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“Penn State and The Scandal Within”

How a CSR could have benefited Penn State.

             Brett Henderson

             Drur University
“Penn State and the Scandal Within”

      How much did Penn State officials know about an assistant football

coach sexually molesting young children on their campus? Did they

communicate their knowledge ethically? This is a question that can be

analyzed to determine if the people at the university responded to the

situation in an ethical manner. What exactly did they know? What actions

did they take to make sure it would not happen again? Did they use the

corporate responsibility plan effectively to ethically communicate the

information to ensure the safety of the children? Who did not take the

right precautions to make sure it was taken care of? These are all valid

and important questions moving forward.

      The scandal that happened at Penn State was devastating to not

only the fans, but also the parents of young children who attended the

non-profit organization, Second Mile, that Jerry Sandusky ran on the

university's campus. In David Epstein’s article, the title says it all—

“Missteps at Every Turn” (Epstein, D. Nov. 28, 2011). Epstein analyzes the

“missteps” the Penn State officials took when handling this case. He

states, “Even as Penn State’s faculty senate called on Friday for an

independent review of the university’s actions in the Sandusky case, and

announced the appointment on Monday of former FBI chief Louis Freeh to

head Penn State’s internal investigation, and the NCAA announced that it

would take up the question of institutional control in the Nittany Lion’s
football program, it was clear there’s plenty more to be done” (Epstein D.

Nov. 28 2011).

      If all three organizations were conducting individual investigations,

the chance that something went wrong in the communication process is

probable. In an article written by Brad Wolverton, he says, “A

communication breakdown between senior officials and trustees at Penn

State University in reacting to the case against a former football coach,

Jerry Sandusky, contributed to what some crisis-communications experts

say was a weak initial response by the institution” (Wolverton B. Nov. 25,

2011). This obvious breakdown of communication needs to be

examined, and hopefully other people that come across this situation can

learn how to better handle such a tragedy.

      Looking at how Penn State officials handled the information they

received, the breakdown of ethics in communication that the officials

failed to perform must be examined. It will also breakdown the CSR of

Penn State when looking at the firing of legendary coach , Joe Paterno,

and whether they followed the correct steps or jumped the gun.

      First, the background story needs to be examined in order to

realize the actions that resulted from it. In Brenda Medina’s article in the

Chronicle of Higher Education, she highlights a time line of what

happened. Starting in 1994, when Jerry Sandusky, an assistant football

coach for Penn State, met a 10-year-old boy. For the next two years,
Sandusky touched the young boy inappropriately and showered with

him. From 1998-2000, Sandusky touched more children and made more

poor decisions with young boys. One of the children told his mother, and

during a phone call, Sandusky admitted to showering naked with the boy,

and vowed to never shower with children again. Detectives were listening

to this phone call, and yet nothing happened to him (Medina B. Nov. 18,


      In 1999, after being told he would not be the next head coach of

Penn State, Jerry Sandusky retired as an assistant coach. However, he was

granted use of the facilities as part of his “emeritus status.” Just a year

later in 2000, a janitor oversaw Sandusky performing oral sex on a

young child, and although the janitor reported this to his supervisor, a

formal report was never filed.

      In 2002, Michael McQueary witnessed Sandusky performing crude

acts and reported it to Joe Paterno. Paterno took the report to Penn

State’s athletic director, Tim Curley, and they were told that Sandusky’s

keys were taken away from him. Paterno then informed Senior Vice

President, Gary Shultz, of the information he was given. The president of

the University, Graham Spanier, was also informed of the situation and

said, “I approve of how the situation was handled.”

      In 2011, Mr. Shultz and Mr. Curley testified in front of a jury and

said the accusations toward Sandusky described to them by Mr. Paterno

and Mr. McQueary “were not that serious” (Medina, B. Nov. 18, 2011).
Later in 2011, both stepped down from their positions and turned

themselves into the police. Penn State’s Board of Trustees then fired Mr.

Spainer and Joe Paterno (Medina, B. Nov. 18, 2011). This marked the

beginning of the fall-outs that resulted from the terrible situation that

Jerry Sandusky brought upon the university.

      The firing of legendary coach, Joe Paterno, came as a surprise to

the avid fans of the coach and football program. Matt Millen, a former

player of Coach Paterno, told USA Today, “I am numb, forget the football

aspect. We just lost a great contributor to our society. He was more than

a football coach. There are many living positive testimonies walking

around because of Joe Paterno. He straightened out many lives” (Carey J.

Jan. 26, 2012). Steve Shaffer, a season ticket holder who saw Paterno’s

first win as a head coach, said, “the whole thing is like finding out there

was no Santa Claus” (Carey J. Jan. 26, 2012).

      The students gathered on Penn State’s campus to protest the firing

of Joe Paterno and did not stay peaceful for long. According to an article

written by Emil Guillermo, “the football mentality took over as the

gathering swelled into a full-scale riot with 2,000 people involved,

numerous arrested and a television truck overturned” (Guillermo E. Dec. 8

2011). Without question, the decision to fire the longtime coach added

another dim light to the university.

      Public outcry after his firing continued long after the riots had

finished. Although his decision-making was called into question, he
communicated the information he received from McQueary ethically by

reporting it to his superiors. Paterno said in a statement to the press, “As

my grand jury testimony stated, I was informed in 2002 by an assistant

coach that he had witnessed an incident in the shower of our locker room

facility. It was obvious that the witness was distraught over what he saw,

but he at no time related to me the very specific actions contained in the

grand jury report” (Scott C. Nov. 7 2011). Paterno referred the incident

involving Sandusky, who had worked for Paterno for 23 years, to college

administrators (Scott C. Nov. 7 2011). The firing of the most winning

coach in football history was not only devastating to the Penn State

family, but the entire nation, as well.

      Continuing forth, there are two main issues worth examining when

it comes to the breakdown of communication involving this case. The

first issue is the official’s failure to communicate the information to the

right sources in order to solve the problem from within the university.

The second issue is how the president handled the situation with the

board once it leaked to the public. Both of these issues, if handled

properly, would have saved the university some heartache.

      The first concern to examine is the failure to communicate

information. The first accusation on Penn State’s campus was in 1998,

when a janitor witnessed Sandusky giving oral sex to a young boy in the

locker room showers. “The janitor was so upset he was moved to tears,

and co-workers feared he might have a heart attack. They also feared for
their jobs” (Wertheim J. Nov. 21, 2011). No report was filed on the

alleged events.

      The next event, and most publicly discussed, happened in 2002

when McQueary witnessed Sandusky having anal intercourse with a young

child in the showers on Penn State’s campus. McQueary then contacted

Joe Paterno the next day, without interfering with Sandusky during the

action. Paterno contacted the athletic director, Mr. Curley, the next day

to inform him of the allegations. Curley relayed the information to Vice

President Schultz, who then passed the information on to President

Spainer. Although this can be analyzed as an ethical way of relaying

information, the amount of people it traveled through diluted the details

of the information.

      In the article This Is Penn State, Wertheim Curley said that passing

along the information “made a member of Curley’s staff uncomfortable”

(Wertheim J. Nov. 21 2011). Mr. Curley contacted Second Mile, the non-

profit Sandusky ran, and neither Curley, nor Second Mile, reported it to

the police. As a result, Sandusky was prohibited from bringing children

on campus. This shows a complete breakdown in communication and was

not handled in a way that would be deemed ethical. If any of the high-

ranking officials, who, according to Jon Wertheim, includes Schultz and

Curley, but excludes Joe Paterno, who is not classified as a “senior staff

member,” had called the police, maybe this situation would have never

caused the harm to future children that it did.
The second issue to examine is how the president shared the news

of the situation with the Board of Trustees. In Brad Wolverton’s article, he

says, “ [a] decision not to notify the full board about the state attorney

general’s investigation and the charges against Mr. Sandusky may have

hastened the departure of President Graham B. Spainer according to

people with knowledge of the boards deliberations” (Wolverton B. Nov.

