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Bismillaah hir Rahman nir Raheem 
• He who performs Hajj for to submit to the will of Allah and indulges neither into any 
obscenity nor resort to any disobedience to Allah shall return in a state in which he was 
born to his mother (i.e. absolved of all sins) (Sahih Bukhari kitab al manasik) 
• For women, the best holy war (against infidels) i.e. ‘Jihaad’ is an accepted pilgrimage 
(Hajj-E-Mabroor) (Sahih Bukhari Kitab al manasik) 
Note: A Hajj full of virtuousness is said to be a (Hajj-E-Mabroor) (Sahih Bukhari) 
• An accepted Pilgrimage (Hajj-E-Mabroor), after faith (Imaan) and Holy war against 
infidels (Jihaad) stands out with an honorable rank. (Sahih Bukhari) 
• There is no requital but paradise for accepted pilgrimage (Hajj-E-Mabroor) (Sahih 
Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• Allah doesn’t set so many of his bondsmen free from hell on any other day save the day 
of Arafaat. Allah gets closer (to them) and in the presence of Angels, takes pride in them 
and then declares as to what the objective of these people is? (Sahih Mulsim) 
• Repeated execution of Hajj and Umrah banishes wants and sins as the furnace purifies 
iron, gold and silver from other impurities (This means perform Umrah also along with 
Hajj) (Tirmidhi, sanad Sahih) 
• Those performing Hajj and Umrah are the delegates of Allah; the people who will have 
an audience with Allah, so to say the guests of Allah. (Ibn Khazimah, Sanad Sahih) 
• The sins committed between two Umrahs are pardoned. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih 
• Performing Umrah in the month of Ramazan is equivalent to Hajj. (Sahih Bukhari and 
Sahih Muslim) 
Note: Hajj-E-Tamatta’o is one of the three kinds of Hajj in which the pilgrim robe (Ahraam) is 
taken off after performing Umrah. This is the best kind of Hajj. 
• Take provisions for a journey while leaving for Hajj. (Surah al-Baqarah: 197) 
• Do not take along the animal for sacrifice while leaving with an intention to perform 
Hajj-E-Tamatta’o (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• Use fragrance free oil before leaving home. (Sahih Bukhari) 
• Say ‘Allah-u-Akbar’ three times after boarding the vehicle and recite the following 
Subhaanal-lathee sakhkhara lanaa haathaa wa maa kunnaa lahu muqrineen. Wa 
‘innaa ‘ilaa Rabbinaa lamunqaliboon. Allaahumma ‘innaa nas’aluka fee safarinaa 
haathal-birrawattaqwaa, waminal-’amalimaa tardhaa, Allaahumma hawwin ‘alaynaa 
safaranaa haathaa watwi ‘annaa bu’dahu, Allaahumma ‘Antas-saahibu fis-safari, 
walkhaleefatu fil-’ahli, Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika min wa’thaa’is-safari, wa 
ka’aabatil-mandhari, wa soo’il-munqalabi fil-maali wa alahli. 
Translation: Divine is the entity that which gave this vehicle under our control although we 
could not have brought it under our control. Indeed we shall return to our supreme lord, the 
cherisher. O Allah! In this journey, we seek from you the virtues and piety that which you would 
choose for us. O Allah! Make this journey easy and wrap its remoteness up. O Allah! You are 
(our) sole companion in journey and the sovereign custodian of our family. O Allah! I seek your 
refuge from the hardship and discomforts of travel, from ugly happenings and scenes and from 
bad times when amidst family and wealth. (Sahih Muslim) 
The garment that which is worn while performing Hajj or Umrah is called ‘Ahraam’. One who is 
attired in Ahraam is known as ‘Mohrim’. Ahraam is worn at specific or particular places or sites. 
Each of these places is known as ‘Meeqat’. Zulhalifa is the Meeqat for the people of Madina; 
Qarmul Manazil for those from Najad; Hujfah for people of Syria and ‘Yalimlam’ for the people 
of Yemen. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
• For Iraqis it is Zaat-E-Arq (Sahih Muslim, Al-Baihaqi—sanad Sahih) 
• For the Egyptians, Hujfah. ( (Sunan Nisai—sanad Sahih) 
• Those who live between these Meeqaat and Makka-E-Moazzama should put on Ahraam 
in their own locality (village, town, city). Those living in Makka-E-Moazzama should do 
so from Makka-E-Moazzama. Those living in places other than mentioned above should 
wear ‘Ahraam’ from those Meeqat which happen to be on their way to the holy place. 
(Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• After having reached Meeqat, wash head with Khatmi or Ishnaan etc and apply some oil 
on head (al-bazaar, sanad Hasan) 
Katmi: A plant with pink flowers growing in regions with muddy waters. 
• And then take bath. (Al-Hakim, Sanad Sahih) 
• In case, if wearing saffron mixed fragrance, wash the body three times then use the best 
available fragrance on head and beard. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• Then it is for man to take two sheets of cloth which have not been scented with any 
saffron mixed perfume and then put on Ahraam with these two sheets; one to cover the 
head and upper part of the body and the other, for the lower part (i.e., below the waist). 
(Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• Shoes can be worn but not any clothes other than those two sheets. Neither wear an 
Amama nor a cap; not wear even socks. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• Woman may wear ornaments and all kind of garments. (Abu Dawood, sanad Sahih) 
• But neither hide her face nor wear gloves (Sahih Bukhari) 
• Both, man and woman, should not wear any cloth dyed with saffron and ‘vars’ (Sahih 
Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• There is nothing wrong if any shine or perfume is traced in the head or beard or a 
fragrance emanates from the head or the beard. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• Immediately, after having worn Ahraam, recite “Alhamdulillaah”, Subhan Allaah”, “Laa 
ilaaha”, and “Allaahu Akbar”: (Sahih Bukhari) 
Then facing Qibla 
say Labbaik : 
i.e., say these words. (Sahih Bukhari) 
Labbaik bil ‘Umrati 
Translation: Present I am O Allah! I am present for Umrah 
Say these words twice (Sahih Muslim)
Labbaik Umratan 
Keep reciting aloud the following Talbeeh continuously: (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Abu 
Dawud—sanad Sahih, Tirmidhi—sanad Sahih) 
Labbayka Allaahumma Labbayka, Labbayaka Laasharee Ka laka Labbayak, Innal 
hamda wanne’mata laka wal mulka laa shareeka laka 
Translation: Present I am. O Allah! Present I am; present I am. There is none who is partner to 
you. Present I am. Indeed praise of all kind and goodness is for you and the magnificence of 
kingship too is to you alone; there is none who is partner to you. 
Then at times say this also: (Ibn Majah, sanad Sahih) 
Labbayka ilaaha al-haqqi, labbayka 
Translation: present I am. O Allah! The Inevitable Deity. I am present. 
• Continue reciting ‘Labbaik’ until reaching near Haram but once near Haram, stop 
reciting.(Sahih Bukhari) 
• After having reached a place known as “Zee Tawa”, stay there and spend a night. Then 
take bath after the Morning Prayer (i.e. Salaat-ul-Fajr). (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih 
• Then on the same day (Sahih Muslim) 
• In the morning: (Sahih Bukhari) 
• From the direction of height that is by entering Bathaa, going via Sanital Alia and Kada’a 
take an entry into Makka-E-Moazzama. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
• Perform ablution after reaching Makka-E-Moazzama. (sahih bukhari and sahih muslim) 
• Then come near Hajre-Aswad: (Sahih Muslim, Abu Dawud—sanad Sahih) 
• and say (Masnad Imam Ahmad, sanad Sahih) 
Bismillaahi wa Allaahu akbaru 
• Then kiss Hajre-Aswad. If not possible to kiss it then touch it with hand and kiss the 
hand. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• If it is not possible to touch Hajre-Aswad even with the hand then touch it with a cane 
(Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) and then kiss the cane. (Sahih Muslim) 
• If it is not possible to touch Hajre-Aswad even with a cane then point any object towards 
Hajre-Aswad. (Sahih Bukhari) 
• Then by taking out the cloth sheet from under the right armpit; put over the left shoulder 
(This process is called Iztebaa). Keep the left shoulder covered. (Tirmidhi, Sanad Sahih) 
• Then circumambulate the Holy Ka’aba by commencing it from the right side. 
• While circumambulating, the Holy Ka’aba should be on to the left side. Cover the 
distance between Hajre-Aswad and Rukn-e-Yamaanee by running and walking in a rigid 
and stiff manner (This is called Ramall). Touch Rukn-e-Yamaanee after reaching it. 
(Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, and At-Tirmidhi, sanad Sahih) 
• Then with normal gait, leave for Hajre-Aswad. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• Recite this supplication between Rukn-e-Yamaanee and Hajre-Aswad. (Masnad Ahmad, 
Sanad Sahih) 
Rabbanna aatinaa fiddunya hasanatan wa fee al aakhirati hasnatan wa 
qina adhaaban an-naar
Translation: O our Supreme Lord! Bless us with goodness in this world and the world here after 
and protect us from the torment of hell. 
Then on reaching Hajre-Aswad, say 
“Allahu Akbar” 
and kiss it or (Sahih Bukhari, Abu Dawud—sanad Hasan) 
Touch with the hand and kiss the hand or touch with a cane and kiss the cane (Sahih Muslim) 
or make a sign or gesture towards it with some object. (Sahih Bukari) 
• Similarly circumambulate twice that is to perform ‘Ramall’ in first three rounds then 
complete four rounds with normal gait.(Sahih Bukari and Sahih Muslim) 
• Execute all actions in each round in the same manner as in the rounds before. 
However, cover the right shoulder also in the last four rounds. Keeping the right shoulder 
exposed is specifically related only to Ramall.(Abu Dawud, Sanad Sahih) 
• On reaching ‘Muqaam-e-Ibraheem’ after having completed seven rounds, recite this: 
Wattakhidhoo mimmaqaami ibraaheema musallaa 
Translation: And make the place of Ibraheem a place for offering prayers. (Sahih Muslim) 
• Then stand in a manner to yield ‘Muqaam-e-Ibraheem’ between yourself and the Holy 
Ka’aba. (Sahih Muslim) 
• Then offer two Rakaat prayers (Salaat) (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• Recite Surah “Qul Yaa Ayyu hal Kaafiroon” and Surah “Qul hu Allaahu Ahad” in these 
• After the conclusion of prayers (Salaat), kiss Hajre-Aswad (or touch with a hand or a 
cane and kiss the hand or the cane or point an object towards it) (Sahih Muslim, Sunan 
Baihaqi—Sanad Sahih) (Sahih Muslim, Sunan Baihaqi—Sanad Sahih 
• Then go to the well of Zum-Zum. Drink it and pour some on the head. (Masnad 
Ahmad—Sanad Jayyad)
• Then come out of ‘Baab-e-Safaa’ and go towards ‘Koh-e-Safaa’. (Sahih Muslim) 
• On reaching near Koh-e-Safaa, recite the following: 
Innassaffaa wa al-marwata minsha’aairillaahi 
(Indeed, Safaa and Marwah are few of the signs of Allah) 
Then say this: 
Abda’u bimaa bada’Allaahu bihee 
Translation: I begin from where Allah has begun. 
