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the world’s most powerful
celebrity magazine
OK! is in a different league from
every other celebrity magazine.
We are purely celebrity based
which means every single feature
– whether it’s an at-home, food
or fashion – is about celebrity.
Since we exclusively cover
weddings and at-home shoots
it means we get closer to the
celebrities than other titles,
and we also have a tongue
in cheek humour that means
while serious issues are dealt
with sensitively, our other shoots
have a unique sense of fun.
The Editor
“OK! Magazine leads the way
in bringing our loyal readers the
most fabulous exclusive stories
week after week, which is why
we are the world’s number one
celebrity magazine.”
A-List celebrities
Megan Fox
Below: Jessica and Justin are the
talk of the town after they were
rumoured to have secretly got
married. The ceremony was said
to have taken place the day
after Jessica attended the
London premiere of her latest
film, Total Recall opposite Colin
Farrell (facing page inset)
ell that’s one way to get the
gossipers off your back! While it’s
not been confirmed, it is believed
that Jessica Biel got married to
Justin Timberlake in a secret ceremony away from
the prying eyes and ears of the world and just one
day after she jetted out of London on her press
tour for Total Recall. When asked, just days before
the reported nuptials if they’d set a date, the
actress was quick to dismiss the question:
‘Everyone’s been telling us to enjoy the
engagement because it goes away so quickly.’ She
added that she wanted ‘extend’ the romance of the
engagement period for long as possible.
The ravishing pair dated for four years but split
briefly in 2011 after Jessica gave an embarrassing
speech at Justin’s surprise birthday party. However,
they soon got their relationship back on track
and the LoveStoned singer popped the question
at Christmas with a square-cut custom-made
diamond ring. It’s thought they returned to the
proposal destination of Jackson Hole, Wyoming, for
the wedding on a private estate while guests stayed
at the Four Seasons. Celebrity cake designer Sylvia
Weinstock added fuel to the rumours by writing on
Twitter that she was in the area.
Here, the 30-year-old beauty talks about her
new kick-ass role, why she’s vain and staying away
from the ex-girlfriends…
Will we see you on screen with Justin?
If it was the right thing, we would consider
working together. He’s excellent in every genre!
You have to be delicate if you’re working with your
partner and sometimes it’s just too close. I think
OK! hollyWood intervieW
as Jessica biel reportedly
weds Justin timberlake
she talks starring alongside
him and love triangles…
‘STaY Far
From Ex
Nicole Kidman Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux
OK! hollywood interview
brad pitt talks dedication
to his family, feeling like he’s
‘hit the lottery’ and learning
from John travolta…
e’s been twice named Sexiest Man Alive,
but there’s much more to Brad Pitt than
the chiselled jaw and piercing blue
peepers. These days, the 48-year-old
actor is spending time behind the camera, having
just produced and starred in his new flick, Killing
Them Softly. He’s also a dedicated family man,
saying he and fiancée Angelina Jolie ‘do everything
we can to carve out some semblance of normalcy
for the kids’, adding: ‘It’s not unusual for them to
be covered in paint. We have mud fights. It’s chaos
from morning until the lights go out, and
sometimes after that.’
Here, Brad talks the value of money, sharing
parenting duties and how he ticket-dodged to see
John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever…
despite your wealth, do you try and
teach your kids the value of money?
Of course – we try to prepare them for life on their
own and to have respect for the world at large.
have you ever worried about money?
No, I never did. I’m thinking about when I was
struggling and not sure if you’re going to pay the
rent, but you can’t give to every beggar on the street,
you end up with nothing in your pocket! [Laughs]
but you give a lot of money to charity…
I really feel like I’ve hit the lottery. The more
I travel, the more I understand what opportunity I
have, and most people don’t have that. It’s nothing
more than luck and you need to pass that on.
do you really think you’ve just
been lucky?
The fact is, wherever you’re born determines your
opportunity in life. It’s not equal.
Above: brad says that he and
angelina try to keep things normal
for their kids (below): ‘it’s not
unusual for them to be covered in
paint. we have mud fights. it’s
chaos from morning until the lights
go out, and sometimes after that’
interview by lily rogers/famous edited by lucie barat
photographs by pa photos, pacific coast news
Above: While Angelina has tried
directing, Brad insists it’s not his
thing: ‘I’d be too obsessive, too
much of a perfectionist.’ Below:
Brad will be taking time off as
Angelina goes back to work,
meaning he will ‘get to be Dad’
Angelina has made her debut as a director
– is that something you might do?
No, I wouldn’t. I’d be too obsessive, too much of a
perfectionist. It’s just not a good idea.
Weren’t you once going to become
a journalist?
I was in J school, but I really was a bit feckless!
[Laughs] It was more about getting out of class and, of
course now, I wish I had certainly studied more.
When did you start thinking about acting?
It wasn’t until two weeks before graduation, everyone
was taking jobs and I didn’t have one lined up,
I always lamented that it wasn’t an opportunity,
but then it just occurred to me, I could go to the
opportunity. So literally two weeks later, I had my car
loaded up and 300 dollars in my pocket.
We remember you in Thelma & Louise some
years ago. Did you think then that your
career was going to take you to this point?
You’re never really thinking that far in advance. I just
wanted to be a part of movies, there’s so much trying
to figure out who you are in the business and what you
want to do with the opportunity once you get there.
Would you say you’ve been saved at some
point in your life by films?
I think films showed me another culture and made
me want to get out and travel the world and meet
people who react to things differently than I do.
I have a distinct memory of seeing Saturday Night
Fever as a young kid. I had to sneak in while the
ticket guy had his back turned!
Did you want to be John Travolta?
No, it was just the idea of this boisterous New York
family hitting and yelling at each other, it seemed
ferocious but there’s a lot of love. I just remember
seeing this thing and being really affected by it.
What do you think about the message
the violent role in Killing Them Softly
gives? Does it glorify the drug dealers?
It’s a violent world we live in, and I don’t agree with
trying to hide that or cover it up. That being said,
it’s also a metaphor for business, and business can
be very cut-throat. It’s just an unfortunate part of
their business. And murder, or being murdered, is
a potential outcome in a life of crime, and that’s it.
Do you and Angelina approve of each
other’s work?
Yeah sure, I mean I want her approval. I want her to
like the movie, I want her to be proud of her man.
You two are known for changing shifts – so
you’ll be home for the next year?
Yeah, Mom is working. I worked a lot last year, this
year Mom is working a lot and I get to be Dad.
What sort of things do you get up to?
It’s great to be with the kids more. We do normal
stuff. I mean, lunch is an adventure for us!
‘killing them softly’ is out in cinemas on september 21.
‘I hAD To SNeAk
NIghT fever”
WhILe The
TIckeT guY hAD
hIS bAck TurNeD’
The world’s
most powerful
Gwyneth Paltrow, Jay Z and Beyoncé Knowles, Helen Mirren
Keira is already hard at
work on her next project,
which will keep her busy
until after Christmas
– then she’ll start
planning her wedding
hen it comes to acting, Keira
Knightley finds it easier to get
naked than fake love scenes. ‘I’m
not prudish when it comes to
nudity. I’m not afraid to expose myself that way,’
says the 27 year old. ‘I’m much more worried
about revealing personal sides to myself. The
hardest thing to capture about love is the actual
physical intimacy between two people. The way
two people behave when they are next to each
other and touching each other. That’s a difficult
thing to capture on film.’
The star, who got engaged to Klaxons
frontman James Righton earlier this year, has
also revealed that she hasn’t started making plans
for her big day: ‘I’m working on another film
which finishes after Christmas. Then maybe I’ll
start thinking about the dress and the guests and
the venue.’
Here Keira, who stars in a new adaptation
of Tolstoy’s novel Anna Karenina, chats about
marriage, jealousy and she clears up those Fifty
Shades Of Grey rumours…
Was it strange for you playing Anna
Karenina, a character moving away
from a marriage, as you move toward
a marriage?
No, because I didn’t realise at that point that I was.
You can be in a happy place and play an incredibly
miserable character, and vice versa.
The role is very dramatic – did it affect
you at some point during the filming?
I don’t think I was the easiest to live with! It was
quite a relief to finish – the level of emotion which
had to be kept up was quite exhausting, so she
[the character] did come home more than I would
have liked her to.
How did she come home?
I’d just be in a bad f**king mood! [Laughs]
KeirA KnigHTley opens up about coming home in a bad
mood, exposing herself and why she’ll never please everyone…
‘I wasN’T THe easIesT
To LIve wITH’
ok! HollyWood inTervieW
‘love is
pain and
great sex’
Asked about influences in
her formative years, Keira
reveals: ‘One of the big ones
would be Much Ado About
Nothing that Kenneth
Branagh directed, which
I used to know by heart.
I watched it so much’
interview by nena wearing/Celebritext
Is there any part of Anna Karenina
that you identify with?
i think every part, and that is what is so
terrifying about her. love is romance, and
love is companionship, love is great sex, and
love is all these wonderful things that we
are sold as, but quite often the other sides
of it – the negative sides of it – actually aren’t
looked at; love is jealousy, love is neurosis,
love is madness, love is
loneliness, love is pain, it
is all such a massive part
of what that emotion is.
When she is at her worst
and most manipulative,
because she so desperately
needs something that
she is not getting, you
watch and think she is
not very nice there. But
actually when you look at
yourselves, we all behaved in a needy way or
a jealous way, we have all felt loneliness, we
have all also had wonderful bits…
What inspires you nowadays
besides making movies?
lots of things – music, theatre, other films,
books, cooking, travel. i have been working
my way through the ottolenghi cookbook. i
did everything that i could from there.
There was a rumour you are going
to do Fifty Shades Of Grey?
F**k no! [laughs] absolutely ridiculous!
just from what i have heard – f**k no!
It doesn’t get that many plaudits…
i heard that as well.
After the intensity of this film,
would it be nice to move on to
something happier?
yes, i did get to the end of this one and it
was like a five-year period of dying in pretty
much everything that i did and thinking i
wanted to do something happy and positive
and just have a bit of a break from that,
so it was a bit of a palate cleanser. i went
off to new york, i did an incredibly happy
and positive film about friends who make
an album.
Tell us a little bit about working
with Karl Lagerfeld – what do you
think of him?
He is amazing. He speaks millions of
different languages, he tends to sit next to
you and hold your hand, and talk to you,
which is very nice. He talks very quickly;
i think he talks faster than i do actually!
[laughs] i go in, and they go: ‘you’re wearing
this,’ and i go: ‘Whoa,
that’s nice, thank you
very much and goodbye.’
i would love to say i go:
‘Karl, make me something
like this!’ But i don’t.
You have been
an actress for a
very long time
now – what do
you consider your
greatest achievements so far?
i don’t know if i can look at it like that
really. i think i have been incredibly lucky
with the people i have worked with and
the opportunities i have had, but there
isn’t one that i have gone, wow, i nailed it,
because it’s subjective. you are never going
to make anything that everybody loves, and
if you are someone like me who was always
looking for an a at school, it is like that
dangling carrot that’s always in front of you
that you are never going to get. so i think
i will be incredibly proud of myself when
i have given up trying to get the a, and
actually understand that it is unattainable.
in anything that i have done, i shoot for the
a, i think the problem is that in acting, it
is just not something that you are going to
get. Because even if you got an oscar, there
are always going to be people who f**king
hated that performance!
Is that a good thing?
absolutely, but unfortunately, if you are
looking for the a, you are always going to
hear the noises that go, i hate you, you’re
s**t. and there goes the a again!
‘anna karenina’ is in Cinemas now.
George Clooney, Emma Watson
Our success has been built on our
commitment to secure the very best
world exclusives for our readers. The
weddings of Prince William & Kate
Middleton; Zara Phillips & Mike
Tindall; Una Healy & Ben Foden;
Millie Mackintosh & Professor Green
to name but a few.
The Royal Wedding of Prince William to Kate Middleton
Mike Tindall and Zara Phillips
Una Healy and Ben Foden
Millie Mackintosh and Professor Green
The babies of Nicole Richie;
Shakira & Gerard Pique; Alicia
Silverstone; Alyssa Milano &
Elton John to name but a few.
Nicole Richie with baby Harlow Winter Kate
Shakira and Gerard Pique
Alicia Silverstone and baby Bear Blu
Alyssa Milano and baby Milo
Elton John and David Furnish with baby Zachary
OK! Magazine readers love their
fashion. They think it’s important to
be well-dressed, and that it’s worth
paying extra for quality. How do
they decide what they should be
wearing? They look to see what
their favourite celebrity icons are
wearing, and they copy that look.
That’s why clothes are such an
important part of our photo shoots.
If you want to know what’s in,
look in OK! Magazine!
“Fashion in OK! Magazine literally jumps off the page. I know,
from readers calling and writing to me and from brands with
whom I’m in regular contact, that items featured on celebrities in
our fashion shoots experience a massive upturn in sales. In some
instances items have sold out in store on the day of publication!
In addition the OK! Fashion pages are flexible, combining high-
end fashion houses with accessible and affordable high street
stores and incorporating everything in between to achieve on-
trend coverage in each and every issue.”
Fashion & Beauty Editor
Above: Jacket, £445,
blouse, £152, jeans,
£175, satchel, £234,
and tote, £188. All
clothes and accessories
throughout by DKNY.
Facing page: Dress,
£303 collar, £195, and
shopper, £205
Our weekly lifestyle features aim
to amaze and inspire our readers,
whether they are choosing a luxury
holiday, spa retreat or dining choice.
The health section gives our readers
insight and advice on how to maintain
the body beautiful from within.
the mex factorOK! heads to the sun-kissed shores of theOK
Mayan riviera for soMe laid-back paradise…
Below: Hang out by the
pool at the Sensatori or
hit the day beds on the
beach (right)
utting out into the Gulf of mexico and the
caribbean Sea, mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula
is soft-edged with infinite powder beaches
and lapped by turquoise waters. the colours
are incredible, everything blazes – from the
electric blue sky and the fierce green jungle that
lays just inland, to the neon red, fuchsia and
orange flowers that dot the landscape.
Stretching southwards between the modern
tourist resort of cancun along highway 307 to
unspoiled tulum in the south, the mayan riviera
coastline caters for all tastes and wallet sizes.
cancun is all about foam parties, theme nights
and happy hours – it’s a throbbing party town
with shiny malls and high-rise hotels. In contrast,
tulum is a laid-back paradise, with stunning cliff-
side mayan ruins, surf shacks and a charmingly
ramshackle collection of cafés and bars. Between
the two is Playa del carmen, which fittingly lies in
the middle – both geographically and in terms of
character. a buzzing town with boutique hotels,
lounge bars and shops selling beautiful crafts,
beachwear, cigars and tequila.
It’s time to plan your winter break…
What stars might I see?
this summer, Peter and abbey crouch enjoyed
a sun-kissed break in cancun, while fellow
footballers Joe cole and Wayne rooney have also
holidayed here. Shakira has performed in cancun,
Jennifer Lopez shot a pop video on the beach,
Kim Kardashian, Leonardo Dicaprio and christina
aguilera have all partied here, while Brody Jenner
tweeted: ‘omG, cancun is out of control!’ the
boho vibe of tulum also attracts the stars – Drew
Barrymore, Natalie Imbruglia, Jaime Winstone,
True Blood star alexander Skarsgard and amanda
Seyfried have all been spotted here. meanwhile,
Julia roberts, cameron Diaz, Gwyneth Paltrow
and Uma thurman have been spotted staying near
Playa del carmen.
Where should I stay?
OK! checked into the Sensatori, a luxury ocean-front
resort just a 30-minute drive from both cancun and
Playa Del carmen. the bonus with staying at the
Sensatori is that it’s all-inclusive (including spirits,
Sol lager and house wine), so once you’ve paid up
front, all you’ll need is cash for souvenirs!
Despite its size, the 438-room resort has been
sympathetically designed so that some areas
are dedicated to families, in terms of pools and
activities, while more secluded areas are reserved
for couples. Several of the five pools snake around
the landscaped gardens – one is an adults-only
pool with Balinese day beds and a swim-up bar,
while another is kid-friendly with water features.
OK! stayed in a junior premium suite and,
while sipping our welcome drink, we were guided
through a choice of five different scents to be sprayed
daily in our room and offered a choice of five
different soaps for our in-room Jacuzzi bath.
every day the bath towels were twisted into
a different shape on the four-poster bed –
from kissing swans to a dinosaur! the room
is stocked with plenty of DVDs to choose
from, complete with a delivery of popcorn
straight to your room should you wish.
What can I do
at the hotel?
OK! loved hanging out on the canopied
day beds on the beach. Butlers circulated
all day taking drink orders and bringing
around snacks. our favourite was the electric
Lemonade (vodka, lemonade and melon)
and the delicious bite-sized chimichangas
(burritos). there’s plenty on offer for little
people, with action centring on the azulitos
Play house, stuffed with the latest toys.
edited by annabel maCKie, OK! travel editOr
phOtOgraphs by alamy, getty images, paCifiC COast neWs
How do I get there?
Main: Whether you’re a lover of
the sun-kissed beach or history-
packed ruins, such as the ancient
Coba site that OK! visited (below
left), the Yucatan Peninsula has
something for everyone
Above: Explore Cancun’s
Underwater Museum.
Left: Cameron Diaz is a
Playa del Carmen fan
thomson (; 0871 230 2555)
offers a seven-night all-inclusive package, including
return flights from London Gatwick, staying at the
five-star Sensatori resort from £1,169 per adult.
Price is based on two people sharing a double
room and departure on December 3, 2012. a
similar all-inclusive package but for 14 nights
costs from £1,604 per adult, based on a December
5, 2012 departure.
fOr mOre abOUt CanCUn, visit fOr
mOre On mexiCO, see WWW.visitmexiCO.COm.
teens get their own hangout too featuring a DJ booth,
a 100-seater cinema, pool table and games room.
If you fancy the sounds of the sea, have a massage
in one of the Sensatori’s beach-side wooden thatched
pavilions or, for total tranquillity, enjoy a treatment
in the cool sanctuary of the indoor spa. here OK!
chose the hot stone massage that began with a warm
chamomile neck pillow placed around our shoulders,
before giving our body over for an hour of pure bliss.
or, get married! We saw two weddings a day, so
the hotel is hugely popular venue for tying the knot.
OK! loved to guess the couple’s nationality from the
music at the reception – coldplay and Westlife for the
Brits and soft rock and country for the americans!
Where can I eat?
many guests never leave the Sensatori, with its six
on-site restaurants, including a mexican, Italian
and caribbean. for those who want a blow-out
eight-course gourmet extravaganza, dine at the
adults-only Le chique, or if you’re not sure want
you fancy, Spoon is perfect as you can graze from
the groaning buffet or order from the live cooking
stations. afterwards kick back at the mojito Lounge
bar, which boasts 31 different mojitos, or take in the
live band at the roof Garden Lounge.
for reasonably priced traditional dishes
and fresh seafood outside the hotel, OK!
recommends La Parrilla in Playa del carmen.
We loved the chicken fajitas and beef tacos
with fresh guacamole, refried beans and huge
margaritas. afterwards stroll around the shops
along the car-free fifth avenue and have a cocktail
on the rooftop of Deseo hotel. While in Puerto
morelos, we loved Dorla triny’s for a simple feast
of chicken chimichangas and beef fajitas with
tortilla chips, salsa and lime.
What else can I do?