25, 2011). The board of trustees did not receive official news of the

allegations until the coach was arrested, although they had heard news of

the allegations on the radio or through family members who had read

about the scandal on various news sites and other sources. Kenneth

Frazier, chairman of the board, told reporters, “the board learned about

this situation when it became public” (Wolverton B. Nov. 25, 2011). The

president did not let the board know about what was going on, as they

had no idea and were blindsided when they heard about it second-hand.

      Mr. Spanier took it upon himself, without deliberating with the

board, to release a statement describing his “unconditional support” for

Mr. Curley and Mr. Schultz. He also showed little to no sympathy for the

victims. This shows the communication avenue had missing links and the

board had little to no say on the statements made by the “university.”

The whole Board of Trustees should have a say on how the university will

respond to a situation. Richard Chait said, “I do think presidents need to

share information of great weight or potential magnitude almost

immediately with some predetermined subset of the board.” Mr. Chait
also said in his statement, “the more urgent the situation, the more

swiftly leaders must decide how much to say and to whom. It should

probably lift toward more information sooner” (Wolverton B. Nov. 25,


      Thomas McMillen, a member of the University System of Maryland’s

Board of Regents, said “it’s a problem when presidents and athletic

departments don’t fully inform boards about trouble ahead. Presidents

and boards need to establish a whole new level of relationship where

there’s much transparency, and not delayed transparency, so boards can

weigh this stuff appropriately” (Wolverton B. Nov. 25, 2011). The actions

taken by the president of the board prove he did not ethically

communicate with the rest of the board. If there had been some

discussion about the case, what information had been gathered and a

decision made based on the outcome, there might have been a better

outcome in the public eye. The singular fact that the board learned about

the arrest of Sandusky through the press proves a breakdown in


      To examine the ethical perspectives applied, we need to look at

some ethical principals that should have been applied. For the

breakdown regarding the information that Mr. McQueary had, it could

have been solved ethically a few different times. Any one of the four

people (McQueary, Paterno, Curley, Shultz) with the knowledge of what

was going on, should have contacted police. Carolyn Atwell-Davis says,
“Anybody may report it. States want people who are in a position to

become aware of child sexual abuse to report their allegation” (Scherer R.

Nov. 17, 2011).

      According to Mrs. Atwell-Davis, McQueary, Paterno, Curley and

Shultz should have contacted police about the information they knew. In

the article Penn State Has No Defense, Sean Gregory states, “By informing

a superior that a graduate assistant had witnessed Sandusky’s alleged

sexual contact with a 10-year-old boy, Paterno says he was not told it

was rape, the Penn State Coach met his legal obligation. But what about

that moral influence?” (Gregory S. Nov. 21, 2011) This statement made

by Gregory questions the ethics involved by Paterno.

      In the Handbook of Communication Ethics, it defines corporate

social responsibility as “Social virtues such as fairness, responsibility,

accountability and community have always informed and shaped human

interaction and organization, not least in the area of economic

transactions” (Christensen L. pg. 457). According to this definition, if Mr.

Paterno and Mr. McQueary had followed the CSR that should have been in

place at Penn State, he would have had an ethical responsibility to the

community to take actions into his own hands and contact the police. As

for Mr. Curley and Mr. Shultz, they had a legal obligation to contact the


      In Ron Scherer’s article he states “Almost every state lists specific

professions, especially those licensed by the state, that are expressly
required to notify both the police and child welfare agencies” (Scherer R.

Nov. 17, 2011). Both Curley and Shultz had a legal and ethical

responsibility to turn this in to police. Christensen examines the recent

use of Corporate Social Responsibility and states, “Today, the adherence

to social virtues usually takes place under the banner of “Corporate

Social Responsibility.” CSR refers to activities through which companies

contribute to a presumed better society and a cleaner environment by

including the public interest into its decision-making” (Christensen L.

pg. 457). If any of the people involved in this had followed the basic

outlines of a CSR model, they would have solved the situation before it

got out of hand.

      Proper use of CSR could have saved jobs, and would have

prevented the negative publicity for the university. Not only would it have

saved these things, it would have also prevented some of the children

from getting sexually molested. If they would have simply followed the

CSR model, all of this would have been prevented. That is why a CSR

model is so important.


      Through my analysis of the allegations of sexual child abuse

scandal that happened on Penn States campus, I found there was more

unethical behavior than I originally thought. When I first heard about the

case, in my opinion, I believed that Coach Paterno was wrongfully fired. I

believed before researching this case that Paterno did the right thing by
relaying the information he received. However, after studying the facts, I

have come to the conclusion that Paterno should have been fired as head

coach of the Penn State University football program. He simply did not

follow the corporate social responsibility model of the university like he

should have.

      I also believe he had a responsibility to the community to take

action against Jerry Sandusky and turn it over to the police. Sean Gregory

said it best in his article Penn State Has No Defense, “Paterno, the biggest

man on campus, chose to punt this problem to a Penn State University

bureaucrat” (Gregory. S Nov. 21, 2011).

       I found through my analysis that there is a clear understanding

that a situation like this can be made more ethical in the future. I believe

every university, not only Penn State, should look at their CSR model and

take it seriously. Every employee should be trained on the company’s CSR

model and should be held accountable for following it, due in large part

to the crisis that it can help prevent.. I believe the role of a CSR model

could have changed the outcome of this case drastically, and would have

saved Penn State and Joe Paterno’s reputation.

      Larry Henderson, an avid college football fan, had this to say about

the crisis, “It’s extremely ironic that the institution and image that Joe

Paterno worked his whole life to build, and tried to protect by doing the

minimal legal thing, ended up being destroyed by not doing the ethical

thing. How untouchable they must have felt to hide the truth, and
underestimate the public’s ability to recognize and support the institution

under turmoil created by doing the right thing. Now lives are destroyed,

and it is even more difficult for the institution and supporters to recover,

and the legacy Joe Paterno worked so hard to preserve is tarnished


       The biggest communication phenomena that I took away from my

analysis was the important role a corporate social responsibility model

can be to a company. I believe it’s in the best interest for everyone who is

running a business to make sure the company’s model is being used

effectively. My analysis made me realize that if Penn State would have

followed their CSR model from the beginning, it would have saved them

from the outcome that was seemingly forced upon them in the end.


      The book Ethics in Human Communication, Johanssen speaks of

ethics and personal character. According to this book, ethics and

personal character include “emphasis on duties, obligations, rules,

principles and the resolution of complex ethical dilemmas has dominated

the contemporary philosophy of ethics” (Johanssen R. pg 10).

      In both cases analyzed, neither one used appropriate ethical

measures to communicate the information to solve the issue at hand.

Communications addressing the CSR Model at Penn State University is

something that should have been taken very seriously. Each party

involved in the first case analyzed, Paterno, McQuery, Curley, Shultz, did
not follow the CSR. The result of this lack of ethical communication

ballooned into a bigger issue than anyone ever imagined. The aftermath

resulted in legendary coach Joe Paterno getting fired, Shultz and Curley

stepping down from their position and turning themselves into the police,

and McQuery being suspended from coaching. All of the aftermath could

have been avoided and the reputation of the university saved by

practicing ethical communication and following the corporate social

responsibility model.

      Through the training of CSR and ethical communication, the

scandal that occurred at Penn State University involving Jerry Sandusky

sexually molesting young kids, could have been avoided. The main focus

of this paper was to understand how the repercussions could have been

avoided. It also serves as a different outlook on how a situation similar

to this can be handled in a different manner in the future.
Annotated Bibliography

1.   Scott, D. (2011, November 7). Jerry Sandusky: What did Penn
     State's Joe Paterno know about him? (video). Christian Science
     Monitor. p. N.PAG.
        a. In this article, author David Scott writes about what hall-
           of-fame coach Joe Paterno knew about the Jerry Sandusky
           case. The article talks about when Joe Paterno received
           this information, and what he did about it. It also talks
           about what Paterno said in a press release after the
           incident was made public. It has quotes from the athletic
           director, the senior vice president for finance, as well as
           Penn State’s president. This article is from the point-of-
           view of “What did Joe Pa know and when did he know
           about it.”

