty. On April 29th the day of the verdict, there
were reporters both inside and outside the court room. This would add to how wide spread the unrest
would occur and how fast it would develop. The verdict had come out that all four police officers
were found not guilty on all accounts except for one account on one officer in which it was ruled a
mistrial on that account.4 With the large amount of media coverage and the anticipation of a guilty
verdict by many of the local citizens, the disturbances and violence spread quickly .
Execution/action The initial start point of the riots (caught on camera) was at the intersection of
Florence and Normandie. There police were making an arrest where crowds quickly arose. The
police called for backup but were still having difficulty with the arrest as they were continually
being interfered with and were outnumbered. The situation rapidly became dangerous and in what
would later become a very controversial call, the overwhelmed police were ordered to retreat. This
retreat would prove to be very empowering to the now formed mob.
Since the police would not return to that
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Police Brutality And Black Victims
What time period would I live in If I could choose to live in any time period I would choose to live
the United States while police brutality against african americans. But first, what exactly does police
brutality define as? Police brutality is the wanton use of excessive force, usually physical, but also
common in forms of verbal attacks and psychological intimidation, by a police officer. This paper
will talk about various examples of police brutality that is directed towards civilians, and then the
side of police officers themselves. In particular, the cases of white cops on black victims. These will
include those against Eric Garner, Mike Brown, Rodney King, and Malice Rose. The paper will also
provide insight and examples on ... Show more content on ...
Excessive force is also a direct violation of the fifth and fourteenth amendments.
The first case of police brutality is the case of Eric Garner, and the infamous chokehold that resulted
in his death. Only July seventeenth, of 2014, in New York City, Garner was suspected of selling
cigarettes without tax stamps. When one of several officers at the scene, named Daniel Pantaleo
took Garner's wrists behind his back, he tried to push them away, this being resisting arrest. After
this, Pantaleo put his arms around Garner's neck, and pushed him to the ground, his hands on his
heads. While in the chokehold, Garner attempted to say, "I can't breathe!," over ten times. The
chokehold was revealed to be the partial cause of his death at the autopsy. Garner was 43 years old
when he died. This is evidence that police brutality is clearly in existence. It is also clearly an
injustice, since there were no charges in the case. The grand jury found "no reasonable cause" to
indict officer Daniel Pantaleo.
Though, this is not the only side to this case. Basically, Eric Garner resisted arrest from the police. It
is said that Garner's argumentative tone and words could have justified for the force that was used.
"It stops today," he said, this also being considered resistance of arrest. When the supposed
chokehold was used, Pantaleo said that he was attempting to use a maneuver to
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Argumentative Essay On Police Brutality
Have you heard about the deaths that have happened because of police brutality? Many incidents of
it are happening around the world and it needs to be stopped. It is all getting very out of control
because many people are dying or getting hurt. Police officers are supposed to be helping people. It
has been around for a long time but it has been happening more often ever since Trump got elected.
Police are more likely to target a person of color than a "white" person. There's a lot of stories that
prove it is. Not many people believe that police brutality is a real thing that is happening. They say
it's made up or people are being to sensitive. I find that not true at all, it's pretty ignorant.
Many people have been beaten and gunned down by police. It's mostly because of the color of their
skin. Children are also affected by this. For example a family member or friend or a victim. In many
incidents people were unarmed.
This make police officers very untrustworthy because of how others chose to handle a situation. No
one ... Show more content on ...
This is proof that people are being searched or detained becaus of their looks, which if very unfair.
Police officers are starting to wear body cameras . This is a good things because it can then show
what real went down, instead of hearing two differnt sides of a story. Now by having police officers
wear a body camera you have a visual.
Body cameras must be turned on before responding to a situation. If they do not they on they will be
disciplined for it following orders. In some incidents officers have been caught turning their camera
off but they weren't disciplined Ike they said they were going to be. But someon body camera record
thirty seconds more after being shut
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Police Brutality
Composition 1
Argumentative Research Essay
Final Draft.
Police Brutality Police work is dangerous. Sometimes police put in situations that excessive force is
needed. But, because some officers use these extreme measures in situations when it is not, police
brutality occurs. I believe Police brutality needs to be addressed, because it affects every one of us
within our society. How can we trust the Police officers who sworn to "serve the public" when they
use such excessive force that results in homicide?
For those people who feel racism is not a factor in causing the use of excessive force, here is a
startling fact. In Tampa Bay, Florida, five men died while in the custody of the Tampa Bay police
Department (C.C. 27). The ... Show more content on ...
During a disturbing 911 call before her death, Delafield told the dispatcher she believed she was in
danger and that her sister was trying to harm her. Officers say when they arrived, Delafield was in
her wheelchair, threatening police and family members with two knives and a hammer. One officer
Tasered Delafield nine times for a total of 160 seconds and another officer Tasered the woman once
for less than 5 seconds. Delafield 's death was ruled a homicide.
The family of slain teen, Fong Lee, have filed a lawsuit against the Minneapolis police and the
officer who killed him. The family has compiled a review of police reports, witness statements and
other evidence that support the theory that Fong Lee was unarmed when he was shot by police eight
times in 2006 and the gun found near his body was planted there by police. The gun that the officers
claim to have found near Fong Lee 's body had been recovered by police from a burglary and was
kept as evidence. The family also alleges in court documents that Minneapolis police "may have
tried to deliberately alter history by writing new reports indicating the gun recovered near Fong Lee
's body was not the same gun" that had been recovered after the burglary. The evidence suggests that
Minnesota police planted the gun to cover themselves after killing Fong Lee in the street. Police
reports indicate that no fingerprints or DNA was found on the weapon.
After a May 13, 2009
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Is Violence the Answer? the Black Panther Party
Is Violence the Answer?: The Black Panther Party Organized in the 1960s at the height of the
American Civil Rights Movement, the Black Panther Party emerged as a revolutionist group
pioneering a strategy of militancy. The Party's aims were to eliminate the discrimination challenging
African–Americans in America since the time of slavery, and to protect their communities from
police brutality. Inspired by contemporary radical leaders such as Malcolm X, the party recognized
that in order to restructure American society so that civil equality was obtainable by all people, a
much stronger opposition was necessary. Party members felt the passive resistance adopted by their
predecessors fighting for equality proved futile, and therefore the ... Show more content on ...
Williams asserted that because non–violent demands for civil equality were met with seemingly
unnecessary violence by police and government forces or ignored altogether, blacks must be
prepared to engage in a full scale war against oppressors. Williams avowed, "it is precisely this
unchallenged violence that allows a racist social system to perpetuate itself" (6). Drawing on
Williams' and other Black Power activist's arguments as encouragement for taking up arms, the
Black Panther Party sought to reform society through violent means. Although armed and fully clad
in black leather jackets and berets, the party's militant guise, the party sought not to retaliate for past
violent actions against blacks. The Black Panther Party instead encouraged blacks to defend
themselves only when faced with hostility. Adopting the black panther as their emblem, the party
hoped to communicate that like the animal, it "never attacked another animal" but was prepared to
"defend itself ferociously when challenged" (Coombs 10). Black Panther members worked as
surveyors of their community police forces, ensuring that the police were not being unnecessarily
hostile during routine operations. Panthers would trail police cruisers and when one stopped an
African–American, they too would stop and make certain the person pulled over was receiving
proper legal treatment. Not only did the Black Panther Party offer protection
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Police Brutality : An African American Man
Police Brutality
By Kofi Owusu–Mensah
Cycle Day 2 Period 3
This is why I do not think these Police Brutality cases involve racism. In the past year, there have
been 4 notable cases where an african american man or woman was treated with excessive force by
police. Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, and Walter Scott. Sandra Bland was a woman who failed to
signal a lane change and ended up dead in a jail cell. Eric Garner was a man who refused to follow
directions from police, was suffocated, and had a heart attack in an ambulance to a hospital where he
died. Walter Scott was a man who fled from a policemen during a pull–over. All of these cases do
involve police brutality but do not necessarily involve racism and could have been involved had the
victims followed directions. Sandra Bland was a 28 year old woman from Naperville, Illinois. She
was a civil rights activist and a Black Lives Matter campaigner. The police officer in the incident's
name is Brian Encima. He was 30 and became a state trooper in 2014. On July 20, 2015, Bland was
stopped after failing to signal a lane change. Encima asked Bland to stop smoking her cigarette.
Bland questioned the reason for her to stop in her own car. Encima asked her to get out of the car
and Bland reached for her phone to try and record the situation. Encima pointed a taser at Bland and
she got out of the car. According to authorities, Bland because "argumentative and uncooperative",
and she was taken to custody. Days
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Social Groups Essay
Social groups have existed throughout time. We know that small social groups have existed in the
form of families throughout the history of human kind. Adam and Eve are said to have been the first
social group. Social groups are defined as having two or more people interact and identify with one
another. Some social groups include but are not limited to; the handicap, the homeless, the poor, the
wealthy, the powerful, different religious groups, different races and even sexual orientation. There
are several reasons why people join social groups. Most people join social groups because there are
many benefits for belonging to a group. People like to feel connected and feel that they can relate to
others. People tend to belong to groups ... Show more content on ...
Granted, we have come a long way, but there are still many people who are a long way from
changing their attitudes towards them. "On March 3, 1991, Rodney King was the driver of a car in
Los Angeles, California. The driver didn't stop when signaled by a police car behind him, but
increased his speed. When police finally stopped the car, they delivered 56 baton blows and six
kicks to King, in a period of two minutes, producing 11 skull fractures, brain damage, and kidney
damage. Unaware that the incident had been videotaped, the police officers filed inaccurate reports,
not mentioning the fact that Rodney King was left with head wounds. On March 15, 1991, four
police officers were arraigned on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and use of excessive
force" (Mike Lepore). This event may have lead to the bad attitudes towards authority, particularly
against the police. Many African Americans felt that this would not have happened if Rodney King
had been white. They believed that the only reason why Rodney King was beaten was because he
was an African American. When the four white police officers were acquitted by a white jury
selected from the suburbs, thousands of people in South Central Los Angeles responded to the
verdict with several days of rioting. The majority of low income families are minorities. Some
people who have no jobs and for those who have jobs, their wages are usually very low and they
may end up turning to crime and
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Argumentatives Of The Los Angeles Riots
The Los Angeles Riots Argumentative Essay
African Americans in Los Angeles and throughout the United States have experienced racial
oppression for centuries. (Background about racial oppression by the LAPD). Rodney King was an
African American motorist who inspired positive police reforms after he had a brutal conflict and
was beaten by four members of the LAPD. Rodney King's encounter resulted in a social and legal
compromise because the incident made people aware of police brutality, gave African Americans a
voice against police abuse, and resulted in reforms to the way that the LAPD responds to
communities of color.
