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/* pascal.y – Un parser escrito en Bison para lenguaje Pascal.    Genera AST linealizado */
/* Escrito por Egdares Futch H. – UNITEC Honduras */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include   "protos.h"
#include   "token.h"
#include   "tmpvar.h"
#include   "error.h"
#include   "table.h"

extern TmpVars TmpVarGenerator;
extern SymbolTable *GlobalSymbolTable,*CurrentSymbolTable;
int CanInsert;
int proc_id,func_id;
SymbolTable *LocalSymbolTable;

#define   TRUELABEL      0
#define   FALSELABEL     1
#define   OUTLABEL       2
#define   STARTLABEL     3


   int intval;
   unsigned char charval;
   int opval;
// Posicion en la tabla de simbolos
   Token *tokenpos;
//               SI SE USA EN DECLS                       ARRAY DE ETIQUETAS
// typeinfo[0] = type                                     true
// typeinfo[1] = base type if array                       false
// typeinfo[2] = low array bound                          out
// typeinfo[3] = high array bound                         start
// typeinfo[4] = cuantos elementos tienen este tipo
   int typeinfo[5];

%token   PROG_TOK
%token   VAR_TOK
%token   INT_TOK
%token   CHAR_TOK
%token   ARR_TOK
%token   DOT_DOT
%token   OF_TOK
%token   PROC_TOK
%token   FUNC_TOK
%token   BEGIN_TOK
%token   END_TOK
%token   IF_TOK
%token   THEN_TOK
%token   ELSE_TOK
%token   WHILE_TOK
%token   DO_TOK
%left    NOT_TOK
%token   ASSIGNOP
%token   <tokenpos> ID
%token   NUM
%token   CHARCONST
%token   PROC_ID
%token   <tokenpos> FUNC_ID
%token   ARR_INT
%token   ARR_CHAR

%nonassoc RELOP
%left      '+'          '-'    OR_TOK
%left     '*' '/'       DIV_TOK       MOD_TOK   AND_TOK
%left UMINUS

%type <typeinfo> identifier_list typed_id_list arguments type parameter_list
%type <intval> expression_list
%type <tokenpos> untyped_id_list simple_expression expression term factor variable

%expect 1

%start program


allow_ids    :
                  CanInsert = 1;

disallow_ids :
                  CanInsert = 0;

program       :
                printf("proc main,0n");

untyped_id_list     :   ID
                    |   untyped_id_list ',' ID

identifier_list         :  ID
                            switch ($<typeinfo>2[0])
                               case INT_TOK:
                                  printf("defint %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName());
                               case CHAR_TOK:
                                  printf("defchar %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName());
                               case ARR_INT:
                                  int size = $<typeinfo>2[3] - $<typeinfo>2[2] + 1;
                                  printf("defintarr %s %dn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName(),size);
                               case ARR_CHAR:
                                  int size = $<typeinfo>2[3] - $<typeinfo>2[2] + 1;
                                  printf("defchararr %s %dn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName(),size);
// Copia de atributo compuesto
                            $<typeinfo>$[0] = $<typeinfo>2[0];
                            $<typeinfo>$[1] = $<typeinfo>2[1];
                            $<typeinfo>$[2] = $<typeinfo>2[2];
                            $<typeinfo>$[3] = $<typeinfo>2[3];
                            $<typeinfo>$[4] = $<typeinfo>2[4];
                            // Fin de copia