2.   DeKay, S. H. (2011). Doing What’s Right: Communicating
     Business Ethics. Business Communication Quarterly, 74(3), 287-
     288. doi:10.1177/1080569911413813
       a. This article is about doing what is right in communication
           ethics. This will help me understand what ethics really is
           and how Penn State followed or didn’t follow the rules. I
           think that this article is great for a deeper understanding
           on how to communicate within the business world.

3.   Barnes, M. C., & Keleher, M. (2006). ETHICS IN
     CONFLICT. Business Communication Quarterly, 69(2), 144-157.
        a. This paper is about the ethical steps that people need to
           take in a communication setting. The biggest issue is
           dealing with conflict and how to do it ethically. This will
           help me because I feel the way Penn State treated Joe
           Paterno in the firing was not ethical.

4.   Joe Paterno. (2011). Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th
     Edition, 1.
        a. This is an article about Joe Paterno’s life and information
           about his life. This gave me a look into his life prior to his
           legendary coaching career. I liked this article because it
           gave me solid facts about his personal life, which will allow
           me to get a better look at what he was about.
5.   Guarino, M. (2012, February 14). Do ex-daughter-in-law's
     allegations change Jerry Sandusky case?. Christian Science
     Monitor. p. N.PAG.
         a. This article is written about Jerry Sandusky’s ex-daughter-
            in-law. She has allegations against him, saying he sexually
            molested one of her children. This gives me more insight
            about what kind of person Jerry Sandusky continues to be.

6.   Wolverton, B., Stripling, J., & Hebel, S. (2011). An Icon Falls,
     and a President With Him. Chronicle Of Higher
     Education, 58(13), A1-29.
       a. This article is written about how an “Icon Falls and a
           President with Him.” The title explains a lot because it’s
           about how Joe Paterno and the president of the university
           both got fired. They were let go because of the actions that
           Jerry Sandusky, and two big members of the university,
           suffered from his actions. It also goes on to talk about the
           trail of accusations that is going to be pressed up
     Rieder, R. (2011). Making a Statement. American Journalism
     Review, 33(3), 2.
        d. The article discusses the story in the "Patriot-News"
           newspaper of the Penn State scandal involving allegations
           that former football coach Jerry Sandusky abused young
           boys during his tenure with the university. He was a
           longtime assistant coach to Joe Paterno. He got a lot of
           people in trouble, a lot of high ranking officials including
           head coach, Joe Paterno. The author commends the
           Harrisburg, Pennsylvania newspaper's front page editorial,
           calling for the resignations of Paterno and University
           President Graham
             Spanier, and the decisions of editor Jeanette Krebs.

7.   Friedman, M. S., Marshal, M. P., Guadamuz, T. E., Wei, C.,
     Wong, C. F., Saewyc, E. M., & Stall, R. (2011). A Meta-Analysis
     of Disparities in Childhood Sexual Abuse, Parental Physical
     Abuse, and Peer Victimization Among Sexual Minority and Sexual
     Nonminority Individuals. American Journal Of Public
     Health, 101(8), 1481-1494. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2009190009
        a. This article is written about what childhood sexual abuse
           is, how to detect it and the harm it does to children. It has
useful information regarding studies on how it can affect
            the children and what it means to the victims. It is a well
            written article and will help me describe what actions
            Sandusky performed and how it damaged the children.

8.    Solomon, G. (2011). Slow to React. American Journalism
      Review, 33(3), 28-51.
         a. The article discusses the reporting in the "Patriot-News"
            newspaper of the Pennsylvania State University sex
            scandal involving allegations that former football coach
            Jerry Sandusky abused young boys during his tenure with
            the tacit consent of other officials including head coach Joe
            Paterno. The author commends the Harrisburg,
            Pennsylvania newspaper's front page editorial calling for
            the resignations of Paterno and University President
            Graham Spanier, and the decisions of editor Jeanette

9.    Jonsson, P. (2011, November 15). Bob Costas interview: Did
      Jerry Sandusky make things worse for himself?. Christian
      Science Monitor. p. N.PAG.
         a. This article is about an interview with famous sports
            journalist, Bob Costas, and Jerry Sandusky. The article
            talks about if Jerry Sandusky’s lawyer made things worse
            by letting the former Penn State coach talk about the case.
            The interview was supposed to make Sandusky look better
            to the public by denying that he was a pedophile, and clear
            up the actions that took place. What happened is it made
            him seem guilty and “Sandusky’s words and behavior bore
            striking similarities to the kind of coping strategies that
            sexual predators use to deflect guilt and psychologically
            survive being confronted with their crimes.” That quote
            from lawyer Jeff Anderson, who represents cases of victims
            of child abuse and sexual assault, pretty much breaks
            down the whole article and what Sandusky said compared
            to other sexual offenders.

10.   Wolverton, B., Stripling, J., & Hebel, S. (2011). An Icon Falls,
      and a President With Him. Chronicle Of Higher
      Education, 58(13), A1-29.
        a. This article, written by Brad Wolverton, is broken into
            different sections describing events and outlooks from the
            situation. The first sections talks about the trial of
            accusations, where it discusses what happened and what
Jerry Sandusky has been charged with. The next section
            talks about unanswered questions, whether it’s who to
            blame, what Mike McQueary told the coaches and if moral
            requirements can be brought up in a court of law. The next
            three sections of the article are talking about the
            president, the closing of the program that Sandusky ran
            and finally a section on Joe Paterno.

11.   Wood, D. B. (2011, November 8). How rage over Jerry Sandusky
      sex-abuse scandal engulfed Joe Paterno. Christian Science
      Monitor. p. N.PAG.
         a. This article is about the reaction that Joe Paterno had over
            the information he received regarding the Jerry Sandusky
            case. The article also talks about how he was forced out of
            coaching as well as what was going to happen to the
            university. This article also talks about the graduate
            student who turned Sandusky in. Mark Tatge has a lot of
            input in this article, as he is a journalism professor at
            DePauw University.

12.   Wertheim, L., & Epstein, D. (2011). THIS IS PENN STATE.
      (Cover story).Sports Illustrated, 115(20), 40-53.
         a. This article in Sports illustrated is called “This is Penn
            State.” This talks about how the college in State College
            Pennsylvania reacted. The first quote of the article tells a
            lot about what the article is about. “Had Sandusky not
            been so brazen, had he simply restricted himself to the
            football facilities, there is little to suggest he would have
            been caught. For Sandusky, if not for the boys, Penn State
            was a safe haven.” This article talks about how Penn State
            was seen as a University before and after the situation

13.   Bissinger, B. (2011). Penn State's New
      Villain. Newsweek, 158(22), 4-5.
          a. Titled “Penn State’s New Villain” this article goes into detail
             about Jerry Sandusky’s life and how he affected the
             University with his crude actions. It goes into detail about
             how the grand jury works and how it will choose the
             outcome of the case. The main point that comes out of this
             article is that the investigation started long before it came
             to the public, and Tom Corbett, who is the Pennsylvania
             governor and was the attorney general, investigated him.
14.   Bennett, J., & Berstein, J. (2011). Complicit
      Wives. Newsweek, 158(24), 28.
        a. This article written in Newsweek is all about Jerry
           Sandusky’s wife. In this article, the author wonders about
           if Dottie Sandusky knew about what was going on and
           didn’t try to stop it. There is a lot of research used in it
           about other cases, such as Syracuse’s coach Bernie Fine
           and his wife, as well as other pedophiles and their
           situations. The research says that males are more likely to
           be able to live a double life and not show any signs of the
           crimes they are committing.

15.   Gregory, S., Webley, K., & Dodds, E. (2011). PENN STATE OF
      MIND. Time,178(23), 48-51.
        a. This Time Magazine article written by Sean Gregory is
           about the impact these crude acts has on the football team
           as a whole. It talks about the recruits, the players and the
           coaching staff. This also talks about the impact it has on
           the financial side of the college game and how it taints
           that. It also discusses how the safety of the college town
           feels not as safe now and is a problem for the students.
           This article is very interesting to me on how this not only
           affected the campus, the sport and the town, but also the
           students, the family’s and the players.