The Los Angeles Riots were the second riots to happen after the Watts Riots. The L.A Riots took
place on April 9, 1992. The riots broke out in less than a day and lasted five days and killed more
than 50 people and left more than 2,000 injured. On April 30, 1992, writers Richard A. Serrano and
Tracy Wilkinson wrote an article in the Los Angeles Times newspaper saying "hours after the
verdicts were announced, angry demonstrators torched buildings, looted stores and assaulted
passersby as civic leaders pleaded for calm." The riots started after the verdict was given, people
were filled with anger after they police officers were acquitted of all charges against them. Tensions
also arose with Korean store owners.
The riots helped bring a change to the community for the African Americans because before the riots
they didn't have a voice, any protest or march they did didn't receive attention. When the riots
happened, they got the attention that they were searching for. The communities were said to be too
"poor" to care about them. In the article Sandy banks publish it said "The devastation was
heartbreaking, but I understood the rage behind it. Los Angeles had been building to this moment,
with years of protests, meetings, and marches that got little attention outside a black community
seemed too wretched and too poor to care about." Los Angeles was going to have a breakout sooner
or later due to the little attention put for the communities that were in need. The communities felt
that with Rodney King, they finally had a voice. For the community Rodney King was their voice
because of him the people
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We Must Stop Police Brutality
Police brutality is an act that often goes unnoticed by the vast majority of white Americans. This is
the intentional use of "excessive force by an authority figure, which oftentimes ends with bruises,
broken bones, bloodshed, and sometimes even death" (Harmon). While law–abiding citizens worry
about protecting themselves from criminals, it has now been revealed that they must also keep an
eye on those who are supposed to protect and serve.
According to the National Police Academy, in the past year, there have been over 7,000 reports of
police misconduct; fatalities have been linked to more than 400 of these cases (Gul). Police brutality
is often triggered by disrespect towards the police officer. The most noticeable form of brutality ...
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There are numerous reasons for police brutality to occur, the most common is racial discrimination.
According to the Journal of African American Studies 86% of the individuals who died in the
custody of the NYPD between the years 1994 and 2000 were African American or Hispanic
(Chaney). An example of this type of brutality is the case involving Rodney King. On March 31,
1991 Rodney King was pulled over by LA Police for speeding. The police said that King resisted
arrest and that he was either on drugs or drunk. A bystander videotaped the officers tasing, kicking,
stomping and beating King with batons. Rodney King suffered 57 blows from the batons and was
kicked 7 times. He also had 12 skull fractures, brain damage and kidney damage. The officers beat
him for about two minutes. Four of the officers were charged with excessive force and found guilty.
Officers Stacey Koon and Laurence Powell received 30 months in prison while Theodore Briseno
and Timothy Wind were in the clear. As a result, the blacks in LA were not happy with the charges
and caused riots. The LA riots lasted for six days and left 53 people dead (Chaney).
Many people across the country are abused by the police, whose hands are responsible for protecting
them. I personally feel that King did not deserve the violent beating, he was only speeding and
deserved a ticket. However, police officers always have reasons acting hostile towards
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Argumentative Essay On Police Brutality
Kayla Fort
October 30
Ms. Haley
Senior Composition
The Struggle To Fix Police Brutality
Recently, our country has undergone tremendous suffering due to police brutality. Some police
officers are taking the law into their own hands and intertwining their personal views and
stereotypes on the black community. They are committing inhumane crimes on African Americans
and our justice system is allowing it to continue. Several police officers are noticing that if they
commit this crime out of pure hate it is acceptable and the courts will rule in their favor. It continues
to happen because there is no punishment for their wrong doing.
August 9, 2014 Michael Brown, a 18– year old black man was shot and killed, brutally at the hands
of police officer Darren Wilson. Brown was leaving the gas station when he caught the attention of
Wilson, who was supposed to be responding to another call. He thought Brown looked suspicious
because he was a big, black "intimidating" man. Wilson "claimed" Brown was reaching for a gun so
he fired twelve unnecessary shots at Brown while his hands were up. It turns out that Brown was not
in possession of a weapon. Darren Wilson made up this allegation to make it seem like self defense,
and to make Brown seem at fault for the shooting taking place. When Wilson went to trial the court
found him not guilty. White police officers are not beingg held accountable so these police shootings
are becoming more brutal and frequent. The Mike Brown
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Police Brutality Essay
Crying Wolf: How Everything Is Police Brutality When you were a child, you most likely have read
the story "The boy who cried wolf". What this story taught you was that it isn't a joke to go run and
tell people something happened when it didn't because eventually people will stop listening. So why
is it almost every time a police officer takes someone to the ground they cry "police brutality"?
Police officers are here to maintain order, protect citizens and safe guard property. They should not
have to worry about if a miniscule action they take is a career ending one, but on the opposing side
their authority and power should have its limits and limitations. Police Brutality does happen from
time to time, but not to the extent ... Show more content on ...
Hours and hours of training and classes are mandatory before an officer is allowed to go on patrol.
For instance on average a police recruit spends 761 hours in a class room going over everything
from proper use of force, to when should my use of force be escalated as well as on average of
spending 453 hours on a mandatory field component to further hone their skills(
Now why with all of this training would it be thought that police officers are not subject matter
experts in their field? Why is it that everyone feels that police officers do not know there job well or
that they constantly do certain things they aren't supposed to? Maybe it stems from an overall lake
of respect for police officers that a good majority have, or possible that media itself show police
officers a good majority of the time to be blundering idiots or the bad guys. Either way simple
numbers do not lie. Police officers are given a considerable amount of training pertaining to using
the tools at their disposal as well as the proper escalation and use of force, so there really can't be
someone crying wolf on that police officer have no idea, knowledge, or training pertaining to their
job field. Unfortunately not every person is tolerant of every race, religion or nationality. Sometimes
a person does not like a certain group of people for whatever reason. Is this a very ignorant quality?
Many say yes. Now do some of these people
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Essay on Controlling Police Through Litigation
Controlling Police Through Litigation Controlling Police Through Litigation
Police departments draft and implement policies and procedures to provide consistency and
eliminate ambiguity in department practices. These are guidelines are for staff and officers to follow
in a variety of different situations. Police policies and procedures may have the force of law, or be
considered by a court or jury in determining whether an officer acted lawfully in the line of duty.
Procedures related to employee actions can also be subject to legal scrutiny in some cases. A lack of
policies on issues involving the community may result in unlawful and inconsistent police action.
These adverse actions can create a negative reaction within the ... Show more content on ...
For example, a subject who was beaten by a police officer can sue that officer for excessive force,
without proving it was the officer's intention to violate his rights, but only that the officer intended
to beat him. In some cases an officer's supervisor can be held liable because he/she is responsible for
the negligence of that officer. This is known as vicarious liability, or "imputed negligence"
( For example, a gang member who shoots and kills another person during a
hold–up is responsible for the murder, but other gang members may be held vicariously liable for
the same murder.
There are several different types of defense for civil suits, and also persons who are immune to the
liability in question. There are three types of immunity, they are: absolute immunity, quasi–judicial
immunity, and qualified immunity.
Michael Lyman lists judges, prosecutors, and legislators, as those who enjoy absolute immunity
during civil liability suits (Lyman pg. 272). Lyman also reminds us that police officers and witnesses
can obtain absolute immunity while testifying during a criminal trial, but if found providing false
testimony, may be charged with perjury.
Persons within a department, performing his/her duties as assigned, during the alleged time of a
Section 1983 violation, and not involved in the violation, obtain quasi–judicial immunity. Quasi–
judicial immunity is
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Police Deviance : Rotten Apple or Rotten Barrel?
Criminal Justice : Policy and Practice
Police Deviance : Rotten Apple or Rotten Barrel?
18th November 2010
1. Abtract....................................................................................P.3
2. Bad Barrel : Police culture leads to corruption.......................................P.5
3. Application : IRA Miscarriage of Justice............................................P.10
4. Application : Case of Rolando Mandoza...........................................P.12
5. Policy implication......................................................................P.14
6. Conclusion..............................................................................P.16
7. References..............................................................................P.18
The term paper attempts to examine the problem of Police Corruption. Police force is the only body
in the society who are given authority to use the force towards citizens, any malpractice in the police
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With the legitimate use of force and the confrontational nature of their interaction of community, the
police work offers opportunity to officers to abuse their authority when their authority is perceived
as being threatened. For example, police have to be suspicious even in regular duties like patrolling
the district. They remain suspicious to everyone in the street. Most of the time, police officers work
on their own without much monitoring, for instance, no one guide them when they patrol, when they
face challenges from the public, they have to make the decision on their own of whether respond to
the challenge by abusing their authority. It is the vagueness of their work train the police to be
suspicious to any minor change in the surrounding environment in order to maintain the social order.
The ambiguities also offer room for them to make choice as well as the possibility of corruption.
The work of police also gives the rise of authoritarian personality of the officers. Police offers are
the law–enforcers in the society. Police work requires officers to be submissive to authority comes
from the senior officers, at the same time, to impose authority to the ordinary citizens in order to
maintain the social order. Whenever there is any confrontation with the ordinary citizens, police's
authority face challenge and their work requires officers to maintain the authority so to suppress the
ordinary citizens to
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Essay on Misuse of Police Powers
Within our police system in America, there are gaps and loopholes that give leeway to police
officials who either abuse the authority given to them or do not represent the ethical standards that
they are expected to live up to. Because of the nature of police work, there is a potential for
deterioration of these ethical and moral standards through deviance, misconduct, corruption, and
favoritism. Although these standards are set in place, many police are not held accountable for their
actions and can easily get by with the mistreatment of others. While not every police abuses his or
her power, the increasingly large percentage that do present a problem that must be recognized by
the public as well as those in charge of police departments ... Show more content on
These types of misconduct arise throughout police jobs that include routine procedures such as
traffic stops, ticket writing, directing traffic, and discouraging potential threats to those in their
community. What often go unnoticed, though, are the undercover works and the corruptions that go
on within a department. The four terms associated with these conflicting values are deviance, which
is behavior inconsistent with the norms, values, or ethics, corruption, which is forbidden acts
involving misuse of office for gain, misconduct, which is the violation of departmental procedures,
and favoritism which is unfair "breaks" to friends or relatives.