typed_id_list       :   ','
                            switch ($<typeinfo>3[0])
                               case INT_TOK:
                                  printf("defint %sn",$<tokenpos>2->GetName());
                               case CHAR_TOK:
                                  printf("defchar %sn",$<tokenpos>2->GetName());
                               case ARR_INT:
                                  int size = $<typeinfo>2[3] - $<typeinfo>2[2] + 1;
                                  printf("defintarr %s %dn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName(),size);
                               case ARR_CHAR:
                                  int size = $<typeinfo>2[3] - $<typeinfo>2[2] + 1;
                                  printf("defchararr %s %dn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName(),size);
                            // Copia de atributo compuesto
                            $<typeinfo>$[0] = $<typeinfo>3[0];
                            $<typeinfo>$[1] = $<typeinfo>3[1];
                            $<typeinfo>$[2] = $<typeinfo>3[2];
                            $<typeinfo>$[3] = $<typeinfo>3[3];
                            $<typeinfo>$[4] = $<typeinfo>3[4];
                            // Fin de copia
                    |   ':'
                            // Copia de atributo compuesto
                            $<typeinfo>$[0] = $<typeinfo>2[0];
                            $<typeinfo>$[1] = $<typeinfo>2[1];
                            $<typeinfo>$[2] = $<typeinfo>2[2];
                            $<typeinfo>$[3] = $<typeinfo>2[3];
                            $<typeinfo>$[4] = $<typeinfo>2[4];
                            // Fin de copia

declarations :     declarations

type   :        standard_type
$<typeinfo>$[0] = $<typeinfo>1[0];
             $<typeinfo>$[4] = $<typeinfo>1[4];
      |   ARR_TOK '[' NUM DOT_DOT NUM ']' OF_TOK standard_type
             if ($<typeinfo>8[0] == INT_TOK)
                $<typeinfo>$[0] = ARR_INT;
                $<typeinfo>$[0] = ARR_CHAR;
             $<typeinfo>$[1] = $<typeinfo>8[0];
             $<typeinfo>$[2] = $<intval>3;
             $<typeinfo>$[3] = $<intval>5;
             $<typeinfo>$[4] = $<typeinfo>8[4];

standard_type :        INT_TOK
                        $<typeinfo>$[0] = INT_TOK;
                        $<typeinfo>$[4] = 0;
                                       |    CHAR_TOK
                        $<typeinfo>$[0] = CHAR_TOK;
                        $<typeinfo>$[4] = 0;

subprogram_declarations        :     subprogram_declarations

subprogram_declaration         : allow_ids
                                  CurrentSymbolTable = GlobalSymbolTable;
                                  delete LocalSymbolTable;

subprogram_head        :    PROC_TOK
                            // Comunicar al analizador lexico que el proximo
                            // ID es un identificador de procedimiento PROC_ID
                            proc_id = 1;
                           proc_id = 0;
                           // Entrando a un nuevo scope, cambiar tabla
                           LocalSymbolTable = new SymbolTable(CurrentSymbolTable);
                           CurrentSymbolTable = LocalSymbolTable;
                           printf("proc _%s,%dn",$<tokenpos>3->GetName(),$<tokenpos>3->GetParamCount());
                   |    FUNC_TOK
                           // Comunicar al analizador lexico que el proximo
                           // ID es un identificador de funcion FUNC_ID
                           func_id = 1;
                          func_id = 0;
                          // Entrando a un nuevo scope, cambiar tabla
                          LocalSymbolTable = new SymbolTable(CurrentSymbolTable);
                          CurrentSymbolTable = LocalSymbolTable;
                             case INT_TOK:
                                printf("intfunc _%s,%dn",$<tokenpos>3->GetName(),$<tokenpos>3-
                              case CHAR_TOK:
                                 printf("charfunc _%s,%dn",$<tokenpos>3->GetName(),$<tokenpos>3-

arguments    :        '('
                     // Copia de atributo compuesto
                     $<typeinfo>$[0] = $<typeinfo>2[0];
                     $<typeinfo>$[1] = $<typeinfo>2[1];
                     $<typeinfo>$[2] = $<typeinfo>2[2];
                     $<typeinfo>$[3] = $<typeinfo>2[3];
                     $<typeinfo>$[4] = $<typeinfo>2[4];
                     // Fin de copia
                             | { $<typeinfo>$[4] = 0; }

parameter_list        :   identifier_list
                                    |      parameter_list
                         // Copia de atributo compuesto
                         $<typeinfo>$[0] = $<typeinfo>2[0];
                         $<typeinfo>$[1] = $<typeinfo>2[1];
                         $<typeinfo>$[2] = $<typeinfo>2[2];
                         $<typeinfo>$[3] = $<typeinfo>2[3];
                         $<typeinfo>$[4] = $<typeinfo>2[4];
                         // Fin de copia

