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Even though it is still not evident for everybody in the main-   very limited perspective-, and if these persons would take
stream business; I was surprised when the General Manager        part of the team committed to design the company’s strate-
of a major organization in Mexico - a client of ours- showed     gies? His answer was: Incredible! We could get access to
real astonishment for the concept co-creation.                   privileged information that we in other ways could not get.

In a conventional stage of businesses (to which we must say      Here it is demonstrated that collaboration is the following
that this company belongs), the leadership comes from the        level of development - efficient in costs and time-, and in-
top and is pyramidal, which means that a selected group          cluded in this paradigm, we can assume that an organiza-
within the organization generates the strategies and is typi-    tion can be co-created and co-designed not only by the
cally supported by the feedback it receives across initiatives   owners or the people who have the most interest and sys-
- for example - of market research or sales reports to be co-    temic weight in the company, but also by many other people
creating the company’s strategies.                               or players within the system that traditionally are not inte-
This director continued to be astonished when we asked:
What would happen if we started ”working” with the clients,      The practice of collaboration is exactly where we -at Inte-
suppliers and all the persons of the system that normally not    grãlis- place our confidence and in this newsletter we would
are taken into account - or whom we only consider from a         like to share some of these tools with you.

                                                                                               Raúl Romero Havaux
                                                                                               General Manager
                                                                                               Integrãlis Consulting Group
The specialists that will facilitate the forum
 come -among other countries- from The
 Netherlands, Switzerland, Mexico, The Uni-
 ted States, Germany, Italy, England, Austria.

 * Henriette K. Lingg. Co-author of the book
   “Management Constellations: Managing
   complexity with systemic constellations”.
 * Claude Rosselet. Professor at the Univer-
   sity of Economics of the College of Further
   Education Northwest Switzerland and
   founder of the consultancy office Inscena
   Systemische Beratung.
 * Georg Senoner. Management consultant
   and specialized coach in organizational        Only six months away from CO-CREATING the future of our
   development and strategies.                    businesses
 * Gunthard Weber. President of the Interna-
   tional Society of Systemic Therapy.
 * Michael Blumenstein. Creator of special        We are only six months away from the Systemic Business Congress, where busi-
   family business processes, including the       nessmen, specialists and people who are interested in business development, will get
   method with systemic configurations for         to know and experiment with different systemic tools, applied in the process of con-
   families and organizations.                    sciously constructing the future of organizations; obtaining strategies and action
 * Wim Jurg. Professor at the Open Univer-
                                                  measures that they can implement in their own businesses.
   sity in the Netherlands, he has been a
   brand advisor for more than 20 years.
 * Ingala Robl Greis. Has worked as an            We are very proud to present this forum in which it is not only important to liberate the
   organizational consultant with systemic        intelligence of the specialists, but to create an opportunity to release the collective
   configurations in various countries and         intelligence of both experts and businessmen.
   with organizations like SEDESOL, Bimbo
   Group, Secretary of Public Security,
   among others.
                                                  We would also like to share that Juanita Brown and her team are integrated in strate-
 * Raúl Romero Havaux. During his expe-           gic planning process. Juanita is founder of the methodology “The World Café”, an
   rience as a consultant in marketing, hu-       innovative approach to large group dialogues, applied in organizations, NGOs, gov-
   man development and strategic planning,        ernments in various European countries, Latin America, Africa, the Orient and the
   he has participated in the creation and        United States (Promise USA - National Network of Citizen Conversation, a project
   development of brands like Compuserve,
   Mexis, Prodigy, Socio Águila, Medicall
                                                  that is part of the actual administration of President Obama), etc.
   Home, among others. He has also worked
   with for example organizations like IBM,       We invite you to participate in this event the 1st and 2nd of March, 2010, at the World
   Gillette, Banco Mexicano, McDonald’s,          Trade Center in Mexico City. For more information, please visit the web page:
   Pizza Hut, Black & Decker, Liverpool, or contact us at
   Manpower, and Farmacias del Ahorro.
 * Lorenz Wiest. Systemic Facilitator.
                                                  Two days could mean the difference for the future of your organization.

