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PtaHlOkTieOs October 2014 Issue 09 
A Joint Initiative of Kunzum and ZEISS 
ZEISS OTUS 1.4/85 
Fire and Ice Cave 
Augment Reality with 
Summer is giving way to autumn and winter in India, and marks the start of a gorgeous 
time of the year. 
Our friends in the western world may have a different opinion of winters, but it is quite 
welcome in India. Our summers are as extreme as are winters in many other regions 
of the planet. For us, the period of autumn to spring is much-needed relief from harsh 
summers and, for many parts of the country, incessant monsoons leading to floods 
The Himalayas will be rich with reds and oranges in autumn, while the forests in the 
plains will be lush green after the rains. Streams, rivers and waterfalls will be full of water. 
As it gets cooler, it will feel great to be out in the sun with light jackets on in northern 
India. Mornings and evenings already have that nip in the air. Lazing on the beaches will 
not burn you. 
Then there are the festivals. Dussehra, Durga Puja, Diwali, Eid, Christmas and Holi are 
just some occasions when homes and markets are lit up and decorated, and everyone 
will be celebrating together – often with friends cutting across all religions. 
It is beautiful out there. This is not the time to stay holed up in your cubicles. This is 
the time to celebrate. This is the time to travel. Go rafting, climb mountains, explore 
forests, admire monuments, and everything else that pumps adrenalin. Don’t forget to 
take great pictures along the way. 
Let’s click together. 
PtaHlOkTieOs A Joint Initiative of Kunzum and ZEISS 
Want to contribute 
to PhotoTalkies? 
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Disclaimer: All articles and photographs in this magazine are the opinions of the 
respective contributors. It is understood that they own the copyright to the same, or 
have the rights to offer the same under their bylines. ZEISS is not responsible for 
the authenticity of any of the articles and photographs, nor will be held liable for any 
disputes, claims and liabilities arising out of ownership or copyright issues of the content 
in the magazine. 
A city for all seasons, for all moods 05 
with ZEISS Distagon T* 2,8/21 25 
with ZEISS Distagon T* 2,8/15 34 
ZEISS OTUS 1.4/85 
A Lens for Life 41 
The Sony Xperia Z3 Way 47
A Beetle 
PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Kathmandu: Calling You Back 
Many moons ago, someone turned the music off in Kathmandu, the subcontinent’s original party town. But you cannot keep a good 
thing down for long. Nepal’s capital is rocking again, albeit to a slightly different tune. 
The country may still be politically troubled, but it has put its violent phase firmly behind. Also gone are the hippies, the rave parties 
and the open culture of drugs and sex pursued by western backpackers. Even casinos are past their prime. But Kathmandu is still a 
charming city to visit. 
Kathmandu is a city for all seasons, for all budgets, for all kinds of travel moods. You don’t have to think much before heading there. 
The Nepalese make for great hosts, and they know how to keep you entertained. 
06 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Thamel - Party Hard 
You cannot be blamed for wanting to head straight to Thamel. 
This district never went to sleep once upon a time; it was the 
place to party and have fun, besides being the hub for 
backpackers. Today, things have changed. Most shutters are down 
by 8:00 p.m., night clubs struggle to attract guests and long 
power cuts cast a dull look even during daytime. Politics have 
played party-pooper here. Before you head back though, look 
around again. Thamel has some of the best eateries in town, 
especially the cafes and those serving Italian cuisine. You can 
have a feast here. Again, only Pokhara offers better coffee, cakes 
and pizzas (What is with me about this stuff? I can live off these!) 
Would not recommend Indian cuisines; Chinese and Continental 
are not bad though. Places like Mitra Dera are boutique hotels no 
one will tell you about. Thamel can turn misers into shopaholics. 
Books, music, DVDs, handicrafts, gifts, clothes and adventure 
gear are all available. The originals share shelf space with the 
counterfeit - take your pick. Even sin is for sale. Especially after 
sunset. Young boys will whisper offerings of ‘”hash” (hashish, a 
drug made from marijuana) and “some enjoyment with beautiful 
women.” Your call! 
The few late night clubs were struggling to get any customers and 
long power cuts gave them a less-than-rocking look. But the 
pedigree is right. My take? Things are getting better in Nepal, and 
Thamel will be back. 
07 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
The famous Shivaratri at Pashupatinath Temple 
If you have sinned, in Kathmandu or beyond, you can wash these away at some of the most sacred places of worship for Hindus and 
Buddhists. Of course, you can seek blessings even with a clear conscience. The Pashupatinath Temple is regarded by Hindus as the 
holiest of all dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple has been in the news lately for the wrong reasons though. The Bhandaris from 
south India have been the priests and caretakers here for centuries. All was well till the Maoists took it upon themselves to dismantle 
all dynasties. They removed the monarchy, and want the Bhandaris out too. Physical attacks on priests and accusations of financial 
malpractices have taken matters to court - the jury is still out on the issue. 
If you can, time your visit to Pashupatinath on Shivaratri. It is an event to behold. Over 600,000 devotees come from all over the 
world, and the atmosphere resonates with their devotional songs. Decorative lighting and stalls selling items of worship, gifts, food, 
clothes and toys give the place a festive look. 
Adding colour to the festivities are the hundreds of ‘holy men and women.’ They come from all over to offer their own brand of 
homage to the Gods. While some practice their faith with sincerity, others see it as a platform to resort to antics. Dressed in minimal 
clothing, these 'others' can be seen performing a quasi 'strip-tease' and indulging in vulgar acts just to please the crowds. Spewing 
abusive language, drinking, seeking money from passers-by are all par for the occasion. They consume and sell Marijuana sticks for 
Rs. 10 each - calling them prasad or offerings to Lord Shiva. It is all a part of the package and no one grudges them; in fact, most 
devotees still give them the respect reserved for true custodians of the faith. Offer your prayers and enjoy the show! 
08 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
A view of 
09 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Monkeys were a hazard to my job at Pashupatinath 
Temple. Hundreds of them were jumping around the 
same wall as the one I was trying to get pictures 
from. They may not have attacked me, but could 
have startled me causing me to do a Humpty 
Dumpty on the wall. It was only after it was dark 
that they moved away. This one seemed to be the 
vain one left behind – could not move away from 
the spotlights.
The ‘Eyes’ are 
watching you at 
The backside 
of the Nandi 
bull at 
11 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Male and female 
sadhus or ‘holy men’ 
who come for Shivaratri 
at Pashupatinath Temple. 
Many of them can be seen 
smoking Marijuana openly, 
and even selling to passers-by.
Boudhanath: The Eyes of Nepal 
It is difficult not to feel spiritual when you visit Boudhanath (also spelled Bodhnath, and called Khasti by the Newars), especially 
when you see the cradle formed by the surrounding Himalayan peaks. I asked my cab to wait, entered a narrow alley and was 
received by the kindly ‘Eyes of Nepal’ looking at me from one of the largest stupas in the world. This manmade structure is 
spectacular, I could only look at this whole setting in amazement. The Buddhists never cease to impress with their capabilities. 
