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Detroit Lions Intrapreneurial Business Solutions Proposal 1
[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines]
Camille Reed
Full Sail University
Table of Contents
The NFL Detroit Lions Organization Business Analysis Report……………………………...4
Description of the Organization………………………………………………………….........4
Description of Products/Services ……………………………………………………………..5
Consumer Analysis……………………………………………………………………………6
Consumer Feedback…………………………………………………………………………..6
Unique Selling Proposition………………………………………………………….6
Mission Statement…………………………………………………………………………...8
Corporate Culture……………………………………………………………………………8
Corporate Transparency……………………………………………………………………..8
Current Media Trends…………………………………………………………………….....9
Consumer Experience……………………………………………………………………….9
Consumer Feedback of Competitors………………………………………………………10
Business Opportunity……………………………………………………………………...10
Recovery Strategy Recommendation……………………………………………………..11
From Idea to Implementation……………………………………………………11
Benefit of Implementation………………………………………………………12
Cost of Implementation ………………………………………………………...12
Action Plan………………………………………………………………………………13
In this report is a business analysis of NFL Team Detroit Lions, as well as an analysis on
our Consumers, their feedback, and our competition. Included components are a description of the
organization, industry analysis, description of product/services offered. In depth insights are
offered in regards to the direction of the business within the industry, as well as outside threats that
affect the industry as a whole. Strategies for effective progression are also mapped out later in this
report. A professional business analysis report would not be complete without a look at the
competition so included are comparisons taken in regards to pricing and positioning. The objective
of this analysis report is to gain a greater understanding of the current condition of the organization
as well as strategies to implement in order to gain market share and consumer loyalty. The end
result of this analysis report is to gain a greater understanding of the current perception of the
organization, the opportunity presented by consumer feedback and a plan of action to address those
Keywords: Detroit Lions, Sports, Consumer Report, NFL, Football, Consumer Feedback
[Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines]
Our organization strives to provide the highest level of entertainment and sports experience
for fans, as well as improving and displaying the athletic skill of our athletes. The Detroit Lions
are a professional American football team based out of Detroit, MI. Originally called the Spartans,
this team was originated in Portsmouth, OH. We joined the National Football League in 1930 but
came to an end before they could really get started. In 1934, the Spartans were sold and transferred
to Detroit, MI where we were renamed the Detroit Lions. We are the fifth oldest franchise in the
entire National Football League (Lions LinkedIn, 2020).
Description of Organization
The organization, formally known as the Portsmouth Spartans, is now known as the Detroit
Lions as of 1934. The team was bought for $8000 and relocated by radio executive George
Richards. The organization as if 2015 is a taxable entity after being considered a non profit since
its conception. The Detroit Lions are privately owned by Martha Firestone Ford. Our organization
operates mostly as B2C, unless conducting a trade. When the Lions conducts trades with other
teams, they are operating as B2B. (Dublin, 2015)
Industry Analysis
The Lions are situated in the sports industry and competes in the a national level. The threat
of entrants is at a zero, as no other football team can compete on aNational level with the city of
Detroit, however, a team can be originated within the boundaries of another city within reason of
course. The large state of California is one known to have more than one national level athletic
team competing in the same sport with the Lakers and Clippers in basketball, and the Chargers,
Raiders, 49s and Rams for football. Threats facing the Detroit Lions in particular lie in the strengths
of other teams. These opponent teams can use our weaknesses against us on the field for
competitive advantage. Risky decisions made by the owner and applicable chairmen and
shareholders affect the future direction of the team. Opportunities presented in this regard is open
and consistent communication between team executives and also gaining feedback from fans.
Monitoring public forums and social media pages will offer insights for potential oversights that
can greatly influence the future direction of the team and possibly the entire organization. Though
our team cannot be officially substituted, leagues on the regional or local level can create similar
organizations with reason. (Forbes Contributor, 2020)
Description of Products/Services Offered
The Detroit Lions strive to create a multi faceted experience for all patrons. We hope to
embed hope into the minds of future prospects, offer gratification for athletic coordinators, coaches
and mentors, display the epic abilities of our athletes and provide the ultimate football experience
for all our fans and patrons. Unity is at the heart of our actions daily and without question. In
regards to products for sale, the Detroit Lions has NFL authentic sports apparel and accessories,
as well as ticket sales for stadium entry to view games in-person. Compared to other teams in the
market, or our area for that matter, our tickets prices can be called low. Our ticket prices average
out to be in the bottom quarter for the entire league as prices fall for the first time in five years.
For the upcoming season, fans can expect to pay $2-$3 less per seat per game for seats not
considered highly requested (sideline, skybox). Considerations to the changed rate can include our
less than stellar game record, drop in ticket sales and uproar about consistent ticket rate increases.
