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Oral habits may be a part of normal development, a symptom
with a deep rooted psychological basis or may be the results of
abnormal facial growth
Digit sucking, lip biting, bruxism, mouth breathing, tongue
thrusting, etc are some of the oral habits
Persistence of these habits after a certain period of time affects
development of occlusion
Dorland(1957): habit can be defined as a fixed or constant
practice established by frequent repetition.
Buttersworth(1961): defined a habit as a frequent or constant
practice or acquired tendency, which has been fixed by
frequent repetition
Obsessive(deep rooted)
- intentional or meaningful: nail biting, digit sucking, lip biting
- masochistic or selfinflicting injurious habit: gingival stripping
Non-obsessive(easily learned and dropped)
unintentional or empty: abnormal pillowing, chin propping
Functional habits: mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, bruxism
Useful and Harmful habits
Empty and Meaningful habits
Pressure, Non Pressure and biting habits
Compulsive and Non Compulsive habits
Normal and abnormal habits
Primary and secondary habits
Functional and muscular habits
Classification of Habits
Useful and Harmful habits
Useful habits: These include that are considered essential for
normal function
e.g: Proper positioning of tongue, respiration and deglutition
Harmful habits: These include habit that have deleterious effect
on the teeth and dental arches
e.g: tongue thrusting, mouth breathing
Empty habits: They are habit that are not associated with any
deep rooted psychological problems. This can be treated easily
by dentist using reminder therapy.
Meaningful habits: They are habits that have psychological
Empty and Meaningful habits
Pressure habits: These include habits that apply direct force on teeth
and dental arches
Eg: sucking habits such as lip sucking
Non-Pressure habits: Habits do not apply a direct force on teeth
e.g: mouth breathing
Biting habits: These include habits such as nail biting, pencil biting etc.
Pressure , non pressure
and biting habits
Placement of thumb into various depths into the mouth
1.Based on clinical
normal abnormal
psychological habitual
Normal thumb sucking:
This habit is considered normal during the first one and half years of
life. Such habit disappears as the child matures. The habit at this age
doesnot generate any malocclusion
Abnormal thumb sucking:
When the habit persists beyond the preschool period then it could be
considered as an abnormal habit. If the habit is not controlled and
treated during this stage, it may cause deleterious effects on the dento-
facial structures.
May have deep rooted
emotional factors involved
Associated with insecurities,
neglect loneliness experienced
by the child
•Child performs the act
out of habit.
Based on phases of development
Phase 1: normal & sub clinically significant
First 3 yrs of life
Phase 2: clinically significant
3-6 yrs of life
child is under anxiety
If not controlled, produces severe malocclusion
Phase 3 : intractable sucking
Sucking >5 yrs of life
Psychologist consultation is must
e.g. breast feeding,
bottle feeding
Non nutritive
Sucking habits
e.g. thumb or finger
Pacifier sucking
•50% of children
•Whole digit is
placed inside the
mouth with pad
of the thumb
pressing over the
palate while at
the same time
maxillary &
anteriors are in
•Thumb is
placed into oral
cavity without
touching the
vault of the
palate, while at
the same time
maxillary &
anteriors contact
is maintained
•Thumb is
placed into the
mouth just
beyond the first
joint & contact
the hard palate
& only max.
incisors , but
there is no
contact with
mand. Incisors.
portion of finger
is placed into
the mouth
Subtleny’s classification
Effects on
• Increased proclination of the maxillary central
• increased arch length
• increased SNA
• Decreased SN-PNS angle
• Decreased palatal arch width
• Increased trauma to maxillary central incisors
•Increased clinical crown length of the maxillary
central incisor
Clinical features
Effects on
• Increased proclination of mandibular incisors
• Increased mandibular intermolar distance
• Increased distal position of B point
Effects on the
• Decreased maxillary and
mandibular incisal angle
• Increased overjet
• Decreased overbite
• Increased posterior cross-bite
• Increased unilateral and bilateral
class II occlusion
Effects on lip
placement &
• Increased lip incompetence
• Increased lower-lip function
under the maxillary incisors
Effects of tongue
placement and
• Increased tongue thrust
• Increased lip to tongue resting
• Increased lower tongue position
Other effects • Risk to psychological health
• Increased risk of poisoning
• Increased deformation of digits
• Increased risk of speech defects,
specially lisping
•Dish pan like appearance of the
Etiological factors associated
1. Socioeconomic status
2. Working mother
3. Number of siblings
4. Order of birth of child
5. Social adjustment and stress
6. Age of the child
Extra oral examination
Facial form analysis
Intra oral examination
Determine the psychological component involved.