Boudhanath lay on a major trade route to Tibet and marked the entry to Kathmandu. Traders would offer prayers here for safe 
passage. Even today, mountaineers including the Sherpaspay their respects at Boudhanath before setting off on their expeditions. 
A mini Tibet settled here after their country was invaded by China in 1959. You not only get a peek into their culture but also get to 
shop and eat like they do at the many outlets surrounding the stupa. You can also check in to one of the many hotels and guest 
houses in the area. The stupa is surrounded by many smaller Buddhist structures – and hotels, cafes and shops. For best views climb 
to the top floor of one of the surrounding buildings. 
13 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
14 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Patan, City of Fine Arts, 
lives up to its name 
They actually made architectural marvels like these. The oldest 
of the three cities in the Kathmandu Valley (others being 
Kathmandu and Bhaktapur), Patan is richly deserving of its 
World Heritage Site status. 
15 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Known as the ‘City of Fine Arts,’ the structures in the Patan Darbar Square are dated 16th 
century onwards; most were built during the reign of King Siddhi Narsingh Malla (1618- 
1661 AD), the first independent Malla dynasty king of Patan. The dynasty continued its 
reign till it was subdued by King Prithvi Narayan Shah the Great in 1768. 
Patan (name signifying a prosperous city) is also known as Lalitpur (official name) or Yala 
(also spelled Yela, derived from ‘Yupagram’ meaning a village with a victory pole). According 
to mythology, Patan was built by King Birdeva in the 6th century. He is said to have received 
directions from Sarveshvara, a form of Hindu God Shiva, to establish a city in the form of a 
Yantra, an auspicious symbol having 9 jewels in the centre, 
8 protective deities on the periphery and 24 city sections. 
Patan still retains bits of this original design. According to my 
guide, every Darbar in Nepal had a ‘bell telephone’ long before Alexander 
Graham Bell invented his version. Patan too has one: It is a big bell called 
the Tago Gan that served as an alarm and could be heard for seven miles - 
even now it resonates during the holy period of Navratris before any animal 
Look around for sights that will no doubt grip your attention. These include 
dried out intestines of Water Buffaloes hanging at the entrance to Mulchok 
Courtyard; get a fresh set every year. Pity the buffaloes! This building’s 
perimeter is marked with 108 sculptures - all manifestations of Goddess Kali. 
This courtyard used to be the main venue for religious celebrations, political 
meetings, social functions and cultural performances. The tradition of masked 
dances, the ensemble known as Gan Pyakhan, continues to be an annual event 
here during the 15-day Dashain festival, most auspicious for Nepalis from all 
communities, that starts on the first day of the Navratris in September or October. 
16 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
in Patan
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After Patan, another treat 
at Bhaktapur 
Bhaktapur is yet another architectural wonder, said to have 
been built in the 12th century by King Ananda Malla, it was 
the seat of power until 1768. Its temples and palaces are all 
fascinating to look at, despite significant losses suffered in the 
1934 earthquake. It was a city famous for its paintings, 
pottery, carvings and bronze-casting. Even now, walk along 
its cobbled traffic free streets to see artisans at work 
especially in the Potters' Village. A culturally rich town, try to 
time your visit with important festivals like Shivaratri, Bisket 
Jatra (the Nepalese New Year), Dashain (dedicated to 
Goddess Durga) and Tihar (a festival of lights to honour 
Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth). 
I could not have chosen a better day than Shivaratri to visit 
Bhaktapur when this ancient city was full of colour and happy 
faces. The temples had a stream of devotees lighting lamps, 
ringing bells and praying to Lord Shiva on the auspicious day. 
20 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Hindu God dess Durga is also 
worsh ipped o n Shivaratri in 
Bhaktapur – these m en were dancing 
in masks depicting the var ious 
forms of Durga with music f rom a 
specially designe d dholak (drum 
played by hand). But p hotograp hing 
them was not easy – t he tro upe 
manag ers wante d money. I gave a 
few r upees but was cons tantly 
dis tu rbed by street bo ys who also 
wante d mon ey – and t hey wo uld 
keep tr ying to co ver my lens with 
their hand s. Got som e decent shots 
eventually tho ug h. 
The dho lak 
to provide 
the beats for 
the masked 
21 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
off for 
You want to take 
her photograph? 
Then yo u better 
agree to buy one 
of the handcrafted 
bags she is selling! 
woman on 
her way to 
the temple
Boris Buschardt is a passionate landscape photographer who has 
discovered a fascinating underwater world. With a snorkel or from 
the water’s edge, he captures the strange vastness that lies under the 
water’s surface with his securely encased ZEISS Distagon T* 2,8/21. 
25 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
“I’ve been doing landscape photography intensively for the last 10 years, and 
for six years almost exclusively with ZEISS lenses. I have the Distagon T* 2,8/15, 
the Distagon T* 2,8/21, the Planar T* 1,4/50, the Otus 1.4/55 and the Apo Sonnar 
T* 2/135. Around two years ago, I started doing underwater photography and 
was determined to work with the Distagon T* 2,8/21. In the wide-angle range 
around 20 millimeters, there’s just nothing better.” 
Silfra Tectonic Fissure in Þingvellir National Park, Iceland. Photo taken while snorkeling 
26 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Silfra Tectonic Fissure, Þingvellir National Park, Iceland, Distributary with algae growth in summer. 
Photo taken while snorkeling 
The first challenge was to make his camera water-proof. Buschardt used a Seacam housing with a specially-made tooth ring. Combined 
with a gearbox, he can set the manual focus of the ZEISS lenses very precisely through a corresponding small cog on the housing. He 
placed the Distagon T* 2,8/21 in a large dome port (see also “Optics take a dive”). Made of curved glass, it is also good for creating ‘half-half’ 
images, in which one part of the image is above the water’s surface and the second part below. “I really like this view of the Silfra 
Fissure — the threatening black clouds, the waves in the foreground, the calmness under water, the view into its icy depths.” The Silfra 
Fissure, that actually divides the American and Eurasian continental plates, is unique for supposedly having the clearest water on Earth. 
Even in tropical waters, visibility is limited to 30-50 meters, but here in Iceland it’s 130 meters without any particles. “It feels like you’re 
swimming and taking pictures through glass. It’s amazing.” 
27 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Plitvice Lakes, Croatia shot from the water’s edge 
When Boris Buschardt takes pictures, he doesn’t go down 
with a diving tank. “It takes about five years to master the 
techniques of scuba diving and to be able to dive confi-dently. 
I don’t have time for that at the moment. I want 
to focus on the photography.” Buschardt limits himself to 
snorkeling and moves up to four meters under the water’s 
surface while photographing. Many of his pictures, such 
as the half-half image of the Plitvice Lakes, are taken from 
land: by lying on his stomach on the shore and holding his 
camera in the water. 