compound_statement    :      BEGIN_TOK

optional_statements :         statement_list
statement_list           :      statement
                                       |     statement_list

statement       :        variable
                       Token *tmpoffset = $1->GetOffset();
                       if (tmpoffset)
                          printf("%s[%s] = %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName(),
                          printf("%s = %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName(),
                       $<tokenpos>$ = $<tokenpos>1;
                                |     procedure_statement
                                |     compound_statement
            |       IF_TOK
                       $<typeinfo>$[FALSELABEL] = TmpVarGenerator.NewLabel();
                       $<typeinfo>$[OUTLABEL] = TmpVarGenerator.NewLabel();
                       printf("gofalse %s,__lab%dn",$2->GetName(),$<typeinfo>$[FALSELABEL]);
                       printf("goto __lab%dn",$<typeinfo>4[OUTLABEL]);
                       printf("label __lab%dn",$<typeinfo>4[FALSELABEL]);

                       printf("label __lab%dn",$<typeinfo>4[OUTLABEL]);
                                |     WHILE_TOK
                       $<typeinfo>$[OUTLABEL] = TmpVarGenerator.NewLabel();
                       $<typeinfo>$[STARTLABEL] = TmpVarGenerator.NewLabel();
                       printf("label __lab%dn",$<typeinfo>$[STARTLABEL]);
                       printf("gofalse %s,__lab%dn",$3->GetName(),$<typeinfo>2[OUTLABEL]);
                       printf("goto __lab%dn",$<typeinfo>2[STARTLABEL]);
                       printf("label __lab%dn",$<typeinfo>2[OUTLABEL]);

else_part   :       ELSE_TOK

variable        :        ID
                    $$ = $1;
|   ID '[' expression ']'
                $$ = $1;
         |   FUNC_ID

procedure_statement :            PROC_ID
                                 if ($<tokenpos>1->GetParamCount() != 0)
                                    printf("call %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName());
                                                     |     PROC_ID
                                 if ($<tokenpos>1->GetParamCount() != $<intval>3)

                                    printf("call %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName());

expression_list         :        expression
                             printf("param %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName());
                             $<intval>$ = 1;
                                            |      expression_list
                            printf("param %sn",$<tokenpos>3->GetName());
                            $<intval>$ = $<intval>1 + 1;

expression    :         simple_expression
                      $<tokenpos>$ = $<tokenpos>1;
                              |     simple_expression
                     static const char* RelOps[] = { "==","!=","<","<=",">=",">" };

                      Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp();
                      printf("%s = %s %s %sn",tmp->GetName(),
                      $<tokenpos>$ = tmp;

simple_expression       :        term
                             $<tokenpos>$ = $<tokenpos>1;
                                            |      simple_expression
                            if (($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != INT_TOK) ||
($<tokenpos>3->GetType() != INT_TOK))
                           Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp();
                           printf("%s = %s + %sn",tmp->GetName(),
                           $<tokenpos>$ = tmp;
                    |    simple_expression
                            if (($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != INT_TOK) ||
                                ($<tokenpos>3->GetType() != INT_TOK) ||
                                ($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != $<tokenpos>3->GetType()))
                            Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp();
                            printf("%s = %s - %sn",tmp->GetName(),
                            $<tokenpos>$ = tmp;
                    |    simple_expression
                            if (($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != INT_TOK) ||
                                ($<tokenpos>3->GetType() != INT_TOK) ||
                                ($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != $<tokenpos>3->GetType()))
                            Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp();
                            printf("%s = %s | %sn",tmp->GetName(),
                            $<tokenpos>$ = tmp;