Ask about frequency, intensity and duration.
Presence of other habits should be evaluated.
Will appear reddened, exceptionally clean,
chapped & with small finger nail.
i.e. a clean dish pan thumb.
Fibrous roughened callus also present.
Upper lip may be short hypotonic.
Note the position of the lip at rest whether they are held
together or apart.
Position of lips during swallowing should be observed.
Chronic thumb sucking are frequently characterized by
short hypotonic upper lip.
Lower lip is hyper active & this leads to a further increase in
the Proclination of upper ant. Due to its thrust on these
Cheek form, mandibular retrusion, maxillary protrusion, high
mandibular plane angle & convex profile.
When swallowing patient is observed for presence of a facial
grimace of an excessive mentalis muscle contraction a normal
placement of the tongue against teeth & palate.
Check- The pattern of speech of child is essentially normal
Facial profile: straight or convex
Dento alveolar structure
• Compare position of tongue at rest and during
Individual with severe finger sucking habits where the digit
applied an ant. Sup. Vector to the upper dentition & palate will
have flared proclined max. with diatema and retroclined
mandibular anteriors.
Buccal crossbite
Look for evidence of mouth breathing, gum line etching, excessive etching on
labial surface of upper central & lateral incisor.
Higher incidence of middle ear infections
Enlarged tonsils
Dunlop Beta
Parental concern
regarding the habit.
Love and affection
Chemical Therapy
Bitter flavor
applied on tongue
like pepper,
Fixed intraoral anti-
thumb sucking
Blue glass appliances
Quad helix
With the age of 4-8 yrs, need only re-
assurance, +ve reinforcement & friendly
Various aids are employed to bring habit
under the notice of child such as study
During treatment, adequate emotional
support & concern should be provided to
the child by the parents.
It states that the best way to break a habit is by its
conscious, purposeful repetition
The child should be asked to sit in front of a large
mirror and asked to suck his thumb observing him as he
indulges in the habit
Extra oral
Intra oral
It employs hot tasting, bitter
flavored preparation a distasteful
agent are applied to finger.
Eg. Quinine, asafoetida
Thermoplastic thumb post was
devised by Allen in 1991 where a
thermoplastic material was placed
on the offending digit
Increasing the arm length of the night suit or long
sleeve shirt
Hand puppets
Ace bandage –elbow
Thumb home concept
Palatal cribs, hay rakes, oral
screens, palatal arch, lingual
spurs Hawley’s retainers with &
without spurs.
1. Fixed intra oral anti thumb sucking appliances.
An intra oral appliances attached to upper teeth by means of
bands fitted to the primary II / I premolars
A lingual arch forms the base of an appliance to which are
added interlacing wires in the ant. Portion
It works by preventing the patient from putting the palmer
surface of the thumb in contact with the palatal gingiva,
thereby robbing the pleasure of sucking
2. Blue grass appliance
By Haskell (1991)
It consists of a modified six sided roller
machined from Teflon
It is slipped over a 0.045 stainless steel
wire soldered to molar orthodontic band
It is worn for 3-6 months
It prevents the thumb from being inserted and also corrects
the malocclusion
BARBER 1975: Tongue thrust is an oral habit pattern related to
the persistence of an infantile swallow pattern during childhood and
adolescence and thereby produces an open bite and protrusion of the
anterior tooth segments.
Infantile swallowing Mature swallowing
The characteristics of an infantile swallowing outlined by Moyers:
a. The jaws are apart and tongue is placed between the upper and
lower gum pads.
b. The mandible is stabilized by the contraction of muscles
c. The swallow is guided and to a large extent controlled by
sensory interchange between lip and tongue
Features of retained infantile swallowing Seen due to undue
persistence of the infantile swallow
•Usually occlude on one molar in each quadrant
•Strong contraction of facial muscles during swallow
•Tongue protrudes and is seen between all teeth during initial
•Expressionless face
Fletcher has proposed the following factors
1. Genetic factor
2. Learned behavior(habit)
3. Maturational
4. Mechanical restrictions
5. Neurological disturbance
Due to Anatomic or neuromuscular
variations in oro-facial junction
E.g. hypertonic orbicularis oris
Tongue thrust can be acquired as a habit
Predisposing factors are
Improper bottle feeding
Prolong thumb sucking
Prolonged tonsillar and URT infections
Prolonged duration of tenderness of the gums
or teeth
Infantile swallow changes to mature
swallow once the post deciduous teeth
start erupting
Sometimes the maturation is delayed and
thus infantile swallow persists for a
longer time which can result in the
tongue thrust habit
Constricted dental arches
Enlarged adenoids
Causing tongue thrust are
Hypotensive palate &
Moderate motor disability
Comprises of normal tongue thrust
swallow of infancy
Tongue thrust can be present as a
habit even after correction of
During early loss of deciduous
incisors the tongue is put forward
to achieve oral seal.
