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Multicultural Education Essay
The global perspective of multicultural education is that minorities no longer needed to give up their culture, but also become exposed to the dominant
culture in society. It is important to recognize that American society is an on–going melting pot of cultures and it is essential that this is reflected in
the educational system as well. The move towards recognizing the need for cultural diversity in learning was not only a problem in the U.S, but in
many other countries as well. In 1961, the Organisation for Economic Co–Operation and Development (OECD) was established to "provide a setting
where governments" all over the world "can compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practice and coordinate more content...
In their summary the OECD makes it clear to state that "educational challenges posed by family background, socio–economic context and migration
status are not only strongly linked to student performance, they determined students performance over and above the schools influence" (OECD 20).
The organization came to the conclusion that it was imperative to provide help for these students and essentially the responsibility fell on the teacher.
The publication also looks at the role that in–service teachers have in determining how well students achieve in the classroom. When students feel
comfortable and are able to adapt in the classroom, the environment provides a more conducive learning opportunity. The teachers became the deciding
factor in student's achievement in the classroom.
Teachers and Multicultural Education In the beginning, in–service teachers seemed to be one of the difficult hurdles in adapting multicultural education
in the classroom. Many of the teachers had already developed a certain environment in the classroom and felt that the reform was a distraction to what
they had created. Some teachers resisted changing their curriculum to truly following the ideals of multicultural education. Those who were not
resistant to the change
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Multicultural Literacy
Discussion When students finish middle school and move to high school, is when they are mostly likely to drop out of school. Students don't see the
point of continuing their education when most of the time they don't understand or don't relate to the information that is being presented to them. Most
of the time students rather be out in the streets with their peers causing havoc, than being inside a classroom. Typically, this often occurs in urban areas
where the school population usually consists of students with culturally diverse backgrounds. According to the textbook Content Area Reading and
Writing (2008), students in inner–city schools finish assignments that involve reading or writing. The reason being that they often lack connection more content...
Students will be able to enjoy and understand the lessons, which it's obvious they rarely do. We can't afford to keep losing students because of a
simple issue like this. If students have low reading proficiencies because they are dropping out of school, it will affect the communities and
workplaces. Students won't be able to be successful because, nowadays the majority average paying jobs require for their employees to be able to
read, write and communicate effectively as well as to have a high school diploma. It's imperative that preservice teachers are informed of the benefits
multicultural education has. This type of curriculum could be what keeps culturally diverse students in school, or at least make it easier for them to
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Multicultural Essay
I must admit that before I began taking this class I took for granted how much racism still exists in this country. I have started to put more thought
in to the way the world really is, the topics discussed in class have started to catch my interest. When I first started reading the Tatum book I was
mad when I read her version of the word "racism". I thought to my self "I personally have never held down the black race, what does she mean?" As
I progressed in the book I was starting to understand what she meant about the system of advantages that white people are given. I also understood this
better when I read Elizabeth Munich's list of examples of how there are advantages to being white. I couldn't help agreeing with more
This is another reason why it is hard for me to discuss race openly. Then of course there is influence by our peers that can help orhurt our beliefs.
As far as the "scientific" work on race is concerned I believe that the majority of the scientists had strong racist opinions and feelings before they even
started thier research. All of the scientists who wrote the articles in reprint #1 appear to be white and have benefited from the racist society to get
into their position in the first place, so why would it be logical for them to publish anything good about minorities that would affairs when people
like this who have the power to teach use their power to spread a threaten this system of advantages that they have thrived on. These are the reasons
why I think these people could try and pass this stuff of as scientific research. It is a sad state of racist message. These scientists were respected and
I'm sure their word was taken literally by the general public. These men used their positions to spread their racist views in my opinion.
The main points that I have learned from my readings is that the society we live in today is not what it is cracked up to be. Minorities are constantly
being taken advantage of and discriminated against. Until this system is changed or at least acknowledged by the majority of people living here these
problems will remain.
From what I have read and seen in my life the relations between whites and minority groups has gotten better
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Essay on Multicultural Competency
Multicultural Competency
Arnold Miller
April 4, 2011
Patricia Perez, PhD
Multicultural Competency
In this paper I shall try to explain myself on how I feel on the different topics of perceptions, attitudes, biases, and beliefs of culturally different groups
to include other areas of my reactions to knowledge about values, practices, and experiences of individuals who are culturally different from me. What
biases, perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs might you hold about culturally different groups? In every work environment there are different cultures of
people working together for a common purpose of supporting themselves or a family, and as always there is a different in work ethnic among workers more content...
Many say keep the same culture separate on the job, but that is not fair, I just have to deal with being the foreigner in America. Many times while at
work when the different cultures get together to talk, I try to sit near to get an understanding of what they might be saying, but the results are the
same, so I just venture off to doing something to occupy my time at work to help time go by. Many times at work I keep telling myself that I am
bigger than them. How knowledgeable are you about the values, practices, and experiences of individuals who are culturally different from yourself?
Explain your answer. As long as I have been in the working field the thought of knowingthe culture, valves and practices of those from other culture
never cross my mind. I always believe that through conversation one could learn about another person just by being there and watching how someone
deals with the different portions of life, some in a good way, some in a not so good way. People are hard to understand, especially those from a
different culture, many culture are still practice here in the United States the same if it they were in their own country. Many have said that many forget
about their culture once they move to another country, this is true but is false as well. Many come to the United States and learn the
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multicultural society Essay
Multicultural Society.
The retrospective view of human history shows that it has always been a moving and mixing of peoples caused by different reasons. For centuries the
intervention of cultures grew reciprocally. As a result of this process people now have mixed cultures and many intercultural conflicts. The United
States is a great example of a pluralistic society made up of many different cultures and nationalities. It is a nation that is composed of people who
came here from around the world. In the 20th century, after new immigration laws were enforced, two opposing trends became obvious: the one state
that America is multicultural; the other claims that America is monoculture.
Ishamel Reed, a popular and well–known more content...
To prove his argument, Ishamel Reed tells us of the Puritans. Puritanism is a culture that originated in the North Eastern part of America and, according
to the concept of "Western Civilization," they are known to be our "founding fathers." The representatives of "Western Civilization" idealize these
people as honest, hardworking, faithful, and moral people. Nevertheless, estimating the contributions of the Puritans to the establishing of a great
industrial society, the author also shows us a different side of these people. He portrays them as mean and barbaric people who exterminated the native
Indians and killed their own children for disobeying their parents. Describing the Puritans, Reed wants to show readers how the old definition for the
American culture is nothing to be proud of and is based on a lie. On one hand, the Puritans contributed a lot to the establishing of a great Industrial
society but, on the other hand, they did not recognize and excluded any other cultures by destroying them. Unfortunately, the same attitude continues in
our days. That is why people need to realize that the concept of America being referred to as "Western Civilization", or "Civilization created by the
people from
Europe, as if Europe can be viewed in monolithic terms" is wrong, and can bring terrible consequences for people of different cultures.
The other author, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.,
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What Is Multiculturalism Essay
MULTICULTURALISM: Multiculturalism is the system of thought used to address the cultural differences and diversities that exist in our world. It
has been need more than insufficient for people to merely tolerate these cultural differences. The true sense of multiculturalism is the identification,
recognition and accommodation of these cultural differences. This is the modern understanding of multiculturalism as understood by various
philosophers around the world. Essentially it means that the idea of multiculturalism exists to not only identify diversity but to protect it in a
world were specific cultures dominate others. There are even more features of multiculturalism which further grouping of cultural diversities in
society. The primary one I'll be addressing here, as it is relevant to my analysis of these two books, is diaspora. Diaspora dictionary definition is the
scattering of people of similar origin over a geographic area but when we approach this from a philosophical aspect as these books have we realize
the deeper meaning of diaspora. The existence of people in various parts of the world regardless of their origin is given rise to multiculturalism. When
we created a global society, we in turn created societies where people of different origins, with strong more content...
Naipul is a similar story to that of the Namesake but on a much smaller geographic scale. It is also a story that is based on the protagonist
attempting to find his place in society through the physical manifestation of a house that he can call his own. As a child he is thrown around various
environments which affects his development into an adult very adversely. He is later married into a hateful family and tries to make a place of his
own for him and his family. He continues to bounce from place to place as he attempts t save enough money to accomplish his dream of building a
house which eventually becomes as reality albeit not the perfect result of his
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Examples Of Multicultural Society
What defines a multicultural society is the basic idea where everyone in said society can accept the uniqueness of culture and language its citizens
have to offer. In theory that's what it should be, but same theories put in practice result in the complete opposite, the ideas of the "Melting Pot" and
"Gorgeous Mosaic" are a perfect example of the possible outcome. The authors of "How to Tame a Wild Tongue" and " The Joy of reading and
writing." Are almost opposite sides of the same coin. This two authors from different ethics group suffer in many aspects the same dilemma because of
the so–called "multicultural" society and fought against the labels society place upon them to show their true capacity that when beyond their ethnic
group. A Multicultural Society. A place where many different nationalities join together and appreciate their uniqueness. One would think is the less
cliche version of everyone joining hands and singing the kumbaya. Ironically the United States founded solidly by almost fully European man is one
of the best examples of a multicultural society. Yes, that's what everyone would like to think. Perhaps that was the initial idea when the country started
to slowly become less white and more diverse. However, this state of pure unity is nothing but an illusion created by everyone. Does the United States
have many different cultures within its land? Yes of course, but does everyone acts as if they live in a multicultural society, that's an answer hard to
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Reflection Paper On Multicultural Education
TLED EDUC #772 Reflective Essay Each and every class I take I go into it with an open mind. This allows for me to learn new information without a
cloud of questions. It also allows for me to connect what I am learning to my real world experiences. This strategy makes learning more meaningful for
me and that allows me to comprehend the material better. From the class Understanding Diverse Student Populations I have learned about the many
different student populations that can be found in schools. By learning about the different cultures I am able to structure my lessons to meet the needs
of every child. This information also helps me guide my instructional approach towards each child. Every child deserves an individualized educational
program that meets their needs regardless of whether or not they have a disability. This would allow for the students to have the best opportunity to
succeed in school.
What I thought was the most useful information from this course was all the information about how to properly incorporate multicultural education into
my classroom. This course has changed my outlook on multicultural education what exactly it is and how it should be implemented. When I first
started this course my idea of multicultural education was having one multicultural unit in my program but since taken this course that has changed.
Now I see multicultural education as a school–wide initiative that all teachers should work on. It should also be utilized all throughout the year and not
just a month or unit. Teachers should incorporate multicultural education into the classroom all throughout the year naturally and use cultural events as
a way to discuss certain topics. The way in which I am going to incorporate multicultural education into the physical education setting is by using
sports from different cultures in my class to meet the different objectives and state standards. An example of this is the use of yoga as a way to teach
flexibility. I would then also share with my students the cultural relevance of yoga. I will also try and convince my team members to incorporate
multicultural education into their classrooms. It will first start small and each year we will grow upon what we have done before.
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Essay On Multiculturalism
Is a multicultural society good for the world and for different countries? Does multiculturalism renewal different countries, or does it make their own
basic national culture disappear? Should the government support multiculturalism? There are many different views around those questions. There are
also many other questions about multiculturalism, which are up in the light today.
Many people think that multiculturalism is helping countries because it gives them a bigger and varied culture. Just imagine our country without pizza,
different varieties of burgers, Chinese food or tacos. In Great Britain we would not have salsa, reggae or other great music genres. Different sports like
Ping–Pong or volleyball would not have been able to see more content...
Is it not our culture that makes us proud of our country? If we take away the things that make us the people we are many people would think that the
world will be too monotonous. We will just take the good things from different cultures and make them our own. Maybe our culture soon will be gone
if we let it renew with no system at all?
Multiculturalism allows different peoples from different countries, religions and cultures express themselves. Many peoples believe this is really
good because we all should be proud of who and what we are. We are all unique in our special way, so why don't let the world see us as whom we
really are? The society should not decide it. It is the difference in people who makes the beautiful diversity of our earth. It is a human right to be
But at the same time multiculturalism can make it difficult for some people. We hear a lot of immigrants complaining about the conditions in the
country who they escaped to. Many of them have a dream of traveling back to their homeland. It might be difficult to settle down in a new country,
and many immigrants are being bullied for their background. The feeling of being different is common by immigrants. They go to a school where
almost everyone has a different sight on life than them. This is actually really difficult for some
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Multicultural Literature Essay
Multicultural literature is a way of increasing cultural awareness. Through multicultural books many young readers are able to make a connection with
their own culture or better yet, further explore another culture. Authors use different themes such as culture, politics, and even personal barriers to
show different cultures. At times though, this genre will often reveal the "ugly roots for even the greatest literature" (Multicultural).
The phrase "ugly roots" emphasizes that what readers may not want to hear about a culture, including their own, will be told. Nothing is held back in
this type of reading, everything is told– there are no secrets. The writing is a source of information that helps readers to better understand
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When they were younger, their mother would buy them all the same things but each in their own color, and all the clothes she made for them was even
color coordinated.
