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Kriteria Aliran Sesat Dan Antisipasinya

(1) Mengingkari salah satu rukun iman dan rukun Islam,
(2) Meyakini atau mengikuti akidah yang tidak sesuai dengan dalil syar'i,
(3) Meyakini turunnya wahyu sesudah Alquran,
(4) Mengingkari autentisitas dan kebenaran isi Alquran,
(5) Melakukan penafsiran Alquran yang tidak berdasarkan kaedah-kaedah tafsir,
(6) Mengingkari kedudukan Hadis Nabi sebagai sumber ajaran Islam,
(7) Menghina, melecehkan dan merendahkan para nabi dan rasul,
(8) Mengingkari Nabi Muhammad saw. sebagai Nabi dan Rasul terakhir,
(9) Mengubah, menambah dan atau mengurangi pokokpokok ibadah yang telah ditetapkan
oleh syariat, seperti haji tidak ke Baitullah, salat fardu tidak lima waktu,
(10) Mengkafirkan sesama Muslim tanpa dalil syar'i, seperti mengakafirkan muslim hanya
karena bukan kelompoknya.


Saat ini aliran-aliran serta paham-paham sesat dan
menyimpang sedang tumbuh subur dan berkembang
di Indonesia. Belum selesai masalah satu aliran sudah
aliran yang baru. Lebih 250 aliran sesat di Indonesia
dan 50 di antaranya berkembang di Jawa.

                 Selain merusak akidah dan citra
                 Agama, aliran-aliran ini merusak
                 tatanan sosial, merusak hubungan
                 keluarga, merusak persatuan umat,
                 merusak cara berpikir masyarakat,
                 dan bahkan ada yang mengancam
                 kelangsungan NKRI, seperi Al-Qiyadah
                 Al-Islamiyah yang dakwahnya melalui
                 fase sembunyi-sembunyi, fase
                 teranganterangan, fase perang
                 terhadap seluruh yang tidak masuk
                 kelompoknya, fase kemenangan, dan
                 sampai kepada fase mendidikan
                 pemerintahan sendiri.
Our Vision
            To be the No. 1 Global e-Commerce Company
            by providing opportunities, instilling leadership,
            creating millionaires and touching a billion hearts

            Our Mission
            To inspire people to help others making a positive
            change in their lives

One World, One Vision, One Family!
                            Go Diamond!
 The first milestone, formula for Financial Independence

To build the largest and strongest Associate Workforce in the World by training and
educating our Associates from all over the world have basic understanding of how it
 works and have them follow some simple steps, over a consistent period of time.
Company        Financial Backing

            TVI is funded by a prestigious Business group having many
                         successful Businesses worldwide.

 Travel Ventures International is a pioneering effort of a successful team of
Entrepreneurs having rich and diverse experience in many industries including Travel
and Tourism, Real Estate, Information Technology, Training with core experience in
                             Network Marketing
The Three      Megatrends
TVI has combined the three most growing and popular trends today to form a
     Business concept which leverages the power of each one of them

                     Travel and Tourism

                     The Internet

                     The Home Based Business Phenomenon
The Home Based Business Phenomenon

• Home Based Business is a $427 Billion an year Industry

• Almost 83% of people are exhausted with the daily grind of the Corporate rat race

• According to The Success Factory International, "America is in the midst of
  an extraordinary workplace transformation.. the home based business
  phenomenon shows no sign of slowing down.“

• There are more self made millionaires created, both on and offline, in the
  HBB industry than any other.

• The use of Technology, the Internet, etc., allows home based businesses to
  work in concert with other entities without the need for daily face-to-face
The Home Based Business Phenomenon

• Over 60% of new businesses are now started from home - equal to over 1,400 new
  businesses each week.

• Of all the Home Based Businesses available today, Network Marketing is the most
  dominant Business Model

• Network Marketing is a vibrant industry offering employment to over 43 million
  people worldwide with a turnover exceeding $75 billion in worldwide sales

• Network marketing is taught at Harvard and Stanford business schools and in
  numerous other leading colleges and universities throughout the world
“One Life is not enough to become a Globetrotter.
  There is so much to see, feel and live in different parts of the globe.”

      We prepare a platform for you to take the first step to a
whole new world of opportunities, luxury, travel and financial freedom.
The TVI Advantage

TVI Express will help you have the best
vacations of your life, take you to places
which have existed only in your dreams till
now, and give you an Opportunity to earn
thousands of dollars week, after week,
after week.

It doesn’t matter who you are, what you
do or what your background is. Anybody in
this World can succeed with TVI’s
unrivalled Travel and Earn Program!
Products and Services

Universal Appeal

First to introduce Free Holidays and Flights Concept *

New Category Creator

Various Ongoing Promotions

Infinite scope for extensions

True Value of Money
      World Class Holidays, Vacations in Exotic locations of the
            World, and thousands of Dollars to spend!

You can live your dream life
      with TVI’s Travel
    and Earn Opportunity
What Do You Receive
             when you become a Distributor

                                                        6 Nights/7 Days Vacation in one of the 3-5 star
                                                        Hotels/Resorts across the world (excluding taxes)

                                                        Free companion flight ticket*

                                                        Discounts on various travel deals including :

                  Flight Tickets                                                 Hotel Deals

                  Cruise Tickets                                                 Last Minute Attractions

                  Car Rentals                                                    Travel Insurance

*On purchase of one ticket to a destination, another ticket to the same destination can be availed free of cost.
 ( valid only for domestic flights and exclusive of taxes )
What Do You Receive
when you become a Distributor

           Lifetime access to our upcoming
           promotional deals and programs

           Free Self Replicating Website

           Free access to high quality Business Tools

           Virtual Office to manage your Business

           And Much More…

How much are these worth?