Persons with enlarged tongue
have anterior tongue posture
Simple tongue thrust
Complex tongue thrust
Extra oral
Intra oral
Lip posture:
Greater lip separation both at rest and in function
Mandibular movement:
Movements during swallowing were more erratic
Various speech disorders seen
Sibilant distortions,
problems in articulation of /s/, /n/, /t/, /d/, /l/, /th/, /z/, /v/ sounds
Facial form:
Increase in anterior height
Tongue movements
Jerky and inconsistent
Movements are irregular from one swallow to
Tongue posture
Tongue tip at rest is lower due to ant open bite
Proclination of the anteriors
Generalized spacing
Maxillary constriction
Retroclination or proclination of
the teeth depending on type of
tongue thrust presesnt
If proclination it leads to
bimaxillary proclination
Intermaxillary relationship
Ant or post open bite
Post cross bite
Determine swallow pattern of siblings and parents to check for hereditary
etiological factor.
Information regarding URT infections, sucking habits and neuromuscular
Study the posture of tongue while mandible is in postural position.
Observe tongue during:-
> Unconscious swallowing
> Command swallow of saliva
> Command swallow of water
> During chewing
Check for the clinical features
Training of correct swallow and
posture of the tongue
Speech therapy
Mechano therapy
Correction of malocclusion
Surgical treatment
Myofunctional exercises:
1. Ask the child to place the tip of the tongue in rugae for 5
2. Orthodontic elastics and sugarless fruit drop: held by tongue
tip against the palate on the rugae area
3. 4s exercises: spot, salivating, squeezing the spot and
Use pressure point on the papilla to show where the spot is
salivate squeeze the tongue tip vigorously against this
spot swallow
4. Other:
Whistling, reciting the count from 60-69
Yawning, etc.
Pre orthodontic trainer for
myofunctional training:
Aids in correct positioning of the
Nance palatal arch:
With acrylic button used as guide to
place the tongue in correct position
The child is asked to repeat simple multiplication
tables of sixes to pronounce words starting with
Removable appliances
Fixed appliances
Modifications of Hawley's
appliance can be used
Anchorage value gained from the
acrylic covering the entire palate &
contacting the entire maxilla
dentition & its lingual surface.
To close ant. Open bite using labial
The crib can serve as remainder.
Crowns and bands are
given on first permanent
Cribs extending
downwards just behind
the level of cingulum of
mand incisor are made
Duration: 4-9 months
The oral screen is modified
acrylic plate. Either acrylic or
wire loop barrier may be
constructed to prevent
tongue thrusting.
The abnormal muscle forces
can be intercepted and there
by reducing the development
of maloccluslion
If continuous ant placement of tongue is result of adaptation to previously
existing anterior open bite, correction of malocclusion is the solution
For the complex tongue thrust swallow, active orthodontic treatment is
Orthoganthic surgical
procedure to correct the
skeletal malformation as
well as myofunctional
therapy in retained
infantile swallow
By Sassouni(1971):
It is a habitual breathing
from mouth instead of
obstructive habitual anatomic
Complete or partial
obstruction of nasal passage
due to:
DNS (deviated nasal septum)
Nasal polyps
Chronis inflammation of nasal
Localized benign tumors
Allergic rhinitis
Obstructive adenoids
Deviated septum
Enlarged tonsils
Abnormally short upper lip
preventing proper lip seal
Obstruction in the larynx
Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome
Obstruction in the bronchial tree
habitual mouth breather is one who continues breathing from mouth even after nasal
obstruction is removed
Short upper lip cannot close the mouth
Long and narrow face
Narrow nose and nasal passage
Short and flaccid upper lip
Contracted upper arch with posterior
cross bite
An expressionless or blank face
Increased overjet
Ant marginal gingivitis
Dryness of the mouth
Ant open bite
impaired purification of the inspired air
Impaired lubrication of esophagus
Poor pulmonary function
Blood gas constituents---- 20 % more CO2 and 20 %less oxygen.
large face height
increased mandibular plane angle
retrognathic jaw
Adenoid facies
nasal tone in voice
Retroclined incisor
Posterior cross bite
Anterior open bite
Gummy smile
Short thick incompetent upper lip
inflammed and irritated gingival tissue
hyperplastic gingiva
enlarged interdental papilla
dull sense of smell
loss of taste
otitis media
Clinical tests
Parents can be asked for frequency of child adopting lip apart posture.
