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October 2009

     Ameriprise Financial
   Scott D. Serfass, CFP®,
                   CRPC®        Protecting Yourself from Investment Scamsters
       Advanced Financial
                    Advisor     Bernie Madoff may have gone to jail, but if       split-strike conversion was as long as it sup-
          13830 Ballantyne      you think we've seen the last of fraudulent       posedly produced the returns Madoff prom-
               Corporate Pl.                                                      ised (people who did understand the strategy
                  Suite 200     investment schemes,
                                you could be setting                              were the first to question whether his returns
      Charlotte, NC 28277
             (704)916-6897      yourself up to become                             were real). You don't have to become an in-
             (800)234-1130      the next victim.                                  vestment genius to have a fundamental grasp      Stronger regulations                              of what you're invested in, how it works, and
                                are in the works, but                             what the potential risks and rewards are.
                                there are some basic                              Do your homework
                                steps you can take to help protect yourself
                                and your family.                                  A recommendation from an acquaintance may
                                                                                  be a good starting point for research, but it
                                Know where your money is going                    shouldn't be the sole factor in your decision-
                                One of the reasons Madoff was able to avoid       making process when
                                exposure for so long was that his firm acted      choosing investments or
                                as both investment advisor and custodian of       an investment profes-
                                his clients' assets. His clients wrote their      sional. Being popular or
                                checks directly to Madoff's firm rather than to   well-known doesn't neces-
                                an independent custodian. As a result, there      sarily make someone the
                                was no outside verification of whether he was     right person to handle your finances.
                                actually making the trades he claimed.            Though it might not have red-flagged Madoff,
                                Checks should generally be written directly to    Form ADV can provide background informa-
                                a custodian firm that also is involved in proc-   tion about a registered investment advisor.
                                essing your account statements.                   Part 1 of the form can be found at
                                Know where your money's going, part 2   ; Part 2 must be sup-
                                                                                  plied directly by the advisor and includes infor-
                                Don't invest          Web resources               mation on services, fees, and investment
                                purely on the                                     strategies. The Financial Industry Regulatory
                                                      The FINRA website
                                basis of returns;                                 Authority (FINRA) website's BrokerCheck
In this issue:                                        ( has two
                                understand what                                   allows you to confirm broker licensing and
                                                      interactive tools to help
Protecting Yourself from        you're investing                                  check on any history of disciplinary problems.
                                                      you spot potential
Investment Scamsters            in. Because                                       Information about insurance professionals is
                                                      investing red flags. The
                                people were so                                    available from the individual states.
Roth IRA Conversions in 2010:                         Scam Meter asks a
Goodbye, Income Limits!         anxious to in-
                                                      series of questions         Take advantage of multiple resources
                                vest with Mad-
Homeward Bound: Investing in
                                                      about an investment to
                                off, he was able                                  Madoff used reverse psychology; the more
the American Dream                                    assess whether it might
                                to deflect ques-                                  difficult he made it for people to invest with
                                                      literally be too good to
Should I lay off employees      tions about how                                   him, the more they wanted to do so. If you
                                                      be true. The Risk
from my small business?         he achieved his                                   question or don't understand advice from one
                                                      Meter reviews
                                results (a fairly                                 financial professional, you should feel free to
                                                      behaviors and
                                simple process,                                   consult someone who can help you make
                                                      personality traits that
                                as it turned out--                                sense of what's being proposed for your
                                                      make some investors
                                he lied). Most of                                 money. You might also want to consider using
                                                      more likely to be
                                Madoff's inves-                                   multiple investment managers, each of which
                                tors didn't know                                  may specialize in a specific investing style or
                                or care what a                                    asset class.
Page 2

                       Roth IRA Conversions in 2010: Goodbye, Income Limits!
                       With the lure of tax-free distributions, Roth         Convert now, pay later
                       IRAs have become popular retirement savings           Normally, when you convert a traditional IRA
                       vehicles since their introduction in 1998. But if     to a Roth IRA, you're required to include the
                       you're a high-income taxpayer, chances are            amount converted--minus any nondeductible
                       you haven't been able to participate in the           contributions you've
                       Roth revolution. Well, that's about to change.        made--in your gross in-
                       What are the current rules?                           come in the year you
                                                                             make the conversion.