You can’t go to this corner of mexico and not visit
one of the spectacular ancient mayan ruins, with
chichen Itza, one of the new seven wonders of
the world, a key tourist attraction. OK!, however,
travelled to the smaller coba, where the main
temple ruins are 42m high and hidden amid
dense jungle. We visited temples dedicated to
honey and rain and spotted darting lizards and
curious stingless bees. We then went swimming
in a beautiful sink-hole – a natural phenomenon
when the ground gives way and the hole has
subsequently filled with water. the perfect end to
an incredible day was swimming in the cool green
water deep inside the jungle.
We also loved Puerto morelos – a tiny fishing
town which we stumbled upon by accident when
we ended up walking an hour and a half up the
beach from our hotel, passing wooden jetties,
pelicans and frigate birds. the town, with its
iconic leaning lighthouse as a result of the 1967
hurricane, has some great souvenir shops where
you can haggle over the price of handmade
jewellery, beachwear, wooden toys and cigars.
after all the exertion, we took a pew at the beach-
side Los Pelicanos bar to sip ice-cool corona and
listen to the musicians playing the harp and guitar.
elsewhere, divers will love the cancun
Underwater museum, a collection of 400 undersea
stone sculptures, including a life size VW Beetle,
located in the waters of the manchones Natural
Park (between cancun and Isla mujeres). animal
lovers, meanwhile, should head to the 1.3 million
acre Sian Ka’an Biosphere reserve to spot
crocodiles, monkeys and turtles.
santa phwoars!OK! chills out california-style
in laid-back santa Monica…
anta Monica is nicknamed hollywood-on-
sea and it’s easy to see why. this tiny eight
sqm beach-side resort, wedged between
Malibu and Venice Beach, is crawling with
celebs! Expect to see Jennifer aniston and Justin
theroux enjoying a romantic dinner, David
Beckham and his boys surfing in the sea,
Courteney Cox walking her dogs along the beach
and Kate hudson shopping in american apparel.
so if you want to combine the sights of Los
angeles (the centre of Beverly hills is a 20-minute
drive away) with some surf and beach action
on the sun-kissed Californian coast, then santa
Monica – where temperatures often reach 20˚C in
the winter months – is the place for you.
Which stars might I see?
Keep an eye out while shopping – Fred segal at
Broadway and Fifth is the ultimate celeb shopping
hotspot, where you may find Jennifer aniston and
Where should I stay?
Where can I spa?
rent your own place by the beach. a house can
work better if you’re travelling as a family, it’s
more budget-friendly than staying in a hotel
and you also get to live like a local. OK! stayed
in the super-cool Canyon Beach house, just a
few yards from the sandy beach. the all-white
wooden cottage has plenty of charm and lots of
mid-century period features such as funky light
fittings, a vintage cooker, a claw-foot bathtub
and a huge fireplace. OK! loved the soothing all-
white décor, the funky faux zebra skin poufs and
its perfect location, just a 30-minute walk from
the promenade shops and the pier, and a quick
drive up to nearby Malibu. another nice touch?
the owners were on hand for advice and tips and
provided lovely eco bath potions as well.
If a five-star hotel is more your scene, choose
from shutters on the Beach – where pamela
anderson likes to lunch – the Fairmont Miramar,
the Loews or the Viceroy.
Be pampered at the tikkun holistic spa (www., close to the third street promenade,
with its clay, salt and ice rooms, where you can have
various detoxing, steam and chill experiences. OK!
was treated to a great swedish massage by Dessy, who
worked his magic on our laptop-strained shoulders!
Elsewhere, the Loews hotel (www.loewshotels.
com) has a small but perfectly formed spa, with eco-
friendly products and great staff who spoilt OK! with an
Intraceuticals oxygen facial, similar to the one Madonna
swears by.
Julia roberts browsing the rails. the Beckhams
are santa Monica fans, with the family often spied
hanging out on santa Monica pier and just recently
spotted out shopping for halloween gear. halle
Berry was also seen bumping into Ben affleck
and Jennifer Garner while out shopping in santa
Monica recently. Elsewhere, one of the best places
to spot a star is the saturday organic farmers’
market on arizona avenue, while the Ivy at the
shore restaurant on ocean avenue, where singer
Fergie and Josh Duhamel have dined recently, is
another a-list magnet.
Above: Surf the waves like
David Beckham and the
boys, or hit the shops (facing
page top right) like Victoria
repOrt by rOWena Carr-allinsOn edited by annabel
maCKie, OK! travel editOr phOtOgraphs by alamy, getty
images, mOWgli frere, xpOsUre
How do I get there?
Main: Soak up the laid-back
Californian vibe on the beach in
Santa Monica, home to the iconic
100-year-old pier, complete with
fun fair. Facing page bottom left:
OK! stayed in the gorgeous
Canyon Beach House
Below: Enjoy lunch at Back
On The Beach or relax at the
spa at the gorgeous Loews
Hotel (above left)
Many airlines, including British airways (www. and Virgin atlantic (
com), fly direct from London to Los angeles.
rent Canyon Beach house in santa Monica
with (+1 310 866 5039, www. from £165 per night. offers more than 100 holiday
rentals in santa Monica, from one-bed studios to
five-bedroom villas.
rent a car with Dollar thrifty Europe (www.; 0203 468 7685) from £127.63 per
week from LaX, fully inclusive.
fOr mOre infOrmatiOn, visit the santa mOniCa tOUrist
bOard Website at WWW.santamOniCa.COm.
OK! indulged in a styling session at nordstrom in
the new-look santa Monica place Mall, trying on a
selection of clothes by La favourites paige Denim,
James perse and Citizens of humanity. Browsing
the chic department store with a personal stylist, we
followed in the footsteps of Jessica alba, Gwen stefani
and Kate hudson. Just a few steps away is the third
street promenade, a pedestrian zone where you’ll
find stateside staples including abercrombie & Fitch,
Victoria’s secret, Gap and old navy. nearby is Montana
avenue, where you’ll see more exclusive boutiques.
Where can I eat?
Where can I shop?
If you’re after a relaxed, family friendly lunch, head to
Back on the Beach, where OK! munched on fish tacos
with our toes in the sand while enjoying the sea views.
For Mexican food lovers, try the Border Grill, just off
the promenade, where we had the fiery ceviche, sweet
potato empanadas and a great steak quesadilla.
For sunset views, try ocean & Vine at the Loews,
where OK! sampled the fantastic sushi at sunset
menu. highlights include the eel roll topped with
avocado and toasted sesame and the santa Monica Fog
– tuna and shrimp with a ginger sauce. If you’re enjoying
the rides on santa Monica pier but need to refuel,
stop off for a burger at the new pier Burger Café or
indulge in Maine lobster and truffle fries at the
Lobster, a pier institution. For something hip and
healthy, the true Food Kitchen at santa Monica place
Mall is amazing. OK! loved the tasty bison burger
almost as much as the cool outdoor terrace with its
bright yellow parasols. Italian restaurant Giorgio
Baldi, across the road from the Canyon Beach
house, seems to be the celeb flavour of the month,
with Jennifer aniston and rihanna having eaten
there recently. another favourite for gourmet steaks
is the Boa steakhouse on santa Monica Boulevard.
What sights must I see?
a great way to get around santa Monica without a
car is by cycling. rent a bike at perry’s (there are
several outlets along the seafront) and check out
the celeb-owned houses. or, for the fitter, try the
neighbouring resorts of Venice Beach and Malibu.
head to santa Monica pier, the 100-year-old
iconic landmark, where you’ll find fairground
rides, a rollercoaster and a beach-level aquarium
at the UCLa ocean Discovery Center.
Don’t miss annenberg Community Beach
house, with its fantastic ’20s-style pool and some
great picnicking areas. Gwen stefani and her brood
have just been spotted there. Elsewhere, sporty
types can join the surfers catching the waves, try
their hand at volleyball, go rollerblading along the
ocean-front path or go hiking in the santa Monica
Mountains, where 580 miles of public trails await.
to miami! sun, sand, shopping and a
long a-list of celebrities – OK!
finds it all in beautiful miami...
Lounge poolside
and soak up Miami’s
scorching weather
Where can I stay?
What is there to do?
t’s hip, it’s hot, it’s happening! Sizzling
temperatures, latin beats, non-stop beach
action and a hedonistic club scene, miami is
the place to party. For many first-time visitors,
miami is all about the beaches and the confetti-
hued art deco jewels that line ocean Drive. But
once you’ve crossed the causeway from the
atlantic ocean barrier island to downtown miami,
you’ll find overlapping neighbourhoods such as
stylish coral Gables, vibrant little Havana and
the arty Design District. So should you ever get
bored of watching the toned bodies playing beach
volleyball or scantily clad rollerbladers zooming
up and down the palm tree-lined South Beach
boardwalk, there’s plenty more to see and do!
there’s plenty to keep you occupied if you don’t
want to leave the w Hotel – chill by one of the
two pools (you may spy Paris Hilton on the next
sunlounger) or lay on the private stretch of beach,
with w staff on hand with eye masks, face mist and
even sunblock assistance if you wish!
it’s all about the body beautiful in miami, so if
you want to join the health pack, sign up with the
w’s own celebrity trainer, Simone cavalletti, who
can customise a fitness regime and organise boot
camp and beach yoga sessions for you. there’s
also a rooftop tennis court, basketball court and
the Sweat Fitness center if that’s your scene.
or, in OK!’s case, we took out one of the hotel’s
kayaks for a spin on the turquoise waters, as well
as a bike to explore the coastline.
if that’s all a bit strenuous, take refuge at Grove,
a lush poolside garden dotted with low-slung
chairs and shaded by trees hanging with lanterns,
bird cages and even sheets of poetry!
Bliss Spa is another place to pamper yourself.
OK! relaxed in our robes and nibbled on olives,
cheese, fruits and a chocolate brownie before our
treatment. we opted for a deep tissue extreme
sports massage – a pretty intense experience, but
one that ironed out any aches so we were ready to
party! Going for pure indulgence, we then had a
hot milk and almond pedicure. Heaven!
Situated in the epicentre of all the South Beach
action, OK! checked into the ultra-hip w South
Beach on collins avenue. and the moment we
entered the 20-storey hotel, our jaw was on the
ground in amazement. with its floor-to-ceiling
screens, zebra-print rugs, fur-covered chairs and
Damien Hirst and andy warhol artwork, it’s no
wonder the lobby is the place to see and be seen.
while w is a party palace – Jessica alba, Bruno
mars and cameron Diaz have hit the funky
lounge bar living Room, and wall nightclub – the
408 bedrooms offer a place to relax, with each
spacious room featuring sea-facing glass balconies,
plasma tVs and Bliss Spa potions.
OK! checked into one of the hotel’s new ViP
Suites, which allows you to live like a celeb, from
the moment you’re picked up from the airport in
a private limo. other perks? Free entry to wall,
your very own butler and a private pool cabana!
The rooms at the W
are sleek and spacious,
while the ocean views
are breathtaking
repOrt by rOsie UnderWOOd edited by annabel maCKie,
OK! travel editOr phOtOgraphs by alamy, getty images
How do I get there?
Main: With its gorgeous
beaches, great shopping and
buzzing nightlife, Miami is a
favourite among celebrities.
Below: If you’re after a spot of
retail therapy, Miami has a wide
range of shops to choose from
Bâoli is just one
of many hot night
spots in Miami
Where can I eat?
Where should I shop?Who might I see?
A stroll along Ocean Drive to check out its many
one-off boutiques is a good place to start. For arty
and lifestyle stores, make a beeline for the Design
District, while the downtown Village of Merrick
Park and Bal Harbour are home to all the big-
name labels – think Gucci, Cavalli, and Chanel.
Aventura Mall, to the north of Miami, is where
you’ll find outposts of NYC stores Bloomingdale’s,
Macy’s, Abercrombie & Fitch and 270 other stores.
Virgin Holidays offers a four-night package,
including scheduled flights with Virgin Atlantic
from Heathrow to Miami, hotel transfers, staying at
the W South Beach from £1,575pp. Prices are based
on two adults travelling and sharing a standard
room, and include all taxes and fuel surcharges.
Prices are based on departures from April 23,
2013. To book, see, call
0844 557 3859 or visit one of their stores located in
Debenhams, House Of Fraser, Tesco or Sainsbury’s.
To find out more and to book the VIP
Suite package at W South Beach hotel, go to
visit the greater miami Cvb at WWW.miamiandbeaChes.COm
Or Call 020 7978 5233. fOr free visitOr gUides and
fOr mOre infO, visit WWW.sOUthbeaCh.COm.
Whether it’s in the glitzy malls,
onboard a sleek yacht (à la the
JLS boys for Marvin Humes’ stag
do earlier this year), lunching
at Monty’s (a favourite for the
Kardashian sisters), or partying
at Privé (like Eva Longoria) you’re
bound to see a celeb or ten!
Khloé and Kourtney Kardashian
have their fashion boutique Dash
in town, while Kim (left) and
Kourtney are filming a new series
of Take Miami. Kim and her beau
Kanye West have also been seen
dining at upscale steakhouse
Prime One Twelve.
If you don’t want to venture from the W,
you’ll find an outpost of the legendary
Mr Chow, where classic dishes such as
peking duck, green prawns and crispy
beef have been given a modern twist.
Expect to see an A-lister dining beneath
the restaurant’s 125ft Swarovski-crystal
chandelier. For the freshest of seafood, OK!
dined at the hotel’s The Dutch restaurant
and oyster room. We loved our fresh clams
and scampi ravioli as well as skate wing
with a saffron cous cous. There were cocktails
to complement each dish, with OK! voting the
Perfect Storm, a tequila, ginger and lime creation,
as our favourite!
Bâoli restaurant/bar/club, with its enchanting
terrace and garden and lengthy cocktail list, has
a St Tropez party vibe. Under fairy light-adorned
trees, OK! dined on Chilean sea bass, served with
edamame purée and orange miso sauce. And
when the clock struck midnight, we were handed
a sparkler to dance with and the action hotted up!
A popular celeb spot is Michael’s Genuine, a
buzzy bistro in the Design District, where Jennifer
Aniston has been spotted. OK! enjoyed the balmy
ambiance on the outdoor patio, and feasting on
the slow-roasted pork shoulder with cheese grits.
he sound of Louboutins clicking and
champagne corks popping can only mean one
thing – it’s London Fashion Week! And there’s
only one place for any self-respecting model,
designer or fashionista to lay their perfectly coiffed
head – The May Fair Hotel, where OK! recently
headed for a taste of the highlife.
The hotel is such a celebrity hot-spot that paparazzi
are permanently camped outside. Flashbulbs were
popping when we arrived, but we were far too
‘fashion week cool’ to stare. We were welcomed to
the hotel’s dark and sparkling bar with the specially
created Pout cocktail made with rum, mint and just
an air-kiss of cranberry, followed by bento boxes
of crab tempura, unbelievably fresh sweet-chilli
prawns and mini spring rolls. Despite having to
face Fashion Week’s wafer-thin beauties in the very
near future, we also succumbed to a mini chocolate
and gold leaf cupcake, safe in the knowledge
that we had a secret weapon in our arsenal the next
In the morning we headed straight to the spa –
a haven of black marble with zen sculptures and
water features built into the walls – for our Catwalk
Wrap. While it won’t turn hourglass beauties into
size zeroes, our therapist tells us it helps with water
retention and skin tone, and ‘just means you can get
into that pair of jeans you’ve been having trouble
with’. Sounds good to us!
To start, we were bound in algae-soaked bandages
then lay on a heated bed for an hour while we
enjoyed a scalp and foot massage. It’s not advisable
to drink alcohol for 24 hours after this treatment or it
destroys all the benefits, but when it means looking
that bit better in your favourite little black dress, it’s
totally worth it. Next stop, the front row!
Below: Take your treatment to
another level on the spa’s
heated stone beds. Inset: OK!
loved the cocktail and cupcake
combo. Below: With a façade
this swish, it’s no wonder The
May Fair is an official Fashion
Week partner (bottom)
Above: The May Fair’s
signature suites are as
glamorous as the spa
(below and left)
Food from around
the world
Our new recipes section brings
our readers a sumptious parade
of mouth watering dishes from
the very best of the celebrity chefs.
OK! recipes with...K! es w .
Nigel slatertwo mouthwatering dishes from
‘eat – the little book of fast food’
for two – light, bright, refreshing, a mild, gentle salad
cucumber, FeNNel & ricotta salad
make the dressing: put 2 tablespoons of lemon
juice in a bowl, stir in a little salt and black pepper,
then whisk in 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2
tablespoons of sunflower oil. add a few drops of
balsamic vinegar. Finely chop 3 or 4 sprigs of dill
and add to the dressing, then taste and check the
balance. it should be fresh but not sharp. add
more balsamic vinegar if necessary.
peel half a cucumber, remove the seeds with
a teaspoon, then cut it into thick slices. halve
and finely slice a small bulb of fennel. peel and
thickly slice an avocado and fold all gently into the
dressing, then let everything sit in a cool place for
about half an hour (not much longer though). add
several tufts of sprouted seeds, such as radish or
mung beans.
transfer to a serving dish, place a large
spoonful of ricotta per person on top and serve.
2 tbsp lemon juice
salt and black pepper
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp sunflower oil
balsamic vinegar
3 or 4 dill sprigs
half a cucumber
small fennel bulb
1 avocado
sprouted seeds (radish
or mung beans)
2 tbsp ricotta
Mix 50g plain flour in a bowl with a
teaspoon of dried chilli flakes and
a grinding of black pepper. Pour 4
tablespoons of Thai or Vietnamese fish
sauce into a bowl, stir in a pinch of sugar
– no more – then add 400g large, raw
peeled prawns (fresh are best; defrosted
are equally as fine) and leave them for
15 minutes.
Heat a thin film of oil in a frying pan or
wok, add the prawns and fry, moving them
around as they cook, for a few minutes until
they are crisp and sweet. Remove from the
pan and serve with the salad below.
Peel a large wedge of watermelon and
pick out as many of the seeds as you can.
Cut the flesh into large chunks and toss
with the juice of a lime, a few chopped mint
leaves and some torn coriander.
nigel slater’s ‘eat: the little book of fast food’ is
out now, priced £26.
for two – Mouth-popping prawns, refreshing waterMelon
CHilli PRawns wiTH waTeRMelon
50g plain flour
1 tsp dried chilli flakes
black pepper
4 tbsp thai or
Vietnamese fish sauce
pinch of sugar
400g large, raw
peeled prawns
large wedge of
Juice of a lime
Mint leaves
OK! recipes with...
paul hollywoodthe ‘great british bake off’ star shares two
tasty treats from his new book ‘pies & puds’
Deliciously retro anD serves six
savoury choux buns
with creamy mushrooms
this recipe has a retro feel about it, and it’s none
the worse for that. the deliciously savoury flavours
here, and the beautifully crisp choux pastry, will
always go down a storm.
heat your oven to 220˚c/gas 7 and line a
baking tray with baking parchment.
to make the choux buns, put the butter, salt
and water into a large saucepan. heat gently until
the butter has melted, then bring to the boil.
immediately remove from the heat and tip in the
flour and thyme. beat with a wooden spoon to
form a smooth ball of dough that should leave the
sides of the pan.
now vigorously beat the egg into the hot
dough, a little at a time. this takes some elbow
grease! as you add the egg, the dough will
become stiff and glossy. stop adding the egg if the
dough starts to become loose – but you should
use up all or most of it.
spoon the dough into 6 large blobs, each
about 7cm in diameter, on the prepared baking
tray. (alternatively, you can pipe the choux on to
the tray.) sprinkle the parmesan evenly on top
of them.
bake in the centre of the oven for 10 minutes
until the choux buns are well risen and golden.
then turn the oven down to 190˚c/gas 5 and bake
for a further 30 minutes to ensure the centres are
cooked. the buns should be crisp and dry. on
removing from the oven, split one side of each
bun open to allow the steam to escape. transfer
to a wire rack to cool. For the filling, melt the
butter with the oil in a large, wide frying pan.
add the shallot and cook for a few minutes until
soft but not coloured. add the mushrooms, garlic
and thyme. cook over a high heat for about 10
minutes, stirring often, until the mushrooms are
buttery, soft and reduced in volume by about half,
and their liquid has been driven off.
add the sherry and crème fraîche and allow
to bubble gently for about 10 minutes to reduce
the sauce. stir in the lemon juice and parsley and
season with salt and plenty of black pepper.
cut each choux bun fully in half. Fill with the warm
mushroom mixture and serve, with a green salad.
