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OneCalifornia Community Development Banking Report }2008 Q3

Does your bank empower
   your community?

                            does.                                                                 TM

                                                                               B    A      N      K

                                                                   Member   FDIC   EQUAL HOUSING LENDER
W                     WHAT DOES ONECAL DO? “IT SAVES LIVES. LITERALLY.” Davida Coady
                                            e asked the women featured in this report
                            how OneCal empowers community.
                                “It saves lives. Literally,” Dr. Davida Coady
                                                                                        career goals twenty times—doctors, lawyers, police,
                                                                                        teachers—before they go to college, but the impor-
                                                                                        tant thing is to believe they are going.” She thinks
                            says. As Executive Director of Options Recovery             parents would do better if they knew better. She
                            Services, Davida approached four brokers for fi-            coaches them toward their children’s success, say-
                            nancing to keep a building, but was refused. A friend       ing: “Don’t ever use the word if. Say when you go
                            suggested a new bank that she’d heard would lend            to college. Forget about if. I’m not going to spend 12
                            to nonprofits, so Davida and she drove around until         years working for you if you say if.”
                            they found it at 1438 Webster Street in downtown                Oral Lee invests securely, putting all Oral Lee
                            Oakland. “There were nice work stations, but no             Brown Foundation funds into CDs and treasury
                            people,” Davida says. “Finally someone appeared,            notes. “It’s these kids’ future. I can’t play with it.”
B     A       N       K                                                                 She has opened a large Certificate of Deposit at OneCal.
                            and the rest is history.”
                                OneCalifornia had just opened its doors as a            This is her first relationship with community devel-
BANKING ON                  community development Bank and Foundation. The              opment banking, and she appreciates the personal
ONE SUCCESS                 Oakland location is critical to the Bank’s mission          attention she receives.
                            of improving economic opportunity by offering fair              Her next dream is to start a boarding school.
 AT A TIME TM               and open access to all individuals, business owners         “If we truly want to save our students, we have to
                            and nonprofits in need of financial services. OneCal        get them out of the environment they’re in to where
                            builds trust by listening, giving personal service and      they’re not fearful of a bullet coming through the
                            using the best technologies and products to help the        window.” Her school would be located outside the
                            expanding OneCal family of Bank depositors and bor-         city and would guarantee each child a college edu-
                            rowers and Foundation program participants.                 cation. “This world would be so great if everyone
                                OneCal’s Lisa Zuffi worked with Davida to refi-         helped. It’s not that hard. I’ve done it, and I’ve never
                            nance three of five apartment buildings, enabling the       missed a meal.” Oral Lee laughs. “Maybe I should!”
                            nonprofit to keep 16 men housed at 1020 59th Street
                            in Berkeley and continue their recovery. The year-               uEarly in her career, Njambi Mungai often
                            long residential program empowers participants to           went to her mother’s to eat or skipped a meal rather
                            disengage from addiction and crime. Neighborhoods           than miss a bill payment, and her diligence earned
                            benefit, too. With a sense of pride, men in the pro-        her good credit. She parlayed her experience in sales
Dr. Davida Coady            gram are doing yard work and building fences. Land-         and consulting into her own business, JR Lester &
Executive Director          lords of neighboring residences are coming around,          Associates, Ltd. Through the Ready for Takeoff
Options Recovery Services   asking for graduates to be tenants. The 1020 build-         program for women-owned minority businesses,
                            ing had been a crack house for 30 years.                    she earned an opportunity to run concessions at the
                                “We’re bursting at the seams,” Davida says. “Our        Oakland Airport.
                            housing is running a profit for the program.” Options            Now twelve years later with 37 employees, Njambi
                            Recovery operates day treatment re-entry programs           has an established See’s Candies business at the airport
                            and a clinic in downtown Berkeley, as well as the res-      along with a new Auntie Annie’s Pretzels franchise,
                            idential program, where men and women—addicts,              financed with a small business loan through OneCal
                            alcoholics, felons, mentally ill, homeless—learn to         Bank. She also has See’s retail concessions at the
                            live clean, sober and productive lives.                     Embarcadero in San Francisco and ventures begun
                                                                                        with other airports.
                                 uEleven miles away in Oakland, the Oral Lee                 “If you see it, it becomes,” Njambi says. She’s
                            Brown Foundation empowers children toward                   a savvy businesswoman with “wildest dreams” of
Oral Lee Brown              their own meaningful lives. Born into poverty in Mis-       growing sales to $50 million, but with a realistic out-
Founder & CEO                                                                           look to anchor her business in airport markets.
Oral Lee Brown Foundation
                            sissippi, Oral Lee Brown put herself through
                            the University of San Francisco while raising a fam-             Njambi has become an advocate for the bank.
                            ily and working. In 1987, a chance encounter with a         “Jeff [Cheung] and Francine [Boards] really do
                            little girl in East Oakland led Oral to the local school    listen to your dream, to what you want to achieve.
                            where she saw a need and filled it: she committed to        They are right there helping you with your vision. A
                            sending an entire first grade class to college. Earning     number of institutions weren’t interested in hearing
                            $45,000 a year at the time, Oral deposited $10,000          about it,” she says. “The small business owner has to
                            into a trust account and created the Foundation.            jump through many hoops. All my assets were tied
                                 Every four years, she starts a new group of twen-      up in my business. OneCal helped me get past the
                            ty or more children on the road to college gradua-          point where I was stuck. They were tremendous in
                            tion. Along the way, they study math, science and           assisting me to work things out so that I could get
                            computers in Saturday classes taught by volunteer           financing. I needed that little piece of help. I’m so
                            teachers at the Foundation offices. Parents, coun-          grateful.” Through OneCal, she has a Norcal Small
                            selors, teachers and ministers recommend the chil-          Business State Guarantee loan.
Njambi Mungai               dren, who generally come from low-income families                Njambi is not worried about the economic down-
Owner, President & CEO      in which no one has gone to college.                        turn. “I’m an optimist. The glass is half full, and I’m
JR Lester & Associates           “The earlier I can reach them, the greater impact      keeping my head above water.”
                            we have,” Oral Lee says. “The kids may change their

