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Business Strategy Proposal
          [Edited Version]

  Global Defense and Aerospace Overview

             Sascha Michel

   QinetiQ Status Update                     Slide 3

   SCP Framework Summary                     Slide 4

   Structure Conduct Performance Framework   Slide 5-44

   Portfolio Analysis                        Slide 45-55

   Strategy Clock                            Slide 57

   System Dynamics                           Slide 58

   Final Recommendation                      Slide 59
QinetiQ generates 50% of its revenue from the US, while the
                          UK and global divisions outperform, as federal cuts loom.

                         QinetiQ Group plc (QinetiQ) is engaged in supplying of technical supply of technical support,  •   The UK services
                          training, test and evaluation, and know-how to customers in the global defense, aerospace          business, which tests
•50% of revenues
                          and security markets. The Company operates in three divisions: US Services, UK Services            military aircraft for the
come from the US          and Global Products. US Services involves aerospace operations, engineering management,            UK Ministry of Defense
Division but              information services, mission solutions/cyber and software and systems engineering. UK             and provides computer-
underperforming.          Services involves air engineering, test and evaluation, training and simulation, cyber security    based simulation-
                          and C4ISR, and programme and procurement support. Global Products involves                         training to sailors and
•Shares                   survivability, unmanned systems, energy from waste, vehicle power management and                   air crew before
underperform              OptaSense business. QinetiQ Annual Report 2011.                                                    deployment on
market by 50%                                                                                                                operations. Qinetiq's
                      •    Qinetiq is a small, tasty, and underachieving morsel. Since flotation in 2006, after being        global products
since 2006.
                           spun out of the UK Ministry of Defence, its shares have underperformed the sector by              division, which sells
                           nearly 50 per cent. Mr. Quinn has been turning things around since arriving two years ago:        technology
•Takeover theory           costs have been trimmed at its UK division, its operating margin is 50 per cent higher than       overseas, also helped
not in favor of            it was a year ago, and the ratio of net debt to earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and   improve margins, as the
merger as at an            amortisation has been slashed to 0.6 times from nearly three times in 2009. Its US                group sold a greater
advantage                  division, which accounts for about 50 per cent of revenues, is labouring to keep up:              number of high-margin
innovating outside         operating profits were down by one-third at the interim stage and margins were also a             spares and mine-
of a global giant.         shade lower. There are two obstacles to the takeover theory. One is that Qinetiq's                clearing robots.
                           comparative advantage - its record for inventing things - may work better as a standalone         However, The US
•MOD Golden                business than as part of an industry giant. There is also the UK's golden share, which limits     services business, which
                           any change of strategic ownership. The company is talking with the MoD about loosening            accounts for just over
share limits change
                           that rule, so it may not be permanent. Financial Times. London (UK): Nov 24, 2011. pg.            one-third of
of strategic               10                                                                                                turnover, continues to
                                                                                                                             suffer, with margins at
                                                                                                                             the division declining
•UK and Global                                                                                                               from 7.8 per cent to 6.3
Business                                                                                                                     per cent as federal
outperforming US                                                                                                           government moved to 'in
as federal cuts                                                                                                              source'
loom.                                                                                                                        services..FT.comnov
Status: Brief Update Qinetiq
New technological developments will change the way that A&D
                         companies do business and compete


•Asymetric warfare
                                  Though this is hardly a shock, it is worth noting three changes in military
may change the way
technology is used.
                                         Asymmetric warfare leading to threats to the security of national
                                          communications networks.
•Need for accurate
                                         The advent joined up battlefield communications resulting in
intelligence continues
                                          C4ISTAR‟s real time battlefield visibility for commanders at all levels.
to drive the
                                         The acceleration in the use of unmanned air vehicles particularly the
                                          ,perhaps inevitable, advent of unmanned combat air vehicles. Leading
development.                              to speculation and, in some sectors, discomfort that the next
                                          generation of combat aircraft is likely to be unmanned.
•Next generation of
combat is likely to be

External Shocks: Technology
Public opinion that opposes conflict and increasing debt could
                        influence the likehood of a decrease in defense budgets.


•Defence and security
spending is highly
dependent on current
conflicts, public
opinion, budgetary
concerns and

                                    Again it was no shock that the defence budgets would be reduced severely however by
                                     how much was a shock. The UK‟s SDSR published in 2010 mandated a cutting in key
                                     capabilities as well as a much larger than expected reduction in service personnel.
                                    These changes in severe reductions in defence budgets for the largest military spenders
                                     has provided difficulty for defence contractors.
                                    Most defence contractors have coped by instigating severe cost and headcount reduction
                                     and indeed raised profits by doing so however these are short term tactics and there is, as
                                     yet, no indication of how they will manage sustained defence budget restrictions.

                              Sources:, Bloomberg, Reuters, Datamonitor, Interview with member of RAF’s internal
                              Management consultancy, Aviation Week, United Kingdom Defence Statistics 2011

External Shocks: Tastes & Lifestyles
Looming budget cuts and changing strategies could lead to
                            increased competition and “off the shelf” defence capabilities

