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The Monsoon Session of
Parliament on Monday will
begin in the shadow of a lurk-
ing telephone tapping scandal
that could see days of disrup-
tion and provide powerful
ammunition to the Opposition
to target the Prime Minister
Narendra Modi Government.
Throughout Sunday, social
media was abuzz with specu-
lation about the worldwide
release of a report that showed
that telephones of India’s top
Ministers, Supreme Court
judges, journalists and others
were tapped between 2018 and
“Strong rumours that this
evening IST, Washington Post
 London Guardian are pub-
lishing a report exposing the
hiring of an Israeli firm
Pegasus, for tapping phones of
Modi’s Cabinet Ministers, RSS
leaders, SC judges,  journal-
ists,” tweeted senior BJP leader
Subramanian Swamy.
In addition, the Opposition
has lined up a range of issues
including the mismanagement
of the Covid-19 situation by the
Government and issues of ris-
ing prices.
A day before the com-
mencement of the Monsoon
Session, the Government on
Sunday held an all-party meet-
ing attended by floor leaders of
various political parties.
Narendra Modi assured that his
Government was ready for a
“healthy, meaningful discus-
sion” in Parliament on various
issues. More than 40
leaders from 33 parties attend-
ed the all-party meeting and
suggested the subjects to be dis-
cussed in the first Parliament
session post the second Covid-
19 killer wave.
The Opposition is raring to
put the Government on the
mat on a host of issues – rang-
ing from its handling of the
contagion, vaccine shortage,
farmers’ agitation, manage-
ment of the economy, jobless-
ness , border tension with
China and the resurfacing of
the Rafale jets’ purchase con-
troversy in France.
A0:4B7:B8=67Q =4F34;78
The Pakistani deep State led
by its covert agency Inter-
Services Intelligence (ISI) has
been persuading the Taliban
Islamists to target infrastruc-
ture developed and financed by
India in the war-ravaged
India has invested over US
$3 billion towards reconstruc-
tion efforts in Afghanistan.
The move to target Indian
assets in Afghanistan comes
weeks after the ISI forged an
alliance between its terror affil-
iates like Lashkar-e-Tayeba
(LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammad
(JeM) with the Taliban.
The ISI has reportedly
already sent 10,000 Pakistani
fighters to Afghanistan to aid
the Taliban in the violent
takeover of territories from
Ashraf Ghani-led
Government’s control amid the
pull out of the US troops.
As reported earlier by The
Pioneer, the Taliban had devel-
oped an understanding with
the JeM and LeT for such
attacks in Helmand and
Kandahar provinces at the
behest of the ISI.
While the LeT is assisting
the Taliban in Helmand, the
JeM is operating in Kandahar
where India had to evacuate 50
diplomatic staff and ITBP com-
mandos last Sunday.
On July 16, Afghan
President Ashraf Ghani had
told a Central and South Asia
connectivity conference, also
attended by Pakistan Prime
Minister Imran Khan, in
Tashkent that 10,000 jehadi
fighters have entered
Afghanistan during the last
one month and had blamed
Islamabad for this.
“The LeT and Jaish terror-
ists besides thousands of other
Pakistani jehadis fighting along
with Taliban have been specif-
ically instructed to target
Indian assets. The aim is to sys-
tematically destroy the good-
will India has generated
through massive reconstruc-
tion efforts and also gain con-
siderable leverage with the
Taliban that is seeking to oper-
ate independently,” experts
tracking the development said,
adding Islamabad is also eye-
ing the billion-dollar drugs
trade originating from that
While over 10,000
Pakistani fighters entered
Afghanistan through the
porous borders in the last one
month alone, several jehadis
were staying in Afghanistan for
many years to aid Taliban in
fighting the US and allied
forces there.
?=BQ ;D2:=F
The Uttar Pradesh
Government has now made
it mandatory for the passengers
travelling to UP from States
with a high positivity rate to
produce a negative RT-PCR
(Covid-19) report before enter-
ing the State.
Additional Chief Secretary
Information Navneet Sehgel
said the UP Government in
order to prevent rise in Covid
cases has directed that report of
negative RTPCR should be
made mandatory for people
coming to UP from States with
more than 3 per cent positivi-
ty rate.
“This report should not be
more than four days old,” he
said. The new rule will be
applicable to anyone travelling
to UP via air, road, or rail
routes. People entering Uttar
Pradesh in their personal vehi-
cles will also have to follow this
protocol. He said people com-
ing to UP from such States
should start the journey only
after getting their Covid test
done. Those who have received
both doses of vaccination may
be exempted.
The decision was taken by
a team of nine top officials of
the UP Government in a meet-
ing with Chief Minister Yogi
Adityanath on Sunday. The
move aims to contain the
spread of Covid-19 in Uttar
Meanwhile, fresh Covid
19 cases in Uttar Pradesh came
down to 56 on Sunday and 69
patients have recovered. Now a
total of 7 districts have been
declared free from corona in
the State.
=8:00;8:Q 270=3860A7
Amid voices of opposition,
the Congress High
Command late on Sunday
evening announced the eleva-
tion of Navjot Singh Sidhu as
the new party president of the
Punjab unit, ending the
impasse prevailing within the
party for over a month. Sidhu
would be assisted by four work-
ing presidents — Sangat Singh
Gilzian, Sukhwinder Singh
Danny, Pawan Goel, and Kuljit
Singh Nagra (all legislators).
Sidhu replaced Sunil Jakhar
who was appointed State party
chief in 2017.
Nagra is considered close
to Congress vice president
Rahul Gandhi, and Danny
would be representing the
young leaders. Besides, MLA
Pawan Goel's appointment was
made to give representation to
the Dalit and Hindu commu-
The appointment came at
time after days of stand-off
between the Chief Minister
Captain Amarinder Singh and
Sidhu camps.
Almost all parliamentarians
had on Sunday came out in
Amarinder’s support, even as
Sidhu attempted to make a
foray into the Patiala royal’s bas-
tion while meeting his loyalists
in his home constituency.
Just a day earlier,
Amarinder had taken a softer
line on Sidhu’s anticipated
appointment as Punjab
Congress chief, but with the
rider of a “public apology” for
his derogatory tweets — had
sent signals that the announce-
ment of Sidhu’s new role was
just a matter of time.
But hours later,
Amarinder invited his bête
noire Partap Singh Bajwa and
others to a meeting —
indicating that he was in no
mood to mend fences
with Sidhu.
Amarinder’s dinner diplo-
macy with his known critic
Bajwa seems to have raised
another issue before the party
High Command as it came on
the day when Sidhu went to
meet Sunil Jakhar, former party
presidents including Bajwa,
Cabinet Ministers and several
C=A067D=0C70Q D108
As many as 33 people were
killed and several others
injured on Sunday, after a vir-
tual cloudburst and conse-
quent heavy rain that
ravaged the metropolis and
the neighbouring areas coming
under the Mumbai
Metropolis Region (MMR)
affecting the rail, road and air
services in the country’s com-
mercial capital.
On Sunday morning,
Mumbaikars woke up to heavy
rains accompanied by lightning
and thunder and inundation in
several low-lying areas of the
city suburbs.
The intensity of the rain
that Mumbai received could be
gauged from the Island city
recorded a rainfall of 196.8 mm
and the suburbs received a
rainfall of 234.9 mm during the
24 hours ending at 8.30 am on
?C8Q C:H
Three athletes, two of them
staying at the Olympic
Village, have tested positive for
Covid-19, the Games
Organising Committee
announced on Sunday, the
development adding to the
scepticism around the troubled
event which opens on July 23.
It is the first instance of
athletes staying at the village
catching the infection. Their
identities have not been
revealed by the organisers. The
third infected athlete is staying
at a designated Games hotel.
A total of 10 cases were
detected on the day, including
five “Games concerned per-
sonnel”, one contractor, and a
journalist, according to the
Covid-19 Positive Case List
uploaded by the OC here.
The total number of
Games-related Covid cases has
now risen to 55 as per the OC
“When there is a positive
Covid 19 case — it means
action. There is a clear proce-
dure to identify close contacts.
A case is not just data in a
spread sheet but leads to action,
including immediate follow-up
testing,” International Olympic
Committee’s (IOC) Games
Executive Director Christophe
Dubi stated.
“We can safely say that
40,000 Covid 19 tests have
been carried out before coming
to Japan for 18,000 Games
participants. Then there is the
screening on the airport fol-
lowed by regular screening,
testing for athletes every day,”
he added.
The organisers did not
specify whether the two infect-
ed athletes staying at the village
will be quarantined elsewhere.
“Since 1 July more than
18,000 games participants
arrived from overseas. All of
them had at least 2 negative
tests before arrival. When they
arrived, they had another test.
When they are here, there is a
strict testing regime in place,”
said Pierre Ducrey, IOC Games
Operations Director.
“The participants of the
Olympic Games are the most
controlled population in the
world,” he added.
The development comes a
day after a non-athlete at the
Village tested positive for the
dreaded virus and was shifted
out of the premises.
“...We believe we have the
situation under control. As
such, properly if cases are
found, the individuals are iso-
lated and we trace all close con-
tacts if there are any other
cases, that’s what is most
important,” Hide Nakamura,
chief Games delivery officer for
Tokyo 2020, said in a press con-
“Even with all
measures fully taken, there
will be some positive (coron-
avirus) cases. Under the coro-
navirus situation which encom-
passes the entire world, so it is
inevitable that there will be
“What is important is that
when such cases arise, we prop-
erly systematically isolate them
so that there will be no further
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?C8Q =4F34;78
An evaluation by global
money laundering and ter-
rorist financing watchdog
Financial Action Task Force
(FATF) to analyse the effec-
tiveness of India’s anti-money
laundering moves and coun-
tering terrorist financing
regime has been postponed
for the second time due to the
ongoing Covid-19 pandemic
and is now slated to be initiat-
ed next year, officials said.
The scheduled assessment
for the country by the Paris-
headquartered watchdog was
originally slated for September-
October, 2020.
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?=BQ 270=3860A7
Punjab’s Forests and Wildlife
Preservation Department
on Sunday announced reopen-
ing of Chhatbir Zoo and four
small zoos at Ludhiana,
Bathinda, Patiala, and Neelon
from July 20, 2021, with strict
adherence of COVID-19
appropriate behaviour.
“The Chhatbir Zoo would
be open to the public six days a
week (Monday closed). Entry
for visitors will be allowed from
9:30 am to 4:30 pm (instead of
9 am to 5 pm) to ensure opti-
mal carrying capacity, stag-
gered entry, and social distanc-
ing. The number of visitors will
be allowed in three slots,” said
an official spokesperson.
“Only a limited number of
timed tickets will be available in
different slots till the normalcy
returns in the Zoo,” the
spokesperson said, adding the
entry tickets will be valid only
for two hours after the entry.
The tickets for zoo entry
and other facilities can be
booked through online book-
ing, the link for which has been
provided on the zoo website
( Apart
from this, QR code system
and PoS machines facilities
will also be available in ZOO
booking counter for those vis-
itors who are unable to do
online booking.
Free Wi-Fi hotspot facility
is available in the entry area of
Chhatbir Zoo for hassle-free
online booking of entry tickets,
he added.
Spokesperson also stated
that the tickets for Battery
Operated Trolleys (BOTs) will
be available at the site, which
will be allowed only for the
group visitors or family mem-
bers, who may reserve a full
BOT vehicle at the prescribed
rate with strict social distance
norms and safety measures.
To ensure the safety of vis-
itors, some facilities such as
Wildlife Safari (lion safari and
deer safari), Reptile House, and
Nocturnal house will be closed
for visitors till the normalcy
contamination and to maintain
self-hygiene, medicated foot
mat, touch-free sensor-based
hand wash facilities have been
provided in zoo entry and other
strategic points like toilets,
drinking water points, rain shel-
ters, leisure points etc.
Single-use plastic items will
not be allowed inside the zoo,
icine containers may be allowed
after screening, said the
spokesperson. Pertinently, the
zoo will be opened at 9:30 am
with a maximum entry of 1,800
visitors between 9:30 am and
11:30 am followed by a sanitisa-
tion break from 11:30 to 12
noon. Maximum 1,800 visitors
can enter between 12 noon and
2 pm with another sanitisation
break from 2 pm to 2:30 pm.
can enter the zoo from 2:30 pm
and 4:30 pm the zoo entry will
be closed.
4YYReSZcK``e`cV`aV_Wc`^EfVdURj ?=BQ 270=3860A7
With Covid-19 cases seeing
the declining trend,
Haryana Government on
Sunday announced more relax-
ations, including increase in the
timings of bars and restaurants,
while extending the partial
lockdown till July 26.
The night curfew will
remain in force daily from 11
pm to 5 am, an order
by the Chief Secretary Vijai
Vardhan said.
According to the order,
“the Mahamari Alert-Surakshit
Haryana is extended for anoth-
er week, that is from July 19 (5
am onwards) to July 26 (till 5
am) in the state of Haryana.”
The State Government has
termed the Covid-induced
lockdown as “Mahamari Alert-
Surakshit Haryana (Epidemic
Alert-Safe Haryana)”.
The restaurants and bars,
including those in malls, are
allowed to open from 10 am to
11 pm with 50 per cent capac-
ity and home delivery of food
is allowed till 11 p.m. Similarly,
the club houses, restaurants and
bars at golf courses will also be
allowed to open from 10 am to
11 pm with 50 per cent capac-
ity with adherence to requisite
social distancing and other
COVID-19 appropriate safety
norms, the order said.
The gyms are allowed to
open from 6 am to 9 pm with
50 percent capacity, it added..
According to earlier relax-
ations, all shops are allowed to
open from 9 am to 8 pm while
the malls from 10 am to 8 pm.
Spas will open from 6 am to 8
pm with 50 percent capacity,
swimming pools are allowed to
open only for such athletes or
swimmers who are competing
or practicing for a competitive
event. Cinema halls are allowed
to open with maximum 50 per-
cent seating capacity with
adherence to COVID-19 pro-
Notably, Haryana
Government had imposed the
lockdown in the State
on May 3.
A government spokesper-
son on Sunday said that the
state’s recovery rate has
improved by 0.15 per cent
from 98.50 per cent on June 22
to 98.65 per cent on July 17.
However, the fatality rate has
increased by 0.04 per cent
from 1.21 per cent on June 22
to 1.25 per cent on July 17.
There are 318 deaths
reported in 27 days from June
21 to July 17, he said.
He shared that the positiv-
ity rate has declined from 0.46
per cent on June 22 to 0.14 per
cent on July 17.
Meanwhile, the adminis-
tration of vaccine is also being
done at a fast pace in the state
and 1,05,24,837 beneficiaries
have been vaccinated of which
85,22,732 beneficiaries were
administered the first dose and
20,02,105 beneficiaries have
been administered the second
dose, the spokesperson added.
?=BQ 270=3860A7
Newly appointed Haryana
Governor Bandaru
Dattatreya on Sunday said that
Kurukshetra would be devel-
oped into a world class pil-
grimage city.
The Central and State
Government aims to develop
Kurukshetra as a tourist, reli-
gious and cultural city, said
Dattatreya while talking to the
mediapersons during his visit
to Kurukshetra.
Earlier, the Governor
planted sandalwood and
Rudraksh saplings in the
premises of International Guest
House in Kurukshetra
University. Thereafter, the
Governor offered prayers to
Lord Venkateswara, Lakshmi
Devi and Gowda Devi at the
Tirupati Balaji temple.
After this, the Governor
reached the Brahmasarovar
Purushotampura Bagh and
offered prayers at the Brahma
Sarovar and worshiped the
waters of the Brahma Sarovar.
He also visited Kurukshetra
Geeta Sthali Jyotisar and Maa
Bhadrakali temple and offered
prayers to Maa Kali.
Dattatreya said that after
taking over as Governor, the
first place he has visited is the
land of heroes i.e. Kurukshetra.
Kurukshetra, the land of
Mahabharata and ancient her-
itage, is an invaluable gift of
Indian culture. The essence of
the holy book Gita and our
Indian traditions should be
imbibed by the youth in their
lives. Therefore, Kurukshetra is
being developed as a world
class pilgrimage site, he said.
The Governor further said
that he will attend board meet-
ings regarding the ongoing
project in Kurukshetra. Work
has been done to give interna-
tional status to Kurukshetra
and bring this holy place on the
world map from the point of
view of tourism and spiritual-
ity, he said.
To develop the city as a
tourist destination, it has been
included in the Krishna circuit,
he added.
Notably, former Himachal
Governor Dattatreya had on
Thursday sworn in as the 18th
Governor of Haryana, suc-
ceeding Satyadeo Narain Arya,
who has moved to Tripura.
?=BQ ;D3780=0
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on
Sunday got a major boost
when a senior Akali leader,
considered close to the Badals,
Chaudhary Madan Lal Bagga
joined the party along with a
large number of associates and
AAP’s national spokesper-
son and Punjab affairs co-in
charge Raghav Chadha, Leader
of Opposition in Vidhan Sabha
Harpal Singh Cheema, Deputy
Leader of Opposition Saravjit
Kaur Manuke, among others
formally inducted Bagga and
his associates into the party.
Welcoming Chaudhary
Bagga and his associates, on
behalf of party supremo Arvind
Kejriwal and the entire leader-
ship, Chadha said that with
their joining, AAP has become
stronger not only in Ludhiana
but in the whole of Punjab.
Cheema said that the
Badals and SAD in Ludhiana
had been wiped out with
Madan Lal Bagga, who became
part of AAP’s family after being
impressed by Kejriwal’s pro-
people development model.
He said that the Aam Aadmi
Party is all set to form a gov-
ernment in Punjab in 2022.
Bagga said that he is
unconditionally embracing the
AAP, as he was impressed by
the revolutionary work done by
the Arvind Kejriwal govern-
ment in Delhi.
Notably, Chaudhary Bagga
was a member of Akali Dal’s
PAC and senior vice president
of the Trade and Industry Wing.
He has also been the vice chair-
man of the Board of Commerce
Punjab under the status of
Minister of State in the previous
SAD-BJP government, presi-
dent of SAD Ludhiana Urban
and councillor twice.
The AAP leader Raghav
Chadha also said that after 10
years of the Badals’ mafia rule,
the Capt Amarinder Singh
Government had left every
section of the state helpless in
its four and half years tenure.
“At such a critical juncture,
AAP is the only brightest hope
for Punjab today,” said Chadha.
He said that Punjab and
the state’s politics are going
through a very bad period. “On
one hand, the Badals have
squandered SAD’s all dignity
and principles of and turned it
into a private limited company,
which is hated by everyone
today; the Congress, on the
other hand, is a party that is not
fighting for justice in sacrilege,
for the rights of farmers-
labourers, against unemploy-
ment and drugs, for the digni-
ty of women and elderly,
against power, sand mafias but
only for the Chief Ministership
and the presidency,” he added.
?=BQ 270=3860A7
Shiromani Akali Dal’s Hindu
leaders and workers from
across Punjab on Sunday
expressed their gratitude to
party president Sukhbir Singh
Badal for deciding to nominate
a representative from the com-
munity as a Deputy
Chief Minister if the
SAD-BSP alliance comes to
power in the State.
Even as the SAD president
was profusely honoured by
the community members on
the occasion, Sukhbir
announced that he would
rather lay down his life than let
anyone spoil peace and com-
munal harmony in the State. “I
am committed to Parkash
Singh Badal’s policy to do the
utmost to ensure amity and
brotherhood among all sec-
tions of people and to take
everyone along in the path
towards progress and pros-
perity,” he said.
