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Nancy S. Sidebotham 
1. Please state your position on the following November ballot 
measures along with a brief (No more than a 30 
word) statement supporting your position. 
Measure Z: Public Safety (Parcel tax for police, fire and violence prevention 
I am an opponent of Measure Z. Having a set number for officers and 
money coming out of the general fund to cover any possible shortages is a 
Measure CC: Public Ethics (Restructuring of Public Ethics 
Commission and mandatory funding for its staff) 
I am an opponent because it needs to be strengthened; the language is 
weak and it still gives too much control to the Administrator and politicians. 
Measure DD: Redistricting (Citizens’ redistricting commission for City 
Council boundaries) 
No real position on this measure; can be subject to abuse. 
2. As of May 31st, OPD had 649 sworn police personnel, and 
projected it would have 681 by July and 716 by December 2014. 63 
of these officers are funded by Measure Y which expires at the end of this 
year; 35 by Federal grants, which, if not renewed, will expire next 
year. If the voters elect you in November, how many police will Oakland 
have at 
the end of 2018? 
If you plan to either maintain current levels or increase them, describe 
how you will fund police (a) if Measure Z succeeds and if it 
fails; (b) if current grants for police are renewed or replaced and if 
they are not. 
This question has to be carefully considered because of the way it is 
crafted. The question should not just focus on the numbers, but should also 
consider OPD leadership and officer morale. OPD ideally should have 1100
but let's start with 900. OPD officers should be able to protect and serve its 
citizens and do it without input from individuals who have no law 
enforcement experience. It's the input from non experienced individuals 
that has caused the department to be ran inefficiently and created low staff 
morale. OPD has superb officers and their skills are not being used that 
would benefit citizens. If there was a strategic plan in place to find the most 
effective way to use officers, the opportunity to move from under federal 
oversight would occur quicker. 
3. OPD’s difficulty in achieving the authorized sworn staffing level 
appears to be exacerbated by high attrition and low morale, as shown 
by the department’s internal polling ( 
and it’s loss of officers only months after they complete 
their training. How will you solve OPD’s attrition and morale 
Improving officer morale is not solely the responsibility of the 
Mayor. Officers need to be given the opportunity to perform the job they 
were sworn to do, receive support from the citizens they serve and 
eliminate the oversight of the federal monitors. Officers are being 
reprimanded for minor infractions that can be changed through improved 
training not days off. The mandatory OT also needs to be eliminated. This 
is having an impact on personal lives and hampers them from effectively 
doing their job. 
4. OPD has been under Federal Court supervision for close to twelve 
years. While Oaklanders have repeatedly been told that the end is in 
sight, in late July, Judge Henderson stated that Oakland’s disciplinary 
processes have violated Court orders, and that continuing the same 
practices will 
"undermine any confidence in the sustainability of the reforms that have 
been and continue to be achieved." Then, on August 14, the Judge 
the City’s recent inability to sustain through arbitration an officer 
termination in connection with response to the Occupy Oakland protests. 
(Source: The Court opined that Oakland could not be in
with two NSA tasks if internal investigations were inadequate and 
“discipline is 
not consistently imposed.” Many people believe the Monitor has repeatedly 
imposed requirements on Oakland that far exceed the literal requirements 
of the 
NSA, and that as a result of the Monitor’s shifting standards, Oakland may 
never be able to extricate itself from Court supervision. As Mayor, to 
what extent would you be prepared to oppose continued and changing 
from the Monitor, and what is your plan to end the era of Court 
Judge Henderson has to carefully weigh information presented to him by 
the monitors. While several residents are obtaining their information from 
the media, careful consideration should be used in regards to why the 
arbitrator opted to make the decision he did. The facts are not entirely 
known. Personnel matters are generally as a rule confidential and personal 
in nature. There are a lot of emotions and thoughts involved with the NSA 
agreement but if elected officials and others would allow Judge Henderson 
to complete his task despite some of the unpopular decisions he has made, 
OPD could move out from under the NSA quicker. 
