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Neurogenic Bladder -1
Dr. SM Arman Hossain
MD Resident (Phase-B)
Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation
Dhaka Medical College Hospital
The primary functions of the urinary bladder are storage of urine
and coordinated emptying
Incontinence and urinary retention are common presenting
symptoms of bladder dysfunction in patients with neurologic
The management of neurogenic bladder dysfunction is too
important to be left as a matter for occasional consultation
Neuroanatomy of Urinary Bladder
Neuroanatomy of Urinary Bladder..Cont’d
BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy
Central pathways
• Cortical Micturition centre( paracentral lobule of the
frontoparietal cortex)
- Inhibits parasympathetic sacral micturition center
- Inhibitory to pons
- Allows bladder storage
• Pontine Micturition center(PMC)
- Lateral Region: storage urine
- Medial Region: Micturition center
- Coordinates bladder contraction and sphincter relaxation
(Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review)
Peripheral pathways
Coordinated by interactions between the autonomic nervous
system (sympathetic and parasympathetic) and somatic nervous
• Sympathetic nervous system- urine storage
• Parasympathetic nervous system- urine release.
*Sympathetic for “S”torage & Parasympathetic for “P”ee
Origin: intermediolateral gray matter at S2–S4 levels
Course: Travel through pelvic nerves to parasympathetic
receptors of detrusor muscle
Function: Stimulation of cholinergic receptors
Result: Bladder contraction & emptying
• Sympathetic
Origin: Intermediolateral gray matter from T11–L2
Course: Travel through hypogastric nerves to α-1 and ß-2
adrenergic receptors within the bladder and urethra
Function: Stimulation of ß-3 adrenergic receptors within the
body of the bladder causes smooth muscle relaxation
stimulation of α-1 adrenergic receptors within the base of the
bladder/prostatic urethra causes smooth muscle contraction
(increase outlet resistance)
Result: urine storage
• Somatic efferents fibers
o Origin: Pudendal nucleus of sacral segments (S2–S4)
o Course: Travel through pudendal nerve to innervate striated
muscle of external urethral sphincter.
o Function: Voluntary contraction of external urethral sphincter
o Result: prevents leakage or emptying
• Somatic afferent fibers:
o Origin: Detrusor muscle stretch receptors, external anal and
urethral sphincters, perineum, genitalia.
o Course: Travel through the pelvic and pudendal nerves to the
sacral cord.
o Function:
- Myelinated A-delta fibers respond to bladder distention
stimulating parasympathetic emptying of bladder.
- Unmyelinated C-fibers are silent and not essential for normal
o Result : Voiding of the bladder
Urethral sphincters
• Internal sphincter:
- Mostly innervated by T11–L2 hypogastric nerve (sympathetic)
- Under control of autonomic system; large number of alpha-
adrenergic receptors
- Contracts sphincter for storage
- Smooth muscle, involuntary
• External sphincter:
- Innervated by pudendal nerve (S2–S4)
- Prevents leakage or emptying
- Skeletal muscle, voluntary
Receptors of urinary bladder
Cholinergic muscarinic receptors (M3)
Located within the bladder wall, trigone, bladder neck, and
urethra. Ach binds to M3 receptors to cause contraction
• Beta-3 adrenergic receptors:
Concentrated in the body of the bladder, also some in bladder
neck.Norepinephrine (NE) binds to beta-adrenergic receptors to
cause relaxation
• Alpha-1 adrenergic receptors:
Located within the base of the bladder and prostatic urethra
NE binds to alpha-1 adrenergic receptors to cause contraction
krusen's handbook of physical medicine and rehabilitation
(Vishram Singh Textbook of Anatomy)
Micturation reflex
Micturation reflex: It is a spinal reflex facilitated & inhibited by higher brain canters to
void urine from urinary bladder.(Guyton & Hall). Pathways-
Filling of urinary bladder
Stimulation of stretch receptor
Afferent impulses pass via pelvic nerve
Sacral segment of spinal cord
Efferent impulses via pelvic nerve
Contraction of detrusor muscle & relaxation of internal sphincter
Flow of urine into urethrae & stimulation of stretch receptor
