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跨越海峽的揮桿 超越自我的挑戰
Take Up The Challenge & Swing Across The Straits

觀瀾湖.海口火山岩礦物溫泉及水療 帶給您前所未有的全新體驗
Mission Hills Mineral Springs and Spa Bring You the All-New Experiences

                                                                                                                                                                18   22

                                              10                                          50                                                        62

               OUR CHAIRMAN                        29           OUR NEWS                              66 Shaping Creativity
 4 Words from the Chairman
                                                                OUR DIARY                             68 Stay Away From Hassles
                                                   34 The Season of Vogue                                     Family Time
               OUR FOCUS
 6 Dr. David Chu is Set to Receive
      KPMG’s Lifetime Achievement Award            36 Cosmic Beauty
                                                                                                                     OUR GAME
                                                                                                      70 Green Reading Basics
 8 The Mission Hills Golfathon 2011                40 Sparks Fly at The 6th Mayor Forum of
      Welcomes the World                                 The Capital Cities of Pan-Pearl River
                                                         Delta Held at Mission Hills · Haikou
                                                                                                                     OUR BIRTHDAY
10 Soothing Springs                                                                                    73 Happy Birthday at Mission Hills
                                                   42 The Power of Love
                                                         at Mission Hills · Haikou                     74 Hopping into the Year of the Rabbit
               OUR TOURNAMENTS
18 China’s First European Senior
      Championship to be Hosted
      at Mission Hills                                          OUR LIFE                                                 OUR CLUB
                                                   44 One-Card to Access to                            78 Hole-In-One Winners
                                                         Five Continents
22    The Mission Hills Club
      Championship 2010                                                                               80 Handicap Announcement
                                                   50 The Magnificent Five at Mission Hills
24 The Inaugural Mission Hills Golf
      Series Junior Tour Grand Final
                                                   54 Poultry Perfection at Mission Hills

26 Trick-Shot Show at Mission Hills                58 The Spring Season of Colours

28 Faldo Series Asia Grand Final 2011              62 Brightening Your Beauty
      Scheduled for March                                Springtime Facial Care

Designed by:                                                                           Mission Hills Group
                                                                                       No. 1 Mission Hills Road                 Mission Hills Hong Kong Office
                                                                                       Shenzhen 518110                          29th Floor, 9 Queen’s Road
                                                                                       People’s Republic of China               Central, Hong Kong

inCORPORATION                                      Creative Director LOCKY LAI         Advertising: (852) 3699 0881   
Chief Executive SAM YAU                            Art Director MAY LUI                Subscription: (852) 3699 0820  
Managing Editor CAROL SHIH                         Designer WISTER CHEUK               Submission: (852) 3699 0855    
Project Editor ANNIE WU                            Sales Manager CHRIS CHENG           General Enquiries: (852) 3699 0888
Translators HARRIET LI, VIVI WEN, JADE LEE-DUFFY   Marketing Manager CARLY LO          Editorial Equiries: (86 755) 2802 0888


                                                                                                          Dr. David Chu, J.P.
                    Dear Esteemed Members and Guests of Mission Hills,                                    Chairman of Mission Hills Group

                         The passing of the Lunar New Year signifies the coming of spring. I would like
                    to take this opportunity to send my warmest greetings to you, and may I wish you
                    all the happiness, prosperity, good health and good luck for the year ahead!

                         During the Lunar New Year, when I was meeting up with the friends and
                    members of Mission Hills, I found myself revelling in the joyous atmosphere.
                    The Lunar New Year is the most celebrated festival by the Chinese. And the
                    wonderful thing is that no matter where you are, you can always catch a dose          尊敬的會員嘉賓朋友:
                    of this joyous spirit. This somehow hints that the world economy is now entering
                    into the “Chinese Era”, signaling great pride and increased opportunities for            剛剛度過了吉祥喜慶的中國新年,春天真正地到來了。在這個美好春天開始的時
                    Chinese people around the world. With the rise of China’s economic power on           候,我要再一次向朋友們致以最誠摯的祝福,祝大家萬事開門紅!
                    the world’s stage, my goal is to create a greater platform that incorporates golf,
                    leisure, recreation and business for all members and friends of Mission Hills.           今年春節,我和許多會員朋友在相互拜年的時候,都常常心生感動。春節是中國
                         With your strong support and efforts, the all-new Mission Hills · Haikou was     鄉的中國新年氣氛,它從側面印證了世界經濟發展到了「中國時代」,這無疑是全球
                    finally launched on Hainan Island last year. We have also successfully founded        華人的福氣、榮耀和機遇。就在去年,中國已經躍居世界最大出口國,世界第二大經
                    and organised spectacular events such as the Mission Hills Star Trophy at this        濟體。所以,我的心願就是藉助中國崛起的天時地利人和,為會員朋友們創造更大的
                    new spot, setting another milestone for a Mission Hills’ development. It was such     打球休閒和商務社交平台。
                    a heartfelt experience to see that this secluded resort was so highly-praised by
                    its visiting members and guests.                                                         抱着這樣的心願,去年在各位會員的支持與關注之下,觀瀾湖跨過瓊州海峽,在
                        As Mission Hills continues to present our members and guests with exciting        辦了觀瀾湖世界職業明星邀請賽等盛事,許多前往的會員嘉賓對這片誕生在石漠地
                    activities and programmes, may it also serve as the perfect venue for our future      上的休閒勝地厚愛有加,這對我和觀瀾湖來說,無疑是最大的鼓舞。
                    Respectfully yours,

                    Dr. David Chu, J.P.
                    Chairman of Mission Hills Group                                                                                         觀瀾湖高爾夫球會主席
                    February 2011                                                                                                              二○一一年二月

4   mission hills                                                                                                                                        mission hills   5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     被譽為「中國高爾夫之父」的朱樹       博士繼榮獲
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 美國職業高爾夫巡迴賽(PGA  TOUR)以他的名字設
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 立的首屆「朱樹      獎」之後,再獲國際殊榮。為表彰朱
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 樹    博士對國際高爾夫發展的貢獻,2011年4月畢馬威
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 再次體現了國際社會對觀瀾湖高爾夫球會及朱樹                博
DR. DAViD ChU is sET To RECEiVE                                                                                                                                                                                                  士的認可與讚譽。

KPmG’s liFETimE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 名人包括:高球傳奇人物傑克 尼克勞斯、阿諾德.帕爾
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 肯 斯科菲爾德。朱樹
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .             博士作為觀瀾湖高爾夫球會的

