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The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )218( 2013/8/28
Syrian Arab Republic
Ministry of Information
The Directorate of
Electronic Information
Page NO.1
Iraqi and Jordanian nationalities
in the countryside of Damascus
Unites of Syrian Army killed,
injured gunmen including
Jordanian and Iraqi nationali-
ties in the countryside of Da-
mascus and they smashed a
store of weapons, ammunition
and their criminal devices.
An official source mentioned
that unites of the army killed
gunmen during their chasing
near the farms of Tishreen
Hospital at the edges of Bar-
zaa Neighborhood. Unites of
the army destroyed weapons
and ammunition of gunmen
in Erbeen and killed the mem-
bers of an armed group with
its head “ Abou Skaf”. Unites
of the armed forces continued
their operations against the
headquarters of gunmen in
Al-Housainia which caused
the killing of the Jordanian
Terrorist “ Kaseem Rabee”
, the Iraqi” Abbas AL-fadel”
and smashing of a heavy ma-
chine gun and ammunition. In
Sbenah Town, the army con-
trolled on the street between
Al-Shourta neighborhood and
and killed the members of an
armed group in Daria. A mili-
tary source said that unites of
the army frustrated an attempt
of gunmen to detonate explo-
sive devices and destroyed a
booby trapped car for gun-
men which caused the killing
of the gunmen inside the car
without any causality among
In Homs, Army units destroyed rockets
launcher and heavy machine guns of gun-
men near east Talbesah, caused many deaths
and injuries in Al-Rastan and Teldo town,
they also eliminated on gatherings of mili-
tants east Abdullah bin Masood mosque and
in Bab Hood in Jouret Shiah neighborhood.
Furthermore, another army unit targeted
gatherings of insurgents in Al- Saain.
Rockets Launcher and heavy machine guns in Homs
Page NO.2
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )218( 2013/8/28
An army units carried out a
series of operations in Alep-
po and its countryside, were
destroyed a rocket launchers
and mortars of insurgents in
villages (Kwers) and (Al-
jadeda) and ruled on the num-
ber of them in the villages
(Rasem Aboud) and (Deir
Hafer), and foiled attempts
by insurgents to infiltrate into
safe neighborhoods in the
city towards the laboratories
in (Sheikh Saeed) neighbor-
hood and (Maysaloon) and
caused deaths and injuries,
including while stopped an-
other armed group which
tried to sneak to (Zahrawi)
Rocket launchers in Aleppo and its countryside
in the old city of Aleppo
and wiped out most of them.
The military source said that
the army units have caused
deaths and injuries among
militants in the villages of
(Meyer) , (Kevin) (Hayyan)
, (Tamorh) and around prison
Aleppo Central and Hospital
Canadian, and also destroyed
their possession of weapons
and ammunition while ruled
by other units on the con-
centrations of militants in
different areas of the (Khan
Al-asla). The source added
that was destroyed a machine
gun anti-aircraft and medium
weapons and ammunition of
the insurgents east (Haritan)
and (Hayyan) and on the road
In the countryside of Hama, Hasaka and Adleb
, unites of the army killed and injured gunmen,
where a unit of the army confronted for an
armed group near to Morq town in the Northern
countryside and killed all its members including
foreign gunmen. Another unit destroyed head-
quarters of armed groups in Ein al-Bidda in the
Killing of gunmen in the countryside
of Hama, Hasaka and Adleb
countryside of Adleb. In Hasaka, a unit of the
army made a qualitative operation against gun-
men in Al-Shadadi city, killed, injured many of
them and destroyed heavy machine guns and
ammunition. The special authorities frustrated
an attempt of gunmen to detonate an explosive
device in Al –Azizia Neighborhood.
Representatives of a number of Russian youth
organizations were gathered with the participa-
tion of members of the Syrian community in a
sit-in in front of the French embassy in Mos-
cow as an expression of solidarity of Russian
people with Syrian people and condemn the at-
titudes of American and Western military cam-
paign led by the United States against Syria.