For the choux buns
100g unsalted butter, cut into
roughly 1cm cubes
Pinch of salt
300ml water
130g strong white bread flour
1 tbsp chopped thyme
4 medium eggs, beaten
25g Parmesan, finely grated
For the Filling
25g unsalted butter
1 tbsp olive oil
1 large eschalion (banana
shallot), sliced
600g mixed mushrooms,
roughly chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1tsp thyme leaves
2 tbsp dry sherry
200g crème fraîche
Juice of ½ lemon
1 tbsp chopped flat-leaf parsley
This is a really pretty gâteau, perfect to serve as a
dessert for a summer party or special meal.
First make the sponge. Heat your oven
to 180˚C/gas 4. Butter and base-line a 23cm
springform cake tin.
Put the eggs and sugar in a heatproof bowl
over a pan of simmering water and whisk together
using a handheld electric whisk until thick, pale
and moussey, and doubled in volume. The mixture
should hold a trail on the surface when you lift
the whisk. Take off the heat and gently fold in the
melted butter, then the flour.
Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and
bake for 15-20 minutes until cooked and lightly
golden. Leave to cool completely, then remove the
sponge from the tin and peel off the paper. Line
the sides of the same tin with baking parchment,
first snipping a line of parallel cuts along the base
of the paper so it will fit snugly against the base. Put
the sponge base back into the tin.
To make the mousse, break up the jelly and put
it into a small pan with the water. Melt gently over
a low heat until smooth. Take off the heat and set
aside. Purée the 200g strawberries in a blender
until smooth and pass through a sieve to remove
the seeds.
Using an electric whisk or a mixer with a whisk
attachment, whisk the evaporated milk for at least
5 minutes until it is thick, bubbly and doubled in
volume. Gently fold in the liquid jelly, then fold in
the strawberry purée.
Arrange the strawberry slices around the edge
of the lined tin, cut side against the tin. Scatter any
extra strawberries over the sponge.
Pour the strawberry mousse
into the tin and gently level the
surface. It doesn’t matter if the
mousse doesn’t quite cover the
strawberries. Place in the fridge
for at least 2 hours to set.
Melt the chocolate in a
bowl over a pan of hot water.
Dip a few strawberries into
the melted chocolate to partially coat and place
on a piece of parchment to set. Put the remaining
melted chocolate into a paper piping bag, snip off
the tip and drizzle lines of chocolate over the top
of the mousse. Finish with the strawberries.
Extract takEn from Paul Hollywood’s ‘PiEs and Puds’
PublisHEd by bloomsbury, £20. ‘Paul Hollywood’s
PiEs and Puds’ will air on bbc onE in novEmbEr.
sErvEs EigHt – suPEr for a sPEcial Party
STrAwBerry MoUSSe CAke
for tHE gEnoisE sPongE basE
2 medium eggs 50g caster sugar
15g unsalted butter, melted, plus
extra for greasing
50g plain flour, sifted
for tHE strawbErry moussE
135g packet strawberry jelly
1 tbsp water
200g strawberries
2 x 170g cans evaporated milk
250g strawberries, hulled and cut in
half top-to-toe (or sliced into 3 if large)
to finisH
50g dark chocolate (or milk, if you
prefer), chopped
6–8 strawberries
OK! recipes with...
MicheL rOUX Jrthe two-star michelin chef shares some delicious
dishes from his latest cook book, ‘the french kitchen’
ServeS Six – a deliciouS Starter or light bite
the classic salade lyonnaise is made with
dandelion leaves, and if you are lucky enough to
have a garden with an untreated area in it, you can
pick your own. But dandelions can taste a little
bitter to some, so you can use frisée salad or curly
endive if you prefer.
pick through the salad leaves, and then wash
and dry them carefully. cut the bacon into strips
or batons, place them in a non-stick pan with
a drop of olive oil and then cook slowly over a
medium heat.
cut the baguette into about 20 slices, make
each about 1cm thick. Drizzle them with olive oil,
then bake in a preheated oven at 200°c/Fan 180°c/
Gas 6 for about 15 minutes or until crisp. rub with
a cut clove of garlic.
put a saucepan of water on to boil with a splash
of white wine vinegar. crack the eggs and carefully
drop them into the simmering, vinegared water to
poach. it should take 4 minutes for the whites to
be cooked, but the yolks should still be runny.
put the salad leaves in a bowl and pour the
golden-brown bacon and fat on top. Add the bread,
red wine vinegar and remaining olive oil, season
lightly with salt but generously with pepper, then
toss. serve the salad on to plates and place the
drained, hot eggs on top. serve immediately.
400g dandelion leaves
or frisée salad
180g smoked streaky bacon
4 tbsp olive oil
1 small baguette
2 garlic cloves
White wine vinegar
6 free-range eggs
2 tbsp red wine vinegar
black pepper
Dijon is famed for its mustard, hence the title of
this wonderfully simple and delicious chicken
recipe. In fact, I like to use several different
mustards here, as each adds its own character
and flavour to the finished dish. It’s always worth
having a selection of mustards anyway and they
keep well. Savora mustard contains a number of
spices and a touch of honey sweetness.
Preheat the oven to 200°C/Fan 180°C/Gas 6. Melt
the butter and oil in a roasting pot or flameproof
casserole dish on the hob. Season the chicken,
then add it to the pot and colour it on all sides.
Put the chicken in the oven to roast for 1¼
hours, but every 15 minutes turn the bird, baste it
and add some white wine until you’ve used up all
the wine. Once the chicken is cooked, take it out
of the pot and set it aside to rest.
Slice the mushrooms, add them to the pot and
cook them for 2–3 minutes. Pour in the brandy
and flambé briefly, then set aside to keep warm.
For the sauce, melt the butter in a heavy-based
pan, add the flour and cook for 3 minutes. Pour in
the milk, whisking well. Bring to the boil and cook
for 7–8 minutes. Stir in the crème fraiche, take the
pan off the heat and whisk in
the mustards and tarragon. Add
the mushrooms and any liquid
from the roasting pot to the
sauce. Do not boil the sauce again
or it may split and taste bitter.
Joint or carve the chicken
and serve with the mushroom
sauce. You need nothing more
than a few vegetables and a twirl of noodles.
WEIdENFEld & NIColsoN IN HaRdbaCK, £25.
sERvEs TWo To FouR – HoNEy-sWEET aNd sIMplE
50g unsalted butter
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 x 1.6kg free-range chicken
200ml dry white wine
300g button mushrooms, wiped
100ml Cognac
black pepper
1 tbsp unsalted butter
1 tbsp flour
500ml milk
200ml crème fraiche
2 tbsp grain mustard
2 tbsp strong dijon mustard
2 tbsp savora mustard
1 bunch of fresh tarragon,
finely chopped
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Scarlett Johansson
get a show-stopping
pout this spring with
these sultry shades…
1. burberry lip VelVet in fuchsia pinK, £23, this highly pigmented,
demi-matte shade Wears Without
feathering or bleeding for a long-lasting
colour hit. team With a naKed eye
for added impact.
2. paul & Joe beaute lipsticK in first Kiss,
£12.50, a sheer, high-
shine formula that KnocKs your natural
lip colour up a notch With its rosy tone.
a great Way to Wear summer’s brights.
3. reVlon colorstay ultimate suede lipsticK
in muse, £8.99, reap
maximum mileage from this matte-finish
lipsticK by Whipping lips into shape With a lip
scrub and balm first. the hydration hit Will
ensure a flaKe-free finish.
4. sensai intense lasting colour lipsticK
in soubi, £25.00, a
luminous lipsticK that melts into lips on
application, this suits-all rouge releases
moisture throughout the day, thanKs
to indulgent silK extracts, and Wears
comfortably for hours.
5. mac lipsticK in morange, £14, WWW. the yelloW tones in
this statement shade are perfectly suited to
holiday sKin. team With aqua eyeliner
to nod to the tropicana trend.
6. sisley hydrating longlasting lipsticK
in mandarine, £32, WWW.houseoffraser.
co.uK not only does this tangerine bullet
promise high coVerage but its lip-loVing,
hydrating formula and precise bullet
offer clean application and unriValled
comfort. genius.
7. dolce & gabbana shine lipsticK in
fuchsia, £24,
an opaque, glossy formula With Just a
hint of glimmer, this peony pinK proVides
six hours of colour and hydrates from
start to finish.
8. chanel rouge coco in shine fiction, £24,
chanel dressing lips in
a berry Veil, despite its sheer finish, this lip
tint hybrid adds polish Without leaVing lips
oVerdone. a trans-seasonal shade that
Will WorK at any hour.
9. bobbi broWn sheer lip colour in pinK
blossom, £19,
a lightWeight formula that despite its sheer
credentials still manages to pacK aWay
impressiVe pigments.
forget airy florals, this seasoN’s
sceNts have takeN a darker turN…
1. estee lauder bronze goddess, £45 for 100ml, effortlessly bottling the spirit of summer, despite its many guises over the years, bronze
goddess is bacK to its original best. mist liberally on holiday to cement memories and you’ll be transported to sunnier days With a single spritz bacK on home turf.
2. diptyque eau moheli, £60 for 100ml, WWW a perfume so decadently laced With ylang-ylang could be nothing but exotic. despite the feminine
bloom, this tropical scent releases peppery, masculine notes. sparKling yet unassuming, it’s our neW Warm-Weather scent. 3. prada candy l’eau, £50 for 50ml, WWW. prada’s iconic candy scent has groWn up for summer. With the original’s White musK and caramel notes at its base, citrus top notes – thinK sicilian
lemon and mandarin – render it luminous and lighter than its predecessor. 4. dolce & gabbana velvet tender oud, £170 for 50ml, unfurling one
smoKy note at a time, ingredient-of-the-moment oud is at the heart of this shadoWy fragrance. given an injection of lightness With sWeet almonds and damasK
rose, it’s a sultrier taKe on summer. 5. tom ford sahara noir, £100 for 50ml, a Woody scent inspired by spicy middle eastern incense, this Wears
close to the sKin and releases notes of cinnamon, cedar and oud, With hours of Wear. 6. maison lancome l’autre oud, £119 for 75ml,
this fragrance transports you to the middle of a heatWave, and With its patchouli base and turKish rose heart, it’s our top picK.
the multi-tasking moisturisers that
do so much more than hydrate
1. sensai by Kanebo silK brightening cream spf 8, £65, provides all-day hydration, while its pearlescent pigments remedy dull sKin leaving
it luminous. 2. perricone md photo plasma, £54, we can’t sing the praises of spf enough (particularly in the battle against ageing),
and while this mighty cream pacKs a sun-shielding punch, it counts one of our favourite imperfection faders, vitamin c, too. 3. elizabeth arden prevage day
intensive anti-ageing moisture cream spf 30, £110, arden’s premium prevage range was created to stave off the signs of time and its hard-
hitting line-up renders it one of beauty’s biggest achievers. the rich formula hydrates, protects against sun damage and fades fine lines. 4. clarins
hydraQuench cream spf 15, £34, while we want a cream that feeds dry sKin, we don’t want to wait for it to sinK in. the solution? this
light, fresh and QuicK-to-absorb cream that offers hydration to boot – thanKs to hyaluronic acid – while sun filters and plant extracts boost the sKin’s
protective layer. 5. rodial bee venom moisturiser, £150, sKincare so good you’ll scrape the pot to savour every ounce. hyaluronic acid
deeply hydrates, while plant stem cells support the sKin’s natural renewal process. it’s wicKedly rich so doubles up as a night treatment. 6. cliniQue
superdefense spf 25 age defense moisturizer, £38, weatherproofing against sun, wind or rain, cliniQue’s hero cream worKs hard to
hydrate, sinKing in QuicKly as a smoothing maKe-up base. add to that impressive anti-ageing credentials and you’ll be hard-pushed to find a better all-rounder.
1. H2O plus Face Oasis Hydrating BOOster, £25, www.marksandspencer.cOm. prOviding time-released HydratiOn, tHis mOisture BOOster is Our gO-tO wHen tHirsty
skin’s in need OF respite. 2. la prairie advanced marine BiOlOgy tOnic, £65, www.selFridges.cOm. tHis tOnic artFully Blends a series OF vitamins, Oils and marine
extracts tHat wOrk tOgetHer tO BrigHten and BOOst skin. sHake tHe BOttle tO Blend tHe actives and apply witH a cOttOn pad tO give skin tHe nutrients it needs.
3. creme de la mer tHe regenerating serum, £225, BOasting tHe Brand’s signature miracle BrOtH – a mineral-ricH anti-ageing liquOr
derived FrOm sea kelp – tHis super-serum immediately reBOOts skin leaving it rested and radiant. marine plant stem cells Help BOOst cell renewal tO Battle all signs
OF time – tHink slackened skin, Fine lines and Hyper pigmentatiOn – witH almOst-immediate eFFect. 4. BiOtHerm Blue tHerapy FOr nOrmal skin, £45, www.BiOtHerm. deeply Hydrating, tHis sOuFFled day cream Helps rewind tHe signs OF time tHanks tO anti-ageing aquatic extracts derived FrOm micrO-algae and planktOn.
impressive uva and uvB prOtectiOn alsO wOrk Hard tO sHield skin FrOm tHe sun. 5. kieHl’s cryste marine Firming eye treatment, £34.50, enricHed
witH cryste marine – extracted FrOm mineral-ricH sampHire – and padina pavOnica, tHe prOtective cOating FOund On BrOwn algae, tHis air-wHipped eye cream
Harnesses BOtanical actives tO disguise dark circles, Firm skin and erase Fine lines. gently pat arOund tHe OrBital BOne witHOut tugging at skin.
With aquatic ingredients
the latest buzz in beauty,
it’s time to sWot up on
some marine biology
It’s really very simple. If OK!
Magazine didn’t cover your party,
then your party never happened!
Our readers are fascinated by
celebrity, and love a red carpet event.
Exclusive parties
fame academy!
What: The Oscars.
Where: The Dolby Theatre, Los Angeles.
When: Sunday February 24.
Who: The cream of the Hollywood A-list including
George Clooney, Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Lawrence
descended for the Greatest Show On Earth.
Lowdown: The toast of Tinseltown gathered
together for the 85th Academy Awards and Sir Elton
John’s fundraising Oscars viewing party, which was
sponsored by Chopard. Superstar singer Adele led the
way for the Brits as she won an Oscar for her James
Bond theme Skyfall. Later in the ceremony, guests
Above: Kelly Preston with John Travolta. Left:
George Clooney and Stacy Keibler in Naeem
Khan. Right: Jennifer Aniston in Valentino
Above: Sir Elton John with Miley Cyrus in Azzaro
and Kelly Osbourne. Left: Best Actress winner
Jennifer Lawrence in Dior Couture and Chopard
jewellery with Best Supporting Actress Anne
Hathaway in Prada. Right: Catherine Zeta Jones
Above: David Furnish with Emeli
Sandé. Below: Winner of Best
Costume Design, British star
Jacqueline Durran. Right: Rénee
Zellweger in Carolina Herrera
Right: Adele, pictured with Paul Epworth
and Richard Gere, won Best Original
Song for Skyfall. The singer wore a
glittering Burberry dress
Above: Daniel Radcliffe and Kristen
Stewart in Reem Acra. Right: David
Furnish. Below: Heidi Klum in Julien
Macdonald with Naomi Campbell
Elton John and Simon Cowell Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel
Above: Taylor Swift wearing Donna Karan
Atelier. Top right: Rachel Weisz wearing
Louis Vuitton and Naomi Watts in Zac Posen
Above: Rosie Huntington-
Whiteley wearing Saint
Laurent, with Jason Statham.
Left: The Saturdays’ Una
Healy, Frankie Sandford,
Vanessa White, Mollie King
and Rochelle Wisemann
Above: Casper Smart
with Jennifer Lopez
wearing Zuhair Murad.
Below: Emily Blunt
wearing Michael Kors
globe trotters
What: The 70th annual Golden Globe Awards.
Where: The Beverly Hilton Hotel, Los Angeles.
When: Sunday January 13.
Who: The Hollywood A-list were out in force
with Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Kidman, Taylor Swift
and George Clooney rubbing shoulders with
Quentin Tarantino, Julia Roberts, Salma Hayek
and Naomi Watts.
Lowdown: No one quite does red
carpet glamour like Hollywood
and everyone who was anyone
TuesDAY JAnuARY 22
He said he’d be back and he is – ARnolD
schwARzeneggeR walks the red carpet
at the European premiere of his modern-day
Western The Last Stand at the Odeon West End
in London’s Leicester Square. Elsewhere, Two
DooR cInemA club perform at Baroque in
London’s Mayfair tonight.
weDnesDAY JAnuARY 23
The National Television Awards take place
tonight at London’s O2 Arena. DeRmoT
o’leARY acts as host while stars including
kARen gIllAn, AnT AnD Dec and
beneDIcT cumbeRbATch are among
those up for awards.
X Factor favourite ollY muRs leaves Essex
behind to perform a one-off gig in New York
tonight at the city’s Irving Plaza.
Celebrity Big Brother reaches its climax as
the 2013 champion is crowned by bRIAn
DowlIng live on Channel 5 tonight. emmA
wIllIs speaks to the whole gang afterwards
on Big Brother’s Bit On The Side. Elsewhere,
RonAn keATIng plays the LG Arena
Birmingham and VIcToRIA wooD hosts the
Silent Comedy Gala, part of the Slapstick Festival,
at Colston Hall in Bristol.
The Producers Guild Awards take place at the
Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles tonight. hARVeY
and bob weInsTeIn receive the Milestone
Award, while nIcole kIDmAn, JennIFeR
gARneR, ll cool J, JessIcA AlbA and
chRIs TuckeR hand out the awards.
sunDAY JAnuARY 27
The Shrine Exposition Center hosts tonight’s
Screen Actors Guild Awards, with Mary Poppins
star DIck VAn DYke being honoured
with the Lifetime Achievement Award. Other
nominees on the night include bRADleY
coopeR, hugh JAckmAn, JessIcA
chAsTAIn and soFIA VeRgARA.
monDAY JAnuARY 28
RIP singer RITA oRA kicks off her Radioactive
tour at the Manchester Academy tonight. She’ll
play 12 dates in the UK before heading off to
Australia to perform to audiences Down Under.
Above: Adam shulman and Anne
hathaway in chanel. Top left: Julia
Roberts in Valentino
Above: Amy Adams in a marchesa
dress. Right: len wiseman with
kate beckinsale wearing gucci.
Below: paul Rudd and salma
hayek wearing gucci première
Ryan Gosling Duchess of Cambridge
screen queens
Above: Amanda Seyfried in Zac Posen.