Valued at thousands of dollars, TVI’s unrivalled
“Travel and Earn” Package is available to you
               for only   $ 250

And that’s not all..

TVI also provides you a Global Business Opportunity to
create a solid income pipeline for you and your family
generating thousands of dollars rolling your way every
single week.

                             Read on to know further...
Distribution and Leadership
           in over
150 Countries
Company         Record Breaking
Never been done in Network Marketing before!
      TVI did $3 Million in Sales the first Month of pre launch
                            (January 2009)
             TVI launched in 10 countries worldwide!
            We are now in 150 countries and counting

              UK                                 Nigeria

              Malaysia                           South Africa

              Australia                          Singapore

              India                              Taiwan

              USA                                Israel

              Russia                             Canada

              Thailand                           Philippines

              Indonesia                          Kazakhstan
                                                               And many more...
For those of you who are interested in supplementing your income by
telling others about TVI’s product and services, please continue with
 the PowerPoint Presentation to learn more about the TVI Express
                       Business Opportunity.
  Travel deals are a real need in the
  marketplace. The best product in the
  world is useless if it’s not in demand.

  With emerging economies and changing
  lifestyles of people worldwide, Travel
  Industry shows no sign of slowing down,
  and is bound to go beyond the horizons.

  Everybody is looking to save money on
  their Vacations and Business Trips. You
  can reap profits by giving them what they
Today’s Reality

                       • Total credit card debt grew to $802* billion
                         from $237* billion between 1990 and 20051

                       • Most people are living paycheck to paycheck

                       • Many people work four to six months a year
                         just to pay taxes

                         1 Government Accountability Office, Sept. 2006.
                         * U.S. Dollars
Countless number of
people lie awake at
                       Do you have enough quality time for yourself,
night worrying about
                       family, and friends?
money-related issues
                       Can you afford the lifestyle you want?

                What Is Your Financial Reality?
Network Marketing Has Come of Age

        • 58 million people are involved in network
          marketing worldwide1
        • The network marketing industry has surpassed
          $100 billion in retail revenue1
        • North American sales have reached over $34
          billion dollars2


        “I think network marketing has come of age. It’s become
        undeniable that it’s a viable way to entrepreneurship and
        independence for millions of people.”
                                               -Dr. Stephen R. Covey
                             Interview in Network marketing Lifestyles
What Those That Know
            Network Marketing Are Saying!

“Network Marketers    "Network Marketing is     “Network Marketing:
    are creating     The Perfect Business for      the industry for
   FORTUNES at         the average person to     people who want to
breakneck speeds!”        create wealth."        change their lives”
“The Best kept secret in the Business world...
                      Network Marketing!”

                      FORTUNE         is a Global Business Magazine
                      published by Time Inc.'s Money Group

“From 2006 to 2016, there will be 10 Million new
Millionaires in the U.S. alone, more than double the last
decade...many will be from the Direct Selling Industry!”

Paul Zane Pilzer         is a world-renowned economist,
and the author of eight best-selling books and dozens
of scholarly publications
“The Best Investment I ever made…”

Warren owns 51 Businesses today, 3 of
which are Network Marketing Companies

Warren Buffet - Billionaire Investor and the
                    Richest person in the World!

                          “Your industry promotes core values all around the
                          globe and gives people the chance to make the most
                          of their lives and, to me that is the heart of the
                          American dream”

                          Bill Clinton     – Former US President
"If you really want to learn how to be rich, you must
                          begin to know and understand the power found in
                          networks. The Richest People in the world Build

                          Robert Kiyosaki – Best Selling Author of Rich
                          Dad Poor Dad and many other internationally acclaimed titles

“If I lost everything and had to start again, I would
find myself a great network marketing company and
get to work!”

Donald Trump – Globally renowned property
mogul and a multi billionaire
How Do You Earn Money?

We offer one of the Strongest Compensations plans in
      the Industry with Multiple Ways to Earn
            Weekly and Monthly Income!
1. Revolving Matrix

2. Residual Income

3. Power Pool

4. Incentives
1        Revolving Matrix

     All Team members make their way to the top of
Compensation plan through Revolving Matrix system which
makes you earn US $10,000 over and over again. This
system ensures your success and helps you to capitalize on
  the efforts of all team members present in the boards.

 The system consists of following two boards:

               2. Traveller Board
               3. Express Board

                                                Here’s how it works…
Traveller Board

When you join TVI Express, you get a position at Level 1 of the
Traveller Board and as the board fills, it breaks into two sub-
boards, giving you an uplift to the next level. There are 4 levels
in each board, and members are pushed up from level 1 to level
4 with a Combined effort finally exiting to Express Board. It’s
the only plan in   the world, where all teams work together as
one single entity and help each other make their way to
different ranks included in the Compensation Plan.

When you exit Traveller board, you earn a $250 commission
and an eVoucher worth $250, which accounts to a total benefit
of $500 (double your investment). The board splits when all
positions on the board are filled. All that is required for you to
qualify is sponsor just two people.