(Reisman, 2019)
Consumer Analysis Report
Our organization strives to provide the highest level of entertainment and sports experience
for fans, as well as improving and displaying the athletic skill of our athletes. The Detroit Lions
are a professional American football team based out of Detroit, MI. Originally called the Spartans,
our team was originated in Portsmouth, OH. We joined the National Football League in 1930 but
came to an end before we could really get started. In 1934, our team was sold and transferred to
Detroit, MI where we were renamed the Detroit Lions. We are the fifth oldest franchise in the
entire National Football League (Lions LinkedIn, 2020).
We, the Detroit Lions (as previously mentioned) are an American National football team
alongside 32 other teams. There are four major-league teams situated in the Detroit. Three of those
teams, of course, are our immediate competition. The Tigers play at Comerica Park and the Red
Wings and the Pistons play at The Little Caesar’s Arena. However, our Top 3 competitors are teams
within the National Football League. According to (2020), the Chicago Bears,
Green Bay Packers and the Minnesota Vikings are our current and longtime top rival teams.
In regards to our competitors, each team is associated with their own strengths and
weaknesses and therefore, need to be approached accordingly. We met the Bears for the first time
on 22-October-1930 where we won 7-6. We faced the Packers for the first time on 2-November-
1930 where we suffered total defeat 47-13. Finally, on 19-November-1961, we faced the Vikings
for the win 37-10 (, 2020).
Unique Selling Proposition
Our unique advantage is our sense of community. With our city’s ongoing revival projects
and our teams continued effort to improve always, we are definitely a team to be reckoned with.
In fact since 1973, the foundation as a whole has partnered with United Way and contributed
upwards $370 million towards charities and youth football programs (NFL, 2020). Our
philanthropic efforts serve as mutually beneficial as we are molding our bright future as well as
providing opportunities otherwise out of reach.
Our organization is currently privately owned by Martha Firestone Ford, who is also active
Chairman. She has been in this role since becoming her late husband’s (William Clay Ford) in
2014. Our complete list of Executives also includes:
 Martha Ford Morse (Vice Chair)
 Sheila Ford Hamp (Vice Chair)
 William Clay Ford, Jr. (Vice Chair)
 Elizabeth Ford Kontulis (Vice Chair)
 Rod Wood (Team President)
 Bob Quinn (Executive Vice President & General Manager)
 Allison Maki (Senior Vice President of Administration, CFO)
 Jay Colvin (Senior VP of Legal Affairs / General Counsel)
 Kelly Kozole (Senior Vice President of Business Development)
 Elliott Kessler (Vice President of Finance)
 Emily Griffin (Vice President of Marketing)
 Todd Argust (Vice President of Operations)
 Todd Lambert (Vice President of Corporate Development & Ticketing)
(Contributor, 2020).
Mission Statement
The mission of the NFL is to unite people and inspire communities in the joy of the game
by delivering the world's most exciting sports and entertainment experience (NFL Contributor,
2020). Practices turned traditions like tailgating, football parties and fantasy football competitions
contribute immensely to the entertainment experience. “We bring fans and communities from all
walks of life together to celebrate a game that is constantly evolving, balancing the authenticity of
tradition with the power of innovation”(NFL Contributor, 2020).
Corporate Culture
We uphold a corporate culture of genuine accountability. One that will hold us accountable
for improving always by acquiring talent more effectively year on year, putting more emphasis on
the game day experience for everyone, including fans and corporate clients (2017). Reviews from
peers on (2020) reveal that as of four years ago, our culture was completed outdated
which has since improved drastically.
Corporate Transparency
Our organization is very transparent. Not only are moves made obvious to outsiders, they
are usually made aware. Once Martha Ford took ownership, she began a hall sweep and was very
vocal about it (Shea, 2017). In fact, Ford herself wrote a heart-felt letter to our fans in December
of last year according to (2019). The letter explained the frustration and
disappointment mutually shared towards our 2019 season. Though competitively capable, we have
yet again, come up short of the Super Bowl title team back in December of 1957 ( Schanski, 2019).
Current Media Trends
There are several marketing trends within the sports industry that our organization will
definitely benefit from given that it is consistently and effectively implemented. These trends
include over the top (OTP) content, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality (AV), Mixed
Reality (MR) and Virtual Reality (VR), wearables, esports, Dark Social, Sustainability, Women in
Sports, Children in Sports and Seniors in Sports (Sports Business, 2020). Implementing content
with women, children and seniors will give them that sense of inclusion key to gaining new fans
as well as inspiring current fans for a brighter future. Once revenues increases, we can begin to
incorporate other trends, as all are beneficial if monetized.
Public Perceptions
Our public perception at the moment isn’t the best, though it’s been worst. We once had a
0-16 season. Since then, we’ve made several changes including staffing a new executive team and
more. Still, that’s all the fans could associate our organization, at least up until late October of
2016 (Payton, 2016). Thanks to Matthew Stafford’s skill, team orientation and loyalty, our
organization is making major strides on the forefront.