Summary                                                                                             Equipment, Support, and Technology for UK Defense
                        •    Qinetiq is putting pressure on the Ministry of Defence to relax         and Security: A Consultation Paper” in December
•Us congress could           the strict rules governing who can own the company's assets, in         2010, a study that is expected to establish the UK
allow 1 trillion in          a move that could make it easier for the defence company to sell        industrial capabilities deemed essential to meet
automatic cuts over          one or more of its units. The UK government has the power to            national security needs.
next 10 years                veto any investor's attempt to build up what it deems to be an         The consultation paper focuses on four key areas: 1.
                             "unacceptable" level of ownership.If the company is successful          Promoting exports as a replacement for
•MOD have strict             and the rules are softened, it would make it easier for the            reduced United Kingdom spending, which will require
rules governing some         company to raise funds abroad or to sell some of its                    UK products to have an increased “off the shelf”
company assets and           operations.Fellow UK defence companies Rolls-Royce and BAE              capability.
ownership “golden            Systems are governed by similar, but less wide-ranging, rules.
share” where BAE                                                                                    2. Bilateral activity, specifically within R&D, and
                             The key restriction for them is that no single foreign investor
and Rolls Royce have                                                                                 defense/ equipment cooperation, with the United States
                             can attain more than a 15 per cent voting interest. Sources close
less widening rules.                                                                                 and France being the championed relationships.
                             to the Qinetiq discussions say that it would be in favour of a
                             similar arrangement.TheMoD confirmed the discussions, but              3. An intention to award a quarter of government
•Obama plans to shift        refused to go into detail."The 'golden share agreement' is the          contracts to small and medium-sized enterprises
global military focus        subject of ongoing dialogue between the MoD and                         (SMEs).
to middle east and           Qinetiq.Source:Michael Stothard. Financial Times.                      4. Ensuring that the United Kingdom develops national
asia-pacific at              London (UK): Aug 22, 2011. pg. 14 .                                     cyber security capabilities. Source:Deloitte report.
expense of army.                                                                                     2011 Midyear outlook for the global aerospace
                                                                                                     and defense sector
                        •    Defense stocks also turned in a mixed performance as
•Budget cuts in UK
                             investors tried to make sense of whether a dysfunctional            •    A plan unveiled Jan. 5 by President Barack Obama
which could increase
                             U.S. Congress would really allow $1 trillion in automatic                to shift the Pentagon‟s global military focus from
exports “off shelf”
                             cuts over 10 years to begin to take effect in January 2013.              Europe and the Middle East to the Asia-Pacific
and look to bilateral
                             source:                            region appears on its face to benefit the Air Force
activity in R&D with
                             /story_generic.jsp?channel=aviationdaily&id=ne                           and Navy at the expense of the Army
intentions to award
                             ws/avd/2012/01/09/10.xml                                            •    Source:Aviation daily.
¼ of contracts to
SME‟s.                                                                                                story_generic.jsp?channel=aviationdaily&i

External Shocks: Legislation
The US leads global defence spend, followed by Europe, and
                       China which is part of the emerging (BRICK‟s) market

Summary                                                                              Defense Market Share 2010

•Defense is largest        •     Defense Budgets
segment with 71.8%
                           •     India £30 billion next 5 years
                                                                                                                  America (52%)
•US leads the way          •     US £726 (£78m reduction next 5 years)
with 52% global                                                                                                   Middle East/Africa (5.2%)
                           •     Europe £135 billion
market share               •     Japan £11 billion
                                                                                                                  Europe (21.10%)
                                                                                                                  Asia Pacific (21.80%)
                           •     China £51 billion
•Key Buyers are
                           •     Source: SIPRI yearbook 2010
Civilian Airline and
Space Companies
                                                                                              •    Key Aerospace and Defense buyers
                                                                                                   are government, airline companies
•Governments tend              698                                                                 and space companies i.e. NASA.
to exceed their                                                                                    Source: DATAMONITOR
defense spending                                    Defense Spending 2010 (in bln$)                Global A&D report 2010
against agreed                              281
                                                                                   119            100
                                                   48      60     34     59   41         28                 55

                                                                                                            Defense is the largest
                                                                                                             segment accounting for
                                                                                                             around 71.8 percent
                                                                                                             (US$660.8 billion)/UK
                               source: SIPRI yearbook 2010                                                  22%. Source: Aerospace
                                                                                                             Global report 2011

Economics of Demand: Global Market Segments
The European defence market is led by the UK, followed by
                      Russia and France.


                      •   The European aerospace & defense market had total revenues of $224.5 billion
                          in2010, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.4% between 2006 and 2010.
                          The defense segment was the markets most lucrative in 2010, with total revenues of $132.3
                          billion, equivalent to 58.9% of the overall markets value. source: DATAMONITOR:
                          Aerospace and Defense Europe Report 2010
                                                                                            Market Share
•European market is
half that of the US
with UK, Russia and                                                                                             Defense(58.9%)
France holding the
largest segments
                          Defense Spending Europe 2010 (in bln$)


                                                 15%                        Germany
                          5%                                                France
                                               10%                          Turkey
                                         12%                                Spain

                                                                                        source: SIPRI yearbook 2010

 Economics of Demand: Market Segments- Europe
The main activities in the A&D industry is
                        manufacturing, design & innovation, and services


•Firms in A&D
industry mainly
manufacturing, servic
e-provision and
design & Innovation.

organisations focus
on different aspects
of the market.

                                               source: RAF internal management consultant

  Economics of Demand: Market Segments- Services
Governments still remain the primary customers for global
                             A&D companies but to a lesser extent than 5 years ago

                            Several A&D organisations are diversifying into private sector to escape government domination.
Governments are             As an example, QinetiQ are formerly the Defence Testing and Research Agency of the UK and are now a military service
main customers for           company. They remain a partner of the UK Government, providing R & D and some training and base maintenance under a
Defence firms due to         long term agreement
military issues being
in control of the state.    Defence and national security pertain to the sovereignty of the state and are generally in the control of national
                             governments, who purchase goods for use in their armed forces. Similar products and technological, engineering and
Many organisations           manufacturing capabilities have dual use in supplying airlines and civilian aerospace, leading to companies supplying a sector
operating in the A&D         known as „Aerospace and Defence‟.
industry try to             Traditional suppliers within the market are manufacturers although military service companies are increasing their presence
diversifybymovingint         in the market. These companies supply services such as base maintenance ,training, security consulting and research and
o the private                development. More controversially, some service companies , such as Blackwater, are involved in supplying personnel to
sector, while still          conflict zones. These arms for hire cause some to question whether fully privatised armed forces or Public
retaininggovernment         Private Initiatives are the future of national armies.
                            Sources: Datamonitor
Thoughtraditionallyi         Aerospace & Defence
nto                          Global Report
manufacturing, most          2010, Deloitte 2010 Global
organisations                Aerospace &Defense
nowoffer a diversity         industry performance
of services.                 wrap-up, PwC Aerospace
                             and Defence - 2010 year in
Governmentsarediver          review and 2011 forecast.
sifyignsupploychains         UK defense Statistics 2011
as A&D
companieslook to
on a smallnumber of

