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My Background Identity
Prompt: "Some students have a background, identity, interest or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete
without it. If this sounds like you please share your story."
You rarely meet a person who is truly incredible. This person changes the world because they care so deeply about what they are doing. I was lucky
enough to call this person mom. My mom was a speech pathologist whose sole purpose in life was to help others. She worked with everyone: the
physically disabled, mentally ill and elderly. Not many people have the kindness, patience and dedication to make a difference in the lives of people
with special needs. Her genuine love for people extended to her unconditional love for her family.
She was always there for us, even teaching at our elementary school to be closer to us. When we more content...
My favorite group sings songs from the 1950's at nursing homes. It's such a rewarding experience when a 90 year old lady sings "Hound Dog" and
later tells you she had the biggest crush on Elvis. Due to my mom's love of serving others I understand the importance of community service. I've
volunteered over 200 hours in the past four years, and was recognized by my school with both the IB Caring Award, and two prestigious Keystone
Furthermore, this summer I was selected by the Department of State to be one of sixteen Youth Ambassadors from across the nation to go to Cyprus.
While there I studied numerous environmental issues and felt empowered to improve my community upon my return. Currently, I'm leading two
recycling programs assisted by Duke Energy, one in my school and one on the islands of my local lake. While working on these projects I hear my
mom's favorite saying "always leave a place better than how you found it." I hope these projects I can improve my community and the environment and
leave it better than how I found
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My culture and I
Perhaps the most influential factors which has shaped me into the person Iam today is my culture, and the upbringing of my family. Since my birth,
these factors have strongly influenced my values, norms, and characteristics. I'm raised in a Hispanic household, as most traditional Hispanic
families, my upbringing is strongly family orientated. I was born in small town in Ecuador, and when I was 5 years old, I experienced culture shock
when I moved to America. I was young and didn't understand much, I felt lost and uncertain with the new culture and environment surrounding me.
For a couple of years in grammar school I felt unsettled and iffy on the ''unknown'' culture I was revealed too. This resulted to selective mutism in
grammar school with teachers. I would also struggle doing my homework during grammar school because no one in my household knew English.
Gradually, with the help of my family and my recognition of my capabilities I was able to adapt to my surroundings and overcome my challenges. I've
always had a strong motivation to have a better future, and I knew furthering my education will help me. The personal gain from education is
something that no one can ever take away from you. My parents would always motivate me to work harder and put all my dedication in school. My
education will always come first because no one else is going to give me what education gives you – knowledge and strength in society. My home
country, Ecuador, is an alluring
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Personal Background Essay On Social Work
Personal Background Essay Danielle K. Smithers University of Louisville SW 604 In order to be the most effective social worker we can be, it is
critical to reflect and analyze who we are and what has happened to us in our personal lives. Doing so will help us be mindful of how these things may
impact our work with our clients. The Adverse Childhood Experiences survey is one way of assessing where we may have to start addressing our
personal experiences. Once we are aware of how our experiences impact our work, we can strive to protect our clients, so that we can provide the
quality of services our clients deserve. I am a 26–year–old white female in the middle class. I was raised and lived the first 24 years of my life on Long
Island, New York. I relocated to Charleston, South Carolina, where I currently reside. I am more content...
My ACE score is one, which comes from the fact that my parents were divorced when I was three years old. Consciously I don't think the divorce
had a major impact on me because I was so young at the time and my parents tried hard to make it as smooth as possible for me. However, I wonder
if some aspects of myself, such as my anxiety, were influenced by the divorce. I understand that I am lucky to only have had one of the adverse
childhood experiences, and that my clients are likely to have more ACEs than I do. The negative impact of this is that I have less experience with
these traumas and therefore it may be more difficult to understand my client's perspective. However, I will use this to my advantage, as I don't have
as many ACEs to work through myself. In other words, the positive impact is that I have less personal trauma to put aside and may be more easily
able to work with my clients without my past experiences clouding my
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Personal Statement : My Educational Background
As a child being raised in the corporate auto industry, and an active–duty military wife whose husband is currently serving in his 24th year; I have
moved every two to four years my entire life. I just completing my 22nd move this past year. This constant change has afforded me the ability to learn
to adjust quickly and adapt to new surroundings as well as constantly has exposed me to different cultures, traditions, and customs that I have
cherished. This is a skill that I believe is an asset to Social Work. My educational background is compiled numerous institutions from my many military
moves. This demonstrates my unwavering commitment my determination to achieving my set goals despite the challenges set before me. My
bachelor 's degree is in Business Management, and my associates degree was in the area of General Studies, both of which I graduated cum laude
with a GPA of 3.87. Along with the general education requirements, my associate's degree consisted of 26 units in the area of Biological Science and
15 units of Psychology. I have always been drawn to understanding and helping others. I have been an avid volunteer in the various states I have lived
in. In Huntington Beach, California, I volunteered with the American Red Cross. In Groton, Connecticut, I volunteered with the Sunshine Soup
Kitchen and Homeless Shelter. In Orlando, Florida, I volunteered with Second Harvest Food Bank. Most recently in Virginia Beach, Virginia, I
volunteered with Virginia Beach
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Ethnic Background Essay
I was born into a mixed family much like Tiger's. My mother's father was Chinese–American, orphaned by his birth–family and raised in the South. My
mother's mother was African–American and, following the family legacy, she received a degree from Fisk University in Nashville, TN. My relatives
were instrumental in the foundation of the Avery Normal Institute in Charleston, SC, an educational institute for African–Americans founded in 1865
(now associated with the College of Charleston). My mother grew up in a segregated society where choices were rarely available. She received her
Master's degree in Library Science from HBC University. My father's family is of German/Scottish/Irish/Danish decent. When faced with racial
classification forms, more content...
Ironically, since acquiring my husband's last name, people assume and accept without hesitation that I'm Irish. I have curly hair like a "good Irish girl"
or often hear, "Susannah O'Connor sounds like a "good Irish name." Judging by my married name alone, I have been shuffled into the
Irish–American–Caucasian check–box.
I was raised in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC. Silver Spring was a diverse community, our neighbors were Yugoslavian, Korean, Italian, and
included many others. There were many ethnic–specific markets and restaurants near our house where we tried many different foods. Our community
pool was located in a conservative orthodox Jewish section of Silver Spring. Outside of swim season, our family was included in many Passover
seders, sukkoh parties and Bar/Bat Mitzvah's through relationships developed on our swim team. I felt comfortable in our culturally dynamic
neighborhood and felt fewer pressures to be classified into a specific ethnic category.
When I was in middle school my father inherited his parent's house and our family made an uncomfortable transition to Chevy Chase, Md. In contrast to
the Silver Spring community, Chevy Chase is a White, upper–class, wealthy suburb of Washington, DC. Many of our neighbors belonged to one of the
three local country clubs that, until just a few years ago, did not admit minorities. Other than neighborly requests for babysitting duties, our
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My Personal Identity Essay
A person's identity is shaped by many different aspects. Family, culture, friends, personal interests and surrounding environments are all factors that
tend to help shape a person's identity. Some factors may have more of an influence than others and some may not have any influence at all. As a
person grows up in a family, they are influenced by many aspects of their life. Family and culture may influence a person's sense of responsibilities,
ethics and morals, tastes in music, humor and sports, and many other aspects of life. Friends and surrounding environments may influence a person's
taste in clothing, music, speech, and social activities. Personal interests are what truly set individuals apart. An individual is not a more
Society has had a limited impact on my lifestyle, mostly because I despise trends. The largest trends I despise are rap and hip–hop and the clothing,
attitudes, and type of speech that that type of 'music' is breeding. I chose to steer away from that crowd, but it may also be because I live my life
off of adrenaline. My high on life is the energy I have when I get my blood pumping, my heart pounding, and my adrenaline raging. Most aspects
of my individuality reflect that very well. I love hard, aggressive music, and also guns, but my passion in life is extreme sports, whether it be on a
dirt bike, a bmx bike, a snowmobile, or a snowboard. I have a strong set of morals and ethics that I have partly adopted from my parents, but some
are also partly my own. My morals mostly consist of karma (being kind, caring, helpful, truthful, and considerate to others), not littering (especially in
nature), respecting nature, keeping a clean and welcoming home, success that is measured with happiness and not possessions, and having strong
family ties. I feel that I am very strongly rounded individual who is going to go far in life. Many people would agree with that, although some people
just think that I am an absolutely crazy person who has a death wish and will not go anywhere but to the hospital or the morgue. Educational
experiences also tend to influence a person's identity. I have not had too many educational
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Cultural Background Paper This paper is written as a presentation of my own cultural background and identity. What I hope to reveal, is where I
come from, how I became who I am today, and how my culture helped to develop me into that person. My background has never really seemed
interesting or particularly pertinent to who I am, until I began this course (HSC570); now, I actually am acutely aware of how important it is to my
present life. It is with excitement and expectancy that I write this paper; based upon my memory of tales told to me by those that I consider to have
been our family historians. Sadly, they have all crossed over from life to eternity. The Beginning I was born on a Monday morning in late May, 1960,
to Andrew, Sr. and Lula Bell Dodd. I am the eleventh of thirteen children, and my parents were separated at the time of my conception and birth. It more content...
I later found that this wasn't the case. Everyone was poor, but, we were poorer than all but two or three other families. Everyone knew everyone,
and the 'village' worked as one unit in the rearing and nurturing of all the children. At times we lived with other relatives, and at times, other relatives
lived with us. I remember my older siblings being around, living with us or within the community, also during this time. In our community, women
worked, as did the men; but, the men were treated like kings (husband or not); they came home and put their feet up, ate first, came and went as they
pleased and always seemed to be threatening to whip the children and the women. The women always seemed to be trying to keep their men happy,
even if it meant sharing him with the woman up the street. They just pretended that they didn't know. I was only privy to this knowledge because I
was always somewhere in a corner with my face in a book, and no one paid attention to my
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Personal History Essay
I am satisfied with what I have become; a student specializing in Physics with special interests in experimental Condensed Matter Physics. I grew
up in a very small town. A town not fully developed; there were very few resources and not many quality schools to acquire a solid education. I had
to pass an entrance exam to get into a good school for 8th grade at a time when most students in my town would drop out of school after 7th grade in
order to search for work and support their families.
My parents could not complete their undergraduate studies because they had to work to support their families, but their emphasis on the importance of
education, their dedication and massive effort inspired me to search for the highest more content...
Physics deals with the most fundamental concepts to understand the intricate beauties of daily life. This led me to dedicate my undergraduate studies
to Physics, in order to expand my knowledge of the field. I enjoy studying Physics and try to keep up with different findings by regularly reading
scientific publications in Physics. During my undergraduate studies, I was attracted towards small and compact, but very effective, technologies so
my brother bought me a few electronic devices to do some experiments with by taking apart the various components and figuring out how they
worked. To gain the essential knowledge behind these devices, I started reading more in depth material on how the macro and micro scale properties
of solid materials are related and their applications in the scaling down of devices.
To broaden my knowledge of crystallography, electromagnetism andquantum mechanics and to figure out the atomic–scale properties of solid
materials, I opted to pursue a specialization in Solid State Physics for my first Master's degree program from one of the well–known universities in
India, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda (MSU). After the mandatory entrance examination, I was selected as one of the 400 candidates for a
personal interview and was selected as one of 25 students accepted as a graduate student to the Physics Department.
Not content with classroom material alone,
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ESSAY 1: Please describe a situation in which you worked with people from different backgrounds and what you learned from that experience. (max
1,200 characters) In 2014, I completed an internship at Vocon, a well–known architecture firm in Manhattan. Working at Vocon was unfamiliar for me.
My coworkers had a very different background than mine: a young French girl with no true working experience within a group of senior American
architects and designers coming from all the country and working in Manhattan where they renovate headquarters of famous companies. Quickly I
found my mark since growing up in an international environment and having spent lot of my life outside of my home country has shaped my character.
It has developed good more content...
The course gave me a new prospective while building on foundational concepts I have learned at school during my 'Economics & Social Science'
courses as well as leveraging my interest for international and multi–cultural matters. I was particularly intrigued and interested by the session we had
about a comparative analysis of productive efficiency between the US and Japan. I discovered the importance of the legal matters such as patents or
international arbitration. I also enjoyed working as a team on a practical case study. In our group we decided to work on the introduction of a US
Fashion brand on the French market going through the overall strategic business
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Health History Essay
Course Project Milestone 1: Health History Form Directions: Refer to the Milestone 1: Health History guidelines and grading rubric found in Doc
Sharing to complete the information below. This assignment is worth 175 points, with 5 points awarded for clarity of writing, which means the use of
proper grammar, spelling and medical language. Type your answers on this form. Click "Save as" and save the file with the assignment name and your
last name, e.g., "NR305_Milestone1_Form_Smith" When you are finished, submit the form to the Milestone #1 Dropbox by the deadline indicated in
your guidelines. Post questions in the Q&A Forum or contact your instructor if you have questions about this assignment. Disclaimer: The focus
of more content...
Feels tired all the time, running after her very active toddler and also 20 weeks pregnant. She has been diagnosed with anemia and fibroids.| Health
patterns:| I try to maintain a healthy diet with whole grains, lean proteins, and 2 cups of fresh fruits and 2–3 cups vegetables. Basically I love to eat so
I do not miss meals. I love Jamaican dishes, but I only eat them on special occasions. Since I have been pregnant, my energy level is about half so my
exercise regimen has been nonexistent. I am usually very active and exercise at least 3–4 times per week for an hour. The only activity I get is about
30 minutes of chasing my toddler around the park about 3 times per week. I sleep well at night at least 7–8 hours per night and sometimes take an
hour nap with my toddler during the day. Even though I was covered under my father's medical and dental insurance as a child, my parents practice
was only go to the doctor when sick. So wellness check–ups was not a part of my practice, but as I got older that changed. In my adult years I do my
yearly check–ups and since I have been pregnant I have had my prenatal care at the obstetrician's office.| Health goals:| To have a healthy newborn
and safe delivery. In addition to lose unwanted weight gained from pregnancy and to restart exercise regimen.| HEALTH BELIEFS AND PRACTICES
(15 pts)| | Beliefs and practices:| Maintaining
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Personal Background In High School
Personal Background I was born into a middle–class family in Morristown, Tennessee. My childhood was spent mostly living with my grandparents,
whom I adore. I thrived when it was just my siblings and I in my grandparent's house. However, during my middle school years things got derailed
due to decisions of my biological parents and I was adopted into a wonderful family in Jonesborough in 2010. This was partly my decision, but mostly
for the well–being of myself and my younger brother. Due to my background, I was exposed to drugs, alcoholism, and addiction at a young age.
However, my past is not a bad thing. I am very grateful for it because it has made me stronger and more appreciative of the environment and
community I am involved in now. Moving to Jonesborough began a new chapter for me. I started playing school sports and gained another younger
brother with one more on the way. I believe these things played a big part in helping the transition go smoothly. After I got through my middle school
years, I attended David Crockett High School and built a strong support system. I got involved in clubs, sports, and different friend groups. I built an
additional support system my junior year of high school when I started a career at Chick–fil–A. I ended my High School career as Salutatorian and
being a semester ahead in college. After this chapter of life I began my journey at East Tennessee State University. The fall after my freshman year I
had the opportunity to spend 3
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Personal Culture And My Family Culture Essay
While looking upon my personal culture and my family's culture in an attempt to find appropriate dishes for this assignment, it became apparent to me
that I have no definite culture. Whereas I have lived in Canada my whole life, my family's background has engaged me in varying cultures, though I
have never felt truly attuned to one culture. On the other hand, my father is a first generation Canadian, his parents both from Scotland. Though aware
of my Scottish origins and my grandparents' migration to Canada, Scottish culture has never been explicitly celebrated amongst those in my family.
Furthermore, my family previously migrated from Ireland during the Irish famine, resulting in Irish culture to also represented in my family's culture.
Variously, my mother's side of the family has lived in Canada for many generations, but I do not consider myself as being authentically Canadian.
Accordingly, throughout my childhood, I was never encouraged to celebrate an explicit culture. Furthermore, religion was never prominent in my
life either, as my parents decided against baptizing any of my siblings and me, as per the family tradition, because they wished for us to have
religious freedom. However, because of the rest of my family's religion, as well as my background, my family has always celebrated Christian
holidays, though I have never been to church for a reason other than a wedding. I find that without any cultural ties from my family's history and
practices, that the culture I
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The three things that have made the biggest impact on and have influenced my life that shaped me into the person I am today are family
background, experiences from my school year, and religious beliefs. Our culture provides a lens through which we view the world and interpret our
everyday experiences. In order to know who I am today, I must look at who you've been. Many educators around the country are interested in
developing a multicultural approach in their teaching. They find themselves in classrooms with 25 children of varying racial and cultural
backgrounds, and are looking for ways to connect what they do in the classroom to the cultures represented by their students. Before we can begin to
understand others, however, we need to understand ourselves and what we bring to our interactions with others. Every time we engage with our
surroundings we create an experience both consciously and unconsciously. Our live experiences whether traumatic or joyful shape who we are over
time. An experience that has defined the person I am today is my journey I went through as a child traveling back and forth from the United States to
Mexico as an undocumented. If a child has an impact when moving into a new house and neighborhood imagine countries. I was brought to the
United States when I was two years old. When you are a baby I guess is not that great of a deal you don 't remember much. However, when you start
going to school and you are already half way through first grade,
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Essay about Educational History and Background
Educational History and Background I was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I learned everything I needed to know there. Everything that has to
do with life that is. I started my education there and I will continue it where ever I go. My educational background was just as normal and fun like
any other kids. But I was the unique child that made my education different and more enjoyable. My learning process has five processes: elementary,
middle, high school, college, and the future. Elementary school started out as a bore but moved on to eventually being fun and enjoyable. I grew to
love school and learning during my fourth and fifth grade years at Zia elementary school. My teacher taught me the value of history and American more content...
The teachers taught me well, while my peers taught me more about life. I made my best friends in middle school and we are a family now. I
cherished the time I spent in middle school. I was a top student who was doing well, had many friends, and was making a name for myself in sports
and extracurricular activities. Then once again graduation rolled around and I had to leave all of the good things behind. But I was ready to
embark on an education that was more geared towards my future. High school was an easy transaction. I felt like I had the education and maturity
level of a young adult. I knew I could handle all of the work and stress that was going to be dealt out in my classes. I noticed that high school was a
lot like middle school and that I could handle the schedule. I did not really have any close personal relationships with any of my teachers like I
had had in the past at my other schools. I only really liked two of my teachers out of the four years I was at school. Both of them were my math
teachers for my junior and senior year. The last two years of math I learned so much that now I enjoy doing math because I actually understand it.
The only other teacher that made an impression on me was my junior year English teacher. She was the only English teacher I had that actually taught
me how to write and read great books. She took the time out to work with me individually. She gave me the tools I needed to write papers. High
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Briefly share your nursing background and professional interests.
My nursing background is in women and children's health care. As a clinician, I have practiced in acute and primary care settings. My professional
interests include nursing genomics, nursing leadership, and new program development.
Summarize how informatics has impacted or changed nursing practice. Provide an example from your professional experience.
According to Dr. Ken Majowski (Laureate, 2011) health care informatics has been in existence for at least the past two to three decades. Ozbolt &
Saba (2008) state that "in the second half of the 20th century" the focus of nursing informatics was on the development of "a standardized language" (p.
199). In the 1970's, informatics included "nursing care planning and documentation" (Ozbolt & Saba, 2008, p. 200). In the 1980's, nursing informatics
research and education led to the "establishment of data standards ... unleashing the potential of nursing informatics to improve practice" thus giving
nursing the opportunity to "translate knowledge to practice via decision support, and to create new knowledge from the data generated in nursing
practice" (Ozbolt & Saba, 2008, p 201). In the 1990's the "Nursing Terminology Summit Conferences" met "to develop concept–oriented reference
terminology models for nursing" (Ozbolt & Saba, 2008, p. 203). The 2000's proved to be a decade of additional progress with the call for "an electronic
health record" for every
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Personal Essay : My Personal Qualities
My Personal Qualities
Over the course, I have learned that all people are unique and have their own personal traits and qualities. One person does not just simply fall into
one category, but various categories. What is beautiful about all of us is that we all have diverse personalities, traits and qualities. I have learned that
we should be proud of and embrace these unique qualities of ours.
As a perfectionist, I like to present my things beautifully and creatively, and it is clearly seen on my collage. I appreciate beautiful things and this is
why I got beauty/aesthetics as one of my highest totals on the values survey. On my collage, I put a picture of a microscope, with the circular flask and
test tubes. I more content...
I know and I have been told that I am a kind and sympathetic person, because I love to help people and put a smile on their faces. Even when someone
is being rude, I try to "kill them with kindness" in return. I used the quote: "Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It is about having a pretty mind, a
pretty heart, and most importantly, a beautiful soul". I chose to use this quote because I adore it and I go by it. What matters most is in the inside, not
on the outside. I think people sometimes, even me, get too caught up and try too hard to look beautiful, but they don't focus on personality.
A) I expected to get artistic, creative and investigative as my results on surveys that I took, because I already knew I had these traits as a part of my
personality. However, the results from mylearning styles survey were a little surprising to me. I got visual as my highest total score, while kinesthetic
and auditory were almost balanced out scores. The reason why I was a little surprised was that last year, I took a survey to figure out my learning
style, and I got both auditory and visual learner. The results have their little differences, but that shows people do change over time. Learning styles can
be learned and strengthened.
I learned plenty of things from my results. My values–which I didn't see clearly–are now clear, and I found out the little unique things that make up my
personality. From my personality survey, I am mostly artistic,
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Michael Nilooban
Pierce – 4
5 December 2014
Final Draft
Introduction/Background and Personal Interest Nursing is a job where you help people with problems about their health, whether they assist doctors
or caring for the patients. I chose to research on nursing as a career because two of my aunts were nurses. They influenced me to help people when I
was a kid and I think that is the reason why I am thinking of being a nurse as my future career. When I was younger, my favorite subject was science
because I learn about how everything works. I am taking anatomy this year and I am interested to learn about the basic terms of the body and how it
functions. In addition to liking science, I saw that my aunts had flexible schedules, they more content...
The three levels are baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral, but there are faster ways to get degrees in nursing. You could get a two–year associate's
degree in nursing, a three year hospital diploma, and the accelerated Bachelor of Science. To get a bachelors degree, you need to study for four
years. To get an Associate degree in nursing (ADN), you need to study for two years. An ADN takes a shorter amount of time and it is much cheaper
than a Bachelors degree but the salary and the job opportunity is less. Many employers prefer to hire nurses with BSN degree. According to Board of
Registered Nursing, in academic year 2012 – 2013, among the nearby colleges within 30 miles radius from Burbank, Citrus College in Glendora, CA
had 100% pass rate with 29 graduate students who were first time takers of National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). Santa Monica
College has 54 graduates with 98.15% pass rate. Pasadena City College, 15 miles away from Burbank had 141 graduates who took the exam first time
and achieved a pass rate of 95.74%. Glendale Community College is 7 miles closer to Burbank but only had 89.87% pass rate among the 79 graduates.
For BSN, CSU Los Angeles got a 96.10% pass rate among the 77 graduates; CSU Long Beach had a 95.88% pass rate among the 194 graduates. UC
Los Angeles only had 92.86% pass rate among the 56 graduates.According to the College Board trends in college pricing report for academic year
2014–2015, the average tuition and fees for full time undergraduate in 2 year public college is $3,347. A four year public college average costs is
$9,139 and a private non–profit 4 year college is $31,231. Room and board average cost is $7,705, $9,804 and 11,188 respectively. Student may apply
for federal student aid and scholarship to help reduce cost of educationThere is also a faster way to BSN for students who
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Personal Narrative: My Cultural Background
The cultural background that I have come from is a rural agricultural farm. Farming is an industry that is not very easy and through working on my
family farm I have come in contact with many struggles and hardships. I have also had hardships through the loss of loved ones. Having to deal with
many of these trials in my life has helped me to become a stronger woman. I have also been able to show more dedication, hard work, commitment,
and enthusiasm towards my leadership roles and the interactions that I have with others within my involvement of my job, clubs, and volunteer work. I
have experienced many things in life that a lot of people my age never will have to encounter. I believe that all of the aspects that I have come in
contact with
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My Experience With Diversity And Diversity
As I reflect over my life, I appreciate the many diverse experiences I've came to encounter. My experience with diversity dates back to birth. I am
from a small rural town, Moss Point, MS. and notably the last state to abolish slavery. The town currently has a population of 13,704 people and
consists of 73% Blacks or African Americans, 23% Caucasian, 1% Hispanic or Latino and 1% bi–racial.
Regardless of my town's homogeneous population, I grew up accepting diversity and valuing individual differences even amid the same racial
group. One of the first experiences of diversity I can vividly recall is the various religious beliefs within the Black community. My parents believed
"exposure to the world around you" was one of the primary factors for raising a well–rounded individual. Therefore, we often visited different churches
of various faiths.
Within my own family, there were different doctrines. My great–grandmother was Pentecostal, my grandmother is a Baptist and my mother is an
Atheist. While everyone seemed to have different belief systems, I participated in them all. I had to learn to adapt to each religious institution. In one
church I was allowed to wear pants and women could also be pastors; whereas, in another, women could only wear full length dresses and were not
allowed in the pulpit.
Nonetheless, my parents consistently reiterated the world is comprised of many different races and complexities, which in turn make the universe a
beautiful place. They stressed
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My Background Identity

  • 1. My Background Identity Prompt: "Some students have a background, identity, interest or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you please share your story." You rarely meet a person who is truly incredible. This person changes the world because they care so deeply about what they are doing. I was lucky enough to call this person mom. My mom was a speech pathologist whose sole purpose in life was to help others. She worked with everyone: the physically disabled, mentally ill and elderly. Not many people have the kindness, patience and dedication to make a difference in the lives of people with special needs. Her genuine love for people extended to her unconditional love for her family. She was always there for us, even teaching at our elementary school to be closer to us. When we more content... My favorite group sings songs from the 1950's at nursing homes. It's such a rewarding experience when a 90 year old lady sings "Hound Dog" and later tells you she had the biggest crush on Elvis. Due to my mom's love of serving others I understand the importance of community service. I've volunteered over 200 hours in the past four years, and was recognized by my school with both the IB Caring Award, and two prestigious Keystone awards. Furthermore, this summer I was selected by the Department of State to be one of sixteen Youth Ambassadors from across the nation to go to Cyprus. While there I studied numerous environmental issues and felt empowered to improve my community upon my return. Currently, I'm leading two recycling programs assisted by Duke Energy, one in my school and one on the islands of my local lake. While working on these projects I hear my mom's favorite saying "always leave a place better than how you found it." I hope these projects I can improve my community and the environment and leave it better than how I found Get more content on
  • 2. My culture and I Perhaps the most influential factors which has shaped me into the person Iam today is my culture, and the upbringing of my family. Since my birth, these factors have strongly influenced my values, norms, and characteristics. I'm raised in a Hispanic household, as most traditional Hispanic families, my upbringing is strongly family orientated. I was born in small town in Ecuador, and when I was 5 years old, I experienced culture shock when I moved to America. I was young and didn't understand much, I felt lost and uncertain with the new culture and environment surrounding me. For a couple of years in grammar school I felt unsettled and iffy on the ''unknown'' culture I was revealed too. This resulted to selective mutism in grammar school with teachers. I would also struggle doing my homework during grammar school because no one in my household knew English. Gradually, with the help of my family and my recognition of my capabilities I was able to adapt to my surroundings and overcome my challenges. I've always had a strong motivation to have a better future, and I knew furthering my education will help me. The personal gain from education is something that no one can ever take away from you. My parents would always motivate me to work harder and put all my dedication in school. My education will always come first because no one else is going to give me what education gives you – knowledge and strength in society. My home country, Ecuador, is an alluring Get more content on
  • 3. Personal Background Essay On Social Work Personal Background Essay Danielle K. Smithers University of Louisville SW 604 In order to be the most effective social worker we can be, it is critical to reflect and analyze who we are and what has happened to us in our personal lives. Doing so will help us be mindful of how these things may impact our work with our clients. The Adverse Childhood Experiences survey is one way of assessing where we may have to start addressing our personal experiences. Once we are aware of how our experiences impact our work, we can strive to protect our clients, so that we can provide the quality of services our clients deserve. I am a 26–year–old white female in the middle class. I was raised and lived the first 24 years of my life on Long Island, New York. I relocated to Charleston, South Carolina, where I currently reside. I am more content... My ACE score is one, which comes from the fact that my parents were divorced when I was three years old. Consciously I don't think the divorce had a major impact on me because I was so young at the time and my parents tried hard to make it as smooth as possible for me. However, I wonder if some aspects of myself, such as my anxiety, were influenced by the divorce. I understand that I am lucky to only have had one of the adverse childhood experiences, and that my clients are likely to have more ACEs than I do. The negative impact of this is that I have less experience with these traumas and therefore it may be more difficult to understand my client's perspective. However, I will use this to my advantage, as I don't have as many ACEs to work through myself. In other words, the positive impact is that I have less personal trauma to put aside and may be more easily able to work with my clients without my past experiences clouding my Get more content on
  • 4. Personal Statement : My Educational Background Personal As a child being raised in the corporate auto industry, and an active–duty military wife whose husband is currently serving in his 24th year; I have moved every two to four years my entire life. I just completing my 22nd move this past year. This constant change has afforded me the ability to learn to adjust quickly and adapt to new surroundings as well as constantly has exposed me to different cultures, traditions, and customs that I have cherished. This is a skill that I believe is an asset to Social Work. My educational background is compiled numerous institutions from my many military moves. This demonstrates my unwavering commitment my determination to achieving my set goals despite the challenges set before me. My bachelor 's degree is in Business Management, and my associates degree was in the area of General Studies, both of which I graduated cum laude with a GPA of 3.87. Along with the general education requirements, my associate's degree consisted of 26 units in the area of Biological Science and 15 units of Psychology. I have always been drawn to understanding and helping others. I have been an avid volunteer in the various states I have lived in. In Huntington Beach, California, I volunteered with the American Red Cross. In Groton, Connecticut, I volunteered with the Sunshine Soup Kitchen and Homeless Shelter. In Orlando, Florida, I volunteered with Second Harvest Food Bank. Most recently in Virginia Beach, Virginia, I volunteered with Virginia Beach Get more content on
  • 5. Ethnic Background Essay I was born into a mixed family much like Tiger's. My mother's father was Chinese–American, orphaned by his birth–family and raised in the South. My mother's mother was African–American and, following the family legacy, she received a degree from Fisk University in Nashville, TN. My relatives were instrumental in the foundation of the Avery Normal Institute in Charleston, SC, an educational institute for African–Americans founded in 1865 (now associated with the College of Charleston). My mother grew up in a segregated society where choices were rarely available. She received her Master's degree in Library Science from HBC University. My father's family is of German/Scottish/Irish/Danish decent. When faced with racial classification forms, more content... Ironically, since acquiring my husband's last name, people assume and accept without hesitation that I'm Irish. I have curly hair like a "good Irish girl" or often hear, "Susannah O'Connor sounds like a "good Irish name." Judging by my married name alone, I have been shuffled into the Irish–American–Caucasian check–box. I was raised in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC. Silver Spring was a diverse community, our neighbors were Yugoslavian, Korean, Italian, and included many others. There were many ethnic–specific markets and restaurants near our house where we tried many different foods. Our community pool was located in a conservative orthodox Jewish section of Silver Spring. Outside of swim season, our family was included in many Passover seders, sukkoh parties and Bar/Bat Mitzvah's through relationships developed on our swim team. I felt comfortable in our culturally dynamic neighborhood and felt fewer pressures to be classified into a specific ethnic category. When I was in middle school my father inherited his parent's house and our family made an uncomfortable transition to Chevy Chase, Md. In contrast to the Silver Spring community, Chevy Chase is a White, upper–class, wealthy suburb of Washington, DC. Many of our neighbors belonged to one of the three local country clubs that, until just a few years ago, did not admit minorities. Other than neighborly requests for babysitting duties, our Get more content on
  • 6. My Personal Identity Essay A person's identity is shaped by many different aspects. Family, culture, friends, personal interests and surrounding environments are all factors that tend to help shape a person's identity. Some factors may have more of an influence than others and some may not have any influence at all. As a person grows up in a family, they are influenced by many aspects of their life. Family and culture may influence a person's sense of responsibilities, ethics and morals, tastes in music, humor and sports, and many other aspects of life. Friends and surrounding environments may influence a person's taste in clothing, music, speech, and social activities. Personal interests are what truly set individuals apart. An individual is not a more content... Society has had a limited impact on my lifestyle, mostly because I despise trends. The largest trends I despise are rap and hip–hop and the clothing, attitudes, and type of speech that that type of 'music' is breeding. I chose to steer away from that crowd, but it may also be because I live my life off of adrenaline. My high on life is the energy I have when I get my blood pumping, my heart pounding, and my adrenaline raging. Most aspects of my individuality reflect that very well. I love hard, aggressive music, and also guns, but my passion in life is extreme sports, whether it be on a dirt bike, a bmx bike, a snowmobile, or a snowboard. I have a strong set of morals and ethics that I have partly adopted from my parents, but some are also partly my own. My morals mostly consist of karma (being kind, caring, helpful, truthful, and considerate to others), not littering (especially in nature), respecting nature, keeping a clean and welcoming home, success that is measured with happiness and not possessions, and having strong family ties. I feel that I am very strongly rounded individual who is going to go far in life. Many people would agree with that, although some people just think that I am an absolutely crazy person who has a death wish and will not go anywhere but to the hospital or the morgue. Educational experiences also tend to influence a person's identity. I have not had too many educational Get more content on
  • 7. Cultural Background Paper This paper is written as a presentation of my own cultural background and identity. What I hope to reveal, is where I come from, how I became who I am today, and how my culture helped to develop me into that person. My background has never really seemed interesting or particularly pertinent to who I am, until I began this course (HSC570); now, I actually am acutely aware of how important it is to my present life. It is with excitement and expectancy that I write this paper; based upon my memory of tales told to me by those that I consider to have been our family historians. Sadly, they have all crossed over from life to eternity. The Beginning I was born on a Monday morning in late May, 1960, to Andrew, Sr. and Lula Bell Dodd. I am the eleventh of thirteen children, and my parents were separated at the time of my conception and birth. It more content... I later found that this wasn't the case. Everyone was poor, but, we were poorer than all but two or three other families. Everyone knew everyone, and the 'village' worked as one unit in the rearing and nurturing of all the children. At times we lived with other relatives, and at times, other relatives lived with us. I remember my older siblings being around, living with us or within the community, also during this time. In our community, women worked, as did the men; but, the men were treated like kings (husband or not); they came home and put their feet up, ate first, came and went as they pleased and always seemed to be threatening to whip the children and the women. The women always seemed to be trying to keep their men happy, even if it meant sharing him with the woman up the street. They just pretended that they didn't know. I was only privy to this knowledge because I was always somewhere in a corner with my face in a book, and no one paid attention to my Get more content on
  • 8. Personal History Essay I am satisfied with what I have become; a student specializing in Physics with special interests in experimental Condensed Matter Physics. I grew up in a very small town. A town not fully developed; there were very few resources and not many quality schools to acquire a solid education. I had to pass an entrance exam to get into a good school for 8th grade at a time when most students in my town would drop out of school after 7th grade in order to search for work and support their families. My parents could not complete their undergraduate studies because they had to work to support their families, but their emphasis on the importance of education, their dedication and massive effort inspired me to search for the highest more content... Physics deals with the most fundamental concepts to understand the intricate beauties of daily life. This led me to dedicate my undergraduate studies to Physics, in order to expand my knowledge of the field. I enjoy studying Physics and try to keep up with different findings by regularly reading scientific publications in Physics. During my undergraduate studies, I was attracted towards small and compact, but very effective, technologies so my brother bought me a few electronic devices to do some experiments with by taking apart the various components and figuring out how they worked. To gain the essential knowledge behind these devices, I started reading more in depth material on how the macro and micro scale properties of solid materials are related and their applications in the scaling down of devices. To broaden my knowledge of crystallography, electromagnetism andquantum mechanics and to figure out the atomic–scale properties of solid materials, I opted to pursue a specialization in Solid State Physics for my first Master's degree program from one of the well–known universities in India, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda (MSU). After the mandatory entrance examination, I was selected as one of the 400 candidates for a personal interview and was selected as one of 25 students accepted as a graduate student to the Physics Department. Not content with classroom material alone, Get more content on
  • 9. ESSAY 1: Please describe a situation in which you worked with people from different backgrounds and what you learned from that experience. (max 1,200 characters) In 2014, I completed an internship at Vocon, a well–known architecture firm in Manhattan. Working at Vocon was unfamiliar for me. My coworkers had a very different background than mine: a young French girl with no true working experience within a group of senior American architects and designers coming from all the country and working in Manhattan where they renovate headquarters of famous companies. Quickly I found my mark since growing up in an international environment and having spent lot of my life outside of my home country has shaped my character. It has developed good more content... The course gave me a new prospective while building on foundational concepts I have learned at school during my 'Economics & Social Science' courses as well as leveraging my interest for international and multi–cultural matters. I was particularly intrigued and interested by the session we had about a comparative analysis of productive efficiency between the US and Japan. I discovered the importance of the legal matters such as patents or international arbitration. I also enjoyed working as a team on a practical case study. In our group we decided to work on the introduction of a US Fashion brand on the French market going through the overall strategic business Get more content on