                        Traveller Board Payout : $500
Traveller Board
                When the board fills up, Level 4 position moves to
                Express Board and earns a startup bonus of $500

                                        Level 4

                      level 3                                           level 3

            level 2               level 2                     level 2               level 2

  level 1          level 1   level 1     level 1         level 1     level 1   level 1     level 1

Enter Here

            The Board splits when all positions on the Traveller Board are filled up and
Express Board
When you cycle out of the Traveller board, you get a position at Level 1 of the Express board.
Express board works exactly the same way as the Traveller Board, the only difference being
that your level in the board raises when downlines come and fill up the Express board. New
members cannot join Express board directly. Your rank changes to Silver Associate as soon
as you hit the Express Board.

When the board fills up, it breaks into two sub-boards, giving you an
uplift to the next level and the Associate at Level 4 cycles out earning a
mega bonus of $10,000 credited to the Online Wallet instantly. And
that’s not all, you get a re-entry into the Express board for you to make
another $10,000 in a revolving fashion. This process goes on and on
enabling you to cycle out monthly, weekly and even daily. There is
unlimited earning potential. All that is required to cycle out from the
Express board is help two of your downlines come to the Express Board
to qualify you for Commissions.

                     Express Board Payout : $10,000
Express Board
               US $10,000 credited to your Online Wallet instantly
            each time you cycle; Plus a re-entry into the Express Board

                                                    Level 4

 The successful Cycler
re-enters Express Board
   at Level 1 position
     with US $10000           Level 3                                       Level 3

                    Level 2              Level 2                  Level 2             Level 2

              Level 1     Level 1   Level 1        Level1     Level1    Level 1   Level 1   Level 1

   Qualified Participants from Traveller Board advance to a level 1 Position on to the Express Board
How Boards Work
                       M a t r ix
                     S truc ture
                                                                          Express Board

              Jill   Mike Paige David Tony

You are introduced by Harry and enter the Traveller Board
You receive your own Virtual Office and start sponsoring
You introduce Jill and 4 others.Two more are                             Traveller Board
introduced by other members present in the Board                                      Tom

Jill and others you introduce enter your
Traveller board and are placed in your Matrix
When 8 people fill up the Traveller Board, the                   Harry
board splits to form 2 new boards and the person
at Level 4 (Tom), moves to Express Board
receiving US$ 500 to earn further payouts.
                                                           You   Jill    Mike   Paige David Tony Kay   Pam
Sample Movement Through Boards

        You were introduced by Harry
        You introduce Tim and Abbey


Traveller Board
                   Level1  Level2  Level3  Level4

New members are introduced                       Joe
  by existing members on                         Harry    Level 4
      Traveller Board                            Mary

                     Harry                                              Mary
                         Sue                                                Tony      Level 3
                         YOU                                                 Jill

         Sue                          Tony                   Helen                        Peter
         Melissa                      Helen                                                        Level 2
                                                                Linda                     Greg

 YOU               Tim         Jill           Abby       Adam       Linda           Greg          Dan
New Members Enter Level 1 From Left
  Abby                                                                              Dan
Follow The Leader
  Follow-the-Leader system ensures that your boards move as fast as you want by
   sponsoring maximum number of people that you can. All your downlines will be
     connected to you and will always follow you whichever Boards you move to.

                           Spillover System
Spillovers help you succeed even if you are unable to make 2 sales by connecting extra sales
  of qualified candidates to non-qualified members. This ensures your success with a team
        support and helps you move from Traveller to Express board within no time.

                                  Jump Over
Jump-Over system allows ID’s that have made their 2 sales to jump to the top of the board, if
   there are no qualified ID’s above them with 2 sales. Jump Over allows active members to
    have preference over inactive ones. We have not left any stone unturned to value those
         who are dedicated to the Business and have that zeal within to reach the top.
When Level 1 is filled 2 NEW boards are formed with a NEW row of
                      8 Level 1 positions under each NEW board

                                                                                            Joe enters the Express board earning
                                                                                                          US$ 500

                        Level 4                                                                                                      Level 4

          Level 3                                                                                                                              Level 3

 Level 2                                                                                                                                            Level 2

Level 1                                                                                                                                             Level 1

            New Board #1 – 8 Level 1 positions                                               New Board #2 – 8 Level 1 positions
                                                                                                                              Step1: System looks for Members with
                                                                                   Joe                                        2 sales and places them in order from
                                                              Level 4
                                                                                   Harry                                      top to bottom, left to right
                                                                                                                                  Step2: System looks for Members with
                                                     Harry                                                    Mary                1 sale and places them in order from
                                  Level 3             Sue                                                     Tony
                                                      YOU                                                      Jill               top to bottom, left to right
                                                                                                                                       Step3: System looks for Members with
                    Level 2          Sue                            Tony                          Helen                     Peter      NO sales and places them in order from
                                     Melissa                        Helen                          Linda                     Greg
                                                                    Adam                                                               top to bottom, left to right

           Level 1            YOU              Tim           Jill           Abby           Adam       Linda       Greg            Dan
                              Tim                                                                                     Dan
Express Board
               Level1  Level2  Level3  Level4

  Trish Receives   US $10,000 plus a                                              People entering Express board
re-entry into the Express board to cycle out          Trish                         follow their uplines on the
                                                        Harry        Level 4
again and again following the same system.               Bob                               Express Board

                         Harry                                                          Ron
                            Sam                                                         Kate     Level 3
                            Joe                                                         Matt

             Sam                          Kate                           Bob                         Paul
             Stuart                        Helen                                                              Level 2
             Wayne                                                        Mike                        Gary

      Joe          Wayne          Matt             Brett        Tom              Mike          Gary          Ken
   New Qualified Members from Feeder Board Enter Level 1 From Left
                    Brett                                                                      Ken
2       Residual Income

 TVI’s compensation plan has been designed to give you
regular income week after week. The revolutionary matrix
system not only creates a long term income Opportunity
  for you but also helps you earn enormous amount of
income every single week with growth of your organization
Residual Income   Gets Activated

                      • Once you cycle out of the Express
                      board, you become eligible to earn
                      Residual Income apart from the
                      high paying Board payouts.

