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January 2010 Newsletter
                                                                               In This Issue
President's Message
                                                                               PACA's Monthly Dinner
Hello PACA Community,
It’s 2010 – Twenty Ten! How cool is that?
                                                                               New Member's Corner
We are finally moving out of the Two Thousand
and whatever (eight, nine, etc.) years and into                                Save The Date!
the Twenty Whatever years. Maybe it’s just me,
but I think that’s pretty cool. And, I’m very                                  Annual Intensive Seminar
grateful and excited to be your new PACA
President as we move into this first Twenty
“Whatever” year.                                                                 Quick Links
We’ve already got a lot of great things planned for 2010:                       PACA Website

                                                                                Our Events
       3rd Annual Mega-Mixer – May 20
       Professional Development full day event with both ASTD and               Member Area
       Penn State Great Valley – November 12                                    Contact Us

                   Put both on your calendars now.
Beyond our monthly events, I’d like to I share with you my vision for              with PACA

My hopes for each of you, because you are PACA, come from my
experience with this incredible group of people. I joined PACA back in
the good old days of 2001. I was a coach just starting out and PACA            Add PACA as a friend
gave me the support to get started. That being said, I walked away from
PACA for over 5 years. I really believed both I and my business were OK            on Facebook
(thank you very much!) without PACA. Somewhere around 2006, it
dawned on me that I knew ZERO coaches and ZERO coaches knew
                                                                                Connect with PACA
With completely selfish motives in mind, I volunteered for the PACA                on LinkedIn
Board. From a strictly business perspective, it just seemed like a no-
brainer that I needed to know other coaches (so that I could refer them)
and that other coaches needed to know me (so that they could refer me).
I jumped in with both feet.
                                                                               Subscribe to PACA on
Little did I know how that ‘selfish’ move would literally change my life. My      Yahoo! Groups
business has grown by leaps and bounds. I have been able to refer
PACA coaches for coaching and other work, which is one of the best
feelings! And beyond business, I have forged new, deep relationships               Visit PACA's
that were sorely lacking in my prior life.                                           Web Site
My vision for PACA is that each of you “Jump in with both feet!”
                                                                              Interested in
Don’t let the Twenty Whatever years go by without getting involved. We        Being Interviewed
do love to see you all at the monthly meetings, but simply going to these
meetings is NOT going to give back to you deep friendships or business
                                                                              for Our New
referrals that could be life changing. Getting involved in either the Board   Member Column?
or the many committee opportunities can be life changing. Call me if
you’d like to discuss options.                                                Please contact
                                                                              Pat Weeks at:
Finally, a word of thanks to the entire outgoing 2009 Board and each and
every PACA volunteer. We had a great year with each of you making
significant contributions of your time and energy.

I certainly look forward to working with and getting to know many more        Display Your
of you over this year.                                                        Products And
Warmly,                                                                       Materials At
                                                                              Monthly Meetings
Joanne Vitali                                                                 Did you know?
PACA 2010 President
                                                                              PACA members are
                                                                              welcome to bring and
                                                                              display their coaching
                                                                              products at all monthly
                                                                              PACA meetings. A long-
                                                                              standing member-only
PACA's January Monthly Dinner Meeting                                         benefit, a table will now be
                                                                              available just for PACA
                                                                              members to display their
Date & Time: Thursday, January 21, 2010 - 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM
Topic:           "How to Earn $250,000 Coaching Your Clients to
                 Success" (Revised Title)                                     So bring your coaching
                                                                              tools, books, flyers of
Speaker:         Michael Charest                                              upcoming events, etc. and
                                                                              share with our community!
Location:        Double Tree Guest Suites, 640 W. Germantown Pike,
                 Plymouth Meeting, PA (610) 834-8300                          For more information,
                                                                              please contact Clare
Details & Registration: Click here                                            Sautter at
                                                                              or 610-304-5829.