16.   Wolverton B., & Sander, L. (2011). Failure to Alert Board Cost
      Penn State's Leadership Dearly. (Cover story). Chronicle Of
      Higher Education, 58(14), A1-A9.
         a. In this article, it discusses the communication process for
            this incident and how it cost the boards leadership in a
            negative manner. It also talks about the board of trustees
            and the communication breakdown that went on between
            the senior officials and trustees at Penn State. It talks
            about the governing board as part of the president’s job
            and how he needs to speak openly with them. This article
            is all about the board and how the communication
            breakdown lead them down a bad path.

17.   Solomon, G. (2011). Slow to React. American Journalism
      Review, 33(3), 28-51.
         a. In the “Slow to React” article, it’s all about how the other
            news outlets were late to cover the story. “Back in March,
            the Patriot News in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, broke the
            story of the grand jury investigation that triggered the
massive Penn State child abuse scandal. But other news
            outlets were slow to follow.” This article was all about how
            this one news paper in Harrisburg leaked the story about
            the investigation but no one else wanted to believe it.

18.   Bissinger, B. (2011). Open Secrets. Newsweek, 158(21), 4.
         a. This article was not only written about Jerry Sandusky but
            college athletics as a whole. This article talks about how
            coach’s know to much, participate in illegal activities and
            have low moral values when it comes to recruiting players.
            In the case of Jerry Sandusky there was no ethical value
            when it came to the communication of the known
            information by the coach’s and the board as well as the
            president. This article talks about the ethics in college

19.   Gregory, S. (2011). Penn State Has No Defense. Time, 178(20),
         a. This article is mainly talking about the football team and,
            more importantly, about Joe Paterno and what he meant
            to the university. The article talks about JoePa and how he
            coached, what he did for the community and his records
            and how everyone at Penn State looked up to him like he
            was their godfather. It also explains his side of the story
            and about how he felt he fulfilled his legal obligation with
            the information that he knew. This article evaluates the
            leadership of the coach, to president, to Sandusky to the
            assistant that turned him in.

20.   Epstein, D., & Wertheim, L. (2011). Missteps at Every
      Turn. Sports Illustrated,115(21), 24-25.
         a. In this article written in Sports Illustrated, they discuss the
            missteps that Penn State had on every level. They
            breakdown into a timeline of each event in order to get a
            better understanding on what happened and when it
            happened. They also breakdown the communication
            process and how it could have changed the outcome of the
            investigation and the event. It also talks about other
            colleges that have gotten in trouble for other issues and
            comparing the way they were handled to the way Penn
            State handled its situation.
21.   Koller, D. L. (2011). It's a Guy Thing at Penn State, and That's a
      Problem.Chronicle Of Higher Education, 58(15), A17.
         a. This article is about the differences between men and
            women in this situation. Dionne Koller talks about how
            women are more likely to have been victims than men, so
            they have a different out look on the situation. They also
            have more emotions and act differently and more mother-
            like when it comes to sensitive situations. She also talks
            about the leadership would have taken a different path if
            they were women who were on the board. She says “At
            heart, the Penn State story shows why representation of
            women in athletic programs is not just about statistics or
            abstract notions of “equality.” A different voice, shaped by
            a different gender experiences, might have seen the
            situation not from the position of a “brotherhood”
            attempting to preserve the power and image and revenue
            that were propping up Peen State’s football franchise, but
            instead by recognizing the gravity of the victimization that
            may have been taken place.”

22.   Blumenstyk, G., & Stripling, J. (2011). Anger Darkens Mood on
      Campuses.Chronicle Of Higher Education, 58(15), A1-A9.
         a. This article speaks of the anger, darkness and bad moods
            on the campus of Penn State University. This talks about
            controversial leadership decisions that lead to a campus
            full of skepticism and gloom. This also discusses the
            politics of today teamed up with the power of social media,
            as well as the vast majority of media outlets have hurt the
            program as well. This article also targets Penn State and
            says they are in the media cross-hairs and have to do
            everything correct to keep their name out of the media
            and get credibility back.

23.   Troop, D. (2012). An Opaque Stop on the Penn State President's
      Transparency Tour. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 58(20), A9.
         a. This article is an “Opaque Stop on the Penn State
            President’s Transparency Tour.” This is the title of the
            article written by Don Troop, but it also explains what the
            article is about. In this article, it talks with Rodney
            Erickson and the direction that Penn State University is
            going when choosing a new president. This article goes
            through and talks about how they are going to take it
            slow, and open as they chose a new president to take over
            during a situation like this in which they got themselves in.
“Openness and communication are my guiding principles
            and watchwords.” That is the process that is going to be
            taken to choose a new person for this high-pressure

24.   White, C. R. (2012). YOUR VOICE MATTERS. Essence (Time
      Inc.), 42(9), 16.
         a. This article is written about a topic that could have saved
             the university, the coach’s, and more importantly, kids in
             the process. In this article called “Your Voice Matters,” it
             explains the need to speak up for yourself in a situation
             that needs it. But also in this article it explains that you
             need to speak up for people who can’t in order save lives.
             Children continued to get hurt for a long time because
             people chose not to step up and be a man and take on the
             challenge of what happened in Penn State.

25.   Jack, C., & Kelly, W. (n.d). Paterno's final month marred by
      Sandusky scandal.USA Today.
         a. This article written in USA Today is about Joe Paterno’s
            final month on earth as one of the winningest coaches in
            sports history. As a legend to the game of college football
            and a godfather on Penn State’s campus, the allegations
            that have been brought to campus have tainted his status
            some. Everyone on campus and around the nation loves
            JoePa and what he had stood for. This article breaks down
            what JoePa thought was the right process of doing what he

26.   Guillermo, E. (2011). The Wrong-Way Protestors at Penn
      State. Diverse: Issues In Higher Education, 28(22), 9.
         a. This article is written about the way protesters at Penn
            State were protesting wrong. The peaceful gathering of
            2,000 fans quickly turned into a physical protest where
            people became angry and arrested. This didn’t protest on
            the fact of what happened with the sex abuse scandal, but
            the firing of Joe Paterno. This was the wrong thing to
            protest and it shows a lack of communication from the
            university and the public.

27.   Medina, B. (2011). How Penn State's Sex-Abuse Scandal
      Unfolded: a Timeline.Chronicle Of Higher Education, 58(13), A4-
a.   This article, written by Brenda Medina in the Chronicle of
              Higher Education, is about the Jerry Sandusky case in
              which children of his charity might have been sexually
              abused. This article is a timeline of how Penn State’s sex
              abuse scandal unfolded. This article walks through each
              incident that happened until the public was finally notified
              of the situation and it was brought out in the media. In
              this article it starts in 1994 where he meets his first boy,
              and continues all the way to 2011 where he gets turned in
              for sexual misconduct.

28.   Scherer, R. (2011, November 17). Penn State lesson: what to do
      if you suspect sexual abuse of a child. Christian Science Monitor.
      p. N.PAG.
          a. This article is written on how to react or what to do if you
             hear about a sexual abuse of a child or of any kind. This
             article breaks down the steps that Penn State should have
             followed in order to keep the kids out of future harm. In
             the article it says that in every state lists specific
             professions especially those licensed by the state that are
             required to notify both the police and the child welfare
             agencies. There were many steps that Penn State did
             wrong and this article is proof of that.

29.   Posnanski, J. (2012, January 30). The Final Days. Retrieved from
      Sports Illustrated website: Article
         a. This article is written in the months after Joe Paterno died.
            This was a tribute to his life and how he was a great coach
            who has been overshadowed by the situation that his long
            time assistant coach put him in. Joe Paterno was fired from
            Penn State, and in his final days after being released, he
            was dying with cancer. People would visit his house and
            visit the hospital until the very last breath.