Page NO.3
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )218( 2013/8/28
Arab parties and person-
alities condemned the U.S. ,
Western, Atlantic and Israeli
threats, and called to stand
against it and get ready to
go out marches rallies every-
where in the Arab world, and
to take a united stand to re-
spond to the Western and Gulf
fierce attack which tryies to
undermine the steadfastness
of the Syrians. The chief edi-
tor of the Egyptian newspa-
per “Elaosboa” the Author
“Mustafa Bakri,” said that the
game of chemical weapons in
Syria remind us of the game
of nuclear in Iraq. While both
Hamdeen Sabahi founder of
the Egyptian popular party,
and Nabil Fahmy, the Egyp-
tian Foreign Minister assured
that the attack on the Syrian
people is barbarism must not
Condemnations, warnings and calls
be allowed by Egypt, reject-
ing any military solution to
the crisis in Syria, stressing
that “a political solution is
the only way to resolve the
crisis. Sheikh Salman Anter,
chairman of the National ac-
tivities at the occupied Pales-
tinian territories and the Pal-
estinian factions, and Fatah
Al-Intifada movement reject-
ed the hints about the threat
of aggression against Syria,
warning of serious effects
on the Arab national security
and the region the Secre-
tary-General of the Nasser-
ite Popular organization in
Lebanon, Dr. Osama Saad,
and Adnan Mansour, Min-
ister of Foreign Affairs and
Emigrants in the caretaker
government of Lebanon, and
Hanan Ashrawi, a member
of the Executive Committee
of the Palestine Liberation
Organization confirmed that
any U.S. or west aggression
on Syria would have negative
repercussions on the region.
Lavrov: Resort to force in Syria will destabilize region
Sit-in in front of the French Embassy in Moscow to condemn
the attitudes of Western aggression against Syria
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov assert-
ed in a phone call with ALakhdar Brahimi, the
UN envoy to Syria that the use of force in Syria
will lead to destabilization of the situation in
the region. For his part, Sergei Naryshkin, head
of the Russian State Duma said that any mili-
tary operation against Syria will increase the
tension in the entire region and seriously harm
the United Nations and its institutions.
A source at the Russian Naval
General Staff said that the Rus-
sian navy will not participate
in evacuating the Russian citi-
zens from Syria. The source
told reporters in Moscow on
Wednesday that the Russian
ships received no directives to
evacuate citizens from Russia
or from the Commonwealth of
Independent States (CIS) from
the Syrian ports. Meanwhile,
a source at the Russian Em-
bassy in Damascus said that
there is no evacuation of the
diplomatic mission in Syria.
Earlier, a source at the Russian
Emergency Situations Min-
istry said that an Il-62 plane
has arrived into Moscow from
Lattakia, with 27 Russian citi-
zens onboard, the majority of
them women and children.
Page NO.4
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )218( 2013/8/28
British Prime Minister “Da-
vid Cameron” called the Brit-
ish Parliament to convene an
emergency session to vote on
a resolution about Syria, ac-
cording to Agency France-
Press, after it announced a
spokesman yesterday that
“the British armed forces de-
velop contingency plans for
possible military action in
Syria”, adding that is no de-
cision about this type of work
Cameron calls for Parliament to vote on a resolution about Syria
is likely”. In a related context
(Cyprus) considered yester-
day, “that the British bases
on the island will not play
a big role in any possible
Russian Embassy
in Damascus: the work
of diplomatic mission is
usual not evacuations
strikes against Syria”, while
the British army denied an
information about the inten-
sification of moves in a mili-
tary airports.
The site Global Research the
Canadian said “the West is
preparing for the crime of a
new war in Syria” The Ameri-
can administration and the
British government did not
reveals for any evidence that
they talked about it on the use
of the Syrian government of
chemical weapons, the Web
site said that one of the rea-
sons for the truth to defend
these countries to wage war
on Syria is an important dis-
ability UN investigators and
that Washington is know it
will be Lying the claim and
may appear its involvement
in the attack by insurgents us-
ing chemical weapons. The sit
”Ante ower”: the U.S. Con-
gress have to prevent Obama
from dragging the United
West is preparing for a new war crime in Syria
States into another war in the
region, the (sit) ask a questions
about why the United States to
the rejection rapid Show pre-
sented by Syria to a team of
international inspectors of the
United Nations to investigate
the attack alleged chemical
weapons, and whether Wash-
ington was afraid of the emer-
gence of facts that completely
contradict the U.S. allegations
about weapons of mass de-
struction, just as happened
previously in Iraq. A political
analyst and American journal-
ist emphasized “Stephen Lin-
deman” that the U.S. military
intervention against Syria is
planned many years ago and
aims to replace the govern-
ment of an independent and
sovereign and pro-Western.