          he word optimist only begins to describe the
attributes of Kat Taylor, but she deflects compli-
ments. As a co-founder of OneCalifornia and mem-
ber of the Board of Directors, she seldom takes center stage
other than to sing acapella songs of praise about
banking, friends or family to any group who’ll listen,
belting out original lyrics as occasions demand.
    “I want to be part of a just society,” Kat says,
when asked about her role in founding OneCal. She’s
in her car between meetings. “No matter how people
                                                                     Kat Taylor                 Kathy Chao                 Gilda Gonzales
start out, they deserve to have access to economic                   Co-founder                 Exective Director          CEO
opportunity and mobility.” Kat and her husband,                      OneCalifornia              Lao Family Community       The Unity Council
Tom Steyer, invested $22.5 million to start OneCal                                              Development, Inc.
Bank and established OneCal Foundation to own the                                                          to advancing financial fitness,” The Unity
                                                               zens, achieve social and economic self-
Bank. They will take no repayment or profit.                                                               Council’s CEO, Gilda Gonzales,
                                                               sufficiency. The new building will be a
    More than a year ago she began addressing the                                                          says. Early on, her organization pro-
                                                               one-stop resource center. Lao Family is
subprime crisis. “As we are now seeing, any bank in                                                        vided space and participants for a focus
                                                               reaching out to supporters, clients and
the end is dependent upon the health of the whole                                                          group to help OneCal identify banking
                                                               community with a capital campaign.
banking system. Some banks lost sight of that,                                                             needs of women in The Unity Council
                                                                   Begun as a resource for Southeast
choosing to run the risk of sinking their customers                                                        programs. The relationship continues
                                                               Asian refugees, Lao Family now serves
through exotic mortgage products or high and un-                                                           with a partnership in OneCal Foundation’s
                                                               more than 10,600 people a year from
fair transactional fees on the theory that there would                                                     foreclosure prevention project—the
                                                               30 nations across the world. The staff
always be more customers to exploit. OneCal Bank                                                           Community Homeownership Fund
                                                               speaks 15 languages; 45% of their cli-
gets it that our customers’ health is our health.”                                                         (CHF)—and in savings accounts at the
                                                               entele is Asian.
    She’s an advocate for financial literacy. “We have                                                     Bank for first-time home buyers in The
                                                                   The economic downturn hasn’t de-
choices: to consume, invest or save money. As indi-                                                        Unity Council’s programs.
                                                               terred her vision. She wants her clients
viduals and as a country, if we don’t save more, we                                                             “People must prepare themselves
                                                               to develop solid relationships with a
can’t invest more and we won’t have enough pro-                                                            and their families for home ownership
                                                               bank that has their secure financial fu-
ductivity, jobs or wealth in the future.” Her insights                                                     and retirement, but in changing times,
                                                               ture at heart. “Many immigrants didn’t
come from her Harvard undergrad and Stanford JD/                                                           financial fitness is a notion that’s lost in
                                                               trust banks in their home countries.
MBA education and from roles with philanthropic                                                            the communities we serve,” Gilda says.
                                                               In America, some began to rely on the
ventures and nonprofits in the Bay Area, including                                                         “Some people who went against our
                                                               larger brand names, only to be scared
an environmental education ranch in Pescadero, the                                                         recommendations, who ventured into
                                                               away by recent failures and mergers.
Insight Prison Project in San Quentin and the Tom-                                                         fancy complicated adjustable mort-
                                                               Because of that they may be afraid
Kat Foundation in San Francisco.                                                                           gages, are going through foreclosures.
                                                               to put money in smaller community
    Kat notes that in an economic downturn banks                                                           It’s not good news, but it’s validating to
                                                               banks. They don’t know the branding,
tend to stop funneling money to businesses. “It                                                            our program. 90% of the people in the
                                                               and may think small is less secure.”
makes sense in the short run and for the individual                                                        Financial Fitness program haven’t had
                                                                   She anticipates a long-term rela-
player, but it sabotages the system upon which we                                                          any financial literacy. We get them to
                                                               tionship with OneCal. “We’re starting
all depend.” She is about to go out of cellular range.                                                     the place where they understand clear-
                                                               with this loan, getting to know each oth-
“We entered banking at an extraordinary time. We                                                           ly what they need to do to move for-
                                                               er. The process with OneCal was easy
are the good ship Minnow on stormy seas. But our                                                           ward, whether to buy a home or keep
                                                               and quick—not a lengthy loan review
mission insists that we lend with proper underwrit-                                                        their home.”
                                                               as some banks have. I was able to speak
ing and in ways that support community growth.                                                                  In one Financial Fitness class, par-
                                                               with the decision maker and come up
Credit is a powerful tool in the economy and we                                                            ticipants make papier mâché piggy
                                                               with mutually agreeable terms.”
must extend it responsibly. In these times, we need                                                        banks. “At first, people ask ‘Why are
                                                                   Kathy envisions a financial services
to support trickle up economics and be part of the                                                         we doing this?’” Gilda says. “But they
                                                               hub in the new building. “For 30 blocks
optimism. Banking is highly psychological—we have                                                          get into it. There’s a sense of pride in
                                                               there are plenty of payday lenders but
to believe it can be done in order for it to be done.”                                                     the making and in taking control. The
                                                               no financial institutions. We’d like to
                                                               see a bank here with a mission similar      key is to raise awareness: ‘What do
    uKathy Chao believes it can be done. As                    to ours. I’m interested in exploring the    I have in savings? What choices am I
Executive Director of Lao Family Community                     possibility of OneCal’s participation.”     making?’ It becomes apparent what
Development, Inc., she came to OneCal seek-                                                                they can spend.” The piggy banks are
ing a real estate loan to acquire an office building               uIn neighboring Fruitvale, The          symbolic. Participants open actual
for her organization in Oakland’s San Antonio area.            Unity Council implements and man-           bank accounts, such as IDA* or regular
The Bank became a lender, along with The Northern              ages programs addressing economic,          savings at OneCal. “The whole family
California Community Loan Fund (OneCal’s first                 social and physical development for         must commit to financial fitness. We’re
partnership with NCCLF). Lao Family will occupy                families. It empowers its clients to        reaching down as far as we can go, en-
10,000 square feet and lease the remaining 20,000              make sound financial decisions through      couraging young people to come with
to nonprofits and small businesses aligned with Lao            courses in English and Spanish, semi-       their parents.”
Family’s mission, which is to help low-income peo-             nars and one-on-one sessions.                    Gilda sees many people who were
ple, whether refugee, immigrants or American citi-                 “Like OneCal, we are committed          prepared to buy a home now unable

to due to lending pullbacks. She and her co-work-
ers have taken voluntary pay reductions to help the
nonprofit weather the downturn. “These efforts are
galvanizing. It’s not just a job—it’s a mission and a