    Regardless of      For 2009, if your modified adjusted gross in-
  your filing status   come (MAGI) is greater than $100,000, you             However, to ease the
    or how much        can't convert a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA.        pain of a potentially large
   you earn, you'll    This $100,000 limit applies whether you're            tax hit in 2010, TIPRA
      be able to       single or married filing jointly. And if you file     includes a special rule
       convert a       your taxes as married filing separately, you          for 2010 conversions
  traditional IRA to   can't make a conversion at all--regardless of         only: if you convert your
      a Roth IRA       your income level.                                    traditional IRA to a Roth
   starting in 2010.                                                         IRA in 2010, you can
                       In addition, your ability to make annual contri-      report half the income
                       butions to a Roth IRA depends on your MAGI:           from the conversion in 2011, and the other
                                                                             half in 2012.
                       If your federal     Your Roth IRA     You can't       For example, assume that in 2010 your sole
                       filing status is:   contribution is   contribute to
                                           reduced for       a Roth IRA in
                                                                             traditional IRA is worth $200,000, and you've
                                           2009 if your      2009 if your    made $50,000 of nondeductible contributions.
                                           MAGI is:          MAGI is:        If you convert the entire IRA to a Roth in
                                                                             2010, $150,000 will be subject to federal in-
                       Single or head      $105,000 but      $120,000 or     come taxes. If you use the special rule, you
                       of household        less than         more
                                                                             can report half of the taxable amount
                                                                             ($75,000) as income in 2011, and the other
                                                                             half as income in 2012. Alternatively, you can
                       Married filing      $166,000 but      $176,000 or     report the entire $150,000 as income in 2010.
                       jointly or          less than         more            (Note: state tax rules may differ.)
                       qualifying          $176,000
                       widow(er)                                             (Note that a SEP IRA can also be converted
                                                                             to a Roth IRA, and a SIMPLE IRA can be con-
                       Married filing      More than $0      $10,000 or      verted two years after you begin participating
                       separately          but less than     more            in your employer's SIMPLE IRA plan.)
                                                                             Is a Roth conversion right for you?
                       What is--and isn't--changing                          The answer is complicated, and depends on
                                                                             many factors, including your income tax rate,
                       In 2006, the Tax Increase Prevention and              the length of time you can invest the funds
                       Reconciliation Act (TIPRA) became law.                without withdrawals, your state's tax laws, and
                       TIPRA repeals the $100,000 income limit for           how you'll pay the income taxes due on the
                       conversions, and allows conversions by tax-           conversion.
                       payers who are married filing separately, be-
                       ginning in 2010. This means that regardless of        Even if you decide to convert, whether it
                       your filing status or how much you earn, you'll       makes sense to use the special 2010 deferral
                       be able to convert a traditional IRA to a Roth        rule depends on your individual situation. It
                       IRA starting in 2010.                                 may also depend on where you think income
                                                                             tax rates are headed. If you expect rates to be
                       Unfortunately, TIPRA does not repeal the in-          lower in 2010 than in 2011 and/or 2012, defer-
                       come limits for annual Roth contributions.            ring the tax hit may not be a good idea. Your
                       However, depending on your circumstances,             financial professional can help you run projec-
                       beginning in 2010 you may be able to make             tions to determine if the special rule is
                       your annual IRA contribution to a traditional         appropriate in your particular case.
                       IRA, and then convert that IRA to a Roth.
                       Your financial professional can help you de-
                       termine if this works for you.
Page 3

Homeward Bound: Investing in the American Dream
                         Your home is more           will make the same monthly payments over
                         than a shelter, it's a      the term of their mortgage. And mortgages
                         sanctuary from the          have a finite term--you'll eventually own your
                         world around you. It's      home outright and will continue to benefit from
                         also a daycare cen-         the generated rental income thereafter.
                                                                                                          Since 1987, when the
                         ter, restaurant, laun-      Of course, equating your home to an income-          Case-Shiller index of
                         dry facility, and enter-    producing asset is more complicated than             10 major cities
tainment complex all rolled into one. And for        we're describing here. A detailed analysis           begins, it's risen from
some, it's a status symbol. But is it an             might account for factors like home mainte-          an index value of 63
investment?                                                                                               to 151. Annual return:
                                                     nance costs and property taxes, as well as tax       Just 4.1% per year.