Then climb up Safaa so much so that Kabaa becomes visible. Then facing Kabaa (Sahih Muslim), 
raise both the hands and declare the oneness of Allah by reciting (Abu Dawud, Sanad Sahih) 
laa ilaaha illallaahu” followed by “Allahu Akbar” 
and recite as under: 
Laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahoo laa shareeka lahoo lahu almulku wa lahual 
hamdu wa huaa alaa kulli shaiy’in qadeer. laailaaha illallahi wahdahoo 
Anjaza wa’dahoo, wa nasara ‘abdahoo wa hazama at ahzaaba wahdahoo. 
Translation: There is none who is deity and omnipotent except Allah alone. No one is partner to 
Him. The magnificence of kingship belongs only to Him and praise of all kind is for Him alone. 
He is the absolute omnipotent. There is none to be worshipped and a remover of all difficulties 
except Allah alone. He has fulfilled His promise. Helped His bondsman and He alone defeated all 
the armies.” 
Then pray to Allah. There after, recite the same words and pray; then again for the third 
time, recite the same words of praise and oneness of Allah and pray. (Sahih Muslim)
• Then descend from Safaa and walk towards Marwah. On reaching mid of the valley, start 
running (Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari) 
• Once past mid of the valley, stop running. Besides the central part of the valley, at times 
walk briskly and sometimes slowly. (Tirmidhi – Sanad Sahih) 
• While climbing Marwah keep ascending slowly. Once on top, do exactly what had been 
done at Safaa. This way one round is over. There after, in a similar manner, go to Safaa 
from Marwah only to complete the second round. Then similarly go from Safaa to 
Marwah, then Marwah to Safaa. Then Safaa to Marwah, then Marwah to Safaa, then 
Safaa to Marwah. Thus, conclude the last round at Marwah. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih 
• Recite praise and oneness of Allah each time after climbing Safaa and Marwah and pray 
as had prayed in the beginning at Safaa. (Masnad Ahmad—Sanad Sahih) 
• Then shave off the head or get the hair cut and then take off Ahraam (Sahih Bukhari and 
Sahih Muslim) 
• Women need not shave their head, instead trim off the hair a little. (Abu Dawud—Sanad 
• Once the Ahraam is taken off, all restrictions pertaining to Ahraam end. (Sahih Bukhari) 
• The Ameer is to deliver a sermon on 7th of Zilhajjah and educate about Hajj rites. (Al- 
Hakim—Sanad Sahih) 
• For those performing Hajj-e-Tamatta’o, Makka-E-Moazzama is Meeqaat. So, these 
people should put on Ahraam while still in Makka-E-Moazzama. (Sahih Muslim) 
• For performing Hajj, all the issues pertaining to Ahraam are the same as already 
described under the title of ‘Umrah’. 
• Put on Ahraam for Hajj on 8th of Zilhajjah (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• after the sun started declining (Sahih Muslim) 
• and say this: 
“Labbaik Allaahumma Labbaik bil Hajji” (Sahih Bukhari)
(Present I am, O Allah! I am present for Hajj) 
Or say this twice: 
(Sahih Muslim) 
The say this: 
Labbaika Hajjan 
Allaahumma haadhi hi Hajjatun laa riyaaun feehaa wa laa sum’atun 
(An-Nisai—Sanad Sahih) 
(O Allah! This is the Hajj; in it there is neither hypocrisy nor mere show) 
Then reciting Talbiah, leave for Mina. (Sahih Muslim) 
The words of Talbeeh are as under: (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
Labbaik, Allaahumma Labbaik 
Labbaik Laa shareeka laka labbaik 
Innal hamda wanne’mata laka wal mulk 
Laa shareeka laka 
Translation: Present I am, O Allah! I am present, I am present. There is no partner to you. I am 
present. Indeed all kind of praise and goodness is for you and the magnificence of kingship also is 
for you and there is no partner to you. 
At times, recite this Labbaik as well: 
Labbaik ilaahal haqqi labbaika Text 
Present I am, O Inevitable Deity! I am present. (Ibn Majah—Sanad Sahih) 
• While performing Hajj, along with ‘Labbaik’ at times say: 
Laa ilaalaha illallaahu and Allaahu Akbar 
(Masnad Ahmad—Sanad Sahih) 
• Go ahead reciting Talbiah (i.e., Labbaik) aloud. (At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) 
• After reaching Mina, offer the noon prayer (i.e. Salaat-uz-Zuhar). Offer even the 
afternoon prayer (i.e. Salaat-ul-Asr) also there itself. (Sahih Bukhari) 
• Offer two Rakaat each for Zuhar and Asr prayers (Salaat) (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih 
• One should keep reciting ‘Labbaik’ as long as one remains in Mina. And along with 
Labbaik also recite “Allaahu Akbar” or “Laa ilaaha illallaah” (Masnad Ahmad—Sanad 
Night of Arafah : 
• Both, evening prayer (Salaat-ul-Maghrib) and night prayer (Salaat-ul-Isha), are to be 
offered at Mina. (Sahih Muslim) 
• Two Rakaats are to be offered in the night prayer (i.e. Salaat-ul-Isha) 
(Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
Day of Arafah (youm-e-arafah): 
• Offer the Morning Prayer (i.e., Salaat-ul-Fajr) also in Mina. Then after sunrise, leave for 
Arafah. (Sahih Muslim) 
• On the way, keep reciting Labbaik or “Allaahu Akbar” loudly or 
• Along with Labbaik keep saying “Allaahu Akbar” or “Laa ilaaha illallaah” 
1. After reaching Arafat, stay at any place there. (Sahih Muslim) 
2. During this stay keep reciting Labbaik or “Allahu Akbar” (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih 
Or along with Labbaik, keep reciting “Allaahu Akbar” or “Laa ilaaha illallaah” (Masnad 
Ahmad—Sanad Sahih) 
3. After the decline of sun (zawaal), set out from the residence and listen to the sermon of 
the leader of Hajj (Ameer-e-Hajj). (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• The leader ought to deliver a sermon in the mid of the valley (i.e., Batan-e- 
Waadee) (Sahih Muslim) 
• Deliver a short sermon and make haste in staying at Arafat (Waqoof-e-Arafaat) 
(that means become free soon for Waqoof). (Sahih Bukhari) 
• After the sermon is over, offer both, Zuhar and Asr prayers (Salaat-uz-Zuhar and 
Salaat-ul-Asr) together collectively with one Azaan and two Iqaamats and no 
other Salaat to be offered in between these two. (Sahih Muslim) 
4. Then while still in Arafaat facing Qibla opt for Waqoof at any place. It ought to last till 
sunset. (Sahih Muslim) 
• During this Waqoof, keep saying Labbaik or Allah-u-Akbar. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih 
• Or along with Labbaik say “Allaahu Akbar” or “Laa ilaaha illallaah” (Masnad Ahmad— 
Sanad Sahih) 
• During this Waqoof, pray to Allah by raising both hands. (An-Nasai—Sanad Sahih) 
Shabe Youmun Nahar: (night prior to day of sacrifice) 
• When the evening twilight tends to become pale reciting Astaghfir-ullah from Arafaat 
leave for Muzdalfa. (Sahih Muslim, 2:199) 
• Keep reciting Labbaik on the way. (Sahih Bukhari)
• Azaan should be given after having reached Muzdalfa. The Aqaamat be said and three 
Rakaat of evening prayers (Salaat-ul-Maghrib) be offered. (Sahih Muslim) 
• Then after a pause Aqaamat be said. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• And two Rakaats as night prayer (Salaat-ul-Isha) ought to be offered. (Sahih Muslim) 
• Do not offer any prayer (Salaat) between Maghrib and Isha. (Sahih Muslim) 
• Neither any prayer (Salaat) after Isha. (Sahih Bukhari) 
• Then take rest till sunrise.(Sahih Muslim) 
YOUMUN NAHAR (Day Of Sacrifice) 
1. With the dawn of the day, when it is still quite dark, offer morning prayer (Salaat-ul-Fajr) 
after Azaan and Aqaamat.(Sahih Muslim) 
2. After Salat-ul-Fajr, go to Masher-e-Haraam and opt for Waqoof there (Sahih Muslim) 
Or any where at Muzdalfa. (Sahih Muslim) 
• During this Waqoof, facing Qibla, say prayers and Takbeer as “Allaahu Akbar” 
(Allah is the Greatest), 
• Tahleel as “Laa ilaaha illallaah” (There is none worthy of worship except Allah) 
• Tauheed as “Laa ilaaha illallaahu wah da hu laa shareeka lahu” (There is none 
worshipped or no deity except Allah. He is one and all alone. There is no partner 
to Him) (Surah Baqarah 2:198, Sahih Muslim) 
• and remain busy in Tamheed. (i.e., praise for Allah). (Abu Dawud—Sanad 
• The Imaam should opt for Waqoof (make halt) near the mountain, ‘Qazah’. (At- 
Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) 
• When it becomes quiet bright before sunset, leave for Jamra-e-Aqabah. (Sahih 
3. The third task on Youmun Nahar is throwing pebbles at Jamra-e-Aqabah. 
• While on the way to Jamra-e-Aqabah, keep on saying ‘Labbaik’ continuously (Sahih 
Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• and at times also keep saying “Allaahu Akbar” or “Laa ilaaha illallaah” (Mastadrak 
Hakim—Sanad Sahih) 
• Pick up pebbles from valley of Mohassir (Wadee-e-Mohassir) while passing through it. 