term   :        factor
               $<tokenpos>$ = $<tokenpos>1;
       |        term
              if (($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != INT_TOK) ||
                   ($<tokenpos>3->GetType() != INT_TOK) ||
                   ($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != $<tokenpos>3->GetType()))
              Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp();
              printf("%s = %s * %sn",tmp->GetName(),
              $<tokenpos>$ = tmp;
       |   term
              if (($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != INT_TOK) ||
                   ($<tokenpos>3->GetType() != INT_TOK) ||
                   ($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != $<tokenpos>3->GetType()))
              Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp();
              printf("%s = %s / %sn",tmp->GetName(),
               $<tokenpos>$ = tmp;
      |    term
              if (($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != INT_TOK) ||
                  ($<tokenpos>3->GetType() != INT_TOK) ||
                  ($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != $<tokenpos>3->GetType()))
              Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp();
              printf("%s = %s & %sn",tmp->GetName(),
              $<tokenpos>$ = tmp;
      |    term
              if (($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != INT_TOK) ||
                  ($<tokenpos>3->GetType() != INT_TOK) ||
                  ($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != $<tokenpos>3->GetType()))
              Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp();
              printf("%s = %s / %sn",tmp->GetName(),
              $<tokenpos>$ = tmp;
      |    term
              if (($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != INT_TOK) ||
                  ($<tokenpos>3->GetType() != INT_TOK) ||
                  ($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != $<tokenpos>3->GetType()))
              Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp();
              printf("%s = %s %% %sn",tmp->GetName(),
              $<tokenpos>$ = tmp;

factor :           ID
                  $$ = $1;
           |   ID
                  Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp();
                  printf("%s = %s[%s]n",tmp->GetName(),$<tokenpos>1->GetName(),
                  $$ = tmp;
           |   FUNC_ID
                  if ($1->GetParamCount() != 0)
                     printf("callfunc %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName());
                     $$ = $1;
         |   FUNC_ID
                if ($<tokenpos>1->GetParamCount() != $<intval>3)
                   printf("callfunc %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName());
                   $$ = $1;
                     |      NUM
                Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp();
                printf("%s = %dn",tmp->GetName(),$<intval>1);
                $$ = tmp;
                     |      CHARCONST
                Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp(CHAR_TOK);
                printf("%s = '%c'n",tmp->GetName(),$<charval>1);
                $$ = tmp;
                     |      '('
                $$ = $2;
                     |      NOT_TOK
                Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp();
                printf("%s = ~%sn",tmp->GetName(),
                $$ = tmp;
         |   '-'
             factor %prec UMINUS
                Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp();
                printf("%s = -%sn",tmp->GetName(),
                $$ = tmp;


#include <process.h>

extern int line,column;

void cdecl yyerror(char *s)
       fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s in line %d, column %dn",s,line,column);
} /* yyerror() */

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Analizador sintáctico de Pascal escrito en Bison