                                                                                                                                       COURTESY BRENDA SPRIGGS
service. OneCal gets that. They are an instrument by
which that gets played out.”
    “We’re looking for more banks to meet us at
ground level, to face issues that are unseen and un-
heard. We want to address the cash economy preva-
lent with immigrant day workers, who become tar-                                                               Dr. Brenda Spriggs
gets of crime. We want people to be banked with the                                                            Board of Directors
                                                           Carol Galante            Viola Gonzales
                                                                                                               OneCal Bank
right people so that their money is secure.” She val-      President                Advisory Board
ues her OneCal relationships. “Jeff [Cheung], Russ         BRIDGE Housing           OneCal Bank
[Haycock] and Sal [Salvador Menjívar] are my bank-
ing friends. We see each other often at roundabouts             u“My hope and expectation is that       We are ONE. We are related: interde-
throughout the community. With them, you’re a              OneCal will provide a framework for finan-   pendent and interrelated.”
member of a community, the OneCal family.”                 cial health,” says Viola Gonzales,               Brenda was Chief of Rheumatology
                                                           a nonprofit executive on a self-imposed      at Children’s Hospital in San Francisco
     uCarol Galante, President of BRIDGE                   sabbatical, who is still engaged as a con-   and is now a Clinical Professor Emeri-
Housing Corporation, is partnering with OneCal             sultant and civic volunteer. She serves      tus at the University of California in
Foundation’s foreclosure prevention project, CHF.          on the Board of the Oakland Fund for         San Francisco. Brenda has served on
“It’s great that OneCal early on said ‘We’re small, but    Children and Youth and on the Advi-          many boards in the Bay Area and as a
we should be able to do something here.’” BRIDGE           sory Board of OneCal Bank. “The              delegate on international missions. She
creates high-quality, affordable homes for working         mission of the Bank is in tune with my       had a venture restoring Victorian prop-
families and seniors. It’s the leading affordable hous-    work with children and families in low-      erties and is now developing a health
ing developer in California. Carol works with Hous-        income communities.”                         care consultancy. “I would encourage
ing Partnership Network to find banks and compare               Formerly Executive Director of the      anyone starting a new business to form
notes on what similar nonprofits are doing.                Latino Community Foundation, she’s           a relationship with OneCal. You never
     “We’re putting our homeowners into fixed              held positions in nonprofits, business-      come away empty-handed. You get
rate, good mortgages, but we see the problems all          es and government entities. Recently,        tools to manage your financial goals.
around.” BRIDGE is exploring the purchase of homes         she was on the community leadership          Everyone is treated the same—with
that have been vacated. Carol’s asking, “Can you save      award committee for the San Fran-            attention, interest. If you have an idea
home owners that have subprimes? Can you rehab             cisco Foundation. “It was so much fun        that works, it will be very good for both
the home and save the neighborhoods, then find             to decide on giving a handsome award         parties—you & the Bank.”
buyers to purchase with a better mortgage product?”        to individuals who have done fantastic
There are no easy answers. “These loans have been          things for people in the community.”
                                                                Viola is committed to social change.
                                                                                                            uFarhana Huq, Founder and
sliced, diced and packaged into collateral obligations.                                                 CEO of C.E.O. Women, is on a mis-
It’s difficult to find out who is serving these, to find   “Consumer education is key to help-
                                                                                                        sion to create economic opportunities
homeowners who are qualified to benefit from fore-         ing low-income communities. A lot of
                                                                                                        for low-income immigrant and refu-
closure prevention programs. With consolidation of         working poor don’t have tools to be fi-
                                                                                                        gee women. In 2000, she funneled her
banks, people have fewer and fewer options. It takes       nancially literate. Teenagers need adults
                                                                                                        compassion for the impoverished and
a personal touch. It’s a great role for OneCal.”           to talk to. They want to understand
                                                                                                        her admiration for the entrepreneur-
     For her many roles, Carol wins national and           money—how to make it and what to
                                                                                                        ial spirit into a nonprofit that teaches
local awards. In October, she was inducted into            do with it. People are concerned about
                                                                                                        women communication skills, then
the Bay Area Business Hall of Fame. She is also a          credit. They don’t know who to trust. It’s
                                                                                                        provides intensive mentoring, coach-
board member of OneCal Foundation, and helped              a strange time now, and also a tremen-
                                                                                                        ing and access to capital needed to
select locally-owned small businesses for the Indie        dous opportunity. It’s time for people
                                                                                                        start a small business.
Awards, a program of Oakland Unwrapped! “The               to turn to small banks. There’s a sense
                                                                                                            A neighbor of OneCal in downtown
jurying process was fun. Later, we discovered that         of authenticity. Putting your accounts at
                                                                                                        Oakland, C.E.O. Women holds its micro-
one of the business owners has a daughter who had          OneCal is a show of confidence.”
                                                                                                        equity initiative award ceremonies at
interned in our office—that’s less than six degrees                                                     the Bank. Recipients receive a $1500
of separation!” She sees future connections. “Busi-            uDr. Brenda Spriggs is                   startup grant from C.E.O. Women’s
ness owners may live in BRIDGE housing; BRIDGE             confident in OneCal. “It empowers me         Women Connected Venture Fund and
home owners may frequent these businesses or bank          to know there is a mission here for re-      help from OneCal Bank with opening
at OneCal.”                                                lationship banking, a mainstay of com-       their business accounts.
     She sees an easier argument now for going with        munity growth. When asked to join                Farhana hasn’t seen greater diffi-
a smaller bank. “Other banks are not doing it from         the board, I was excited that the bank       culty recently in getting new businesses
the same heart and soul as OneCal. Kat and Tom             would encourage a more sustainable           up and running, but the economic
[co-founders Taylor & Steyer] aren’t going to gain fi-     community, would help develop infra-         downturn has affected some of her clients’
nancially. OneCal has an overarching mission. It can       structure and decrease crime.                established ventures, such as a house-
tailor products and services. It’s a good model.”              “To me, OneCal Bank is more than         cleaning business that employs six.
                                                           an institution; it’s a concept. It means:    (“Farhana Huq continued” on p 5, col 2.)