Afferent impulses via pelvic narve
Inhibition of pudendal nerve
Relaxation of external sphincter
Voiding of urine
(Ref: Sembulingam 7th edition)
Normal Voiding
• First sensation- 100 ml to 200ml of urine
• Sensation of fullness- 300 to 400 ml
• sphincter remains contracted through a primitive reflex known
as the holding reflex
• Sensation of Urgency- 400 to 500ml
• Normal Bladder capacity- 400 to 700 ml
krusen's handbook of physical medicine and rehabilitation
• During emptying: The periurethral striated sphincter is
relaxed, At the same time, the bladder neck will relax
• The detrusor muscle of the dome of the bladder contracts
• voiding takes place
• This extraordinarily well-coordinated process requires perfect
synergy between the sympathetic, parasympathetic, and
somatic nerve supplies
Neurogenic bladder
• Neurogenic bladder is defined as bladder dysfunction resulting
from a central or peripheral neurologic insult
• Possible symptoms include urinary incontinence, urgency,
nocturia, straining, incomplete voiding, and urinary retention
Anatomical Classification
Anatomical Classification of Neurogenic bladder
1. Supraspinal
2. Suprasacral
3. Infrasacral
Braddom's physical medicine and rehabilitation
1. Supraspinal lesion
- Uninhibited bladder
- Lesion of CNS involving area above Pons
- Micturition is usually precipitous & complete
- Absent Post void residual (PVR) urine
- Normal Sensation of bladder filling
- Cause: CVA, frontal tumors, parasagital meningioma,PD
*Local reflex ঠিক থাকবে। signal---- cerebral cortex পর্যন্ত র্াবে।
ককন্তু pons এর micturition center কক inhibit করবে পাবর না।*
Braddom+krusen+Board review+queen’s neurology
2. Suprasacral lesion
- Automatic Bladder/Reflex neurogenic bladder
- Inability to initiate voluntary micturition
- Detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia is a rule
- Bladder tone increased, capacity reduced
- Small residual volume
- Cause: Compressive myelopathy, Spinal cord trauma
*Local reflex ঠিক থাকবে। ককন্তু brain এর সাবথ communication নাই। োই local reflex এর মাধ্যবম micturition
3. Infrasacral Lesion
- Atonic Bladder/Autonomous bladder
- Denervation of both afferent & efferent supply to bladder
- Bladder tone flaccid
- Increased bladder capacity & PVR urine
- No bladder reflex acitvity
- Infection rate is high
- Overflow incontinence, no urgency
- Cause: Cauda equina syndrome, conus medularis, spinal shock
*কারন bladder এর সাবথ অনয কাবরা সম্পকয নাই*
Neurology: A Queen Square Textbook
Functional Classification
1. Failure to store:
- Overactive bladder(OAB)
- UMN bladder
- Voiding is unpredictable & incomplete
- Symptoms: Urgency, Frequency, Urgency incontinence,
Braddom+Board review
2. Failure to empty:
- Urinary retention
- LMN bladder
- Fills without emptying
- Symptoms: Hesitancy, feeling of incomplete voiding,
straining, double voiding
Lesion involving afferent sensory neurons:
• Sensory neurogenic bladder
• Impaired bladder sensation
• Initiation of micturition is possible
• If bladder not voided at timely basis--- overdistended bladder
• Bulbocavernosus & anal reflexes are absent
• Cause: tabes dorsalis, neuropathies mainly small fibers-DM,
Lesion involving efferent motor neurons:
• Motor paralytic bladder
• Bladder tone flaccid, sensory intact
• C/O painful retention of urine
• Inability to initiate or maintain micturition
• Bulbocavernosus & anal reflexes are absent
• Cause: Extensive pelvic surgery or trauma, Lumbosacral
NLUTD symptoms
Voiding Symptoms:
- Hesitancy
- Slow Stream
- Straining to void
- Terminal dribbling
- Feeling of incomplete emptying
Storage symptoms:
- Frequency
- Urgency
- Urge incontinence
- Nocturia
Urodynamic terminology
Frequency: Failure bladder storage function leads to frequency
of micturition
Urgency: Sudden, strong desire to void urine
Urge incontinence: Sudden & involuntary loss of urine
Nocturia: Interruption of sleep by urge to void
Braddom+Baily& Love
Hesitency: Difficulty to initiate micturation
Urinary retention: It is the inability of the urinary bladder to
empty. cause may be neurogenic or non neurogenic
Hesitancy: Difficulty in initiating voiding
Detrusor–Sphincter Dyssynergia(DSD)
