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OWL 2 Web Ontology Language                                                individual value      ObjectHasValue
                                                                                                                     (P a)
                                                                                                                                                  _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.
                                                                                                                                                  _:x owl:onProperty P.
                                                                                                                                                                                         2.2 Properties

                    Quick Reference Guide                                                                                                         _:x owl:hasValue a.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Object Property Expressions
                                                                                               local reflexivity     ObjectHasSelf                _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.             named object property            PN                              PN
                                                                         (P)                          _:x owl:onProperty P.                     universal object property        owl:topObjectProperty           owl:topObjectProperty
                                                                                                                                                  _:x owl:hasSelf "true"^^xsd:boolean.      empty object property            owl:bottomObjectProperty        owl:bottomObjectProperty
1 Names, Prefixes, and Notation                                                                exact cardinality     ObjectExactCardinality       _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.             inverse property                 ObjectInverseOf(PN)             _:x owl:inverseOf PN
                                                                                                                     (n P)                        _:x owl:onProperty P.
Names in OWL 2 are IRIs, often written in a shorthand prefix:localname, where prefix: is                                                          _:x owl:cardinality n.                 Data Property Expressions
a prefix name that expands to an IRI, and localname is the remainder of the name.              qualified exact       ObjectExactCardinality       _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.
The prefix names in OWL 2 are:                                                                 cardinality           (n P C)                      _:x owl:onProperty P.                     named data property            R                             R
                                                                                                                                                  _:x owl:qualifiedCardinality n.           universal data property        owl:topDataProperty           owl:topDataProperty
Prefix Name            Expansion                                                                                                                  _:x owl:onClass C.                        empty data property            owl:bottomDataProperty        owl:bottomDataProperty
rdf:                                      maximum               ObjectMaxCardinality         _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.
rdfs:                                           cardinality           (n P)                        _:x owl:onProperty P.                  2.3 Individuals & Literals
owl:                                                                                                      _:x owl:maxCardinality n.
xsd:                                                qualified             ObjectMaxCardinality         _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.             named individual                aN                           aN
                                                                                               maximum               (n P C)                      _:x owl:onProperty P.                     anonymous individual            _:a                          _:a
                                                                                               cardinality                                        _:x owl:maxQualifiedCardinality n.        literal (datatype value)        "abc"^^DN                    "abc"^^DN
We use notation conventions in the following tables*:
Letters        Meaning                     Letters        Meaning                                                                                 _:x owl:onClass C.
(a1 … an)      RDF list                    n              non-negative integer**               minimum               ObjectMinCardinality         _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.          2.4 Data Ranges
_:a            anonymous individual        ON             ontology name                        cardinality           (n P)                        _:x owl:onProperty P.
               (a blank node label)                                                                                                               _:x owl:minCardinality n.              Data Range Expressions
_:x            blank node                  P              object property expression           qualified             ObjectMinCardinality         _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.
                                                                                               minimum               (n P C)                      _:x owl:onProperty P.                     named datatype             DN                       DN
a              individual                  p              prefix name                                                                                                                       data range                 DataComplementOf         _:x rdf:type rdfs:Datatype.
A              annotation property         PN             object property name                 cardinality                                        _:x owl:minQualifiedCardinality n.
                                                                                                                                                  _:x owl:onClass C.                        complement                 (D)                      _:x owl:datatypeComplementOf D.
aN             individual name             R              data property                                                                                                                     data range                 DataIntersectionOf       _:x rdf:type rdfs:Datatype.
C              class expression            s              IRI or anonymous individual      Data Property Restrictions                                                                       intersection               (D1…Dn)                  _:x owl:intersectionOf (D1…Dn).
CN             class name                  t              IRI, anonymous individual, or                                                                                                     data range union           DataUnionOf              _:x rdf:type rdfs:Datatype.
                                                          literal                              universal             DataAllValuesFrom            _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.
                                                                                                                     (R D)                        _:x owl:onProperty R.                                                (D1…Dn)                  _:x owl:unionOf (D1…Dn).
D                data range               U               IRI                                                                                                                               literal                    DataOneOf                _:x rdf:type rdfs:Datatype.
DN               datatype name            v               literal                                                                                 _:x owl:allValuesFrom D.
                                                                                               existential           DataSomeValuesFrom           _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.             enumeration                (v1 … vn)                _:x owl:oneOf ( v1 … vn ).
f                facet                                                                                                                                                                      datatype                   DatatypeRestriction      _:x rdf:type rdfs:Datatype.