                 ts impact will grow over time,” says Ex-
ecutive Director of EBALDC (East Bay Asian Local
Development Corporation), Lynette Lee. She is
                                                                 Ortensia believes that a bank can empower people.
                                                             “OneCal can do this. It can say: ‘After everything that’s
                                                             happened, we’re still here.’ It’s focused on creating
on OneCal Bank’s Advisory Board. “OneCal can’t be            assets for low-income individuals. It’s there to help
all things to all people, but it’s launched many things it   people in small businesses and help nonprofits manage
wants to achieve. I see OneCal moving into some of the       their money. It can cut through red tape. A nonprofit is
neighborhoods. Where we are—West Oakland—there               like a small business. If we find a way to generate rev-
are no banks at all and large parts of East Oakland have     enue, we invest it back in services. It’s like a dividend
no banks. A bank presence would encourage healthy            to community.”
financial practices and alternatives to check cashing
places and payday lending.”                                       uJudge Gail Bereola has a can-do attitude               Lynette Lee
     EBALDC develops affordable housing and commu-                                                                        Executive Director
                                                             that’s served her well in life and as a Judge of the Su-     EBALDC
nity facilities with integrated services focused on ten-     perior Court of California, County of Alameda and the
ants and neighborhood residents. With 15 buildings in        Presiding Judge of the Juvenile Court in San Leandro.
East Oakland, West Oakland, Emeryville, and San Pablo,       She develops innovative programs for the juvenile court
EBALDC houses over 3000 occupants. If a tenant has           and creates community partnerships to help youth lead
trouble making rent, they sit down and make a sched-         productive lives. Her vision is being implemented in
ule to catch up over time. “Our vacancy rate is generally    innovative pilot programs and models adapted for lo-
2%, but right now buildings are full.”                       cal use. She is devoted to seeing them take hold and
     The rise in tenants is partly due to subprime de-       become routine. Her vision includes restorative justice
faults and the lending crunch. “There are lots of homes

                                                                                                                                                    COURTESY ORTENSIA LOPEZ
                                                             practices, an independent living skills program, truancy
for low-income buyers, but they can’t get loans. They        diversion and job training.
may have saved 10% down, but now need 20%, unless                 Gail sees economic empowerment as key to reha-
they can get a subsidy. They may have a 650 FICO*            bilitation. Case in point: The Fresh Start Café, set up
score, but now need 720. We’re chasing underwriters,         with the help of probation at juvenile court, employs
who keep shifting—L.A., Midwest. The process could           male minors from Camp Sweeney, a post-adjudication           Ortensia Lopez
be faster if the underwriting was done in-house, locally,    facility. The boys learn job skills and how to interact
                                                                                                                          Executive Director
where there is an understanding of the market.”                                                                           El Concilio of
                                                             with the public. Minimum wages earned go into trust          San Mateo County
     EBALDC helps people prepare for home ownership          accounts for the boys; portions are used to pay any vic-
through financial literacy programs and IDA* accounts        tim restitution. The juvenile court also has an Emer-
at OneCal Bank. “It’s a good time for financial literacy     gency Medical Training program, which leads to EMT
programs. When unemployment goes up, adult learn-            jobs with good pay. “A lot of minors in the community
ing classes grow tremendously. We have waiting lists         are unengaged,” Gail says. “Put them into some struc-
for classes at Garfield elementary where we start with       ture, and they excel.”
5th and 6th graders. We develop depth through a three-            Truancy underlies juvenile delinquency, as does
tier program, which involved parents.” She notes the         family neglect. The court addresses child welfare, fos-
challenge of building banking trust among immigrants         ter care and group homes. Among all the programs and
and refugees. “In these times, cash becomes king.”           agencies that work to help youth, Gail sees great effort

                                                                                                                                                 COURTESY GAIL BEREOLA
                                                             but little consistency or standardizing action. She in-
     uOrtensia Lopez, Executive Director of El               terfaces with organizations and commissions and does
Concilio of San Mateo County, is also Co-chair of            educational and community outreach. Her vision of a
Greenlining Institute, a multi-ethnic public policy ad-      convening force in the community includes OneCal.
vocacy group and a member of the OneCal Bank Ad-                  “We need financial institutions that are committed      Judge Gail Bereola
visory Board. “Being on the Board is an opportunity to                                                                    Superior Court
                                                             to personal and community success. It’s important to
                                                                                                                          Alameda County
understand how a bank works. I bring my Greenlining          put your money where your mouth is. OneCal offers all
experience to it, and learn things I can apply in other      that and more. It is saying ‘I have your back. I share
work.” El Concilio serves 10,000 people in San Mateo         your desires and dreams to become financially success-
County by increasing leadership, education, employ-          ful. When you become successful, I become successful.’
ment opportunities and access to health care. The chal-      OneCal will calm fears and let people know there’s a re-
lenges are much the same as in Alameda County.               newed commitment to develop economic opportunity.”
     “There’s only one bank in East Palo Alto, and Red-
wood City needs financial services. Banks have to be            uFarhana Huq continued from page 4
                                                                                                                                               PHOTO BY KATHI O’LEARY

worth their promise and fulfill what they offer. We’ve           “Historically, we’re all from immigrants. The immi-
had a rude awakening with foreclosure difficulties. Be-      grant’s contribution to entrepreneurship is significant,”
fore people just trusted. Now they don’t know who to         Farhana says. “In the Bay Area, 127,000 women fit our
trust. Especially if they’ve come from countries with        profile. Their desire to start a business is a solution to
government-run banks. For the Latino community, it’s         the economic, social and environmental crises. These         Farhana Huq
about relationship building: ‘If I know you, I trust you.’   small businesses strengthen the local economy.”              Founder & CEO
It’s empowering to reach deep into a cultural group,                                                                      C.E.O. Women
to meet people where they live, play and socialize, to
spend time in parks and churches where people who            *For Banking Tips & Terms go to Learn About Banking at
work two or three jobs can be with extended family.”

Banking on One Success at a Time                                                                                                                                                              FIRST CLASS MAIL
OneCalifornia Bank, FSB                                                                                                                                                                       U.S. POSTAGE PAID
1438 Webster Street, Suite 100                                                                                                                                                                OAKLAND, CA
Oakland CA 94612                                                                                                                                                                              PERMIT NO. 332

                               Bank with people who empower community.

                                         It’s the right time for community development.
                                             Please join us in For-Benefit Banking.