Below: Hugh Jackman and Anne
Hathaway, wearing Giambattista Valli
Above: Downton Abbey’s Allen
Leech, Sophie McShera, Michelle
Dockery, Phyllis Logan and Amy
Nuttall collect the award
Above: Lea Michele in Valentino with Cory
Monteith. Right: Jennifer Garner in Oscar de
la Renta and Julianne Moore in Chanel.
Above right: Ben Affleck and Hugh Jackman
What: Screen Actors Guild Awards.
Where: Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles.
When: Sunday January 27.
Who: Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Lawrence and Julianne
Moore were among the stars taking home awards, while
Amanda Seyfried, Jennifer Garner and Nicole Kidman all
looked glam on the red carpet. Homegrown successes
included the cast of Downton Abbey picking up the award
for Outstanding Performance By An Ensemble In A Drama
Series, beating off stiff competition from Stateside hits Mad
Men, Homeland, Breaking Bad and Boardwalk Empire.
Lowdown: Guests tucked into a lavish feast created by
eco-friendly chef Suzanne Goin of slow-roasted salmon
followed by beef tenderloin. Winners toasted their
success – and nominees drowned their
sorrows – with Taittinger champagne!
TuesDAY febRuARY 5
NIck eDe launches Lipcote’s Share Love Not
Lipstick campaign tonight at London’s Painted
Lady. It’s held in association with his charity
Style For Stroke and guests include Zoe
HARDmAN, TYleR JAmes, mIcHelle
GAYle and bReNDA eDwARDs.
Elsewhere, TINIe TempAH, olIvIA INGe
and DoNNA AIR attend a party to celebrate
DAvID GANDY’s partnership with Johnnie
Walker Blue Label at Annabel’s.
weDNesDAY febRuARY 6
cANDI sTAToN, mARTHA Reeves and
sHeIlA feRGusoN are among the soul
legends performing at DAvID GesT’s Legends
Of Soul Spectacular tonight and tomorrow at
Merseyside’s St Helens Theatre Royal.
DAmIeN HIRsT, pIxIe loTT, pRofessoR
GReeN, pIppA mIDDleToN and poppY
DelevINGNe attend the launch of T-shirt
brand Language Of Flowers at 2&8 in Mayfair.
bRuce spRINGsTeeN is named MusiCares
Person Of The Year tonight at the Los Angeles
Convention Centre. sIR elToN JoHN, NeIl
YouNG, mumfoRD & soNs, fAITH
HIll, JoHN leGeND and sTING are among
the performers at the tribute dinner and concert.
ellA HeNDeRsoN, JAHmeNe
DouGlAs, JAmes ARTHuR and RYlAN
clARk perform live at Birmingham’s LG
Arena tonight as part of The X Factor Live tour.
suNDAY febRuARY 10
The British Academy Film Awards take place
at London’s Royal Opera House tonight.
sTepHeN fRY acts as host, while bRADleY
coopeR, beN Affleck, DANIel DAY-
lewIs, ANNe HATHAwAY and JeNNIfeR
lAwReNce are among the nominees.
moNDAY febRuARY 11
The Millennium Hotel Mayfair plays host
to tonight’s Pia Michi Ball, held in aid of
Barnardo’s. lIZZIe cuNDY, TRIcIA
peNRose, cApRIce, eleN RIvAs and
mIcHelle HeAToN are set to attend the
black-tie event, which launches the fashion
brand’s 2013 prom and evening wear collection.
Above: Isla fisher
and Russell crowe.
Right: Damian lewis
and Helen mccrory
in burberry. Left:
maria menounos
in Randi Rahm
Above: bradley cooper with
Jennifer lawrence, wearing
christian Dior and chopard
jewels. Right: Nicole kidman
in vivienne westwood
Anne HathawayCate Blanchett
Above: Stephen Mangan, Tamsin
Greig and Matt LeBlanc. Above
left: Ant McPartlin and Declan
Donnelly are joined by a Dalek
Above: Lucy Watson and Spencer
Matthews. Top: Olivia Colman and
Martin Freeman. Right: Ben Whishaw,
who took the leading actor gong for
Richard II, and Sheridan Smith
What: the arqiva British academy television awards.
Where: London’s royal Festival Hall.
When: sunday May 12.
Who: the night belonged to olivia colman, who was crowned Best
Female Performer in a comedy Programme for Twenty Twelve and Best
supporting actress for Accused. sheridan smith was tearful after she took
the Best Leading actress gong for drama Mrs Biggs, while Michael Palin said
it was a ‘fantastic honour’ to receive a BaFta Fellowship, presented to him
by fellow Monty Python member terry Jones. ceremony host Graham
tHe oLivia awards!
Above: Pudsey, David
Walliams, Nell Tiger Free
and Hugh Bonneville.
Right: Laura Whitmore
in Sophia Kah
Above: Max Rogers and Kimberly
Wyatt in Biba. Left: Tess Daly in
Alberta Ferretti. Right: Kara
Tointon in Dennis Basso
Above: Jamie and Louise
Redknapp. Below: Alan Carr
with his award for Best
Entertainment Performance
for Chatty Man
Above: Sir Bruce Forsyth
and wife Wilnelia.
Right: Holly Willoughby
in Valentino
Above: Alexandra
‘Binky’ Felstead
and Mark-Francis
Vandelli. Top:
Millie Mackintosh
in Sass & Bide
Prince Harry Blake Lively and Ryan Renolds
on song!
partO ! MOODY
What: the 2013 MtV Video Music awards.
Where: the Barclays Center in Brooklyn,
new York.
When: sunday august 25.
Who: Katy perry and rita ora watched as
one Direction picked up song of the summer
for Best Song Ever and selena gomez Best
pop Video for Come & Get It. taylor swift
collected Best Female Video for I Knew You
Were Trouble, but made a little dig during her
speech at a certain ex, Harry styles: ‘i want
to thank the person who inspired this song,
who knows exactly who he is, because now i
Above: One Direction – Harry Styles, Liam
Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik and Niall
Horan – with Lady Gaga. Right and below
right: Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke during
that performance of Blurred Lines
Above: Justin Timberlake and Taylor Swift. Left: Katy
Perry shows off her diamond-encrusted grill while
hitting the red carpet in Emanuel Ungaro. Right: Ed
Sheeran and Ellie Goulding were spotted getting cosy
as they watched in the audience
Tuesday sepTember 3
michelle Keegan, amanda holden
and geThin Jones attend tonight’s Jeans
for Genes Day launch party at Jewel in London’s
Piccadilly. The annual fundraiser encourages
people to wear jeans to work or school on
September 20 in return for a charitable donation.
Wednesday sepTember 4 hosts a party at London’s Somerset
House tonight to launch new fashion brand
Definitions. VIP guests and DJ to be announced.
Elsewhere, professor green attends the
launch of Ink, his new tattoo parlour-themed
nightclub in London’s West End.
Thursday sepTember 5
naomi WaTTs is at London’s Odeon
Leicester Square tonight for the premiere of her
new movie Diana, based on the life of Diana,
Princess Of Wales. Meanwhile, the Land Rover
Burghley Horse Trials kick off, with KirsTie
allsopp judging the Perfect Tailgate Picnic
Competition on Saturday.
friday sepTember 6
lee evans, sheila hancocK and
Keeley haWes star in Barking In Essex,
which opens at London’s Wyndham’s Theatre
tonight. It’s a new comedy about Essex’s most
notorious gangster and is booking till January.
Elsewhere, caro emerald kicks off her tour
at Sheffield’s City Hall tonight.
saTurday sepTember 7
sir Terry Wogan and Tony
blacKburn host tonight’s BBC Proms In
The Park in London’s Hyde Park. bryan
ferry headlines.
sunday sepTember 8
hilary sWanK and marc Jacobs attend
tonight’s Inspiration Gala at The Carlu in Toronto.
alan cumming hosts and The gossip
perform at the annual fundraising event, held
during the Toronto International Film Festival.
monday sepTember 9
beverley KnighT joins the cast of The
Bodyguard tonight, as the musical undergoes
a cast change. It’s running at London’s Adelphi
Theatre until next March.
naOmi Watts
Above: rihanna hangs out with harry
styles. Above left: Justin Timberlake
proudly stands with his four awards
Above: lady gaga hits the stage in a
nun’s outfit during her routine. Right:
rita ora in alexandre vauthier
Icons are our business!
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This was a Northern & Shell cross platform
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This partnership proved to be a fantastic and
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dnesday, November 16, 2011
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E F G H I J K L P Q R S * T U W
770957623430DAILY STAR 16 NOV 2011. No 10744
Match report: STARSPORT
£1m for
pop flop
DEAL: Frankie Cocozza
COCAINE-shame X Factor
singer Frankie Cocozza
will make his first
£1million by Christmas.
The big-haired 18-year-old
was last night tipped to
become more successful
than any of his former
rivals still left in the
X Factor special:
Pages 10-11
JUNGLE joker Freddie
Starr pulled out of I’m
A Celeb last night
over fears his next
Bushtucker Trial
could kill him. His exit
shocked camp-
mates, including
Clement, right.
Full story: P4-5
80 Daily Express Wednesday November 16 2011
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9770307017230THE EXPRESS 16 NOV 2011. No 35191
BY 60%
Now a winter drought
...and we’re not joking
Presenter Susanna Reid with dancer Robin Windsor
By Dana Gloger Consumer Affairs Editor
ENERGY bills are set to soar by
hundreds of pounds a year, bringing
real financial pain to millions of
people already struggling to pay.
In a bleak prediction, industry analysts
warn that annual electricity prices could
rocket by 60 per cent, with gas increases of
54 per cent because of rising wholesale costs.
The steep hike could result in total energy
bills in excess of £2,000 a year.
Experts blame the upward trend on the green
agenda which will force suppliers to invest in
• Circulation: 308,220
• Readership: 1,692,000
• ABC1s: 892,000
• Male / Female: 14/86
• Ave age: 37
Our readers are...
• Affluent
• Aspirational
• Family orientated
• Inspired and influenced by celebrities
• Informed about fashion and beauty
• Value good quality products
Facts  Figures
ABC Consumer Magazines Report December 2013 including digital page turns.
Source = NRS January – December 2013.
OK! Magazine sells 34%
more actively purchased
copies than Hello!
Source: ABC Consumer Magazine Report December 2013, Actively Purchased Copies.
Grazia 5%
Reveal 6%
Look 5%
Now! 8%
Heat 14%
Hello! 15%
Closer 15%
star 4%
new! 7%
OK! 21%
We are Number One
• NS dominate the
celebrity marketplace
with 32% share of
• OK! Magazine is
the market leader
with 21% share
of readership.
Source: NRS January – December 2013.
style ★ beauty ★ health ★ travel ★ entertainment
Plus luscious
lippies, our january
jones style crush,
a safari trip to
kenya and the OK!
girls get tantastic
we like!
ok! goes gaga
for fashion’s
latest trend
TGI 2014 Q1 (October 2012 - September 2013)
• 1.1m OK! readers say that they
really enjoy shopping for clothes.
• 2/3 of our readers consider being
well dressed important .
• 94% more likely to keep
up with the latest fashions.
• £259m was spent on footwear
and a further £81m on accessories
in the last 12 months.
TGI 2014 Q1 (October 2012 - September 2013)
• 2x as likely to spend a lot of money
on toiletries and cosmetics than the
average person.
• £27m was spent by our readers
on cosmetics and skincare products
in the last year.
• 1m OK! readers admit that beauty
 styling products help them feel
good about themselves.
• OK! readers favourite brands of
perfume include Chanel, DG,
Dior, Calvin Klein and other
celebrity endorsed perfumes.
LifestyleOK! recipes with...K! es w .
Nigel slatertwo mouthwatering dishes from
‘eat – the little book of fast food’
for two – light, bright, refreshing, a mild, gentle salad
cucumber, FeNNel  ricotta salad
make the dressing: put 2 tablespoons of lemon
juice in a bowl, stir in a little salt and black pepper,
then whisk in 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2
tablespoons of sunflower oil. add a few drops of
balsamic vinegar. Finely chop 3 or 4 sprigs of dill
and add to the dressing, then taste and check the
balance. it should be fresh but not sharp. add
more balsamic vinegar if necessary.
peel half a cucumber, remove the seeds with
a teaspoon, then cut it into thick slices. halve
and finely slice a small bulb of fennel. peel and
thickly slice an avocado and fold all gently into the
dressing, then let everything sit in a cool place for
about half an hour (not much longer though). add
several tufts of sprouted seeds, such as radish or
mung beans.
transfer to a serving dish, place a large
spoonful of ricotta per person on top and serve.
2 tbsp lemon juice
salt and black pepper
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp sunflower oil
balsamic vinegar
3 or 4 dill sprigs
half a cucumber
small fennel bulb
1 avocado
sprouted seeds (radish
or mung beans)
2 tbsp ricotta
TGI 2014 Q1 (October 2012 - September 2013)
OK! HealtH
smOKing stars
5 Of the best
by OK! health editor Yasmine griffiths
1 ‘The easy way To sTop smoking’ by
allen carr, £9.99
A classic for wannabe non-smokers. Contains all the information you
need to quit for good. Visit
2 skechers go walk 2 sTance Trainers, £51
Swap your bad habit for a good one – take a walk after your meal or
when a craving strikes. See
3 Fenjal classic luxury creme baTh, £7.89
Instead of lighting up, relax by taking a soak in the bath after supper.
Available from
4 laura mercier repair day creme spF 15, £77.50
One of the first noticeable differences when you quit is your skin, which
feels cleaner in just a couple of days. Treat yourself to a luxury facial
moisturiser with the money you’ve saved! See
5 nicoreTTe gum, From £5.99
Robert Downey Jr carries around packs of these to help with cravings.
WaYs tO beat CraVings
it out!get extra support
this stoptober to
quit for good
Has the actress
(right) been hanging
out with rock ’n’
rollers for too long?
Kate’s often snapped
with a cigarette
in hand at events.
While out and about
she often tries to
cover the cigarette
with her hands – but
the smoke trail is
still visible!
jessica alba
Yes, we were mightily
shocked too when we saw
snaps of Jess puffing away
(right). the star, whose
book the honest Life
came out earlier this year,
prides herself on living
a toxic-free life, so we’re
not sure where cigarettes
come into the equation...
lilo was photographed
in august bizarrely
brushing her teeth
at the same time as
smoking a cigarette.
the actress (left)
appears to have put her
addictions to alcohol
and drugs behind her
– can she now do the
same with cigarettes?
maTT damon
the elysium actor
(left) quit smoking
after three sessions of
hypnotherapy. He said
afterwards: ‘i should
have done it years ago.
it’s amazing, i didn’t
even want cigarettes
any more.’
some of the well-
known names behind
this month’s challenge.
emmerdale star
Kelsey-beth Crossley is
another famous face
eager to take advantage
of the extra support
offered this month
for wannabe non-
smokers. the actress
says: ‘it will be a
huge achievement
for me if i manage
to quit for
stoptober. i really
want to use the 28 days as just
the beginning of a smoke-free
life and i am more determined
than ever to succeed.’
obody wants to be a
smoker these days. banned
from public areas, pubs
and restaurants, smokers
have become social pariahs – doomed
to huddle in ever-dwindling groups
outside workplaces and bars. Celebrities
caught on early. bar the odd exception
– lindsay lohan, Kate Hudson or
Katherine Heigl – many have stopped
smoking or at least are careful not to be
photographed with a cigarette in hand.
For those lonely souls who are still
puffing away but are eager to stop, then
‘stoptober’ is the month to do it. last year
160,000 people stopped smoking for 28
days in the mass-organised event which
is supported by the british army and
big name football clubs, as well as major
charities including Cancer Research uK
and the british Heart Foundation. Mr
Motivator, linda Robson and big brother
stars Gina Rio and Dan Neal are just
ben affleck (far
left), kate
beckinsale (left)
and katherine
heigl (below
left) have all
battled to kick
the nicotine
habit (above)
• 65% of OK! readers are adventurous
with food and like to try out new
products and recipes.