Sukhbir also assured that
the forthcoming SAD-BSP
government would revive trade
and industry in the State by
making investment-friendly
policies besides reducing
power tariff for the trade and
industry sector.
“We will also restart devel-
opment of towns and cities as
was taken up earlier during the
SAD-led Government when
sewerage and water supply
facilities were created in 135
towns and cities. Infrastructure
in towns and cities will be
upgraded to the next level,” he
Sukhbir said that the
Congress Government in the
State was not only pursuing a
policy of divide and rule but
was helmed by the worst Chief
Minister in the history of
Punjab. “In Capt Amarinder
Singh, we have a leader who
has sworn false oaths on the
holy Gutka Sahib and reneged
on them. We also have a leader
who is oblivious to the suffer-
ing of the people and did
nothing to help them when
they needed power to maintain
their paddy crop or run their
factories and shops. We also
have an utterly insensitive
leader who orders the brutal
assault of government employ-
ees rather than give them an
audience and listen to their
grievances,” he said.
The SAD chief said that
now the Congress is trying to
indulge in another drama by
replacing its ‘failed’ Chief
Minister with former Minister
Navjot Sidhu who was known
more for theatrics rather than
administration. “Everyone
knows Navjot Sidhu’s record as
local bodies minister during
the course of which he did
nothing to uplift the condition
of any town or city in the State,”
Sukhbir added.
?=BQ 270=3860A7
Lashing out at the Congress
Government, Aam Aadmi
Party’s (AAP) Punjab unit pres-
ident Bhagwant Mann on
Sunday said that the Congress’
internal feud for the seat alone
had done a great disservice to
Punjab, Punjabis, and
Punjabiyat and now the
Congress would have to pay the
price with interest in the
upcoming assembly elections.
Mann said that the only
agenda for all the Congress
leaders, big or small, was to
occupy the seat. “Someone is
fighting to save the chair and
someone is trying to grab the
chair,” he added.
“While this appetite for
the chair has kept Punjab,
Punjab’s farming, youth, busi-
ness, women and the elderly,
schools, health services, law
and order and financial crisis
at bay; on the other hand, it had
also exposed many big
Congressmen, whose target
was the chair, but made state-
ments in the name of Punjab,”
he said asking if the Chief
Minister Capt Amarinder
Singh and the entire Congress
was a little worried about this.
Mann also asked about the
manner in which Harish Rawat
had misused the Government
chopper by violating the rules
like the previous Badal
?=BQ 270=3860A7
JC Bose University of Science
and Technology, YMCA,
Faridabad has come forward
with yet another social initia-
tive to help Thalassemia
patients in association with
Rotary Blood Bank, Faridabad.
Vice Chancellor YMCA
Professor Dinesh Kumar, while
appreciating the joint initiative
of the University and Rotary
Blood Bank said that after suc-
cessful launch of government
programmes like oxygen refill-
ing management system and
Jivisha helpline in the district,
YMCA has launched another
social initiative.
The Vice Chancellor said
that Thalassemia is a genetic
blood disorder that affects the
body’s ability to produce
hemoglobin and red blood
cells. Such patients require fre-
quent blood transfusions to
survive. The University along
with Rotary Blood Bank,
Faridabad has decided to start
a registration drive for
Thalassemia patients to meet
their blood requirement. The
team of student volunteers
from the university, recog-
nized as ‘Team Umeed’, will
work to help the needy people
and provide them timely assis-
tance, he
added. He called upon the stu-
dents to engage in social cause
and make best use of technol-
ogy for the betterment of the
Elaborating on this initia-
tive, programme coordinator
Dr Rashmi Chawla said that
patients of Faridabad district
will have to register them-
selves through a Google link
woKAv9) to join the cam-
paign. After this the registra-
tion number will be given to
the patient.
?=BQ 270=3860A7
Haryana Chief Minister
Manohar Lal Khattar is
just a tweet away from the peo-
ple of the state. Living up to this
statement, the official Twitter
handle of Chief Minister’s
office, @cmohry came to the
rescue of Hari Om, a resident
of Faridabad’s Parvatiya
Colony, Bal Kalyan Pocket.
The resident had tweeted
on the CM’s Twitter handle on
July 15 that his daughter was to
get married on July 18 and
apprized about the ongoing
problem of water logging in the
residential area.
Giving details, IT
Consultant to Chief Minister,
Dhruv Majumdar said that as
soon as the complainant Hari
Om tweeted, the team of CM’s
official Twitter handle, Social
Media Grievance Tracker,
swung into action and a team
of Municipal Corporation
reached the spot.
He elaborated that the
tankers were present in the area
to do the needful from 6 am till
the wedding was on to ensure
that the functions were carried
out smoothly and the team of
MC officials were present on
the spot.
The father of the bride,
Hari Om, a driver, expressed
gratitude to the Chief Minister
for being easily accessible to
laymen and resolving their
woes. He also thanked the
entire team of Chief Minister’s
office and Municipal
Corporation officials for help-
ing him in ensuring proper
arrangements for the wedding
which was to be held in the
area, Majumdar said.
Earlier this year, a bride-to-
be had also tweeted on the
CM’s handle to resolve the
water logging issues in this area
as she was to get married. The
SMGT team had coordinated
with relevant district officials to
ensure this was resolved to the
satisfaction of the complainant.
The issues of water logging had
been recurring in this area, and
the State Government is taking
appropriate measures to pro-
vide a long term solution to the
matter, he added.
?=BQ 270=3860A7
Sultry weather conditions
persisted in Haryana and
Punjab on Sunday, with max-
imum temperatures hovering
above normal limits at most
places. Despite rains during the
day in Haryana’s Narnaul, Hisar
and Bhiwani, their maximum
temperatures settled at 40
degrees Celsius, 39 degrees
Celsius and 37.1 degrees
Celsius respectively, accord-
ing to the Met Department.
Among other places in
Haryana, Gurugram and
Rohtak registered their maxi-
mums at 36.8 degrees Celsius
and 36 degrees Celsius respec-
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?=BQ 347A03D=
Uttarakhand's youths are a
bundle of energy that must
for everyone. The AAP leader
ed this in the first executive
party, Aam Aadmi Party Yuva
on Sunday.
pledged to fight for reformation
president of the youth wing,
Digmohan Negi said that one of
the main demands of today's
youth is the introduction of
State must have the first right to
acquire any land here. The
AAPYM will fight for strong
land laws in the State as it is the
resident, asserted Negi.
Q 0=CA8?0C7H60DA0E:D0A
Effective use of social media is an
opportunity and a challenge in con-
temporary competitive corporate land-
scape. Today, effective use of social
media is inevitable. If we are not using
it, we are in crisis; if using it ineffectively
then we are definitely in crisis. So, the
only way out is to use social media effec-
tively. Today the power of social media
is just a click away, new and emerging
communication platforms have made
dissemination of information very easy
and effective. Constant and collabora-
tive communication via social media is
key to participative management,
employee engagement and public sec-
tor undertakings are no exception.
The Unique Selling Point (USP) of
social media is the role of User
Generated Content (UGC) in its oper-
ation which makes it user friendly, inter-
active and inclusive.
Today, Indian PSUs have moved
ahead from the era of physical files in
terms of official working and have shift-
ed to e-office platform in order to boost
employee efficiency and enhance trans-
parency in the official working. This has
promoted paperless culture and virtu-
al office space. This has literally brought
the office just a click away and proved
very evident during Covid times when
offices have to function by maintaining
social distancing. There are many
processes that exist in our PSUs’ work
culture such as managing human
resource data, analysing financial per-
formance, online approval of files etc by
way of using various software like
HRMS, FMS and SAP. Further, the use
of bulk SMS and voice call service has
made internal communication mecha-
nisms more prudent and employee
friendly. Bulk message and voice call
service saves time, paper, money and
manpower and reaches within no time.
Intranet online platforms like collabo-
rative knowledge desk are also intro-
duced in which employees can log in
and share their experiences which can
help in process improvement and
knowledge upgradation of employees.
Best case studies, learnings are available
online for employees for future refer-
Feedback is quintessential for con-
tinual improvement. Suggestion Mela is
organised in many PSUs which is yet
another illustration of a strong and cost
effective tool of employee engagement.
Employees of the corporation give
their suggestions which reach the top
management and many of the workable
suggestions have been implemented
which gives a strong sense of ownership
to the employees. Suggestions are also
invited through an online portal for
encouraging paperless culture.
To encourage the culture of cap-
turing photographs and making videos
among employees, to project the cor-
poration in a better light many PSUs
have established a photography and
videography club. The effort is to iden-
tify employees having interest in cam-
eras and to develop them as in-house
photographers/filmmakers so that a
bank of good multimedia products can
be developed by using internal resources
and later on uploaded social media plat-
forms. Regular photography and
videography workshops are also organ-
ised to create awareness and to hone the
skills of the employees and their fami-
ly members.
Human capital is the most essential
asset for any organisation and in con-
temporary competitive scenarios the
survival of organisations predomi-
nantly depends only if they recognise
the importance of efficient management
of this precious capital. The employee
has been indicated as the significant
stakeholder in the social media action
plan of many PSUs. When the PSU fra-
ternity addresses the employee as their
significant stakeholder they mean it in
the plural sense not the singular one.
Employees with the family members
constitute their definition of the sig-
nificant stakeholders. The biggest lib-
erty that social media has provided is
speed and cost effectiveness.
In a mixed economy set up like
India, the Central Public Sector
Enterprises (CPSE) have time and
again proved that they are the growth
engine of our development. Public sec-
tor undertakings believe in prudent use
of public money and that is why they
have moved towards frequent and fair
use of social media effectively.
(Tripathy is the deputy general
manager of HRPR, Kumar is the
PR manager and social media officer
?=BQ 347A03D=
Chief minister Pushkar
Singh Dhami has granted
his approval to hiking the
stipend of MBBS intern doctors
of the State’s medical colleges
from Rs 7,500 per month to Rs
17,000 per month.
Taking the decision on
Sunday, the chief minister said
that the doctors and paramed-
ical staff have played a com-
mendable role during the
Covid-19 pandemic to mitigate
the impact of the pandemic and
ensuring swift treatment along
with necessary medical facili-
ties to the patients.
It is pertinent to mention
here that the monthly stipend
of Rs 7,500 which was being
provided to the MBBS intern
doctors had elicited demands
for hiking the amount from the
interns and the general public
Recently, while hearing on
public interest litigations relat-
ed to Covid-19 and health
facilities in the state, the
Uttarakhand high court had
also asked the state government
to consider hiking the stipend
amount provided to the intern
The chief minister’s deci-
sion to more than double the
stipend of the intern doctors is
expected to boost their morale
at a time when the state is
preparing itself for a possible
third wave of Covid-19 as pre-
dicted by experts.
?=BQ 347A03D=
ing the possibility of heavy to
very heavy rainfall at isolated
places in the state on Monday.
ly to occur at isolated places in
Dehradun, Haridwar, Nainital
and Pauri districts.
Apart from this, light to
moderate rain/thundershowers
in Uttarakhand. Dehradun is
heavy to very heavy rainfall
with intense spells.
The maximum and mini-
mum temperatures are likely to
be about 24 degrees Celsius and
21 degrees Celsius respectively
here on Monday.
Meanwhile, intermittent
rainfall since Saturday night
along with a few heavy spells in
some areas caused the water in
water logging in some areas.
In various districts of the
state, a number of roads have
remained blocked due to land-
slides and other factors.
According to the State
Emergency Operation Centre
(SEOC), in Chamoli district,
al highway 58 is open though
nine rural motor roads are
and 13 rural motor roads were
blocked. Only one rural motor
Rudraprayag district, whereas
one state road, three other dis-
trict roads and five rural motor
roads were blocked in the Pauri
district. Similarly, two rural
motor roads were blocked in
Tehri district.
two rural motor roads were
blocked in the Nainital district.
Whereas one rural motor road
was blocked in the Champawat
district, two border roads and
seven rural motor roads were
blocked in the Pithoragarh .
?=BQ 347A03D=
In order to facilitate immedi-
ate relief during heavy rains
and other disasters, chief min-
ister Pushkar Singh Dhami
has approved helicopter
deployment in Pithoragarh for
two months.
He also directed that when
the helicopter is not needed for
disaster relief works, it should
be used as alternative transport
for the general public at sub-
sidised rates.
This should be done only
when the helicopter is not
needed for disaster relief works,
he stressed. For use of the
helicopter as alternative trans-
port for the general public in
hours apart from the hours in
which it is used for disaster
relief, the chief minister also
approved the rate of Rs 3,000
per person.
In another decision, Dhami
also approved Rs 1.60 crore for
rehabilitation of 38 disaster
affected families in Dharchula,
Munsyari, Tejam and
Bangapani areas of Pithoragarh
district. He gave the approval
following the nod of the state
level rehabilitation committee.
?=BQ 347A03D=
In the last two days, several areas in Dehradun experienced
waterlogging due to spells of heavy rain.
The rain also caused damage to roads and embankments in
some areas but according to the Dehradun district administra-
tion, everything is under control as the teams are continuously
monitoring the situation in the city.
Many streets and drains were flooded after a heavy down-
pour in areas like Saharanpur Road, Prince Chowk, Dharmpur
Road, Haridwar Road, Chakrata Road, Darshan Lal Chowk and
Raipur Road in the wee hours on Sunday.
The disaster control room of the Municipal Corporation of
Dehradun (MCD) that operates 24 hours a day also received calls
regarding the waterlogging issues after 2 AM on Sunday from
the areas like Haridwar Road and Dharmpur. As per the infor-
mation provided by the control room operator, the corporation
has received about eight complaints till Sunday evening about
the waterlogging issue in the city. Moreover, the water level of
Rispana and Bindal rivers also increased due to heavy downpours
but according to the officials, the situation is under control in
such areas too.
The sub divisional magistrate (SDM) of
Dehradun, Gopal Ram Binwal said that the admin-
istration is regularly monitoring the situation in the
city. All the main areas with issues like water over-
flowing on roads and stagnant water in drains and
potholes among others were resolved by the admin-
istration. Concerned departments were informed to
tackle the situation like extracting water or clearing
out rubble in areas like Teacher's Colony and near-
by areas of Rispana and Bindal River, stated Binwal.
On the question of shifting those living along-
side these rivers due to safety concerns, the SDM said
that the situation is not that extreme that requires
shifting of people. However, if the need arises, the
administration has made all the arrangements to shift
these people, added Binwal. About 45 places are
selected in the city to shift people in an emergency
situation. All the arrangements have been made and
the administration is ready to tackle the worst, stat-
ed the SDM. Meanwhile, the cabinet minister
Ganesh Joshi along with the SDM also visited
Neelkanth Vihar and Badrinath Colony in Dehradun
where streets and embankments were damaged due
to heavy downpour. Joshi directed the administra-
tion to start repairing the affected embankments and
roads soon to avoid obstruction to the daily life of
?=BQ 347A03D=
In a clear indication that con-
tagion of the Covid-19 has
lost its sting in Uttarakhand
only 19 new cases of the disease
were reported in the state on
Sunday. In fact all the districts
of the state barring Dehradun
reported four or less number of
cases on the day. Dehradun
reported six cases while
Almora, Bageshwar,
Champawat and Uttarkashi
reported no case of the disease
on Sunday. The department
also reported 52 recoveries
and no death from the disease
on the day.
The data suggests that the
week ending on July 17 had a
positivity rate of 0.18 percent
which is the lowest weekly
rate ever since the first case of
the disease was reported in
March last year. During the
period (July 11 to 17) only 296
samples were found positive
out of a total 1,65,693 tested.
The cumulative count of
Covid-19 patients in the state
has now increased to 3,41,452
while a total of 3,27,464
patients have recovered from
the disease so far.
In the state 7,356 people
have lost their lives to Covid -
19 till date. The recovery per-
centage from the disease is now
at 95.90 and the sample posi-
tivity rate is at 5.72 per cent in
the state. The authorities col-
lected 17,149 samples in dif-
ferent parts of the state on
The state now has only 623
active patients of the disease.
Dehradun district is at top of
the table in the list of active
cases with 256 patients while
Haridwar in the second posi-
tion with 66 active cases.
Pithoragarh has 46, Udham
Singh Nagar 43, Champawat
and Rudraprayag 39 each,
Chamoli 34, Tehri 26, Nainital
23, Uttarkashi 21, Pauri 13,
Almora 11 and Bageshwar six
active cases of the disease.
The state reported one new
case of Mucormycosis (Black
fungus) and death of one
patient from the disease on
Sunday. A total of 543 patients
of Black Fungus have been
reported till date in the state
and out of them 115 have died.
In the ongoing vaccination
drive, the health department
vaccinated 33,030 people in 311
sessions held on Sunday.
?=BQ 347A03D=
Cycling has numerous health
benefits and it can improve
the physical as well as mental
wellbeing of a person in today's
hectic life if pursued regularly
in daily life.
This was stated by 26 year
old cyclist Sonam Rana who
recently completed his 1,400
kilometres journey from
Dehradun to Leh in 12 days on
a bicycle. Rana who works in
the Youth Welfare and Prantiya
Rakshak Dal department in
Dehradun stated that he basi-
cally hails from Harshil in
Uttarkashi district.
He started cycling in the
year 2019 after he was trans-
ferred to Dehradun. He men-
tioned that he initially started
cycling to stay fit but then he
started enjoying cycling which
later turned into a passion.
Sharing about his cycling jour-
ney, Rana said, I have started
all my main journeys from
Dehradun so far. My first three
journeys were to Kedarnath
temple, Manali and Nainital
from Dehradun and each was
completed in two days. I also
recently travelled to Leh in
Ladakh from Dehradun cov-
ering about 1,400 kilometres
and explored various destina-
tions. I explored Chitkul village,
Spiti Valley and Lahaul Valley
of Himachal Pradesh during
my journey to Ladakh. I even
visited Komic, the highest vil-
lage in the world, the highest
post office in the world in
Hikkim village and the highest
bridge in Asia, Chicham Bridge
in Himachal Pradesh.
Apart from using a bicycle
to travel to distant destinations,
Rana said that he also rides a
bicycle in his daily life to trav-
el locally.
He asserted, I ride my
bicycle to stay fit and travel in
local areas too. I ride it to go to
my office rather than using a
motorcycle. I cover at least 40
to 50 kilometres daily on my
bicycle and about 100 kilome-
tres on weekends. Cycling is the
best way to stay fit physically as
well as mentally and people
should pursue this practice in
daily life.
However, he also stressed
that cycling on the main roads
of Dehradun sometimes feels
risky due to which many feel
reluctant to travel by bicycles
Though the trend of peo-
ple cycling in Dehradun has
increased in recent times, con-
struction of cycling tracks on
roads will help and motivate
more people to use the bicycle
regularly. This will also moti-
vate parents to allow their chil-
dren to use cycles to go to
schools, said Rana.
2^eXS (R^]cPVX^]
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347A03D=k=30H k9D;H (!!
?=BQ =4F34;78
Worried over the increase
in Covid 19 cases, the
Indian Medical Association
(IMA) on Sunday asked the
Kerala Government to with-
draw its decision to ease Covid
restrictions ahead of Baqrid,
terming it “unwarranted and
inappropriate” at a time of a
medical emergency. Kerala has
reported 13,956 new fresh cases
and 81 deaths in the last 24
The IMA issued a state-
ment here, saying while many
northern states have stopped
traditional and popular pil-
grimage yatras in view of the
pandemic, it is unfortunate
that Kerala took a decision
which will pave the way for
mass gatherings. The apex doc-
tors’ organisation said it would
knock the doors of the
Supreme Court if the Kerala
government does not enforce
Covid-appropriate behaviour
to curtail the rising menace of
the viral disease by withdraw-
ing this decision.