• Loss of the coordinating control of the pontine micturition center
• Lesion in suprasacral Spinal cord injury (SCI)
• Detrusor contraction and sphincter relaxation are not coordinated
• Spastic bladder will often try to empty against a closed sphincter
• This manifests as both urgency and an inability to pass urine
• Resultant incomplete bladder emptying predisposes to urinary
Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine+ Braddom
Diagnostic testing for Neurogenic Bladder
Upper Tract Tests
1. Ultrasonography
2. Plain radiography of the urinary tract: KUB
3. Computed tomography
4. Excretory Urography or CT Urogram
5. Creatinine clearance Time
6. Isotope studies
Lower Tract Tests
1. Urinalysis, culture and sensitivity testing
2. Postvoid Residual(PVR)
3. Cystography
4. Urodynamics
5. Urethral Pressure profiles
6. Sphincter Electromyography
7. Videourodynamics/ Flurourodynamics
8. Cystoscopy
• low-risk and relatively low-cost test for routine evaluation and
easy for the patient. It is not
• Sensitive enough to evaluate acute ureteral obstruction
• Adequate for imaging chronic obstruction and dilation,
scarring, renal masses (both cystic and solid), and renal
• The bladder, unless empty, can be evaluated for wall thickness,
Plain radiography of the urinary tract: KUB
• A kidneys, ureters, and bladder (KUB) study is often
combined with US to identify any possible radiopaque calculi
in the ureter or bladder stones not seen on US
Computed tomography
• Performed without contrast enhancement
• Replaced KUB, US, and excretory urography in the evaluation
of the upper tracts when acute obstruction from stones is a
• Most sensitive study for detecting small bladder stones in
patients with an indwelling catheter in whom the bladder is
collapsed around the catheter
Excretory Urography or CT Urogram
• With a delayed phase, A CT without/with contrast, has
replaced the excretory urogram now called a “CT-urogram” or
• The “gold standard” for the work-up of patients with
asymptomatic microscopic hematuria
• Imaging choices should be made in the context of results of a
formal microscopic urine analysis
Alternative studies include US, radioisotope renography, and
possibly cystoscopy should be done if there is –
• serum creatinine conc. is > 1.5 mg/dL
• The patient has insulin-dependent diabetes
• intravenous contrast agent administration increases the risk of
contrast-related nephropathy
Creatinine clearance Time
• Gold standard for assessing renal function and is said to
approximate GFR
• Accuracy depends on meticulous urine collection
• Because of such limitations, more endogenous markers of
GFR are being increasingly studied. e.g. serum cystatin C
Isotope studies
• Technetium-99m dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scan is
still the best study for both differential function and evaluation of
the functioning areas of the renal cortex.
• The renogram obtained with technetium-99m mertiatide (MAG-3) also
gives information on urinary tract drainage, as well as a good assessment of
differential function
Lower Tract Tests
Urinalysis, culture and sensitivity testing
• Done routinely for all patients with NLUTD and should be repeated as
often as necessary or at the very least at routine follow-up annually.
• Recommended before invasive procedures in cases of suspected UTI or
with new lower urinary tract symptoms such as incontinence, frequency
• Recommended In persons with SCI who lack sensation, UTI symptoms
may also include increased spasticity or autonomic dysreflexia (AD).
Postvoid Residual(PVR)
• The PVR is simple to determine and clinically useful
• PVRs can vary throughout the day
• A catheter insertion has been used for PVR in the past, but
there are now simple US machines that noninvasively obtain
the PVR.
• A low (<20% of bladder capacity) PVR is not by itself
indicative of a safe bladder because high intravesical
pressures can be present despite low PVR values.
• Usually performed to test for the presence or absence of
ureteral reflux, and it also shows the outline and shape of the
• Findings suggestive of increased bladder pressure, such as
diverticuli or an irregular bladder contour due to trabeculation
can be observed.