Otitis media
Water test:
Patient is ask to hold water in his mouth for 4 min
Mouth breather will be unable to do so
Mirror test:
Double sided mirror is held between the nose and the mouth
Fogging of the nasal side of the mirror nasal breathing
Fogging of oral side mouth breathing
Cotton test/butterfly test :
A butterfly shaped piece of cotton is placed over the upper lip below the
Fluttering of the cotton nasal breathing
Useful in detection of nasal blockade
Helps in establishing amount of nasopharyngeal space, size of adenoids, etc.
allows percentage of nasal or oral respiration to be calculated.
Removal of nasal and pharyngeal obstruction by
E.N.T surgeon
Interception of the habit: by oral screen
Rapid maxillary expansion
It is habitual grinding of
the teeth when individual
is not swallowing or
Psychological and emotional stresses
Occlusal interference or discrepancy
Pericoronitis and periodontal pain
Occlusal wear facets can be
observed on teeth
Fractures of teeth and
Mobility of the teeth
Tenderness and hypertrophy
of masticatory muscles
Muscle pain when the patient
wakes up in the morning
TMJ pain and discomfort
History & clinical examination
Occlusal prematurities diagnosed using articulating paper
Electro mayo graphic examination for hyper active muscle
Treat emotional and psychological disturbances if any
Hypnosis, relaxing exercises and massage can help
relieving muscle tension
Occlusal adjustments- bite raising crowns, splints and
elimination of occlusal interference
Bite plates
Occlusal reconstruction and prosthesis
Bite guard
Habits that involve
manipulation of the lips
and perioral structures
are termed as lip habits
Wetting the lips with tongue
Pulling the lips into the mouth between the teeth
Malocclusion- class II div I malocclusion, deep bite
Habits- thumb or digit sucking
Emotional stresses
Proclined upper anteriors
Retroclined lower anteriors
Hypertrophic and redundant lower lip
Cracking of the lips
Lip bumpers
Not only keep the lips away but also improve axial
inclination of the teeth
correct class II div I malocclusion
Treat the primary habit
Lip habit along with digit sucking should
be corrected
Oral shield in class I malocclusion
Nail biting is one of the most common habit in children
It is the sign of internal tension
Absent at 3 yrs of age
Incidence rises sharply from 4-6 yrs
Remains at constant level between 7-10 yrs
Rises to peak during adolescence
• Indicative of emotional problems
Crowding of teeth
Rotation of teeth
Attrition of incisal edges
Inflammation of nail beds and also of the nails
No treatment required in mild cases
Avoid scolding and threat
Treat the emotional factor
Encourage outdoor activities to ease tension
It is an abnormal habit of keeping or biting cheek
muscles in upper and lower posterior teeth
Ulcer at the level of occlusion
Open bite
Tooth malposition in the buccal segment
Vestibular screen
Also know as:
masochistic habits
self – mutilating habits
Habits are those in which patient enjoys inflicting damage to
Mentally retarded children
Psychologically abnormal children

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  • 2. Oral habits may be a part of normal development, a symptom with a deep rooted psychological basis or may be the results of abnormal facial growth Digit sucking, lip biting, bruxism, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, etc are some of the oral habits Persistence of these habits after a certain period of time affects development of occlusion INTRODUCTION:
  • 3. Dorland(1957): habit can be defined as a fixed or constant practice established by frequent repetition. Buttersworth(1961): defined a habit as a frequent or constant practice or acquired tendency, which has been fixed by frequent repetition Definitions
  • 4. Obsessive(deep rooted) - intentional or meaningful: nail biting, digit sucking, lip biting - masochistic or selfinflicting injurious habit: gingival stripping Non-obsessive(easily learned and dropped) unintentional or empty: abnormal pillowing, chin propping Functional habits: mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, bruxism CLASSIFICATION OF HABITS
  • 5. Useful and Harmful habits Empty and Meaningful habits Pressure, Non Pressure and biting habits Compulsive and Non Compulsive habits Normal and abnormal habits Primary and secondary habits Functional and muscular habits Classification of Habits
  • 6. Useful and Harmful habits Useful habits: These include that are considered essential for normal function e.g: Proper positioning of tongue, respiration and deglutition Harmful habits: These include habit that have deleterious effect on the teeth and dental arches e.g: tongue thrusting, mouth breathing
  • 7. Empty habits: They are habit that are not associated with any deep rooted psychological problems. This can be treated easily by dentist using reminder therapy. Meaningful habits: They are habits that have psychological bearing. Empty and Meaningful habits
  • 8. Pressure habits: These include habits that apply direct force on teeth and dental arches Eg: sucking habits such as lip sucking Non-Pressure habits: Habits do not apply a direct force on teeth e.g: mouth breathing Biting habits: These include habits such as nail biting, pencil biting etc. Pressure , non pressure and biting habits
  • 9. THUMB SUCKING : Definition: Placement of thumb into various depths into the mouth
  • 10. 1.Based on clinical observation normal abnormal psychological habitual Classification
  • 11. Normal thumb sucking: This habit is considered normal during the first one and half years of life. Such habit disappears as the child matures. The habit at this age doesnot generate any malocclusion Abnormal thumb sucking: When the habit persists beyond the preschool period then it could be considered as an abnormal habit. If the habit is not controlled and treated during this stage, it may cause deleterious effects on the dento- facial structures.