                      • The income starts from 5% and
                      goes upto 10% on every sale in
                      your organization till INFINITE
Residual Income

Matrix Structure while
sponsoring in Boards
  Jill          Mike     Paige   David   Tony
Leveraged Team              Building Income
 You start earning 5% of the group revenue from sales in your
 already existing network. The residual income is different from
 Board payouts and gets activated when you cycle out of the
 Express Board the very first time. Even if you don’t cycle in
 Boards after that, this income would never stop and will have you
 earn millions of dollars by duplicating your leaders and group

 This commission goes upto 10% as you advance through different
 ranks in the compensation plan.
Residual Income

Group Sales

                                Pays Till Infinity!
Watch your      Organization Grow!
 Level   1
 Level   2                               $12
 Level   3                               $900
 Level   4                               $1,080
 Level   5
 Level   6
 Level   7
 Level   8
 Level   9
 Level   10

Pays till infinity. No ceiling, no capping, no cutoffs.
Rank Progress and Commission Structure

   Your rank progresses when you get 2 leaders in different legs with the same

   For e.g. You become a Diamond Associate from Gold when you get 2 Gold
   Associates in two different legs and International Diamond from Diamond
   when you get two Diamond associates in your organization in two different

   Note : You don’t need to work on your direct referrals to upgrade your
           rank. Any associate at any level can qualify you.
Rank Progress and Commission Structure

   Commissions are generated till infinite levels based upon the differential calculations
   in your Organization.

   Following is the chart of different leadership ranks and commissions involved with

        1.   Gold Associate               :   5% of Group Sales
        2.   Diamond Associate            :   7% of Group Sales
        3.   International Diamond        :   8.5% of Group Sales
        4.   Platinum Associate           :   10% of Group Sales
        5.   Presidential Associate       :   10% of Group Sales

     Note : Presidential Associates get a share in the Company’s Global
             Revenue by participating in the Power Pool
Leadership       Ranks

At TVI, you achieve various ranks as you advance through the
  Compensation Plan creating a legacy income for yourself.
                  3        Power Pool

  The Power pool allows Presidential Associates have their piece of
Share in the Global Revenue of the company. The power pool concept
ensures regular leveraged income inflow giving you an opportunity to
      hold a prime position in Advisory Board of the Company.
Have your piece of share with

                                   Power Pool

              What exactly is the Power Pool?

 TVI devotes 2% of the Global Revenue to its profit sharing
pool which is distributed amongst all Presidential Associates.

             Stay focussed. Reap more…
An example 2% of the current monthly
            revenue of     $10 Million accounts to :

                             in the pool
                           EVERY MONTH

The share of your revenue will only grow with time as we progress to different
        countries and open up businesses in various locations worldwide.

    Get there fast. Have a share in the Global revenue of TVI.
4        Incentives

TVI Express is the only Company in the World to distribute incentives
 ranging from Luxury cars to Private Jets and Splendid Villas
                   in exotic locations of the world.

                All this is easily achievable if you are
             focussed and dedicated towards TVI!
Incentives and Qualification Criteria

We have formed a system to help our Associates build teams all across the
world and help everyone around for a better future ahead. As a token of
appreciation, we value you at every milestone with World Class Incentives
and Rewards.

Incentives are based upon a very simple concept of people helping people. It
depends upon the number of people in your group cycling out from the
Express Board. Incentives are a great way to have everyone helping you
achieve success for mutual benefits.

When   3 people in your group cycle out,
        you receive a free Laptop
Fully Sponsored   Europe Trip

                   When   10 people in your group cycle
                   out, you receive a fully sponsored trip to
                   Europe for a couple.

                   Alternatively, you can also choose
                   Diamond Jewellery in lieu of the Trip.
Luxury        Car

When   25   people in your group cycle out, you get a luxury
Mercedes, BMW or Audi at one of our International Events
A Splendid   Villa

 When   50 people in your
  group cycle out, you are
awarded a Villa in one of the
exotic locations of the world
Private    Jet     or A   Yacht

When   100   people in your group cycle out, you get a
Private Jet or a Yacht by the President of our Group at
                  Annual Convention
TVI Plan Mechanics
     The Science of Leverage

    Pays out a total of 72%
       (Industry Average is 40-50%)

 72% of every dollar earned is paid back
           to the Distributors

No stocking or retailing required!
Each year, Diamond Associates and
                   above will be invited to the annual
                   leadership convention, which will
                   be held in an exotic location.
Leadership Event   They will be required to qualify and
                   maintain the growth for a minimum
                   of 3 months during the calendar year to
                   qualify. Based on the trip and location,
                   each year different leadership levels will
                   receive different allowances for the
is the next

And the vehicle to
take you where you
want to go!
In Business         Timing Is Everything

•   Right Place
•   Right Time
•   Right Platform
•   Right Decision

With TVI, the timing is perfect.

                     “The poor, the unsuccessful, the unhappy, the unhealthy
                     are the ones who use the word "tomorrow" the most. Smart
                     people don’t work for money, they just do things which
                     other people delay doing”
                                                         -- Robert Kiyosaki
Why You Should Join TVI?

