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Physical Violence In Schools
Physical Violence
When non–physical violence occurs, many witnesses including teachers, parents and peers tend to look the other way unless an individual is
physically attached. Today, many things trigger physical abuse. If a student doesn't fit into what society views as "normal" they are pushed, hit, kicked,
and spit upon by their peers. Teachers are being attacked by students and in turn, students are being attacked by teachers (McFalls 2017). Physical
violence has also increased due to the ease of access to weapons. There have been an increased number of student attacked with guns, knives and
other forms of weapons. These types of attacks have been highlighted in events such as the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary where 27 individuals
were killed and 2 injured; Virginia Tech College, where 32 individuals were killed and 17 injured; and ColumbineHigh school, where 13 individuals
were killed and 21 injured. Whether the violence begins at home, exposure to violent television or violent music, there is no doubt that each has
contributed to an increase in violent behavior in our school systems which leads to physical violence (
Lack of Supervision
A student's lack of supervision is not always by choice, however, many households demand income support from both parents. Some mothers are not
able to be homemakers and care for the family. Times have changed and with the
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Essay on Violence in Schools
Violence among youth, especially in schools, is one of American society's most pressing concerns. It is also a source of controversy. While no recent
nationwide study of the real extent of youth violence is available, small–scale and regional studies indicate that youth violence is increasing, at least
slightly. In addition, youth, like adults, are now more frequently using guns instead of fists to settle disputes. Youth violence had once been thought to
be an urban public school problem; a consequence of poverty and family dysfunction, but stable suburban and rural communities are now also
experiencing it, as are private schools. While early intervention is absolutely necessary to help prevent violence, I believe all more
Involving parents by providing them with information about their children's gang activity and its possible consequences, and counseling to help them
deal with the problem, can enlist them as allies in the effort to rid the school of gangs. Schools can also provide access to outside agencies that offer
counseling. As a last resort, gang members can be transferred to alternative schools for more intensive support. Concern about increasing youth
violence is being channeled into a variety of programs around the country. Although components vary depending on the particular needs of the
community, the most effective programs use various methods.
Direct measures to prevent violence in schools
Legislation now exists at all levels of government to reduce the availability of guns, particularly the sale of weapons to minors. Weapons offenses are
treated more harshly in general, and the practice of trying violent juvenile offenders as adults is growing. Some states now hold parents legally
responsible for certain behavior of their children, such as truancy and delinquency.
To deal with violence in schools, President Bill Clinton signed the 1994 Gun–Free Schools Act, mandating a one–year expulsion for students who bring
weapons to school and bolstering the "zero tolerance" for weapons policies of some states and school districts already in existence. The Federal
government, and most states, also make funds available for prevention activities
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School Violence Essay
Preventing school violence has been an issue in our society for so long it has almost become commonplace. According to an article on, since the year 2000, there have been a recorded 64 shooting related incidents that involved publicly occupied areas. That is an
occurrence of almost five per year. Of those 64, 94% of these incidents were school related shootings. The violence goes from elementary schools all
the way up to college universities. The statistics are not pretty by any means. So what are we to do? Should we institute better security? For all of
these tragedies, it is time reasonable measures are finally taken to implement new methods of prevention and to address the school violence issues as a more content...
Of the schools that have already implemented these checklists, many have begun to identify and suspend possible threats within the school. Of course,
these threats are the students themselves. But what does this solve? What are the alternatives to using this checklist and helping a potentially
dangerous student? Is this a solution or an excuse? The alternatives to profiling students can be divided up. You can have a parental approach, an
approach by lawmakers, or a teacher's approach. Seeking a parental approach is a touchy subject. An obvious positive parenting technique is that the
parents are more involved in the lives of the children. That is so obvious it hurts. Many parents are not involved as much because of work, being a
single parent, money, time, etc. If you are going to have a child in today's society you should be prepared to do everything in your power to be
involved. Carolyn Pereia, from the Educational Resources Information Center, suggests two things when raising children. Recognizing positive
accomplishments and expectations academically and socially. "If key people in a child's environment give clear and constant signals that violence is
not the norm, children will be more likely to develop anti–violent patterns of behavior." (Pereia 1) Being involved with your child is so much more than
just going through the motions of daily lives. Parents need to do all that they are able when it comes to their children. There are experiments out there
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Teenage Violence In Schools Essay
Page #1
Teenage violence in schools has become a tremendous concern to many people. School violence over the past number of years has been increasing and
family life, the things that occur in schools and the neighborhoods that the teenagers (that commit the crimes or violent acts) live in are some of the
major factors. These are not necessarily the only causes to teenage violence.
Family Lifestyle and the behavior of members within the family have been shown to have a direct affect on a teenager's behavior in school. A child
can be influenced very easily by any older person, especially a family member, because he always looks up to that family member. If a person in the
family is involved in a criminal activity then the children can more content...