Page NO.5
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )218( 2013/8/28
Dr. “Bashar Jaafari” a Syrian
Permanent Representative to
the United Nations in said an
interview with (AL-Ikhbariya)
TV yesterday, that everything
that is happening in the region
is entitled “Israel’s interest”
and all involved in aggression
on Syria ultimately serves “the
Israeli interest” and much of
data are in use confirmation
armed groups chemical weap-
Jaafari: the data confirms the use of chemical weapons by terrorist groups
in order to withdrawals a military intervention
ons in order to withdrawals
outside military intervention
and aggression against Syr-
ia, revealing Arabia attempt
to pass a resolution against
Syria in the General Assem-
bly to adopt the draft resolu-
tion on chemical weapons.
Al-Jaafari said the victories
which achieved by the Syrian
Arab Army on the ground is
scared who bet on what they
call a re-balance of power be-
tween the government and the
armed terrorist groups, so they
had to move the file chemo-
therapy because a very sensi-
tive subject, pointing out that
the Western countries and the
Turkish government violated
Security Council resolution
which related of prevent a ter-
rorists from acquiring weap-
ons of mass destruction by
allowing the armed terrorist
groups in the Turkish terri-
tory creates a laboratory for
the manufacture of chemical
weapons materials Turkish
and Saudi Arabia, Qatar and
the introduction of the chemi-
cal weapons into Syria through
the Turkish border. And on the
threat of Western military ag-
gression on the Syria “Jaafari”
saw that the intent of this lies
is the political pressure on Da-
mascus to get the concessions,
and this is considered a form
of terrorism Media.
Media advisor in the Armenian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs Tehran Palian said, “The
Armenian Foreign Ministry: embassy and consulate in Damascus and
Aleppo are working normally
Embassy of Armenia in Damascus and con-
sulate in Aleppo are working normally.
Prime Minister, Dr. Wael al-Halqi called for providing all the
markets with basic needs and opening new governmental institu-
tions to deliver them to the citizens.
The Governor of the Central
Bank of Syria Dr. Adib May-
aleh called on citizens not to
be drawn behind the manipula-
tors at the exchange rate of the
Syrian pound, stressing that the
prices that are promoted are cha-
otic, pointing out that there is no
demand for foreign exchange to
justify this sudden rise.
Page NO.6
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )218( 2013/8/28
Cabinet adopted a draft law to
accept the outstanding students
in the scientific Olympiad and
the International Olympiad in
universities without a differ-
entiation, and to send them for
Government adopts a draft law on the acceptance of the outstanding students
in the scientific Olympiad and the International Olympiad in universities
getting the college, master and
doctoral degrees in the domain
in which they excelled. The
Council approved the request of
the Ministry of Transport includ-
ed to extend the guarantee of the
Mayaleh calls not to
be dragged behind
the manipulators
in lira exchange rate
state of the public treasury of the
state to cover all risks of insur-
ance of air fleet of Syrian Arab
Airlines and civilian aircraft of
the Air Force for the next insur-
ance year, which will begin from
01/10/2013 until 09/30/2014. It
also agreed on the request of Da-
mascus Chamber of Commerce
containing approval to extend
working by the provisions of
paragraph (a) ofArticle 53 of the
unified contracts issued by Law
No. 51 of 2004
Four citizens were killed and a
citizen was injured after a mine
left by the Israeli occupation
went off near the area of Ghad-
er in Quneitra on Tuesday. Qu-
neitra Governor, Ma’an Salah
Four citizens killed by Israeli left mine in Quneitra
Al-Halaki: calls for providing strategic products
to the Syrian markets
Eddin Ali, called upon all in-
ternational and humanitarian
institutions to shoulder their
responsibilities as to stem the
bloodshed caused by the Israeli
mines in the area.
Page NO.7
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )218( 2013/8/28
The Minister of Education,
Dr. “Hezwan Al-wez” during
the meeting with the directors
Textbooks are in all Syrian provinces
of education in the provinces
said, that were secured to dis-
tribution of the textbook by 50
to 80 percent in the safe areas
and to overcome the difficul-
ties that caused by the armed
groups to burn large quantities
of books in warehouses and
exposure to trucks books dur-
ing the transfer. The minister
called on schools to ready and
preparation for the academic
year and rehabilitation of the
affected them and to seek al-
ternative solutions for schools
used as temporary accom-
modation centers which still
home to families affected by
the events in 683 schools.
