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Journal of Pathology
J Pathol 2009; 219: 41–51
Published online 8 April 2009 in Wiley InterScience
( DOI: 10.1002/path.2565

Original Paper

Morphological alterations to neurons of the amygdala
and impaired fear conditioning in a transgenic mouse
model of Alzheimer’s disease
Shira Knafo,1 * † Cesar Venero,2† Paula Merino-Serrais,1 Isabel Fernaud-Espinosa,1 Juncal Gonzalez-Soriano,3
Isidro Ferrer,4 Gabriel Santpere4 and Javier DeFelipe1 *
1 Instituto Cajal (CSIC), Madrid, Spain
2 Department of Psychobiology, Universidad Nacional de Educaci´ n a Distancia, Madrid, Spain
3 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain
4 Institut Neuropatolog´a, IDIBELL-Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, Universitat de Barcelona, Hospitalet
                         ı                                                                                    de LLobregat, Barcelona, Spain

*Correspondence to:                  Abstract
Shira Knafo or Javier DeFelipe,
Instituto Cajal (CSIC),              Patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) suffer from impaired memory and emotional
Madrid, Spain.                       disturbances, the pathogenesis of which is not entirely clear. In APP/PS1 transgenic mice,
E-mail:;      a model of AD in which amyloid β (Aβ) accumulates in the brain, we have examined                    neurons in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA), a brain region crucial to establish
† These
                                     cued fear conditioning. We found that although there was no neuronal loss in this region
        authors contributed          and Aβ plaques only occupy less than 1% of its volume, these mice froze for shorter times
equally to this work.
                                     after auditory fear conditioning when compared to their non-transgenic littermates. We
The authors have no conflicts of      performed a three-dimensional analysis of projection neurons and of thousands of dendritic
interest to disclose.                spines in the LA. We found changes in dendritic tree morphology and a substantial decrease
                                     in the frequency of large spines in plaque-free neurons of APP/PS1 mice. We suggest that
                                     these morphological changes in the neurons of the LA may contribute to the impaired
                                     auditory fear conditioning seen in this AD model.
                                     Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John
  Received: 8 January 2009           Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  Revised: 25 March 2009
                                     Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease; unbiased stereology; morphology; confocal microscopy;
  Accepted: 27 March 2009
                                     APP; PS1; amyloid; plaques; cognition; dementia; learning; dendritic spines

Introduction                                                                  For example, the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA)
                                                                              is a key site of plasticity that underlies fear learn-
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurode-                            ing [7,8]. The LA receives sensory input from the
generative disease that causes dementia and emotional                         thalamus and cerebral cortex, and it generates emo-
disturbances [1]. AD is neuropathologically charac-                           tional responses by activating different subcortical
terized by the accumulation of extracellular fibril-                           regions [9]. The outputs of the LA arise from pro-
lar amyloid beta peptide (Aβ) in amyloid plaques                              jection neurons [10], which were the subject of this
(plaques) and of intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles                         study.
consisting of aggregated hyperphosphorylated tau, and                            In mice, the expression of proteins that are impli-
by elevated brain levels of soluble Aβ oligomers.                             cated in familial AD — a chimeric mouse/human
Plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are distributed in                         amyloid precursor protein (Mo/HuAPP695swe) and a
the hippocampus, neocortex, and in subcortical regions                        mutant human presenilin 1 (PS1-dE9) — leads to the
such as the amygdala, nucleus basalis, thalamus, locus                        early appearance of amyloid plaques [11]. We used
coeruleus, and raphe nuclei [2]. The amygdala plays                           these double transgenic (APP/PS1) mice to investi-
a major role in the processing and memorizing of                              gate the effects of Aβ overproduction and deposi-
emotional reactions [3]. The amygdala of AD patients                          tion on auditory fear conditioning, and to examine
undergoes significant shrinkage, distortion, and loss                          whether Aβ deposition provokes neuronal loss and
of neurons, as well as extensive gliosis [4,5]. More-                         changes in the morphology of projection neurons in
over, the extent of amygdaloid atrophy correlates pos-                        the LA. Previous studies performed in transgenic mice
itively with the degree of emotional memory impair-                           carrying a single APP transgene, or different com-
ment [6]. The different nuclei of the amygdala have                           binations of the APP and PS1 transgenes, reported
unique connections and they fulfil specific functions.                          contrasting results after training in the auditory cued

Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
42                                                                                                                 S Knafo et al

fear conditioning paradigm [12–14]. Hence, we eval-                      conditioning was performed by pairing a tone to a
uated whether cued fear memory was impaired in                           foot shock and evaluating freezing during tone pre-
12- to 14-month-old APP/PS1 mice. We show that                           sentation. Pain threshold was evaluated by applying
auditory fear conditioning is severely dampened in                       an electric current at increasing intensities and deter-
APP/PS1 mice and that this cognitive impairment is                       mining the intensity that provoked discomfort. Details
not attributable to neuronal loss in the LA.                             of the behavioural procedures are described in the Sup-
   As projection neurons in the LA receive inputs                        porting information, Supporting material.
through asymmetric synapses located mainly on the
heads of dendritic spines [15], we examined the mor-                     Stereology and morphology
phology of the dendritic trees and of individual den-
dritic spines in this region. Dendritic spines represent                 Unbiased stereology was employed to evaluate the
the main postsynaptic elements of excitatory synapses                    volume occupied by Aβ plaques and to determine
in the cerebral cortex [16] and they are fundamen-                       the neuronal density using Stereo Investigator soft-
tal in memory, learning, and cognition [17]. Dendritic                   ware (MicroBrightfield, Inc, Williston, VT, USA). The
spines undergo significant activity-dependent struc-                      density of the plaques and neurons in the LA was
tural changes [18], which are also influenced by spine                    estimated using the optical fractionator method. To
head size [19]. Importantly, recent evidence indicates                   estimate the plaque volume, the edges of each amy-
that spine heads are affected by oligomeric Aβ [20]                      loid plaque were marked with the Nucleator probe
and therefore the morphology of spine heads may link                     [27]. Dendrites were traced with Neurolucida (Micro-
Aβ pathology with synaptic dysfunction.                                  Brightfield) and spine morphology was measured with
   Previous studies have only identified a weak corre-                    Imaris software [28]. Details of the histological and
lation between the presence of Aβ plaques and AD                         morphological procedures appear in the Supporting
dementia [21], questioning whether plaques contribute                    information, Supporting material.
to dementia [22]. In an attempt to find a structural
basis for amygdala-dependent cognitive impairment,                       Statistics
we used advanced imaging and measurement tech-
niques to examine the morphology of the dendritic                        For the behavioural study, the results were analysed
trees and of individual spines. We measured the head                     using a two-tailed unpaired t-test or repeated measure
volume and neck length of thousands of dendritic                         ANOVA with the percentage of freezing for each
spines in the LA, both within and outside plaques.                       minute of the test as the repeated measure. For
We found that the morphology of the dendritic tree                       the morphological study, the results were analysed
of projection neurons that do not interact directly                      using a two-tailed unpaired t-test to test for the
with plaques is modified in the amygdala of APP/PS1                       overall effect. When more than two groups were
mice and that there is a significant decrease in large                    compared (for analyses of dendrites and spines), one-
spines on these neurons. This is the first morphological                  way ANOVA was used, followed by Newman–Keuls
description of dendrites and spines in the amygdala of                   multiple comparison post-hoc tests. Comparisons of
an AD model, although similar studies have been per-                     Sholl analysis plots were performed with two-way
formed previously in the hippocampus and neocortex                       ANOVA, followed by the Bonferroni post-hoc test.
[23,24].                                                                 Comparisons between cumulative distributions were
                                                                         made according to two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov
                                                                         tests [29]. The significance of the results was accepted
Materials and methods                                                    at p < 0.05 and the data are presented as mean ± SE.