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 勝地(觀瀾湖.深圳、觀瀾湖.東莞、觀瀾湖.海口) 而
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 畢馬威高爾夫商務論壇開幕式上頒發給朱樹 博士。
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     朱樹   博士致力推動高爾夫的全球化 曾獲得多個
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 國際獎項。2009年11月,為表彰朱樹      博士對中國高
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 爾夫以及高爾夫全球化發展的卓越貢獻,PGA  TOUR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 特別以他的名字設定了「朱樹       獎」,並將首屆「朱樹
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     獎」頒予朱樹   博士。而在此前,PGA  TOUR僅設
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 的亞洲人,僅此一位。自2007年起至今,朱樹         博士每
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 年都榮登美國權威雜誌《Golf  Inc》公佈的「世界高
    Dr. David Chu is known as “the father of golf in China”. And in                                                                      – the David Chu Award. They honoured him as the award’s first recipient.                人。2010年,朱樹   博士在「世界高爾夫權力榜」排名
recognition of his outstanding contributions to international golf, Dr. Chu will     About KPMG                                              Previously, the PGA TOUR has only honoured Jack Nicklaus, Byron Nelson,             第九位。
                                                                                     KPMG is a global network of professional firms
be honoured with KPMG‘s Lifetime Achievement Award at the KPMG                       providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services.         Arnold Palmer, and Payne Stewart. Dr. Chu is the only Asian who has received this           畢馬威歐洲、中東和非洲的高爾夫諮詢總監薩托里
Golf Business Forum in April 2011. This award acknowledges Dr. Chu’s                 KPMG’s Budapest-based Golf Advisory Practice        recognition. In addition, Dr. Chu has been the only Asian to be ranked amongst the      說:「向朱樹    博士頒發我們最高榮譽的獎項,是我們
achievements in creating the Mission Hills Golf Club and developing the              provides professional services to developers        “Most Powerful People in Golf” by Golf Inc. magazine since 2007, and in 2010 he         對他為中國高爾夫卓越遠見及貢獻的致敬。目前,高爾
fast-growing popularity of golf in China.                                            of integrated residential and leisure resorts,      stands at No. 9 on the list.                                                            夫球業界都認為亞洲是未來高爾夫發展的中心,我們
                                                                                     operators of existing golf courses, as well as
    Established by KPMG in 2006, the Lifetime Achievement Award is dedicated         tourism and governmental bodies across the
                                                                                                                                             “In recognising Dr. David Chu with our most prestigious honour, we are              現在才趕上朱博士15年前的想法。他是一個真正的實
to ambassadors of the game and the business of golf. Dr. Chu will join an all-star   EMA Region, whilst KPMG’s Golf Advisory is          paying tribute to his remarkable vision for the future of golf in China,” says Andrea   幹家,他在高爾夫球界的成就完全可以媲美普賴爾、帕
cast of past honourees, who includes golf legends Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer,      regarded as an industry leader with regards to      Sartori, Head of KPMG’s Golf Advisory Practice in Europe, Middle East and               爾默、尼克勞斯等歷任終身成就獎的獲得者。」 
Gary Player, Greg Norman and former European Tour Executive Director Ken             golf advisory. The practice regularly publishes     Africa. “While the golf industry is now in full agreement that the game’s future is         對於獲此殊榮,朱樹    博士說:「高爾夫運動的未
                                                                                     pieces of market intelligence studies in the golf
Schofield.                                                                                                                               very much in Asia, we are only now catching up to something that Dr. Chu                來在於它的全球化、普及化,觀瀾湖一直致力於推動高
                                                                                     sector and they are the organizers of the annual
    As the founder of Mission Hills Golf Club, Dr. Chu has built the world’s         Golf Business Forum, the premier golf industry      recognised more than 15 years ago. For that, he is a true visionary and fully           爾夫休閒產業在世界人口最大的國家中國的發展,我很
largest golf complex (Mission Hills · Shenzhen, Mission Hills · Dongguan, and        event in EMA.                                       deserves his place alongside names like Player, Palmer and Nicklaus as a Lifetime       榮幸在我們的推動下 東西方高爾夫有了前所未有的多
Mission Hills · Haikou) and been dedicated to the development of golf worldwide,     Website:              Achievement Award winner.”                                                              元交流,而在中國有越來越多的人士,包括年輕人從這
concentrating in China. He is the first Asian to receive this recognition. The                                                               In response to such recognition, Dr. Chu says, “The future of golf lies in          項陽光健康的運動中獲得寶貴的人生財富 」
award will be presented at the opening ceremony of the KPMG’s upcoming Golf          發展商及高爾夫場營運商提供專業的審核、稅務及顧問服務。其
                                                                                                                                         its globalisation and popularisation. Mission Hills has been dedicated to the
Business Forum, to be held in Dubai from 17 to 20 April 2011.                        以布達佩斯為基地的高爾夫顧問服務公司,開辦每年度的高爾夫                        development of golf and leisure in the world’s most populated country China.
    With his devotion to the global development of golf, Dr. David Chu has           論壇,以及EMA區域重要業界活動的策劃任務,並定期印刊高爾                       I am honoured to see the unprecedented diversity of exchange in golf between
already won numerous international awards. In November 2009, the PGA TOUR            夫市場研究情報。                                            the East and the West driven by our efforts, and that more and more people in
recognized Dr. Chu for his groundbreaking contributions to golf in China and his                                                         China, including the young generation, are able to lead a rewarding life through
efforts in popularising the sport globally, by establishing an award with his name                                                       this wholesome type of sport.”

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                                                                                                                        SHENZHEN & DONGGUAN
                                                                                                                        DATE: 1 MAY 2011 — 30 SEP 2011
THE MISSION HILLS                                                                                                          Participants Category                                                            RMB

                                                                                                                           Chartered Diamond / Diamond                                                         2,500
                                                                                                                           Gold                                                                                4,750
                                                                                                                           Jade                                                                                6,100

WELCOMES                                                                                                                   Emerald

                                                                                                                           Advantage Plus                                                                      4,300
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    For enquiries, please contact
                                                                                                                           Advantage                                                                           5,650                Shenzhen & Dongguan
                                                                                                                           Junior (under 12)                                                                   2,500                Shenzhen office

Want to play at the Mission Hills Golfathon 2011?                                                                          Guest                                                                               7,200
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (86 755) 2802 0888 Ext. 33810
It’s open to players of all ages and abilities.                                                                            Golf & Stay Package*                                            *                   11,900               Website
                                                                                                                        • Each package includes a complimentary round of golf play at Zhang Lianwei Course, excluding caddie fees (available until 30 September 2011).
                                                                                                                        • Players who register and pay before 31 May 2011 will receive an accommodation coupon for Deluxe Room of Mission Hills Hotel · Dongguan (available until 31 December 2011);
                                                                                                                          and for the Golf & Stay Package, guests will receive a free upgrade from a Single Room to the Deluxe Room at Mission Hills Hotel · Shenzhen.
                                                                                                                          * The Golf & Stay Package includes 10 rounds of golf; five nights accommodation (Single Room with breakfast for two days only); RMB 300 Food & Beverage cash coupons;
                                                                                                                          and five Mission Hills Spa foot massage cash coupons (total value of RMB 550).

                                    The highly anticipated 8th annual Mission Hills Golfathon 2011 is set to kick
                               off from 1 May to 30 September 2011. For the first time, the event will be played
                               on 10 volcanic golf courses at Mission Hills · Haikou, together with another 10 golf
                               courses at Mission Hills · Shenzhen and Dongguan. Over the last seven years, the
                               popular event has attracted over 20,000 players from more than 30 countries.
                                    In addition to playing at the world’s largest golf facility, the overall champion
                               will win unlimited complimentary use of greens, seven nights accommodation in            HAIKOU
                               a deluxe suite, as well as two candle-lit dinners offered by Palazzo Arzaga Spa &        DATE: 1 APRIL 2011 — 30 SEP 2011
                               Golf Resort, one of the Mission Hills’ reciprocal golf clubs. The overall champion          Participants Category                                                            RMB
                               will also be qualified to enter the upcoming Omega Mission Hills World Cup 2011                                                                                                                       For enquiries, please contact
                                                                                                                           Guest                                                                                5,800
                               and compete with international top golf players.                                                                                                                                                     Haikou
                                    Register now and win more special offers!                                              Junior (under 12)                                                                    2,500               Haikou office
                                                                                                                           Mission Hills Haikou Golfathon Accommodation Package*                                                    Tel      (86 898) 6868 3888 Ext. 62541
                                                                                                                           (limited to participants)                                                                                Email
                                                                                                                                                     *                                                          3,380
                                                                                                                        • All Mission Hills Haikou Golfathon 2011 players will receive an accommodation coupon for Deluxe Room at Mission Hills Hotel · Haikou (available until 31 December 2011).
                                                                                                                        • Players who register and pay before 30 April 2011 will receive a complimentary green coupon for all courses except No. 1 Course at Mission Hills · Haikou (available until 30
                                                                                                                          September 2011).
                                                                                                                          * The Mission Hills Haikou Golfathon Stay Package includes four nights accommodation at Mission Hills Hotel · Haikou (Single Room with breakfast for two days only) as well as
                                                                                                                          RMB 300 worth of Food & Beverage cash coupons.

8   MISSION HILLS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MISSION HILLS        9

                                                                                                                         Feel like a spa treatment? The new 88,000-square-meter Mission Hills
                                                                                                                         Spa and Volcanic Mineral Springs uses the natural volcanic springs
                                                                                                                         below the earth’s surface to offer spa-goers everything they could
                                                                                                                         ever dream of – and more.
洗去凡塵 淨滌心靈                                                                                                                觀瀾湖.海口火山岩礦物溫泉及SPA帶給您前所未有的全新體驗。