“The IMA is pained to see
amidst the rise of cases and
seropositivity, the Kerala gov-
ernment has issued an order to
ease out lockdown followed in
the state on the pretext of reli-
gious gatherings of Bakrid. It
is unwarranted and inappro-
priate at this time of medical
emergency,” the statement
In the larger interest of the
country and the well-being of
humanity, the IMA strongly
demands that the order be
withdrawn and zero-tolerance
towards violation of Covid
norms enforced, the medical
body said.
Kerala Chief Minister
Pinarayi Vijayan on Saturday
said that in view of Bakrid
(Eid-ul-Azha) being celebrat-
ed on July 21 in the state, tex-
tiles, footwear shops, jewellery,
fancy stores, shops selling
home appliances and elec-
tronic items, all types of repair-
ing shops and shops selling
essential items shall be allowed
to open on July 18, 19 and 20
from 7 am to 8 pm in catego-
ry A, B and C areas. In D cat-
egory areas, these shops can
function only on July 19, he
Areas with a Test Positivity
Rate of less than five per cent
are included in category A,
those with five to 10 per cent
are included in category B,
areas with 10 to 15 per cent in
category C and those above 15
per cent will be in category D.
Places of worship can be
allowed with a maximum of 40
people on special occasions of
celebration, the chief minister
?=BQ =4F34;78
The BJP on Sunday claimed
that “anti-india’’ elements
in league with foreign forces
are part of a conspiracy to
defame the country and tar-
get the Modi Government.
Addressing a press con-
ference here, BJP spokesperson
Sambit Patra cited media
reports and alleged foreign
funding of the portal
Newsclick is to create disin-
formation and confusion
against the current dispensa-
He drew attention to
media reports about
Enforcement Directorate probe
into the Newsclick, and said
that it received FDI of C9.59
crore and foreign funding of
another C 28.46 crore for dubi-
ous purposes.
Money was diverted to
various people, including
activist Gautam Navlakha, an
accused in the Bhima
Koregaon case, he alleged, say-
ing this was a ‘’price tag’’ to
foment anti-india sentiments,
‘’abuse’’ Prime Minister
Narendra Modi and do pro-
paganda for foreign forces.
‘’Anti-India forces are doing
this conspiracy in league with
foreign forces,’’ he said, alleg-
ing that the portal wore the
disguise of a media house to
demean India.
Some mainstream politi-
cians of India and foreign
forces are also with such por-
tals, and they have been work-
ing as a gang in a planned way,
he alleged.
Whenever any ‘’good’’
happens in the country, be it
the Covid vaccination policy or
the Central Vista project, some
people targeted it, alleged the
BJP spokesperson.
?=BQ =4F34;78
Vice President M Venkaiah
Naidu on Sunday asked the
Defence Ministry to look into
issue of closing of public roads
in the Secunderabad
Cantonment causing difficulty
to several people living in the
surrounding areas.
Naidu flagged this issue
when newly appointed
Minister of State for defence
Ajay Bhatt called upon him
here. Officials said the Vice
President suggested to the min-
ister to look into the closure of
public roads in detail and take
steps to mitigate the hardship
faced by the people.
In this context, Naidu also
mentioned about a recent let-
ter written by the Telangana
government to Defence
Minister Rajnath Singh on the
issue. Bhatt assured the Vice
President to examine the mat-
ter and address the concerns of
the people.
Naidu took up the issue as
there are restrictions on using
the road passing through the
cantonment for the last few
months leading to unrest
amongst the colonies. The
restrictions were imposed by
the Local Military
Authority(LMA). The issue
even reached the Supreme
Court last year.
Use of roads by public in
the cantonments have led to
controversies in the past too.
In order to sort out
this issue, then Defence
Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
in June 2018 announced the
decision to open the roads for
common public.
She had said the decision
was taken after a detailed
review was carried out and
feed back taken from the
local military
She, however, clarified
the decision was only for
cantonments where civil and
military personnel live
together. Sitharaman said the
rule did not apply to military
bases and military stations.
Sitharaman also said a
list of all the roads closed was
drawn up by the Director
General Defence Estates
(DGDE) which was then sent
to local military authorities of
all cantonment boards to cor-
“After this exercise we
have come to know 850 roads
were under closure in 62 can-
tonments…. From among the
850, 119 were close whenev-
er they were without follow-
ing the laid down procedure.
So, in a way the complaints
which were coming from
elected representatives have
some reason somewhere,” she
had said. Even after the deci-
sion from the 119 roads only
80 have been
opened and 24 still remain
closed, she stated.
The opening of roads was
criticized by several military
families who claimed their
security would be affected.
In fact, wives of some
officers had also started a sig-
nature campaign in 2018
against opening of the roads.
?=BQ =4F34;78
Ahead of parliament
Monsoon Session begin-
ning on Monday, Congress
president Sonia Gandhi has
reconstituted the party’s
Parliament groups for both
Houses for effective function-
ing of the party. Putting all
speculation to rest, the party
decided to continue with Adhir
Ranjan Chowdhury as leader of
the party in the Lok Sabha.
In the Lok Sabha, the group
has Adhir Ranjan Choudhury,
Gaurav Gogoi, Manish Tewari,
K. Suresh, Manickam Tagore,
Shashi Tharoor and Ravneet
While in the Rajya Sabha,
Mallikarjun Kharge nominated
as LoP, Anand Sharma, Jairam
Ramesh, Ambika Soni,
Digvijaya Singh, P.
Chidambaram and K.C.
Venugopal will lead the charge
against the Government.
“I have decided to recon-
stitute the Lok Sabha and Rajya
Sabha groups to facilitate and
ensure effective functioning of
our party in both Houses of
Parliament,” Sonia Gandhi, as
Chairman of the Congress
Parliamentary party, said in a
letter issued on Sunday.
The letter says they will
meet regularly during the ses-
sion and afterwards whenever
required, and Kharge has been
authorised to convene joint
Party sources said Congress
has decided to raise issues of
inflation, fuel price hike, Covid
mismanagement, and the bor-
der issue with China in the
upcoming Monsoon Session.
The party strategy group
for Parliament, chaired by party
chief Sonia Gandhi, had met
last week and the members
were also of the view that it
should raise the Rafale issue
after the recent development in
France, where a probe in alleged
kickbacks has been initiated.
Coordination with other
opposition parties has been
entrusted to Rajya Sabha leader
Mallikarjun Kharge as the
party wants joint opposition
strategy in the house to corner
the Government.
“Congress party will raise
the issue of high inflation in the
forthcoming Session of
Parliament and demand a full
discussion on the subject as
well as substantial relief for the
people of India,” said former
Union Minister P.
?=BQ =4F34;78
After intense heat for the last
four days, light to moder-
ate rainfall on Sunday evening
has brought some relief from
hot and humid weather condi-
tions in some parts of north
India. The India Meteorological
Department (IMD) has pre-
dicted intense rainfall activity
over north India from July 19-
21 and over the west coast till
July 23 over north India where
the heavy rain belt has checked
in afresh. The onset of mon-
soon has brought incessant
rains in several parts of the
country, including Mumbai
where massive overnight
downpour led to at least 25
deaths and six injured and
massive damage following
landslides on Sunday morning.
Several parts of the
Maharashtra capital reported
waterlogging while rainwater
entered many houses.
Union Minister of State
(Independent Charge) Science
 Technology; Minister of
State (Independent Charge)
Earth Sciences, Dr Jitendra
Singh on Sunday visited
Mausam Bhavan and reviewed
the Monsoon trends at the
India Meteorological
Department (IMD) headquar-
ters. The Minister spent over an
hour, personally studying the
Southwest monsoon trends.
He also went to the exclusive
Satellite and Radar Sections,
and discussed the process of
procurement of data on a real-
time basis. He was informed
that monsoon rainfall was 10%
above normal in June and 26%
deficient till date in July.
According to the IMD,
rainfall activity is likely to
increase over North-West India
with fairly widespread to wide-
spread rainfall with isolated
heavy to very heavy falls along
the hills (Jammu, Kashmir,
Ladakh, Gilgit, Baltistan,
Muzaffarabad, Himachal
Pradesh and Uttarakhand) and
adjoining Punjab, Haryana,
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and
north Madhya Pradesh from
July 18 to 21. Satellite pictures
on Sunday morning showed
intense clouds over the north-
ern parts of the country spread
across Jabalpur, Bhopal,
Saurashtra, Udaipur, Kota,
Jaipur, Allahabad, Lucknow
and Delhi, among others. Rain-
battered Mumbai remains
cloudy but can expect thun-
dershowers from noon. There
will be decrease in rainfall
activity over the same regions
“The active monsoon is
propped up by the crucial
land-based monsoon trough
with its western end at the nor-
mal position and expected to
move further north to host an
intense wet session over North
India,” said officials.
The IMD said moderate to
severe thunderstorms with
lightning are very likely at iso-
lated places over Uttar Pradesh,
Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and
east Rajasthan during the next
24 hours. “They may cause
injuries leading to casualties to
people and animals staying
outdoor,” the IMD cautioned.
Isolated, extreme heavy
rainfall is also very likely over
Uttarakhand on July 18 and 19
and over northwestern parts of
UP on July 19. Moderate to
heavy rainfall at isolated places
are also very likely over Delhi
and Chandigarh on July 18 and
19. Western and southern India
is also expected to receive
heavy rains. Widespread rain-
fall with isolated heavy to very
heavy rains are very likely to
continue over the western coast
and adjoining inland areas
during the next 5-6 days. Heavy
rains have been battering parts
of Maharashtra.
The IMD said isolated,
extremely heavy falls are also
very likely over Konkan region
and Goa adjoining the ghat
areas of central Maharashtra,
coastal and south interior
Karnataka during July 18 to 19
and over Gujarat region on July
18. Isolated heavy falls are like-
ly over east and adjoining cen-
tral India from July 22 onwards.
The IMD turned the alert from
‘orange’ to ‘red’ for Mumbai in
the backdrop of the heavy
According to officials, its
Doppler radar has captured a
cloud top height of nearly 18
kms or 60,000 feet. The storm
described as “massive” and
“monstrous”, formed initially
over Raigad district late
Saturday, then slowly moved
north along the west coast till
it reached south Gujarat.
Prime Minister Narendra
Modi on Sunday advised
NDA leaders to have maxi-
mum participation during dis-
cussions in the Parliament. He
asked the parliamentarians and
ministers to come to the
Parliament with utmost pre-
paredness and well in time
before the debate even as he
asked the coalition’s floor lead-
ers to ensure presence of all
NDA MPs during presentation
of Bills and their passage.
Besides, Modi stressed on
better floor coordination in the
Parliament, and asked the lead-
ers to remain present as much
as possible. NDA MPs were
sought to present well-
informed views before the
Parliament and not to make
casual comments.
His advise came as he
chaired a meeting of the
National Democratic Alliance
(NDA)floor leaders on Sunday,
a day before the Parliament ses-
sion begins and discussed the
strategy to be adopted vis-a-vis
the Opposition.
The NDA met after some
of its key allies, including JDU
and Apna Dal (S), have been
given a much -delayed repre-
sentation in the union council
of ministers on July seven
when the Prime Minister
undertook a major overhaul.
The exit of Shiv Sena and
Shiromani Akali Dal and pass-
ing away of union Minister
Ramvilas Paswan, created
vacancies for the allies and were
pending to be filled.
Besides Modi, Defence
Minister Rajnath Singh, Home
Minister Amit Shah and BJP
president J P Nadda were pre-
sent in the meeting. Leaders of
NDA constituent parties were
in attendance in strength.
These included Apna Dal
leader Anupriya Patel, JD(U)
leader Ram Nath Thakur,
AIADMK leader A
Navaneethakrishnan, RPI
leader Ramdas Athawale and
LJP leader Pashupati Paras
among others.
Around 29 bills are expect-
ed to be moved during the ses-
sion. The meeting was called to
finalise the floor strategy for the
session. The Monsoon session
of Parliament is scheduled to
continue till August 13.
New Delhi: Prime Minister
Narendra Modi has lauded
retired Army Major Pramila
Singh for taking care of help-
less stray animals by spending
her, as well as her father’s, per-
sonal funds during Covid-19
A resident of Rajasthan’s
Kota, Pramila, along with her
father Shyamveer Singh,
arranged food for and treat-
ment of the stray animals
roaming on the streets.
Praising Pramila, the Prime
Minister has described her
efforts as an inspiration for the
society for understanding the
pain of animals and coming
forward to help them.
“In the last almost one
and a half years, we have faced
unprecedented situations with
fortitude. This is such a his-
torical period that people will
not forget for the rest of their
lives. This is a difficult period
not only for humans but also
for many creatures living in
close proximity of humans.
“In such a situation, it is
commendable for you to be
sensitive to the pain and needs
of destitute animals and to
work with full potential at the
individual level for their wel-
fare,” the Prime Minister wrote
in a letter to her.
Modi also mentioned in his
letter that in this difficult time,
many such examples have been
seen which have given us a
cause to feel pride in humani-
He expressed hope that
Major Pramila and her father
will continue to inspire people
with their work by spreading
awareness in the society with
their initiatives.
Earlier, the former army
officer had written a letter to
the Prime Minister informing
that the work of taking care of
animals, which she started dur-
ing the lockdown, is still con-
tinuing. IANS
A0:4B7:B8=67Q =4F34;78
The Central paramilitary
forces are all set to soon
implement a software-based
rotational transfer policy
between hard and soft posting
of their personnel. The idea is
the brainchild of Union Home
Minister Amit Shah.
While the Central
Industrial Security Force
(CISF), Indo-Tibetan Border
Police (ITBP) and Sashastra
Seema Bal (SSB) have readied
the software, the Central
Reserve Police Force (CRPF),
Border Security Force (BSF)
and Assam Rifles are in the
advanced stage of develop-
ment of the application.
Shah’s direction for devel-
opment of a software-based
rotational transfer policy was
communicated to the para-
military forces in January last
year but the development of the
application was delayed due to
the onset of the Covid-19 in
early 2020.
With considerable lapse of
time following the Home
Minister’s directive, the Union
Home Ministry had decided to
review the progress of the
development of the software in
a meeting under the chair-
manship of the Secretary
(Border Management) of the
Union Home Ministry on July
15 but the meeting could not be
held as scheduled and a fresh
date for the same is likely to be
notified soon, officials said.
“During the meeting, rep-
resentatives of CISF, ITBP
and SSB will be required to
organize a live demonstration
of their software being used in
rotational transfer in compli-
ance of Shah’s directives to the
effect,” officials said.
The CRPF, BSF and
Assam Rifles will be required
to indicate the progress made
in implementation of the
directive and development of
the software for facilitation of
the rotational transfer policy
within their ranks.
“A fair transfer mecha-
nism through a software
application is not only expect-
ed to cut the unnecessary
delays in approvals of transfer
but will also do away with
whimsical decisions of the
seniors. The move is also
expected to lead to a reduction
in stress of the personnel
deployed in hard postings
with inherent travails amid
vagaries of nature and dynam-
ic security challenges besides
being away from their fami-
lies. Besides timely grant of
leave, transfer from hard to
soft posting has been a major
grievance of the forces’ per-
sonnel, especially the lower
rung staffers,” a senior official
in a paramilitary said.
?C8Q =4F34;78
Atotal of 326 cases were reg-
istered in the country
under the controversial colo-
nial-era penal law on sedition
between 2014 and 2019 in
which just six persons were
The Supreme Court last
week observed that Section
124 (A) of the IPC — offence
of sedition — has been enor-
mously misused and asked
the Centre why it was not
repealing the provision used
by the British to “silence” peo-
ple like Mahatma Gandhi to
suppress the freedom move-
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Prof M U Rabbani, Chairman, Department of
Cardiology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College
(JNMC), Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) has been
elected as the President of the Cardiology Society of
India-UP Chapter.
He has attributed his success to AMU Vice
Chancellor, Prof Tariq Mansoor and said, “It has been
possible only because of Vice Chancellor’s policy of
excellence in academics and work culture.
Prof Rabbani is a Fellow of European Society of
Cardiology, American College of Cardiology,
American College of Chest Physicians, Indian Society
of Cardiology and International College of Angiology.
He has been the Vice-President of the
Cardiological Society of India-UP chapter (2008 to
2010) and Clinical Secretary, Indian Medical
Association, Aligarh (2003 to 2005).
Prof Rabbani has over three decades of teaching,
research, clinical and administrative experience. He
has authored medical books and contributed numer-
ous articles in peer-reviewed journals.
?C8 Q :0=?DA
An inquiry was ordered after
images of a scuffle between
a sub-inspector and a woman,
who alleged that she was
dragged to the ground and
assaulted by the cop, appeared
on social media, though the
police here refuted her claim
citing video clips of the inci-
SI Mahendra Patel was
taken off active duty on
Saturday night to ensure a free
and fair probe, officials said.
Superintendent of Police of
Kanpur Dehat, Keshav Kumar
Choudhry, said that a photo-
graph of the SI allegedly over-
powering a woman in
Durgadaspur village of Kanpur
(Rural) on Saturday went viral
on social media.
The officer said an inquiry
was ordered as it was alleged by
the woman that the SI pulled
her to the ground and hit her
after sitting on top of her as she
did not agree to his demands
for sparing her husband who
was to be arrested. The SP,
however, said that images of the
incident showed the woman
caught hold of the SI's collar
after which he fell on her. Circle
Officer (Akbarpur) Arun
Kumar Singh has been asked to
probe the matter properly and
submit a report at the earliest,
the SP said and added that fur-
ther action would be taken on
the basis of the findings.
Yadav was allegedly gam-
bling with his few friends and
was caught by the police but his
mother and wife got him
forcibly freed which led to a
scuffle between the SI and the
women, said another senior
official who did not wish to be
?C8 Q =4F34;78
More than two years after the
Lokpal came into being, the
Centre is yet to appoint a director
of inquiry for conducting prelim-
inary inquiry into graft complaints
sent by the anti-corruption
ombudsman, according to an RTI
The Lokpal, the apex body to
inquire and investigate graft com-
plaints against public functionar-
ies, came into being with the
appointment of its chairperson
and members in March 2019.
According to the Lokpal and
Lokayuktas Act, 2013, there shall
be a director of inquiry, not below
the rank of joint secretary to the
government of India, who shall be
appointed by the central
Government for conducting pre-
liminary inquiries referred to the
Central Vigilance Commission
(CVC) by the Lokpal.
Although Director of Inquiry
has not been appointed by Govt. of
India, cases are being received in
the Commission for conducting
preliminary inquiries, the CVC
said in its reply to an RTI query
filed by this journalist.
Forty-one cases have been
received for preliminary inquiry as
of March 2021. Out of these,
reports in 36 cases have been sent
to the Lokpal of India, the com-
mission said in its reply dated July
The CVC was asked to provide
details of the director of inquiry
and cases referred to it by the
Lokpal for conducting prelimi-
nary inquiries, among others.
According to the latest official
data, the Lokpal received 12 com-
plaints of corruption, including
eight against senior Government
officials, between April and June
this year.