30.   Arnett, R. C., Harden Fritz, J. M., & Bell, L. M. (2009).
      Communication Ethics Literacy. California: Sage.
         a. This is a comprehensive and engaging treatment of
            communication ethics combined with student application
            and theoretical engagement. Communication ethics literacy
            reviews classic communication ethics approaches and
            extends the conversation about dialogue and difference in
            public and private communication periods.
31.   Johannesen, R. L., Valde, K. S., & Whedbee, K. E. (2008). Ethics
      In Human Communication. Ilinois: Waveland Press.
         a. This book is broad but also very precise in explanation of
            the ethics that it teaches. It provides a thorough and
            comprehensive overview of philosophy perspective and
            contexts that pinpoint ethical issues that are common with
            human communication.

32.   Cheney, G., May, S., & Munshi, D. (2011). The Handbook of
      Communication Ethics. New York, New York: Routledge.
        a. The HCE serves as a comprehensive guide to the study of
           communication and ethics. It brings together analysis and
           applications based on recognized ethical theories as well as
           those outside the traditional domain of ethics, but which
           engage important questions of power equality and justice.

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Penn state final product

  • 1. “Penn State and The Scandal Within” How a CSR could have benefited Penn State. Brett Henderson Drur University
  • 2. “Penn State and the Scandal Within” How much did Penn State officials know about an assistant football coach sexually molesting young children on their campus? Did they communicate their knowledge ethically? This is a question that can be analyzed to determine if the people at the university responded to the situation in an ethical manner. What exactly did they know? What actions did they take to make sure it would not happen again? Did they use the corporate responsibility plan effectively to ethically communicate the information to ensure the safety of the children? Who did not take the right precautions to make sure it was taken care of? These are all valid and important questions moving forward. The scandal that happened at Penn State was devastating to not only the fans, but also the parents of young children who attended the non-profit organization, Second Mile, that Jerry Sandusky ran on the university's campus. In David Epstein’s article, the title says it all— “Missteps at Every Turn” (Epstein, D. Nov. 28, 2011). Epstein analyzes the “missteps” the Penn State officials took when handling this case. He states, “Even as Penn State’s faculty senate called on Friday for an independent review of the university’s actions in the Sandusky case, and announced the appointment on Monday of former FBI chief Louis Freeh to head Penn State’s internal investigation, and the NCAA announced that it would take up the question of institutional control in the Nittany Lion’s
  • 3. football program, it was clear there’s plenty more to be done” (Epstein D. Nov. 28 2011). If all three organizations were conducting individual investigations, the chance that something went wrong in the communication process is probable. In an article written by Brad Wolverton, he says, “A communication breakdown between senior officials and trustees at Penn State University in reacting to the case against a former football coach, Jerry Sandusky, contributed to what some crisis-communications experts say was a weak initial response by the institution” (Wolverton B. Nov. 25, 2011). This obvious breakdown of communication needs to be examined, and hopefully other people that come across this situation can learn how to better handle such a tragedy. Looking at how Penn State officials handled the information they received, the breakdown of ethics in communication that the officials failed to perform must be examined. It will also breakdown the CSR of Penn State when looking at the firing of legendary coach , Joe Paterno, and whether they followed the correct steps or jumped the gun. First, the background story needs to be examined in order to realize the actions that resulted from it. In Brenda Medina’s article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, she highlights a time line of what happened. Starting in 1994, when Jerry Sandusky, an assistant football coach for Penn State, met a 10-year-old boy. For the next two years,
  • 4. Sandusky touched the young boy inappropriately and showered with him. From 1998-2000, Sandusky touched more children and made more poor decisions with young boys. One of the children told his mother, and during a phone call, Sandusky admitted to showering naked with the boy, and vowed to never shower with children again. Detectives were listening to this phone call, and yet nothing happened to him (Medina B. Nov. 18, 2011). In 1999, after being told he would not be the next head coach of Penn State, Jerry Sandusky retired as an assistant coach. However, he was granted use of the facilities as part of his “emeritus status.” Just a year later in 2000, a janitor oversaw Sandusky performing oral sex on a young child, and although the janitor reported this to his supervisor, a formal report was never filed. In 2002, Michael McQueary witnessed Sandusky performing crude acts and reported it to Joe Paterno. Paterno took the report to Penn State’s athletic director, Tim Curley, and they were told that Sandusky’s keys were taken away from him. Paterno then informed Senior Vice President, Gary Shultz, of the information he was given. The president of the University, Graham Spanier, was also informed of the situation and said, “I approve of how the situation was handled.” In 2011, Mr. Shultz and Mr. Curley testified in front of a jury and said the accusations toward Sandusky described to them by Mr. Paterno and Mr. McQueary “were not that serious” (Medina, B. Nov. 18, 2011).
  • 5. Later in 2011, both stepped down from their positions and turned themselves into the police. Penn State’s Board of Trustees then fired Mr. Spainer and Joe Paterno (Medina, B. Nov. 18, 2011). This marked the beginning of the fall-outs that resulted from the terrible situation that Jerry Sandusky brought upon the university. The firing of legendary coach, Joe Paterno, came as a surprise to the avid fans of the coach and football program. Matt Millen, a former player of Coach Paterno, told USA Today, “I am numb, forget the football aspect. We just lost a great contributor to our society. He was more than a football coach. There are many living positive testimonies walking around because of Joe Paterno. He straightened out many lives” (Carey J. Jan. 26, 2012). Steve Shaffer, a season ticket holder who saw Paterno’s first win as a head coach, said, “the whole thing is like finding out there was no Santa Claus” (Carey J. Jan. 26, 2012). The students gathered on Penn State’s campus to protest the firing of Joe Paterno and did not stay peaceful for long. According to an article written by Emil Guillermo, “the football mentality took over as the gathering swelled into a full-scale riot with 2,000 people involved, numerous arrested and a television truck overturned” (Guillermo E. Dec. 8 2011). Without question, the decision to fire the longtime coach added another dim light to the university. Public outcry after his firing continued long after the riots had finished. Although his decision-making was called into question, he
  • 6. communicated the information he received from McQueary ethically by reporting it to his superiors. Paterno said in a statement to the press, “As my grand jury testimony stated, I was informed in 2002 by an assistant coach that he had witnessed an incident in the shower of our locker room facility. It was obvious that the witness was distraught over what he saw, but he at no time related to me the very specific actions contained in the grand jury report” (Scott C. Nov. 7 2011). Paterno referred the incident involving Sandusky, who had worked for Paterno for 23 years, to college administrators (Scott C. Nov. 7 2011). The firing of the most winning coach in football history was not only devastating to the Penn State family, but the entire nation, as well. Continuing forth, there are two main issues worth examining when it comes to the breakdown of communication involving this case. The first issue is the official’s failure to communicate the information to the right sources in order to solve the problem from within the university. The second issue is how the president handled the situation with the board once it leaked to the public. Both of these issues, if handled properly, would have saved the university some heartache. The first concern to examine is the failure to communicate information. The first accusation on Penn State’s campus was in 1998, when a janitor witnessed Sandusky giving oral sex to a young boy in the locker room showers. “The janitor was so upset he was moved to tears, and co-workers feared he might have a heart attack. They also feared for
  • 7. their jobs” (Wertheim J. Nov. 21, 2011). No report was filed on the alleged events. The next event, and most publicly discussed, happened in 2002 when McQueary witnessed Sandusky having anal intercourse with a young child in the showers on Penn State’s campus. McQueary then contacted Joe Paterno the next day, without interfering with Sandusky during the action. Paterno contacted the athletic director, Mr. Curley, the next day to inform him of the allegations. Curley relayed the information to Vice President Schultz, who then passed the information on to President Spainer. Although this can be analyzed as an ethical way of relaying information, the amount of people it traveled through diluted the details of the information. In the article This Is Penn State, Wertheim Curley said that passing along the information “made a member of Curley’s staff uncomfortable” (Wertheim J. Nov. 21 2011). Mr. Curley contacted Second Mile, the non- profit Sandusky ran, and neither Curley, nor Second Mile, reported it to the police. As a result, Sandusky was prohibited from bringing children on campus. This shows a complete breakdown in communication and was not handled in a way that would be deemed ethical. If any of the high- ranking officials, who, according to Jon Wertheim, includes Schultz and Curley, but excludes Joe Paterno, who is not classified as a “senior staff member,” had called the police, maybe this situation would have never caused the harm to future children that it did.