(Sahih Muslim, An-Nasai—Sanad Sahih) 
• The number of pebbles will be seventy, if one decides to stay in Mina even on 13th of 
Zilhajja but if doesn’t stay in Mina on 13th of Zilhajja, the count of pebbles will be forty 
nine. (Sahih Muslim, Al-Bukhari—Kitab-al-Manasik) 
• The pebbles should be big enough to be thrown with a snap of the finger. (Sahih Muslim) 
• After having picked up the pebbles, move away fast from Batar-e-Mohassir. (Sahih 
Muslim, An-Nasai—Sanad Sahih) 
• Then traveling by way of the middle path, reach Jamra-e-Aqabah. (Sahih Muslim) 
After having reached Jamra-e-Aqabah stand in Batan-e-Wadee, yielding Mina on the right side 
and Kabaa on the left and being in the same state, throw seven pebbles during Chasht at Jamra-e- 
Aqabah, say “Allaahu Akbar” while throwing each pebble. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• Stop saying ‘Labbaik’ after having thrown the last pebble. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih 
Muslim, Sahih Ibn Khuzaimah)
4. After having finished throwing pebbles at Jamra-e-Aqabah, the fourth task on Youmun Nahar 
is the sermon. The Imaam ought to deliver a sermon in the mid of Jamraat and rest of the 
people listen to it. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Abu Dawud--Sanad Sahih) 
5. The fifth task, after the sermon, is offering of sacrifice. Therefore, go to Mina after the 
sermon is over and offer sacrifice. (Sahih Muslim) 
• Give away the skin of the sacrificed animal as charity or alms. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih 
• If an animal to sacrifice is not available, observe fast for ten days i.e. fast for three days 
during Hajj period and the remaining seven after reaching home. (Surah Baqarah : 196) 
6. The sixth task on Youmun Nahar is to get the head shaved or hair cut. 
• After offering the sacrifice, get the head shaved or get the hair cut. It is pre-eminent to get 
the head shaved. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• First get the head shaved or hair cut from the right side then from the left. Women ought 
to get the hair cut and not the head shaved. (Abu Dawud—Sanad Sahih) 
• Also clip the nails. (Mastadrak Hakim—Sanad Sahih) 
• Then take off Ahraam, get rid of the dirt and filth from the body so take bath and wear 
clothes as usual. (Surah Al-Hajj:29, Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• Then cook the sacrificial meat. If there are many animals sacrificed, take some meat from 
each animal and cook together and eat some out of it and drink the broth. (Sahih Muslim) 
• The one who offered sacrifice himself may also consume the sacrificial meat, offer it to 
the poor and the destitute too and if desired, may store it too. (Surah Al-Hajj:28, 36 
Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
7. The seventh task on Youmun Nahar is bountiful circumambulation (Tawaaf-e- 
Ifazaah). After the Ahraam is taken off, wear some perfume and then go for 
circumambulation (Tawaaf) of the Holy Ka’aba at Makkah Moazzama. (Al- 
Hajj:29, Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• Circumambulate (perform Tawaaf) in a manner similar to that performed in 
Umrah. However, do not perform Ramall in this circumambulation. (Sahih 
Bukhari, Abu Dawud—Sanad Sahih) 
That means neither walk with rigidity nor expose the right shoulder. 
After circumambulation (Tawaaf) offer two Rakaat prayer (Salaat) at Muqaam-e-Ibraheem. 
(Sahih Bukhari) 
8. The eighth task on Youmun Nahar is to emulate the endeavor (i.e., perform Saee) 
between Safaa and Marwah. After the circumambulation of Ka’aba, perform Saee 
between Safaa and Marwah in a way similar to that of Umrah. (Sahih Bukhari) 
9. The ninth task on Youmun Nahar: The Imaam should lead the noon prayer (Salaat-uz- 
Zuhar). Thereafter, each and every one should go to the well of Zum-Zum and drink the 
Zum-Zum water. (Sahih Muslim) 
• Drink it to the fullest contention. (Ibn-e-Majah—Sanad Sahih) 
• Then opt for Siesta (Qailoolah—afternoon nap) for sometime. (Sahih Bukhari) 
10. The tenth task on Youmun Nahar: Go back to Mina. The Imaam should lead the noon 
prayer (i.e. Salaat-uz-Zuhar) again after having reached Mina (Those who didn’t offer the 
noon prayer (i.e., Salaat-uz-Zuhr) in Makkah Moazzama ought to offer it at Mina). (Sahih 
• Now lodge at Mina and repeatedly invoke God’s name during this stay. (Al-Baqarah:200) 
• Spend the night and day of 11th Zilhajja at Mina.(Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• Keep offering two Rakaat prayers (Salaat) instead of four. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih 
• Keep invoking God’s name repeatedly (Zikr) during this stay. (Al-Baqarah:203) 
• During this stay, sacrifice can also be offered. (Al-Hajj:28) 
• On 11th, after the declining of sun (Zawaal), pelt pebbles on all the three Jamrahs. (Sahih 
• First go to ‘Jamra-e-Dunya’ and pelt seven pebbles saying “Allaahu Akbar” while hurling 
each one. Then move forward, facing Qibla, remain standing for long on an even ground 
and then pray raising both hands. (Sahih Bukhari) 
• Then go to central Jamrah (Jamra-e-Vasta) and pelt seven pebbles there too and say 
“Allaahu Akbar” at each throw. (Sahih Bukhari) 
• Then go to the even ground that is to left side near the valley. Facing Qibla, stay there for 
long and pray by raising hands and remain there for long. (Sahih Bukhari) 
Then go into the mid of the valley (Batan-e-Vaadi) and stand near Jumrat-ul-Uqbaah in a 
manner that the Ka’aba is yielded on to the left side and Mina on the right. Here too, pelt seven 
pebbles even on this Jamrah and say “Allaahu Akbar” at each throw. (Sahih Bukhari) 
Do not opt for Waqoof at this Jamrah, instead come back immediately. (Sahih Bukhari) 
• Spend the night of 12th Zilhajja in Mina and stay there during day time till the declining 
of the sun. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• During this stay keep invoking the name of God repeatedly (Zikr) (Al-Baqarah:203) 
• During this stay, sacrifice also can be offered. (Al-Hajj:28) 
• Even on 12th of Zilhajja, keep offering two Rakaat prayers (Salaat) instead of four. (Sahih 
Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• Even on 12th Zilhajja, after the declining of sun, pelt pebbles on all the three Jamrahs in a 
manner similar to that of 11th Zilhajja. (Sahih Ibn Khuzaimah—Sanad Sahih, Sahih 
• After pelting the pebbles, if so wish; go back to Makka Moazzama. (Al-Baqarah:203) 
• In case, if one doesn’t go to Makka Moazzama on 12th and happens to spend the night of 
13th Zilhajja at Mina and spend the day there till the declining of sun, should pelt pebbles 
at all three Jamrahs like before. (Sahih Muslim, Sahih Ibn Khuzaimah—Sanad Sahih) 
• Even during this stay also offer two Rakaats instead of four. (Sahih Bukhari) 
• And keep invoking name of Allah repeatedly. (Al-Baqarah:203) 
• After having pelted the pebbles, from Mina go back to Makka Moazzama. (Al- 
Baqarah:203) (Al-Baqarah:203) 
• Then at ‘Abtah’, or at one’s own stage, offer noon and afternoon prayers (Salaat-uz- 
Zuhar and Salaat-ul-Asr) and evening and night prayers (Salaat-ul-Maghrib and Salaat-ul- 
Isha). (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
• While returning home, go to Ka’aba and perform adieu circumambulation (Tawaaf-e- 
Vida) but there ought to be no Ramall in this Tawaaf. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
• As usual, after Tawaaf, offer two Rakaat at Muqaam-e-Ibraheem (PBUH) 
(Sahih Bukhari) 
• Once embarking on journey and boarded the vehicle, say “Allaahu Akbar” for three times 
and recite the same supplication that had been recited at the time of departure from home 
(The supplication has already been mentioned in the details of Umrah) . 
• Recite the following words after that supplication (Sahih Muslim) 
Aa’eeboona taaeeboona ‘aabidoonalirabbinna haamidoona 
Translation: Its we, who are bound to return and are the seekers of penitence. We are the 
worshippers. We are the ones who praise our Supreme Lord. 
• While leaving the holy Makkah take exit from ‘Saniatus-Sufla’. (Sahih Bukhari and 
Sahih Muslim) 
• On the way back, spend a night at Zeetawa. (Al-Bukhari Ta’leeqan) 
• If a hillock appears on the way, go on to its top and say “Allaahu Akbar” thrice and then 
recite the following words 
Laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahoo laa shareeka lahoo lahu almulku wa lahual 
hamdu wa huaa alaa kulli shaiy’in qadeer. laailaaha illallahi wahdaho 
Anjaza wa’dahoo, wa nasara ‘abdahoo wa hazama at ahzaaba wahdahoo. 
Translation: There is none who is deity and omnipotent except Allah alone. No one is partner to 
Him. The magnificence of kingship belongs only to Him and prays of all kind is for Him alone. 
He is the absolute omnipotent. We are the ones who will return and are the ones who opt for 
penitence. We are the worshippers, offerers of prostration, the ones who praise the Lord. Allah 
has fulfilled His promise. Helped His bondsman and He alone defeated the armies. 
(Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
Once back into one’s own city, go to the mosque and offer two Rakaat prayers (Salaat). 
(Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
1. If a pair of shoes is not found, man can wear socks provided they are to be cut off so much so 
that the ankles are exposed. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
In all conditions, women can wear socks without cutting them off. (Masnad Ahmad, sanad 
2. If a sheet (a big piece of cloth) is not available for wrapping around the lower part of the body 
then man can wear pajamas. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
3. It is permissible to take bath and wash the head in a state of Ahraam. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih 
4. Following things are forbidden (Haraam) in a ‘State of Ahraam’ 
i. Hunting of land bound animals. (Surah Maa’idah:96) 
ii. Causing to hunt or extending any assistance in hunting. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih 
iii. Wearing of clothes dyed in ‘Saffron’ or ‘vars’. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
iv. Sexual intercourse and its relevancies. Acts of sins and armed clashes or brawl. (Surah 
Baqarah:190, Sahih Bukhari) 
v. Wearing of any cloth other than two sheets by men. (Sahih Bukhari) 
vi. To marry or perform matrimonial rites or to send an errand. (Sahih Muslim) 
vii. To get the hair trimmed or getting them shaved. (Surah Baqarah:196, Sahih Bukhari and 
Sahih Muslim) 
viii. Applying antimony (to the eyes). (Sahih Muslim) 
ix. Wearing fragrance. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
x. Wearing of veil and gloves by women. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
xi. Wearing of a cloth perfumed with a saffron compound. (Sahih Muslim) 
5. It is permissible in a state of Ahraam to avail a shade for protection against sun. (Sahih 
6. Following animals can be killed in a state of Ahraam: 
i. A crow with whiteness on its back and the abdomen. 