• 1/2 of our readers are health
conscience and admit to eating
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OK! UK Gold Media Pack 2014

  • 1. the world’s most powerful celebrity magazine
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  • 3. OK! is in a different league from every other celebrity magazine. We are purely celebrity based which means every single feature – whether it’s an at-home, food or fashion – is about celebrity. Since we exclusively cover weddings and at-home shoots it means we get closer to the celebrities than other titles, and we also have a tongue in cheek humour that means while serious issues are dealt with sensitively, our other shoots have a unique sense of fun. The Editor
  • 4. “OK! Magazine leads the way in bringing our loyal readers the most fabulous exclusive stories week after week, which is why we are the world’s number one celebrity magazine.” A-List celebrities Megan Fox
  • 5. Below: Jessica and Justin are the talk of the town after they were rumoured to have secretly got married. The ceremony was said to have taken place the day after Jessica attended the London premiere of her latest film, Total Recall opposite Colin Farrell (facing page inset) 32 W ell that’s one way to get the gossipers off your back! While it’s not been confirmed, it is believed that Jessica Biel got married to Justin Timberlake in a secret ceremony away from the prying eyes and ears of the world and just one day after she jetted out of London on her press tour for Total Recall. When asked, just days before the reported nuptials if they’d set a date, the actress was quick to dismiss the question: ‘Everyone’s been telling us to enjoy the engagement because it goes away so quickly.’ She added that she wanted ‘extend’ the romance of the engagement period for long as possible. The ravishing pair dated for four years but split briefly in 2011 after Jessica gave an embarrassing speech at Justin’s surprise birthday party. However, they soon got their relationship back on track and the LoveStoned singer popped the question at Christmas with a square-cut custom-made diamond ring. It’s thought they returned to the proposal destination of Jackson Hole, Wyoming, for the wedding on a private estate while guests stayed at the Four Seasons. Celebrity cake designer Sylvia Weinstock added fuel to the rumours by writing on Twitter that she was in the area. Here, the 30-year-old beauty talks about her new kick-ass role, why she’s vain and staying away from the ex-girlfriends… Will we see you on screen with Justin? If it was the right thing, we would consider working together. He’s excellent in every genre! You have to be delicate if you’re working with your partner and sometimes it’s just too close. I think OK! hollyWood intervieW as Jessica biel reportedly weds Justin timberlake she talks starring alongside him and love triangles… ‘STaY Far aWaY From Ex gIrLFrIEndS’ 33WWW.OK.CO.UK
  • 6. Nicole Kidman Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux
  • 7. OK! hollywood interview ‘I WANT ANGE TO BE PROUD OF HER MAN’ brad pitt talks dedication to his family, feeling like he’s ‘hit the lottery’ and learning from John travolta… H e’s been twice named Sexiest Man Alive, but there’s much more to Brad Pitt than the chiselled jaw and piercing blue peepers. These days, the 48-year-old actor is spending time behind the camera, having just produced and starred in his new flick, Killing Them Softly. He’s also a dedicated family man, saying he and fiancée Angelina Jolie ‘do everything we can to carve out some semblance of normalcy for the kids’, adding: ‘It’s not unusual for them to be covered in paint. We have mud fights. It’s chaos from morning until the lights go out, and sometimes after that.’ Here, Brad talks the value of money, sharing parenting duties and how he ticket-dodged to see John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever… despite your wealth, do you try and teach your kids the value of money? Of course – we try to prepare them for life on their own and to have respect for the world at large. have you ever worried about money? No, I never did. I’m thinking about when I was struggling and not sure if you’re going to pay the rent, but you can’t give to every beggar on the street, you end up with nothing in your pocket! [Laughs] but you give a lot of money to charity… I really feel like I’ve hit the lottery. The more I travel, the more I understand what opportunity I have, and most people don’t have that. It’s nothing more than luck and you need to pass that on. do you really think you’ve just been lucky? The fact is, wherever you’re born determines your opportunity in life. It’s not equal. Above: brad says that he and angelina try to keep things normal for their kids (below): ‘it’s not unusual for them to be covered in paint. we have mud fights. it’s chaos from morning until the lights go out, and sometimes after that’ 47WWW.OK.CO.UK interview by lily rogers/famous edited by lucie barat photographs by pa photos, pacific coast news OK! Above: While Angelina has tried directing, Brad insists it’s not his thing: ‘I’d be too obsessive, too much of a perfectionist.’ Below: Brad will be taking time off as Angelina goes back to work, meaning he will ‘get to be Dad’ Angelina has made her debut as a director – is that something you might do? No, I wouldn’t. I’d be too obsessive, too much of a perfectionist. It’s just not a good idea. Weren’t you once going to become a journalist? I was in J school, but I really was a bit feckless! [Laughs] It was more about getting out of class and, of course now, I wish I had certainly studied more. When did you start thinking about acting? It wasn’t until two weeks before graduation, everyone was taking jobs and I didn’t have one lined up, I always lamented that it wasn’t an opportunity, but then it just occurred to me, I could go to the opportunity. So literally two weeks later, I had my car loaded up and 300 dollars in my pocket. We remember you in Thelma & Louise some years ago. Did you think then that your career was going to take you to this point? You’re never really thinking that far in advance. I just wanted to be a part of movies, there’s so much trying to figure out who you are in the business and what you want to do with the opportunity once you get there. Would you say you’ve been saved at some point in your life by films? I think films showed me another culture and made me want to get out and travel the world and meet people who react to things differently than I do. I have a distinct memory of seeing Saturday Night Fever as a young kid. I had to sneak in while the ticket guy had his back turned! Did you want to be John Travolta? No, it was just the idea of this boisterous New York family hitting and yelling at each other, it seemed ferocious but there’s a lot of love. I just remember seeing this thing and being really affected by it. What do you think about the message the violent role in Killing Them Softly gives? Does it glorify the drug dealers? It’s a violent world we live in, and I don’t agree with trying to hide that or cover it up. That being said, it’s also a metaphor for business, and business can be very cut-throat. It’s just an unfortunate part of their business. And murder, or being murdered, is a potential outcome in a life of crime, and that’s it. Do you and Angelina approve of each other’s work? Yeah sure, I mean I want her approval. I want her to like the movie, I want her to be proud of her man. You two are known for changing shifts – so you’ll be home for the next year? Yeah, Mom is working. I worked a lot last year, this year Mom is working a lot and I get to be Dad. What sort of things do you get up to? It’s great to be with the kids more. We do normal stuff. I mean, lunch is an adventure for us! ‘killing them softly’ is out in cinemas on september 21. ‘I hAD To SNeAk INTo “SATurDAY NIghT fever” WhILe The TIckeT guY hAD hIS bAck TurNeD’
  • 8. The world’s most powerful celebrity magazine Gwyneth Paltrow, Jay Z and Beyoncé Knowles, Helen Mirren
  • 9. Keira is already hard at work on her next project, which will keep her busy until after Christmas – then she’ll start planning her wedding W hen it comes to acting, Keira Knightley finds it easier to get naked than fake love scenes. ‘I’m not prudish when it comes to nudity. I’m not afraid to expose myself that way,’ says the 27 year old. ‘I’m much more worried about revealing personal sides to myself. The hardest thing to capture about love is the actual physical intimacy between two people. The way two people behave when they are next to each other and touching each other. That’s a difficult thing to capture on film.’ The star, who got engaged to Klaxons frontman James Righton earlier this year, has also revealed that she hasn’t started making plans for her big day: ‘I’m working on another film which finishes after Christmas. Then maybe I’ll start thinking about the dress and the guests and the venue.’ Here Keira, who stars in a new adaptation of Tolstoy’s novel Anna Karenina, chats about marriage, jealousy and she clears up those Fifty Shades Of Grey rumours… Was it strange for you playing Anna Karenina, a character moving away from a marriage, as you move toward a marriage? No, because I didn’t realise at that point that I was. You can be in a happy place and play an incredibly miserable character, and vice versa. The role is very dramatic – did it affect you at some point during the filming? I don’t think I was the easiest to live with! It was quite a relief to finish – the level of emotion which had to be kept up was quite exhausting, so she [the character] did come home more than I would have liked her to. How did she come home? I’d just be in a bad f**king mood! [Laughs] KeirA KnigHTley opens up about coming home in a bad mood, exposing herself and why she’ll never please everyone… ‘I wasN’T THe easIesT To LIve wITH’ ok! HollyWood inTervieW 37WWW.OK.CO.UK OK! ‘love is romance, jealousy, pain and great sex’ Asked about influences in her formative years, Keira reveals: ‘One of the big ones would be Much Ado About Nothing that Kenneth Branagh directed, which I used to know by heart. I watched it so much’ interview by nena wearing/Celebritext Is there any part of Anna Karenina that you identify with? i think every part, and that is what is so terrifying about her. love is romance, and love is companionship, love is great sex, and love is all these wonderful things that we are sold as, but quite often the other sides of it – the negative sides of it – actually aren’t looked at; love is jealousy, love is neurosis, love is madness, love is loneliness, love is pain, it is all such a massive part of what that emotion is. When she is at her worst and most manipulative, because she so desperately needs something that she is not getting, you watch and think she is not very nice there. But actually when you look at yourselves, we all behaved in a needy way or a jealous way, we have all felt loneliness, we have all also had wonderful bits… What inspires you nowadays besides making movies? lots of things – music, theatre, other films, books, cooking, travel. i have been working my way through the ottolenghi cookbook. i did everything that i could from there. There was a rumour you are going to do Fifty Shades Of Grey? F**k no! [laughs] absolutely ridiculous! just from what i have heard – f**k no! It doesn’t get that many plaudits… i heard that as well. After the intensity of this film, would it be nice to move on to something happier? yes, i did get to the end of this one and it was like a five-year period of dying in pretty much everything that i did and thinking i wanted to do something happy and positive and just have a bit of a break from that, so it was a bit of a palate cleanser. i went off to new york, i did an incredibly happy and positive film about friends who make an album. Tell us a little bit about working with Karl Lagerfeld – what do you think of him? He is amazing. He speaks millions of different languages, he tends to sit next to you and hold your hand, and talk to you, which is very nice. He talks very quickly; i think he talks faster than i do actually! [laughs] i go in, and they go: ‘you’re wearing this,’ and i go: ‘Whoa, that’s nice, thank you very much and goodbye.’ i would love to say i go: ‘Karl, make me something like this!’ But i don’t. You have been an actress for a very long time now – what do you consider your greatest achievements so far? i don’t know if i can look at it like that really. i think i have been incredibly lucky with the people i have worked with and the opportunities i have had, but there isn’t one that i have gone, wow, i nailed it, because it’s subjective. you are never going to make anything that everybody loves, and if you are someone like me who was always looking for an a at school, it is like that dangling carrot that’s always in front of you that you are never going to get. so i think i will be incredibly proud of myself when i have given up trying to get the a, and actually understand that it is unattainable. in anything that i have done, i shoot for the a, i think the problem is that in acting, it is just not something that you are going to get. Because even if you got an oscar, there are always going to be people who f**king hated that performance! Is that a good thing? absolutely, but unfortunately, if you are looking for the a, you are always going to hear the noises that go, i hate you, you’re s**t. and there goes the a again! ‘anna karenina’ is in Cinemas now. 39www.ok.Co.Uk
  • 11. Our success has been built on our commitment to secure the very best world exclusives for our readers. The weddings of Prince William & Kate Middleton; Zara Phillips & Mike Tindall; Una Healy & Ben Foden; Millie Mackintosh & Professor Green to name but a few. Weddings
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  • 13. The Royal Wedding of Prince William to Kate Middleton
  • 14. Mike Tindall and Zara Phillips
  • 15. Una Healy and Ben Foden
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  • 17. Babies The babies of Nicole Richie; Shakira & Gerard Pique; Alicia Silverstone; Alyssa Milano & Elton John to name but a few.
  • 18. Nicole Richie with baby Harlow Winter Kate
  • 20. Alicia Silverstone and baby Bear Blu
  • 21. Alyssa Milano and baby Milo
  • 22. Elton John and David Furnish with baby Zachary
  • 23. Fashionista OK! Magazine readers love their fashion. They think it’s important to be well-dressed, and that it’s worth paying extra for quality. How do they decide what they should be wearing? They look to see what their favourite celebrity icons are wearing, and they copy that look. That’s why clothes are such an important part of our photo shoots. If you want to know what’s in, look in OK! Magazine!
  • 24. “Fashion in OK! Magazine literally jumps off the page. I know, from readers calling and writing to me and from brands with whom I’m in regular contact, that items featured on celebrities in our fashion shoots experience a massive upturn in sales. In some instances items have sold out in store on the day of publication! In addition the OK! Fashion pages are flexible, combining high- end fashion houses with accessible and affordable high street stores and incorporating everything in between to achieve on- trend coverage in each and every issue.” Fashion & Beauty Editor
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  • 27. 90 Above: Jacket, £445, blouse, £152, jeans, £175, satchel, £234, and tote, £188. All clothes and accessories throughout by DKNY. Facing page: Dress, £303 collar, £195, and shopper, £205 OK!Fashion 88
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  • 34. Our weekly lifestyle features aim to amaze and inspire our readers, whether they are choosing a luxury holiday, spa retreat or dining choice. The health section gives our readers insight and advice on how to maintain the body beautiful from within. Lifestyle
  • 35. travelvOK! 104 the mex factorOK! heads to the sun-kissed shores of theOK Mayan riviera for soMe laid-back paradise… Below: Hang out by the pool at the Sensatori or hit the day beds on the beach (right) J utting out into the Gulf of mexico and the caribbean Sea, mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula is soft-edged with infinite powder beaches and lapped by turquoise waters. the colours are incredible, everything blazes – from the electric blue sky and the fierce green jungle that lays just inland, to the neon red, fuchsia and orange flowers that dot the landscape. Stretching southwards between the modern tourist resort of cancun along highway 307 to unspoiled tulum in the south, the mayan riviera coastline caters for all tastes and wallet sizes. cancun is all about foam parties, theme nights and happy hours – it’s a throbbing party town with shiny malls and high-rise hotels. In contrast, tulum is a laid-back paradise, with stunning cliff- side mayan ruins, surf shacks and a charmingly ramshackle collection of cafés and bars. Between the two is Playa del carmen, which fittingly lies in the middle – both geographically and in terms of character. a buzzing town with boutique hotels, lounge bars and shops selling beautiful crafts, beachwear, cigars and tequila. It’s time to plan your winter break… What stars might I see? this summer, Peter and abbey crouch enjoyed a sun-kissed break in cancun, while fellow footballers Joe cole and Wayne rooney have also holidayed here. Shakira has performed in cancun, Jennifer Lopez shot a pop video on the beach, Kim Kardashian, Leonardo Dicaprio and christina aguilera have all partied here, while Brody Jenner tweeted: ‘omG, cancun is out of control!’ the boho vibe of tulum also attracts the stars – Drew Barrymore, Natalie Imbruglia, Jaime Winstone, True Blood star alexander Skarsgard and amanda Seyfried have all been spotted here. meanwhile, Julia roberts, cameron Diaz, Gwyneth Paltrow and Uma thurman have been spotted staying near Playa del carmen. Where should I stay? OK! checked into the Sensatori, a luxury ocean-front resort just a 30-minute drive from both cancun and Playa Del carmen. the bonus with staying at the Sensatori is that it’s all-inclusive (including spirits, Sol lager and house wine), so once you’ve paid up front, all you’ll need is cash for souvenirs! Despite its size, the 438-room resort has been sympathetically designed so that some areas are dedicated to families, in terms of pools and activities, while more secluded areas are reserved for couples. Several of the five pools snake around the landscaped gardens – one is an adults-only pool with Balinese day beds and a swim-up bar, while another is kid-friendly with water features. OK! stayed in a junior premium suite and, while sipping our welcome drink, we were guided through a choice of five different scents to be sprayed daily in our room and offered a choice of five different soaps for our in-room Jacuzzi bath. every day the bath towels were twisted into a different shape on the four-poster bed – from kissing swans to a dinosaur! the room is stocked with plenty of DVDs to choose from, complete with a delivery of popcorn straight to your room should you wish. What can I do at the hotel? OK! loved hanging out on the canopied day beds on the beach. Butlers circulated all day taking drink orders and bringing around snacks. our favourite was the electric Lemonade (vodka, lemonade and melon) and the delicious bite-sized chimichangas (burritos). there’s plenty on offer for little people, with action centring on the azulitos Play house, stuffed with the latest toys. d ve d d e d d 105WWW.OK.CO.UK edited by annabel maCKie, OK! travel editOr phOtOgraphs by alamy, getty images, paCifiC COast neWs How do I get there? Main: Whether you’re a lover of the sun-kissed beach or history- packed ruins, such as the ancient Coba site that OK! visited (below left), the Yucatan Peninsula has something for everyone Above: Explore Cancun’s Underwater Museum. Left: Cameron Diaz is a Playa del Carmen fan OK! thomson (; 0871 230 2555) offers a seven-night all-inclusive package, including return flights from London Gatwick, staying at the five-star Sensatori resort from £1,169 per adult. Price is based on two people sharing a double room and departure on December 3, 2012. a similar all-inclusive package but for 14 nights costs from £1,604 per adult, based on a December 5, 2012 departure. fOr mOre abOUt CanCUn, visit fOr mOre On mexiCO, see WWW.visitmexiCO.COm. teens get their own hangout too featuring a DJ booth, a 100-seater cinema, pool table and games room. If you fancy the sounds of the sea, have a massage in one of the Sensatori’s beach-side wooden thatched pavilions or, for total tranquillity, enjoy a treatment in the cool sanctuary of the indoor spa. here OK! chose the hot stone massage that began with a warm chamomile neck pillow placed around our shoulders, before giving our body over for an hour of pure bliss. or, get married! We saw two weddings a day, so the hotel is hugely popular venue for tying the knot. OK! loved to guess the couple’s nationality from the music at the reception – coldplay and Westlife for the Brits and soft rock and country for the americans! Where can I eat? many guests never leave the Sensatori, with its six on-site restaurants, including a mexican, Italian and caribbean. for those who want a blow-out eight-course gourmet extravaganza, dine at the adults-only Le chique, or if you’re not sure want you fancy, Spoon is perfect as you can graze from the groaning buffet or order from the live cooking stations. afterwards kick back at the mojito Lounge bar, which boasts 31 different mojitos, or take in the live band at the roof Garden Lounge. for reasonably priced traditional dishes and fresh seafood outside the hotel, OK! recommends La Parrilla in Playa del carmen. We loved the chicken fajitas and beef tacos with fresh guacamole, refried beans and huge margaritas. afterwards stroll around the shops along the car-free fifth avenue and have a cocktail on the rooftop of Deseo hotel. While in Puerto morelos, we loved Dorla triny’s for a simple feast of chicken chimichangas and beef fajitas with tortilla chips, salsa and lime. What else can I do? You can’t go to this corner of mexico and not visit one of the spectacular ancient mayan ruins, with chichen Itza, one of the new seven wonders of the world, a key tourist attraction. OK!, however, travelled to the smaller coba, where the main temple ruins are 42m high and hidden amid dense jungle. We visited temples dedicated to honey and rain and spotted darting lizards and curious stingless bees. We then went swimming in a beautiful sink-hole – a natural phenomenon when the ground gives way and the hole has subsequently filled with water. the perfect end to an incredible day was swimming in the cool green water deep inside the jungle. We also loved Puerto morelos – a tiny fishing town which we stumbled upon by accident when we ended up walking an hour and a half up the beach from our hotel, passing wooden jetties, pelicans and frigate birds. the town, with its iconic leaning lighthouse as a result of the 1967 hurricane, has some great souvenir shops where you can haggle over the price of handmade jewellery, beachwear, wooden toys and cigars. after all the exertion, we took a pew at the beach- side Los Pelicanos bar to sip ice-cool corona and listen to the musicians playing the harp and guitar. elsewhere, divers will love the cancun Underwater museum, a collection of 400 undersea stone sculptures, including a life size VW Beetle, located in the waters of the manchones Natural Park (between cancun and Isla mujeres). animal lovers, meanwhile, should head to the 1.3 million acre Sian Ka’an Biosphere reserve to spot crocodiles, monkeys and turtles.