As many as 110 complaints,
including four against Members of
Parliament (MPs), were received by
the Lokpal during 2020-21, a
decline of over 92 per cent from
1,427 plaints received in
2019-20. Of the total of 12 com-
plaints received in the first three
months of the ongoing fiscal, eight
were against Group A or B officials
and four were against chairperson/
member/officer/employee in any
ous body wholly or partially
financed by the central government
or controlled by it, according to the
Lokpal data.
Nagpur: The Enforcement Directorate conducted
searches at two residences of former Maharashtra
home minister Anil Deshmukh in Nagpur district
on Sunday as part of a probe into a money laun-
dering case, a police official said.
Two separate teams of the ED searched
Deshmukh's house in Katol town, located about 60
km from here, and his ancestral home at Wadvihira
village near Katol, he said.
The searches started at around 6 am, he said.
The official said the search is still on at the Katol
premises of Deshmukh, while the search at
Wadvihira concluded around 12 noon.
The ED is conducting a probe into the money
laundering case related to an alleged multi-crore
bribery-cum-extortion racket that led to
Deshmukh's resignation from the post of home
minister in April this year.
The central agency recently arrested
Deshmukh's personal secretary Sanjeev Palande
(51) and personal assistant Kundan Shinde (45)
after it carried out raids against them and the NCP
leader in Mumbai and Nagpur.
Deshmukh had earlier skipped ED's summons
for questioning in the case. PTI
Lucknow: Congress General
Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra
on Sunday said her party is open-
minded about forging an alliance
with other political parties for the
Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls.
Asked whether the Congress
will go it alone on all the 403
Assembly seats in the State or align
with some political party, the party
general secretary told reporters in
an informal meeting here, It is too
early to say.
On whether she is ruling out
an alliance or not, she said, I do
not rule out (alliance). We are
absolutely not closed-minded. We
are having an open mind.
Our aim is to defeat the BJP,
she said, adding that other politi-
cal parties should also be open-
minded. She added that the
organisation is also her area of
focus, and a lot of work have been
done on it, and in a silent manner.
I have an open mind, but my
priority is my party, she said. To
a question on the party becoming
active in her presence and tending
to become inactive as soon as she
leaves the state, the Congress leader
said, When I come (here), there is
the media focus and you pay atten-
tion. But when I am not here, you
do not give any attention. But our
work is going on.
We have done the maximum
work during the Covid that we are
the ones who have raised issues.
Congress is no longer confined to
garlanding photographs. Our party
has been out of power for 30-32
years, and it has become weak.
However, full efforts have been
made, and a lot of energy has come
(into the party), she added.
Priyanka Gandhi also said that
plans are afoot to revamp the
Congress Seva Dal in the state.
She also slammed the BJP over
its statement that she was a polit-
ical tourist.
Stating that she is not a polit-
ical tourist, the Congress general
secretary said that the BJP's pro-
paganda is to show her and her
brother Rahul Gandhi as non-
serious politicians.
Later, Priyanka Gandhi inter-
acted with senior party leaders of
the state, including UP Congress
chief Ajay Kumar Lallu, co-
incharge of Uttar Pradesh Dheeraj
Gurjar, UP Congress spokesperson
Ashok Singh and Naseemuddin
Siddiqui, a Congress leader
said. PTI
R]]ZR_TVW`cFAa`]]d+AcZjR_R B0D60AB4=6D?C0 Q :;:0C0
The BJP has dared the Opposition par-
ties to prove Minister of State Nisith
Pramanik’s Bangladeshi origin even as the
Trinamool Congress and Left on Sunday
joined chorus with the Congress seeking
probe and immediate resignation of the
Union Minister.
A day after Assam Pradesh Congress
president and MP Ripun Bora demand-
ed a probe into Pramanik’s alleged
Bangladeshi background citing media
reports on the “matter of grave concern
that a foreign national is … Union
Minister,” and the Trinamool Congress
expressing its “shock”, the Bengal BJP
spokesperson Samik Bhattacharya said,
“Instead of making noise on flimsy issues
the Opposition should prove its point …
We would request the TMC Ministers and
the Congress leaders to furnish evidence
to back their case.”
Earlier Bengal Indranil Sen said he
was shocked and stunned to learn that
Union Minister Nishith Pramanik might
be a citizen of Bangladesh.” Similarly
Education Minister Bratya Basu that the
Congress MP was asking the right ques-
tion adding “the matter should be inves-
tigated,” because it was a matter of
national security.
Bora had written a letter to Prime
Minister Narendra Modi referring to
some media reports suggesting Pramanik
was originally from Harinathpur in
Palashbari police station of Gaibandha
district in Bangladesh and that he had
come to India to study computer science.
The report said that the people of his
ancestral village had rejoiced at his being
appointed as the Home Minister of India.
“It's a matter of grave concern that a
foreign national is an incumbent Union
Minister,” Bora wrote to the Prime
Minister seeking inquiry into it. The
report had appeared in a Bangladeshi face-
book post.
Wading into the controversy North
Bengal MLA Partha Pratim Roy said that
“if the post is false then the Government
should take legal action against the FB
page and if it is true then it knows what
it should do.”
The 35-year-old Pramanik, one of the
youngest Union Ministers ever in the
country has shown Dinhata in Cooch
Behar district as his birth place. He was
earlier a Trinamool member and later
joined the BJP.
Though Pramanik maintained silence
on the issue Bengal BJP general secretary
Sayantan Basu hit out at the TMC and
Congress for “false and raising flimsy
issues,” even as he said “they are making
false and unsubstantiated allegations …
if they have any proof then they should
go and submit them before the President
of India … the onus of proof lies on the
person who claims.”
B0D60AB4=6D?C0 Q :;:0C0
After her thumping victory
in the Bengal Assembly
elections, Bengal Chief Minister
Mamata Banerjee is planning to
carry her swords to the enemy
camps — right in the backyards
of Prime Minister Narendra
Modi and BJP to be specific—
ahead of the 2024 general elec-
Accordingly, the Trinamool
Congress supremo who is
scheduled to deliver her first
July 21 TMC Martyr’s Day
speech from Constitutional
Club in Delhi has made plans
to get herself heard in all the 32
districts of Gujarat, many dis-
tricts of Uttar Pradesh, Tripura,
Assam, Jharkhand, Punjab and
not the least Tamil Nadu where
she is likely to be publicized as
“Mamata Amma,” senior party
men said.
This apart, the party is
ready with a digital plan to
promote Banerjee as a possible
claimant of the Prime Minister’s
chair for which the party MPs
have been asked to lobby in
Parliament too.
Accordingly in 2024 Lok
Sabha elections the TMC will go
campaigning in Bengal with the
slogan “Bangla nijer meye kei
Pradhan Mantri chai (Bengal
wants her daughter as the Prime
Back to July 21programme,
the TMC would erect 50 giant
screens in 32 districts of Gujarat
where Banerjee’s speech would
be shown. Similar giant screens
would be put up in various dis-
tricts of UP, Jharkhand, Assam,
Tripura and Tamil Nadu said a
senior party leader reminding
how TMC national general sec-
retary Abhishek Banerjee had
earlier said that “this time we
will go to other States not to
fight elections but to win them.”
On whether the Chief
Minister’s Delhi visit was a part
of her lobbying with the nation-
al leaders on her party’s future
plans Trinamool spokesperson
Kunal Ghosh said “when a
national leader like Mamata
Banerjee goes to Delhi there is
certainly some movement and
naturally many leaders will
come and discuss issues with
Mumbai: Maharashtra Navnirman Sena
chief Raj Thackeray and BJP state president
Chandrakant Patil met in Nashik on Sunday.
Patil later told reporters that he and
Thackeray only exchanged pleasantries and
nothing more, as they share warm and
friendly relations since their student days.
Both the leaders are in Nashik to take
stock of the preparedness of their respective
parties for civic elections.
Nashik is among 10 civic bodies where
polls are due next year.
The two leaders met when Thackeray's
convoy entered a guest gouse while Patil was
leaving the premises. They spoke to each
other for a few minutes, moving away from
their aides and security staff.
Later, Patil said, We both were in the stu-
dents' wings of our respective parties and
share a friendly relation since the last 40
years, he said. Asked if the friendship will
bear fruit in the forthcoming civic polls, Patil
said, Friendship and politics are two differ-
ent things. Even though I am the state BJP
president, our leader Devendra Fadnavis will
take the final decision. PTI
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Saturday marked the begin-
ning of Ramayana Month in
Kerala with all Hindu homes
reverberating with recitation of
the lyrics from Adhyatma
Ramayanam, authored by
Thunchathu Ramanujan
Ezhuthachan, considered as
the father of Malayalam lan-
For the next 30 days, the
early mornings and late
evenings see elders in the fam-
ily reciting the Ramayana
slokas as the younger ones sit
listening to the lyrics coated
with philosophical aspects of
life. “After the recitation, the lis-
teners are sure to get a choice
of sweets including ‘payasam’
and this could be one of the
reasons behind the rapt atten-
tion,” said Poojappura
Krishnan Nair, an authority on
Observation of Ramayana
Month ( Malayalam month of
Karkkidaka which synchs with
Aashada and Sravana) has been
in vogue for centuries though
it took a systematic form dur-
ing the last four decades.
“People in Kerala are not famil-
iar with Valmiki Ramayana
because Adhyatma Ramayana
was more popular among the
Malayalam speaking popula-
tion. The puritans of the epic
prefer Valmiki Ramayana,” said
Prof Nair.
Ezhuthachan was born in
Tirur of Malappuram district
sometime in 16th century.
There are no details about his
date of birth but the place he
was born is known as
Thunachan Parambu, where
thousands gather every Vijaya
Dasami day for initiating their
children into the world of let-
ters. Ezhuthachan Prize is the
highest literary award in Kerala
and carries with it a cash prize
of C5,00,000/- and is rated as
the zenith of one’s literary
Sadly enough, the author-
ities and representatives of
people in Tirur do not allow
the installation of a statue of the
Father of Malayalam language
anywhere in the district.
“Statues of a non-Muslim is
against Islamic laws and there
is no possibility of Ezhuthachan
statue being installed here. The
district has a massive Muslim
population and people do not
like the idea of the Statue,” said
Ali Akbar, noted movie maker.
The long standing demand
for installing the statue of the
Father of Malayalam language
is likely to remain on paper as
religion has taken the driver’s
seat in the district.
Kolkata: Tributes poured in for
Kadambini Ganguly, one of
Indias first two women doctors
on Sunday, her 160th birth
Along with Anandi Joshi,
Ganguly became the first
woman in colonial India to
study medicine and earn a
degree in 1886. While Joshi
studied at Womans Medical
College of Pennsylvania in the
US, Ganguly pursued western
medicine at Calcutta Medical
College (CMC).
Born Kadambini Bose in
Bhagalpur, she was the daugh-
ter of well-known Brahmo
Samaj reformer Braja Kishore
Basu and was deeply influenced
by the ongoing Bengal renais-
sance. She fought a long battle
to be admitted to the Calcutta
Medical College before quali-
fying as a practicing doctor,
after becoming along with
Chandramukhi Basu, one of
Calcutta Universitys first
women graduates.
Among others, Google
Doodle honoured the countrys
first woman doctor with a spe-
cial graphic on her. The doodle,
a portrait of Ganguly with the
image of the main building of
Calcutta Medical College, now
officially called the Kolkata
Medical College and Hospital
in the background, has been
designed by Bengaluru-based
artist Oddrija, and it was wide-
ly shared across the country.
Social media saw an out-
pouring of tributes that hailed
Ganguly as a champion of
womens rights in India.
After her marriage with
Brahmo reformer Dwarkanath
Ganguly, the couple battled
CMCs prohibition on women
studying there, and Kadambini
joined the medical college on
June 23, 1883 despite strong
criticism from the colonial
She was awarded the
Graduate of Medical College of
Bengal (GMCB) degree in
1886, which even attracted the
attention of Florence
Nightingale who enquired
about Ganguly from a friend in
a letter in 1888. Ganguly later
studied in Britain.
A champion of womens
rights, Ganguly was among
the six members of the first all-
women delegation to the 1889
Indian National
Congress.Among other move-
ments, Kadimbini Devi as she
was popularly called, PTI
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Ahead of the 2022 Uttar
Pradesh Assembly elec-
tions, Bahujan Samaj Party
supremo Mayawati on Sunday
announced the launch of a
campaign from Ayodhya to
reach out to Brahmin voters
and assured the community
that its interests would be safe-
guarded if her party came to
Mayawati announced to
hold a ''Brahmin sammelan'' on
July 23 in Ayodhya to connect
with the community.
“A campaign, led by BSP
general secretary Satish
Chandra Mishra, will be start-
ed from Ayodhya on July 23 to
awaken the Brahmin commu-
nity once again. I am fully con-
fident that members of the
Brahmin community will not
get misled by the Bharatiya
Janata Party and will vote for
the BSP in the upcoming elec-
tions,” Mayawati said on
“The Brahmins will be
assured that their interests will
remain safe under
the BSP regime,” the former
Chief Minister and Dalit leader
“The Brahmin communi-
ty should support her party like
the Dalit community which has
remained loyal to her party
despite BJP’s money power
and other methods to influence
them,” she said.
The BJP and Congress
used all means to influence
Dalits. They used money
power, people say, they made
false promises and even used
media to influence the Dalit
community. But the good thing
is that Dalits have not been
misled by these fake promises.
Though we lost the last
Assembly election, the vote
percentage from the Dalit com-
munity has been intact. It has
not even gone to the Samajwadi
Party, Mayawati said.
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Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-10Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-10
Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-10
Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-09
Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-09Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-09
Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-09
Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-08
Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-08Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-08
Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-08
Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-07
Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-07Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-07
Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-07
Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-06
Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-06Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-06
Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-09-06

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Pioneer dehradun-english-edition-2021-07-19

  • 1. 20?BD;4 ?0H6BC=;H=?A58C 40A=43=94F4;;4AH =Tf3T[WX) 8]PPY^aaT[XTUU^a YTfT[[TabcWT:Pa]PcPZP 0dcW^aXchU^a0SeP]RTAd[X]V 00AWPbWT[ScWPcX]RPbT^U aTbP[T^UbTR^]SWP]SV^[S YTfT[[TahYTfT[[TabWPeTc^_Ph 6BC^][h^]cWT_a^UXcTPa]TS Ua^bdRWbP[T ?4=8=34301DC ?02C8=D?)?A8H0=:0 ;dRZ]^f)2^]VaTbbVT]TaP[ bTRaTcPah?aXhP]ZP6P]SWXEPSaP ^]Bd]SPhbPXSWTa_PachXb °^_T]X]STS±PQ^dcU^aVX]VP] P[[XP]RTfXcW^cWTa_^[XcXRP[ _PacXTbU^acWTDccPa?aPSTbW 0bbTQ[h_^[[b 34D10F8=BEC4 52=5834=24 :PcWP]Sd) =T_P[³b]Tf?aXT X]XbcTaBWTa1PWPSda3TdQP f^]Pe^cT^UR^]UXST]RTX]cWT aTX]bcPcTS[^fTa7^dbT^U ?Pa[XPT]c^]Bd]SPh PRR^aSX]Vc^TSXPaT_^acb 088´BCF8CC4A 022D=C702:43 7hSTaPQPS) CWT^UUXRXP[CfXccTa PRR^d]c^U0[[8]SXPPYX[bT 8ccTWPSd[db[XTT]088fPb WPRZTS^]Bd]SPhU^a PUTfW^dabP]SfPb[PcTa aTbc^aTS_Pachb^daRTbbPXSWTaT CWTWPRZTabRWP]VTScWTCfXccTa _a^UX[T]PTUa^088c^°4[^] dbZ±P]ScWT_a^UX[T_XRcdaT^U cWTWP]S[TfPbaT_[PRTSfXcWcWPc ^UcWTCTb[P24 C7A44BCA4H1D8;38=6 2;;0?B4B8=6DAD6A0 6daVP^]) BTeTaP[_T^_[TPaT UTPaTScaP__TSPUcTaPcWaTT bc^aThQdX[SX]VR^[[P_bTSX] 6dadVaP³b:WPfPb_daeX[[PVT cWXbTeT]X]VATbRdTP]SaT[XTU ^_TaPcX^]cTPbPaT_aTbT]c^] cWTb_^c^UUXRXP[bbPXSCWaTTc^ U^da_T^_[TPaT[XZT[hc^QT caP__TSd]STacWTadQQ[T PRR^aSX]Vc^cWTX]U^aPcX^] _a^eXSTSQhcWTVdPaSbWTaT 4`gZU* :?:?5:2 CC0;20B4B) # (% % 340C7B)# # !$#'$ A42E4A43) !((( $%(' 02C8E4)# $$ 070)%! # (( :4A0;0) %( ($% :´C0:0)!''(# ' C=)!$$#!!( 34;78) #$$!($ ?=BQ =4F34;78 The Monsoon Session of Parliament on Monday will begin in the shadow of a lurk- ing telephone tapping scandal that could see days of disrup- tion and provide powerful ammunition to the Opposition to target the Prime Minister Narendra Modi Government. Throughout Sunday, social media was abuzz with specu- lation about the worldwide release of a report that showed that telephones of India’s top Ministers, Supreme Court judges, journalists and others were tapped between 2018 and 2019. “Strong rumours that this evening IST, Washington Post London Guardian are pub- lishing a report exposing the hiring of an Israeli firm Pegasus, for tapping phones of Modi’s Cabinet Ministers, RSS leaders, SC judges, journal- ists,” tweeted senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy. In addition, the Opposition has lined up a range of issues including the mismanagement of the Covid-19 situation by the Government and issues of ris- ing prices. A day before the com- mencement of the Monsoon Session, the Government on Sunday held an all-party meet- ing attended by floor leaders of various political parties. Narendra Modi assured that his Government was ready for a “healthy, meaningful discus- sion” in Parliament on various issues. More than 40 leaders from 33 parties attend- ed the all-party meeting and suggested the subjects to be dis- cussed in the first Parliament session post the second Covid- 19 killer wave. The Opposition is raring to put the Government on the mat on a host of issues – rang- ing from its handling of the contagion, vaccine shortage, farmers’ agitation, manage- ment of the economy, jobless- ness , border tension with China and the resurfacing of the Rafale jets’ purchase con- troversy in France. A0:4B7:B8=67Q =4F34;78 The Pakistani deep State led by its covert agency Inter- Services Intelligence (ISI) has been persuading the Taliban Islamists to target infrastruc- ture developed and financed by India in the war-ravaged Afghanistan. India has invested over US $3 billion towards reconstruc- tion efforts in Afghanistan. The move to target Indian assets in Afghanistan comes weeks after the ISI forged an alliance between its terror affil- iates like Lashkar-e-Tayeba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) with the Taliban. The ISI has reportedly already sent 10,000 Pakistani fighters to Afghanistan to aid the Taliban in the violent takeover of territories from Ashraf Ghani-led Government’s control amid the pull out of the US troops. As reported earlier by The Pioneer, the Taliban had devel- oped an understanding with the JeM and LeT for such attacks in Helmand and Kandahar provinces at the behest of the ISI. While the LeT is assisting the Taliban in Helmand, the JeM is operating in Kandahar where India had to evacuate 50 diplomatic staff and ITBP com- mandos last Sunday. On July 16, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had told a Central and South Asia connectivity conference, also attended by Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, in Tashkent that 10,000 jehadi fighters have entered Afghanistan during the last one month and had blamed Islamabad for this. “The LeT and Jaish terror- ists besides thousands of other Pakistani jehadis fighting along with Taliban have been specif- ically instructed to target Indian assets. The aim is to sys- tematically destroy the good- will India has generated through massive reconstruc- tion efforts and also gain con- siderable leverage with the Taliban that is seeking to oper- ate independently,” experts tracking the development said, adding Islamabad is also eye- ing the billion-dollar drugs trade originating from that country. While over 10,000 Pakistani fighters entered Afghanistan through the porous borders in the last one month alone, several jehadis were staying in Afghanistan for many years to aid Taliban in fighting the US and allied forces there. ?