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A compilation of newsTicker
   articles and exercises

       September, 2012

(A2) FLOATING MAN..............................................................................................................2
(B1) BATMAN FINALE............................................................................................................ 4
(B2) OLYMPIC TITBITS..........................................................................................................6
(A2) SAVING WHALES...........................................................................................................8
(A2) A QUICK DIP..................................................................................................................10
(B1) STICKY HEIST.............................................................................................................. 12
(B2) NOT TO BE IGNORED................................................................................................14
(B2) JUST 2 MORE SLEEPS!............................................................................................. 16
(B1) LAUGHS A MINUTE.....................................................................................................18
(B2) CHANGE OF ADDRESS.............................................................................................20
(B2) SHARK WEEK...............................................................................................................22
(A2) GET-AWAY YACHT.......................................................................................................24
(A2) RARE TALENT.............................................................................................................. 26
(B2) FAMOUS WORDS........................................................................................................28
(B2) A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS ...............................................................................30

                                                                                                                      newsLetter - 1
Published: 2012-09-01 - 2012-09-09


May he rest in peace

A fully clothed man was found floating in the Susquehanna River near Williamsport.

When Sue Hubbard first saw the unfortunate man, she alerted emergency services.
The police and the coroner arrived at the scene to commence their investigation.

The man was wearing a life jacket, so it seemed strange that he had ended up in the

Suddenly, a most unexpected thing happened. The floating man sat up!

Joseph DeAngelo had been floating in the river on a hot summer's day and had fallen
asleep. It wasn't until a dragonfly landed on his nose that he woke up.

He explained he was: "out like a light", and unaware of the trouble he was causing.

Joseph added he was just making the most of life, and would continue to do so!

                                                                            newsLetter - 2


May he rest in peace

1a Who was going to start an investigation?

1b Describe what happened unexpectedly!

1c What was it that woke Joseph up?

1d What did he say he was doing, and would continue to do?

2a As a class discuss the expression "May he rest in peace". In which context is this
expression generally used? Why do you think this subtitle was used?

2b Discuss the expression "out like a light". What does it mean? Can you find other
words or expressions with this meaning?

2c Write a short poem using these expressions and some of the phrases from the story.
In pairs read your poems to each other.

2d In groups of four, imagine that a reporter has come to report on what happened.
Decide who will play the roll of the reporter, the police, the floating man and Sue
Hubbard. The reporter will interview each of the characters involved in this incident.

3a In small groups, make a fact sheet about the place where this incident took place.
Where is the Susquehanna River? How many people live in Williamstown? Hot hot does
it get in summer? How cold does it get in winter? ....and any other intersting facts you
can find!

4a Discuss what "making the most of life" means to you personally. How do you make
the most of life?

5a Translate these words into your own language:
unfortunate, alert, coroner, unaware

                                                                            newsLetter - 3
Published: 2012-09-01 - 2012-09-09


Rubber is cool!

"The Dark Knight Rises" was certainly the most highly anticipated screen film of the
summer. In New York, the midnight IMAX screening was sold out six months in advance!

It is pretty much universally agreed upon that the 4 year wait since "The Dark Knight",
was worth it.

Described as a "multi-layered story with massive amounts of action", "The Dark Knight
Rises" is the final episode of the batman trilogy.

Anne Hathaway sparkled and kicked butt (literally) in the role of Catwoman. The brutal
character of Bane was played by Tom Hardy, who was forced to gain 30 pounds to
prepare for his role.

Finally, Christian Bale returns to the Batman trilogy as Bruce Wayne (Batman's secret
identity). He says he will miss the rubber suit that he wore, despite the heat, sweat and
discomfort. Seeing himself in the suit, he said, looked totally cool!

                                                                             newsLetter - 4


Rubber is cool!

1a What does the article say that shows how highly anticipated "The Dark Knight Rises"

1b What was pretty much universally agreed upon by all those who waited for the
arrival of this film?

1c Which three characters from the film were mentioned in this text? What was said
about each of them?

2a Discuss the two metaphors, "sparkled" and "cool". What do each of these words
mean in this text? What are their literal meanings? Write synonyms for each of these

2b Discuss the meaning of the expression "kicked butt"? In what ways can a person kick
butt? What style of writing does this expression belong to?

2c Write 4 adjectives used in this text and with the help of a thesaurus, find synonyms
for them.

2d In groups of three, use the adjectives, expressions and metaphors found in this text
to write an advertisement for a film you have seen. Share with the class.

3a In groups of three, choose one of the characters mentioned in this text to act out.
Watch the following clip as many times as you need to and stop and start if necessary
to make sure you understand what is said.
Write questions to ask each of the other characters based on what you see and hear in
this clip. Role play!

4a Christian Bale said he would miss wearing the rubber suit, despite it being
uncomfortable. Discuss the type of clothing we sometimes wear, just because it looks
cool. What clothing or footwear might fit into the category of "uncomfortable, but it looks
good". What is more important, do you think, looks or comfort?

5a Translate these words into your own language:
anticipated, upon, brutal, suit

                                                                              newsLetter - 5
Published: 2012-09-01 - 2012-09-09


Memorable surprises

The 2012 London Olympic Games were watched by a staggering 2 billion people - a
stark contrast to the 1908 Olympics in Paris, where so few watched the games, that
there were more participants than spectators.

Those watching in 2012 were treated to some unforgettable moments in history.
Perhaps the most memorable of victories are the ones we are most surprised by?

One such victory was claimed by Andy Murray. With home-crowd support, he thrashed
Roger Federer in straight-sets. It was the first time Andy Murray had succeeded in
beating the 14 times Grand Slam champion! And the first time a Brit had graced the
gold medal podium in men's singles tennis since 1908.

In track and field, 34 year old Felix Sanchez took gold in the 400-metre hurdles final. He
outran an elite field of much younger athletes. Raised by his grandmother, who died
during the 2008 Olympics, he proudly displayed a photo of her on his shirt. During the
awards ceremony, he cried unashamedly, while the Dominican Republic's national
anthem resounded in the stadium.

                                                                            newsLetter - 6


Memorable surprises

1a The 2012 London Olympics was quite different from the 1908 Paris Olympics. Explain in
which way.

1b Which victories are likely to be the most memorable?

1c Explain why Andy Murray's victory was unexpected?

1d Why was Felix Sanchez's victory surprising?

2a Imagine you are Felix Sanchez writing a letter to your grandmother. Use conditional forms,
for instance: "If you had only been here, Grandma, you would have..." Read your letters out
loud to the class.

2b Did these Olympic victories surprise you? What Olympic moment was most memorable or
most surprising for you personally? Write about that moment. Describe it in as much detail as
you can. If you were to upload your re-telling of this moment as a You Tube clip, what music
would you choose to play in the background? If possible play this music as you read out the
moment to the class.

2c In pairs, write a prediction about the next Olympics and performances that would surprise
you. Use expressions such as "it is highly unlikely that" and "I very much doubt". Read some of
these predictions out in class.

3a In groups, watch this You Tube clip about the greatest moments at the London Olympics
Try to work out which country the people come from by their accent. Take note of the country
the person or team comes from that gave them their favourite Olympic moment. Do you observe
a trend? Discuss patriotism.

3b Where is the Dominican Rebublic? How many gold medals has this country won in the
history of the Olympics? To whom do these medals belong?

4a Discuss the comparison made between the 2012 Olympics with 2 billion viewers world-wide
and the Paris Olympics of 1908. How did most people watch the Olympics in 2012? In which
ways has broadcasting technology revolutionised our perception of sports?

4b Do you think hosting an Olympics games is an acceptible way of spending tax payers'
money? Find out how much money it cost to stage the opening ceremony at the London
Olympics, and discuss whether or not this money was well spent. What do you feel should be

5a Translate these words into your own language:
staggering, participants, grace, podium, unashamedly

                                                                                  newsLetter - 7
Published: 2012-09-10 - 2012-09-16


Waiting for high tide

A pod of pilot whales beached themselves between Anstruther and Pittenweem in Fife
last week. Twenty-six whales, measuring up to six metres in length, became stranded.

Rescue teams worked to keep the animals alive, by covering them in wet blankets and
spraying them with water.

When the tide rose sufficiently, rescuers were able to assist the surviving whales to
swim back out to sea. Sadly, sixteen of the beached animals had died, including three

Vets are performing post mortems on the dead whales, hoping to find clues as to why
they beached themselves.

The survivors continue to be monitored. Rescue workers have pleaded with curious
spectators in pleasure crafts not to approach the whales and cause them further distress.