28 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Karst spring Fernstein Lake, Austria. Picture taken from the shore. The base of the karst spring is reflected under the water’s surface 
The biggest challenge when taking a half-half image is making sure there are no drops on the lens for the image depicting the half above the 
water. To do that, Buschardt uses the following trick: find a solid footing, wipe the dome port with a cloth, and slowly lower the lens. A good place 
to keep the cloth dry is in the collar of a wetsuit. When the water moves, you need lots of patience and skillfulness to handle this. 
Once all drops of water have been wiped away, you can then turn your attention to creating naturally proportioned images. In order to do this, 
two things are crucial: “How much should you stop down? And how close should the foreground be? In the pictures of the Plitvice Lakes, the 
plants in the water are pretty close to the lens. If I had focused more towards the back, the picture would have been out of focus. It’s really import-ant 
to me that the parts under water are sharp.” 
29 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Samarang Lake, Austria, at around noon, incoming sunlight 
Due to the changed light refraction under water, sharpness is critical. So when using a dome port, you need to think a bit ‘out of the box’, in order 
to achieve the sharpness. “Lenses are normally optimized for flat images, which is one of the strengths of ZEISS. But underwater photography has 
other requirements. Ideally, you need a lens that has the same image field curvature as the virtual image of the dome port. Unfortunately, this 
combination does not exist.” The solution: stop down strongly so the edges of the image remain sharp. However, an aperture of f/22 or above will 
cause the effects of diffraction to be too strong and the sharpness in the center of the image will suffer. “That’s why I typically work with f/11 or 
30 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Boris Buschardt travels frequently for his photography. For 
one of his last big photo trips, he went to the small island 
nation of Palau, which lies between Papua New Guinea and 
the Philippines. “For such a journey, your equipment has to 
be robust. Whether it’s in the luggage on a flight, on small 
boats, or in a jeep, I can always depend on ZEISS lenses to 
hold up, whatever the circumstance. 
Once in Palau, his destination was the ‘jellyfish lake’ of 
Ongeim’l Tketau on the Rock Islands. The lake became sep-arated 
from the ocean around 12,000 years ago. Its six-hect-are 
basin is constantly exchanging water with the nearby 
South Pacific Ocean. The approximately 6.2 million jellyfish 
that currently populate the lake cannot leave these waters. 
For thousands of years, the jellyfish have lived in a closed 
system, and because they lack natural enemies they have 
almost completely lost their poisonous stingers. “It’s an in-credible 
experience to snorkel among such a huge amount 
of jellyfish. It’s like being surrounded by aliens. But it’s a 
paradise for scuba divers — and photographers.” 
Ongeim’l Tketau, (Jellyfish Lake), Rock Islands, Palau 
31 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Boris Buschardt at work at the Plitvice Lakes 
About Boris Buschardt 
Boris Buschardt is an engineer for a car manufacturer in Ingolstadt, Germany. When traveling in his youth, he developed an interest for photography. He is 
passionate about photographing landscapes around the globe and carefully picks his travel destinations in order to bring home new motifs. And he has 
recently started to explore the landscapes that lie under water. His images appear in picture books and calendars. 
32 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Stefan Blawath loves mountains, nature, light – and photography. With 
the ZEISS Distagon T* 2,8/15 he succeeded in taking some quite unique 
pictures inside a glacier cave in Iceland. 
34 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Flying sparks in the glacier cave 
Stefan Blawath travels frequently for his photography — to the Alps, New Zealand, Swedish Lapland or Norway. In the past, he has gone to great lengths 
to get good shots. But at the beginning of 2014 he went on a tour that was unusual even by his standards: a photo shoot in an Icelandic glacier cave. 
35 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Blawath developed the idea for this trip together with an acquaintance, also a photographer, who accompanied him to Iceland for nine days. On arriving, 
they first drove for an hour and a half by car to the edge of the Vatnajökull glacier, then continued for another 90 minutes over ice as smooth as glass. “With 
our guide we formed a roped party and, well secured with ice screws, walked across the glacier ice with step irons. At the entrance to the cave we had to 
descend with ropes. Then we went further, 100 meters deep into the glacier, until we reached the approximately 10-meter high dome where we wanted to 
take our pictures. To get there we had to negotiate confined spaces that you could only pass through by crawling.” 
Flying sparks in the glacier cave 
36 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
In order to have the right photographic equipment for this trip, Blawath 
acquired the Distagon T* 2,8/15 in November 2013. “My photo dealer 
told me that this is the lens and that nothing will be able to match it for 
a while. And he was right: it took me less than 24 hours to decide on this 
specific lens. Ultimately there were two reasons why I bought the lens: 
the ice caves and the ability to photograph the Northern Lights. During 
this trip I was able to take some truly impressive pictures of the Northern 
Lights with the lens. You can see one example below. In Iceland I used the 
Distagon T* 2,8/15 for the first time.“ 
A strip of Northern Lights above a frozen glacier lake 
37 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Blawath and his companions needed around four hours in 
the cave in order to realize all their photographic ideas. They 
not only wanted to take pictures of ‘pure nature’ but also to 
dramatize the special atmosphere inside the cave with light 
effects. To do that they placed steel wool inside a whisk, 
wrapped the whisk on a wire rope, lit the contents and then 
whirled the burning steel wool round like a lasso. “The flying 
sparks looked incredibly exciting inside the cave and thanks 
to the blue light they released a very special effect, making 
the ice look golden and shiny.” 
The dominant color of natural light deep down in the cave is 
blue, not white. Compressed ice with barely any air pockets 
works like a weak color filter: red, orange, yellow and green 
light are absorbed first. Once the ice surface is more than 
about three meters thick, only blue light remains — the so-called 
‘glacier blue’. 
“The light that day was relatively weak, which actually had 
a positive effect on the images. We didn’t have to deal with 
any potential overexposure. Through a hole in the ceiling, 
where icicles had formed from melting water, only a small 
amount of light came through, which lit up the snow that 
had fallen into the cave. In the foreground you can also see 
a small stream which, due to the long exposure time, has a 
particularly soft effect.” 
Glacier cave with incidental sunlight 
38 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
For Blawath, the shoot in the Icelandic ice cave was an intense ex-perience, 
and not just in a photographic sense. “They way nature is 
able to form such a cave is so beautiful. And how harmonious and 
at the same time harsh everything appears. To experience that was 
simply amazing. The effort was definitely worth it. After all, you 
only get the chance to take such pictures once. A high-quality lens 
like the Distagon T* 2,8/15 is a huge advantage here. By and large 
you can rely on getting a sharp image – from infinity to up close 
– and that in combination with an extreme wide angle. Inciden-tally, 
it turned out that the pictures I took in this cave were literal-ly 
unique. The winter in Iceland was very mild with heavy rainfall, 
and less than a week after our shoot the cave filled up with water. 
The grotto I photographed doesn’t exist in this form anymore.” 