Consumer Experience
Our fans are definitely a crowd to be reckoned with. However, even some of our longest
(probably hometown) fans recognize that it’ll take more than some fancy uniforms and expensive
new stadium to convince them that this is really going to be our time. According to our YELP
reviews, our fans are just tired of our stale game. We are highly competitive but if all our fans see
is their ‘so called’ champions fall short year after year is highly disappointing.
Consumer Feedback of Competitors
In regards to our competitors, there are mixed reviews. Chicago Bears’ are speaking up
about the team but it is nothing nice. All but two comments were even deemed to be recent and
they were even dated back to the spring of 2018. Comments touched on overpriced drinks and the
fact that the Bears have not seen a Super Bowl in years let alone there one win, back in 1986
(History, 2020). Vikings fans weren’t feeling much better about their team as several scandals were
mentioned in association with the organization whilst countless others spoke on how the team
hasn’t won a single Super Bowl. Contrary to both teams previously mentioned, the Green Bay
Packers have their fans in all smiles. In the reviews, fans faved about the stadium, guest service
and overall fan experience. Although one review, the only on the whole first page, shared a very
bad experience posted on March 16, 2019. The fan was convinced the Packers threw the game, in
malicious intent no less. The review also went into detail about the poor service they received, as
well as overpriced concessions. The review did however, speak highly of the Hall of Fame. (YELP,
Business Opportunity
After acquiring insights on the feedback of our consumers, we were able to grasp the
overall concerns, likes and dislikes about our service. Whether or not our consumers have an
optimal game day experience is based on our response to their feedback. One opportunity involves
post game surveys in which patrons are simply asked to describe their experience. Another
opportunity involves paying special attention to what I’d bring said about our organization on
social media and public forums. It is one thing to know what perception we desire, it’s another to
work diligently and consistently towards that goal. More integration amongst the entire
organization will essentially assure everyone is working towards a common goal. In addition to
company wide integrations, a Sports Illustrated article suggested that our organization act towards
debunking rumors that we care not for our veteran and retired players, and acknowledge consistent
players more than outspoken ones (Maakaron, 2020).
Recovery Strategy Recommendation
My recommendation encompasses corporate integration. The changes being made within
the organization shows, but only within the organization is it noticed. The fans cannot see the
difference. Corporate-wide integration will improve moral ranging from executives to the players
on the field. The fans attending our games can feel the energy on the field that will furthermore,
reflect on the scoreboard for everyone to see. The recommendation is to implement a mobile
communication application called WorkJam. Founded in 2014, WorkJam is an employee
engagement suite with a mission to drive operational efficiency and productivity. “It also enables
employers to improve labor cost management and sales through better communication with their
workforce, enhance employee self-service, and a better customer experience through a more
motivated and engaged staff” (, 2020).
From Idea to Implementation
WorkJam can easily be implemented within the organization and therefore be accessed by
the entire organization, including other teams fairly quickly. Details regarding usage by other
teams will be discussed later in the Action Plan. WorkJam is already working software, being
utilized by hundreds companies and counting. The innovation is merely implementing it within
our organization to achieve the very objective that is served by their mission. Creation however,
of a consistent communication of our current standing and goals year on year as well as
comparisons to our competitor teams and eventually, all other teams in the NFL as a whole.
Insights like games scores with included statistics and wins and opportunity commentaries,
executive decisions, fan feedback etc. will be included in the communications shared. Others
features are available to promote team unity and morale such as badges, polls and more (WorkJam,
Benefit of Implementation
The Australian retailer, Woolworths has been the latest company to go live with WorkJams,
announcing the news in early January of this year. Similar to Woolworths, our organization
struggles with front-line team management, operational efficiencies and productivity (McCormick,
2020) . These challenges affect the overall experience and satisfaction for both employees and fans.
Provided with a scalable solution for system facilitation, WorkJam will directly address these pain
points. Another benefit is the increased connectivity for our organization.
Cost of Implementation
The cost of the implementation of the WorkJam software varies depending on the number of
employees that will be using it per that company. Thus, the cost will vary greatly between just our
organization using the software and all the teams of the entire NFL organization. Each of the 32
teams of the NFL organization employs an average of 3,739 people, rounding the entire roster to
about 119,648 employees total (Parks, 2010). Rounding to the nearest hundredth, the difference
can be more easily seen by the eye with our one organization at 4,000 vs the rest of the 31 other
teams at about 108,000 employees. Using the second set of numbers, the price variations are very
prominent. The pricing is not readily available so an estimate was made per similar software
companies who did have pricing options listed. Based on averages from a $5/per billed annually
to a high $10/hr/ person billed annually, the price range of implementation would be from $20,000-
$40,000 annually for our organization. If the entire NFL were to implement the software as well,
that would be an additional $540,000-$1,080,000 billed annually.