All experimental procedures were carried out in accor-
dance with the guidelines set out in the European                        Results
Community Council Directives (86/609/EEC).
                                                                         Normal anxiety-related behaviour
Mice                                                                     We first determined, using an elevated plus-maze,
The APP/PS1 mouse line used in this study (age                           whether APP/PS1 mice differ in their levels of anx-
12–14 months, males) expressed a Mo/Hu APP695-                           iety, a factor that may influence the results of fear
swe construct in conjunction with the exon-9-deleted                     conditioning [30] (see the Supporting information,
variant of human presenilin 1 (PS1-dE9) [25]. The                        Supporting material). APP/PS1 mice displayed normal
specific strain was B6C3-Tg (APPswe, PSEN1dE9)                            anxiety-related behaviour (Figures 1a and 1b), imply-
85Dbo/J. Age-matched littermates without the trans-                      ing that any change in fear conditioning cannot be
gene (Tg− ) served as controls.                                          explained by different levels of anxiety.

Behavioural procedures                                                   Impaired auditory fear conditioning
Anxiety-related behaviour was evaluated in an ele-                       Auditory fear conditioning is a model for emotional
vated plus-maze as described previously [26]. Fear                       learning in animals and it is a response that depends

J Pathol 2009; 219: 41–51 DOI: 10.1002/path
Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Impaired learning and structural alteration in APP/PS1 mice                                                                           43

Figure 1. Normal anxiety-like behaviour and impaired auditory fear conditioning in APP/PS1 mice. (a, b) Exploration in the
elevated plus-maze was considered a measure of anxiety. The total distance travelled in the maze (a) and the time spent in
the closed and open arms (b) were similar in APP/PS1 and Tg− mice. (c) Average percentage freezing before, during, and after
tone-shock pairings. (d) Freezing responses on the testing day before and during the presentation of the tone. Note that the
percentage of freezing is lower for APP/PS1 mice. ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗∗ p < 0.001

on the amygdala [31,32]. In this learning paradigm,                 not show alterations in their sensitivity to pain [35]
an emotionally neutral auditory conditioned stimulus                (see the Supporting information, Supporting material),
elicits fear after it is paired with an aversive uncon-             implying that conditioning was not affected by pain
ditioned stimulus [33]. We tested the auditory fear                 perception.
conditioning in these mice using immobility (freez-
ing) as an index of fear learning [34]. During con-
ditioning training, baseline freezing behaviour was
extremely low in both groups of mice before the                     Amyloid plaques occupy a small fraction of the LA
presentation of the tone (Figure 1c). When freezing
across conditioning trials was analysed, it was evi-                In an attempt to determine the extent to which audi-
dent that both groups acquired fear responses, as                   tory fear conditioning might be affected by the Aβ
implied from the increased freezing during the post-                plaques in these animals, we first quantified the vol-
shock periods (F2,38 = 18.78, p = 0.0001, repeated                  ume fraction that they occupied in the LA. We chose
measures ANOVA). Statistical analyses of the freez-                 to examine this area because of the key role that it
ing behaviour between groups indicated no signifi-                   plays in the acquisition and expression of fear-related
cant differences when animals were presented with the               behaviour [36], and thus we immunocytochemically
tone (t11 = 1.30, p = 0.218) or immediately after foot              stained Aβ plaques in sections of APP/PS1 brains
shock (t11 = 1.14, p = 0.277).                                      (Figure 2a). Since counting spherical plaques in two-
   On the day of testing, both genotypes showed a                   dimensional cross-sections provides an imprecise mea-
low amount of freezing during the baseline period                   sure of the amount of Aβ, missing small and het-
on the test day (t11 = 1.77, p = 0.21, Figure 1d).                  erogeneous assemblies of Aβ [37], we used unbiased
However, following the presentation of the tone,                    stereology to count plaques and determine their vol-
the freezing behaviour increased immediately in the                 ume. The density of plaques in the LA was 4.10 ± 0.45
Tg− mice, while it remained relatively low in the                   plaques/mm3 (N = 4) and the average plaque volume
APP/PS1 mice (t11 = 4.70, p = 0.0007). Indeed, the                  was 1496 ± 317.7 µm3 . The estimated volume occu-
averaged freezing response over the 3 min of the                    pied by the Aβ plaques was only 0.60 ± 0.11%. These
memory test showed a 42% reduction in APP/PS1                       results suggest that Aβ plaques occupy a small volume
mice compared with the Tg− animals, indicating                      fraction of the LA of aged APP/PS1 mice, in accor-
that auditory fear conditioning memory is impaired                  dance with a previous study in which relatively few
in APP/PS1 mice. Importantly, APP/PS1 mice did                      Aβ plaques were found in the LA of AD patients [38].

                                                                                             J Pathol 2009; 219: 41–51 DOI: 10.1002/path
                                  Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
44                                                                                                               S Knafo et al

Figure 2. Coronal sections through the amygdala and adjacent regions showing the pattern of distribution of plaques. (a) An
example of the amygdaloid region as it appears in a section stained with the anti-Aβ antibody and Nissl, as used for plaque
quantification. (b, c) Coronal sections from Tg− and APP/PS1 mice stained for anti-NeuN. (d) Double staining for anti-β amyloid
and NeuN. (e) Neuron density for Tg− and APP/PS1 mice. BLA = basolateral nucleus of the amygdala; EC = external capsule;
LA = lateral nucleus of the amygdala; PIR = piriform cortex. Scale bars: (a) 350 µm; (b–d) 120 µm

Neuron density is conserved in LA                                        significantly different between these three groups of
                                                                         neurons (Figures 3d and 3f, and Supporting informa-
We determined whether neuronal loss in the LA                            tion, Supporting Table 1). However, a detailed anal-
of APP/PS1 mice might explain the dampening of
                                                                         ysis of the length as a function of the distance
the auditory fear conditioning by assessing neuronal
                                                                         from the soma (Sholl analysis analysed with two-way
density using unbiased stereology in sections stained
                                                                         ANOVA, p < 0.0001) revealed that neurons belonging
with antibodies for NeuN, a neuron-specific nuclear
                                                                         to APP/PS1 mice had a significantly smaller dendritic
protein [39] (Figures 2b–2d). No neuronal loss was
found in the LA of APP/PS1 mice (Figure 2e) in line                      length 30–40 µm from the soma (p < 0.05, Bonfer-
with previous studies performed in aged transgenic                       roni post-hoc test, Figure 3e). Also, there were fewer
mice with mutant amyloid precursor protein (APP),                        intersections at 30–40 µm from the soma (p < 0.05,
where there was no neuronal loss in cortical areas [11].                 Bonferroni post-hoc test, Figure 3g).
                                                                            These findings raised the possibility that the ram-
                                                                         ification of the dendritic tree differed in APP/PS1
Altered dendritic structure                                              neurons. Indeed, we found that the three neuronal
Since auditory fear conditioning is thought to be medi-                  types differed significantly in the total number of
ated by synaptic changes in the LA [40], and given that                  dendritic branches per neuron (p = 0.016, one-way
most excitatory synaptic connections occur on den-                       ANOVA, Figure 3h). Moreover, a post-hoc analysis
dritic spines [41], we examined whether dendrites and                    revealed a significant (p < 0.05, Newman–Keuls mul-
dendritic spines were altered in the LA of APP/PS1                       tiple comparison test) decrease in this parameter for
mice. We traced projection neurons in the LA and then                    PFNs when compared with Tg− neurons (Supporting
divided them into three categories, according to their                   information, Supporting Table 1). Quantification of the
location with respect to Aβ plaques (Figures 3a–3c):                     numbers of each dendritic branch order per neuron
(1) neurons from control mice (Tg− ); (2) neurons                        revealed a change in the number of second-, third-,
with no dendrite that enters a plaque (plaque-free                       and fourth-order dendrites per neuron in PFNs (p <
neurons, PFNs); and (3) neurons with at least one                        0.001, p < 0.05, and p < 0.01, respectively, two-
branch of a dendrite passing through or entering a                       way ANOVA, Figure 3i, Supporting information, Sup-
plaque (plaque neurons, PNs). The total dendritic                        porting Table 1). Moreover, a post-hoc analysis also
length and the total number of intersections were not                    revealed a significant difference between the PNs and

J Pathol 2009; 219: 41–51 DOI: 10.1002/path
Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Impaired learning and structural alteration in APP/PS1 mice                                                                             45

Figure 3. Intracellular injections and morphometric analysis. (a) Panoramic confocal (10×) views of the LA showing
Alexa594-injected neurons and thioflavin-s-positive plaques in a Tg− mouse (left) and an APP/PS1 mouse (right). (b) Representative
images of projection neurons from a Tg− mouse (left) and an APP/PS1 mouse (right). (c) The method used to distinguish dendrites
and spines within and outside plaques. Left: a plaque suspected of containing a dendrite due to the rotation of its three-dimensional
image. Centre: the plaque surface is marked with the aid of the IsoSurface tool of Imaris software. Right: the voxels outside the
surface are set to zero, leaving only the dendritic segment within the plaque. This process was performed after blind morphological
measurements were made. (d) The total dendritic length of the different neuronal categories. (e) Sholl analysis showing the
dendritic length as a function of the distance from the soma. Red asterisks represent a significant difference between Tg− and PFN;
blue asterisks represent a significant difference between Tg− and PN; black asterisks represent a significant difference between PN
and PFN. Inset: diagram showing a traced LA neuron and a series of concentric circles representing the Sholl analysis. This analysis
is performed with concentric spheres around the soma rather than circles, in order to give a three-dimensional result. (f) Total
dendritic number of intersections for the different neuronal categories. (g) Sholl analysis showing the number of intersections as
a function of the distance from the soma. The colour of the asterisks follows the scheme indicated in e. (h) Total number of
branches per neuron for the different neuronal categories. (i) Quantity of branches per order per neuron. Scale bars: (a) 50 µm;
(b) 25 µm; (c) 5 µm. ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; ∗∗∗ p < 0.001

PFNs for the fourth branch order (p < 0.05, Bon-                      described for the neocortex [43] and hippocampus
ferroni post-hoc test, Figure 3i). We did not detect                  [28], typical thioflavin-s-positive plaques consisted of
any significant differences in the average tortuosity                  a core surrounded by a diffuse ring of decreasing
of the different branch orders (Supporting informa-                   density. We encountered 20 dendrites that entered
tion, Supporting Table 1). Thus, we concluded that                    plaques (Figure 3c) and they were always located
the PFNs of APP/PS1 mice had a less complex den-                      in the diffuse peripheral ring (Figure 3c). Thus, like
dritic tree. This finding is in line with a previous                   the classification of neurons, the dendrites were cat-
study in which somatosensory cortical neurons were                    egorized according to their location with respect to
less branched in TG2576 mice, another AD model                        Aβ plaques (Figure 4a): (1) dendrites from Tg− mice;
[42].                                                                 (2) dendrites belonging to neurons with no dendrites
                                                                      entering a plaque (PFN); (3) segments of dendrites
Decreased dendrite diameter and spine density                         within a plaque (Plaque); and (4) dendrites arising
within plaques                                                        from neurons of which one of their branches passed
                                                                      into or entered a plaque, in segments outside plaques
We examined 259 amyloid plaques and 143 APP/PS1                       (PN).
injected projection neurons in the LA by laser scan-                     Dendritic shaft diameter differed significantly
ning confocal microscopy (Figures 3a and 3b). As                      among these four categories of dendrites (p = 0.0001,

                                                                                               J Pathol 2009; 219: 41–51 DOI: 10.1002/path
                                    Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
46                                                                                                                  S Knafo et al

Figure 4. The decrease in dendritic diameter and dendritic spine density is limited to plaques. (a) Representative projection
images of dendrites from Tg− and APP/PS1 mice (63×, glycerol). Tg− , a dendrite from a control mouse; PFN, a dendrite belonging
to plaque-free neurons of APP/PS1 mouse; PN, a dendrite arising from a neuron contacting a plaque in a plaque-free segment;
Plaque, a dendrite that enters a plaque, with and without the green channel that contains the plaque image. (b) Dendrite diameter
was significantly decreased within plaques and (c) the spine density was also significantly lower inside plaques. (d) Spine density
as a function of the distance from the soma (Sholl analysis) is similar in Tg− mice and APP/PS1 mice in plaque-free regions (PN
and PFN). (e) For each plaque-related dendritic segment, the distance of the plaque from the soma was measured, and the ratio
between the spine density for the segment and the average spine density for the same distance in Tg− mice was calculated.
(f) Spine density at increasing distances from the plaque edges. Note that outside the plaques, the spine density is conserved. Scale
bar = 5 µm. ∗∗ p < 0.01; ∗∗∗ p < 0.001

J Pathol 2009; 219: 41–51 DOI: 10.1002/path
Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Impaired learning and structural alteration in APP/PS1 mice                                                                        47