Just a few years ago, with home prices               breaks associated with homeownership.                During that period,
steadily increasing, the answer might have           Potential for appreciation                           according to the
seemed obvious. But recent double-digit an-                                                               Bureau of Labor
nual declines in housing prices have--not sur-       When you purchase a home (and you may                Statistics, consumer
prisingly--led to a chorus of calls to rethink the   own several over the course of a lifetime),          prices rose by 3% a
                                                     getting the best value for your money is usu-        year. Net result: Home
way homeownership is viewed. Your home,                                                                   prices produced a
you might hear, is just a place to live, not an      ally a concern. Although you may not pur-            real return of just
investment. The truth is that even if your pri-      chase a home with the intent of flipping it for a    1.15% a year over
mary motivation for owning a home isn't finan-       profit in the short term, you probably expect        inflation over that
cial, your home qualifies as an investment.          that your home will appreciate over the long         time.
                                                     term. The future value of your home is impor-        Brett Arends, Is Your
The profit motive                                    tant, whether you hope to sell your home             Home a Good
An investment can be defined as a purchase           some day, or intend to leave your home to            Investment? WSJ,
or an allocation of dollars with the intention of    your children.                                       May 27, 2009.
generating income or profit. Certainly, if you       In addition to expecting your home to appreci-
purchased your home with the intent of fixing        ate in value over the long term, if you have a
it up and "flipping" it, your home would qualify     mortgage, you probably anticipate building
as an investment under this definition. Even if      wealth through equity as you pay down the
your primary motivation for buying a home is         mortgage. With each mortgage payment you
the enjoyment the home provides, however,            make, more and more money (equity) is po-
your home has characteristics that make it an        tentially available to you to use toward future
investment--it generates current "income" and        goals or to serve as a financial safety net in
provides potential profit in the form of long-       retirement.
term appreciation.
                                                     That's not to say that a home is necessarily
Your home generates income                           the most efficient way to accumulate wealth.
If you didn't own a home, you would be paying        Depending on where you live, and how long
rent. If you own your home outright (i.e., you       you intend to reside in your home, you might
don't have a mortgage), the value of what you        come out ahead financially by renting and
would otherwise be paying in rent might be           investing the dollars you save by doing so.
considered a type of "income" that your home         The point is, that as bleak as the current
generates each and every month.                      housing market is, over the long term, you
                                                     probably view your home as a relatively safe
Similarly, if you have a mortgage, each pay-         vehicle for wealth accumulation. As with any
ment you make is offset by the value of this         investment, that expectation may or may not
generated income. For example, let's say that        be reflected in actual performance over time.
each month you make a mortgage payment of
$2,500. If it would cost you $2,000 each             The bottom line
month to rent a comparable home, the incre-          Your home is likely your single largest invest-
mental cost of buying rather than renting is         ment asset, playing a critical role in the overall
$500. In effect, you're paying $2,500 each           accumulation of wealth during your lifetime.
month for your home, but receiving an imme-          But, as is the case with all investments,
diate income benefit of $2,000 each month.           whether owning a home is the most efficient
Another consideration: while rent can increase       allocation of your dollars depends in part on
(or decrease) from year to year, most home-          your expectations and tolerance for risk.
owners (at least those with fixed mortgages)
Ask the Experts

                                                                          Should I lay off employees from my small business?
                                                                          With today's troubled eco-        Or, you could change your workers' sched-
                                                                          nomic conditions, more            ules, cutting back hours. Now may be a good
                                                                          employers are facing this         time to consider instituting a four-day work
                                                                          difficult question. Layoffs       week or have full-timers become part-timers.
                                                                          are no fun for anybody. It's      Check to see if your state government will
                                                      hard for the workers who lose their jobs, it          help by offering unemployment benefits to
                                                      hurts the morale of remaining workers, and it         workers who must go part-time (a few states
       Ameriprise Financial                                                                                 do).
     Scott D. Serfass, CFP®,                          can be a financial and emotional hardship for
                     CRPC®                            small business owners who typically have              If layoffs are necessary, carefully consider
         Advanced Financial                           dedicated resources to develop their workers'         your business needs. Some persons may be
                      Advisor                         skills, and often have social ties with their         vital to the success of your company, and
            13830 Ballantyne                          employees.
                 Corporate Pl.                                                                              laying them off may not be a valid option. On
                    Suite 200                         To help answer this question, first determine         the other hand, this could be an opportunity
        Charlotte, NC 28277                           whether cutting payroll expenses is your best         for some housecleaning. Make your company
               (704)916-6897                          course of action. Remember, there is a cost to        more efficient by trimming excess staff, or
               (800)234-1130                                                                                letting go unneeded management and poor                         laying off, rehiring, and training employees.