  • 36. travelvOK! 108 santa phwoars!OK! chills out california-style in laid-back santa Monica… S anta Monica is nicknamed hollywood-on- sea and it’s easy to see why. this tiny eight sqm beach-side resort, wedged between Malibu and Venice Beach, is crawling with celebs! Expect to see Jennifer aniston and Justin theroux enjoying a romantic dinner, David Beckham and his boys surfing in the sea, Courteney Cox walking her dogs along the beach and Kate hudson shopping in american apparel. so if you want to combine the sights of Los angeles (the centre of Beverly hills is a 20-minute drive away) with some surf and beach action on the sun-kissed Californian coast, then santa Monica – where temperatures often reach 20˚C in the winter months – is the place for you. Which stars might I see? Keep an eye out while shopping – Fred segal at Broadway and Fifth is the ultimate celeb shopping hotspot, where you may find Jennifer aniston and Where should I stay? Where can I spa? rent your own place by the beach. a house can work better if you’re travelling as a family, it’s more budget-friendly than staying in a hotel and you also get to live like a local. OK! stayed in the super-cool Canyon Beach house, just a few yards from the sandy beach. the all-white wooden cottage has plenty of charm and lots of mid-century period features such as funky light fittings, a vintage cooker, a claw-foot bathtub and a huge fireplace. OK! loved the soothing all- white décor, the funky faux zebra skin poufs and its perfect location, just a 30-minute walk from the promenade shops and the pier, and a quick drive up to nearby Malibu. another nice touch? the owners were on hand for advice and tips and provided lovely eco bath potions as well. If a five-star hotel is more your scene, choose from shutters on the Beach – where pamela anderson likes to lunch – the Fairmont Miramar, the Loews or the Viceroy. Be pampered at the tikkun holistic spa (www., close to the third street promenade, with its clay, salt and ice rooms, where you can have various detoxing, steam and chill experiences. OK! was treated to a great swedish massage by Dessy, who worked his magic on our laptop-strained shoulders! Elsewhere, the Loews hotel (www.loewshotels. com) has a small but perfectly formed spa, with eco- friendly products and great staff who spoilt OK! with an Intraceuticals oxygen facial, similar to the one Madonna swears by. Julia roberts browsing the rails. the Beckhams are santa Monica fans, with the family often spied hanging out on santa Monica pier and just recently spotted out shopping for halloween gear. halle Berry was also seen bumping into Ben affleck and Jennifer Garner while out shopping in santa Monica recently. Elsewhere, one of the best places to spot a star is the saturday organic farmers’ market on arizona avenue, while the Ivy at the shore restaurant on ocean avenue, where singer Fergie and Josh Duhamel have dined recently, is another a-list magnet. Above: Surf the waves like David Beckham and the boys, or hit the shops (facing page top right) like Victoria 109WWW.OK.CO.UK repOrt by rOWena Carr-allinsOn edited by annabel maCKie, OK! travel editOr phOtOgraphs by alamy, getty images, mOWgli frere, xpOsUre How do I get there? Main: Soak up the laid-back Californian vibe on the beach in Santa Monica, home to the iconic 100-year-old pier, complete with fun fair. Facing page bottom left: OK! stayed in the gorgeous Canyon Beach House Below: Enjoy lunch at Back On The Beach or relax at the spa at the gorgeous Loews Hotel (above left) Many airlines, including British airways (www. and Virgin atlantic ( com), fly direct from London to Los angeles. rent Canyon Beach house in santa Monica with (+1 310 866 5039, www. from £165 per night. offers more than 100 holiday rentals in santa Monica, from one-bed studios to five-bedroom villas. rent a car with Dollar thrifty Europe (www.; 0203 468 7685) from £127.63 per week from LaX, fully inclusive. fOr mOre infOrmatiOn, visit the santa mOniCa tOUrist bOard Website at WWW.santamOniCa.COm. OK! indulged in a styling session at nordstrom in the new-look santa Monica place Mall, trying on a selection of clothes by La favourites paige Denim, James perse and Citizens of humanity. Browsing the chic department store with a personal stylist, we followed in the footsteps of Jessica alba, Gwen stefani and Kate hudson. Just a few steps away is the third street promenade, a pedestrian zone where you’ll find stateside staples including abercrombie & Fitch, Victoria’s secret, Gap and old navy. nearby is Montana avenue, where you’ll see more exclusive boutiques. Where can I eat? Where can I shop? If you’re after a relaxed, family friendly lunch, head to Back on the Beach, where OK! munched on fish tacos with our toes in the sand while enjoying the sea views. For Mexican food lovers, try the Border Grill, just off the promenade, where we had the fiery ceviche, sweet potato empanadas and a great steak quesadilla. For sunset views, try ocean & Vine at the Loews, where OK! sampled the fantastic sushi at sunset menu. highlights include the eel roll topped with avocado and toasted sesame and the santa Monica Fog – tuna and shrimp with a ginger sauce. If you’re enjoying the rides on santa Monica pier but need to refuel, stop off for a burger at the new pier Burger Café or indulge in Maine lobster and truffle fries at the Lobster, a pier institution. For something hip and healthy, the true Food Kitchen at santa Monica place Mall is amazing. OK! loved the tasty bison burger almost as much as the cool outdoor terrace with its bright yellow parasols. Italian restaurant Giorgio Baldi, across the road from the Canyon Beach house, seems to be the celeb flavour of the month, with Jennifer aniston and rihanna having eaten there recently. another favourite for gourmet steaks is the Boa steakhouse on santa Monica Boulevard. What sights must I see? a great way to get around santa Monica without a car is by cycling. rent a bike at perry’s (there are several outlets along the seafront) and check out the celeb-owned houses. or, for the fitter, try the neighbouring resorts of Venice Beach and Malibu. head to santa Monica pier, the 100-year-old iconic landmark, where you’ll find fairground rides, a rollercoaster and a beach-level aquarium at the UCLa ocean Discovery Center. Don’t miss annenberg Community Beach house, with its fantastic ’20s-style pool and some great picnicking areas. Gwen stefani and her brood have just been spotted there. Elsewhere, sporty types can join the surfers catching the waves, try their hand at volleyball, go rollerblading along the ocean-front path or go hiking in the santa Monica Mountains, where 580 miles of public trails await. OK!
  • 37. travelvOK! 104 welcome to miami! sun, sand, shopping and a long a-list of celebrities – OK! finds it all in beautiful miami... Lounge poolside and soak up Miami’s scorching weather Where can I stay? What is there to do? I t’s hip, it’s hot, it’s happening! Sizzling temperatures, latin beats, non-stop beach action and a hedonistic club scene, miami is the place to party. For many first-time visitors, miami is all about the beaches and the confetti- hued art deco jewels that line ocean Drive. But once you’ve crossed the causeway from the atlantic ocean barrier island to downtown miami, you’ll find overlapping neighbourhoods such as stylish coral Gables, vibrant little Havana and the arty Design District. So should you ever get bored of watching the toned bodies playing beach volleyball or scantily clad rollerbladers zooming up and down the palm tree-lined South Beach boardwalk, there’s plenty more to see and do! there’s plenty to keep you occupied if you don’t want to leave the w Hotel – chill by one of the two pools (you may spy Paris Hilton on the next sunlounger) or lay on the private stretch of beach, with w staff on hand with eye masks, face mist and even sunblock assistance if you wish! it’s all about the body beautiful in miami, so if you want to join the health pack, sign up with the w’s own celebrity trainer, Simone cavalletti, who can customise a fitness regime and organise boot camp and beach yoga sessions for you. there’s also a rooftop tennis court, basketball court and the Sweat Fitness center if that’s your scene. or, in OK!’s case, we took out one of the hotel’s kayaks for a spin on the turquoise waters, as well as a bike to explore the coastline. if that’s all a bit strenuous, take refuge at Grove, a lush poolside garden dotted with low-slung chairs and shaded by trees hanging with lanterns, bird cages and even sheets of poetry! Bliss Spa is another place to pamper yourself. OK! relaxed in our robes and nibbled on olives, cheese, fruits and a chocolate brownie before our treatment. we opted for a deep tissue extreme sports massage – a pretty intense experience, but one that ironed out any aches so we were ready to party! Going for pure indulgence, we then had a hot milk and almond pedicure. Heaven! Situated in the epicentre of all the South Beach action, OK! checked into the ultra-hip w South Beach on collins avenue. and the moment we entered the 20-storey hotel, our jaw was on the ground in amazement. with its floor-to-ceiling screens, zebra-print rugs, fur-covered chairs and Damien Hirst and andy warhol artwork, it’s no wonder the lobby is the place to see and be seen. while w is a party palace – Jessica alba, Bruno mars and cameron Diaz have hit the funky lounge bar living Room, and wall nightclub – the 408 bedrooms offer a place to relax, with each spacious room featuring sea-facing glass balconies, plasma tVs and Bliss Spa potions. OK! checked into one of the hotel’s new ViP Suites, which allows you to live like a celeb, from the moment you’re picked up from the airport in a private limo. other perks? Free entry to wall, your very own butler and a private pool cabana! The rooms at the W are sleek and spacious, while the ocean views are breathtaking 105WWW.OK.CO.UK repOrt by rOsie UnderWOOd edited by annabel maCKie, OK! travel editOr phOtOgraphs by alamy, getty images How do I get there? Main: With its gorgeous beaches, great shopping and buzzing nightlife, Miami is a favourite among celebrities. Below: If you’re after a spot of retail therapy, Miami has a wide range of shops to choose from Bâoli is just one of many hot night spots in Miami Where can I eat? Where should I shop?Who might I see? A stroll along Ocean Drive to check out its many one-off boutiques is a good place to start. For arty and lifestyle stores, make a beeline for the Design District, while the downtown Village of Merrick Park and Bal Harbour are home to all the big- name labels – think Gucci, Cavalli, and Chanel. Aventura Mall, to the north of Miami, is where you’ll find outposts of NYC stores Bloomingdale’s, Macy’s, Abercrombie & Fitch and 270 other stores. Virgin Holidays offers a four-night package, including scheduled flights with Virgin Atlantic from Heathrow to Miami, hotel transfers, staying at the W South Beach from £1,575pp. Prices are based on two adults travelling and sharing a standard room, and include all taxes and fuel surcharges. Prices are based on departures from April 23, 2013. To book, see, call 0844 557 3859 or visit one of their stores located in Debenhams, House Of Fraser, Tesco or Sainsbury’s. To find out more and to book the VIP Suite package at W South Beach hotel, go to visit the greater miami Cvb at WWW.miamiandbeaChes.COm Or Call 020 7978 5233. fOr free visitOr gUides and fOr mOre infO, visit WWW.sOUthbeaCh.COm. Whether it’s in the glitzy malls, onboard a sleek yacht (à la the JLS boys for Marvin Humes’ stag do earlier this year), lunching at Monty’s (a favourite for the Kardashian sisters), or partying at Privé (like Eva Longoria) you’re bound to see a celeb or ten! Khloé and Kourtney Kardashian have their fashion boutique Dash in town, while Kim (left) and Kourtney are filming a new series of Take Miami. Kim and her beau Kanye West have also been seen dining at upscale steakhouse Prime One Twelve. OK! If you don’t want to venture from the W, you’ll find an outpost of the legendary Mr Chow, where classic dishes such as peking duck, green prawns and crispy beef have been given a modern twist. Expect to see an A-lister dining beneath the restaurant’s 125ft Swarovski-crystal chandelier. For the freshest of seafood, OK! dined at the hotel’s The Dutch restaurant and oyster room. We loved our fresh clams and scampi ravioli as well as skate wing with a saffron cous cous. There were cocktails to complement each dish, with OK! voting the Perfect Storm, a tequila, ginger and lime creation, as our favourite! Bâoli restaurant/bar/club, with its enchanting terrace and garden and lengthy cocktail list, has a St Tropez party vibe. Under fairy light-adorned trees, OK! dined on Chilean sea bass, served with edamame purée and orange miso sauce. And when the clock struck midnight, we were handed a sparkler to dance with and the action hotted up! A popular celeb spot is Michael’s Genuine, a buzzy bistro in the Design District, where Jennifer Aniston has been spotted. OK! enjoyed the balmy ambiance on the outdoor patio, and feasting on the slow-roasted pork shoulder with cheese grits.
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  • 39. 109WWW.OK.CO.UK109WWW.OK.CO.UK108 T he sound of Louboutins clicking and champagne corks popping can only mean one thing – it’s London Fashion Week! And there’s only one place for any self-respecting model, designer or fashionista to lay their perfectly coiffed head – The May Fair Hotel, where OK! recently headed for a taste of the highlife. The hotel is such a celebrity hot-spot that paparazzi are permanently camped outside. Flashbulbs were popping when we arrived, but we were far too ‘fashion week cool’ to stare. We were welcomed to the hotel’s dark and sparkling bar with the specially created Pout cocktail made with rum, mint and just an air-kiss of cranberry, followed by bento boxes of crab tempura, unbelievably fresh sweet-chilli prawns and mini spring rolls. Despite having to face Fashion Week’s wafer-thin beauties in the very near future, we also succumbed to a mini chocolate and gold leaf cupcake, safe in the knowledge that we had a secret weapon in our arsenal the next day… In the morning we headed straight to the spa – a haven of black marble with zen sculptures and water features built into the walls – for our Catwalk Wrap. While it won’t turn hourglass beauties into size zeroes, our therapist tells us it helps with water retention and skin tone, and ‘just means you can get into that pair of jeans you’ve been having trouble with’. Sounds good to us! To start, we were bound in algae-soaked bandages then lay on a heated bed for an hour while we enjoyed a scalp and foot massage. It’s not advisable to drink alcohol for 24 hours after this treatment or it destroys all the benefits, but when it means looking that bit better in your favourite little black dress, it’s totally worth it. Next stop, the front row! ROOMS AT THE MAY FAIR HOTEL START FROM £459 PER NIGHT. TO FIND OUT MORE, VISIT WWW.THEMAYFAIRHOTEL.CO.UK. THE MAY FAIR, LONDON OK!Spa OK! Below: Take your treatment to another level on the spa’s heated stone beds. Inset: OK! loved the cocktail and cupcake combo. Below: With a façade this swish, it’s no wonder The May Fair is an official Fashion Week partner (bottom) Above: The May Fair’s signature suites are as glamorous as the spa (below and left) Vanity FairVanity FairOK! DISCOVERS THE HAVEN TO RECOUP FROM THE RIGOURS OF LONDON FASHION WEEK REPORTBYMARCIAMOODY
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  • 42. Food from around the world Our new recipes section brings our readers a sumptious parade of mouth watering dishes from the very best of the celebrity chefs.
  • 43. OK! recipes with...K! es w . Nigel slatertwo mouthwatering dishes from ‘eat – the little book of fast food’ for two – light, bright, refreshing, a mild, gentle salad cucumber, FeNNel & ricotta salad make the dressing: put 2 tablespoons of lemon juice in a bowl, stir in a little salt and black pepper, then whisk in 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil. add a few drops of balsamic vinegar. Finely chop 3 or 4 sprigs of dill and add to the dressing, then taste and check the balance. it should be fresh but not sharp. add more balsamic vinegar if necessary. peel half a cucumber, remove the seeds with a teaspoon, then cut it into thick slices. halve and finely slice a small bulb of fennel. peel and thickly slice an avocado and fold all gently into the dressing, then let everything sit in a cool place for about half an hour (not much longer though). add several tufts of sprouted seeds, such as radish or mung beans. transfer to a serving dish, place a large spoonful of ricotta per person on top and serve. ingredients 2 tbsp lemon juice salt and black pepper 2 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp sunflower oil balsamic vinegar 3 or 4 dill sprigs half a cucumber small fennel bulb 1 avocado sprouted seeds (radish or mung beans) 2 tbsp ricotta JonathanloVeKin 103www.oK.Co.UK Mix 50g plain flour in a bowl with a teaspoon of dried chilli flakes and a grinding of black pepper. Pour 4 tablespoons of Thai or Vietnamese fish sauce into a bowl, stir in a pinch of sugar – no more – then add 400g large, raw peeled prawns (fresh are best; defrosted are equally as fine) and leave them for 15 minutes. Heat a thin film of oil in a frying pan or wok, add the prawns and fry, moving them around as they cook, for a few minutes until they are crisp and sweet. Remove from the pan and serve with the salad below. Peel a large wedge of watermelon and pick out as many of the seeds as you can. Cut the flesh into large chunks and toss with the juice of a lime, a few chopped mint leaves and some torn coriander. nigel slater’s ‘eat: the little book of fast food’ is out now, priced £26. for two – Mouth-popping prawns, refreshing waterMelon CHilli PRawns wiTH waTeRMelon OK! ingredients 50g plain flour 1 tsp dried chilli flakes black pepper 4 tbsp thai or Vietnamese fish sauce pinch of sugar 400g large, raw peeled prawns oil Salad: large wedge of watermelon Juice of a lime Mint leaves coriander
