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Social media content strategy
team 6
Tyler Huckstepp (u3173749)
Rachel Moran (u3196043)
Sophie Coulter (u3187454)
Nam Dang (u3217133)
Alex Haseler (u3216334)
Proposed account name/Chosen topic
Social media channel
Goal and objectives - Part A
Goal and objectives - Part B
Personas of key publics
Key messages - Part A
Key messages - Part B
Roles and responsibilities
Voice and Tone
Content we plan to post - Tier one
Content we plan to post - Tier two and three
When we plan to post
Visual style of content
Proposed hashtags
How we plan to deal with enagagment
Content calendar
Sample posts
Table of Contents
Chosen Topic
Outdoor Recreation
In a time where we are dealing with lockdown, we understand that
getting out of the house is crucial to sustaining good mental and
physical health during this time.

We want to create this page to promote outdoor recreation during
lockdown, by giving people in Canberra suggestions of places to
explore, activities to do and sites to see while maintaining
Proposed account name
Instagram is our primary platform because it gives us a
variety of ways to display content to our followers,
such as stories, reels, highlights, post to feed, videos
and IGTV. (Hootsuite, 2021). Instagram is the best way
to engage with our followers and to keep track of our
activity as a group while voicing our key messages to
our followers.
If we were to use a secondary platform alongside
Instagram, we would use TikTok. Using TikTok would
allow us to reach a wider audience, while easily
transferring our content, particularly from Instagram
Reels to TikTok.
Social Media Channel
Goal 1: The first goal of the campaign is to acquire engagement that is both qualitative and quantitative
for the Instagram account. The level of engagement can be measured through various metrics such as
following, likes, comments or shares. This is rather a determining factor for the success of the campaign.
The social media page, particularly the Instagram account, is the focal point of the campaign and the main
tool of communicating key messages. Therefore, a strong following and high engagement is a reflection on
how effective the campaign is.
Objectives 1.1: The account should have at least 300 followers by the end of the campaign. We aim to
achieve this objective by promoting the account on the team’s personal profiles as well as incorporating
existing hashtag such as #visitcanberra into our posts.
Objectives 1.2: There should be evidence of engagement. Therefore, we expect at least 20 likes and 3
positive comments for all posts throughout the duration of the campaign.
We would also approach this in similar manners by sharing posts on personal accounts and actively
engage with audience should they interact with the posts.
Goal 2: The second goal of the campaign is to contribute to the process of changing
the narrative on Canberra. To entirely change a narrative on a subject is a long-term
process which requires consistent effort from communication teams. Therefore, given the
duration of our campaign and lack of resources, it is in the best interest of the team to
avoid such a broad and unattainable goal.
Objective 2.1: The campaign is shared and discussed on social media, preferably from
external audience, which would ultimately generate awareness and improve image for
Canberra. This can be also considered successful if at least 30% of the audience of the page
are from outside of Canberra.
Objective 2.2: The campaign received a repost by existing pages with high followings
such as @visitcanberra or @canberrabucketlist. This reflects on the quality of the campaign
as well as assists the campaign with acquiring additional followings.
Objective 2.3: The campaign receives earned media coverage which enhances the
image of Canberra as a worth to live city.
This is a rather long-term objective, which can be challenging given the duration of the
campaign and the course. We agree to put less emphasis on the objective but we would still
look for opportunity to work with media organizations such as The Canberra Times.
Goal 3: The campaign is designed to shift the poor
external perception of Canberra. However, it is also
essential to involve Canberrans in the process and
promote Canberra from an insider point of view and with a
sense of pride. Therefore, the third goal of the campaign is
to engage with Canberra-based social media users and
encourage them to participate in our mission in order to
accelerate and facilitate this campaign and future
Objective 3.1: The Instagram account is shared at least 5
times before the conclusion of the campaign.
Persona One: Female, born in rural Australia but now lives in Canberra. Identifies as indigenous. Age 24.
