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Spicing up VMware with
Ansible and InSpec
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Martin Schurz
Sebastian Gumprich
T-Systems MMS
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Ops: the old days (tm)
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Ops: the old days (tm)
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Ops: the old days (tm)
handcrafted and sometimes arcane con guration
parameters for Oracle
the "one" server someone installed
virtualization is just lift and shift
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Ops: slowly improving
reliance on enterprise tools
vSphere / vRealize / vCloud
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Ops: slowly improving
reliance on enterprise tools
vSphere / vRealize / vCloud
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
We have a lot of pets,
but we need more cattle
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
manual work is a bug!
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Why Ansible?
because we don't like Puppet
Ansible is simple, agent-less
easy to learn
straight-forward in task execution
Not written in Ruby (looking @ you, Puppet)
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Ansible - quick rundown
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Ansible modules - many of them
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
... except Oracle
pet, not cattle.
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Jenkins incoming
already reliable application deployments
now reliable con guration of servers, too
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Automation is fun!
... or so they say ...
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Automation is fun!
... or so they say ...
due to "unfortunate circumstances" we lost half
our servers
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Automation is fun!
... or so they say ...
... and we did recover easily
due to "unfortunate circumstances" we lost half
our servers
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Automation is fun!
... or so they say ...
... and we did recover easily
due to "unfortunate circumstances" we lost half
our servers
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Managing ESX Hosts
Prebuild modules for all basic tasks:
VM tasks
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Managing ESX Hosts (example)
I want to con gure all VLANs for my ESX Cluster
All Hosts should have correct VLAN con guration
All Hosts should be con gured from one source
Adding Hosts and VLANs should be easy
(like a distributed vSwitch)
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Managing ESX Hosts (example)
create a host group (e.g. esx-servers )
Add group_vars:
tag: 4006
vswitch: vSwitch0
tag: 4007
vswitch: vSwitch0
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Managing ESX Hosts (example)
Add a playbook task:
- hosts: esx-servers
- name: "Add VLANs"
module: vmware_portgroup
hostname: '{{ ansible_hostname }}'
username: root
password: '{{ esxi_pass }}'
switch_name: "{{ item.value.vswitch }}"
portgroup_name: "{{ item.key }}"
vlan_id: "{{ item.value.tag }}"
validate_certs: false
with_dict: "{{ vlans }}"
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Managing ESX Hosts (example)
rst Ansible run
TASK [Add VLANs] *****************************************
ok: [esx_server] => (item={'value': 
{u'vswitch': u'vSwitch0', u'tag': 4006}, 
'key': u'customer1-vlan'})
changed: [esx_server] => (item={'value': 
{u'vswitch': u'vSwitch0', u'tag': 4007}, 
'key': u'customer2-vlan'})
PLAY RECAP ***********************************************
esx_server : ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Managing ESX Hosts (example)
second Ansible run
TASK [Add VLANs] *****************************************
ok: [esx_server] => (item={'value': 
{u'vswitch': u'vSwitch0', u'tag': 4006}, 
'key': u'customer1-vlan'})
ok: [esx_server] => (item={'value': 
{u'vswitch': u'vSwitch0', u'tag': 4007}, 
'key': u'customer2-vlan'})
PLAY RECAP ***********************************************
esx_server : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Managing ESX Hosts (example)
I want to con gure all VLANs for my ESX Cluster
All Hosts should have correct VLAN con g
All Hosts should be con gured from one source
Adding Hosts and VLANs should be easy
(like a distributed vSwitch)
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Creating VMs - Host variables
vm_cpu: 8
vm_ram: 8
vm_storage: srv_live_vmdata1
vm_host: srv-live-vh07
vm_disksize: 80
- vm_net: srv-lgen-app
device: eth0
bootproto: static
onboot: "yes"
dns1: "{{ srv_dns1 }}"
dns2: "{{ srv_dns2 }}"
domain: "{{ srv_domain }}"
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Creating VMs - the Ansible task
- name: Create new VM
hostname: "{{ vcenter_host }}"
username: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
password: "{{ vcenter_pass }}"
datacenter: "{{ vcenter_dc }}"
name: "{{ item }}"
template: "{{ vm_template }}"
state: poweredon
wait_for_ip_address: yes
memory_mb: "{{hostvars[item]['vm_ram']}}"
num_cpus: "{{hostvars[item]['vm_cpu']}}"
- size_gb: "{{hostvars[item]['vm_disksize']}}"
datastore: "{{hostvars[item]['vm_storage']}}"
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Adding Security to the mix
Telekom security guideline requires all servers to
be hardened
also VMware security guideline:
guides.html (beware Excel!)