  • 1. /* pascal.y – Un parser escrito en Bison para lenguaje Pascal. Genera AST linealizado */ /* Escrito por Egdares Futch H. – UNITEC Honduras */ %{ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "protos.h" #include "token.h" #include "tmpvar.h" #include "error.h" #include "table.h" extern TmpVars TmpVarGenerator; extern SymbolTable *GlobalSymbolTable,*CurrentSymbolTable; int CanInsert; int proc_id,func_id; SymbolTable *LocalSymbolTable; #define TRUELABEL 0 #define FALSELABEL 1 #define OUTLABEL 2 #define STARTLABEL 3 %} %union { int intval; unsigned char charval; int opval; // Posicion en la tabla de simbolos Token *tokenpos; // SI SE USA EN DECLS ARRAY DE ETIQUETAS // typeinfo[0] = type true // typeinfo[1] = base type if array false // typeinfo[2] = low array bound out // typeinfo[3] = high array bound start // typeinfo[4] = cuantos elementos tienen este tipo int typeinfo[5]; } %token PROG_TOK %token VAR_TOK %token INT_TOK %token CHAR_TOK %token ARR_TOK %token DOT_DOT %token OF_TOK %token PROC_TOK %token FUNC_TOK %token BEGIN_TOK %token END_TOK %token IF_TOK %token THEN_TOK %token ELSE_TOK %token WHILE_TOK %token DO_TOK %left NOT_TOK %token ASSIGNOP %token <tokenpos> ID %token NUM %token CHARCONST %token PROC_ID %token <tokenpos> FUNC_ID %token ARR_INT %token ARR_CHAR %nonassoc RELOP %left '+' '-' OR_TOK %left '*' '/' DIV_TOK MOD_TOK AND_TOK %left UMINUS %type <typeinfo> identifier_list typed_id_list arguments type parameter_list %type <intval> expression_list
  • 2. %type <tokenpos> untyped_id_list simple_expression expression term factor variable %expect 1 %start program %% allow_ids : { CanInsert = 1; } ; disallow_ids : { CanInsert = 0; } ; program : PROG_TOK allow_ids ID '(' untyped_id_list ')' disallow_ids ';' declarations subprogram_declarations { printf("proc main,0n"); } compound_statement '.' { printf("endprocn"); } ; untyped_id_list : ID | untyped_id_list ',' ID ; identifier_list : ID typed_id_list { $<tokenpos>1->SetType($<typeinfo>2[0]); switch ($<typeinfo>2[0]) { case INT_TOK: printf("defint %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName()); break; case CHAR_TOK: printf("defchar %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName()); break; case ARR_INT: { int size = $<typeinfo>2[3] - $<typeinfo>2[2] + 1; $<tokenpos>1->SetLowArrBound($<typeinfo>2[2]); $<tokenpos>2->SetHighArrBound($<typeinfo>2[3]); printf("defintarr %s %dn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName(),size); break; } case ARR_CHAR: { int size = $<typeinfo>2[3] - $<typeinfo>2[2] + 1; $<tokenpos>1->SetLowArrBound($<typeinfo>2[2]); $<tokenpos>2->SetHighArrBound($<typeinfo>2[3]); printf("defchararr %s %dn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName(),size); break; } }
  • 3. // Copia de atributo compuesto $<typeinfo>$[0] = $<typeinfo>2[0]; $<typeinfo>$[1] = $<typeinfo>2[1]; $<typeinfo>$[2] = $<typeinfo>2[2]; $<typeinfo>$[3] = $<typeinfo>2[3]; $<typeinfo>$[4] = $<typeinfo>2[4]; // Fin de copia $<typeinfo>$[4]++; } ; typed_id_list : ',' ID typed_id_list { $<tokenpos>2->SetType($<typeinfo>3[0]); switch ($<typeinfo>3[0]) { case INT_TOK: printf("defint %sn",$<tokenpos>2->GetName()); break; case CHAR_TOK: printf("defchar %sn",$<tokenpos>2->GetName()); break; case ARR_INT: { int size = $<typeinfo>2[3] - $<typeinfo>2[2] + 1; $<tokenpos>1->SetLowArrBound($<typeinfo>2[2]); $<tokenpos>2->SetHighArrBound($<typeinfo>2[3]); printf("defintarr %s %dn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName(),size); break; } case ARR_CHAR: { int size = $<typeinfo>2[3] - $<typeinfo>2[2] + 1; $<tokenpos>1->SetLowArrBound($<typeinfo>2[2]); $<tokenpos>2->SetHighArrBound($<typeinfo>2[3]); printf("defchararr %s %dn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName(),size); break; } } // Copia de atributo compuesto $<typeinfo>$[0] = $<typeinfo>3[0]; $<typeinfo>$[1] = $<typeinfo>3[1]; $<typeinfo>$[2] = $<typeinfo>3[2]; $<typeinfo>$[3] = $<typeinfo>3[3]; $<typeinfo>$[4] = $<typeinfo>3[4]; // Fin de copia $<typeinfo>$[4]++; } | ':' type { // Copia de atributo compuesto $<typeinfo>$[0] = $<typeinfo>2[0]; $<typeinfo>$[1] = $<typeinfo>2[1]; $<typeinfo>$[2] = $<typeinfo>2[2]; $<typeinfo>$[3] = $<typeinfo>2[3]; $<typeinfo>$[4] = $<typeinfo>2[4]; // Fin de copia } ; declarations : declarations VAR_TOK allow_ids identifier_list ';' disallow_ids | ; type : standard_type {
