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Words – Meanings –

♪   Everything – literally – everything
    in this world and beyond is known
    by its True Value / Real Value /
    Intrinsic Value.
♪   What is its “True Value” can be
    determined by its characteristics
    and properties. Fire has its own
    properties and ice has its own.

♪   The former burns and can be
    characterized with having a high
    temperature, while the latter is
    characterized with having a low
    temperature – a blunt and simple
    example just to get the point
♪   The name that’s given to a
    particular thing is more like a label,
    by which it can be commonly
    called & understood by the
    common people.

♪   Even if the name is changed, the
    characteristic stays the same.
    What is of importance & of
    essence is the characteristic and
    property of a particular thing that
    defines it and gives it its True
♪   If the world decided altogether in
    unison, to change the name of Fire
    to ICE, there will come a time,
    maybe after a few decades or
    more, but definitely after a few
    generations, when the moment
    someone says ICE, the first thing
    that will come to a person’s mind is

“That thing that burns and has
    a high temperature”.
♪   Let us take a look at “The Periodic
    Table of Elements”, which can be
    defined as:

    “The periodic table is a table of the
    chemical elements in which the
    elements are arranged by order of
    atomic number in such a way that
    the periodic properties (chemical
    periodicity) of the elements ARE
♪   Thus we come to know that H
                 stands for Hydrogen. Without
                 taking into consideration its
                 chemical & other properties it
                 would be nothing more than an
                 Alphabet from a set of 26
                 alphabets in the English

♪   Words have meanings and
    their meanings are its
    characteristics &
    Its “True Value / Real Value
    / Intrinsic Value”!
♪   Coming back to Hydrogen in the periodic
    table, we come to know that it is a
    chemical element with atomic number 1.
♪   It is Only represented by the symbol H.
♪   With an average atomic weight
    of 1.00794 u (1.007825 u for hydrogen-
    1), hydrogen is the lightest and most
    abundant chemical element, constituting
    roughly 75% of the Universe's chemical
    elemental mass.[5]
♪   Scientists tell us that Stars in the main
    sequence are mainly composed of
    hydrogen in its plasma state. Naturally
    occurring elemental hydrogen is relatively
    rare on Earth.
♪         Now if we (somehow) were to change the characteristics and
          properties of an atom of Hydrogen to a state where its atomic
          number becomes 2 and the atomic weight is 4.002602,
          where it stands as a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-
          toxic, inert, monatomic gas & its boiling and melting points
          are the lowest among the elements then it will thus be called
          Helium, which is represented by the symbol He.

       No one in his right mind would still call it
        Hydrogen, except someone who is unaware of
        the fact.
“That knowledge, which
remains only on your tongue is
 very superficial. The intrinsic
value of knowledge is that you
          act upon it.”

 Ali ibn Abi Taalib (Radhi Allahu anhu)
“Thinking is easy, acting is
  difficult, and to put one's
 thoughts into action is the
  most difficult thing in the

  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Whatever course you decide upon, there
  is always someone to tell you that you
 are wrong. There are always difficulties
  arising which tempt you to believe that
    your critics are right. To map out a
  course of action and follow it to an end
            requires courage.”

          Ralph Waldo Emerson
A claim by its very definition
  according to The Free Dictionary
            is as follows:
claim (klā m)
 Transitive verb
   claimed, claim·ing, claims
1.   To demand, ask for, or take as one's own or one's due:
     claim a reward; claim one's luggage at the airport carousel.
2. To take in a violent manner as if by right:
     a hurricane that claimed two lives.
3. To state to be true, especially when open to question;
     assert or maintain:
     claimed he had won the race; a candidate claiming many
4. To deserve or call for; require:
     problems that claim her attention.
 Noun
1.    A demand for something as rightful or due.
2.    A basis for demanding something; a title or right.
3.    Something claimed in a formal or legal manner, especially a
      tract of public land staked out by a miner or homesteader.
4.    (a) A demand for payment in accordance with an insurance
      policy or other formal arrangement.