                                                                             newsLetter - 8


Waiting for high tide

1a Describe what happened to a pod of pilot whales in Fife last week!

1b What did rescue workers do to keep the whales alive?

1c Why were vets performing post mortems on the bodies of the dead whales?

1d What was likely to cause further distress to the whales once they were out to sea?

2a What name is given to a group of whales? As a class, workshop names given to
other groups of animals in English. Compile a list on the whiteboard.

2b Write a similar news report about the rescuing of some animal or group of animals,
close to where you live. The story does not have to be real or even realistic. Use your

- In pairs swap texts and check one another's spelling.

- Choose two of the texts to re-write on the whiteboard. Go through them as a class
discussing and correcting them together.

 - Remove the texts from the whiteboard and ask comprehension questions. How much
could you remember?

 - Read some of the texts texts out loud and ask comprehension questions. How much
could you remember?

3a Watch this You Tube video in pairs. Which English accent is this? By listening over
and over if necessary, can you work out what they are saying? Try to take notes and
learn some new words.

3b Where is Fife? Find it on a map! Can you find the two towns mentioned in this text?

4a Discuss the effort that went into saving these whales. Would you like to be involved
in such a rescue? Do you think it would have been traumatic to have seen so many
whales die? What other events in nature are challenging to witness?

Translate the following words into your own language:
stranded, tide, sufficiently, post mortems, monitor

                                                                             newsLetter - 9
Published: 2012-09-10 - 2012-09-16


Mobile nightmare over

The owners of Fone Zone Australia have good news for their customers. No longer will it
be a crisis to have your mobile phone fall out of your pocket into the toilet! Now, an
amazing substance can save it.

David McMahon, co-founder of the company, first discovered the substance at a trade
show in California.

Liquipel is a heavy duty waterproof coating. It is applied to your telephone as a vapour,
under vacuum conditions. In the event of accidental exposure to water, the phone's
electronic circuits are protected.

Before introducing his customers to the new technology, David has been conducting a
trial. In the past month, his personal Liquipel iPhone 4S has been submerged 15-20
times, with no damage.

He is thankful that they have finally found the solution to the number one problem
customers are faced with!

                                                                            newsLetter - 10


Mobile nightmare over

1a What good news do the owners of Fone Zone Australia have for their customers?

1b What is Liquipel? How is it applied?

1c What has happened to David's personal Liquipel phone, as part of a trial of this new

2a What is a disclaimer? Why is a disclaimer necessary?

From reading this article, and what is said with respect to the protection of the phone's
electronic ciruits, can you come up with a disclaimer for this product?

2b Imagine you work as the marketing managers for Fone Zone, Australia. In pairs,
write an advertisement for this product, including a disclaimer. Read some of them out in

3a Continuing in pairs, view this You Tube clip and the demonstration of Liquipel. Take
notes as you watch, stopping and starting to try and identify any new words or

What is the disclaimer made by the person demonstrating Liquipel?
Describe in your own words what the demonstration consisted of.

4a Discuss whether or not you would be personally tempted to put this new technology
to the test. Why/why not?

4b What is a practical joke? Can you think of practical jokes using this technology?

Translate the following words into your own language:
substance, trade show, duty, vacuum, circuits

                                                                              newsLetter - 11
Published: 2012-09-10 - 2012-09-16


Runny treasure

It is said that if a product has a high enough value, it is open to being copied, or sold on
the black market. But who would have suspected a stock pile of maple syrup to be a

Police are now on the lookout to catch sticky-handed thieves, who broke into a
warehouse belonging to the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers. The sweet-
toothed bandits succeeded in hauling away 30 million dollars' worth of the delicious
amber liquid.

15,000 barrels were emptied, as 10,000 lb of maple syrup disappeared. Police are
unsure when or how the heist took place. They do suspect however, that the golden
delight will end up on the black market.

Pancake lovers were horrified by the news, as Quebec produces some 75 percent of
the world's maple syrup.

Fortunately, only the smallest of the nation's emergency storage facilities was hit. Due
to the volume of the stockpile remaining, pancakes need not go dry!

                                                                               newsLetter - 12


Runny treasure

1a What does this article say can happen, if a product has a high enough value? In this
case, which product was targeted?

1b Where in the world did the robbery take place? What was the value of that which
was stolen?

1c Why were pancake lovers horrified by this news? What were they afraid might

1d Why did the robbery not cause a major problem?

2a What words are used in this article to describe the stolen substance? Can you come
up with some other expressions to describe it? Brainstorm in small groups, then share
with the class!

2b What words were used to describe the individuals who did the stealing? Again, try to
think of other ways to describe them. Brainstorm in groups, and share with the class!

2c What does black market mean?

2d In small groups, write the dialogue for a short sketch on one of the following themes:

- Scenes at the breakfast table the day the pancakes ran dry.
- Potential customers on the black market, trying to negotiate the price of the stolen
- A televised interview with a police officer, telling the public not to worry, and describing
the clues that they have found so far.

3a In which country did this take place? What languages are spoken in this country?

3b Where does maple syrup come from? How is it made? Find out!

4a In groups, discuss the black market. What effect do you think releasing maple syrup
onto the black market would have on the pricing of maple syrup made by regular

Can you think of other products that are sold on the black market?

Translate the following words into your own language:
stock pile, broke, haul, worth, horrify

                                                                                newsLetter - 13
Published: 2012-09-10 - 2012-09-16


Spineless superheroes

We often talk about the economy, but most of the really vital services we rely on are
performed free of charge! When a bee pollinates a flower, it produces a harvest of
apples. The humble worm, wriggling underground, aerates and fertilises soil, which then
produces healthy crops. Lobsters provide us with delicious seafood. Coral reefs protect
our shorelines, and dung beetles recycle animal waste.

These invaluable services are provided by a group of animals known as the
invertebrates. But a report released in August reveals that up to 20 percent of these
"eco-system engineers" are under threat of extinction.

In recent years, money for research, public awareness, and conservation efforts have
been mostly directed at saving vertebrates, such as lions, tigers and whales.

Helping larger animals is certainly valuable, but the report explains the urgency of also
protecting the invertebrates, which make up 80 percent of the world's species!

Ben Collen from the Zoological Society of London calls them "the spineless creatures
that rule the world". For the sake of the planet - which currently supports 7 billion people
- the value of their services can no longer be ignored!

                                                                               newsLetter - 14


Spineless superheroes

1a What is said with respect to economy, about most of the really vital services we rely
on? What are some of these services?

1b Which group of animals provides these services? What is predicted to be the future
for 20 percent of the animals that comprise this group?

1c In recent years, which animals have been the focus, with respect to public awareness,
money for research etc?

1d How does Ben Collen from the Zoological Society of London refer to this significant
group of animals?

2a Make a list of the animals in this article that provide us with services free of charge.

What are the verbs used here to describe what these animals do for us?

How do these animals move? Which verbs describe their movement?

2b In groups, write a rap song called Spineless Superheroes, using some of these
verbs. Perform to music....with actions!

3a Give a definition of an invertebrate. Give a definition of a vertebrate! Can you think of
other animals that belong to these two groups?

3b Look at this You Tube clip and describe in your own words what pollination is. What
animals are responsible for this? What else can result in pollination?

4a Discuss in groups the need for knowledge about the natural world all around us.
What are the consequences of a lack of knowledge about these matters?

4b Why do you think many of these invertebrates could become extinct?

4c Discuss ways in which you could make people aware of their invaluable services.

Translate the following words into your own language:
vital, humble, aerate, threat, extinction,

                                                                                newsLetter - 15
Published: 2012-09-10 - 2012-09-16


Sneak pics available

iPhone fans are champing at the bit for the soon to be released iPhone 5. In the last few
days, some sneak peek pics of this brand-new marvel have been leaked onto You Tube.
It is purportedly bigger and slimmer, with some never-before-seen features.

The iPhone 5 will be shown to the world September 12th, and those who have dared to
speculate are putting their money on a September 21st product availability date.

In the lead-up to its arrival, Nokia and Google have done their best to take the wind out
of Apple's sails. They are touting their own models with cool innovative details, such as
edge-to-edge screens, and a spring-mounted camera.

However impressive these novel features may be, analysts don't deem them impressive
enough to sway consumers away from the iPhone.

Neil Mawston from Strategic Analytics tells us: "The devices that were launched were
more of an evolution rather than a revolution," "This was a baby step for Nokia ... and not
really a giant leap, like some were hoping."

So will number 5 bring the revolution Neil is waiting for? Just two more sleeps before

                                                                              newsLetter - 16


Sneak pics available

1a What is it that has been leaked onto You Tube, and what features is this device purported to

1b Describe in your own words what Nokia and Google are trying to do.