6:00PM: Registration & Networking
6:30PM: Buffet Dinner Served                                                  Good News for
6:45PM: President’s Announcements
7:15PM: Speaker: Michael Charest                                              You
8:30PM: Additional Networking
9:00PM: Meeting Adjuourned                                                    Have you been:

Why did you become a coach? Chances are it was to create a great life                Covered in the
for yourself and help people reach their goals and dreams in the                     news?
process, right?                                                                      Published in a
                                                                                     Quoted as an
         Have you created this great life for yourself yet?                          expert?
         How many people are you helping?
         Are you living YOUR best life?                                       Then we want to know!
         Have you achieved financial prosperity?                              Send your good news
         How can you expect to help others when you, yourself, are            links to communications@
         struggling in your business?                               
                                                                              so we can share with the
whole PACA community.
       How many people can you possibly be serving if you are making
       only $2, $3, or $4k per month?
       The average coach generates about $32k per year in revenue…
       REVENUE, not profit.
       Did you become a coach to earn just $2k per month and help
       maybe 6-8 people at a time? I DON’T THINK SO!

How would you like to really help people and EARN $250,000+ per
That’s over $20,000 per MONTH! Are you anywhere close to this? Do
you even think it’s possible? Well, it is.

                       Join Michael Charest at our January meeting
                       and learn:

                               Five specific Business principles that are
                               CRITICAL to achieve $250k per year
                               How to earn over $1,000 per HOUR
                               coaching.Yes, it’s possible.
                               How to serve over 50 clients with less
                               time/stress than serving 15
                               Four revenue streams to generate over
                               $250,000 per year

About our Speaker: Michael Charest is a ten-year veteran personal and
business coach, consultant, author, and speaker. He is president of
Business Growth Solutions, a company specializing in coaching clients
to success. He has helped thousands of small business owners grow
their businesses and their lives, and wants to help you do the same.
Michael’s passion is writing and speaking. He is humorous, hard-hitting,
and an expert in his field. He travels throughout the United States and
internationally delivering high-energy, inspirational, and informative talks.
He is a member of the International Coaches Federation and the
National and Colorado Speakers Associations.

For more information about Michael and his company, go to:

Register Online Now!


Welcome to 2010! There seems to be a renewed
confidence that an economic uptick is on the way,
which is sparking hope. For the organizational
coaches among us, this is very good news.

The business news keeps bombarding us with the
message, things won’t be the same going forward.
What will this mean for us? Our coaching clients? What is new or
different that we’ll need to learn?

These are among the questions surrounding the initial planning of the
2010 Professional Conference that PACA & ASTD are hosting in
partnership with Penn State Great Valley for November 12, 2010. If you
want to help answer those questions and join a dynamic group to plan
this event, I invite you to join a committee. You can help shape that
agenda, speakers, breakouts, showcase and sponsorships. Estimated
time commitment: 1-2 conference calls/month; 2-3 hours/month

Following are specific committee duties. If you’re interested in
participating, review the details below, find your passion and play to your
strengths, then please let either Jeff Kaplan or me know how you want to

                     Responsibilities of Committees
            Joint ASTD/PACA/PSGV Professional Conference


      Design flyers and marketing copy based on theme decided by
      Steering Committee for:
         - communications with membership of each group
         - group websites
         - online ads
         - registration page, etc.
      Develop timeline for all PR, online and other communications and
      communicate that to all who need to know
      Post free online ads (existing list to be provided to chairperson)
      Publish in Philadelphia Business Journal and other appropriate
      vehicles that target: sponsors, organizations, individual attendees

Vendors (Showcase)

      Determine pricing for vendor tables
      Solicit vendors (work with marketing to be consistent in
      messaging/branding, etc.)
      Handle master vendor list
      Collect payment from vendors prior to conference
      Organize and set up day of event


      Determine how payment will be collected from vendors and
      Ensure links are provided to each partnering group for on line
      Keep track of all expenses and revenue
      Issue monthly status reports


      Enlist volunteers to welcome attendees and process walk in
      Determine registration process
      Work with appropriate organizational designate to coordinate and
      post registration process
      Issue registration links to partnering organizations