According to T.R. O'Connor in his article entitled Police Deviance and Ethics, police also work
includes the behind the scenes work of going undercover and taking on false identities to induce
crime, reporting vague information to media and giving false ideas to the public, and invading
privacy through the use of technology. They can also make false promises to hostage takers and
kidnappers, trade or sell their days off and desirable work assignments, and position themselves to
have cases requiring court appearances. They can even manipulate the overtime system to earn more
money each year and strain the truth to protect loved ones and crime victims. These descriptions are
inconsistent with societal standards as well as police standards (1). In order to understand the
reasoning behind
... Get more on ...
Police Brutality Argumentative Essay
Police brutality is a major issue, it happens when a police officer uses excessive force to apprehend
someone, resulting in the convict to be badly injured or then killed. The idea of issuing police
officers wear body cameras arose. Wearing the cameras will help prevent the events such as the case
with Slager. Maybe the cameras will benefit this country. Some acts of police brutality are over
looked because the officer states he/she only did it in self–defense. In the case of 33 year old
Michael Slager, that was not the case. Slager killed an unarmed African American man named
Walter Scott. Shooting him eight times in the back. Michael stated that Walter took his tazer and the
officer feared for his life. He used a simple story structure, "He struggled/reached for my
gun/Taser/weapon. I feared for my safety. I thought my life was in danger."(Police Body Cameras)
Later a video was posted to social media by Feidin Santana, showing the two men struggling then
Scott running away. Slager planted the tazer beside Scott's body. Michael Slager was later charged
with murder.
Cameras are already attached to the dash of the police officers vehicles but they only capture what is
in front of them. The cameras don't film the whole picture ... Show more content on
There are instances people don't cooperate because of the trust issues between them. Hopefully the
cameras can reestablish the connection between police and citizens. Soon they may realize this task
will much harder to complete. Some may say it a breach of privacy, "particularly in instances in
which encounters with police occur in a private home." (Police Body Cameras) This is one of the
main concerns with body cameras, nobody wants to be film inside his/her own home. Also the
cameras are expensive at a large scale. "Body cameras can cost in the range of $100 upward to
$1,500..." (Ignasiak) It's not rational idea to issue all officers with cameras the cost will be too
... Get more on ...

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Police Discretion And The Use Of Force Essay

  • 1. Police Discretion and the Use of Force Essay Discretion is defined as the authority to make a decision between two or more choices (Pollock, 2010). More specifically, it is defined as "the capacity to identify and to document criminal and noncriminal events" (Boivin & Cordeau, 2011). Every police officer has a great deal of discretion concerning when to use their authority, power, persuasion, or force. Depending on how an officer sees their duty to society will determine an officer's discretion. Discretion leads to selective enforcement practices and may result in discrimination against certain groups of people or select individuals (Young, 2011). Most police officer discretion is exercised in situations with individuals (Sherman, 1984). Discrimination can lead ... Show more content on ... While police see the action of racial profiling as a normal police tactic, minority groups see the actions as racist (Young, 2011). Although most studies on police officer discretion is focused on racial profiling, it has also been shown that officers patrol hot spots. Hot spots are areas known to have a high rate of criminal activity. Focusing on hot spots is an officer's discretion, because they are ignoring other areas that could potential produce criminal activities. All surveillance and enforcement efforts are focused on the "hot" area. Not only are officers ignoring other areas, but they have determined those areas are not as important as the hot spot. Hot spots can prove to be problematic if the criminal activity located in the hot spot before it was being patrolled is moved to a new location. The new location is prone to no police surveillance because all resources are focused on the old hot spot (Mastrofski, 2011). Discretion and the Use of Force Police have the uncontested right to use force when necessary to apprehend a suspect. If the force exceeds that which is necessary it is defined as excessive force and is illegal. An officer's discretion on use of force is a based on judgment. They do not know if a judge will later rule an instance of use of force as excessive or not. There is a fine line between what is considered acceptable force and what is considered excessive force. All an ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Society´s Problem with Down Syndrome On September 10, 2011, Gilberto Powell, a Down syndrome man, was walking home from his friend's house, less than one block away from his own home, when he was stopped by two Miami– Dade police officers. The officers had stopped him due to their suspicion that Powell had a weapon on him. What the two officers believed to be a weapon was simply a colostomy bag that Gilberto wore on his waist. The officers tried to do a pat–down search of the 22–year–old man. Gilberto became frightened by the two officers and pushed off the car in an attempt to flee to his home. Police say that they gave multiple commands for him to stop moving, when he fell on the ground and hit his head. He still tried to escape by hitting one of the officers in the chest. The officer then struck Gilberto in the face with an open hand in an attempt to subdue him. He was then handcuffed. The officers then forcibly removed the colostomy bag. This event makes many people wonder if officers would act with excessive force if an innocent citizen were under suspicion for some sort of crime. This leads into the controversy of whether or not officers should be held responsible for what they have done. The argument for the police officers is that they are simply doing what they were trained to do. To act fast and resolve a problem quickly is the way they learned how to deal with a problem. Proponents for the victims of these cases believe that officers should be able to identify the signs of a person with special ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Research Paper On Police Brutality Police Brutality (Criminal Officers) In our times, the police have become the criminals. Some police are using their power to do bad things, and society has come to fear the police. The law enforcement system needs change. The courts have failed the police, and the police have turned to other means of justice. We must stop the corruption in the police force. The family of the people who is being killed is being hurt more than anything. I have respect for the police and the job they do. Policemen are a selected few who do a dangerous job. Police have done many great things to help improve communities, help people during their off–duty hours and stand strong in face of many fears. The police trying to enforce the law are on the streets in all types of weather. Instead of being at home with their families on holidays they are working to keep the peace. Every day, they step out in a world where violence is considered appropriate. Our laws have allowed individuals to slip through the cracks of our justice system. Criminals who have raped and killed have walked on technicalities. The results have left the officers with a sense of failure by the system. Some police officers have taken matters into their own hands. Across America police have been involved in scandals and drugs. They are abusing the power that they have been given. The communities have begun not to trust the police because of their conduct toward the citizens. People have been beaten and harassed by the guys ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Police Authority vs Individual Rights It is easy for police to get caught up in the idea that it is them against the rest of society (Barkan, 2012). Many citizens in today's democratic society have a negative or fearful view of our law enforcement. Think back to grade school, who was that one kid in class that everyone was annoyed by or despised? Most people would answer the teacher's pet or the tattletale. We have grown up from a young age to have a negative view towards those that get us into trouble when we think we can get away with something we know is wrong. In the adult world, the police force can equate to those tattletales. The overall basis for a democratic society is freedom. We stress that freedom allows us to be individualistic. Herbert L. Packer, a law ... Show more content on ... Throughout all realms of the criminal justice system, it is hard to use discretion when arresting or prosecuting people. Another difficulty that police in our democratic society face is the discrepancy between their own personal freedoms and upholding the law, their job (Barkan, 2012). Police officers are allowed to think what they want or say how they feel, a right granted to them in the Bill of Rights. However, under the badge, police officers are required and expected to abide by the laws of the United States. Sometimes, the level of authority police hold in this situation can get them into trouble legally. This is what we call police misconduct (Barkan, 2012). One of the most notorious police scandals in history was the LA antigang Rampart Division scandal. In 2000, Rafael Perez, an LA police officer was arrested for stealing drugs. In exchange for a plea bargain Perez notified authorities of other corruptive instances in the Rampart Division. More than 70 officers were scrutinized for these acts (Barkan, 2012). Overall, it is agreed upon that there needs to be a definite balance between public safety and individual freedom (Barkan, 2012). This balance, which rides on a fine line in our society, is difficult to determine. That is why police, prosecutors, and any members of our criminal justice ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Problem Of Police Brutality As of September 1, 2015, in the United States police officers have killed 776 people and 161 of those people were unarmed at the time of their death (MintPress). There have been too many incidents where police officers have injured or killed someone that could have been prevented. Using maximum force with a suspect has become a routine in many confrontations. Officers have not been given the proper training to deal with individuals and how to handle them without using a weapon. If they were given more training on how to deal with situations resulting in using a weapon to stop an individual during certain scenarios police brutality situations would decrease, lives would be saved, and police would get their good reputation back. However, police departments would have to spend more money on re–training. Some people agree with police brutality and think that a civilian deserved their punishment, which is not right because no one deserves to be beaten or killed. Situations involving police brutality have been increasing throughout the years, which is a problem that must to be solved. Police brutality can be defined as a cruel or inhuman treatment by a police officer. Police brutality situations can happen in different ways, for example a person can be stopped by the police for what appears to be a routine traffic stop, for not using a turn signal and the situation can get out of control. The driver can become defensive to the police officer and does not understand why they ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Police Brutality Essay Police Brutality When one thinks of police misconduct many not too distant stories might go through our heads. Most adults will remember how they felt when they saw the brutal beating of Rodney King on their local news station; or the outrage they experienced when they heard that the evidence in the OJ Simpson trial had been tampered with. But thanks to new guidelines, procedures and even civilian groups who now "police" the police, instances of police misconduct may soon start seeing a decline.      