Action Plan
One significant characteristic of a successful intrapreneurial is discernment. It is imperative
to know when to walk away, and it isn’t at the first no. It is safe to stop when permission to proceed
has been granted and failed attempts have either proven costly, or consistently unsuccessful. In
regards to the implementation of the plan, the only loss would be slight shame for lack of
implementation. The gain would be a contributor to a much needed reset of the organization and
company wide acknowledgement. The best time to take the risk in presenting a solution to a
problem is when there is a need for a solution. Leaders are less likely to change something that is
already working than something that isn’t.
Mentorship can be found in the second line of executive board, or the executive assistants.
I will keep in contact with my mentor via email, as it is quick and maintains professionalism. This
will also allow my mentor time to review my progress and make any suggestions. In addition to
my input, all suggestions offered by my mentor will be taken into consideration. Negotiations may
need to take place in the event that there is slight push back due to any reason other than trashing
the idea, like lack of clarity. In thus event, I’d reiterate the benefits to the company and the overall
fan experience all in one swipe. A mild priced piece of software can be the factor that solidifies
thus slow change in perception we are gaining.
Our organization has faced turbulence since our conception as the Spartans. In fact, if you
look back at our history in the books you’d see that we have had some really good seasons, some
bad season and a completely winless season. Since then, we have made slow strides to improving
our morale and ultimately our team’s perception. The report provided a detailed run down of our
organization, what we have to offer, who are consumers are and how they and the public perceive
us, our competition and their consumers, as well as a strategy to address pain points discovered
during our consumer analysis including their feedback. The recommendation was given to
implement the software tool provided by WorkJam in order to completely restore our brand inside
and out. The proposed result will be a more uniformed organization visible within the organization
and even on the field.
Australian Retail Association. (2020). Woolworths works with WorkJam to empower employees and
boost customer experience. Retrieved from:
Blair, E. (2012). The NFL’s New Target Demographic: Kids. Retrieved from:
Contributor. (2017). A Look Inside the Modern Sports Fan: NFL VS. NCAA VS. MLS VS. MLB.
Retrieved from: vs-
Contributor. Detroit Lions Administration. [Administrative Profile]. Retrieved on 9-April-20 from:
Contributor. Ecomomic and Social Impact. Retrieved on 9-April-2020 from:
Contributor. Detroit Lions Audience. Retrieved on 9-April-2020 from:
Contributor. Lions v Bears Complete Sports History. Retrieved on 9-April-20 from:
Contributor. Lions v Packers Complete Sports History. Retrieved on 9-April-20 from:
Contributor. Lions v Vikings Complete Sports History. Retrieved on 9-April-20 from:
Detroit Lions. Detroit Lions. [LinkedIn Profile]. Retrieved on April 4, 2020 from:
Dublin J. (2015). NFL ends tax exempt status after 73 years: 3 things to know. [Article]. Retrieved from:
Internal Reviews. Glassdoor Reviews for Detroit Lions Staff. Retrieved from:
Maakaron, J. (2020). 3 Quick Ways Lions Can Repair Their Reputation. Retrieved from:
McCormick, K. (2020). Is Matt Patricia entirely to blame for Detroit Lions struggles? Retrieved from:
NFL Contributor. NFL Mission Statement. Retrieved on 23, April 2020 from:
Park, J. (2020). NFL Lockout Could Cost $160 Million, 115,000 Jobs. Retrieved from:
Payton , M. (2016). The Outside perception of the Detroit Lions. Retrieved from:
Shea, B. (2017). How to Change a Culture, Detroit Lions Edition. Retrieved from:
Schanski, P. (2019). Detroit Lions Throwback: 1957 Championship Year in Review. Retrieved from:
Sports Business. (2020). 10 Sports Marketing Trends You Should Know and Use. Retrieved from:
WorkJam Company Profile. Retrieved from:
#section-overview (2019). Martha Ford writes letter to Lions fans: 'You deserve a winning team'. Retrieved
YELP. Fans Reviews of Chicago Bears. Retrieved from:
YELP. Fans Reviews of Detroit Lions. Retrieved from:
YELP. Fans Reviews of Green Bay Packers. Retrieved from:
YELP. Fans Reviews of Minnesota Vikings. Retrieved from:

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NFL Detroit Lions: Business Solutions Proposal

  • 1. Detroit Lions Intrapreneurial Business Solutions Proposal 1 [Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines] Camille Reed Full Sail University 5-1-2020
  • 2. DETROIT LIONS BUSINESS PROPOSAL 2 Table of Contents Abstract.................................................................................................................................3 The NFL Detroit Lions Organization Business Analysis Report……………………………...4 Description of the Organization………………………………………………………….........4 Description of Products/Services ……………………………………………………………..5 Consumer Analysis……………………………………………………………………………6 Consumer Feedback…………………………………………………………………………..6 Competition………………………………………………………………………….6 Unique Selling Proposition………………………………………………………….6 Management…………………………………………………………………………7 Mission Statement…………………………………………………………………………...8 Corporate Culture……………………………………………………………………………8 Corporate Transparency……………………………………………………………………..8 Current Media Trends…………………………………………………………………….....9 Consumer Experience……………………………………………………………………….9 Consumer Feedback of Competitors………………………………………………………10 Business Opportunity……………………………………………………………………...10 Recovery Strategy Recommendation……………………………………………………..11 From Idea to Implementation……………………………………………………11 Benefit of Implementation………………………………………………………12 Cost of Implementation ………………………………………………………...12 Action Plan………………………………………………………………………………13 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………14 References………………………………………………………………………………15