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Hardening an ESX host (example)
VMware Requirement:
Guideline ID: ESXi.disable-mob:
The managed object browser (MOB) provides a
way to explore the object model used by the
VMkernel to manage the host; it enables
con gurations to be changed as well. This
interface is meant to be used primarily for
debugging the vSphere SDK. In Sphere 6.0 this
is disabled by default
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Hardening an ESX host (example)
Ansible implementation:
# Guideline ID: ESXi.disable-mob
- name: get | disable MOB
shell: "vim-cmd hostsvc/advopt/view 
| grep value | cut -d ' ' -f 9"
register: mob_status
changed_when: mob_status.rc > 0
- name: set | disable MOB
shell: "vim-cmd hostsvc/advopt/update 
bool {{ mob }}"
when: mob not in mob_status.stdout
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Hardening VMs - nding them all!
- name: Find all .vmx files on local store
shell: |
find /vmfs/volumes/datastore/ -name *.vmx
register: found_vms
changed_when: False
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Hardening VMs - changing them
- name: Set VM parameters
path: "{{ item[1] }}"
regexp: "{{ item[0].key }}"
backrefs: yes
line: "{{ item[0].key }} = "{{ item[0].value }}""
- "{{ parameters_add }}"
- "{{ found_vms }}"
- { key:, value: TRUE }
- { key:, value: TRUE }
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Managing VMs - deleting them
- name: delete VM
vcenter_hostname: "{{ vcenter_host }}"
username: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
password: "{{ vcenter_pass }}"
validate_certs: false
guest: "{{ item }}"
force: true
state: absent # deletion!
with_items: "{{ vm_name }}"
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Managing VMs - making snapshots
- name: Create snapshot of {{vm_name}}
folder: "/vm/"
name: "{{ vm_name }}"
state: present
snapshot_name: "snap_{{ '%Y-%m-%d-%M' | strftime }}"
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Not everything out of the box
moving VMs not implemented in Ansible :(
but Ansible is extensible with Python code
so just write your own module
VMware vSphere API Bindings for Python
VMware API Docs
Python + API =
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Not everything out of the box
we started with Ansible code:
- name: Move VM to target host and DS
delegate_to: localhost
vc_host: "{{ vcenter_host }}"
vc_pass: "{{ vcenter_pass }}"
vc_user: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
vm_name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
ds_name: "{{ vm_storage }}"
esx_host: "{{ vm_host }}"
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Not everything out of the box
then think about implementation
what needs to be done:
Locate the VM we want to move
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Not everything out of the box
then think about implementation
what needs to be done:
Locate the VM we want to move
Locate the target ESX host / storage
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Not everything out of the box
then think about implementation
what needs to be done:
Locate the VM we want to move
Locate the target ESX host / storage
check what needs to be changed
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Not everything out of the box
then think about implementation
what needs to be done:
Locate the VM we want to move
Locate the target ESX host / storage
check what needs to be changed
move the VM
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Not everything out of the box
some boilerplate is needed:
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
vc_host = dict(required=True, type='str'),
esx_host = dict(required=False, type='str'),
result = dict(
changed=False, original_message='', message=''
# do something
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Not everything out of the box
vm = get_obj(content, [vim.VirtualMachine], vm_name)
vm_datastore = get_obj(content, [vim.Datastore], ds_name)
dest_host = get_obj(content, [vim.HostSystem], esx_host)
vm_relocate_spec = vim.vm.RelocateSpec()
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Not everything out of the box
vm = get_obj(content, [vim.VirtualMachine], vm_name)
vm_datastore = get_obj(content, [vim.Datastore], ds_name)
dest_host = get_obj(content, [vim.HostSystem], esx_host)
vm_relocate_spec = vim.vm.RelocateSpec()
if vm.datastore[0] != vm_datastore:
result['changed'] = True
vm_relocate_spec.datastore = vm_datastore
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Not everything out of the box
vm = get_obj(content, [vim.VirtualMachine], vm_name)
vm_datastore = get_obj(content, [vim.Datastore], ds_name)
dest_host = get_obj(content, [vim.HostSystem], esx_host)
vm_relocate_spec = vim.vm.RelocateSpec()
if vm.datastore[0] != vm_datastore:
result['changed'] = True
vm_relocate_spec.datastore = vm_datastore
if != dest_host:
result['changed'] = True = dest_host
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Not everything out of the box
vm = get_obj(content, [vim.VirtualMachine], vm_name)
vm_datastore = get_obj(content, [vim.Datastore], ds_name)
dest_host = get_obj(content, [vim.HostSystem], esx_host)
vm_relocate_spec = vim.vm.RelocateSpec()
if vm.datastore[0] != vm_datastore:
result['changed'] = True
vm_relocate_spec.datastore = vm_datastore
if != dest_host:
result['changed'] = True = dest_host
if result['changed']:
task = vm.Relocate(spec=vm_relocate_spec)
wait_for_task(module, task, si)
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Not everything out of the box
VMWare has a tool called govc
pretty easy to use from the command line
this can also be included in Ansible scripts
but do I really need to write all this python code?