* All of the above can have subscripts.                                                                              (R D)                        _:x owl:onProperty R.
                                                                                                                                                  _:x owl:someValuesFrom D.                 restriction                (DN f1 v1 … fn vn)       _:x owl:onDatatype DN.
** As a shorthand for "n"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger                                                                                                                                                                                               _:x owl:withRestrictions (_:x1 ... _:xn).
                                                                                               literal value         DataHasValue                 _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                _:xj fj vj. j=1…n
2 OWL 2 constructs and axioms                                                                                        (R v)                        _:x owl:onProperty R.
                                                                                                                                                  _:x owl:hasValue v.
In the following tables, the three columns are:                                                exact cardinality     DataExactCardinality         _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.          2.5 Axioms
Language Feature               Functional Syntax            RDF Syntax (Turtle)                                      (n R)                        _:x owl:onProperty R.
                                                                                                                                                  _:x owl:cardinality n.                 Class Expression Axioms
For an OWL 2 DL ontology, there are additional global restrictions on axioms.                  qualified exact       DataExactCardinality         _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.
                                                                                                                                                                                            subclass                   SubClassOf(C1 C2)            C1 rdfs:subClassOf C2.
2.1 Class Expressions                                                                          cardinality           (n R D)                      _:x owl:onProperty R.
                                                                                                                                                                                            equivalent classes         EquivalentClasses            Cj owl:equivalentClass Cj+1.
                                                                                                                                                  _:x owl:qualifiedCardinality n.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (C1 … Cn)                    j=1…n-1
Predefined and Named Classes                                                                                                                      _:x owl:onDataRange D.
                                                                                                                                                                                            disjoint classes           DisjointClasses(C1 C2)       C1 owl:disjointWith C2.
                                                                                               maximum               DataMaxCardinality           _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.
named class           CN                            CN                                                                                                                                      pairwise disjoint          DisjointClasses              _:x rdf:type owl:AllDisjointClasses.
                                                                                               cardinality           (n R)                        _:x owl:onProperty R.
universal class       owl:Thing                     owl:Thing                                                                                                                               classes                    (C1 … Cn)                    _:x owl:members ( C1 … Cn ).
                                                                                                                                                  _:x owl:maxCardinality n.
empty class           owl:Nothing                   owl:Nothing                                                                                                                             disjoint union             DisjointUnionOf              CN owl:disjointUnionOf ( C1… Cn ).
                                                                                               qualified             DataMaxCardinality           _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (CN C1 … Cn)
Boolean Connectives and Enumeration of Individuals                                             maximum               (n R D)                      _:x owl:onProperty R.
                                                                                               cardinality                                        _:x owl:maxQualifiedCardinality n.     Object Property Axioms
intersection          ObjectIntersectionOf          _:x rdf:type owl:Class.                                                                       _:x owl:onDataRange D.
                      (C1…Cn)                       _:x owl:intersectionOf ( C1…Cn ).          minimum               DataMinCardinality           _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.             subproperty                SubObjectPropertyOf             P1 rdfs:subPropertyOf P2.
union                 ObjectUnionOf                 _:x rdf:type owl:Class.                    cardinality           (n R)                        _:x owl:onProperty R.                                                (P1 P2)
                      (C1 … Cn)                     _:x owl:unionOf ( C1 … Cn ).                                                                  _:x owl:minCardinality n.                 property chain             SubObjectPropertyOf             P owl:propertyChainAxiom
complement            ObjectComplementOf            _:x rdf:type owl:Class.                    qualified             DataMinCardinality           _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.             inclusion                  (ObjectPropertyChain            (P1 … Pn).
                      (C)                           _:x owl:complementOf C.                    minimum               (n R D)                      _:x owl:onProperty R.                                                  (P1 … Pn) P)
enumeration           ObjectOneOf                   _:x rdf:type owl:Class.                    cardinality                                        _:x owl:minQualifiedCardinality n.        property domain            ObjectPropertyDomain            P rdfs:domain C.
                      (a1 … an)                     _:x owl:oneOf ( a1 … an ).                                                                    _:x owl:onDataRange D.                                               (P C)
                                                                                                                                                                                            property range             ObjectPropertyRange             P rdfs:range C.