Systemic Business Congress                         Reflexive circles in Cultural Biology          Business Innovation Conference

1st and 2nd of March 2010 at The                   30th of Septiembre to 2nd of October          5th to 7th of Octubre 2009 in Wheaton,
World Trade Center in Mexico City.                 2009 atThel World Trade Center in             Illinois, United States.
A forum where businessmen, specia-                 Mexico City.                                  This event will gather innovators,
lists and everyone interested in busi-             Reflexive circles are conversations            entrepeneurs, ingenieers and
ness development can get to know                   guided by Humberto Maturana, Ximena           executives to share methods,
and experiment with different systemic             Dávila and Ignacio Muñoz whose goal           challenges and knowledge that will help
tools, applied in the process of cons-             is to show how biological constructions       understand innovation processes and
tructing the future of organizations;              are based on cultural origins.                the tools needed to pass to “the next
obtaining strategies and action mea-               For more information please see:              level”.
sures that they can implement in their                      Please go to following web page:
own businesses.                                                                        
Please visit the web site:
Epidauros: A model to strategic planning
                                       By Georg Senoner*

Our business is not only based on rational considerations, because they in many ways are determined by our intuition, emotions
and tacit knowledge.
Systemic constellation work helps us explore the tacit knowledge that exists in relation to the social systems in which we live and
operate. It enables us to see the hidden dynamics that affect our decisions and it permits us in some extend to simulate the pos-
sible consequences of our actions.
This is why we have developed the Epidauros Process - a practical framework to guide consultants and management teams in
their effort to explore critical situations by the use of systemic constellations.
The situation is analyzed from six different perspectives – six drivers of change:
    a)! The historical sequence of events that have lead to the current situation. We look for typical patterns, trends and radical
        changes. Which are the sources and roots of the system?
    b)! The environment and the key players and stakeholders. How are the connections between them? Where is their atten-
        tion directed to? Who is included and who is neglected or excluded?
    c)! The vision and mission. What do we want to achieve? From where do we get our power and motivation?
    d)! The values and rules. Which are the basic guidelines for our decisions and actions? How do they comply with the culture
        in which we are operating?
    e)! Structure and processes. What are the essential processes to generate results in our company? Are our resources struc-
        tured in an appropriate way to support the essential processes?
    f)! Goals and objectives. Which are the goals pursued by the various players in our organization? How consistent is the va-
        riety of objectives which we have set.
Henriette K. Lingg and Georg Senoner* will present the Epidauros Process at the systemic Business Congress 2010. The
participants of the workshop will experience the process and constellation work applied to a real situation of their business
context. If you are interested in more information, please see or write us an email at