                                                      Perhaps it would be wiser to obtain an infu-          performers.
                                                      sion of cash from investors, or cut other             Before making any terminations or layoffs,
The information contained in this material is
                                                      budget items instead, such as employee                however, seek legal advice to avoid any po-
being provided for general education purposes
and with the understanding that it is not intended
                                                      benefits.                                             tential employee lawsuits. You'll need to com-
to be used or interpreted as specific legal, tax or
investment advice. It does not address or             Next, consider other options. For example, it         ply with certain federal and state laws, and
account for your individual investor
circumstances. Investment decisions should            may be better for both you and your employ-           any employment or union contracts.
always be made based on your specific financial
needs and objectives, goals, time horizon and         ees if you retain everyone but reduce wages
risk tolerance.
                                                      across the board.
The information contained in this communication,
including attachments, may be provided to
support the marketing of a particular product or
service. You cannot rely on this to avoid tax
penalties that may be imposed under the Internal
Revenue Code. Consult your tax advisor or             How should I lay off employees from my small business?
attorney regarding tax issues specific to your
Neither Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. nor       Employee layoffs are not easy for any busi-               services, ready to go. Be prepared to
any of its employees or representatives are
authorized to give legal or tax advice. You are       ness owner. Here are some tips for a                      answer any questions your workers may
encouraged to seek the guidance of your own
                                                      smoother process.                                         have. Being organized, efficient, and thor-
personal legal or tax counsel. Ameriprise
Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and                                                                       ough may ease the sting felt by both out-
                                                           Do it right the first time. Letting go all the       going and remaining employees.
The information in this document is provided by a
third party and has been obtained from sources             appropriate individuals can prevent a
believed to be reliable, but accuracy and                  potentially traumatic and costly "second             Proceed with tact. Deliver the bad news
completeness cannot be guaranteed by
Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. While the              round."                                              with compassion and respect. Express
publisher has been diligent in attempting to
provide accurate information, the accuracy of the                                                               regret and concern. Give as much finan-
information cannot be guaranteed. Laws and                 Get good legal advice. It is imperative
regulations change frequently, and are subject to                                                               cial and personal support as your busi-
differing legal interpretations. Accordingly,
neither the publisher nor any of its licensees or
                                                           that you understand your workers' rights             ness can allow. Provide hope if rehiring
their distributees shall be liable for any loss or
damage caused, or alleged to have been
                                                           and fulfill your legal and contractual obli-         when things get better is a real possibility.
caused, by the use or reliance upon this service.          gations. For example, affected employ-               Let workers finish the day or week, if pos-
                                                           ees will likely be entitled to state unem-           sible. Allow them to pack up and say
                                                           ployment benefits and COBRA extended                 goodbye to colleagues. Show them to the
                                                           health benefits, and you may have to give            door. Keep in touch. Following the
                                                           proper notice under the Worker Adjust-               "golden rule" will hopefully soften the
                                                           ment and Retraining Notification (WARN)              blow for those moving out and boost the
                                                           Act. You want to avoid any possible dis-             morale of those staying on.
                                                           crimination or other lawsuits that might
                                                           ensue.                                               Get back to business. Be open about the
                                                                                                                event with your remaining workers. Pro-
  Prepared by Forefield Inc,                               Attend to the details ahead of time. Have            vide assurances when possible, show
      Copyright 2009                                       all relevant documents and programs,                 confidence, and lead your company
                                                           such as severance packages, letters of               forward to a brighter future.