  Economics of Demand: Market Segments- Customers
Highly diversified companies win government contracts based
                             on technology, innovation and capabilities-Rivalry is Strong

                         •     Shisler outlines the following areas where he sees the aeronautics and defense industry growing: Foreign military sales
•Growth products               of aerospace, helicopters, and parts; Aerospace, including commercial and commercial derivative aircraft; Helicopters
linked to R&D, cyber           of all kinds; New glass cockpit installations and upgrades; Omnibus contracts; New technologies that make soldiers
security, UAV and              and fliers smarter, faster, and better than the competition; Government sponsored research and development;
training                       Homeland security, including border security; Cyber security;UAV aircraft and manned aircraft; and Training in the
                               countries the US is leaving. Source: US aerospace and defense spending under the 2011
•Innovation in space
exploration leading to   •     The aerospace and defense industry is mainly comprised of companies that manufacture products for military use.
new technologies in            This includes manufacturers of military ships, such as submarines, destroyers, or aircraft carriers, and
the global security            commercial, private or government aircraft, such as bombers, fighter jets, and commercial or private airplanes, and
market                         the companies which manufacture and distribute the necessary parts and components for these machines. Also
                               included in this industry are weaponry, such as missiles or ammunition, and other defense-related technological
•Multinationals:               devices, such as radar, sonar, or satellites. The aerospace and defense industry also produces spacecraft, such as those
highly diversified in          used     by     government       space      administrations    and     commercial      space    tourism      companies.
geography and                  Source:
products they
manufacture              •     global security continuing to be served by the technologies produced in this industry, and new discoveries in the
                               universe, enabled by the innovations in space exploration. Source:Delloitte-Midyear outlook for the global
•Competition wining            aerospace and defense sector 2011
contracts is intense.
New technology and       •     This is a market dominated by large multinationals that are highly diversified in terms of both the products they
innovation to                  manufacture and their geographical presence. This protects from any unreliability in particular markets, thus easing
differentiate. Rivalry         rivalry. Competition is also intense in terms of winning defense contracts and companies use innovation and new
is strong                      technology to differentiate their service. Rivalry in this market is strong. Source: DATAMONITOR global A&D
                               report 2010
•Governments more        •     Governments are now more interested in purchasing capabilities than equipment. Contractors are responding with
interested in                  through-life support rather than mere return-to-repair services. Reduced government spending means contractors are
purchasing                     extending their value chain into new areas such as financial, training, monitoring and maintenance, often relying on
capabilities than              the right selection of outsourcing partners in areas outside their means. Source: Aerospace & defence issues:

Economics of Demand: Product Differentiability
Amid a retracting US market the sector continues to grow due
                             to higher predicted defence spend in China and India.


•Demand and growth
driven by Asia/Pacific

•Revenue growth
slowed 2005-2010
                            Asia Pacific to grow by 9.1% by 2015 while Europe
                             5.1%. Source
                            India 2015 forecast CAGR 13.2% and 86.7%
•CAGR 5.3% -2014             increase since 2010. Inflation 2006 6.6% and 2010
                             12%. source:DATAMONITOR global A&D
                             report 2010
•China, and India
leading growth -2029        The United States will maintain its position as the
                             largest A&D market, while the Asia pacific region
                             will experience fastest growth during the reporting
                             period at over 3%. source: Aerospace global
                             report-clearwater 2011

                            Global A&D Defense Market to Reach $399 bn by 2015:
                             Demand in aerospace and defense market to 2015 driven
                             by Asia-Pacific region. Military and defense spending less
                             affected by recession than commercial aviation sector. US       Source: & defence assets-Top-
                             maintains position as largest A&D market source:                 100-30Aug2011.pdf
                             BUSINESS WIRE 2011

 Economics of Demand: Rate Of Growth-Global
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Organisational efficiency and innovation is driven by creating a
                             highly skilled, adaptable and diverse workforce


Building a skilled
workforce requires           Action plans to develop defence industry skilled workforce The plan has four key strategies: develop and sustain industry
strategies to recruit         leadership and engagement in workforce planning and skills development improve the industry‟s ability to attract and
talent, retain diverse        recruit a highly skilled workforce assist the defence industry to retain an adaptable and diverse workforce develop and
workforce and                 promote industry-led school to VET to higher education pathways.
promote industry led         Source:

Diversity is key to
driving innovation

                             diversity is vital in the technology industry. "I don't believe you can have true innovation without
                              diversity in thought and in people
                             Source:

Internal Efficiency: Organisation Effectiveness
A&D companies are not immune to recessionary shocks with
                          profitability directly linked to fixed costs, GDP and Inflation

                                                                         Many defence programmes have been terminated, and defence
•Revenue and profit                                                       budgets are scheduled for cuts in future years. Companies face
linked to global GDP                                                      more pressure than ever to improve productivity; increase
and Inflation.                                                            transparency; and respond to increasingly complex government
                                                                          regulations, tighter schedules, and generally higher expectations.
•Profitability and                                                        Persistent security threats and geopolitical instability, as witnessed
operating profit                                                          recently in the Middle East, underscore the need for global
effected by fixed costs                                                   security. The A&D industry used to be hyper-cyclical, overreacting
in staffing, accurate                                                     to economic cycles. However, during the latest down cycle, the
pricing and long term                                                     A&D industry has performed more consistently through
contracts.                                                                disciplined management during the up cycle and better
                                                                          preparation for the economic down cycle and inevitable decline in
•A&D industry                                                             defence spending. The steady growth and increased earnings
usually overacts to                                                       among the majority of the top 100 A&D companies reflect the
economic cycles but                                                       resiliency of end markets and improved management over the past
has performed better                                                      decade. Source: PWC A&D 2010 review and 2011 forecast.
through disciplined
management and
preparation for
downward cycles.