• It does not provide information about bladder pressure
corresponding to reflux; for this, urodynamic testing is needed
Urodynamic Evaluation/Study
• Pressure-flow study of lower urinary tract function with or
without the use of fluoroscopy (video urodynamics)
• Gold standard for the evaluation of lower urinary tract function
• Evaluates two phases of bladder function: filling (storage) and
voiding (emptying)
Procedure requires-
- Insertion of a catheter into the bladder
- Second catheter to measure abdominal pressures into the
- Needle electrode for sphincter EMG
- Uroflowmeter
- Video fluroscopy (+/-)
Filling phase metrics with Urdodynamic testing-
- Bladder capacity
- Bladder sensation:
- Bladder wall complience:
- Presence of involuntary contraction
Voiding phase provides information about-
- Bladder contractility
- Urinary flow rate
- Urethral sphincter activity,
- Characterization of possible bladder outlet obstruction.
Sphincter Electromyography
• Sphincter EMG can be combined with the cystometrogram (CMG) or
preferably with a full multichannel videourodynamic study
• Recordings have been made with a variety of electrodes (monopolar,
coaxial needle, and surface electrodes) from the levator, perianal, or
periurethral muscles
• Normally, EMG activity gradually increases as bladder capacity is reached
during bladder filling and then becomes silent just before voiding
• Low levels of EMG activity with no recruitment during filling are a
common pattern in complete SCI
• Routine indication for cystoscopy is the presence of along-term indwelling
suprapubic or urethral catheter because the presence of the catheter
increases the risk for bladder tumor
• Often a noncontrast CT is the only study that will pick up small bladder
stones, especially if the bladder is collapsed around an indwelling catheter.
• Repeated lower tract infections can be an indication for cystoscopy and can
reveal nonopaque foreign bodies, such as hairs, that have been introduced
by catheterization
1. Braddom's physical medicine and rehabilitation 6th edition
2. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review, 4th Edition
3. krusen's handbook of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 4th Edition
4. Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine,23rd Edition
5. BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy. Vol -2
6. Vishram Singh Textbook of Anatomy, 2nd edition
7. Neurology: A Queen Square Textbook, 2nd Edition
8. Bailey and Love’s Practice of Surgery 27th edition
Thanks for your patience listening

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Neurogenic Bladder 1.pptx

  • 1. Neurogenic Bladder -1 Dr. SM Arman Hossain MD Resident (Phase-B) Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation Dhaka Medical College Hospital
  • 2. Introduction The primary functions of the urinary bladder are storage of urine and coordinated emptying Incontinence and urinary retention are common presenting symptoms of bladder dysfunction in patients with neurologic disorders The management of neurogenic bladder dysfunction is too important to be left as a matter for occasional consultation
  • 4. Neuroanatomy of Urinary Bladder..Cont’d BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy
  • 5. Neurophysiology Central pathways • Cortical Micturition centre( paracentral lobule of the frontoparietal cortex) - Inhibits parasympathetic sacral micturition center - Inhibitory to pons - Allows bladder storage • Pontine Micturition center(PMC) - Lateral Region: storage urine - Medial Region: Micturition center - Coordinates bladder contraction and sphincter relaxation (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review)
  • 6. Cont’d.. Peripheral pathways Coordinated by interactions between the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic) and somatic nervous System • Sympathetic nervous system- urine storage • Parasympathetic nervous system- urine release. *Sympathetic for “S”torage & Parasympathetic for “P”ee
  • 7. Cont’d.. Parasympathetic Origin: intermediolateral gray matter at S2–S4 levels Course: Travel through pelvic nerves to parasympathetic receptors of detrusor muscle Function: Stimulation of cholinergic receptors Result: Bladder contraction & emptying
  • 8. Cont’d.. • Sympathetic Origin: Intermediolateral gray matter from T11–L2 Course: Travel through hypogastric nerves to α-1 and ß-2 adrenergic receptors within the bladder and urethra Function: Stimulation of ß-3 adrenergic receptors within the body of the bladder causes smooth muscle relaxation (compliance) stimulation of α-1 adrenergic receptors within the base of the bladder/prostatic urethra causes smooth muscle contraction (increase outlet resistance) Result: urine storage