=BQ ;D2:=F The Uttar Pradesh Government has now made it mandatory for the passengers travelling to UP from States with a high positivity rate to produce a negative RT-PCR (Covid-19) report before enter- ing the State. Additional Chief Secretary Information Navneet Sehgel said the UP Government in order to prevent rise in Covid cases has directed that report of negative RTPCR should be made mandatory for people coming to UP from States with more than 3 per cent positivi- ty rate. “This report should not be more than four days old,” he said. The new rule will be applicable to anyone travelling to UP via air, road, or rail routes. People entering Uttar Pradesh in their personal vehi- cles will also have to follow this protocol. He said people com- ing to UP from such States should start the journey only after getting their Covid test done. Those who have received both doses of vaccination may be exempted. The decision was taken by a team of nine top officials of the UP Government in a meet- ing with Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday. The move aims to contain the spread of Covid-19 in Uttar Pradesh. Meanwhile, fresh Covid 19 cases in Uttar Pradesh came down to 56 on Sunday and 69 patients have recovered. Now a total of 7 districts have been declared free from corona in the State. =8:00;8:Q 270=3860A7 Amid voices of opposition, the Congress High Command late on Sunday evening announced the eleva- tion of Navjot Singh Sidhu as the new party president of the Punjab unit, ending the impasse prevailing within the party for over a month. Sidhu would be assisted by four work- ing presidents — Sangat Singh Gilzian, Sukhwinder Singh Danny, Pawan Goel, and Kuljit Singh Nagra (all legislators). Sidhu replaced Sunil Jakhar who was appointed State party chief in 2017. Nagra is considered close to Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi, and Danny would be representing the young leaders. Besides, MLA Pawan Goel's appointment was made to give representation to the Dalit and Hindu commu- nity. The appointment came at time after days of stand-off between the Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh and Sidhu camps. Almost all parliamentarians had on Sunday came out in Amarinder’s support, even as Sidhu attempted to make a foray into the Patiala royal’s bas- tion while meeting his loyalists in his home constituency. Just a day earlier, Amarinder had taken a softer line on Sidhu’s anticipated appointment as Punjab Congress chief, but with the rider of a “public apology” for his derogatory tweets — had sent signals that the announce- ment of Sidhu’s new role was just a matter of time. But hours later, Amarinder invited his bête noire Partap Singh Bajwa and others to a meeting — indicating that he was in no mood to mend fences with Sidhu. Amarinder’s dinner diplo- macy with his known critic Bajwa seems to have raised another issue before the party High Command as it came on the day when Sidhu went to meet Sunil Jakhar, former party presidents including Bajwa, Cabinet Ministers and several MLAs. C=A067D=0C70Q D108 As many as 33 people were killed and several others injured on Sunday, after a vir- tual cloudburst and conse- quent heavy rain that ravaged the metropolis and the neighbouring areas coming under the Mumbai Metropolis Region (MMR) affecting the rail, road and air services in the country’s com- mercial capital. On Sunday morning, Mumbaikars woke up to heavy rains accompanied by lightning and thunder and inundation in several low-lying areas of the city suburbs. The intensity of the rain that Mumbai received could be gauged from the Island city recorded a rainfall of 196.8 mm and the suburbs received a rainfall of 234.9 mm during the 24 hours ending at 8.30 am on Sunday. ?C8Q C:H Three athletes, two of them staying at the Olympic Village, have tested positive for Covid-19, the Games Organising Committee announced on Sunday, the development adding to the scepticism around the troubled event which opens on July 23. It is the first instance of athletes staying at the village catching the infection. Their identities have not been revealed by the organisers. The third infected athlete is staying at a designated Games hotel. A total of 10 cases were detected on the day, including five “Games concerned per- sonnel”, one contractor, and a journalist, according to the Covid-19 Positive Case List uploaded by the OC here. The total number of Games-related Covid cases has now risen to 55 as per the OC records. “When there is a positive Covid 19 case — it means action. There is a clear proce- dure to identify close contacts. A case is not just data in a spread sheet but leads to action, including immediate follow-up testing,” International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) Games Executive Director Christophe Dubi stated. “We can safely say that 40,000 Covid 19 tests have been carried out before coming to Japan for 18,000 Games participants. Then there is the screening on the airport fol- lowed by regular screening, testing for athletes every day,” he added. The organisers did not specify whether the two infect- ed athletes staying at the village will be quarantined elsewhere. “Since 1 July more than 18,000 games participants arrived from overseas. All of them had at least 2 negative tests before arrival. When they arrived, they had another test. When they are here, there is a strict testing regime in place,” said Pierre Ducrey, IOC Games Operations Director. “The participants of the Olympic Games are the most controlled population in the world,” he added. The development comes a day after a non-athlete at the Village tested positive for the dreaded virus and was shifted out of the premises. “...We believe we have the situation under control. As such, properly if cases are found, the individuals are iso- lated and we trace all close con- tacts if there are any other cases, that’s what is most important,” Hide Nakamura, chief Games delivery officer for Tokyo 2020, said in a press con- ference. “Even with all measures fully taken, there will be some positive (coron- avirus) cases. Under the coro- navirus situation which encom- passes the entire world, so it is inevitable that there will be cases. “What is important is that when such cases arise, we prop- erly systematically isolate them so that there will be no further transmissions.” AY`_VeRaaZ_Xc`he` cZ_XZ_ec`fS]VW`c8`ge ?aXTX]XbcTa=PaT]SaP^SX[TPeTbPUcTaP]P[[_PachTTcX]VPSPhQTU^aTcWT^]b^^]BTbbX^]^U?Pa[XPT]cQTVX]bX] =Tf3T[WX^]Bd]SPh ?C8 ,6,DVNV7DOLEDQWRWDUJHW LQIUDGHYHORSHGE,QGLD ?Vh5V]YZYRdZ_gVdeVU `gVc$SZ]]Z`_e`hRcUd cVT`_decfTeZ`_VWW`ced Z_2WXYR_ZdeR_ ?PZXbcP]Xb^[SXTabbcP]SVdPaSfWX[TbcaP]STS_T^_[T^eTc^Ra^bbcWTQ^aSTa cWa^dVWcWT?PZXbcP]0UVWP]Q^aSTaRa^bbX]V_^X]cX]2WPP]^]BPcdaSPh 0? R_URe`cjW`caV`a]V T`^Z_XWc`^DeReVd hZeY^`cVeYR_$ a`dZeZgZejcReV D?PZTb2^eXS ]TVPcXeTaT_^ac dbcc^T]cTaBcPcT BXSWdT[TePcTSPb?d]YPQ 2^]VRWXTUPXSbcaXUT HZ]]SVRddZdeVUSj 8Z]kZR_5R__j 8`V]R_U?RXcRRd h`cZ_XacVdZUV_ed 2^]VaTbb[TPSTa=PeY^cBX]VWBXSWdQTX]VfT[R^TSQh?d]YPQX]XbcTa BdZWYX]STaBX]VWAP]SWPfPP]S;0Ua^9P[P[_daPSP];P[SdaX]VPTTcX]V Pc6WP]Pda]TPa?PcXP[P^]Bd]SPh ?C8 $$Z]]VURdYVRgj cRZ_]RdYVdf^SRZ, cRZ]RZcdVcgZTVdYZe ATbRdTab_TaU^abTPaRW^_TaPcX^]bPUcTaPfP[[R^[[P_bTS^]bTeTaP[b[dW^dbTb PUcTaWTPehaPX]bX]cWTPWd[PaTP^UdQPX^]Bd]SPh 0? RURQDSODLQJVSRLOVSRUWDWKOHWHVDW2OPSLF9LOODJHWHVWYH 0C^Zh^!!bcPUUTQTabcP]SbQhc^WT[_SXaTRccTPTQTabUa^^cWTaR^d]caXTbU^acWTC^Zh^!!BdTa[h_XR P]S?PaP[h_XR6PTbPbcWThPaaXeTPc7P]TSPX]cTa]PcX^]P[PXa_^acX]C^Zh^^]Bd]SPh 0? ?C8Q =4F34;78 An evaluation by global money laundering and ter- rorist financing watchdog Financial Action Task Force (FATF) to analyse the effec- tiveness of India’s anti-money laundering moves and coun- tering terrorist financing regime has been postponed for the second time due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and is now slated to be initiat- ed next year, officials said. The scheduled assessment for the country by the Paris- headquartered watchdog was originally slated for September- October, 2020. 72E7cVgZVh`W :_UZR¶dR_eZ^`_Vj ]Rf_UVcZ_XdeVad UVWVccVURXRZ_ 5HSRUWDOOHJLQJWHOHSKRQHVRIWRS0LQVMXGJHVVFULEHV566ZHUH FRPSURPLVHGDQGRYLGSULFHULVHH[SHFWHGWRVKDNH+RXVHWRGD /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTa UPRTQ^^ZR^SPX[h_X^]TTa 7`]]`hfd`_+ fffSPX[h_X^]TTaR^ X]bcPVaPR^SPX[h_X^]TTa ;PcT2Xch E^[ $8bbdT (% 0XaBdaRWPaVT4gcaPXU0__[XRPQ[T ?dQ[XbWTS5a^ 34;78;D2:=F 17?0;17D10=4BF0A A0=278A08?DA 270=3860A7 347A03D= 7H34A0103E890HF030 4bcPQ[XbWTS '%# 51,1R5HJQ877(1*5(*'1R8$'2''1 347A03D==30H9D;H (!! *?064B !C! @A:?:@?' B4DB8=6B=C74 D=85A28E8;234 DA@CE# 8=380140CB; 8=58ABC38 m m H@C=5) 4DA?45;38=6C;;E4A '0BA4B2D4AB386344?4A 1E49535 81C5F?F54* 11CD8179 ! F9F139DI
  • 2. 347A03D=k=30H k9D;H (!! ]PcX^]! ?=BQ 270=3860A7 Punjab’s Forests and Wildlife Preservation Department on Sunday announced reopen- ing of Chhatbir Zoo and four small zoos at Ludhiana, Bathinda, Patiala, and Neelon from July 20, 2021, with strict adherence of COVID-19 appropriate behaviour. “The Chhatbir Zoo would be open to the public six days a week (Monday closed). Entry for visitors will be allowed from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm (instead of 9 am to 5 pm) to ensure opti- mal carrying capacity, stag- gered entry, and social distanc- ing. The number of visitors will be allowed in three slots,” said an official spokesperson. “Only a limited number of timed tickets will be available in different slots till the normalcy returns in the Zoo,” the spokesperson said, adding the entry tickets will be valid only for two hours after the entry. The tickets for zoo entry and other facilities can be booked through online book- ing, the link for which has been provided on the zoo website ( Apart from this, QR code system and PoS machines facilities will also be available in ZOO booking counter for those vis- itors who are unable to do online booking. Free Wi-Fi hotspot facility is available in the entry area of Chhatbir Zoo for hassle-free online booking of entry tickets, he added. Spokesperson also stated that the tickets for Battery Operated Trolleys (BOTs) will be available at the site, which will be allowed only for the group visitors or family mem- bers, who may reserve a full BOT vehicle at the prescribed rate with strict social distance norms and safety measures. To ensure the safety of vis- itors, some facilities such as Wildlife Safari (lion safari and deer safari), Reptile House, and Nocturnal house will be closed for visitors till the normalcy returns.Tocontainthespreadof contamination and to maintain self-hygiene, medicated foot mat, touch-free sensor-based hand wash facilities have been provided in zoo entry and other strategic points like toilets, drinking water points, rain shel- ters, leisure points etc. Single-use plastic items will not be allowed inside the zoo, andonlywaterbottlesandmed- icine containers may be allowed after screening, said the spokesperson. Pertinently, the zoo will be opened at 9:30 am with a maximum entry of 1,800 visitors between 9:30 am and 11:30 am followed by a sanitisa- tion break from 11:30 to 12 noon. Maximum 1,800 visitors can enter between 12 noon and 2 pm with another sanitisation break from 2 pm to 2:30 pm. Anotherlotofmaximumvisitors can enter the zoo from 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm the zoo entry will be closed. 4YYReSZcK``e`cV`aV_Wc`^EfVdURj ?=BQ 270=3860A7 With Covid-19 cases seeing the declining trend, Haryana Government on Sunday announced more relax- ations, including increase in the timings of bars and restaurants, while extending the partial lockdown till July 26. The night curfew will remain in force daily from 11 pm to 5 am, an order by the Chief Secretary Vijai Vardhan said. According to the order, “the Mahamari Alert-Surakshit Haryana is extended for anoth- er week, that is from July 19 (5 am onwards) to July 26 (till 5 am) in the state of Haryana.” The State Government has termed the Covid-induced lockdown as “Mahamari Alert- Surakshit Haryana (Epidemic Alert-Safe Haryana)”. The restaurants and bars, including those in malls, are allowed to open from 10 am to 11 pm with 50 per cent capac- ity and home delivery of food is allowed till 11 p.m. Similarly, the club houses, restaurants and bars at golf courses will also be allowed to open from 10 am to 11 pm with 50 per cent capac- ity with adherence to requisite social distancing and other COVID-19 appropriate safety norms, the order said. The gyms are allowed to open from 6 am to 9 pm with 50 percent capacity, it added.. According to earlier relax- ations, all shops are allowed to open from 9 am to 8 pm while the malls from 10 am to 8 pm. Spas will open from 6 am to 8 pm with 50 percent capacity, swimming pools are allowed to open only for such athletes or swimmers who are competing or practicing for a competitive event. Cinema halls are allowed to open with maximum 50 per- cent seating capacity with adherence to COVID-19 pro- tocol. Notably, Haryana Government had imposed the lockdown in the State on May 3. A government spokesper- son on Sunday said that the state’s recovery rate has improved by 0.15 per cent from 98.50 per cent on June 22 to 98.65 per cent on July 17. However, the fatality rate has increased by 0.04 per cent from 1.21 per cent on June 22 to 1.25 per cent on July 17. There are 318 deaths reported in 27 days from June 21 to July 17, he said. He shared that the positiv- ity rate has declined from 0.46 per cent on June 22 to 0.14 per cent on July 17. Meanwhile, the adminis- tration of vaccine is also being done at a fast pace in the state and 1,05,24,837 beneficiaries have been vaccinated of which 85,22,732 beneficiaries were administered the first dose and 20,02,105 beneficiaries have been administered the second dose, the spokesperson added. ?=BQ 270=3860A7 Newly appointed Haryana Governor Bandaru Dattatreya on Sunday said that Kurukshetra would be devel- oped into a world class pil- grimage city. The Central and State Government aims to develop Kurukshetra as a tourist, reli- gious and cultural city, said Dattatreya while talking to the mediapersons during his visit to Kurukshetra. Earlier, the Governor planted sandalwood and Rudraksh saplings in the premises of International Guest House in Kurukshetra University. Thereafter, the Governor offered prayers to Lord Venkateswara, Lakshmi Devi and Gowda Devi at the Tirupati Balaji temple. After this, the Governor reached the Brahmasarovar Purushotampura Bagh and offered prayers at the Brahma Sarovar and worshiped the waters of the Brahma Sarovar. He also visited Kurukshetra Geeta Sthali Jyotisar and Maa Bhadrakali temple and offered prayers to Maa Kali. Dattatreya said that after taking over as Governor, the first place he has visited is the land of heroes i.e. Kurukshetra. Kurukshetra, the land of Mahabharata and ancient her- itage, is an invaluable gift of Indian culture. The essence of the holy book Gita and our Indian traditions should be imbibed by the youth in their lives. Therefore, Kurukshetra is being developed as a world class pilgrimage site, he said. The Governor further said that he will attend board meet- ings regarding the ongoing project in Kurukshetra. Work has been done to give interna- tional status to Kurukshetra and bring this holy place on the world map from the point of view of tourism and spiritual- ity, he said. To develop the city as a tourist destination, it has been included in the Krishna circuit, he added. Notably, former Himachal Governor Dattatreya had on Thursday sworn in as the 18th Governor of Haryana, suc- ceeding Satyadeo Narain Arya, who has moved to Tripura. ?=BQ ;D3780=0 Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Sunday got a major boost when a senior Akali leader, considered close to the Badals, Chaudhary Madan Lal Bagga joined the party along with a large number of associates and supporters. AAP’s national spokesper- son and Punjab affairs co-in charge Raghav Chadha, Leader of Opposition in Vidhan Sabha Harpal Singh Cheema, Deputy Leader of Opposition Saravjit Kaur Manuke, among others formally inducted Bagga and his associates into the party. Welcoming Chaudhary Bagga and his associates, on behalf of party supremo Arvind Kejriwal and the entire leader- ship, Chadha said that with their joining, AAP has become stronger not only in Ludhiana but in the whole of Punjab. Cheema said that the Badals and SAD in Ludhiana had been wiped out with Madan Lal Bagga, who became part of AAP’s family after being impressed by Kejriwal’s pro- people development model. He said that the Aam Aadmi Party is all set to form a gov- ernment in Punjab in 2022. Bagga said that he is unconditionally embracing the AAP, as he was impressed by the revolutionary work done by the Arvind Kejriwal govern- ment in Delhi. Notably, Chaudhary Bagga was a member of Akali Dal’s PAC and senior vice president of the Trade and Industry Wing. He has also been the vice chair- man of the Board of Commerce Punjab under the status of Minister of State in the previous SAD-BJP government, presi- dent of SAD Ludhiana Urban and councillor twice. The AAP leader Raghav Chadha also said that after 10 years of the Badals’ mafia rule, the Capt Amarinder Singh Government had left every section of the state helpless in its four and half years tenure. “At such a critical juncture, AAP is the only brightest hope for Punjab today,” said Chadha. He said that Punjab and the state’s politics are going through a very bad period. “On one hand, the Badals have squandered SAD’s all dignity and principles of and turned it into a private limited company, which is hated by everyone today; the Congress, on the other hand, is a party that is not fighting for justice in sacrilege, for the rights of farmers- labourers, against unemploy- ment and drugs, for the digni- ty of women and elderly, against power, sand mafias but only for the Chief Ministership and the presidency,” he added. ?=BQ 270=3860A7 Shiromani Akali Dal’s Hindu leaders and workers from across Punjab on Sunday expressed their gratitude to party president Sukhbir Singh Badal for deciding to nominate a representative from the com- munity as a Deputy Chief Minister if the SAD-BSP alliance comes to power in the State. Even as the SAD president was profusely honoured by the community members on the occasion, Sukhbir announced that he would rather lay down his life than let anyone spoil peace and com- munal harmony in the State. “I am committed to Parkash Singh Badal’s policy to do the utmost to ensure amity and brotherhood among all sec- tions of people and to take everyone along in the path towards progress and pros- perity,” he said. Sukhbir also assured that the forthcoming SAD-BSP government would revive trade and industry in the State by making investment-friendly policies besides reducing power tariff for the trade and industry sector. “We will also restart devel- opment of towns and cities as was taken up earlier during the SAD-led Government when sewerage and water supply facilities were created in 135 towns and cities. Infrastructure in towns and cities will be upgraded to the next level,” he announced. Sukhbir said that the Congress Government in the State was not only pursuing a policy of divide and rule but was helmed by the worst Chief Minister in the history of Punjab. “In Capt Amarinder Singh, we have a leader who has sworn false oaths on the holy Gutka Sahib and reneged on them. We also have a leader who is oblivious to the suffer- ing of the people and did nothing to help them when they needed power to maintain their paddy crop or run their factories and shops. We also have an utterly insensitive leader who orders the brutal assault of government employ- ees rather than give them an audience and listen to their grievances,” he said. The SAD chief said that now the Congress is trying to indulge in another drama by replacing its ‘failed’ Chief Minister with former Minister Navjot Sidhu who was known more for theatrics rather than administration. “Everyone knows Navjot Sidhu’s record as local bodies minister during the course of which he did nothing to uplift the condition of any town or city in the State,” Sukhbir added. ?