•Companies face
                             Profitability Drivers
pressure to improve
productivity and             Technical expertise
respond to                   Accurately pricing
government                   long-term contracts
regulations, tighter         Source:
schedules and higher
expectations.                 e-and-defense/

Finance: Profitability
Leveraging new recourses by global value chain, and deeper
                            design considerations, creates differentiation and adds value

                           Product development in the defence sector has tended to be driven by more purely functional criteria, which are of
The defence sector          course of vital importance, but which miss the opportunity to create the significant additional value that is made
can create greater          possible by deeper design consideration of usability, materials, manufacturing and „look and feel‟ factors. Until
value through               relatively recently this „functional‟ approach was also the main driver in the medical sector, where it was felt that
industrial design           industrial design had little to offer and “as long as the product meets the functional requirements then nothing else
input working               matters”. The defence sector will increasingly recognise the opportunity to build greater value through earlier and
alongside their             more comprehensive industrial design input. Source: Industrial Design in the Defence sector
clients                                                                 A globally integrated enterprise operates
                                                                                                               as a unified whole – integrating
Value can be created                                                                                           production and delivering value through a
through globally                                                                                               seamless network of internal and external
integrated                                                                                                     resources worldwide
enterprises                                                                                                   .Serving global markets: Revenue from
                                                                                                               local versus non-local markets, global
Sourcing hubs and                                                                                              clients, and global value
collaboration can                                                                                              proposition/differentiation/ branding
capture value in                                                                                               Scope of activities: Global production
supply chains and                                                                                              sites, sourcing hubs, assets and
operations as global                                                                                           collaboration (internally and externally)
partnerships leverage                                                                                         Value creation and capture: Levels of
new recourses                                                                                                  efficiency in running production, supply
                                                                                                               chain, and operations; the degree of
                                                                                                               partnering and globalization for value
                                                                                                               chain components
                                                                                                               Sustained value-add: Long-term
                                                                                                               profitability by leveraging new
                                                                                                               resources, technology, standardized
                                  Source: Going Global in A&D-IBM Institute                                   business processes and innovation
                                                                                                               capabilities. Source: Going Global in
                                                                                                               A&D-IBM Institute

Finance: Value Creation
Import restrictions and tax complexities add to upfront risks
                            and heavy investment in long term programmes overseas

Summary                                                                                                        •   Mistakes
                        •   A&D companies take significant upfront risks by investing                          •   Mismanage
                                                                                                                                    Changes in:
                            heavily in long-term programmes alongside OEMs. The                                                    • Business
•Upfront risks by                                                                                                  ment
investing heavily in        financial impact of mistakes, changes in schedules and build                       •   Mistiming
                            rates or mismanagement is high. Likewise, in the defence                           •   Schedule
long-term                                                                                                          Changes
                                                                                                                                  • Legislation
programmes.                 market, management must decide on which programmes to                              •   Build Rates
                                                                                                                                  • Im/Export
                            pursue based on the long-term technology position they wish                                              Restrictions
Changes in                                                                                                         Changes
                                                                                                                                   • Political
schedules, impact of        to maintain and the likely build rates, timing and life cycle of                   •   Lifecycle of
                            the equipment Performance on major programmes must be                                  Equipment
mistakes and
mismanagement is            well managed as it significantly affects both earnings and
high.                       customer relationships. This has challenged companies to
                            stretch their capabilities and risk profile, but the risks of
                            failure can be high. The long-term production cycle of a           Investment in
•Programme                                                                                       long-term
management in long          typical A&D program me makes it difficult to recover from
term contracts is key       errors or mismanagement, which can lead to billion dollar
with errors and             losses, changes in senior management and a loss of market
mismanagement               share. Throughout the organisation, there is an emerging
resulting in billion        push to streamline processes and integrate operations. At the
dollar losses               operating management levels, there are increasing rewards
                            and penalties in the area of programme management.
•Risks include          •   Source: PWC A&D Continuous Improvement in
restrictions on             Operating Performance
import/export, establ
ishing operations in
foreign countries, tax •    Suppliers, on the other hand, are located throughout the world and are increasingly emerging from Asia. Large A&D
complexities i.e. cross     companies establish special purpose entities such as joint ventures, partnerships and proxy boards to qualify as
border transactions         suppliers in foreign countries and to meet offset requirements. The current international issues include: controls over
and repatriation of         the restrictions on import/export of technology and products; risks of establishing business operations in foreign
profits                     countries; accounting and tax complexities associated with special purpose entities and cross-border affiliated
                            transactions; reinvestment and repatriation of profits and other A&D-specific accounting and tax issues associated with
                            multinational operations.Source: PWC A&D Globalisation tiering Supply Chain

Finance: Risk
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Markets and Competitors


Directional Policy Matrix
Portfolio Analysis
                                             Market Growth

Size of the Blobs

                                             Emerging markets seen as
                                              an obvious choice, with
                                              India leading the way, and
                                              potential to build strength
                                              early on. However, to build
                                              competitive strength would
                                              require significant
                                              investment and undue
                                              risk, where an already
                                              struggling US Arm remains
                                              reliant on UK and global

                                             Projected growth in the long
                                              term for emerging
                                              markets, which might
                                              suggest a longer term
                                              strategy option QinetiQ to
                                              potentially build strength
                                              first and then look to invest
                                              capital in
                                              integration, acquisition and
                                              build partnerships in these
Portfolio Analysis
                                    Need for Foreign Imports

Size of the Blobs

                                               China and Brazil show less
                                                reliance on foreign imports
                                                as both look to develop
                                                domestic capabilities and
                                                there is likelihood that they
                                                could compete in the
                                                exporting and
                                                manufacturing of defense
                                                products and systems

                                               China is less reliant on
                                                imports in the short term as
                                                Brazil waits out a medium
                                                term strategy to waiver
                                                support from Europe
Portfolio Analysis
                                                Market Size

Size of the Blobs

                                            US the single largest market
                                             with China not far behind

                                            Opportunities in US and UK
                                             to select growth areas and to
                                             invest internally to continue
                                             to build market share and
                                             differentiation of customers
                                             in other federal
                                             departments and private

                                            Strength in the UK is
                                             highest, however, US still
                                             strong. Focus could be to
                                             develop market share
                                             fulfilling new technology
                                             needs in cyber security and
Portfolio Analysis
                                   Concentration of Suppliers