    For anyone who has the privilege of visiting Mission Hills · Haikou, you          從海口觀瀾湖酒店客房的陽台上望出去,可以看到             facial, body and massage treatments; Moroccan Rasul steam showers; and                施和服務,為熱愛水療的賓客和家庭提供一系列面部、
can’t help but be astounded by its natural beauty. With clear skies, manicured      一座規模宏大、風格獨特的圓形客家土樓與周邊許多              amenities and services such as Chinese medical care, a hair and nail spa,             身體及按摩護理。
golf courses and natural greenery, the area also encompasses Hainan’s largest       各具七大洲特色的建築錯落有致地排列在一起,這就              Elements Café and a spa boutique.                                                      海口羊山地區沉積萬年的火山岩,不僅為觀瀾湖.
natural mineral springs reserve. By following the tradition of centuries-old        是觀瀾湖.海口的水療中心 — Mission Hills Spa及火       With a volcano that dates back tens of thousands of years, Haikou’s               海口造就了風格獨特的高爾夫球場,也為這裡帶來了富
bathing rituals, the new Mission Hills Spa is taking its spa-goers to a whole       山岩礦物溫泉。                              Yangshan District not only creates a unique golf environment for Mission Hills        含鈉、鉀、鎂、鈣、氯化物、溴化物、碘化物、硫化物和
new level of bliss.                                                                   這座設施豪華的水療中心以位於福建省、被列入              · Haikou, but also makes it the perfect venue for a mineral springs retreat.          碳化物等九種高度礦物活水成分的萬年溫泉水,這種
    Drawing inspiration from Fujian’s Hakka Tulous (cylindrical Chinese rural       聯 合國世界遺 產的客家土樓為設計靈感,佔地超過             Highly therapeutic and rejuvenating for dry skin cells, the spring water hidden       溫泉水隱藏於火山縫隙之內,具有極高的療膚功效 可
dwellings), an UNESCO World Heritage site, Mission Hills’ new 20,000-square-        20,000平方米,設有61間水療護理套房和29所水療公         beneath the volcanic fissure bursts with hydrating minerals, including sodium,        令乾扁的皮膚細胞回復生機。火山岩礦物溫泉作為觀
meter spa center of ultimate luxury encompasses 61 spa suites, 29 spa villas        寓及別墅,其中主樓樓高三層,內設超過60間設施齊             potassium, magnesium, iron, chloride, bromide, iodide and carbide.                    瀾湖.海口完整水療療程的一部分,這片面積達44,000
and mansions. In the three-storey main tower, those seeking total relaxation        全的豪華護理套房、Rasul摩洛哥式蒸汽浴室,以及中               As part of the spa treatments at Mission Hills · Haikou, the 44,000 square-       平方米的火山岩溫泉設施,是目前海口最大的火山溫泉
can find over 60 all-inclusive luxury treatment suites that offer a full range of   醫護理、美髮、美甲、水療茶座、家居用品專賣店等設             meter Volcanic Mineral Springs facility has been the largest of its kind in Haikou,   區域,它引入了全球七大洲的不同溫泉風俗及歷史悠

10   mission hills                                                                                                                                                                                                             mission hills   11
Middle East Turkish Hammam Elevation

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Turkish Hammam Ritual Garden Elevation

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Middle East Getaway Pavilion Elevation

with more than 200 hot and cold springs and 99 water-landscaped pools             久的理療傳統,共有200多個冷、熱水池及99個流水景      With themes varying from rare Chinese herbs to hydrotherapy, fruits to              亞洲及大洋洲區以「熱帶東方」 「禪意東方」 「東
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    、      、
bringing together the bathing rituals and old therapeutic traditions of seven     觀,每個區域都分設群體及私人浸浴,其天然泉水取自        flagstones, hydraulic massage chairs and Dead Sea baths to fish therapies,        瀛溫泉」 「吳哥古跡」 「本土毛利」 「山林溫泉」
                                                                                                                                                                                                       、      、      和      為
continents. Each zone is designed for both a communal and private bathing         深達800米的地下,蘊含多種具備醫療及保健功效的天       you’ll almost have to rest from trying to decide what treatment to book.         主題,賓客可在古色古香的四角亭、方圓錯落的客家土
experience using natural spring water from 800 meters underground. With           然礦物成份,水質更獲得英國國際水質研究所認證。             Featuring “Tropical Orient”, “Eastern Zen”, “Eastern Onsen”, “Angkor         樓中,感受蘊含火山岩礦物精華的溫泉水緩緩滲透肌
a wealth of natural minerals known for high medical and health efficacy, the        火山岩溫泉區由亞洲及大洋洲區、北美洲及南美         Monuments”,“IndigenousMāori”and“HilltopHotSprings”,theAsiaandOceania             膚 周圍具有東方色彩的壁畫和雕刻藝術滲入到身體裡
water quality is recognised by JDIH Water & Environment Ltd. , an international   洲區、歐洲及南極洲區、中東及非洲區七大洲溫泉區         Zones are set against ancient square pavilions along with round and square       的每個細胞。以「異域土耳其」 「神秘埃及」 「超凡
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 、      、
water quality institute in U.K.                                                   組 成,首先開業 迎賓的將是 亞 洲及 大 洋洲區和中東    Hakka earth buildings. Here you can almost feel the volcanic, mineral-rich       死海」 「迷失之城」
                                                                                                                                                                                                      和      為主題的中東及非洲區,伊斯蘭
    The Volcanic Mineral Springs reserve is represented by seven continents:      及 非 洲區,提 供 達 九十多個不同風 格的特 色泡池。   essence slowly permeating the skin, while admiring the oriental ambience of      圓頂穹窿,精美的阿拉伯式幾何花紋無不讓你仿如置身
Asia; Oceania; America; Europe; Antarctica; the Middle East and Africa. To        對於有不同調養需求的客人,可選擇如名貴中藥泉、         frescoes and detailed carvings. For an immersion into Islamic domes and quaint   西域世界的浪漫與神秘之中。
debut in advance, the Asia and Oceania Zones, the Middle East and Africa          水療功能泉 水果泉 石板泉 水力按摩池
                                                                                       、   、   、     、死海漂浮浴       Arabic geometrical patterns of the Middle East and Africa Zones, you will find      SPA的目的,是為了讓人在擾攘的凡塵中找到心靈
Zones will provide more than 90 theme pools of different stylish designs.         以及魚療等。                          the “Exotic Turkish”, “Mystical Egypt”, “Phenomenal Dead Sea” and the “Lost      的淨土。Mission Hills Spa採用源自海南島的素材,設

12   mission hills                                                                                                                                                                                                                 mission hills   13
impressive repertoire of themed poolside parties, live performances and
                                                                                                                  creative gourmet festivals, the facility also has a poolside beach football
                                                                                                                  field for sporty-types of all ages.
                                                                                                                      Hainan Island has surely surpassed its reputation as a golf paradise.
                                                                                                                  And at the heart of Hainan, Mission Hills · Haikou has transformed itself into
                                                                                                                  a world class spa destination as well as a top golf resort. The sheer variety
                                                                                                                  of spa treatments and facilities complements the impressive Mission Hills ·
                                                                                                                  Haikou. With the opening of Mission Hills Spa and Volcanic Mineral Springs,
                                                                                                                  the underground elixir from the natural springs can finally come to the
                                                                                                                  surface and deliver an unforgettable spa experience to its guests.

                                                                                                                                                                                                     創意美食節等,精采紛呈 活潑好動的大小朋友還可於
City of Africa”.                                                                計各式特色水療體驗:「珍珠光澤面部護理」 「火山石
                                                                                                    、                                                                                                身為高級高爾夫度假區的同時,也已經躍身成為具有
    As the Spa provides an escape from the responsibilities of daily life, a    能量按摩」 「海貝熱能按摩」 「翠竹和諧按摩」 「香
                                                                                     、        、        、                                                                                             一流國際水準的溫泉療養勝地。多元化的水療風格和
soothing treatment helps to reclaim your peace of mind. Incorporating nature    荔更新體膜」 「海南特色按摩」
                                                                                      、        ,每一種水療浴都能在                                                                                            觀瀾湖.海口骨子裡恆久不變的舒適優雅的格調,藉助
motifs from Hainan Island, Mission Hills Spa offers a full range of themed      一定程度上鬆弛緊張的肌肉和神經,而這裡特別為10                                                                                             着SPA及火山岩溫泉亞洲區的開幕,這些湧動於地下
spa experiences, including the “Pearl of the Orient Facial”, “Volcanic Energy   至15歲來賓而設的水療護理及健體活動,也可讓青少                                                                                             達千年之久的溫泉水最終可以一躍而出,帶給到訪的
Massage”, “Lava Shell Massage”, “Harmony Bamboo Massage”, “Hainanese            年們同樣得到水療的樂趣。Mission Hills Spa「靜                                                                                      朋友們一次盡享神靈之液的超凡體驗。
Signature Massage” and the “Revitalizing Lychee Wrap”.                          修花園」的七個特色療程,從有多種礦物泥可供選擇的
    Each treatment is set to completely unwind your tense muscles and nerves.   「礦物泥廣場」 「熔岩蒸汽屋」 「氣霧廊」 「許願
                                                                                       、       、     ,到
For younger spa-goers, a specially designed spa menu and spa program for 10     井」 「草本薰蒸」
                                                                                  與      、充滿香薰氣息的「香薰隧道」、有
to 15 year olds also gives them an unforgettable experience.                    水力按摩的「礦物溫泉浴」和最後提供礦泉水及小食的
    At Mission Hills Spa’s “Mineral Springs Ritual Garden”, you can find        「礦泉水休息室」,能讓所有人的視覺、嗅覺、聽覺、觸                                        The mineral springs at Mission Hills · Haikou brings numerous benefits:
the Mineral Springs Journey with various water and heat experiences to          覺、味覺和內心 充滿滿足的愉悅感。
                                                                                       ,                                                         1. A visit to the mineral springs in winter can relieve skin irritations and restore moisture to the skin,
pamper all your senses and mind: pick your favorite natural ingredients at        除了享受水療體驗以外,賓客們還可從水療精品店                                            a great way to clear away ailments formed over the summer.
the “Mineral Mud Amphitheater”, then indulge yourself in the “Lava Dome         中選購一系列健康及水療產品。此處每種產品皆為休                                          2. Rich in restoring elements, the mineral springs water can revitalize skin damaged by ultraviolet
Steam”, “Mist Shower Tunnel”, “Wishing Well”, “Herbal Steam Wells”,             閒健康的生活而設計,讓賓客可在家中延續愉悅的水                                             rays during the summer and relieve skin conditions such as inflammation and allergy. A bath in
“Aroma Scented Tunnel” and “Mineral Spring Bath”. Finish off the journey        療體驗。而美髮及美甲中心更為賓客提供一系列經專                                             the water can also improve resistance against cold weather and restore the immunity system.
with a visit to the Elements Bar, where you can re-energise with mineral        業驗證的產品,能有效修護頭髮及美甲。還有適合賓客                                              3. The rare volcanic underground water contains the keys to longevity. The effects of temperature
water and snacks.                                                                                                                                        alternation and natural minerals, minor skin contraction and expansion help to build up skin