I'm not a programmer!
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Testing with inSpec
written by Chef guys
originally a fork of serverspec
diverged since then and has gotten many new
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Testing with inSpec - the test
control 'VM.disable-console-drag-n-drop' do
title 'Explicitly disable copy/paste operations'
vsphere.datacenters.each { |dc|
dc.vms.each { |vm|
describe vm_advancedsetting) do
{ should eq true }
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Testing with inSpec - results
VM.disable-console-drag-n-drop should eq true
Profile Summary: 136 successful controls, 0 failures
Test Summary: 136 successful, 0 failures, 0 skipped
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Bonus - ansible-cmdb
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
The End
Now grab some food!
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
Ansible logo from
VMWare logo from fujitsu
InSpec logo from sdtimes
Fry from ickr user liliana_von_k
success kid from instagram user laneymg
automate from ickr user Amber Case
Ansible works image from
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH

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OSDC 2018 | Spicing up VMWare with Ansible and InSpec by Martin Schurz and Sebastian Gumprich

  • 1. Spicing up VMware with Ansible and InSpec T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 2. Martin Schurz Sebastian Gumprich T-Systems MMS T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 3. Ops: the old days (tm) T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 4. Ops: the old days (tm) T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 5. Ops: the old days (tm) handcrafted and sometimes arcane con guration clusters parameters for Oracle the "one" server someone installed virtualization is just lift and shift T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 6. Ops: slowly improving reliance on enterprise tools vSphere / vRealize / vCloud T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 7. Ops: slowly improving reliance on enterprise tools vSphere / vRealize / vCloud T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 9. We have a lot of pets, but we need more cattle T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 10. Mantra: manual work is a bug! T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 12. Why Ansible? because we don't like Puppet Ansible is simple, agent-less easy to learn straight-forward in task execution Not written in Ruby (looking @ you, Puppet) T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 13. Ansible - quick rundown T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 14. Ansible modules - many of them T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 15. ... except Oracle pet, not cattle. T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 16. Jenkins incoming already reliable application deployments now reliable con guration of servers, too T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 17. Automation is fun! ... or so they say ... T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 18. Automation is fun! ... or so they say ... due to "unfortunate circumstances" we lost half our servers “ “ T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 19. Automation is fun! ... or so they say ... ... and we did recover easily due to "unfortunate circumstances" we lost half our servers “ “ T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 20. Automation is fun! ... or so they say ... ... and we did recover easily due to "unfortunate circumstances" we lost half our servers “ “ T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 21. Managing ESX Hosts Prebuild modules for all basic tasks: Network Storage Cluster vCenter VM tasks T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 22. Managing ESX Hosts (example) I want to con gure all VLANs for my ESX Cluster All Hosts should have correct VLAN con guration All Hosts should be con gured from one source Adding Hosts and VLANs should be easy (like a distributed vSwitch) T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 23. Managing ESX Hosts (example) create a host group (e.g. esx-servers ) Add group_vars: vlans: customer1-vlan: tag: 4006 vswitch: vSwitch0 customer2-vlan: tag: 4007 vswitch: vSwitch0 ... T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 24. Managing ESX Hosts (example) Add a playbook task: - hosts: esx-servers tasks: - name: "Add VLANs" local_action: module: vmware_portgroup hostname: '{{ ansible_hostname }}' username: root password: '{{ esxi_pass }}' switch_name: "{{ item.value.vswitch }}" portgroup_name: "{{ item.key }}" vlan_id: "{{ item.value.tag }}" validate_certs: false with_dict: "{{ vlans }}" T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 25. Managing ESX Hosts (example) rst Ansible run TASK [Add VLANs] ***************************************** ok: [esx_server] => (item={'value': {u'vswitch': u'vSwitch0', u'tag': 4006}, 'key': u'customer1-vlan'}) changed: [esx_server] => (item={'value': {u'vswitch': u'vSwitch0', u'tag': 4007}, 'key': u'customer2-vlan'}) PLAY RECAP *********************************************** esx_server : ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 26. Managing ESX Hosts (example) second Ansible run TASK [Add VLANs] ***************************************** ok: [esx_server] => (item={'value': {u'vswitch': u'vSwitch0', u'tag': 4006}, 'key': u'customer1-vlan'}) ok: [esx_server] => (item={'value': {u'vswitch': u'vSwitch0', u'tag': 4007}, 'key': u'customer2-vlan'}) PLAY RECAP *********************************************** esx_server : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 27. Managing ESX Hosts (example) I want to con gure all VLANs for my ESX Cluster All Hosts should have correct VLAN con g All Hosts should be con gured from one source Adding Hosts and VLANs should be easy (like a distributed vSwitch) T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 28. Creating VMs - Host variables vm_cpu: 8 vm_ram: 8 vm_storage: srv_live_vmdata1 vm_host: srv-live-vh07 vm_disksize: 80 default_gateway: network_ether_interfaces: - vm_net: srv-lgen-app device: eth0 bootproto: static address: netmask: onboot: "yes" dns1: "{{ srv_dns1 }}" dns2: "{{ srv_dns2 }}" domain: "{{ srv_domain }}" T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 29. Creating VMs - the Ansible task - name: Create new VM vmware_guest: hostname: "{{ vcenter_host }}" username: "{{ vcenter_user }}" password: "{{ vcenter_pass }}" datacenter: "{{ vcenter_dc }}" name: "{{ item }}" template: "{{ vm_template }}" state: poweredon wait_for_ip_address: yes hardware: memory_mb: "{{hostvars[item]['vm_ram']}}" num_cpus: "{{hostvars[item]['vm_cpu']}}" disk: - size_gb: "{{hostvars[item]['vm_disksize']}}" datastore: "{{hostvars[item]['vm_storage']}}" T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 30. Adding Security to the mix Telekom security guideline requires all servers to be hardened also VMware security guideline: guides.html (beware Excel!) T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 31. Hardening an ESX host (example) VMware Requirement: Guideline ID: ESXi.disable-mob: The managed object browser (MOB) provides a way to explore the object model used by the VMkernel to manage the host; it enables con gurations to be changed as well. This interface is meant to be used primarily for debugging the vSphere SDK. In Sphere 6.0 this is disabled by default T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 32. Hardening an ESX host (example) Ansible implementation: # Guideline ID: ESXi.disable-mob - name: get | disable MOB shell: "vim-cmd hostsvc/advopt/view Config.HostAgent.plugins.solo.enableMob | grep value | cut -d ' ' -f 9" register: mob_status changed_when: mob_status.rc > 0 - name: set | disable MOB shell: "vim-cmd hostsvc/advopt/update Config.HostAgent.plugins.solo.enableMob bool {{ mob }}" when: mob not in mob_status.stdout T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 33. Hardening VMs - nding them all! - name: Find all .vmx files on local store shell: | find /vmfs/volumes/datastore/ -name *.vmx register: found_vms changed_when: False T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 34. Hardening VMs - changing them - name: Set VM parameters lineinfile: path: "{{ item[1] }}" regexp: "{{ item[0].key }}" backrefs: yes line: "{{ item[0].key }} = "{{ item[0].value }}"" with_nested: - "{{ parameters_add }}" - "{{ found_vms }}" parameters_add: - { key:, value: TRUE } - { key:, value: TRUE } T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 35. Managing VMs - deleting them - name: delete VM vmware_guest: vcenter_hostname: "{{ vcenter_host }}" username: "{{ vcenter_user }}" password: "{{ vcenter_pass }}" validate_certs: false guest: "{{ item }}" force: true state: absent # deletion! with_items: "{{ vm_name }}" T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 36. Managing VMs - making snapshots - name: Create snapshot of {{vm_name}} vmware_guest_snapshot: folder: "/vm/" name: "{{ vm_name }}" state: present snapshot_name: "snap_{{ '%Y-%m-%d-%M' | strftime }}" T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 37. Not everything out of the box moving VMs not implemented in Ansible :( but Ansible is extensible with Python code so just write your own module VMware vSphere API Bindings for Python ( VMware API Docs Python + API = T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 38. Not everything out of the box we started