   CONNECTS                                         “W                 e’ve heard much talk in recent months
                                                    about Wall Street and Main Street. There is a third street—                                                For more information
                                                                                                                                                               about the women, organizations

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Printed on 100% Recycled Paper Photography by Linda Russell,, except as noted otherwise.
                                                    Community Street. At OneCal we believe it’s critical to
 OneCalifornia Bank, FSB                                                                                                                                       and businesses featured in this
                                                    make credit available to qualified small businesses and                                                                                                                                          report, please visit:
                                                    nonprofit organizations. Players in these arenas help de-
    Phone 510.550.8400
1438 Webster Street, Suite 100                      velop the community, which in turn sustains Main Street,
     Oakland CA 94612                               where we all live and raise our families. In this quarterly
                                                    report, we feature women with a desire for making a differ-
OneCalifornia Foundation                            ence and a dedication to community. For the contributions
                                                                                                                                                                                they have made and will continue to make, we are proud
    Phone 510.663.2253                                                                                                                               
                                                    they are part of the OneCal family. We could fill pages with
1438 Webster Street, Suite 101                                                                                                                       
                                                    many more empowering women, and in future issues we                                              
     Oakland CA 94612
     Salvador Menjívar                              will. Please join this stellar group by aligning your social                                     
     Executive Director                             values with how you bank. As a depositor or borrower with                                        
                                                    OneCal Bank, you automatically contribute to strengthening                                       
          Bank Hours:                               community. Please give me a call regarding community                                             
        M- Th 9 am - 4 pm                           development projects. Thank you!”                                                                
         F 9am - 5 pm
                                                    Jeff Cheung
                                                    President & CEO, OneCalifornia Bank
                                                    510.550.8408 u

 OneCalifornia Bank, FSB, is a member FDIC and an Equal Housing Lender. The FDIC guarantees all traditional types of deposit accounts (checking, savings, trust, money market, CDs) up to $250,000 and
 guarantees IRAs up to $250,000. The basic deposit accounts insurance limit amount is $250,000 per depositor per insured bank. Certain retirement accounts (such as Individual Retirement Accounts [IRAs]) are insured up
 to $250,000 per depositor per insured bank. For customers with accounts in multiple categories at a single financial institution, FDIC coverage is based on the titling of the accounts and the category of accounts, not the
 number of accounts. Please note that the FDIC limit on traditional types of deposit accounts is temporary, through December 31, 2009.
 Ask us about FDIC-insured deposits up to $50 million through CDARS®, the Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service.
 CDARS® is a new, smart option for individuals, businesses and nonprofits who have large cash deposits and are seeking the convenience of working with one bank.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  ©2008 OneCalifornia Bank