Sandra was known as the artistic daughter, who was always very imaginative. She always wanted to be an artist, but after coming to America, things
begin to change
(Contemporary). She feels as if she was not good enough and began to put a lot of pressure on herself. A major event that later led to her
submitting herself into a mental home was when she saw a woman kiss her father. She was very young, and seeing a "white lady" kiss her father
caused her to wonder why life would allow this to happen to her. She never told anyone what she saw, because she was not even sure if it was
something bad and if it was who would believe her. With the lack of being able to express her feelings, she began to make herself go crazy by
thinking she was moving backwards in evolution. Sandra started to think she saw her features changing and was turning into an ugly monkey. This
symbolized herself growing apart from the world. The evolution theory of hers showed how she felt apart from the world and was slowly growing
apart in her own way.
Yolanda, the third daughter has the most trouble with finding herself. It all starts in her childhood when she had still lived in theDominican Republic.
She was known as the tomboy in the family and did not understand why
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Multicultural Identity: A Short Story
What is it that makes a person multicultural? My story is about Daniella a young student at Roger Williams University who has been exposing herself
to cultural space in Roger. It all begins with communication and her courage to socialize with different cultures. Intercultural relationships has been the
key for her multicultural identity as mention in the book Intercultural Communications Globalization and Social Justice. Intercultural Relationships is
the "human interaction with people from different religion, nationality or ethnicity". (112) in my story I focus how she is been interacting in different
cultural spaces. For example "Dia de los Muertos" a Mexican tradition. The event had verbal and non–verbal cultural communication. The behavior,
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Multicultural Identity Essay
Chapter 1 Journal Entries 1.Would you describe yourself as multiracial, or do you see yourself as belonging to a single race? Why? Page 8 In order to
be multiracial you have to be made up of multiple races. Personally, I am Cuban–American. I was born in the United States. As I was born here in U.S
I in the USA, I believe I am Hispanic as well as White. 2.Have you or any member of your family ever encountered a glass celling? Explain. Page
12 In order for someone to encounter a glass ceiling they must come across attitudes and actions that block the promotion of women and minorities
into top management positions. I have not encountered that or know of anyone in my family that has. I'm aware that Glass ceilings happen on a
daily basis in the work environment. I am grateful as I stated previously that it has not happened to me. 3.As you read the following scenarios that
represent a range of reactions (Cultural Cruise Control, Beginning Adjustments, and Fine Tuning), with whom do you most identify? Why? Page 14 I
believe the best scenario that represents me is Cultural Cruise Control. As I was born in Miami Florida and have been living here since then. I have
been in a Hispanic community my whole life where they have been very dominant, so any other culture would show to not be a custom for the people
who live around me and myself. Our textbook states, "cultural cruise control is an act through our own values, beliefs, and experiences are universal"
If you characterize
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Multiculturalism in Germany
Multiculturalism is the presence of many cultures in one place by having same political rights as other citizens regardless of their differences in private
lives. In a multicultural society, the citizens must embrace immigrants who have different values, beliefs and religions. Besides, the government must
accept immigrants as their own citizens and they must give political rights as well as civil and social rights. Thus, the integration of distinct cultures
can be completed and ultimately it can be seen that multiculturalism works in this country. However, multiculturalism does not work in every place and
Germany which is one of these places. The reasons of the failure of multiculturalism in Germany are more content...
There are some ways of acquiring German citizenship. According to Article 116 of the Basic Law,Turkish people have to live in Germany at least 15
years for naturalization but this effort is not enough to be naturalized. They also have to accept to renounce their previous citizenship. Therefore, the
requirement of relinquishing Turkish nationality blocked the integration of different cultures in Germany. In addition, until the new law in January
2000, which contained some modifications, children who were born and raised in Germany could not automatically have German citizenship. In
order to acquire citizenship, foreigners between the ages of 16 and 23 are required to be resident for more than 8 years, attend school for at least 6
years and have not been convicted of serious offences. (Kaya, 2002) After the new law, the rules of naturalization had little changes. According to the
new law, children who are born in Germany can acquire German citizenship at birth if one of their parents have lived lawfully in Germany for at
least 8 years, holds entitlement to residence or has an unlimited residence permit for at least 3 years. (Kaya, 2002) There is however a problem about
their dual citizenship because they have to choose one of their nationalities within five years between 18 and 23. This application which is prepared by
the German government seems to be in contradiction with the essential
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Multicultural Communication
Explain multicultural communication and its origins.
As travel and communication have become faster and easier, interaction between people of different cultures has become more and more common. It
was once the case that different cultures remained mostly separate from each other, whether due to war, geographic reasons, or beliefs in keeping
ethnic purity. Trade and immigration have brought together people of diverse cultures and backgrounds, making communication between people of
different cultures unavoidable.
Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation.
The society a person grows up in has certain norms, traditions, beliefs, language and dialects, values and acceptable behaviors, religious influences,
modes of dress, more content...
Let them know that their needs and beliefs are important and will be respected and addressed.
Discuss family culture and its effect on patient education.
The role and definition of family can vary from one culture to another. Generally speaking, the culture in the United States places a lot of emphasis on
individuality and personal freedom. In many cultures, the family unit has a very strict and defined hierarchy. Often the Father is seen as the head of
the household and is responsible for much of the decision making. This can include decisions concerning the health care of a family member. It
could also result in reluctance for the head of the family to place himself in a position of relying on others for care, a perceived position of weakness.
In many cultures, the family goes beyond the nuclear family, and extends to the community, friends and neighbors. These are strongly held beliefs, and
we must refrain from judging them as right or wrong based on our own culture. Rather, weneed to find ways to work within the framework of the
family structure of the patient. ( Falvo, pp.186–187)
List some approaches the health care professional can use to address religious and cultural diversity.
We must approach the patient and their family with an attitude of caring, empathy, and respect. We can explain that we would be happy to learn of the
patients' needs and concerns, and of any accommodations we can make so they will feel comfortable
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multicultural counseling Essay
Multicultural Counseling
After reading the many articles on the notion of diagnosis and counseling with multicultural/ethnic patients, it has come to my attention that this focus
is solely based on stereotypical attitudes. Sure, it can be said that it is important for a therapist to have a background of the patient's heritage and
culture, but doesn't this necessarily mean that the outlook of the therapist will be put in a box by doing so? I think multicultural competency is a
ridiculous way to improve patient–therapist relationships because of several reasons. First off, generalities and race–centralisms only hinder, not
improve, the inner workings of a therapy session. Second, there is no real way to more content...
This bias will be formed in the "classroom" in which multicultural competency takes place. If therapists are taught certain things about certain races,
they have no choice but to implement these issues into their practice. I think the implementation of any sort of knowledge is absolutely dependent on
the patient and what is the nature of their illness.
If there is a model for competency involving multicultural issues, the therapist, especially, is forced to look at the information taught to s/he in the
study for the competency. After going through the process of understanding multicultural issues (however this is possible) and having passed the
"exam" that tells them that they are multiculturally competent, a strange occurrence will take place when putting these studies into practical use in the
therapy environment. Let's say that therapist Dr. Harry Potter has a new patient coming in for the first time today. Her name is Janet Lee. Already by
having been a part of society for 40 some years, Potter makes the assumption that Lee is a Chinese name; therefore his new patient is Chinese. Potter
then puts on his therapists' hat and thinks back to what he learned in his competency class about Chinese patients. He remembers what he learned of
their relationships with their parents, their understandings of the US and how they feel about therapy. Now Janet walks in. They began conversing.
Janet begins to feel
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There are different views and definition of multiculturalism; the definition of multiculturalism depends on the context in which it is used. In sociology,
multiculturalism is the idea that various cultures exist in a society and all these cultures deserve equal treatment (Macionis, 2010). Sociologists believe
that members of different cultures can live peacefully alongside each other and assimilation is not necessary. This essay will focus on both the positive
aspects and the main tensions that arise in a multicultural society.
Britain today has many people with different ethnic backgrounds from various countries. The history of multiculturalism began during more
The diversity of cultures has played a significant role in shaping the cultural landscape. When people live together in a community, communication is
unavoidable and communication involves sharing ideas and perspectives, creating a body of collectively acceptable principles and policies, therefore,
leading to a more innovative, creative and prosperous society. According to professor Bhikhu Parekh (2006), multiculturalism is "about intercultural
fusion in which a culture borrows bits of others and creatively transforms both itself and them". One culture might be influenced by the beliefs and
practices of another, so they borrow what they find valuable and enrich and broaden it, and this helps to build common bonds between the two
cultures. The various skills or ideas obtained from another group can be used in various areas of life:
Communities educate each other, provided that none is too overbearing and self righteous to welcome criticism. They also represent different talents,
skills, forms of imagination, forms of social organization, and psychological and moral energies, all of which constitute a most valuable resource which
can be fruitfully harnessed in various areas of life such as sports, business, management, creative arts, industry and government (Parekh, 2006:168).
Multiculturalism is an important constituent of human freedom. If individuals do not have access to other cultures but theirs alone,
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A Multicultural Organization Essay
Name: Title: Institution: Abstract Due to the undeniably worldwide business environment, numerous organizations are building teams and
incorporating individuals from diverse nations. Albeit a significant number of these groups are intended to pool assets and increment operational
efпЃciency, the social differing qualities of colleagues may make a more drawn out expectation to learn and adapt for securing viable techniques than
socially homogeneous groups. Multicultural Organization is an association whose work drive not just incorporates individuals from different racial,
religious and gender foundations. The managers in such business are defied with different issues and difficulties in the execution of their obligations as
directors. Consequently, this paper analyzes the difficulties the administrators are confronting. Thesis statement A multicultural association shows an
unlucky deficiency of separation and preference, with aptitudes and ability being the essential criteria for climbing the professional bureaucracy. As
business has gone worldwide in the course of recent decades, its part in spreading qualities has picked up significance. Through business, exchange and
speculation, and the trading of thoughts and information, business has turned into a real on–screen character crosswise over cultures and individuals.
For business associations to exceed expectations all inclusive they have to handle their associations, in any case, managers of such associations are
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Essay On Multicultural Experience
In sixteen years of life, I have received an opportunity to experience different cultures, learning styles, and languages. To start of, I am an American
since I was born here, but the reality is that I was raised in India. My parents' main motivation for moving back to India was because they wanted us to
embrace our traditions, and most importantly, value our family relationships. We relocated back to the US at the start of 9th grade. This transition was
a huge factor for transforming me as a person. I am cognizant of the two systems, cherish both, and realize that these multicultural experiences have
encouraged me to grow and mature beyond my years. Relocating from a place is not as easy as one can imagine. When compared to the US, India more content...
Next, science is the light that keeps us out of the dark ages. If science did not evolve, we would have many unanswered questions related to real life,
die with terrifying diseases, and starve without hygiene and nutritious food. Because science has an impact on every aspect of our lives, I am eager in
exploring this immense field of study and improve society through healthcare. When it comes to STEM field and school, on top of maintaining good
GPA and grades, I devote my time well to my extracurriculars. Starting 7th grade, my passion for opting the medical field has strengthened due to my
influential pediatrician. This enhanced drastically as I started gaining many volunteering and shadowing experiences throughout high school. As a
freshman, I started taking advantage of majority of the opportunities around me like joining HOSA (Health Occupations Students Of America),
Steminism, NHS, UPMC Passavant, Senior Living Facility. Covering a wide range of areas in healthcare–– volunteering/shadowing a geriatrician,
pharmacist, nurse, surgeon and more–– solidified my aspiration. However, when I think about the medical field, clinical is not the only side. Research
plays a huge role in medicine because without this, we would have inadequate knowledge about science and also would not have access to all these
sophisticated treatments. Bayer School Scholars Program is a great opportunity for students like me to
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Multicultural Education Essay
Multicultural Education
What is multicultural education, and how is it relevant to science instruction? Over the past decade, educators have ignored this question and instead,
they have focused on ways and methods of incorporating multiculturalism in the humanities. In the most recent assessment of Virginias Science
Standards of Learning, Virginia received a grade of D, almost failing, in part because of the absence of a multicultural approach towardsinstruction. In
research and discussions with professionals in the fields of both elementary science and multicultural education, we learned and discussed numerous
ways for teachers to consider this crucial element in their classrooms. In particular, Virginiaeducators must stress more content...
In an interview with Dr. C, a leading educator in multicultural issues, we learned that recognizing diversity facilitates a more active learning experience
for the student because it emphasizes understanding in terms of different perspectives rather than just learning the facts. Children are not all the same,
and consequently, the way that they all do science will not be the same. According to a computer science professor, Were up against something cultural
(Cone, P. 1, 1998) as far as diversity in science fields. As a result, teachers must find a way to make science appealing to everyone, and multicultural
education is one way to facilitate communication in all subjects between students, their teachers, and the rest of society.
In Virginia, the Standards of Learning mostly ignore the issues of multiculturalism in science and this must change in order to ensure the development
of multicultural education in the Virginia sciences. It is vital that students understand not only the hows and whys of science, but also the whos.
Children have a strong image of a white male, with glasses and messy hair, as the standard scientist (Chambers, 1983), but it is our job to erase that
image and show them that scientists look just like them. In fact, there are scientists of every race, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic background.
Teachers need to provide this
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Multicultural Education Essay

  • 1. Multicultural Education Essay The global perspective of multicultural education is that minorities no longer needed to give up their culture, but also become exposed to the dominant culture in society. It is important to recognize that American society is an on–going melting pot of cultures and it is essential that this is reflected in the educational system as well. The move towards recognizing the need for cultural diversity in learning was not only a problem in the U.S, but in many other countries as well. In 1961, the Organisation for Economic Co–Operation and Development (OECD) was established to "provide a setting where governments" all over the world "can compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practice and coordinate more content... In their summary the OECD makes it clear to state that "educational challenges posed by family background, socio–economic context and migration status are not only strongly linked to student performance, they determined students performance over and above the schools influence" (OECD 20). The organization came to the conclusion that it was imperative to provide help for these students and essentially the responsibility fell on the teacher. The publication also looks at the role that in–service teachers have in determining how well students achieve in the classroom. When students feel comfortable and are able to adapt in the classroom, the environment provides a more conducive learning opportunity. The teachers became the deciding factor in student's achievement in the classroom. Teachers and Multicultural Education In the beginning, in–service teachers seemed to be one of the difficult hurdles in adapting multicultural education in the classroom. Many of the teachers had already developed a certain environment in the classroom and felt that the reform was a distraction to what they had created. Some teachers resisted changing their curriculum to truly following the ideals of multicultural education. Those who were not resistant to the change Get more content on
  • 2. Multicultural Literacy Discussion When students finish middle school and move to high school, is when they are mostly likely to drop out of school. Students don't see the point of continuing their education when most of the time they don't understand or don't relate to the information that is being presented to them. Most of the time students rather be out in the streets with their peers causing havoc, than being inside a classroom. Typically, this often occurs in urban areas where the school population usually consists of students with culturally diverse backgrounds. According to the textbook Content Area Reading and Writing (2008), students in inner–city schools finish assignments that involve reading or writing. The reason being that they often lack connection more content... Students will be able to enjoy and understand the lessons, which it's obvious they rarely do. We can't afford to keep losing students because of a simple issue like this. If students have low reading proficiencies because they are dropping out of school, it will affect the communities and workplaces. Students won't be able to be successful because, nowadays the majority average paying jobs require for their employees to be able to read, write and communicate effectively as well as to have a high school diploma. It's imperative that preservice teachers are informed of the benefits multicultural education has. This type of curriculum could be what keeps culturally diverse students in school, or at least make it easier for them to Get more content on
  • 3. Multicultural Essay Multicultural I must admit that before I began taking this class I took for granted how much racism still exists in this country. I have started to put more thought in to the way the world really is, the topics discussed in class have started to catch my interest. When I first started reading the Tatum book I was mad when I read her version of the word "racism". I thought to my self "I personally have never held down the black race, what does she mean?" As I progressed in the book I was starting to understand what she meant about the system of advantages that white people are given. I also understood this better when I read Elizabeth Munich's list of examples of how there are advantages to being white. I couldn't help agreeing with more content... This is another reason why it is hard for me to discuss race openly. Then of course there is influence by our peers that can help orhurt our beliefs. As far as the "scientific" work on race is concerned I believe that the majority of the scientists had strong racist opinions and feelings before they even started thier research. All of the scientists who wrote the articles in reprint #1 appear to be white and have benefited from the racist society to get into their position in the first place, so why would it be logical for them to publish anything good about minorities that would affairs when people like this who have the power to teach use their power to spread a threaten this system of advantages that they have thrived on. These are the reasons why I think these people could try and pass this stuff of as scientific research. It is a sad state of racist message. These scientists were respected and I'm sure their word was taken literally by the general public. These men used their positions to spread their racist views in my opinion. The main points that I have learned from my readings is that the society we live in today is not what it is cracked up to be. Minorities are constantly being taken advantage of and discriminated against. Until this system is changed or at least acknowledged by the majority of people living here these problems will remain. From what I have read and seen in my life the relations between whites and minority groups has gotten better Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Multicultural Competency Multicultural Competency Arnold Miller PSYCH 535 April 4, 2011 Patricia Perez, PhD Multicultural Competency Introduction In this paper I shall try to explain myself on how I feel on the different topics of perceptions, attitudes, biases, and beliefs of culturally different groups to include other areas of my reactions to knowledge about values, practices, and experiences of individuals who are culturally different from me. What biases, perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs might you hold about culturally different groups? In every work environment there are different cultures of people working together for a common purpose of supporting themselves or a family, and as always there is a different in work ethnic among workers more content... Many say keep the same culture separate on the job, but that is not fair, I just have to deal with being the foreigner in America. Many times while at work when the different cultures get together to talk, I try to sit near to get an understanding of what they might be saying, but the results are the same, so I just venture off to doing something to occupy my time at work to help time go by. Many times at work I keep telling myself that I am bigger than them. How knowledgeable are you about the values, practices, and experiences of individuals who are culturally different from yourself? Explain your answer. As long as I have been in the working field the thought of knowingthe culture, valves and practices of those from other culture never cross my mind. I always believe that through conversation one could learn about another person just by being there and watching how someone deals with the different portions of life, some in a good way, some in a not so good way. People are hard to understand, especially those from a different culture, many culture are still practice here in the United States the same if it they were in their own country. Many have said that many forget about their culture once they move to another country, this is true but is false as well. Many come to the United States and learn the Get more content on
  • 5. multicultural society Essay Multicultural Society. The retrospective view of human history shows that it has always been a moving and mixing of peoples caused by different reasons. For centuries the intervention of cultures grew reciprocally. As a result of this process people now have mixed cultures and many intercultural conflicts. The United States is a great example of a pluralistic society made up of many different cultures and nationalities. It is a nation that is composed of people who came here from around the world. In the 20th century, after new immigration laws were enforced, two opposing trends became obvious: the one state that America is multicultural; the other claims that America is monoculture. Ishamel Reed, a popular and well–known more content... To prove his argument, Ishamel Reed tells us of the Puritans. Puritanism is a culture that originated in the North Eastern part of America and, according to the concept of "Western Civilization," they are known to be our "founding fathers." The representatives of "Western Civilization" idealize these people as honest, hardworking, faithful, and moral people. Nevertheless, estimating the contributions of the Puritans to the establishing of a great industrial society, the author also shows us a different side of these people. He portrays them as mean and barbaric people who exterminated the native Indians and killed their own children for disobeying their parents. Describing the Puritans, Reed wants to show readers how the old definition for the American culture is nothing to be proud of and is based on a lie. On one hand, the Puritans contributed a lot to the establishing of a great Industrial society but, on the other hand, they did not recognize and excluded any other cultures by destroying them. Unfortunately, the same attitude continues in our days. That is why people need to realize that the concept of America being referred to as "Western Civilization", or "Civilization created by the people from Europe, as if Europe can be viewed in monolithic terms" is wrong, and can bring terrible consequences for people of different cultures. The other author, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Get more content on
  • 6. What Is Multiculturalism Essay MULTICULTURALISM: Multiculturalism is the system of thought used to address the cultural differences and diversities that exist in our world. It has been need more than insufficient for people to merely tolerate these cultural differences. The true sense of multiculturalism is the identification, recognition and accommodation of these cultural differences. This is the modern understanding of multiculturalism as understood by various philosophers around the world. Essentially it means that the idea of multiculturalism exists to not only identify diversity but to protect it in a world were specific cultures dominate others. There are even more features of multiculturalism which further grouping of cultural diversities in society. The primary one I'll be addressing here, as it is relevant to my analysis of these two books, is diaspora. Diaspora dictionary definition is the scattering of people of similar origin over a geographic area but when we approach this from a philosophical aspect as these books have we realize the deeper meaning of diaspora. The existence of people in various parts of the world regardless of their origin is given rise to multiculturalism. When we created a global society, we in turn created societies where people of different origins, with strong more content... Naipul is a similar story to that of the Namesake but on a much smaller geographic scale. It is also a story that is based on the protagonist attempting to find his place in society through the physical manifestation of a house that he can call his own. As a child he is thrown around various environments which affects his development into an adult very adversely. He is later married into a hateful family and tries to make a place of his own for him and his family. He continues to bounce from place to place as he attempts t save enough money to accomplish his dream of building a house which eventually becomes as reality albeit not the perfect result of his Get more content on
  • 7. Examples Of Multicultural Society What defines a multicultural society is the basic idea where everyone in said society can accept the uniqueness of culture and language its citizens have to offer. In theory that's what it should be, but same theories put in practice result in the complete opposite, the ideas of the "Melting Pot" and "Gorgeous Mosaic" are a perfect example of the possible outcome. The authors of "How to Tame a Wild Tongue" and " The Joy of reading and writing." Are almost opposite sides of the same coin. This two authors from different ethics group suffer in many aspects the same dilemma because of the so–called "multicultural" society and fought against the labels society place upon them to show their true capacity that when beyond their ethnic group. A Multicultural Society. A place where many different nationalities join together and appreciate their uniqueness. One would think is the less cliche version of everyone joining hands and singing the kumbaya. Ironically the United States founded solidly by almost fully European man is one of the best examples of a multicultural society. Yes, that's what everyone would like to think. Perhaps that was the initial idea when the country started to slowly become less white and more diverse. However, this state of pure unity is nothing but an illusion created by everyone. Does the United States have many different cultures within its land? Yes of course, but does everyone acts as if they live in a multicultural society, that's an answer hard to Get more content on
  • 8. Reflection Paper On Multicultural Education TLED EDUC #772 Reflective Essay Each and every class I take I go into it with an open mind. This allows for me to learn new information without a cloud of questions. It also allows for me to connect what I am learning to my real world experiences. This strategy makes learning more meaningful for me and that allows me to comprehend the material better. From the class Understanding Diverse Student Populations I have learned about the many different student populations that can be found in schools. By learning about the different cultures I am able to structure my lessons to meet the needs of every child. This information also helps me guide my instructional approach towards each child. Every child deserves an individualized educational program that meets their needs regardless of whether or not they have a disability. This would allow for the students to have the best opportunity to succeed in school. What I thought was the most useful information from this course was all the information about how to properly incorporate multicultural education into my classroom. This course has changed my outlook on multicultural education what exactly it is and how it should be implemented. When I first started this course my idea of multicultural education was having one multicultural unit in my program but since taken this course that has changed. Now I see multicultural education as a school–wide initiative that all teachers should work on. It should also be utilized all throughout the year and not just a month or unit. Teachers should incorporate multicultural education into the classroom all throughout the year naturally and use cultural events as a way to discuss certain topics. The way in which I am going to incorporate multicultural education into the physical education setting is by using sports from different cultures in my class to meet the different objectives and state standards. An example of this is the use of yoga as a way to teach flexibility. I would then also share with my students the cultural relevance of yoga. I will also try and convince my team members to incorporate multicultural education into their classrooms. It will first start small and each year we will grow upon what we have done before. When Get more content on
  • 9. Essay On Multiculturalism Is a multicultural society good for the world and for different countries? Does multiculturalism renewal different countries, or does it make their own basic national culture disappear? Should the government support multiculturalism? There are many different views around those questions. There are also many other questions about multiculturalism, which are up in the light today. Many people think that multiculturalism is helping countries because it gives them a bigger and varied culture. Just imagine our country without pizza, different varieties of burgers, Chinese food or tacos. In Great Britain we would not have salsa, reggae or other great music genres. Different sports like Ping–Pong or volleyball would not have been able to see more content... Is it not our culture that makes us proud of our country? If we take away the things that make us the people we are many people would think that the world will be too monotonous. We will just take the good things from different cultures and make them our own. Maybe our culture soon will be gone if we let it renew with no system at all? Multiculturalism allows different peoples from different countries, religions and cultures express themselves. Many peoples believe this is really good because we all should be proud of who and what we are. We are all unique in our special way, so why don't let the world see us as whom we really are? The society should not decide it. It is the difference in people who makes the beautiful diversity of our earth. It is a human right to be different. But at the same time multiculturalism can make it difficult for some people. We hear a lot of immigrants complaining about the conditions in the country who they escaped to. Many of them have a dream of traveling back to their homeland. It might be difficult to settle down in a new country, and many immigrants are being bullied for their background. The feeling of being different is common by immigrants. They go to a school where almost everyone has a different sight on life than them. This is actually really difficult for some Get more content on
  • 10. Multicultural Literature Essay Multicultural literature is a way of increasing cultural awareness. Through multicultural books many young readers are able to make a connection with their own culture or better yet, further explore another culture. Authors use different themes such as culture, politics, and even personal barriers to show different cultures. At times though, this genre will often reveal the "ugly roots for even the greatest literature" (Multicultural). The phrase "ugly roots" emphasizes that what readers may not want to hear about a culture, including their own, will be told. Nothing is held back in this type of reading, everything is told– there are no secrets. The writing is a source of information that helps readers to better understand more content... When they were younger, their mother would buy them all the same things but each in their own color, and all the clothes she made for them was even color coordinated. Sandra was known as the artistic daughter, who was always very imaginative. She always wanted to be an artist, but after coming to America, things begin to change (Contemporary). She feels as if she was not good enough and began to put a lot of pressure on herself. A major event that later led to her submitting herself into a mental home was when she saw a woman kiss her father. She was very young, and seeing a "white lady" kiss her father caused her to wonder why life would allow this to happen to her. She never told anyone what she saw, because she was not even sure if it was something bad and if it was who would believe her. With the lack of being able to express her feelings, she began to make herself go crazy by thinking she was moving backwards in evolution. Sandra started to think she saw her features changing and was turning into an ugly monkey. This symbolized herself growing apart from the world. The evolution theory of hers showed how she felt apart from the world and was slowly growing apart in her own way. Yolanda, the third daughter has the most trouble with finding herself. It all starts in her childhood when she had still lived in theDominican Republic. She was known as the tomboy in the family and did not understand why Get more content on
  • 11. Multicultural Identity: A Short Story What is it that makes a person multicultural? My story is about Daniella a young student at Roger Williams University who has been exposing herself to cultural space in Roger. It all begins with communication and her courage to socialize with different cultures. Intercultural relationships has been the key for her multicultural identity as mention in the book Intercultural Communications Globalization and Social Justice. Intercultural Relationships is the "human interaction with people from different religion, nationality or ethnicity". (112) in my story I focus how she is been interacting in different cultural spaces. For example "Dia de los Muertos" a Mexican tradition. The event had verbal and non–verbal cultural communication. The behavior, Get more content on
  • 12. Multicultural Identity Essay Chapter 1 Journal Entries 1.Would you describe yourself as multiracial, or do you see yourself as belonging to a single race? Why? Page 8 In order to be multiracial you have to be made up of multiple races. Personally, I am Cuban–American. I was born in the United States. As I was born here in U.S I in the USA, I believe I am Hispanic as well as White. 2.Have you or any member of your family ever encountered a glass celling? Explain. Page 12 In order for someone to encounter a glass ceiling they must come across attitudes and actions that block the promotion of women and minorities into top management positions. I have not encountered that or know of anyone in my family that has. I'm aware that Glass ceilings happen on a daily basis in the work environment. I am grateful as I stated previously that it has not happened to me. 3.As you read the following scenarios that represent a range of reactions (Cultural Cruise Control, Beginning Adjustments, and Fine Tuning), with whom do you most identify? Why? Page 14 I believe the best scenario that represents me is Cultural Cruise Control. As I was born in Miami Florida and have been living here since then. I have been in a Hispanic community my whole life where they have been very dominant, so any other culture would show to not be a custom for the people who live around me and myself. Our textbook states, "cultural cruise control is an act through our own values, beliefs, and experiences are universal" If you characterize Get more content on
  • 13. Multiculturalism in Germany MULTICULTURALISM IN GERMANY Multiculturalism is the presence of many cultures in one place by having same political rights as other citizens regardless of their differences in private lives. In a multicultural society, the citizens must embrace immigrants who have different values, beliefs and religions. Besides, the government must accept immigrants as their own citizens and they must give political rights as well as civil and social rights. Thus, the integration of distinct cultures can be completed and ultimately it can be seen that multiculturalism works in this country. However, multiculturalism does not work in every place and Germany which is one of these places. The reasons of the failure of multiculturalism in Germany are more content... There are some ways of acquiring German citizenship. According to Article 116 of the Basic Law,Turkish people have to live in Germany at least 15 years for naturalization but this effort is not enough to be naturalized. They also have to accept to renounce their previous citizenship. Therefore, the requirement of relinquishing Turkish nationality blocked the integration of different cultures in Germany. In addition, until the new law in January 2000, which contained some modifications, children who were born and raised in Germany could not automatically have German citizenship. In order to acquire citizenship, foreigners between the ages of 16 and 23 are required to be resident for more than 8 years, attend school for at least 6 years and have not been convicted of serious offences. (Kaya, 2002) After the new law, the rules of naturalization had little changes. According to the new law, children who are born in Germany can acquire German citizenship at birth if one of their parents have lived lawfully in Germany for at least 8 years, holds entitlement to residence or has an unlimited residence permit for at least 3 years. (Kaya, 2002) There is however a problem about their dual citizenship because they have to choose one of their nationalities within five years between 18 and 23. This application which is prepared by the German government seems to be in contradiction with the essential Get more content on
  • 14. Multicultural Communication Explain multicultural communication and its origins. As travel and communication have become faster and easier, interaction between people of different cultures has become more and more common. It was once the case that different cultures remained mostly separate from each other, whether due to war, geographic reasons, or beliefs in keeping ethnic purity. Trade and immigration have brought together people of diverse cultures and backgrounds, making communication between people of different cultures unavoidable. Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation. The society a person grows up in has certain norms, traditions, beliefs, language and dialects, values and acceptable behaviors, religious influences, modes of dress, more content... Let them know that their needs and beliefs are important and will be respected and addressed. Discuss family culture and its effect on patient education. The role and definition of family can vary from one culture to another. Generally speaking, the culture in the United States places a lot of emphasis on individuality and personal freedom. In many cultures, the family unit has a very strict and defined hierarchy. Often the Father is seen as the head of the household and is responsible for much of the decision making. This can include decisions concerning the health care of a family member. It could also result in reluctance for the head of the family to place himself in a position of relying on others for care, a perceived position of weakness. In many cultures, the family goes beyond the nuclear family, and extends to the community, friends and neighbors. These are strongly held beliefs, and we must refrain from judging them as right or wrong based on our own culture. Rather, weneed to find ways to work within the framework of the family structure of the patient. ( Falvo, pp.186–187) List some approaches the health care professional can use to address religious and cultural diversity. We must approach the patient and their family with an attitude of caring, empathy, and respect. We can explain that we would be happy to learn of the patients' needs and concerns, and of any accommodations we can make so they will feel comfortable Get more content on