=BQ 270=3860A7 Lashing out at the Congress Government, Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) Punjab unit pres- ident Bhagwant Mann on Sunday said that the Congress’ internal feud for the seat alone had done a great disservice to Punjab, Punjabis, and Punjabiyat and now the Congress would have to pay the price with interest in the upcoming assembly elections. Mann said that the only agenda for all the Congress leaders, big or small, was to occupy the seat. “Someone is fighting to save the chair and someone is trying to grab the chair,” he added. “While this appetite for the chair has kept Punjab, Punjab’s farming, youth, busi- ness, women and the elderly, schools, health services, law and order and financial crisis at bay; on the other hand, it had also exposed many big Congressmen, whose target was the chair, but made state- ments in the name of Punjab,” he said asking if the Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh and the entire Congress was a little worried about this. Mann also asked about the manner in which Harish Rawat had misused the Government chopper by violating the rules like the previous Badal Government. 0DQQDWWDFNVRQJUHVVRYHU VLPPHULQJLQWHUQDOIHXG ?=BQ 270=3860A7 JC Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA, Faridabad has come forward with yet another social initia- tive to help Thalassemia patients in association with Rotary Blood Bank, Faridabad. Vice Chancellor YMCA Professor Dinesh Kumar, while appreciating the joint initiative of the University and Rotary Blood Bank said that after suc- cessful launch of government programmes like oxygen refill- ing management system and Jivisha helpline in the district, YMCA has launched another social initiative. The Vice Chancellor said that Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that affects the body’s ability to produce hemoglobin and red blood cells. Such patients require fre- quent blood transfusions to survive. The University along with Rotary Blood Bank, Faridabad has decided to start a registration drive for Thalassemia patients to meet their blood requirement. The team of student volunteers from the university, recog- nized as ‘Team Umeed’, will work to help the needy people and provide them timely assis- tance, he added. He called upon the stu- dents to engage in social cause and make best use of technol- ogy for the betterment of the society. Elaborating on this initia- tive, programme coordinator Dr Rashmi Chawla said that patients of Faridabad district will have to register them- selves through a Google link ( woKAv9) to join the cam- paign. After this the registra- tion number will be given to the patient. ?=BQ 270=3860A7 Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar is just a tweet away from the peo- ple of the state. Living up to this statement, the official Twitter handle of Chief Minister’s office, @cmohry came to the rescue of Hari Om, a resident of Faridabad’s Parvatiya Colony, Bal Kalyan Pocket. The resident had tweeted on the CM’s Twitter handle on July 15 that his daughter was to get married on July 18 and apprized about the ongoing problem of water logging in the residential area. Giving details, IT Consultant to Chief Minister, Dhruv Majumdar said that as soon as the complainant Hari Om tweeted, the team of CM’s official Twitter handle, Social Media Grievance Tracker, swung into action and a team of Municipal Corporation reached the spot. He elaborated that the tankers were present in the area to do the needful from 6 am till the wedding was on to ensure that the functions were carried out smoothly and the team of MC officials were present on the spot. The father of the bride, Hari Om, a driver, expressed gratitude to the Chief Minister for being easily accessible to laymen and resolving their woes. He also thanked the entire team of Chief Minister’s office and Municipal Corporation officials for help- ing him in ensuring proper arrangements for the wedding which was to be held in the area, Majumdar said. Earlier this year, a bride-to- be had also tweeted on the CM’s handle to resolve the water logging issues in this area as she was to get married. The SMGT team had coordinated with relevant district officials to ensure this was resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant. The issues of water logging had been recurring in this area, and the State Government is taking appropriate measures to pro- vide a long term solution to the matter, he added. CU^Y_b1[QYUQTUb2QWWQZ_Y^c11@ 2P_PXV] [Pd]RWTSX] Pbb^RXPcX^] fXcWA^cPah 1[^^S1P]Z 5PaXSPQPS ?=BQ 270=3860A7 Sultry weather conditions persisted in Haryana and Punjab on Sunday, with max- imum temperatures hovering above normal limits at most places. Despite rains during the day in Haryana’s Narnaul, Hisar and Bhiwani, their maximum temperatures settled at 40 degrees Celsius, 39 degrees Celsius and 37.1 degrees Celsius respectively, accord- ing to the Met Department. Among other places in Haryana, Gurugram and Rohtak registered their maxi- mums at 36.8 degrees Celsius and 36 degrees Celsius respec- tively. 6XOWUZHDWKHU FRQGLWLRQVSHUVLVWV LQ+DUDQD 7PahP]PTgcT]SbcXX]Vb^UQPabaTbcPdaP]cb :dadZbWTcaPc^QTSTeT[^_TSPbf^a[S_X[VaXPVTRXch)3PccPcaThP +DUDQDUHVLGHQWJHWVSURPSW UHVSRQVHIURP0¶V7ZLWWHUKDQGOH O 0e^XSeXbXcX]VI^^XUWPeTR^dVWR^[SP]S UTeTabh_c^b O 0Sd[cbPQ^eT%$hTPabP]SRWX[SaT]QT[^f$hTPab aT`dTbcTS]^cc^eXbXci^^ O FTPaX]VUPRTPbZbR^_d[b^ahfWX[TT]cTaX]V i^^_aTXbTb O 0[[eXbXc^abc^R^_d[b^aX[h_Pbb^eTaTSXRPcTS U^^cPcPcI^^T]caP]RT O EXbXc^ac^d]STaV^Q^ShcT_TaPcdaTbRP]]X]V fWX[TT]cTaX]Vi^^_aTXbTb O PX]cPX]X]Vb^RXP[SXbcP]RTfWX[TX]i^^P]SfWX[T dbX]VeXbXc^aUPRX[XcXTbfPbWa^^bSaX]ZX]VfPcTa _^X]cbRP]cTT]QPccTah^_TaPcTSeTWXR[TbTcR O X]XP[X]cTaPRcX^]fXcWi^^bcPUU O 0e^XSc^dRWX]VQPaaXRPSTb^cWTabdaUPRTbX]i^^ O 0e^XSSXeTabX^]b^abW^acRdcb*ZTT_^eTT]c P[^]VSTbXV]PcTSeXbXc^a_PcWb^][h O 0e^XSb_XccX]VX]^_T]PaTPb^Ui^^*3^]³cRWTf _P]PbP[PVdcZPZWPX]X O 3^]³cRPaah[dVVPVT^aP]hPacXR[TbaT`dXaX]VR[^PZ a^^[dVVPVT^a[^RZTaa^^UPRX[XchPbcWTbPT WPeTQTT]fXcWSaPf]cT_^aPaX[h O EX^[Pc^ab^UVdXST[X]Tbc^QTX_^bTS_T]P[chd_c^ C$_TaeX^[PcX^]_TaWTPS 3´B0=33=´C´B5AIE8B8CAB )RXUVPDOO]RRVDW /XGKLDQD%DWKLQGD 3DWLDOD1HHORQDOVR WREHRSHQHG CWTaTbXST]cWPScfTTcTS^]cWT 2´bCfXccTaWP]S[T^]9d[h $ cWPcWXbSPdVWcTafPbc^VTc PaaXTS^]9d[h 'P]SP__aXiTS PQ^dccWT^]V^X]V_a^Q[T^U fPcTa[^VVX]VX]cWTPaTP 921^bTD]XeTabXchR^TbU^afPaSc^WT[_CWP[PbbTXP_PcXT]cb B03´b7X]Sd[TPSTab[PdSBdZWQXa´bSTRXbX^]c^ ]^X]PcTcWTXaaT_aTbT]cPcXeTPb3T_dch2 00?´b]PcX^]P[ b_^ZTb_Tab^]P]S ?d]YPQPUUPXabR^X] RWPaVTAPVWPe 2WPSWP;TPSTa^U __^bXcX^]X]EXSWP] BPQWP7Pa_P[BX]VW 2WTTP3T_dch ;TPSTa^U__^bXcX^] BPaPeYXc:Pda P]dZTP^]V ^cWTabU^aP[[h X]SdRcTS2WPdSWPah PSP];P[1PVVP P]SWXbPbb^RXPcTb X]c^cWT_Pach S 4eT]PbcWTB03_aTbXST]cfPb _a^UdbT[hW^]^daTSQhcWT R^d]XchTQTab^]cWT ^RRPbX^]BdZWQXaP]]^d]RTS cWPcWTf^d[SaPcWTa[PhS^f] WXb[XUTcWP][TcP]h^]Tb_^X[ _TPRTP]SR^d]P[WPa^]h X]cWTBcPcT S CWTB03RWXTUbPXScWPc]^fcWT 2^]VaTbbXbcahX]Vc^X]Sd[VTX] P]^cWTaSaPPQhaT_[PRX]VXcb ²UPX[TS³2WXTUX]XbcTafXcW U^aTaX]XbcTa=PeY^cBXSWd fW^fPbZ]^f]^aTU^a cWTPcaXRbaPcWTacWP] PSX]XbcaPc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·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
  • 3. dccPaPZWP]S 347A03D=k=30H k9D;H (!! ?=BQ 347A03D= Uttarakhand's youths are a bundle of energy that must beutilisedforthereformationof theStatemakingitanidealplace for everyone. The AAP leader colonel(retd)AjayKothiyalstat- ed this in the first executive meetingoftheyouthwingofthe party, Aam Aadmi Party Yuva Morcha(AAPYM)inDehradun on Sunday. Inthemeeting,themembers pledged to fight for reformation oftheState,stronglandlawsand employmentopportunities.The president of the youth wing, Digmohan Negi said that one of the main demands of today's youth is the introduction of stronglandlawsaspeopleofthis State must have the first right to acquire any land here. The AAPYM will fight for strong land laws in the State as it is the basicrightofeveryUttarakhand resident, asserted Negi. Q 0=CA8?0C7H60DA0E:D0A Effective use of social media is an opportunity and a challenge in con- temporary competitive corporate land- scape. Today, effective use of social media is inevitable. If we are not using it, we are in crisis; if using it ineffectively then we are definitely in crisis. So, the only way out is to use social media effec- tively. Today the power of social media is just a click away, new and emerging communication platforms have made dissemination of information very easy and effective. Constant and collabora- tive communication via social media is key to participative management, employee engagement and public sec- tor undertakings are no exception. The Unique Selling Point (USP) of social media is the role of User Generated Content (UGC) in its oper- ation which makes it user friendly, inter- active and inclusive. Today, Indian PSUs have moved ahead from the era of physical files in terms of official working and have shift- ed to e-office platform in order to boost employee efficiency and enhance trans- parency in the official working. This has promoted paperless culture and virtu- al office space. This has literally brought the office just a click away and proved very evident during Covid times when offices have to function by maintaining social distancing. There are many processes that exist in our PSUs’ work culture such as managing human resource data, analysing financial per- formance, online approval of files etc by way of using various software like HRMS, FMS and SAP. Further, the use of bulk SMS and voice call service has made internal communication mecha- nisms more prudent and employee friendly. Bulk message and voice call service saves time, paper, money and manpower and reaches within no time. Intranet online platforms like collabo- rative knowledge desk are also intro- duced in which employees can log in and share their experiences which can help in process improvement and knowledge upgradation of employees. Best case studies, learnings are available online for employees for future refer- ence. Feedback is quintessential for con- tinual improvement. Suggestion Mela is organised in many PSUs which is yet another illustration of a strong and cost effective tool of employee engagement. Employees of the corporation give their suggestions which reach the top management and many of the workable suggestions have been implemented which gives a strong sense of ownership to the employees. Suggestions are also invited through an online portal for encouraging paperless culture. To encourage the culture of cap- turing photographs and making videos among employees, to project the cor- poration in a better light many PSUs have established a photography and videography club. The effort is to iden- tify employees having interest in cam- eras and to develop them as in-house photographers/filmmakers so that a bank of good multimedia products can be developed by using internal resources and later on uploaded social media plat- forms. Regular photography and videography workshops are also organ- ised to create awareness and to hone the skills of the employees and their fami- ly members. Human capital is the most essential asset for any organisation and in con- temporary competitive scenarios the survival of organisations predomi- nantly depends only if they recognise the importance of efficient management of this precious capital. The employee has been indicated as the significant stakeholder in the social media action plan of many PSUs. When the PSU fra- ternity addresses the employee as their significant stakeholder they mean it in the plural sense not the singular one. Employees with the family members constitute their definition of the sig- nificant stakeholders. The biggest lib- erty that social media has provided is speed and cost effectiveness. In a mixed economy set up like India, the Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSE) have time and again proved that they are the growth engine of our development. Public sec- tor undertakings believe in prudent use of public money and that is why they have moved towards frequent and fair use of social media effectively. (Tripathy is the deputy general manager of HRPR, Kumar is the PR manager and social media officer at THDCIL) 6D4BC2;D= B^RXP[TSXP°PRPcP[hbcU^aT_[^hTTT]VPVTT]c ?=BQ 347A03D= Chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has granted his approval to hiking the stipend of MBBS intern doctors of the State’s medical colleges from Rs 7,500 per month to Rs 17,000 per month. Taking the decision on Sunday, the chief minister said that the doctors and paramed- ical staff have played a com- mendable role during the Covid-19 pandemic to mitigate the impact of the pandemic and ensuring swift treatment along with necessary medical facili- ties to the patients. It is pertinent to mention here that the monthly stipend of Rs 7,500 which was being provided to the MBBS intern doctors had elicited demands for hiking the amount from the interns and the general public also. Recently, while hearing on public interest litigations relat- ed to Covid-19 and health facilities in the state, the Uttarakhand high court had also asked the state government to consider hiking the stipend amount provided to the intern doctors. The chief minister’s deci- sion to more than double the stipend of the intern doctors is expected to boost their morale at a time when the state is preparing itself for a possible third wave of Covid-19 as pre- dicted by experts. 4Z_TcVRdVddeZaV_U`WZ_eVc_U`Te`cde`( ?=BQ 347A03D= TheStatemeteorologicalcen- trehasissuedanalertregard- ing the possibility of heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places in the state on Monday. Extremelyheavyrainisalsolike- ly to occur at isolated places in Dehradun, Haridwar, Nainital and Pauri districts. Apart from this, light to moderate rain/thundershowers arelikelytooccuratmostplaces in Uttarakhand. Dehradun is forecasttoexperienceagenerally cloudyskywiththepossibilityof heavy to very heavy rainfall with intense spells. The maximum and mini- mum temperatures are likely to be about 24 degrees Celsius and 21 degrees Celsius respectively here on Monday. Meanwhile, intermittent rainfall since Saturday night along with a few heavy spells in some areas caused the water in RispanaandBindalriverstorise inDehradunapartfromcausing water logging in some areas. In various districts of the state, a number of roads have remained blocked due to land- slides and other factors. According to the State Emergency Operation Centre (SEOC), in Chamoli district, theRishikesh-Badrinathnation- al highway 58 is open though nine rural motor roads are closed.InDehradundistrictone stateroad,onemaindistrictroad and 13 rural motor roads were blocked. Only one rural motor roadwasreportedblockedinthe Rudraprayag district, whereas one state road, three other dis- trict roads and five rural motor roads were blocked in the Pauri district. Similarly, two rural motor roads were blocked in Uttarkashidistrictandfourrural motorroadswereblockedinthe Tehri district. IntheBageshwar,ninerural motorroadswereblockedwhile two rural motor roads were blocked in the Nainital district. Whereas one rural motor road was blocked in the Champawat district, two border roads and seven rural motor roads were blocked in the Pithoragarh . ?=BQ 347A03D= In order to facilitate immedi- ate relief during heavy rains and other disasters, chief min- ister Pushkar Singh Dhami has approved helicopter deployment in Pithoragarh for two months. He also directed that when the helicopter is not needed for disaster relief works, it should be used as alternative transport for the general public at sub- sidised rates. This should be done only when the helicopter is not needed for disaster relief works, he stressed. For use of the helicopter as alternative trans- port for the general public in hours apart from the hours in which it is used for disaster relief, the chief minister also approved the rate of Rs 3,000 per person. In another decision, Dhami also approved Rs 1.60 crore for rehabilitation of 38 disaster affected families in Dharchula, Munsyari, Tejam and Bangapani areas of Pithoragarh district. He gave the approval following the nod of the state level rehabilitation committee. ?=BQ 347A03D= In the last two days, several areas in Dehradun experienced waterlogging due to spells of heavy rain. The rain also caused damage to roads and embankments in some areas but according to the Dehradun district administra- tion, everything is under control as the teams are continuously monitoring the situation in the city. Many streets and drains were flooded after a heavy down- pour in areas like Saharanpur Road, Prince Chowk, Dharmpur Road, Haridwar Road, Chakrata Road, Darshan Lal Chowk and Raipur Road in the wee hours on Sunday. The disaster control room of the Municipal Corporation of Dehradun (MCD) that operates 24 hours a day also received calls regarding the waterlogging issues after 2 AM on Sunday from the areas like Haridwar Road and Dharmpur. As per the infor- mation provided by the control room operator, the corporation has received about eight complaints till Sunday evening about the waterlogging issue in the city. Moreover, the water level of Rispana and Bindal rivers also increased due to heavy downpours but according to the officials, the situation is under control in such areas too. The sub divisional magistrate (SDM) of Dehradun, Gopal Ram Binwal said that the admin- istration is regularly monitoring the situation in the city. All the main areas with issues like water over- flowing on roads and stagnant water in drains and potholes among others were resolved by the admin- istration. Concerned departments were informed to tackle the situation like extracting water or clearing out rubble in areas like Teacher's Colony and near- by areas of Rispana and Bindal River, stated Binwal. On the question of shifting those living along- side these rivers due to safety concerns, the SDM said that the situation is not that extreme that requires shifting of people. However, if the need arises, the administration has made all the arrangements to shift these people, added Binwal. About 45 places are selected in the city to shift people in an emergency situation. All the arrangements have been made and the administration is ready to tackle the worst, stat- ed the SDM. Meanwhile, the cabinet minister Ganesh Joshi along with the SDM also visited Neelkanth Vihar and Badrinath Colony in Dehradun where streets and embankments were damaged due to heavy downpour. Joshi directed the administra- tion to start repairing the affected embankments and roads soon to avoid obstruction to the daily life of locals. ?=BQ 347A03D= In a clear indication that con- tagion of the Covid-19 has lost its sting in Uttarakhand only 19 new cases of the disease were reported in the state on Sunday. In fact all the districts of the state barring Dehradun reported four or less number of cases on the day. Dehradun reported six cases while Almora, Bageshwar, Champawat and Uttarkashi reported no case of the disease on Sunday. The department also reported 52 recoveries and no death from the disease on the day. The data suggests that the week ending on July 17 had a positivity rate of 0.18 percent which is the lowest weekly rate ever since the first case of the disease was reported in March last year. During the period (July 11 to 17) only 296 samples were found positive out of a total 1,65,693 tested. The cumulative count of Covid-19 patients in the state has now increased to 3,41,452 while a total of 3,27,464 patients have recovered from the disease so far. In the state 7,356 people have lost their lives to Covid - 19 till date. The recovery per- centage from the disease is now at 95.90 and the sample posi- tivity rate is at 5.72 per cent in the state. The authorities col- lected 17,149 samples in dif- ferent parts of the state on Sunday. The state now has only 623 active patients of the disease. Dehradun district is at top of the table in the list of active cases with 256 patients while Haridwar in the second posi- tion with 66 active cases. Pithoragarh has 46, Udham Singh Nagar 43, Champawat and Rudraprayag 39 each, Chamoli 34, Tehri 26, Nainital 23, Uttarkashi 21, Pauri 13, Almora 11 and Bageshwar six active cases of the disease. The state reported one new case of Mucormycosis (Black fungus) and death of one patient from the disease on Sunday. A total of 543 patients of Black Fungus have been reported till date in the state and out of them 115 have died. In the ongoing vaccination drive, the health department vaccinated 33,030 people in 311 sessions held on Sunday. ?=BQ 347A03D= Cycling has numerous health benefits and it can improve the physical as well as mental wellbeing of a person in today's hectic life if pursued regularly in daily life. This was stated by 26 year old cyclist Sonam Rana who recently completed his 1,400 kilometres journey from Dehradun to Leh in 12 days on a bicycle. Rana who works in the Youth Welfare and Prantiya Rakshak Dal department in Dehradun stated that he basi- cally hails from Harshil in Uttarkashi district. He started cycling in the year 2019 after he was trans- ferred to Dehradun. He men- tioned that he initially started cycling to stay fit but then he started enjoying cycling which later turned into a passion. Sharing about his cycling jour- ney, Rana said, I have started all my main journeys from Dehradun so far. My first three journeys were to Kedarnath temple, Manali and Nainital from Dehradun and each was completed in two days. I also recently travelled to Leh in Ladakh from Dehradun cov- ering about 1,400 kilometres and explored various destina- tions. I explored Chitkul village, Spiti Valley and Lahaul Valley of Himachal Pradesh during my journey to Ladakh. I even visited Komic, the highest vil- lage in the world, the highest post office in the world in Hikkim village and the highest bridge in Asia, Chicham Bridge in Himachal Pradesh. Apart from using a bicycle to travel to distant destinations, Rana said that he also rides a bicycle in his daily life to trav- el locally. He asserted, I ride my bicycle to stay fit and travel in local areas too. I ride it to go to my office rather than using a motorcycle. I cover at least 40 to 50 kilometres daily on my bicycle and about 100 kilome- tres on weekends. Cycling is the best way to stay fit physically as well as mentally and people should pursue this practice in daily life. However, he also stressed that cycling on the main roads of Dehradun sometimes feels risky due to which many feel reluctant to travel by bicycles locally. Though the trend of peo- ple cycling in Dehradun has increased in recent times, con- struction of cycling tracks on roads will help and motivate more people to use the bicycle regularly. This will also moti- vate parents to allow their chil- dren to use cycles to go to schools, said Rana. CWTAXb_P]PaXeTaX]Ud[[U[^fU^[[^fX]Vb_T[[b^UWTPehaPX]^]BPcdaSPh]XVWc ?X^]TTa_W^c^ +HDYUDLQ DOHUWLVVXHG DJDLQIRUWRGD 2W^__Tac^QTST_[^hTSU^aSXbPbcTaaT[XTUX]?XcW^aPVPaW 4YcdbYSdQT]Y^ `bU`QbUTd_ VQSUg_bcd*C4= 2^eXS (R^]cPVX^] R^]cPX]TSX]BcPcT ][h (]TfRPbTb fTaTaT_^acTS^] Bd]SPh;^fTbcTeTa fTTZ[h_^bXcXeXchaPcT 'X]cWTBcPcT 2hR[Tc^X_a^eT_WhbXRP[T]cP[WTP[cW) AP]PPUcTaRhR[X]VUa^3^^]c^;TW 22Aj`feYhZ_X UV^R_Uddec`_X ]R_U]RhdZ_DeReV