      Determine pricing/levels for sponsorships
Work with marketing to develop messaging/outreach to potential
      sponsors, etc.
      Handle sponsorship logistics for day of event (ex. goody bags,
      flyers for sponsors, banners, etc.)
      Work with vendor chair as necessary
      Solicit sponsors
      Maintain master sponsor list
      Collect payment prior to event

Facilities and Logistics

      Determine # rooms needed; who will be where, general logistics
      for event
      Interface with caterer
      Partner with Penn State facility staff
      Partner with programming chair to ensure equipment needs are
      available for each speaker


      Select all speakers/presenters for event
      Determine most effective programming modes
      Work with each speaker to obtain marketing info and details
      Host all speakers day of event
      Coordinate any speaker needs
      Work closely with marketing and registration to be sure attendees
      know what to expect from the programming of the day

As soon as you open that brand new 2010 calendar, turn to November
12 and block the entire day for this amazing professional development
day. Going electronic? Set aside that date now!

With a bright and hopeful outcome for our economy and each of our
businesses, I wish you a successful 2010!

Sheree Butterfield
PACA VP of Corporate Affairs

New Member’s Corner - Kayte Connelly, CCT

Interviewed by Patricia Weeks

                       For Kayte Connelly, CCT, mentoring has been
                       an integral part of her career for more than 15
                       years. After singing her way through college and
                       receiving a degree in Behavioral Science, Kayte
                       established her first nonprofit, The PA
                       Association of Songwriters, Composers and
                       Lyricists (PASCAL), with a dream to create a
                       public radio station for songwriters in the Lehigh

                       Shortly thereafter, she traveled to California to
co-found a second organization, the Songwriters’ Organizations National
Group (SONG), with the heads of major record labels and licensing
companies. It was there that the importance of board governance,
community engagement and grant writing were impressed upon her. As
time passed, her two interests in music and organization continued to

Kayte has worked in a number of leadership positions with the disabled,
youth and senior populations in both government and education. As the
president of a parochial Chamber of Commerce she fostered its merging
with the TriCounty Area Chamber of Pottstown, PA, where she and her
team created and implemented a community leadership program.
Mentoring volunteers, board members and staff, she eventually left the
Chamber and became the head of the Berks Arts Council where she
continued her prior work of fostering budding artists. There she grew the
organization’s cash flow from a negative $29,000 to $1.8 million in seven

In 2005, Kayte came to Philadelphia where she directed the transition of
the national headquarters of Rhythm & Blues Foundation from New
York. Again, significant fundraising efforts were accomplished and she
produced a major music awards presentation program which was shot
for BETJ.

Three years ago, Kayte opened her leadership coaching and
organization consulting practice. As a certified ChangeWorks®
practitioner, analyst and trainer, she calls herself a ChangeWorker. Her
clients are varied and include executives, artists, professional trade
organizations and entrepreneurial coaching roundtables in Delaware.
She creates customized ChangeWorks® assessments supporting clarity
and accountability for each client.

The surprises in coaching for Kayte arise from how often people don’t
understand our profession. Frequently, potential clients feel that there
must be something wrong with them to seek coaching. However, Kayte
is confident that coaching will become more recognized as an
opportunity for people to explore themselves and reach fulfillment

Kayte’s favorite clients are “people who have a blank canvas in front of
them and are carefully selecting colors. Each stroke provides an
appreciation of their individual processes.” Kayte loves supporting
people and organizations to find their own voice, to be themselves or to
stand up in a certain way for themselves. Her core belief is that in
everyone there is a capacity for leadership, whether it’s being a better
leader as a family member, in an organization or in a community.

Given two weeks of free professional development, Kayte would use that
opportunity to quietly reflect her dream of establishing a retreat center.
She would explore how to achieve balance between the business of
running leadership retreat centers and creating the story each of us want
to tell. Once understanding of the funding model is completed, Kayte is
confident her retreat center will be manifested into reality.

Kayte’s proudest accomplishment is establishing the first leadership
class for the TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce, the culmination of
3 years of work. Following the lead of others, comprehensive board
management training programs were crafted for this economic region.
This experience allowed participants to understand how a community
works and how people find their place in it. This program just graduated
its 10th class.