5. According to the Public Works Department, Oakland is on an 85-year 
repaving schedule, meaning a street that is repaved today won’t be 
repaved again for 
85 years. Further, according to Public Works, maintaining the existing 
condition on Oakland’s streets would require an estimated $28 million 
annually, while the amount allocated annually has been less than $6 
million in 
recent years. Sixty percent of the City’s curb ramps are non-compliant or 
non-existent. The total needed to rehabilitate Oakland streets is over $435 
How do you plan to reverse the ongoing deterioration of our streets and 
sidewalks? If you are elected, when will Oaklanders see a difference? 
Ramps are done today on an application or complaint driven scenario. 
Again the decision to improve deteriorating streets does not rest solely on 
the Mayor. This requires ongoing communication with the Public Works
Director who should be able to assess streets that require immediate 
attention. If there is a process in place to repave the streets every 85 years, 
it is time to review the current system and change it. Most things that are 
considered broken should involve everyone impacted. Individuals 
overseeing Oakland's key agencies need to be less reactive to the 
situations based on what is printed in the media, be more fiscally 
responsible and have strategic plans in place to address infrastructure 
problems. Top management also needs to determine what's a key priority 
in the City. A deteriorating infrastructure is a public safety 
issue. Developers should also contribute funds to upgrading streets, 
improve lighting and provide open space. 
6. The extent to which the City faces 
unfunded liabilities and what should be done about them has been a 
contentious issue in 
recent years. As recently as last December, the City 
Administrator projected that for the three fiscal years 
beginning July 1, 2015, Oakland faces all-funds budget structural shortfalls 
totaling $795 million if it addresses its deferred capital expenses and 
liabilities, and $342 million if it does not (Source: December 
12, 2013 Update to Five-Year Financial Forecast, Attachment 
D, Do you believe 
Oakland faces a financial shortfall, and if so, 
how will you address it if elected in November? 
Oakland faces a financial shortfall due to bad investments, poor spending 
decisions and questionable deals. A lot of individuals perceive pensions as 
unfunded liabilities, but so is the Raider's deal, needed capital 
improvements, infrastructure and more. Employees helped the City for (3) 
years while it dug itself out of a financial hole and then rewarded faithful 
employees by issuing pink slips and laying off 800 workers. The City 
cannot continue to hold itself up financially through bond measures. 
Council members need to get a better grasp of the budget so the right fiscal 
decisions can be made. Catering to special interest groups is not fiscally 
responsible and only makes Oakland look like a "cash cow." The City and 
labor unions need to work together to develop a plan to make Oakland a 
fiscally strong City.
7. Operation Ceasefire has been described 
as the centerpiece of Oakland’s violent crime reduction effort. We 
that funding for its manager has been dependent on grant funding and that 
is an insufficient number of case managers to maximize Ceasefire’s 
Do you plan to expand Operation Ceasefire? In what respect? Where 
specifically do you intend to allocate resources and staffing? 
Ceasefire is a good program and effective in other cities (Boston, New 
Orleans) but not well thought out in Oakland. It seems Oakland rushed to 
put forth a program in order to reduce the problem of violent crimes. There 
is not a strong commitment from all the needed agencies and the funding 
source is a challenge for a City that relies too heavily on one source, Real 
Estate Transfer Tax. The politics also need to be removed because 
criminals will not take this program seriously until that occurs. 
8. What is your understanding of the relative responsibilities of 
the Mayor and City Administrator as established in the Charter? What are 
duties of each? What is the Council’s responsibility in this regard? 
What the Charter states and what is actually being done are 
2 different things. The mayor is the figure head of the City (similar to the 
answers to the residents and hires and fires department 
heads with consent and vote of the Council. The mayor is supposed 
to have (4) town hall meetings a year. The City Administrator, under the 
direction of the Mayor, 
runs the City and directs department heads. Council is the 
legislative branch and is supposed to direct all concerns to 
the City Administrators office. 