  • 8. The second issue to examine is how the president shared the news of the situation with the Board of Trustees. In Brad Wolverton’s article, he says, “ [a] decision not to notify the full board about the state attorney general’s investigation and the charges against Mr. Sandusky may have hastened the departure of President Graham B. Spainer according to people with knowledge of the boards deliberations” (Wolverton B. Nov. 25, 2011). The board of trustees did not receive official news of the allegations until the coach was arrested, although they had heard news of the allegations on the radio or through family members who had read about the scandal on various news sites and other sources. Kenneth Frazier, chairman of the board, told reporters, “the board learned about this situation when it became public” (Wolverton B. Nov. 25, 2011). The president did not let the board know about what was going on, as they had no idea and were blindsided when they heard about it second-hand. Mr. Spanier took it upon himself, without deliberating with the board, to release a statement describing his “unconditional support” for Mr. Curley and Mr. Schultz. He also showed little to no sympathy for the victims. This shows the communication avenue had missing links and the board had little to no say on the statements made by the “university.” The whole Board of Trustees should have a say on how the university will respond to a situation. Richard Chait said, “I do think presidents need to share information of great weight or potential magnitude almost immediately with some predetermined subset of the board.” Mr. Chait
  • 9. also said in his statement, “the more urgent the situation, the more swiftly leaders must decide how much to say and to whom. It should probably lift toward more information sooner” (Wolverton B. Nov. 25, 2011). Thomas McMillen, a member of the University System of Maryland’s Board of Regents, said “it’s a problem when presidents and athletic departments don’t fully inform boards about trouble ahead. Presidents and boards need to establish a whole new level of relationship where there’s much transparency, and not delayed transparency, so boards can weigh this stuff appropriately” (Wolverton B. Nov. 25, 2011). The actions taken by the president of the board prove he did not ethically communicate with the rest of the board. If there had been some discussion about the case, what information had been gathered and a decision made based on the outcome, there might have been a better outcome in the public eye. The singular fact that the board learned about the arrest of Sandusky through the press proves a breakdown in communication. To examine the ethical perspectives applied, we need to look at some ethical principals that should have been applied. For the breakdown regarding the information that Mr. McQueary had, it could have been solved ethically a few different times. Any one of the four people (McQueary, Paterno, Curley, Shultz) with the knowledge of what was going on, should have contacted police. Carolyn Atwell-Davis says,
  • 10. “Anybody may report it. States want people who are in a position to become aware of child sexual abuse to report their allegation” (Scherer R. Nov. 17, 2011). According to Mrs. Atwell-Davis, McQueary, Paterno, Curley and Shultz should have contacted police about the information they knew. In the article Penn State Has No Defense, Sean Gregory states, “By informing a superior that a graduate assistant had witnessed Sandusky’s alleged sexual contact with a 10-year-old boy, Paterno says he was not told it was rape, the Penn State Coach met his legal obligation. But what about that moral influence?” (Gregory S. Nov. 21, 2011) This statement made by Gregory questions the ethics involved by Paterno. In the Handbook of Communication Ethics, it defines corporate social responsibility as “Social virtues such as fairness, responsibility, accountability and community have always informed and shaped human interaction and organization, not least in the area of economic transactions” (Christensen L. pg. 457). According to this definition, if Mr. Paterno and Mr. McQueary had followed the CSR that should have been in place at Penn State, he would have had an ethical responsibility to the community to take actions into his own hands and contact the police. As for Mr. Curley and Mr. Shultz, they had a legal obligation to contact the police. In Ron Scherer’s article he states “Almost every state lists specific professions, especially those licensed by the state, that are expressly
  • 11. required to notify both the police and child welfare agencies” (Scherer R. Nov. 17, 2011). Both Curley and Shultz had a legal and ethical responsibility to turn this in to police. Christensen examines the recent use of Corporate Social Responsibility and states, “Today, the adherence to social virtues usually takes place under the banner of “Corporate Social Responsibility.” CSR refers to activities through which companies contribute to a presumed better society and a cleaner environment by including the public interest into its decision-making” (Christensen L. pg. 457). If any of the people involved in this had followed the basic outlines of a CSR model, they would have solved the situation before it got out of hand. Proper use of CSR could have saved jobs, and would have prevented the negative publicity for the university. Not only would it have saved these things, it would have also prevented some of the children from getting sexually molested. If they would have simply followed the CSR model, all of this would have been prevented. That is why a CSR model is so important. Implications Through my analysis of the allegations of sexual child abuse scandal that happened on Penn States campus, I found there was more unethical behavior than I originally thought. When I first heard about the case, in my opinion, I believed that Coach Paterno was wrongfully fired. I believed before researching this case that Paterno did the right thing by
  • 12. relaying the information he received. However, after studying the facts, I have come to the conclusion that Paterno should have been fired as head coach of the Penn State University football program. He simply did not follow the corporate social responsibility model of the university like he should have. I also believe he had a responsibility to the community to take action against Jerry Sandusky and turn it over to the police. Sean Gregory said it best in his article Penn State Has No Defense, “Paterno, the biggest man on campus, chose to punt this problem to a Penn State University bureaucrat” (Gregory. S Nov. 21, 2011). I found through my analysis that there is a clear understanding that a situation like this can be made more ethical in the future. I believe every university, not only Penn State, should look at their CSR model and take it seriously. Every employee should be trained on the company’s CSR model and should be held accountable for following it, due in large part to the crisis that it can help prevent.. I believe the role of a CSR model could have changed the outcome of this case drastically, and would have saved Penn State and Joe Paterno’s reputation. Larry Henderson, an avid college football fan, had this to say about the crisis, “It’s extremely ironic that the institution and image that Joe Paterno worked his whole life to build, and tried to protect by doing the minimal legal thing, ended up being destroyed by not doing the ethical thing. How untouchable they must have felt to hide the truth, and
  • 13. underestimate the public’s ability to recognize and support the institution under turmoil created by doing the right thing. Now lives are destroyed, and it is even more difficult for the institution and supporters to recover, and the legacy Joe Paterno worked so hard to preserve is tarnished forever.” The biggest communication phenomena that I took away from my analysis was the important role a corporate social responsibility model can be to a company. I believe it’s in the best interest for everyone who is running a business to make sure the company’s model is being used effectively. My analysis made me realize that if Penn State would have followed their CSR model from the beginning, it would have saved them from the outcome that was seemingly forced upon them in the end. Conclusion The book Ethics in Human Communication, Johanssen speaks of ethics and personal character. According to this book, ethics and personal character include “emphasis on duties, obligations, rules, principles and the resolution of complex ethical dilemmas has dominated the contemporary philosophy of ethics” (Johanssen R. pg 10). In both cases analyzed, neither one used appropriate ethical measures to communicate the information to solve the issue at hand. Communications addressing the CSR Model at Penn State University is something that should have been taken very seriously. Each party involved in the first case analyzed, Paterno, McQuery, Curley, Shultz, did
  • 14. not follow the CSR. The result of this lack of ethical communication ballooned into a bigger issue than anyone ever imagined. The aftermath resulted in legendary coach Joe Paterno getting fired, Shultz and Curley stepping down from their position and turning themselves into the police, and McQuery being suspended from coaching. All of the aftermath could have been avoided and the reputation of the university saved by practicing ethical communication and following the corporate social responsibility model. Through the training of CSR and ethical communication, the scandal that occurred at Penn State University involving Jerry Sandusky sexually molesting young kids, could have been avoided. The main focus of this paper was to understand how the repercussions could have been avoided. It also serves as a different outlook on how a situation similar to this can be handled in a different manner in the future.