  • 15. multicultural counseling Essay Multicultural Counseling After reading the many articles on the notion of diagnosis and counseling with multicultural/ethnic patients, it has come to my attention that this focus is solely based on stereotypical attitudes. Sure, it can be said that it is important for a therapist to have a background of the patient's heritage and culture, but doesn't this necessarily mean that the outlook of the therapist will be put in a box by doing so? I think multicultural competency is a ridiculous way to improve patient–therapist relationships because of several reasons. First off, generalities and race–centralisms only hinder, not improve, the inner workings of a therapy session. Second, there is no real way to more content... This bias will be formed in the "classroom" in which multicultural competency takes place. If therapists are taught certain things about certain races, they have no choice but to implement these issues into their practice. I think the implementation of any sort of knowledge is absolutely dependent on the patient and what is the nature of their illness. If there is a model for competency involving multicultural issues, the therapist, especially, is forced to look at the information taught to s/he in the study for the competency. After going through the process of understanding multicultural issues (however this is possible) and having passed the "exam" that tells them that they are multiculturally competent, a strange occurrence will take place when putting these studies into practical use in the therapy environment. Let's say that therapist Dr. Harry Potter has a new patient coming in for the first time today. Her name is Janet Lee. Already by having been a part of society for 40 some years, Potter makes the assumption that Lee is a Chinese name; therefore his new patient is Chinese. Potter then puts on his therapists' hat and thinks back to what he learned in his competency class about Chinese patients. He remembers what he learned of their relationships with their parents, their understandings of the US and how they feel about therapy. Now Janet walks in. They began conversing. Janet begins to feel Get more content on
  • 16. INTRODUCTION: There are different views and definition of multiculturalism; the definition of multiculturalism depends on the context in which it is used. In sociology, multiculturalism is the idea that various cultures exist in a society and all these cultures deserve equal treatment (Macionis, 2010). Sociologists believe that members of different cultures can live peacefully alongside each other and assimilation is not necessary. This essay will focus on both the positive aspects and the main tensions that arise in a multicultural society. SAMPLE BACKGROUND – HISTORY OF MULTICULTURALISMIN BRITAIN Britain today has many people with different ethnic backgrounds from various countries. The history of multiculturalism began during more content... POSITIVE ASPECTS The diversity of cultures has played a significant role in shaping the cultural landscape. When people live together in a community, communication is unavoidable and communication involves sharing ideas and perspectives, creating a body of collectively acceptable principles and policies, therefore, leading to a more innovative, creative and prosperous society. According to professor Bhikhu Parekh (2006), multiculturalism is "about intercultural fusion in which a culture borrows bits of others and creatively transforms both itself and them". One culture might be influenced by the beliefs and practices of another, so they borrow what they find valuable and enrich and broaden it, and this helps to build common bonds between the two cultures. The various skills or ideas obtained from another group can be used in various areas of life: Communities educate each other, provided that none is too overbearing and self righteous to welcome criticism. They also represent different talents, skills, forms of imagination, forms of social organization, and psychological and moral energies, all of which constitute a most valuable resource which can be fruitfully harnessed in various areas of life such as sports, business, management, creative arts, industry and government (Parekh, 2006:168). Multiculturalism is an important constituent of human freedom. If individuals do not have access to other cultures but theirs alone, Get more content on
  • 17. A Multicultural Organization Essay Name: Title: Institution: Abstract Due to the undeniably worldwide business environment, numerous organizations are building teams and incorporating individuals from diverse nations. Albeit a significant number of these groups are intended to pool assets and increment operational efпЃciency, the social differing qualities of colleagues may make a more drawn out expectation to learn and adapt for securing viable techniques than socially homogeneous groups. Multicultural Organization is an association whose work drive not just incorporates individuals from different racial, religious and gender foundations. The managers in such business are defied with different issues and difficulties in the execution of their obligations as directors. Consequently, this paper analyzes the difficulties the administrators are confronting. Thesis statement A multicultural association shows an unlucky deficiency of separation and preference, with aptitudes and ability being the essential criteria for climbing the professional bureaucracy. As business has gone worldwide in the course of recent decades, its part in spreading qualities has picked up significance. Through business, exchange and speculation, and the trading of thoughts and information, business has turned into a real on–screen character crosswise over cultures and individuals. For business associations to exceed expectations all inclusive they have to handle their associations, in any case, managers of such associations are confronted Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On Multicultural Experience In sixteen years of life, I have received an opportunity to experience different cultures, learning styles, and languages. To start of, I am an American since I was born here, but the reality is that I was raised in India. My parents' main motivation for moving back to India was because they wanted us to embrace our traditions, and most importantly, value our family relationships. We relocated back to the US at the start of 9th grade. This transition was a huge factor for transforming me as a person. I am cognizant of the two systems, cherish both, and realize that these multicultural experiences have encouraged me to grow and mature beyond my years. Relocating from a place is not as easy as one can imagine. When compared to the US, India more content... Next, science is the light that keeps us out of the dark ages. If science did not evolve, we would have many unanswered questions related to real life, die with terrifying diseases, and starve without hygiene and nutritious food. Because science has an impact on every aspect of our lives, I am eager in exploring this immense field of study and improve society through healthcare. When it comes to STEM field and school, on top of maintaining good GPA and grades, I devote my time well to my extracurriculars. Starting 7th grade, my passion for opting the medical field has strengthened due to my influential pediatrician. This enhanced drastically as I started gaining many volunteering and shadowing experiences throughout high school. As a freshman, I started taking advantage of majority of the opportunities around me like joining HOSA (Health Occupations Students Of America), Steminism, NHS, UPMC Passavant, Senior Living Facility. Covering a wide range of areas in healthcare–– volunteering/shadowing a geriatrician, pharmacist, nurse, surgeon and more–– solidified my aspiration. However, when I think about the medical field, clinical is not the only side. Research plays a huge role in medicine because without this, we would have inadequate knowledge about science and also would not have access to all these sophisticated treatments. Bayer School Scholars Program is a great opportunity for students like me to Get more content on
  • 19. Multicultural Education Essay Multicultural Education What is multicultural education, and how is it relevant to science instruction? Over the past decade, educators have ignored this question and instead, they have focused on ways and methods of incorporating multiculturalism in the humanities. In the most recent assessment of Virginias Science Standards of Learning, Virginia received a grade of D, almost failing, in part because of the absence of a multicultural approach towardsinstruction. In research and discussions with professionals in the fields of both elementary science and multicultural education, we learned and discussed numerous ways for teachers to consider this crucial element in their classrooms. In particular, Virginiaeducators must stress more content... In an interview with Dr. C, a leading educator in multicultural issues, we learned that recognizing diversity facilitates a more active learning experience for the student because it emphasizes understanding in terms of different perspectives rather than just learning the facts. Children are not all the same, and consequently, the way that they all do science will not be the same. According to a computer science professor, Were up against something cultural (Cone, P. 1, 1998) as far as diversity in science fields. As a result, teachers must find a way to make science appealing to everyone, and multicultural education is one way to facilitate communication in all subjects between students, their teachers, and the rest of society. In Virginia, the Standards of Learning mostly ignore the issues of multiculturalism in science and this must change in order to ensure the development of multicultural education in the Virginia sciences. It is vital that students understand not only the hows and whys of science, but also the whos. Children have a strong image of a white male, with glasses and messy hair, as the standard scientist (Chambers, 1983), but it is our job to erase that image and show them that scientists look just like them. In fact, there are scientists of every race, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic background. Teachers need to provide this Get more content on