Her hobbies reading, being a social influencer, drawing and hanging out with her friends. She doesn’t
generally enjoy fitness or sports, but she likes going out for walks and exploring. She is dog crazy and
has a pet Dachshund who loves meeting other dogs. Being stuck indoors has been difficult for her as
she is an extrovert and relies on her network heavily. She knows all the “basic” spots in Canberra, but is
keen to find some more exotic spots.

Persona Two: Male, Canberra born and bred, Caucasian. Age 27. He has lived here all his life and loves
making ideas to get out and about in Canberra. Seeing the city through another's eyes or finding beauty
in the little things. He is more of a recluse. He enjoys photography, video games, cycling and baking. He
generally enjoys spending time by himself, and so lockdown has been a positive experience to spend
some time working on himself. He enjoys exercise as a way to work off the baked treats that he makes.
He also likes seeing the sights and taking his camera along to capture the beauty of Canberra.
The market segmentation is within a target audience of late millennials and early
get X, who are from Canberra and would be interested in contributing to the
process of changing the narrative on Canberra. These personas are known to be
active on social media, specifically Instagram, as well as keeping physically active
and appreciating nature, which is why they would enjoy our content in particular.
Key Messages
Vast green spaces
Very limited travel time
Government funded/free
So many Covid-safe walks
Variety of bushes, nature reserves, lakes and walks to explore
Easily accessible for people from different sides of Canberra
Many different Artworks/statues/culture to observe
Cycle-friendly paths in many places
Variety of dog parks/pet friendly walks
Free Botanic Gardens to visit
Free gym equipment at various parks
Easing the symptoms of mental health
Gaining Vitamin D from the sun aids in bone growth and regulating the immune system.
May improve vision, especially in spending time away from screens
Increased brain function and concentration
Fresh air, which can boost energy, lower blood pressure and heart rate.
Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease
Helps relieve stress
Exploring Canberra- Canberra is a diamond in the rough. It has the benefits of a city in its facilities, yet the means
of escaping it all into the vast and various nature destinations. Canberra has all of the facilities required to get
outside, get moving and be social!
Get outside- Studies show that getting outside helps with many things. Benefits include:
Key Messages
Moving your body- As with getting outside, exercising promotes many health benefits.
Helps control weight
Combats diseases such as high blood pressure, cancer and strokes
Improves overall mood
Boosts energy levels
Eases the symptoms of insomnia
Promotes a sense of fun and is a good way to socialise
(Mayo Clinic, 2019)
Being Social- Getting outside, especially with a handful of mates is a great way to feel connected and
happy. Humans are born as social creatures, and social contact impacts us dramatically.
Emits neurotransmitters that reduce stress and anxiety
Releases dopamine (the feel-good hormone)
Improves memory
Keep us accountable for sticking to training schedules
Improve overall life satisfaction
(Cohut, 2018)
Getting involved in the community- Being involved in one's community leads to a happier life
Makes you feel heard
Gain broader perspectives and cultural growth
Knowledge expansion
Networking opportunities
Personal development
(Bates, 2021)
Roles and Responsibilities
Each person is to post on their set day on the calendar, however, they can
choose what time they will post.
Each person is in charge of their 8 posts to the Instagram feed, 2 temporary
posts (Instagram stories) and 2 videos. They may edit their photos how they
like but being in accordance with the group's visual style.
Each individual will be in charge of their post creation, curation and
There will be a shared role of replying to DM’s- positive direct message can be
replied by whoever sees this first, negative message we will discuss as a group
and curate a response.
When receiving comments on post, whoever’s post they are able to like and
reply back to comments.
As a group we will be following and liking other pages that are similar to our
The page will be set to public to gain followers, therefore no one will need to
accept followers.
In case of a communication crisis, the team will meet as a group and discuss
a crisis management plan of action.
As a group we will be monitoring engagement as seen in points above.
Voice and Tone
The voice and tone of our social media pages are aimed to relate and
build relationships with our anticipated target audience (See personas).
Our posts aim to be vibrant through visuals, use of colour, and eye-
catching subjects, along with supporting written text such as through
captions to carry on this bright theme with casual and positive wording.