The competent authorities seized shipping
company in Al-Hariqa at Damascus which
transfer funds without the necessary license
to do so. Mahmoud Abdulelah Al-Dij di-
rector of the “Al-Tair” company admitted
that the company transfer funds from sev-
eral countries abroad illegally from parties
finance militants in Syria and foreign cur-
rency manipulator by keeping it abroad and
exchange its value at Home.
Russian plane carrying 15 tons of relief and medical assistance provided by the Russian peo-
ple to the Syrian people arrived the airport “the martyr Basil al-Assad” in Latakia yesterday.
Shipping Company foreign currency manipulator
in cooperation with foreign parties which finance militants
15 tons of Russian aid

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No 218 newslettr daily e-28_8_2013

  • 1. The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )218( 2013/8/28 Syrian Arab Republic Ministry of Information The Directorate of Electronic Information Page NO.1 Iraqi and Jordanian nationalities in the countryside of Damascus Unites of Syrian Army killed, injured gunmen including Jordanian and Iraqi nationali- ties in the countryside of Da- mascus and they smashed a store of weapons, ammunition and their criminal devices. An official source mentioned that unites of the army killed gunmen during their chasing near the farms of Tishreen Hospital at the edges of Bar- zaa Neighborhood. Unites of the army destroyed weapons and ammunition of gunmen in Erbeen and killed the mem- bers of an armed group with its head “ Abou Skaf”. Unites of the armed forces continued their operations against the headquarters of gunmen in Al-Housainia which caused the killing of the Jordanian Terrorist “ Kaseem Rabee” , the Iraqi” Abbas AL-fadel” and smashing of a heavy ma- chine gun and ammunition. In Sbenah Town, the army con- trolled on the street between Al-Shourta neighborhood and themosqueofSaadIbNMoath and killed the members of an armed group in Daria. A mili- tary source said that unites of the army frustrated an attempt of gunmen to detonate explo- sive devices and destroyed a booby trapped car for gun- men which caused the killing of the gunmen inside the car without any causality among citizens. In Homs, Army units destroyed rockets launcher and heavy machine guns of gun- men near east Talbesah, caused many deaths and injuries in Al-Rastan and Teldo town, they also eliminated on gatherings of mili- tants east Abdullah bin Masood mosque and in Bab Hood in Jouret Shiah neighborhood. Furthermore, another army unit targeted gatherings of insurgents in Al- Saain. Rockets Launcher and heavy machine guns in Homs
  • 2. Page NO.2 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )218( 2013/8/28 An army units carried out a series of operations in Alep- po and its countryside, were destroyed a rocket launchers and mortars of insurgents in villages (Kwers) and (Al- jadeda) and ruled on the num- ber of them in the villages (Rasem Aboud) and (Deir Hafer), and foiled attempts by insurgents to infiltrate into safe neighborhoods in the city towards the laboratories in (Sheikh Saeed) neighbor- hood and (Maysaloon) and caused deaths and injuries, including while stopped an- other armed group which tried to sneak to (Zahrawi) Rocket launchers in Aleppo and its countryside in the old city of Aleppo and wiped out most of them. The military source said that the army units have caused deaths and injuries among militants in the villages of (Meyer) , (Kevin) (Hayyan) , (Tamorh) and around prison Aleppo Central and Hospital Canadian, and also destroyed their possession of weapons and ammunition while ruled by other units on the con- centrations of militants in different areas of the (Khan Al-asla). The source added that was destroyed a machine gun anti-aircraft and medium weapons and ammunition of the insurgents east (Haritan) and (Hayyan) and on the road (Alcastelo). In the countryside of Hama, Hasaka and Adleb , unites of the army killed and injured gunmen, where a unit of the army confronted for an armed group near to Morq town in the Northern countryside and killed all its members including foreign gunmen. Another unit destroyed head- quarters of armed groups in Ein al-Bidda in the Killing of gunmen in the countryside of Hama, Hasaka and Adleb countryside of Adleb. In Hasaka, a unit of the army made a qualitative operation against gun- men in Al-Shadadi city, killed, injured many of them and destroyed heavy machine guns and ammunition. The special authorities frustrated an attempt of gunmen to detonate an explosive device in Al –Azizia Neighborhood.