  • 4. ]PcX^]# 347A03D=k=30H k9D;H (!! ?=BQ =4F34;78 Worried over the increase in Covid 19 cases, the Indian Medical Association (IMA) on Sunday asked the Kerala Government to with- draw its decision to ease Covid restrictions ahead of Baqrid, terming it “unwarranted and inappropriate” at a time of a medical emergency. Kerala has reported 13,956 new fresh cases and 81 deaths in the last 24 hours. The IMA issued a state- ment here, saying while many northern states have stopped traditional and popular pil- grimage yatras in view of the pandemic, it is unfortunate that Kerala took a decision which will pave the way for mass gatherings. The apex doc- tors’ organisation said it would knock the doors of the Supreme Court if the Kerala government does not enforce Covid-appropriate behaviour to curtail the rising menace of the viral disease by withdraw- ing this decision. “The IMA is pained to see amidst the rise of cases and seropositivity, the Kerala gov- ernment has issued an order to ease out lockdown followed in the state on the pretext of reli- gious gatherings of Bakrid. It is unwarranted and inappro- priate at this time of medical emergency,” the statement read. In the larger interest of the country and the well-being of humanity, the IMA strongly demands that the order be withdrawn and zero-tolerance towards violation of Covid norms enforced, the medical body said. Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Saturday said that in view of Bakrid (Eid-ul-Azha) being celebrat- ed on July 21 in the state, tex- tiles, footwear shops, jewellery, fancy stores, shops selling home appliances and elec- tronic items, all types of repair- ing shops and shops selling essential items shall be allowed to open on July 18, 19 and 20 from 7 am to 8 pm in catego- ry A, B and C areas. In D cat- egory areas, these shops can function only on July 19, he said. Areas with a Test Positivity Rate of less than five per cent are included in category A, those with five to 10 per cent are included in category B, areas with 10 to 15 per cent in category C and those above 15 per cent will be in category D. Places of worship can be allowed with a maximum of 40 people on special occasions of celebration, the chief minister said. :2RddVcR]R8`ge _`ee`VRdV4`gZUTfcSd ?=BQ =4F34;78 The BJP on Sunday claimed that “anti-india’’ elements in league with foreign forces are part of a conspiracy to defame the country and tar- get the Modi Government. Addressing a press con- ference here, BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra cited media reports and alleged foreign funding of the portal Newsclick is to create disin- formation and confusion against the current dispensa- tion. He drew attention to media reports about Enforcement Directorate probe into the Newsclick, and said that it received FDI of C9.59 crore and foreign funding of another C 28.46 crore for dubi- ous purposes. Money was diverted to various people, including activist Gautam Navlakha, an accused in the Bhima Koregaon case, he alleged, say- ing this was a ‘’price tag’’ to foment anti-india sentiments, ‘’abuse’’ Prime Minister Narendra Modi and do pro- paganda for foreign forces. ‘’Anti-India forces are doing this conspiracy in league with foreign forces,’’ he said, alleg- ing that the portal wore the disguise of a media house to demean India. Some mainstream politi- cians of India and foreign forces are also with such por- tals, and they have been work- ing as a gang in a planned way, he alleged. Whenever any ‘’good’’ happens in the country, be it the Covid vaccination policy or the Central Vista project, some people targeted it, alleged the BJP spokesperson. ³0]cX8]SXPT[TT]cb R^[[dSX]VfXcWU^aTXV] U^aRTbc^STUPT8]SXP´ ?=BQ =4F34;78 Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Sunday asked the Defence Ministry to look into issue of closing of public roads in the Secunderabad Cantonment causing difficulty to several people living in the surrounding areas. Naidu flagged this issue when newly appointed Minister of State for defence Ajay Bhatt called upon him here. Officials said the Vice President suggested to the min- ister to look into the closure of public roads in detail and take steps to mitigate the hardship faced by the people. In this context, Naidu also mentioned about a recent let- ter written by the Telangana government to Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on the issue. Bhatt assured the Vice President to examine the mat- ter and address the concerns of the people. Naidu took up the issue as there are restrictions on using the road passing through the cantonment for the last few months leading to unrest amongst the colonies. The restrictions were imposed by the Local Military Authority(LMA). The issue even reached the Supreme Court last year. Use of roads by public in the cantonments have led to controversies in the past too. In order to sort out this issue, then Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in June 2018 announced the decision to open the roads for common public. She had said the decision was taken after a detailed review was carried out and feed back taken from the local military authorities(LMA). She, however, clarified the decision was only for cantonments where civil and military personnel live together. Sitharaman said the rule did not apply to military bases and military stations. Sitharaman also said a list of all the roads closed was drawn up by the Director General Defence Estates (DGDE) which was then sent to local military authorities of all cantonment boards to cor- roborate. “After this exercise we have come to know 850 roads were under closure in 62 can- tonments…. From among the 850, 119 were close whenev- er they were without follow- ing the laid down procedure. So, in a way the complaints which were coming from elected representatives have some reason somewhere,” she had said. Even after the deci- sion from the 119 roads only 80 have been opened and 24 still remain closed, she stated. The opening of roads was criticized by several military families who claimed their security would be affected. In fact, wives of some officers had also started a sig- nature campaign in 2018 against opening of the roads. ³ATeXbXc^eTc^R[^bTa^PSb´ ?=BQ =4F34;78 Ahead of parliament Monsoon Session begin- ning on Monday, Congress president Sonia Gandhi has reconstituted the party’s Parliament groups for both Houses for effective function- ing of the party. Putting all speculation to rest, the party decided to continue with Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury as leader of the party in the Lok Sabha. In the Lok Sabha, the group has Adhir Ranjan Choudhury, Gaurav Gogoi, Manish Tewari, K. Suresh, Manickam Tagore, Shashi Tharoor and Ravneet Bittu. While in the Rajya Sabha, Mallikarjun Kharge nominated as LoP, Anand Sharma, Jairam Ramesh, Ambika Soni, Digvijaya Singh, P. Chidambaram and K.C. Venugopal will lead the charge against the Government. “I have decided to recon- stitute the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha groups to facilitate and ensure effective functioning of our party in both Houses of Parliament,” Sonia Gandhi, as Chairman of the Congress Parliamentary party, said in a letter issued on Sunday. The letter says they will meet regularly during the ses- sion and afterwards whenever required, and Kharge has been authorised to convene joint meetings. Party sources said Congress has decided to raise issues of inflation, fuel price hike, Covid mismanagement, and the bor- der issue with China in the upcoming Monsoon Session. The party strategy group for Parliament, chaired by party chief Sonia Gandhi, had met last week and the members were also of the view that it should raise the Rafale issue after the recent development in France, where a probe in alleged kickbacks has been initiated. Coordination with other opposition parties has been entrusted to Rajya Sabha leader Mallikarjun Kharge as the party wants joint opposition strategy in the house to corner the Government. “Congress party will raise the issue of high inflation in the forthcoming Session of Parliament and demand a full discussion on the subject as well as substantial relief for the people of India,” said former Union Minister P. Chidambaram. B^]XPaTYXVb?Pa[ Va^d_bPWTPS^U ^]b^^]BTbbX^] ?=BQ =4F34;78 After intense heat for the last four days, light to moder- ate rainfall on Sunday evening has brought some relief from hot and humid weather condi- tions in some parts of north India. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has pre- dicted intense rainfall activity over north India from July 19- 21 and over the west coast till July 23 over north India where the heavy rain belt has checked in afresh. The onset of mon- soon has brought incessant rains in several parts of the country, including Mumbai where massive overnight downpour led to at least 25 deaths and six injured and massive damage following landslides on Sunday morning. Several parts of the Maharashtra capital reported waterlogging while rainwater entered many houses. Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Science Technology; Minister of State (Independent Charge) Earth Sciences, Dr Jitendra Singh on Sunday visited Mausam Bhavan and reviewed the Monsoon trends at the India Meteorological Department (IMD) headquar- ters. The Minister spent over an hour, personally studying the Southwest monsoon trends. He also went to the exclusive Satellite and Radar Sections, and discussed the process of procurement of data on a real- time basis. He was informed that monsoon rainfall was 10% above normal in June and 26% deficient till date in July. According to the IMD, rainfall activity is likely to increase over North-West India with fairly widespread to wide- spread rainfall with isolated heavy to very heavy falls along the hills (Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh, Gilgit, Baltistan, Muzaffarabad, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand) and adjoining Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and north Madhya Pradesh from July 18 to 21. Satellite pictures on Sunday morning showed intense clouds over the north- ern parts of the country spread across Jabalpur, Bhopal, Saurashtra, Udaipur, Kota, Jaipur, Allahabad, Lucknow and Delhi, among others. Rain- battered Mumbai remains cloudy but can expect thun- dershowers from noon. There will be decrease in rainfall activity over the same regions thereafter. “The active monsoon is propped up by the crucial land-based monsoon trough with its western end at the nor- mal position and expected to move further north to host an intense wet session over North India,” said officials. The IMD said moderate to severe thunderstorms with lightning are very likely at iso- lated places over Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and east Rajasthan during the next 24 hours. “They may cause injuries leading to casualties to people and animals staying outdoor,” the IMD cautioned. Isolated, extreme heavy rainfall is also very likely over Uttarakhand on July 18 and 19 and over northwestern parts of UP on July 19. Moderate to heavy rainfall at isolated places are also very likely over Delhi and Chandigarh on July 18 and 19. Western and southern India is also expected to receive heavy rains. Widespread rain- fall with isolated heavy to very heavy rains are very likely to continue over the western coast and adjoining inland areas during the next 5-6 days. Heavy rains have been battering parts of Maharashtra. The IMD said isolated, extremely heavy falls are also very likely over Konkan region and Goa adjoining the ghat areas of central Maharashtra, coastal and south interior Karnataka during July 18 to 19 and over Gujarat region on July 18. Isolated heavy falls are like- ly over east and adjoining cen- tral India from July 22 onwards. The IMD turned the alert from ‘orange’ to ‘red’ for Mumbai in the backdrop of the heavy rains. According to officials, its Doppler radar has captured a cloud top height of nearly 18 kms or 60,000 feet. The storm described as “massive” and “monstrous”, formed initially over Raigad district late Saturday, then slowly moved north along the west coast till it reached south Gujarat. 1RUWK,QGLDJHWVUHOLHIDIWHU GDVRIVZHOWHULQJKHDW ?=BQ =4F34;78 Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday advised NDA leaders to have maxi- mum participation during dis- cussions in the Parliament. He asked the parliamentarians and ministers to come to the Parliament with utmost pre- paredness and well in time before the debate even as he asked the coalition’s floor lead- ers to ensure presence of all NDA MPs during presentation of Bills and their passage. Besides, Modi stressed on better floor coordination in the Parliament, and asked the lead- ers to remain present as much as possible. NDA MPs were sought to present well- informed views before the Parliament and not to make casual comments. His advise came as he chaired a meeting of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA)floor leaders on Sunday, a day before the Parliament ses- sion begins and discussed the strategy to be adopted vis-a-vis the Opposition. The NDA met after some of its key allies, including JDU and Apna Dal (S), have been given a much -delayed repre- sentation in the union council of ministers on July seven when the Prime Minister undertook a major overhaul. The exit of Shiv Sena and Shiromani Akali Dal and pass- ing away of union Minister Ramvilas Paswan, created vacancies for the allies and were pending to be filled. Besides Modi, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, Home Minister Amit Shah and BJP president J P Nadda were pre- sent in the meeting. Leaders of NDA constituent parties were in attendance in strength. These included Apna Dal leader Anupriya Patel, JD(U) leader Ram Nath Thakur, AIADMK leader A Navaneethakrishnan, RPI leader Ramdas Athawale and LJP leader Pashupati Paras among others. Around 29 bills are expect- ed to be moved during the ses- sion. The meeting was called to finalise the floor strategy for the session. The Monsoon session of Parliament is scheduled to continue till August 13. CPZT_PacX]STQPcTbc^PgXdc^PZT BTbbX^]PbdRRTbb^SXc^=30[TPSTab CWT=30TcPUcTab^T^UXcb ZThP[[XTbX]R[dSX]V93DP]S 0_]P3P[BWPeTQTT]VXeT]P dRWST[PhTSaT_aTbT]cPcX^]X]cWT D]X^]2^d]RX[^UX]XbcTab^]9d[h fWT]cWT?aXTX]XbcTad]STac^^ZP PY^a^eTaWPd[ New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has lauded retired Army Major Pramila Singh for taking care of help- less stray animals by spending her, as well as her father’s, per- sonal funds during Covid-19 crisis. A resident of Rajasthan’s Kota, Pramila, along with her father Shyamveer Singh, arranged food for and treat- ment of the stray animals roaming on the streets. Praising Pramila, the Prime Minister has described her efforts as an inspiration for the society for understanding the pain of animals and coming forward to help them. “In the last almost one and a half years, we have faced unprecedented situations with fortitude. This is such a his- torical period that people will not forget for the rest of their lives. This is a difficult period not only for humans but also for many creatures living in close proximity of humans. “In such a situation, it is commendable for you to be sensitive to the pain and needs of destitute animals and to work with full potential at the individual level for their wel- fare,” the Prime Minister wrote in a letter to her. Modi also mentioned in his letter that in this difficult time, many such examples have been seen which have given us a cause to feel pride in humani- ty. He expressed hope that Major Pramila and her father will continue to inspire people with their work by spreading awareness in the society with their initiatives. Earlier, the former army officer had written a letter to the Prime Minister informing that the work of taking care of animals, which she started dur- ing the lockdown, is still con- tinuing. IANS ?_aPXbTbaTcXaTS0ah^UUXRTa U^acPZX]VRPaT^UbcaPhP]XP[b A0:4B7:B8=67Q =4F34;78 The Central paramilitary forces are all set to soon implement a software-based rotational transfer policy between hard and soft posting of their personnel. The idea is the brainchild of Union Home Minister Amit Shah. While the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) and Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) have readied the software, the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Border Security Force (BSF) and Assam Rifles are in the advanced stage of develop- ment of the application. Shah’s direction for devel- opment of a software-based rotational transfer policy was communicated to the para- military forces in January last year but the development of the application was delayed due to the onset of the Covid-19 in early 2020. With considerable lapse of time following the Home Minister’s directive, the Union Home Ministry had decided to review the progress of the development of the software in a meeting under the chair- manship of the Secretary (Border Management) of the Union Home Ministry on July 15 but the meeting could not be held as scheduled and a fresh date for the same is likely to be notified soon, officials said. “During the meeting, rep- resentatives of CISF, ITBP and SSB will be required to organize a live demonstration of their software being used in rotational transfer in compli- ance of Shah’s directives to the effect,” officials said. The CRPF, BSF and Assam Rifles will be required to indicate the progress made in implementation of the directive and development of the software for facilitation of the rotational transfer policy within their ranks. “A fair transfer mecha- nism through a software application is not only expect- ed to cut the unnecessary delays in approvals of transfer but will also do away with whimsical decisions of the seniors. The move is also expected to lead to a reduction in stress of the personnel deployed in hard postings with inherent travails amid vagaries of nature and dynam- ic security challenges besides being away from their fami- lies. Besides timely grant of leave, transfer from hard to soft posting has been a major grievance of the forces’ per- sonnel, especially the lower rung staffers,” a senior official in a paramilitary said. =^fb^UcfPaTQPbTSa^cPcX^]P[ caP]bUTa_^[XRhU^a_PaPX[XcPahU^aRTb CWT^eTXbP[b^ Tg_TRcTSc^[TPS c^PaTSdRcX^]X] bcaTbb^UcWT _Tab^]]T[ ST_[^hTSX]WPaS _^bcX]Vb BXcWPaPP]P[b^ bPXSP[Xbc^UP[[cWT a^PSbR[^bTSfPb SaPf]d_QhcWT 3XaTRc^a6T]TaP[ 3TUT]RT4bcPcTb 3634fWXRWfPb cWT]bT]cc^[^RP[ X[XcPahPdcW^aXcXTb ^UP[[RP]c^]T]c Q^PaSbc^ R^aa^Q^aPcT ?C8Q =4F34;78 Atotal of 326 cases were reg- istered in the country under the controversial colo- nial-era penal law on sedition between 2014 and 2019 in which just six persons were convicted. The Supreme Court last week observed that Section 124 (A) of the IPC — offence of sedition — has been enor- mously misused and asked the Centre why it was not repealing the provision used by the British to “silence” peo- ple like Mahatma Gandhi to suppress the freedom move- ment. !%bTSXcX^]RPbTb UX[TSQTcfTT]! # (* ^][h%R^]eXRcTS