Our voice and tone differ when it comes to humour, with our voice
being used as the platform for light-hearted jokes and playful nature
whilst our tone or visuals are more focussed and aesthetic to promote
the wonderous nature of Canberra outdoors.
With our voice and tone, we hope to make recreational activities in
Canberra more appealing and to encourage our audience to get involved
in our mission (See call to action).
Content we
plan to Post
Our tier one posts will be created to promote
exercise and physical activity to our audience
through suggestive posts. These posts will have
different recreational activities for our followers to
engage with which we have endeavoured as the
creators of the posts. These posts will encourage
our followers to participate in a range of activities
such as picnics, walking tracks/hikes, throwing a
frisbee, playing basketball, walking to get a morning
coffee, golf, tennis etc. An example post may be a
photo of the trail walking up mount Ainslie with the
caption “Looking for a way to start your Saturday
morning off right? The Mount Ainslie trail will be
perfect, it takes approximately 1.5 hours to
complete the 4km up and back route". We want
these posts to be more informative with locations
and durations of activities to give genuine
suggestions to our audience.
Content we plan to Post
Our tier two posts will be centred around
the topic of “how good is Canberra
outdoors” promotional posts. For
example; sunset, blossom trees, nature,
animals, and any other significant
findings during the recreational
adventures we embark on. These posts
will be created to capture Canberra’s
beauty and to create visually appealing
content. An example post would be of a
blossom tree with the caption “How
beautiful is spring in Canberra? Seeing
these blooming blossoms make moring
walks even better!”

The tier three posts will mostly be
curated content and call-to-action
posts. Instagram story polls will be
tier three posts that will promote
responses from our followers, hoping
to prompt active engagement. An
example post may be a story with
two walking tracks, labelled 1. Mount
Taylor and 2. Black Mountain with a
poll asking followers which hike they
prefer with the option 1 and 2 to
When we plan to post
To maximise the engagement for each post we need to know when our followers
are online as the Instagram algorithm priorities recency. According to the
Hootsuite study the most optimal times to post during the week are between
8am-12pm or 4pm-5pm as this is generally when users are most active.
Hootsuite also revealed that Wednesdays at 11am are a peak time for followers
to engage with posts. During the weekends the most optimal time to post is mid-
morning (9am-11am) and late afternoon (4pm-6pm). Our group will begin to
post around these times but as our account grows, we may tweak our posting
schedule to best fit our specific audiences Instagram activity patterns (Hootsuite,
2021). If we look specifically at targeting a certain audience, Gen Z are most likely
to interact with post late at night from the times of 8pm-12pm. Our group will
also implement social listening to understand when our competitors are posting
and what times may be working for the audience in our industry. We will be
consistent with our posting time as it has been proven that consistently showing
up on Instagram feeds builds credibility, trust and makes meaningful
relationships with our audience.
Visual Style of Content
Slightly editing the image in brightness/contrast/saturation/lowering
shadows to ensure making the most out of our images. Making sure
to include at least one thing that is bright within an image. Focussing
on one main point/subject to draw the audience’s eye into the
content. Including a vast variety of nature and imagery and potentially
including animals, if they are found. Using the "pop" filter on the
application Colourtone (if applicable and looks visually appealing).
Ensuring clarity when taking the photo and avoiding, if possible, power
lines, unappealing signs/roads or bright lights distorting the images.
Our page can be outlined by one major call to action depending on
the consumer's location and a secondary call to action. For Canberra
residents, the call to action we aim to give them is to experience
outdoor recreation within Canberra in fun and new ways.
For those living out of the Canberra region, this call-to-action
encourages consumers to visit the city and experience the
abundance of activities Canberra has to offer.

Our secondary call to action is to promote ACT’s Covid-
19 Guidelines by only promoting recreational activities
that abide by these rules, whilst reminding Canberrans
of these restrictions and how to safely follow them.