ii. kite 
iii. Mouse 
iv. Scorpion 
v. Dog addicted to biting. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
vi. Snake (sahih muslim) 
vii. Assailant beasts. (At-Tirmidhi, sanad—Hasan) 
7. There is no harm if those who wear Ahraam at Meeqaat to perform Hajj-e-Ifraad happen to 
reach Mina or Arafaat due to some inability. The Hajj will be considered as performed even if 
one got late due to some constraint and stayed at Arafaat on Youme-Arafaa or night of Youme 
Nahar and joined the Imaam in the Morning Prayer (Salaat-ul-Fajr at Muzdalfa). (At-Tirmidhi, 
8. Women are to go about in a veil, if in a state of Ahraam, men happen to come in front of them. 
(Mastadrak Al-Hakim—Sanad Sahih) 
9. One is set free of all the bindings of Ahraam once the sacrifice has been offered. (Sahih 
Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
10. Nothing besides the Ahraam for Hajj-e-Ifraad and Hajj-e-Qiraan is worn in a stipulated month 
that is the period between 1st of Shawaal to 10th of Zilhajja. (Surah Al-Baqarah:197, Darqutni— 
Sanad Sahih) 
11. Only the night of 10th Zilhajja and not the day is included in the above mentioned time 
period.(At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) 
12. One stands Muhrim like before ‘Ramee’ if the evening of Youmun Nahar has drawn in and 
one has not been able to go for bountiful circumambulation (Tawaaf-e-Ifazah). One will have to 
put on Ahraam. The restrictions of Ahraam shall remain imposed until Tawaaf-e-Ifazah is 
performed. (Masnad Ahmad—Sanad Sahih) 
13. In a state of Ahraam if one opted for hunting intentionally then in atonement, an animal 
similar to that killed in hunting, decided upon by two righteous men, to be sent to Ka’aba for 
sacrifice or serve food equivalent to the price of the animal to the poor or fast equal to the count 
in number of that price. 
1. If a woman has not been able to perform bountiful circumambulation (Tawaaf-e-Ifazaah) due 
to menstrual period, she can do so after having taken bath and cleansed herself. (Sahih Bukhari) 
2. If a woman has not been able to perform adieu circumambulation (Tawaaf-e-Vida) on account 
of menstrual period, she can go home without performing Tawaaf-e-Vida.(Sahih Bukhari and 
Sahih Muslim) 
3. Women ought to wear a veil in circumambulations (Tawaafs) other than the circumambulation 
of Umrah. (Sahih Bukhari) 
4. Circumambulation of Ka’aba is similar to prayers (Salaat) of course speaking in it is 
permissible but only virtuous words. (Sahih Ibn-e-Khuzaimah—Sanad Sahih) 
5. It is permissible to take (drink) water during circumambulation (Tawaaf) (Al-Hakim—Sanad 
6. Circumambulation can be performed on vehicle, carriage or carried on account of sickness or 
any other pretext. (Sahih Bukhari) 
7. Men are to be directed to go out, in case, if women happen to come inside the Ka’aba. (Al- 
Bukhari Taleeqan—Sanad Sahih) 
8. Women are to perform supererogatory circumambulation (Nafili Tawaaf) at night. Men and 
women ought not to perform circumambulation intermixing with each other. On the contrary 
there should be some curtain or screen etc between them. (Al-Bukhari Taleeqan—Sanad Sahih) 
9. If some one makes some other person perform circumambulation, he should not tie that man to 
himself with a rope etc, rather hold him by hand and cause him to perform circumambulation. 
(Sahih Bukhari) 
10. Sick woman, after performing Adieu circumambulation can offer two Rakaat outside Masjid-e- 
Haraam. (Sahih Bukhari) 
• Once inside Ka’aba, get seated and praise Allah say “Allaahu Akbar” and “Laa ilaaha 
Then standing, place hands, chest and cheeks on its corners and say “Laa ilaaha 
illallaahu” and “Allaahu Akbar” then pray to Allah. (An-Nasai, Kitab-ul-Hajj—Sanad Sahih) 
• Embrace cheeks, forehead, hands and chest with Multazim (The place between Baab-e- 
Ka’aba and Hajar-e-Aswad) (Musannaf Abdur-Razzaq—Sanad Hasan by Albani) 
• Offer a Sajdah on Hajar-e-Aswad. (Al-Hakim—Sanad Sahih)
• Offer prayers (Salaat) inside the Ka’aba. (Sahih Bukhari) 
• If unable to offer prayers (Salaat) in Ka’aba offer Salaat in Hateem as this too is a part of 
the Ka’aba. (At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) 
• Women should neither travel or undertake a journey nor perform Hajj unless 
accompanied by some close relative.(Sahih Bukhari, Darqutni—Sanad Sahih) 
The performer of Hajj and out of season pilgrimage in same trip (Hajj-e-Qiraan) should not 
emulate Endeavour or perform (Saee) again (The Saee of Umrah will suffice the Hajj). (Sahih 
Bukhari, At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Hasan) 
Commence Talbeeh with the words as under: 
If one happens to break journey due to sickness or some danger fearing that one would not be 
able to reach the Holy Makkah; 
“Labbaik Allaahumma labbaika, wa mahallee min al-ardi haisu tahbisunee” 
Present I am! O Allah! I am present. The place where you make me halt is the place where I am 
to disrobe my Ahraam. 
(At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) 
If due to some reason, one has to make a halt somewhere in the course of journey with almost no 
possibility of reaching Ka’aba in sight, then offer the sacrifice at the same place, get the head 
shaved or the hair trimmed and take off the Ahraam. (Sahih Bukhari) 
• Can carry home the Zum-Zum water. (At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Hasan) 
• May drink Zum-Zum water with whatever purpose one may wish. (Al-Darqutni—Sanad 
• Pour Zum-Zum water over the head also. (Musnad Ahmad—Sanad Jaiyyad) 
1. It is obligatory to spend the nights of ‘Ayyam-e-Tashreeq’ (Three day period following the day 
of sacrifice i.e. 10th of Zilhajja) at Mina. Of course it is not obligatory to spend the night of 13th at
Mina for the one who leaves after pelting pebbles on 12th. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Surah 
2. However, those appointed for offering Zum-Zum water, can stay in Makkah during these 
nights. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Surah Baqarah:203) 
3. The shepherds of camels are permitted not to spend the nights of ‘Ayaam-e-Tashreeq’ at Mina. 
(At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) 
4. The shepherds of the camels are allowed to pelt the pebbles on 10th of Zilhajja and then on 11th 
or 12th of Zilhajja collectively for two days, if they don’t spend the nights of Ayaam-e-Tashreeq 
at Mina. (At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) 
5. There is no harm if any act out of rituals of Hajj happens to be unintentionally not in sequential 
order. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
6. Women and children may perform Waqoof-e-Muzdalfa during night and also can leave for 
Jamra-e-Aqba at night itself. Women can pelt pebbles at night itself but boys should do so after 
sunrise. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
1. He who carries along the sacrificial animal should put a muffler around the neck of the animal 
at ‘Meeqaat’ and then hang two slippers from around the neck (so that the people should know 
that the animal is for sacrifice) and render Ishaar. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
(I.e. drain out some blood from the right side of the hump, of animals who have hump. (Sahih 
2. Then wipe off the blood. (At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) 
3. If need be, it is permissible to ride the sacrificial animal. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
4. If the sacrificial animal is unable to walk and hence stops on the way, immolate it on the way 
itself. Then soak its sole in the blood and apply it on the body of the animal (so that the passers by 
may take it as immolated and can consume it). 
However, the sacrificer and those accompanying him should not consume its meat. (Sahih 
Note: The slipper of the animal means that which was hanging from the neck of the animal. 
The offerer of Hajj-e-Tamatta’o to whom the animal is not available should fast for ten days; 
three in the days of Hajj i.e. 11th, 12th and 13th of Zilhajja and the rest 7 after reaching 
home.(Surah Al-Baqarah:196) 
Note: The legitimacy to fast on 11th, 12th and 13th of Zilhajja is subject to this condition alone 
otherwise fasting of these dates is forbidden. (Sahih Bukhari) 
6. Animals for sacrifice can be sent to Makka Moazzama. However, a collar ought to be put in the 
neck of such animals at home and some blood should be drained off at home itself. There would 
not be any liability on the sender of the animal. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
7. If the performer of Hajj or Umrah is compelled to shave his head before offering the sacrifice , 
should then in atonement, fast for three days or distribute three Sa’as of food grains equally 
amongst six destitutes or offer a goat for sacrifice. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
1. One who is not able to perform Hajj himself may cause to perform it by someone else on his 
behalf. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
2. May also cause to perform even Umrah on his behalf. (At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) 
3. If someone has made a vow in the name of Allah to perform Hajj, but if he dies before 
fulfilling his vow, his children should execute the same. (Sahih Bukhari) 
4. Hajj can be performed on behalf of the dead. (Sahih Muslim) 
5. He who has already performed his own Hajj can only perform Hajj in lieu. (Abu Dawud – 
Sanad Sahih) 
6. A child also can be made to perform Hajj but the requital will go to the sponsor. (Sahih 
7. However, after attaining adulthood, he will have to perform Hajj once again. (Al-Hakim— 
Sanad Sahih) 
8. If, due to some reason, Umrah could not be performed before Hajj; perform it after Hajj. (At- 
Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) 
9. For such an Umrah put on Ahraam from Tan’eem. (sahih Bukhari) 
10. If a slave has performed Hajj in a state of slavery, he will have to perform it again as a free 
man only after he is set free. Similarly a villager, after migration will have to perform Hajj again. 