9. If the voters elect you in November, will Oaklanders see
changes in the following from City Government? If so, what changes and 
Leadership: Yes the micro managing of department Heads 
will be eliminated. Hire individuals in management positions that have 
the required credentials to perform their jobs. 
Management: That is the purview of the City Administrator who has 
oversight of department heads. 
Strategic Planning: There have been enough plans written with little to no 
results and money wasted that could have funded more viable 
projects. Review previous plans never implemented and stop reinventing 
the wheel. Answers to a lot of Oakland's problems are already in existence, 
they are just ignored.; 
City Hall will be open to the public; transparency is the key. 
10. In 2012-2013, Oakland contracted with Strategic Policy Partners 
(Robert Wasserman et al) to present a comprehensive public safety plan. 
Strategic Policy Partners made a large number of recommendations, 
some of 
which have been implemented and some of which have not. (The reports 
t) If the voters elect you in November, please state whether Oakland will 
implement the following recommendations 
(We are looking for a “yes” or “no” answer as to each recommendation, 
with explanatory 
narrative not exceeding 25 words for each recommendation): 
Yes, I would hire a Chief respected by the Rank 
and File and let the Chief follow up on recommendations 
previously suggested. 
Call for Service Reduction strategy. That will be up to the 
Chief. Expand the investigation capacity in each of the City’s 5 
police districts so that each district has an investigative sergeant, 3 
investigators, and 3 to 5 police officers.
YES if the numbers substantiate the deployment. 
Increase sworn police personnel to a ratio of 2 officers for every 1,000 in 
the population (i.e., 800). 
YES hopefully more with proper leadership! 
Expansion of the Ceasefire initiative. 
YES if there is assurance all the required resources are part of the 
Redesign the Community Policing program so the entire police department, 
not just PSOs, are focused on building community relationships. This was 
derailed under the previous command structure (pre Batts). 
YES, this is how it should be. Measurement of the state of community / 
relations. I love statistics. 
NO to moving restorative justice practices into the 
community to address neighborhood disorder and minor 
YES. We definitely need social workers to replace 
parents! Schools might then have the ability to teach and 
teachers can stop being glorified babysitters. 
NO to appointing a Director of Community Improvement who will 
be responsible for coordinating collaborative action by 
city agencies, community groups and state and federal partners to 
address both quality of life issues and crime. What is currently in place 
works well if the City 
will allow it to operate in a manner that was effective many years ago. The 
staff is well trained and effective in the work they perform. The continuous 
interference gives the perception collaboration does not work. The 
perception is incorrect. 
NO We already have that with the CPAB 
Security Ambassadors into the crime reduction strategic 
plan and requiring advanced training to those who patrol the downtown 
They are active and have the ability to intervene in minor situations that 
impact public security. The question that should be asked is, who is going 
to pay for this? If we are 
asking individuals to volunteer then by all means full speed ahead! 
YES if there are volunteers! 
11. In early 2010, Oakland’s Finance and Management Committee 
received a presentation from staff and visiting personnel from the City of 
concerning CitiStat, a leadership strategy a mayor can employ to 
mobilize city agencies to produce specific results. (More information is at CitiStat involves use of a round-the-clock 311 
reporting system for any request for city services other than policing. It 
data in a manner similar to ComStat. High level city management uses the 
311-generated data and benchmarks and regular meetings to hold 
accountable, judge successes and failure, reveal what agencies are doing 
not doing to achieve benchmarks and provide the best possible services to 
residents. Explain your familiarity with CitiStat and whether you believe 
a program can and should be implemented in Oakland. If you do not 
believe it should be implemented in the near future, explain why. If you 
think it should, explain what you will do to implement it and when this will 
Oakland does not need to go outside itself for programs such as 
Citistat. This is another program that requires funding. Where would the 
funding come from? What works on the east coast does not necessarily 
work on the west coast. The funding streams are different as well as the 
laws. It would be more logical to look at cities closer to Oakland and study 
them more thoroughly. Oakland has the expertise on hand that is 
consistently overlooked because individuals in upper management do not 
trust or believe in their staff. Before bringing programs into a City that has 
challenges with its revenue stream, survey the staff and ask their opinion. 