  • 12. May have deep rooted emotional factors involved Associated with insecurities, neglect loneliness experienced by the child abnormal psychological •Child performs the act out of habit. habitual
  • 13. Based on phases of development Phase 1: normal & sub clinically significant First 3 yrs of life Phase 2: clinically significant 3-6 yrs of life child is under anxiety If not controlled, produces severe malocclusion Phase 3 : intractable sucking Sucking >5 yrs of life Psychologist consultation is must
  • 14. O.Brien’s(1996) nutritive e.g. breast feeding, bottle feeding Non nutritive Sucking habits (nns) e.g. thumb or finger Sucking, Pacifier sucking
  • 15. TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C TYPE D •50% of children •Whole digit is placed inside the mouth with pad of the thumb pressing over the palate while at the same time maxillary & mandibular anteriors are in contact •13-24% •Thumb is placed into oral cavity without touching the vault of the palate, while at the same time maxillary & mandibular anteriors contact is maintained •18% •Thumb is placed into the mouth just beyond the first joint & contact the hard palate & only max. incisors , but there is no contact with mand. Incisors. •6% •VERY LITTLE portion of finger is placed into the mouth Subtleny’s classification
  • 16.
  • 17. Effects on maxilla • Increased proclination of the maxillary central incisors. • increased arch length • increased SNA • Decreased SN-PNS angle • Decreased palatal arch width • Increased trauma to maxillary central incisors •Increased clinical crown length of the maxillary central incisor Clinical features
  • 18. Effects on mandible • Increased proclination of mandibular incisors • Increased mandibular intermolar distance • Increased distal position of B point
  • 19. Effects on the interarch relationship • Decreased maxillary and mandibular incisal angle • Increased overjet • Decreased overbite • Increased posterior cross-bite • Increased unilateral and bilateral class II occlusion Effects on lip placement & function • Increased lip incompetence • Increased lower-lip function under the maxillary incisors
  • 20. Effects of tongue placement and function • Increased tongue thrust • Increased lip to tongue resting positions • Increased lower tongue position Other effects • Risk to psychological health • Increased risk of poisoning • Increased deformation of digits • Increased risk of speech defects, specially lisping •Dish pan like appearance of the nail.
  • 21. Etiological factors associated 1. Socioeconomic status 2. Working mother 3. Number of siblings 4. Order of birth of child 5. Social adjustment and stress 6. Age of the child
  • 22. History Extra oral examination Facial form analysis Intra oral examination Diagnosis
  • 23. Determine the psychological component involved. Ask about frequency, intensity and duration. Presence of other habits should be evaluated. HISTORY:
  • 24. EXTRA ORAL EXAMINATION (DIGITS): Will appear reddened, exceptionally clean, chapped & with small finger nail. i.e. a clean dish pan thumb. Fibrous roughened callus also present.
  • 25. Upper lip may be short hypotonic. Note the position of the lip at rest whether they are held together or apart. Position of lips during swallowing should be observed. Chronic thumb sucking are frequently characterized by short hypotonic upper lip. Lower lip is hyper active & this leads to a further increase in the Proclination of upper ant. Due to its thrust on these teeth. EXTRA ORAL EXAMINATION (LIPS):
  • 26. Cheek form, mandibular retrusion, maxillary protrusion, high mandibular plane angle & convex profile. When swallowing patient is observed for presence of a facial grimace of an excessive mentalis muscle contraction a normal placement of the tongue against teeth & palate. Check- The pattern of speech of child is essentially normal Facial profile: straight or convex FACIAL FORM ANALYSIS:
  • 28. TONGUE: • Compare position of tongue at rest and during swallowing.