•   Stable, debt free Company
•   Solid Backing by a successful and established Business Group
•   Universal Line of Products
•   Opportunity to build a Global Business from home
•   Unmatched Compensation Plan
•   Worldwide Recognition
•   Only Company in the World to distribute high end incentives
    including Private Jets and yachts
•   No monthly purchases with an opportunity to turn a one time
    $250 investment into hundreds of thousands of dollars
    rolling your way every single week
•   No stocking, retailing, product selling.
•   Fast income with earnings at every step .
How Do You   Get Started?

You have two very simple choices!
Immediately get back to the person who referred you to the website
         or sent this presentation to you and ask the sign up process

Alternatively, you can visit and Click on “Join Now” which will take
      you through three simple steps to have you start earning money within minutes!
                                  It’s as simple as that.
Dreams Are Becoming Reality
                Where Do You See Yourself?

    1                       2                 3
Join Us Today           Undergo Basic    Get on the way
                          Training        to success!
will become
                   a household name soon

What % of the global market
      do you want ?

Be a part of the moment

Take Action…



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TVI Express Presentation
TVI Express PresentationTVI Express Presentation
TVI Express Presentation
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Tvi Presentation
TVI Express Presentation
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TVI Express Presentation
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Tvi Presentation (English Version)
Tvi Express Presentation
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Tvi Express Presentation
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Paham dan aliran sesat presentation