  • 3. DETROIT LIONS BUSINESS PROPOSAL 3 Abstract In this report is a business analysis of NFL Team Detroit Lions, as well as an analysis on our Consumers, their feedback, and our competition. Included components are a description of the organization, industry analysis, description of product/services offered. In depth insights are offered in regards to the direction of the business within the industry, as well as outside threats that affect the industry as a whole. Strategies for effective progression are also mapped out later in this report. A professional business analysis report would not be complete without a look at the competition so included are comparisons taken in regards to pricing and positioning. The objective of this analysis report is to gain a greater understanding of the current condition of the organization as well as strategies to implement in order to gain market share and consumer loyalty. The end result of this analysis report is to gain a greater understanding of the current perception of the organization, the opportunity presented by consumer feedback and a plan of action to address those concerns. Keywords: Detroit Lions, Sports, Consumer Report, NFL, Football, Consumer Feedback
  • 4. DETROIT LIONS BUSINESS PROPOSAL 4 [Title Here, up to 12 Words, on One to Two Lines] Our organization strives to provide the highest level of entertainment and sports experience for fans, as well as improving and displaying the athletic skill of our athletes. The Detroit Lions are a professional American football team based out of Detroit, MI. Originally called the Spartans, this team was originated in Portsmouth, OH. We joined the National Football League in 1930 but came to an end before they could really get started. In 1934, the Spartans were sold and transferred to Detroit, MI where we were renamed the Detroit Lions. We are the fifth oldest franchise in the entire National Football League (Lions LinkedIn, 2020). Description of Organization The organization, formally known as the Portsmouth Spartans, is now known as the Detroit Lions as of 1934. The team was bought for $8000 and relocated by radio executive George Richards. The organization as if 2015 is a taxable entity after being considered a non profit since its conception. The Detroit Lions are privately owned by Martha Firestone Ford. Our organization operates mostly as B2C, unless conducting a trade. When the Lions conducts trades with other teams, they are operating as B2B. (Dublin, 2015) Industry Analysis The Lions are situated in the sports industry and competes in the a national level. The threat of entrants is at a zero, as no other football team can compete on aNational level with the city of Detroit, however, a team can be originated within the boundaries of another city within reason of course. The large state of California is one known to have more than one national level athletic team competing in the same sport with the Lakers and Clippers in basketball, and the Chargers, Raiders, 49s and Rams for football. Threats facing the Detroit Lions in particular lie in the strengths
  • 5. DETROIT LIONS BUSINESS PROPOSAL 5 of other teams. These opponent teams can use our weaknesses against us on the field for competitive advantage. Risky decisions made by the owner and applicable chairmen and shareholders affect the future direction of the team. Opportunities presented in this regard is open and consistent communication between team executives and also gaining feedback from fans. Monitoring public forums and social media pages will offer insights for potential oversights that can greatly influence the future direction of the team and possibly the entire organization. Though our team cannot be officially substituted, leagues on the regional or local level can create similar organizations with reason. (Forbes Contributor, 2020) Description of Products/Services Offered The Detroit Lions strive to create a multi faceted experience for all patrons. We hope to embed hope into the minds of future prospects, offer gratification for athletic coordinators, coaches and mentors, display the epic abilities of our athletes and provide the ultimate football experience for all our fans and patrons. Unity is at the heart of our actions daily and without question. In regards to products for sale, the Detroit Lions has NFL authentic sports apparel and accessories, as well as ticket sales for stadium entry to view games in-person. Compared to other teams in the market, or our area for that matter, our tickets prices can be called low. Our ticket prices average out to be in the bottom quarter for the entire league as prices fall for the first time in five years. For the upcoming season, fans can expect to pay $2-$3 less per seat per game for seats not considered highly requested (sideline, skybox). Considerations to the changed rate can include our less than stellar game record, drop in ticket sales and uproar about consistent ticket rate increases. (Reisman, 2019)
  • 6. DETROIT LIONS BUSINESS PROPOSAL 6 Consumer Analysis Report Our organization strives to provide the highest level of entertainment and sports experience for fans, as well as improving and displaying the athletic skill of our athletes. The Detroit Lions are a professional American football team based out of Detroit, MI. Originally called the Spartans, our team was originated in Portsmouth, OH. We joined the National Football League in 1930 but came to an end before we could really get started. In 1934, our team was sold and transferred to Detroit, MI where we were renamed the Detroit Lions. We are the fifth oldest franchise in the entire National Football League (Lions LinkedIn, 2020). Competition We, the Detroit Lions (as previously mentioned) are an American National football team alongside 32 other teams. There are four major-league teams situated in the Detroit. Three of those teams, of course, are our immediate competition. The Tigers play at Comerica Park and the Red Wings and the Pistons play at The Little Caesar’s Arena. However, our Top 3 competitors are teams within the National Football League. According to (2020), the Chicago Bears, Green Bay Packers and the Minnesota Vikings are our current and longtime top rival teams. In regards to our competitors, each team is associated with their own strengths and weaknesses and therefore, need to be approached accordingly. We met the Bears for the first time on 22-October-1930 where we won 7-6. We faced the Packers for the first time on 2-November- 1930 where we suffered total defeat 47-13. Finally, on 19-November-1961, we faced the Vikings for the win 37-10 (, 2020). Unique Selling Proposition Our unique advantage is our sense of community. With our city’s ongoing revival projects and our teams continued effort to improve always, we are definitely a team to be reckoned with.