Some of these negative behaviors include theft (lunch money, jewelry), vandalism, demands, threats, bullying, murder and rape (Kim 79). The
following situations are examples of common behavior by teenagers; two boys did an act of vandalism in their school in New Jersey. The two boys
vandalized their busses. The damage amount was $60,000, and the school had to close down for two days because there was no transportation. Another
act of vandalism happened in Oregon
Page #3 when a boy was upset about his semester grades. He brought explosives into the school office and destroyed his records and the records of all
the other students. It cost $43,000 in repair for all the damages (Landau 81).
Some teenagers don't get caught at what their doing out of their own intimidation behavior towards other teens. After they bully some kid or even hurt
him, the victim may feel so intimidated and he will be scared to tell on him (Landau 80). The teenagers that do get caught sometimes end up doing
whatever it is they were caught doing or doing something even worse. This happens because either, they get very little discipline or they are just so
angry that they were caught they do the same thing again (or something even worse) out of anger (Landau 79).
The results of violence in schools can vary from requiring every
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Violence in Schools Essay
As teachers, parents, and students prepare and begin this new school year, hopefully fears of school violence such as the bullying, slapping, punching,
weapon use, and rape will not be their major concern. To top it all, what is School Violence? As defined in the Oxford Dictionary, School Violence is a
subset of students or teachers violence, physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing, the act or an instance of violent action
or behavior at school, abuse or injury to meaning, content, or intent, vehemence of feeling or expression. What is sad is that school violence needs to
be a concern at all. The fact is; violence of one sort or another is part of many schools today. Fortunately, this more content...
To start with, seeing in most schools today, there are many students that have difficulties with their aptitude to learn and to study because it is affected
by the violence occurring at school. Students lose their interest in studying due to the physical and emotional abusing that both teachers and students
use at school, making it more complicated for them to attend classes or even trying to understand the courses that they are involved with in their
studies. Looking at most schools here in Tonga, some of the students that has less capabilities in studying and doing school works; some of the teachers
pick on them, thus that is emotional abusing. It makes those students feel more insecure about themselves drawing to the point making it harder for
them trying to learn. Seeing that the reason for them to come to school is to learn but turns out that the teachers are the first ones that point out their
disabilities therefore allowing most of the other students to do the same. Not only that we take this emotional abusing as violence, but also the physical
abusing at schools, for some teachers that abuse their students does not only affect the students being abused but can also affect other students in the
school. Students lose interest in attending the class of those teachers are in, leaving them struggling throughout the
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Essay on Violence in Our Schools
Violence in Our Schools
Most Americans don't understand the extent of violence in our school system today or simply don't understand how to address the issue. All we can
seem to do is talk how bad the situation has gotten. Politicians and members of the press want to debate this issue to their benefit of gaining societies
approval. Violence in schools has spread widely throughout the nation and has caused many problems among students, families, faculty of schools,
and residents of the areas.These issues will be discussed and I will produce what could or "should" be done to correct these problems. These dilemmas
have been addressed but seem to be an ongoing struggle that can never be overcome. Almost three–fourths of more content...
Even if all the schools do put in metal detectors at the front entrances of schools, their are many other ways kids can sneak in weapons. A possible
answer to this would be to increase the consequences of being caught. This was done efficiently by congress making it a felony to bring a gun within
one–thousand feet of any school under the "Gun–Free School Zones" provision of the 1990 crime prevention. We can also put a large amount of the
blame on our parents for violence. When parents buy a gun and don't properly lock it out of reach, their kid could get a hold of it and bring it to
school and already your in trouble. This is why parents should always lock away their weapons and not just stick it in a draw or on the top shelf of a
closet. They must also integrate to their children the repercussions of shooting a fire arm at someone and allow them to shoot it themselves. This will
educate kids and show them actual damage that guns can and will cause if used inproperly. Experts have also said that most violent conflicts among
school–age children can be traced back to long–simmering disputes(Apfel 21). Some students may not have the proper up bringing to allow themselves
to forgive and forget. If the schools can address an argument before it is allowed to escalate, it could greatly reduce the building of anger in young
students and possibly prevent them from further thoughts of revenge. This
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Essay on Preventing School Violence
Preventing School Violence
The number of extremely violent crimes occurring in schools has been increasing over the last three years. Incidents that deal with school violence
occur 16,000 per school day, which is equivalent to once every six seconds (Kipnis 11). School violence has been around since the1950's, but back
then it was more an issue of juvenile delinquency than violent behavior (Baker 3). Crime in and around schools is threatening the well being of students,
as well as the staff and surrounding communities. When looking at the urgent problem of school violence one must take into account several factors
including the characteristics of the offender, the causes for the violence occurring, and the solution techniques. more content...