with Ansible code: - name: Move VM to target host and DS delegate_to: localhost vm_move: vc_host: "{{ vcenter_host }}" vc_pass: "{{ vcenter_pass }}" vc_user: "{{ vcenter_user }}" vm_name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" ds_name: "{{ vm_storage }}" esx_host: "{{ vm_host }}" T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 39. Not everything out of the box then think about implementation what needs to be done: Locate the VM we want to move T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 40. Not everything out of the box then think about implementation what needs to be done: Locate the VM we want to move Locate the target ESX host / storage T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 41. Not everything out of the box then think about implementation what needs to be done: Locate the VM we want to move Locate the target ESX host / storage check what needs to be changed T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 42. Not everything out of the box then think about implementation what needs to be done: Locate the VM we want to move Locate the target ESX host / storage check what needs to be changed move the VM T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 43. Not everything out of the box some boilerplate is needed: def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( vc_host = dict(required=True, type='str'), ... esx_host = dict(required=False, type='str'), ), ) result = dict( changed=False, original_message='', message='' ) # do something module.exit_json(**result) T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 44. Not everything out of the box vm = get_obj(content, [vim.VirtualMachine], vm_name) vm_datastore = get_obj(content, [vim.Datastore], ds_name) dest_host = get_obj(content, [vim.HostSystem], esx_host) vm_relocate_spec = vim.vm.RelocateSpec() T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 45. Not everything out of the box vm = get_obj(content, [vim.VirtualMachine], vm_name) vm_datastore = get_obj(content, [vim.Datastore], ds_name) dest_host = get_obj(content, [vim.HostSystem], esx_host) vm_relocate_spec = vim.vm.RelocateSpec() if vm.datastore[0] != vm_datastore: result['changed'] = True vm_relocate_spec.datastore = vm_datastore T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 46. Not everything out of the box vm = get_obj(content, [vim.VirtualMachine], vm_name) vm_datastore = get_obj(content, [vim.Datastore], ds_name) dest_host = get_obj(content, [vim.HostSystem], esx_host) vm_relocate_spec = vim.vm.RelocateSpec() if vm.datastore[0] != vm_datastore: result['changed'] = True vm_relocate_spec.datastore = vm_datastore if != dest_host: result['changed'] = True = dest_host T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 47. Not everything out of the box vm = get_obj(content, [vim.VirtualMachine], vm_name) vm_datastore = get_obj(content, [vim.Datastore], ds_name) dest_host = get_obj(content, [vim.HostSystem], esx_host) vm_relocate_spec = vim.vm.RelocateSpec() if vm.datastore[0] != vm_datastore: result['changed'] = True vm_relocate_spec.datastore = vm_datastore if != dest_host: result['changed'] = True = dest_host if result['changed']: task = vm.Relocate(spec=vm_relocate_spec) wait_for_task(module, task, si) T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 48. Not everything out of the box VMWare has a tool called govc er/govc pretty easy to use from the command line this can also be included in Ansible scripts but do I really need to write all this python code? I'm not a programmer! “ “ T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 50. Testing with inSpec written by Chef guys originally a fork of serverspec diverged since then and has gotten many new features T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 51. Testing with inSpec - the test control 'VM.disable-console-drag-n-drop' do title 'Explicitly disable copy/paste operations' vsphere.datacenters.each { |dc| dc.vms.each { |vm| describe vm_advancedsetting) do its(['']) { should eq true } end } } end T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 52. Testing with inSpec - results VM.disable-console-drag-n-drop should eq true Profile Summary: 136 successful controls, 0 failures Test Summary: 136 successful, 0 failures, 0 skipped T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 53. Bonus - ansible-cmdb T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 54. The End Now grab some food! T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
  • 55. Ansible logo from VMWare logo from fujitsu InSpec logo from sdtimes Fry from ickr user liliana_von_k success kid from instagram user laneymg automate from ickr user Amber Case Ansible works image from T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH