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October 8,2014 
To Whorn It May Concern, 
I am writing to your office to report what I believe to be widespread fraud and financial crimes being 
perpetrated by a "Non-Profit" Veterans Advocacy organization called "Military With PTSD'. 
"Military with PTSD. lns." (MWPTSD) is wholly owned and operated by Shawn J. and Justin A. Gourley (listed 
as owners, founders, CEO, Board Chair, Board Vice President, etc.i. Their listing category on their official 
Facebook Page is, "Counseling and Mental Health - Armed Forces". "Military with PTSD, lr'rc." just became a 
501(c)3 organization in Jr-rly 2A14, and has heen listed in the state of Indiana as a Non-Profit business s!nce 
I was an Administrator and Page Manager for the "Military with PTSD" Facebook Page for most of the three 
years between April 2011 and July 24,ZAM. Being the wife of a medically retired US Army Veteran myself, the 
MWPTSD Fage ailowed me the oppontunity to voluntarily serve other PTSD r,vounded Veterans, 
Servicemembers, and their family rflembers, in a meaningful way, that fit into my lifestyle. I believed I was 
working with honest pecple (the Gourleys) on an honest mission of helping wounded Veterans and their 
families deal with the personal aftermath of war, mainly through peer to peer type support. When I discovered 
this last July, that the Gourleys were involved in varicus fraudulent and unethical business activities, I 
I am very concerned about this organization's actions because of the large number of wounded Veterans, their 
families, and thousands of civilians apparently being defrauded, seemingly for the Gourley's own financial gain. 
I have reported this to other advocates who may be affected by the Gourley's actions as well as law 
enforcernent agencies because cf the poteniial b'readttr and magnitude of the fraud being committed. I believe 
the information I have obtained shows ihat fraud lS being committed, wiih the continued inient to receive 
financial compensation, under the guise of Veieran advocacy. 
As I will show, the Gourley's appear to be participating in fraudulent activities in order to gain publicity and false 
er"edibility, for their organization, and among their followers and supporters, especially those in the wounded 
Veteran community. All of this publicity and credibility building appears to be toward the goal of them receiving 
money in the way of book sales, donations, and grants; seemingly for personal use, rather than assistance for 
veterans, as mandated by the lnternal Revenue Service rules for "Non-Profit" Organizations. 
To date, and io my current knowtedge, the Gourleys have never provided any documentatisn to any requester 
of where or how ihe funds raised are being spent. I-etters sent recently to Miiitary with PTSD, to obiain this 
type of finaneia! information, with retr-rm receipt requested, have been returned to sender. 
Their first biatant lie is their claim to be involved in "Counseiing and Mental Health", as there are NO licensed 
mental health providers of any kind working for lrriilitary wiih PTSD. Shawn also fraudulently states on her 
Linkedin profile that she is in "Mental Health Care", and in the officiai Linkedln profile for "Military with PTSD" 
also states that the organization's "industry" is "Mental Health Care". 
Although the Gourleys continue to claim their only goal is to "help others", the reality is that "Military with 
PTSD" was started as a "soft" sales page. As stated by Shawn Gourley, in hen own words in her bio on her 
public "Linked ln" profile (and in an almost identical statement on her book's Amazon.corn profile), "Military 
With PTSD started on Facebook in Aug. 2010 as a place to launch my book 'The War At l'lome."' Her 
book was published as intended in 2011. 
It may help to know, moving forward into the fallowing information, that Shawn considers herself to be an 
lnternet Marketing expert. (Please see copy provided of her "Ezir'le" article from 2010, "How to Make HuEe 
Amounts of Maney in 30 Days - The Secret Truth fuTost Will NOT Tell You".) On her public "Linked ln" profile,
she does list, among her "Skills and Expertise: Social Media, [Vlarketing, Creative Writing, and Web 
Marketing," among many other things. 
Additionally, on another of her Facebook Pages created in 2010 named, "l have completely mastered the right 
way to do everything wrong", you will find that Shawn says in a posi she made on August 26,2010, "1 am just 
curious to see what happens if I leave this page up. I wonder if I could get lucky like that other guy did and get 
700,000 fans just because of the name of the page! LOL!!1" 
Then, when you see the screenshot (or "testimonial" page) from "" that shows that Shawn's 
husband, Justin Gourley, PURCHASED 10,000 "likes" for Shawn's official FB Author Page, it really increases 
the level of doubt about their actual intentions 
As recently as April 2A14, Shawn Gourley represented herself as a "Elizabeth Dole Foundation Ambassadod' 
not only publically but also to another Veterans Advocacy organization (VeteranWaniors LLC), but also to 
dozens of Congressional leaders and their staff, during a delegation trip to Washington, D.C. Mrs. Gourley was 
invited by VeteranWarriors to participate in the delegation directly due to the Gourley's'self-proclaimed 
"successes with families dealing with PTSD". Mlultiple times during this trip, VeteranWarriors leadership 
attempted to secure an appointment with Senator Paity Murray to discuss their mission. Shawn repeatedly 
proffered that she was "in" with Senator Murray and could get the appointment easily. I was the person who 
has contact with Senator Murray. Shawn did ask me to secure a meeting with the Senator but I was not 
successful. lt was not until after the trip was over that I was, made aware by Senator Murray's office that they 
were informed during that time, by a Dole Foundation representative, that Shawn was an "impostef' and further 
suggested that Senator Murray's staff should not meet:with her, as she was misrepresenting her position with 
When you know information like all of this, it isn't such I siretch to imagine that Shawn is also capable of using 
even more "creatively" fraudulent promotionat tactics, to further the marketability and profitability of the Gourley 
name and associated organizations ("Miliiary with PTSD-, "PTSD TKO" and Fandomlife). No matter what her 
claims are of 'Just wanting to help Veterans and their families", the evidence, very unfortunately, speaks to her 
"motivation" as being much more self-serving. 
One of the most serious ways'lthe Gourleys appear to be going about these fraudulent promotional tactics is 
by creating and using fake Facebook profiles of seemingly non-existent U.S. Military Veterans and their 
spouses, some in very serious,orisis'situations (such as active suicide attempts or pending divorce). From the 
evidence I have so far been able'to aather, I have come across at least nine fake profiles that are being 
actively used by the'Gourle,yp on,the Military with PTSD Facebook Page fcr promotion activities, among other 
things, dating back to 2A11. (Atl suspected fake profiles identified later into this document.) 
The purposg,for these suspected "fake people" and their posts and comments, as far as I can tell, seems to be 
1) Draw attention to the MWFTSD Page/organization... after all drama "sells", and the Gourleys do have 
a book they have been trying to promote and sell since 2011 or so called, "The War at Home: One 
Family's Fight Against PTSD". As I will show, these "people" come on the MWPTSD Facebook (FB) 
Page, and on "their'' own individual FB profiles, and promote Shawn's "expertise", and refer people to 
Military with PTSD, and Shawn's book. The fakes also spend some of their time "defending" Justin, 
Shawn, andlor MWPTSD against those who are critical, and even bully legitimate Page rnernbers on 
occasion (please see copies of notated posts and profiles provided). 
2) Promote and draw attention to Shawn's claimed PTSD "expert" status in the National Veteran's PTSD 
community. Shawn has publicly stated her intentions to write and publish more books {also mentioned 
in her "Linked ln" profile) and "educational" materials surrounding the subject of PTSD, and has been 
actively attempting to gain professional credibility with members of organizations such as the VA, and
the National Center for PTSD. (Shawn is a lay person, not a therapist or doctor of any sort.) Also, 
Shawn has been actively trying to attract donors, and it helps to look like you know what you're doing, 
and are creating something beneficiai for the "community", if you are trying to secure funds for further 
prolect development. 
** One example of the above implied scenarios: Fake Veteran shows up on Military with PTSD Page.... ls 
feeling "suicidal".... Other real Page members show up and get concerned and involved.... Eventually 
Shawn "shows up" and "saves" fake Veteran from "his" alleged suicidality in some way... . Fake Veteran is 
forever grateful and shows up on a regular basis thereafter to make sure that everyone knows how 
amazing Shawn and MWPTSD are (and her book too), and tells people things like "buy her book" or "stay 
on her Page, SHE can help you". AIso, even more serioustry, these fakes have been used to "dissuade" 
people from calling the National Suicide Hotline by stating things like, "l wouldn't call the National 
Suicide Hotline and will never recommend any vets do either..." (Posted in':a.comrnent on MWPTSD, 
October23,2A13). ..,.r r- ',', 
Someone reading this might say, "Well, inany people use fake profiles on Facebook'll dJunOerstand that this 
happens, even though it is against Facebook's rules of operation, but, in this case, it appears to be that the 
Gourley's have created all of these particular profiles specifically for Page.,and/or organization notoriety, 
leading to personal and organizational financial gain, under the $uise of helping Veterans and their families. 
Additionally, there is information that only a few (couple) of we former MWPTSD Admins would have that helps 
put this all together, and kind of finishes the "closing,,out" of the possibility that these might be fake profiles 
created by people unassociated with the Gourleys. 
First, it's important to know that Shawn would have personal telephone conversations with we administrators' 
hehind the scenes about these particular fake "individuals'i, wherein she would mention them, in speaking to 
us, by their Facebook profile name. 
As an example, when Shawn spoke to we administrators' about "Justin Hartig" or "Todd Bee" and the things 
thai THEY had said to HER "ON THE PHONE", according to Shawn, then, they were still, in private 
conversation, "Justin Hartig" and "Todd Bee". ("'Todd Bee' iold me when I was on the phone with him..."). That 
is actually significant and here's why... As Admins, we have had others, mainly women, who have come to the 
Page using Facebook aliases (mainly due to abusive home siiuations), but AFTER Shawn would privately 
speak with them ON THE PHONE, she would usually tell us Admins, "Just so you know, ihis person using the 
Facebook profile name of _ is actuatly named_. I just spoke to her and wanted you to know who she 
really is in case you ever have to d€al with her." That never happened with any of the listed fakes. 
It is also important to point out that NONE of Shawn's (MWPTSD) Admins were EVER allowed to speak by 
phone with ANY of these fake profile people named here, no matter how serious their "crisis" was. ONLY 
Shawn was altowed to speak with them on the phone. That became a big "tell" after a little while, because we 
Admins helped other real people from the MWPTSD Page allthe time by phone. Any tirne she saw one of us, 
in messages or group,,ehat, suggesting we were going to try to speak on the phone with one of the "fakes", 
Shawn would abruptly pop up out of nowhere and intervene, sometimes in a very agitated manner, and tell us 
to back down, because she was already "on the phone" with "them", or she just strangely happened to know 
that "they" were unavailable, etc. 
When this happened enough times with ONLY those select "people", being "off-limits" it started causing 
suspicion. Also, other Crisis Response Team (CRT) rnembers, that she had invited to the MWPTSD Page from 
other FB team pages, were told by Shawn not to intervene when it came to those fakes being in "crisis". There 
is a copy provided for a Page conversation showing this exact thing happening involving the "Grimm Howard" 
Getting into the individua!fake profiles... 
Shawn Gourley ADIVIITTED that the fake profile named "Holly Wood" is actuall5r her, and not a real person. So, 
we then factually KNCW that she has created at least one fake profile that interacts on the MWPTSD Page. 
Another fake profile is "Justin Hartig", which is the next quickest and easiest to prove as fake, once you find 
out that Justin Gourley's biological mother's current last name is "Hartig". 
Please see attached "" or "lntelius" page showing Carol Hartig, age 58, formerly 
"Carolyn J Gourley" of "Evansville, lN", related to "Justin A Gourley" (Shawn's husband). Please note 
that Shawn didn't get all that creative with her creation of this particular profile, since "his" fake first 
name is "Justin", as is her husband's, and she borrowed her mother-in-law's new last name, "Hartig". 
Please note on "Justin l-lartig's" front Facebook profile page {copy provided}, that "he" claims to have 
gone to "lvy Tech Community College", which just happens io be an INDIANA local College, thai was 
aiso attended by SHAWN GOURLEY, as mentioned on her front Facebook profile page (copy 
provided), and aiso on her "Linked ln" profile. 
It is also very easy ta notice, when looking at the rest of "Justin Hartig's"lprotile posts since trMarch 
2A12, that "his" profile is suspiciously like a running advertisement for Miiitary with PT$D (and also 
PTSD TKO which is anothen Gourley Facebook Page), and for Shawn Gourley and her book, "The War 
ai Home". All "he" posts is related io MWPTSD. 
: ,, 
It is also very important to note that I have copies of comments and posts from "Justin Hartig" saying 
things about $hawn and Justin and MWPTSD such as, o'Lcok Shawn the founder of this page, VA 
counselors are being required to read her b'ook. $he is the expert and you are in very good 
hands here. She can teach you everything you need to know." (Copy of this post from September 
18, 2013 is provided.) "Justln Hartig" also siates in a comment on June 30, 2014 on a MWPTSD Page 
post, "This is a couple that has help tens of thousands... I watched them save the llfe of another 
brother irr arms... I can tell you from first hand experience this couple knows more about PTSD 
and understands it better than most doctors." Quite a generous and exaggerated ("VA counselors 
are being REQUTRED to read her book") endorsement of Shawn's "expertise". 
Furthermore, Shawn can't possibly claim that this "Justin Hartig" was meant to be a fake protiie to 
represent HER Justin (Gourley), when .... 
A) "Justin Hartig" claims to,be a "combat Vei" (copy of Facebook post provided), which her husband 
Justin is NOT (he stayed on a ship in the Navy), and... 
B) I have copi*s of whole "real time" Facebook conversations on the MWPTSD Page in which "Justin 
Hartig" argues with his wife "Jamie Hartig", who is, according to ihe post comments a "licensed 
therapist" (mental health counselor... copies of this post provided). Shawn even is so "bold" in her 
creativity of this "Justin Hartig" story that she claims in this same post to have "sent police and 
paramedics" to their house. 
The big question is this.... 
lf this "Jr.rstin Hartig" fake, and each of the other suspected fake Veteran profiles ("$teve Johnson", 
"Thomas Smith"," Grimm Howard", "Chris Shipp", AND "Bobby AtkinslRobert Blume"), ARE each 
created by and used by Shawn and/or Justin Gourley, and. ". 
Each are, claiming in MWPTSD posts to be Veterans with different, unique stories, and... 
3) Then the fakes, in their comments and profiles, atre used BY the Gourleys to promote Shawn Gourley 
and/or her book, and to lend "expertise" credibility to Shawn, on an official public Facebook Page, that 
Shawn herself admits was started in order to "launeh" (sell) her book, "The War At Home", And also... 
4) Shawn is still actively participating in book selling and promotion and fundraising activities (see 
provided copies of "GoFundMe", and "iGive", PTSD TKO t-shirt sales with "All profits going to Military 
with PTSD", and "The War at Home" book posts), on that same MWPTSD Page, THEN.... 
5) ISN'T THIS FRAUD, AhlD POSSIBLY EVEN 'STOLEN VALOR" (falsely creating and representing 
yourself as a Veteran to receive financial gain)??? 
The rest of the fake profiles.... 
Before I move on I will inciude here ail of the suspected fake profile names (and their URLs) that I currently 
know of that have been, or are now being, used by the Gourleys on their MWPTSDT Facebook Page. Some 
claim to be Veterans, some spouses of Veterans. I will also give introduction level inf0rmation on each one. 
Keep in mind I have EXTENSIVE further documentation on these profiles and their use by'the Gourleys. 
1) o'Justin Hartig": Profile created March 7,2Q12 (Explained a.pgve in detail.) . https./lvralrw.facebooLcomliustin.hartig.T?fffi 
2l "Holly Wood": Profile created March 13,2A12. i,, . I HAVE SCREENSHOTS OF SHAWN ADMITTING 'THIS PROFILE lS ACTUALLY HER (From 
, ,,."' 
" 'H:,il""3;Xiil used to post questions for Shawn. "rHotty'r posts on March 25,2a12on MWPTSD, "l 
would like to help spouses, but I reatly don't know how.' I don't deal with feelings. I look at 
everything very logically..." (Those of us who were "close" to Shawn know that this was a very 
common complaint of hers.) o https : l/www. faceboo k. comlprgf i le. ph p?i d = 10Q9036399 1 6350&f ret=lg 
3) "Thomas Smith": Profile created January 11,2012 . SEE SCREENSHOT COPIES of Shawn messaging about using this "Thomas" profile to "set-up" 
a fake suicidal situation publicly on her MWPTSD Page on February 16, 2013. I also have 
copies of the screenshots showing that this ruse was carried out by Shawn, and involved other 
innocent, well-rmeaning people, who believed they were responding to an actual life threatening 
situaiion. . "Thsmasilrclainns tobe a "vet.1,tMilitary Veteran) in a MWPTSD post on February 19,2A12. . As with the others, we can find "Thomas" being used to write things such as, "You need to 
read Shiwn J Gourley book and tatk with Shawn, they can help.", posted on MWPTSD March 
7 ,2A13. o https : //www. face book. co m/prof i le. nh p? id= 1 00003299937388&f ref=ts 
4) "Grimm,Howard!: Profile created January 7,2A11 . Coincidentally Shawn's maiden last name is also "Howard". 
. The very first profile post the VERY day this profile was created was a link/recommendation for 
Shawn's book, "The War at Home: One Family's Fight Against PTSD" . ""Grimm" is regularly used on the MWPTSD Page to thank Shawn for "saving" "his" life. ln a 
MWPTSD post from January 25,2A12, "She saved my life two weeks ago." This is in reference to 
Shawn's claim that she drove to "Grimm's" house in January 2A12 to "save his life", because "he" 
had allegedly "'cut his throat". She has told a second story about that particular night, wherein 
"Grimm" allegedly "overdosed", NOT cut his throat. . This profile has also been used to make potentially dangerously influential statements on MWPTSD 
such as, "l wouldn't call the National Suicide Hotline and will never recommend any vets do 
either." {Post on October 23,2013} . This "Grimm" profile was most recently used on IUWPTSD on June *,2A14. 
. https ://www.facebook. com/qrimm. howard?fref=ts 
5) "Steve Johnson": Profile created January 7,2012 
. Profile timeline shows that, coincidentally, Shawn Gourley was "Steve's" VERY first FB friend on the 
VERY day the profile was created (and then "he" played a LOT of "Bingo Blitz" (Shawn is on the FB 
"BTNGO BLrTZ HELP TEAM). . "Steve" has been used to say things about MWPTSD like, "MembEr don't go anywhere but right 
here. Read the book the war at home. This sight will help you and your vet out more than 
anything else will. They saved my marriage.", in a post on September 18, 2A13. . And this post from "Steve" is even more outrageous, " do realize the VA sends people to 
Shawn and Justin here at Military with PTSD for help...", ir'r a post on June 23, 2014. 
. "Steve" is also regularly used on MWPTSD to harass real people, like in September 2012 when "he" 
was used to PUBLICLY accuse another book writer of PLAGIARIZING Shawn's book, saying "This 
book is stolen.", even in the woman's public news reviewsl .,r'., ,'r', 
r This profile was last used on October 2,2A14 to promote Shawn's book'rap',the MWPTSD Page. . https : //urr,ryw. facebook. co_mij stevem an?f ref =ts 
,,,,'l li., ''I "l' 
6) "PTSD Spouse (Shannon)": Profile created December7,2017. ,,, 
This profile first got involved on the MWPTSD Page around the time her profile was created. The 
story Shawn told us about "hed' was that "hedl.war wounded Veteran husband allegedly had badly 
hurt her during a bad "flashback" and then llshe" had sent'him" to jail. "Shannon" showed up initially 
defending the choice to keep "her'' husband in jail because "he" was "abusive". {The point of 
creaiing a character like this for Shawn would be to help her "get through" to some of the other 
wives on her Page that a Veteran's behavior,'during a "flashback" was not "abuse", and also, later in 
her story, to make the other Veteran spouses on the Page feel guilty if they complained about their 
husband's hurtful PTSD behaviors, because "at least they were still alive", unlike "shannon's" 
husband.) Shawn "intervened" and convineed "hef' that "he/' Veteran needed help, not jail. 
$eemingly miraculously, Shawn was then able to use her contacts (in only like THREE weeks time) 
to get "shannon's" husbgnd OUT cf jail, and INTO a VA treatment center. There, "he" allegedly 
killed himself (early. ,2A12), Mosi of this was talked about on the Page. "Shannon" then also 
allegedly became suicidal. ' 
"PTSD Spouse.:-.(shannon)" is used since then as a Gourley advocate making book 
recommendations;",,"Th:is is,by far the best book I have ever read. You all are amazing" (in 
zA12), and,''lF e folks heie and the page admins will help you understand whatever you ask..." 
(J anuary'.3, 20 1 2r on "Grimm Howard's" profi le) 
https:{)ryvr/rru;fecebook. com/ptsd. spouse?f ref=ts 
7) "Bobby,Atkins/Robert Blume" : . The curent 'Robert Blume" was 'oBobby Atkins" until sometime between July 28,2A14 and July 
31, 2Q14 when Shawn changed the name on this fake profile. The URL still shows the name Bobby 
Atkins. . "Bobby" (now "Robert") claimed in MWPTSD Page posts to be a "Navy" Veteran (from a post May 
3,2012). Also, "he" claimed in a MWPTSD post from December 31 ,2011that "he" was "in combaf'. . The "Bobby" personality was used to make a soft "plug" for Shawn's book on the MWPTSD Page 
on January 17, 2A12 when "he" describes how her book helped "him" come to reaiize how much 
Veteran FTSD atfects spouses... "l realize how much it affects you now.", and then proceeds to 
quote several lines from Shawn's book. 
" This profile was most recently used on the MWPTSD Page on September 24, 2A14 ta stir up drama 
and act like "he" was angry at other Page members. lt appeared to be preparation for a post Shawn
wanted to put up the following day advising her Page members not to send people "off" of the 
IVIWPTSD Page for help and other services (exclusivity). 
. htlpg: //wuCIry. facebqgk. co m/bobbv. atKt n s. 924?flel=!s 
8) "Chris Shipp": Profile created February 2A,2413 . There is evidence that this profile used to be "Brittney Stevens" (that name is still listed in ihe 
"Chris Shipp URL and there are comments from others on MWPTSD that address a "Brittney 
Stevens"). o "Chris" is used for various Gaurley "defense" and support purposes. "He" can be seen defending 
Shawn on a past from October 10, 2013 telling a legitimate MWPTSD Page member, "You fuck off." 
Also, used on a FB Page called "Battling Bare" doing a lengthy defense of MWPTSD's business 
"legitimacy" on January 6,2A14, saying things like, "They are a legitimate Non Profit in the state of 
lndiana... " l 
. This profile was most recently used on the MWPTSD Page to defend the Gourley's on September 
" https:i/vvq{ 887lJfref=ts , 
: ' 
9) "Todd Bee": Profile created September 12,2012 
. "Todd" is first used to make MULTIPLE comments on the MWPTSD Page on the VERY same day 
"his" profile was created. "His" purpose to provide support to Shawn Gourley's posted assertion that 
her husband, Justin Gourley, cheated on her hecause he had gone off his psychiatric medications 
"cold turkey"" "Todd" states things like, "Jef,f the effeOts of stopping medicine cold turkey can make 
you do things you normally would never do,.. ". 
. "Todd" also is used to cite quite a lot of POTENTIALLY INACCURATE AND MISLEADING 
psychiatric medication details {such as supposed side effects and dangers)... like this, "The 
case studies suggest that SSRI treatment might be associated with increase and 
disinhibition of libido...." {September 1 A, 2A12} 
. Shawn adds to "Todd's" story by saying in one of her post comments that same day, ",.. lhave 
been talking with Todd Bee. t understand much better where he is coming from being that 
his wife and him went through a very similar situation. Todd is fighting to get the VA to stop 
prescribing paxil." ("Todd Bee" was created and used to stir drama first, typical MO, and then to 
"back-up" Shawn's story.) 
. "Todd Bee" was also used to recommend the MWPTSD Page to the National Center for PTSD on 
their FB Page on'May 6, 201'3 n https:i/www.facebook.comltodd.bee.50?fref=ts 
10)There is evidence on,,some posis thai there was aiso a'oJamie Hartig" (and "Brittney Stevens" 
rnentioned above on "Chrjs Shipp" profile info) 
Similarities you will find between these listed fake profiles. 
1) Their profile post$ are like strings of running advertisements for all things Military with PTSD. The 
ONLY personal posts on any of their profiles are for Miliiary with FTSD, PTSD TKO (anoiher Gourley 
Facebook Page), or in support of Shawn and her book. 
a) One of the few exceptions to this is on Steve Johnson's profile where he posts pictures of "his" 
twins "Fisher and Huntefl'... . stoien photosl i have provided a copy of a picture of those actual twins 
and their real names are "Carter and Owen". Their identities were apparentiy stolen from "raising-twins. 
com" to post on "Steve's" profile to perpetuate his story. 
2) Most of them list ties to lndiana (to include Evansville and lvv Tech College), where Shawn lives, or to 
Kentucky (Shawn's house is oniy a couple miles from the Kentucky border).
3) Most of them are "friended" to each other. 
4) All of thern except "Robert Blume" and "Todd Bee", play "Bingo Blitz". (l am providing a screen shot 
showing that Shawn is on the "BINGO BLITZ HELP TEAM" on Facebook.) 
5) Several have ties to Austfalia as well.,. 
a) "Steve Johnson" says he lives in BRISBANE, GUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA (but says he WAS from 
Evansville, lN, Shawn's current residence and hometown). 
b) "Robert Blume's" profile pic is an Australian animal, the Koala bear. 
c) Most of the fakes have "liked" "Louise O'Shea-Nilsson", which appears to be a fake business 
listing also supposedly located in BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALTA. 
6) lf yor-l go into mosi of their"friends" lists, you will find an excessive amountof abvisusiyfake profiles 
that I have fondly named "the Blitzens". Profiles all apparently created to play "Fingo Blitz", and I 
believe most are Shawn as well (Profile copies of each availabie). Like...,. ', 
a) "Kristen Blitzer'' who happens to be from INDIANA, werked at "Bingo'Blitz", and is friended with 
three of the fake profiles, Shawn and Justin Gourley, and Shawn's daughter, Jordan Rigdon. 
b) "Blitzin Lou" also oddly from BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA, and friended with three of 
the fake profiles, the Gourleys, and Shawn's daughter Jordan Rigdon. (Please remember that 
"Steve Johnson's" profile also says he lives in BRISBANE.i 
c) "Lou 0'Shea", again from BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA (please remember here the 
seemingly fake business I mentioned earlier named "LOUise O'SHEA-Nilsson, also from 
BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA,) Friended with $hawn, "Steve", and "Grimm". Please 
note that "Lou O'Shea" and "Blitzin Lou" also have the exact same profile and cover pics. 
The Gourleys have convinced a considerable amount of.people and organizations (Elizabeth Dole Foundation 
and the VA National Center for PTSDi that they and their organization are honest, and are there only to help 
(Shawn is very clever and convincing on these points). This level of fraud helps no-one in the Veteran 
lf the Gourley's are allowed to proceed with their intended stated endeavors of producing more books, to 
include "educational" mater-ials for the wounded Veteran Community, based in fraud and deception, it will likely 
lead to permanent financial losses to,those who donate and irreparable harm to those veterans and caregivers 
seeking assistance with PTSD. , 
Please contact me if you have rany questions or need clarification, and definitely before you proceed with the 
contacting of anyone from "Military with PTSD, lnd'.

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Mwptsd statement-final

  • 1. October 8,2014 To Whorn It May Concern, I am writing to your office to report what I believe to be widespread fraud and financial crimes being perpetrated by a "Non-Profit" Veterans Advocacy organization called "Military With PTSD'. "Military with PTSD. lns." (MWPTSD) is wholly owned and operated by Shawn J. and Justin A. Gourley (listed as owners, founders, CEO, Board Chair, Board Vice President, etc.i. Their listing category on their official Facebook Page is, "Counseling and Mental Health - Armed Forces". "Military with PTSD, lr'rc." just became a 501(c)3 organization in Jr-rly 2A14, and has heen listed in the state of Indiana as a Non-Profit business s!nce 2412 I was an Administrator and Page Manager for the "Military with PTSD" Facebook Page for most of the three years between April 2011 and July 24,ZAM. Being the wife of a medically retired US Army Veteran myself, the MWPTSD Fage ailowed me the oppontunity to voluntarily serve other PTSD r,vounded Veterans, Servicemembers, and their family rflembers, in a meaningful way, that fit into my lifestyle. I believed I was working with honest pecple (the Gourleys) on an honest mission of helping wounded Veterans and their families deal with the personal aftermath of war, mainly through peer to peer type support. When I discovered this last July, that the Gourleys were involved in varicus fraudulent and unethical business activities, I I am very concerned about this organization's actions because of the large number of wounded Veterans, their families, and thousands of civilians apparently being defrauded, seemingly for the Gourley's own financial gain. I have reported this to other advocates who may be affected by the Gourley's actions as well as law enforcernent agencies because cf the poteniial b'readttr and magnitude of the fraud being committed. I believe the information I have obtained shows ihat fraud lS being committed, wiih the continued inient to receive financial compensation, under the guise of Veieran advocacy. As I will show, the Gourley's appear to be participating in fraudulent activities in order to gain publicity and false er"edibility, for their organization, and among their followers and supporters, especially those in the wounded Veteran community. All of this publicity and credibility building appears to be toward the goal of them receiving money in the way of book sales, donations, and grants; seemingly for personal use, rather than assistance for veterans, as mandated by the lnternal Revenue Service rules for "Non-Profit" Organizations. To date, and io my current knowtedge, the Gourleys have never provided any documentatisn to any requester of where or how ihe funds raised are being spent. I-etters sent recently to Miiitary with PTSD, to obiain this type of finaneia! information, with retr-rm receipt requested, have been returned to sender. Their first biatant lie is their claim to be involved in "Counseiing and Mental Health", as there are NO licensed mental health providers of any kind working for lrriilitary wiih PTSD. Shawn also fraudulently states on her Linkedin profile that she is in "Mental Health Care", and in the officiai Linkedln profile for "Military with PTSD" also states that the organization's "industry" is "Mental Health Care". Although the Gourleys continue to claim their only goal is to "help others", the reality is that "Military with PTSD" was started as a "soft" sales page. As stated by Shawn Gourley, in hen own words in her bio on her public "Linked ln" profile (and in an almost identical statement on her book's Amazon.corn profile), "Military With PTSD started on Facebook in Aug. 2010 as a place to launch my book 'The War At l'lome."' Her book was published as intended in 2011. It may help to know, moving forward into the fallowing information, that Shawn considers herself to be an lnternet Marketing expert. (Please see copy provided of her "Ezir'le" article from 2010, "How to Make HuEe Amounts of Maney in 30 Days - The Secret Truth fuTost Will NOT Tell You".) On her public "Linked ln" profile,
  • 2. she does list, among her "Skills and Expertise: Social Media, [Vlarketing, Creative Writing, and Web Marketing," among many other things. Additionally, on another of her Facebook Pages created in 2010 named, "l have completely mastered the right way to do everything wrong", you will find that Shawn says in a posi she made on August 26,2010, "1 am just curious to see what happens if I leave this page up. I wonder if I could get lucky like that other guy did and get 700,000 fans just because of the name of the page! LOL!!1" Then, when you see the screenshot (or "testimonial" page) from "" that shows that Shawn's husband, Justin Gourley, PURCHASED 10,000 "likes" for Shawn's official FB Author Page, it really increases the level of doubt about their actual intentions ,, ., As recently as April 2A14, Shawn Gourley represented herself as a "Elizabeth Dole Foundation Ambassadod' not only publically but also to another Veterans Advocacy organization (VeteranWaniors LLC), but also to dozens of Congressional leaders and their staff, during a delegation trip to Washington, D.C. Mrs. Gourley was invited by VeteranWarriors to participate in the delegation directly due to the Gourley's'self-proclaimed "successes with families dealing with PTSD". Mlultiple times during this trip, VeteranWarriors leadership attempted to secure an appointment with Senator Paity Murray to discuss their mission. Shawn repeatedly proffered that she was "in" with Senator Murray and could get the appointment easily. I was the person who has contact with Senator Murray. Shawn did ask me to secure a meeting with the Senator but I was not successful. lt was not until after the trip was over that I was, made aware by Senator Murray's office that they were informed during that time, by a Dole Foundation representative, that Shawn was an "impostef' and further suggested that Senator Murray's staff should not meet:with her, as she was misrepresenting her position with them. When you know information like all of this, it isn't such I siretch to imagine that Shawn is also capable of using even more "creatively" fraudulent promotionat tactics, to further the marketability and profitability of the Gourley name and associated organizations ("Miliiary with PTSD-, "PTSD TKO" and Fandomlife). No matter what her claims are of 'Just wanting to help Veterans and their families", the evidence, very unfortunately, speaks to her "motivation" as being much more self-serving. One of the most serious ways'lthe Gourleys appear to be going about these fraudulent promotional tactics is by creating and using fake Facebook profiles of seemingly non-existent U.S. Military Veterans and their spouses, some in very serious,orisis'situations (such as active suicide attempts or pending divorce). From the evidence I have so far been able'to aather, I have come across at least nine fake profiles that are being actively used by the'Gourle,yp on,the Military with PTSD Facebook Page fcr promotion activities, among other things, dating back to 2A11. (Atl suspected fake profiles identified later into this document.) .'. The purposg,for these suspected "fake people" and their posts and comments, as far as I can tell, seems to be to: 1) Draw attention to the MWFTSD Page/organization... after all drama "sells", and the Gourleys do have a book they have been trying to promote and sell since 2011 or so called, "The War at Home: One Family's Fight Against PTSD". As I will show, these "people" come on the MWPTSD Facebook (FB) Page, and on "their'' own individual FB profiles, and promote Shawn's "expertise", and refer people to Military with PTSD, and Shawn's book. The fakes also spend some of their time "defending" Justin, Shawn, andlor MWPTSD against those who are critical, and even bully legitimate Page rnernbers on occasion (please see copies of notated posts and profiles provided). 2) Promote and draw attention to Shawn's claimed PTSD "expert" status in the National Veteran's PTSD community. Shawn has publicly stated her intentions to write and publish more books {also mentioned in her "Linked ln" profile) and "educational" materials surrounding the subject of PTSD, and has been actively attempting to gain professional credibility with members of organizations such as the VA, and
  • 3. the National Center for PTSD. (Shawn is a lay person, not a therapist or doctor of any sort.) Also, Shawn has been actively trying to attract donors, and it helps to look like you know what you're doing, and are creating something beneficiai for the "community", if you are trying to secure funds for further prolect development. ** One example of the above implied scenarios: Fake Veteran shows up on Military with PTSD Page.... ls feeling "suicidal".... Other real Page members show up and get concerned and involved.... Eventually Shawn "shows up" and "saves" fake Veteran from "his" alleged suicidality in some way... . Fake Veteran is forever grateful and shows up on a regular basis thereafter to make sure that everyone knows how amazing Shawn and MWPTSD are (and her book too), and tells people things like "buy her book" or "stay on her Page, SHE can help you". AIso, even more serioustry, these fakes have been used to "dissuade" people from calling the National Suicide Hotline by stating things like, "l wouldn't call the National Suicide Hotline and will never recommend any vets do either..." (Posted in':a.comrnent on MWPTSD, October23,2A13). ..,.r r- ',', , Someone reading this might say, "Well, inany people use fake profiles on Facebook'll dJunOerstand that this happens, even though it is against Facebook's rules of operation, but, in this case, it appears to be that the Gourley's have created all of these particular profiles specifically for Page.,and/or organization notoriety, leading to personal and organizational financial gain, under the $uise of helping Veterans and their families. Additionally, there is information that only a few (couple) of we former MWPTSD Admins would have that helps put this all together, and kind of finishes the "closing,,out" of the possibility that these might be fake profiles created by people unassociated with the Gourleys. First, it's important to know that Shawn would have personal telephone conversations with we administrators' hehind the scenes about these particular fake "individuals'i, wherein she would mention them, in speaking to us, by their Facebook profile name. As an example, when Shawn spoke to we administrators' about "Justin Hartig" or "Todd Bee" and the things thai THEY had said to HER "ON THE PHONE", according to Shawn, then, they were still, in private conversation, "Justin Hartig" and "Todd Bee". ("'Todd Bee' iold me when I was on the phone with him..."). That is actually significant and here's why... As Admins, we have had others, mainly women, who have come to the Page using Facebook aliases (mainly due to abusive home siiuations), but AFTER Shawn would privately speak with them ON THE PHONE, she would usually tell us Admins, "Just so you know, ihis person using the Facebook profile name of _ is actuatly named_. I just spoke to her and wanted you to know who she really is in case you ever have to d€al with her." That never happened with any of the listed fakes. :: It is also important to point out that NONE of Shawn's (MWPTSD) Admins were EVER allowed to speak by phone with ANY of these fake profile people named here, no matter how serious their "crisis" was. ONLY Shawn was altowed to speak with them on the phone. That became a big "tell" after a little while, because we Admins helped other real people from the MWPTSD Page allthe time by phone. Any tirne she saw one of us, in messages or group,,ehat, suggesting we were going to try to speak on the phone with one of the "fakes", Shawn would abruptly pop up out of nowhere and intervene, sometimes in a very agitated manner, and tell us to back down, because she was already "on the phone" with "them", or she just strangely happened to know that "they" were unavailable, etc. When this happened enough times with ONLY those select "people", being "off-limits" it started causing suspicion. Also, other Crisis Response Team (CRT) rnembers, that she had invited to the MWPTSD Page from other FB team pages, were told by Shawn not to intervene when it came to those fakes being in "crisis". There is a copy provided for a Page conversation showing this exact thing happening involving the "Grimm Howard" character. e
  • 4. Getting into the individua!fake profiles... Shawn Gourley ADIVIITTED that the fake profile named "Holly Wood" is actuall5r her, and not a real person. So, we then factually KNCW that she has created at least one fake profile that interacts on the MWPTSD Page. Another fake profile is "Justin Hartig", which is the next quickest and easiest to prove as fake, once you find out that Justin Gourley's biological mother's current last name is "Hartig". Please see attached "" or "lntelius" page showing Carol Hartig, age 58, formerly "Carolyn J Gourley" of "Evansville, lN", related to "Justin A Gourley" (Shawn's husband). Please note that Shawn didn't get all that creative with her creation of this particular profile, since "his" fake first name is "Justin", as is her husband's, and she borrowed her mother-in-law's new last name, "Hartig". Please note on "Justin l-lartig's" front Facebook profile page {copy provided}, that "he" claims to have gone to "lvy Tech Community College", which just happens io be an INDIANA local College, thai was aiso attended by SHAWN GOURLEY, as mentioned on her front Facebook profile page (copy provided), and aiso on her "Linked ln" profile. It is also very easy ta notice, when looking at the rest of "Justin Hartig's"lprotile posts since trMarch 2A12, that "his" profile is suspiciously like a running advertisement for Miiitary with PT$D (and also PTSD TKO which is anothen Gourley Facebook Page), and for Shawn Gourley and her book, "The War ai Home". All "he" posts is related io MWPTSD. : ,, It is also very important to note that I have copies of comments and posts from "Justin Hartig" saying things about $hawn and Justin and MWPTSD such as, o'Lcok Shawn the founder of this page, VA counselors are being required to read her b'ook. $he is the expert and you are in very good hands here. She can teach you everything you need to know." (Copy of this post from September 18, 2013 is provided.) "Justln Hartig" also siates in a comment on June 30, 2014 on a MWPTSD Page post, "This is a couple that has help tens of thousands... I watched them save the llfe of another brother irr arms... I can tell you from first hand experience this couple knows more about PTSD and understands it better than most doctors." Quite a generous and exaggerated ("VA counselors are being REQUTRED to read her book") endorsement of Shawn's "expertise". Furthermore, Shawn can't possibly claim that this "Justin Hartig" was meant to be a fake protiie to represent HER Justin (Gourley), when .... A) "Justin Hartig" claims to,be a "combat Vei" (copy of Facebook post provided), which her husband Justin is NOT (he stayed on a ship in the Navy), and... B) I have copi*s of whole "real time" Facebook conversations on the MWPTSD Page in which "Justin Hartig" argues with his wife "Jamie Hartig", who is, according to ihe post comments a "licensed therapist" (mental health counselor... copies of this post provided). Shawn even is so "bold" in her creativity of this "Justin Hartig" story that she claims in this same post to have "sent police and paramedics" to their house. The big question is this.... lf this "Jr.rstin Hartig" fake, and each of the other suspected fake Veteran profiles ("$teve Johnson", "Thomas Smith"," Grimm Howard", "Chris Shipp", AND "Bobby AtkinslRobert Blume"), ARE each created by and used by Shawn and/or Justin Gourley, and. ". Each are, claiming in MWPTSD posts to be Veterans with different, unique stories, and... 1) 2) o), 4 tr 1) 2) 4
  • 5. 3) Then the fakes, in their comments and profiles, atre used BY the Gourleys to promote Shawn Gourley and/or her book, and to lend "expertise" credibility to Shawn, on an official public Facebook Page, that Shawn herself admits was started in order to "launeh" (sell) her book, "The War At Home", And also... 4) Shawn is still actively participating in book selling and promotion and fundraising activities (see provided copies of "GoFundMe", and "iGive", PTSD TKO t-shirt sales with "All profits going to Military with PTSD", and "The War at Home" book posts), on that same MWPTSD Page, THEN.... 5) ISN'T THIS FRAUD, AhlD POSSIBLY EVEN 'STOLEN VALOR" (falsely creating and representing yourself as a Veteran to receive financial gain)??? The rest of the fake profiles.... Before I move on I will inciude here ail of the suspected fake profile names (and their URLs) that I currently know of that have been, or are now being, used by the Gourleys on their MWPTSDT Facebook Page. Some claim to be Veterans, some spouses of Veterans. I will also give introduction level inf0rmation on each one. Keep in mind I have EXTENSIVE further documentation on these profiles and their use by'the Gourleys. 1) o'Justin Hartig": Profile created March 7,2Q12 (Explained a.pgve in detail.) . https./lvralrw.facebooLcomliustin.hartig.T?fffi 2l "Holly Wood": Profile created March 13,2A12. i,, . I HAVE SCREENSHOTS OF SHAWN ADMITTING 'THIS PROFILE lS ACTUALLY HER (From , ,,."' " 'H:,il""3;Xiil used to post questions for Shawn. "rHotty'r posts on March 25,2a12on MWPTSD, "l would like to help spouses, but I reatly don't know how.' I don't deal with feelings. I look at everything very logically..." (Those of us who were "close" to Shawn know that this was a very common complaint of hers.) o https : l/www. faceboo k. comlprgf i le. ph p?i d = 10Q9036399 1 6350&f ret=lg 3) "Thomas Smith": Profile created January 11,2012 . SEE SCREENSHOT COPIES of Shawn messaging about using this "Thomas" profile to "set-up" a fake suicidal situation publicly on her MWPTSD Page on February 16, 2013. I also have copies of the screenshots showing that this ruse was carried out by Shawn, and involved other innocent, well-rmeaning people, who believed they were responding to an actual life threatening situaiion. . "Thsmasilrclainns tobe a "vet.1,tMilitary Veteran) in a MWPTSD post on February 19,2A12. . As with the others, we can find "Thomas" being used to write things such as, "You need to read Shiwn J Gourley book and tatk with Shawn, they can help.", posted on MWPTSD March 7 ,2A13. o https : //www. face book. co m/prof i le. nh p? id= 1 00003299937388&f ref=ts 4) "Grimm,Howard!: Profile created January 7,2A11 . Coincidentally Shawn's maiden last name is also "Howard". . The very first profile post the VERY day this profile was created was a link/recommendation for Shawn's book, "The War at Home: One Family's Fight Against PTSD" . ""Grimm" is regularly used on the MWPTSD Page to thank Shawn for "saving" "his" life. ln a MWPTSD post from January 25,2A12, "She saved my life two weeks ago." This is in reference to Shawn's claim that she drove to "Grimm's" house in January 2A12 to "save his life", because "he" had allegedly "'cut his throat". She has told a second story about that particular night, wherein "Grimm" allegedly "overdosed", NOT cut his throat. . This profile has also been used to make potentially dangerously influential statements on MWPTSD such as, "l wouldn't call the National Suicide Hotline and will never recommend any vets do either." {Post on October 23,2013} . This "Grimm" profile was most recently used on IUWPTSD on June *,2A14. EJ
  • 6. . https ://www.facebook. com/qrimm. howard?fref=ts 5) "Steve Johnson": Profile created January 7,2012 . Profile timeline shows that, coincidentally, Shawn Gourley was "Steve's" VERY first FB friend on the VERY day the profile was created (and then "he" played a LOT of "Bingo Blitz" (Shawn is on the FB "BTNGO BLrTZ HELP TEAM). . "Steve" has been used to say things about MWPTSD like, "MembEr don't go anywhere but right here. Read the book the war at home. This sight will help you and your vet out more than anything else will. They saved my marriage.", in a post on September 18, 2A13. . And this post from "Steve" is even more outrageous, " do realize the VA sends people to Shawn and Justin here at Military with PTSD for help...", ir'r a post on June 23, 2014. . "Steve" is also regularly used on MWPTSD to harass real people, like in September 2012 when "he" was used to PUBLICLY accuse another book writer of PLAGIARIZING Shawn's book, saying "This book is stolen.", even in the woman's public news reviewsl .,r'., ,'r', r This profile was last used on October 2,2A14 to promote Shawn's book'rap',the MWPTSD Page. . https : //urr,ryw. facebook. co_mij stevem an?f ref =ts ,,,,'l li., ''I "l' 6) "PTSD Spouse (Shannon)": Profile created December7,2017. ,,, This profile first got involved on the MWPTSD Page around the time her profile was created. The story Shawn told us about "hed' was that "hedl.war wounded Veteran husband allegedly had badly hurt her during a bad "flashback" and then llshe" had sent'him" to jail. "Shannon" showed up initially defending the choice to keep "her'' husband in jail because "he" was "abusive". {The point of creaiing a character like this for Shawn would be to help her "get through" to some of the other wives on her Page that a Veteran's behavior,'during a "flashback" was not "abuse", and also, later in her story, to make the other Veteran spouses on the Page feel guilty if they complained about their husband's hurtful PTSD behaviors, because "at least they were still alive", unlike "shannon's" husband.) Shawn "intervened" and convineed "hef' that "he/' Veteran needed help, not jail. $eemingly miraculously, Shawn was then able to use her contacts (in only like THREE weeks time) to get "shannon's" husbgnd OUT cf jail, and INTO a VA treatment center. There, "he" allegedly killed himself (early. ,2A12), Mosi of this was talked about on the Page. "Shannon" then also allegedly became suicidal. ' "PTSD Spouse.:-.(shannon)" is used since then as a Gourley advocate making book recommendations;",,"Th:is is,by far the best book I have ever read. You all are amazing" (in zA12), and,''lF e folks heie and the page admins will help you understand whatever you ask..." (J anuary'.3, 20 1 2r on "Grimm Howard's" profi le) https:{)ryvr/rru;fecebook. com/ptsd. spouse?f ref=ts 7) "Bobby,Atkins/Robert Blume" : . The curent 'Robert Blume" was 'oBobby Atkins" until sometime between July 28,2A14 and July 31, 2Q14 when Shawn changed the name on this fake profile. The URL still shows the name Bobby Atkins. . "Bobby" (now "Robert") claimed in MWPTSD Page posts to be a "Navy" Veteran (from a post May 3,2012). Also, "he" claimed in a MWPTSD post from December 31 ,2011that "he" was "in combaf'. . The "Bobby" personality was used to make a soft "plug" for Shawn's book on the MWPTSD Page on January 17, 2A12 when "he" describes how her book helped "him" come to reaiize how much Veteran FTSD atfects spouses... "l realize how much it affects you now.", and then proceeds to quote several lines from Shawn's book. " This profile was most recently used on the MWPTSD Page on September 24, 2A14 ta stir up drama and act like "he" was angry at other Page members. lt appeared to be preparation for a post Shawn
  • 7. wanted to put up the following day advising her Page members not to send people "off" of the IVIWPTSD Page for help and other services (exclusivity). . htlpg: //wuCIry. facebqgk. co m/bobbv. atKt n s. 924?flel=!s 8) "Chris Shipp": Profile created February 2A,2413 . There is evidence that this profile used to be "Brittney Stevens" (that name is still listed in ihe "Chris Shipp URL and there are comments from others on MWPTSD that address a "Brittney Stevens"). o "Chris" is used for various Gaurley "defense" and support purposes. "He" can be seen defending Shawn on a past from October 10, 2013 telling a legitimate MWPTSD Page member, "You fuck off." Also, used on a FB Page called "Battling Bare" doing a lengthy defense of MWPTSD's business "legitimacy" on January 6,2A14, saying things like, "They are a legitimate Non Profit in the state of lndiana... " l . This profile was most recently used on the MWPTSD Page to defend the Gourley's on September 26,2414. " https:i/vvq{ 887lJfref=ts , : ' 9) "Todd Bee": Profile created September 12,2012 . "Todd" is first used to make MULTIPLE comments on the MWPTSD Page on the VERY same day "his" profile was created. "His" purpose to provide support to Shawn Gourley's posted assertion that her husband, Justin Gourley, cheated on her hecause he had gone off his psychiatric medications "cold turkey"" "Todd" states things like, "Jef,f the effeOts of stopping medicine cold turkey can make you do things you normally would never do,.. ". . "Todd" also is used to cite quite a lot of POTENTIALLY INACCURATE AND MISLEADING psychiatric medication details {such as supposed side effects and dangers)... like this, "The case studies suggest that SSRI treatment might be associated with increase and disinhibition of libido...." {September 1 A, 2A12} . Shawn adds to "Todd's" story by saying in one of her post comments that same day, ",.. lhave been talking with Todd Bee. t understand much better where he is coming from being that his wife and him went through a very similar situation. Todd is fighting to get the VA to stop prescribing paxil." ("Todd Bee" was created and used to stir drama first, typical MO, and then to "back-up" Shawn's story.) . "Todd Bee" was also used to recommend the MWPTSD Page to the National Center for PTSD on their FB Page on'May 6, 201'3 n https:i/www.facebook.comltodd.bee.50?fref=ts 10)There is evidence on,,some posis thai there was aiso a'oJamie Hartig" (and "Brittney Stevens" rnentioned above on "Chrjs Shipp" profile info) Similarities you will find between these listed fake profiles. 1) Their profile post$ are like strings of running advertisements for all things Military with PTSD. The ONLY personal posts on any of their profiles are for Miliiary with FTSD, PTSD TKO (anoiher Gourley Facebook Page), or in support of Shawn and her book. a) One of the few exceptions to this is on Steve Johnson's profile where he posts pictures of "his" twins "Fisher and Huntefl'... . stoien photosl i have provided a copy of a picture of those actual twins and their real names are "Carter and Owen". Their identities were apparentiy stolen from "raising-twins. com" to post on "Steve's" profile to perpetuate his story. 2) Most of them list ties to lndiana (to include Evansville and lvv Tech College), where Shawn lives, or to Kentucky (Shawn's house is oniy a couple miles from the Kentucky border).
  • 8. 3) Most of them are "friended" to each other. 4) All of thern except "Robert Blume" and "Todd Bee", play "Bingo Blitz". (l am providing a screen shot showing that Shawn is on the "BINGO BLITZ HELP TEAM" on Facebook.) 5) Several have ties to Austfalia as well.,. a) "Steve Johnson" says he lives in BRISBANE, GUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA (but says he WAS from Evansville, lN, Shawn's current residence and hometown). b) "Robert Blume's" profile pic is an Australian animal, the Koala bear. c) Most of the fakes have "liked" "Louise O'Shea-Nilsson", which appears to be a fake business listing also supposedly located in BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALTA. ... 6) lf yor-l go into mosi of their"friends" lists, you will find an excessive amountof abvisusiyfake profiles that I have fondly named "the Blitzens". Profiles all apparently created to play "Fingo Blitz", and I believe most are Shawn as well (Profile copies of each availabie). Like...,. ', a) "Kristen Blitzer'' who happens to be from INDIANA, werked at "Bingo'Blitz", and is friended with three of the fake profiles, Shawn and Justin Gourley, and Shawn's daughter, Jordan Rigdon. b) "Blitzin Lou" also oddly from BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA, and friended with three of the fake profiles, the Gourleys, and Shawn's daughter Jordan Rigdon. (Please remember that "Steve Johnson's" profile also says he lives in BRISBANE.i c) "Lou 0'Shea", again from BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA (please remember here the seemingly fake business I mentioned earlier named "LOUise O'SHEA-Nilsson, also from BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA,) Friended with $hawn, "Steve", and "Grimm". Please note that "Lou O'Shea" and "Blitzin Lou" also have the exact same profile and cover pics. The Gourleys have convinced a considerable amount of.people and organizations (Elizabeth Dole Foundation and the VA National Center for PTSDi that they and their organization are honest, and are there only to help (Shawn is very clever and convincing on these points). This level of fraud helps no-one in the Veteran comrnunity lf the Gourley's are allowed to proceed with their intended stated endeavors of producing more books, to include "educational" mater-ials for the wounded Veteran Community, based in fraud and deception, it will likely lead to permanent financial losses to,those who donate and irreparable harm to those veterans and caregivers seeking assistance with PTSD. , ,,, Please contact me if you have rany questions or need clarification, and definitely before you proceed with the contacting of anyone from "Military with PTSD, lnd'.