Size of the Blobs                               US shows highest
                                                 concentration of suppliers.
                                                 Winning market share and
                                                 seeking dominance is not an
                                                 option. Costly, and
                                                 competition is led by large
                                                 multinationals, manufacturi
                                                 ng across the whole supply

                                                It makes sense to look at
                                                 new segments within this
                                                 market either by acquisition
                                                 or by diversifying

                                                The private sector could
                                                 help reduce QinetiQ‟s
                                                 exposure to only one main
                                                 customer (DOD) while
                                                 sharing technology and
                                                 innovation capabilities in
                                                 horizontal markets i.e. cyber
                                                 security, energy and

                                                Emerging markets would
                                                 require maximum
                                                 investment to build market
                                                 share and strength
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Generating Options
                                                                    Strategy Clock-Differentiation
    Internal Change
    The focus is on a differentiation strategy by offering a
     better service and product by driving innovation and
     efficiencies through culture and efficiency changes
    A culture of cutting edge superior products at market
    There are future opportunities with increased budget
     for cyber security across other federal departments and
     by focusing on superior products and people could lead
     to improved brand and reputation in a new market.
    Defense companies win on innovation and technology
     but is delivered by people.
    Rather than invest externally QinetiQ can drive
     behavior and satisfy the market trend of" do more with
     less” and in turn build brand value when targeting new
     bids for federal contracts.
    The US is an underperforming arms which by investing
     internally could give stability and surety to investors
     that everything possible is being done to compete head-
    This strategy is the least riskiest strategy in terms of
     capital outlay and suggests a “freezing” time until
     embarking on more riskier M&A or geographic
    Developing new products in new sectors via M&A
     would be a second option in the long term but short
     term imperatives are to stabilise the US division and
     compete for new contracts
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 Final Recommendation

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Qinetiq Business Strategy Proposal

  • 1. Business Strategy Proposal [Edited Version] Global Defense and Aerospace Overview Sascha Michel
  • 2. Contents  QinetiQ Status Update Slide 3  SCP Framework Summary Slide 4  Structure Conduct Performance Framework Slide 5-44  Portfolio Analysis Slide 45-55  Strategy Clock Slide 57  System Dynamics Slide 58  Final Recommendation Slide 59
  • 3. QinetiQ generates 50% of its revenue from the US, while the UK and global divisions outperform, as federal cuts loom. Summary  QinetiQ Group plc (QinetiQ) is engaged in supplying of technical supply of technical support, • The UK services training, test and evaluation, and know-how to customers in the global defense, aerospace business, which tests •50% of revenues and security markets. The Company operates in three divisions: US Services, UK Services military aircraft for the come from the US and Global Products. US Services involves aerospace operations, engineering management, UK Ministry of Defense Division but information services, mission solutions/cyber and software and systems engineering. UK and provides computer- underperforming. Services involves air engineering, test and evaluation, training and simulation, cyber security based simulation- and C4ISR, and programme and procurement support. Global Products involves training to sailors and •Shares survivability, unmanned systems, energy from waste, vehicle power management and air crew before underperform OptaSense business. QinetiQ Annual Report 2011. deployment on market by 50% operations. Qinetiq's • Qinetiq is a small, tasty, and underachieving morsel. Since flotation in 2006, after being global products since 2006. spun out of the UK Ministry of Defence, its shares have underperformed the sector by division, which sells nearly 50 per cent. Mr. Quinn has been turning things around since arriving two years ago: technology •Takeover theory costs have been trimmed at its UK division, its operating margin is 50 per cent higher than overseas, also helped not in favor of it was a year ago, and the ratio of net debt to earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and improve margins, as the merger as at an amortisation has been slashed to 0.6 times from nearly three times in 2009. Its US group sold a greater advantage division, which accounts for about 50 per cent of revenues, is labouring to keep up: number of high-margin innovating outside operating profits were down by one-third at the interim stage and margins were also a spares and mine- of a global giant. shade lower. There are two obstacles to the takeover theory. One is that Qinetiq's clearing robots. comparative advantage - its record for inventing things - may work better as a standalone However, The US •MOD Golden business than as part of an industry giant. There is also the UK's golden share, which limits services business, which any change of strategic ownership. The company is talking with the MoD about loosening accounts for just over share limits change that rule, so it may not be permanent. Financial Times. London (UK): Nov 24, 2011. pg. one-third of of strategic 10 turnover, continues to ownership. suffer, with margins at the division declining •UK and Global from 7.8 per cent to 6.3 Business per cent as federal outperforming US   government moved to 'in as federal cuts source' loom. services..FT.comnov 2011 Status: Brief Update Qinetiq
  • 4. New technological developments will change the way that A&D companies do business and compete Summary •Asymetric warfare Though this is hardly a shock, it is worth noting three changes in military may change the way technology. technology is used.  Asymmetric warfare leading to threats to the security of national communications networks. •Need for accurate  The advent joined up battlefield communications resulting in intelligence continues C4ISTAR‟s real time battlefield visibility for commanders at all levels. to drive the  The acceleration in the use of unmanned air vehicles particularly the technological ,perhaps inevitable, advent of unmanned combat air vehicles. Leading development. to speculation and, in some sectors, discomfort that the next generation of combat aircraft is likely to be unmanned. •Next generation of combat is likely to be unmanned. External Shocks: Technology
  • 5. Public opinion that opposes conflict and increasing debt could influence the likehood of a decrease in defense budgets. Summary •Defence and security spending is highly dependent on current conflicts, public opinion, budgetary concerns and alliances.  Again it was no shock that the defence budgets would be reduced severely however by how much was a shock. The UK‟s SDSR published in 2010 mandated a cutting in key capabilities as well as a much larger than expected reduction in service personnel.  These changes in severe reductions in defence budgets for the largest military spenders has provided difficulty for defence contractors.  Most defence contractors have coped by instigating severe cost and headcount reduction and indeed raised profits by doing so however these are short term tactics and there is, as yet, no indication of how they will manage sustained defence budget restrictions. Sources:, Bloomberg, Reuters, Datamonitor, Interview with member of RAF’s internal Management consultancy, Aviation Week, United Kingdom Defence Statistics 2011 External Shocks: Tastes & Lifestyles
  • 6. Looming budget cuts and changing strategies could lead to increased competition and “off the shelf” defence capabilities Summary  Equipment, Support, and Technology for UK Defense • Qinetiq is putting pressure on the Ministry of Defence to relax and Security: A Consultation Paper” in December •Us congress could the strict rules governing who can own the company's assets, in 2010, a study that is expected to establish the UK allow 1 trillion in a move that could make it easier for the defence company to sell industrial capabilities deemed essential to meet automatic cuts over one or more of its units. The UK government has the power to national security needs. next 10 years veto any investor's attempt to build up what it deems to be an  The consultation paper focuses on four key areas: 1. "unacceptable" level of ownership.If the company is successful Promoting exports as a replacement for •MOD have strict and the rules are softened, it would make it easier for the  reduced United Kingdom spending, which will require rules governing some company to raise funds abroad or to sell some of its UK products to have an increased “off the shelf” company assets and operations.Fellow UK defence companies Rolls-Royce and BAE capability. ownership “golden Systems are governed by similar, but less wide-ranging, rules. share” where BAE  2. Bilateral activity, specifically within R&D, and The key restriction for them is that no single foreign investor and Rolls Royce have defense/ equipment cooperation, with the United States can attain more than a 15 per cent voting interest. Sources close less widening rules. and France being the championed relationships. to the Qinetiq discussions say that it would be in favour of a similar arrangement.TheMoD confirmed the discussions, but  3. An intention to award a quarter of government •Obama plans to shift refused to go into detail."The 'golden share agreement' is the contracts to small and medium-sized enterprises global military focus subject of ongoing dialogue between the MoD and (SMEs). to middle east and Qinetiq.Source:Michael Stothard. Financial Times.  4. Ensuring that the United Kingdom develops national asia-pacific at London (UK): Aug 22, 2011. pg. 14 . cyber security capabilities. Source:Deloitte report. expense of army. 2011 Midyear outlook for the global aerospace and defense sector • Defense stocks also turned in a mixed performance as •Budget cuts in UK investors tried to make sense of whether a dysfunctional • A plan unveiled Jan. 5 by President Barack Obama which could increase U.S. Congress would really allow $1 trillion in automatic to shift the Pentagon‟s global military focus from exports “off shelf” cuts over 10 years to begin to take effect in January 2013. Europe and the Middle East to the Asia-Pacific and look to bilateral source: region appears on its face to benefit the Air Force activity in R&D with /story_generic.jsp?channel=aviationdaily&id=ne and Navy at the expense of the Army intentions to award ws/avd/2012/01/09/10.xml • Source:Aviation daily. ¼ of contracts to SME‟s. story_generic.jsp?channel=aviationdaily&i d=news/avd/2012/01/09/10.xml External Shocks: Legislation
  • 7. The US leads global defence spend, followed by Europe, and China which is part of the emerging (BRICK‟s) market Summary Defense Market Share 2010 •Defense is largest • Defense Budgets segment with 71.8% • India £30 billion next 5 years America (52%) •US leads the way • US £726 (£78m reduction next 5 years) with 52% global Middle East/Africa (5.2%) • Europe £135 billion market share • Japan £11 billion Europe (21.10%) Asia Pacific (21.80%) • China £51 billion •Key Buyers are • Source: SIPRI yearbook 2010 Government, Civilian Airline and Space Companies • Key Aerospace and Defense buyers are government, airline companies •Governments tend 698 and space companies i.e. NASA. to exceed their Source: DATAMONITOR defense spending Defense Spending 2010 (in bln$) Global A&D report 2010 381 against agreed 281 budgets 119 100 48 60 34 59 41 28 55  Defense is the largest segment accounting for around 71.8 percent (US$660.8 billion)/UK  source: SIPRI yearbook 2010 22%. Source: Aerospace Global report 2011 Clearwater Economics of Demand: Global Market Segments