1c Again in your own words, what does Neil Wawston have to say in response to these efforts?

2a What does "champing at the bit" mean? Can you come with synonyms?

2b What does "sneak peek pics" mean? Describe in your own words!

2c In pairs, write a television commercial for the much awaited iPhone 5, using some of these
expressions. View the video at 3a for ideas.

2d Interview your pair partner about their current phone, asking them what features and apps
they use most, and what features and apps they don't use at all.

3a In pairs, watch this You Tube clip. What is said about Steve Jobs? What feature is likely to
be affected by his personal taste? What is it that the iPhone 5 is not likely to have?

3b What is an analogy? What analogy does the presenter make at the start of this You Tube

Can you come up with a similar analogy in your own language?

What impact does the use of such an analogy have on you? How does it affect your
expectations as you watch?

4a Discuss consumerism. What is it?

4b Discuss the impact of constantly updating technology. Does it affect you? Are you affected
by the hype of promotions and advertising?

4c What are your personal areas of temptation when it comes to possibly falling victim to
consumerism? Are there ways of avoiding such temptations?

Translate the following words into your own language:
sneak, purportedly, marvel, leak, innovative

                                                                                 newsLetter - 17
Published: 2012-09-17 - 2012-09-23


Humour is subjective

A UK-based provider of live-streaming movies recently conducted a survey of the top-
10 comedies watched by their subscribers. The aim was to find out which of these
movies was the funniest.

The survey recorded the number of laughs per minute for each of these comedies, to
establish an objective 'laughs a minute' rating.

Topping the list and earning the title Funniest Film Ever was "Airplane", with 3 laughs a
minute. Coming in at 2nd place with 2.4 laughs a minute was "The Hangover", while
"The Life of Brian" reached 10th place.

A storm of blogs throughout cyberspace soon indicated that not everyone was in
agreement with these results. One blogger wondered where "Blazing Saddles" was.
Another commented: "Half of these movies are not even funny!"

When it comes to humour, it seems we rarely see eye-to-eye. But given the variety in
humankind, it's maybe not surprising that we crack up at different things?

                                                                            newsLetter - 18


Humour is subjective

1a What was the aim of the survey conducted by this company?

1b What were the names of the three films mentioned in this article that were on the top-
10 list? Which of these topped the list?

1c What was one of the on-line responses to this survey?

1d What does the writer conclude with respect to humankind and humour?

2a Go to the website below and scroll down until you reach the list of the Top Ten
Funniest Films.
Write a blog post sharing your own reaction to the list, and your recommendations.

3a Continuing in groups, watch this trailer of "Airplane".

Each new scene represents something that is supposed to be funny. Choose four of
these funny moments and write down either what is said, or what happens in the scene.

Describe if you can, what makes it funny. Share your thoughts with the class.

3b In your groups, write a short synopsis for the film, including one quote. Read out your
synopsis for the class.

4a Discuss what kind of humour you like. What things do you laugh at? Is it funny for
example to laugh at other people's mistakes or accidents?

4b In the clip above, a woman is hysterical and several people attempt to calm her

Did you all find this funny? Were any of you upset by this scene?

Discuss why this can be funny, or why it could be offensive.

Translate into your own language:
aim, survey, divide, establish, crack up

                                                                                newsLetter - 19
Published: 2012-09-17 - 2012-09-23


Monkey business

A nocturnal animal known as the slender loris is native to the rainforests of India and Sri
Lanka. This tiny primate can also tolerate dry forests, and prefers thick thorny
vegetation where they can easily escape predators.

Last week, two unsuspecting slender lorises fell victim to a most dangerous predator.
One in particular, found itself in a short-lived home, somewhat different to its natural

At New Delhi airport, a citizen of the United Arab Emirates was seized trying to board a
flight to Dubai. It was discovered that he was carrying a most reluctant living cargo! The
endangered animal was found travelling in his underpants. The second loris was found
in a nearby garbage bin.

It has been believed that parts of the slender loris have medicinal, even magical powers.
For this reason, they have become a target for poachers and their numbers have been
on the decline. The Indian government has now placed these vulnerable primates on
the protected species list.

Both abducted lorises are now being cared for by the animal welfare organisation
People for Animals.

                                                                              newsLetter - 20


Monkey business

1a What is a slender loris? Describe its natural habitat and the countries it is native to.

1b Describe what happened at New Delhi airport.

1c Explain why it is that the slender loris has become a target for poachers.

1d How has the Indian government responded to their decline in numbers?

2a In pairs, re-write this article as a news report to be read out on a show called "Crime
Watch", with the main focus being the crime that was committed.
Swap reports with one of the other pairs, and give one another feedback.
Read out some of the reports for the class.

2b What does 'monkey business' mean? Look up the definition and write down a few
synonyms for it.
Without looking at the dictionary's definition, explain what it means to your partner. Can you
think of examples?

2c Write down all the names and descriptions used in this article to refer to the slender loris.
What effect does it have, using different names to refer to the same thing in an article when it is
necessary to refer to it repeatedly?

3a In groups, watch the You Tube clip below, stopping and starting as you try to understand
what is said. Make a note of as many facts as you can.
Write four quiz questions to ask the other groups.

4a Watch this You Tube clip.
Does it seem that the man caught in possession of the animal had chosen a good place to
conceal it? Discuss!

4b Discuss animal poaching and the beliefs mentioned in this article. Discuss ways in which
such poaching can be reduced.

4c Can you think of beliefs or customs in your own region that may endanger some species?
What about your life-style and diet: are they based in beliefs and habit? Do they affect
endangered species?

Translate the following words into your own language:
native, predators, habitat, endangered, unsuspecting

                                                                                       newsLetter - 21
Published: 2012-09-17 - 2012-09-23


Smooth, iconic, awesome!

Discovery Channel first introduced Shark Week in 1987, to raise awareness and respect
for this formidable creature of the deep. 25 years down the track, and it's still an across-
the-board hit!

This year's programmes were described as being more voyeuristic than ever. Viewers
were treated to: interviews with shark attack survivors, g-force measuring seal decoys,
shark hypnotism, and never-before-seen shark breaching.

Shark Week 2012 was hosted by You Tube celebrity Phillip DeFranco, who describes
sharks as "smooth", "iconic" and "just awesome". He said he would much rather be
eaten alive by a shark than by piranhas!

Since its inception, Shark Week has accumulated hundreds of thousands of fans.
Stephani Lugo declared "I'm going to be glued to my TV ... and bite someone like a
great white on a seal if they try and change the channel!"

Since shark numbers are rapidly dwindling, it is hoped that Shark Week will raise much
needed shark advocates. Some fans of the show however, were concerned that the
focus on the killing potential and power of these animals might be counterproductive to
the cause.

                                                                               newsLetter - 22


Smooth, iconic, awesome!

1a Why did Discovery Channel introduce Shark Week? How is its continuing success

1b How were this year's programmes described? List some of the things viewers were treated

1c How does Phillip DeFranco refer to sharks, and what does he say he would prefer?

1d How did Stephani Lugo expressed her enthusiasm for the show?

2a What is meant by 'years down the track', 'across-the-board', 'glued to my TV' and 'more
voyeuristic than ever'? Can you come up with synonyms or expressions with a similar meaning?

2b In pairs, create a poster advertising your version of Shark Week. Use information and
expressions from from this article. You can draw or use picture cut outs with brief descriptions.
You could also draw speech balloons out of the shark's, people's and seal's mouths with fun or
informative comments.

2c Present your finished posters to the class. Display them around the classroom.

3a Watch the first of these videos about Colossus. What is breaching? Why do sharks breach?
What else do you learn about this shark? Where in the world is this filmed? What is said about
this place from a seal's perspective?

3b Watch the next video about g-forces. Record facts about g-forces. Give a definition of what
a g-force is.

3c Share your findings with the class.

4a From what you have seen in these clips, how do you feel about sharks now? Do you think
showing the power and killing capacity of these animals is counterproductive to conservation
efforts? Why/why not?

4b One viewer said that those who are biten by sharks more often than not become shark
advocates. Who do you think is likely to become a shark attack victim?
Discuss ways these attacks can be avoided.

4c Why do you think DeFranco said he would rather be eaten alive by a shark than by
piranhas? Discuss!

Translate the following words into your own language:
formidable, deep, track, voyeuristic, advocate, iconic

                                                                                   newsLetter - 23
Published: 2012-09-24 - 2012-09-30


Strong man of the water

Texas police received a phone call last week from the harbour master at Seabrook. He
suspected that a man was trying to steal one of the luxury yachts moored there.