                                                           recommendation, and outplacement

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October 2009 Newsletter

  • 1. October 2009 Ameriprise Financial Scott D. Serfass, CFP®, CRPC® Protecting Yourself from Investment Scamsters Advanced Financial Advisor Bernie Madoff may have gone to jail, but if split-strike conversion was as long as it sup- 13830 Ballantyne you think we've seen the last of fraudulent posedly produced the returns Madoff prom- Corporate Pl. ised (people who did understand the strategy Suite 200 investment schemes, you could be setting were the first to question whether his returns Charlotte, NC 28277 (704)916-6897 yourself up to become were real). You don't have to become an in- (800)234-1130 the next victim. vestment genius to have a fundamental grasp Stronger regulations of what you're invested in, how it works, and are in the works, but what the potential risks and rewards are. there are some basic Do your homework steps you can take to help protect yourself and your family. A recommendation from an acquaintance may be a good starting point for research, but it Know where your money is going shouldn't be the sole factor in your decision- One of the reasons Madoff was able to avoid making process when exposure for so long was that his firm acted choosing investments or as both investment advisor and custodian of an investment profes- his clients' assets. His clients wrote their sional. Being popular or checks directly to Madoff's firm rather than to well-known doesn't neces- an independent custodian. As a result, there sarily make someone the was no outside verification of whether he was right person to handle your finances. actually making the trades he claimed. Though it might not have red-flagged Madoff, Checks should generally be written directly to Form ADV can provide background informa- a custodian firm that also is involved in proc- tion about a registered investment advisor. essing your account statements. Part 1 of the form can be found at Know where your money's going, part 2; Part 2 must be sup- plied directly by the advisor and includes infor- Don't invest Web resources mation on services, fees, and investment purely on the strategies. The Financial Industry Regulatory The FINRA website basis of returns; Authority (FINRA) website's BrokerCheck In this issue: ( has two understand what allows you to confirm broker licensing and interactive tools to help Protecting Yourself from you're investing check on any history of disciplinary problems. you spot potential Investment Scamsters in. Because Information about insurance professionals is investing red flags. The people were so available from the individual states. Roth IRA Conversions in 2010: Scam Meter asks a Goodbye, Income Limits! anxious to in- series of questions Take advantage of multiple resources vest with Mad- Homeward Bound: Investing in about an investment to off, he was able Madoff used reverse psychology; the more the American Dream assess whether it might to deflect ques- difficult he made it for people to invest with literally be too good to Should I lay off employees tions about how him, the more they wanted to do so. If you be true. The Risk from my small business? he achieved his question or don't understand advice from one Meter reviews results (a fairly financial professional, you should feel free to behaviors and simple process, consult someone who can help you make personality traits that as it turned out-- sense of what's being proposed for your make some investors he lied). Most of money. You might also want to consider using more likely to be Madoff's inves- multiple investment managers, each of which victimized. tors didn't know may specialize in a specific investing style or or care what a asset class.
  • 2. Page 2 Roth IRA Conversions in 2010: Goodbye, Income Limits! With the lure of tax-free distributions, Roth Convert now, pay later IRAs have become popular retirement savings Normally, when you convert a traditional IRA vehicles since their introduction in 1998. But if to a Roth IRA, you're required to include the you're a high-income taxpayer, chances are amount converted--minus any nondeductible you haven't been able to participate in the contributions you've Roth revolution. Well, that's about to change. made--in your gross in- What are the current rules? come in the year you make the conversion. Regardless of For 2009, if your modified adjusted gross in- your filing status come (MAGI) is greater than $100,000, you However, to ease the or how much can't convert a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. pain of a potentially large you earn, you'll This $100,000 limit applies whether you're tax hit in 2010, TIPRA be able to single or married filing jointly. And if you file includes a special rule convert a your taxes as married filing separately, you for 2010 conversions traditional IRA to can't make a conversion at all--regardless of only: if you convert your a Roth IRA your income level. traditional IRA to a Roth starting in 2010. IRA in 2010, you can In addition, your ability to make annual contri- report half the income butions to a Roth IRA depends on your MAGI: from the conversion in 2011, and the other half in 2012. If your federal Your Roth IRA You can't For example, assume that in 2010 your sole filing status is: contribution is contribute to reduced for a Roth IRA in traditional IRA is worth $200,000, and you've 2009 if your 2009 if your made $50,000 of nondeductible contributions. MAGI is: MAGI is: If you convert the entire IRA to a Roth in 2010, $150,000 will be subject to federal in- Single or head $105,000 but $120,000 or come taxes. If you use the special rule, you of household less than more can report half of the taxable amount $120,000 ($75,000) as income in 2011, and the other half as income in 2012. Alternatively, you can Married filing $166,000 but $176,000 or report the entire $150,000 as income in 2010. jointly or less than more (Note: state tax rules may differ.) qualifying $176,000 widow(er) (Note that a SEP IRA can also be converted to a Roth IRA, and a SIMPLE IRA can be con- Married filing More than $0 $10,000 or verted two years after you begin participating separately but less than more in your employer's SIMPLE IRA plan.) $10,000 Is a Roth conversion right for you? What is--and isn't--changing The answer is complicated, and depends on many factors, including your income tax rate, In 2006, the Tax Increase Prevention and the length of time you can invest the funds Reconciliation Act (TIPRA) became law. without withdrawals, your state's tax laws, and TIPRA repeals the $100,000 income limit for how you'll pay the income taxes due on the conversions, and allows conversions by tax- conversion. payers who are married filing separately, be- ginning in 2010. This means that regardless of Even if you decide to convert, whether it your filing status or how much you earn, you'll makes sense to use the special 2010 deferral be able to convert a traditional IRA to a Roth rule depends on your individual situation. It IRA starting in 2010. may also depend on where you think income tax rates are headed. If you expect rates to be Unfortunately, TIPRA does not repeal the in- lower in 2010 than in 2011 and/or 2012, defer- come limits for annual Roth contributions. ring the tax hit may not be a good idea. Your However, depending on your circumstances, financial professional can help you run projec- beginning in 2010 you may be able to make tions to determine if the special rule is your annual IRA contribution to a traditional appropriate in your particular case. IRA, and then convert that IRA to a Roth. Your financial professional can help you de- termine if this works for you.