  • 7. DETROIT LIONS BUSINESS PROPOSAL 7 In fact since 1973, the foundation as a whole has partnered with United Way and contributed upwards $370 million towards charities and youth football programs (NFL, 2020). Our philanthropic efforts serve as mutually beneficial as we are molding our bright future as well as providing opportunities otherwise out of reach. Management Our organization is currently privately owned by Martha Firestone Ford, who is also active Chairman. She has been in this role since becoming her late husband’s (William Clay Ford) in 2014. Our complete list of Executives also includes:  Martha Ford Morse (Vice Chair)  Sheila Ford Hamp (Vice Chair)  William Clay Ford, Jr. (Vice Chair)  Elizabeth Ford Kontulis (Vice Chair)  Rod Wood (Team President)  Bob Quinn (Executive Vice President & General Manager)  Allison Maki (Senior Vice President of Administration, CFO)  Jay Colvin (Senior VP of Legal Affairs / General Counsel)  Kelly Kozole (Senior Vice President of Business Development)  Elliott Kessler (Vice President of Finance)  Emily Griffin (Vice President of Marketing)  Todd Argust (Vice President of Operations)  Todd Lambert (Vice President of Corporate Development & Ticketing) (Contributor, 2020).
  • 8. DETROIT LIONS BUSINESS PROPOSAL 8 Mission Statement The mission of the NFL is to unite people and inspire communities in the joy of the game by delivering the world's most exciting sports and entertainment experience (NFL Contributor, 2020). Practices turned traditions like tailgating, football parties and fantasy football competitions contribute immensely to the entertainment experience. “We bring fans and communities from all walks of life together to celebrate a game that is constantly evolving, balancing the authenticity of tradition with the power of innovation”(NFL Contributor, 2020). Corporate Culture We uphold a corporate culture of genuine accountability. One that will hold us accountable for improving always by acquiring talent more effectively year on year, putting more emphasis on the game day experience for everyone, including fans and corporate clients (2017). Reviews from peers on (2020) reveal that as of four years ago, our culture was completed outdated which has since improved drastically. Corporate Transparency Our organization is very transparent. Not only are moves made obvious to outsiders, they are usually made aware. Once Martha Ford took ownership, she began a hall sweep and was very vocal about it (Shea, 2017). In fact, Ford herself wrote a heart-felt letter to our fans in December of last year according to (2019). The letter explained the frustration and disappointment mutually shared towards our 2019 season. Though competitively capable, we have yet again, come up short of the Super Bowl title team back in December of 1957 ( Schanski, 2019).
  • 9. DETROIT LIONS BUSINESS PROPOSAL 9 Current Media Trends There are several marketing trends within the sports industry that our organization will definitely benefit from given that it is consistently and effectively implemented. These trends include over the top (OTP) content, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality (AV), Mixed Reality (MR) and Virtual Reality (VR), wearables, esports, Dark Social, Sustainability, Women in Sports, Children in Sports and Seniors in Sports (Sports Business, 2020). Implementing content with women, children and seniors will give them that sense of inclusion key to gaining new fans as well as inspiring current fans for a brighter future. Once revenues increases, we can begin to incorporate other trends, as all are beneficial if monetized. Public Perceptions Our public perception at the moment isn’t the best, though it’s been worst. We once had a 0-16 season. Since then, we’ve made several changes including staffing a new executive team and more. Still, that’s all the fans could associate our organization, at least up until late October of 2016 (Payton, 2016). Thanks to Matthew Stafford’s skill, team orientation and loyalty, our organization is making major strides on the forefront. Consumer Experience Our fans are definitely a crowd to be reckoned with. However, even some of our longest (probably hometown) fans recognize that it’ll take more than some fancy uniforms and expensive new stadium to convince them that this is really going to be our time. According to our YELP reviews, our fans are just tired of our stale game. We are highly competitive but if all our fans see is their ‘so called’ champions fall short year after year is highly disappointing.