  • 1.
  • 2. Kriteria Aliran Sesat Dan Antisipasinya (1) Mengingkari salah satu rukun iman dan rukun Islam, (2) Meyakini atau mengikuti akidah yang tidak sesuai dengan dalil syar'i, (3) Meyakini turunnya wahyu sesudah Alquran, (4) Mengingkari autentisitas dan kebenaran isi Alquran, (5) Melakukan penafsiran Alquran yang tidak berdasarkan kaedah-kaedah tafsir, (6) Mengingkari kedudukan Hadis Nabi sebagai sumber ajaran Islam, (7) Menghina, melecehkan dan merendahkan para nabi dan rasul, (8) Mengingkari Nabi Muhammad saw. sebagai Nabi dan Rasul terakhir, (9) Mengubah, menambah dan atau mengurangi pokokpokok ibadah yang telah ditetapkan oleh syariat, seperti haji tidak ke Baitullah, salat fardu tidak lima waktu, (10) Mengkafirkan sesama Muslim tanpa dalil syar'i, seperti mengakafirkan muslim hanya karena bukan kelompoknya.
  • 4. Saat ini aliran-aliran serta paham-paham sesat dan menyimpang sedang tumbuh subur dan berkembang di Indonesia. Belum selesai masalah satu aliran sudah aliran yang baru. Lebih 250 aliran sesat di Indonesia dan 50 di antaranya berkembang di Jawa. Selain merusak akidah dan citra Agama, aliran-aliran ini merusak tatanan sosial, merusak hubungan keluarga, merusak persatuan umat, merusak cara berpikir masyarakat, dan bahkan ada yang mengancam kelangsungan NKRI, seperi Al-Qiyadah Al-Islamiyah yang dakwahnya melalui fase sembunyi-sembunyi, fase teranganterangan, fase perang terhadap seluruh yang tidak masuk kelompoknya, fase kemenangan, dan sampai kepada fase mendidikan pemerintahan sendiri.
  • 6. Our Vision To be the No. 1 Global e-Commerce Company by providing opportunities, instilling leadership, creating millionaires and touching a billion hearts Our Mission To inspire people to help others making a positive change in their lives One World, One Vision, One Family!
  • 7. OUR GAME PLAN Go Diamond! The first milestone, formula for Financial Independence To build the largest and strongest Associate Workforce in the World by training and educating our Associates from all over the world have basic understanding of how it works and have them follow some simple steps, over a consistent period of time.
  • 8. Company Financial Backing TVI is funded by a prestigious Business group having many successful Businesses worldwide. Travel Ventures International is a pioneering effort of a successful team of Entrepreneurs having rich and diverse experience in many industries including Travel and Tourism, Real Estate, Information Technology, Training with core experience in Network Marketing
  • 9. The Three Megatrends TVI has combined the three most growing and popular trends today to form a Business concept which leverages the power of each one of them Travel and Tourism The Internet The Home Based Business Phenomenon
  • 10. The Home Based Business Phenomenon • Home Based Business is a $427 Billion an year Industry • Almost 83% of people are exhausted with the daily grind of the Corporate rat race • According to The Success Factory International, "America is in the midst of an extraordinary workplace transformation.. the home based business phenomenon shows no sign of slowing down.“ • There are more self made millionaires created, both on and offline, in the HBB industry than any other. • The use of Technology, the Internet, etc., allows home based businesses to work in concert with other entities without the need for daily face-to-face interaction
  • 11. The Home Based Business Phenomenon • Over 60% of new businesses are now started from home - equal to over 1,400 new businesses each week. • Of all the Home Based Businesses available today, Network Marketing is the most dominant Business Model • Network Marketing is a vibrant industry offering employment to over 43 million people worldwide with a turnover exceeding $75 billion in worldwide sales • Network marketing is taught at Harvard and Stanford business schools and in numerous other leading colleges and universities throughout the world
  • 12. “One Life is not enough to become a Globetrotter. There is so much to see, feel and live in different parts of the globe.” We prepare a platform for you to take the first step to a whole new world of opportunities, luxury, travel and financial freedom.
  • 13. The TVI Advantage TVI Express will help you have the best vacations of your life, take you to places which have existed only in your dreams till now, and give you an Opportunity to earn thousands of dollars week, after week, after week. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do or what your background is. Anybody in this World can succeed with TVI’s unrivalled Travel and Earn Program!
  • 14. Products and Services Universal Appeal First to introduce Free Holidays and Flights Concept * New Category Creator Various Ongoing Promotions Infinite scope for extensions True Value of Money
  • 15. Unlimited… World Class Holidays, Vacations in Exotic locations of the World, and thousands of Dollars to spend! You can live your dream life with TVI’s Travel and Earn Opportunity
  • 16. What Do You Receive when you become a Distributor 6 Nights/7 Days Vacation in one of the 3-5 star Hotels/Resorts across the world (excluding taxes) Free companion flight ticket* Discounts on various travel deals including : Flight Tickets Hotel Deals Cruise Tickets Last Minute Attractions Car Rentals Travel Insurance *On purchase of one ticket to a destination, another ticket to the same destination can be availed free of cost. ( valid only for domestic flights and exclusive of taxes )
  • 17. What Do You Receive when you become a Distributor Lifetime access to our upcoming promotional deals and programs Free Self Replicating Website Free access to high quality Business Tools Virtual Office to manage your Business And Much More…
  • 18. PACKAGE PRICING How much are these worth? Valued at thousands of dollars, TVI’s unrivalled “Travel and Earn” Package is available to you for only $ 250 And that’s not all.. TVI also provides you a Global Business Opportunity to create a solid income pipeline for you and your family generating thousands of dollars rolling your way every single week. Read on to know further...
  • 19. Distribution and Leadership in over 150 Countries
  • 20. Company Record Breaking Never been done in Network Marketing before! TVI did $3 Million in Sales the first Month of pre launch (January 2009) TVI launched in 10 countries worldwide! We are now in 150 countries and counting UK Nigeria Malaysia South Africa Australia Singapore India Taiwan USA Israel Russia Canada Thailand Philippines Indonesia Kazakhstan And many more...
  • 21. For those of you who are interested in supplementing your income by telling others about TVI’s product and services, please continue with the PowerPoint Presentation to learn more about the TVI Express Business Opportunity.
  • 22. A REAL PRODUCT NEED Travel deals are a real need in the marketplace. The best product in the world is useless if it’s not in demand. With emerging economies and changing lifestyles of people worldwide, Travel Industry shows no sign of slowing down, and is bound to go beyond the horizons. Everybody is looking to save money on their Vacations and Business Trips. You can reap profits by giving them what they need.
  • 23. Today’s Reality • Total credit card debt grew to $802* billion from $237* billion between 1990 and 20051 • Most people are living paycheck to paycheck • Many people work four to six months a year just to pay taxes 1 Government Accountability Office, Sept. 2006. * U.S. Dollars Countless number of people lie awake at Do you have enough quality time for yourself, night worrying about family, and friends? money-related issues Can you afford the lifestyle you want? What Is Your Financial Reality?