      (b) The sum of money demanded.
5.    A statement of something as a fact; an assertion of truth:
      makes no claim to be a cure.

 Idiom:
     lay claim to
     To assert one's right to or ownership of.
 It is easy to state something since words are cheap. The
 only thing that gives a word its real and true weight is
 only if it’s followed-up with similar actions.

 In order for me to give a very dramatic and descriptive
 example (just so that we are on the same page), let me
 try to draw a picture in words.
   Imagine a man walking around with a Megaphone
    connected to a loud speaker, screaming his lungs out
    to the whole world that he loves his mother!

   Imagine him going everywhere claiming only one
    thing that he loves his mother!

   Probably some people will be impressed and touched
    by his gesture and may even come to the
    understanding that he must really love his mother
    very much, so much to the extent that he cannot
    hold his feelings to himself anymore and therefore
    cannot help but proclaim it to the whole world.
 Now imagine, the screen-shot changing to where he is
 holding his mother by hair and dousing her with fuel
 and burning her to death!

 Do you really think anyone would believe his words
 anymore, when his actions are at 180 degrees of
 anything slightly, remotely connected with love?

         Action speaks louder than words,
              but not nearly as often.

                     Mark Twain
   A statement is only true and valid as long as it is
    followed up with similar actions and more
    importantly is not contradicted with something
    opposite to the claim!
   Two things, which are contradictory in nature,
    cannot be the same and both of them cannot be
    true at the same time. Either only one of them
    will be valid or both of them could be wrong.
    This is the most common and basic thing that
    one can understand, prior to getting into
    intricacies and complications related to any
   When the basics are flawed and the
    foundations are fractured, any building
    constructed on such grounds will always be
    faulty and destined to an eventual doom, no
    matter how much paint job is applied to its

   In order to understand something correctly
    (so that correct actions can be taken), its
    essence has to be taken into consideration.
   A filled-up bottle of wine remains a filled-up
    bottle of wine, no matter how many labels of
    holy water one puts over it.

   The labels do not change the reality of a

   But, where is this leading to?

    So, please allow me to clarify that in a
    What does it mean to be compliant?

     Let us take a look at the dictionary so that
     we are clear.

    Adjective -ənt
     readily giving in to the command or
     authority of another
1.   ready or disposed to
     <a corrupt regime aided by a compliant press>

2.   conforming to requirements
     <compliant software>
   I asked him for a favor, and he was compliant.

   The student's shirt was not compliant with the
    school's dress code.

   The software is compliant with the latest
If we realize the similarities and
  relationship (characteristics and
           properties) of

♪   In the absence of Objectivity of “Word + Action”
    relationship, this will become similar to the
    deceptive claim of the so-called Riba infesting
    Islamic Banks.
♪   Ask anyone who has the slightest knowledge of how
    banks work and is aware of the operations of these
    so-called Islamic Banks.
♪   The only thing that differentiates the present day
    Islamic Banks from any contemporary Western
    Bank is the title, such that the former have added
    the word “Islamic” to their name.
♪   Does the label change the reality of the substance?

♪   Do we understand the power of Belief?

♪   I hope we can comprehend what it can
    achieve, provided it is firmly grounded and
    not inflicted with self-imposed blindness.
♪   Can we imagine the Power of a Word?

♪   A statement! A Testimony! Isn’t Shahaadah
    a Testimony ?
♪   We have a chance to do something that no
    one else can do and you do not have to
    pick-up AK-47 and go berserk for that.

♪   The only thing that is required at this
    moment is determination and Faith to
    achieve the Right Thing, because “Right is
    Might”, not the other way around.
♪   All “Big Gifts come in small Packages”.
    What will be the first step?
♪   What is needed to be done?
♪   How will we follow that up?
♪   What will we do if we come across any new
♪   What will we do when there are road-
♪   There is a way to outmaneuver all that,
    provided you have the Will and a
    commitment to fulfill and achieve what so
    many can only speak of.
♪   Opportunities do not hang around for long.
♪   They’re like a seed.