Object Property Restrictions                                                               Restrictions Using n-ary Data Range
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (P C)
universal         ObjectAllValuesFrom              _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.           In the following table 'Dn' is an n-ary data range.                                              equivalent                 EquivalentObjectProperties      Pj owl:equivalentProperty Pj+1.
                  (P C)                            _:x owl:onProperty P.                        n-ary universal     DataAllValuesFrom            _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.              properties                 (P1 … Pn)                       j=1…n-1
                                                   _:x owl:allValuesFrom C                                          (R1 … Rn Dn)                 _:x owl:onProperties ( R1 … Rn ).          disjoint properties        DisjointObjectProperties        P1 owl:propertyDisjointWith P2.
existential       ObjectSomeValuesFrom             _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.                                                                 _:x owl:allValuesFrom Dn.                                             (P1 P2)
                  (P C)                            _:x owl:onProperty P.                       n-ary               DataSomeValuesFrom            _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction.              pairwise disjoint          DisjointObjectProperties        _:x rdf:type
                                                   _:x owl:someValuesFrom C                    existential         (R1 … Rn Dn)                  _:x owl:onProperties ( R1 … Rn).           properties                 (P1 … Pn)                       owl:AllDisjointProperties.
                                                                                                                                                 _:x owl:someValuesFrom Dn.                                                                            _:x owl:members ( P1 … Pn ).
inverse             InverseObjectProperties                P1 owl:inverseOf P2.                data property         Declaration( DataProperty( R ) )         R rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty.      3 Built-in Datatypes and Facets
properties          (P1 P2)                                                                    annotation            Declaration                              A rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty.
functional          FunctionalObjectProperty               P rdf:type                          property              ( AnnotationProperty( A ) )
property            (P)                                    owl:FunctionalProperty.             named                 Declaration                              aN rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual.      3.1 Built-in Datatypes
inverse             InverseFunctionalObjectProperty        P rdf:type                          individual            ( NamedIndividual( aN ) )
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Universal             rdfs:Literal
functional          (P)                                    owl:InverseFunctionalProperty.
property                                                                                    2.7 Annotations                                                                                            Numbers               owl:rational                        owl:real
reflexive           ReflexiveObjectProperty                P rdf:type                       Annotations                                                                                                                      xsd:double       xsd:float          xsd:decimal     xsd:integer
property            (P)                                    owl:ReflexiveProperty.
                                                                                               annotation assertion                AnnotationAssertion         s A t.                                                        xsd:long         xsd:int            xsd:short       xsd:byte
irreflexive         IrreflexiveObjectProperty              P rdf:type
                                                                                                                                   (A s t)                                                                                   xsd:nonNegativeInteger              xsd:nonPositiveInteger
property            (P)                                    owl:IrreflexiveProperty.
                                                                                               annotation of an axiom              AXIOM(Annotation            _:xi A t.                                                     xsd:positiveInteger                 xsd:negativeInteger
symmetric           SymmetricObjectProperty                P rdf:type
                                                                                               (where the axiom in RDF             (A t) …)                    si U ti.                                                      xsd:unsignedLong                    xsd:unsignedInt
property            (P)                                    owl:SymmetricProperty.
                                                                                               is one or more triples of                                       …                                                             xsd:unsignedShort                   xsd:unsignedByte
asymmetric          AsymmetricObjectProperty               P rdf:type
                                                                                               the form si U ti, i.e., with                                    _:xi rdf:type owl:Axiom.                Strings               rdf:PlainLiteral (RDF plain literals)
property            (P)                                    owl:AsymmetricProperty.
                                                                                               the same predicate U.)                                          _:xi owl:annotatedSource si.                                  xsd:string       xsd:NCName         xsd:Name        xsd:NMTOKEN
transitive          TransitiveObjectProperty               P rdf:type
                                                                                                                                                               _:xi owl:annotatedProperty U.                                 xsd:token        xsd:language       xsd:normalizedString
property            (P)                                    owl:TransitiveProperty.