  • 15. Annotated Bibliography 1. Scott, D. (2011, November 7). Jerry Sandusky: What did Penn State's Joe Paterno know about him? (video). Christian Science Monitor. p. N.PAG. a. In this article, author David Scott writes about what hall- of-fame coach Joe Paterno knew about the Jerry Sandusky case. The article talks about when Joe Paterno received this information, and what he did about it. It also talks about what Paterno said in a press release after the incident was made public. It has quotes from the athletic director, the senior vice president for finance, as well as Penn State’s president. This article is from the point-of- view of “What did Joe Pa know and when did he know about it.” 2. DeKay, S. H. (2011). Doing What’s Right: Communicating Business Ethics. Business Communication Quarterly, 74(3), 287- 288. doi:10.1177/1080569911413813 a. This article is about doing what is right in communication ethics. This will help me understand what ethics really is and how Penn State followed or didn’t follow the rules. I think that this article is great for a deeper understanding on how to communicate within the business world. 3. Barnes, M. C., & Keleher, M. (2006). ETHICS IN CONFLICT. Business Communication Quarterly, 69(2), 144-157. a. This paper is about the ethical steps that people need to take in a communication setting. The biggest issue is dealing with conflict and how to do it ethically. This will help me because I feel the way Penn State treated Joe Paterno in the firing was not ethical. 4. Joe Paterno. (2011). Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 1. a. This is an article about Joe Paterno’s life and information about his life. This gave me a look into his life prior to his legendary coaching career. I liked this article because it gave me solid facts about his personal life, which will allow me to get a better look at what he was about.
  • 16. 5. Guarino, M. (2012, February 14). Do ex-daughter-in-law's allegations change Jerry Sandusky case?. Christian Science Monitor. p. N.PAG. a. This article is written about Jerry Sandusky’s ex-daughter- in-law. She has allegations against him, saying he sexually molested one of her children. This gives me more insight about what kind of person Jerry Sandusky continues to be. 6. Wolverton, B., Stripling, J., & Hebel, S. (2011). An Icon Falls, and a President With Him. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 58(13), A1-29. a. This article is written about how an “Icon Falls and a President with Him.” The title explains a lot because it’s about how Joe Paterno and the president of the university both got fired. They were let go because of the actions that Jerry Sandusky, and two big members of the university, suffered from his actions. It also goes on to talk about the trail of accusations that is going to be pressed up Sandusky. b. c. Rieder, R. (2011). Making a Statement. American Journalism Review, 33(3), 2. d. The article discusses the story in the "Patriot-News" newspaper of the Penn State scandal involving allegations that former football coach Jerry Sandusky abused young boys during his tenure with the university. He was a longtime assistant coach to Joe Paterno. He got a lot of people in trouble, a lot of high ranking officials including head coach, Joe Paterno. The author commends the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania newspaper's front page editorial, calling for the resignations of Paterno and University President Graham Spanier, and the decisions of editor Jeanette Krebs. 7. Friedman, M. S., Marshal, M. P., Guadamuz, T. E., Wei, C., Wong, C. F., Saewyc, E. M., & Stall, R. (2011). A Meta-Analysis of Disparities in Childhood Sexual Abuse, Parental Physical Abuse, and Peer Victimization Among Sexual Minority and Sexual Nonminority Individuals. American Journal Of Public Health, 101(8), 1481-1494. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2009190009 a. This article is written about what childhood sexual abuse is, how to detect it and the harm it does to children. It has
  • 17. useful information regarding studies on how it can affect the children and what it means to the victims. It is a well written article and will help me describe what actions Sandusky performed and how it damaged the children. 8. Solomon, G. (2011). Slow to React. American Journalism Review, 33(3), 28-51. a. The article discusses the reporting in the "Patriot-News" newspaper of the Pennsylvania State University sex scandal involving allegations that former football coach Jerry Sandusky abused young boys during his tenure with the tacit consent of other officials including head coach Joe Paterno. The author commends the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania newspaper's front page editorial calling for the resignations of Paterno and University President Graham Spanier, and the decisions of editor Jeanette Krebs. 9. Jonsson, P. (2011, November 15). Bob Costas interview: Did Jerry Sandusky make things worse for himself?. Christian Science Monitor. p. N.PAG. a. This article is about an interview with famous sports journalist, Bob Costas, and Jerry Sandusky. The article talks about if Jerry Sandusky’s lawyer made things worse by letting the former Penn State coach talk about the case. The interview was supposed to make Sandusky look better to the public by denying that he was a pedophile, and clear up the actions that took place. What happened is it made him seem guilty and “Sandusky’s words and behavior bore striking similarities to the kind of coping strategies that sexual predators use to deflect guilt and psychologically survive being confronted with their crimes.” That quote from lawyer Jeff Anderson, who represents cases of victims of child abuse and sexual assault, pretty much breaks down the whole article and what Sandusky said compared to other sexual offenders. 10. Wolverton, B., Stripling, J., & Hebel, S. (2011). An Icon Falls, and a President With Him. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 58(13), A1-29. a. This article, written by Brad Wolverton, is broken into different sections describing events and outlooks from the situation. The first sections talks about the trial of accusations, where it discusses what happened and what
  • 18. Jerry Sandusky has been charged with. The next section talks about unanswered questions, whether it’s who to blame, what Mike McQueary told the coaches and if moral requirements can be brought up in a court of law. The next three sections of the article are talking about the president, the closing of the program that Sandusky ran and finally a section on Joe Paterno. 11. Wood, D. B. (2011, November 8). How rage over Jerry Sandusky sex-abuse scandal engulfed Joe Paterno. Christian Science Monitor. p. N.PAG. a. This article is about the reaction that Joe Paterno had over the information he received regarding the Jerry Sandusky case. The article also talks about how he was forced out of coaching as well as what was going to happen to the university. This article also talks about the graduate student who turned Sandusky in. Mark Tatge has a lot of input in this article, as he is a journalism professor at DePauw University. 12. Wertheim, L., & Epstein, D. (2011). THIS IS PENN STATE. (Cover story).Sports Illustrated, 115(20), 40-53. a. This article in Sports illustrated is called “This is Penn State.” This talks about how the college in State College Pennsylvania reacted. The first quote of the article tells a lot about what the article is about. “Had Sandusky not been so brazen, had he simply restricted himself to the football facilities, there is little to suggest he would have been caught. For Sandusky, if not for the boys, Penn State was a safe haven.” This article talks about how Penn State was seen as a University before and after the situation occurred. 13. Bissinger, B. (2011). Penn State's New Villain. Newsweek, 158(22), 4-5. a. Titled “Penn State’s New Villain” this article goes into detail about Jerry Sandusky’s life and how he affected the University with his crude actions. It goes into detail about how the grand jury works and how it will choose the outcome of the case. The main point that comes out of this article is that the investigation started long before it came to the public, and Tom Corbett, who is the Pennsylvania governor and was the attorney general, investigated him.
  • 19. 14. Bennett, J., & Berstein, J. (2011). Complicit Wives. Newsweek, 158(24), 28. a. This article written in Newsweek is all about Jerry Sandusky’s wife. In this article, the author wonders about if Dottie Sandusky knew about what was going on and didn’t try to stop it. There is a lot of research used in it about other cases, such as Syracuse’s coach Bernie Fine and his wife, as well as other pedophiles and their situations. The research says that males are more likely to be able to live a double life and not show any signs of the crimes they are committing. 15. Gregory, S., Webley, K., & Dodds, E. (2011). PENN STATE OF MIND. Time,178(23), 48-51. a. This Time Magazine article written by Sean Gregory is about the impact these crude acts has on the football team as a whole. It talks about the recruits, the players and the coaching staff. This also talks about the impact it has on the financial side of the college game and how it taints that. It also discusses how the safety of the college town feels not as safe now and is a problem for the students. This article is very interesting to me on how this not only affected the campus, the sport and the town, but also the students, the family’s and the players. 16. Wolverton B., & Sander, L. (2011). Failure to Alert Board Cost Penn State's Leadership Dearly. (Cover story). Chronicle Of Higher Education, 58(14), A1-A9. a. In this article, it discusses the communication process for this incident and how it cost the boards leadership in a negative manner. It also talks about the board of trustees and the communication breakdown that went on between the senior officials and trustees at Penn State. It talks about the governing board as part of the president’s job and how he needs to speak openly with them. This article is all about the board and how the communication breakdown lead them down a bad path. 17. Solomon, G. (2011). Slow to React. American Journalism Review, 33(3), 28-51. a. In the “Slow to React” article, it’s all about how the other news outlets were late to cover the story. “Back in March, the Patriot News in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, broke the story of the grand jury investigation that triggered the