The knowledge that city staff has is unbelievable;however it continues to 
remain untapped. So whether I know or don’t know what this program is,
we need to fix what is broken in Oakland. This can be done by talking to 
staff in the field performing the work. 
12. Oakland has room to improve its policies in the areas of crime 
reduction, budget processes, street maintenance, and economic 
What cities can Oakland learn from, and adopt or emulate policies from 
respect to these subjects? What policies from other cities would benefit 
NONE. Oakland in the past was the city to emulate. That is no longer the 
case, Funding is needed and the City already has employees who are loyal 
to Oakland and good at their jobs. 
13. Do you support the following policies and, briefly, why or why 
A. Creation by Charter amendment of a Rainy day fund as 
recommended by MOBN. 
A rainy day fund would not work well for a City that is not fiscally sound and 
suffers from infrastructure and capital improvement problems. Look at 
ways to improve and maintain the revenue stream. A rainy day fund should 
be revisited when the City is more financially stable. 
B. Annual polling of city residents on their satisfaction with city services? 
With 800 employees laid off in the last (3) years, the polling will probably 
show dissatisfaction with City services. The focus should be on what can 
citizens do to assist in making City services more effective; Limited staffing 
means limited services. 
C. Conducting a police resource deployment study to determine the 
number of 
officers actually need by OPD and how they should be deployed? 
No more studies should be conducted regarding the number of officers 
needed. The focus should be on the process for paying for more officers 
and how to use current officers in a more effective manner. Until the money
issue is resolved, a deployment study is a waste of time and money. 
D. Will you support the preparation of a comprehensive public safety 
Only if it encompasses all of public safety and not just fire and police. It 
should also include key stakeholders which does not include politicians or 
individuals reaping financial benefits from the City.. 
Nancy S. Sidebotham 
Candidate for Mayor, 11/04/14 
Tax Preparer 
Beat 29X NCPC Chair 
510 635-2678

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Nancy sidebotham questionnaire responses

  • 1. Nancy S. Sidebotham 1. Please state your position on the following November ballot measures along with a brief (No more than a 30 word) statement supporting your position. Measure Z: Public Safety (Parcel tax for police, fire and violence prevention programs) I am an opponent of Measure Z. Having a set number for officers and money coming out of the general fund to cover any possible shortages is a concern. Measure CC: Public Ethics (Restructuring of Public Ethics Commission and mandatory funding for its staff) I am an opponent because it needs to be strengthened; the language is weak and it still gives too much control to the Administrator and politicians. Measure DD: Redistricting (Citizens’ redistricting commission for City Council boundaries) No real position on this measure; can be subject to abuse. 2. As of May 31st, OPD had 649 sworn police personnel, and projected it would have 681 by July and 716 by December 2014. 63 of these officers are funded by Measure Y which expires at the end of this year; 35 by Federal grants, which, if not renewed, will expire next year. If the voters elect you in November, how many police will Oakland have at the end of 2018? If you plan to either maintain current levels or increase them, describe how you will fund police (a) if Measure Z succeeds and if it fails; (b) if current grants for police are renewed or replaced and if they are not. This question has to be carefully considered because of the way it is crafted. The question should not just focus on the numbers, but should also consider OPD leadership and officer morale. OPD ideally should have 1100
  • 2. but let's start with 900. OPD officers should be able to protect and serve its citizens and do it without input from individuals who have no law enforcement experience. It's the input from non experienced individuals that has caused the department to be ran inefficiently and created low staff morale. OPD has superb officers and their skills are not being used that would benefit citizens. If there was a strategic plan in place to find the most effective way to use officers, the opportunity to move from under federal oversight would occur quicker. 