Proposed Hastags
#GetOutside #CBR
#WeareCBR #ThisisCanberra
How we plan to deal
with Engagement
For our Instagram page we hope to have some interactive posts and stories with
polls, question boxes for people to answer to, and some captions prompting
engagement through questions or reviews of specific activities, for example asking
for follower’s experience of a walking track, or if they have been to a certain location
to exercise before. We hope to deal with engagement proactively on our page,
responding to followers in a timely way and to acknowledge mentions of our brand
(Hootsuite, 2021). It will be important for our responses to be guided by our voice
and tone of the page (Hootsuite, 2021). When it comes to negative feedback, such
as a comment on a post we will respond to acknowledge we’ve seen the feedback,
and then take any further conversation into a private inbox if need be. We will be
prepared to deal with negative engagement by allowing for a discussion between
our group for advice before replying to the follower for us to respond in a
professional matter. Communication within our group will be vital for successful
interaction with our consumers so there is no overlap of responses.
Content Calendar
Sample Posts
Bates, O., 2021. 6 Reasons why participation is important. [online] Social Pin Point. Available at: <
participate-community-engagement/> [Accessed 20 September 2021].
Cohut, M., 2018. Socialization: How does it benefit mental and physical health. [online] Medical News Today. Available at:
<> [Accessed 20 September 2021].
Health Matters. 2021. Benefits of Spending Time Outdoors in Nature. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 20 September 2021].
Hootsuite 2021, Engaging with your social media community, Available at: <
course/lessons/2540508-engaging-with-your-social-media-community> [viewed 21st September 2021]
Hootsuite 2021, Internal Content Curation for Social Media, Available at: <
course/lessons/2540623-internal-content-curation-for-social-media> [viewed 21st September 2021]
Mayo Clinic. 2019. Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity. [online] Available at: <
depth/exercise/art-20048389> [Accessed 20 September 2021].
Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard. 2021. The Best Time to Post on Instagram in 2021, According to Experts. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 25 September 2021].
University of East Anglia, 2018. It's official- spending time outside is good for you. [online] Science Daily. Available at:
<> [Accessed 20 September 2021].

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Part b

  • 1. CAPITAL RECREATION Social media content strategy team 6 Tyler Huckstepp (u3173749) Rachel Moran (u3196043) Sophie Coulter (u3187454) Nam Dang (u3217133) Alex Haseler (u3216334)
  • 2. Proposed account name/Chosen topic Social media channel Goal and objectives - Part A Goal and objectives - Part B Personas of key publics Key messages - Part A Key messages - Part B Roles and responsibilities Voice and Tone Content we plan to post - Tier one Content we plan to post - Tier two and three When we plan to post Visual style of content Call-to-actions Proposed hashtags How we plan to deal with enagagment Content calendar Sample posts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Table of Contents
  • 3. Chosen Topic Outdoor Recreation In a time where we are dealing with lockdown, we understand that getting out of the house is crucial to sustaining good mental and physical health during this time. We want to create this page to promote outdoor recreation during lockdown, by giving people in Canberra suggestions of places to explore, activities to do and sites to see while maintaining restrictions. Proposed account name @CAPITALRECREATION
  • 4. Instagram is our primary platform because it gives us a variety of ways to display content to our followers, such as stories, reels, highlights, post to feed, videos and IGTV. (Hootsuite, 2021). Instagram is the best way to engage with our followers and to keep track of our activity as a group while voicing our key messages to our followers. If we were to use a secondary platform alongside Instagram, we would use TikTok. Using TikTok would allow us to reach a wider audience, while easily transferring our content, particularly from Instagram Reels to TikTok. Social Media Channel