In the past police misconduct was loosely defined, if at all. But with recent cases receiving so much news coverage legal definitions have been worked out. The term "police deviance" includes brutality, ... Show more content on ... The officers were investigating a burglary when they happened upon the multi–millionaire and Notre Dame graduate. An investigation by the family's attorney revealed that DuBose cooperated with the officers' investigation until they began to "harass and intimidate" him (Amnesty International 1999a). The officers claimed that DuBose charged at them with a pair of nunchakus sticks, a martial arts weapon that he allegedly wrestled away from one of them. Several onlookers said DuBose was shot in the back (Perry A3). To add insult to injury after shooting DuBose the officers stood over his body for more than ten minutes before calling an ambulance (Amnesty International 1999c). An autopsy report revealed that DuBose was shot twelve times, six in the back (Perry A3). When asked to explain how a young man of DuBose's stature could end up being killed in this manner San Diego's police chief called it an isolated incident––an aberration (Jeffries, 2001)      Ms.Cheng, a member of the Oct 22 Coalition say that as of 1990 more than 2000 deaths have resulted because of police brutality. In more than 30 cases suspects have been shot, killed or injured by NYC police officers in questionable circumstances in recent years. There are serious doubts about whether the suspects had ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Police Brutality Argumentative Essay In 2015 an American citizen was killed every 8 hours at the hands of the police; the very people that are responsible for preventing and stopping crime. Most of these victims are targeted for being anything other than white as police believe that unarmed minorities are dangerous no matter the situation. That's why police brutality has led to the increased deaths of African–Americans, Native– Americans, Hispanics, and the LGBT community based only on the color of their skin or self– identification. This excessive force by the U.S. police needs to be punished to further prevent the casualties of more people. Usually, people who commit homicide are convicted and sentenced to many years of incarceration but almost all police that has murdered are never found guilty. For example, Darren Wilson, a 28–year–old white police officer, killed Michael Brown, a black 18– year–old, after shooting at least 10 rounds at him. Just imagine losing your child just two days before their first day of college over cigarillos. Then a mere three months later Wilson was found not guilty even with the amount of compelling evidence against him proving that police have always, subjected minorities to apparently discriminatory treatment and have physically abused minorities while using racial epithets(Collins, Cynthia 2). Even though Michael deserved some punishment Wilson had no right to take it to the extreme and shoot a ... Show more content on ... The violence that some officers exude to minorities should only be used in extreme, desperate situations not when a teen steals some cigars or is walking home with a hood on. Besides showing an interest in racial justice and issues of race helps to break down barriers, exposed as false perceived misunderstandings, and shed light on commonly held perceptions of a race–infused ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Similarities and Differences in the Criminal Subculture... The Similarities and Differences in the Criminal Subculture and the Police Subculture Criminology August 14, 2012 The Similarities and Differences in the Criminal Subculture and the Police Subculture A police officers job is to protect and serve. An officer is to offer assistance to those in need and to enforce the laws established by the law makers. A police officer's job is not the monotonous 8–5 job that most is ever changing, 24–7. It is not a normal environment. Think about it, a police officer runs into a gun fight.......normal folks run away from it! A criminal is the exact opposite of a police officer. They often do not have jobs and those that do are normally using their job to commit their crimes! They ... Show more content on ... Because police officers are identified by their jobs, members of the public frequently treat them as police, even when off–duty. This increases the need for bonding and socializing between officers, officers' families, and families of other officers. Officers are often unable to step back from jobs and separate their professional and personal lives (Hickman et al, 2004). Because this separation is so difficult, officers often manifest a perceived sense of victimization. This is where someone feels like a victim, whether real or imagined, is also the first step on the Continuum of Compromise. As a sense of perceived victimization intensifies, officers become more distrusting and resentful of anyone who controls their job role (Lyman, 1999). Sometimes the perceived sense of victimization leads to the second step on the slippery slope which is Acts of Omission. This occurs when officers rationalize and justify not doing things they are responsible for doing. Acts of Omission can include selective non–productivity, such as ignoring traffic violations or certain criminal violations. It can also include "Not seeing" or avoiding on–sight activity, superficial investigations, omitting paperwork, lack of follow up, doing enough to just "get by" and other activities which officers can easily omit (Lyman, 1999). Once officers routinely omit job responsibilities, the journey to the next step is not a difficult one to make, Acts of Commission. At this stage, ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Police Brutality Over The Years It feels as if nothing has changed about police brutality over the years. The usual cycle is that juries acquit the police, cops get their jobs back, and brutality happens again. One of the most broadcasted cases of police brutality, was the beating of Rodney King. On the night of March 2, 1991, a bystander named George Holiday, videotaped the moment when five officers used excess force on an African American man named Rodney King, beating him with batons as he struggled on the ground. Also, it was recorded that an officer stomped on King's shoulder causing his head to hit hard against the asphalt. Holiday sent the videotape to a local TV station and soon sent shock waves around the world, catapulting police brutality and race relations in the United States to center stage. Most viewers who watched the tape revealed the brutal and senseless beating of a hopeless drunk. After debating for seven days over the fate of the officers, on April 29, 1992, the clerk announced the final verdict, the five officers were not guilty. The African American community in Los Angeles were outraged when they heard the decision that the five officers were found innocent the following year. The decision triggered three days of violent riots causing 54 people to die, 7,000 people to get arrested and costing the city millions of dollars for damages. During the riots, blacks would use baseball bats to batter cars driven by whites, another white individual got hit in the face by a block of concrete, ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Essay The Consequences of Lack of Self Discipline The Consequences of Lack of Self Discipline Here I am going to look at the police service and investigate how members of this service could bring the force to disrepute by not having sufficient self discipline and behaving in an inadequate way. Such behaviours could have terrible consequences. I shall be talking about the following consequences: Y Consequences involving members of the public Y Consequences affecting members of that public service Y Consequences involving the force Consequences involving members of the public: Members of the police force behaving inappropriately can lead to a member of the public suffering negative consequences. I shall now give an example of a ... Show more content on ... This would affect the morale of the team as they would feel frustrated about the events that had taken place and they would loose trust in one another. Consequences involving the force: I shall now give two examples of situations which can affect the police force as a whole: – If when making an arrest a group of officers used excessive force and the subject sustained serious injuries, then turns out to be innocent. The subject would quite rightly be unhappy about the situation and would sue the force and receive compensation. – Police officers carrying out a 'stop and search' without lawful reasons bring the police into disrepute, as it can then be assumed by people that this 'stop and search' was carried out because of a stereotype towards that person, this could be because of their race, age, or because of the way in which that person is dressed.
  • 20. Incidents like the ones I have written about have serious consequences in the ways society view the police force. The public would loose respect for the force, and therefore loose part of the authority they have which in turn would make policing in the area harder. Self discipline: It is important that a good level of self discipline is maintained. This ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Historical, Social and Political Issues in the Movie... Historical, Social and Political Issues in the movie FREEDOM WRITERS The thorough presentation of a well researched context in the film provided the environment for priming the viewers on the concept of belonging which was highlighted in the film. This grounded the film and prepared the viewers on the film's main focus. Through the brief but meaningful snippets of what happened during the trial of Rodney King, the viewers were introduced to the conflict used in the film that surfaced and distinctly placed attention on the concept of belonging. In the film, the Freedom Writers were made following the Rodney King trial in 1992 and the OJ Simpson murder case in 1994. These trials brought out the sensitive issues about injustices ... Show more content on ... This summed up their sense of belonging, ensured by having their own territory and being with their own race. The need for belonging stemmed from their perception and actual experiences not only in school but the community as a whole. There was always the fight for one's own turf. This was emphasized during this scene that showed the two Latinos who had to run from the group of Cambodians who were chasing them and the attack on these Latinos that necessitated them to split up. Unfortunately the woman made a wrong turn and bumped into another group which caused her to be physically harmed. This scene highlighted that though they belonged to one community, they did not quite see themselves as part of that community and sub–groups or tribes abounded because it was in these smaller groups that they found security. They needed to form groups based on their race and color. They stuck together and supported each other because they found comfort from one another just like members of a family caring for each other. They became so distrusting of other groups because of the past painful events that happened in their lives. Every race needed to establish that they were not inferior over the others. But all of these initial behavior and attitude changed because their English teacher paved the way for them to trust and support each other. As Eva said "It's a sign of respect... for you", ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Is Police Misconduct Been A Problem For Decades? Essay # 3 Police misconduct has been a problem for decades. People have been; falsely imprisoned, beaten, robbed, raped, and killed at the hands of corrupt cops. This has been a problem for a long time to a diverse group of people, however, it has always and continues to be a major problem for black or African American people. African Americans have been brutalized and killed by corrupt cops since the 1600's, sadly this behavior continues in the year 2016. The United States government should put policies and laws in place to hold corrupt police offers accountable for their crimes, and possibly put an end to the injustice of the "so called" justice system. In the 1600's community volunteers began to form and were referred to as, "the watch night committee", however, these watches were also conducted during the day time as well. These committees composed of the locals were formed to catch runaway slaves, thieves, and men trying to evade military duty, and were not always successful in their efforts to control or minimize crime (Potter, Gary 2013). In the 1800's Sir Robert Peel, a highly educated lawyer and son of a wealthy cotton mill owner laid the foundation and is responsible for, "The Metropolitan Police Act of 1829. Peel laid the foundations of a modern professional police force. This act established the London police force, whose members were called, "Peelers" or "Bobbies"(Sir Robert Peel 2004). Shortly after Peel established the London police force the United States ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Essay on Police in Ontario Policing in Ontario 1. What are the different types of police forces we have in Ontario and how do they differ and how are they the same? In Ontario, we have three different types of police forces. They are the municipal which are the numbered divisions within a city, provincial which is the Ontario Provincial Police, and federal which is the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Municipal police forces are established by the municipalities and are usually in every major city. If a city has a population of approximately 50 000–100 000, then they usually contract out the policing to the RCMP such as in the case of Burnaby and Northern Vancouver, B.C. Municipal police forces are the most common type of policing found in ... Show more content on ... Another reason why I strongly believe that policing in Ontario is good is because of the T.A.V.I.S. program. The Toronto Anti–Violence Intervention Strategy is a group of officers who focus on community policing and interaction with the community. They are deployed within a neighbourhood who are experiencing a rise in crime, and it's their job to try to figure out the root cause of the problem by cooperating with the community. Their goals are to make neighbourhoods safer, not by arresting more people, but by the reduction of crime. Even though I believe policing in Ontario is good, there can obviously be changes or enhancements in order to be more effective. First off, Ontario needs to recognize aboriginal policing as a fully fledged police force. Not only are they more effective than regular police, they are also the preferred policing amongst the aboriginal people themselves. One of the most important aspects the police have to work on is community support and trust. They need to reach out and communicate with the communities. I say this because I believe the reputation of officers is tarnished, especially amongst any persons in priority neighbourhoods under the age of 30. In order to prove this, I went to the Kingston/Galloway area which is one of the priority neighbourhoods. I