  • 29. Individual with severe finger sucking habits where the digit applied an ant. Sup. Vector to the upper dentition & palate will have flared proclined max. with diatema and retroclined mandibular anteriors. Buccal crossbite DENTO ALVEOLAR STRUCTURE:
  • 30. Look for evidence of mouth breathing, gum line etching, excessive etching on labial surface of upper central & lateral incisor. GINGIVA
  • 31. Higher incidence of middle ear infections Enlarged tonsils OTHER FEATURES
  • 32. MANAGEMENT Psychological therapy Dunlop Beta Hypothesis Parental concern regarding the habit. Love and affection Chemical Therapy Reminder therapy Bitter flavor preparations applied on tongue like pepper, quinine,etc. Mechanotherapy Fixed intraoral anti- thumb sucking appliances Blue glass appliances Quad helix
  • 33. PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY: With the age of 4-8 yrs, need only re- assurance, +ve reinforcement & friendly remainders. Various aids are employed to bring habit under the notice of child such as study models. During treatment, adequate emotional support & concern should be provided to the child by the parents.
  • 34. DUNLOP’S BETA HYPOTHESIS: It states that the best way to break a habit is by its conscious, purposeful repetition The child should be asked to sit in front of a large mirror and asked to suck his thumb observing him as he indulges in the habit
  • 36. EXTRA ORAL: It employs hot tasting, bitter flavored preparation a distasteful agent are applied to finger. Eg. Quinine, asafoetida Thermoplastic thumb post was devised by Allen in 1991 where a thermoplastic material was placed on the offending digit
  • 37. Increasing the arm length of the night suit or long sleeve shirt Hand puppets Ace bandage –elbow Thumb home concept
  • 38. INTRA ORAL Palatal cribs, hay rakes, oral screens, palatal arch, lingual spurs Hawley’s retainers with & without spurs.
  • 39. 1. Fixed intra oral anti thumb sucking appliances. An intra oral appliances attached to upper teeth by means of bands fitted to the primary II / I premolars A lingual arch forms the base of an appliance to which are added interlacing wires in the ant. Portion It works by preventing the patient from putting the palmer surface of the thumb in contact with the palatal gingiva, thereby robbing the pleasure of sucking MECHANOTHERAPY:
  • 40. 2. Blue grass appliance By Haskell (1991) It consists of a modified six sided roller machined from Teflon It is slipped over a 0.045 stainless steel wire soldered to molar orthodontic band It is worn for 3-6 months
  • 41. 3.QUAD HELIX It prevents the thumb from being inserted and also corrects the malocclusion
  • 42.
  • 43. BARBER 1975: Tongue thrust is an oral habit pattern related to the persistence of an infantile swallow pattern during childhood and adolescence and thereby produces an open bite and protrusion of the anterior tooth segments. DEFINITION:
  • 45. The characteristics of an infantile swallowing outlined by Moyers: a. The jaws are apart and tongue is placed between the upper and lower gum pads. b. The mandible is stabilized by the contraction of muscles c. The swallow is guided and to a large extent controlled by sensory interchange between lip and tongue
  • 46. Features of retained infantile swallowing Seen due to undue persistence of the infantile swallow •Usually occlude on one molar in each quadrant •Strong contraction of facial muscles during swallow •Tongue protrudes and is seen between all teeth during initial stages •Expressionless face
  • 47. Fletcher has proposed the following factors ETIOLOGICAL FACTORS: 1. Genetic factor 2. Learned behavior(habit) 3. Maturational 4. Mechanical restrictions 5. Neurological disturbance
  • 48. GENETIC FACTORS: Due to Anatomic or neuromuscular variations in oro-facial junction E.g. hypertonic orbicularis oris muscle
  • 49. LEARNED BEHAVIOR (HABIT): Tongue thrust can be acquired as a habit Predisposing factors are Improper bottle feeding Prolong thumb sucking Prolonged tonsillar and URT infections Prolonged duration of tenderness of the gums or teeth