  • 5. Goal 1: The first goal of the campaign is to acquire engagement that is both qualitative and quantitative for the Instagram account. The level of engagement can be measured through various metrics such as following, likes, comments or shares. This is rather a determining factor for the success of the campaign. The social media page, particularly the Instagram account, is the focal point of the campaign and the main tool of communicating key messages. Therefore, a strong following and high engagement is a reflection on how effective the campaign is. Objectives 1.1: The account should have at least 300 followers by the end of the campaign. We aim to achieve this objective by promoting the account on the team’s personal profiles as well as incorporating existing hashtag such as #visitcanberra into our posts. Objectives 1.2: There should be evidence of engagement. Therefore, we expect at least 20 likes and 3 positive comments for all posts throughout the duration of the campaign. We would also approach this in similar manners by sharing posts on personal accounts and actively engage with audience should they interact with the posts. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES
  • 6. Goal 2: The second goal of the campaign is to contribute to the process of changing the narrative on Canberra. To entirely change a narrative on a subject is a long-term process which requires consistent effort from communication teams. Therefore, given the duration of our campaign and lack of resources, it is in the best interest of the team to avoid such a broad and unattainable goal. Objective 2.1: The campaign is shared and discussed on social media, preferably from external audience, which would ultimately generate awareness and improve image for Canberra. This can be also considered successful if at least 30% of the audience of the page are from outside of Canberra. Objective 2.2: The campaign received a repost by existing pages with high followings such as @visitcanberra or @canberrabucketlist. This reflects on the quality of the campaign as well as assists the campaign with acquiring additional followings. Objective 2.3: The campaign receives earned media coverage which enhances the image of Canberra as a worth to live city. This is a rather long-term objective, which can be challenging given the duration of the campaign and the course. We agree to put less emphasis on the objective but we would still look for opportunity to work with media organizations such as The Canberra Times. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goal 3: The campaign is designed to shift the poor external perception of Canberra. However, it is also essential to involve Canberrans in the process and promote Canberra from an insider point of view and with a sense of pride. Therefore, the third goal of the campaign is to engage with Canberra-based social media users and encourage them to participate in our mission in order to accelerate and facilitate this campaign and future campaigns, Objective 3.1: The Instagram account is shared at least 5 times before the conclusion of the campaign.
  • 7. Persona One: Female, born in rural Australia but now lives in Canberra. Identifies as indigenous. Age 24. Her hobbies reading, being a social influencer, drawing and hanging out with her friends. She doesn’t generally enjoy fitness or sports, but she likes going out for walks and exploring. She is dog crazy and has a pet Dachshund who loves meeting other dogs. Being stuck indoors has been difficult for her as she is an extrovert and relies on her network heavily. She knows all the “basic” spots in Canberra, but is keen to find some more exotic spots. Persona Two: Male, Canberra born and bred, Caucasian. Age 27. He has lived here all his life and loves making ideas to get out and about in Canberra. Seeing the city through another's eyes or finding beauty in the little things. He is more of a recluse. He enjoys photography, video games, cycling and baking. He generally enjoys spending time by himself, and so lockdown has been a positive experience to spend some time working on himself. He enjoys exercise as a way to work off the baked treats that he makes. He also likes seeing the sights and taking his camera along to capture the beauty of Canberra. Personas The market segmentation is within a target audience of late millennials and early get X, who are from Canberra and would be interested in contributing to the process of changing the narrative on Canberra. These personas are known to be active on social media, specifically Instagram, as well as keeping physically active and appreciating nature, which is why they would enjoy our content in particular.