interviewed approximately 15 people of all different races, ages (under 30), and nationalities. Remarkably, not a single person ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Essay on Police Corruption: Crooked Cops "Democracy must be built through open societies that share information. When there is information, there is enlightenment. When there is debate, there are solutions. When there is no sharing of power, no rule of law, no accountability, there is abuse, corruption, subjugation and indignation." – Atifete Jahjaga –– They are the everyday heroes that many people often take for granted until a pivotal moment of tragedy or madness enters into their lives. While we sleep in our warm beds at night police officers work around the clock during all times of the night to ensure the safety and security of our communities and its citizens both young and old (Aveni, Thomas J.). However, what happens when our everyday heroes are found ... Show more content on ... Shortly afterwards a second police car came up and a five day uproar resulted in the lives of 34 people, nearly 1000 wounded people, and over 200 million dollars in property damage (Los Angeles Watts Riots of 1965). After the disgracing actions of his partner, Officer Hanson, the "good cop" requests a change in partners, a commendable act on his part. However, the actions of his African American overseer Lieutenant Dixon, to whom Hanson consulted about his request, were disturbing. Lieutenant Dixon"s overall personae, while disagreeable for a man in his position, as a black man and an authority figure, shows the viewers from whom Officer Ryan"s preconceived judgments may have derived. While the numbers have increased over the years, the statistics and demographics of the number of black officers on the Los Angeles Police Department, LAPD, and other such precincts have not been many in comparison to the number of white law officers (Hutchinson, Earl Ofari). Officer Ryan makes a statement about how his father hired and worked alongside black people in a time when it was almost unheard of for a white man to do such an act (Crash). After being raised upon this notion from his father"s work experience and training for seventeen years under Lieutenant Dixon, one could certainly perceive Officer Ryan"s distaste towards people in a higher position than he was, especially those ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Argumeative Effects Of The Los Angeles Riots The Los Angeles Riots Argumentative Essay How did the Los Angeles Riots help bring a change to the community and to the LAPD? Rodney King was an African American motorist who inspired positive police reforms after he was brutally beaten by four members of the LAPD. Rodney King had an impact on the lives of everyone. He was an inspiration to most of the black African Americans. He was their voice. The Los Angeles Riots were the second riots to happen after the Watts Riots. The L.A Riots took place on April 9, 1992. The riots broke out in less than a day and lasted five days and killed more than 50 people and left more than 2,000 injured. On April 30, 1992, writers Richard A. Serrano and Tracy Wilkinson wrote an article in the Los Angeles Times newspaper saying "hours after the verdicts were announced, angry demonstrators torched buildings, looted stores and assaulted passersby as civic leaders pleaded for calm." The riots started after the verdict was given, people were filled with anger after they police officers were acquitted of all charges against them. Tensions also arose with Korean store owners. The riots helped bring a change to the community for the African Americans because before the riots they didn't have a voice, any protest or march they did didn't receive attention. When the riots happened, they got the attention that they were searching for. The communities were said to be too "poor" to care about them. In the article Sandy banks publish it said "The devastation was heartbreaking, but I understood the rage behind it. Los Angeles had been building to this moment, with years of protests, meetings, and marches that got little attention outside a black community seemed too wretched and too poor to care about." Los Angeles was going to have a breakout sooner or later due to the little attention put for the communities that were in need. The communities felt that with Rodney King, they finally had a voice. For the community Rodney King was their voice because of him the people started caring, everything started changing. Later in life they would not be ignored anymore. The government and the people would focus more on them and not treat them as bad as they had. The African American community had ... Get more on ...
  • 31.
  • 32. Public Perception of the Police Essay Abstract The media portrayal of policing is filled with both positive and negative representations of police work. As a result, a complex relationship exists between media consumption and public attitudes towards the police. The purpose of this study is to test the impact that media consumption has on attitudes toward police misconduct. The research design proposed for use in this study would be the experimental design, a two–group, posttest–only, randomized experiment. Introduction The public impression of police use of force, as brutality, in modern day policing continues to be a sensitive issue for law enforcement agencies across the nation. Police agencies across the United States deal with accusations of misuse of force on ... Show more content on ... This journal article discusses data on various types of less then lethal use of force weapon systems and the effect they have on the suspect and the officer who was forced to use it. It examines the future of police action and new advances in suspect restraint systems (Albert, 1999). Research Methods The research design proposed for use in this study would be the experimental design, a two–group, posttest–only, randomized experiment. There are several demographic variables to consider such as race, gender, age, household income, education, victim of crime, victim of violent crime, charged/arrested for a crime, etc., which will be included in the analysis by utilizing content analysis and a coding system. By utilizing content analysis we can learn a great deal about popular culture and many other issues through studying the characteristics of messages delivered through the mass media (Bachman & Schutt, 2007). In order to alleviate the problems of creating a coding process only highly trained and qualified personnel will be utilized to create and administer this study. The two groups created for this study will be randomly selected adults of the general population. One group will have access to the use of force documentation, to include the law enforcement agencies summary of events, as well as the media's portrayal of the incident. The comparison group will only be provided with the media's various news reporting of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Police Brutality The Price of Police Brutality Chris Lawton Union Institute and University Applied Ethics in Criminal Justice Management CJM 303 Professor Toni Bland October 19, 2012 Abstract This paper will differentiate between reasonable force and excessive force. I will describe when excessive force turns into police brutality and how the police culture can influence police brutality. I will discuss some of the many negative repercussions that excessive force / police brutality have on the law enforcement officers, agency, city, community and profession. The Price of Police Brutality Is there a difference between excessive force and police brutality? Is one worse than the other? What are some of the negative aspects associated with ... Show more content on ... There may be circumstances when no matter how much an individual officer may believe the force he applied was reasonable and just, the powers to be at that particular agency may deem it excessive. If an officer goes out every day with common sense and good moral character and does what he believes is right, sometimes these things happen. What turns an excessive force situation into police brutality? It is the mindset of the officer involved in the incident and his justification of the use of force. If an officer applies force to an individual to inflict punishment instead of over–coming resistance, then by definition it becomes brutality. Brutal is defined as grossly ruthless or unfeeling, cruel, cold–blooded, harsh, severe (merriam– An example may be an officer stops an individual in a park drinking a beer in violation of park rules. During the contact the individual pushes the officer and flees. The officer catches the fleeing suspect and tackles him to the ground. As suspect is on the ground he begins to put his hands behind his head he tells the officer he's sorry and will comply, the officer sprays pepper spray in the suspect's eyes. The officer gets up off the suspect, takes out his baton and strikes the suspect three times in the back while yelling at him he should never run from the police. Chasing the fleeing suspect and tackling him would ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Essay on Ethics in Policing Ethics in Policing CJS/210 November 1, 2009 William Whitlatch, Instructor Ethics in Policing According to Webster's Dictionary, ethics is defined "as the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation" (Merriam–Webster Online). This concept is prevalent in the world of police work since police officers are supposed to be the "good" in whatever is considered a "bad" situation. Many police departments offer training in ethics during the time in which a cadet is in the police academy and after officers are put on the streets, which is called in–service training. It is the hope that while this training is available to officers, that they hold a basic code of ethics within themselves which ... Show more content on ... While the wording of the police code of conduct may vary by jurisdiction, the end result is the same– "protect those that need protecting, perform the job with integrity, keep others information confidential unless the performance of duty or legal provision requires otherwise, use discretion based on reasonableness, never employ use of force unless in the defense of life, and behave in a manner that does not discredit the office in which they are employed" (Ethics and Law Enforcement, 2002). Corruption Police corruption is one of the ethical issues affecting law enforcement officers. Corruption is defined as "impairment of integrity, virtue or moral principle; inducement to do wrong by improper or unlawful means" (Merriam Webster Online, 2009). While the most recognizable form of corruption involves officers taking money for favors (bribery), the actions that are considered corruption include filing false police reports, harassment of any person due to sex, race, creed, religion, national origin or sexual orientation, and failure to protect the rights of citizens. Corruption exists in all levels of law enforcement. When people think of police misconduct, they immediately think of police brutality. While police brutality is a form of police misconduct, the term is much broader. Police misconduct is any conduct that is outside the ethical code that officers are sworn to follow. ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Essay On Police Brutality J Free Argumentative Essays: Police Brutality 777 Words 4 Pages Police Brutality Police work is dangerous. Sometimes police put in situations that excessive force is needed. But, because some officers use these extreme measures in situations when it is not, police brutality should be addressed. The use of excessive force may or may not be large problem, but it should be looked into by both the police and the public. For those people who feel racism is not a factor in causing the use of excessive force, here is a startling fact. In Tampa Bay, Florida, five men died while in the custody of the Tampa Bay police Department (C.C. 27). The thing is, the Tampa Bay Police Department is made up ... Show more content on ... "The number of people killed by police has gone down from the middle 1970 's to the middle 1980 's in major cities," says Patrick V. Murphy, former head of police commissions in Detroit, New York, and Washington, D.C. (C.C. 17). Also, in Kansas City, Missouri, a police department there has 1,110 officers. Amazingly, the only received approximately 108 complaints from the public about those 1,100 officers. Adding to the belief that police brutality isn 't a very big problem, most legal authorities and officials agree that the use of excessive force by police officers is going down. In fact, they say that they see brutality declining from twenty years ago (C.C. 57). Police brutality is defined as involving the unnecessary and unjustified use of force be that either physical or verbal. Gerald Williams, president of the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) commented, "Let me assure you we are committed to a professional level of policing with an emphasis on fairness, humanity, and integrity" (C.C. 168). Other than the police stopping brutality internally, the use of civilian review boards can be used. These boards must be able to receive all the evidence in a case, including the police audio tapes, in order to make fair judgment if excessive force was used or not. If excessive force is present ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. The importance of Integrity and Honesty in criminal... Integrity and Honesty Integrity can be defined as "an uncompromising adherence to a code of moral, artistic or other values, utter sincerity, honesty and candor, avoidance of deception, expediency, artificiality or shallowness of any kind" (Webster's 3rd New International Dictionary 1174). In simpler words this means to maintain high standards and follow the rules, even