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One Cal Q3 2008 Report

  • 1. OneCalifornia Community Development Banking Report }2008 Q3 Does your bank empower your community? Ours does. TM B A N K Member FDIC EQUAL HOUSING LENDER
  • 2. W WHAT DOES ONECAL DO? “IT SAVES LIVES. LITERALLY.” Davida Coady e asked the women featured in this report how OneCal empowers community. “It saves lives. Literally,” Dr. Davida Coady career goals twenty times—doctors, lawyers, police, teachers—before they go to college, but the impor- tant thing is to believe they are going.” She thinks says. As Executive Director of Options Recovery parents would do better if they knew better. She Services, Davida approached four brokers for fi- coaches them toward their children’s success, say- nancing to keep a building, but was refused. A friend ing: “Don’t ever use the word if. Say when you go suggested a new bank that she’d heard would lend to college. Forget about if. I’m not going to spend 12 to nonprofits, so Davida and she drove around until years working for you if you say if.” TM they found it at 1438 Webster Street in downtown Oral Lee invests securely, putting all Oral Lee Oakland. “There were nice work stations, but no Brown Foundation funds into CDs and treasury people,” Davida says. “Finally someone appeared, notes. “It’s these kids’ future. I can’t play with it.” B A N K She has opened a large Certificate of Deposit at OneCal. and the rest is history.” OneCalifornia had just opened its doors as a This is her first relationship with community devel- BANKING ON community development Bank and Foundation. The opment banking, and she appreciates the personal ONE SUCCESS Oakland location is critical to the Bank’s mission attention she receives. of improving economic opportunity by offering fair Her next dream is to start a boarding school. AT A TIME TM and open access to all individuals, business owners “If we truly want to save our students, we have to and nonprofits in need of financial services. OneCal get them out of the environment they’re in to where builds trust by listening, giving personal service and they’re not fearful of a bullet coming through the using the best technologies and products to help the window.” Her school would be located outside the expanding OneCal family of Bank depositors and bor- city and would guarantee each child a college edu- rowers and Foundation program participants. cation. “This world would be so great if everyone OneCal’s Lisa Zuffi worked with Davida to refi- helped. It’s not that hard. I’ve done it, and I’ve never nance three of five apartment buildings, enabling the missed a meal.” Oral Lee laughs. “Maybe I should!” nonprofit to keep 16 men housed at 1020 59th Street in Berkeley and continue their recovery. The year- uEarly in her career, Njambi Mungai often long residential program empowers participants to went to her mother’s to eat or skipped a meal rather disengage from addiction and crime. Neighborhoods than miss a bill payment, and her diligence earned benefit, too. With a sense of pride, men in the pro- her good credit. She parlayed her experience in sales Dr. Davida Coady gram are doing yard work and building fences. Land- and consulting into her own business, JR Lester & Executive Director lords of neighboring residences are coming around, Associates, Ltd. Through the Ready for Takeoff Options Recovery Services asking for graduates to be tenants. The 1020 build- program for women-owned minority businesses, ing had been a crack house for 30 years. she earned an opportunity to run concessions at the “We’re bursting at the seams,” Davida says. “Our Oakland Airport. housing is running a profit for the program.” Options Now twelve years later with 37 employees, Njambi Recovery operates day treatment re-entry programs has an established See’s Candies business at the airport and a clinic in downtown Berkeley, as well as the res- along with a new Auntie Annie’s Pretzels franchise, idential program, where men and women—addicts, financed with a small business loan through OneCal alcoholics, felons, mentally ill, homeless—learn to Bank. She also has See’s retail concessions at the live clean, sober and productive lives. Embarcadero in San Francisco and ventures begun with other airports. uEleven miles away in Oakland, the Oral Lee “If you see it, it becomes,” Njambi says. She’s Brown Foundation empowers children toward a savvy businesswoman with “wildest dreams” of Oral Lee Brown their own meaningful lives. Born into poverty in Mis- growing sales to $50 million, but with a realistic out- Founder & CEO look to anchor her business in airport markets. Oral Lee Brown Foundation sissippi, Oral Lee Brown put herself through the University of San Francisco while raising a fam- Njambi has become an advocate for the bank. ily and working. In 1987, a chance encounter with a “Jeff [Cheung] and Francine [Boards] really do little girl in East Oakland led Oral to the local school listen to your dream, to what you want to achieve. where she saw a need and filled it: she committed to They are right there helping you with your vision. A sending an entire first grade class to college. Earning number of institutions weren’t interested in hearing $45,000 a year at the time, Oral deposited $10,000 about it,” she says. “The small business owner has to into a trust account and created the Foundation. jump through many hoops. All my assets were tied Every four years, she starts a new group of twen- up in my business. OneCal helped me get past the ty or more children on the road to college gradua- point where I was stuck. They were tremendous in tion. Along the way, they study math, science and assisting me to work things out so that I could get computers in Saturday classes taught by volunteer financing. I needed that little piece of help. I’m so teachers at the Foundation offices. Parents, coun- grateful.” Through OneCal, she has a Norcal Small selors, teachers and ministers recommend the chil- Business State Guarantee loan. Njambi Mungai dren, who generally come from low-income families Njambi is not worried about the economic down- Owner, President & CEO in which no one has gone to college. turn. “I’m an optimist. The glass is half full, and I’m JR Lester & Associates “The earlier I can reach them, the greater impact keeping my head above water.” we have,” Oral Lee says. “The kids may change their 2
  • 3. T “WE HAVE TO BELIEVE IT CAN BE DONE IN ORDER FOR IT TO BE DONE.” Kat Taylor he word optimist only begins to describe the attributes of Kat Taylor, but she deflects compli- ments. As a co-founder of OneCalifornia and mem- ber of the Board of Directors, she seldom takes center stage other than to sing acapella songs of praise about banking, friends or family to any group who’ll listen, belting out original lyrics as occasions demand. “I want to be part of a just society,” Kat says, when asked about her role in founding OneCal. She’s in her car between meetings. “No matter how people Kat Taylor Kathy Chao Gilda Gonzales start out, they deserve to have access to economic Co-founder Exective Director CEO opportunity and mobility.” Kat and her husband, OneCalifornia Lao Family Community The Unity Council Tom Steyer, invested $22.5 million to start OneCal Development, Inc. Bank and established OneCal Foundation to own the to advancing financial fitness,” The Unity zens, achieve social and economic self- Bank. They will take no repayment or profit. Council’s CEO, Gilda Gonzales, sufficiency. The new building will be a More than a year ago she began addressing the says. Early on, her organization pro- one-stop resource center. Lao Family is subprime crisis. “As we are now seeing, any bank in vided space and participants for a focus reaching out to supporters, clients and the end is dependent upon the health of the whole group to help OneCal identify banking community with a capital campaign. banking system. Some banks lost sight of that, needs of women in The Unity Council Begun as a resource for Southeast choosing to run the risk of sinking their customers programs. The relationship continues Asian refugees, Lao Family now serves through exotic mortgage products or high and un- with a partnership in OneCal Foundation’s more than 10,600 people a year from fair transactional fees on the theory that there would foreclosure prevention project—the 30 nations across the world. The staff always be more customers to exploit. OneCal Bank Community Homeownership Fund speaks 15 languages; 45% of their cli- gets it that our customers’ health is our health.” (CHF)—and in savings accounts at the entele is Asian. She’s an advocate for financial literacy. “We have Bank for first-time home buyers in The The economic downturn hasn’t de- choices: to consume, invest or save money. As indi- Unity Council’s programs. terred her vision. She wants her clients viduals and as a country, if we don’t save more, we “People must prepare themselves to develop solid relationships with a can’t invest more and we won’t have enough pro- and their families for home ownership bank that has their secure financial fu- ductivity, jobs or wealth in the future.” Her insights and retirement, but in changing times, ture at heart. “Many immigrants didn’t come from her Harvard undergrad and Stanford JD/ financial fitness is a notion that’s lost in trust banks in their home countries. MBA education and from roles with philanthropic the communities we serve,” Gilda says. In America, some began to rely on the ventures and nonprofits in the Bay Area, including “Some people who went against our larger brand names, only to be scared an environmental education ranch in Pescadero, the recommendations, who ventured into away by recent failures and mergers. Insight Prison Project in San Quentin and the Tom- fancy complicated adjustable mort- Because of that they may be afraid Kat Foundation in San Francisco. gages, are going through foreclosures. to put money in smaller community Kat notes that in an economic downturn banks It’s not good news, but it’s validating to banks. They don’t know the branding, tend to stop funneling money to businesses. “It our program. 