Phillip Beach had tied a rope around his waist, which was then attached to The Flying
Pearl - a 12 ton luxury sailboat. He had removed the boat from its slip and was in the
process of towing it when the informant first spotted him.

When police arrived, Phillip was attempting to take the boat out of the harbour towards
deeper water. It was the first time police had encountered a boat thief using this
particular method.

Phillip was attempting to haul the 46 ft long pleasure craft away from its moorings whilst

                                                                             newsLetter - 24


Strong man of the water

1a Why did police receive a phone call from the harbour master at Seabrook last week?

1b What was Phillip Beach trying to do when the police arrived at the harbour?

1c What did police say with respect to Phillip's chosen method?

1d How much did the boat weigh, and how long was it?

2a Write any of the words from the text that you don't understand on the whiteboard. As
a class discuss their meanings.

2b As a class, read through this article together slowly, to practice pronunciation.

2c In groups of four, re-write this story as a short play using as many words and phrases
from the text as you can. Include: the thief, the police, the harbour master, and the owner
of the boat in your play.

2d Act out your play for the class!

3a Continuing in groups, watch 3.50 mins of the You Tube clip below. Stop and start the
video as many times as necessary to catch what is said.

Together, write an advertisement for the device that was used to track the boat.

3b If time permits, share some of your advertisements with the class.

Translate the following words into your own language:
suspect, moor, waist, slip, informant

                                                                                newsLetter - 25
Published: 2012-09-24 - 2012-09-30


Age no barrier

Talent shows have been around now for several years. Judges have pretty much seen it
all. But last week on The X Factor, the panel of experts sat with gaping mouths when
Carly Rose Sonenclar started to sing.

Wearing sandals and jean shorts, the 13 year old pranced on stage flashing her cheeky
smile. When Carly told the judges she was going to perform "Feeling Good" by Nina
Simone, Simon Cowell raised his eyebrows and said: "Whooo!" The entire panel looked
sceptical to say the least. LA Reid asked somewhat sarcastically: "Did you rehearse?"

From the moment Carly began singing, the judges' expressions changed from
scepticism to sheer disbelief! The entire audience gave her a standing ovation and
Britney Spears declared, "You are a little diva!"

                                                                         newsLetter - 26


Age no barrier

1a What kind of contest is the text about?

1b What was Carly Rose wearing when she pranced on stage?

1c How did Simon Cowell and L.A Reid respond when Carly told them she was going to
sing "Feeling Good" by Nina Simone?

1d Describe the judges' reactions to Carly before and after she started to sing.

2a As a class, write the following phrases and idioms on the whiteboard and discuss
their meanings:
"been around", "pretty much seen it all", "sat with gaping mouths", "pranced on stage",
"flashing her cheeky smile", "looked sceptical to say the least", and "standing ovation"

2b In pairs, write a similar story, using some of these expressions. The hero of your
story should achieve something no-one would ever have expected them to achieve.

2c Read your stories out loud for the class.

3a Find out about the show The X Factor. Write some facts about the show, including
who each of the judges are and what they are famous for.

3b Who is Nina Simone? When did she live and what kind of music is she known for?

3c Watch the You Tube clip of Carly's performance. You can skip to 1.30 if the entire clip
is too long.
What emotions do you see on her parents' faces?
What does L.A Reid say to Carly with respect to her age?

4a Listen to this clip of Nina Simone singing the song that Carly Rose chose to sing.

Discuss why you think the judges were shocked that Carly had chosen such a song? Do
you think she did the song justice?

Translate the following words into your own language:
gape, prance, sceptical, sarcastic, sheer, ovation

                                                                             newsLetter - 27
Published: 2012-09-24 - 2012-09-30


Ashes out to sea

September 14th an extraordinary human being was laid to rest in the Atlantic Ocean.
Described by his family as "a reluctant American hero who had served his nation
proudly", this 82 year old's list of achievements was quite literally out of this world!

Despite being one of the most famous men on the planet, this humble person shunned
publicity and declined to be interviewed or to sign autographs. He fought those who
dared to exploit his reputation - even threatening legal action against his barber who had
sold a chunk of his hair to a collector for 3,000 dollars.

The direction he was headed could be guessed when he received his first flight
certificate at just 15 years of age. He later became a fighter pilot, aerospace engineer
and a professor.

But it was his journey beyond the earth's atmosphere that gained him notoriety like no
other. 384,403 kilometres from earth, he uttered the words that will possibly go down in
history as the most famous ever:

"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind", declared Neil Armstrong when he
landed on the moon.

                                                                             newsLetter - 28


Ashes out to sea

1a How old was Neil Armstrong when he died, and how does his family describe him?

1b In shunning publicity, what were the two things that Neil refused to do?

1c What did Neil achieve when he was just 15 years of age?

1d Can you quote the words Neil Armstrong is most famous for?

2a Working in pairs, write five sentences that describe a famous person. Use quotes and
information about that person that would give clues as to who it is that you are writing about.
Start with the most difficult clues, and finish with the easiest. Do not reveal the name of the
person you are referring to!

2b Read your sentences one by one to the class to see if they can guess who you are
describing. How many sentences do you have to read before they can guess? Try not to give
the identity of the person away too early in your written piece.

3a Find out when man first landed on the moon. Who predicted that this would happen before
the end of the 1960's? What were the names of the astronauts who were on this mission?

3b Watch the following You Tube clip.
Write a small summary of this man's experience and feelings about his mission and the effect it
had on his life.
Share some of these summaries in class to see what different facts and impressions you each

4a Neil Armstrong said that he was misquoted by NASA. He says he actually said: "One small
step for a man, one giant leap for mankind". Discuss the difference this makes to the meaning
of this statement. Then watch the link below. Do you hear the 'a'?

4b Discuss what it takes to be a hero. Do you think someone who walks on the moon is a hero?
Why/why not?

4c Do you think that it can be difficult to have achieved something so monumental and then
'come back down to earth'? Discuss. Begin by discussing the meaning of the idiom 'come back
down to earth'. Can it be used literally in this instance? Explain!

Translate the following words into your own language:
step, reluctant, despite, barber, notoriety

                                                                                 newsLetter - 29
Published: 2012-09-24 - 2012-09-30


Too cold for bare feet

A random act of kindness has the potential to change the world of the recipient. If that
act happens to be witnessed by many, the ripple effect can be staggering. It remains to
be seen how the lives of souls in the Winnipeg area will be transformed after one such
act of generosity that took place on bus route 24 last week.

Bus driver Kris Doubledee spotted a seemingly homeless man walking along the
roadside with bare feet. As is his habit, he prayed quietly that this manʼs needs would
be met.

The very next day, Kris saw the same man again, and it hit him that perhaps he was the
one for the job. He said: "It was degrees ... I had to help him. Anyone would
have done it."

He pulled the bus over and got out to talk to the man. The passengers watched, as Kris
bent down and took his good leather shoes off his feet, handing them to the man on the

When interviewed about his altruistic gesture, he said, "I just do it because you've got
two arms and two legs and.. You've got one heart and you should use it every day,.."

                                                                           newsLetter - 30


Too cold for bare feet

1a Describe the random act of kindness performed by Kris Doubledee.

1b When Kris first saw the seemingly homeless man, what was his response?

1c What did he think to himself when he saw the man the following day?

1d What did Kris say about his altruistic gesture when interviewed?

2a In pairs, re-write this story. One of you should write it from the homeless man's
perspective and the other from the perspective of one of the people on the bus.

2b As a class, combine parts from your texts to make a dramatic enactment of the
incident. Students take turns to read what they see, describing their thoughts and

2c Brainstorm in pairs, to find ideas for a short video clip based on this story. What
pictures would you use? Would you include music?

2d Write the script for the video clip.

3a Watch this movie trailer from a movie called Pay it Forward.

What do you think the film's title says about this boy's plan? Find out what the film's title
actually refers to.

3b Come up with three random acts of kindness and do likewise. Then report your
experiences back to the class... good luck changing your world!

4a Discuss utopianism. How would you define it, and is it possible to achieve this kind of
world? Share ideas for how you could get closer to realising some hopes globally.

4b Is it easy to reach out to a stranger? What do you understand by the expression
"outside your comfort zone"? Is it good to be challenged to do things outside your
comfort zone? Why/why not? Give examples of personal experiences.