  • 20. massive Penn State child abuse scandal. But other news outlets were slow to follow.” This article was all about how this one news paper in Harrisburg leaked the story about the investigation but no one else wanted to believe it. 18. Bissinger, B. (2011). Open Secrets. Newsweek, 158(21), 4. a. This article was not only written about Jerry Sandusky but college athletics as a whole. This article talks about how coach’s know to much, participate in illegal activities and have low moral values when it comes to recruiting players. In the case of Jerry Sandusky there was no ethical value when it came to the communication of the known information by the coach’s and the board as well as the president. This article talks about the ethics in college athletics. 19. Gregory, S. (2011). Penn State Has No Defense. Time, 178(20), 17. a. This article is mainly talking about the football team and, more importantly, about Joe Paterno and what he meant to the university. The article talks about JoePa and how he coached, what he did for the community and his records and how everyone at Penn State looked up to him like he was their godfather. It also explains his side of the story and about how he felt he fulfilled his legal obligation with the information that he knew. This article evaluates the leadership of the coach, to president, to Sandusky to the assistant that turned him in. 20. Epstein, D., & Wertheim, L. (2011). Missteps at Every Turn. Sports Illustrated,115(21), 24-25. a. In this article written in Sports Illustrated, they discuss the missteps that Penn State had on every level. They breakdown into a timeline of each event in order to get a better understanding on what happened and when it happened. They also breakdown the communication process and how it could have changed the outcome of the investigation and the event. It also talks about other colleges that have gotten in trouble for other issues and comparing the way they were handled to the way Penn State handled its situation.
  • 21. 21. Koller, D. L. (2011). It's a Guy Thing at Penn State, and That's a Problem.Chronicle Of Higher Education, 58(15), A17. a. This article is about the differences between men and women in this situation. Dionne Koller talks about how women are more likely to have been victims than men, so they have a different out look on the situation. They also have more emotions and act differently and more mother- like when it comes to sensitive situations. She also talks about the leadership would have taken a different path if they were women who were on the board. She says “At heart, the Penn State story shows why representation of women in athletic programs is not just about statistics or abstract notions of “equality.” A different voice, shaped by a different gender experiences, might have seen the situation not from the position of a “brotherhood” attempting to preserve the power and image and revenue that were propping up Peen State’s football franchise, but instead by recognizing the gravity of the victimization that may have been taken place.” 22. Blumenstyk, G., & Stripling, J. (2011). Anger Darkens Mood on Campuses.Chronicle Of Higher Education, 58(15), A1-A9. a. This article speaks of the anger, darkness and bad moods on the campus of Penn State University. This talks about controversial leadership decisions that lead to a campus full of skepticism and gloom. This also discusses the politics of today teamed up with the power of social media, as well as the vast majority of media outlets have hurt the program as well. This article also targets Penn State and says they are in the media cross-hairs and have to do everything correct to keep their name out of the media and get credibility back. 23. Troop, D. (2012). An Opaque Stop on the Penn State President's Transparency Tour. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 58(20), A9. a. This article is an “Opaque Stop on the Penn State President’s Transparency Tour.” This is the title of the article written by Don Troop, but it also explains what the article is about. In this article, it talks with Rodney Erickson and the direction that Penn State University is going when choosing a new president. This article goes through and talks about how they are going to take it slow, and open as they chose a new president to take over during a situation like this in which they got themselves in.
  • 22. “Openness and communication are my guiding principles and watchwords.” That is the process that is going to be taken to choose a new person for this high-pressure position. 24. White, C. R. (2012). YOUR VOICE MATTERS. Essence (Time Inc.), 42(9), 16. a. This article is written about a topic that could have saved the university, the coach’s, and more importantly, kids in the process. In this article called “Your Voice Matters,” it explains the need to speak up for yourself in a situation that needs it. But also in this article it explains that you need to speak up for people who can’t in order save lives. Children continued to get hurt for a long time because people chose not to step up and be a man and take on the challenge of what happened in Penn State. 25. Jack, C., & Kelly, W. (n.d). Paterno's final month marred by Sandusky scandal.USA Today. a. This article written in USA Today is about Joe Paterno’s final month on earth as one of the winningest coaches in sports history. As a legend to the game of college football and a godfather on Penn State’s campus, the allegations that have been brought to campus have tainted his status some. Everyone on campus and around the nation loves JoePa and what he had stood for. This article breaks down what JoePa thought was the right process of doing what he did. 26. Guillermo, E. (2011). The Wrong-Way Protestors at Penn State. Diverse: Issues In Higher Education, 28(22), 9. a. This article is written about the way protesters at Penn State were protesting wrong. The peaceful gathering of 2,000 fans quickly turned into a physical protest where people became angry and arrested. This didn’t protest on the fact of what happened with the sex abuse scandal, but the firing of Joe Paterno. This was the wrong thing to protest and it shows a lack of communication from the university and the public. 27. Medina, B. (2011). How Penn State's Sex-Abuse Scandal Unfolded: a Timeline.Chronicle Of Higher Education, 58(13), A4- 30.
  • 23. a. This article, written by Brenda Medina in the Chronicle of Higher Education, is about the Jerry Sandusky case in which children of his charity might have been sexually abused. This article is a timeline of how Penn State’s sex abuse scandal unfolded. This article walks through each incident that happened until the public was finally notified of the situation and it was brought out in the media. In this article it starts in 1994 where he meets his first boy, and continues all the way to 2011 where he gets turned in for sexual misconduct. 28. Scherer, R. (2011, November 17). Penn State lesson: what to do if you suspect sexual abuse of a child. Christian Science Monitor. p. N.PAG. a. This article is written on how to react or what to do if you hear about a sexual abuse of a child or of any kind. This article breaks down the steps that Penn State should have followed in order to keep the kids out of future harm. In the article it says that in every state lists specific professions especially those licensed by the state that are required to notify both the police and the child welfare agencies. There were many steps that Penn State did wrong and this article is proof of that. 29. Posnanski, J. (2012, January 30). The Final Days. Retrieved from Sports Illustrated website: Article a. This article is written in the months after Joe Paterno died. This was a tribute to his life and how he was a great coach who has been overshadowed by the situation that his long time assistant coach put him in. Joe Paterno was fired from Penn State, and in his final days after being released, he was dying with cancer. People would visit his house and visit the hospital until the very last breath. 30. Arnett, R. C., Harden Fritz, J. M., & Bell, L. M. (2009). Communication Ethics Literacy. California: Sage. a. This is a comprehensive and engaging treatment of communication ethics combined with student application and theoretical engagement. Communication ethics literacy reviews classic communication ethics approaches and extends the conversation about dialogue and difference in public and private communication periods.
  • 24. 31. Johannesen, R. L., Valde, K. S., & Whedbee, K. E. (2008). Ethics In Human Communication. Ilinois: Waveland Press. a. This book is broad but also very precise in explanation of the ethics that it teaches. It provides a thorough and comprehensive overview of philosophy perspective and contexts that pinpoint ethical issues that are common with human communication. 32. Cheney, G., May, S., & Munshi, D. (2011). The Handbook of Communication Ethics. New York, New York: Routledge. a. The HCE serves as a comprehensive guide to the study of communication and ethics. It brings together analysis and applications based on recognized ethical theories as well as those outside the traditional domain of ethics, but which engage important questions of power equality and justice.