1. A woman in menstrual period need not perform Umrah. She should uncover her head, comb 
the hair, take bath and put on Ahraam for Hajj. Execute all Hajj rites except circumambulation 
(Hajj). But once the menstrual period is over, take bath, attain cleanliness and then offer 
circumambulation. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
2. A woman who has not performed Umrah due to menstrual period should go to Tan’eem after 
Hajj and put on Ahraam there and then perform Umrah. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 
3. A woman who is enduring puerperal Hemorrhage should take bath, wrap a sanitary pad and 
then put on Ahraam for Hajj. (Sahih Muslim) 
Being in aggravated state with scattered, disarranged and dusty hair on the day of Arafah is 
something more pleasing and highly desirable by Allah. (Ahmad—Sanad Sahih) 
At Arafaat, the performer of Hajj should not fast on the day of Arafah, the 9th of Zilhajja. (Abu 
Dawud – Sanad Sahih) 
Note: The Hadees in support of reciting “Laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahuu laa shareeka lahu” is not 
Trading is permissible during hajj days. (Surah Baqarah: 198)

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Pilgrimage to mecca

  • 1. 296 Bismillaah hir Rahman nir Raheem PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA (HAJJ) AND ITS CO-RELATTIVES PRE-EMINENCE OF PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA (HAJJ) AND A LESSER PILGRIMAGE (UMRAH) • He who performs Hajj for to submit to the will of Allah and indulges neither into any obscenity nor resort to any disobedience to Allah shall return in a state in which he was born to his mother (i.e. absolved of all sins) (Sahih Bukhari kitab al manasik) • For women, the best holy war (against infidels) i.e. ‘Jihaad’ is an accepted pilgrimage (Hajj-E-Mabroor) (Sahih Bukhari Kitab al manasik) Note: A Hajj full of virtuousness is said to be a (Hajj-E-Mabroor) (Sahih Bukhari) • An accepted Pilgrimage (Hajj-E-Mabroor), after faith (Imaan) and Holy war against infidels (Jihaad) stands out with an honorable rank. (Sahih Bukhari) • There is no requital but paradise for accepted pilgrimage (Hajj-E-Mabroor) (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Allah doesn’t set so many of his bondsmen free from hell on any other day save the day of Arafaat. Allah gets closer (to them) and in the presence of Angels, takes pride in them and then declares as to what the objective of these people is? (Sahih Mulsim) • Repeated execution of Hajj and Umrah banishes wants and sins as the furnace purifies iron, gold and silver from other impurities (This means perform Umrah also along with Hajj) (Tirmidhi, sanad Sahih) • Those performing Hajj and Umrah are the delegates of Allah; the people who will have an audience with Allah, so to say the guests of Allah. (Ibn Khazimah, Sanad Sahih) • The sins committed between two Umrahs are pardoned. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Performing Umrah in the month of Ramazan is equivalent to Hajj. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) HAJJ-E-TAMATTA’O Note: Hajj-E-Tamatta’o is one of the three kinds of Hajj in which the pilgrim robe (Ahraam) is taken off after performing Umrah. This is the best kind of Hajj. LESSER PILGRIMAGE (UMRAH) • Take provisions for a journey while leaving for Hajj. (Surah al-Baqarah: 197) • Do not take along the animal for sacrifice while leaving with an intention to perform Hajj-E-Tamatta’o (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Use fragrance free oil before leaving home. (Sahih Bukhari) • Say ‘Allah-u-Akbar’ three times after boarding the vehicle and recite the following supplication.
  • 2. 297 Subhaanal-lathee sakhkhara lanaa haathaa wa maa kunnaa lahu muqrineen. Wa ‘innaa ‘ilaa Rabbinaa lamunqaliboon. Allaahumma ‘innaa nas’aluka fee safarinaa haathal-birrawattaqwaa, waminal-’amalimaa tardhaa, Allaahumma hawwin ‘alaynaa safaranaa haathaa watwi ‘annaa bu’dahu, Allaahumma ‘Antas-saahibu fis-safari, walkhaleefatu fil-’ahli, Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika min wa’thaa’is-safari, wa ka’aabatil-mandhari, wa soo’il-munqalabi fil-maali wa alahli. Translation: Divine is the entity that which gave this vehicle under our control although we could not have brought it under our control. Indeed we shall return to our supreme lord, the cherisher. O Allah! In this journey, we seek from you the virtues and piety that which you would choose for us. O Allah! Make this journey easy and wrap its remoteness up. O Allah! You are (our) sole companion in journey and the sovereign custodian of our family. O Allah! I seek your refuge from the hardship and discomforts of travel, from ugly happenings and scenes and from bad times when amidst family and wealth. (Sahih Muslim) THE PILGRIM ROBE (AHRAAM) The garment that which is worn while performing Hajj or Umrah is called ‘Ahraam’. One who is attired in Ahraam is known as ‘Mohrim’. Ahraam is worn at specific or particular places or sites. Each of these places is known as ‘Meeqat’. Zulhalifa is the Meeqat for the people of Madina; Qarmul Manazil for those from Najad; Hujfah for people of Syria and ‘Yalimlam’ for the people of Yemen. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
  • 3. 298 • For Iraqis it is Zaat-E-Arq (Sahih Muslim, Al-Baihaqi—sanad Sahih) • For the Egyptians, Hujfah. ( (Sunan Nisai—sanad Sahih) • Those who live between these Meeqaat and Makka-E-Moazzama should put on Ahraam in their own locality (village, town, city). Those living in Makka-E-Moazzama should do so from Makka-E-Moazzama. Those living in places other than mentioned above should wear ‘Ahraam’ from those Meeqat which happen to be on their way to the holy place. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • After having reached Meeqat, wash head with Khatmi or Ishnaan etc and apply some oil on head (al-bazaar, sanad Hasan) Katmi: A plant with pink flowers growing in regions with muddy waters. • And then take bath. (Al-Hakim, Sanad Sahih) • In case, if wearing saffron mixed fragrance, wash the body three times then use the best available fragrance on head and beard. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Then it is for man to take two sheets of cloth which have not been scented with any saffron mixed perfume and then put on Ahraam with these two sheets; one to cover the head and upper part of the body and the other, for the lower part (i.e., below the waist). (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Shoes can be worn but not any clothes other than those two sheets. Neither wear an Amama nor a cap; not wear even socks. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Woman may wear ornaments and all kind of garments. (Abu Dawood, sanad Sahih) • But neither hide her face nor wear gloves (Sahih Bukhari) • Both, man and woman, should not wear any cloth dyed with saffron and ‘vars’ (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • There is nothing wrong if any shine or perfume is traced in the head or beard or a fragrance emanates from the head or the beard. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Immediately, after having worn Ahraam, recite “Alhamdulillaah”, Subhan Allaah”, “Laa ilaaha”, and “Allaahu Akbar”: (Sahih Bukhari) Then facing Qibla say Labbaik : i.e., say these words. (Sahih Bukhari) Labbaik Allaahumma Labbaik bil ‘Umrati Translation: Present I am O Allah! I am present for Umrah Or Say these words twice (Sahih Muslim)
  • 4. 299 Labbaik Umratan TALBEEH Keep reciting aloud the following Talbeeh continuously: (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Abu Dawud—sanad Sahih, Tirmidhi—sanad Sahih) Labbayka Allaahumma Labbayka, Labbayaka Laasharee Ka laka Labbayak, Innal hamda wanne’mata laka wal mulka laa shareeka laka Translation: Present I am. O Allah! Present I am; present I am. There is none who is partner to you. Present I am. Indeed praise of all kind and goodness is for you and the magnificence of kingship too is to you alone; there is none who is partner to you. Then at times say this also: (Ibn Majah, sanad Sahih) Labbayka ilaaha al-haqqi, labbayka Translation: present I am. O Allah! The Inevitable Deity. I am present. • Continue reciting ‘Labbaik’ until reaching near Haram but once near Haram, stop reciting.(Sahih Bukhari) • After having reached a place known as “Zee Tawa”, stay there and spend a night. Then take bath after the Morning Prayer (i.e. Salaat-ul-Fajr). (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Then on the same day (Sahih Muslim) • In the morning: (Sahih Bukhari) • From the direction of height that is by entering Bathaa, going via Sanital Alia and Kada’a take an entry into Makka-E-Moazzama. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
  • 5. 300 CIRCUMAMBULATION OF THE HOLY KA’ABA (TAWAF-E-KA’ABA) • Perform ablution after reaching Makka-E-Moazzama. (sahih bukhari and sahih muslim) • Then come near Hajre-Aswad: (Sahih Muslim, Abu Dawud—sanad Sahih) • and say (Masnad Imam Ahmad, sanad Sahih) Bismillaahi wa Allaahu akbaru • Then kiss Hajre-Aswad. If not possible to kiss it then touch it with hand and kiss the hand. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • If it is not possible to touch Hajre-Aswad even with the hand then touch it with a cane (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) and then kiss the cane. (Sahih Muslim) • If it is not possible to touch Hajre-Aswad even with a cane then point any object towards Hajre-Aswad. (Sahih Bukhari) • Then by taking out the cloth sheet from under the right armpit; put over the left shoulder (This process is called Iztebaa). Keep the left shoulder covered. (Tirmidhi, Sanad Sahih) • Then circumambulate the Holy Ka’aba by commencing it from the right side. • While circumambulating, the Holy Ka’aba should be on to the left side. Cover the distance between Hajre-Aswad and Rukn-e-Yamaanee by running and walking in a rigid and stiff manner (This is called Ramall). Touch Rukn-e-Yamaanee after reaching it. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, and At-Tirmidhi, sanad Sahih) • Then with normal gait, leave for Hajre-Aswad. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Recite this supplication between Rukn-e-Yamaanee and Hajre-Aswad. (Masnad Ahmad, Sanad Sahih) Rabbanna aatinaa fiddunya hasanatan wa fee al aakhirati hasnatan wa qina adhaaban an-naar