♪   You leave it out in the open for too
    long and it dies.

♪   You bury it too deep and it dies.

♪   You leave it unattended and it
♪   We’ll do us a favor if we know this much
    from the start … that Doing the Right Thing
    will be doing a favor on ourselves foremost.

♪   Think of it as an investment for yourself
    such that, any and all doors that you will
    open will become “Sadaqah Jaariyah” for
    the rest of eternity.

♪   We will be in our graves but our book of
    deeds will still be open.
♪   And if you decide not to go ahead with it,
    then Allah will raise someone else for the
    job, because this is His Promise.
♪   We are living in strange times and there is a
    chance to do something Now, which was
    not possible maybe 5 or 10 years ago.

♪   I can understand that sometimes we make
    vows, take oaths and set goals but after a
    while we lose track of it and go on tangents.

♪    This is human nature. That’s why constant
    reminders are required and one has to
    remind himself foremost.
♪   I know that most Muslims want to do
    something for Islam.

♪   Ask yourself, what could be more
    important than this?
♪     We must’ve heard this quote a thousand
           times “Aim for the Sky”!

    Though we know that Sky is an almost endless (not
            quite though) vastness of space.
♪   Probably what it means is that even if one
    can’t reach the sky (which no one can as long
    as they are alive – illa Ma’shaa’ALLAH), at
    least he’ll touch the clouds.

    Only a few blessed ones get to have a bird’s
♪   I do not want to quote all the Quraanic
    Verses at this time that relate to legislation
    and arbitration.

    I believe you are already more knowledgeable than me on this

♪   However, I do want to quote a few, hoping
    that this will enable us to look at the big
And take as witness two just persons from among you (Muslims). And establish
                           the testimony for Allâh.

That will be an admonition given to him who believes in Allâh and the
                              Last Day.

And whosoever fears Allâh and keeps his duty to Him, He will
    make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty).

And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine.
And whosoever puts his trust in Allâh, then He will
                 suffice him.

    Verily, Allâh will accomplish his purpose.
Indeed Allâh has set a measure for all things. (3)

May the Peace & Blessings be upon our Nobel Messenger
        Mohammad and his progeny. Aameen

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Youngest c m in India- Pema Khandu Biography