when no one is watching. Integrity is very important in our everyday life if we wish to be good people. The sad thing is that if you ask some people what integrity means to them they will probably tell you that it doesn't mean much and some may not even know what integrity is. Certain people feel that in order to get ahead in life they need to break certain rules. It is ... Show more content on ... Having a high standard of personal integrity and honesty will really help prepare one for employment in the justice field in many different ways. Integrity and honesty is one of the most important requirements for any criminal justice career. It is extremely important to know what is right and wrong and to be honest no matter what the consequences if you are planning on entering the justice field, especially a police officer. Police officers must commit to the highest moral and ethical standards, they can't be prejudice or favor someone without knowing every single detail, must show good personal conduct, have high integrity on and off duty, and plenty more. One major reason to have a high standard of integrity and honesty at all times is because if you are a person who has ever been in trouble for something that showed you had been dishonest (such as theft, cheating, lying, and more) and you apply for a job in the justice field, they will most likely find it no matter how off your record it supposedly is and you will not be hired. In their minds they are most likely thinking that if you could be dishonest once then you can be dishonest again and they don't want someone likely that employed with them. Another reason to have a high standard of integrity and honesty at all times would be because if you were able ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Argumentative Essay : Police Brutality Argumentative Essay and Debate Although I should know by now, I cannot help but think that there has been an overwhelming amount of police brutality in recent years. Police brutality can be defined as, when a police officer uses more force than necessary. This issue has spread throughout the United States of America, and is putting the lives of our citizens in great danger. Police brutality is not only physical, but it can also be verbal attacks; and, in most cases, it is caused by false arrest and racial profiling due to police corruption. Police brutality has been and continues to be a major concern in society and it is used very loosely to any and all forms of police misconduct. Whereas, in reality, excessive force of police misconduct is what defines police brutality. The jobs of a police officer are too calmly resolve public disturbance and disputes. Police officers are supposed to protect citizens; instead they are hurting and using excessive force. It is not right and it is unjust for a police officer to hurt a citizen due to an assumption without any actual proof of criminal activity. Police Brutality has increased over the years. This issue has been spreading around the nation and worldwide. The police officers are hurting more people than the actual criminals that are roaming the streets. Some officers may have personal problems that distract them from their work, which could be a cause to why there is a massive increase in police brutality. Even if the police ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Abusing the Force Essay Abusing the Force The fundamental purposes of law enforcement is the serve and protect the individuals of society. Rough treatment is often times afflicted upon unruly citizens as an alternative reform of discipline. Police abuse remains one of the most serious and divisive human rights violations of today. The secrecy, stress, and dangers of police work leads to an insular and close–knit occupational culture that results in a strong distinction between members of the police and society. An in–depth investigation on police brutalization and its causes of corrupting within the 1991 beating of Rodney King is evaluated by means of the credibility within the rights of citizens in Canada and the United States, the effects from prejudice ... Show more content on ... All are indicted by a grand jury. Fundamentally, under the United States Constitution section 242, the officers violates the federal constitutional rights of Rodney King by wilfully using unreasonable force against him in arresting him (Staten, 1992). Likewise, King's rights are violated by the sergeant who wilfully permits the three other officers to unlawfully assault him, therefore depriving him of his right to be kept free from harm while in official custody. Similarly, as a Canadian citizen, one violates the legal rights of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms section 8 of search and seizure whereas everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure (Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 2002). Obviously in this case, King is not granted the freedom to be secured when he is being arrested. Therefore, the police officers obstructed justice process and contribute to further injustice done to the victim. Moreover, given the extensive pre–trial publicity surrounding the case and that the defendants' being law enforcement officials, they have caused a high level of indignation and outrage. Therefore, the accused sought to obtain a change of venue for the trial to a county other than Los Angeles County. Consequently, the trial site was Simi Valley in Ventura County, a predominantly white, middle–class, and conservative community 35 miles from ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. Police Brutality Argumentative Essay From the beginning of America's creation, slaves were not seen as people but as property that did not have the given right to reap thIntroduction The mistreatment of minority communities is starting to gain national attention though the reasons why they are the topic of discussion is shocking and disgusting. Michael Brown, a young black man in Ferguson, Missouri, was killed by Officer Darren Wilson, left in the street for four and a half hours, and conveyed to be a criminal while his killer was acquitted of all charges. Eric Gardner was strangled by NYPD police who broke protocol, was acquitted of all charges, and further justified their actions. Overwhelmed by the events going on in America in regards to police brutality, I wanted to take a deeper look at what event or series of events had led us to be in the terrifying predicament that our society is in today. The lives of African American men are being taken every day at the hands of law enforcement and I needed a deeper understanding of why this was occurring so ... Show more content on ... The earliest leader of this crusade was Harry J. Anslinger, who was the first commissioner of the U.S. Treasury Department's Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) in 1930. His observations of drugs such as marijuana made America worry that blacks would soon attempt to rise in power. He is quoted as saying "reefer makes darkies think that they're as good as white men" (The Devil Weed and Harry Anslinger, para 3) and "...most are Negros, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negros, entertainers, and any others" (The Devil Weed and Harry Anslinger, para 3). This was the start of the New Jim Crow which used drug enforcement to make blacks criminals and then led to the pipeline to prison ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Essay on The Problem of Police Corruption Illinois and most notably Chicago are best known for their corrupt public officials. From the days of Cermak and the Daley political machine, corruption has become second nature to these "public servants". From rigging elections to accepting 'dirty' donations to the alderman's campaigns, corruption can be found from the very top of the political layer, down to the lowest government position. Those involved in the corruption have benefited greatly from their dirty deeds. Public residents aren't directly aware of this corruption since they aren't public officials, but most can attest to corruption when it involves the local police officers and the exploitation of the public. Although corruption has a basic generic definition, it is ... Show more content on ... Dr. Hollist is a professor at the University of Montana and teaches criminology and other sociology courses. In regards to the progression of corruption, Dr. Hollist has documented that "Scholars have argued that there is a progression into serious corruption and they have identified two Types of corrupt officers. Grass Eaters [depict] a corrupt officer who passively accepts gratuities. Meat Eaters [depict] a corrupt officer who aggressively solicits bribes." (Hollist). Hollist is examining a small scope of the nature of police corruption. In addition to Hollist's identification of corrupt officers, Lawrence Sherman in his book, An Introduction to Policing, "There are three general categories or levels of corruption within police departments (Lawrence Sherman, as cited in Dempsey and Forst 2005, 299). The first level is"the rotten apples and rotten pockets" theory of police corruption, which holds that only one officer or a very small group of officers in a department or precinct, is corrupt. With this theory, because there is no widespread corruption within the police department, the organization might not do anything to combat these corruption acts. The second level of corruption that occurs in departments is known as"pervasive, unorganized corruption" (Dempsey and Forst 2005, 299). With this form of ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. The 1992 Los Angeles Riots Essay Introduction This paper will cover the events that took place within the first five days in south central Los Angeles after the Rodney King verdict . History In 1992 the city of Los Angeles was one of our nation's largest cities. It had an estimated population of over 9 million.1 The city had been in a deteriorating state for several years. There also had been tension growing between the citizens and the police for nearly the last 30 years. This had a lot to do with riots that occurred in Los Angeles back in the 1960's.2 In 1965 riots in L.A. occurred after a routine stop by the police involving drunk driving. This stop occurred very close the driver's residence where massive crowd began to build. When it was all said and done ... Show more content on ... Over the course of the next year the tensions and suspense from this case continued to grow. The police knew that civil unrest was going to occur no matter how the outcome of this case, but knew it stood to be worse had the defendants be found not guilty. On April 29th the day of the verdict, there were reporters both inside and outside the court room. This would add to how wide spread the unrest would occur and how fast it would develop. The verdict had come out that all four police officers were found not guilty on all accounts except for one account on one officer in which it was ruled a mistrial on that account.4 With the large amount of media coverage and the anticipation of a guilty verdict by many of the local citizens, the disturbances and violence spread quickly . Execution/action The initial start point of the riots (caught on camera) was at the intersection of Florence and Normandie. There police were making an arrest where crowds quickly arose. The police called for backup but were still having difficulty with the arrest as they were continually being interfered with and were outnumbered. The situation rapidly became dangerous and in what would later become a very controversial call, the overwhelmed police were ordered to retreat. This retreat would prove to be very empowering to the now formed mob. Since the police would not return to that ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Police Brutality And Black Victims What time period would I live in If I could choose to live in any time period I would choose to live the United States while police brutality against african americans. But first, what exactly does police brutality define as? Police brutality is the wanton use of excessive force, usually physical, but also common in forms of verbal attacks and psychological intimidation, by a police officer. This paper will talk about various examples of police brutality that is directed towards civilians, and then the side of police officers themselves. In particular, the cases of white cops on black victims. These will include those against Eric Garner, Mike Brown, Rodney King, and Malice Rose. The paper will also provide insight and examples on ... Show more content on ... Excessive force is also a direct violation of the fifth and fourteenth amendments. The first case of police brutality is the case of Eric Garner, and the infamous chokehold that resulted in his death. Only July seventeenth, of 2014, in New York City, Garner was suspected of selling cigarettes without tax stamps. When one of several officers at the scene, named Daniel Pantaleo took Garner's wrists behind his back, he tried to push them away, this being resisting arrest. After this, Pantaleo put his arms around Garner's neck, and pushed him to the ground, his hands on his heads. While in the chokehold, Garner attempted to say, "I can't breathe!," over ten times. The chokehold was revealed to be the partial cause of his death at the autopsy. Garner was 43 years old when he died. This is evidence that police brutality is clearly in existence. It is also clearly an injustice, since there were no charges in the case. The grand jury found "no reasonable cause" to indict officer Daniel Pantaleo. Though, this is not the only side to this case. Basically, Eric Garner resisted arrest from the police. It is said that Garner's argumentative tone and words could have justified for the force that was used. "It stops today," he said, this also being considered resistance of arrest. When the