Peers of violent offenders believe that the offenders take place in the violent incidents to fit into a crowd and do not think about the repercussions
(Baker 33). Peer pressure is the fastest growing factor contributing to school violence (Gerson 46). Another factor that has been found to contributing to
violence occurring in schools is drugs and alcohol. When investigated, prevention groups found no variation in the convenience for students to access
drugs and alcohol (Kipnis 73). Students with different family incomes, location, and different ethnic backgrounds had the same access (Kipnis 74). In
the last two years the consumption of alcohol during a school violence incident has increased thirty–nine percent (Futrell 6). Society believes that
violence occurs only in bad neighborhoods; this is false (Gerson 39). School violence has been found in all neighborhoods. In rural neighborhoods,
school violence occurs ten percent of the time, occurs thirty percent in suburban schools, and occurs sixty percent in urban schools (Kipnis 69).
Violence is also occurring at all school levels. It has been found that thirty percent of the violence occurs in elementary schools and seventy percent of
the time occurs in secondary schools (Kipnis 70). School violence has also been found to occur more in males than females. Males are the victims of
school violence eighty–three
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School Violence In Schools
My Report School is supposed to be a safe place, where kids can go to learn in hopes of finding their passion and continuing with their education until
they find fulfilling careers. However, with violence in schools growing in America, school is beginning to seem less and less safe. According to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's article, "Violence Prevention," the main types of school violence include: bullying, cyber bullying,
fighting, weapon use, and gang violence ("Violence Prevention" 3). This article continues to explain that school violence can occur at school, on the
way to or from school, and at any school–sponsored event ("Violence Prevention" 4). Ultimately, it does not take a handful of resources to begin to
explain school violence. The most well–known acts of school violence on a day–to–day basis are bullying and cyber bullying. According to's article, "Facts About Bullying," about twenty–eight percent of people in grades six through twelve have been bullied, and about
nine percent have been cyberbullied ("Facts About Bullying" 27). Bullying is usually seen as any harmful act, either physically or emotionally, that
occurs on school grounds or at school events. Some examples of bullying would be beating another kid up, saying rude things to someone, or making
fun of someone. Bullying can cause kids to commit suicide or dread going to school. With the rise of technology and social media, kids can no longer
escape bullying at home.
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Essay on Violence in Schools
Violence in schools is a problem that Americans have had to face at an ever increasing rate. Instead of fistfights, the issues are fatal, like school
shootings. Violence is nationally defined as a physical force used to injure, damage or destroy (Guralnik, D., 1997, P.1490). In the past decade,
students are using more than physical force. They are using deadly weapons to injure or kill their peers and authority figures, and to destroy school
property. Safety is considered to be the freedom from danger and injury damage (Guralnik, D., 1997, P.1181); in other words, freedom from violence.
Schools must ensure students and parents that above adequate measures –especially the three most successful– will be provided to make sure schools more content...
Heavily armed with shotguns and other homemade explosive devices, they terrorized the school and everyone in it by killing students and teachers and
ultimately, themselves (Gottesman, R., 1999, P. 358). The nation watched as the school and the lives of many Columbine families was destroyed. This
was considered to be the worst school shooting in U.S. history. Instead of dwelling on the situation, students and administrators took a proactive
approach to find new methods of prevention so this or any related violence would never be allowed on school grounds again. Safety has been the
school's first priority since the shootings occurred. In a debate with Al Gore, President Bush said, "You can't carry a gun into a school, and there
ought to be a consequence when you do carry a gun into a school. But Columbine spoke to a larger issue, and it's really a matter of culture. It's a
culture that somewhere along the line, we've begun to disrespect life..." (Sandell, A., 2000). Safety remains a top concern on administrators' agendas
Many measures have been implemented to combat violence effectively in our nation's schools. There is no perfect plan or program that can eradicate
violence altogether. Prevention measures vary according to community standards, needs, cultures and
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Essay on Violence in the Schools
The problem we are facing today with violence in the schools is a major concern with communities everywhere. Juvenile homicide is twice as
common today as it was in the mid 1980's. It isn't the brain that the kids are born with that has changed in half a generation; what has changed though
is the easy access to guns and the glorification of revenge in real life and in entertainment. Crime in and around schools is threatening the well being of
students, as well as the staff and surrounding communities. It also affects the learning and student achievements.
Violence is found more in public schools rather than Catholic schools. Most Catholic schools have less tolerance and is a better teaching environment.
It is said that more content...
People should be able to walk in a school and not have to worry if someone is going to ridicule, attack or shoot them.
School administrations are reviewing security and crisis plans, but they are quick to point out there is no one answer to providing a safe school
environment. Everyone wants on simple solution, but there is not one.
People have to work toward getting and maintaining school safety. No matter how well prepared or how safe anyone thinks a plan is, it will never be
100% fool proof. Someone will always find a way around any plan.