one-way ANOVA, Figure 4b and Supporting informa-                 Discussion
tion, Supporting Table 2). Accordingly, the dendritic
shaft diameter inside plaques was significantly smaller           In this study, aged APP/PS1 mice showed a damp-
(20 dendrites, p < 0.001, Newman–Keuls multiple                  ening of auditory fear conditioning, a learning task
comparison test) than in dendrites from PNs (45                  that depends on the LA nucleus of the amygdala [36].
dendrites), dendrites from PFNs (58 dendrites), and              Using a series of experiments, we found that this inhi-
Tg− dendrites (66 dendrites). Conversely, no sig-                bition did not arise from a change in anxiety or the
nificant differences were found between Tg− and                   animals’ sensitivity to shock. In addition, we show that
PFN, or PN dendrites in segments that did not pass               the volume occupied by plaques in LA is less than 1%
through a plaque. The spine density was also signif-             and that the neuronal density in this nucleus was con-
icantly different among the four categories of den-              served. However, we did find that plaque-free neurons
drites (p = 0.002, one-way ANOVA, Figure 4c) and                 in the LA of APP/PS1 mice have altered dendritic ram-
it was significantly lower within plaques (p < 0.05,              ifications and fewer large spines. Although previous
Newman–Keuls multiple comparison test) than in the               studies have shown changes in dendrites and spines in
other categories of dendrites (Supporting information,           transgenic mouse models of AD, these studies focused
Supporting Table 2). There were no significant dif-               on the neocortex [23,42,44] and hippocampus [28].
ferences in the spine density between PFN, PN and                The results demonstrate for the first time that morpho-
Tg− dendrites.                                                   logical changes in dendrites also occur in the amygdala
   Spine density normally changes as a function of the           and that these changes may account for the dampening
distance from the soma and these changes can be esti-            in amygdala-dependent learning. APP/PS1 mice serve
mated using Sholl analysis. This analysis revealed that          as a model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) since they
the spine density for Tg− dendrites was not signifi-              express two of the mutations that exist in patients of
cantly different from the density in PNs and PFNs over           familial AD. AD patients show a marked impairment
their entire length (Figure 4d and Supporting informa-           of fear conditioning [45], implying that the inhibition
tion, Supporting Table 2). The spine density for each            of non-declarative memory is common to both AD
segment within a plaque was compared with the aver-              patients and APP/PS1 mice. Thus, our results represent
age spine density at the same distance from the soma             an additional demonstration that behavioural features
in Tg− mice; there was a decrease of 33.43 ± 11.05%              of this AD model resemble those found in AD [46].
in the spine density within plaques (p = 0.0059,                    We have shown here that the performance in
t-test, Figure 4e). We then examined the spine den-              an amygdala-dependent task is severely impaired in
sity as a function of the distance from plaques and we           APP/PS1 male mice. Our results are in accordance
found that the spine density in the surrounding den-             with the recent demonstration that overexpression of
drites was not significantly different from the values            APP in rodents, leading to elevated levels of Aβ damp-
in Tg− mice. Thus, in accordance with our previous               ens auditory fear conditioning [12,47]. Importantly,
study of the dentate gyrus [28], our data show that the          other authors have reported reduced contextual, but
decrease in spine density in the LA was restricted to            not cued, fear conditioning memory in 5- or 9-month-
plaques.                                                         old APP/PS1 mice [13]. The discrepancy between our
                                                                 results and these earlier findings may reflect the dif-
Decreased frequency of large spines in PFNs                      ferent combination of APP and PS1 transgenes in the
Spine head volume and neck length were measured in               mice used in these two studies, which might affect
three dimensions in confocal image stacks (Figures 5a            the amount of Aβ in the brains of these mice. In
and 5b) and for each group, the number of spines                 addition, different strains were employed in these stud-
measured was Tg− , 3949; PFN, 3268; PN, 3577; and                ies (C57B6/C3 versus C57B6/SJL), which may be
Plaque, 63. No significant differences were found in              relevant given that strain differences have already
the average spine neck length among these dendritic              been reported to influence cued fear conditioning [48].
categories (p = 0.48, one-way ANOVA, Figure 5c                   Indeed, SJL mice are more sensitive to cued fear con-
and Supporting information, Supporting Table 2) and              ditioning than C3 mice [48] and this sensitivity would
likewise, the average head volume was not signifi-                facilitate the increase in freezing behaviour after cued
cantly different between the four categories of den-             fear conditioning observed by Dineley et al [13]. This
drites (p = 0.42, one-way ANOVA, Figure 5d and                   enhanced freezing behaviour may mask the differences
Supporting information, Supporting Table 2). How-                between the transgenic and the wild-type mice. More-
ever, a cumulative frequency plot analysis revealed              over, the training conditions used in our study (three
a statistically significant shift in the head volume of           foot shocks of 0.75 mA with an inter-trial interval
spines from PFNs when compared with that of spines               of 30 s) were different from those used by Dineley
belonging to the other categories (p = 0.012–0.048,              et al(two or five foot shocks of 0.5 mA with a 5 min
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, Figure 5e). A decrease of               or a 40 s interval between each CS–US pairing). Vari-
74% was found in the frequency of large spines (head             ation in the intensity of the foot shock, as well as in
volume > 0.18 µm3 ) when compared with Tg− neu-                  the inter-trial interval and total time spent condition-
rons. Thus, PFNs have a lower frequency of large                 ing, affects the conditioning in response to explicit
spines.                                                          and contextual stimuli [31,49,50]. Taken together, the

                                                                                          J Pathol 2009; 219: 41–51 DOI: 10.1002/path
                               Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
48                                                                                                                  S Knafo et al

Figure 5. Changes in the spine head volume of plaque-free neurons. (a) Maximum projection confocal images (63×, glycerol)
of dendrites representative of each different category. (b) An amplified example of the head volume measurement obtained by
determining the surface of the spine head (blue). (c, d) Bar graphs of the neck length and head volume indicating that no significant
differences were found for the average values. (e) Left: a cumulative frequency plot showing the distribution of spine head volumes.
Note the significant left shift in head volume in PFN (Kolmogorov–Smirnov test). Right: histograms for head volumes. Tg− , a
dendrite from a no transgene (control) mouse; PFN, a dendrite from a plaque-free neuron; PN, a dendrite from a plaque neuron;
Plaque, a dendrite entering a plaque. See text for further details. Scale bar = 3 µm

setting in which training was performed may favour                       reasonable to hypothesize that the neuronal loss in the
the differences in fear learning between transgenic and                  amygdala is a late neuropathological feature of AD and
control mice. The alterations to conditioned fear are                    that other, more subtle synaptic changes may occur in
unlikely to result from distinct perception and/or pro-                  early stages of the disease that cause the impaired fear
cessing of the foot shock, or from different levels of                   memory [52]. We therefore examined dendrites and
anxiety, because both Tg− and APP/PS1 mice showed                        dendritic spines, which are the major sites of synaptic
the same pain sensitivity to a foot shock of rising inten-               contacts in the brain.
sity and similar anxiety-related behaviour.                                Three different observations from our study support
   We have shown here that in contrast to AD patients,                   the notion that Aβ plaques are not responsible for
who suffer marked neuronal loss in the amygdala [51],                    the dampened auditory fear conditioning in APP/PS1
there is no neuronal loss in the LA of aged APP/PS1                      mice. (1) Aβ plaques in the LA occupy less than
mice. Given the impaired auditory fear learning in                       1% of its volume, implying that the changes within
these mice, this finding raises doubts as to whether                      the plaques, the decrease in dendritic diameter and
the fear memory disturbances seen in AD patients arise                   spine density, are restricted to a small fraction of
from neuronal loss in the amygdala. Instead, it seems                    the neuropil. (2) The decreased dendritic ramification

J Pathol 2009; 219: 41–51 DOI: 10.1002/path
Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Impaired learning and structural alteration in APP/PS1 mice                                                                         49

in APP/PS1 mice is limited to PFNs, neurons that                  and that they are therefore less able to generate fear
do not contact Aβ plaques. Branching patterns are                 memories.
related to the degree of compartmentalization of the
inputs to the cell. Indeed, it has been proposed that             Morphological changes within plaques may have
a stronger potential for compartmentalization results             a minor effect on cognition
in a significant increase in the representational power            We have also shown here that dendrites that pass
and greater learning and memory capacity [53]. Since              through a plaque are thinner and suffer from decreased
PFNs are less complex but they have a similar spine               spine density. Aβ plaques have previously been asso-
density, the fewer branches probably means the loss of            ciated with local synaptic abnormalities and with a
synapses, in accordance with previous findings in AD               smaller diameter of the neuronal processes [23,44].
brains [22,54]. Thus, the reduced complexity of the               Since the correlation between the plaque load and the
PFNs of APP/PS1 mice may contribute to their limited              degree of memory impairment in transgenic mice is
ability to learn the fear response. Nevertheless, the             relatively weak [70,71], the relevance of these plaque-
possibility that impaired fear learning and the changes           related morphological changes to AD pathogenesis is
in dendritic ramification are two unrelated findings                unclear and even questioned by many investigators
cannot be discarded. (3) The decrease in the frequency            [72]. We suggest that the morphological changes inside
of large spines in APP/PS1 mice is limited to the PFNs,           plaques might affect local synaptic circuits. Neverthe-
implying that the decreased frequency of large spines             less, plaques only occupy a small volume of the LA,
is not related to plaques. Importantly, we recently               less than 1%, and thus the alterations to these local
reported that plaque-free regions in the dentate gyrus            circuits are restricted to only a small portion of the
of APP/PS1 mice also have fewer large spines [28].                neuropil. Therefore, it is more likely that the changes
Since in both studies the density of spines remained              in dendritic complexity and in the frequency of large
unchanged outside the plaques, a decrease of large                spines not directly related to the plaques contribute to
spines appears to be a general feature of APP/PS1                 the cognitive impairment seen in APP/PS1 mice.
mice. Further studies in other brain regions will be
necessary to confirm this possibility.
   The spine head volume reflects the size of the post-            Acknowledgements
synaptic density [55–57], which correlates with the               This work was supported by the following grants: CIBERNED,
number of presynaptic vesicles and with the number                RETICEF, Fundaci´ n Caixa (BM05-47-0), The EU 6th Frame-
of docked vesicles [55]. The postsynaptic density area            work Programme (PROMEMORIA LSHM-CT-2005-512012),
is proportional to the number of postsynaptic receptors           and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (grants
[58], whereas the number of docked vesicles is propor-            BFU2006-13395 to JD and BFU2006-01050 to CV). SK was
                                                                  the recipient of postdoctoral fellowships from the Ram´ n y
tional to the ready releasable pool of transmitter [59].
                                                                  Cajal Programme of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Therefore, the volume of the spine head is likely to              We thank Ana Martinez and Gerard Muntane for genotyping
be directly proportional to the average reliability and           the mice, and Luis Carrillo for technical assistance.
strength of its synapse, and thus it is an important mor-
phometric parameter reflecting its activity [55–59]. It
has been reported that large spines in the LA are post-           Supporting information
synaptic to thalamic afferents and that they harbour
R-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCCs),                   Supporting information may be found in the online
thereby providing the synapses on their heads with                version of this article.
the capacity to express associative long-term modifi-
cations of synaptic strength [60]. Given that long-term
synaptic plasticity in the LA is required for memory              References
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Morphological alterations to neurons of the amygdala