  • 3. Page 3 Homeward Bound: Investing in the American Dream Your home is more will make the same monthly payments over than a shelter, it's a the term of their mortgage. And mortgages sanctuary from the have a finite term--you'll eventually own your world around you. It's home outright and will continue to benefit from also a daycare cen- the generated rental income thereafter. Since 1987, when the ter, restaurant, laun- Of course, equating your home to an income- Case-Shiller index of dry facility, and enter- producing asset is more complicated than 10 major cities tainment complex all rolled into one. And for we're describing here. A detailed analysis begins, it's risen from some, it's a status symbol. But is it an might account for factors like home mainte- an index value of 63 investment? to 151. Annual return: nance costs and property taxes, as well as tax Just 4.1% per year. Just a few years ago, with home prices breaks associated with homeownership. During that period, steadily increasing, the answer might have Potential for appreciation according to the seemed obvious. But recent double-digit an- Bureau of Labor nual declines in housing prices have--not sur- When you purchase a home (and you may Statistics, consumer prisingly--led to a chorus of calls to rethink the own several over the course of a lifetime), prices rose by 3% a getting the best value for your money is usu- year. Net result: Home way homeownership is viewed. Your home, prices produced a you might hear, is just a place to live, not an ally a concern. Although you may not pur- real return of just investment. The truth is that even if your pri- chase a home with the intent of flipping it for a 1.15% a year over mary motivation for owning a home isn't finan- profit in the short term, you probably expect inflation over that cial, your home qualifies as an investment. that your home will appreciate over the long time. term. The future value of your home is impor- Brett Arends, Is Your The profit motive tant, whether you hope to sell your home Home a Good An investment can be defined as a purchase some day, or intend to leave your home to Investment? WSJ, or an allocation of dollars with the intention of your children. May 27, 2009. generating income or profit. Certainly, if you In addition to expecting your home to appreci- purchased your home with the intent of fixing ate in value over the long term, if you have a it up and "flipping" it, your home would qualify mortgage, you probably anticipate building as an investment under this definition. Even if wealth through equity as you pay down the your primary motivation for buying a home is mortgage. With each mortgage payment you the enjoyment the home provides, however, make, more and more money (equity) is po- your home has characteristics that make it an tentially available to you to use toward future investment--it generates current "income" and goals or to serve as a financial safety net in provides potential profit in the form of long- retirement. term appreciation. That's not to say that a home is necessarily Your home generates income the most efficient way to accumulate wealth. If you didn't own a home, you would be paying Depending on where you live, and how long rent. If you own your home outright (i.e., you you intend to reside in your home, you might don't have a mortgage), the value of what you come out ahead financially by renting and would otherwise be paying in rent might be investing the dollars you save by doing so. considered a type of "income" that your home The point is, that as bleak as the current generates each and every month. housing market is, over the long term, you probably view your home as a relatively safe Similarly, if you have a mortgage, each pay- vehicle for wealth accumulation. As with any ment you make is offset by the value of this investment, that expectation may or may not generated income. For example, let's say that be reflected in actual performance over time. each month you make a mortgage payment of $2,500. If it would cost you $2,000 each The bottom line month to rent a comparable home, the incre- Your home is likely your single largest invest- mental cost of buying rather than renting is ment asset, playing a critical role in the overall $500. In effect, you're paying $2,500 each accumulation of wealth during your lifetime. month for your home, but receiving an imme- But, as is the case with all investments, diate income benefit of $2,000 each month. whether owning a home is the most efficient Another consideration: while rent can increase allocation of your dollars depends in part on (or decrease) from year to year, most home- your expectations and tolerance for risk. owners (at least those with fixed mortgages)