supposed chokehold was used, Pantaleo said that he was attempting to use a maneuver to ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Argumentative Essay On Police Brutality Have you heard about the deaths that have happened because of police brutality? Many incidents of it are happening around the world and it needs to be stopped. It is all getting very out of control because many people are dying or getting hurt. Police officers are supposed to be helping people. It has been around for a long time but it has been happening more often ever since Trump got elected. Police are more likely to target a person of color than a "white" person. There's a lot of stories that prove it is. Not many people believe that police brutality is a real thing that is happening. They say it's made up or people are being to sensitive. I find that not true at all, it's pretty ignorant. Many people have been beaten and gunned down by police. It's mostly because of the color of their skin. Children are also affected by this. For example a family member or friend or a victim. In many incidents people were unarmed. This make police officers very untrustworthy because of how others chose to handle a situation. No one ... Show more content on ... This is proof that people are being searched or detained becaus of their looks, which if very unfair. Police officers are starting to wear body cameras . This is a good things because it can then show what real went down, instead of hearing two differnt sides of a story. Now by having police officers wear a body camera you have a visual. Body cameras must be turned on before responding to a situation. If they do not they on they will be disciplined for it following orders. In some incidents officers have been caught turning their camera off but they weren't disciplined Ike they said they were going to be. But someon body camera record thirty seconds more after being shut ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Police Brutality Composition 1 Argumentative Research Essay Final Draft. Police Brutality Police work is dangerous. Sometimes police put in situations that excessive force is needed. But, because some officers use these extreme measures in situations when it is not, police brutality occurs. I believe Police brutality needs to be addressed, because it affects every one of us within our society. How can we trust the Police officers who sworn to "serve the public" when they use such excessive force that results in homicide? For those people who feel racism is not a factor in causing the use of excessive force, here is a startling fact. In Tampa Bay, Florida, five men died while in the custody of the Tampa Bay police Department (C.C. 27). The ... Show more content on ... During a disturbing 911 call before her death, Delafield told the dispatcher she believed she was in danger and that her sister was trying to harm her. Officers say when they arrived, Delafield was in her wheelchair, threatening police and family members with two knives and a hammer. One officer Tasered Delafield nine times for a total of 160 seconds and another officer Tasered the woman once for less than 5 seconds. Delafield 's death was ruled a homicide. The family of slain teen, Fong Lee, have filed a lawsuit against the Minneapolis police and the officer who killed him. The family has compiled a review of police reports, witness statements and other evidence that support the theory that Fong Lee was unarmed when he was shot by police eight times in 2006 and the gun found near his body was planted there by police. The gun that the officers claim to have found near Fong Lee 's body had been recovered by police from a burglary and was kept as evidence. The family also alleges in court documents that Minneapolis police "may have tried to deliberately alter history by writing new reports indicating the gun recovered near Fong Lee 's body was not the same gun" that had been recovered after the burglary. The evidence suggests that Minnesota police planted the gun to cover themselves after killing Fong Lee in the street. Police reports indicate that no fingerprints or DNA was found on the weapon. After a May 13, 2009 ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Is Violence the Answer? the Black Panther Party Is Violence the Answer?: The Black Panther Party Organized in the 1960s at the height of the American Civil Rights Movement, the Black Panther Party emerged as a revolutionist group pioneering a strategy of militancy. The Party's aims were to eliminate the discrimination challenging African–Americans in America since the time of slavery, and to protect their communities from police brutality. Inspired by contemporary radical leaders such as Malcolm X, the party recognized that in order to restructure American society so that civil equality was obtainable by all people, a much stronger opposition was necessary. Party members felt the passive resistance adopted by their predecessors fighting for equality proved futile, and therefore the ... Show more content on ... Williams asserted that because non–violent demands for civil equality were met with seemingly unnecessary violence by police and government forces or ignored altogether, blacks must be prepared to engage in a full scale war against oppressors. Williams avowed, "it is precisely this unchallenged violence that allows a racist social system to perpetuate itself" (6). Drawing on Williams' and other Black Power activist's arguments as encouragement for taking up arms, the Black Panther Party sought to reform society through violent means. Although armed and fully clad in black leather jackets and berets, the party's militant guise, the party sought not to retaliate for past violent actions against blacks. The Black Panther Party instead encouraged blacks to defend themselves only when faced with hostility. Adopting the black panther as their emblem, the party hoped to communicate that like the animal, it "never attacked another animal" but was prepared to "defend itself ferociously when challenged" (Coombs 10). Black Panther members worked as surveyors of their community police forces, ensuring that the police were not being unnecessarily hostile during routine operations. Panthers would trail police cruisers and when one stopped an African–American, they too would stop and make certain the person pulled over was receiving proper legal treatment. Not only did the Black Panther Party offer protection ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Police Brutality : An African American Man Police Brutality By Kofi Owusu–Mensah 8/31/15 Cycle Day 2 Period 3 This is why I do not think these Police Brutality cases involve racism. In the past year, there have been 4 notable cases where an african american man or woman was treated with excessive force by police. Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, and Walter Scott. Sandra Bland was a woman who failed to signal a lane change and ended up dead in a jail cell. Eric Garner was a man who refused to follow directions from police, was suffocated, and had a heart attack in an ambulance to a hospital where he died. Walter Scott was a man who fled from a policemen during a pull–over. All of these cases do involve police brutality but do not necessarily involve racism and could have been involved had the victims followed directions. Sandra Bland was a 28 year old woman from Naperville, Illinois. She was a civil rights activist and a Black Lives Matter campaigner. The police officer in the incident's name is Brian Encima. He was 30 and became a state trooper in 2014. On July 20, 2015, Bland was stopped after failing to signal a lane change. Encima asked Bland to stop smoking her cigarette. Bland questioned the reason for her to stop in her own car. Encima asked her to get out of the car and Bland reached for her phone to try and record the situation. Encima pointed a taser at Bland and she got out of the car. According to authorities, Bland because "argumentative and uncooperative", and she was taken to custody. Days ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Social Groups Essay Social groups have existed throughout time. We know that small social groups have existed in the form of families throughout the history of human kind. Adam and Eve are said to have been the first social group. Social groups are defined as having two or more people interact and identify with one another. Some social groups include but are not limited to; the handicap, the homeless, the poor, the wealthy, the powerful, different religious groups, different races and even sexual orientation. There are several reasons why people join social groups. Most people join social groups because there are many benefits for belonging to a group. People like to feel connected and feel that they can relate to others. People tend to belong to groups ... Show more content on ... Granted, we have come a long way, but there are still many people who are a long way from changing their attitudes towards them. "On March 3, 1991, Rodney King was the driver of a car in Los Angeles, California. The driver didn't stop when signaled by a police car behind him, but increased his speed. When police finally stopped the car, they delivered 56 baton blows and six kicks to King, in a period of two minutes, producing 11 skull fractures, brain damage, and kidney damage. Unaware that the incident had been videotaped, the police officers filed inaccurate reports, not mentioning the fact that Rodney King was left with head wounds. On March 15, 1991, four police officers were arraigned on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and use of excessive force" (Mike Lepore). This event may have lead to the bad attitudes towards authority, particularly against the police. Many African Americans felt that this would not have happened if Rodney King had been white. They believed that the only reason why Rodney King was beaten was because he was an African American. When the four white police officers were acquitted by a white jury selected from the suburbs, thousands of people in South Central Los Angeles responded to the verdict with several days of rioting. The majority of low income families are minorities. Some people who have no jobs and for those who have jobs, their wages are usually very low and they may end up turning to crime and ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Argumentatives Of The Los Angeles Riots The Los Angeles Riots Argumentative Essay African Americans in Los Angeles and throughout the United States have experienced racial oppression for centuries. (Background about racial oppression by the LAPD). Rodney King was an African American motorist who inspired positive police reforms after he had a brutal conflict and was beaten by four members of the LAPD. Rodney King's encounter resulted in a social and legal compromise because the incident made people aware of police brutality, gave African Americans a voice against police abuse, and resulted in reforms to the way that the LAPD responds to communities of color. The Los Angeles Riots were the second riots to happen after the Watts Riots. The L.A Riots took place on April 9, 1992. The riots broke out in less than a day and lasted five days and killed more than 50 people and left more than 2,000 injured. On April 30, 1992, writers Richard A. Serrano and Tracy Wilkinson wrote an article in the Los Angeles Times newspaper saying "hours after the verdicts were announced, angry demonstrators torched buildings, looted stores and assaulted passersby as civic leaders pleaded for calm." The riots started after the verdict was given, people were filled with anger after they police officers were acquitted of all charges against them. Tensions also arose with Korean store owners. The riots helped bring a change to the community for the African Americans because before the riots they didn't have a voice, any protest or march they did didn't receive attention. When the riots happened, they got the attention that they were searching for. The communities were said to be too "poor" to care about them. In the article Sandy banks publish it said "The devastation was heartbreaking, but I understood the rage behind it. Los Angeles had been building to this moment, with years of protests, meetings, and marches that got little attention outside a black community seemed too wretched and too poor to care about." Los Angeles was going to have a breakout sooner or later due to the little attention put for the communities that were in need. The communities felt that with Rodney King, they finally had a voice. For the community Rodney King was their voice because of him the people ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. We Must Stop Police Brutality Police brutality is an act that often goes unnoticed by the vast majority of white Americans. This is the intentional use of "excessive force by an authority figure, which oftentimes ends with bruises, broken bones, bloodshed, and sometimes even death" (Harmon). While law–abiding citizens worry about protecting themselves from criminals, it has now been revealed that they must also keep an eye on those who are supposed to protect and serve. According to the National Police Academy, in the past year, there have been over 7,000 reports of police misconduct; fatalities have been linked to more than 400 of these cases (Gul). Police brutality is often triggered by disrespect towards the police officer. The most noticeable form of brutality ... Show more content on ... There are numerous reasons for police brutality to occur, the most common is racial discrimination. According to the Journal of African American Studies 86% of the individuals who died in the custody of the NYPD between the years 1994 and 2000 were African American or Hispanic (Chaney). An example of this type of brutality is the case involving Rodney King. On March 31, 1991 Rodney King was pulled over by LA Police for