Translate the following words into your own language:
random, act, recipient, route, altruistic

                                                                              newsLetter - 31

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News tickers english_september12

  • 1. English A compilation of newsTicker articles and exercises September, 2012
  • 2. CONTENT (A2) FLOATING MAN..............................................................................................................2 (B1) BATMAN FINALE............................................................................................................ 4 (B2) OLYMPIC TITBITS..........................................................................................................6 (A2) SAVING WHALES...........................................................................................................8 (A2) A QUICK DIP..................................................................................................................10 (B1) STICKY HEIST.............................................................................................................. 12 (B2) NOT TO BE IGNORED................................................................................................14 (B2) JUST 2 MORE SLEEPS!............................................................................................. 16 (B1) LAUGHS A MINUTE.....................................................................................................18 (B2) CHANGE OF ADDRESS.............................................................................................20 (B2) SHARK WEEK...............................................................................................................22 (A2) GET-AWAY YACHT.......................................................................................................24 (A2) RARE TALENT.............................................................................................................. 26 (B2) FAMOUS WORDS........................................................................................................28 (B2) A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS ...............................................................................30 newsLetter - 1
  • 3. Published: 2012-09-01 - 2012-09-09 (A2) FLOATING MAN May he rest in peace A fully clothed man was found floating in the Susquehanna River near Williamsport. When Sue Hubbard first saw the unfortunate man, she alerted emergency services. The police and the coroner arrived at the scene to commence their investigation. The man was wearing a life jacket, so it seemed strange that he had ended up in the river. Suddenly, a most unexpected thing happened. The floating man sat up! Joseph DeAngelo had been floating in the river on a hot summer's day and had fallen asleep. It wasn't until a dragonfly landed on his nose that he woke up. He explained he was: "out like a light", and unaware of the trouble he was causing. Joseph added he was just making the most of life, and would continue to do so! newsLetter - 2
  • 4. EXERCISE FLOATING MAN May he rest in peace 1a Who was going to start an investigation? 1b Describe what happened unexpectedly! 1c What was it that woke Joseph up? 1d What did he say he was doing, and would continue to do? 2a As a class discuss the expression "May he rest in peace". In which context is this expression generally used? Why do you think this subtitle was used? 2b Discuss the expression "out like a light". What does it mean? Can you find other words or expressions with this meaning? 2c Write a short poem using these expressions and some of the phrases from the story. In pairs read your poems to each other. 2d In groups of four, imagine that a reporter has come to report on what happened. Decide who will play the roll of the reporter, the police, the floating man and Sue Hubbard. The reporter will interview each of the characters involved in this incident. 3a In small groups, make a fact sheet about the place where this incident took place. Where is the Susquehanna River? How many people live in Williamstown? Hot hot does it get in summer? How cold does it get in winter? ....and any other intersting facts you can find! 4a Discuss what "making the most of life" means to you personally. How do you make the most of life? 5a Translate these words into your own language: unfortunate, alert, coroner, unaware newsLetter - 3
  • 5. Published: 2012-09-01 - 2012-09-09 (B1) BATMAN FINALE Rubber is cool! "The Dark Knight Rises" was certainly the most highly anticipated screen film of the summer. In New York, the midnight IMAX screening was sold out six months in advance! It is pretty much universally agreed upon that the 4 year wait since "The Dark Knight", was worth it. Described as a "multi-layered story with massive amounts of action", "The Dark Knight Rises" is the final episode of the batman trilogy. Anne Hathaway sparkled and kicked butt (literally) in the role of Catwoman. The brutal character of Bane was played by Tom Hardy, who was forced to gain 30 pounds to prepare for his role. Finally, Christian Bale returns to the Batman trilogy as Bruce Wayne (Batman's secret identity). He says he will miss the rubber suit that he wore, despite the heat, sweat and discomfort. Seeing himself in the suit, he said, looked totally cool! newsLetter - 4
  • 6. EXERCISE BATMAN FINALE Rubber is cool! 1a What does the article say that shows how highly anticipated "The Dark Knight Rises" was? 1b What was pretty much universally agreed upon by all those who waited for the arrival of this film? 1c Which three characters from the film were mentioned in this text? What was said about each of them? 2a Discuss the two metaphors, "sparkled" and "cool". What do each of these words mean in this text? What are their literal meanings? Write synonyms for each of these metaphors. 2b Discuss the meaning of the expression "kicked butt"? In what ways can a person kick butt? What style of writing does this expression belong to? 2c Write 4 adjectives used in this text and with the help of a thesaurus, find synonyms for them. 2d In groups of three, use the adjectives, expressions and metaphors found in this text to write an advertisement for a film you have seen. Share with the class. 3a In groups of three, choose one of the characters mentioned in this text to act out. Watch the following clip as many times as you need to and stop and start if necessary to make sure you understand what is said. Write questions to ask each of the other characters based on what you see and hear in this clip. Role play! 4a Christian Bale said he would miss wearing the rubber suit, despite it being uncomfortable. Discuss the type of clothing we sometimes wear, just because it looks cool. What clothing or footwear might fit into the category of "uncomfortable, but it looks good". What is more important, do you think, looks or comfort? 5a Translate these words into your own language: anticipated, upon, brutal, suit newsLetter - 5
  • 7. Published: 2012-09-01 - 2012-09-09 (B2) OLYMPIC TITBITS Memorable surprises The 2012 London Olympic Games were watched by a staggering 2 billion people - a stark contrast to the 1908 Olympics in Paris, where so few watched the games, that there were more participants than spectators. Those watching in 2012 were treated to some unforgettable moments in history. Perhaps the most memorable of victories are the ones we are most surprised by? One such victory was claimed by Andy Murray. With home-crowd support, he thrashed Roger Federer in straight-sets. It was the first time Andy Murray had succeeded in beating the 14 times Grand Slam champion! And the first time a Brit had graced the gold medal podium in men's singles tennis since 1908. In track and field, 34 year old Felix Sanchez took gold in the 400-metre hurdles final. He outran an elite field of much younger athletes. Raised by his grandmother, who died during the 2008 Olympics, he proudly displayed a photo of her on his shirt. During the awards ceremony, he cried unashamedly, while the Dominican Republic's national anthem resounded in the stadium. newsLetter - 6
  • 8. EXERCISE OLYMPIC TITBITS Memorable surprises 1a The 2012 London Olympics was quite different from the 1908 Paris Olympics. Explain in which way. 1b Which victories are likely to be the most memorable? 1c Explain why Andy Murray's victory was unexpected? 1d Why was Felix Sanchez's victory surprising? 2a Imagine you are Felix Sanchez writing a letter to your grandmother. Use conditional forms, for instance: "If you had only been here, Grandma, you would have..." Read your letters out loud to the class. 2b Did these Olympic victories surprise you? What Olympic moment was most memorable or most surprising for you personally? Write about that moment. Describe it in as much detail as you can. If you were to upload your re-telling of this moment as a You Tube clip, what music would you choose to play in the background? If possible play this music as you read out the moment to the class. 2c In pairs, write a prediction about the next Olympics and performances that would surprise you. Use expressions such as "it is highly unlikely that" and "I very much doubt". Read some of these predictions out in class. 3a In groups, watch this You Tube clip about the greatest moments at the London Olympics Try to work out which country the people come from by their accent. Take note of the country the person or team comes from that gave them their favourite Olympic moment. Do you observe a trend? Discuss patriotism. 3b Where is the Dominican Rebublic? How many gold medals has this country won in the history of the Olympics? To whom do these medals belong? 4a Discuss the comparison made between the 2012 Olympics with 2 billion viewers world-wide and the Paris Olympics of 1908. How did most people watch the Olympics in 2012? In which ways has broadcasting technology revolutionised our perception of sports? 4b Do you think hosting an Olympics games is an acceptible way of spending tax payers' money? Find out how much money it cost to stage the opening ceremony at the London Olympics, and discuss whether or not this money was well spent. What do you feel should be prioritised? 5a Translate these words into your own language: staggering, participants, grace, podium, unashamedly newsLetter - 7