Introducing change for growth
By Margarita Cortés

A company is an open social system and by             ployees- in a process of “overcoming” the
consequence a space of continuous changes.            resistance to change. The organization is in-
                                                                                                          To get the best ideas,
A lot of times the people who work within the         troducing a managerial information system
                                                                                                          the participants also
organizations do not conceive this idea and           (ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning), which
                                                                                                          practiced their abilities
prefer to work with models, tools and technol-        will be a support to the integration and opera-
                                                                                                          of listening and
ogy that they already know, because it is eas-        tion of diverse intern administration operations.
                                                                                                          working in teams with
ier to continue with the familiar routines than to    A very important aspect when introducing the
                                                                                                          dynamics derived from
learn something new.                                  ERP, is that the use of technology will allow
                                                                                                          the improvisation te-
                                                      that the company continues to evolve and
Peter Senge says: “an organization transforms                                                             chnique used in theatre
                                                      grow; to do this, it needs to be accepted and
into the teacher of change, adapting, only if it                                                          where some of the
                                                      adopted by the members of the company.
is capable of converting into a learning organi-                                                          precepts are:
zation.” This succeeds when its members can           The client contacted us because a big part of
perceive the organization as a system where           the employees in charge of introducing the          * To focus on the rele-
all elements impact the rest necessarily; con-        information system showed resistance to-            vant aspects and in-
structing a shared vision where changes are           wards this evolution. So during the two days        formation.
necessary for the evolution and working as a          of intervention planning -together with the cli-    * To be proactive all the
team; recognizing the perspectives of each            ent-, we observed that it was very important        time.
member and the points that are valuable.              not to try “selling” the ERP’s positive features    * Share the thoughts
                                                      to the employees; but instead let them come         by integrating mind,
A couple of days ago we worked with the ex-           to the conclusion that using the technology         heart and hands.
ecutive team of a Mexican pharmaceutical              would affect the growth and development of          *Connect ideas.
company -that counts more that 12.000 em-             the company in a positive way.
Within the sessions we applied differ-      change, but a necessity to the devel-
ent dynamics, where the assistants          opment of their organization, the assis-
                                                                                        The organizations of the
became aware of some of the organ-          tants got their imagination and creativ-
izational systemic rules, and their im-     ity going in a co-creation exercise,        future will increasingly
portance to continue the evolution.         where they created a company vision
For example, a very powerful -and ex-       for the future that would include the       depend on the creativity of
tremely evident- exercise to observe        ERP, and which was relevant for all         their members to survive.
the order in the organization was the       members. As part of the exercise, we
“time line”; by this, the employees were    used the technique: World Café with         (...) In a truly creative
acknowledged not by hierarchy but by        the objective to create an experiential
seniority. This dynamic allowed dem-        network across the collaborative dia-       collaboration, which is
onstrating that there in the organization   logue around transcending questions         pleasure, and the only rules
is a hierarchy, which is not dictated by    about the situation of the organization.
the chart and which has an equal sys-                                                   and procedures re those
temic weight, or in occasions more          The team was formed by directors and
                                            managers from all areas within the          that advance the common
                                            company; thanks to the fact that the        cause. -Warren Bennis.
Visually the result was shocking, as the    group had multiple perspectives, and
team observed how the organization          worked proactively during the ses-          Author and organizational
during years has grown and involved         sions; its people knew how to integrate
more people, functions, areas, tools        the different beliefs, they respected the
                                                                                        consultant. Founder and
and technology. It was inevitable: the      decisions and listened to the different     President of the Leadership
introduction of the ERP was necessary       points of views. The result was a
to continue this growth.                    shared future where technology can          Institute at The University of
                                            live side by side with what’s already       Southern California.
When the team recognized that the           established in the organization.
technology not only was an imposed
Systems thinking and co-creation: From the perspective of a danish intern
By Heidi Borum

Systems Thinking, Co-creation and Col-         ment, a research group and a design             the entire company and not only in your
lective Intelligence are all more or less      group, which have absolutely nothing to         working area.
new words for me. When I first arrived          do with my work in the company – or so          By co-creating and working together in
here to Mexico and started at Integrãlis       I thought.                                      a system you get the best environment
Consulting Group I had only heard                                                              for being innovative and creative. When
about these concepts, but to be honest         After 4 months as being part of the In-         you see other people’s perspectives,
I had no idea of how they were being           tegrãlis Consulting Group, I must admit         you become inspired, and this is exactly
practiced within a company. Being a            that my focus has changed and my                when you release your own intelligence
Danish girl with a slightly conservative       perspective and conservative attitude           and creativity.
attitude towards organizations, I could        have come across some real chal-
not imagine how Systems Thinking and           lenges. I have been integrated in multi-        Collective Intelligence is precisely what I
Co-creation for real could be integrated       ple meetings about economical issues,           just have described: A shared intelli-
within the people and the entire organi-       strategic planning, web design – in con-        gence that emerges from the collabora-
zation, or how I could ever come to see        sulting sessions with clients, in work-         tion and competition of many individu-
the organization as “a whole”.                 shops and I could keep on – all of this         als.
                                               just to realize how big affect it has on        And isn’t this what every organization
Working in the area of International           me as an individual, but also on the en-        want: A bunch of intelligent, innovative
Public Relations, meaning for example          tire organization. When being integrating       and creative employees instead of one
writing e-mails, translating articles, pro-    in a way, where everybody co-works              single person being so?
moting the company and our congress            and the organization is seen as a               The answer is simple: Release the col-
in March 2010, how could I ever come           “whole” and not separated small parts,          lective intelligence of all individuals by
to see the organization as “a whole”,          you get an insight in what’s going on in        co-creating and working together as “a
when we also have a finance depart-                                                             whole”.

Socrates was right
By Georgina González

Coaching, without doubt, is something more than just fashion and a process that
compounds support techniques and tools for directives. It is a dialogue between the
coach and the directive across questions that serve to facilitate the knowledge that is
present about himself, generating a conscious decision that allows the individual to
become more efficient, to get more clarity of his reality and of all taking the best deci-
sions for his life and work.