                                                                                                                                                               _:xi owl:annotatedTarget ti.            Boolean Values        xsd:boolean (value space: true and false)
Data Property Axioms                                                                           annotation of an axiom              AXIOM(Annotation            _:x A t.                                Binary Data           xsd:base64Binary                    xsd:hexBinary
                                                                                               where the axiom in RDF              (A t) … )                   _:x U t1.                               IRIs                  xsd:anyURI
subproperty               SubDataPropertyOf(R1 R2)       R1 rdfs:subPropertyOf R2.                                                                                                                     Time Instants         xsd:dateTime (optional time zone offset)
property domain           DataPropertyDomain(R C)        R rdfs:domain C.                      is _:x U t1                                                      …
                                                                                               annotation of another               Annotation(Annotation       _:x A t.                                                      xsd:dateTimeStamp (required time zone offset)
property range            DataPropertyRange(R D)         R rdfs:range D.                                                                                                                               XML Literals          rdf:XMLLiteral
equivalent                EquivalentDataProperties       Rj owl:equivalentProperty Rj+1.       annotation                          (A t) … A1 t1)              s1 A1 t1.
properties                (R1 … Rn)                      j=1…n-1                               (the other annotation in                                        …
disjoint properties       DisjointDataProperties         R1 owl:propertyDisjointWith R2.       RDF starts with s1)                                             _:x rdf:type owl:Annotation.         3.2 Facets
                          (R1 R2)                                                                                                                              _:x owl:annotatedSource s1.
                                                                                                                                                               _:x owl:annotatedProperty A1.           Facet                 Value                Applicable         Explanation
pairwise disjoint         DisjointDataProperties         _:x rdf:type                                                                                                                                                                             Datatypes
properties                (R1 … Rn)                      owl:AllDisjointProperties.                                                                            _:x owl:annotatedTarget t1.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       xsd:minInclusive      literal in the       Numbers,           Restricts the value-
                                                         _:x owl:members ( R1 … Rn ).
                                                                                            Annotation Properties                                                                                      xsd:maxInclusive      corresponding        Time Instants      space to greater than
functional                FunctionalDataProperty(R)      R rdf:type
                                                                                                                                                                                                       xsd:minExclusive      datatype                                (equal to) or lesser than
property                                                 owl:FunctionalProperty.               named annotation                A                                    A                                  xsd:maxExclusive                                              (equal to) a value
                                                                                               property                                                                                                xsd:minLength         Non-negative         Strings,           Restricts the value-
Datatype Definitions                                                                           human-readable                  rdfs:label                           rdfs:label                         xsd:maxLength         integer              Binary Data,       space based on the
datatype definition       DatatypeDefinition(DN D)        DN owl:equivalentClass D.            name                                                                                                    xsd:length                                 IRIs               lengths of the literals
                                                                                               human-readable                  rdfs:comment                         rdfs:comment                       xsd:pattern           xsd:string literal   Strings,           Restricts the value
Assertions                                                                                     comment                                                                                                                       as a regular         IRIs               space to literals that>
                                                                                               additional information          rdfs:seeAlso                         rdfs:seeAlso                                             expression                              match the regular
individual equality    SameIndividual(a1 … an)      aj owl:sameAs aj+1. j=1…n-1
                                                                                               defining agent                  rdfs:isDefinedBy                     rdfs:isDefinedBy                                                                                 expression
individual             DifferentIndividuals(a1 a2)  a1 owl:differentFrom a2.
                                                                                               version information             owl:versionInfo                      owl:versionInfo                    rdf:langRange         xsd:string literal   rdf:PlainLiteral   Restricts the value
                                                                                               deprecation                     owl:deprecated                       owl:deprecated                                           as a regular                            space to literals with
pairwise individual    DifferentIndividuals         _:x rdf:type owl:AllDifferent.
                                                                                               backwards                       owl:backwardCompatibleWith           owl:backwardCompatibleWith                               expression                              language tags that
inequality             (a1 … an)                    _:x owl:members (a1 … an).
                                                                                               compatibility                                                                                                                                                         match the regular
class assertion        ClassAssertion(C a)          a rdf:type C.
                                                                                               incompatibility                 owl:incompatibleWith                 owl:incompatibleWith                                                                             expression
positive object        ObjectPropertyAssertion      a1 PN a2.
                                                                                               prior version                   owl:priorVersion                     owl:priorVersion
property assertion     (PN a1 a2 )
positive data          DataPropertyAssertion        a R v.                                                                                                                                          A HTML version of the guide is at
                                                                                            Annotation Axioms
property assertion     (R a v )
negative object     NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion _:x rdf:type                               annotation                 SubAnnotationPropertyOf(A1 A2)                A1 rdfs:subPropertyOf A2.   Copyright © 2008-2009 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
property            (P a1 a2 )                      owl:NegativePropertyAssertion.             subproperties                                                                                        W3C Document License:
assertion                                           _:x owl:sourceIndividual a1.               annotation property        AnnotationPropertyDomain(A U)                 A rdfs:domain U.            W3C liability, trademark and document use rules apply.