  • 24. Network Marketing Has Come of Age • 58 million people are involved in network marketing worldwide1 • The network marketing industry has surpassed $100 billion in retail revenue1 • North American sales have reached over $34 billion dollars2 1. 2. “I think network marketing has come of age. It’s become undeniable that it’s a viable way to entrepreneurship and independence for millions of people.” -Dr. Stephen R. Covey Interview in Network marketing Lifestyles
  • 25. What Those That Know Network Marketing Are Saying! “Network Marketers "Network Marketing is “Network Marketing: are creating The Perfect Business for the industry for FORTUNES at the average person to people who want to breakneck speeds!” create wealth." change their lives”
  • 26. “The Best kept secret in the Business world... Network Marketing!” FORTUNE is a Global Business Magazine published by Time Inc.'s Money Group “From 2006 to 2016, there will be 10 Million new Millionaires in the U.S. alone, more than double the last decade...many will be from the Direct Selling Industry!” Paul Zane Pilzer is a world-renowned economist, and the author of eight best-selling books and dozens of scholarly publications
  • 27. “The Best Investment I ever made…” Warren owns 51 Businesses today, 3 of which are Network Marketing Companies Warren Buffet - Billionaire Investor and the Richest person in the World! “Your industry promotes core values all around the globe and gives people the chance to make the most of their lives and, to me that is the heart of the American dream” Bill Clinton – Former US President
  • 28. "If you really want to learn how to be rich, you must begin to know and understand the power found in networks. The Richest People in the world Build Networks." Robert Kiyosaki – Best Selling Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad and many other internationally acclaimed titles “If I lost everything and had to start again, I would find myself a great network marketing company and get to work!” Donald Trump – Globally renowned property mogul and a multi billionaire
  • 29.
  • 30. How Do You Earn Money? We offer one of the Strongest Compensations plans in the Industry with Multiple Ways to Earn Weekly and Monthly Income!
  • 31.
  • 32. 1. Revolving Matrix 2. Residual Income 3. Power Pool 4. Incentives
  • 33. 1 Revolving Matrix All Team members make their way to the top of Compensation plan through Revolving Matrix system which makes you earn US $10,000 over and over again. This system ensures your success and helps you to capitalize on the efforts of all team members present in the boards. The system consists of following two boards: 2. Traveller Board 3. Express Board Here’s how it works…
  • 34. Traveller Board When you join TVI Express, you get a position at Level 1 of the Traveller Board and as the board fills, it breaks into two sub- boards, giving you an uplift to the next level. There are 4 levels in each board, and members are pushed up from level 1 to level 4 with a Combined effort finally exiting to Express Board. It’s the only plan in the world, where all teams work together as one single entity and help each other make their way to different ranks included in the Compensation Plan. When you exit Traveller board, you earn a $250 commission and an eVoucher worth $250, which accounts to a total benefit of $500 (double your investment). The board splits when all positions on the board are filled. All that is required for you to qualify is sponsor just two people. Traveller Board Payout : $500
  • 35. Traveller Board When the board fills up, Level 4 position moves to Express Board and earns a startup bonus of $500 Level 4 level 3 level 3 level 2 level 2 level 2 level 2 level 1 level 1 level 1 level 1 level 1 level 1 level 1 level 1 Enter Here The Board splits when all positions on the Traveller Board are filled up and
  • 36. Express Board When you cycle out of the Traveller board, you get a position at Level 1 of the Express board. Express board works exactly the same way as the Traveller Board, the only difference being that your level in the board raises when downlines come and fill up the Express board. New members cannot join Express board directly. Your rank changes to Silver Associate as soon as you hit the Express Board. When the board fills up, it breaks into two sub-boards, giving you an uplift to the next level and the Associate at Level 4 cycles out earning a mega bonus of $10,000 credited to the Online Wallet instantly. And that’s not all, you get a re-entry into the Express board for you to make another $10,000 in a revolving fashion. This process goes on and on enabling you to cycle out monthly, weekly and even daily. There is unlimited earning potential. All that is required to cycle out from the Express board is help two of your downlines come to the Express Board to qualify you for Commissions. Express Board Payout : $10,000
  • 37. Express Board US $10,000 credited to your Online Wallet instantly each time you cycle; Plus a re-entry into the Express Board Level 4 The successful Cycler re-enters Express Board at Level 1 position with US $10000 Level 3 Level 3 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level1 Level1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Qualified Participants from Traveller Board advance to a level 1 Position on to the Express Board
  • 38. How Boards Work M a t r ix You S truc ture Express Board Jill Mike Paige David Tony You are introduced by Harry and enter the Traveller Board You receive your own Virtual Office and start sponsoring people You introduce Jill and 4 others.Two more are Traveller Board introduced by other members present in the Board Tom Jill and others you introduce enter your Traveller board and are placed in your Matrix Structure When 8 people fill up the Traveller Board, the Harry board splits to form 2 new boards and the person at Level 4 (Tom), moves to Express Board receiving US$ 500 to earn further payouts. You Jill Mike Paige David Tony Kay Pam
  • 39. Sample Movement Through Boards You were introduced by Harry You introduce Tim and Abbey Tim YOU Abbey Harry
  • 40. Traveller Board Level1  Level2  Level3  Level4 New members are introduced Joe by existing members on Harry Level 4 Traveller Board Mary Harry Mary Sue Tony Level 3 YOU Jill Sue Tony Helen Peter Melissa Helen Level 2 Linda Greg Adam YOU Tim Jill Abby Adam Linda Greg Dan New Members Enter Level 1 From Left Tim Abby Dan
  • 41. Follow The Leader Follow-the-Leader system ensures that your boards move as fast as you want by sponsoring maximum number of people that you can. All your downlines will be connected to you and will always follow you whichever Boards you move to. Spillover System Spillovers help you succeed even if you are unable to make 2 sales by connecting extra sales of qualified candidates to non-qualified members. This ensures your success with a team support and helps you move from Traveller to Express board within no time. Jump Over Jump-Over system allows ID’s that have made their 2 sales to jump to the top of the board, if there are no qualified ID’s above them with 2 sales. Jump Over allows active members to have preference over inactive ones. We have not left any stone unturned to value those who are dedicated to the Business and have that zeal within to reach the top.
  • 42. When Level 1 is filled 2 NEW boards are formed with a NEW row of 8 Level 1 positions under each NEW board Joe enters the Express board earning US$ 500 Level 4 Level 4 Level 3 Level 3 Level 2 Level 2 Level 1 Level 1 New Board #1 – 8 Level 1 positions New Board #2 – 8 Level 1 positions Step1: System looks for Members with Joe 2 sales and places them in order from Level 4 Harry top to bottom, left to right Mary Step2: System looks for Members with Harry Mary 1 sale and places them in order from Level 3 Sue Tony YOU Jill top to bottom, left to right Step3: System looks for Members with Level 2 Sue Tony Helen Peter NO sales and places them in order from Melissa Helen Linda Greg Adam top to bottom, left to right Level 1 YOU Tim Jill Abby Adam Linda Greg Dan Tim Dan Abby