                   The best way to become enlightened
                    is to answer intelligent questions.
Because, what happens at the directive levels is that we have sodden directors with
diverse problems, exhausted with the responsibility of taking fundamental decisions to          The companies that can
achieve success in their organization and with the belief that they have everything un-         develop themselves
der control.                                                                                    successfully in the future, are
The reality is that they need to get away from the habits and find a ‘mirror’ that ques-         the ones that prepare trainings
tions them with some issues that the work rhythm does not allow them to see.                    and constantly generate
                                                                                                contexts of learning…. The
Coaching is an intervention tool that makes the directive take fast consciousness of            ones that stop learning and,
what they consider necessary for a change.                                                      innovating, are the ones that
                                                                                                are driving themselves into
At Integrãlis Consulting Group we think that the road for the directives - who want
                                                                                                failure.” -Peter Senge.
clarity in their decisions, is to work assertively with their human relations, clarify their
beliefs and revise their compromise towards their position and concerning the com-              American scientist, author of
pany - it is to set up a coaching process.                                                      "The Fifth Discipline.”
ICR; Our intervention model
By Marco Navarro

 Integrate, Co-create, Resolve; three
 simple steps that resume our inter-
 vention model in change processes
 for companies. The simplicity of this
 model has been the result of multiple
 studies as for example analysis, de-
 cantation and integration of other

INTEGRATE                                    all elements). This process has an inte-     The meaning of combining these tools
                                             gral approach to observe the organiza-       is to create communication spaces
The initial base that this is structured     tion from all points of views, taking into   where the integrants of an organization
around, is the “Systemic Change Pro-         account or including every single one of     can liberate their creativity, and together
gram” an intervention model that we          the involved actors.                         find the necessary solutions to make
have applied with success. In the first                                                    the shared vision of a common future
design stage, we were adjusting and          CO-CREATE                                    real.
including new approaches before con-
verting it into the ICR. The original pro-   Integrating various perspectives implies     RESOLVE
gram was structured in tree times or         listening to with what each one can
stages; Stage one: What is happening?        contribute from the place they occupy        In the last step: Resolve, where the
This phase is basically research, Stage      within the organization, and the follow-     strategies are put into practice to ob-
two: What would you like to be differ-       ing step; Co-create, is also divided into    tain results, this step contains tools like
ent? In here you design the strategies       three steps: Explore, Connect, Mobi-         Executive Coaching, Group Coaching,
to be implemented and Stage three:           lize, composed of tools that allow team      generation of prototypes (to test the
How will you achieve this? This is the       creation.                                    decisions in controlled spaces) and
implementation and evolution process.                                                     evolution strategies of the designed
The application of these three phases        Some of the tools that we have inte-         results measured to each organization.
results in the organizational change.        grated in this process are: The Theory
                                             U by Otto Scharmer, focused on con-          The ICR model has been maintained in
In essence a systemic model is enrich-       necting the needs and developing the         constant evolution thanks to our Study
ing because it do not interfere with         future of the organization, The World        Group and our research processes. At
other approaches; it is a diagram that       Café by Juanita Brown, a methodology         Integrãlis Consulting Group we are
sums up and integrates different per-        that has been used to achieve agree-         convinced that “change equals evolu-
spectives, by which, the inclusion of the    ments in the United Nations and in the       tion”, by which, and to be fitting our
integral model (developed by the phi-        administration of President Obama,           posture, we maintain a constant atten-
losopher Ken Wilber) to the Systemic         Organizational Configurations created         tion to change and to the integration of
Change Program, was evident and              by Bert Hellinger, developed by Gun-         new models, tools and tendencies that
natural.                                     thard Weber and later modified by spe-        appear around the world.
                                             cialists like Jan Jacob Stam, in the
The first step of the ICR; Integrate, is      same way we have integrated useful
divided into three actions; Theme            tools from the Impro, a theatrical tech-
(where the client tells us about his         nique developed by Viola Spolin and
needs), Reset (a process of stopping         Keith Johnston which focuses in sum-
up and reconsidering multiple possibili-     ming up ideas and to create teamwork.
ties) and Integrate (where you consider
R E S E T is published by Integrãlis   Translation of Newsletter                Links:
Consulting Group, a Mexican sys-       Heidi Borum, International Public       For more information on Integrãlis
temic consultancy.                     Relations                               Consulting Group and Raúl Ro-
                                       Editorial Design                        mero Havaux please visit
General Manager                        Margarita Cortés and Heidi Borum and
Raúl Romero Havaux                                                   
Editorial Director                     Please write an email to
Georgina González Lara, Opera- if you          Integrãlis Consulting Group is a
tions Manager                          have comments on this newsletter        member of the international
Editor of Newsletter                   or simply would like to get in touch    organization EURASYC:
Margarita Cortés, Public Relations     with us. We are always interested
                                       in any kind of feedback.