  • 5. ]PcX^]$ 347A03D=k=30H k9D;H (!! ?A0344?B0G4=0Q 0;860A7 Prof M U Rabbani, Chairman, Department of Cardiology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC), Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) has been elected as the President of the Cardiology Society of India-UP Chapter. He has attributed his success to AMU Vice Chancellor, Prof Tariq Mansoor and said, “It has been possible only because of Vice Chancellor’s policy of excellence in academics and work culture. Prof Rabbani is a Fellow of European Society of Cardiology, American College of Cardiology, American College of Chest Physicians, Indian Society of Cardiology and International College of Angiology. He has been the Vice-President of the Cardiological Society of India-UP chapter (2008 to 2010) and Clinical Secretary, Indian Medical Association, Aligarh (2003 to 2005). Prof Rabbani has over three decades of teaching, research, clinical and administrative experience. He has authored medical books and contributed numer- ous articles in peer-reviewed journals. ?C8 Q :0=?DA An inquiry was ordered after images of a scuffle between a sub-inspector and a woman, who alleged that she was dragged to the ground and assaulted by the cop, appeared on social media, though the police here refuted her claim citing video clips of the inci- dent. SI Mahendra Patel was taken off active duty on Saturday night to ensure a free and fair probe, officials said. Superintendent of Police of Kanpur Dehat, Keshav Kumar Choudhry, said that a photo- graph of the SI allegedly over- powering a woman in Durgadaspur village of Kanpur (Rural) on Saturday went viral on social media. The officer said an inquiry was ordered as it was alleged by the woman that the SI pulled her to the ground and hit her after sitting on top of her as she did not agree to his demands for sparing her husband who was to be arrested. The SP, however, said that images of the incident showed the woman caught hold of the SI's collar after which he fell on her. Circle Officer (Akbarpur) Arun Kumar Singh has been asked to probe the matter properly and submit a report at the earliest, the SP said and added that fur- ther action would be taken on the basis of the findings. Yadav was allegedly gam- bling with his few friends and was caught by the police but his mother and wife got him forcibly freed which led to a scuffle between the SI and the women, said another senior official who did not wish to be named. ?C8 Q =4F34;78 More than two years after the Lokpal came into being, the Centre is yet to appoint a director of inquiry for conducting prelim- inary inquiry into graft complaints sent by the anti-corruption ombudsman, according to an RTI reply. The Lokpal, the apex body to inquire and investigate graft com- plaints against public functionar- ies, came into being with the appointment of its chairperson and members in March 2019. According to the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013, there shall be a director of inquiry, not below the rank of joint secretary to the government of India, who shall be appointed by the central Government for conducting pre- liminary inquiries referred to the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) by the Lokpal. Although Director of Inquiry has not been appointed by Govt. of India, cases are being received in the Commission for conducting preliminary inquiries, the CVC said in its reply to an RTI query filed by this journalist. Forty-one cases have been received for preliminary inquiry as of March 2021. Out of these, reports in 36 cases have been sent to the Lokpal of India, the com- mission said in its reply dated July 5. The CVC was asked to provide details of the director of inquiry and cases referred to it by the Lokpal for conducting prelimi- nary inquiries, among others. According to the latest official data, the Lokpal received 12 com- plaints of corruption, including eight against senior Government officials, between April and June this year. As many as 110 complaints, including four against Members of Parliament (MPs), were received by the Lokpal during 2020-21, a decline of over 92 per cent from 1,427 plaints received in 2019-20. Of the total of 12 com- plaints received in the first three months of the ongoing fiscal, eight were against Group A or B officials and four were against chairperson/ member/officer/employee in any body/board/corporation/authori- ty/company/society/trust/autonom ous body wholly or partially financed by the central government or controlled by it, according to the Lokpal data. Nagpur: The Enforcement Directorate conducted searches at two residences of former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh in Nagpur district on Sunday as part of a probe into a money laun- dering case, a police official said. Two separate teams of the ED searched Deshmukh's house in Katol town, located about 60 km from here, and his ancestral home at Wadvihira village near Katol, he said. The searches started at around 6 am, he said. The official said the search is still on at the Katol premises of Deshmukh, while the search at Wadvihira concluded around 12 noon. The ED is conducting a probe into the money laundering case related to an alleged multi-crore bribery-cum-extortion racket that led to Deshmukh's resignation from the post of home minister in April this year. The central agency recently arrested Deshmukh's personal secretary Sanjeev Palande (51) and personal assistant Kundan Shinde (45) after it carried out raids against them and the NCP leader in Mumbai and Nagpur. Deshmukh had earlier skipped ED's summons for questioning in the case. PTI Lucknow: Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Sunday said her party is open- minded about forging an alliance with other political parties for the Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls. Asked whether the Congress will go it alone on all the 403 Assembly seats in the State or align with some political party, the party general secretary told reporters in an informal meeting here, It is too early to say. On whether she is ruling out an alliance or not, she said, I do not rule out (alliance). We are absolutely not closed-minded. We are having an open mind. Our aim is to defeat the BJP, she said, adding that other politi- cal parties should also be open- minded. She added that the organisation is also her area of focus, and a lot of work have been done on it, and in a silent manner. I have an open mind, but my priority is my party, she said. To a question on the party becoming active in her presence and tending to become inactive as soon as she leaves the state, the Congress leader said, When I come (here), there is the media focus and you pay atten- tion. But when I am not here, you do not give any attention. But our work is going on. We have done the maximum work during the Covid that we are the ones who have raised issues. Congress is no longer confined to garlanding photographs. Our party has been out of power for 30-32 years, and it has become weak. However, full efforts have been made, and a lot of energy has come (into the party), she added. Priyanka Gandhi also said that plans are afoot to revamp the Congress Seva Dal in the state. She also slammed the BJP over its statement that she was a polit- ical tourist. Stating that she is not a polit- ical tourist, the Congress general secretary said that the BJP's pro- paganda is to show her and her brother Rahul Gandhi as non- serious politicians. Later, Priyanka Gandhi inter- acted with senior party leaders of the state, including UP Congress chief Ajay Kumar Lallu, co- incharge of Uttar Pradesh Dheeraj Gurjar, UP Congress spokesperson Ashok Singh and Naseemuddin Siddiqui, a Congress leader said. PTI 9RgVR_`aV_^Z_U`_W`cXZ_X R]]ZR_TVW`cFAa`]]d+AcZjR_R B0D60AB4=6D?C0 Q :;:0C0 The BJP has dared the Opposition par- ties to prove Minister of State Nisith Pramanik’s Bangladeshi origin even as the Trinamool Congress and Left on Sunday joined chorus with the Congress seeking probe and immediate resignation of the Union Minister. A day after Assam Pradesh Congress president and MP Ripun Bora demand- ed a probe into Pramanik’s alleged Bangladeshi background citing media reports on the “matter of grave concern that a foreign national is … Union Minister,” and the Trinamool Congress expressing its “shock”, the Bengal BJP spokesperson Samik Bhattacharya said, “Instead of making noise on flimsy issues the Opposition should prove its point … We would request the TMC Ministers and the Congress leaders to furnish evidence to back their case.” Earlier Bengal Indranil Sen said he was shocked and stunned to learn that Union Minister Nishith Pramanik might be a citizen of Bangladesh.” Similarly Education Minister Bratya Basu that the Congress MP was asking the right ques- tion adding “the matter should be inves- tigated,” because it was a matter of national security. Bora had written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi referring to some media reports suggesting Pramanik was originally from Harinathpur in Palashbari police station of Gaibandha district in Bangladesh and that he had come to India to study computer science. The report said that the people of his ancestral village had rejoiced at his being appointed as the Home Minister of India. “It's a matter of grave concern that a foreign national is an incumbent Union Minister,” Bora wrote to the Prime Minister seeking inquiry into it. The report had appeared in a Bangladeshi face- book post. Wading into the controversy North Bengal MLA Partha Pratim Roy said that “if the post is false then the Government should take legal action against the FB page and if it is true then it knows what it should do.” The 35-year-old Pramanik, one of the youngest Union Ministers ever in the country has shown Dinhata in Cooch Behar district as his birth place. He was earlier a Trinamool member and later joined the BJP. Though Pramanik maintained silence on the issue Bengal BJP general secretary Sayantan Basu hit out at the TMC and Congress for “false and raising flimsy issues,” even as he said “they are making false and unsubstantiated allegations … if they have any proof then they should go and submit them before the President of India … the onus of proof lies on the person who claims.” B0D60AB4=6D?C0 Q :;:0C0 After her thumping victory in the Bengal Assembly elections, Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee is planning to carry her swords to the enemy camps — right in the backyards of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP to be specific— ahead of the 2024 general elec- tions. Accordingly, the Trinamool Congress supremo who is scheduled to deliver her first July 21 TMC Martyr’s Day speech from Constitutional Club in Delhi has made plans to get herself heard in all the 32 districts of Gujarat, many dis- tricts of Uttar Pradesh, Tripura, Assam, Jharkhand, Punjab and not the least Tamil Nadu where she is likely to be publicized as “Mamata Amma,” senior party men said. This apart, the party is ready with a digital plan to promote Banerjee as a possible claimant of the Prime Minister’s chair for which the party MPs have been asked to lobby in Parliament too. Accordingly in 2024 Lok Sabha elections the TMC will go campaigning in Bengal with the slogan “Bangla nijer meye kei Pradhan Mantri chai (Bengal wants her daughter as the Prime Minister).” Back to July 21programme, the TMC would erect 50 giant screens in 32 districts of Gujarat where Banerjee’s speech would be shown. Similar giant screens would be put up in various dis- tricts of UP, Jharkhand, Assam, Tripura and Tamil Nadu said a senior party leader reminding how TMC national general sec- retary Abhishek Banerjee had earlier said that “this time we will go to other States not to fight elections but to win them.” On whether the Chief Minister’s Delhi visit was a part of her lobbying with the nation- al leaders on her party’s future plans Trinamool spokesperson Kunal Ghosh said “when a national leader like Mamata Banerjee goes to Delhi there is certainly some movement and naturally many leaders will come and discuss issues with her.” Mumbai: Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray and BJP state president Chandrakant Patil met in Nashik on Sunday. Patil later told reporters that he and Thackeray only exchanged pleasantries and nothing more, as they share warm and friendly relations since their student days. Both the leaders are in Nashik to take stock of the preparedness of their respective parties for civic elections. Nashik is among 10 civic bodies where polls are due next year. The two leaders met when Thackeray's convoy entered a guest gouse while Patil was leaving the premises. They spoke to each other for a few minutes, moving away from their aides and security staff. Later, Patil said, We both were in the stu- dents' wings of our respective parties and share a friendly relation since the last 40 years, he said. Asked if the friendship will bear fruit in the forthcoming civic polls, Patil said, Friendship and politics are two differ- ent things. Even though I am the state BJP president, our leader Devendra Fadnavis will take the final decision. PTI :D0A274;;0??0=Q :278 Saturday marked the begin- ning of Ramayana Month in Kerala with all Hindu homes reverberating with recitation of the lyrics from Adhyatma Ramayanam, authored by Thunchathu Ramanujan Ezhuthachan, considered as the father of Malayalam lan- guage. For the next 30 days, the early mornings and late evenings see elders in the fam- ily reciting the Ramayana slokas as the younger ones sit listening to the lyrics coated with philosophical aspects of life. “After the recitation, the lis- teners are sure to get a choice of sweets including ‘payasam’ and this could be one of the reasons behind the rapt atten- tion,” said Poojappura Krishnan Nair, an authority on Ramayana. Observation of Ramayana Month ( Malayalam month of Karkkidaka which synchs with Aashada and Sravana) has been in vogue for centuries though it took a systematic form dur- ing the last four decades. “People in Kerala are not famil- iar with Valmiki Ramayana because Adhyatma Ramayana was more popular among the Malayalam speaking popula- tion. The puritans of the epic prefer Valmiki Ramayana,” said Prof Nair. Ezhuthachan was born in Tirur of Malappuram district sometime in 16th century. There are no details about his date of birth but the place he was born is known as Thunachan Parambu, where thousands gather every Vijaya Dasami day for initiating their children into the world of let- ters. Ezhuthachan Prize is the highest literary award in Kerala and carries with it a cash prize of C5,00,000/- and is rated as the zenith of one’s literary career. Sadly enough, the author- ities and representatives of people in Tirur do not allow the installation of a statue of the Father of Malayalam language anywhere in the district. “Statues of a non-Muslim is against Islamic laws and there is no possibility of Ezhuthachan statue being installed here. The district has a massive Muslim population and people do not like the idea of the Statue,” said Ali Akbar, noted movie maker. The long standing demand for installing the statue of the Father of Malayalam language is likely to remain on paper as religion has taken the driver’s seat in the district. Kolkata: Tributes poured in for Kadambini Ganguly, one of Indias first two women doctors on Sunday, her 160th birth anniversary. Along with Anandi Joshi, Ganguly became the first woman in colonial India to study medicine and earn a degree in 1886. While Joshi studied at Womans Medical College of Pennsylvania in the US, Ganguly pursued western medicine at Calcutta Medical College (CMC). Born Kadambini Bose in Bhagalpur, she was the daugh- ter of well-known Brahmo Samaj reformer Braja Kishore Basu and was deeply influenced by the ongoing Bengal renais- sance. She fought a long battle to be admitted to the Calcutta Medical College before quali- fying as a practicing doctor, after becoming along with Chandramukhi Basu, one of Calcutta Universitys first women graduates. Among others, Google Doodle honoured the countrys first woman doctor with a spe- cial graphic on her. The doodle, a portrait of Ganguly with the image of the main building of Calcutta Medical College, now officially called the Kolkata Medical College and Hospital in the background, has been designed by Bengaluru-based artist Oddrija, and it was wide- ly shared across the country. Social media saw an out- pouring of tributes that hailed Ganguly as a champion of womens rights in India. After her marriage with Brahmo reformer Dwarkanath Ganguly, the couple battled CMCs prohibition on women studying there, and Kadambini joined the medical college on June 23, 1883 despite strong criticism from the colonial society. She was awarded the Graduate of Medical College of Bengal (GMCB) degree in 1886, which even attracted the attention of Florence Nightingale who enquired about Ganguly from a friend in a letter in 1888. Ganguly later studied in Britain. A champion of womens rights, Ganguly was among the six members of the first all- women delegation to the 1889 Indian National Congress.Among other move- ments, Kadimbini Devi as she was popularly called, PTI @b_fU@bQ]Q^Y[µc2µTUcXY RQS[Wb_e^T*2:@d_?`` (HRQ70WRDLU 0DPDWD V0DUWUV 'D VSHHFKDFURVV,QGLD ?^[XRT_Tab^]]T[R^]SdRcPPaRWX]cWTRXchPaTPPWTPS^UcWT4XSP[0SWPUTbcXeP[ SdaX]VcWT2^eXSX]SdRTS[^RZS^f]X]:PaPS^]Bd]SPh ?C8 43bTPaRWTb!W^Tb ^UTgPWP7^TX] 0]X[3TbWdZW =4H;0D=34A8=6?A14 5DM7KDFNHUD 0DKD%-3KHDG PHHWLQ1DVKLN 5DPDDQDEHLQJUHFLWHGEXWUHDO DXWKRUUHPDLQVXQNQRZQLQ.HUDOD ?a^UAPQQP]X^U0DT[TRcTS _aTbXST]c^U2PaSX^[^Vh B^RXTch´b8]SXPD?RWP_cTa CaXQdcTb_^daX]U^a:PSPQX]X6P]Vd[h^]T^U 8]SXP´bUXabcf^P]S^Rc^ab^]WTaQXacWP]]Xe 2T]caThTcc^P__^X]cSXaTRc^a^UX]`dXah c^_a^QTR^_[PX]cbUa^;^Z_P[)AC8 ,QTXLURUGHUHG LQWRZRPDQFRS VFXIIOHLQ.DQSXU ?^[XRT_Tab^]]T[R^]SdRcPPaRWX]cWTRXchPaTPPWTPS^UcWT4XSP[0SWPUTbcXeP[SdaX]VcWT2^eXSX]SdRTS[^RZS^f]X]:PaPS^]Bd]SPh ?C8 ±?T^_[TX]:TaP[PPaT]^cUPX[XPa fXcWEP[XZXAPPhP]PQTRPdbT 0SWhPcPAPPhP]PfPb^aT _^_d[PaP^]VcWTP[PhP[P b_TPZX]V_^_d[PcX^]CWT_daXcP]b^U cWTT_XR_aTUTaEP[XZXAPPhP]P² ?=BQ ;D2:=F Ahead of the 2022 Uttar Pradesh Assembly elec- tions, Bahujan Samaj Party supremo Mayawati on Sunday announced the launch of a campaign from Ayodhya to reach out to Brahmin voters and assured the community that its interests would be safe- guarded if her party came to power. Mayawati announced to hold a ''Brahmin sammelan'' on July 23 in Ayodhya to connect with the community. “A campaign, led by BSP general secretary Satish Chandra Mishra, will be start- ed from Ayodhya on July 23 to awaken the Brahmin commu- nity once again. I am fully con- fident that members of the Brahmin community will not get misled by the Bharatiya Janata Party and will vote for the BSP in the upcoming elec- tions,” Mayawati said on Sunday. “The Brahmins will be assured that their interests will remain safe under the BSP regime,” the former Chief Minister and Dalit leader said. “The Brahmin communi- ty should support her party like the Dalit community which has remained loyal to her party despite BJP’s money power and other methods to influence them,” she said. The BJP and Congress used all means to influence Dalits. They used money power, people say, they made false promises and even used media to influence the Dalit community. But the good thing is that Dalits have not been misled by these fake promises. Though we lost the last Assembly election, the vote percentage from the Dalit com- munity has been intact. It has not even gone to the Samajwadi Party, Mayawati said. PhPfPcXSTRXSTbc^W^[S 1aPWX]bPT[P]X] 0h^SWhP^]9d[h!