  • 50. MATURATIONAL: Infantile swallow changes to mature swallow once the post deciduous teeth start erupting Sometimes the maturation is delayed and thus infantile swallow persists for a longer time which can result in the tongue thrust habit
  • 52. Causing tongue thrust are Hypotensive palate & Moderate motor disability NEUROLOGICAL DISTURBANCES:
  • 53. classification physiologic habitual functional antomic Comprises of normal tongue thrust swallow of infancy Tongue thrust can be present as a habit even after correction of malocclusion During early loss of deciduous incisors the tongue is put forward to achieve oral seal. Persons with enlarged tongue have anterior tongue posture
  • 54. CLASSIFICATION OF TONGUE THRUST: Simple tongue thrust Complex tongue thrust
  • 56. Lip posture: Greater lip separation both at rest and in function Mandibular movement: Movements during swallowing were more erratic Speech: Various speech disorders seen Sibilant distortions, Lisping, problems in articulation of /s/, /n/, /t/, /d/, /l/, /th/, /z/, /v/ sounds Facial form: Increase in anterior height EXTRA ORAL FINDINGS:
  • 57. Tongue movements Jerky and inconsistent Movements are irregular from one swallow to another Tongue posture Tongue tip at rest is lower due to ant open bite Malocclusion Maxilla Proclination of the anteriors Generalized spacing Maxillary constriction INTRA ORAL FINDINGS: Mandible Retroclination or proclination of the teeth depending on type of tongue thrust presesnt If proclination it leads to bimaxillary proclination Intermaxillary relationship Ant or post open bite Post cross bite
  • 59. Determine swallow pattern of siblings and parents to check for hereditary etiological factor. Information regarding URT infections, sucking habits and neuromuscular problems 1. HISTORY:
  • 60. Study the posture of tongue while mandible is in postural position. Observe tongue during:- > Unconscious swallowing > Command swallow of saliva > Command swallow of water > During chewing Check for the clinical features 2. EXAMINATION:
  • 61. Treatment: Training of correct swallow and posture of the tongue Speech therapy Mechano therapy Correction of malocclusion Surgical treatment
  • 62. Myofunctional exercises: 1. Ask the child to place the tip of the tongue in rugae for 5 min 2. Orthodontic elastics and sugarless fruit drop: held by tongue tip against the palate on the rugae area 3. 4s exercises: spot, salivating, squeezing the spot and swallowing Use pressure point on the papilla to show where the spot is salivate squeeze the tongue tip vigorously against this spot swallow 4. Other: Whistling, reciting the count from 60-69 Gargling, Yawning, etc. 1. TRAINING OF CORRECT SWALLOW & POSTURE OF THE TONGUE:
  • 63. USING APPLIANCES Pre orthodontic trainer for myofunctional training: Aids in correct positioning of the tongue Nance palatal arch: With acrylic button used as guide to place the tongue in correct position
  • 64. SPEECH THERAPY: The child is asked to repeat simple multiplication tables of sixes to pronounce words starting with ‘s’ s…
  • 66. REMOVABLE APPLIANCES: Modifications of Hawley's appliance can be used Advantages: Anchorage value gained from the acrylic covering the entire palate & contacting the entire maxilla dentition & its lingual surface. To close ant. Open bite using labial bow. The crib can serve as remainder.
  • 67. FIXED APPLIANCES: Crowns and bands are given on first permanent molar Cribs extending downwards just behind the level of cingulum of mand incisor are made Duration: 4-9 months
  • 68. ORAL SCREEN The oral screen is modified acrylic plate. Either acrylic or wire loop barrier may be constructed to prevent tongue thrusting. The abnormal muscle forces can be intercepted and there by reducing the development of maloccluslion
  • 69. If continuous ant placement of tongue is result of adaptation to previously existing anterior open bite, correction of malocclusion is the solution For the complex tongue thrust swallow, active orthodontic treatment is required CORRECTION OF MALOCCLUSION:
  • 70. SURGICAL TREATMENT: Orthoganthic surgical procedure to correct the skeletal malformation as well as myofunctional therapy in retained infantile swallow
  • 71.