                                                    _:x owl:assertionProperty P.               domain
                                                    _:x owl:targetIndividual a2.               annotation property        AnnotationPropertyRange(A U)                  A rdfs:range U.             Editors:
negative data       NegativeDataPropertyAssertion _:x rdf:type                                 range                                                                                                       Jie Bao, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
property            (R a v )                        owl:NegativePropertyAssertion.                                                                                                                         Elisa F. Kendall, Sandpiper Software, Inc.
assertion                                           _:x owl:sourceIndividual a.             2.8 Ontologies                                                                                                 Deborah L. McGuinness, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
                                                    _:x owl:assertionProperty R.                                                                                                                           Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Bell Labs Research, Alcatel-Lucent
                                                    _:x owl:targetValue v.                     OWL ontology                   Ontology([ON [U]]            ON rdf:type owl:Ontology.                Contributors:
                                                                                               (importing)1 2                   Import(ON1)...             [ON owl:versionIRI U.]                          Li Ding, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Keys                                                                                                                            Annotation(A t)            ON owl:imports ON1.                             Ankesh Khandelwal, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
                                                                                                                                ...                        ...
Key        HasKey(C (P1 … Pm) (R1 … Rn) )             C owl:hasKey (P1 … Pm R1 … Rn).                                         )                            ON A t. ...                              Reference card formatting by Jie Bao
                                                      m+n>0                                    prefix declaration3            Prefix(p=U)                  @prefix p U.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Version 0.13, Oct 18 2009
2.6 Declarations                                                                            1. [ ] represents optional constructs                                                                   Based on the 22 September 2009 Proposed Recommendation
                                                                                            2. In the RDF syntax _:x is used in place of ON if there is no ontology name ON.
class           Declaration( Class( CN ) )                CN rdf:type owl:Class.            3. RDF syntax is in Turtle, other RDF serializations may vary.
datatype        Declaration( Datatype( DN ) )             DN rdf:type rdfs:Datatype.
object          Declaration( ObjectProperty( PN ) )       PN rdf:type
property                                                  owl:ObjectProperty.

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Owl 2 quick reference card a4 size

  • 1. OWL 2 Web Ontology Language individual value ObjectHasValue (P a) _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. _:x owl:onProperty P. 2.2 Properties Quick Reference Guide _:x owl:hasValue a. Object Property Expressions local reflexivity ObjectHasSelf _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. named object property PN PN (P) _:x owl:onProperty P. universal object property owl:topObjectProperty owl:topObjectProperty _:x owl:hasSelf "true"^^xsd:boolean. empty object property owl:bottomObjectProperty owl:bottomObjectProperty 1 Names, Prefixes, and Notation exact cardinality ObjectExactCardinality _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. inverse property ObjectInverseOf(PN) _:x owl:inverseOf PN (n P) _:x owl:onProperty P. Names in OWL 2 are IRIs, often written in a shorthand prefix:localname, where prefix: is _:x owl:cardinality n. Data Property Expressions a prefix name that expands to an IRI, and localname is the remainder of the name. qualified exact ObjectExactCardinality _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. The prefix names in OWL 2 are: cardinality (n P C) _:x owl:onProperty P. named data property R R _:x owl:qualifiedCardinality n. universal data property owl:topDataProperty owl:topDataProperty Prefix Name Expansion _:x owl:onClass C. empty data property owl:bottomDataProperty owl:bottomDataProperty rdf: maximum ObjectMaxCardinality _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. rdfs: cardinality (n P) _:x owl:onProperty P. 2.3 Individuals & Literals owl: _:x owl:maxCardinality n. xsd: qualified ObjectMaxCardinality _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. named individual aN aN maximum (n P C) _:x owl:onProperty P. anonymous individual _:a _:a cardinality _:x owl:maxQualifiedCardinality n. literal (datatype value) "abc"^^DN "abc"^^DN We use notation conventions in the following tables*: Letters Meaning Letters Meaning _:x owl:onClass C. (a1 … an) RDF list n non-negative integer** minimum ObjectMinCardinality _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. 2.4 Data Ranges _:a anonymous individual ON ontology name cardinality (n P) _:x owl:onProperty P. (a blank node label) _:x owl:minCardinality n. Data Range Expressions _:x blank node P object property expression qualified ObjectMinCardinality _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. minimum (n P C) _:x owl:onProperty P. named datatype DN DN a individual p prefix name data range DataComplementOf _:x rdf:type rdfs:Datatype. A annotation property PN object property name cardinality _:x owl:minQualifiedCardinality n. _:x owl:onClass C. complement (D) _:x owl:datatypeComplementOf D. aN individual name R data property data range DataIntersectionOf _:x rdf:type rdfs:Datatype. C class expression s IRI or anonymous individual Data Property Restrictions intersection (D1…Dn) _:x owl:intersectionOf (D1…Dn). CN class name t IRI, anonymous individual, or data range union DataUnionOf _:x rdf:type rdfs:Datatype. literal universal DataAllValuesFrom _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. (R D) _:x owl:onProperty R. (D1…Dn) _:x owl:unionOf (D1…Dn). D data range U IRI literal DataOneOf _:x rdf:type rdfs:Datatype. DN datatype name v literal _:x owl:allValuesFrom D. existential DataSomeValuesFrom _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. enumeration (v1 … vn) _:x owl:oneOf ( v1 … vn ). f facet datatype DatatypeRestriction _:x rdf:type rdfs:Datatype. * All of the above can have subscripts. (R D) _:x owl:onProperty R. _:x owl:someValuesFrom D. restriction (DN f1 v1 … fn vn) _:x owl:onDatatype DN. ** As a shorthand for "n"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger _:x owl:withRestrictions (_:x1 ... _:xn). literal value DataHasValue _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. _:xj fj vj. j=1…n 2 OWL 2 constructs and axioms (R v) _:x owl:onProperty R. _:x owl:hasValue v. In the following tables, the three columns are: exact cardinality DataExactCardinality _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. 2.5 Axioms Language Feature Functional Syntax RDF Syntax (Turtle) (n R) _:x owl:onProperty R. _:x owl:cardinality n. Class Expression Axioms For an OWL 2 DL ontology, there are additional global restrictions on axioms. qualified exact DataExactCardinality _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. subclass SubClassOf(C1 C2) C1 rdfs:subClassOf C2. 2.1 Class Expressions cardinality (n R D) _:x owl:onProperty R. equivalent classes EquivalentClasses Cj owl:equivalentClass Cj+1. _:x owl:qualifiedCardinality n. (C1 … Cn) j=1…n-1 Predefined and Named Classes _:x owl:onDataRange D. disjoint classes DisjointClasses(C1 C2) C1 owl:disjointWith C2. maximum DataMaxCardinality _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. named class CN CN pairwise disjoint DisjointClasses _:x rdf:type owl:AllDisjointClasses. cardinality (n R) _:x owl:onProperty R. universal class owl:Thing owl:Thing classes (C1 … Cn) _:x owl:members ( C1 … Cn ). _:x owl:maxCardinality n. empty class owl:Nothing owl:Nothing disjoint union DisjointUnionOf CN owl:disjointUnionOf ( C1… Cn ). qualified DataMaxCardinality _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. (CN C1 … Cn) Boolean Connectives and Enumeration of Individuals maximum (n R D) _:x owl:onProperty R. cardinality _:x owl:maxQualifiedCardinality n. Object Property Axioms intersection ObjectIntersectionOf _:x rdf:type owl:Class. _:x owl:onDataRange D. (C1…Cn) _:x owl:intersectionOf ( C1…Cn ). minimum DataMinCardinality _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. subproperty SubObjectPropertyOf P1 rdfs:subPropertyOf P2. union ObjectUnionOf _:x rdf:type owl:Class. cardinality (n R) _:x owl:onProperty R. (P1 P2) (C1 … Cn) _:x owl:unionOf ( C1 … Cn ). _:x owl:minCardinality n. property chain SubObjectPropertyOf P owl:propertyChainAxiom complement ObjectComplementOf _:x rdf:type owl:Class. qualified DataMinCardinality _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. inclusion (ObjectPropertyChain (P1 … Pn). (C) _:x owl:complementOf C. minimum (n R D) _:x owl:onProperty R. (P1 … Pn) P) enumeration ObjectOneOf _:x rdf:type owl:Class. cardinality _:x owl:minQualifiedCardinality n. property domain ObjectPropertyDomain P rdfs:domain C. (a1 … an) _:x owl:oneOf ( a1 … an ). _:x owl:onDataRange D. (P C) property range ObjectPropertyRange P rdfs:range C. Object Property Restrictions Restrictions Using n-ary Data Range (P C) universal ObjectAllValuesFrom _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. In the following table 'Dn' is an n-ary data range. equivalent EquivalentObjectProperties Pj owl:equivalentProperty Pj+1. (P C) _:x owl:onProperty P. n-ary universal DataAllValuesFrom _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. properties (P1 … Pn) j=1…n-1 _:x owl:allValuesFrom C (R1 … Rn Dn) _:x owl:onProperties ( R1 … Rn ). disjoint properties DisjointObjectProperties P1 owl:propertyDisjointWith P2. existential ObjectSomeValuesFrom _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. _:x owl:allValuesFrom Dn. (P1 P2) (P C) _:x owl:onProperty P. n-ary DataSomeValuesFrom _:x rdf:type owl:Restriction. pairwise disjoint DisjointObjectProperties _:x rdf:type _:x owl:someValuesFrom C existential (R1 … Rn Dn) _:x owl:onProperties ( R1 … Rn). properties (P1 … Pn) owl:AllDisjointProperties. _:x owl:someValuesFrom Dn. _:x owl:members ( P1 … Pn ).