  • 10. Health History Essay Course Project Milestone 1: Health History Form Directions: Refer to the Milestone 1: Health History guidelines and grading rubric found in Doc Sharing to complete the information below. This assignment is worth 175 points, with 5 points awarded for clarity of writing, which means the use of proper grammar, spelling and medical language. Type your answers on this form. Click "Save as" and save the file with the assignment name and your last name, e.g., "NR305_Milestone1_Form_Smith" When you are finished, submit the form to the Milestone #1 Dropbox by the deadline indicated in your guidelines. Post questions in the Q&A Forum or contact your instructor if you have questions about this assignment. Disclaimer: The focus of more content... Feels tired all the time, running after her very active toddler and also 20 weeks pregnant. She has been diagnosed with anemia and fibroids.| Health patterns:| I try to maintain a healthy diet with whole grains, lean proteins, and 2 cups of fresh fruits and 2–3 cups vegetables. Basically I love to eat so I do not miss meals. I love Jamaican dishes, but I only eat them on special occasions. Since I have been pregnant, my energy level is about half so my exercise regimen has been nonexistent. I am usually very active and exercise at least 3–4 times per week for an hour. The only activity I get is about 30 minutes of chasing my toddler around the park about 3 times per week. I sleep well at night at least 7–8 hours per night and sometimes take an hour nap with my toddler during the day. Even though I was covered under my father's medical and dental insurance as a child, my parents practice was only go to the doctor when sick. So wellness check–ups was not a part of my practice, but as I got older that changed. In my adult years I do my yearly check–ups and since I have been pregnant I have had my prenatal care at the obstetrician's office.| Health goals:| To have a healthy newborn and safe delivery. In addition to lose unwanted weight gained from pregnancy and to restart exercise regimen.| HEALTH BELIEFS AND PRACTICES (15 pts)| | Beliefs and practices:| Maintaining Get more content on
  • 11. Personal Background In High School Personal Background I was born into a middle–class family in Morristown, Tennessee. My childhood was spent mostly living with my grandparents, whom I adore. I thrived when it was just my siblings and I in my grandparent's house. However, during my middle school years things got derailed due to decisions of my biological parents and I was adopted into a wonderful family in Jonesborough in 2010. This was partly my decision, but mostly for the well–being of myself and my younger brother. Due to my background, I was exposed to drugs, alcoholism, and addiction at a young age. However, my past is not a bad thing. I am very grateful for it because it has made me stronger and more appreciative of the environment and community I am involved in now. Moving to Jonesborough began a new chapter for me. I started playing school sports and gained another younger brother with one more on the way. I believe these things played a big part in helping the transition go smoothly. After I got through my middle school years, I attended David Crockett High School and built a strong support system. I got involved in clubs, sports, and different friend groups. I built an additional support system my junior year of high school when I started a career at Chick–fil–A. I ended my High School career as Salutatorian and being a semester ahead in college. After this chapter of life I began my journey at East Tennessee State University. The fall after my freshman year I had the opportunity to spend 3 Get more content on
  • 12. Personal Culture And My Family Culture Essay While looking upon my personal culture and my family's culture in an attempt to find appropriate dishes for this assignment, it became apparent to me that I have no definite culture. Whereas I have lived in Canada my whole life, my family's background has engaged me in varying cultures, though I have never felt truly attuned to one culture. On the other hand, my father is a first generation Canadian, his parents both from Scotland. Though aware of my Scottish origins and my grandparents' migration to Canada, Scottish culture has never been explicitly celebrated amongst those in my family. Furthermore, my family previously migrated from Ireland during the Irish famine, resulting in Irish culture to also represented in my family's culture. Variously, my mother's side of the family has lived in Canada for many generations, but I do not consider myself as being authentically Canadian. Accordingly, throughout my childhood, I was never encouraged to celebrate an explicit culture. Furthermore, religion was never prominent in my life either, as my parents decided against baptizing any of my siblings and me, as per the family tradition, because they wished for us to have religious freedom. However, because of the rest of my family's religion, as well as my background, my family has always celebrated Christian holidays, though I have never been to church for a reason other than a wedding. I find that without any cultural ties from my family's history and practices, that the culture I Get more content on
  • 13. The three things that have made the biggest impact on and have influenced my life that shaped me into the person I am today are family background, experiences from my school year, and religious beliefs. Our culture provides a lens through which we view the world and interpret our everyday experiences. In order to know who I am today, I must look at who you've been. Many educators around the country are interested in developing a multicultural approach in their teaching. They find themselves in classrooms with 25 children of varying racial and cultural backgrounds, and are looking for ways to connect what they do in the classroom to the cultures represented by their students. Before we can begin to understand others, however, we need to understand ourselves and what we bring to our interactions with others. Every time we engage with our surroundings we create an experience both consciously and unconsciously. Our live experiences whether traumatic or joyful shape who we are over time. An experience that has defined the person I am today is my journey I went through as a child traveling back and forth from the United States to Mexico as an undocumented. If a child has an impact when moving into a new house and neighborhood imagine countries. I was brought to the United States when I was two years old. When you are a baby I guess is not that great of a deal you don 't remember much. However, when you start going to school and you are already half way through first grade, Get more content on
  • 14. Essay about Educational History and Background Educational History and Background I was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I learned everything I needed to know there. Everything that has to do with life that is. I started my education there and I will continue it where ever I go. My educational background was just as normal and fun like any other kids. But I was the unique child that made my education different and more enjoyable. My learning process has five processes: elementary, middle, high school, college, and the future. Elementary school started out as a bore but moved on to eventually being fun and enjoyable. I grew to love school and learning during my fourth and fifth grade years at Zia elementary school. My teacher taught me the value of history and American more content... The teachers taught me well, while my peers taught me more about life. I made my best friends in middle school and we are a family now. I cherished the time I spent in middle school. I was a top student who was doing well, had many friends, and was making a name for myself in sports and extracurricular activities. Then once again graduation rolled around and I had to leave all of the good things behind. But I was ready to embark on an education that was more geared towards my future. High school was an easy transaction. I felt like I had the education and maturity level of a young adult. I knew I could handle all of the work and stress that was going to be dealt out in my classes. I noticed that high school was a lot like middle school and that I could handle the schedule. I did not really have any close personal relationships with any of my teachers like I had had in the past at my other schools. I only really liked two of my teachers out of the four years I was at school. Both of them were my math teachers for my junior and senior year. The last two years of math I learned so much that now I enjoy doing math because I actually understand it. The only other teacher that made an impression on me was my junior year English teacher. She was the only English teacher I had that actually taught me how to write and read great books. She took the time out to work with me individually. She gave me the tools I needed to write papers. High Get more content on