                     s the process of stopping

                  up and reconsidering multiple                               Próspero C. Vega #34 Colonia Centro.
                  perspectives.-                                               Querétaro, Qro. México. CP. 76000

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Newsletter- August 2009

  • 1. RESET THE QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER OF INTEGRÃLIS CONSULTING GROUP FOURTH EDITION - AUGUST 2009 EDITORIAL Even though it is still not evident for everybody in the main- very limited perspective-, and if these persons would take stream business; I was surprised when the General Manager part of the team committed to design the company’s strate- of a major organization in Mexico - a client of ours- showed gies? His answer was: Incredible! We could get access to real astonishment for the concept co-creation. privileged information that we in other ways could not get. In a conventional stage of businesses (to which we must say Here it is demonstrated that collaboration is the following that this company belongs), the leadership comes from the level of development - efficient in costs and time-, and in- top and is pyramidal, which means that a selected group cluded in this paradigm, we can assume that an organiza- within the organization generates the strategies and is typi- tion can be co-created and co-designed not only by the cally supported by the feedback it receives across initiatives owners or the people who have the most interest and sys- - for example - of market research or sales reports to be co- temic weight in the company, but also by many other people creating the company’s strategies. or players within the system that traditionally are not inte- grated. This director continued to be astonished when we asked: What would happen if we started ”working” with the clients, The practice of collaboration is exactly where we -at Inte- suppliers and all the persons of the system that normally not grãlis- place our confidence and in this newsletter we would are taken into account - or whom we only consider from a like to share some of these tools with you. Raúl Romero Havaux General Manager Integrãlis Consulting Group
  • 2. The specialists that will facilitate the forum come -among other countries- from The Netherlands, Switzerland, Mexico, The Uni- ted States, Germany, Italy, England, Austria. * Henriette K. Lingg. Co-author of the book “Management Constellations: Managing complexity with systemic constellations”. * Claude Rosselet. Professor at the Univer- sity of Economics of the College of Further Education Northwest Switzerland and founder of the consultancy office Inscena Systemische Beratung. * Georg Senoner. Management consultant and specialized coach in organizational Only six months away from CO-CREATING the future of our development and strategies. businesses * Gunthard Weber. President of the Interna- tional Society of Systemic Therapy. * Michael Blumenstein. Creator of special We are only six months away from the Systemic Business Congress, where busi- family business processes, including the nessmen, specialists and people who are interested in business development, will get method with systemic configurations for to know and experiment with different systemic tools, applied in the process of con- families and organizations. sciously constructing the future of organizations; obtaining strategies and action * Wim Jurg. Professor at the Open Univer- measures that they can implement in their own businesses. sity in the Netherlands, he has been a brand advisor for more than 20 years. * Ingala Robl Greis. Has worked as an We are very proud to present this forum in which it is not only important to liberate the organizational consultant with systemic intelligence of the specialists, but to create an opportunity to release the collective configurations in various countries and intelligence of both experts and businessmen. with organizations like SEDESOL, Bimbo Group, Secretary of Public Security, among others. We would also like to share that Juanita Brown and her team are integrated in strate- * Raúl Romero Havaux. During his expe- gic planning process. Juanita is founder of the methodology “The World Café”, an rience as a consultant in marketing, hu- innovative approach to large group dialogues, applied in organizations, NGOs, gov- man development and strategic planning, ernments in various European countries, Latin America, Africa, the Orient and the he has participated in the creation and United States (Promise USA - National Network of Citizen Conversation, a project development of brands like Compuserve, Mexis, Prodigy, Socio Águila, Medicall that is part of the actual administration of President Obama), etc. Home, among others. He has also worked with for example organizations like IBM, We invite you to participate in this event the 1st and 2nd of March, 2010, at the World Gillette, Banco Mexicano, McDonald’s, Trade Center in Mexico City. For more information, please visit the web page: Pizza Hut, Black & Decker, Liverpool, or contact us at Manpower, and Farmacias del Ahorro. * Lorenz Wiest. Systemic Facilitator. Two days could mean the difference for the future of your organization. EVENTOS Systemic Business Congress Reflexive circles in Cultural Biology Business Innovation Conference 1st and 2nd of March 2010 at The 30th of Septiembre to 2nd of October 5th to 7th