  • 9. Cont’d.. • Somatic efferents fibers o Origin: Pudendal nucleus of sacral segments (S2–S4) o Course: Travel through pudendal nerve to innervate striated muscle of external urethral sphincter. o Function: Voluntary contraction of external urethral sphincter o Result: prevents leakage or emptying
  • 10. Cont’d.. • Somatic afferent fibers: o Origin: Detrusor muscle stretch receptors, external anal and urethral sphincters, perineum, genitalia. o Course: Travel through the pelvic and pudendal nerves to the sacral cord. o Function: - Myelinated A-delta fibers respond to bladder distention stimulating parasympathetic emptying of bladder. - Unmyelinated C-fibers are silent and not essential for normal Voiding o Result : Voiding of the bladder
  • 11. Cont’d.. Urethral sphincters • Internal sphincter: - Mostly innervated by T11–L2 hypogastric nerve (sympathetic) - Under control of autonomic system; large number of alpha- adrenergic receptors - Contracts sphincter for storage - Smooth muscle, involuntary • External sphincter: - Innervated by pudendal nerve (S2–S4) - Prevents leakage or emptying - Skeletal muscle, voluntary
  • 12. Neuropharmacology Receptors of urinary bladder Cholinergic muscarinic receptors (M3) Located within the bladder wall, trigone, bladder neck, and urethra. Ach binds to M3 receptors to cause contraction • Beta-3 adrenergic receptors: Concentrated in the body of the bladder, also some in bladder neck.Norepinephrine (NE) binds to beta-adrenergic receptors to cause relaxation • Alpha-1 adrenergic receptors: Located within the base of the bladder and prostatic urethra NE binds to alpha-1 adrenergic receptors to cause contraction
  • 13. Cont’d…. krusen's handbook of physical medicine and rehabilitation
  • 15. Micturation reflex Micturation reflex: It is a spinal reflex facilitated & inhibited by higher brain canters to void urine from urinary bladder.(Guyton & Hall). Pathways- Filling of urinary bladder Stimulation of stretch receptor Afferent impulses pass via pelvic nerve Sacral segment of spinal cord Efferent impulses via pelvic nerve Contraction of detrusor muscle & relaxation of internal sphincter
  • 16. Cont’d… Flow of urine into urethrae & stimulation of stretch receptor Afferent impulses via pelvic narve Inhibition of pudendal nerve Relaxation of external sphincter Voiding of urine (Ref: Sembulingam 7th edition)
  • 17. Normal Voiding • First sensation- 100 ml to 200ml of urine • Sensation of fullness- 300 to 400 ml • sphincter remains contracted through a primitive reflex known as the holding reflex • Sensation of Urgency- 400 to 500ml • Normal Bladder capacity- 400 to 700 ml krusen's handbook of physical medicine and rehabilitation
  • 18. Cont’d.. • During emptying: The periurethral striated sphincter is relaxed, At the same time, the bladder neck will relax • The detrusor muscle of the dome of the bladder contracts • voiding takes place • This extraordinarily well-coordinated process requires perfect synergy between the sympathetic, parasympathetic, and somatic nerve supplies
  • 19. Neurogenic bladder • Neurogenic bladder is defined as bladder dysfunction resulting from a central or peripheral neurologic insult • Possible symptoms include urinary incontinence, urgency, nocturia, straining, incomplete voiding, and urinary retention
  • 20. Anatomical Classification Anatomical Classification of Neurogenic bladder 1. Supraspinal 2. Suprasacral 3. Infrasacral Braddom's physical medicine and rehabilitation
  • 21. Cont’d… 1. Supraspinal lesion - Uninhibited bladder - Lesion of CNS involving area above Pons - Micturition is usually precipitous & complete - Absent Post void residual (PVR) urine - Normal Sensation of bladder filling - Cause: CVA, frontal tumors, parasagital meningioma,PD *Local reflex ঠিক থাকবে। signal---- cerebral cortex পর্যন্ত র্াবে। ককন্তু pons এর micturition center কক inhibit করবে পাবর না।* Braddom+krusen+Board review+queen’s neurology
  • 22. Cont’d… 2. Suprasacral lesion - Automatic Bladder/Reflex neurogenic bladder - Inability to initiate voluntary micturition - Detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia is a rule - Bladder tone increased, capacity reduced - Small residual volume - Cause: Compressive myelopathy, Spinal cord trauma syringomyelia *Local reflex ঠিক থাকবে। ককন্তু brain এর সাবথ communication নাই। োই local reflex এর মাধ্যবম micturition হবে*