3. OPD’s difficulty in achieving the authorized sworn staffing level appears to be exacerbated by high attrition and low morale, as shown by the department’s internal polling ( and it’s loss of officers only months after they complete their training. How will you solve OPD’s attrition and morale problems? Improving officer morale is not solely the responsibility of the Mayor. Officers need to be given the opportunity to perform the job they were sworn to do, receive support from the citizens they serve and eliminate the oversight of the federal monitors. Officers are being reprimanded for minor infractions that can be changed through improved training not days off. The mandatory OT also needs to be eliminated. This is having an impact on personal lives and hampers them from effectively doing their job. 4. OPD has been under Federal Court supervision for close to twelve years. While Oaklanders have repeatedly been told that the end is in sight, in late July, Judge Henderson stated that Oakland’s disciplinary processes have violated Court orders, and that continuing the same practices will "undermine any confidence in the sustainability of the reforms that have been and continue to be achieved." Then, on August 14, the Judge criticized the City’s recent inability to sustain through arbitration an officer termination in connection with response to the Occupy Oakland protests. (Source: The Court opined that Oakland could not be in
  • 3. compliance with two NSA tasks if internal investigations were inadequate and “discipline is not consistently imposed.” Many people believe the Monitor has repeatedly imposed requirements on Oakland that far exceed the literal requirements of the NSA, and that as a result of the Monitor’s shifting standards, Oakland may never be able to extricate itself from Court supervision. As Mayor, to what extent would you be prepared to oppose continued and changing demands from the Monitor, and what is your plan to end the era of Court supervision? Judge Henderson has to carefully weigh information presented to him by the monitors. While several residents are obtaining their information from the media, careful consideration should be used in regards to why the arbitrator opted to make the decision he did. The facts are not entirely known. Personnel matters are generally as a rule confidential and personal in nature. There are a lot of emotions and thoughts involved with the NSA agreement but if elected officials and others would allow Judge Henderson to complete his task despite some of the unpopular decisions he has made, OPD could move out from under the NSA quicker. 5. According to the Public Works Department, Oakland is on an 85-year repaving schedule, meaning a street that is repaved today won’t be repaved again for 85 years. Further, according to Public Works, maintaining the existing pavement condition on Oakland’s streets would require an estimated $28 million annually, while the amount allocated annually has been less than $6 million in recent years. Sixty percent of the City’s curb ramps are non-compliant or non-existent. The total needed to rehabilitate Oakland streets is over $435 million. How do you plan to reverse the ongoing deterioration of our streets and sidewalks? If you are elected, when will Oaklanders see a difference? Ramps are done today on an application or complaint driven scenario. Again the decision to improve deteriorating streets does not rest solely on the Mayor. This requires ongoing communication with the Public Works
  • 4. Director who should be able to assess streets that require immediate attention. If there is a process in place to repave the streets every 85 years, it is time to review the current system and change it. Most things that are considered broken should involve everyone impacted. Individuals overseeing Oakland's key agencies need to be less reactive to the situations based on what is printed in the media, be more fiscally responsible and have strategic plans in place to address infrastructure problems. Top management also needs to determine what's a key priority in the City. A deteriorating infrastructure is a public safety issue. Developers should also contribute funds to upgrading streets, improve lighting and provide open space. 6. The extent to which the City faces unfunded liabilities and what should be done about them has been a contentious issue in recent years. As recently as last December, the City Administrator projected that for the three fiscal years beginning July 1, 2015, Oakland faces all-funds budget structural shortfalls totaling $795 million if it addresses its deferred capital expenses and deferred liabilities, and $342 million if it does not (Source: December 12, 2013 Update to Five-Year Financial Forecast, Attachment D, Do you believe Oakland faces a financial shortfall, and if so, how will you address it if elected in November? Oakland faces a financial shortfall due to bad investments, poor spending decisions and questionable deals. A lot of individuals perceive pensions as unfunded liabilities, but so is the Raider's deal, needed capital improvements, infrastructure and more. Employees helped the City for (3) years while it dug itself out of a financial hole and then rewarded faithful employees by issuing pink slips and laying off 800 workers. The City cannot continue to hold itself up financially through bond measures. Council members need to get a better grasp of the budget so the right fiscal decisions can be made. Catering to special interest groups is not fiscally responsible and only makes Oakland look like a "cash cow." The City and labor unions need to work together to develop a plan to make Oakland a fiscally strong City.