  • 8. Key Messages Vast green spaces Very limited travel time Government funded/free So many Covid-safe walks Variety of bushes, nature reserves, lakes and walks to explore Easily accessible for people from different sides of Canberra Many different Artworks/statues/culture to observe Cycle-friendly paths in many places Variety of dog parks/pet friendly walks Free Botanic Gardens to visit Free gym equipment at various parks Easing the symptoms of mental health Gaining Vitamin D from the sun aids in bone growth and regulating the immune system. May improve vision, especially in spending time away from screens Increased brain function and concentration Fresh air, which can boost energy, lower blood pressure and heart rate. Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease Helps relieve stress Exploring Canberra- Canberra is a diamond in the rough. It has the benefits of a city in its facilities, yet the means of escaping it all into the vast and various nature destinations. Canberra has all of the facilities required to get outside, get moving and be social! Get outside- Studies show that getting outside helps with many things. Benefits include:
  • 9. Key Messages Moving your body- As with getting outside, exercising promotes many health benefits. Helps control weight Combats diseases such as high blood pressure, cancer and strokes Improves overall mood Boosts energy levels Eases the symptoms of insomnia Promotes a sense of fun and is a good way to socialise (Mayo Clinic, 2019) Being Social- Getting outside, especially with a handful of mates is a great way to feel connected and happy. Humans are born as social creatures, and social contact impacts us dramatically. Emits neurotransmitters that reduce stress and anxiety Releases dopamine (the feel-good hormone) Improves memory Keep us accountable for sticking to training schedules Improve overall life satisfaction (Cohut, 2018) Getting involved in the community- Being involved in one's community leads to a happier life Makes you feel heard Gain broader perspectives and cultural growth Knowledge expansion Networking opportunities Personal development (Bates, 2021)
  • 10. Roles and Responsibilities Each person is to post on their set day on the calendar, however, they can choose what time they will post. Each person is in charge of their 8 posts to the Instagram feed, 2 temporary posts (Instagram stories) and 2 videos. They may edit their photos how they like but being in accordance with the group's visual style. Each individual will be in charge of their post creation, curation and promotion. There will be a shared role of replying to DM’s- positive direct message can be replied by whoever sees this first, negative message we will discuss as a group and curate a response. When receiving comments on post, whoever’s post they are able to like and reply back to comments. As a group we will be following and liking other pages that are similar to our groups The page will be set to public to gain followers, therefore no one will need to accept followers. In case of a communication crisis, the team will meet as a group and discuss a crisis management plan of action. As a group we will be monitoring engagement as seen in points above. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
  • 11. Voice and Tone The voice and tone of our social media pages are aimed to relate and build relationships with our anticipated target audience (See personas). Our posts aim to be vibrant through visuals, use of colour, and eye- catching subjects, along with supporting written text such as through captions to carry on this bright theme with casual and positive wording. Our voice and tone differ when it comes to humour, with our voice being used as the platform for light-hearted jokes and playful nature whilst our tone or visuals are more focussed and aesthetic to promote the wonderous nature of Canberra outdoors. With our voice and tone, we hope to make recreational activities in Canberra more appealing and to encourage our audience to get involved in our mission (See call to action).
  • 12. Content we plan to Post TierONE Our tier one posts will be created to promote exercise and physical activity to our audience through suggestive posts. These posts will have different recreational activities for our followers to engage with which we have endeavoured as the creators of the posts. These posts will encourage our followers to participate in a range of activities such as picnics, walking tracks/hikes, throwing a frisbee, playing basketball, walking to get a morning coffee, golf, tennis etc. An example post may be a photo of the trail walking up mount Ainslie with the caption “Looking for a way to start your Saturday morning off right? The Mount Ainslie trail will be perfect, it takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete the 4km up and back route". We want these posts to be more informative with locations and durations of activities to give genuine suggestions to our audience.
  • 13. Content we plan to Post TierTWO Our tier two posts will be centred around the topic of “how good is Canberra outdoors” promotional posts. For example; sunset, blossom trees, nature, animals, and any other significant findings during the recreational adventures we embark on. These posts will be created to capture Canberra’s beauty and to create visually appealing content. An example post would be of a blossom tree with the caption “How beautiful is spring in Canberra? Seeing these blooming blossoms make moring walks even better!” TierTHREE The tier three posts will mostly be curated content and call-to-action posts. Instagram story polls will be tier three posts that will promote responses from our followers, hoping to prompt active engagement. An example post may be a story with two walking tracks, labelled 1. Mount Taylor and 2. Black Mountain with a poll asking followers which hike they prefer with the option 1 and 2 to select.