Most incidents could and can be prevented by students, parents, teachers, or citizens by sharing information they know with the schools or police. It is
a known fact that before a crime occurs, someone (other than the person planning it), knows that the crime is going to happen. But no one comes
forward because they think nothing like this could happen in their community or school. Violence can happen anywhere or at anytime. Remember
Jonesboro or Columbine, someone knew what the students were planning and did not go to the police or school officials. Schools should pay
attention too not only the major threats but also the littlest ones. Schools in Texas cancelled the last two weeks of classes due to repeated bomb
threats, but due to parental and community outrage, school officials had to reopen the schools a few days later. Four boys in Michigan were charged
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Essay on School Violence
On April 20, 1999 Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold opened fire on Columbine Highschool killing twelve fellow classmates and one teacher. School
violence changes our youths morals. From bullying to peer pressure, youth are exposed to school violence everyday. What is school violence? School
violence varies from accounts of "death, homicide, suicide, weapon related violence, in the US." (c1) School violence can occur to and from school,
while attending a school sponsored event, on a bus, or at an activity.
Violence in school goes back to the 1800s'. The first publicly funded schools for delinquents was built in Massachussettes during 1847. In 1899 Illinois
"established the first statewide court for children". During the 1900s' more content...
(d1) The National Crime Victimization Survey states that nearly two point seven million violent crimes take place each year, on school campus, or near
school campus.
Most children and teens are left home alone and unattended after school between three and seven pm. The current generation today are "latchkey
children". When a child is left without adult supervision the child has the opportunity to get into trouble easier. Violent video games teach children to
"kill or be killed".(b14) Modern entertainment allows youth to play games with cutting edge graphics and digital technology to enhance the realism of
the game. When no parents are around to supervise the television it is not being monitored properly. The NIA has found that the ratings system is
weak and parents are still complaining. Children see violence occurring in television, and also in movies. Movies depict scenes of violence whether it
be , violent scenes, or violent action heroes. Some children do not understand reality vs. video game and movie fantasy. Problems and issues at home
are commonly found when families suffer from family violence, divorce, drug abuse, poor income, unemployment, and illness.
Bullies at school cause an impact on youth. Children and teens are harassed verbally and physically. Bullies usually suffer from a "delinquency case
before age 13, low family income, poor school performance, psychomotor clumsiness, low non verbal IQ, sibling convicted of crime,
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Essay about School Violence
Over the past several years, an epidemic of school violence has overtaken our nation. From monthly shootings, to daily bomb threats around the country,
violence is becoming more and more common in schools. It is typical to hear about acts of violence among our youth everyday on the news. Although
more numerous in cities, this violence does not discriminate against inner city or suburban areas; it happens everywhere. When addressing this quick
spread of crime, one can inquire as to its history and why it happens, myths about school violence, and how was can taper it, by the use of technology.
History of School Violence
The history of violence in schools has no set pattern, but statistics report back to the 1970s. In 1978, more content...
3 Practical School Security). This is not the case; while there are problems that are "normal," sometimes they are not handled correctly or thoroughly.
Often things are handled administratively but not given to law enforcements to deal with. For instance, if theft occurs in the school, the law should
be involved, due to the fact that theft is against the law. However, this is not the case in a lot of school systems. Young adults then may get the notion
that is "ok" to steal, vandalize, and be aggressive towards one another with no consequences. Sometimes, if a young adult commits a crime, there
needs to be more of a consequence then simply being suspended from school. The school systems reason for not reporting crimes has to do alot with
politics. The administration does not want bad publicity, or they "fear for being blamed and not doing their job correctly" (23). Another major reason
for not reporting school–based crimes is the media. If there is violence in a school, it will be publicized in the media. In reality, the school system
needs to be on the same page with the police, so they can help one another out.
The top five issues that are capturing the attention of the U.S. is "aggression and violent behavior, drugs, weapons, gangs, and 'Stranger danger'" (p.5)
These are the issues that have parents concerned, rather than the vandalism or the one on one fights. One of the most
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Essay on School Violence
Social withdrawl, severe feeling of isolation, being bullied, uncontrolled anger. These are all warning signs of violence starting in schools. (Charlene
Alexander) The United States is facing an outbreak of seriously violent crimes in middle schools and high schools across the country. (Mechthid
Schaefer) Violence in schools really affects students learning and their learning habits. If a student is being picked on or bullied, that causes them to
feel socially withdrawn. In turn, this leads to the student not wanting to be in school or not being able to concentrate on what matters the most, their
future. Being picked on is a huge part of how school violence starts. But in reality, those are the things we should pay most attention to. more
Therefore, the government, school officials, and parents are still wondering what is the cause of this horrible violence, and how can they solve the
problem. While students, parents, teachers and educational staff expect schools to grant a safe and secure atmosphere for learning, a series of school
shootings across the nation have occurred. It has happened in suburbs like Parkland and in rural towns once considered safe havens from big–city
shootings. Schools are encountering gun violence for the first time, which has shattered this expectation of what is creating a safe environment for
students. One situation, considered the most awful act of high school terror in United States' history played out at Columbine High School. During that