About Stefan Blawath 
Stefan Blawath has been photographing since his youth. After a longer 
respite, he took up photography again eight years ago, first starting 
with a model for beginners. Two years ago he switched to a full-format 
SLR camera and developed a preference for high-quality lenses. When 
Stefan is not in the mountains indulging his passion for photography, 
he manages the client and business partner portal of a large insurance 
company in Munich. 
Glacier cave with sunlight coming through 
39 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Drew Gardner is a people photographer in heart 
and soul. When he was offered a prototype of 
the ZEISS Otus 1.4/85 he jumped at the chance. 
Wanting to know what the new lens was capable 
of, he tested it under normal everyday conditions – 
and really liked the results. 
41 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Leaving the wedding ceremony in a flurry of rice and flower blossoms 
A young wedding guest on the fringes of the festivities 
“The Otus 1.4/85 is the best portrait lens I’ve ever worked 
with. Period.” That’s how Drew Gardner summarizes 
his experience. He selected the wedding of a friend in 
London to test the lens, as it came close to the every-day 
situations he normally encounters. “I’m not really a 
wedding photographer, but it was a favor for a friend. So I 
seized the opportunity and took pictures all day with the 
Otus 1.4/85 under real working conditions.” 
For a job like this, the equipment has to deliver first-class 
results the first time around, as for most motifs you don’t 
get a second chance. “The picture of the couple coming 
out of the hall after the ceremony is a wonderful example. 
There were just a few seconds to capture the moment. 
And it worked. The Otus 1.4/85 is an incredibly practical 
lens. The manual focusing worked without any problems 
at all.” If you look closely, you can even see individual 
grains of rice in the air. 
42 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Gardner, a big fan of the arts, used the speed of the Otus 
1.4/85 for a special visual idea he had: he placed the couple 
before a Rembrandt painting in London’s Dulwich Picture 
Gallery. He didn’t have much time, and in this setting large 
equipment would have been out of place. So he decided to 
forego the flash and use the Otus 1.4/85 with large aperture. 
The result: “Beautiful contrast, beautiful sharpness that you 
can’t get with any other lens.” 
The Loxia 2/35 on the Sony Alpha 7R 
Portrait of wedding couple, Dulwich Picture Gallery, London. 
In the background: Girl at a Window, 1645, Rembrandt 
43 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
“The bokeh is also fabulous. This 
portrait of one of the female 
wedding guests shows that very nicely. 
In addition, the Otus 1.4/85 has a 
decisive practical advantage: you get 
very high image quality directly from 
the camera with minimal post-pro-cessing 
effort.” Chromatic aberra-tions, 
for example, which can show 
up with night shots when there are 
high contrasts, are completely absent. 
Re-sharpening, improving contrast or 
removing reflections are, for the most 
part, also unnecessary. The optical 
quality of the lens saves time, and for 
professional photographers time is 
Female wedding guest, portrait 
44 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
Drew Gardner has been working intensively with ZEISS 
lenses for about a year now. He likes their quality and unique 
look. “But the Otus 1.4/85 raises everything to a complete-ly 
new level. For the first time, I was able to exploit the full 
potential of a DSLR. For a long time I had a clear favorite 
lens from another manufacturer, but it’s been knocked from 
its throne by the Otus. This is not a lens you keep for five 
or even ten years. It’s a lens for life – and a must for anyone 
who takes pictures of people.” 
A moment to relax 
About Drew Gardner 
Drew Gardner was a photojournalist for around 20 years before switching to people photography. Even as a 
journalist his focus was on people and stories. Today he tells photographic stories about people, and sometimes 
about landscapes as well, but without using a newspaper. 
45 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS 
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For more information on ZEISS Sports Optics 
and Camera Lenses 
For Customer Enquiries 
A U G M E N T R E A L I T Y 
The Xperia Z3 way 
Adding dinosaurs, butterflies and fairies to pictures 
The Sony Xperia Z3 is no doubt good at taking 
photographs. So good as to actually give you the 
option of leaving your trusty point and shooter, 
and occasionally even your DSLR, behind. But what 
makes it special is not just its ability to photograph 
what you see through it, but also what you do not. 
No, we are not getting into the realms of fantasy 
here. All you need to do is press the camera shoot-ing 
mode and switch to “AR Effects” mode and you 
will get a whole lot of augmented reality options. 
In simple English – depending on the effect you 
choose, you will be able to see a host of things, 
ranging from dinosaurs to butterflies, to volcanoes 
on the display, as well as the view from the camera. 
What’s more, you can move them around and even 
place them where you want in the display. 
47 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
And oh yes, they remain in the picture when you hit the shutter 
button, giving a picture of not just what you saw but also a few 
additional things that no one else has (not unless they have an 
Xperia Z3 too). 
Making this happen are two very handy apps that come within the 
camera app of Xperia Z3 – AR Fun and AR Effects. AR Effects is the 
more interactive one, showing people walking around and objects 
moving, while AR Fun is a bit more static, letting you add objects by 
tracing them with your finger on the display. 
Of the two, AR Effects is easily the more fun, letting you add fairies, 
fish, and even the odd Tyrannosaurus Rex to seemingly routine pic-tures. 
All you have to do is go to shooting mode, select AR Effects, 
choose the effect you want, and then move the objects around and 
bingo, you have a picture that is unlikely to be easily matched. We, 
for instance, devoted our energies to making a glass of water – what 
could be duller? – look interesting by chucking in some pixies and 
toadstools. We are sure you could find more interesting subjects on 
your travels: imagine parking a Tyrannosaurus Rex next to a prom-inent 
monument? (we are so going to try that!). 
Just ONE teeny word of caution – using the AR Effects app tends 
to heat up the device, and after a certain temperature, the camera 
tends to shut down. So, while the effects are a lot of fun, do err on 
the side of caution while using them. 
48 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
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at the Kunzum Media Lab. We 
promise it will change your life. 
Kunzum Travel Cafe 
T-49, GF, Hauz Khas Village 
New Delhi 110016, India 
Tel: +91.9650 702 777 / +91.11.2651 3949 
Timings: 11:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m., Mondays Closed 
c om/ 
mediala b
Ajay Jain 
Ajay Jain is a full time 
writer and photographer, 
and has authored eight 
paperback books and over 
30 e-books. He promotes 
his photography as 
collectible art, runs the 
popular Kunzum Travel 
Cafe in New Delhi and publishes e-magazines on 
travel and photography. 
He is also a regular speaker on Mindful Travel, 
Personal Branding, Photography and Business 
Networking. All his creative ideas came to the 
fore only after he started travelling - mindfully. 
He has pursued careers in Information 
Technology and Sports Management before he 
took up journalism and writing. He holds 
degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Business 
Management and Journalism. 
More  on Ajay Jain at http://ajayjain.Connect com. 
with him at 
+91.9910044476. Or call his office 
at +91.9650702777.