90% of the people in the and may think small is less secure.” makes sense in the short run and for the individual Financial Fitness program haven’t had She anticipates a long-term rela- player, but it sabotages the system upon which we any financial literacy. We get them to tionship with OneCal. “We’re starting all depend.” She is about to go out of cellular range. the place where they understand clear- with this loan, getting to know each oth- “We entered banking at an extraordinary time. We ly what they need to do to move for- er. The process with OneCal was easy are the good ship Minnow on stormy seas. But our ward, whether to buy a home or keep and quick—not a lengthy loan review mission insists that we lend with proper underwrit- their home.” as some banks have. I was able to speak ing and in ways that support community growth. In one Financial Fitness class, par- with the decision maker and come up Credit is a powerful tool in the economy and we ticipants make papier mâché piggy with mutually agreeable terms.” must extend it responsibly. In these times, we need banks. “At first, people ask ‘Why are Kathy envisions a financial services to support trickle up economics and be part of the we doing this?’” Gilda says. “But they hub in the new building. “For 30 blocks optimism. Banking is highly psychological—we have get into it. There’s a sense of pride in there are plenty of payday lenders but to believe it can be done in order for it to be done.” the making and in taking control. The no financial institutions. We’d like to see a bank here with a mission similar key is to raise awareness: ‘What do uKathy Chao believes it can be done. As to ours. I’m interested in exploring the I have in savings? What choices am I Executive Director of Lao Family Community possibility of OneCal’s participation.” making?’ It becomes apparent what Development, Inc., she came to OneCal seek- they can spend.” The piggy banks are ing a real estate loan to acquire an office building uIn neighboring Fruitvale, The symbolic. Participants open actual for her organization in Oakland’s San Antonio area. Unity Council implements and man- bank accounts, such as IDA* or regular The Bank became a lender, along with The Northern ages programs addressing economic, savings at OneCal. “The whole family California Community Loan Fund (OneCal’s first social and physical development for must commit to financial fitness. We’re partnership with NCCLF). Lao Family will occupy families. It empowers its clients to reaching down as far as we can go, en- 10,000 square feet and lease the remaining 20,000 make sound financial decisions through couraging young people to come with to nonprofits and small businesses aligned with Lao courses in English and Spanish, semi- their parents.” Family’s mission, which is to help low-income peo- nars and one-on-one sessions. Gilda sees many people who were ple, whether refugee, immigrants or American citi- “Like OneCal, we are committed prepared to buy a home now unable 3
  • 4. “WE’RE COMMITTED. IT’’S NOT JUST A JOB—IT’S A MISSON AND A SERVICE.” Gilda Gonzales to due to lending pullbacks. She and her co-work- ers have taken voluntary pay reductions to help the nonprofit weather the downturn. “These efforts are galvanizing. It’s not just a job—it’s a mission and a COURTESY BRENDA SPRIGGS service. OneCal gets that. They are an instrument by which that gets played out.” “We’re looking for more banks to meet us at ground level, to face issues that are unseen and un- heard. We want to address the cash economy preva- lent with immigrant day workers, who become tar- Dr. Brenda Spriggs gets of crime. We want people to be banked with the Board of Directors Carol Galante Viola Gonzales OneCal Bank right people so that their money is secure.” She val- President Advisory Board ues her OneCal relationships. “Jeff [Cheung], Russ BRIDGE Housing OneCal Bank [Haycock] and Sal [Salvador Menjívar] are my bank- ing friends. We see each other often at roundabouts u“My hope and expectation is that We are ONE. We are related: interde- throughout the community. With them, you’re a OneCal will provide a framework for finan- pendent and interrelated.” member of a community, the OneCal family.” cial health,” says Viola Gonzales, Brenda was Chief of Rheumatology a nonprofit executive on a self-imposed at Children’s Hospital in San Francisco uCarol Galante, President of BRIDGE sabbatical, who is still engaged as a con- and is now a Clinical Professor Emeri- Housing Corporation, is partnering with OneCal sultant and civic volunteer. She serves tus at the University of California in Foundation’s foreclosure prevention project, CHF. on the Board of the Oakland Fund for San Francisco. Brenda has served on “It’s great that OneCal early on said ‘We’re small, but Children and Youth and on the Advi- many boards in the Bay Area and as a we should be able to do something here.’” BRIDGE sory Board of OneCal Bank. “The delegate on international missions. She creates high-quality, affordable homes for working mission of the Bank is in tune with my had a venture restoring Victorian prop- families and seniors. It’s the leading affordable hous- work with children and families in low- erties and is now developing a health ing developer in California. Carol works with Hous- income communities.” care consultancy. “I would encourage ing Partnership Network to find banks and compare Formerly Executive Director of the anyone starting a new business to form notes on what similar nonprofits are doing. Latino Community Foundation, she’s a relationship with OneCal. You never “We’re putting our homeowners into fixed held positions in nonprofits, business- come away empty-handed. You get rate, good mortgages, but we see the problems all es and government entities. Recently, tools to manage your financial goals. around.” BRIDGE is exploring the purchase of homes she was on the community leadership Everyone is treated the same—with that have been vacated. Carol’s asking, “Can you save award committee for the San Fran- attention, interest. If you have an idea home owners that have subprimes? Can you rehab cisco Foundation. “It was so much fun that works, it will be very good for both the home and save the neighborhoods, then find to decide on giving a handsome award parties—you & the Bank.” buyers to purchase with a better mortgage product?” to individuals who have done fantastic There are no easy answers. “These loans have been things for people in the community.” Viola is committed to social change. uFarhana Huq, Founder and sliced, diced and packaged into collateral obligations. CEO of C.E.O. Women, is on a mis- It’s difficult to find out who is serving these, to find “Consumer education is key to help- sion to create economic opportunities homeowners who are qualified to benefit from fore- ing low-income communities. A lot of for low-income immigrant and refu- closure prevention programs. With consolidation of working poor don’t have tools to be fi- gee women. In 2000, she funneled her banks, people have fewer and fewer options. It takes nancially literate. Teenagers need adults compassion for the impoverished and a personal touch. It’s a great role for OneCal.” to talk to. They want to understand her admiration for the entrepreneur- For her many roles, Carol wins national and money—how to make it and what to ial spirit into a nonprofit that teaches local awards. In October, she was inducted into do with it. People are concerned about women communication skills, then the Bay Area Business Hall of Fame. She is also a credit. They don’t know who to trust. It’s provides intensive mentoring, coach- board member of OneCal Foundation, and helped a strange time now, and also a tremen- ing and access to capital needed to select locally-owned small businesses for the Indie dous opportunity. It’s time for people start a small business. Awards, a program of Oakland Unwrapped! “The to turn to small banks. There’s a sense A neighbor of OneCal in downtown jurying process was fun. Later, we discovered that of authenticity. Putting your accounts at Oakland, C.E.O. Women holds its micro- one of the business owners has a daughter who had OneCal is a show of confidence.” equity initiative award ceremonies at interned in our office—that’s less than six degrees the Bank. Recipients receive a $1500 of separation!” She sees future connections. “Busi- uDr. Brenda Spriggs is startup grant from C.E.O. Women’s ness owners may live in BRIDGE housing; BRIDGE confident in OneCal. “It empowers me Women Connected Venture Fund and home owners may frequent these businesses or bank to know there is a mission here for re- help from OneCal Bank with opening at OneCal.” lationship banking, a mainstay of com- their business accounts. She sees an easier argument now for going with munity growth. When asked to join Farhana hasn’t seen greater diffi- a smaller bank. “Other banks are not doing it from the board, I was excited that the bank culty recently in getting new businesses the same heart and soul as OneCal. Kat and Tom would encourage a more sustainable up and running, but the economic [co-founders Taylor & Steyer] aren’t going to gain fi- community, would help develop infra- downturn has affected some of her clients’ nancially. OneCal has an overarching mission. It can structure and decrease crime. established ventures, such as a house- tailor products and services. It’s a good model.” “To me, OneCal Bank is more than cleaning business that employs six. an institution; it’s a concept. It means: (“Farhana Huq continued” on p 5, col 2.) 4