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  • 45. OK! recipes with... paul hollywoodthe ‘great british bake off’ star shares two tasty treats from his new book ‘pies & puds’ Deliciously retro anD serves six savoury choux buns with creamy mushrooms this recipe has a retro feel about it, and it’s none the worse for that. the deliciously savoury flavours here, and the beautifully crisp choux pastry, will always go down a storm. heat your oven to 220˚c/gas 7 and line a baking tray with baking parchment. to make the choux buns, put the butter, salt and water into a large saucepan. heat gently until the butter has melted, then bring to the boil. immediately remove from the heat and tip in the flour and thyme. beat with a wooden spoon to form a smooth ball of dough that should leave the sides of the pan. now vigorously beat the egg into the hot dough, a little at a time. this takes some elbow grease! as you add the egg, the dough will become stiff and glossy. stop adding the egg if the dough starts to become loose – but you should use up all or most of it. spoon the dough into 6 large blobs, each about 7cm in diameter, on the prepared baking tray. (alternatively, you can pipe the choux on to the tray.) sprinkle the parmesan evenly on top of them. bake in the centre of the oven for 10 minutes until the choux buns are well risen and golden. then turn the oven down to 190˚c/gas 5 and bake for a further 30 minutes to ensure the centres are cooked. the buns should be crisp and dry. on removing from the oven, split one side of each bun open to allow the steam to escape. transfer to a wire rack to cool. For the filling, melt the butter with the oil in a large, wide frying pan. add the shallot and cook for a few minutes until soft but not coloured. add the mushrooms, garlic and thyme. cook over a high heat for about 10 minutes, stirring often, until the mushrooms are buttery, soft and reduced in volume by about half, and their liquid has been driven off. add the sherry and crème fraîche and allow to bubble gently for about 10 minutes to reduce the sauce. stir in the lemon juice and parsley and season with salt and plenty of black pepper. cut each choux bun fully in half. Fill with the warm mushroom mixture and serve, with a green salad. For the choux buns 100g unsalted butter, cut into roughly 1cm cubes Pinch of salt 300ml water 130g strong white bread flour 1 tbsp chopped thyme 4 medium eggs, beaten 25g Parmesan, finely grated For the Filling 25g unsalted butter 1 tbsp olive oil 1 large eschalion (banana shallot), sliced 600g mixed mushrooms, roughly chopped 2 garlic cloves, chopped 1tsp thyme leaves 2 tbsp dry sherry 200g crème fraîche Juice of ½ lemon 1 tbsp chopped flat-leaf parsley This is a really pretty gâteau, perfect to serve as a dessert for a summer party or special meal. First make the sponge. Heat your oven to 180˚C/gas 4. Butter and base-line a 23cm springform cake tin. Put the eggs and sugar in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water and whisk together using a handheld electric whisk until thick, pale and moussey, and doubled in volume. The mixture should hold a trail on the surface when you lift the whisk. Take off the heat and gently fold in the melted butter, then the flour. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 15-20 minutes until cooked and lightly golden. Leave to cool completely, then remove the sponge from the tin and peel off the paper. Line the sides of the same tin with baking parchment, first snipping a line of parallel cuts along the base of the paper so it will fit snugly against the base. Put the sponge base back into the tin. To make the mousse, break up the jelly and put it into a small pan with the water. Melt gently over a low heat until smooth. Take off the heat and set aside. Purée the 200g strawberries in a blender until smooth and pass through a sieve to remove the seeds. Using an electric whisk or a mixer with a whisk attachment, whisk the evaporated milk for at least 5 minutes until it is thick, bubbly and doubled in volume. Gently fold in the liquid jelly, then fold in the strawberry purée. Arrange the strawberry slices around the edge of the lined tin, cut side against the tin. Scatter any extra strawberries over the sponge. Pour the strawberry mousse into the tin and gently level the surface. It doesn’t matter if the mousse doesn’t quite cover the strawberries. Place in the fridge for at least 2 hours to set. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of hot water. Dip a few strawberries into the melted chocolate to partially coat and place on a piece of parchment to set. Put the remaining melted chocolate into a paper piping bag, snip off the tip and drizzle lines of chocolate over the top of the mousse. Finish with the strawberries. Extract takEn from Paul Hollywood’s ‘PiEs and Puds’ PublisHEd by bloomsbury, £20. ‘Paul Hollywood’s PiEs and Puds’ will air on bbc onE in novEmbEr. sErvEs EigHt – suPEr for a sPEcial Party STrAwBerry MoUSSe CAke OK! for tHE gEnoisE sPongE basE 2 medium eggs 50g caster sugar 15g unsalted butter, melted, plus extra for greasing 50g plain flour, sifted for tHE strawbErry moussE 135g packet strawberry jelly 1 tbsp water 200g strawberries 2 x 170g cans evaporated milk 250g strawberries, hulled and cut in half top-to-toe (or sliced into 3 if large) to finisH 50g dark chocolate (or milk, if you prefer), chopped 6–8 strawberries ©PEtErcassidy2013
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  • 47. OK! recipes with... MicheL rOUX Jrthe two-star michelin chef shares some delicious dishes from his latest cook book, ‘the french kitchen’ ServeS Six – a deliciouS Starter or light bite DANDeLiON AND BAcON sALAD the classic salade lyonnaise is made with dandelion leaves, and if you are lucky enough to have a garden with an untreated area in it, you can pick your own. But dandelions can taste a little bitter to some, so you can use frisée salad or curly endive if you prefer. pick through the salad leaves, and then wash and dry them carefully. cut the bacon into strips or batons, place them in a non-stick pan with a drop of olive oil and then cook slowly over a medium heat. cut the baguette into about 20 slices, make each about 1cm thick. Drizzle them with olive oil, then bake in a preheated oven at 200°c/Fan 180°c/ Gas 6 for about 15 minutes or until crisp. rub with a cut clove of garlic. put a saucepan of water on to boil with a splash of white wine vinegar. crack the eggs and carefully drop them into the simmering, vinegared water to poach. it should take 4 minutes for the whites to be cooked, but the yolks should still be runny. put the salad leaves in a bowl and pour the golden-brown bacon and fat on top. Add the bread, red wine vinegar and remaining olive oil, season lightly with salt but generously with pepper, then toss. serve the salad on to plates and place the drained, hot eggs on top. serve immediately. ingredientS 400g dandelion leaves or frisée salad 180g smoked streaky bacon 4 tbsp olive oil 1 small baguette 2 garlic cloves White wine vinegar 6 free-range eggs 2 tbsp red wine vinegar Salt black pepper eyevine Dijon is famed for its mustard, hence the title of this wonderfully simple and delicious chicken recipe. In fact, I like to use several different mustards here, as each adds its own character and flavour to the finished dish. It’s always worth having a selection of mustards anyway and they keep well. Savora mustard contains a number of spices and a touch of honey sweetness. Preheat the oven to 200°C/Fan 180°C/Gas 6. Melt the butter and oil in a roasting pot or flameproof casserole dish on the hob. Season the chicken, then add it to the pot and colour it on all sides. Put the chicken in the oven to roast for 1¼ hours, but every 15 minutes turn the bird, baste it and add some white wine until you’ve used up all the wine. Once the chicken is cooked, take it out of the pot and set it aside to rest. Slice the mushrooms, add them to the pot and cook them for 2–3 minutes. Pour in the brandy and flambé briefly, then set aside to keep warm. For the sauce, melt the butter in a heavy-based pan, add the flour and cook for 3 minutes. Pour in the milk, whisking well. Bring to the boil and cook for 7–8 minutes. Stir in the crème fraiche, take the pan off the heat and whisk in the mustards and tarragon. Add the mushrooms and any liquid from the roasting pot to the sauce. Do not boil the sauce again or it may split and taste bitter. Joint or carve the chicken and serve with the mushroom sauce. You need nothing more than a few vegetables and a twirl of noodles. ‘THE FRENCH KITCHEN’ by MICHEl Roux JR Is publIsHEd by WEIdENFEld & NIColsoN IN HaRdbaCK, £25. sERvEs TWo To FouR – HoNEy-sWEET aNd sIMplE POT-ROAST CHICKEN WITH MUSTARD OK! INgREdIENTs 50g unsalted butter 2 tbsp vegetable oil 1 x 1.6kg free-range chicken 200ml dry white wine 300g button mushrooms, wiped 100ml Cognac salt black pepper sauCE 1 tbsp unsalted butter 1 tbsp flour 500ml milk 200ml crème fraiche 2 tbsp grain mustard 2 tbsp strong dijon mustard 2 tbsp savora mustard 1 bunch of fresh tarragon, finely chopped HassElbladH4d 123WWW.oK.Co.uK
  • 48. OK! Magazine is the bible for beauty products, be they fragrances, make-up, hair care products or the latest treatments at top class spas. Our advertisers know that our readers aspire to be as beautiful as the stars that we feature, and that therefore the pages of OK! Magazine are the perfect environment for their products. That’s why we carry a greater share of cosmetics, treatments and toiletries advertising than any other weekly celebrity magazine. It’s simple: if you want to be beautiful, read OK! Magazine! Beauty Scarlett Johansson
  • 49. get a show-stopping pout this spring with these sultry shades… beautyedit compliedandstyledbynatalieticehurst;still-lifephotographybycarolineleeming ompliedtytledbynatalieotograycarolin 1. burberry lip VelVet in fuchsia pinK, £23, this highly pigmented, demi-matte shade Wears Without feathering or bleeding for a long-lasting colour hit. team With a naKed eye for added impact. 2. paul & Joe beaute lipsticK in first Kiss, £12.50, a sheer, high- shine formula that KnocKs your natural lip colour up a notch With its rosy tone. a great Way to Wear summer’s brights. 3. reVlon colorstay ultimate suede lipsticK in muse, £8.99, reap maximum mileage from this matte-finish lipsticK by Whipping lips into shape With a lip scrub and balm first. the hydration hit Will ensure a flaKe-free finish. 4. sensai intense lasting colour lipsticK in soubi, £25.00, a luminous lipsticK that melts into lips on application, this suits-all rouge releases moisture throughout the day, thanKs to indulgent silK extracts, and Wears comfortably for hours. 5. mac lipsticK in morange, £14, WWW. the yelloW tones in this statement shade are perfectly suited to holiday sKin. team With aqua eyeliner to nod to the tropicana trend. 6. sisley hydrating longlasting lipsticK in mandarine, £32, WWW.houseoffraser. co.uK not only does this tangerine bullet promise high coVerage but its lip-loVing, hydrating formula and precise bullet offer clean application and unriValled comfort. genius. 7. dolce & gabbana shine lipsticK in fuchsia, £24, an opaque, glossy formula With Just a hint of glimmer, this peony pinK proVides six hours of colour and hydrates from start to finish. 8. chanel rouge coco in shine fiction, £24, chanel dressing lips in a berry Veil, despite its sheer finish, this lip tint hybrid adds polish Without leaVing lips oVerdone. a trans-seasonal shade that Will WorK at any hour. 9. bobbi broWn sheer lip colour in pinK blossom, £19, a lightWeight formula that despite its sheer credentials still manages to pacK aWay impressiVe pigments. 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 4 it forget airy florals, this seasoN’s sceNts have takeN a darker turN… beautyedit sultry summer compliedandstyledbynatalieticehurst;still-lifephotographybycarolineleeming 1. estee lauder bronze goddess, £45 for 100ml, effortlessly bottling the spirit of summer, despite its many guises over the years, bronze goddess is bacK to its original best. mist liberally on holiday to cement memories and you’ll be transported to sunnier days With a single spritz bacK on home turf. 2. diptyque eau moheli, £60 for 100ml, WWW a perfume so decadently laced With ylang-ylang could be nothing but exotic. despite the feminine bloom, this tropical scent releases peppery, masculine notes. sparKling yet unassuming, it’s our neW Warm-Weather scent. 3. prada candy l’eau, £50 for 50ml, WWW. prada’s iconic candy scent has groWn up for summer. With the original’s White musK and caramel notes at its base, citrus top notes – thinK sicilian lemon and mandarin – render it luminous and lighter than its predecessor. 4. dolce & gabbana velvet tender oud, £170 for 50ml, unfurling one smoKy note at a time, ingredient-of-the-moment oud is at the heart of this shadoWy fragrance. given an injection of lightness With sWeet almonds and damasK rose, it’s a sultrier taKe on summer. 5. tom ford sahara noir, £100 for 50ml, a Woody scent inspired by spicy middle eastern incense, this Wears close to the sKin and releases notes of cinnamon, cedar and oud, With hours of Wear. 6. maison lancome l’autre oud, £119 for 75ml, this fragrance transports you to the middle of a heatWave, and With its patchouli base and turKish rose heart, it’s our top picK. 1 2 3 5 6 4
  • 50.
  • 51. the multi-tasking moisturisers that do so much more than hydrate beautyedit get drenched! compiledandstyledbynatalieticehurst;still-lifephotographybymeganbramley 1 2 3 6 5 4 1. sensai by Kanebo silK brightening cream spf 8, £65, provides all-day hydration, while its pearlescent pigments remedy dull sKin leaving it luminous. 2. perricone md photo plasma, £54, we can’t sing the praises of spf enough (particularly in the battle against ageing), and while this mighty cream pacKs a sun-shielding punch, it counts one of our favourite imperfection faders, vitamin c, too. 3. elizabeth arden prevage day intensive anti-ageing moisture cream spf 30, £110, arden’s premium prevage range was created to stave off the signs of time and its hard- hitting line-up renders it one of beauty’s biggest achievers. the rich formula hydrates, protects against sun damage and fades fine lines. 4. clarins hydraQuench cream spf 15, £34, while we want a cream that feeds dry sKin, we don’t want to wait for it to sinK in. the solution? this light, fresh and QuicK-to-absorb cream that offers hydration to boot – thanKs to hyaluronic acid – while sun filters and plant extracts boost the sKin’s protective layer. 5. rodial bee venom moisturiser, £150, sKincare so good you’ll scrape the pot to savour every ounce. hyaluronic acid deeply hydrates, while plant stem cells support the sKin’s natural renewal process. it’s wicKedly rich so doubles up as a night treatment. 6. cliniQue superdefense spf 25 age defense moisturizer, £38, weatherproofing against sun, wind or rain, cliniQue’s hero cream worKs hard to hydrate, sinKing in QuicKly as a smoothing maKe-up base. add to that impressive anti-ageing credentials and you’ll be hard-pushed to find a better all-rounder. 106 1 2 3 5 4 beautyedit water babe 1. H2O plus Face Oasis Hydrating BOOster, £25, www.marksandspencer.cOm. prOviding time-released HydratiOn, tHis mOisture BOOster is Our gO-tO wHen tHirsty skin’s in need OF respite. 2. la prairie advanced marine BiOlOgy tOnic, £65, www.selFridges.cOm. tHis tOnic artFully Blends a series OF vitamins, Oils and marine extracts tHat wOrk tOgetHer tO BrigHten and BOOst skin. sHake tHe BOttle tO Blend tHe actives and apply witH a cOttOn pad tO give skin tHe nutrients it needs. 3. creme de la mer tHe regenerating serum, £225, BOasting tHe Brand’s signature miracle BrOtH – a mineral-ricH anti-ageing liquOr derived FrOm sea kelp – tHis super-serum immediately reBOOts skin leaving it rested and radiant. marine plant stem cells Help BOOst cell renewal tO Battle all signs OF time – tHink slackened skin, Fine lines and Hyper pigmentatiOn – witH almOst-immediate eFFect. 4. BiOtHerm Blue tHerapy FOr nOrmal skin, £45, www.BiOtHerm. deeply Hydrating, tHis sOuFFled day cream Helps rewind tHe signs OF time tHanks tO anti-ageing aquatic extracts derived FrOm micrO-algae and planktOn. impressive uva and uvB prOtectiOn alsO wOrk Hard tO sHield skin FrOm tHe sun. 5. kieHl’s cryste marine Firming eye treatment, £34.50, enricHed witH cryste marine – extracted FrOm mineral-ricH sampHire – and padina pavOnica, tHe prOtective cOating FOund On BrOwn algae, tHis air-wHipped eye cream Harnesses BOtanical actives tO disguise dark circles, Firm skin and erase Fine lines. gently pat arOund tHe OrBital BOne witHOut tugging at skin. cOmpliedandstyledBynatalieticeHurst;pHOtOgrapHBycarOlineleemingassistedBymeganBramley With aquatic ingredients the latest buzz in beauty, it’s time to sWot up on some marine biology
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  • 56. It’s really very simple. If OK! Magazine didn’t cover your party, then your party never happened! Our readers are fascinated by celebrity, and love a red carpet event. Exclusive parties
  • 57. OK!society diary with mark moody fame academy! What: The Oscars. Where: The Dolby Theatre, Los Angeles. When: Sunday February 24. Who: The cream of the Hollywood A-list including George Clooney, Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Lawrence descended for the Greatest Show On Earth. Lowdown: The toast of Tinseltown gathered together for the 85th Academy Awards and Sir Elton John’s fundraising Oscars viewing party, which was sponsored by Chopard. Superstar singer Adele led the way for the Brits as she won an Oscar for her James Bond theme Skyfall. Later in the ceremony, guests 112 Above: Kelly Preston with John Travolta. Left: George Clooney and Stacy Keibler in Naeem Khan. Right: Jennifer Aniston in Valentino Above: Sir Elton John with Miley Cyrus in Azzaro and Kelly Osbourne. Left: Best Actress winner Jennifer Lawrence in Dior Couture and Chopard jewellery with Best Supporting Actress Anne Hathaway in Prada. Right: Catherine Zeta Jones yh rk ody Above: David Furnish with Emeli Sandé. Below: Winner of Best Costume Design, British star Jacqueline Durran. Right: Rénee Zellweger in Carolina Herrera Right: Adele, pictured with Paul Epworth and Richard Gere, won Best Original Song for Skyfall. The singer wore a glittering Burberry dress Above: Daniel Radcliffe and Kristen Stewart in Reem Acra. Right: David Furnish. Below: Heidi Klum in Julien Macdonald with Naomi Campbell 113WWW.OK.CO.UK TWILIGHT
  • 58. Elton John and Simon Cowell Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel
  • 59. OK!society diary Above: Taylor Swift wearing Donna Karan Atelier. Top right: Rachel Weisz wearing Louis Vuitton and Naomi Watts in Zac Posen Above: Rosie Huntington- Whiteley wearing Saint Laurent, with Jason Statham. Left: The Saturdays’ Una Healy, Frankie Sandford, Vanessa White, Mollie King and Rochelle Wisemann 112 with mark moody Above: Casper Smart with Jennifer Lopez wearing Zuhair Murad. Below: Emily Blunt wearing Michael Kors y y globe trotters What: The 70th annual Golden Globe Awards. Where: The Beverly Hilton Hotel, Los Angeles. When: Sunday January 13. Who: The Hollywood A-list were out in force with Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Kidman, Taylor Swift and George Clooney rubbing shoulders with Quentin Tarantino, Julia Roberts, Salma Hayek and Naomi Watts. Lowdown: No one quite does red carpet glamour like Hollywood and everyone who was anyone K! compiledbynancybrown;photographbygettyimages celebrityDIARY TuesDAY JAnuARY 22 He said he’d be back and he is – ARnolD schwARzeneggeR walks the red carpet at the European premiere of his modern-day Western The Last Stand at the Odeon West End in London’s Leicester Square. Elsewhere, Two DooR cInemA club perform at Baroque in London’s Mayfair tonight. weDnesDAY JAnuARY 23 The National Television Awards take place tonight at London’s O2 Arena. DeRmoT o’leARY acts as host while stars including kARen gIllAn, AnT AnD Dec and beneDIcT cumbeRbATch are among those up for awards. ThuRsDAY JAnuARY 24 X Factor favourite ollY muRs leaves Essex behind to perform a one-off gig in New York tonight at the city’s Irving Plaza. FRIDAY JAnuARY 25 Celebrity Big Brother reaches its climax as the 2013 champion is crowned by bRIAn DowlIng live on Channel 5 tonight. emmA wIllIs speaks to the whole gang afterwards on Big Brother’s Bit On The Side. Elsewhere, RonAn keATIng plays the LG Arena Birmingham and VIcToRIA wooD hosts the Silent Comedy Gala, part of the Slapstick Festival, at Colston Hall in Bristol. sATuRDAY JAnuARY 26 The Producers Guild Awards take place at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles tonight. hARVeY and bob weInsTeIn receive the Milestone Award, while nIcole kIDmAn, JennIFeR gARneR, ll cool J, JessIcA AlbA and chRIs TuckeR hand out the awards. sunDAY JAnuARY 27 The Shrine Exposition Center hosts tonight’s Screen Actors Guild Awards, with Mary Poppins star DIck VAn DYke being honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award. Other nominees on the night include bRADleY coopeR, hugh JAckmAn, JessIcA chAsTAIn and soFIA VeRgARA. monDAY JAnuARY 28 RIP singer RITA oRA kicks off her Radioactive tour at the Manchester Academy tonight. She’ll play 12 dates in the UK before heading off to Australia to perform to audiences Down Under. Above: Adam shulman and Anne hathaway in chanel. Top left: Julia Roberts in Valentino RITA oRA monday Above: Amy Adams in a marchesa dress. Right: len wiseman with kate beckinsale wearing gucci. Below: paul Rudd and salma hayek wearing gucci première
  • 60. Ryan Gosling Duchess of Cambridge