Kayte’s words to live by: “Make mistakes frequently – if you don’t try,
you’ll never fully experience life. We permit ourselves to make mistakes
because that means we’re trying.”

Kayte’s legacy also extends to her family. As the 2nd oldest of 11
children, she encourages 30 nephews and nieces to make lots of noise.
She lives in West Chester with her husband, Marc Riddell.

         SAVE THE DATE! 

         PACA's February Monthly Dinner Meeting

Date & Time: Thursday, February 18, 2010 - 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM

Topic:          "Coaching Transcendent Leaders"

Speaker:        Pam Boney

Location:       TBA

Check PACA's Calendar of Events for registration information coming

Annual Intensive Seminar
Sponsored by National Speakers Association –

Date & Time:    Saturday, January 23, 2010 -
                8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Topic:          "Growing Your Business"

Speaker:        Mark LeBlanc

Location:       Renaissance Philadelphia Hotel
                500 Stevens Drive
                Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19113
                ( 610) 521-5900
                Click here for directions

Cost:           Non-members $159
                Members $129
                - Register by 1/8/10 for $30
                - A 10% discount code is being
                offered to all current PACA
                members – the code is PACA10.

Details & Registration: Click here

Specific strategies, tactics, and tools to help YOU grow your business as
an independent professional, business owner, and entrepreneur. Join us
for this one-of-a-kind program and get more focused, attract more
prospects, stimulate more referrals, and ultimately create a path and
plan for generating more business!

Mark will provide you with EXACTLY what you need to know (and do!) in
order to jumpstart your small business success. He will help you identify
and develop specific skills that are critical from an owner’s perspective.
You will zero in on four key focus areas:





You will develop strategies for creating an identity in the marketplace
that will have an immediate impact on your success. From a marketing
perspective, discover what it takes to get your telephone to ring, and
generate repeat and referral business. Join us for this high-impact all
day event.

Register Online Here!

Yahoo PACA Discussion Group:

Subscribe by sending an email to PhilaCoaches- Use it to ask questions of colleagues or
share presentations.

Anyone can subscribe, but posting is a MEMBER BENEFIT. For any
questions contact Laura Pumo.

Connection with Your Executive Board!

Join us at a PACA Board Meeting to get better acquainted with your
Board: 1st Thursday of each month from 10:15 AM - 12:00 Noon.

As location varies, please contact PACA Secretary Christine Fontana or 610-585-6960 to confirm your
attendance at a Board meeting and receive instructions.

If you have suggestions or observations about our community, please
feel free to contact any of the Board members