  • 1. Journal of Pathology J Pathol 2009; 219: 41–51 Published online 8 April 2009 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/path.2565 Original Paper Morphological alterations to neurons of the amygdala and impaired fear conditioning in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease Shira Knafo,1 * † Cesar Venero,2† Paula Merino-Serrais,1 Isabel Fernaud-Espinosa,1 Juncal Gonzalez-Soriano,3 Isidro Ferrer,4 Gabriel Santpere4 and Javier DeFelipe1 * 1 Instituto Cajal (CSIC), Madrid, Spain 2 Department of Psychobiology, Universidad Nacional de Educaci´ n a Distancia, Madrid, Spain o 3 Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain 4 Institut Neuropatolog´a, IDIBELL-Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, Universitat de Barcelona, Hospitalet ı de LLobregat, Barcelona, Spain *Correspondence to: Abstract Shira Knafo or Javier DeFelipe, Instituto Cajal (CSIC), Patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) suffer from impaired memory and emotional Madrid, Spain. disturbances, the pathogenesis of which is not entirely clear. In APP/PS1 transgenic mice, E-mail:; a model of AD in which amyloid β (Aβ) accumulates in the brain, we have examined neurons in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA), a brain region crucial to establish † These cued fear conditioning. We found that although there was no neuronal loss in this region authors contributed and Aβ plaques only occupy less than 1% of its volume, these mice froze for shorter times equally to this work. after auditory fear conditioning when compared to their non-transgenic littermates. We The authors have no conflicts of performed a three-dimensional analysis of projection neurons and of thousands of dendritic interest to disclose. spines in the LA. We found changes in dendritic tree morphology and a substantial decrease in the frequency of large spines in plaque-free neurons of APP/PS1 mice. We suggest that these morphological changes in the neurons of the LA may contribute to the impaired auditory fear conditioning seen in this AD model. Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Received: 8 January 2009 Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Revised: 25 March 2009 Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease; unbiased stereology; morphology; confocal microscopy; Accepted: 27 March 2009 APP; PS1; amyloid; plaques; cognition; dementia; learning; dendritic spines Introduction For example, the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is a key site of plasticity that underlies fear learn- Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurode- ing [7,8]. The LA receives sensory input from the generative disease that causes dementia and emotional thalamus and cerebral cortex, and it generates emo- disturbances [1]. AD is neuropathologically charac- tional responses by activating different subcortical terized by the accumulation of extracellular fibril- regions [9]. The outputs of the LA arise from pro- lar amyloid beta peptide (Aβ) in amyloid plaques jection neurons [10], which were the subject of this (plaques) and of intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles study. consisting of aggregated hyperphosphorylated tau, and In mice, the expression of proteins that are impli- by elevated brain levels of soluble Aβ oligomers. cated in familial AD — a chimeric mouse/human Plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are distributed in amyloid precursor protein (Mo/HuAPP695swe) and a the hippocampus, neocortex, and in subcortical regions mutant human presenilin 1 (PS1-dE9) — leads to the such as the amygdala, nucleus basalis, thalamus, locus early appearance of amyloid plaques [11]. We used coeruleus, and raphe nuclei [2]. The amygdala plays these double transgenic (APP/PS1) mice to investi- a major role in the processing and memorizing of gate the effects of Aβ overproduction and deposi- emotional reactions [3]. The amygdala of AD patients tion on auditory fear conditioning, and to examine undergoes significant shrinkage, distortion, and loss whether Aβ deposition provokes neuronal loss and of neurons, as well as extensive gliosis [4,5]. More- changes in the morphology of projection neurons in over, the extent of amygdaloid atrophy correlates pos- the LA. Previous studies performed in transgenic mice itively with the degree of emotional memory impair- carrying a single APP transgene, or different com- ment [6]. The different nuclei of the amygdala have binations of the APP and PS1 transgenes, reported unique connections and they fulfil specific functions. contrasting results after training in the auditory cued Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • 2. 42 S Knafo et al fear conditioning paradigm [12–14]. Hence, we eval- conditioning was performed by pairing a tone to a uated whether cued fear memory was impaired in foot shock and evaluating freezing during tone pre- 12- to 14-month-old APP/PS1 mice. We show that sentation. Pain threshold was evaluated by applying auditory fear conditioning is severely dampened in an electric current at increasing intensities and deter- APP/PS1 mice and that this cognitive impairment is mining the intensity that provoked discomfort. Details not attributable to neuronal loss in the LA. of the behavioural procedures are described in the Sup- As projection neurons in the LA receive inputs porting information, Supporting material. through asymmetric synapses located mainly on the heads of dendritic spines [15], we examined the mor- Stereology and morphology phology of the dendritic trees and of individual den- dritic spines in this region. Dendritic spines represent Unbiased stereology was employed to evaluate the the main postsynaptic elements of excitatory synapses volume occupied by Aβ plaques and to determine in the cerebral cortex [16] and they are fundamen- the neuronal density using Stereo Investigator soft- tal in memory, learning, and cognition [17]. Dendritic ware (MicroBrightfield, Inc, Williston, VT, USA). The spines undergo significant activity-dependent struc- density of the plaques and neurons in the LA was tural changes [18], which are also influenced by spine estimated using the optical fractionator method. To head size [19]. Importantly, recent evidence indicates estimate the plaque volume, the edges of each amy- that spine heads are affected by oligomeric Aβ [20] loid plaque were marked with the Nucleator probe and therefore the morphology of spine heads may link [27]. Dendrites were traced with Neurolucida (Micro- Aβ pathology with synaptic dysfunction. Brightfield) and spine morphology was measured with Previous studies have only identified a weak corre- Imaris software [28]. Details of the histological and lation between the presence of Aβ plaques and AD morphological procedures appear in the Supporting dementia [21], questioning whether plaques contribute information, Supporting material. to dementia [22]. In an attempt to find a structural basis for amygdala-dependent cognitive impairment, Statistics we used advanced imaging and measurement tech- niques to examine the morphology of the dendritic For the behavioural study, the results were analysed trees and of individual spines. We measured the head using a two-tailed unpaired t-test or repeated measure volume and neck length of thousands of dendritic ANOVA with the percentage of freezing for each spines in the LA, both within and outside plaques. minute of the test as the repeated measure. For We found that the morphology of the dendritic tree the morphological study, the results were analysed of projection neurons that do not interact directly using a two-tailed unpaired t-test to test for the with plaques is modified in the amygdala of APP/PS1 overall effect. When more than two groups were mice and that there is a significant decrease in large compared (for analyses of dendrites and spines), one- spines on these neurons. This is the first morphological way ANOVA was used, followed by Newman–Keuls description of dendrites and spines in the amygdala of multiple comparison post-hoc tests. Comparisons of an AD model, although similar studies have been per- Sholl analysis plots were performed with two-way formed previously in the hippocampus and neocortex ANOVA, followed by the Bonferroni post-hoc test. [23,24]. Comparisons between cumulative distributions were made according to two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests [29]. The significance of the results was accepted Materials and methods at p < 0.05 and the data are presented as mean ± SE. All experimental procedures were carried out in accor- dance with the guidelines set out in the European Results Community Council Directives (86/609/EEC). Normal anxiety-related behaviour Mice We first determined, using an elevated plus-maze, The APP/PS1 mouse line used in this study (age whether APP/PS1 mice differ in their levels of anx- 12–14 months, males) expressed a Mo/Hu APP695- iety, a factor that may influence the results of fear swe construct in conjunction with the exon-9-deleted conditioning [30] (see the Supporting information, variant of human presenilin 1 (PS1-dE9) [25]. The Supporting material). APP/PS1 mice displayed normal specific strain was B6C3-Tg (APPswe, PSEN1dE9) anxiety-related behaviour (Figures 1a and 1b), imply- 85Dbo/J. Age-matched littermates without the trans- ing that any change in fear conditioning cannot be gene (Tg− ) served as controls. explained by different levels of anxiety. Behavioural procedures Impaired auditory fear conditioning Anxiety-related behaviour was evaluated in an ele- Auditory fear conditioning is a model for emotional vated plus-maze as described previously [26]. Fear learning in animals and it is a response that depends J Pathol 2009; 219: 41–51 DOI: 10.1002/path Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • 3. Impaired learning and structural alteration in APP/PS1 mice 43 Figure 1. Normal anxiety-like behaviour and impaired auditory fear conditioning in APP/PS1 mice. (a, b) Exploration in the elevated plus-maze was considered a measure of anxiety. The total distance travelled in the maze (a) and the time spent in the closed and open arms (b) were similar in APP/PS1 and Tg− mice. (c) Average percentage freezing before, during, and after tone-shock pairings. (d) Freezing responses on the testing day before and during the presentation of the tone. Note that the percentage of freezing is lower for APP/PS1 mice. ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 on the amygdala [31,32]. In this learning paradigm, not show alterations in their sensitivity to pain [35] an emotionally neutral auditory conditioned stimulus (see the Supporting information, Supporting material), elicits fear after it is paired with an aversive uncon- implying that conditioning was not affected by pain ditioned stimulus [33]. We tested the auditory fear perception. conditioning in these mice using immobility (freez- ing) as an index of fear learning [34]. During con- ditioning training, baseline freezing behaviour was extremely low in both groups of mice before the Amyloid plaques occupy a small fraction of the LA presentation of the tone (Figure 1c). When freezing across conditioning trials was analysed, it was evi- In an attempt to determine the extent to which audi- dent that both groups acquired fear responses, as tory fear conditioning might be affected by the Aβ implied from the increased freezing during the post- plaques in these animals, we first quantified the vol- shock periods (F2,38 = 18.78, p = 0.0001, repeated ume fraction that they occupied in the LA. We chose measures ANOVA). Statistical analyses of the freez- to examine this area because of the key role that it ing behaviour between groups indicated no signifi- plays in the acquisition and expression of fear-related cant differences when animals were presented with the behaviour [36], and thus we immunocytochemically tone (t11 = 1.30, p = 0.218) or immediately after foot stained Aβ plaques in sections of APP/PS1 brains shock (t11 = 1.14, p = 0.277). (Figure 2a). Since counting spherical plaques in two- On the day of testing, both genotypes showed a dimensional cross-sections provides an imprecise mea- low amount of freezing during the baseline period sure of the amount of Aβ, missing small and het- on the test day (t11 = 1.77, p = 0.21, Figure 1d). erogeneous assemblies of Aβ [37], we used unbiased However, following the presentation of the tone, stereology to count plaques and determine their vol- the freezing behaviour increased immediately in the ume. The density of plaques in the LA was 4.10 ± 0.45 Tg− mice, while it remained relatively low in the plaques/mm3 (N = 4) and the average plaque volume APP/PS1 mice (t11 = 4.70, p = 0.0007). Indeed, the was 1496 ± 317.7 µm3 . The estimated volume occu- averaged freezing response over the 3 min of the pied by the Aβ plaques was only 0.60 ± 0.11%. These memory test showed a 42% reduction in APP/PS1 results suggest that Aβ plaques occupy a small volume mice compared with the Tg− animals, indicating fraction of the LA of aged APP/PS1 mice, in accor- that auditory fear conditioning memory is impaired dance with a previous study in which relatively few in APP/PS1 mice. Importantly, APP/PS1 mice did Aβ plaques were found in the LA of AD patients [38]. J Pathol 2009; 219: 41–51 DOI: 10.1002/path Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • 4. 44 S Knafo et al Figure 2. Coronal sections through the amygdala and adjacent regions showing the pattern of distribution of plaques. (a) An example of the amygdaloid region as it appears in a section stained with the anti-Aβ antibody and Nissl, as used for plaque quantification. (b, c) Coronal sections from Tg− and APP/PS1 mice stained for anti-NeuN. (d) Double staining for anti-β amyloid and NeuN. (e) Neuron density for Tg− and APP/PS1 mice. BLA = basolateral nucleus of the amygdala; EC = external capsule; LA = lateral nucleus of the amygdala; PIR = piriform cortex. Scale bars: (a) 350 µm; (b–d) 120 µm Neuron density is conserved in LA significantly different between these three groups of neurons (Figures 3d and 3f, and Supporting informa- We determined whether neuronal loss in the LA tion, Supporting Table 1). However, a detailed anal- of APP/PS1 mice might explain the dampening of ysis of the length as a function of the distance the auditory fear conditioning by assessing neuronal from the soma (Sholl analysis analysed with two-way density using unbiased stereology in sections stained ANOVA, p < 0.0001) revealed that neurons belonging with antibodies for NeuN, a neuron-specific nuclear to APP/PS1 mice had a significantly smaller dendritic protein [39] (Figures 2b–2d). No neuronal loss was found in the LA of APP/PS1 mice (Figure 2e) in line length 30–40 µm from the soma (p < 0.05, Bonfer- with previous studies performed in aged transgenic roni post-hoc test, Figure 3e). Also, there were fewer mice with mutant amyloid precursor protein (APP), intersections at 30–40 µm from the soma (p < 0.05, where there was no neuronal loss in cortical areas [11]. Bonferroni post-hoc test, Figure 3g). These findings raised the possibility that the ram- ification of the dendritic tree differed in APP/PS1 Altered dendritic structure neurons. Indeed, we found that the three neuronal Since auditory fear conditioning is thought to be medi- types differed significantly in the total number of ated by synaptic changes in the LA [40], and given that dendritic branches per neuron (p = 0.016, one-way most excitatory synaptic connections occur on den- ANOVA, Figure 3h). Moreover, a post-hoc analysis dritic spines [41], we examined whether dendrites and revealed a significant (p < 0.05, Newman–Keuls mul- dendritic spines were altered in the LA of APP/PS1 tiple comparison test) decrease in this parameter for mice. We traced projection neurons in the LA and then PFNs when compared with Tg− neurons (Supporting divided them into three categories, according to their information, Supporting Table 1). Quantification of the location with respect to Aβ plaques (Figures 3a–3c): numbers of each dendritic branch order per neuron (1) neurons from control mice (Tg− ); (2) neurons revealed a change in the number of second-, third-, with no dendrite that enters a plaque (plaque-free and fourth-order dendrites per neuron in PFNs (p < neurons, PFNs); and (3) neurons with at least one 0.001, p < 0.05, and p < 0.01, respectively, two- branch of a dendrite passing through or entering a way ANOVA, Figure 3i, Supporting information, Sup- plaque (plaque neurons, PNs). The total dendritic porting Table 1). Moreover, a post-hoc analysis also length and the total number of intersections were not revealed a significant difference between the PNs and J Pathol 2009; 219: 41–51 DOI: 10.1002/path Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • 5. Impaired learning and structural alteration in APP/PS1 mice 45 Figure 3. Intracellular injections and morphometric analysis. (a) Panoramic confocal (10×) views of the LA showing Alexa594-injected neurons and thioflavin-s-positive plaques in a Tg− mouse (left) and an APP/PS1 mouse (right). (b) Representative images of projection neurons from a Tg− mouse (left) and an APP/PS1 mouse (right). (c) The method used to distinguish dendrites and spines within and outside plaques. Left: a plaque suspected of containing a dendrite due to the rotation