event, teenagers entered the high school and killed and injured many of the staff and students attending. While this case has received the most
attention, it was not the first case. Every two days in the United States, we lose a classroom of children to some kind of violent related issue. ()
Reports by the U.S. Department of Justice and Education point out that more than eighty percent of public elementary and secondary schools report
experiencing at least one violent incident, ranging from physical fights and bullying to rape and assault with a weapon. Shooting rampages have
occurred across the United States ranging
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Physical Violence In Schools

  • 1. Physical Violence In Schools Physical Violence When non–physical violence occurs, many witnesses including teachers, parents and peers tend to look the other way unless an individual is physically attached. Today, many things trigger physical abuse. If a student doesn't fit into what society views as "normal" they are pushed, hit, kicked, and spit upon by their peers. Teachers are being attacked by students and in turn, students are being attacked by teachers (McFalls 2017). Physical violence has also increased due to the ease of access to weapons. There have been an increased number of student attacked with guns, knives and other forms of weapons. These types of attacks have been highlighted in events such as the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary where 27 individuals were killed and 2 injured; Virginia Tech College, where 32 individuals were killed and 17 injured; and ColumbineHigh school, where 13 individuals were killed and 21 injured. Whether the violence begins at home, exposure to violent television or violent music, there is no doubt that each has contributed to an increase in violent behavior in our school systems which leads to physical violence ( /20–deadliest–mass–shootings–in–u–s–history–fast–facts/index.html). Lack of Supervision A student's lack of supervision is not always by choice, however, many households demand income support from both parents. Some mothers are not able to be homemakers and care for the family. Times have changed and with the Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Violence in Schools Violence among youth, especially in schools, is one of American society's most pressing concerns. It is also a source of controversy. While no recent nationwide study of the real extent of youth violence is available, small–scale and regional studies indicate that youth violence is increasing, at least slightly. In addition, youth, like adults, are now more frequently using guns instead of fists to settle disputes. Youth violence had once been thought to be an urban public school problem; a consequence of poverty and family dysfunction, but stable suburban and rural communities are now also experiencing it, as are private schools. While early intervention is absolutely necessary to help prevent violence, I believe all more content... Involving parents by providing them with information about their children's gang activity and its possible consequences, and counseling to help them deal with the problem, can enlist them as allies in the effort to rid the school of gangs. Schools can also provide access to outside agencies that offer counseling. As a last resort, gang members can be transferred to alternative schools for more intensive support. Concern about increasing youth violence is being channeled into a variety of programs around the country. Although components vary depending on the particular needs of the community, the most effective programs use various methods. Direct measures to prevent violence in schools Legislation now exists at all levels of government to reduce the availability of guns, particularly the sale of weapons to minors. Weapons offenses are treated more harshly in general, and the practice of trying violent juvenile offenders as adults is growing. Some states now hold parents legally responsible for certain behavior of their children, such as truancy and delinquency. To deal with violence in schools, President Bill Clinton signed the 1994 Gun–Free Schools Act, mandating a one–year expulsion for students who bring weapons to school and bolstering the "zero tolerance" for weapons policies of some states and school districts already in existence. The Federal government, and most states, also make funds available for prevention activities Get more content on
  • 3. School Violence Essay Preventing school violence has been an issue in our society for so long it has almost become commonplace. According to an article on, since the year 2000, there have been a recorded 64 shooting related incidents that involved publicly occupied areas. That is an occurrence of almost five per year. Of those 64, 94% of these incidents were school related shootings. The violence goes from elementary schools all the way up to college universities. The statistics are not pretty by any means. So what are we to do? Should we institute better security? For all of these tragedies, it is time reasonable measures are finally taken to implement new methods of prevention and to address the school violence issues as a more content... Of the schools that have already implemented these checklists, many have begun to identify and suspend possible threats within the school. Of course, these threats are the students themselves. But what does this solve? What are the alternatives to using this checklist and helping a potentially dangerous student? Is this a solution or an excuse? The alternatives to profiling students can be divided up. You can have a parental approach, an approach by lawmakers, or a teacher's approach. Seeking a parental approach is a touchy subject. An obvious positive parenting technique is that the parents are more involved in the lives of the children. That is so obvious it hurts. Many parents are not involved as much because of work, being a single parent, money, time, etc. If you are going to have a child in today's society you should be prepared to do everything in your power to be involved. Carolyn Pereia, from the Educational Resources Information Center, suggests two things when raising children. Recognizing positive accomplishments and expectations academically and socially. "If key people in a child's environment give clear and constant signals that violence is not the norm, children will be more likely to develop anti–violent patterns of behavior." (Pereia 1) Being involved with your child is so much more than just going through the motions of daily lives. Parents need to do all that they are able when it comes to their children. There are experiments out there Get more content on