  • 5. “I “OTHER BANKS ARE NOT DOING IT FROM THE SAME HEART AND SOUL AS ONECAL.” Carol Galante ts impact will grow over time,” says Ex- ecutive Director of EBALDC (East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation), Lynette Lee. She is Ortensia believes that a bank can empower people. “OneCal can do this. It can say: ‘After everything that’s happened, we’re still here.’ It’s focused on creating on OneCal Bank’s Advisory Board. “OneCal can’t be assets for low-income individuals. It’s there to help all things to all people, but it’s launched many things it people in small businesses and help nonprofits manage wants to achieve. I see OneCal moving into some of the their money. It can cut through red tape. A nonprofit is neighborhoods. Where we are—West Oakland—there like a small business. If we find a way to generate rev- are no banks at all and large parts of East Oakland have enue, we invest it back in services. It’s like a dividend no banks. A bank presence would encourage healthy to community.” financial practices and alternatives to check cashing places and payday lending.” uJudge Gail Bereola has a can-do attitude Lynette Lee EBALDC develops affordable housing and commu- Executive Director that’s served her well in life and as a Judge of the Su- EBALDC nity facilities with integrated services focused on ten- perior Court of California, County of Alameda and the ants and neighborhood residents. With 15 buildings in Presiding Judge of the Juvenile Court in San Leandro. East Oakland, West Oakland, Emeryville, and San Pablo, She develops innovative programs for the juvenile court EBALDC houses over 3000 occupants. If a tenant has and creates community partnerships to help youth lead trouble making rent, they sit down and make a sched- productive lives. Her vision is being implemented in ule to catch up over time. “Our vacancy rate is generally innovative pilot programs and models adapted for lo- 2%, but right now buildings are full.” cal use. She is devoted to seeing them take hold and The rise in tenants is partly due to subprime de- become routine. Her vision includes restorative justice faults and the lending crunch. “There are lots of homes COURTESY ORTENSIA LOPEZ practices, an independent living skills program, truancy for low-income buyers, but they can’t get loans. They diversion and job training. may have saved 10% down, but now need 20%, unless Gail sees economic empowerment as key to reha- they can get a subsidy. They may have a 650 FICO* bilitation. Case in point: The Fresh Start Café, set up score, but now need 720. We’re chasing underwriters, with the help of probation at juvenile court, employs who keep shifting—L.A., Midwest. The process could male minors from Camp Sweeney, a post-adjudication Ortensia Lopez be faster if the underwriting was done in-house, locally, facility. The boys learn job skills and how to interact Executive Director where there is an understanding of the market.” El Concilio of with the public. Minimum wages earned go into trust San Mateo County EBALDC helps people prepare for home ownership accounts for the boys; portions are used to pay any vic- through financial literacy programs and IDA* accounts tim restitution. The juvenile court also has an Emer- at OneCal Bank. “It’s a good time for financial literacy gency Medical Training program, which leads to EMT programs. When unemployment goes up, adult learn- jobs with good pay. “A lot of minors in the community ing classes grow tremendously. We have waiting lists are unengaged,” Gail says. “Put them into some struc- for classes at Garfield elementary where we start with ture, and they excel.” 5th and 6th graders. We develop depth through a three- Truancy underlies juvenile delinquency, as does tier program, which involved parents.” She notes the family neglect. The court addresses child welfare, fos- challenge of building banking trust among immigrants ter care and group homes. Among all the programs and and refugees. “In these times, cash becomes king.” agencies that work to help youth, Gail sees great effort COURTESY GAIL BEREOLA but little consistency or standardizing action. She in- uOrtensia Lopez, Executive Director of El terfaces with organizations and commissions and does Concilio of San Mateo County, is also Co-chair of educational and community outreach. Her vision of a Greenlining Institute, a multi-ethnic public policy ad- convening force in the community includes OneCal. vocacy group and a member of the OneCal Bank Ad- “We need financial institutions that are committed Judge Gail Bereola visory Board. “Being on the Board is an opportunity to Superior Court to personal and community success. It’s important to Alameda County understand how a bank works. I bring my Greenlining put your money where your mouth is. OneCal offers all experience to it, and learn things I can apply in other that and more. It is saying ‘I have your back. I share work.” El Concilio serves 10,000 people in San Mateo your desires and dreams to become financially success- County by increasing leadership, education, employ- ful. When you become successful, I become successful.’ ment opportunities and access to health care. The chal- OneCal will calm fears and let people know there’s a re- lenges are much the same as in Alameda County. newed commitment to develop economic opportunity.” “There’s only one bank in East Palo Alto, and Red- wood City needs financial services. Banks have to be uFarhana Huq continued from page 4 PHOTO BY KATHI O’LEARY worth their promise and fulfill what they offer. We’ve “Historically, we’re all from immigrants. The immi- had a rude awakening with foreclosure difficulties. Be- grant’s contribution to entrepreneurship is significant,” fore people just trusted. Now they don’t know who to Farhana says. “In the Bay Area, 127,000 women fit our trust. Especially if they’ve come from countries with profile. Their desire to start a business is a solution to government-run banks. For the Latino community, it’s the economic, social and environmental crises. These Farhana Huq about relationship building: ‘If I know you, I trust you.’ small businesses strengthen the local economy.” Founder & CEO It’s empowering to reach deep into a cultural group, C.E.O. Women to meet people where they live, play and socialize, to spend time in parks and churches where people who *For Banking Tips & Terms go to Learn About Banking at work two or three jobs can be with extended family.” 5
  • 6. Banking on One Success at a Time FIRST CLASS MAIL OneCalifornia Bank, FSB U.S. POSTAGE PAID 1438 Webster Street, Suite 100 OAKLAND, CA Oakland CA 94612 PERMIT NO. 332 Bank with people who empower community. It’s the right time for community development. TM Please join us in For-Benefit Banking. COMMUNITY CONNECTS “W e’ve heard much talk in recent months about Wall Street and Main Street. There is a third street— For more information about the women, organizations Printed on 100% Recycled Paper Photography by Linda Russell,, except as noted otherwise. Community Street. At OneCal we believe it’s critical to OneCalifornia Bank, FSB and businesses featured in this make credit available to qualified small businesses and report, please visit: nonprofit organizations. Players in these arenas help de- Phone 510.550.8400 1438 Webster Street, Suite 100 velop the community, which in turn sustains Main Street, Oakland CA 94612 where we all live and raise our families. In this quarterly report, we feature women with a desire for making a differ- OneCalifornia Foundation ence and a dedication to community. For the contributions they have made and will continue to make, we are proud Phone 510.663.2253 they are part of the OneCal family. We could fill pages with 1438 Webster Street, Suite 101 many more empowering women, and in future issues we Oakland CA 94612 Salvador Menjívar will. Please join this stellar group by aligning your social Executive Director values with how you bank. As a depositor or borrower with OneCal Bank, you automatically contribute to strengthening Bank Hours: community. Please give me a call regarding community M- Th 9 am - 4 pm development projects. Thank you!” F 9am - 5 pm Jeff Cheung President & CEO, OneCalifornia Bank 510.550.8408 u OneCalifornia Bank, FSB, is a member FDIC and an Equal Housing Lender. The FDIC guarantees all traditional types of deposit accounts (checking, savings, trust, money market, CDs) up to $250,000 and guarantees IRAs up to $250,000. The basic deposit accounts insurance limit amount is $250,000 per depositor per insured bank. Certain retirement accounts (such as Individual Retirement Accounts [IRAs]) are insured up to $250,000 per depositor per insured bank. For customers with accounts in multiple categories at a single financial institution, FDIC coverage is based on the titling of the accounts and the category of accounts, not the number of accounts. Please note that the FDIC limit on traditional types of deposit accounts is temporary, through December 31, 2009. Ask us about FDIC-insured deposits up to $50 million through CDARS®, the Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service. CDARS® is a new, smart option for individuals, businesses and nonprofits who have large cash deposits and are seeking the convenience of working with one bank. ©2008 OneCalifornia Bank