  • 14. When we plan to post To maximise the engagement for each post we need to know when our followers are online as the Instagram algorithm priorities recency. According to the Hootsuite study the most optimal times to post during the week are between 8am-12pm or 4pm-5pm as this is generally when users are most active. Hootsuite also revealed that Wednesdays at 11am are a peak time for followers to engage with posts. During the weekends the most optimal time to post is mid- morning (9am-11am) and late afternoon (4pm-6pm). Our group will begin to post around these times but as our account grows, we may tweak our posting schedule to best fit our specific audiences Instagram activity patterns (Hootsuite, 2021). If we look specifically at targeting a certain audience, Gen Z are most likely to interact with post late at night from the times of 8pm-12pm. Our group will also implement social listening to understand when our competitors are posting and what times may be working for the audience in our industry. We will be consistent with our posting time as it has been proven that consistently showing up on Instagram feeds builds credibility, trust and makes meaningful relationships with our audience.
  • 15. Visual Style of Content Slightly editing the image in brightness/contrast/saturation/lowering shadows to ensure making the most out of our images. Making sure to include at least one thing that is bright within an image. Focussing on one main point/subject to draw the audience’s eye into the content. Including a vast variety of nature and imagery and potentially including animals, if they are found. Using the "pop" filter on the application Colourtone (if applicable and looks visually appealing). Ensuring clarity when taking the photo and avoiding, if possible, power lines, unappealing signs/roads or bright lights distorting the images.
  • 16. Our page can be outlined by one major call to action depending on the consumer's location and a secondary call to action. For Canberra residents, the call to action we aim to give them is to experience outdoor recreation within Canberra in fun and new ways. For those living out of the Canberra region, this call-to-action encourages consumers to visit the city and experience the abundance of activities Canberra has to offer. Call-to-actions Our secondary call to action is to promote ACT’s Covid- 19 Guidelines by only promoting recreational activities that abide by these rules, whilst reminding Canberrans of these restrictions and how to safely follow them.
  • 17. Proposed Hastags #UCCommsMedia #GetOutside #CBR #Canberra #ACT #Outdoors #Exercise #CanberraLife #Health #VisitCanberra #WeareCBR #ThisisCanberra #CanberraLife #Travel #TravelACT #holidayatCBR #CanberraRecreation #Sports #Moveyourbody #lifestyle #Selfcare
  • 18. How we plan to deal with Engagement For our Instagram page we hope to have some interactive posts and stories with polls, question boxes for people to answer to, and some captions prompting engagement through questions or reviews of specific activities, for example asking for follower’s experience of a walking track, or if they have been to a certain location to exercise before. We hope to deal with engagement proactively on our page, responding to followers in a timely way and to acknowledge mentions of our brand (Hootsuite, 2021). It will be important for our responses to be guided by our voice and tone of the page (Hootsuite, 2021). When it comes to negative feedback, such as a comment on a post we will respond to acknowledge we’ve seen the feedback, and then take any further conversation into a private inbox if need be. We will be prepared to deal with negative engagement by allowing for a discussion between our group for advice before replying to the follower for us to respond in a professional matter. Communication within our group will be vital for successful interaction with our consumers so there is no overlap of responses.
  • 21. References Bates, O., 2021. 6 Reasons why participation is important. [online] Social Pin Point. Available at: < participate-community-engagement/> [Accessed 20 September 2021]. Cohut, M., 2018. Socialization: How does it benefit mental and physical health. [online] Medical News Today. Available at: <> [Accessed 20 September 2021]. Health Matters. 2021. Benefits of Spending Time Outdoors in Nature. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 20 September 2021]. Hootsuite 2021, Engaging with your social media community, Available at: < course/lessons/2540508-engaging-with-your-social-media-community> [viewed 21st September 2021] Hootsuite 2021, Internal Content Curation for Social Media, Available at: < course/lessons/2540623-internal-content-curation-for-social-media> [viewed 21st September 2021] Mayo Clinic. 2019. Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity. [online] Available at: < depth/exercise/art-20048389> [Accessed 20 September 2021]. Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard. 2021. The Best Time to Post on Instagram in 2021, According to Experts. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 25 September 2021]. University of East Anglia, 2018. It's official- spending time outside is good for you. [online] Science Daily. Available at: <> [Accessed 20 September 2021].