Off the record project

  • 1.
  • 2. annunciate OR encapsulate … … that is the Question Powerpoint Templates
  • 3. Words – Meanings – Implications ♪ Everything – literally – everything in this world and beyond is known by its True Value / Real Value / Intrinsic Value.
  • 4. What is its “True Value” can be determined by its characteristics and properties. Fire has its own properties and ice has its own. ♪ The former burns and can be characterized with having a high temperature, while the latter is characterized with having a low temperature – a blunt and simple example just to get the point across.
  • 5. The name that’s given to a particular thing is more like a label, by which it can be commonly called & understood by the common people. ♪ Even if the name is changed, the characteristic stays the same. What is of importance & of essence is the characteristic and property of a particular thing that defines it and gives it its True Value.
  • 6. If the world decided altogether in unison, to change the name of Fire to ICE, there will come a time, maybe after a few decades or more, but definitely after a few generations, when the moment someone says ICE, the first thing that will come to a person’s mind is “That thing that burns and has a high temperature”.
  • 7. Let us take a look at “The Periodic Table of Elements”, which can be defined as: “The periodic table is a table of the chemical elements in which the elements are arranged by order of atomic number in such a way that the periodic properties (chemical periodicity) of the elements ARE MADE CLEAR.”
  • 8. Thus we come to know that H stands for Hydrogen. Without taking into consideration its chemical & other properties it would be nothing more than an Alphabet from a set of 26 alphabets in the English language. ♪ Words have meanings and their meanings are its characteristics & properties! Its “True Value / Real Value / Intrinsic Value”!
  • 9. Coming back to Hydrogen in the periodic table, we come to know that it is a chemical element with atomic number 1. ♪ It is Only represented by the symbol H. ♪ With an average atomic weight of 1.00794 u (1.007825 u for hydrogen- 1), hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant chemical element, constituting roughly 75% of the Universe's chemical elemental mass.[5] ♪ Scientists tell us that Stars in the main sequence are mainly composed of hydrogen in its plasma state. Naturally occurring elemental hydrogen is relatively rare on Earth.
  • 10. Now if we (somehow) were to change the characteristics and properties of an atom of Hydrogen to a state where its atomic number becomes 2 and the atomic weight is 4.002602, where it stands as a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non- toxic, inert, monatomic gas & its boiling and melting points are the lowest among the elements then it will thus be called Helium, which is represented by the symbol He.  No one in his right mind would still call it Hydrogen, except someone who is unaware of the fact.
  • 11. “That knowledge, which remains only on your tongue is very superficial. The intrinsic value of knowledge is that you act upon it.” Ali ibn Abi Taalib (Radhi Allahu anhu)
  • 12. “Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • 13. “Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 14. A claim by its very definition according to The Free Dictionary is as follows: claim (klā m)  Transitive verb claimed, claim·ing, claims 1. To demand, ask for, or take as one's own or one's due: claim a reward; claim one's luggage at the airport carousel. 2. To take in a violent manner as if by right: a hurricane that claimed two lives. 3. To state to be true, especially when open to question; assert or maintain: claimed he had won the race; a candidate claiming many supporters. 4. To deserve or call for; require: problems that claim her attention.
  • 15.  Noun 1. A demand for something as rightful or due. 2. A basis for demanding something; a title or right. 3. Something claimed in a formal or legal manner, especially a tract of public land staked out by a miner or homesteader. 4. (a) A demand for payment in accordance with an insurance policy or other formal arrangement. (b) The sum of money demanded. 5. A statement of something as a fact; an assertion of truth: makes no claim to be a cure.  Idiom: lay claim to To assert one's right to or ownership of.
  • 16.  It is easy to state something since words are cheap. The only thing that gives a word its real and true weight is only if it’s followed-up with similar actions.  In order for me to give a very dramatic and descriptive example (just so that we are on the same page), let me try to draw a picture in words.
  • 17. Imagine a man walking around with a Megaphone connected to a loud speaker, screaming his lungs out to the whole world that he loves his mother!  Imagine him going everywhere claiming only one thing that he loves his mother!  Probably some people will be impressed and touched by his gesture and may even come to the understanding that he must really love his mother very much, so much to the extent that he cannot hold his feelings to himself anymore and therefore cannot help but proclaim it to the whole world.
  • 18.  Now imagine, the screen-shot changing to where he is holding his mother by hair and dousing her with fuel and burning her to death!  Do you really think anyone would believe his words anymore, when his actions are at 180 degrees of anything slightly, remotely connected with love? Action speaks louder than words, but not nearly as often. Mark Twain