of Octubre 2009 in Wheaton, World Trade Center in Mexico City. 2009 atThel World Trade Center in Illinois, United States. A forum where businessmen, specia- Mexico City. This event will gather innovators, lists and everyone interested in busi- Reflexive circles are conversations entrepeneurs, ingenieers and ness development can get to know guided by Humberto Maturana, Ximena executives to share methods, and experiment with different systemic Dávila and Ignacio Muñoz whose goal challenges and knowledge that will help tools, applied in the process of cons- is to show how biological constructions understand innovation processes and tructing the future of organizations; are based on cultural origins. the tools needed to pass to “the next obtaining strategies and action mea- For more information please see: level”. sures that they can implement in their Please go to following web page: own businesses. Please visit the web site:
  • 3. Epidauros: A model to strategic planning By Georg Senoner* Our business is not only based on rational considerations, because they in many ways are determined by our intuition, emotions and tacit knowledge. Systemic constellation work helps us explore the tacit knowledge that exists in relation to the social systems in which we live and operate. It enables us to see the hidden dynamics that affect our decisions and it permits us in some extend to simulate the pos- sible consequences of our actions. This is why we have developed the Epidauros Process - a practical framework to guide consultants and management teams in their effort to explore critical situations by the use of systemic constellations. The situation is analyzed from six different perspectives – six drivers of change: a)! The historical sequence of events that have lead to the current situation. We look for typical patterns, trends and radical changes. Which are the sources and roots of the system? b)! The environment and the key players and stakeholders. How are the connections between them? Where is their atten- tion directed to? Who is included and who is neglected or excluded? c)! The vision and mission. What do we want to achieve? From where do we get our power and motivation? d)! The values and rules. Which are the basic guidelines for our decisions and actions? How do they comply with the culture in which we are operating? e)! Structure and processes. What are the essential processes to generate results in our company? Are our resources struc- tured in an appropriate way to support the essential processes? f)! Goals and objectives. Which are the goals pursued by the various players in our organization? How consistent is the va- riety of objectives which we have set. Henriette K. Lingg and Georg Senoner* will present the Epidauros Process at the systemic Business Congress 2010. The participants of the workshop will experience the process and constellation work applied to a real situation of their business context. If you are interested in more information, please see or write us an email at A PROJECT WE WOULD LIKE TO SHARE Introducing change for growth By Margarita Cortés A company is an open social system and by ployees- in a process of “overcoming” the consequence a space of continuous changes. resistance to change. The organization is in- To get the best ideas, A lot of times the people who work within the troducing a managerial information system the participants also organizations do not conceive this idea and (ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning), which practiced their abilities prefer to work with models, tools and technol- will be a support to the integration and opera- of listening and ogy that they already know, because it is eas- tion of diverse intern administration operations. working in teams with ier to continue with the familiar routines than to A very important aspect when introducing the dynamics derived from learn something new. ERP, is that the use of technology will allow the improvisation te- that the company continues to evolve and Peter Senge says: “an organization transforms chnique used in theatre grow; to do this, it needs to be accepted and into the teacher of change, adapting, only if it where some of the adopted by the members of the company. is capable of converting into a learning organi- precepts are: zation.” This succeeds when its members can The client contacted us because a big part of perceive the organization as a system where the employees in charge of introducing the * To focus on the rele- all elements impact the rest necessarily; con- information system showed resistance to- vant aspects and in- structing a shared vision where changes are wards this evolution. So during the two days formation. necessary for the evolution and working as a of intervention planning -together with the cli- * To be proactive all the team; recognizing the perspectives of each ent-, we observed that it was very important time. member and the points that are valuable. not to try “selling” the ERP’s positive features * Share the thoughts to the employees; but instead let them come by integrating mind, A couple of days ago we worked with the ex- to the conclusion that using the technology heart and hands. ecutive team of a Mexican pharmaceutical would affect the growth and development of *Connect ideas. company -that counts more that 12.000 em- the company in a positive way.