    After a relaxing spa session, visit the Spa Boutique for                                                                                               adaptability and elasticity to sustain a youthful look.
an array of health and spa products, custom-made for a                                                                                                      4. The temperature alternation can also train the respiratory system, expand lung capacity,
healthy lifestyle, which can recreate your ideal spa at home.                                                                                               enhance your digestive function, speed up metabolism and generate slimming effects.
Your hair and nails also deserve the best at the spa, where
only professionally certified products are used.
    The Wellness Pavilion provides the perfect setting for                                                                                          1. 冬季泡溫泉可以治療皮膚乾癢,具有保濕作用 夏病冬治。
practicing Yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Gong. The Elements Café                                                                                          2. 溫泉水中具有很好的修復元素,能修復夏季紫外線對皮膚的傷害,可治療皮炎、過敏等症狀 增強人的耐
turns the freshest natural product into delicacies that                                                                                            寒力及免疫力。
fuse Oriental and western flavors. And if you are thinking                                                                                        3. 獨特的火山岩地下水質中,富含有益於健康長壽的元素。在冷熱交替及礦物質的作用下,可刺激皮膚收
of hosting private parties, then the outdoor piazzas are                                                                                           張、增強皮膚適應力和彈性 潤膚養顏,抵抗衰老。
definitely the places to be.                                                                                                                     4. 冷熱交替可提高呼吸系統機能,增強肺活量,提高胃腸功能,促進新陳代謝 消脂減肥。
    Next to the hotel, the outdoor aquatic theme park
boasts an area of 24,000 square meters and is the ideal
venue for family gatherings and celebrations. With an

14   mission hills                                                                                                                                                                                                                    mission hills    15
Mission Hills members enjoy
                               a FREE waiver
                      on single supplement surcharge.
                            (Valid for member only)

Premier Experience at Mission Hills · Haikou                                                     3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS Lavastone Golf Experience

                                                                                                 RMB            3,280 / PERSON
                                                                                                 - Three rounds of 18-hole golf # (Green fee, cart, caddie, locker and course insurance included)

                                                                                                 - Mission Hills · Haikou - Two nights stay in a Deluxe Room (Breakfast included)

                                                                                                 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS Relaxing Spa Journey

                                                                                                 RMB          2,280 / PERSON
                                                                                                 - Mission Hills · Haikou - Two nights stay in a Deluxe Room (Breakfast included)

                                                                                                 - Two days of selected spa treatments or RMB 1,600 spa cash voucher

                                                                                                 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS Holiday Family Fun

                                                                                                 RMB         3,380 / FAMILY        (2 adults & 1 child                   )
                                                                                                 - Mission Hills · Haikou - Two nights stay in a Deluxe Room (Breakfast included)

                                                                                                 - RMB 1,800 spa cash voucher

                                                                                                 - Three-day Activity Pass for one child (value: RMB 250)^

                                                                                                 - Family Fun series

                                                                                                 # Three rounds of golf includes the Blackstone Course, Stepping Stone Course and another course
                                                                                                  of the guest’s choice (except the Blackstone Course). A surcharge is applicable for golf course upgrades.

                                                                                                   Pricing is based on double occupancy. A surcharge would be applied for single occupancy.

                                                                                                 ^ RMB 250 spending value of the Activity Pass is only valid during check-in period.

                                                                                                  Terms and Conditions apply. Mission Hills · Haikou reserves the final rights to interpret all terms
                                                                                                  and conditions of this promotion.

Reservation Hotline
Haikou                      Ext.                Email
Shenzhen                    Ext.                Website
賽 事 OUR TournamenTs

new ground
China’s first european
senior event to be hosted
at mission hills

    mission Hills will be hosting the ISPS Handa Senior World Championship in            2011年3月,觀瀾湖高爾夫球會宣佈將舉辦中國首               “ISPS is thrilled to announce this fantastic new event on the senior golf            身為歐洲常青巡迴賽全球大使的半田晴久博士也
March. The tournament, co-sanctioned by the European Senior Tour and Chinese           個歐洲常青高爾夫球巡迴賽。賽事得到了歐洲常青巡              calendar. I would like to thank Mission Hills for their support in helping make this   對於賽事的成立表達了由衷的欣慰,他說:「能在歐洲
Golf Association, will be played from 11 to 13 March and will be the Tour’s first      迴賽和中國高爾夫協會聯合認可 首屆賽事將於3月11
                                                                                                     ,                      happen,” said Dr. Handa.                                                               常青高爾夫巡迴賽的賽程表上添加新的比賽,我們國
event in China. It will be played over Mission Hills’ iconic Nicklaus Course and the   至13日在觀瀾湖著名的尼克勞斯球場舉行,總獎金為                 Andy Stubbs, Managing Director of the European Senior Tour said, “We would         際體育促進社感到十分興奮,特別要感謝觀瀾湖的支
prize fund totals US$ 350,000.                                                         35萬美元。                               like to thank ISPS and Dr. Handa for their support, which we greatly appreciate,       持,實現和舉辦了這項比賽。」
     “At Mission Hills we have long bee n proud of our position at the forefront         此站歐洲常青巡迴賽由日本商人、慈善家半田晴久             and for their continued assistance in promoting blind and disabled golf around           歐 洲 常 青 巡 迴 賽 董 事 總 經 理 安 迪.史 托 布 絲
of golf development in China and, indeed, Asia,” said Tenniel Chu, Executive           博士(Dr.  Haruhisa  Handa)主持的國際體育促進社   the world.”                                                                            (Andy  Stubbs) :
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 說 「我們非常感謝國際體育促進社
Director, Mission Hills Group.                                                         (ISPS)冠名贊助,全名為「ISPS  Handa世界常青傳          “The European Tour Group is delighted to continue our relationship with the        (ISPS)和半田晴久博士(Dr.  Haruhisa Handa)對本
    “With the confirmation that we will play host to China’s first European Seniors    奇錦標賽」,觀瀾湖高爾夫球會作為重要合作伙伴將              China Golf Association to grow the game with the help of the golfing legends who       次賽事的支持,對他一如既往地在全世界推廣殘疾人
Tour event at Mission Hills · Shenzhen, I am delighted that our important role in      為賽事提供場地和運作支持。                        will tee up at Mission Hills in what promises to be a fascinating new experience       高爾夫運動表示敬意。」
welcoming the most important golfing events and organization to our country              「長久以來,觀瀾湖一向致力於推動高爾夫運動在             for our Tour. We are pleased, also, to strengthen our strong links with the Chu          「歐巡賽非常高興與中高協聯合認可ISPS  Handa
will continue with the ISPS Handa Senior World Championship presented by               中國及亞洲的發展。 觀瀾湖執行董事朱鼎耀表示 「我
                                                                                                」            ,              family, who are magnificent hosts at Mission Hills, and promoters WSM whose            世界常青傳奇錦標賽,賽事將在觀瀾湖高爾夫球會舉
Mission Hills,” said Chu.                                                              們為能在深圳觀瀾湖舉行中國首個歐洲常青巡迴賽的              efforts on behalf of the Senior Tour are always appreciated.”                          辦,高球傳奇人物也都紛紛響應參加。我們也很高興與
    The new tournament is title sponsored by ISPS (International Sports                賽事,感到十分高興。屆時,多名高爾夫界傳奇人物的                 The position at the “forefront of golf development in China” to which Chu refers   賽事場地贊助商觀瀾湖高爾夫球會以及負責賽事推廣
Promotion Society ), which is chaired by Japanese businessman and                      到來必將成為中國高爾夫界的又一段佳話,帶動高爾夫             comes as the ISPS Handa Senior World Championship presented by Mission Hills           的WSM公司建立了更加緊密的關係。」
philanthropist Dr. Haruhisa Handa.                                                     運動的進一步發展。」                           further grows the club’s collection of championships at all levels of golf.              觀瀾湖一向致力於舉辦國際高爾夫賽事帶動中國

18   mission hills                                                                                                                                                                                                                       mission hills   19
Already host to elite international golfing events such as the Omega Mission        高爾夫的發展,舉辦過的賽事包括老虎伍茲中國挑戰                                         Previously, Mission Hills partnered with a number of famous golfers such             青少年選手學習的榜樣,激勵他們在高爾夫的道路上
Hills World Cup and Asia’s first celebrity Pro-Am, the Mission Hills Star Trophy,       賽、歐米茄觀瀾湖高爾夫世界盃及去年10月在觀瀾湖.                                   as Nick Faldo, founder of Faldo Series Asia. There was also the Jack Nicklaus            越走越遠,越走越高。」
which was played last October at the brand-new Mission Hills · Haikou, the senior       海口國際高爾夫度假區舉辦的「觀瀾湖世界職業明星                                     Junior Championship and many other youth training camps and activities.                   此前,觀瀾湖已經與多名偉大球手建立合作關係,
event is another ‘first’ for the world’s biggest golfing facility.                      邀請賽」,該賽事匯聚各地巨星,是亞洲區第一個職業                                    Mission Hills and Annika Sorenstam co-founded China’s first junior female                成立了諸如費度亞洲杯、尼克勞斯青少年錦標賽、格諾
    “With this new event, Mission Hills has now enriched its range of golf              明星配對賽。而這次新舉辦的常青錦標賽將會成為觀                                     competition last October.                                                                曼青少年訓練營等多項賽事和活動,去年10月底,又與
competitions to welcome everyone from professionals, amateurs, juniors                  瀾湖創下的又一個「第一」。                                                   “Mission Hills views its junior golf initiative as an investment in our future. We   安妮卡.索倫斯坦合作創辦了中國首個純女子青少年
to seniors,” said Chu, “In addition to introducing another new international                「至此,觀瀾湖實現了一套完整的高爾夫賽事體                                   are giving back to the sport and to China, not only for us but the whole industry        賽事。
championship to China, the new event also aims to present these legendary               系,即職業比賽、業餘比賽、青少年比賽及常青賽。 觀
                                                                                                               」                                    will thrive in a healthy and prospering golf industry,” added Chu.                        「觀瀾湖視發展青少年高爾夫為我們對未來的投
golfers as role-models for junior golfers, who shall then be motivated to strive        瀾湖執行董事朱鼎耀接着說 「這次不僅是為中國帶來
                                                                                                    ,                                                                                                                                        資。我們希望不僅觀瀾湖,而是整個高爾夫行業都可以
for better performances in golf.”                                                       一項新的國際賽事,更希望這些傳奇人物的到來能成為                                                                                                                             茁壯成長,繼續健康、繁榮。 朱鼎耀補充道。

                                                       198 4年,格拉迪通過美巡賽的資格考                         and has made an impressive start to the          South Africa; he became the first player        Ryder Cup history that the European Team       Senior Tour titles.
                                                    試 正式成為美巡賽的會員。他在美巡賽的
                                                     ,                                             2011 Order of Merit by finishing second at the   since Tommy Horton in 1997 to win three         had won all the five sessions.                     Torrance won the European Seniors
                                                    日子也是他職業生涯最輝煌、最成功的時                             Handa Australian Senior Open and tied fifth      consecutive tournaments on the Senior               In 2007, Woosnam received the OBE in       Tour Order of Merit in 2009, with a year of
                                                    候,尤其是1990年贏得大滿貫賽事 — PGA                        at the Handa Cup Senior Masters in Japan.        circuit and also became the quickest            the New Year’s Honours List in recognition     6 top finishes including his win at the 2009
                                                    錦標賽,同時他還贏得過1989年英國公開                               賴爾擁有非常輝煌的業餘生涯,14歲就                           player to achieve three victories.              of his services to golf.                       DGM Barbados Open.
                                                    賽的亞軍。                                          登上國際業餘比賽舞台,1977年轉職業前                                 He was the winner of the Order of                                                              One of the highlights of his career was
                                                       格拉迪從2000年起擔任澳大利亞巡迴                          已經贏得了多個冠軍,職業生涯共贏得18場                             Merit and recipient of the coveted John                                                        the winning putt for the European Team in
                                                    賽主席,一直到2006年。同時他還擔任多個                          歐巡賽。                                             Jacobs Trophy with four season victories                                                       1985 at the Belfry securing Europe’s first
                                                    高爾夫頻道的評論員。                                         時光倒回到2009年,1988年美國名人                         and earnings of €266,609.                                                                      victory in 28 years. He was awarded an
                                                                                                   賽冠軍得主桑迪.賴爾再一次參加這一大滿                                  文洙藍吉是亞洲高爾夫先驅,備受後來                                                                          MBE in 1996 for services to golf and the
                                                                                                   貫賽事。21年前,在奧古斯塔,他贏得了綠                             者追捧, 「泰國高爾夫教父」
                                                                                                                                                        人稱        。2010年,                                                                          OBE in the New Year Honours List 2003
                                                                                                   夾克,收穫了職業生涯中最為漂亮的一屆大                              他在歐洲常青巡迴賽的戰績可以被載入史                                                                             for his captaincy at the Ryder Cup.
                                                                                                   滿貫賽事。2009年也是他在歐洲常青錦標                             冊。他在汶萊、泰國和南非連續贏得三場歐                                                                               山姆.托蘭斯在高爾夫界非常出名。曾
                                                                                                   賽上收貨頗豐的一年,在揭幕戰中,他表現                              洲常青巡迴賽,成為繼1997年托米·霍頓後,                                                                         經贏得全世界的44場高爾夫比賽,其中包括
                                                                                                   出色,最終並列第5位 在萬事達常青公開賽
                                                                                                             ,                                      首位連續贏得三次常青賽的選手,同時他也                                                                            21場歐巡賽及11場常青賽。2009年,在歐洲
                                                                                                   上也獲得並列13位。                                       創造了在常青巡迴賽上最快贏得3場比賽的                                                                            常青巡迴賽收官戰沖電氣常青巡迴錦標賽
                                                                                                                                                    最少參賽記錄,僅僅參賽7場,上一個記錄保                                                                           上,贏得了賽季獎金王,這是他第三次捧起
                                                                                                                                                    持者是布萊恩.哈格特,他用了8場比賽。                                                                            約翰·雅各斯獎盃。2009賽季是輝煌的一
                                                                                                   Boonchu Ruangkit (Thailand) – Winner                 2010年,文洙藍吉共贏得26萬6,609歐                                                                     年,在巴巴多斯,他贏得了第11座常青巡迴
                                                                                                   of 2010 Order of Merit                           元,成為常青巡 迴賽獎 金王,成 功將功約                               伊恩.伍斯南他共贏得29場歐巡賽及其                         賽冠軍獎盃,另外有五場賽事高居前六名。
   Wayne Grady (Australia) – Major Winner                                                          文洙藍吉(泰國) 2010常青巡迴賽獎金王
                                                                                                           —                                        翰.雅各斯獎盃攬入懷中。                                    認可的賽事,包括1991年的美國名人賽。他                             作為隊長,他於2002年帶領歐洲隊在萊
   韋恩 格拉迪
     .   (澳大利亞) 大滿貫得主
               -                                                                                       Greatly respected by his fellow                                                              是第一位榮獲歐巡賽(1987年、1990年)及                        德杯上戰勝美國隊。17年前,也是在鐘樓球
       WayneGrady(moreaffectionatelyknown                                                          professionals, Ruangkit is one of Asia’s                                                         常青巡迴賽(2008年)雙料獎金王的選手。                          場,托蘭斯的制勝一推終結了此前28年美國
   as Grades) turned professional in 1978 at the                                                   greatest golfing ambassadors and often           Ian Woosnam (Wales) – Former Ryder                  萊德杯也是他職業生涯中最重要的一段                          隊連勝的歷史。鑒於他對於高爾夫貢獻和贏
   age of 21. Following his first win at the West                                                  referred to as ‘The Godfather’ of Thai golf.     Cup Captain and Major Winner                    經歷,2006年在K俱樂部舉行的萊德杯上,                          得萊德杯,他於1996年和2003年分別榮獲
   Lakes Classic in South Australia, he had 27      Sandy Lyle (Scotland) – Two-Time               With victories in Brunei, Thailand and           伊恩.伍斯南(威爾士) 前萊德杯隊長
                                                                                                                                                               —                                    伍斯南榮任萊德杯歐洲隊隊長,最終歐洲杯                            英帝國勳章。
   second place finishes before he finally won      Major Winner                                                                                    及大滿貫得主                                          以18.5分對9分的巨大優勢痛擊美國隊,追
   again at the German Open 1984.                   桑迪 賴爾
                                                      .  (蘇格蘭) 兩屆大滿貫得主
                                                              —                                                                                         Ian Woosnam won 47 worldwide                平了歷史最高分差。也成就了史無前例的萊
       His most recognisable win was at the             Sandy Lyle turned professional in                                                           tournament victories including the US           德杯三連冠。
   1990 PGA Championship. He was also the           1977. He won 18 European Tour events                                                            Masters at Augusta in 1991. In 1987 he              由於他的巨大貢獻,伍斯南於2007年榮
   runner up with Greg Norman at the 1989           and famously claimed the Green Jacket at                                                        became the first player to win £1 million in    獲大英帝國勳章。
   Open Championship.                               the 1988 Masters hitting a stunning seven                                                       prize money in a single year, winning five
       Grady was the Chairman of the                iron from the bunker on the last hole to set                                                    tournaments in Europe along with the Sun
   Australian PGA Tour from 2000 to 2006.           up a winning birdie. He was the first Briton                                                    City $1 million Challenge, the Hong Kong        Sam Torrance (Scotland) – Former
   He has worked as a commentator on                to win at Augusta and also the first Briton                                                     Open and the World Cup of Golf.                 Ryder Cup Captain
   various golf channels since 2000.                to win The Open Championship since Tony                                                             Awarded the 2006 European Ryder             山姆.托蘭斯(蘇格蘭) 前萊德杯隊長
       1978年,21歲的韋恩.格拉迪轉為職業                         Jacklin in 1969 when he lifted the Claret                                                       Cup captaincy, Woosnam led his European             His career has spanned over a
   球手,在贏得首場勝利後,他經歷了27個亞                             Jug in 1985 at Royal St George’s.                                                               team to a record equalling 18.5/9 victory       remarkable 36 years, during which he has
   軍的煎熬後才再一次贏得冠軍 — 1984年德                               Lyle rediscovered some of this magic in                                                     over their American counterparts at the         won 44 tournaments around the world,
   國公開賽。                                            2009 with a vintage performance at Augusta                                                      K-Club in Ireland. This was the first time in   including 21 European Tour victories and 11

20   mission hills                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          mission hills     21
賽 事 OUR TournamenTs

the mission hills

club 觀瀾湖球會盟主賽收桿
championship 2010

                       From right to left: Gu Yu (the Men’s Club Champion
                       2010), Chau Pui and Bernard Yuen.
                       由右至左:古雨(2010男子球會盟主)、周 和阮漢基。

                            The mission Hills Club Championship 2010 was         At the Mission Hills Club
                       held from 17th to 18th December in Mission Hills ·
                       Shenzhen. Gu Yu won the Men’s Club Champion with
                                                                                 Championship 2010, men’s
                       143 strokes, while Yvonne Wong won the Ladies’            winner Gu Yu and ladies’
                       Club Champion with 166 strokes. The two champions         winner Yvonne Wong came
                       were presented with green jackets, a symbol of the
                       greatest honour from the World’s No. 1 Golf Club.
                                                                                 out on top.
                       Meanwhile, the championship enabled the two               古雨、黃珮瑩分別榮膺男女盟主。
The Ladies’ Club
Champion Yvonne Wong   winners to be qualified as the honourary observers
女子球會盟主黃珮瑩              of the Omega Mission Hills World Cup 2011.
                            For the Men’s Club Champion, a seesaw battle           2010年12月18日,2010觀瀾湖球會盟主賽在觀瀾
                       was staged between Gu Yu and Chau Pui. Chau Pui,          湖深圳會所落下帷幕。經過2天的爭奪 古雨以143桿獲
                       winner of the Mission Hills Golfathon Grand Final         得男子球會盟主 而女子球會盟主則由黃珮瑩
                                                                                        ,            (Yvonne
                       2010, finished the first round at 72 strokes, which       Wong)憑藉166桿摘得。兩位冠軍均獲贈象徵世界第
                       kept him close to the long-awaited championship.          一大高爾夫球會至高榮譽的盟主綠夾克;同時,兩人也
                       However, he then fell behind in the second round after    憑藉這個盟主身份獲得了2011年歐米茄觀瀾湖高爾夫
                       an unsatisfactory 75 strokes. Gu Yu, the winner of the    世界盃的榮譽觀察員身份。
                       Club Championship 2008, eventually overtook Chau’s          兩天來 男子球會盟主在古雨和小將周
                                                                                      ,                    間展開激
                       leadership and won his second club championship in        烈角逐。首輪比賽中,2010觀瀾湖高爾夫馬拉松大賽
                       three years, with a slender lead of three shots.          總冠軍周   打出72桿,極有機會摘得桂冠;但第二天
                            The battle of Ladies’ Club Championship was          他僅僅交出75桿,被2008年的盟主賽男子組總冠軍古
                       even more competitive. After two rounds of keen           雨趕超,以3桿之差屈居亞軍,成就了古雨的三年兩冠。
                       competition, Yvonne Wong and Christine Kwok both            反觀女子組,總冠軍的爭奪更加激烈。兩輪過後,
                       led at 166 strokes. The tournament then headed to a       黃珮瑩女士與郭清蓉(Christine Kwok)女士同以166
                       play-off at the 18th hole of Ozaki Course. The dramatic   桿並列領先,隨後,二人在尾崎將司球場18號洞展開了
                       scene came here: the two players tied at 5 in the first   加洞賽。極富戲劇性的一幕上演了,在第一輪加洞賽
                       round of the play-off! The game then proceeded to the     中 二人以5桿持平,
                                                                                  ,        比賽不得不進入第二輪加洞賽,這
                       second round of play-off, and finally Yvonne Wong won     一次黃珮瑩女士以沉穩的打法和精準的推桿勝出,最
                       the Ladies’ Club Champion with her accurate putt.         終贏得女子球會盟主。

22   mission hills
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011
Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011

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Mission Hills Magazine, Issue 1, 2011