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PACA January Newsletter

  • 1. January 2010 Newsletter In This Issue President's Message PACA's Monthly Dinner Meeting Hello PACA Community, C-Suite It’s 2010 – Twenty Ten! How cool is that? New Member's Corner We are finally moving out of the Two Thousand and whatever (eight, nine, etc.) years and into Save The Date! the Twenty Whatever years. Maybe it’s just me, but I think that’s pretty cool. And, I’m very Annual Intensive Seminar grateful and excited to be your new PACA President as we move into this first Twenty “Whatever” year.   Quick Links We’ve already got a lot of great things planned for 2010: PACA Website Our Events 3rd Annual Mega-Mixer – May 20 Professional Development full day event with both ASTD and Member Area Penn State Great Valley – November 12 Contact Us Put both on your calendars now. Connect Beyond our monthly events, I’d like to I share with you my vision for with PACA PACA. My hopes for each of you, because you are PACA, come from my experience with this incredible group of people. I joined PACA back in the good old days of 2001. I was a coach just starting out and PACA Add PACA as a friend gave me the support to get started. That being said, I walked away from PACA for over 5 years. I really believed both I and my business were OK on Facebook (thank you very much!) without PACA. Somewhere around 2006, it dawned on me that I knew ZERO coaches and ZERO coaches knew me. Connect with PACA With completely selfish motives in mind, I volunteered for the PACA on LinkedIn Board. From a strictly business perspective, it just seemed like a no- brainer that I needed to know other coaches (so that I could refer them) and that other coaches needed to know me (so that they could refer me). I jumped in with both feet. Subscribe to PACA on Little did I know how that ‘selfish’ move would literally change my life. My Yahoo! Groups business has grown by leaps and bounds. I have been able to refer PACA coaches for coaching and other work, which is one of the best feelings! And beyond business, I have forged new, deep relationships Visit PACA's that were sorely lacking in my prior life. Web Site
  • 2. My vision for PACA is that each of you “Jump in with both feet!” Interested in Don’t let the Twenty Whatever years go by without getting involved. We Being Interviewed do love to see you all at the monthly meetings, but simply going to these meetings is NOT going to give back to you deep friendships or business for Our New referrals that could be life changing. Getting involved in either the Board Member Column? or the many committee opportunities can be life changing. Call me if you’d like to discuss options. Please contact Pat Weeks at: Finally, a word of thanks to the entire outgoing 2009 Board and each and every PACA volunteer. We had a great year with each of you making significant contributions of your time and energy. I certainly look forward to working with and getting to know many more Display Your of you over this year. Products And Promotional Warmly, Materials At Monthly Meetings Joanne Joanne Vitali Did you know? PACA 2010 President PACA members are welcome to bring and display their coaching products at all monthly PACA meetings. A long- standing member-only PACA's January Monthly Dinner Meeting benefit, a table will now be available just for PACA members to display their Date & Time: Thursday, January 21, 2010 - 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM items. Topic: "How to Earn $250,000 Coaching Your Clients to Success" (Revised Title) So bring your coaching tools, books, flyers of Speaker: Michael Charest upcoming events, etc. and share with our community! Location: Double Tree Guest Suites, 640 W. Germantown Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA (610) 834-8300 For more information, please contact Clare Details & Registration: Click here Sautter at or 610-304-5829. AGENDA 6:00PM: Registration & Networking 6:30PM: Buffet Dinner Served Good News for 6:45PM: President’s Announcements 7:15PM: Speaker: Michael Charest You 8:30PM: Additional Networking 9:00PM: Meeting Adjuourned Have you been: Why did you become a coach? Chances are it was to create a great life Covered in the for yourself and help people reach their goals and dreams in the news? process, right? Published in a magazine? Quoted as an Have you created this great life for yourself yet? expert? How many people are you helping? Are you living YOUR best life? Then we want to know! Have you achieved financial prosperity? Send your good news How can you expect to help others when you, yourself, are links to communications@ struggling in your business? so we can share with the
  • 3. whole PACA community. How many people can you possibly be serving if you are making only $2, $3, or $4k per month? The average coach generates about $32k per year in revenue… REVENUE, not profit. Did you become a coach to earn just $2k per month and help maybe 6-8 people at a time? I DON’T THINK SO! How would you like to really help people and EARN $250,000+ per year? That’s over $20,000 per MONTH! Are you anywhere close to this? Do you even think it’s possible? Well, it is. Join Michael Charest at our January meeting and learn: Five specific Business principles that are CRITICAL to achieve $250k per year How to earn over $1,000 per HOUR coaching.Yes, it’s possible. How to serve over 50 clients with less time/stress than serving 15 Four revenue streams to generate over $250,000 per year About our Speaker: Michael Charest is a ten-year veteran