  • 4. Within the sessions we applied differ- change, but a necessity to the devel- ent dynamics, where the assistants opment of their organization, the assis- The organizations of the became aware of some of the organ- tants got their imagination and creativ- izational systemic rules, and their im- ity going in a co-creation exercise, future will increasingly portance to continue the evolution. where they created a company vision For example, a very powerful -and ex- for the future that would include the depend on the creativity of tremely evident- exercise to observe ERP, and which was relevant for all their members to survive. the order in the organization was the members. As part of the exercise, we “time line”; by this, the employees were used the technique: World Café with (...) In a truly creative acknowledged not by hierarchy but by the objective to create an experiential seniority. This dynamic allowed dem- network across the collaborative dia- collaboration, which is onstrating that there in the organization logue around transcending questions pleasure, and the only rules is a hierarchy, which is not dictated by about the situation of the organization. the chart and which has an equal sys- and procedures re those temic weight, or in occasions more The team was formed by directors and managers from all areas within the that advance the common important. company; thanks to the fact that the cause. -Warren Bennis. Visually the result was shocking, as the group had multiple perspectives, and team observed how the organization worked proactively during the ses- Author and organizational during years has grown and involved sions; its people knew how to integrate more people, functions, areas, tools the different beliefs, they respected the consultant. Founder and and technology. It was inevitable: the decisions and listened to the different President of the Leadership introduction of the ERP was necessary points of views. The result was a to continue this growth. shared future where technology can Institute at The University of live side by side with what’s already Southern California. When the team recognized that the established in the organization. technology not only was an imposed
  • 5. HOW WE EXPERIENCE LIVING WITH SYSTEMS THINKING Systems thinking and co-creation: From the perspective of a danish intern By Heidi Borum Systems Thinking, Co-creation and Col- ment, a research group and a design the entire company and not only in your lective Intelligence are all more or less group, which have absolutely nothing to working area. new words for me. When I first arrived do with my work in the company – or so By co-creating and working together in here to Mexico and started at Integrãlis I thought. a system you get the best environment Consulting Group I had only heard for being innovative and creative. When about these concepts, but to be honest After 4 months as being part of the In- you see other people’s perspectives, I had no idea of how they were being tegrãlis Consulting Group, I must admit you become inspired, and this is exactly practiced within a company. Being a that my focus has changed and my when you release your own intelligence Danish girl with a slightly conservative perspective and conservative attitude and creativity. attitude towards organizations, I could have come across some real chal- not imagine how Systems Thinking and lenges. I have been integrated in multi- Collective Intelligence is precisely what I Co-creation for real could be integrated ple meetings about economical issues, just have described: A shared intelli- within the people and the entire organi- strategic planning, web design – in con- gence that emerges from the collabora- zation, or how I could ever come to see sulting sessions with clients, in work- tion and competition of many individu- the organization as “a whole”. shops and I could keep on – all of this als. just to realize how big affect it has on And isn’t this what every organization Working in the area of International me as an individual, but also on the en- want: A bunch of intelligent, innovative Public Relations, meaning for example tire organization. When being integrating and creative employees instead of one writing e-mails, translating articles, pro- in a way, where everybody co-works single person being so? moting the company and our congress and the organization is seen as a The answer is simple: Release the col- in March 2010, how could I ever come “whole” and not separated small parts, lective intelligence of all individuals by to see the organization as “a whole”, you get an insight in what’s going on in co-creating and working together as “a when we also have a finance depart- whole”. Socrates was right By Georgina González Coaching, without doubt, is something more than just fashion and a process that compounds support techniques and tools for directives. It is a dialogue between the coach and the directive across questions that serve to facilitate the knowledge that is present about himself, generating a conscious decision that allows the individual to become more efficient, to get more clarity of his reality and of all taking the best deci- sions for his life and work. The best way to become enlightened is to answer intelligent questions. Because, what happens at the directive levels is that we have sodden directors with diverse problems, exhausted with the responsibility of taking fundamental decisions to The companies that can achieve success in