speeding. The police said that King resisted arrest and that he was either on drugs or drunk. A bystander videotaped the officers tasing, kicking, stomping and beating King with batons. Rodney King suffered 57 blows from the batons and was kicked 7 times. He also had 12 skull fractures, brain damage and kidney damage. The officers beat him for about two minutes. Four of the officers were charged with excessive force and found guilty. Officers Stacey Koon and Laurence Powell received 30 months in prison while Theodore Briseno and Timothy Wind were in the clear. As a result, the blacks in LA were not happy with the charges and caused riots. The LA riots lasted for six days and left 53 people dead (Chaney). Many people across the country are abused by the police, whose hands are responsible for protecting them. I personally feel that King did not deserve the violent beating, he was only speeding and deserved a ticket. However, police officers always have reasons acting hostile towards ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. Argumentative Essay On Police Brutality Kayla Fort October 30 Ms. Haley Senior Composition The Struggle To Fix Police Brutality Recently, our country has undergone tremendous suffering due to police brutality. Some police officers are taking the law into their own hands and intertwining their personal views and stereotypes on the black community. They are committing inhumane crimes on African Americans and our justice system is allowing it to continue. Several police officers are noticing that if they commit this crime out of pure hate it is acceptable and the courts will rule in their favor. It continues to happen because there is no punishment for their wrong doing. August 9, 2014 Michael Brown, a 18– year old black man was shot and killed, brutally at the hands of police officer Darren Wilson. Brown was leaving the gas station when he caught the attention of Wilson, who was supposed to be responding to another call. He thought Brown looked suspicious because he was a big, black "intimidating" man. Wilson "claimed" Brown was reaching for a gun so he fired twelve unnecessary shots at Brown while his hands were up. It turns out that Brown was not in possession of a weapon. Darren Wilson made up this allegation to make it seem like self defense, and to make Brown seem at fault for the shooting taking place. When Wilson went to trial the court found him not guilty. White police officers are not beingg held accountable so these police shootings are becoming more brutal and frequent. The Mike Brown ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Police Brutality Essay Crying Wolf: How Everything Is Police Brutality When you were a child, you most likely have read the story "The boy who cried wolf". What this story taught you was that it isn't a joke to go run and tell people something happened when it didn't because eventually people will stop listening. So why is it almost every time a police officer takes someone to the ground they cry "police brutality"? Police officers are here to maintain order, protect citizens and safe guard property. They should not have to worry about if a miniscule action they take is a career ending one, but on the opposing side their authority and power should have its limits and limitations. Police Brutality does happen from time to time, but not to the extent ... Show more content on ... Hours and hours of training and classes are mandatory before an officer is allowed to go on patrol. For instance on average a police recruit spends 761 hours in a class room going over everything from proper use of force, to when should my use of force be escalated as well as on average of spending 453 hours on a mandatory field component to further hone their skills( Now why with all of this training would it be thought that police officers are not subject matter experts in their field? Why is it that everyone feels that police officers do not know there job well or that they constantly do certain things they aren't supposed to? Maybe it stems from an overall lake of respect for police officers that a good majority have, or possible that media itself show police officers a good majority of the time to be blundering idiots or the bad guys. Either way simple numbers do not lie. Police officers are given a considerable amount of training pertaining to using the tools at their disposal as well as the proper escalation and use of force, so there really can't be someone crying wolf on that police officer have no idea, knowledge, or training pertaining to their job field. Unfortunately not every person is tolerant of every race, religion or nationality. Sometimes a person does not like a certain group of people for whatever reason. Is this a very ignorant quality? Many say yes. Now do some of these people ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Essay on Controlling Police Through Litigation Controlling Police Through Litigation Controlling Police Through Litigation Police departments draft and implement policies and procedures to provide consistency and eliminate ambiguity in department practices. These are guidelines are for staff and officers to follow in a variety of different situations. Police policies and procedures may have the force of law, or be considered by a court or jury in determining whether an officer acted lawfully in the line of duty. Procedures related to employee actions can also be subject to legal scrutiny in some cases. A lack of policies on issues involving the community may result in unlawful and inconsistent police action. These adverse actions can create a negative reaction within the ... Show more content on ... For example, a subject who was beaten by a police officer can sue that officer for excessive force, without proving it was the officer's intention to violate his rights, but only that the officer intended to beat him. In some cases an officer's supervisor can be held liable because he/she is responsible for the negligence of that officer. This is known as vicarious liability, or "imputed negligence" ( For example, a gang member who shoots and kills another person during a hold–up is responsible for the murder, but other gang members may be held vicariously liable for the same murder. There are several different types of defense for civil suits, and also persons who are immune to the liability in question. There are three types of immunity, they are: absolute immunity, quasi–judicial immunity, and qualified immunity. Michael Lyman lists judges, prosecutors, and legislators, as those who enjoy absolute immunity during civil liability suits (Lyman pg. 272). Lyman also reminds us that police officers and witnesses can obtain absolute immunity while testifying during a criminal trial, but if found providing false testimony, may be charged with perjury. Persons within a department, performing his/her duties as assigned, during the alleged time of a Section 1983 violation, and not involved in the violation, obtain quasi–judicial immunity. Quasi– judicial immunity is ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Police Deviance : Rotten Apple or Rotten Barrel? Criminal Justice : Policy and Practice Police Deviance : Rotten Apple or Rotten Barrel? Jessica 18th November 2010 Contents 1. Abtract....................................................................................P.3 2. Bad Barrel : Police culture leads to corruption.......................................P.5 3. Application : IRA Miscarriage of Justice............................................P.10 4. Application : Case of Rolando Mandoza...........................................P.12 5. Policy implication......................................................................P.14 6. Conclusion..............................................................................P.16 7. References..............................................................................P.18 Abstract The term paper attempts to examine the problem of Police Corruption. Police force is the only body in the society who are given authority to use the force towards citizens, any malpractice in the police ... Show more content on ... With the legitimate use of force and the confrontational nature of their interaction of community, the police work offers opportunity to officers to abuse their authority when their authority is perceived as being threatened. For example, police have to be suspicious even in regular duties like patrolling the district. They remain suspicious to everyone in the street. Most of the time, police officers work on their own without much monitoring, for instance, no one guide them when they patrol, when they face challenges from the public, they have to make the decision on their own of whether respond to the challenge by abusing their authority. It is the vagueness of their work train the police to be suspicious to any minor change in the surrounding environment in order to maintain the social order. The ambiguities also offer room for them to make choice as well as the possibility of corruption. The work of police also gives the rise of authoritarian personality of the officers. Police offers are the law–enforcers in the society. Police work requires officers to be submissive to authority comes from the senior officers, at the same time, to impose authority to the ordinary citizens in order to maintain the social order. Whenever there is any confrontation with the ordinary citizens, police's
  • 75. authority face challenge and their work requires officers to maintain the authority so to suppress the ordinary citizens to ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Essay on Misuse of Police Powers Within our police system in America, there are gaps and loopholes that give leeway to police officials who either abuse the authority given to them or do not represent the ethical standards that they are expected to live up to. Because of the nature of police work, there is a potential for deterioration of these ethical and moral standards through deviance, misconduct, corruption, and favoritism. Although these standards are set in place, many police are not held accountable for their actions and can easily get by with the mistreatment of others. While not every police abuses his or her power, the increasingly large percentage that do present a problem that must be recognized by the public as well as those in charge of police departments ... Show more content on ... These types of misconduct arise throughout police jobs that include routine procedures such as traffic stops, ticket writing, directing traffic, and discouraging potential threats to those in their community. What often go unnoticed, though, are the undercover works and the corruptions that go on within a department. The four terms associated with these conflicting values are deviance, which is behavior inconsistent with the norms, values, or ethics, corruption, which is forbidden acts involving misuse of office for gain, misconduct, which is the violation of departmental procedures, and favoritism which is unfair "breaks" to friends or relatives. According to T.R. O'Connor in his article entitled Police Deviance and Ethics, police also work includes the behind the scenes work of going undercover and taking on false identities to induce crime, reporting vague information to media and giving false ideas to the public, and invading privacy through the use of technology. They can also make false promises to hostage takers and kidnappers, trade or sell their days off and desirable work assignments, and position themselves to have cases requiring court appearances. They can even manipulate the overtime system to earn more money each year and strain the truth to protect loved ones and crime victims. These descriptions are inconsistent with societal standards as well as police standards (1). In order to understand the reasoning behind ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Police Brutality Argumentative Essay Police brutality is a major issue, it happens when a police officer uses excessive force to apprehend someone, resulting in the convict to be badly injured or then killed. The idea of issuing police officers wear body cameras arose. Wearing the cameras will help prevent the events such as the case with Slager. Maybe the cameras will benefit this country. Some acts of police brutality are over looked because the officer states he/she only did it in self–defense. In the case of 33 year old Michael Slager, that was not the case. Slager killed an unarmed African American man named Walter Scott. Shooting him eight times in the back. Michael stated that Walter took his tazer and the officer feared for his life. He used a simple story structure, "He struggled/reached for my gun/Taser/weapon. I feared for my safety. I thought my life was in danger."(Police Body Cameras) Later a video was posted to social media by Feidin Santana, showing the two men struggling then Scott running away. Slager planted the tazer beside Scott's body. Michael Slager was later charged with murder. Cameras are already attached to the dash of the police officers vehicles but they only capture what is in front of them. The cameras don't film the whole picture ... Show more content on ... There are instances people don't cooperate because of the trust issues between them. Hopefully the cameras can reestablish the connection between police and citizens. Soon they may realize this task will much harder to complete. Some may say it a breach of privacy, "particularly in instances in which encounters with police occur in a private home." (Police Body Cameras) This is one of the main concerns with body cameras, nobody wants to be film inside his/her own home. Also the cameras are expensive at a large scale. "Body cameras can cost in the range of $100 upward to $1,500..." (Ignasiak) It's not rational idea to issue all officers with cameras the cost will be too ... Get more on ...