  • 43. Express Board Level1  Level2  Level3  Level4 Trish Receives US $10,000 plus a People entering Express board re-entry into the Express board to cycle out Trish follow their uplines on the Harry Level 4 again and again following the same system. Bob Express Board Harry Ron Sam Kate Level 3 Joe Matt Sam Kate Bob Paul Stuart Helen Level 2 Wayne Mike Gary Tom Joe Wayne Matt Brett Tom Mike Gary Ken New Qualified Members from Feeder Board Enter Level 1 From Left Brett Ken
  • 44. 2 Residual Income TVI’s compensation plan has been designed to give you regular income week after week. The revolutionary matrix system not only creates a long term income Opportunity for you but also helps you earn enormous amount of income every single week with growth of your organization
  • 45. Residual Income Gets Activated • Once you cycle out of the Express board, you become eligible to earn Residual Income apart from the high paying Board payouts. • The income starts from 5% and goes upto 10% on every sale in your organization till INFINITE levels
  • 46. Residual Income Matrix Structure while sponsoring in Boards You Jill Mike Paige David Tony
  • 47. Leveraged Team Building Income You start earning 5% of the group revenue from sales in your already existing network. The residual income is different from Board payouts and gets activated when you cycle out of the Express Board the very first time. Even if you don’t cycle in Boards after that, this income would never stop and will have you earn millions of dollars by duplicating your leaders and group sales. This commission goes upto 10% as you advance through different ranks in the compensation plan.
  • 48. Residual Income Group Sales You Pays Till Infinity!
  • 49. Watch your Organization Grow! Level 1 Level 2 $12 Level 3 $900 Level 4 $1,080 $7,776 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 Pays till infinity. No ceiling, no capping, no cutoffs.
  • 50. Rank Progress and Commission Structure Your rank progresses when you get 2 leaders in different legs with the same rank. For e.g. You become a Diamond Associate from Gold when you get 2 Gold Associates in two different legs and International Diamond from Diamond when you get two Diamond associates in your organization in two different legs. Note : You don’t need to work on your direct referrals to upgrade your rank. Any associate at any level can qualify you.
  • 51. Rank Progress and Commission Structure Commissions are generated till infinite levels based upon the differential calculations in your Organization. Following is the chart of different leadership ranks and commissions involved with them: 1. Gold Associate : 5% of Group Sales 2. Diamond Associate : 7% of Group Sales 3. International Diamond : 8.5% of Group Sales 4. Platinum Associate : 10% of Group Sales 5. Presidential Associate : 10% of Group Sales Note : Presidential Associates get a share in the Company’s Global Revenue by participating in the Power Pool
  • 52. Leadership Ranks At TVI, you achieve various ranks as you advance through the Compensation Plan creating a legacy income for yourself.
  • 53. 3 3 Power Pool The Power pool allows Presidential Associates have their piece of Share in the Global Revenue of the company. The power pool concept ensures regular leveraged income inflow giving you an opportunity to hold a prime position in Advisory Board of the Company.
  • 54. Have your piece of share with Power Pool What exactly is the Power Pool? TVI devotes 2% of the Global Revenue to its profit sharing pool which is distributed amongst all Presidential Associates. Stay focussed. Reap more…
  • 55. An example 2% of the current monthly revenue of $10 Million accounts to : $200,000 in the pool EVERY MONTH The share of your revenue will only grow with time as we progress to different countries and open up businesses in various locations worldwide. Get there fast. Have a share in the Global revenue of TVI.
  • 56. 4 Incentives TVI Express is the only Company in the World to distribute incentives ranging from Luxury cars to Private Jets and Splendid Villas in exotic locations of the world. All this is easily achievable if you are focussed and dedicated towards TVI!
  • 57. Incentives and Qualification Criteria We have formed a system to help our Associates build teams all across the world and help everyone around for a better future ahead. As a token of appreciation, we value you at every milestone with World Class Incentives and Rewards. Incentives are based upon a very simple concept of people helping people. It depends upon the number of people in your group cycling out from the Express Board. Incentives are a great way to have everyone helping you achieve success for mutual benefits.
  • 58. Laptop When 3 people in your group cycle out, you receive a free Laptop
  • 59. Fully Sponsored Europe Trip When 10 people in your group cycle out, you receive a fully sponsored trip to Europe for a couple. Alternatively, you can also choose Diamond Jewellery in lieu of the Trip.
  • 60. Luxury Car When 25 people in your group cycle out, you get a luxury Mercedes, BMW or Audi at one of our International Events
  • 61. A Splendid Villa When 50 people in your group cycle out, you are awarded a Villa in one of the exotic locations of the world
  • 62. Private Jet or A Yacht When 100 people in your group cycle out, you get a Private Jet or a Yacht by the President of our Group at Annual Convention
  • 63. TVI Plan Mechanics The Science of Leverage Pays out a total of 72% (Industry Average is 40-50%) 72% of every dollar earned is paid back to the Distributors No stocking or retailing required!
  • 64. Each year, Diamond Associates and above will be invited to the annual leadership convention, which will be held in an exotic location. Annual Leadership Event They will be required to qualify and maintain the growth for a minimum of 3 months during the calendar year to qualify. Based on the trip and location, each year different leadership levels will receive different allowances for the event.
  • 65. is the next And the vehicle to take you where you want to go!
  • 66. In Business Timing Is Everything • Right Place • Right Time • Right Platform • Right Decision With TVI, the timing is perfect. “The poor, the unsuccessful, the unhappy, the unhealthy are the ones who use the word "tomorrow" the most. Smart people don’t work for money, they just do things which other people delay doing” -- Robert Kiyosaki
  • 67. Why You Should Join TVI? • Stable, debt free Company • Solid Backing by a successful and established Business Group • Universal Line of Products • Opportunity to build a Global Business from home • Unmatched Compensation Plan • Worldwide Recognition • Only Company in the World to distribute high end incentives including Private Jets and yachts • No monthly purchases with an opportunity to turn a one time $250 investment into hundreds of thousands of dollars rolling your way every single week • No stocking, retailing, product selling. • Fast income with earnings at every step .
  • 68. How Do You Get Started? You have two very simple choices!
  • 69. Immediately get back to the person who referred you to the website or sent this presentation to you and ask the sign up process Alternatively, you can visit and Click on “Join Now” which will take you through three simple steps to have you start earning money within minutes! It’s as simple as that.
  • 70. Dreams Are Becoming Reality Where Do You See Yourself? 1 2 3 Join Us Today Undergo Basic Get on the way Training to success!
  • 71. will become a household name soon What % of the global market do you want ? Be a part of the moment Take Action… Today!