  • 9. Published: 2012-09-10 - 2012-09-16 (A2) SAVING WHALES Waiting for high tide A pod of pilot whales beached themselves between Anstruther and Pittenweem in Fife last week. Twenty-six whales, measuring up to six metres in length, became stranded. Rescue teams worked to keep the animals alive, by covering them in wet blankets and spraying them with water. When the tide rose sufficiently, rescuers were able to assist the surviving whales to swim back out to sea. Sadly, sixteen of the beached animals had died, including three calves. Vets are performing post mortems on the dead whales, hoping to find clues as to why they beached themselves. The survivors continue to be monitored. Rescue workers have pleaded with curious spectators in pleasure crafts not to approach the whales and cause them further distress. newsLetter - 8
  • 10. EXERCISE SAVING WHALES Waiting for high tide 1a Describe what happened to a pod of pilot whales in Fife last week! 1b What did rescue workers do to keep the whales alive? 1c Why were vets performing post mortems on the bodies of the dead whales? 1d What was likely to cause further distress to the whales once they were out to sea? 2a What name is given to a group of whales? As a class, workshop names given to other groups of animals in English. Compile a list on the whiteboard. 2b Write a similar news report about the rescuing of some animal or group of animals, close to where you live. The story does not have to be real or even realistic. Use your imagination! - In pairs swap texts and check one another's spelling. - Choose two of the texts to re-write on the whiteboard. Go through them as a class discussing and correcting them together. - Remove the texts from the whiteboard and ask comprehension questions. How much could you remember? - Read some of the texts texts out loud and ask comprehension questions. How much could you remember? 3a Watch this You Tube video in pairs. Which English accent is this? By listening over and over if necessary, can you work out what they are saying? Try to take notes and learn some new words. 3b Where is Fife? Find it on a map! Can you find the two towns mentioned in this text? 4a Discuss the effort that went into saving these whales. Would you like to be involved in such a rescue? Do you think it would have been traumatic to have seen so many whales die? What other events in nature are challenging to witness? Translate the following words into your own language: stranded, tide, sufficiently, post mortems, monitor newsLetter - 9
  • 11. Published: 2012-09-10 - 2012-09-16 (A2) A QUICK DIP Mobile nightmare over The owners of Fone Zone Australia have good news for their customers. No longer will it be a crisis to have your mobile phone fall out of your pocket into the toilet! Now, an amazing substance can save it. David McMahon, co-founder of the company, first discovered the substance at a trade show in California. Liquipel is a heavy duty waterproof coating. It is applied to your telephone as a vapour, under vacuum conditions. In the event of accidental exposure to water, the phone's electronic circuits are protected. Before introducing his customers to the new technology, David has been conducting a trial. In the past month, his personal Liquipel iPhone 4S has been submerged 15-20 times, with no damage. He is thankful that they have finally found the solution to the number one problem customers are faced with! newsLetter - 10
  • 12. EXERCISE A QUICK DIP Mobile nightmare over 1a What good news do the owners of Fone Zone Australia have for their customers? 1b What is Liquipel? How is it applied? 1c What has happened to David's personal Liquipel phone, as part of a trial of this new technology? 2a What is a disclaimer? Why is a disclaimer necessary? From reading this article, and what is said with respect to the protection of the phone's electronic ciruits, can you come up with a disclaimer for this product? 2b Imagine you work as the marketing managers for Fone Zone, Australia. In pairs, write an advertisement for this product, including a disclaimer. Read some of them out in class. 3a Continuing in pairs, view this You Tube clip and the demonstration of Liquipel. Take notes as you watch, stopping and starting to try and identify any new words or phrases..... What is the disclaimer made by the person demonstrating Liquipel? Describe in your own words what the demonstration consisted of. 4a Discuss whether or not you would be personally tempted to put this new technology to the test. Why/why not? 4b What is a practical joke? Can you think of practical jokes using this technology? Translate the following words into your own language: substance, trade show, duty, vacuum, circuits newsLetter - 11
  • 13. Published: 2012-09-10 - 2012-09-16 (B1) STICKY HEIST Runny treasure It is said that if a product has a high enough value, it is open to being copied, or sold on the black market. But who would have suspected a stock pile of maple syrup to be a target! Police are now on the lookout to catch sticky-handed thieves, who broke into a warehouse belonging to the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers. The sweet- toothed bandits succeeded in hauling away 30 million dollars' worth of the delicious amber liquid. 15,000 barrels were emptied, as 10,000 lb of maple syrup disappeared. Police are unsure when or how the heist took place. They do suspect however, that the golden delight will end up on the black market. Pancake lovers were horrified by the news, as Quebec produces some 75 percent of the world's maple syrup. Fortunately, only the smallest of the nation's emergency storage facilities was hit. Due to the volume of the stockpile remaining, pancakes need not go dry! newsLetter - 12
  • 14. EXERCISE STICKY HEIST Runny treasure 1a What does this article say can happen, if a product has a high enough value? In this case, which product was targeted? 1b Where in the world did the robbery take place? What was the value of that which was stolen? 1c Why were pancake lovers horrified by this news? What were they afraid might happen? 1d Why did the robbery not cause a major problem? 2a What words are used in this article to describe the stolen substance? Can you come up with some other expressions to describe it? Brainstorm in small groups, then share with the class! 2b What words were used to describe the individuals who did the stealing? Again, try to think of other ways to describe them. Brainstorm in groups, and share with the class! 2c What does black market mean? 2d In small groups, write the dialogue for a short sketch on one of the following themes: - Scenes at the breakfast table the day the pancakes ran dry. - Potential customers on the black market, trying to negotiate the price of the stolen goods. - A televised interview with a police officer, telling the public not to worry, and describing the clues that they have found so far. 3a In which country did this take place? What languages are spoken in this country? 3b Where does maple syrup come from? How is it made? Find out! 4a In groups, discuss the black market. What effect do you think releasing maple syrup onto the black market would have on the pricing of maple syrup made by regular manufacturers? Can you think of other products that are sold on the black market? Translate the following words into your own language: stock pile, broke, haul, worth, horrify newsLetter - 13
  • 15. Published: 2012-09-10 - 2012-09-16 (B2) NOT TO BE IGNORED Spineless superheroes We often talk about the economy, but most of the really vital services we rely on are performed free of charge! When a bee pollinates a flower, it produces a harvest of apples. The humble worm, wriggling underground, aerates and fertilises soil, which then produces healthy crops. Lobsters provide us with delicious seafood. Coral reefs protect our shorelines, and dung beetles recycle animal waste. These invaluable services are provided by a group of animals known as the invertebrates. But a report released in August reveals that up to 20 percent of these "eco-system engineers" are under threat of extinction. In recent years, money for research, public awareness, and conservation efforts have been mostly directed at saving vertebrates, such as lions, tigers and whales. Helping larger animals is certainly valuable, but the report explains the urgency of also protecting the invertebrates, which make up 80 percent of the world's species! Ben Collen from the Zoological Society of London calls them "the spineless creatures that rule the world". For the sake of the planet - which currently supports 7 billion people - the value of their services can no longer be ignored! newsLetter - 14
  • 16. EXERCISE NOT TO BE IGNORED Spineless superheroes 1a What is said with respect to economy, about most of the really vital services we rely on? What are some of these services? 1b Which group of animals provides these services? What is predicted to be the future for 20 percent of the animals that comprise this group? 1c In recent years, which animals have been the focus, with respect to public awareness, money for research etc? 1d How does Ben Collen from the Zoological Society of London refer to this significant group of animals? 2a Make a list of the animals in this article that provide us with services free of charge. What are the verbs used here to describe what these animals do for us? How do these animals move? Which verbs describe their movement? 2b In groups, write a rap song called Spineless Superheroes, using some of these verbs. Perform to music....with actions! 3a Give a definition of an invertebrate. Give a definition of a vertebrate! Can you think of other animals that belong to these two groups? 3b Look at this You Tube clip and describe in your own words what pollination is. What animals are responsible for this? What else can result in pollination? 4a Discuss in groups the need for knowledge about the natural world all around us. What are the consequences of a lack of knowledge about these matters? 4b Why do you think many of these invertebrates could become extinct? 4c Discuss ways in which you could make people aware of their invaluable services. Translate the following words into your own language: vital, humble, aerate, threat, extinction, newsLetter - 15
  • 17. Published: 2012-09-10 - 2012-09-16 (B2) JUST 2 MORE SLEEPS! Sneak pics available iPhone fans are champing at the bit for the soon to be released iPhone 5. In the last few days, some sneak peek pics of this brand-new marvel have been leaked onto You Tube. It is purportedly bigger and slimmer, with some never-before-seen features. The iPhone 5 will be shown to the world September 12th, and those who have dared to speculate are putting their money on a September 21st product availability date. In the lead-up to its arrival, Nokia and Google have done their best to take the wind out of Apple's sails. They are touting their own models with cool innovative details, such as edge-to-edge screens, and a spring-mounted camera. However impressive these novel features may be, analysts don't deem them impressive enough to sway consumers away from the iPhone. Neil Mawston from Strategic Analytics tells us: "The devices that were launched were more of an evolution rather than a revolution," "This was a baby step for Nokia ... and not really a giant leap, like some were hoping." So will number 5 bring the revolution Neil is waiting for? Just two more sleeps before launching! newsLetter - 16