  • 5. 7. Operation Ceasefire has been described as the centerpiece of Oakland’s violent crime reduction effort. We understand that funding for its manager has been dependent on grant funding and that there is an insufficient number of case managers to maximize Ceasefire’s success. Do you plan to expand Operation Ceasefire? In what respect? Where specifically do you intend to allocate resources and staffing? Ceasefire is a good program and effective in other cities (Boston, New Orleans) but not well thought out in Oakland. It seems Oakland rushed to put forth a program in order to reduce the problem of violent crimes. There is not a strong commitment from all the needed agencies and the funding source is a challenge for a City that relies too heavily on one source, Real Estate Transfer Tax. The politics also need to be removed because criminals will not take this program seriously until that occurs. 8. What is your understanding of the relative responsibilities of the Mayor and City Administrator as established in the Charter? What are the duties of each? What is the Council’s responsibility in this regard? What the Charter states and what is actually being done are 2 different things. The mayor is the figure head of the City (similar to the President), answers to the residents and hires and fires department heads with consent and vote of the Council. The mayor is supposed to have (4) town hall meetings a year. The City Administrator, under the direction of the Mayor, runs the City and directs department heads. Council is the legislative branch and is supposed to direct all concerns to the City Administrators office. 9. If the voters elect you in November, will Oaklanders see
  • 6. changes in the following from City Government? If so, what changes and why?: Leadership: Yes the micro managing of department Heads will be eliminated. Hire individuals in management positions that have the required credentials to perform their jobs. Management: That is the purview of the City Administrator who has oversight of department heads. Strategic Planning: There have been enough plans written with little to no results and money wasted that could have funded more viable projects. Review previous plans never implemented and stop reinventing the wheel. Answers to a lot of Oakland's problems are already in existence, they are just ignored.; City Hall will be open to the public; transparency is the key. 10. In 2012-2013, Oakland contracted with Strategic Policy Partners (Robert Wasserman et al) to present a comprehensive public safety plan. Strategic Policy Partners made a large number of recommendations, some of which have been implemented and some of which have not. (The reports are here:,, t) If the voters elect you in November, please state whether Oakland will implement the following recommendations (We are looking for a “yes” or “no” answer as to each recommendation, with explanatory narrative not exceeding 25 words for each recommendation): Yes, I would hire a Chief respected by the Rank and File and let the Chief follow up on recommendations previously suggested. Call for Service Reduction strategy. That will be up to the Chief. Expand the investigation capacity in each of the City’s 5 police districts so that each district has an investigative sergeant, 3 investigators, and 3 to 5 police officers.