  • 10. DETROIT LIONS BUSINESS PROPOSAL 10 Consumer Feedback of Competitors In regards to our competitors, there are mixed reviews. Chicago Bears’ are speaking up about the team but it is nothing nice. All but two comments were even deemed to be recent and they were even dated back to the spring of 2018. Comments touched on overpriced drinks and the fact that the Bears have not seen a Super Bowl in years let alone there one win, back in 1986 (History, 2020). Vikings fans weren’t feeling much better about their team as several scandals were mentioned in association with the organization whilst countless others spoke on how the team hasn’t won a single Super Bowl. Contrary to both teams previously mentioned, the Green Bay Packers have their fans in all smiles. In the reviews, fans faved about the stadium, guest service and overall fan experience. Although one review, the only on the whole first page, shared a very bad experience posted on March 16, 2019. The fan was convinced the Packers threw the game, in malicious intent no less. The review also went into detail about the poor service they received, as well as overpriced concessions. The review did however, speak highly of the Hall of Fame. (YELP, 2020). Business Opportunity After acquiring insights on the feedback of our consumers, we were able to grasp the overall concerns, likes and dislikes about our service. Whether or not our consumers have an optimal game day experience is based on our response to their feedback. One opportunity involves post game surveys in which patrons are simply asked to describe their experience. Another opportunity involves paying special attention to what I’d bring said about our organization on social media and public forums. It is one thing to know what perception we desire, it’s another to work diligently and consistently towards that goal. More integration amongst the entire organization will essentially assure everyone is working towards a common goal. In addition to
  • 11. DETROIT LIONS BUSINESS PROPOSAL 11 company wide integrations, a Sports Illustrated article suggested that our organization act towards debunking rumors that we care not for our veteran and retired players, and acknowledge consistent players more than outspoken ones (Maakaron, 2020). Recovery Strategy Recommendation My recommendation encompasses corporate integration. The changes being made within the organization shows, but only within the organization is it noticed. The fans cannot see the difference. Corporate-wide integration will improve moral ranging from executives to the players on the field. The fans attending our games can feel the energy on the field that will furthermore, reflect on the scoreboard for everyone to see. The recommendation is to implement a mobile communication application called WorkJam. Founded in 2014, WorkJam is an employee engagement suite with a mission to drive operational efficiency and productivity. “It also enables employers to improve labor cost management and sales through better communication with their workforce, enhance employee self-service, and a better customer experience through a more motivated and engaged staff” (, 2020). From Idea to Implementation WorkJam can easily be implemented within the organization and therefore be accessed by the entire organization, including other teams fairly quickly. Details regarding usage by other teams will be discussed later in the Action Plan. WorkJam is already working software, being utilized by hundreds companies and counting. The innovation is merely implementing it within our organization to achieve the very objective that is served by their mission. Creation however, of a consistent communication of our current standing and goals year on year as well as comparisons to our competitor teams and eventually, all other teams in the NFL as a whole.
  • 12. DETROIT LIONS BUSINESS PROPOSAL 12 Insights like games scores with included statistics and wins and opportunity commentaries, executive decisions, fan feedback etc. will be included in the communications shared. Others features are available to promote team unity and morale such as badges, polls and more (WorkJam, 2020). Benefit of Implementation The Australian retailer, Woolworths has been the latest company to go live with WorkJams, announcing the news in early January of this year. Similar to Woolworths, our organization struggles with front-line team management, operational efficiencies and productivity (McCormick, 2020) . These challenges affect the overall experience and satisfaction for both employees and fans. Provided with a scalable solution for system facilitation, WorkJam will directly address these pain points. Another benefit is the increased connectivity for our organization. Cost of Implementation The cost of the implementation of the WorkJam software varies depending on the number of employees that will be using it per that company. Thus, the cost will vary greatly between just our organization using the software and all the teams of the entire NFL organization. Each of the 32 teams of the NFL organization employs an average of 3,739 people, rounding the entire roster to about 119,648 employees total (Parks, 2010). Rounding to the nearest hundredth, the difference can be more easily seen by the eye with our one organization at 4,000 vs the rest of the 31 other teams at about 108,000 employees. Using the second set of numbers, the price variations are very prominent. The pricing is not readily available so an estimate was made per similar software companies who did have pricing options listed. Based on averages from a $5/per billed annually to a high $10/hr/ person billed annually, the price range of implementation would be from $20,000-