  • 4. Teenage Violence In Schools Essay Page #1 Teenage violence in schools has become a tremendous concern to many people. School violence over the past number of years has been increasing and family life, the things that occur in schools and the neighborhoods that the teenagers (that commit the crimes or violent acts) live in are some of the major factors. These are not necessarily the only causes to teenage violence. Family Lifestyle and the behavior of members within the family have been shown to have a direct affect on a teenager's behavior in school. A child can be influenced very easily by any older person, especially a family member, because he always looks up to that family member. If a person in the family is involved in a criminal activity then the children can more content... Some of these negative behaviors include theft (lunch money, jewelry), vandalism, demands, threats, bullying, murder and rape (Kim 79). The following situations are examples of common behavior by teenagers; two boys did an act of vandalism in their school in New Jersey. The two boys vandalized their busses. The damage amount was $60,000, and the school had to close down for two days because there was no transportation. Another act of vandalism happened in Oregon Page #3 when a boy was upset about his semester grades. He brought explosives into the school office and destroyed his records and the records of all the other students. It cost $43,000 in repair for all the damages (Landau 81). Some teenagers don't get caught at what their doing out of their own intimidation behavior towards other teens. After they bully some kid or even hurt him, the victim may feel so intimidated and he will be scared to tell on him (Landau 80). The teenagers that do get caught sometimes end up doing whatever it is they were caught doing or doing something even worse. This happens because either, they get very little discipline or they are just so angry that they were caught they do the same thing again (or something even worse) out of anger (Landau 79). The results of violence in schools can vary from requiring every Get more content on
  • 5. Violence in Schools Essay As teachers, parents, and students prepare and begin this new school year, hopefully fears of school violence such as the bullying, slapping, punching, weapon use, and rape will not be their major concern. To top it all, what is School Violence? As defined in the Oxford Dictionary, School Violence is a subset of students or teachers violence, physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing, the act or an instance of violent action or behavior at school, abuse or injury to meaning, content, or intent, vehemence of feeling or expression. What is sad is that school violence needs to be a concern at all. The fact is; violence of one sort or another is part of many schools today. Fortunately, this more content... To start with, seeing in most schools today, there are many students that have difficulties with their aptitude to learn and to study because it is affected by the violence occurring at school. Students lose their interest in studying due to the physical and emotional abusing that both teachers and students use at school, making it more complicated for them to attend classes or even trying to understand the courses that they are involved with in their studies. Looking at most schools here in Tonga, some of the students that has less capabilities in studying and doing school works; some of the teachers pick on them, thus that is emotional abusing. It makes those students feel more insecure about themselves drawing to the point making it harder for them trying to learn. Seeing that the reason for them to come to school is to learn but turns out that the teachers are the first ones that point out their disabilities therefore allowing most of the other students to do the same. Not only that we take this emotional abusing as violence, but also the physical abusing at schools, for some teachers that abuse their students does not only affect the students being abused but can also affect other students in the school. Students lose interest in attending the class of those teachers are in, leaving them struggling throughout the Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Violence in Our Schools Violence in Our Schools Most Americans don't understand the extent of violence in our school system today or simply don't understand how to address the issue. All we can seem to do is talk how bad the situation has gotten. Politicians and members of the press want to debate this issue to their benefit of gaining societies approval. Violence in schools has spread widely throughout the nation and has caused many problems among students, families, faculty of schools, and residents of the areas.These issues will be discussed and I will produce what could or "should" be done to correct these problems. These dilemmas have been addressed but seem to be an ongoing struggle that can never be overcome. Almost three–fourths of more content... Even if all the schools do put in metal detectors at the front entrances of schools, their are many other ways kids can sneak in weapons. A possible answer to this would be to increase the consequences of being caught. This was done efficiently by congress making it a felony to bring a gun within one–thousand feet of any school under the "Gun–Free School Zones" provision of the 1990 crime prevention. We can also put a large amount of the blame on our parents for violence. When parents buy a gun and don't properly lock it out of reach, their kid could get a hold of it and bring it to school and already your in trouble. This is why parents should always lock away their weapons and not just stick it in a draw or on the top shelf of a closet. They must also integrate to their children the repercussions of shooting a fire arm at someone and allow them to shoot it themselves. This will educate kids and show them actual damage that guns can and will cause if used inproperly. Experts have also said that most violent conflicts among school–age children can be traced back to long–simmering disputes(Apfel 21). Some students may not have the proper up bringing to allow themselves to forgive and forget. If the schools can address an argument before it is allowed to escalate, it could greatly reduce the building of anger in young students and possibly prevent them from further thoughts of revenge. This Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Preventing School Violence Preventing School Violence The number of extremely violent crimes occurring in schools has been increasing over the last three years. Incidents that deal with school violence occur 16,000 per school day, which is equivalent to once every six seconds (Kipnis 11). School violence has been around since the1950's, but back then it was more an issue of juvenile delinquency than violent behavior (Baker 3). Crime in and around schools is threatening the well being of students, as well as the staff and surrounding communities. When looking at the urgent problem of school violence one must take into account several factors including the characteristics of the offender, the causes for the violence occurring, and the solution