  • 2. inverse InverseObjectProperties P1 owl:inverseOf P2. data property Declaration( DataProperty( R ) ) R rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty. 3 Built-in Datatypes and Facets properties (P1 P2) annotation Declaration A rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty. functional FunctionalObjectProperty P rdf:type property ( AnnotationProperty( A ) ) property (P) owl:FunctionalProperty. named Declaration aN rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual. 3.1 Built-in Datatypes inverse InverseFunctionalObjectProperty P rdf:type individual ( NamedIndividual( aN ) ) Universal rdfs:Literal functional (P) owl:InverseFunctionalProperty. Datatype property 2.7 Annotations Numbers owl:rational owl:real reflexive ReflexiveObjectProperty P rdf:type Annotations xsd:double xsd:float xsd:decimal xsd:integer property (P) owl:ReflexiveProperty. annotation assertion AnnotationAssertion s A t. xsd:long xsd:int xsd:short xsd:byte irreflexive IrreflexiveObjectProperty P rdf:type (A s t) xsd:nonNegativeInteger xsd:nonPositiveInteger property (P) owl:IrreflexiveProperty. annotation of an axiom AXIOM(Annotation _:xi A t. xsd:positiveInteger xsd:negativeInteger symmetric SymmetricObjectProperty P rdf:type (where the axiom in RDF (A t) …) si U ti. xsd:unsignedLong xsd:unsignedInt property (P) owl:SymmetricProperty. is one or more triples of … xsd:unsignedShort xsd:unsignedByte asymmetric AsymmetricObjectProperty P rdf:type the form si U ti, i.e., with _:xi rdf:type owl:Axiom. Strings rdf:PlainLiteral (RDF plain literals) property (P) owl:AsymmetricProperty. the same predicate U.) _:xi owl:annotatedSource si. xsd:string xsd:NCName xsd:Name xsd:NMTOKEN transitive TransitiveObjectProperty P rdf:type _:xi owl:annotatedProperty U. xsd:token xsd:language xsd:normalizedString property (P) owl:TransitiveProperty. _:xi owl:annotatedTarget ti. Boolean Values xsd:boolean (value space: true and false) Data Property Axioms annotation of an axiom AXIOM(Annotation _:x A t. Binary Data xsd:base64Binary xsd:hexBinary where the axiom in RDF (A t) … ) _:x U t1. IRIs xsd:anyURI subproperty SubDataPropertyOf(R1 R2) R1 rdfs:subPropertyOf R2. Time Instants xsd:dateTime (optional time zone offset) property domain DataPropertyDomain(R C) R rdfs:domain C. is _:x U t1 … annotation of another Annotation(Annotation _:x A t. xsd:dateTimeStamp (required time zone offset) property range DataPropertyRange(R D) R rdfs:range D. XML Literals rdf:XMLLiteral equivalent EquivalentDataProperties Rj owl:equivalentProperty Rj+1. annotation (A t) … A1 t1) s1 A1 t1. properties (R1 … Rn) j=1…n-1 (the other annotation in … disjoint properties DisjointDataProperties R1 owl:propertyDisjointWith R2. RDF starts with s1) _:x rdf:type owl:Annotation. 3.2 Facets (R1 R2) _:x owl:annotatedSource s1. _:x owl:annotatedProperty A1. Facet Value Applicable Explanation pairwise disjoint DisjointDataProperties _:x rdf:type Datatypes properties (R1 … Rn) owl:AllDisjointProperties. _:x owl:annotatedTarget t1. xsd:minInclusive literal in the Numbers, Restricts the value- _:x owl:members ( R1 … Rn ). Annotation Properties xsd:maxInclusive corresponding Time Instants space to greater than functional FunctionalDataProperty(R) R rdf:type xsd:minExclusive datatype (equal to) or lesser than property owl:FunctionalProperty. named annotation A A xsd:maxExclusive (equal to) a value property xsd:minLength Non-negative Strings, Restricts the value- Datatype Definitions human-readable rdfs:label rdfs:label