  • 15. Briefly share your nursing background and professional interests. My nursing background is in women and children's health care. As a clinician, I have practiced in acute and primary care settings. My professional interests include nursing genomics, nursing leadership, and new program development. Summarize how informatics has impacted or changed nursing practice. Provide an example from your professional experience. According to Dr. Ken Majowski (Laureate, 2011) health care informatics has been in existence for at least the past two to three decades. Ozbolt & Saba (2008) state that "in the second half of the 20th century" the focus of nursing informatics was on the development of "a standardized language" (p. 199). In the 1970's, informatics included "nursing care planning and documentation" (Ozbolt & Saba, 2008, p. 200). In the 1980's, nursing informatics research and education led to the "establishment of data standards ... unleashing the potential of nursing informatics to improve practice" thus giving nursing the opportunity to "translate knowledge to practice via decision support, and to create new knowledge from the data generated in nursing practice" (Ozbolt & Saba, 2008, p 201). In the 1990's the "Nursing Terminology Summit Conferences" met "to develop concept–oriented reference terminology models for nursing" (Ozbolt & Saba, 2008, p. 203). The 2000's proved to be a decade of additional progress with the call for "an electronic health record" for every Get more content on
  • 16. Personal Essay : My Personal Qualities My Personal Qualities Over the course, I have learned that all people are unique and have their own personal traits and qualities. One person does not just simply fall into one category, but various categories. What is beautiful about all of us is that we all have diverse personalities, traits and qualities. I have learned that we should be proud of and embrace these unique qualities of ours. As a perfectionist, I like to present my things beautifully and creatively, and it is clearly seen on my collage. I appreciate beautiful things and this is why I got beauty/aesthetics as one of my highest totals on the values survey. On my collage, I put a picture of a microscope, with the circular flask and test tubes. I more content... I know and I have been told that I am a kind and sympathetic person, because I love to help people and put a smile on their faces. Even when someone is being rude, I try to "kill them with kindness" in return. I used the quote: "Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and most importantly, a beautiful soul". I chose to use this quote because I adore it and I go by it. What matters most is in the inside, not on the outside. I think people sometimes, even me, get too caught up and try too hard to look beautiful, but they don't focus on personality. A) I expected to get artistic, creative and investigative as my results on surveys that I took, because I already knew I had these traits as a part of my personality. However, the results from mylearning styles survey were a little surprising to me. I got visual as my highest total score, while kinesthetic and auditory were almost balanced out scores. The reason why I was a little surprised was that last year, I took a survey to figure out my learning style, and I got both auditory and visual learner. The results have their little differences, but that shows people do change over time. Learning styles can be learned and strengthened. I learned plenty of things from my results. My values–which I didn't see clearly–are now clear, and I found out the little unique things that make up my personality. From my personality survey, I am mostly artistic, Get more content on
  • 17. Michael Nilooban Pierce – 4 ERWC 5 December 2014 Final Draft Introduction/Background and Personal Interest Nursing is a job where you help people with problems about their health, whether they assist doctors or caring for the patients. I chose to research on nursing as a career because two of my aunts were nurses. They influenced me to help people when I was a kid and I think that is the reason why I am thinking of being a nurse as my future career. When I was younger, my favorite subject was science because I learn about how everything works. I am taking anatomy this year and I am interested to learn about the basic terms of the body and how it functions. In addition to liking science, I saw that my aunts had flexible schedules, they more content... The three levels are baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral, but there are faster ways to get degrees in nursing. You could get a two–year associate's degree in nursing, a three year hospital diploma, and the accelerated Bachelor of Science. To get a bachelors degree, you need to study for four years. To get an Associate degree in nursing (ADN), you need to study for two years. An ADN takes a shorter amount of time and it is much cheaper than a Bachelors degree but the salary and the job opportunity is less. Many employers prefer to hire nurses with BSN degree. According to Board of Registered Nursing, in academic year 2012 – 2013, among the nearby colleges within 30 miles radius from Burbank, Citrus College in Glendora, CA had 100% pass rate with 29 graduate students who were first time takers of National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). Santa Monica College has 54 graduates with 98.15% pass rate. Pasadena City College, 15 miles away from Burbank had 141 graduates who took the exam first time and achieved a pass rate of 95.74%. Glendale Community College is 7 miles closer to Burbank but only had 89.87% pass rate among the 79 graduates. For BSN, CSU Los Angeles got a 96.10% pass rate among the 77 graduates; CSU Long Beach had a 95.88% pass rate among the 194 graduates. UC Los Angeles only had 92.86% pass rate among the 56 graduates.According to the College Board trends in college pricing report for academic year 2014–2015, the average tuition and fees for full time undergraduate in 2 year public college is $3,347. A four year public college average costs is $9,139 and a private non–profit 4 year college is $31,231. Room and board average cost is $7,705, $9,804 and 11,188 respectively. Student may apply for federal student aid and scholarship to help reduce cost of educationThere is also a faster way to BSN for students who Get more content on
  • 18. Personal Narrative: My Cultural Background The cultural background that I have come from is a rural agricultural farm. Farming is an industry that is not very easy and through working on my family farm I have come in contact with many struggles and hardships. I have also had hardships through the loss of loved ones. Having to deal with many of these trials in my life has helped me to become a stronger woman. I have also been able to show more dedication, hard work, commitment, and enthusiasm towards my leadership roles and the interactions that I have with others within my involvement of my job, clubs, and volunteer work. I have experienced many things in life that a lot of people my age never will have to encounter. I believe that all of the aspects that I have come in contact with Get more content on
  • 19. My Experience With Diversity And Diversity As I reflect over my life, I appreciate the many diverse experiences I've came to encounter. My experience with diversity dates back to birth. I am from a small rural town, Moss Point, MS. and notably the last state to abolish slavery. The town currently has a population of 13,704 people and consists of 73% Blacks or African Americans, 23% Caucasian, 1% Hispanic or Latino and 1% bi–racial. Regardless of my town's homogeneous population, I grew up accepting diversity and valuing individual differences even amid the same racial group. One of the first experiences of diversity I can vividly recall is the various religious beliefs within the Black community. My parents believed "exposure to the world around you" was one of the primary factors for raising a well–rounded individual. Therefore, we often visited different churches of various faiths. Within my own family, there were different doctrines. My great–grandmother was Pentecostal, my grandmother is a Baptist and my mother is an Atheist. While everyone seemed to have different belief systems, I participated in them all. I had to learn to adapt to each religious institution. In one church I was allowed to wear pants and women could also be pastors; whereas, in another, women could only wear full length dresses and were not allowed in the pulpit. Nonetheless, my parents consistently reiterated the world is comprised of many different races and complexities, which in turn make the universe a beautiful place. They stressed Get more content on