  • 1.
  • 2. MISSION HILLS MAGAZINE. ISSUE 1 2011 跨越海峽的揮桿 超越自我的挑戰 Take Up The Challenge & Swing Across The Straits 觀瀾湖.海口火山岩礦物溫泉及水療 帶給您前所未有的全新體驗 Mission Hills Mineral Springs and Spa Bring You the All-New Experiences
  • 3.
  • 4. OUR CONTENTS 18 22 10 50 62 OUR CHAIRMAN 29 OUR NEWS 66 Shaping Creativity 4 Words from the Chairman OUR DIARY 68 Stay Away From Hassles 34 The Season of Vogue Family Time OUR FOCUS 6 Dr. David Chu is Set to Receive KPMG’s Lifetime Achievement Award 36 Cosmic Beauty OUR GAME 70 Green Reading Basics 8 The Mission Hills Golfathon 2011 40 Sparks Fly at The 6th Mayor Forum of Welcomes the World The Capital Cities of Pan-Pearl River Delta Held at Mission Hills · Haikou OUR BIRTHDAY 10 Soothing Springs 73 Happy Birthday at Mission Hills 42 The Power of Love at Mission Hills · Haikou 74 Hopping into the Year of the Rabbit OUR TOURNAMENTS 18 China’s First European Senior Championship to be Hosted at Mission Hills OUR LIFE OUR CLUB 44 One-Card to Access to 78 Hole-In-One Winners Five Continents 22 The Mission Hills Club Championship 2010 80 Handicap Announcement 50 The Magnificent Five at Mission Hills 24 The Inaugural Mission Hills Golf Series Junior Tour Grand Final 54 Poultry Perfection at Mission Hills 26 Trick-Shot Show at Mission Hills 58 The Spring Season of Colours 28 Faldo Series Asia Grand Final 2011 62 Brightening Your Beauty Scheduled for March Springtime Facial Care Designed by: Mission Hills Group No. 1 Mission Hills Road Mission Hills Hong Kong Office Shenzhen 518110 29th Floor, 9 Queen’s Road People’s Republic of China Central, Hong Kong inCORPORATION Creative Director LOCKY LAI Advertising: (852) 3699 0881 Chief Executive SAM YAU Art Director MAY LUI Subscription: (852) 3699 0820 Managing Editor CAROL SHIH Designer WISTER CHEUK Submission: (852) 3699 0855 Project Editor ANNIE WU Sales Manager CHRIS CHENG General Enquiries: (852) 3699 0888 Translators HARRIET LI, VIVI WEN, JADE LEE-DUFFY Marketing Manager CARLY LO Editorial Equiries: (86 755) 2802 0888 2 MISSION HILLS
  • 5. 主 席 OUR CHAIRMAN Dr. David Chu, J.P. Dear Esteemed Members and Guests of Mission Hills, Chairman of Mission Hills Group The passing of the Lunar New Year signifies the coming of spring. I would like to take this opportunity to send my warmest greetings to you, and may I wish you all the happiness, prosperity, good health and good luck for the year ahead! During the Lunar New Year, when I was meeting up with the friends and members of Mission Hills, I found myself revelling in the joyous atmosphere. The Lunar New Year is the most celebrated festival by the Chinese. And the wonderful thing is that no matter where you are, you can always catch a dose 尊敬的會員嘉賓朋友: of this joyous spirit. This somehow hints that the world economy is now entering into the “Chinese Era”, signaling great pride and increased opportunities for 剛剛度過了吉祥喜慶的中國新年,春天真正地到來了。在這個美好春天開始的時 Chinese people around the world. With the rise of China’s economic power on 候,我要再一次向朋友們致以最誠摯的祝福,祝大家萬事開門紅! the world’s stage, my goal is to create a greater platform that incorporates golf, leisure, recreation and business for all members and friends of Mission Hills. 今年春節,我和許多會員朋友在相互拜年的時候,都常常心生感動。春節是中國 人最珍視的傳統節日,但是現在即使身處世界其它地方,也可以時時感受到異國他 With your strong support and efforts, the all-new Mission Hills · Haikou was 鄉的中國新年氣氛,它從側面印證了世界經濟發展到了「中國時代」,這無疑是全球 finally launched on Hainan Island last year. We have also successfully founded 華人的福氣、榮耀和機遇。就在去年,中國已經躍居世界最大出口國,世界第二大經 and organised spectacular events such as the Mission Hills Star Trophy at this 濟體。所以,我的心願就是藉助中國崛起的天時地利人和,為會員朋友們創造更大的 new spot, setting another milestone for a Mission Hills’ development. It was such 打球休閒和商務社交平台。 a heartfelt experience to see that this secluded resort was so highly-praised by its visiting members and guests. 抱着這樣的心願,去年在各位會員的支持與關注之下,觀瀾湖跨過瓊州海峽,在 中國熱帶寶島海南成功運營了全新的觀瀾湖.海口國際高爾夫度假區,並首創和舉 As Mission Hills continues to present our members and guests with exciting 辦了觀瀾湖世界職業明星邀請賽等盛事,許多前往的會員嘉賓對這片誕生在石漠地 activities and programmes, may it also serve as the perfect venue for our future 上的休閒勝地厚愛有加,這對我和觀瀾湖來說,無疑是最大的鼓舞。 rendezvous! 在這裡我衷心地希望,在跨越瓊州海峽、兩岸三地的觀瀾湖的休閒世界裡,不斷 為會員們和嘉賓創造和呈獻精彩項目、精彩活動,讓我們愉快聚首。 Respectfully yours, Dr. David Chu, J.P. Chairman of Mission Hills Group 觀瀾湖高爾夫球會主席 February 2011 二○一一年二月 4 mission hills mission hills 5
  • 6. 焦 點 OUR FOCUS 被譽為「中國高爾夫之父」的朱樹 博士繼榮獲 美國職業高爾夫巡迴賽(PGA  TOUR)以他的名字設 立的首屆「朱樹 獎」之後,再獲國際殊榮。為表彰朱 樹 博士對國際高爾夫發展的貢獻,2011年4月畢馬威 (KPMG)高爾夫商務論壇將為他頒發終身成就獎。這 再次體現了國際社會對觀瀾湖高爾夫球會及朱樹 博 DR. DAViD ChU is sET To RECEiVE 士的認可與讚譽。 KPmG’s liFETimE 畢馬威(KPMG)高爾夫商務論壇終身成就獎設立 於2006年,獎項的目的是表彰對全球高爾夫運動及其 商業發展作出卓越貢獻的人士。歷屆榮獲該項殊榮的 AChiEVEmEnT 名人包括:高球傳奇人物傑克 尼克勞斯、阿諾德.帕爾 . 默、加利.普賴爾、格.諾曼和歐洲巡迴賽前任執行官 肯 斯科菲爾德。朱樹 . 博士作為觀瀾湖高爾夫球會的 創始人,不僅建造了世界上最大規模的高爾夫綜合休閒 AWARD 勝地(觀瀾湖.深圳、觀瀾湖.東莞、觀瀾湖.海口) 而 , 且致力於推動高爾夫的全球發展,特別為高爾夫在中國 的發展作出了巨大的貢獻,從而成為首位獲此殊榮的亞 洲人。該獎項將於2011年4月17日至20日於迪拜舉行的 畢馬威高爾夫商務論壇開幕式上頒發給朱樹 博士。 朱樹 博士致力推動高爾夫的全球化 曾獲得多個 , 國際獎項。2009年11月,為表彰朱樹 博士對中國高 爾夫以及高爾夫全球化發展的卓越貢獻,PGA  TOUR 特別以他的名字設定了「朱樹 獎」,並將首屆「朱樹 獎」頒予朱樹 博士。而在此前,PGA  TOUR僅設 立過以傑克.尼克勞斯、拜倫.尼爾森、阿諾德.帕爾 默、佩恩斯.圖爾特名字命名的高爾夫獎項。有此殊榮 的亞洲人,僅此一位。自2007年起至今,朱樹 博士每 年都榮登美國權威雜誌《Golf  Inc》公佈的「世界高 爾夫權力榜」,他也成為首位、也是惟一一位上榜的華 Dr. David Chu is known as “the father of golf in China”. And in – the David Chu Award. They honoured him as the award’s first recipient. 人。2010年,朱樹 博士在「世界高爾夫權力榜」排名 recognition of his outstanding contributions to international golf, Dr. Chu will About KPMG Previously, the PGA TOUR has only honoured Jack Nicklaus, Byron Nelson, 第九位。 KPMG is a global network of professional firms be honoured with KPMG‘s Lifetime Achievement Award at the KPMG providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. Arnold Palmer, and Payne Stewart. Dr. Chu is the only Asian who has received this 畢馬威歐洲、中東和非洲的高爾夫諮詢總監薩托里 Golf Business Forum in April 2011. This award acknowledges Dr. Chu’s KPMG’s Budapest-based Golf Advisory Practice recognition. In addition, Dr. Chu has been the only Asian to be ranked amongst the 說:「向朱樹 博士頒發我們最高榮譽的獎項,是我們 achievements in creating the Mission Hills Golf Club and developing the provides professional services to developers “Most Powerful People in Golf” by Golf Inc. magazine since 2007, and in 2010 he 對他為中國高爾夫卓越遠見及貢獻的致敬。目前,高爾 fast-growing popularity of golf in China. of integrated residential and leisure resorts, stands at No. 9 on the list. 夫球業界都認為亞洲是未來高爾夫發展的中心,我們 operators of existing golf courses, as well as Established by KPMG in 2006, the Lifetime Achievement Award is dedicated tourism and governmental bodies across the “In recognising Dr. David Chu with our most prestigious honour, we are 現在才趕上朱博士15年前的想法。他是一個真正的實 to ambassadors of the game and the business of golf. Dr. Chu will join an all-star EMA Region, whilst KPMG’s Golf Advisory is paying tribute to his remarkable vision for the future of golf in China,” says Andrea 幹家,他在高爾夫球界的成就完全可以媲美普賴爾、帕 cast of past honourees, who includes golf legends Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, regarded as an industry leader with regards to Sartori, Head of KPMG’s Golf Advisory Practice in Europe, Middle East and 爾默、尼克勞斯等歷任終身成就獎的獲得者。」  Gary Player, Greg Norman and former European Tour Executive Director Ken golf advisory. The practice regularly publishes Africa. “While the golf industry is now in full agreement that the game’s future is 對於獲此殊榮,朱樹 博士說:「高爾夫運動的未 pieces of market intelligence studies in the golf Schofield. very much in Asia, we are only now catching up to something that Dr. Chu 來在於它的全球化、普及化,觀瀾湖一直致力於推動高 sector and they are the organizers of the annual As the founder of Mission Hills Golf Club, Dr. Chu has built the world’s Golf Business Forum, the premier golf industry recognised more than 15 years ago. For that, he is a true visionary and fully 爾夫休閒產業在世界人口最大的國家中國的發展,我很 largest golf complex (Mission Hills · Shenzhen, Mission Hills · Dongguan, and event in EMA. deserves his place alongside names like Player, Palmer and Nicklaus as a Lifetime 榮幸在我們的推動下 東西方高爾夫有了前所未有的多 , Mission Hills · Haikou) and been dedicated to the development of golf worldwide, Website: Achievement Award winner.” 