  • 4. Ask the Experts Should I lay off employees from my small business? With today's troubled eco- Or, you could change your workers' sched- nomic conditions, more ules, cutting back hours. Now may be a good employers are facing this time to consider instituting a four-day work difficult question. Layoffs week or have full-timers become part-timers. are no fun for anybody. It's Check to see if your state government will hard for the workers who lose their jobs, it help by offering unemployment benefits to hurts the morale of remaining workers, and it workers who must go part-time (a few states Ameriprise Financial do). Scott D. Serfass, CFP®, can be a financial and emotional hardship for CRPC® small business owners who typically have If layoffs are necessary, carefully consider Advanced Financial dedicated resources to develop their workers' your business needs. Some persons may be Advisor skills, and often have social ties with their vital to the success of your company, and 13830 Ballantyne employees. Corporate Pl. laying them off may not be a valid option. On Suite 200 To help answer this question, first determine the other hand, this could be an opportunity Charlotte, NC 28277 whether cutting payroll expenses is your best for some housecleaning. Make your company (704)916-6897 course of action. Remember, there is a cost to more efficient by trimming excess staff, or (800)234-1130 letting go unneeded management and poor laying off, rehiring, and training employees. Perhaps it would be wiser to obtain an infu- performers. sion of cash from investors, or cut other Before making any terminations or layoffs, The information contained in this material is budget items instead, such as employee however, seek legal advice to avoid any po- being provided for general education purposes and with the understanding that it is not intended benefits. tential employee lawsuits. You'll need to com- to be used or interpreted as specific legal, tax or investment advice. It does not address or Next, consider other options. For example, it ply with certain federal and state laws, and account for your individual investor circumstances. Investment decisions should may be better for both you and your employ- any employment or union contracts. always be made based on your specific financial needs and objectives, goals, time horizon and ees if you retain everyone but reduce wages risk tolerance. across the board. The information contained in this communication, including attachments, may be provided to support the marketing of a particular product or service. You cannot rely on this to avoid tax penalties that may be imposed under the Internal Revenue Code. Consult your tax advisor or How should I lay off employees from my small business? attorney regarding tax issues specific to your circumstances. Neither Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. nor Employee layoffs are not easy for any busi- services, ready to go. Be prepared to any of its employees or representatives are authorized to give legal or tax advice. You are ness owner. Here are some tips for a answer any questions your workers may encouraged to seek the guidance of your own smoother process. have. Being organized, efficient, and thor- personal legal or tax counsel. Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and ough may ease the sting felt by both out- SIPC. Do it right the first time. Letting go all the going and remaining employees. The information in this document is provided by a third party and has been obtained from sources appropriate individuals can prevent a believed to be reliable, but accuracy and potentially traumatic and costly "second Proceed with tact. Deliver the bad news completeness cannot be guaranteed by Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. While the round." with compassion and respect. Express publisher has been diligent in attempting to provide accurate information, the accuracy of the regret and concern. Give as much finan- information cannot be guaranteed. Laws and Get good legal advice. It is imperative regulations change frequently, and are subject to cial and personal support as your busi- differing legal interpretations. Accordingly, neither the publisher nor any of its licensees or that you understand your workers' rights ness can allow. Provide hope if rehiring their distributees shall be liable for any loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been and fulfill your legal and contractual obli- when things get better is a real possibility. caused, by the use or reliance upon this service. gations. For example, affected employ- Let workers finish the day or week, if pos- ees will likely be entitled to state unem- sible. Allow them to pack up and say ployment benefits and COBRA extended goodbye to colleagues. Show them to the health benefits, and you may have to give door. Keep in touch. Following the proper notice under the Worker Adjust- "golden rule" will hopefully soften the ment and Retraining Notification (WARN) blow for those moving out and boost the Act. You want to avoid any possible dis- morale of those staying on. crimination or other lawsuits that might ensue. Get back to business. Be open about the event with your remaining workers. Pro- Prepared by Forefield Inc, Attend to the details ahead of time. Have vide assurances when possible, show Copyright 2009 all relevant documents and programs, confidence, and lead your company such as severance packages, letters of forward to a brighter future. recommendation, and outplacement