personal and business coach, consultant, author, and speaker. He is president of Business Growth Solutions, a company specializing in coaching clients to success. He has helped thousands of small business owners grow their businesses and their lives, and wants to help you do the same. Michael’s passion is writing and speaking. He is humorous, hard-hitting, and an expert in his field. He travels throughout the United States and internationally delivering high-energy, inspirational, and informative talks. He is a member of the International Coaches Federation and the National and Colorado Speakers Associations. For more information about Michael and his company, go to: Register Online Now! C-Suite Welcome to 2010! There seems to be a renewed confidence that an economic uptick is on the way, which is sparking hope. For the organizational coaches among us, this is very good news. The business news keeps bombarding us with the message, things won’t be the same going forward. What will this mean for us? Our coaching clients? What is new or different that we’ll need to learn? These are among the questions surrounding the initial planning of the 2010 Professional Conference that PACA & ASTD are hosting in partnership with Penn State Great Valley for November 12, 2010. If you want to help answer those questions and join a dynamic group to plan
  • 4. this event, I invite you to join a committee. You can help shape that agenda, speakers, breakouts, showcase and sponsorships. Estimated time commitment: 1-2 conference calls/month; 2-3 hours/month maximum. Following are specific committee duties. If you’re interested in participating, review the details below, find your passion and play to your strengths, then please let either Jeff Kaplan or me know how you want to contribute. Responsibilities of Committees Joint ASTD/PACA/PSGV Professional Conference Marketing Design flyers and marketing copy based on theme decided by Steering Committee for: - communications with membership of each group - group websites - online ads - registration page, etc. Develop timeline for all PR, online and other communications and communicate that to all who need to know Post free online ads (existing list to be provided to chairperson) Publish in Philadelphia Business Journal and other appropriate vehicles that target: sponsors, organizations, individual attendees Vendors (Showcase) Determine pricing for vendor tables Solicit vendors (work with marketing to be consistent in messaging/branding, etc.) Handle master vendor list Collect payment from vendors prior to conference Organize and set up day of event Treasury Determine how payment will be collected from vendors and participants Ensure links are provided to each partnering group for on line payment Keep track of all expenses and revenue Issue monthly status reports Registration Enlist volunteers to welcome attendees and process walk in registrations Determine registration process Work with appropriate organizational designate to coordinate and post registration process Issue registration links to partnering organizations Sponsorships Determine pricing/levels for sponsorships
  • 5. Work with marketing to develop messaging/outreach to potential sponsors, etc. Handle sponsorship logistics for day of event (ex. goody bags, flyers for sponsors, banners, etc.) Work with vendor chair as necessary Solicit sponsors Maintain master sponsor list Collect payment prior to event Facilities and Logistics Determine # rooms needed; who will be where, general logistics for event Interface with caterer Partner with Penn State facility staff Partner with programming chair to ensure equipment needs are available for each speaker Programming Select all speakers/presenters for event Determine most effective programming modes Work with each speaker to obtain marketing info and details Host all speakers day of event Coordinate any speaker needs Work closely with marketing and registration to be sure attendees know what to expect from the programming of the day As soon as you open that brand new 2010 calendar, turn to November 12 and block the entire day for this amazing professional development day. Going electronic? Set aside that date now! With a bright and hopeful outcome for our economy and each of our businesses, I wish you a successful 2010! Sheree Butterfield PACA VP of Corporate Affairs New Member’s Corner - Kayte Connelly, CCT Interviewed by Patricia Weeks For Kayte Connelly, CCT, mentoring has been an integral part of her career for more than 15 years. After singing her way through college and receiving a degree in Behavioral Science, Kayte established her first nonprofit, The PA Association of Songwriters, Composers and Lyricists (PASCAL), with a dream to create a public radio station for songwriters in the Lehigh Valley. Shortly thereafter, she traveled to California to