  • 19. A statement is only true and valid as long as it is followed up with similar actions and more importantly is not contradicted with something opposite to the claim!  Two things, which are contradictory in nature, cannot be the same and both of them cannot be true at the same time. Either only one of them will be valid or both of them could be wrong.  This is the most common and basic thing that one can understand, prior to getting into intricacies and complications related to any topic.
  • 20. When the basics are flawed and the foundations are fractured, any building constructed on such grounds will always be faulty and destined to an eventual doom, no matter how much paint job is applied to its exterior.  In order to understand something correctly (so that correct actions can be taken), its essence has to be taken into consideration.
  • 21. A filled-up bottle of wine remains a filled-up bottle of wine, no matter how many labels of holy water one puts over it.  The labels do not change the reality of a substance.  But, where is this leading to? So, please allow me to clarify that in a moment.
  • 22. What does it mean to be compliant? Let us take a look at the dictionary so that we are clear. com·pli·ant  Adjective -ənt readily giving in to the command or authority of another
  • 23. 1. ready or disposed to <a corrupt regime aided by a compliant press> 2. conforming to requirements <compliant software>
  • 24. I asked him for a favor, and he was compliant.  The student's shirt was not compliant with the school's dress code.  The software is compliant with the latest standards.
  • 25. If we realize the similarities and relationship (characteristics and properties) of COMPLIANT and COMPLAINT
  • 26. In the absence of Objectivity of “Word + Action” relationship, this will become similar to the deceptive claim of the so-called Riba infesting Islamic Banks. ♪ Ask anyone who has the slightest knowledge of how banks work and is aware of the operations of these so-called Islamic Banks. ♪ The only thing that differentiates the present day Islamic Banks from any contemporary Western Bank is the title, such that the former have added the word “Islamic” to their name. ♪ Does the label change the reality of the substance?
  • 27. 
  • 28. Do we understand the power of Belief? ♪ I hope we can comprehend what it can achieve, provided it is firmly grounded and not inflicted with self-imposed blindness.
  • 29. Can we imagine the Power of a Word? ♪ A statement! A Testimony! Isn’t Shahaadah a Testimony ?
  • 30. We have a chance to do something that no one else can do and you do not have to pick-up AK-47 and go berserk for that. ♪ The only thing that is required at this moment is determination and Faith to achieve the Right Thing, because “Right is Might”, not the other way around.
  • 31. All “Big Gifts come in small Packages”. What will be the first step? ♪ What is needed to be done? ♪ How will we follow that up? ♪ What will we do if we come across any new developments? ♪ What will we do when there are road- blocks? ♪ There is a way to outmaneuver all that, provided you have the Will and a commitment to fulfill and achieve what so many can only speak of.
  • 32. Opportunities do not hang around for long.
  • 33. They’re like a seed. ♪ You leave it out in the open for too long and it dies. ♪ You bury it too deep and it dies. ♪ You leave it unattended and it dies.
  • 34. We’ll do us a favor if we know this much from the start … that Doing the Right Thing will be doing a favor on ourselves foremost. ♪ Think of it as an investment for yourself such that, any and all doors that you will open will become “Sadaqah Jaariyah” for the rest of eternity. ♪ We will be in our graves but our book of deeds will still be open.
  • 35. And if you decide not to go ahead with it, then Allah will raise someone else for the job, because this is His Promise.
  • 36. We are living in strange times and there is a chance to do something Now, which was not possible maybe 5 or 10 years ago. ♪ I can understand that sometimes we make vows, take oaths and set goals but after a while we lose track of it and go on tangents. ♪ This is human nature. That’s why constant reminders are required and one has to remind himself foremost.
  • 37. I know that most Muslims want to do something for Islam. ♪ Ask yourself, what could be more important than this?
  • 38. We must’ve heard this quote a thousand times “Aim for the Sky”! Though we know that Sky is an almost endless (not quite though) vastness of space.
  • 39. Probably what it means is that even if one can’t reach the sky (which no one can as long as they are alive – illa Ma’shaa’ALLAH), at least he’ll touch the clouds. Only a few blessed ones get to have a bird’s eye-view.
  • 40. I do not want to quote all the Quraanic Verses at this time that relate to legislation and arbitration. I believe you are already more knowledgeable than me on this topic. ♪ However, I do want to quote a few, hoping that this will enable us to look at the big picture.
  • 41. And take as witness two just persons from among you (Muslims). And establish the testimony for Allâh. That will be an admonition given to him who believes in Allâh and the Last Day.
  • 42.  And whosoever fears Allâh and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty).  And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine.
  • 43. And whosoever puts his trust in Allâh, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allâh will accomplish his purpose.
  • 44. Indeed Allâh has set a measure for all things. (3) May the Peace & Blessings be upon our Nobel Messenger Mohammad and his progeny. Aameen

Editor's Notes