  • 6. 301 Translation: O our Supreme Lord! Bless us with goodness in this world and the world here after and protect us from the torment of hell. Then on reaching Hajre-Aswad, say “Allahu Akbar” and kiss it or (Sahih Bukhari, Abu Dawud—sanad Hasan) Touch with the hand and kiss the hand or touch with a cane and kiss the cane (Sahih Muslim) or make a sign or gesture towards it with some object. (Sahih Bukari) • Similarly circumambulate twice that is to perform ‘Ramall’ in first three rounds then complete four rounds with normal gait.(Sahih Bukari and Sahih Muslim) • Execute all actions in each round in the same manner as in the rounds before. However, cover the right shoulder also in the last four rounds. Keeping the right shoulder exposed is specifically related only to Ramall.(Abu Dawud, Sanad Sahih) • On reaching ‘Muqaam-e-Ibraheem’ after having completed seven rounds, recite this: Wattakhidhoo mimmaqaami ibraaheema musallaa Translation: And make the place of Ibraheem a place for offering prayers. (Sahih Muslim) • Then stand in a manner to yield ‘Muqaam-e-Ibraheem’ between yourself and the Holy Ka’aba. (Sahih Muslim) • Then offer two Rakaat prayers (Salaat) (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Recite Surah “Qul Yaa Ayyu hal Kaafiroon” and Surah “Qul hu Allaahu Ahad” in these Rakaats. • After the conclusion of prayers (Salaat), kiss Hajre-Aswad (or touch with a hand or a cane and kiss the hand or the cane or point an object towards it) (Sahih Muslim, Sunan Baihaqi—Sanad Sahih) (Sahih Muslim, Sunan Baihaqi—Sanad Sahih • Then go to the well of Zum-Zum. Drink it and pour some on the head. (Masnad Ahmad—Sanad Jayyad)
  • 7. 302 EMULATE ENDEAVOUR AT SAFA AND MARWAH (SA’EE OF SAFA AND MARWAH) • Then come out of ‘Baab-e-Safaa’ and go towards ‘Koh-e-Safaa’. (Sahih Muslim) • On reaching near Koh-e-Safaa, recite the following: Innassaffaa wa al-marwata minsha’aairillaahi (Indeed, Safaa and Marwah are few of the signs of Allah) Then say this: Abda’u bimaa bada’Allaahu bihee Translation: I begin from where Allah has begun. Then climb up Safaa so much so that Kabaa becomes visible. Then facing Kabaa (Sahih Muslim), raise both the hands and declare the oneness of Allah by reciting (Abu Dawud, Sanad Sahih) laa ilaaha illallaahu” followed by “Allahu Akbar” and recite as under: Laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahoo laa shareeka lahoo lahu almulku wa lahual hamdu wa huaa alaa kulli shaiy’in qadeer. laailaaha illallahi wahdahoo Anjaza wa’dahoo, wa nasara ‘abdahoo wa hazama at ahzaaba wahdahoo. Translation: There is none who is deity and omnipotent except Allah alone. No one is partner to Him. The magnificence of kingship belongs only to Him and praise of all kind is for Him alone. He is the absolute omnipotent. There is none to be worshipped and a remover of all difficulties except Allah alone. He has fulfilled His promise. Helped His bondsman and He alone defeated all the armies.” Then pray to Allah. There after, recite the same words and pray; then again for the third time, recite the same words of praise and oneness of Allah and pray. (Sahih Muslim)
  • 8. 303 • Then descend from Safaa and walk towards Marwah. On reaching mid of the valley, start running (Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari) • Once past mid of the valley, stop running. Besides the central part of the valley, at times walk briskly and sometimes slowly. (Tirmidhi – Sanad Sahih) • While climbing Marwah keep ascending slowly. Once on top, do exactly what had been done at Safaa. This way one round is over. There after, in a similar manner, go to Safaa from Marwah only to complete the second round. Then similarly go from Safaa to Marwah, then Marwah to Safaa. Then Safaa to Marwah, then Marwah to Safaa, then Safaa to Marwah. Thus, conclude the last round at Marwah. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Recite praise and oneness of Allah each time after climbing Safaa and Marwah and pray as had prayed in the beginning at Safaa. (Masnad Ahmad—Sanad Sahih) GETTING THE HAIR CUT OR HEAD SHAVED • Then shave off the head or get the hair cut and then take off Ahraam (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Women need not shave their head, instead trim off the hair a little. (Abu Dawud—Sanad Hasan) • Once the Ahraam is taken off, all restrictions pertaining to Ahraam end. (Sahih Bukhari) THE PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA HAJJ • The Ameer is to deliver a sermon on 7th of Zilhajjah and educate about Hajj rites. (Al- Hakim—Sanad Sahih) MEEQAAT • For those performing Hajj-e-Tamatta’o, Makka-E-Moazzama is Meeqaat. So, these people should put on Ahraam while still in Makka-E-Moazzama. (Sahih Muslim) AHRAAM • For performing Hajj, all the issues pertaining to Ahraam are the same as already described under the title of ‘Umrah’. 8TH OF ZILHAJJAH (YOUM-E-TARVIAH) • Put on Ahraam for Hajj on 8th of Zilhajjah (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • after the sun started declining (Sahih Muslim) • and say this: “Labbaik Allaahumma Labbaik bil Hajji” (Sahih Bukhari)
  • 9. 304 (Present I am, O Allah! I am present for Hajj) Or say this twice: (Sahih Muslim) The say this: Labbaika Hajjan Allaahumma haadhi hi Hajjatun laa riyaaun feehaa wa laa sum’atun (An-Nisai—Sanad Sahih) (O Allah! This is the Hajj; in it there is neither hypocrisy nor mere show) Then reciting Talbiah, leave for Mina. (Sahih Muslim) The words of Talbeeh are as under: (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) Labbaik, Allaahumma Labbaik Labbaik Laa shareeka laka labbaik Innal hamda wanne’mata laka wal mulk Laa shareeka laka Translation: Present I am, O Allah! I am present, I am present. There is no partner to you. I am present. Indeed all kind of praise and goodness is for you and the magnificence of kingship also is for you and there is no partner to you. At times, recite this Labbaik as well: Labbaik ilaahal haqqi labbaika Text Present I am, O Inevitable Deity! I am present. (Ibn Majah—Sanad Sahih) • While performing Hajj, along with ‘Labbaik’ at times say: Laa ilaalaha illallaahu and Allaahu Akbar (Masnad Ahmad—Sanad Sahih) • Go ahead reciting Talbiah (i.e., Labbaik) aloud. (At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) • After reaching Mina, offer the noon prayer (i.e. Salaat-uz-Zuhar). Offer even the afternoon prayer (i.e. Salaat-ul-Asr) also there itself. (Sahih Bukhari) • Offer two Rakaat each for Zuhar and Asr prayers (Salaat) (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • One should keep reciting ‘Labbaik’ as long as one remains in Mina. And along with Labbaik also recite “Allaahu Akbar” or “Laa ilaaha illallaah” (Masnad Ahmad—Sanad Sahih)
  • 10. 305 9TH ZILHAJJA (ARAFAH) Night of Arafah : • Both, evening prayer (Salaat-ul-Maghrib) and night prayer (Salaat-ul-Isha), are to be offered at Mina. (Sahih Muslim) • Two Rakaats are to be offered in the night prayer (i.e. Salaat-ul-Isha) (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) Day of Arafah (youm-e-arafah): • Offer the Morning Prayer (i.e., Salaat-ul-Fajr) also in Mina. Then after sunrise, leave for Arafah. (Sahih Muslim) • On the way, keep reciting Labbaik or “Allaahu Akbar” loudly or • Along with Labbaik keep saying “Allaahu Akbar” or “Laa ilaaha illallaah” 1. After reaching Arafat, stay at any place there. (Sahih Muslim) 2. During this stay keep reciting Labbaik or “Allahu Akbar” (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) Or along with Labbaik, keep reciting “Allaahu Akbar” or “Laa ilaaha illallaah” (Masnad Ahmad—Sanad Sahih) 3. After the decline of sun (zawaal), set out from the residence and listen to the sermon of the leader of Hajj (Ameer-e-Hajj). (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • The leader ought to deliver a sermon in the mid of the valley (i.e., Batan-e- Waadee) (Sahih Muslim) • Deliver a short sermon and make haste in staying at Arafat (Waqoof-e-Arafaat) (that means become free soon for Waqoof). (Sahih Bukhari) • After the sermon is over, offer both, Zuhar and Asr prayers (Salaat-uz-Zuhar and Salaat-ul-Asr) together collectively with one Azaan and two Iqaamats and no other Salaat to be offered in between these two. (Sahih Muslim) 4. Then while still in Arafaat facing Qibla opt for Waqoof at any place. It ought to last till sunset. (Sahih Muslim) • During this Waqoof, keep saying Labbaik or Allah-u-Akbar. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Or along with Labbaik say “Allaahu Akbar” or “Laa ilaaha illallaah” (Masnad Ahmad— Sanad Sahih) • During this Waqoof, pray to Allah by raising both hands. (An-Nasai—Sanad Sahih) 10TH ZILHAJJAH (YOUMUN NAHAR) THE DAY OF SACRIFICE Shabe Youmun Nahar: (night prior to day of sacrifice) • When the evening twilight tends to become pale reciting Astaghfir-ullah from Arafaat leave for Muzdalfa. (Sahih Muslim, 2:199) • Keep reciting Labbaik on the way. (Sahih Bukhari)
  • 11. 306 • Azaan should be given after having reached Muzdalfa. The Aqaamat be said and three Rakaat of evening prayers (Salaat-ul-Maghrib) be offered. (Sahih Muslim) • Then after a pause Aqaamat be said. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • And two Rakaats as night prayer (Salaat-ul-Isha) ought to be offered. (Sahih Muslim) • Do not offer any prayer (Salaat) between Maghrib and Isha. (Sahih Muslim) • Neither any prayer (Salaat) after Isha. (Sahih Bukhari) • Then take rest till sunrise.(Sahih Muslim) YOUMUN NAHAR (Day Of Sacrifice) 1. With the dawn of the day, when it is still quite dark, offer morning prayer (Salaat-ul-Fajr) after Azaan and Aqaamat.(Sahih Muslim) 2. After Salat-ul-Fajr, go to Masher-e-Haraam and opt for Waqoof there (Sahih Muslim) Or any where at Muzdalfa. (Sahih Muslim) • During this Waqoof, facing Qibla, say prayers and Takbeer as “Allaahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest), • Tahleel as “Laa ilaaha illallaah” (There is none worthy of worship except Allah) and • Tauheed as “Laa ilaaha illallaahu wah da hu laa shareeka lahu” (There is none worshipped or no deity except Allah. He is one and all alone. There is no partner to Him) (Surah Baqarah 2:198, Sahih Muslim) • and remain busy in Tamheed. (i.e., praise for Allah). (Abu Dawud—Sanad Sahih) • The Imaam should opt for Waqoof (make halt) near the mountain, ‘Qazah’. (At- Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) • When it becomes quiet bright before sunset, leave for Jamra-e-Aqabah. (Sahih Muslim) 3. The third task on Youmun Nahar is throwing pebbles at Jamra-e-Aqabah. • While on the way to Jamra-e-Aqabah, keep on saying ‘Labbaik’ continuously (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • and at times also keep saying “Allaahu Akbar” or “Laa ilaaha illallaah” (Mastadrak Hakim—Sanad Sahih) • Pick up pebbles from valley of Mohassir (Wadee-e-Mohassir) while passing through it. (Sahih Muslim, An-Nasai—Sanad Sahih) • The number of pebbles will be seventy, if one decides to stay in Mina even on 13th of Zilhajja but if doesn’t stay in Mina on 13th of Zilhajja, the count of pebbles will be forty nine. (Sahih Muslim, Al-Bukhari—Kitab-al-Manasik) • The pebbles should be big enough to be thrown with a snap of the finger. (Sahih Muslim) • After having picked up the pebbles, move away fast from Batar-e-Mohassir. (Sahih Muslim, An-Nasai—Sanad Sahih) • Then traveling by way of the middle path, reach Jamra-e-Aqabah. (Sahih Muslim) After having reached Jamra-e-Aqabah stand in Batan-e-Wadee, yielding Mina on the right side and Kabaa on the left and being in the same state, throw seven pebbles during Chasht at Jamra-e- Aqabah, say “Allaahu Akbar” while throwing each pebble. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Stop saying ‘Labbaik’ after having thrown the last pebble. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sahih Ibn Khuzaimah)