  • 13. DETROIT LIONS BUSINESS PROPOSAL 13 $40,000 annually for our organization. If the entire NFL were to implement the software as well, that would be an additional $540,000-$1,080,000 billed annually. Action Plan One significant characteristic of a successful intrapreneurial is discernment. It is imperative to know when to walk away, and it isn’t at the first no. It is safe to stop when permission to proceed has been granted and failed attempts have either proven costly, or consistently unsuccessful. In regards to the implementation of the plan, the only loss would be slight shame for lack of implementation. The gain would be a contributor to a much needed reset of the organization and company wide acknowledgement. The best time to take the risk in presenting a solution to a problem is when there is a need for a solution. Leaders are less likely to change something that is already working than something that isn’t. Mentorship can be found in the second line of executive board, or the executive assistants. I will keep in contact with my mentor via email, as it is quick and maintains professionalism. This will also allow my mentor time to review my progress and make any suggestions. In addition to my input, all suggestions offered by my mentor will be taken into consideration. Negotiations may need to take place in the event that there is slight push back due to any reason other than trashing the idea, like lack of clarity. In thus event, I’d reiterate the benefits to the company and the overall fan experience all in one swipe. A mild priced piece of software can be the factor that solidifies thus slow change in perception we are gaining. Conclusion
  • 14. DETROIT LIONS BUSINESS PROPOSAL 14 Our organization has faced turbulence since our conception as the Spartans. In fact, if you look back at our history in the books you’d see that we have had some really good seasons, some bad season and a completely winless season. Since then, we have made slow strides to improving our morale and ultimately our team’s perception. The report provided a detailed run down of our organization, what we have to offer, who are consumers are and how they and the public perceive us, our competition and their consumers, as well as a strategy to address pain points discovered during our consumer analysis including their feedback. The recommendation was given to implement the software tool provided by WorkJam in order to completely restore our brand inside and out. The proposed result will be a more uniformed organization visible within the organization and even on the field.
  • 15. DETROIT LIONS BUSINESS PROPOSAL 15 References Australian Retail Association. (2020). Woolworths works with WorkJam to empower employees and boost customer experience. Retrieved from: employees-and-boost-customer-experience Blair, E. (2012). The NFL’s New Target Demographic: Kids. Retrieved from: Contributor. (2017). A Look Inside the Modern Sports Fan: NFL VS. NCAA VS. MLS VS. MLB. Retrieved from: vs- ncaa-vs_b_5a3a9ed9e4b0df0de8b061a3 Contributor. Detroit Lions Administration. [Administrative Profile]. Retrieved on 9-April-20 from: Contributor. Ecomomic and Social Impact. Retrieved on 9-April-2020 from: Contributor. Detroit Lions Audience. Retrieved on 9-April-2020 from: Contributor. Lions v Bears Complete Sports History. Retrieved on 9-April-20 from: Contributor. Lions v Packers Complete Sports History. Retrieved on 9-April-20 from: Contributor. Lions v Vikings Complete Sports History. Retrieved on 9-April-20 from:
  • 16. DETROIT LIONS BUSINESS PROPOSAL 16 Detroit Lions. Detroit Lions. [LinkedIn Profile]. Retrieved on April 4, 2020 from: JbtyGQAAAXFCEjhpKHFA6kPRdPwRturF2F2cAxxUFuSqcswTwglXFy1rXRfS7zH51n7XdgI aag7h5qfbpPXYfMEgVg&submissionId=dc905277-6a6e-0216-9582-08c80466ed26 Dublin J. (2015). NFL ends tax exempt status after 73 years: 3 things to know. [Article]. Retrieved from: Internal Reviews. Glassdoor Reviews for Detroit Lions Staff. Retrieved from: Maakaron, J. (2020). 3 Quick Ways Lions Can Repair Their Reputation. Retrieved from: McCormick, K. (2020). Is Matt Patricia entirely to blame for Detroit Lions struggles? Retrieved from: NFL Contributor. NFL Mission Statement. Retrieved on 23, April 2020 from: Park, J. (2020). NFL Lockout Could Cost $160 Million, 115,000 Jobs. Retrieved from: jobs/ Payton , M. (2016). The Outside perception of the Detroit Lions. Retrieved from: Shea, B. (2017). How to Change a Culture, Detroit Lions Edition. Retrieved from: lions-edition
  • 17. DETROIT LIONS BUSINESS PROPOSAL 17 Schanski, P. (2019). Detroit Lions Throwback: 1957 Championship Year in Review. Retrieved from: review/ Sports Business. (2020). 10 Sports Marketing Trends You Should Know and Use. Retrieved from: WorkJam Company Profile. Retrieved from: #section-overview (2019). Martha Ford writes letter to Lions fans: 'You deserve a winning team'. Retrieved from: Swinning-team YELP. Fans Reviews of Chicago Bears. Retrieved from: YELP. Fans Reviews of Detroit Lions. Retrieved from: YELP. Fans Reviews of Green Bay Packers. Retrieved from: packers-green-bay YELP. Fans Reviews of Minnesota Vikings. Retrieved from: vikings-minneapolis-2