  • 6. co-found a second organization, the Songwriters’ Organizations National Group (SONG), with the heads of major record labels and licensing companies. It was there that the importance of board governance, community engagement and grant writing were impressed upon her. As time passed, her two interests in music and organization continued to intertwine. Kayte has worked in a number of leadership positions with the disabled, youth and senior populations in both government and education. As the president of a parochial Chamber of Commerce she fostered its merging with the TriCounty Area Chamber of Pottstown, PA, where she and her team created and implemented a community leadership program. Mentoring volunteers, board members and staff, she eventually left the Chamber and became the head of the Berks Arts Council where she continued her prior work of fostering budding artists. There she grew the organization’s cash flow from a negative $29,000 to $1.8 million in seven years. In 2005, Kayte came to Philadelphia where she directed the transition of the national headquarters of Rhythm & Blues Foundation from New York. Again, significant fundraising efforts were accomplished and she produced a major music awards presentation program which was shot for BETJ. Three years ago, Kayte opened her leadership coaching and organization consulting practice. As a certified ChangeWorks® practitioner, analyst and trainer, she calls herself a ChangeWorker. Her clients are varied and include executives, artists, professional trade organizations and entrepreneurial coaching roundtables in Delaware. She creates customized ChangeWorks® assessments supporting clarity and accountability for each client. The surprises in coaching for Kayte arise from how often people don’t understand our profession. Frequently, potential clients feel that there must be something wrong with them to seek coaching. However, Kayte is confident that coaching will become more recognized as an opportunity for people to explore themselves and reach fulfillment purposefully. Kayte’s favorite clients are “people who have a blank canvas in front of them and are carefully selecting colors. Each stroke provides an appreciation of their individual processes.” Kayte loves supporting people and organizations to find their own voice, to be themselves or to stand up in a certain way for themselves. Her core belief is that in everyone there is a capacity for leadership, whether it’s being a better leader as a family member, in an organization or in a community. Given two weeks of free professional development, Kayte would use that opportunity to quietly reflect her dream of establishing a retreat center. She would explore how to achieve balance between the business of running leadership retreat centers and creating the story each of us want to tell. Once understanding of the funding model is completed, Kayte is confident her retreat center will be manifested into reality. Kayte’s proudest accomplishment is establishing the first leadership class for the TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce, the culmination of 3 years of work. Following the lead of others, comprehensive board management training programs were crafted for this economic region. This experience allowed participants to understand how a community works and how people find their place in it. This program just graduated its 10th class. Kayte’s words to live by: “Make mistakes frequently – if you don’t try, you’ll never fully experience life. We permit ourselves to make mistakes
  • 7. because that means we’re trying.” Kayte’s legacy also extends to her family. As the 2nd oldest of 11 children, she encourages 30 nephews and nieces to make lots of noise. She lives in West Chester with her husband, Marc Riddell. SAVE THE DATE!  PACA's February Monthly Dinner Meeting Date & Time: Thursday, February 18, 2010 - 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM Topic: "Coaching Transcendent Leaders" Speaker: Pam Boney Location: TBA Check PACA's Calendar of Events for registration information coming soon! Annual Intensive Seminar Sponsored by National Speakers Association – Philadelphia Date & Time: Saturday, January 23, 2010 - 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Topic: "Growing Your Business" Speaker: Mark LeBlanc Location: Renaissance Philadelphia Hotel Airport 500 Stevens Drive Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19113 ( 610) 521-5900 Click here for directions Cost: Non-members $159 Members $129 - Register by 1/8/10 for $30 discount! - A 10% discount code is being offered to all current PACA members – the code is PACA10. Details & Registration: Click here Specific strategies, tactics, and tools to help YOU grow your business as an independent professional, business owner, and entrepreneur. Join us for this one-of-a-kind program and get more focused, attract more prospects, stimulate more referrals, and ultimately create a path and
  • 8. plan for generating more business! Mark will provide you with EXACTLY what you need to know (and do!) in order to jumpstart your small business success. He will help you identify and develop specific skills that are critical from an owner’s perspective. You will zero in on four key focus areas: Direction Identity Marketing Benchmarking You will develop strategies for creating an identity in the marketplace that will have an immediate impact on your success. From a marketing perspective, discover what it takes to get your telephone to ring, and generate repeat and referral business. Join us for this high-impact all day event. Register Online Here! Yahoo PACA Discussion Group: Subscribe by sending an email to PhilaCoaches- Use it to ask questions of colleagues or share presentations. Anyone can subscribe, but posting is a MEMBER BENEFIT. For any questions contact Laura Pumo. Connection with Your Executive Board! Join us at a PACA Board Meeting to get better acquainted with your Board: 1st Thursday of each month from 10:15 AM - 12:00 Noon. As location varies, please contact PACA Secretary Christine Fontana or 610-585-6960 to confirm your attendance at a Board meeting and receive instructions. If you have suggestions or observations about our community, please feel free to contact any of the Board members