  • 72. By Sassouni(1971): DEFINITION: It is a habitual breathing from mouth instead of nose
  • 74. CLASSIFICATION BY FINN(1987): Obstructive: Complete or partial obstruction of nasal passage due to: DNS (deviated nasal septum) Nasal polyps Chronis inflammation of nasal mucosa Localized benign tumors Allergic rhinitis Obstructive adenoids
  • 75. Deviated septum Enlarged tonsils Abnormally short upper lip preventing proper lip seal Obstruction in the larynx Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome Obstruction in the bronchial tree
  • 76. Habitual: habitual mouth breather is one who continues breathing from mouth even after nasal obstruction is removed Anatomic: Short upper lip cannot close the mouth
  • 77. CLINICAL FEATURES: Long and narrow face Narrow nose and nasal passage Short and flaccid upper lip Contracted upper arch with posterior cross bite An expressionless or blank face Increased overjet Ant marginal gingivitis Dryness of the mouth Ant open bite
  • 78. GENERAL EFFECTS impaired purification of the inspired air Impaired lubrication of esophagus Poor pulmonary function Blood gas constituents---- 20 % more CO2 and 20 %less oxygen. CLINCAL FEATURES
  • 79. EFFECTS ON DENTO FACIAL STRUCTURES FACIAL FORM large face height increased mandibular plane angle retrognathic jaw Adenoid facies SPEECH DEFECTS nasal tone in voice
  • 80. DENTAL EFFECTS Retroclined incisor Posterior cross bite Anterior open bite EFFECTS ON LIP Gummy smile Short thick incompetent upper lip
  • 81. EFFECTS ON GINGIVA inflammed and irritated gingival tissue hyperplastic gingiva enlarged interdental papilla OTHER EFFECTS dull sense of smell loss of taste otitis media
  • 83. Parents can be asked for frequency of child adopting lip apart posture. Tonsillitis Rhinitis Otitis media HISTORY:
  • 84. CLINICAL TESTS: Water test: Patient is ask to hold water in his mouth for 4 min Mouth breather will be unable to do so Mirror test: Double sided mirror is held between the nose and the mouth Fogging of the nasal side of the mirror nasal breathing Fogging of oral side mouth breathing
  • 85. Cotton test/butterfly test : A butterfly shaped piece of cotton is placed over the upper lip below the nostrils Fluttering of the cotton nasal breathing Useful in detection of nasal blockade
  • 86. Helps in establishing amount of nasopharyngeal space, size of adenoids, etc. RHINOMANOMATRY allows percentage of nasal or oral respiration to be calculated. CEPAHOLMETRY:
  • 87. MANAGEMENT: Removal of nasal and pharyngeal obstruction by E.N.T surgeon Interception of the habit: by oral screen Rapid maxillary expansion
  • 88.
  • 89. DEFINITION RAMFJORD (1966): It is habitual grinding of the teeth when individual is not swallowing or chewing
  • 90. Psychological and emotional stresses Occlusal interference or discrepancy Pericoronitis and periodontal pain Allergies ETIOLOGY:
  • 91. CLINICAL FEATURES: Occlusal wear facets can be observed on teeth Fractures of teeth and restorations Mobility of the teeth Tenderness and hypertrophy of masticatory muscles Muscle pain when the patient wakes up in the morning TMJ pain and discomfort
  • 92. History & clinical examination Occlusal prematurities diagnosed using articulating paper Electro mayo graphic examination for hyper active muscle DIAGNOSIS:
  • 93. Treat emotional and psychological disturbances if any Hypnosis, relaxing exercises and massage can help relieving muscle tension Occlusal adjustments- bite raising crowns, splints and elimination of occlusal interference Bite plates Occlusal reconstruction and prosthesis Bite guard TREATMENT:
  • 94.
  • 95. DEFINITION: Habits that involve manipulation of the lips and perioral structures are termed as lip habits
  • 96. Wetting the lips with tongue Pulling the lips into the mouth between the teeth CLASSIFICATION (SCHNEIDER 1982):
  • 97. ETIOLOGY: Malocclusion- class II div I malocclusion, deep bite Habits- thumb or digit sucking Emotional stresses
  • 98. Proclined upper anteriors Retroclined lower anteriors Hypertrophic and redundant lower lip Cracking of the lips C/F:
  • 99. TREATMENT: Lip bumpers Not only keep the lips away but also improve axial inclination of the teeth correct class II div I malocclusion Treat the primary habit Lip habit along with digit sucking should be corrected Oral shield in class I malocclusion
  • 100.
  • 101. Nail biting is one of the most common habit in children It is the sign of internal tension
  • 102. Absent at 3 yrs of age Incidence rises sharply from 4-6 yrs Remains at constant level between 7-10 yrs Rises to peak during adolescence AGE OF OCCURRENCE: Etiology: • Indicative of emotional problems
  • 103. C/F: Crowding of teeth Rotation of teeth Attrition of incisal edges Inflammation of nail beds and also of the nails
  • 104. No treatment required in mild cases Avoid scolding and threat Treat the emotional factor Encourage outdoor activities to ease tension etc MANAGEMENT:
  • 105.
  • 106. It is an abnormal habit of keeping or biting cheek muscles in upper and lower posterior teeth DEFINITION:
  • 107. C/F: Ulcer at the level of occlusion Open bite Tooth malposition in the buccal segment
  • 109. Also know as: masochistic habits self – mutilating habits Habits are those in which patient enjoys inflicting damage to himself. SEEN IN, Mentally retarded children Psychologically abnormal children SELF INJURIOUS HABITS

Editor's Notes

  1. The Ability to feed from the breast is present in the new born child. During this the tongue lies over the lower gum pads and protrudes between the nipples and lower lip