xsd:maxLength integer Binary Data, space based on the datatype definition DatatypeDefinition(DN D) DN owl:equivalentClass D. name xsd:length IRIs lengths of the literals human-readable rdfs:comment rdfs:comment xsd:pattern xsd:string literal Strings, Restricts the value Assertions comment as a regular IRIs space to literals that> additional information rdfs:seeAlso rdfs:seeAlso expression match the regular individual equality SameIndividual(a1 … an) aj owl:sameAs aj+1. j=1…n-1 defining agent rdfs:isDefinedBy rdfs:isDefinedBy expression individual DifferentIndividuals(a1 a2) a1 owl:differentFrom a2. version information owl:versionInfo owl:versionInfo rdf:langRange xsd:string literal rdf:PlainLiteral Restricts the value inequality deprecation owl:deprecated owl:deprecated as a regular space to literals with pairwise individual DifferentIndividuals _:x rdf:type owl:AllDifferent. backwards owl:backwardCompatibleWith owl:backwardCompatibleWith expression language tags that inequality (a1 … an) _:x owl:members (a1 … an). compatibility match the regular class assertion ClassAssertion(C a) a rdf:type C. incompatibility owl:incompatibleWith owl:incompatibleWith expression positive object ObjectPropertyAssertion a1 PN a2. prior version owl:priorVersion owl:priorVersion property assertion (PN a1 a2 ) positive data DataPropertyAssertion a R v. A HTML version of the guide is at Annotation Axioms property assertion (R a v ) negative object NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion _:x rdf:type annotation SubAnnotationPropertyOf(A1 A2) A1 rdfs:subPropertyOf A2. Copyright © 2008-2009 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. property (P a1 a2 ) owl:NegativePropertyAssertion. subproperties W3C Document License: assertion _:x owl:sourceIndividual a1. annotation property AnnotationPropertyDomain(A U) A rdfs:domain U. W3C liability, trademark and document use rules apply. _:x owl:assertionProperty P. domain _:x owl:targetIndividual a2. annotation property AnnotationPropertyRange(A U) A rdfs:range U. Editors: negative data NegativeDataPropertyAssertion _:x rdf:type range Jie Bao, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute property (R a v ) owl:NegativePropertyAssertion. Elisa F. Kendall, Sandpiper Software, Inc. assertion _:x owl:sourceIndividual a. 2.8 Ontologies Deborah L. McGuinness, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute _:x owl:assertionProperty R. Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Bell Labs Research, Alcatel-Lucent _:x owl:targetValue v. OWL ontology Ontology([ON [U]] ON rdf:type owl:Ontology. Contributors: (importing)1 2 Import(ON1)... [ON owl:versionIRI U.] Li Ding, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Keys Annotation(A t) ON owl:imports ON1. Ankesh Khandelwal, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ... ... Key HasKey(C (P1 … Pm) (R1 … Rn) ) C owl:hasKey (P1 … Pm R1 … Rn). ) ON A t. ... Reference card formatting by Jie Bao m+n>0 prefix declaration3 Prefix(p=U) @prefix p U. Version 0.13, Oct 18 2009 2.6 Declarations 1. [ ] represents optional constructs Based on the 22 September 2009 Proposed Recommendation 2. In the RDF syntax _:x is used in place of ON if there is no ontology name ON. class Declaration( Class( CN ) ) CN rdf:type owl:Class. 3. RDF syntax is in Turtle, other RDF serializations may vary. datatype Declaration( Datatype( DN ) ) DN rdf:type rdfs:Datatype. object Declaration( ObjectProperty( PN ) ) PN rdf:type property owl:ObjectProperty.