  • 12. 307 4. After having finished throwing pebbles at Jamra-e-Aqabah, the fourth task on Youmun Nahar is the sermon. The Imaam ought to deliver a sermon in the mid of Jamraat and rest of the people listen to it. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Abu Dawud--Sanad Sahih) 5. The fifth task, after the sermon, is offering of sacrifice. Therefore, go to Mina after the sermon is over and offer sacrifice. (Sahih Muslim) • Give away the skin of the sacrificed animal as charity or alms. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • If an animal to sacrifice is not available, observe fast for ten days i.e. fast for three days during Hajj period and the remaining seven after reaching home. (Surah Baqarah : 196) 6. The sixth task on Youmun Nahar is to get the head shaved or hair cut. • After offering the sacrifice, get the head shaved or get the hair cut. It is pre-eminent to get the head shaved. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • First get the head shaved or hair cut from the right side then from the left. Women ought to get the hair cut and not the head shaved. (Abu Dawud—Sanad Sahih) • Also clip the nails. (Mastadrak Hakim—Sanad Sahih) • Then take off Ahraam, get rid of the dirt and filth from the body so take bath and wear clothes as usual. (Surah Al-Hajj:29, Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Then cook the sacrificial meat. If there are many animals sacrificed, take some meat from each animal and cook together and eat some out of it and drink the broth. (Sahih Muslim) • The one who offered sacrifice himself may also consume the sacrificial meat, offer it to the poor and the destitute too and if desired, may store it too. (Surah Al-Hajj:28, 36 Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 7. The seventh task on Youmun Nahar is bountiful circumambulation (Tawaaf-e- Ifazaah). After the Ahraam is taken off, wear some perfume and then go for circumambulation (Tawaaf) of the Holy Ka’aba at Makkah Moazzama. (Al- Hajj:29, Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Circumambulate (perform Tawaaf) in a manner similar to that performed in Umrah. However, do not perform Ramall in this circumambulation. (Sahih Bukhari, Abu Dawud—Sanad Sahih) That means neither walk with rigidity nor expose the right shoulder. After circumambulation (Tawaaf) offer two Rakaat prayer (Salaat) at Muqaam-e-Ibraheem. (Sahih Bukhari) 8. The eighth task on Youmun Nahar is to emulate the endeavor (i.e., perform Saee) between Safaa and Marwah. After the circumambulation of Ka’aba, perform Saee between Safaa and Marwah in a way similar to that of Umrah. (Sahih Bukhari) 9. The ninth task on Youmun Nahar: The Imaam should lead the noon prayer (Salaat-uz- Zuhar). Thereafter, each and every one should go to the well of Zum-Zum and drink the Zum-Zum water. (Sahih Muslim) • Drink it to the fullest contention. (Ibn-e-Majah—Sanad Sahih) • Then opt for Siesta (Qailoolah—afternoon nap) for sometime. (Sahih Bukhari) 10. The tenth task on Youmun Nahar: Go back to Mina. The Imaam should lead the noon prayer (i.e. Salaat-uz-Zuhar) again after having reached Mina (Those who didn’t offer the noon prayer (i.e., Salaat-uz-Zuhr) in Makkah Moazzama ought to offer it at Mina). (Sahih Muslim)
  • 13. 308 • Now lodge at Mina and repeatedly invoke God’s name during this stay. (Al-Baqarah:200) 11TH ZILHAJJAH • Spend the night and day of 11th Zilhajja at Mina.(Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Keep offering two Rakaat prayers (Salaat) instead of four. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Keep invoking God’s name repeatedly (Zikr) during this stay. (Al-Baqarah:203) • During this stay, sacrifice can also be offered. (Al-Hajj:28) • On 11th, after the declining of sun (Zawaal), pelt pebbles on all the three Jamrahs. (Sahih Muslim) • First go to ‘Jamra-e-Dunya’ and pelt seven pebbles saying “Allaahu Akbar” while hurling each one. Then move forward, facing Qibla, remain standing for long on an even ground and then pray raising both hands. (Sahih Bukhari) • Then go to central Jamrah (Jamra-e-Vasta) and pelt seven pebbles there too and say “Allaahu Akbar” at each throw. (Sahih Bukhari) • Then go to the even ground that is to left side near the valley. Facing Qibla, stay there for long and pray by raising hands and remain there for long. (Sahih Bukhari) Then go into the mid of the valley (Batan-e-Vaadi) and stand near Jumrat-ul-Uqbaah in a manner that the Ka’aba is yielded on to the left side and Mina on the right. Here too, pelt seven pebbles even on this Jamrah and say “Allaahu Akbar” at each throw. (Sahih Bukhari) Do not opt for Waqoof at this Jamrah, instead come back immediately. (Sahih Bukhari) 12TH ZILHAJJA • Spend the night of 12th Zilhajja in Mina and stay there during day time till the declining of the sun. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • During this stay keep invoking the name of God repeatedly (Zikr) (Al-Baqarah:203) • During this stay, sacrifice also can be offered. (Al-Hajj:28) • Even on 12th of Zilhajja, keep offering two Rakaat prayers (Salaat) instead of four. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • Even on 12th Zilhajja, after the declining of sun, pelt pebbles on all the three Jamrahs in a manner similar to that of 11th Zilhajja. (Sahih Ibn Khuzaimah—Sanad Sahih, Sahih Muslim) • After pelting the pebbles, if so wish; go back to Makka Moazzama. (Al-Baqarah:203) 13TH ZILHAJJA • In case, if one doesn’t go to Makka Moazzama on 12th and happens to spend the night of 13th Zilhajja at Mina and spend the day there till the declining of sun, should pelt pebbles at all three Jamrahs like before. (Sahih Muslim, Sahih Ibn Khuzaimah—Sanad Sahih) • Even during this stay also offer two Rakaats instead of four. (Sahih Bukhari) • And keep invoking name of Allah repeatedly. (Al-Baqarah:203) • After having pelted the pebbles, from Mina go back to Makka Moazzama. (Al- Baqarah:203) (Al-Baqarah:203) • Then at ‘Abtah’, or at one’s own stage, offer noon and afternoon prayers (Salaat-uz- Zuhar and Salaat-ul-Asr) and evening and night prayers (Salaat-ul-Maghrib and Salaat-ul- Isha). (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
  • 14. 309 THE RETURN JOURNEY • While returning home, go to Ka’aba and perform adieu circumambulation (Tawaaf-e- Vida) but there ought to be no Ramall in this Tawaaf. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • As usual, after Tawaaf, offer two Rakaat at Muqaam-e-Ibraheem (PBUH) (Sahih Bukhari) • Once embarking on journey and boarded the vehicle, say “Allaahu Akbar” for three times and recite the same supplication that had been recited at the time of departure from home (The supplication has already been mentioned in the details of Umrah) . • Recite the following words after that supplication (Sahih Muslim) Aa’eeboona taaeeboona ‘aabidoonalirabbinna haamidoona Translation: Its we, who are bound to return and are the seekers of penitence. We are the worshippers. We are the ones who praise our Supreme Lord. • While leaving the holy Makkah take exit from ‘Saniatus-Sufla’. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) • On the way back, spend a night at Zeetawa. (Al-Bukhari Ta’leeqan) • If a hillock appears on the way, go on to its top and say “Allaahu Akbar” thrice and then recite the following words Laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahoo laa shareeka lahoo lahu almulku wa lahual hamdu wa huaa alaa kulli shaiy’in qadeer. laailaaha illallahi wahdaho Anjaza wa’dahoo, wa nasara ‘abdahoo wa hazama at ahzaaba wahdahoo. Translation: There is none who is deity and omnipotent except Allah alone. No one is partner to Him. The magnificence of kingship belongs only to Him and prays of all kind is for Him alone. He is the absolute omnipotent. We are the ones who will return and are the ones who opt for penitence. We are the worshippers, offerers of prostration, the ones who praise the Lord. Allah has fulfilled His promise. Helped His bondsman and He alone defeated the armies. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) Once back into one’s own city, go to the mosque and offer two Rakaat prayers (Salaat). (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
  • 15. 310 MISCELLANEOUS ISSUES AHRAAM 1. If a pair of shoes is not found, man can wear socks provided they are to be cut off so much so that the ankles are exposed. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) In all conditions, women can wear socks without cutting them off. (Masnad Ahmad, sanad Jayyad) 2. If a sheet (a big piece of cloth) is not available for wrapping around the lower part of the body then man can wear pajamas. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 3. It is permissible to take bath and wash the head in a state of Ahraam. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 4. Following things are forbidden (Haraam) in a ‘State of Ahraam’ i. Hunting of land bound animals. (Surah Maa’idah:96) ii. Causing to hunt or extending any assistance in hunting. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) iii. Wearing of clothes dyed in ‘Saffron’ or ‘vars’. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) iv. Sexual intercourse and its relevancies. Acts of sins and armed clashes or brawl. (Surah Baqarah:190, Sahih Bukhari) v. Wearing of any cloth other than two sheets by men. (Sahih Bukhari) vi. To marry or perform matrimonial rites or to send an errand. (Sahih Muslim) vii. To get the hair trimmed or getting them shaved. (Surah Baqarah:196, Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) viii. Applying antimony (to the eyes). (Sahih Muslim) ix. Wearing fragrance. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) x. Wearing of veil and gloves by women. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) xi. Wearing of a cloth perfumed with a saffron compound. (Sahih Muslim) 5. It is permissible in a state of Ahraam to avail a shade for protection against sun. (Sahih Muslim) 6. Following animals can be killed in a state of Ahraam: i. A crow with whiteness on its back and the abdomen. ii. kite iii. Mouse iv. Scorpion v. Dog addicted to biting. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) vi. Snake (sahih muslim) vii. Assailant beasts. (At-Tirmidhi, sanad—Hasan) 7. There is no harm if those who wear Ahraam at Meeqaat to perform Hajj-e-Ifraad happen to reach Mina or Arafaat due to some inability. The Hajj will be considered as performed even if one got late due to some constraint and stayed at Arafaat on Youme-Arafaa or night of Youme Nahar and joined the Imaam in the Morning Prayer (Salaat-ul-Fajr at Muzdalfa). (At-Tirmidhi, sanad—Sahih) 8. Women are to go about in a veil, if in a state of Ahraam, men happen to come in front of them. (Mastadrak Al-Hakim—Sanad Sahih) 9. One is set free of all the bindings of Ahraam once the sacrifice has been offered. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