of its three-dimensional image. Centre: the plaque surface is marked with the aid of the IsoSurface tool of Imaris software. Right: the voxels outside the surface are set to zero, leaving only the dendritic segment within the plaque. This process was performed after blind morphological measurements were made. (d) The total dendritic length of the different neuronal categories. (e) Sholl analysis showing the dendritic length as a function of the distance from the soma. Red asterisks represent a significant difference between Tg− and PFN; blue asterisks represent a significant difference between Tg− and PN; black asterisks represent a significant difference between PN and PFN. Inset: diagram showing a traced LA neuron and a series of concentric circles representing the Sholl analysis. This analysis is performed with concentric spheres around the soma rather than circles, in order to give a three-dimensional result. (f) Total dendritic number of intersections for the different neuronal categories. (g) Sholl analysis showing the number of intersections as a function of the distance from the soma. The colour of the asterisks follows the scheme indicated in e. (h) Total number of branches per neuron for the different neuronal categories. (i) Quantity of branches per order per neuron. Scale bars: (a) 50 µm; (b) 25 µm; (c) 5 µm. ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 PFNs for the fourth branch order (p < 0.05, Bon- described for the neocortex [43] and hippocampus ferroni post-hoc test, Figure 3i). We did not detect [28], typical thioflavin-s-positive plaques consisted of any significant differences in the average tortuosity a core surrounded by a diffuse ring of decreasing of the different branch orders (Supporting informa- density. We encountered 20 dendrites that entered tion, Supporting Table 1). Thus, we concluded that plaques (Figure 3c) and they were always located the PFNs of APP/PS1 mice had a less complex den- in the diffuse peripheral ring (Figure 3c). Thus, like dritic tree. This finding is in line with a previous the classification of neurons, the dendrites were cat- study in which somatosensory cortical neurons were egorized according to their location with respect to less branched in TG2576 mice, another AD model Aβ plaques (Figure 4a): (1) dendrites from Tg− mice; [42]. (2) dendrites belonging to neurons with no dendrites entering a plaque (PFN); (3) segments of dendrites Decreased dendrite diameter and spine density within a plaque (Plaque); and (4) dendrites arising within plaques from neurons of which one of their branches passed into or entered a plaque, in segments outside plaques We examined 259 amyloid plaques and 143 APP/PS1 (PN). injected projection neurons in the LA by laser scan- Dendritic shaft diameter differed significantly ning confocal microscopy (Figures 3a and 3b). As among these four categories of dendrites (p = 0.0001, J Pathol 2009; 219: 41–51 DOI: 10.1002/path Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • 6. 46 S Knafo et al Figure 4. The decrease in dendritic diameter and dendritic spine density is limited to plaques. (a) Representative projection images of dendrites from Tg− and APP/PS1 mice (63×, glycerol). Tg− , a dendrite from a control mouse; PFN, a dendrite belonging to plaque-free neurons of APP/PS1 mouse; PN, a dendrite arising from a neuron contacting a plaque in a plaque-free segment; Plaque, a dendrite that enters a plaque, with and without the green channel that contains the plaque image. (b) Dendrite diameter was significantly decreased within plaques and (c) the spine density was also significantly lower inside plaques. (d) Spine density as a function of the distance from the soma (Sholl analysis) is similar in Tg− mice and APP/PS1 mice in plaque-free regions (PN and PFN). (e) For each plaque-related dendritic segment, the distance of the plaque from the soma was measured, and the ratio between the spine density for the segment and the average spine density for the same distance in Tg− mice was calculated. (f) Spine density at increasing distances from the plaque edges. Note that outside the plaques, the spine density is conserved. Scale bar = 5 µm. ∗∗ p < 0.01; ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 J Pathol 2009; 219: 41–51 DOI: 10.1002/path Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • 7. Impaired learning and structural alteration in APP/PS1 mice 47 one-way ANOVA, Figure 4b and Supporting informa- Discussion tion, Supporting Table 2). Accordingly, the dendritic shaft diameter inside plaques was significantly smaller In this study, aged APP/PS1 mice showed a damp- (20 dendrites, p < 0.001, Newman–Keuls multiple ening of auditory fear conditioning, a learning task comparison test) than in dendrites from PNs (45 that depends on the LA nucleus of the amygdala [36]. dendrites), dendrites from PFNs (58 dendrites), and Using a series of experiments, we found that this inhi- Tg− dendrites (66 dendrites). Conversely, no sig- bition did not arise from a change in anxiety or the nificant differences were found between Tg− and animals’ sensitivity to shock. In addition, we show that PFN, or PN dendrites in segments that did not pass the volume occupied by plaques in LA is less than 1% through a plaque. The spine density was also signif- and that the neuronal density in this nucleus was con- icantly different among the four categories of den- served. However, we did find that plaque-free neurons drites (p = 0.002, one-way ANOVA, Figure 4c) and in the LA of APP/PS1 mice have altered dendritic ram- it was significantly lower within plaques (p < 0.05, ifications and fewer large spines. Although previous Newman–Keuls multiple comparison test) than in the studies have shown changes in dendrites and spines in other categories of dendrites (Supporting information, transgenic mouse models of AD, these studies focused Supporting Table 2). There were no significant dif- on the neocortex [23,42,44] and hippocampus [28]. ferences in the spine density between PFN, PN and The results demonstrate for the first time that morpho- Tg− dendrites. logical changes in dendrites also occur in the amygdala Spine density normally changes as a function of the and that these changes may account for the dampening distance from the soma and these changes can be esti- in amygdala-dependent learning. APP/PS1 mice serve mated using Sholl analysis. This analysis revealed that as a model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) since they the spine density for Tg− dendrites was not signifi- express two of the mutations that exist in patients of cantly different from the density in PNs and PFNs over familial AD. AD patients show a marked impairment their entire length (Figure 4d and Supporting informa- of fear conditioning [45], implying that the inhibition tion, Supporting Table 2). The spine density for each of non-declarative memory is common to both AD segment within a plaque was compared with the aver- patients and APP/PS1 mice. Thus, our results represent age spine density at the same distance from the soma an additional demonstration that behavioural features in Tg− mice; there was a decrease of 33.43 ± 11.05% of this AD model resemble those found in AD [46]. in the spine density within plaques (p = 0.0059, We have shown here that the performance in t-test, Figure 4e). We then examined the spine den- an amygdala-dependent task is severely impaired in sity as a function of the distance from plaques and we APP/PS1 male mice. Our results are in accordance found that the spine density in the surrounding den- with the recent demonstration that overexpression of drites was not significantly different from the values APP in rodents, leading to elevated levels of Aβ damp- in Tg− mice. Thus, in accordance with our previous ens auditory fear conditioning [12,47]. Importantly, study of the dentate gyrus [28], our data show that the other authors have reported reduced contextual, but decrease in spine density in the LA was restricted to not cued, fear conditioning memory in 5- or 9-month- plaques. old APP/PS1 mice [13]. The discrepancy between our results and these earlier findings may reflect the dif- Decreased frequency of large spines in PFNs ferent combination of APP and PS1 transgenes in the Spine head volume and neck length were measured in mice used in these two studies, which might affect three dimensions in confocal image stacks (Figures 5a the amount of Aβ in the brains of these mice. In and 5b) and for each group, the number of spines addition, different strains were employed in these stud- measured was Tg− , 3949; PFN, 3268; PN, 3577; and ies (C57B6/C3 versus C57B6/SJL), which may be Plaque, 63. No significant differences