  • 4. $<typeinfo>$[0] = $<typeinfo>1[0]; $<typeinfo>$[4] = $<typeinfo>1[4]; } | ARR_TOK '[' NUM DOT_DOT NUM ']' OF_TOK standard_type { if ($<typeinfo>8[0] == INT_TOK) $<typeinfo>$[0] = ARR_INT; else $<typeinfo>$[0] = ARR_CHAR; $<typeinfo>$[1] = $<typeinfo>8[0]; $<typeinfo>$[2] = $<intval>3; $<typeinfo>$[3] = $<intval>5; $<typeinfo>$[4] = $<typeinfo>8[4]; } ; standard_type : INT_TOK { $<typeinfo>$[0] = INT_TOK; $<typeinfo>$[4] = 0; } | CHAR_TOK { $<typeinfo>$[0] = CHAR_TOK; $<typeinfo>$[4] = 0; } ; subprogram_declarations : subprogram_declarations subprogram_declaration ';' | ; subprogram_declaration : allow_ids subprogram_head declarations disallow_ids compound_statement { printf("endprocn"); CurrentSymbolTable = GlobalSymbolTable; delete LocalSymbolTable; } ; subprogram_head : PROC_TOK { // Comunicar al analizador lexico que el proximo // ID es un identificador de procedimiento PROC_ID proc_id = 1; } PROC_ID { proc_id = 0; // Entrando a un nuevo scope, cambiar tabla LocalSymbolTable = new SymbolTable(CurrentSymbolTable); CurrentSymbolTable = LocalSymbolTable; printf("startargsn"); } arguments { printf("endargsn"); $<tokenpos>3->SetParamCount($<typeinfo>5[4]); } ';' { printf("proc _%s,%dn",$<tokenpos>3->GetName(),$<tokenpos>3->GetParamCount()); } | FUNC_TOK { // Comunicar al analizador lexico que el proximo // ID es un identificador de funcion FUNC_ID func_id = 1;
  • 5. } FUNC_ID { func_id = 0; // Entrando a un nuevo scope, cambiar tabla LocalSymbolTable = new SymbolTable(CurrentSymbolTable); CurrentSymbolTable = LocalSymbolTable; printf("startargsn"); } arguments { printf("endargsn"); $<tokenpos>3->SetParamCount($<typeinfo>5[4]); } ':' standard_type { $<tokenpos>3->SetFuncReturnType($<typeinfo>8[0]); switch($<typeinfo>8[0]) { case INT_TOK: printf("intfunc _%s,%dn",$<tokenpos>3->GetName(),$<tokenpos>3- >GetParamCount()); break; case CHAR_TOK: printf("charfunc _%s,%dn",$<tokenpos>3->GetName(),$<tokenpos>3- >GetParamCount()); break; default: error(ERR_TYPEMISMATCH); } } ';' ; arguments : '(' parameter_list ')' { // Copia de atributo compuesto $<typeinfo>$[0] = $<typeinfo>2[0]; $<typeinfo>$[1] = $<typeinfo>2[1]; $<typeinfo>$[2] = $<typeinfo>2[2]; $<typeinfo>$[3] = $<typeinfo>2[3]; $<typeinfo>$[4] = $<typeinfo>2[4]; // Fin de copia } | { $<typeinfo>$[4] = 0; } ; parameter_list : identifier_list | parameter_list ';' identifier_list { // Copia de atributo compuesto $<typeinfo>$[0] = $<typeinfo>2[0]; $<typeinfo>$[1] = $<typeinfo>2[1]; $<typeinfo>$[2] = $<typeinfo>2[2]; $<typeinfo>$[3] = $<typeinfo>2[3]; $<typeinfo>$[4] = $<typeinfo>2[4]; // Fin de copia } ; compound_statement : BEGIN_TOK optional_statements END_TOK ; optional_statements : statement_list | ;
  • 6. statement_list : statement | statement_list ';' statement statement : variable ASSIGNOP expression { Token *tmpoffset = $1->GetOffset(); if (tmpoffset) { printf("%s[%s] = %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName(), tmpoffset->GetName(), $<tokenpos>3->GetName()); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp(tmpoffset); $1->SetOffset(NULL); } else printf("%s = %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName(), $<tokenpos>3->GetName()); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>3); $<tokenpos>$ = $<tokenpos>1; } | procedure_statement | compound_statement | IF_TOK expression THEN_TOK { $<typeinfo>$[FALSELABEL] = TmpVarGenerator.NewLabel(); $<typeinfo>$[OUTLABEL] = TmpVarGenerator.NewLabel(); printf("gofalse %s,__lab%dn",$2->GetName(),$<typeinfo>$[FALSELABEL]); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($2); } statement { printf("goto __lab%dn",$<typeinfo>4[OUTLABEL]); printf("label __lab%dn",$<typeinfo>4[FALSELABEL]); } else_part { printf("label __lab%dn",$<typeinfo>4[OUTLABEL]); } | WHILE_TOK { $<typeinfo>$[OUTLABEL] = TmpVarGenerator.NewLabel(); $<typeinfo>$[STARTLABEL] = TmpVarGenerator.NewLabel(); printf("label __lab%dn",$<typeinfo>$[STARTLABEL]); } expression { printf("gofalse %s,__lab%dn",$3->GetName(),$<typeinfo>2[OUTLABEL]); } DO_TOK statement { printf("goto __lab%dn",$<typeinfo>2[STARTLABEL]); printf("label __lab%dn",$<typeinfo>2[OUTLABEL]); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($3); } ; else_part : ELSE_TOK statement | ; variable : ID { $$ = $1; TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>1); }
  • 7. | ID '[' expression ']' { $1->SetOffset($3); $$ = $1; } | FUNC_ID ; procedure_statement : PROC_ID { if ($<tokenpos>1->GetParamCount() != 0) error(ERR_PARAMCOUNT); else printf("call %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName()); } | PROC_ID '(' expression_list ')' { if ($<tokenpos>1->GetParamCount() != $<intval>3) error(ERR_PARAMCOUNT); else printf("call %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName()); } ; expression_list : expression { printf("param %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName()); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>1); $<intval>$ = 1; } | expression_list ',' expression { printf("param %sn",$<tokenpos>3->GetName()); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>3); $<intval>$ = $<intval>1 + 1; } ; expression : simple_expression { $<tokenpos>$ = $<tokenpos>1; } | simple_expression RELOP simple_expression { static const char* RelOps[] = { "==","!=","<","<=",">=",">" }; Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp(); printf("%s = %s %s %sn",tmp->GetName(), $<tokenpos>1->GetName(), RelOps[$<opval>2], $<tokenpos>3->GetName()); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>1); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>3); $<tokenpos>$ = tmp; } ; simple_expression : term { $<tokenpos>$ = $<tokenpos>1; } | simple_expression '+' term { if (($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != INT_TOK) ||
  • 8. ($<tokenpos>3->GetType() != INT_TOK)) error(ERR_TYPEMISMATCH); Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp(); printf("%s = %s + %sn",tmp->GetName(), $<tokenpos>1->GetName(), $<tokenpos>3->GetName()); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>1); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>3); $<tokenpos>$ = tmp; } | simple_expression '-' term { if (($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != INT_TOK) || ($<tokenpos>3->GetType() != INT_TOK) || ($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != $<tokenpos>3->GetType())) error(ERR_TYPEMISMATCH); Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp(); printf("%s = %s - %sn",tmp->GetName(), $<tokenpos>1->GetName(), $<tokenpos>3->GetName()); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>1); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>3); $<tokenpos>$ = tmp; } | simple_expression OR_TOK term { if (($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != INT_TOK) || ($<tokenpos>3->GetType() != INT_TOK) || ($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != $<tokenpos>3->GetType())) error(ERR_TYPEMISMATCH); Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp(); printf("%s = %s | %sn",tmp->GetName(), $<tokenpos>1->GetName(), $<tokenpos>3->GetName()); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>1); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>3); $<tokenpos>$ = tmp; } ; term : factor { $<tokenpos>$ = $<tokenpos>1; } | term '*' factor { if (($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != INT_TOK) || ($<tokenpos>3->GetType() != INT_TOK) || ($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != $<tokenpos>3->GetType())) error(ERR_TYPEMISMATCH); Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp(); printf("%s = %s * %sn",tmp->GetName(), $<tokenpos>1->GetName(), $<tokenpos>3->GetName()); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>1); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>3); $<tokenpos>$ = tmp; } | term '/' factor { if (($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != INT_TOK) || ($<tokenpos>3->GetType() != INT_TOK) || ($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != $<tokenpos>3->GetType())) error(ERR_TYPEMISMATCH); Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp(); printf("%s = %s / %sn",tmp->GetName(),
  • 9. $<tokenpos>1->GetName(), $<tokenpos>3->GetName()); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>1); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>3); $<tokenpos>$ = tmp; } | term AND_TOK factor { if (($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != INT_TOK) || ($<tokenpos>3->GetType() != INT_TOK) || ($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != $<tokenpos>3->GetType())) error(ERR_TYPEMISMATCH); Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp(); printf("%s = %s & %sn",tmp->GetName(), $<tokenpos>1->GetName(), $<tokenpos>3->GetName()); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>1); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>3); $<tokenpos>$ = tmp; } | term DIV_TOK factor { if (($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != INT_TOK) || ($<tokenpos>3->GetType() != INT_TOK) || ($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != $<tokenpos>3->GetType())) error(ERR_TYPEMISMATCH); Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp(); printf("%s = %s / %sn",tmp->GetName(), $<tokenpos>1->GetName(), $<tokenpos>3->GetName()); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>1); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>3); $<tokenpos>$ = tmp; } | term MOD_TOK factor { if (($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != INT_TOK) || ($<tokenpos>3->GetType() != INT_TOK) || ($<tokenpos>1->GetType() != $<tokenpos>3->GetType())) error(ERR_TYPEMISMATCH); Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp(); printf("%s = %s %% %sn",tmp->GetName(), $<tokenpos>1->GetName(), $<tokenpos>3->GetName()); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>1); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>3); $<tokenpos>$ = tmp; } ; factor : ID { $$ = $1; } | ID '[' expression ']' { Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp(); printf("%s = %s[%s]n",tmp->GetName(),$<tokenpos>1->GetName(), $<tokenpos>3->GetName()); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>3); $$ = tmp; } | FUNC_ID { if ($1->GetParamCount() != 0)
  • 10. error(ERR_PARAMCOUNT); else { printf("callfunc %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName()); $$ = $1; } } | FUNC_ID '(' expression_list ')' { if ($<tokenpos>1->GetParamCount() != $<intval>3) error(ERR_PARAMCOUNT); else { printf("callfunc %sn",$<tokenpos>1->GetName()); $$ = $1; } } | NUM { Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp(); printf("%s = %dn",tmp->GetName(),$<intval>1); $$ = tmp; } | CHARCONST { Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp(CHAR_TOK); printf("%s = '%c'n",tmp->GetName(),$<charval>1); $$ = tmp; } | '(' expression ')' { $$ = $2; } | NOT_TOK factor { Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp(); printf("%s = ~%sn",tmp->GetName(), $<tokenpos>2->GetName()); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>2); $$ = tmp; } | '-' factor %prec UMINUS { Token *tmp = TmpVarGenerator.NewTemp(); printf("%s = -%sn",tmp->GetName(), $<tokenpos>2->GetName()); TmpVarGenerator.FreeTemp($<tokenpos>2); $$ = tmp; } ; %% #include <process.h> extern int line,column; void cdecl yyerror(char *s) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s in line %d, column %dn",s,line,column); exit(1); } /* yyerror() */