T-49, GF, Hauz Khas Village 
New Delhi 110016, India 
Tel: +91.9650 702 777 / +91.11.2651 3949 
Timings: 11:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m., Mondays Closed

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PhotoTalkies Magazine - October 2014

  • 1. PtaHlOkTieOs October 2014 Issue 09 A Joint Initiative of Kunzum and ZEISS KATHMANDU, NEPAL ZEISS OTUS 1.4/85 A CITY FOR ALL SEASONS FOR ALL MOODS UNDERWATER LANDSCAPES Fire and Ice Cave Augment Reality with SONY XPERIA Z3
  • 2. BEAUTIFUL TIME OF THE YEAR IN INDIA Summer is giving way to autumn and winter in India, and marks the start of a gorgeous time of the year. Our friends in the western world may have a different opinion of winters, but it is quite welcome in India. Our summers are as extreme as are winters in many other regions of the planet. For us, the period of autumn to spring is much-needed relief from harsh summers and, for many parts of the country, incessant monsoons leading to floods sometimes. The Himalayas will be rich with reds and oranges in autumn, while the forests in the plains will be lush green after the rains. Streams, rivers and waterfalls will be full of water. As it gets cooler, it will feel great to be out in the sun with light jackets on in northern India. Mornings and evenings already have that nip in the air. Lazing on the beaches will not burn you. Then there are the festivals. Dussehra, Durga Puja, Diwali, Eid, Christmas and Holi are just some occasions when homes and markets are lit up and decorated, and everyone will be celebrating together – often with friends cutting across all religions. It is beautiful out there. This is not the time to stay holed up in your cubicles. This is the time to celebrate. This is the time to travel. Go rafting, climb mountains, explore forests, admire monuments, and everything else that pumps adrenalin. Don’t forget to take great pictures along the way. Let’s click together. AJAY JAIN
  • 3. PtaHlOkTieOs A Joint Initiative of Kunzum and ZEISS PHOTOTALKIES IS A MONTHLY DIGITAL MAGAZINE. AND IT’S FREE!! DOWNLOAD AND READ ON YOUR IPAD, IPHONE OR ANY OTHER TABLET, COMPUTER AND SMARTPHONE. Want to contribute to PhotoTalkies? Ping us at Disclaimer: All articles and photographs in this magazine are the opinions of the respective contributors. It is understood that they own the copyright to the same, or have the rights to offer the same under their bylines. ZEISS is not responsible for the authenticity of any of the articles and photographs, nor will be held liable for any disputes, claims and liabilities arising out of ownership or copyright issues of the content in the magazine. CONTENTS KATHMANDU, NEPAL A city for all seasons, for all moods 05 UNDERWATER LANDSCAPES with ZEISS Distagon T* 2,8/21 25 FIRE AND ICE CAVE with ZEISS Distagon T* 2,8/15 34 ZEISS OTUS 1.4/85 A Lens for Life 41 AUGMENT REALITY The Sony Xperia Z3 Way 47
  • 4.
  • 5. A Beetle driving through Thamel Kathmandu, Nepal A CITY FOR ALL SEASONS, FOR ALL MOODS PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 6. Kathmandu: Calling You Back Many moons ago, someone turned the music off in Kathmandu, the subcontinent’s original party town. But you cannot keep a good thing down for long. Nepal’s capital is rocking again, albeit to a slightly different tune. The country may still be politically troubled, but it has put its violent phase firmly behind. Also gone are the hippies, the rave parties and the open culture of drugs and sex pursued by western backpackers. Even casinos are past their prime. But Kathmandu is still a charming city to visit. Kathmandu is a city for all seasons, for all budgets, for all kinds of travel moods. You don’t have to think much before heading there. The Nepalese make for great hosts, and they know how to keep you entertained. 06 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 7. Thamel - Party Hard You cannot be blamed for wanting to head straight to Thamel. This district never went to sleep once upon a time; it was the place to party and have fun, besides being the hub for backpackers. Today, things have changed. Most shutters are down by 8:00 p.m., night clubs struggle to attract guests and long power cuts cast a dull look even during daytime. Politics have played party-pooper here. Before you head back though, look around again. Thamel has some of the best eateries in town, especially the cafes and those serving Italian cuisine. You can have a feast here. Again, only Pokhara offers better coffee, cakes and pizzas (What is with me about this stuff? I can live off these!) Would not recommend Indian cuisines; Chinese and Continental are not bad though. Places like Mitra Dera are boutique hotels no one will tell you about. Thamel can turn misers into shopaholics. Books, music, DVDs, handicrafts, gifts, clothes and adventure gear are all available. The originals share shelf space with the counterfeit - take your pick. Even sin is for sale. Especially after sunset. Young boys will whisper offerings of ‘”hash” (hashish, a drug made from marijuana) and “some enjoyment with beautiful women.” Your call! The few late night clubs were struggling to get any customers and long power cuts gave them a less-than-rocking look. But the pedigree is right. My take? Things are getting better in Nepal, and Thamel will be back. 07 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 8. The famous Shivaratri at Pashupatinath Temple If you have sinned, in Kathmandu or beyond, you can wash these away at some of the most sacred places of worship for Hindus and Buddhists. Of course, you can seek blessings even with a clear conscience. The Pashupatinath Temple is regarded by Hindus as the holiest of all dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple has been in the news lately for the wrong reasons though. The Bhandaris from south India have been the priests and caretakers here for centuries. All was well till the Maoists took it upon themselves to dismantle all dynasties. They removed the monarchy, and want the Bhandaris out too. Physical attacks on priests and accusations of financial malpractices have taken matters to court - the jury is still out on the issue. If you can, time your visit to Pashupatinath on Shivaratri. It is an event to behold. Over 600,000 devotees come from all over the world, and the atmosphere resonates with their devotional songs. Decorative lighting and stalls selling items of worship, gifts, food, clothes and toys give the place a festive look. Adding colour to the festivities are the hundreds of ‘holy men and women.’ They come from all over to offer their own brand of homage to the Gods. While some practice their faith with sincerity, others see it as a platform to resort to antics. Dressed in minimal clothing, these 'others' can be seen performing a quasi 'strip-tease' and indulging in vulgar acts just to please the crowds. Spewing abusive language, drinking, seeking money from passers-by are all par for the occasion. They consume and sell Marijuana sticks for Rs. 10 each - calling them prasad or offerings to Lord Shiva. It is all a part of the package and no one grudges them; in fact, most devotees still give them the respect reserved for true custodians of the faith. Offer your prayers and enjoy the show! 08 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 9. A view of Pashupatinath temple complex 09 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 10. Monkeys were a hazard to my job at Pashupatinath Temple. Hundreds of them were jumping around the same wall as the one I was trying to get pictures from. They may not have attacked me, but could have startled me causing me to do a Humpty Dumpty on the wall. It was only after it was dark that they moved away. This one seemed to be the vain one left behind – could not move away from the spotlights.