  • 23. Cont’d… 3. Infrasacral Lesion - Atonic Bladder/Autonomous bladder - Denervation of both afferent & efferent supply to bladder - Bladder tone flaccid - Increased bladder capacity & PVR urine - No bladder reflex acitvity - Infection rate is high - Overflow incontinence, no urgency - Cause: Cauda equina syndrome, conus medularis, spinal shock *কারন bladder এর সাবথ অনয কাবরা সম্পকয নাই*
  • 25. Functional Classification 1. Failure to store: - Overactive bladder(OAB) - UMN bladder - Voiding is unpredictable & incomplete - Symptoms: Urgency, Frequency, Urgency incontinence, nocturia Braddom+Board review
  • 26. Cont’d… 2. Failure to empty: - Urinary retention - LMN bladder - Fills without emptying - Symptoms: Hesitancy, feeling of incomplete voiding, straining, double voiding
  • 29. Cont’d… Lesion involving afferent sensory neurons: • Sensory neurogenic bladder • Impaired bladder sensation • Initiation of micturition is possible • If bladder not voided at timely basis--- overdistended bladder • Bulbocavernosus & anal reflexes are absent • Cause: tabes dorsalis, neuropathies mainly small fibers-DM, amyloidosis
  • 30. Cont’d… Lesion involving efferent motor neurons: • Motor paralytic bladder • Bladder tone flaccid, sensory intact • C/O painful retention of urine • Inability to initiate or maintain micturition • Bulbocavernosus & anal reflexes are absent • Cause: Extensive pelvic surgery or trauma, Lumbosacral meningomyelocele
  • 31. NLUTD symptoms Voiding Symptoms: - Hesitancy - Slow Stream - Straining to void - Terminal dribbling - Feeling of incomplete emptying Storage symptoms: - Frequency - Urgency - Urge incontinence - Nocturia
  • 32. Urodynamic terminology Frequency: Failure bladder storage function leads to frequency of micturition Urgency: Sudden, strong desire to void urine Urge incontinence: Sudden & involuntary loss of urine Nocturia: Interruption of sleep by urge to void Braddom+Baily& Love
  • 33. Cont’d… Hesitency: Difficulty to initiate micturation Urinary retention: It is the inability of the urinary bladder to empty. cause may be neurogenic or non neurogenic Hesitancy: Difficulty in initiating voiding
  • 35. Cont’d… Detrusor–Sphincter Dyssynergia(DSD) • Loss of the coordinating control of the pontine micturition center • Lesion in suprasacral Spinal cord injury (SCI) • Detrusor contraction and sphincter relaxation are not coordinated • Spastic bladder will often try to empty against a closed sphincter • This manifests as both urgency and an inability to pass urine • Resultant incomplete bladder emptying predisposes to urinary infection Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine+ Braddom
  • 36. Diagnostic testing for Neurogenic Bladder dysfunction
  • 37. Upper Tract Tests 1. Ultrasonography 2. Plain radiography of the urinary tract: KUB 3. Computed tomography 4. Excretory Urography or CT Urogram 5. Creatinine clearance Time 6. Isotope studies
  • 38. Lower Tract Tests 1. Urinalysis, culture and sensitivity testing 2. Postvoid Residual(PVR) 3. Cystography 4. Urodynamics 5. Urethral Pressure profiles 6. Sphincter Electromyography 7. Videourodynamics/ Flurourodynamics 8. Cystoscopy
  • 39. Ultrasonography • low-risk and relatively low-cost test for routine evaluation and easy for the patient. It is not • Sensitive enough to evaluate acute ureteral obstruction • Adequate for imaging chronic obstruction and dilation, scarring, renal masses (both cystic and solid), and renal stones • The bladder, unless empty, can be evaluated for wall thickness, irregularity
  • 40. Plain radiography of the urinary tract: KUB • A kidneys, ureters, and bladder (KUB) study is often combined with US to identify any possible radiopaque calculi in the ureter or bladder stones not seen on US
  • 41. Computed tomography • Performed without contrast enhancement • Replaced KUB, US, and excretory urography in the evaluation of the upper tracts when acute obstruction from stones is a possibility. • Most sensitive study for detecting small bladder stones in patients with an indwelling catheter in whom the bladder is collapsed around the catheter
  • 42. Excretory Urography or CT Urogram • With a delayed phase, A CT without/with contrast, has replaced the excretory urogram now called a “CT-urogram” or CTU. • The “gold standard” for the work-up of patients with asymptomatic microscopic hematuria • Imaging choices should be made in the context of results of a formal microscopic urine analysis
  • 43. Cont;d… Alternative studies include US, radioisotope renography, and possibly cystoscopy should be done if there is – • serum creatinine conc. is > 1.5 mg/dL • The patient has insulin-dependent diabetes • intravenous contrast agent administration increases the risk of contrast-related nephropathy