techniques. more content... Peers of violent offenders believe that the offenders take place in the violent incidents to fit into a crowd and do not think about the repercussions (Baker 33). Peer pressure is the fastest growing factor contributing to school violence (Gerson 46). Another factor that has been found to contributing to violence occurring in schools is drugs and alcohol. When investigated, prevention groups found no variation in the convenience for students to access drugs and alcohol (Kipnis 73). Students with different family incomes, location, and different ethnic backgrounds had the same access (Kipnis 74). In the last two years the consumption of alcohol during a school violence incident has increased thirty–nine percent (Futrell 6). Society believes that violence occurs only in bad neighborhoods; this is false (Gerson 39). School violence has been found in all neighborhoods. In rural neighborhoods, school violence occurs ten percent of the time, occurs thirty percent in suburban schools, and occurs sixty percent in urban schools (Kipnis 69). Violence is also occurring at all school levels. It has been found that thirty percent of the violence occurs in elementary schools and seventy percent of the time occurs in secondary schools (Kipnis 70). School violence has also been found to occur more in males than females. Males are the victims of school violence eighty–three Get more content on
  • 8. School Violence In Schools My Report School is supposed to be a safe place, where kids can go to learn in hopes of finding their passion and continuing with their education until they find fulfilling careers. However, with violence in schools growing in America, school is beginning to seem less and less safe. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's article, "Violence Prevention," the main types of school violence include: bullying, cyber bullying, fighting, weapon use, and gang violence ("Violence Prevention" 3). This article continues to explain that school violence can occur at school, on the way to or from school, and at any school–sponsored event ("Violence Prevention" 4). Ultimately, it does not take a handful of resources to begin to explain school violence. The most well–known acts of school violence on a day–to–day basis are bullying and cyber bullying. According to's article, "Facts About Bullying," about twenty–eight percent of people in grades six through twelve have been bullied, and about nine percent have been cyberbullied ("Facts About Bullying" 27). Bullying is usually seen as any harmful act, either physically or emotionally, that occurs on school grounds or at school events. Some examples of bullying would be beating another kid up, saying rude things to someone, or making fun of someone. Bullying can cause kids to commit suicide or dread going to school. With the rise of technology and social media, kids can no longer escape bullying at home. Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Violence in Schools Violence in schools is a problem that Americans have had to face at an ever increasing rate. Instead of fistfights, the issues are fatal, like school shootings. Violence is nationally defined as a physical force used to injure, damage or destroy (Guralnik, D., 1997, P.1490). In the past decade, students are using more than physical force. They are using deadly weapons to injure or kill their peers and authority figures, and to destroy school property. Safety is considered to be the freedom from danger and injury damage (Guralnik, D., 1997, P.1181); in other words, freedom from violence. Schools must ensure students and parents that above adequate measures –especially the three most successful– will be provided to make sure schools more content... Heavily armed with shotguns and other homemade explosive devices, they terrorized the school and everyone in it by killing students and teachers and ultimately, themselves (Gottesman, R., 1999, P. 358). The nation watched as the school and the lives of many Columbine families was destroyed. This was considered to be the worst school shooting in U.S. history. Instead of dwelling on the situation, students and administrators took a proactive approach to find new methods of prevention so this or any related violence would never be allowed on school grounds again. Safety has been the school's first priority since the shootings occurred. In a debate with Al Gore, President Bush said, "You can't carry a gun into a school, and there ought to be a consequence when you do carry a gun into a school. But Columbine spoke to a larger issue, and it's really a matter of culture. It's a culture that somewhere along the line, we've begun to disrespect life..." (Sandell, A., 2000). Safety remains a top concern on administrators' agendas nationwide. Many measures have been implemented to combat violence effectively in our nation's schools. There is no perfect plan or program that can eradicate violence altogether. Prevention measures vary according to community standards, needs, cultures and Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Violence in the Schools The problem we are facing today with violence in the schools is a major concern with communities everywhere. Juvenile homicide is twice as common today as it was in the mid 1980's. It isn't the brain that the kids are born with that has changed in half a generation; what has changed though is the easy access to guns and the glorification of revenge in real life and in entertainment. Crime in and around schools is threatening the well being of students, as well as the staff and surrounding communities. It also affects the learning and student achievements. Violence is found more in public schools rather than Catholic schools. Most Catholic schools have less tolerance and is a better teaching environment. It is said that more content... People should be able to walk in a school and not have to worry if someone is going to ridicule, attack or shoot them. School administrations are reviewing security and crisis plans, but they are quick to point out there is no one answer to providing a safe school environment. Everyone wants on simple solution, but there is not one. People have to work toward getting and maintaining school safety. No matter how well prepared or how safe anyone thinks a plan is, it will never be 100% fool proof. Someone will always find a way around any plan. Most incidents could and can be prevented by students, parents, teachers, or citizens by sharing information they know with the schools or police. It is a known fact that before a crime occurs, someone (other than the person planning it), knows that the crime is going to happen. But no one comes forward because they think nothing like this could happen in their community or school. Violence can happen anywhere or at anytime. Remember Jonesboro or Columbine, someone knew what the students were planning and did not go to the police or school officials. Schools should pay attention too