  • 3. Representatives of a number of Russian youth organizations were gathered with the participa- tion of members of the Syrian community in a sit-in in front of the French embassy in Mos- cow as an expression of solidarity of Russian people with Syrian people and condemn the at- titudes of American and Western military cam- paign led by the United States against Syria. Page NO.3 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )218( 2013/8/28 Arab parties and person- alities condemned the U.S. , Western, Atlantic and Israeli threats, and called to stand against it and get ready to go out marches rallies every- where in the Arab world, and to take a united stand to re- spond to the Western and Gulf fierce attack which tryies to undermine the steadfastness of the Syrians. The chief edi- tor of the Egyptian newspa- per “Elaosboa” the Author “Mustafa Bakri,” said that the game of chemical weapons in Syria remind us of the game of nuclear in Iraq. While both Hamdeen Sabahi founder of the Egyptian popular party, and Nabil Fahmy, the Egyp- tian Foreign Minister assured that the attack on the Syrian people is barbarism must not Condemnations, warnings and calls be allowed by Egypt, reject- ing any military solution to the crisis in Syria, stressing that “a political solution is the only way to resolve the crisis. Sheikh Salman Anter, chairman of the National ac- tivities at the occupied Pales- tinian territories and the Pal- estinian factions, and Fatah Al-Intifada movement reject- ed the hints about the threat of aggression against Syria, warning of serious effects on the Arab national security and the region the Secre- tary-General of the Nasser- ite Popular organization in Lebanon, Dr. Osama Saad, and Adnan Mansour, Min- ister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants in the caretaker government of Lebanon, and Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization confirmed that any U.S. or west aggression on Syria would have negative repercussions on the region. Lavrov: Resort to force in Syria will destabilize region Sit-in in front of the French Embassy in Moscow to condemn the attitudes of Western aggression against Syria Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov assert- ed in a phone call with ALakhdar Brahimi, the UN envoy to Syria that the use of force in Syria will lead to destabilization of the situation in the region. For his part, Sergei Naryshkin, head of the Russian State Duma said that any mili- tary operation against Syria will increase the tension in the entire region and seriously harm the United Nations and its institutions.
  • 4. A source at the Russian Naval General Staff said that the Rus- sian navy will not participate in evacuating the Russian citi- zens from Syria. The source told reporters in Moscow on Wednesday that the Russian ships received no directives to evacuate citizens from Russia or from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) from the Syrian ports. Meanwhile, a source at the Russian Em- bassy in Damascus said that there is no evacuation of the diplomatic mission in Syria. Earlier, a source at the Russian Emergency Situations Min- istry said that an Il-62 plane has arrived into Moscow from Lattakia, with 27 Russian citi- zens onboard, the majority of them women and children. Page NO.4 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )218( 2013/8/28 British Prime Minister “Da- vid Cameron” called the Brit- ish Parliament to convene an emergency session to vote on a resolution about Syria, ac- cording to Agency France- Press, after it announced a spokesman yesterday that “the British armed forces de- velop contingency plans for possible military action in Syria”, adding that is no de- cision about this type of work Cameron calls for Parliament to vote on a resolution about Syria is likely”. In a related context (Cyprus) considered yester- day, “that the British bases on the island will not play a big role in any possible Russian Embassy in Damascus: the work of diplomatic mission is usual not evacuations strikes against Syria”, while the British army denied an information about the inten- sification of moves in a mili- tary airports. The site Global Research the Canadian said “the West is preparing for the crime of a new war in Syria” The Ameri- can administration and the British government did not reveals for any evidence that they talked about it on the use of the Syrian government of chemical weapons, the Web site said that one of the rea- sons for the truth to defend these countries to wage war on Syria is an important dis- ability UN investigators and that Washington is know it will be Lying the claim and may appear its involvement in the attack by insurgents us- ing chemical weapons. The sit ”Ante ower”: the U.S. Con- gress have to prevent Obama from dragging the United West is preparing for a new war crime in Syria States into another war in the region, the (sit) ask a questions about why the United States to the rejection rapid Show pre- sented by Syria to a team of international inspectors of the United Nations to investigate the attack alleged chemical weapons, and whether Wash- ington was afraid of the emer- gence of facts that completely contradict the U.S. allegations about weapons of mass de- struction, just as happened previously in Iraq. A political analyst and American journal- ist emphasized “Stephen Lin- deman” that the U.S. military intervention against Syria is planned many years ago and aims to replace the govern- ment of an independent and sovereign and pro-Western.