were found in relevant given that strain differences have already the average spine neck length among these dendritic been reported to influence cued fear conditioning [48]. categories (p = 0.48, one-way ANOVA, Figure 5c Indeed, SJL mice are more sensitive to cued fear con- and Supporting information, Supporting Table 2) and ditioning than C3 mice [48] and this sensitivity would likewise, the average head volume was not signifi- facilitate the increase in freezing behaviour after cued cantly different between the four categories of den- fear conditioning observed by Dineley et al [13]. This drites (p = 0.42, one-way ANOVA, Figure 5d and enhanced freezing behaviour may mask the differences Supporting information, Supporting Table 2). How- between the transgenic and the wild-type mice. More- ever, a cumulative frequency plot analysis revealed over, the training conditions used in our study (three a statistically significant shift in the head volume of foot shocks of 0.75 mA with an inter-trial interval spines from PFNs when compared with that of spines of 30 s) were different from those used by Dineley belonging to the other categories (p = 0.012–0.048, et al(two or five foot shocks of 0.5 mA with a 5 min Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, Figure 5e). A decrease of or a 40 s interval between each CS–US pairing). Vari- 74% was found in the frequency of large spines (head ation in the intensity of the foot shock, as well as in volume > 0.18 µm3 ) when compared with Tg− neu- the inter-trial interval and total time spent condition- rons. Thus, PFNs have a lower frequency of large ing, affects the conditioning in response to explicit spines. and contextual stimuli [31,49,50]. Taken together, the J Pathol 2009; 219: 41–51 DOI: 10.1002/path Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • 8. 48 S Knafo et al Figure 5. Changes in the spine head volume of plaque-free neurons. (a) Maximum projection confocal images (63×, glycerol) of dendrites representative of each different category. (b) An amplified example of the head volume measurement obtained by determining the surface of the spine head (blue). (c, d) Bar graphs of the neck length and head volume indicating that no significant differences were found for the average values. (e) Left: a cumulative frequency plot showing the distribution of spine head volumes. Note the significant left shift in head volume in PFN (Kolmogorov–Smirnov test). Right: histograms for head volumes. Tg− , a dendrite from a no transgene (control) mouse; PFN, a dendrite from a plaque-free neuron; PN, a dendrite from a plaque neuron; Plaque, a dendrite entering a plaque. See text for further details. Scale bar = 3 µm setting in which training was performed may favour reasonable to hypothesize that the neuronal loss in the the differences in fear learning between transgenic and amygdala is a late neuropathological feature of AD and control mice. The alterations to conditioned fear are that other, more subtle synaptic changes may occur in unlikely to result from distinct perception and/or pro- early stages of the disease that cause the impaired fear cessing of the foot shock, or from different levels of memory [52]. We therefore examined dendrites and anxiety, because both Tg− and APP/PS1 mice showed dendritic spines, which are the major sites of synaptic the same pain sensitivity to a foot shock of rising inten- contacts in the brain. sity and similar anxiety-related behaviour. Three different observations from our study support We have shown here that in contrast to AD patients, the notion that Aβ plaques are not responsible for who suffer marked neuronal loss in the amygdala [51], the dampened auditory fear conditioning in APP/PS1 there is no neuronal loss in the LA of aged APP/PS1 mice. (1) Aβ plaques in the LA occupy less than mice. Given the impaired auditory fear learning in 1% of its volume, implying that the changes within these mice, this finding raises doubts as to whether the plaques, the decrease in dendritic diameter and the fear memory disturbances seen in AD patients arise spine density, are restricted to a small fraction of from neuronal loss in the amygdala. Instead, it seems the neuropil. (2) The decreased dendritic ramification J Pathol 2009; 219: 41–51 DOI: 10.1002/path Copyright  2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • 9. Impaired learning and structural alteration in APP/PS1 mice 49 in APP/PS1 mice is limited to PFNs, neurons that and that they are therefore less able to generate fear do not contact Aβ plaques. Branching patterns are memories. related to the degree of compartmentalization of the inputs to the cell. Indeed, it has been proposed that Morphological changes within plaques may have a stronger potential for compartmentalization results a minor effect on cognition in a significant increase in the representational power We have also shown here that dendrites that pass and greater learning and memory capacity [53]. Since through a plaque are thinner and suffer from decreased PFNs are less complex but they have a similar spine spine density. Aβ plaques have previously been asso- density, the fewer branches probably means the loss of ciated with local synaptic abnormalities and with a synapses, in accordance with previous findings in AD smaller diameter of the neuronal processes [23,44]. brains [22,54]. Thus, the reduced complexity of the Since the correlation between the plaque load and the PFNs of APP/PS1 mice may contribute to their limited degree of memory impairment in transgenic mice is ability to learn the fear response. Nevertheless, the relatively weak [70,71], the relevance of these plaque- possibility that impaired fear learning and the changes related morphological changes to AD pathogenesis is in dendritic ramification are two unrelated findings unclear and even questioned by many investigators cannot be discarded. (3) The decrease in the frequency [72]. We suggest that the morphological changes inside of large spines in APP/PS1 mice is limited to the PFNs, plaques might affect local synaptic circuits. Neverthe- implying that the decreased frequency of large spines less, plaques only occupy a small volume of the LA, is not related to plaques. Importantly, we recently less than 1%, and thus the alterations to these local reported that plaque-free regions in the dentate gyrus circuits are restricted to only a small portion of the of APP/PS1 mice also have fewer large spines [28]. neuropil. Therefore, it is more likely that the changes Since in both studies the density of spines remained in dendritic complexity and in the frequency of large unchanged outside the plaques, a decrease of large spines not directly related to the plaques contribute to spines appears to be a general feature of APP/PS1 the cognitive impairment seen in APP/PS1 mice. mice. Further studies in other brain regions will be necessary to confirm this possibility. The spine head volume reflects the size of the post- Acknowledgements synaptic density [55–57], which correlates with the This work was supported by the following grants: CIBERNED, number of presynaptic vesicles and with the number RETICEF, Fundaci´ n Caixa (BM05-47-0), The EU 6th Frame- o of docked vesicles [55]. The postsynaptic density area work Programme (PROMEMORIA LSHM-CT-2005-512012), is proportional to the number of postsynaptic receptors and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (grants [58], whereas the number of docked vesicles is propor- BFU2006-13395 to JD and BFU2006-01050 to CV). SK was the recipient of postdoctoral fellowships from the Ram´ n y o tional to the ready releasable pool of transmitter [59]. Cajal Programme of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Therefore, the volume of the spine head is likely to We thank Ana Martinez and Gerard Muntane for genotyping be directly proportional to the average reliability and the mice, and Luis Carrillo for technical assistance. strength of its synapse, and thus it is an important mor- phometric parameter reflecting its activity [55–59]. It has been reported that large spines in the LA are post- Supporting information synaptic to thalamic afferents and that they harbour R-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCCs), Supporting information may be found in the online thereby providing the synapses on their heads with version of this article. the capacity to express associative long-term modifi- cations of synaptic strength [60]. Given that long-term synaptic plasticity in the LA is required for memory References consolidation of fear conditioning [3], a decrease in the frequency of large spines may contribute to the 1. 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