  • 16. 311 10. Nothing besides the Ahraam for Hajj-e-Ifraad and Hajj-e-Qiraan is worn in a stipulated month that is the period between 1st of Shawaal to 10th of Zilhajja. (Surah Al-Baqarah:197, Darqutni— Sanad Sahih) 11. Only the night of 10th Zilhajja and not the day is included in the above mentioned time period.(At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) 12. One stands Muhrim like before ‘Ramee’ if the evening of Youmun Nahar has drawn in and one has not been able to go for bountiful circumambulation (Tawaaf-e-Ifazah). One will have to put on Ahraam. The restrictions of Ahraam shall remain imposed until Tawaaf-e-Ifazah is performed. (Masnad Ahmad—Sanad Sahih) 13. In a state of Ahraam if one opted for hunting intentionally then in atonement, an animal similar to that killed in hunting, decided upon by two righteous men, to be sent to Ka’aba for sacrifice or serve food equivalent to the price of the animal to the poor or fast equal to the count in number of that price. CIRCUMAMBULATION OF KA’ABA (TAWAAF-E-KA’ABA) 1. If a woman has not been able to perform bountiful circumambulation (Tawaaf-e-Ifazaah) due to menstrual period, she can do so after having taken bath and cleansed herself. (Sahih Bukhari) 2. If a woman has not been able to perform adieu circumambulation (Tawaaf-e-Vida) on account of menstrual period, she can go home without performing Tawaaf-e-Vida.(Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 3. Women ought to wear a veil in circumambulations (Tawaafs) other than the circumambulation of Umrah. (Sahih Bukhari) 4. Circumambulation of Ka’aba is similar to prayers (Salaat) of course speaking in it is permissible but only virtuous words. (Sahih Ibn-e-Khuzaimah—Sanad Sahih) 5. It is permissible to take (drink) water during circumambulation (Tawaaf) (Al-Hakim—Sanad Sahih) 6. Circumambulation can be performed on vehicle, carriage or carried on account of sickness or any other pretext. (Sahih Bukhari) 7. Men are to be directed to go out, in case, if women happen to come inside the Ka’aba. (Al- Bukhari Taleeqan—Sanad Sahih) 8. Women are to perform supererogatory circumambulation (Nafili Tawaaf) at night. Men and women ought not to perform circumambulation intermixing with each other. On the contrary there should be some curtain or screen etc between them. (Al-Bukhari Taleeqan—Sanad Sahih) 9. If some one makes some other person perform circumambulation, he should not tie that man to himself with a rope etc, rather hold him by hand and cause him to perform circumambulation. (Sahih Bukhari) 10. Sick woman, after performing Adieu circumambulation can offer two Rakaat outside Masjid-e- Haraam. (Sahih Bukhari) BESIDES HAJJ AND UMRAH OTHER ISSUES PERTAINING TO KA’ABA • Once inside Ka’aba, get seated and praise Allah say “Allaahu Akbar” and “Laa ilaaha illallaahu” Then standing, place hands, chest and cheeks on its corners and say “Laa ilaaha illallaahu” and “Allaahu Akbar” then pray to Allah. (An-Nasai, Kitab-ul-Hajj—Sanad Sahih) • Embrace cheeks, forehead, hands and chest with Multazim (The place between Baab-e- Ka’aba and Hajar-e-Aswad) (Musannaf Abdur-Razzaq—Sanad Hasan by Albani) • Offer a Sajdah on Hajar-e-Aswad. (Al-Hakim—Sanad Sahih)
  • 17. 312 • Offer prayers (Salaat) inside the Ka’aba. (Sahih Bukhari) • If unable to offer prayers (Salaat) in Ka’aba offer Salaat in Hateem as this too is a part of the Ka’aba. (At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) WOMAN AND THE JOURNEY • Women should neither travel or undertake a journey nor perform Hajj unless accompanied by some close relative.(Sahih Bukhari, Darqutni—Sanad Sahih) EMULATING ENDEAVOUR (SAEE) The performer of Hajj and out of season pilgrimage in same trip (Hajj-e-Qiraan) should not emulate Endeavour or perform (Saee) again (The Saee of Umrah will suffice the Hajj). (Sahih Bukhari, At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Hasan) TAL’BIAH (SAYING LABBAIK) Commence Talbeeh with the words as under: If one happens to break journey due to sickness or some danger fearing that one would not be able to reach the Holy Makkah; “Labbaik Allaahumma labbaika, wa mahallee min al-ardi haisu tahbisunee” Present I am! O Allah! I am present. The place where you make me halt is the place where I am to disrobe my Ahraam. (At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) INABILITY TO REACH KA’ABA If due to some reason, one has to make a halt somewhere in the course of journey with almost no possibility of reaching Ka’aba in sight, then offer the sacrifice at the same place, get the head shaved or the hair trimmed and take off the Ahraam. (Sahih Bukhari) THE ZUM-ZUM WATER. (AAB-E-ZUM-ZUM) • Can carry home the Zum-Zum water. (At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Hasan) • May drink Zum-Zum water with whatever purpose one may wish. (Al-Darqutni—Sanad Sahih) • Pour Zum-Zum water over the head also. (Musnad Ahmad—Sanad Jaiyyad) STAY AT MINA AND RAMI (PELTING PEBBLES) 1. It is obligatory to spend the nights of ‘Ayyam-e-Tashreeq’ (Three day period following the day of sacrifice i.e. 10th of Zilhajja) at Mina. Of course it is not obligatory to spend the night of 13th at
  • 18. 313 Mina for the one who leaves after pelting pebbles on 12th. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Surah Baqarah:203) 2. However, those appointed for offering Zum-Zum water, can stay in Makkah during these nights. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Surah Baqarah:203) 3. The shepherds of camels are permitted not to spend the nights of ‘Ayaam-e-Tashreeq’ at Mina. (At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) 4. The shepherds of the camels are allowed to pelt the pebbles on 10th of Zilhajja and then on 11th or 12th of Zilhajja collectively for two days, if they don’t spend the nights of Ayaam-e-Tashreeq at Mina. (At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) 5. There is no harm if any act out of rituals of Hajj happens to be unintentionally not in sequential order. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 6. Women and children may perform Waqoof-e-Muzdalfa during night and also can leave for Jamra-e-Aqba at night itself. Women can pelt pebbles at night itself but boys should do so after sunrise. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) IMMOLATE (QURBANI) 1. He who carries along the sacrificial animal should put a muffler around the neck of the animal at ‘Meeqaat’ and then hang two slippers from around the neck (so that the people should know that the animal is for sacrifice) and render Ishaar. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) (I.e. drain out some blood from the right side of the hump, of animals who have hump. (Sahih Muslim) 2. Then wipe off the blood. (At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) 3. If need be, it is permissible to ride the sacrificial animal. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 4. If the sacrificial animal is unable to walk and hence stops on the way, immolate it on the way itself. Then soak its sole in the blood and apply it on the body of the animal (so that the passers by may take it as immolated and can consume it). However, the sacrificer and those accompanying him should not consume its meat. (Sahih Muslim) Note: The slipper of the animal means that which was hanging from the neck of the animal. The offerer of Hajj-e-Tamatta’o to whom the animal is not available should fast for ten days; three in the days of Hajj i.e. 11th, 12th and 13th of Zilhajja and the rest 7 after reaching home.(Surah Al-Baqarah:196) Note: The legitimacy to fast on 11th, 12th and 13th of Zilhajja is subject to this condition alone otherwise fasting of these dates is forbidden. (Sahih Bukhari) 6. Animals for sacrifice can be sent to Makka Moazzama. However, a collar ought to be put in the neck of such animals at home and some blood should be drained off at home itself. There would not be any liability on the sender of the animal. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 7. If the performer of Hajj or Umrah is compelled to shave his head before offering the sacrifice , should then in atonement, fast for three days or distribute three Sa’as of food grains equally amongst six destitutes or offer a goat for sacrifice. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
  • 19. 314 HAJJ IN LIEU (HAJJ-E-BADAL) 1. One who is not able to perform Hajj himself may cause to perform it by someone else on his behalf. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 2. May also cause to perform even Umrah on his behalf. (At-Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) 3. If someone has made a vow in the name of Allah to perform Hajj, but if he dies before fulfilling his vow, his children should execute the same. (Sahih Bukhari) 4. Hajj can be performed on behalf of the dead. (Sahih Muslim) 5. He who has already performed his own Hajj can only perform Hajj in lieu. (Abu Dawud – Sanad Sahih) 6. A child also can be made to perform Hajj but the requital will go to the sponsor. (Sahih Muslim) 7. However, after attaining adulthood, he will have to perform Hajj once again. (Al-Hakim— Sanad Sahih) 8. If, due to some reason, Umrah could not be performed before Hajj; perform it after Hajj. (At- Tirmidhi—Sanad Sahih) 9. For such an Umrah put on Ahraam from Tan’eem. (sahih Bukhari) 10. If a slave has performed Hajj in a state of slavery, he will have to perform it again as a free man only after he is set free. Similarly a villager, after migration will have to perform Hajj again. MENSTRUAL PERIOD (AZEYAT-E-MAHAANA) AND PEUERPERAL HAEMORRAHGE (NAFAAS) 1. A woman in menstrual period need not perform Umrah. She should uncover her head, comb the hair, take bath and put on Ahraam for Hajj. Execute all Hajj rites except circumambulation (Hajj). But once the menstrual period is over, take bath, attain cleanliness and then offer circumambulation. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 2. A woman who has not performed Umrah due to menstrual period should go to Tan’eem after Hajj and put on Ahraam there and then perform Umrah. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim) 3. A woman who is enduring puerperal Hemorrhage should take bath, wrap a sanitary pad and then put on Ahraam for Hajj. (Sahih Muslim) STAY AT ARAFAAT (QIYAM-E-ARAFAAT) Being in aggravated state with scattered, disarranged and dusty hair on the day of Arafah is something more pleasing and highly desirable by Allah. (Ahmad—Sanad Sahih) At Arafaat, the performer of Hajj should not fast on the day of Arafah, the 9th of Zilhajja. (Abu Dawud – Sanad Sahih) Note: The Hadees in support of reciting “Laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahuu laa shareeka lahu” is not authentic HAJJ AND TRADE Trading is permissible during hajj days. (Surah Baqarah: 198)
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