  • 11. The ‘Eyes’ are watching you at Pashupatinath Temple The backside of the Nandi bull at Pashupatinath Temple 11 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 12. Male and female sadhus or ‘holy men’ who come for Shivaratri at Pashupatinath Temple. Many of them can be seen smoking Marijuana openly, and even selling to passers-by.
  • 13. Boudhanath: The Eyes of Nepal It is difficult not to feel spiritual when you visit Boudhanath (also spelled Bodhnath, and called Khasti by the Newars), especially when you see the cradle formed by the surrounding Himalayan peaks. I asked my cab to wait, entered a narrow alley and was received by the kindly ‘Eyes of Nepal’ looking at me from one of the largest stupas in the world. This manmade structure is spectacular, I could only look at this whole setting in amazement. The Buddhists never cease to impress with their capabilities. Boudhanath lay on a major trade route to Tibet and marked the entry to Kathmandu. Traders would offer prayers here for safe passage. Even today, mountaineers including the Sherpaspay their respects at Boudhanath before setting off on their expeditions. A mini Tibet settled here after their country was invaded by China in 1959. You not only get a peek into their culture but also get to shop and eat like they do at the many outlets surrounding the stupa. You can also check in to one of the many hotels and guest houses in the area. The stupa is surrounded by many smaller Buddhist structures – and hotels, cafes and shops. For best views climb to the top floor of one of the surrounding buildings. 13 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 14. Images from Boudhanath 14 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 15. Patan, City of Fine Arts, lives up to its name They actually made architectural marvels like these. The oldest of the three cities in the Kathmandu Valley (others being Kathmandu and Bhaktapur), Patan is richly deserving of its World Heritage Site status. 15 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 16. Known as the ‘City of Fine Arts,’ the structures in the Patan Darbar Square are dated 16th century onwards; most were built during the reign of King Siddhi Narsingh Malla (1618- 1661 AD), the first independent Malla dynasty king of Patan. The dynasty continued its reign till it was subdued by King Prithvi Narayan Shah the Great in 1768. Patan (name signifying a prosperous city) is also known as Lalitpur (official name) or Yala (also spelled Yela, derived from ‘Yupagram’ meaning a village with a victory pole). According to mythology, Patan was built by King Birdeva in the 6th century. He is said to have received directions from Sarveshvara, a form of Hindu God Shiva, to establish a city in the form of a Yantra, an auspicious symbol having 9 jewels in the centre, 8 protective deities on the periphery and 24 city sections. Patan still retains bits of this original design. According to my guide, every Darbar in Nepal had a ‘bell telephone’ long before Alexander Graham Bell invented his version. Patan too has one: It is a big bell called the Tago Gan that served as an alarm and could be heard for seven miles - even now it resonates during the holy period of Navratris before any animal sacrifice. Look around for sights that will no doubt grip your attention. These include dried out intestines of Water Buffaloes hanging at the entrance to Mulchok Courtyard; get a fresh set every year. Pity the buffaloes! This building’s perimeter is marked with 108 sculptures - all manifestations of Goddess Kali. This courtyard used to be the main venue for religious celebrations, political meetings, social functions and cultural performances. The tradition of masked dances, the ensemble known as Gan Pyakhan, continues to be an annual event here during the 15-day Dashain festival, most auspicious for Nepalis from all communities, that starts on the first day of the Navratris in September or October. 16 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 17. Images from Patan Feeding pigeons in Patan
  • 18. Images from Patan 18 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 19. Images from Patan 19 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 20. After Patan, another treat at Bhaktapur Bhaktapur is yet another architectural wonder, said to have been built in the 12th century by King Ananda Malla, it was the seat of power until 1768. Its temples and palaces are all fascinating to look at, despite significant losses suffered in the 1934 earthquake. It was a city famous for its paintings, pottery, carvings and bronze-casting. Even now, walk along its cobbled traffic free streets to see artisans at work especially in the Potters' Village. A culturally rich town, try to time your visit with important festivals like Shivaratri, Bisket Jatra (the Nepalese New Year), Dashain (dedicated to Goddess Durga) and Tihar (a festival of lights to honour Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth). I could not have chosen a better day than Shivaratri to visit Bhaktapur when this ancient city was full of colour and happy faces. The temples had a stream of devotees lighting lamps, ringing bells and praying to Lord Shiva on the auspicious day. 20 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 21. Hindu God dess Durga is also worsh ipped o n Shivaratri in Bhaktapur – these m en were dancing in masks depicting the var ious forms of Durga with music f rom a specially designe d dholak (drum played by hand). But p hotograp hing them was not easy – t he tro upe manag ers wante d money. I gave a few r upees but was cons tantly dis tu rbed by street bo ys who also wante d mon ey – and t hey wo uld keep tr ying to co ver my lens with their hand s. Got som e decent shots eventually tho ug h. The dho lak to provide the beats for the masked dancers 21 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 22. Women off for prayers in Bhaktapur
  • 23. You want to take her photograph? Then yo u better agree to buy one of the handcrafted bags she is selling! A beautiful woman on her way to the temple
  • 24.