  • 5. Page NO.5 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )218( 2013/8/28 Dr. “Bashar Jaafari” a Syrian Permanent Representative to the United Nations in said an interview with (AL-Ikhbariya) TV yesterday, that everything that is happening in the region is entitled “Israel’s interest” and all involved in aggression on Syria ultimately serves “the Israeli interest” and much of data are in use confirmation armed groups chemical weap- Jaafari: the data confirms the use of chemical weapons by terrorist groups in order to withdrawals a military intervention ons in order to withdrawals outside military intervention and aggression against Syr- ia, revealing Arabia attempt to pass a resolution against Syria in the General Assem- bly to adopt the draft resolu- tion on chemical weapons. Al-Jaafari said the victories which achieved by the Syrian Arab Army on the ground is scared who bet on what they call a re-balance of power be- tween the government and the armed terrorist groups, so they had to move the file chemo- therapy because a very sensi- tive subject, pointing out that the Western countries and the Turkish government violated Security Council resolution which related of prevent a ter- rorists from acquiring weap- ons of mass destruction by allowing the armed terrorist groups in the Turkish terri- tory creates a laboratory for the manufacture of chemical weapons materials Turkish and Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the introduction of the chemi- cal weapons into Syria through the Turkish border. And on the threat of Western military ag- gression on the Syria “Jaafari” saw that the intent of this lies is the political pressure on Da- mascus to get the concessions, and this is considered a form of terrorism Media. Media advisor in the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tehran Palian said, “The Armenian Foreign Ministry: embassy and consulate in Damascus and Aleppo are working normally Embassy of Armenia in Damascus and con- sulate in Aleppo are working normally.
  • 6. Prime Minister, Dr. Wael al-Halqi called for providing all the markets with basic needs and opening new governmental institu- tions to deliver them to the citizens. The Governor of the Central Bank of Syria Dr. Adib May- aleh called on citizens not to be drawn behind the manipula- tors at the exchange rate of the Syrian pound, stressing that the prices that are promoted are cha- otic, pointing out that there is no demand for foreign exchange to justify this sudden rise. Page NO.6 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )218( 2013/8/28 Cabinet adopted a draft law to accept the outstanding students in the scientific Olympiad and the International Olympiad in universities without a differ- entiation, and to send them for Government adopts a draft law on the acceptance of the outstanding students in the scientific Olympiad and the International Olympiad in universities getting the college, master and doctoral degrees in the domain in which they excelled. The Council approved the request of the Ministry of Transport includ- ed to extend the guarantee of the Mayaleh calls not to be dragged behind the manipulators in lira exchange rate state of the public treasury of the state to cover all risks of insur- ance of air fleet of Syrian Arab Airlines and civilian aircraft of the Air Force for the next insur- ance year, which will begin from 01/10/2013 until 09/30/2014. It also agreed on the request of Da- mascus Chamber of Commerce containing approval to extend working by the provisions of paragraph (a) ofArticle 53 of the unified contracts issued by Law No. 51 of 2004 Four citizens were killed and a citizen was injured after a mine left by the Israeli occupation went off near the area of Ghad- er in Quneitra on Tuesday. Qu- neitra Governor, Ma’an Salah Four citizens killed by Israeli left mine in Quneitra Al-Halaki: calls for providing strategic products to the Syrian markets Eddin Ali, called upon all in- ternational and humanitarian institutions to shoulder their responsibilities as to stem the bloodshed caused by the Israeli mines in the area.
  • 7. Page NO.7 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )218( 2013/8/28 The Minister of Education, Dr. “Hezwan Al-wez” during the meeting with the directors Textbooks are in all Syrian provinces of education in the provinces said, that were secured to dis- tribution of the textbook by 50 to 80 percent in the safe areas and to overcome the difficul- ties that caused by the armed groups to burn large quantities of books in warehouses and exposure to trucks books dur- ing the transfer. The minister called on schools to ready and preparation for the academic year and rehabilitation of the affected them and to seek al- ternative solutions for schools used as temporary accom- modation centers which still home to families affected by the events in 683 schools. The competent authorities seized shipping company in Al-Hariqa at Damascus which transfer funds without the necessary license to do so. Mahmoud Abdulelah Al-Dij di- rector of the “Al-Tair” company admitted that the company transfer funds from sev- eral countries abroad illegally from parties finance militants in Syria and foreign cur- rency manipulator by keeping it abroad and exchange its value at Home. Russian plane carrying 15 tons of relief and medical assistance provided by the Russian peo- ple to the Syrian people arrived the airport “the martyr Basil al-Assad” in Latakia yesterday. Shipping Company foreign currency manipulator in cooperation with foreign parties which finance militants 15 tons of Russian aid