their organization and with the belief that they have everything un- develop themselves der control. successfully in the future, are The reality is that they need to get away from the habits and find a ‘mirror’ that ques- the ones that prepare trainings tions them with some issues that the work rhythm does not allow them to see. and constantly generate contexts of learning…. The Coaching is an intervention tool that makes the directive take fast consciousness of ones that stop learning and, what they consider necessary for a change. innovating, are the ones that are driving themselves into At Integrãlis Consulting Group we think that the road for the directives - who want failure.” -Peter Senge. clarity in their decisions, is to work assertively with their human relations, clarify their beliefs and revise their compromise towards their position and concerning the com- American scientist, author of pany - it is to set up a coaching process. "The Fifth Discipline.”
  • 6. INTEGRÃLIS STUDY GROUP ICR; Our intervention model By Marco Navarro Integrate, Co-create, Resolve; three simple steps that resume our inter- vention model in change processes for companies. The simplicity of this model has been the result of multiple studies as for example analysis, de- cantation and integration of other models. INTEGRATE all elements). This process has an inte- The meaning of combining these tools gral approach to observe the organiza- is to create communication spaces The initial base that this is structured tion from all points of views, taking into where the integrants of an organization around, is the “Systemic Change Pro- account or including every single one of can liberate their creativity, and together gram” an intervention model that we the involved actors. find the necessary solutions to make have applied with success. In the first the shared vision of a common future design stage, we were adjusting and CO-CREATE real. including new approaches before con- verting it into the ICR. The original pro- Integrating various perspectives implies RESOLVE gram was structured in tree times or listening to with what each one can stages; Stage one: What is happening? contribute from the place they occupy In the last step: Resolve, where the This phase is basically research, Stage within the organization, and the follow- strategies are put into practice to ob- two: What would you like to be differ- ing step; Co-create, is also divided into tain results, this step contains tools like ent? In here you design the strategies three steps: Explore, Connect, Mobi- Executive Coaching, Group Coaching, to be implemented and Stage three: lize, composed of tools that allow team generation of prototypes (to test the How will you achieve this? This is the creation. decisions in controlled spaces) and implementation and evolution process. evolution strategies of the designed The application of these three phases Some of the tools that we have inte- results measured to each organization. results in the organizational change. grated in this process are: The Theory U by Otto Scharmer, focused on con- The ICR model has been maintained in In essence a systemic model is enrich- necting the needs and developing the constant evolution thanks to our Study ing because it do not interfere with future of the organization, The World Group and our research processes. At other approaches; it is a diagram that Café by Juanita Brown, a methodology Integrãlis Consulting Group we are sums up and integrates different per- that has been used to achieve agree- convinced that “change equals evolu- spectives, by which, the inclusion of the ments in the United Nations and in the tion”, by which, and to be fitting our integral model (developed by the phi- administration of President Obama, posture, we maintain a constant atten- losopher Ken Wilber) to the Systemic Organizational Configurations created tion to change and to the integration of Change Program, was evident and by Bert Hellinger, developed by Gun- new models, tools and tendencies that natural. thard Weber and later modified by spe- appear around the world. cialists like Jan Jacob Stam, in the The first step of the ICR; Integrate, is same way we have integrated useful divided into three actions; Theme tools from the Impro, a theatrical tech- (where the client tells us about his nique developed by Viola Spolin and needs), Reset (a process of stopping Keith Johnston which focuses in sum- up and reconsidering multiple possibili- ming up ideas and to create teamwork. ties) and Integrate (where you consider
  • 7. Directorio R E S E T is published by Integrãlis Translation of Newsletter Links: Consulting Group, a Mexican sys- Heidi Borum, International Public For more information on Integrãlis temic consultancy. Relations Consulting Group and Raúl Ro- Editorial Design mero Havaux please visit General Manager Margarita Cortés and Heidi Borum and Raúl Romero Havaux Editorial Director Please write an email to Georgina González Lara, Opera- if you Integrãlis Consulting Group is a tions Manager have comments on this newsletter member of the international Editor of Newsletter or simply would like to get in touch organization EURASYC: Margarita Cortés, Public Relations with us. We are always interested in any kind of feedback. I s the process of stopping RESET up and reconsidering multiple Próspero C. Vega #34 Colonia Centro. perspectives.- Querétaro, Qro. México. CP. 76000