  • 8. The European defence market is led by the UK, followed by Russia and France. Summary • The European aerospace & defense market had total revenues of $224.5 billion in2010, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.4% between 2006 and 2010. The defense segment was the markets most lucrative in 2010, with total revenues of $132.3 billion, equivalent to 58.9% of the overall markets value. source: DATAMONITOR: Aerospace and Defense Europe Report 2010 Market Share •European market is half that of the US with UK, Russia and Defense(58.9%) France holding the largest segments Civil Aerospace(41.10%) Defense Spending Europe 2010 (in bln$) UK Russia 16% 23% Italy 15% Germany 4% 5% France 10% Turkey 15% 12% Spain Rest  source: SIPRI yearbook 2010 Economics of Demand: Market Segments- Europe
  • 9. The main activities in the A&D industry is manufacturing, design & innovation, and services Summary •Firms in A&D industry mainly comprise manufacturing, servic e-provision and design & Innovation. •Different organisations focus on different aspects of the market.  source: RAF internal management consultant Economics of Demand: Market Segments- Services
  • 10. Governments still remain the primary customers for global A&D companies but to a lesser extent than 5 years ago Summary  Several A&D organisations are diversifying into private sector to escape government domination. Governments are  As an example, QinetiQ are formerly the Defence Testing and Research Agency of the UK and are now a military service main customers for company. They remain a partner of the UK Government, providing R & D and some training and base maintenance under a Defence firms due to long term agreement military issues being in control of the state.  Defence and national security pertain to the sovereignty of the state and are generally in the control of national governments, who purchase goods for use in their armed forces. Similar products and technological, engineering and Many organisations manufacturing capabilities have dual use in supplying airlines and civilian aerospace, leading to companies supplying a sector operating in the A&D known as „Aerospace and Defence‟. industry try to  Traditional suppliers within the market are manufacturers although military service companies are increasing their presence diversifybymovingint in the market. These companies supply services such as base maintenance ,training, security consulting and research and o the private development. More controversially, some service companies , such as Blackwater, are involved in supplying personnel to sector, while still conflict zones. These arms for hire cause some to question whether fully privatised armed forces or Public retaininggovernment  Private Initiatives are the future of national armies. alpartenrs  Sources: Datamonitor Thoughtraditionallyi Aerospace & Defence nto Global Report manufacturing, most 2010, Deloitte 2010 Global organisations Aerospace &Defense nowoffer a diversity industry performance of services. wrap-up, PwC Aerospace and Defence - 2010 year in Governmentsarediver review and 2011 forecast. sifyignsupploychains UK defense Statistics 2011 as A&D companieslook to reducetheirreliance on a smallnumber of clients. Economics of Demand: Market Segments- Customers
  • 11. Highly diversified companies win government contracts based on technology, innovation and capabilities-Rivalry is Strong Summary • Shisler outlines the following areas where he sees the aeronautics and defense industry growing: Foreign military sales •Growth products of aerospace, helicopters, and parts; Aerospace, including commercial and commercial derivative aircraft; Helicopters linked to R&D, cyber of all kinds; New glass cockpit installations and upgrades; Omnibus contracts; New technologies that make soldiers security, UAV and and fliers smarter, faster, and better than the competition; Government sponsored research and development; training Homeland security, including border security; Cyber security;UAV aircraft and manned aircraft; and Training in the countries the US is leaving. Source: US aerospace and defense spending under the 2011 •Innovation in space exploration leading to • The aerospace and defense industry is mainly comprised of companies that manufacture products for military use. new technologies in This includes manufacturers of military ships, such as submarines, destroyers, or aircraft carriers, and the global security commercial, private or government aircraft, such as bombers, fighter jets, and commercial or private airplanes, and market the companies which manufacture and distribute the necessary parts and components for these machines. Also included in this industry are weaponry, such as missiles or ammunition, and other defense-related technological •Multinationals: devices, such as radar, sonar, or satellites. The aerospace and defense industry also produces spacecraft, such as those highly diversified in used by government space administrations and commercial space tourism companies. geography and Source: products they manufacture • global security continuing to be served by the technologies produced in this industry, and new discoveries in the universe, enabled by the innovations in space exploration. Source:Delloitte-Midyear outlook for the global •Competition wining aerospace and defense sector 2011 contracts is intense. New technology and • This is a market dominated by large multinationals that are highly diversified in terms of both the products they innovation to manufacture and their geographical presence. This protects from any unreliability in particular markets, thus easing differentiate. Rivalry rivalry. Competition is also intense in terms of winning defense contracts and companies use innovation and new is strong technology to differentiate their service. Rivalry in this market is strong. Source: DATAMONITOR global A&D report 2010 •Governments more • Governments are now more interested in purchasing capabilities than equipment. Contractors are responding with interested in through-life support rather than mere return-to-repair services. Reduced government spending means contractors are purchasing extending their value chain into new areas such as financial, training, monitoring and maintenance, often relying on capabilities than the right selection of outsourcing partners in areas outside their means. Source: Aerospace & defence issues: equipment contractors Economics of Demand: Product Differentiability
  • 12. Amid a retracting US market the sector continues to grow due to higher predicted defence spend in China and India. Summary •Demand and growth driven by Asia/Pacific region •Revenue growth slowed 2005-2010  Asia Pacific to grow by 9.1% by 2015 while Europe 5.1%. Source  India 2015 forecast CAGR 13.2% and 86.7% •CAGR 5.3% -2014 increase since 2010. Inflation 2006 6.6% and 2010 12%. source:DATAMONITOR global A&D report 2010 •China, and India leading growth -2029  The United States will maintain its position as the largest A&D market, while the Asia pacific region will experience fastest growth during the reporting period at over 3%. source: Aerospace global report-clearwater 2011  Global A&D Defense Market to Reach $399 bn by 2015: Demand in aerospace and defense market to 2015 driven by Asia-Pacific region. Military and defense spending less affected by recession than commercial aviation sector. US  Source: & defence assets-Top- maintains position as largest A&D market source: 100-30Aug2011.pdf BUSINESS WIRE 2011 Economics of Demand: Rate Of Growth-Global
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  • 14. Organisational efficiency and innovation is driven by creating a highly skilled, adaptable and diverse workforce Summary Building a skilled workforce requires  Action plans to develop defence industry skilled workforce The plan has four key strategies: develop and sustain industry strategies to recruit leadership and engagement in workforce planning and skills development improve the industry‟s ability to attract and talent, retain diverse recruit a highly skilled workforce assist the defence industry to retain an adaptable and diverse workforce develop and workforce and promote industry-led school to VET to higher education pathways. promote industry led  Source: schools Diversity is key to driving innovation  diversity is vital in the technology industry. "I don't believe you can have true innovation without diversity in thought and in people  Source: Internal Efficiency: Organisation Effectiveness