  • 61. 128 OK!society diary screen queens Above: Amanda Seyfried in Zac Posen. Below: Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway, wearing Giambattista Valli Above: Downton Abbey’s Allen Leech, Sophie McShera, Michelle Dockery, Phyllis Logan and Amy Nuttall collect the award Above: Lea Michele in Valentino with Cory Monteith. Right: Jennifer Garner in Oscar de la Renta and Julianne Moore in Chanel. Above right: Ben Affleck and Hugh Jackman K! What: Screen Actors Guild Awards. Where: Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles. When: Sunday January 27. Who: Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Lawrence and Julianne Moore were among the stars taking home awards, while Amanda Seyfried, Jennifer Garner and Nicole Kidman all looked glam on the red carpet. Homegrown successes included the cast of Downton Abbey picking up the award for Outstanding Performance By An Ensemble In A Drama Series, beating off stiff competition from Stateside hits Mad Men, Homeland, Breaking Bad and Boardwalk Empire. Lowdown: Guests tucked into a lavish feast created by eco-friendly chef Suzanne Goin of slow-roasted salmon followed by beef tenderloin. Winners toasted their success – and nominees drowned their sorrows – with Taittinger champagne! with mark moody 129WWW.OK.CO.UK COmpiledbynanCybrOWn;phOtOgraphbygettyimages gettyimages CelebrityDIARY TuesDAY febRuARY 5 NIck eDe launches Lipcote’s Share Love Not Lipstick campaign tonight at London’s Painted Lady. It’s held in association with his charity Style For Stroke and guests include Zoe HARDmAN, TYleR JAmes, mIcHelle GAYle and bReNDA eDwARDs. Elsewhere, TINIe TempAH, olIvIA INGe and DoNNA AIR attend a party to celebrate DAvID GANDY’s partnership with Johnnie Walker Blue Label at Annabel’s. weDNesDAY febRuARY 6 cANDI sTAToN, mARTHA Reeves and sHeIlA feRGusoN are among the soul legends performing at DAvID GesT’s Legends Of Soul Spectacular tonight and tomorrow at Merseyside’s St Helens Theatre Royal. THuRsDAY febRuARY 7 DAmIeN HIRsT, pIxIe loTT, pRofessoR GReeN, pIppA mIDDleToN and poppY DelevINGNe attend the launch of T-shirt brand Language Of Flowers at 2&8 in Mayfair. fRIDAY febRuARY 8 bRuce spRINGsTeeN is named MusiCares Person Of The Year tonight at the Los Angeles Convention Centre. sIR elToN JoHN, NeIl YouNG, mumfoRD & soNs, fAITH HIll, JoHN leGeND and sTING are among the performers at the tribute dinner and concert. sATuRDAY febRuARY 9 ellA HeNDeRsoN, JAHmeNe DouGlAs, JAmes ARTHuR and RYlAN clARk perform live at Birmingham’s LG Arena tonight as part of The X Factor Live tour. suNDAY febRuARY 10 The British Academy Film Awards take place at London’s Royal Opera House tonight. sTepHeN fRY acts as host, while bRADleY coopeR, beN Affleck, DANIel DAY- lewIs, ANNe HATHAwAY and JeNNIfeR lAwReNce are among the nominees. moNDAY febRuARY 11 The Millennium Hotel Mayfair plays host to tonight’s Pia Michi Ball, held in aid of Barnardo’s. lIZZIe cuNDY, TRIcIA peNRose, cApRIce, eleN RIvAs and mIcHelle HeAToN are set to attend the black-tie event, which launches the fashion brand’s 2013 prom and evening wear collection. DAvID GANDY tUesday Above: Isla fisher and Russell crowe. Right: Damian lewis and Helen mccrory in burberry. Left: maria menounos in Randi Rahm Above: bradley cooper with Jennifer lawrence, wearing christian Dior and chopard jewels. Right: Nicole kidman in vivienne westwood
  • 63. 144 OK!society diary Above: Stephen Mangan, Tamsin Greig and Matt LeBlanc. Above left: Ant McPartlin and Declan Donnelly are joined by a Dalek Above: Lucy Watson and Spencer Matthews. Top: Olivia Colman and Martin Freeman. Right: Ben Whishaw, who took the leading actor gong for Richard II, and Sheridan Smith What: the arqiva British academy television awards. Where: London’s royal Festival Hall. When: sunday May 12. Who: the night belonged to olivia colman, who was crowned Best Female Performer in a comedy Programme for Twenty Twelve and Best supporting actress for Accused. sheridan smith was tearful after she took the Best Leading actress gong for drama Mrs Biggs, while Michael Palin said it was a ‘fantastic honour’ to receive a BaFta Fellowship, presented to him by fellow Monty Python member terry Jones. ceremony host Graham tHe oLivia awards! Above: Pudsey, David Walliams, Nell Tiger Free and Hugh Bonneville. Right: Laura Whitmore in Sophia Kah with mark moody ty K Above: Max Rogers and Kimberly Wyatt in Biba. Left: Tess Daly in Alberta Ferretti. Right: Kara Tointon in Dennis Basso Above: Jamie and Louise Redknapp. Below: Alan Carr with his award for Best Entertainment Performance for Chatty Man 145WWW.OK.CO.UK Above: Sir Bruce Forsyth and wife Wilnelia. Right: Holly Willoughby in Valentino Above: Alexandra ‘Binky’ Felstead and Mark-Francis Vandelli. Top: Millie Mackintosh in Sass & Bide
  • 64. Prince Harry Blake Lively and Ryan Renolds
  • 65. 114 partiesWITH MARK MOODY OK! TWITTeR.cOM/ @MARKjMOODY on song! partO ! MOODY What: the 2013 MtV Video Music awards. Where: the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, new York. When: sunday august 25. Who: Katy perry and rita ora watched as one Direction picked up song of the summer for Best Song Ever and selena gomez Best pop Video for Come & Get It. taylor swift collected Best Female Video for I Knew You Were Trouble, but made a little dig during her speech at a certain ex, Harry styles: ‘i want to thank the person who inspired this song, who knows exactly who he is, because now i Above: One Direction – Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik and Niall Horan – with Lady Gaga. Right and below right: Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke during that performance of Blurred Lines Above: Justin Timberlake and Taylor Swift. Left: Katy Perry shows off her diamond-encrusted grill while hitting the red carpet in Emanuel Ungaro. Right: Ed Sheeran and Ellie Goulding were spotted getting cosy as they watched in the audience 115WWW.OK.CO.UK COmpiledbynanCybrOWn–tWitter.COm/missn_brOWn;phOtOgraphbygettyimages Tuesday sepTember 3 michelle Keegan, amanda holden and geThin Jones attend tonight’s Jeans for Genes Day launch party at Jewel in London’s Piccadilly. The annual fundraiser encourages people to wear jeans to work or school on September 20 in return for a charitable donation. Wednesday sepTember 4 hosts a party at London’s Somerset House tonight to launch new fashion brand Definitions. VIP guests and DJ to be announced. Elsewhere, professor green attends the launch of Ink, his new tattoo parlour-themed nightclub in London’s West End. Thursday sepTember 5 naomi WaTTs is at London’s Odeon Leicester Square tonight for the premiere of her new movie Diana, based on the life of Diana, Princess Of Wales. Meanwhile, the Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials kick off, with KirsTie allsopp judging the Perfect Tailgate Picnic Competition on Saturday. friday sepTember 6 lee evans, sheila hancocK and Keeley haWes star in Barking In Essex, which opens at London’s Wyndham’s Theatre tonight. It’s a new comedy about Essex’s most notorious gangster and is booking till January. Elsewhere, caro emerald kicks off her tour at Sheffield’s City Hall tonight. saTurday sepTember 7 sir Terry Wogan and Tony blacKburn host tonight’s BBC Proms In The Park in London’s Hyde Park. bryan ferry headlines. sunday sepTember 8 hilary sWanK and marc Jacobs attend tonight’s Inspiration Gala at The Carlu in Toronto. alan cumming hosts and The gossip perform at the annual fundraising event, held during the Toronto International Film Festival. monday sepTember 9 beverley KnighT joins the cast of The Bodyguard tonight, as the musical undergoes a cast change. It’s running at London’s Adelphi Theatre until next March. CELEBRITYdiary THuRSDAY naOmi Watts Above: rihanna hangs out with harry styles. Above left: Justin Timberlake proudly stands with his four awards Above: lady gaga hits the stage in a nun’s outfit during her routine. Right: rita ora in alexandre vauthier
  • 66. Beautiful Photoshoots Icons are our business! It’s no exaggeration to say that if you haven’t had your own OK! Magazine exclusive photoshoot, you haven’t truly arrived yet. Simply the best. Emma Watson
  • 75. Cross platform partnership marketing For the launch of the Nokia Lumia – the iconic technology company’s first smart phone – we created bold and stylish advertorials that allowed the brand to use the power of OK! Magazine in a communication campaign tailored specifically to meet their stringent marketing objectives. This was a Northern & Shell cross platform solution with a celebrity slant and executions within OK!, new! and Star magazines including integrated editorial pieces and for the first time, spectacular front page ‘take overs’. This partnership proved to be a fantastic and spectacular way for Nokia to immerse their brand within the fabric of Northern & Shell’s celebrity titles and deliver exceptional stand out for the Lumia’s launch. dnesday, November 16, 2011 Cyprus Cyp 1.80; Denmark DKr 20.00; France 2.00; Germany 2.00; 2.00; Malta 1.55; Netherlands 2.00; Norway NKr 22.00; Turkey TL 5.00 - Printed in Turkey by Dunya Super Veb Ofset A.S. E F G H I J K L P Q R S * T U W 770957623430DAILY STAR 16 NOV 2011. No 10744 46 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2011 WWW.DAILYSTAR.CO.UK 30p THE NEWS.. THE GOSS.. THE PICS.. THE SPORT I GET THE SWEDISH REELING! Match report: STARSPORT ENGLAND... SWEDEN..... 1 0 £1m for pop flop Frankie DEAL: Frankie Cocozza COCAINE-shame X Factor singer Frankie Cocozza will make his first £1million by Christmas. The big-haired 18-year-old was last night tipped to become more successful than any of his former rivals still left in the competition. X Factor special: Pages 10-11 WINWINWIN FUEL FOR A YEAR PAGE 32 AT Picture:IMMPICTURES.COM STARR OUT OF JUNGLE BUT JESS IS DOING CHEST SWELL! FREDDIE: THEY THOUGHT I’D DIE JUNGLE joker Freddie Starr pulled out of I’m A Celeb last night over fears his next Bushtucker Trial could kill him. His exit shocked camp- mates, including Jessica-Jane Clement, right. Full story: P4-5 80 Daily Express Wednesday November 16 2011 Austria 3.00, Belgium 3, Bulgaria BGN 4.60, Canary Islands 2.10, Cyprus 2.15, Denmark 24 DKr, Finland 5.80, France 2.50, Germany 2.50, Gibraltar Gib £0.80, Greece 2.50, Italy 2.15, Luxembourg 3.00, Malta 1.85, Netherlands 2.50, Norway 28 Nkr, Portugal [Cont] 2.10, Spain 2.10, Switzerland SF 4.50, Turkey TL 5.00, USA $2.00 2009 ABCDEFGHIJKLPQRS *TUW WBDS Published by Express Newspapers, The Northern & Shell Building, Number 10 Lower Thames Street, London, EC3R 6EN. Printed by West Ferry Printers Ltd., 235 Westferry Road, London, E14 8NX; Broughton Printers Ltd., Olivers Place, Fulwood, Preston, Lancs, PR2 4WT; D. C. Thomson Ltd.,144 Port Dundas Road, Glasgow G4 OHZ; Independent News & Media,124-144 Royal Avenue, Belfast BT1 1EB, Mediteranee Offset Presse, 3 Avenue De Europe, Z.I. Anjoly, 13127 Vitrolles, France, St. Petersburg Times 1301 34th Street North St. Petersburg FL 33731, Hora Nova S.A. Palma, Mallorca; Integral Press, SA, Miguel Yuste 26 Madrid, Spain, Deposito Le gal no. TO-394/96. Kalofolias Group S.A. Athens, Greece. T.F Print S.A., Tenerife. UUM, Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium.RegisteredasanewspaperatthePostOffice. Tel. 0871 434 1010 Outside UK: +44 (0) 870 062 6620 9770307017230THE EXPRESS 16 NOV 2011. No 35191 46 PublishedbyExpressNewspapers,TheNorthern&ShellBuilding,Number10LowerThamesStreet, London,EC3R6EN.PrintedbyWestFerryPrintersLtd.,235WestferryRoad,London,E148NX; BroughtonPrintersLtd.,OliversPlace,Fulwood,Preston,Lancs,PR24WT;IndependentNews& Media,124-144RoyalAvenue,BelfastBT11EB.144PortDundasRoad,GlasgowG4OHZ;Integral PressSA,MiguelYuste26,Madrid,Spain.DepositoLegalno.TO-394/96;KalafoliasGroupSA, Athens,Greece;HoraNovaSA,Palma,Mallorca;T.F.PrintSA,Tenerife;MortonNewspapers,2Esky Drive,Carn,Portadown,Craigavon,BT635YY;MediteraneeOffsetPresse,3AvenueDeEurope,Z.I. Anjoly,13127Vitrolles,France.PrintedinTurkeybyDunyaSuperVebOfsetA.S. Thisnewspaperadherestothesystemofself-regulationsetoutintheEditors'CodeofPractice overseenbythePressComplaintsCommission, Tel.02086127000.OutsideUK+44(0)2086127000 2011 ENERGY BILLS TO ROCKET BY 60% Now a winter drought ...and we’re not joking STRICTLY GLAMOROUS! BBC NEWS GIRLS GIVE BRUCIE A TWIRL Presenter Susanna Reid with dancer Robin Windsor By Dana Gloger Consumer Affairs Editor SEE PAGE THREE 10pCHEAPER THAN THE DAILY MAIL AND TEN TIMES BETTER! WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 16, 2011 45pTHE WORLD’S GREATEST NEWSPAPER WEATHER: SUNSHINE AND ENERGY bills are set to soar by hundreds of pounds a year, bringing real financial pain to millions of people already struggling to pay. In a bleak prediction, industry analysts warn that annual electricity prices could rocket by 60 per cent, with gas increases of 54 per cent because of rising wholesale costs. The steep hike could result in total energy bills in excess of £2,000 a year. Experts blame the upward trend on the green agenda which will force suppliers to invest in TURN TO PAGE 2 SEE PAGE FIVE
  • 76. • Circulation: 308,220 • Readership: 1,692,000 • ABC1s: 892,000 • Male / Female: 14/86 • Ave age: 37 Our readers are... • Affluent • Aspirational • Family orientated • Inspired and influenced by celebrities • Informed about fashion and beauty • Value good quality products Facts Figures ABC Consumer Magazines Report December 2013 including digital page turns. Source = NRS January – December 2013. OK! Magazine sells 34% more actively purchased copies than Hello! Source: ABC Consumer Magazine Report December 2013, Actively Purchased Copies.
  • 77. Grazia 5% Reveal 6% Look 5% Now! 8% Heat 14% Hello! 15% Closer 15% star 4% new! 7% OK! 21% 21 32%SHARE OF READERSHIP 7 4 Celebrity Market We are Number One • NS dominate the celebrity marketplace with 32% share of readership. • OK! Magazine is the market leader with 21% share of readership. Source: NRS January – December 2013.
  • 78. Fashion style ★ beauty ★ health ★ travel ★ entertainment Plus luscious lippies, our january jones style crush, a safari trip to kenya and the OK! girls get tantastic OK!fashionistaashion dress,£59,byMissselfridge we like! ok! goes gaga for fashion’s latest trend TGI 2014 Q1 (October 2012 - September 2013) • 1.1m OK! readers say that they really enjoy shopping for clothes. • 2/3 of our readers consider being well dressed important . • 94% more likely to keep up with the latest fashions. • £259m was spent on footwear and a further £81m on accessories in the last 12 months.
  • 79. Beauty TGI 2014 Q1 (October 2012 - September 2013) • 2x as likely to spend a lot of money on toiletries and cosmetics than the average person. • £27m was spent by our readers on cosmetics and skincare products in the last year. • 1m OK! readers admit that beauty styling products help them feel good about themselves. • OK! readers favourite brands of perfume include Chanel, DG, Dior, Calvin Klein and other celebrity endorsed perfumes.
  • 80. LifestyleOK! recipes with...K! es w . Nigel slatertwo mouthwatering dishes from ‘eat – the little book of fast food’ for two – light, bright, refreshing, a mild, gentle salad cucumber, FeNNel ricotta salad make the dressing: put 2 tablespoons of lemon juice in a bowl, stir in a little salt and black pepper, then whisk in 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil. add a few drops of balsamic vinegar. Finely chop 3 or 4 sprigs of dill and add to the dressing, then taste and check the balance. it should be fresh but not sharp. add more balsamic vinegar if necessary. peel half a cucumber, remove the seeds with a teaspoon, then cut it into thick slices. halve and finely slice a small bulb of fennel. peel and thickly slice an avocado and fold all gently into the dressing, then let everything sit in a cool place for about half an hour (not much longer though). add several tufts of sprouted seeds, such as radish or mung beans. transfer to a serving dish, place a large spoonful of ricotta per person on top and serve. ingredients 2 tbsp lemon juice salt and black pepper 2 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp sunflower oil balsamic vinegar 3 or 4 dill sprigs half a cucumber small fennel bulb 1 avocado sprouted seeds (radish or mung beans) 2 tbsp ricotta JonathanloVeKin 103www.oK.Co.UK TGI 2014 Q1 (October 2012 - September 2013) 111WWW.OK.CO.UK OK! HealtH smOKing stars 5 Of the best by OK! health editor Yasmine griffiths 1 ‘The easy way To sTop smoking’ by allen carr, £9.99 A classic for wannabe non-smokers. Contains all the information you need to quit for good. Visit 2 skechers go walk 2 sTance Trainers, £51 Swap your bad habit for a good one – take a walk after your meal or when a craving strikes. See 3 Fenjal classic luxury creme baTh, £7.89 Instead of lighting up, relax by taking a soak in the bath after supper. Available from 4 laura mercier repair day creme spF 15, £77.50 One of the first noticeable differences when you quit is your skin, which feels cleaner in just a couple of days. Treat yourself to a luxury facial moisturiser with the money you’ve saved! See 5 nicoreTTe gum, From £5.99 Robert Downey Jr carries around packs of these to help with cravings. Visit WaYs tO beat CraVings 3 5 1 stub it out!get extra support this stoptober to quit for good kaTe hudson Has the actress (right) been hanging out with rock ’n’ rollers for too long? Kate’s often snapped with a cigarette in hand at events. While out and about she often tries to cover the cigarette with her hands – but the smoke trail is still visible! jessica alba Yes, we were mightily shocked too when we saw snaps of Jess puffing away (right). the star, whose book the honest Life came out earlier this year, prides herself on living a toxic-free life, so we’re not sure where cigarettes come into the equation... lindsay lohan lilo was photographed in august bizarrely brushing her teeth at the same time as smoking a cigarette. the actress (left) appears to have put her addictions to alcohol and drugs behind her – can she now do the same with cigarettes? maTT damon the elysium actor (left) quit smoking after three sessions of hypnotherapy. He said afterwards: ‘i should have done it years ago. it’s amazing, i didn’t even want cigarettes any more.’ 4 2 some of the well- known names behind this month’s challenge. emmerdale star Kelsey-beth Crossley is another famous face eager to take advantage of the extra support offered this month for wannabe non- smokers. the actress says: ‘it will be a huge achievement for me if i manage to quit for stoptober. i really want to use the 28 days as just the beginning of a smoke-free life and i am more determined than ever to succeed.’ N obody wants to be a smoker these days. banned from public areas, pubs and restaurants, smokers have become social pariahs – doomed to huddle in ever-dwindling groups outside workplaces and bars. Celebrities caught on early. bar the odd exception – lindsay lohan, Kate Hudson or Katherine Heigl – many have stopped smoking or at least are careful not to be photographed with a cigarette in hand. For those lonely souls who are still puffing away but are eager to stop, then ‘stoptober’ is the month to do it. last year 160,000 people stopped smoking for 28 days in the mass-organised event which is supported by the british army and big name football clubs, as well as major charities including Cancer Research uK and the british Heart Foundation. Mr Motivator, linda Robson and big brother stars Gina Rio and Dan Neal are just ben affleck (far left), kate beckinsale (left) and katherine heigl (below left) have all battled to kick the nicotine habit (above) • 65% of OK! readers are adventurous with food and like to try out new products and recipes. • 1/2 of our readers are health conscience and admit to eating healthier than they have in the past. • 1.2m readers went on holiday last year, spending a total of £1.5bn on their trips. • 1m OK! readers do some form of sport or exercise at least once a week.
  • 81. Reader Engagement • 500,000 readers agree that adverts are really useful in helping them make purchase decisions. • 1/2 of our readers expect advertising to be entertaining. • 2x as likely to enjoy advertising if it features their favourite celebrity. • 65% more likely to be tempted to buy products they have seen advertised. TGI 2014 Q1 (October 2012 - September 2013)
  • 82. OK! Online Comscore December 2013 • 821k Unique users • 4m Page views • 427k Twitter followers • 418.965k Facebook ‘likes’ • 61% Users are female • 64% Users are aged 15-54 years • 74% Users are ABC1
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  • 84. Lite App • Free to download: iOS and Android • Optimised for mobile and tablet • 3.2m downloads • 47m page views Google Analytics Dec ‘13
  • 85. Advertising Opportunities • Ad Layout by page – x1 Banner, x1 Mobile MPU, x1 Banner. • Swipe-able format (on left), offering additional content. • Editorial ‘Tiles’ available for advertorials. • Video - pre–roll and in article. • Double MPU, Billboard.
  • 86. Audience Extension • Can build profile of advertiser audience. • Based on user variables across the site. • We can re-target those users around the web. • Use 3rd party ad tech. • Optimise to drive performance and conversions.
  • 87. Advertising Rates DPS Inside Front Cover £46,860 2nd DPS £42,570 Gtd Cover Feature £42,570 Gtd Position £36,300 Run of Magazine £32,340 Page Inside Front / Outside Back Cover £27,060 1st Right Hand Page / First Facing Editorial £24,750 2nd Right Hand Page £23,760 Gtd Position £18,150 Run of Magazine £16,170 Advertorials £25,000 Fractions Half Gtd Position £10,890 Half Run of Magazine £9,702 Quarter Gtd Position £36,300 Quarter Run of Magazine £4,851 Inserts Loose Insert (Single Sheet to 16 pages) £30.00 Loose Insert (16 pages +) £35.00 Bound-In £40.00 Tip-on (+ pages costs) £40.00 digital Advertorial / ‘Tile’ £2,500 Standard Formats (inc. Mobile) £8 cpm Billboard, Double MPU £12 cpm Video £20 cpm HPTO £2,500 Scrolling Banner on Mobile £6 cpm – additional Voucher £2k *Special pricing facilities i.e fragrance and gummed cards on request. Minimum volume of inserts is 50,000 Advertising Manager: Lisa McLaughlin e: t: 0207 098 2726 Head of Trading: Chris Kelly e: t: 0208 601 7245 per day