  • 18. EXERCISE JUST 2 MORE SLEEPS Sneak pics available 1a What is it that has been leaked onto You Tube, and what features is this device purported to have? 1b Describe in your own words what Nokia and Google are trying to do. 1c Again in your own words, what does Neil Wawston have to say in response to these efforts? 2a What does "champing at the bit" mean? Can you come with synonyms? 2b What does "sneak peek pics" mean? Describe in your own words! 2c In pairs, write a television commercial for the much awaited iPhone 5, using some of these expressions. View the video at 3a for ideas. 2d Interview your pair partner about their current phone, asking them what features and apps they use most, and what features and apps they don't use at all. 3a In pairs, watch this You Tube clip. What is said about Steve Jobs? What feature is likely to be affected by his personal taste? What is it that the iPhone 5 is not likely to have? 3b What is an analogy? What analogy does the presenter make at the start of this You Tube clip? Can you come up with a similar analogy in your own language? What impact does the use of such an analogy have on you? How does it affect your expectations as you watch? 4a Discuss consumerism. What is it? 4b Discuss the impact of constantly updating technology. Does it affect you? Are you affected by the hype of promotions and advertising? 4c What are your personal areas of temptation when it comes to possibly falling victim to consumerism? Are there ways of avoiding such temptations? Translate the following words into your own language: sneak, purportedly, marvel, leak, innovative newsLetter - 17
  • 19. Published: 2012-09-17 - 2012-09-23 (B1) LAUGHS A MINUTE Humour is subjective A UK-based provider of live-streaming movies recently conducted a survey of the top- 10 comedies watched by their subscribers. The aim was to find out which of these movies was the funniest. The survey recorded the number of laughs per minute for each of these comedies, to establish an objective 'laughs a minute' rating. Topping the list and earning the title Funniest Film Ever was "Airplane", with 3 laughs a minute. Coming in at 2nd place with 2.4 laughs a minute was "The Hangover", while "The Life of Brian" reached 10th place. A storm of blogs throughout cyberspace soon indicated that not everyone was in agreement with these results. One blogger wondered where "Blazing Saddles" was. Another commented: "Half of these movies are not even funny!" When it comes to humour, it seems we rarely see eye-to-eye. But given the variety in humankind, it's maybe not surprising that we crack up at different things? newsLetter - 18
  • 20. EXERCISE LAUGHS A MINUTE Humour is subjective 1a What was the aim of the survey conducted by this company? 1b What were the names of the three films mentioned in this article that were on the top- 10 list? Which of these topped the list? 1c What was one of the on-line responses to this survey? 1d What does the writer conclude with respect to humankind and humour? 2a Go to the website below and scroll down until you reach the list of the Top Ten Funniest Films. Write a blog post sharing your own reaction to the list, and your recommendations. gets-laughing-times-minute.html 3a Continuing in groups, watch this trailer of "Airplane". Each new scene represents something that is supposed to be funny. Choose four of these funny moments and write down either what is said, or what happens in the scene. Describe if you can, what makes it funny. Share your thoughts with the class. airplanefan 3b In your groups, write a short synopsis for the film, including one quote. Read out your synopsis for the class. 4a Discuss what kind of humour you like. What things do you laugh at? Is it funny for example to laugh at other people's mistakes or accidents? 4b In the clip above, a woman is hysterical and several people attempt to calm her down. Did you all find this funny? Were any of you upset by this scene? Discuss why this can be funny, or why it could be offensive. Translate into your own language: aim, survey, divide, establish, crack up newsLetter - 19
  • 21. Published: 2012-09-17 - 2012-09-23 (B2) CHANGE OF ADDRESS Monkey business A nocturnal animal known as the slender loris is native to the rainforests of India and Sri Lanka. This tiny primate can also tolerate dry forests, and prefers thick thorny vegetation where they can easily escape predators. Last week, two unsuspecting slender lorises fell victim to a most dangerous predator. One in particular, found itself in a short-lived home, somewhat different to its natural habitat. At New Delhi airport, a citizen of the United Arab Emirates was seized trying to board a flight to Dubai. It was discovered that he was carrying a most reluctant living cargo! The endangered animal was found travelling in his underpants. The second loris was found in a nearby garbage bin. It has been believed that parts of the slender loris have medicinal, even magical powers. For this reason, they have become a target for poachers and their numbers have been on the decline. The Indian government has now placed these vulnerable primates on the protected species list. Both abducted lorises are now being cared for by the animal welfare organisation People for Animals. newsLetter - 20
  • 22. EXERCISE CHANGE OF ADDRESS Monkey business 1a What is a slender loris? Describe its natural habitat and the countries it is native to. 1b Describe what happened at New Delhi airport. 1c Explain why it is that the slender loris has become a target for poachers. 1d How has the Indian government responded to their decline in numbers? 2a In pairs, re-write this article as a news report to be read out on a show called "Crime Watch", with the main focus being the crime that was committed. Swap reports with one of the other pairs, and give one another feedback. Read out some of the reports for the class. 2b What does 'monkey business' mean? Look up the definition and write down a few synonyms for it. Without looking at the dictionary's definition, explain what it means to your partner. Can you think of examples? 2c Write down all the names and descriptions used in this article to refer to the slender loris. What effect does it have, using different names to refer to the same thing in an article when it is necessary to refer to it repeatedly? 3a In groups, watch the You Tube clip below, stopping and starting as you try to understand what is said. Make a note of as many facts as you can. Write four quiz questions to ask the other groups. 4a Watch this You Tube clip. Does it seem that the man caught in possession of the animal had chosen a good place to conceal it? Discuss! 4b Discuss animal poaching and the beliefs mentioned in this article. Discuss ways in which such poaching can be reduced. 4c Can you think of beliefs or customs in your own region that may endanger some species? What about your life-style and diet: are they based in beliefs and habit? Do they affect endangered species? Translate the following words into your own language: native, predators, habitat, endangered, unsuspecting newsLetter - 21
  • 23. Published: 2012-09-17 - 2012-09-23 (B2) SHARK WEEK Smooth, iconic, awesome! Discovery Channel first introduced Shark Week in 1987, to raise awareness and respect for this formidable creature of the deep. 25 years down the track, and it's still an across- the-board hit! This year's programmes were described as being more voyeuristic than ever. Viewers were treated to: interviews with shark attack survivors, g-force measuring seal decoys, shark hypnotism, and never-before-seen shark breaching. Shark Week 2012 was hosted by You Tube celebrity Phillip DeFranco, who describes sharks as "smooth", "iconic" and "just awesome". He said he would much rather be eaten alive by a shark than by piranhas! Since its inception, Shark Week has accumulated hundreds of thousands of fans. Stephani Lugo declared "I'm going to be glued to my TV ... and bite someone like a great white on a seal if they try and change the channel!" Since shark numbers are rapidly dwindling, it is hoped that Shark Week will raise much needed shark advocates. Some fans of the show however, were concerned that the focus on the killing potential and power of these animals might be counterproductive to the cause. newsLetter - 22
  • 24. EXERCISE SHARK WEEK Smooth, iconic, awesome! 1a Why did Discovery Channel introduce Shark Week? How is its continuing success described? 1b How were this year's programmes described? List some of the things viewers were treated to. 1c How does Phillip DeFranco refer to sharks, and what does he say he would prefer? 1d How did Stephani Lugo expressed her enthusiasm for the show? 2a What is meant by 'years down the track', 'across-the-board', 'glued to my TV' and 'more voyeuristic than ever'? Can you come up with synonyms or expressions with a similar meaning? 2b In pairs, create a poster advertising your version of Shark Week. Use information and expressions from from this article. You can draw or use picture cut outs with brief descriptions. You could also draw speech balloons out of the shark's, people's and seal's mouths with fun or informative comments. 2c Present your finished posters to the class. Display them around the classroom. 3a Watch the first of these videos about Colossus. What is breaching? Why do sharks breach? What else do you learn about this shark? Where in the world is this filmed? What is said about this place from a seal's perspective? 3b Watch the next video about g-forces. Record facts about g-forces. Give a definition of what a g-force is. 3c Share your findings with the class. 4a From what you have seen in these clips, how do you feel about sharks now? Do you think showing the power and killing capacity of these animals is counterproductive to conservation efforts? Why/why not? 4b One viewer said that those who are biten by sharks more often than not become shark advocates. Who do you think is likely to become a shark attack victim? Discuss ways these attacks can be avoided. 4c Why do you think DeFranco said he would rather be eaten alive by a shark than by piranhas? Discuss! Translate the following words into your own language: formidable, deep, track, voyeuristic, advocate, iconic newsLetter - 23