  • 44. Creatinine clearance Time • Gold standard for assessing renal function and is said to approximate GFR • Accuracy depends on meticulous urine collection • Because of such limitations, more endogenous markers of GFR are being increasingly studied. e.g. serum cystatin C
  • 45. Isotope studies • Technetium-99m dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scan is still the best study for both differential function and evaluation of the functioning areas of the renal cortex. • The renogram obtained with technetium-99m mertiatide (MAG-3) also gives information on urinary tract drainage, as well as a good assessment of differential function
  • 47. Urinalysis, culture and sensitivity testing • Done routinely for all patients with NLUTD and should be repeated as often as necessary or at the very least at routine follow-up annually. • Recommended before invasive procedures in cases of suspected UTI or with new lower urinary tract symptoms such as incontinence, frequency • Recommended In persons with SCI who lack sensation, UTI symptoms may also include increased spasticity or autonomic dysreflexia (AD).
  • 48. Postvoid Residual(PVR) • The PVR is simple to determine and clinically useful • PVRs can vary throughout the day • A catheter insertion has been used for PVR in the past, but there are now simple US machines that noninvasively obtain the PVR. • A low (<20% of bladder capacity) PVR is not by itself indicative of a safe bladder because high intravesical pressures can be present despite low PVR values.
  • 49. Cystography • Usually performed to test for the presence or absence of ureteral reflux, and it also shows the outline and shape of the bladder. • Findings suggestive of increased bladder pressure, such as diverticuli or an irregular bladder contour due to trabeculation can be observed. • It does not provide information about bladder pressure corresponding to reflux; for this, urodynamic testing is needed
  • 50. Urodynamic Evaluation/Study • Pressure-flow study of lower urinary tract function with or without the use of fluoroscopy (video urodynamics) • Gold standard for the evaluation of lower urinary tract function • Evaluates two phases of bladder function: filling (storage) and voiding (emptying)
  • 51. Cont’d… Procedure requires- - Insertion of a catheter into the bladder - Second catheter to measure abdominal pressures into the rectum - Needle electrode for sphincter EMG - Uroflowmeter - Video fluroscopy (+/-)
  • 54. Cont’d… Filling phase metrics with Urdodynamic testing- - Bladder capacity - Bladder sensation: - Bladder wall complience: - Presence of involuntary contraction Voiding phase provides information about- - Bladder contractility - Urinary flow rate - Urethral sphincter activity, - Characterization of possible bladder outlet obstruction.
  • 55. Sphincter Electromyography • Sphincter EMG can be combined with the cystometrogram (CMG) or preferably with a full multichannel videourodynamic study • Recordings have been made with a variety of electrodes (monopolar, coaxial needle, and surface electrodes) from the levator, perianal, or periurethral muscles • Normally, EMG activity gradually increases as bladder capacity is reached during bladder filling and then becomes silent just before voiding • Low levels of EMG activity with no recruitment during filling are a common pattern in complete SCI
  • 57. Cystoscopy • Routine indication for cystoscopy is the presence of along-term indwelling suprapubic or urethral catheter because the presence of the catheter increases the risk for bladder tumor • Often a noncontrast CT is the only study that will pick up small bladder stones, especially if the bladder is collapsed around an indwelling catheter. • Repeated lower tract infections can be an indication for cystoscopy and can reveal nonopaque foreign bodies, such as hairs, that have been introduced by catheterization
  • 58. References 1. Braddom's physical medicine and rehabilitation 6th edition 2. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Review, 4th Edition 3. krusen's handbook of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 4th Edition 4. Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine,23rd Edition 5. BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy. Vol -2 6. Vishram Singh Textbook of Anatomy, 2nd edition 7. Neurology: A Queen Square Textbook, 2nd Edition 8. Bailey and Love’s Practice of Surgery 27th edition 9.
  • 59. Thanks for your patience listening