not only the major threats but also the littlest ones. Schools in Texas cancelled the last two weeks of classes due to repeated bomb threats, but due to parental and community outrage, school officials had to reopen the schools a few days later. Four boys in Michigan were charged Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on School Violence On April 20, 1999 Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold opened fire on Columbine Highschool killing twelve fellow classmates and one teacher. School violence changes our youths morals. From bullying to peer pressure, youth are exposed to school violence everyday. What is school violence? School violence varies from accounts of "death, homicide, suicide, weapon related violence, in the US." (c1) School violence can occur to and from school, while attending a school sponsored event, on a bus, or at an activity. Violence in school goes back to the 1800s'. The first publicly funded schools for delinquents was built in Massachussettes during 1847. In 1899 Illinois "established the first statewide court for children". During the 1900s' more content... (d1) The National Crime Victimization Survey states that nearly two point seven million violent crimes take place each year, on school campus, or near school campus. Most children and teens are left home alone and unattended after school between three and seven pm. The current generation today are "latchkey children". When a child is left without adult supervision the child has the opportunity to get into trouble easier. Violent video games teach children to "kill or be killed".(b14) Modern entertainment allows youth to play games with cutting edge graphics and digital technology to enhance the realism of the game. When no parents are around to supervise the television it is not being monitored properly. The NIA has found that the ratings system is weak and parents are still complaining. Children see violence occurring in television, and also in movies. Movies depict scenes of violence whether it be , violent scenes, or violent action heroes. Some children do not understand reality vs. video game and movie fantasy. Problems and issues at home are commonly found when families suffer from family violence, divorce, drug abuse, poor income, unemployment, and illness. Bullies at school cause an impact on youth. Children and teens are harassed verbally and physically. Bullies usually suffer from a "delinquency case before age 13, low family income, poor school performance, psychomotor clumsiness, low non verbal IQ, sibling convicted of crime, Get more content on
  • 12. Essay about School Violence Over the past several years, an epidemic of school violence has overtaken our nation. From monthly shootings, to daily bomb threats around the country, violence is becoming more and more common in schools. It is typical to hear about acts of violence among our youth everyday on the news. Although more numerous in cities, this violence does not discriminate against inner city or suburban areas; it happens everywhere. When addressing this quick spread of crime, one can inquire as to its history and why it happens, myths about school violence, and how was can taper it, by the use of technology. History of School Violence The history of violence in schools has no set pattern, but statistics report back to the 1970s. In 1978, more content... 3 Practical School Security). This is not the case; while there are problems that are "normal," sometimes they are not handled correctly or thoroughly. Often things are handled administratively but not given to law enforcements to deal with. For instance, if theft occurs in the school, the law should be involved, due to the fact that theft is against the law. However, this is not the case in a lot of school systems. Young adults then may get the notion that is "ok" to steal, vandalize, and be aggressive towards one another with no consequences. Sometimes, if a young adult commits a crime, there needs to be more of a consequence then simply being suspended from school. The school systems reason for not reporting crimes has to do alot with politics. The administration does not want bad publicity, or they "fear for being blamed and not doing their job correctly" (23). Another major reason for not reporting school–based crimes is the media. If there is violence in a school, it will be publicized in the media. In reality, the school system needs to be on the same page with the police, so they can help one another out. The top five issues that are capturing the attention of the U.S. is "aggression and violent behavior, drugs, weapons, gangs, and 'Stranger danger'" (p.5) These are the issues that have parents concerned, rather than the vandalism or the one on one fights. One of the most Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on School Violence Social withdrawl, severe feeling of isolation, being bullied, uncontrolled anger. These are all warning signs of violence starting in schools. (Charlene Alexander) The United States is facing an outbreak of seriously violent crimes in middle schools and high schools across the country. (Mechthid Schaefer) Violence in schools really affects students learning and their learning habits. If a student is being picked on or bullied, that causes them to feel socially withdrawn. In turn, this leads to the student not wanting to be in school or not being able to concentrate on what matters the most, their future. Being picked on is a huge part of how school violence starts. But in reality, those are the things we should pay most attention to. more content... Therefore, the government, school officials, and parents are still wondering what is the cause of this horrible violence, and how can they solve the problem. While students, parents, teachers and educational staff expect schools to grant a safe and secure atmosphere for learning, a series of school shootings across the nation have occurred. It has happened in suburbs like Parkland and in rural towns once considered safe havens from big–city shootings. Schools are encountering gun violence for the first time, which has shattered this expectation of what is creating a safe environment for students. One situation, considered the most awful act of high school terror in United States' history played out at Columbine High School. During that event, teenagers entered the high school and killed and injured many of the staff and students attending. While this case has received the most attention, it was not the first case. Every two days in the United States, we lose a classroom of children to some kind of violent related issue. () Reports by the U.S. Department of Justice and Education point out that more than eighty percent of public elementary and secondary schools report experiencing at least one violent incident, ranging from physical fights and bullying to rape and assault with a weapon. Shooting rampages have occurred across the United States ranging Get more content on