  • 25. UNDERWATER LANDSCAPES INTO THE DEEP BLUE Boris Buschardt is a passionate landscape photographer who has discovered a fascinating underwater world. With a snorkel or from the water’s edge, he captures the strange vastness that lies under the water’s surface with his securely encased ZEISS Distagon T* 2,8/21. 25 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 26. “I’ve been doing landscape photography intensively for the last 10 years, and for six years almost exclusively with ZEISS lenses. I have the Distagon T* 2,8/15, the Distagon T* 2,8/21, the Planar T* 1,4/50, the Otus 1.4/55 and the Apo Sonnar T* 2/135. Around two years ago, I started doing underwater photography and was determined to work with the Distagon T* 2,8/21. In the wide-angle range around 20 millimeters, there’s just nothing better.” Silfra Tectonic Fissure in Þingvellir National Park, Iceland. Photo taken while snorkeling 26 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 27. Silfra Tectonic Fissure, Þingvellir National Park, Iceland, Distributary with algae growth in summer. Photo taken while snorkeling The first challenge was to make his camera water-proof. Buschardt used a Seacam housing with a specially-made tooth ring. Combined with a gearbox, he can set the manual focus of the ZEISS lenses very precisely through a corresponding small cog on the housing. He placed the Distagon T* 2,8/21 in a large dome port (see also “Optics take a dive”). Made of curved glass, it is also good for creating ‘half-half’ images, in which one part of the image is above the water’s surface and the second part below. “I really like this view of the Silfra Fissure — the threatening black clouds, the waves in the foreground, the calmness under water, the view into its icy depths.” The Silfra Fissure, that actually divides the American and Eurasian continental plates, is unique for supposedly having the clearest water on Earth. Even in tropical waters, visibility is limited to 30-50 meters, but here in Iceland it’s 130 meters without any particles. “It feels like you’re swimming and taking pictures through glass. It’s amazing.” 27 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 28. Plitvice Lakes, Croatia shot from the water’s edge When Boris Buschardt takes pictures, he doesn’t go down with a diving tank. “It takes about five years to master the techniques of scuba diving and to be able to dive confi-dently. I don’t have time for that at the moment. I want to focus on the photography.” Buschardt limits himself to snorkeling and moves up to four meters under the water’s surface while photographing. Many of his pictures, such as the half-half image of the Plitvice Lakes, are taken from land: by lying on his stomach on the shore and holding his camera in the water. 28 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 29. Karst spring Fernstein Lake, Austria. Picture taken from the shore. The base of the karst spring is reflected under the water’s surface The biggest challenge when taking a half-half image is making sure there are no drops on the lens for the image depicting the half above the water. To do that, Buschardt uses the following trick: find a solid footing, wipe the dome port with a cloth, and slowly lower the lens. A good place to keep the cloth dry is in the collar of a wetsuit. When the water moves, you need lots of patience and skillfulness to handle this. Once all drops of water have been wiped away, you can then turn your attention to creating naturally proportioned images. In order to do this, two things are crucial: “How much should you stop down? And how close should the foreground be? In the pictures of the Plitvice Lakes, the plants in the water are pretty close to the lens. If I had focused more towards the back, the picture would have been out of focus. It’s really import-ant to me that the parts under water are sharp.” 29 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 30. Samarang Lake, Austria, at around noon, incoming sunlight Due to the changed light refraction under water, sharpness is critical. So when using a dome port, you need to think a bit ‘out of the box’, in order to achieve the sharpness. “Lenses are normally optimized for flat images, which is one of the strengths of ZEISS. But underwater photography has other requirements. Ideally, you need a lens that has the same image field curvature as the virtual image of the dome port. Unfortunately, this combination does not exist.” The solution: stop down strongly so the edges of the image remain sharp. However, an aperture of f/22 or above will cause the effects of diffraction to be too strong and the sharpness in the center of the image will suffer. “That’s why I typically work with f/11 or f/16.” 30 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 31. Boris Buschardt travels frequently for his photography. For one of his last big photo trips, he went to the small island nation of Palau, which lies between Papua New Guinea and the Philippines. “For such a journey, your equipment has to be robust. Whether it’s in the luggage on a flight, on small boats, or in a jeep, I can always depend on ZEISS lenses to hold up, whatever the circumstance. Once in Palau, his destination was the ‘jellyfish lake’ of Ongeim’l Tketau on the Rock Islands. The lake became sep-arated from the ocean around 12,000 years ago. Its six-hect-are basin is constantly exchanging water with the nearby South Pacific Ocean. The approximately 6.2 million jellyfish that currently populate the lake cannot leave these waters. For thousands of years, the jellyfish have lived in a closed system, and because they lack natural enemies they have almost completely lost their poisonous stingers. “It’s an in-credible experience to snorkel among such a huge amount of jellyfish. It’s like being surrounded by aliens. But it’s a paradise for scuba divers — and photographers.” Ongeim’l Tketau, (Jellyfish Lake), Rock Islands, Palau 31 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 32. Boris Buschardt at work at the Plitvice Lakes About Boris Buschardt Boris Buschardt is an engineer for a car manufacturer in Ingolstadt, Germany. When traveling in his youth, he developed an interest for photography. He is passionate about photographing landscapes around the globe and carefully picks his travel destinations in order to bring home new motifs. And he has recently started to explore the landscapes that lie under water. His images appear in picture books and calendars. 32 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 33.
  • 34. FIRE AND ICE CAVE Stefan Blawath loves mountains, nature, light – and photography. With the ZEISS Distagon T* 2,8/15 he succeeded in taking some quite unique pictures inside a glacier cave in Iceland. 34 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 35. Flying sparks in the glacier cave Stefan Blawath travels frequently for his photography — to the Alps, New Zealand, Swedish Lapland or Norway. In the past, he has gone to great lengths to get good shots. But at the beginning of 2014 he went on a tour that was unusual even by his standards: a photo shoot in an Icelandic glacier cave. 35 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 36. Blawath developed the idea for this trip together with an acquaintance, also a photographer, who accompanied him to Iceland for nine days. On arriving, they first drove for an hour and a half by car to the edge of the Vatnajökull glacier, then continued for another 90 minutes over ice as smooth as glass. “With our guide we formed a roped party and, well secured with ice screws, walked across the glacier ice with step irons. At the entrance to the cave we had to descend with ropes. Then we went further, 100 meters deep into the glacier, until we reached the approximately 10-meter high dome where we wanted to take our pictures. To get there we had to negotiate confined spaces that you could only pass through by crawling.” Flying sparks in the glacier cave 36 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 37. In order to have the right photographic equipment for this trip, Blawath acquired the Distagon T* 2,8/15 in November 2013. “My photo dealer told me that this is the lens and that nothing will be able to match it for a while. And he was right: it took me less than 24 hours to decide on this specific lens. Ultimately there were two reasons why I bought the lens: the ice caves and the ability to photograph the Northern Lights. During this trip I was able to take some truly impressive pictures of the Northern Lights with the lens. You can see one example below. In Iceland I used the Distagon T* 2,8/15 for the first time.“ A strip of Northern Lights above a frozen glacier lake 37 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 38. Blawath and his companions needed around four hours in the cave in order to realize all their photographic ideas. They not only wanted to take pictures of ‘pure nature’ but also to dramatize the special atmosphere inside the cave with light effects. To do that they placed steel wool inside a whisk, wrapped the whisk on a wire rope, lit the contents and then whirled the burning steel wool round like a lasso. “The flying sparks looked incredibly exciting inside the cave and thanks to the blue light they released a very special effect, making the ice look golden and shiny.” The dominant color of natural light deep down in the cave is blue, not white. Compressed ice with barely any air pockets works like a weak color filter: red, orange, yellow and green light are absorbed first. Once the ice surface is more than about three meters thick, only blue light remains — the so-called ‘glacier blue’. “The light that day was relatively weak, which actually had a positive effect on the images. We didn’t have to deal with any potential overexposure. Through a hole in the ceiling, where icicles had formed from melting water, only a small amount of light came through, which lit up the snow that had fallen into the cave. In the foreground you can also see a small stream which, due to the long exposure time, has a particularly soft effect.” Glacier cave with incidental sunlight 38 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 39. For Blawath, the shoot in the Icelandic ice cave was an intense ex-perience, and not just in a photographic sense. “They way nature is able to form such a cave is so beautiful. And how harmonious and at the same time harsh everything appears. To experience that was simply amazing. The effort was definitely worth it. After all, you only get the chance to take such pictures once. A high-quality lens like the Distagon T* 2,8/15 is a huge advantage here. By and large you can rely on getting a sharp image – from infinity to up close – and that in combination with an extreme wide angle. Inciden-tally, it turned out that the pictures I took in this cave were literal-ly unique. The winter in Iceland was very mild with heavy rainfall, and less than a week after our shoot the cave filled up with water. The grotto I photographed doesn’t exist in this form anymore.” About Stefan Blawath Stefan Blawath has been photographing since his youth. After a longer respite, he took up photography again eight years ago, first starting with a model for beginners. Two years ago he switched to a full-format SLR camera and developed a preference for high-quality lenses. When Stefan is not in the mountains indulging his passion for photography, he manages the client and business partner portal of a large insurance company in Munich. Glacier cave with sunlight coming through 39 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 40.