  • 7. YES if the numbers substantiate the deployment. Increase sworn police personnel to a ratio of 2 officers for every 1,000 in the population (i.e., 800). YES hopefully more with proper leadership! Expansion of the Ceasefire initiative. YES if there is assurance all the required resources are part of the initiative. Redesign the Community Policing program so the entire police department, not just PSOs, are focused on building community relationships. This was derailed under the previous command structure (pre Batts). YES, this is how it should be. Measurement of the state of community / police relations. I love statistics. NO to moving restorative justice practices into the community to address neighborhood disorder and minor crimes. YES. We definitely need social workers to replace parents! Schools might then have the ability to teach and teachers can stop being glorified babysitters. NO to appointing a Director of Community Improvement who will be responsible for coordinating collaborative action by city agencies, community groups and state and federal partners to address both quality of life issues and crime. What is currently in place works well if the City will allow it to operate in a manner that was effective many years ago. The staff is well trained and effective in the work they perform. The continuous interference gives the perception collaboration does not work. The perception is incorrect. NO We already have that with the CPAB Security Ambassadors into the crime reduction strategic plan and requiring advanced training to those who patrol the downtown areas,
  • 8. They are active and have the ability to intervene in minor situations that impact public security. The question that should be asked is, who is going to pay for this? If we are asking individuals to volunteer then by all means full speed ahead! YES if there are volunteers! 11. In early 2010, Oakland’s Finance and Management Committee received a presentation from staff and visiting personnel from the City of Baltimore concerning CitiStat, a leadership strategy a mayor can employ to mobilize city agencies to produce specific results. (More information is at CitiStat involves use of a round-the-clock 311 reporting system for any request for city services other than policing. It uses data in a manner similar to ComStat. High level city management uses the 311-generated data and benchmarks and regular meetings to hold departments accountable, judge successes and failure, reveal what agencies are doing and not doing to achieve benchmarks and provide the best possible services to residents. Explain your familiarity with CitiStat and whether you believe such a program can and should be implemented in Oakland. If you do not believe it should be implemented in the near future, explain why. If you think it should, explain what you will do to implement it and when this will be accomplished. Oakland does not need to go outside itself for programs such as Citistat. This is another program that requires funding. Where would the funding come from? What works on the east coast does not necessarily work on the west coast. The funding streams are different as well as the laws. It would be more logical to look at cities closer to Oakland and study them more thoroughly. Oakland has the expertise on hand that is consistently overlooked because individuals in upper management do not trust or believe in their staff. Before bringing programs into a City that has challenges with its revenue stream, survey the staff and ask their opinion. The knowledge that city staff has is unbelievable;however it continues to remain untapped. So whether I know or don’t know what this program is,
  • 9. we need to fix what is broken in Oakland. This can be done by talking to staff in the field performing the work. 12. Oakland has room to improve its policies in the areas of crime reduction, budget processes, street maintenance, and economic maintenance. What cities can Oakland learn from, and adopt or emulate policies from with respect to these subjects? What policies from other cities would benefit Oakland? NONE. Oakland in the past was the city to emulate. That is no longer the case, Funding is needed and the City already has employees who are loyal to Oakland and good at their jobs. 13. Do you support the following policies and, briefly, why or why not? A. Creation by Charter amendment of a Rainy day fund as recommended by MOBN. A rainy day fund would not work well for a City that is not fiscally sound and suffers from infrastructure and capital improvement problems. Look at ways to improve and maintain the revenue stream. A rainy day fund should be revisited when the City is more financially stable. B. Annual polling of city residents on their satisfaction with city services? With 800 employees laid off in the last (3) years, the polling will probably show dissatisfaction with City services. The focus should be on what can citizens do to assist in making City services more effective; Limited staffing means limited services. C. Conducting a police resource deployment study to determine the number of officers actually need by OPD and how they should be deployed? No more studies should be conducted regarding the number of officers needed. The focus should be on the process for paying for more officers and how to use current officers in a more effective manner. Until the money
  • 10. issue is resolved, a deployment study is a waste of time and money. D. Will you support the preparation of a comprehensive public safety plan? Only if it encompasses all of public safety and not just fire and police. It should also include key stakeholders which does not include politicians or individuals reaping financial benefits from the City.. Nancy S. Sidebotham Candidate for Mayor, 11/04/14 Tax Preparer Beat 29X NCPC Chair 510 635-2678