  • 25. Published: 2012-09-24 - 2012-09-30 (A2) GET-AWAY YACHT Strong man of the water Texas police received a phone call last week from the harbour master at Seabrook. He suspected that a man was trying to steal one of the luxury yachts moored there. Phillip Beach had tied a rope around his waist, which was then attached to The Flying Pearl - a 12 ton luxury sailboat. He had removed the boat from its slip and was in the process of towing it when the informant first spotted him. When police arrived, Phillip was attempting to take the boat out of the harbour towards deeper water. It was the first time police had encountered a boat thief using this particular method. Phillip was attempting to haul the 46 ft long pleasure craft away from its moorings whilst swimming! newsLetter - 24
  • 26. EXERCISE GET-AWAY YACHT Strong man of the water 1a Why did police receive a phone call from the harbour master at Seabrook last week? 1b What was Phillip Beach trying to do when the police arrived at the harbour? 1c What did police say with respect to Phillip's chosen method? 1d How much did the boat weigh, and how long was it? 2a Write any of the words from the text that you don't understand on the whiteboard. As a class discuss their meanings. 2b As a class, read through this article together slowly, to practice pronunciation. 2c In groups of four, re-write this story as a short play using as many words and phrases from the text as you can. Include: the thief, the police, the harbour master, and the owner of the boat in your play. 2d Act out your play for the class! 3a Continuing in groups, watch 3.50 mins of the You Tube clip below. Stop and start the video as many times as necessary to catch what is said. Together, write an advertisement for the device that was used to track the boat. 3b If time permits, share some of your advertisements with the class. Translate the following words into your own language: suspect, moor, waist, slip, informant newsLetter - 25
  • 27. Published: 2012-09-24 - 2012-09-30 (A2) RARE TALENT Age no barrier Talent shows have been around now for several years. Judges have pretty much seen it all. But last week on The X Factor, the panel of experts sat with gaping mouths when Carly Rose Sonenclar started to sing. Wearing sandals and jean shorts, the 13 year old pranced on stage flashing her cheeky smile. When Carly told the judges she was going to perform "Feeling Good" by Nina Simone, Simon Cowell raised his eyebrows and said: "Whooo!" The entire panel looked sceptical to say the least. LA Reid asked somewhat sarcastically: "Did you rehearse?" From the moment Carly began singing, the judges' expressions changed from scepticism to sheer disbelief! The entire audience gave her a standing ovation and Britney Spears declared, "You are a little diva!" newsLetter - 26
  • 28. EXERCISE RARE TALENT Age no barrier 1a What kind of contest is the text about? 1b What was Carly Rose wearing when she pranced on stage? 1c How did Simon Cowell and L.A Reid respond when Carly told them she was going to sing "Feeling Good" by Nina Simone? 1d Describe the judges' reactions to Carly before and after she started to sing. 2a As a class, write the following phrases and idioms on the whiteboard and discuss their meanings: "been around", "pretty much seen it all", "sat with gaping mouths", "pranced on stage", "flashing her cheeky smile", "looked sceptical to say the least", and "standing ovation" 2b In pairs, write a similar story, using some of these expressions. The hero of your story should achieve something no-one would ever have expected them to achieve. 2c Read your stories out loud for the class. 3a Find out about the show The X Factor. Write some facts about the show, including who each of the judges are and what they are famous for. 3b Who is Nina Simone? When did she live and what kind of music is she known for? 3c Watch the You Tube clip of Carly's performance. You can skip to 1.30 if the entire clip is too long. What emotions do you see on her parents' faces? What does L.A Reid say to Carly with respect to her age? 4a Listen to this clip of Nina Simone singing the song that Carly Rose chose to sing. Discuss why you think the judges were shocked that Carly had chosen such a song? Do you think she did the song justice? Translate the following words into your own language: gape, prance, sceptical, sarcastic, sheer, ovation newsLetter - 27
  • 29. Published: 2012-09-24 - 2012-09-30 (B2) FAMOUS WORDS Ashes out to sea September 14th an extraordinary human being was laid to rest in the Atlantic Ocean. Described by his family as "a reluctant American hero who had served his nation proudly", this 82 year old's list of achievements was quite literally out of this world! Despite being one of the most famous men on the planet, this humble person shunned publicity and declined to be interviewed or to sign autographs. He fought those who dared to exploit his reputation - even threatening legal action against his barber who had sold a chunk of his hair to a collector for 3,000 dollars. The direction he was headed could be guessed when he received his first flight certificate at just 15 years of age. He later became a fighter pilot, aerospace engineer and a professor. But it was his journey beyond the earth's atmosphere that gained him notoriety like no other. 384,403 kilometres from earth, he uttered the words that will possibly go down in history as the most famous ever: "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind", declared Neil Armstrong when he landed on the moon. newsLetter - 28
  • 30. EXERCISE FAMOUS WORDS Ashes out to sea 1a How old was Neil Armstrong when he died, and how does his family describe him? 1b In shunning publicity, what were the two things that Neil refused to do? 1c What did Neil achieve when he was just 15 years of age? 1d Can you quote the words Neil Armstrong is most famous for? 2a Working in pairs, write five sentences that describe a famous person. Use quotes and information about that person that would give clues as to who it is that you are writing about. Start with the most difficult clues, and finish with the easiest. Do not reveal the name of the person you are referring to! 2b Read your sentences one by one to the class to see if they can guess who you are describing. How many sentences do you have to read before they can guess? Try not to give the identity of the person away too early in your written piece. 3a Find out when man first landed on the moon. Who predicted that this would happen before the end of the 1960's? What were the names of the astronauts who were on this mission? 3b Watch the following You Tube clip. Write a small summary of this man's experience and feelings about his mission and the effect it had on his life. Share some of these summaries in class to see what different facts and impressions you each received. 4a Neil Armstrong said that he was misquoted by NASA. He says he actually said: "One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind". Discuss the difference this makes to the meaning of this statement. Then watch the link below. Do you hear the 'a'? 4b Discuss what it takes to be a hero. Do you think someone who walks on the moon is a hero? Why/why not? 4c Do you think that it can be difficult to have achieved something so monumental and then 'come back down to earth'? Discuss. Begin by discussing the meaning of the idiom 'come back down to earth'. Can it be used literally in this instance? Explain! Translate the following words into your own language: step, reluctant, despite, barber, notoriety newsLetter - 29
  • 31. Published: 2012-09-24 - 2012-09-30 (B2) A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS Too cold for bare feet A random act of kindness has the potential to change the world of the recipient. If that act happens to be witnessed by many, the ripple effect can be staggering. It remains to be seen how the lives of souls in the Winnipeg area will be transformed after one such act of generosity that took place on bus route 24 last week. Bus driver Kris Doubledee spotted a seemingly homeless man walking along the roadside with bare feet. As is his habit, he prayed quietly that this manʼs needs would be met. The very next day, Kris saw the same man again, and it hit him that perhaps he was the one for the job. He said: "It was degrees ... I had to help him. Anyone would have done it." He pulled the bus over and got out to talk to the man. The passengers watched, as Kris bent down and took his good leather shoes off his feet, handing them to the man on the sidewalk. When interviewed about his altruistic gesture, he said, "I just do it because you've got two arms and two legs and.. You've got one heart and you should use it every day,.." newsLetter - 30
  • 32. EXERCISE A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS Too cold for bare feet 1a Describe the random act of kindness performed by Kris Doubledee. 1b When Kris first saw the seemingly homeless man, what was his response? 1c What did he think to himself when he saw the man the following day? 1d What did Kris say about his altruistic gesture when interviewed? 2a In pairs, re-write this story. One of you should write it from the homeless man's perspective and the other from the perspective of one of the people on the bus. 2b As a class, combine parts from your texts to make a dramatic enactment of the incident. Students take turns to read what they see, describing their thoughts and feelings. 2c Brainstorm in pairs, to find ideas for a short video clip based on this story. What pictures would you use? Would you include music? 2d Write the script for the video clip. 3a Watch this movie trailer from a movie called Pay it Forward. What do you think the film's title says about this boy's plan? Find out what the film's title actually refers to. 3b Come up with three random acts of kindness and do likewise. Then report your experiences back to the class... good luck changing your world! 4a Discuss utopianism. How would you define it, and is it possible to achieve this kind of world? Share ideas for how you could get closer to realising some hopes globally. 4b Is it easy to reach out to a stranger? What do you understand by the expression "outside your comfort zone"? Is it good to be challenged to do things outside your comfort zone? Why/why not? Give examples of personal experiences. Translate the following words into your own language: random, act, recipient, route, altruistic newsLetter - 31