  • 41. A LENS FOR LIFE Drew Gardner is a people photographer in heart and soul. When he was offered a prototype of the ZEISS Otus 1.4/85 he jumped at the chance. Wanting to know what the new lens was capable of, he tested it under normal everyday conditions – and really liked the results. 41 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 42. Leaving the wedding ceremony in a flurry of rice and flower blossoms A young wedding guest on the fringes of the festivities “The Otus 1.4/85 is the best portrait lens I’ve ever worked with. Period.” That’s how Drew Gardner summarizes his experience. He selected the wedding of a friend in London to test the lens, as it came close to the every-day situations he normally encounters. “I’m not really a wedding photographer, but it was a favor for a friend. So I seized the opportunity and took pictures all day with the Otus 1.4/85 under real working conditions.” For a job like this, the equipment has to deliver first-class results the first time around, as for most motifs you don’t get a second chance. “The picture of the couple coming out of the hall after the ceremony is a wonderful example. There were just a few seconds to capture the moment. And it worked. The Otus 1.4/85 is an incredibly practical lens. The manual focusing worked without any problems at all.” If you look closely, you can even see individual grains of rice in the air. 42 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 43. Gardner, a big fan of the arts, used the speed of the Otus 1.4/85 for a special visual idea he had: he placed the couple before a Rembrandt painting in London’s Dulwich Picture Gallery. He didn’t have much time, and in this setting large equipment would have been out of place. So he decided to forego the flash and use the Otus 1.4/85 with large aperture. The result: “Beautiful contrast, beautiful sharpness that you can’t get with any other lens.” The Loxia 2/35 on the Sony Alpha 7R Portrait of wedding couple, Dulwich Picture Gallery, London. In the background: Girl at a Window, 1645, Rembrandt 43 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 44. “The bokeh is also fabulous. This portrait of one of the female wedding guests shows that very nicely. In addition, the Otus 1.4/85 has a decisive practical advantage: you get very high image quality directly from the camera with minimal post-pro-cessing effort.” Chromatic aberra-tions, for example, which can show up with night shots when there are high contrasts, are completely absent. Re-sharpening, improving contrast or removing reflections are, for the most part, also unnecessary. The optical quality of the lens saves time, and for professional photographers time is money. Female wedding guest, portrait 44 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 45. Drew Gardner has been working intensively with ZEISS lenses for about a year now. He likes their quality and unique look. “But the Otus 1.4/85 raises everything to a complete-ly new level. For the first time, I was able to exploit the full potential of a DSLR. For a long time I had a clear favorite lens from another manufacturer, but it’s been knocked from its throne by the Otus. This is not a lens you keep for five or even ten years. It’s a lens for life – and a must for anyone who takes pictures of people.” A moment to relax About Drew Gardner Drew Gardner was a photojournalist for around 20 years before switching to people photography. Even as a journalist his focus was on people and stories. Today he tells photographic stories about people, and sometimes about landscapes as well, but without using a newspaper. 45 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 46. PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS Connect with ZEISS For more information on ZEISS Sports Optics and Camera Lenses For Customer Enquiries +91.11.45156000
  • 47. A U G M E N T R E A L I T Y The Xperia Z3 way Adding dinosaurs, butterflies and fairies to pictures The Sony Xperia Z3 is no doubt good at taking photographs. So good as to actually give you the option of leaving your trusty point and shooter, and occasionally even your DSLR, behind. But what makes it special is not just its ability to photograph what you see through it, but also what you do not. No, we are not getting into the realms of fantasy here. All you need to do is press the camera shoot-ing mode and switch to “AR Effects” mode and you will get a whole lot of augmented reality options. In simple English – depending on the effect you choose, you will be able to see a host of things, ranging from dinosaurs to butterflies, to volcanoes on the display, as well as the view from the camera. What’s more, you can move them around and even place them where you want in the display. 47 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 48. And oh yes, they remain in the picture when you hit the shutter button, giving a picture of not just what you saw but also a few additional things that no one else has (not unless they have an Xperia Z3 too). Making this happen are two very handy apps that come within the camera app of Xperia Z3 – AR Fun and AR Effects. AR Effects is the more interactive one, showing people walking around and objects moving, while AR Fun is a bit more static, letting you add objects by tracing them with your finger on the display. Of the two, AR Effects is easily the more fun, letting you add fairies, fish, and even the odd Tyrannosaurus Rex to seemingly routine pic-tures. All you have to do is go to shooting mode, select AR Effects, choose the effect you want, and then move the objects around and bingo, you have a picture that is unlikely to be easily matched. We, for instance, devoted our energies to making a glass of water – what could be duller? – look interesting by chucking in some pixies and toadstools. We are sure you could find more interesting subjects on your travels: imagine parking a Tyrannosaurus Rex next to a prom-inent monument? (we are so going to try that!). Just ONE teeny word of caution – using the AR Effects app tends to heat up the device, and after a certain temperature, the camera tends to shut down. So, while the effects are a lot of fun, do err on the side of caution while using them. 48 PhotoTalkies by Kunzum and ZEISS
  • 49. Want to be a great  photographer? Want to be a travel writer? As a professional or a hobbyist? Full time or Part Time? Sign up for a workshop / course at the Kunzum Media Lab. We promise it will change your life. Kunzum Travel Cafe T-49, GF, Hauz Khas Village New Delhi 110016, India Tel: +91.9650 702 777 / +91.11.2651 3949 Timings: 11:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m., Mondays Closed www. kunzum. c om/ mediala b
  • 50.   About Ajay Jain Ajay Jain is a full time writer and photographer, and has authored eight paperback books and over 30 e-books. He promotes his photography as collectible art, runs the popular Kunzum Travel Cafe in New Delhi and publishes e-magazines on travel and photography. He is also a regular speaker on Mindful Travel, Personal Branding, Photography and Business Networking. All his creative ideas came to the fore only after he started travelling - mindfully. He has pursued careers in Information Technology and Sports Management before he took up journalism and writing. He holds degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Business Management and Journalism.  More  on Ajay Jain at http://ajayjain.Connect com. with him at +91.9910044476. Or call his office at +91.9650702777.
  • 51. T-49, GF, Hauz Khas Village New Delhi 110016, India Tel: +91.9650 702 777 / +91.11.2651 3949 Timings: 11:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m., Mondays Closed