  • 15. A&D companies are not immune to recessionary shocks with profitability directly linked to fixed costs, GDP and Inflation Summary  Many defence programmes have been terminated, and defence •Revenue and profit budgets are scheduled for cuts in future years. Companies face linked to global GDP more pressure than ever to improve productivity; increase and Inflation. transparency; and respond to increasingly complex government regulations, tighter schedules, and generally higher expectations. •Profitability and Persistent security threats and geopolitical instability, as witnessed operating profit recently in the Middle East, underscore the need for global effected by fixed costs security. The A&D industry used to be hyper-cyclical, overreacting in staffing, accurate to economic cycles. However, during the latest down cycle, the pricing and long term A&D industry has performed more consistently through contracts. disciplined management during the up cycle and better preparation for the economic down cycle and inevitable decline in •A&D industry defence spending. The steady growth and increased earnings usually overacts to among the majority of the top 100 A&D companies reflect the economic cycles but resiliency of end markets and improved management over the past has performed better decade. Source: PWC A&D 2010 review and 2011 forecast. through disciplined management and preparation for downward cycles. •Companies face  Profitability Drivers pressure to improve productivity and  Technical expertise respond to  Accurately pricing government  long-term contracts regulations, tighter  Source: schedules and higher expectations. e-and-defense/ Finance: Profitability
  • 16. Leveraging new recourses by global value chain, and deeper design considerations, creates differentiation and adds value Summary  Product development in the defence sector has tended to be driven by more purely functional criteria, which are of The defence sector course of vital importance, but which miss the opportunity to create the significant additional value that is made can create greater possible by deeper design consideration of usability, materials, manufacturing and „look and feel‟ factors. Until value through relatively recently this „functional‟ approach was also the main driver in the medical sector, where it was felt that industrial design industrial design had little to offer and “as long as the product meets the functional requirements then nothing else input working matters”. The defence sector will increasingly recognise the opportunity to build greater value through earlier and alongside their more comprehensive industrial design input. Source: Industrial Design in the Defence sector clients  A globally integrated enterprise operates as a unified whole – integrating Value can be created production and delivering value through a through globally seamless network of internal and external integrated resources worldwide enterprises  .Serving global markets: Revenue from local versus non-local markets, global Sourcing hubs and clients, and global value collaboration can proposition/differentiation/ branding capture value in  Scope of activities: Global production supply chains and sites, sourcing hubs, assets and operations as global collaboration (internally and externally) partnerships leverage  Value creation and capture: Levels of new recourses efficiency in running production, supply chain, and operations; the degree of partnering and globalization for value chain components  Sustained value-add: Long-term profitability by leveraging new resources, technology, standardized  Source: Going Global in A&D-IBM Institute business processes and innovation capabilities. Source: Going Global in A&D-IBM Institute Finance: Value Creation
  • 17. Import restrictions and tax complexities add to upfront risks and heavy investment in long term programmes overseas Summary • Mistakes • A&D companies take significant upfront risks by investing • Mismanage Changes in: heavily in long-term programmes alongside OEMs. The • Business •Upfront risks by ment Conduct investing heavily in financial impact of mistakes, changes in schedules and build • Mistiming Policies rates or mismanagement is high. Likewise, in the defence • Schedule long-term Changes • Legislation programmes. market, management must decide on which programmes to • Build Rates • Im/Export pursue based on the long-term technology position they wish Restrictions Changes in Changes • Political schedules, impact of to maintain and the likely build rates, timing and life cycle of • Lifecycle of Stability the equipment Performance on major programmes must be Equipment mistakes and mismanagement is well managed as it significantly affects both earnings and high. customer relationships. This has challenged companies to stretch their capabilities and risk profile, but the risks of failure can be high. The long-term production cycle of a Investment in •Programme long-term management in long typical A&D program me makes it difficult to recover from programmes term contracts is key errors or mismanagement, which can lead to billion dollar with errors and losses, changes in senior management and a loss of market mismanagement share. Throughout the organisation, there is an emerging resulting in billion push to streamline processes and integrate operations. At the dollar losses operating management levels, there are increasing rewards and penalties in the area of programme management. •Risks include • Source: PWC A&D Continuous Improvement in restrictions on Operating Performance import/export, establ ishing operations in foreign countries, tax • Suppliers, on the other hand, are located throughout the world and are increasingly emerging from Asia. Large A&D complexities i.e. cross companies establish special purpose entities such as joint ventures, partnerships and proxy boards to qualify as border transactions suppliers in foreign countries and to meet offset requirements. The current international issues include: controls over and repatriation of the restrictions on import/export of technology and products; risks of establishing business operations in foreign profits countries; accounting and tax complexities associated with special purpose entities and cross-border affiliated transactions; reinvestment and repatriation of profits and other A&D-specific accounting and tax issues associated with multinational operations.Source: PWC A&D Globalisation tiering Supply Chain Finance: Risk
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  • 19. Markets and Competitors Where? Portfolio Analysis Directional Policy Matrix
  • 20. Portfolio Analysis Market Growth Size of the Blobs  Emerging markets seen as an obvious choice, with India leading the way, and potential to build strength early on. However, to build competitive strength would require significant investment and undue risk, where an already struggling US Arm remains reliant on UK and global services  Projected growth in the long term for emerging markets, which might suggest a longer term strategy option QinetiQ to potentially build strength first and then look to invest capital in integration, acquisition and build partnerships in these markets
  • 21. Portfolio Analysis Need for Foreign Imports Size of the Blobs  China and Brazil show less reliance on foreign imports as both look to develop domestic capabilities and there is likelihood that they could compete in the exporting and manufacturing of defense products and systems  China is less reliant on imports in the short term as Brazil waits out a medium term strategy to waiver support from Europe
  • 22. Portfolio Analysis Market Size Size of the Blobs  US the single largest market with China not far behind  Opportunities in US and UK to select growth areas and to invest internally to continue to build market share and differentiation of customers in other federal departments and private sectors  Strength in the UK is highest, however, US still strong. Focus could be to develop market share fulfilling new technology needs in cyber security and UAV
  • 23. Portfolio Analysis Concentration of Suppliers Size of the Blobs  US shows highest concentration of suppliers. Winning market share and seeking dominance is not an option. Costly, and competition is led by large multinationals, manufacturi ng across the whole supply chain.  It makes sense to look at new segments within this market either by acquisition or by diversifying  The private sector could help reduce QinetiQ‟s exposure to only one main customer (DOD) while sharing technology and innovation capabilities in horizontal markets i.e. cyber security, energy and networks  Emerging markets would require maximum investment to build market share and strength
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  • 25. Generating Options Strategy Clock-Differentiation Internal Change  The focus is on a differentiation strategy by offering a better service and product by driving innovation and efficiencies through culture and efficiency changes  A culture of cutting edge superior products at market price  There are future opportunities with increased budget for cyber security across other federal departments and by focusing on superior products and people could lead to improved brand and reputation in a new market.  Defense companies win on innovation and technology but is delivered by people.  Rather than invest externally QinetiQ can drive behavior and satisfy the market trend of" do more with less” and in turn build brand value when targeting new bids for federal contracts.  The US is an underperforming arms which by investing internally could give stability and surety to investors that everything possible is being done to compete head- on.  This strategy is the least riskiest strategy in terms of capital outlay and suggests a “freezing” time until embarking on more riskier M&A or geographic strategies.  Developing new products in new sectors via M&A would be a second option in the long term but short term imperatives are to stabilise the US division and compete for new contracts
  • 26. Further Slides Final Recommendation