元交流,而在中國有越來越多的人士,包括年輕人從這 KPMG簡介 concentrating in China. He is the first Asian to receive this recognition. The In response to such recognition, Dr. Chu says, “The future of golf lies in 項陽光健康的運動中獲得寶貴的人生財富 」 。 畢馬威(KPMG)是一間擁有國際網絡的諮詢公司,主要為地產 award will be presented at the opening ceremony of the KPMG’s upcoming Golf 發展商及高爾夫場營運商提供專業的審核、稅務及顧問服務。其 its globalisation and popularisation. Mission Hills has been dedicated to the Business Forum, to be held in Dubai from 17 to 20 April 2011. 以布達佩斯為基地的高爾夫顧問服務公司,開辦每年度的高爾夫 development of golf and leisure in the world’s most populated country China. With his devotion to the global development of golf, Dr. David Chu has 論壇,以及EMA區域重要業界活動的策劃任務,並定期印刊高爾 I am honoured to see the unprecedented diversity of exchange in golf between already won numerous international awards. In November 2009, the PGA TOUR 夫市場研究情報。 the East and the West driven by our efforts, and that more and more people in 網址 recognized Dr. Chu for his groundbreaking contributions to golf in China and his China, including the young generation, are able to lead a rewarding life through efforts in popularising the sport globally, by establishing an award with his name this wholesome type of sport.” 6 mission hills mission hills 7
  • 7. OUR FOCUS SHENZHEN & DONGGUAN DATE: 1 MAY 2011 — 30 SEP 2011 THE MISSION HILLS Participants Category RMB GOLFATHON 2011 Chartered Diamond / Diamond 2,500 Gold 4,750 Jade 6,100 WELCOMES Emerald Ruby 2,500 4,750 THE WORLD Advantage Plus 4,300 For enquiries, please contact Advantage 5,650 Shenzhen & Dongguan Junior (under 12) 2,500 Shenzhen office Want to play at the Mission Hills Golfathon 2011? Guest 7,200 Tel Email (86 755) 2802 0888 Ext. 33810 It’s open to players of all ages and abilities. Golf & Stay Package* * 11,900 Website Remarks • Each package includes a complimentary round of golf play at Zhang Lianwei Course, excluding caddie fees (available until 30 September 2011). • Players who register and pay before 31 May 2011 will receive an accommodation coupon for Deluxe Room of Mission Hills Hotel · Dongguan (available until 31 December 2011); and for the Golf & Stay Package, guests will receive a free upgrade from a Single Room to the Deluxe Room at Mission Hills Hotel · Shenzhen. * The Golf & Stay Package includes 10 rounds of golf; five nights accommodation (Single Room with breakfast for two days only); RMB 300 Food & Beverage cash coupons; and five Mission Hills Spa foot massage cash coupons (total value of RMB 550). The highly anticipated 8th annual Mission Hills Golfathon 2011 is set to kick off from 1 May to 30 September 2011. For the first time, the event will be played on 10 volcanic golf courses at Mission Hills · Haikou, together with another 10 golf courses at Mission Hills · Shenzhen and Dongguan. Over the last seven years, the popular event has attracted over 20,000 players from more than 30 countries. In addition to playing at the world’s largest golf facility, the overall champion will win unlimited complimentary use of greens, seven nights accommodation in HAIKOU a deluxe suite, as well as two candle-lit dinners offered by Palazzo Arzaga Spa & DATE: 1 APRIL 2011 — 30 SEP 2011 Golf Resort, one of the Mission Hills’ reciprocal golf clubs. The overall champion Participants Category RMB will also be qualified to enter the upcoming Omega Mission Hills World Cup 2011 For enquiries, please contact Guest 5,800 and compete with international top golf players. Haikou Register now and win more special offers! Junior (under 12) 2,500 Haikou office Mission Hills Haikou Golfathon Accommodation Package* Tel (86 898) 6868 3888 Ext. 62541 (limited to participants) Email * 3,380 Website Remarks • All Mission Hills Haikou Golfathon 2011 players will receive an accommodation coupon for Deluxe Room at Mission Hills Hotel · Haikou (available until 31 December 2011). • Players who register and pay before 30 April 2011 will receive a complimentary green coupon for all courses except No. 1 Course at Mission Hills · Haikou (available until 30 September 2011). * The Mission Hills Haikou Golfathon Stay Package includes four nights accommodation at Mission Hills Hotel · Haikou (Single Room with breakfast for two days only) as well as RMB 300 worth of Food & Beverage cash coupons. 8 MISSION HILLS MISSION HILLS 9
  • 8. 焦 點 OUR FOCUS Feel like a spa treatment? The new 88,000-square-meter Mission Hills Spa and Volcanic Mineral Springs uses the natural volcanic springs below the earth’s surface to offer spa-goers everything they could ever dream of – and more. 洗去凡塵 淨滌心靈 觀瀾湖.海口火山岩礦物溫泉及SPA帶給您前所未有的全新體驗。 For anyone who has the privilege of visiting Mission Hills · Haikou, you 從海口觀瀾湖酒店客房的陽台上望出去,可以看到 facial, body and massage treatments; Moroccan Rasul steam showers; and 施和服務,為熱愛水療的賓客和家庭提供一系列面部、 can’t help but be astounded by its natural beauty. With clear skies, manicured 一座規模宏大、風格獨特的圓形客家土樓與周邊許多 amenities and services such as Chinese medical care, a hair and nail spa, 身體及按摩護理。 golf courses and natural greenery, the area also encompasses Hainan’s largest 各具七大洲特色的建築錯落有致地排列在一起,這就 Elements Café and a spa boutique. 海口羊山地區沉積萬年的火山岩,不僅為觀瀾湖. natural mineral springs reserve. By following the tradition of centuries-old 是觀瀾湖.海口的水療中心 — Mission Hills Spa及火 With a volcano that dates back tens of thousands of years, Haikou’s 海口造就了風格獨特的高爾夫球場,也為這裡帶來了富 bathing rituals, the new Mission Hills Spa is taking its spa-goers to a whole 山岩礦物溫泉。 Yangshan District not only creates a unique golf environment for Mission Hills 含鈉、鉀、鎂、鈣、氯化物、溴化物、碘化物、硫化物和 new level of bliss. 這座設施豪華的水療中心以位於福建省、被列入 · Haikou, but also makes it the perfect venue for a mineral springs retreat. 碳化物等九種高度礦物活水成分的萬年溫泉水,這種 Drawing inspiration from Fujian’s Hakka Tulous (cylindrical Chinese rural 聯 合國世界遺 產的客家土樓為設計靈感,佔地超過 Highly therapeutic and rejuvenating for dry skin cells, the spring water hidden 溫泉水隱藏於火山縫隙之內,具有極高的療膚功效 可 , dwellings), an UNESCO World Heritage site, Mission Hills’ new 20,000-square- 20,000平方米,設有61間水療護理套房和29所水療公 beneath the volcanic fissure bursts with hydrating minerals, including sodium, 令乾扁的皮膚細胞回復生機。火山岩礦物溫泉作為觀 meter spa center of ultimate luxury encompasses 61 spa suites, 29 spa villas 寓及別墅,其中主樓樓高三層,內設超過60間設施齊 potassium, magnesium, iron, chloride, bromide, iodide and carbide. 瀾湖.海口完整水療療程的一部分,這片面積達44,000 and mansions. In the three-storey main tower, those seeking total relaxation 全的豪華護理套房、Rasul摩洛哥式蒸汽浴室,以及中 As part of the spa treatments at Mission Hills · Haikou, the 44,000 square- 平方米的火山岩溫泉設施,是目前海口最大的火山溫泉 can find over 60 all-inclusive luxury treatment suites that offer a full range of 醫護理、美髮、美甲、水療茶座、家居用品專賣店等設 meter Volcanic Mineral Springs facility has been the largest of its kind in Haikou, 區域,它引入了全球七大洲的不同溫泉風俗及歷史悠 10 mission hills mission hills 11
  • 9. Middle East Turkish Hammam Elevation Turkish Hammam Ritual Garden Elevation Middle East Getaway Pavilion Elevation with more than 200 hot and cold springs and 99 water-landscaped pools 久的理療傳統,共有200多個冷、熱水池及99個流水景 With themes varying from rare Chinese herbs to hydrotherapy, fruits to 亞洲及大洋洲區以「熱帶東方」 「禪意東方」 「東 、 、 bringing together the bathing rituals and old therapeutic traditions of seven 觀,每個區域都分設群體及私人浸浴,其天然泉水取自 flagstones, hydraulic massage chairs and Dead Sea baths to fish therapies, 瀛溫泉」 「吳哥古跡」 「本土毛利」 「山林溫泉」 、 、 和 為 continents. Each zone is designed for both a communal and private bathing 深達800米的地下,蘊含多種具備醫療及保健功效的天 you’ll almost have to rest from trying to decide what treatment to book. 主題,賓客可在古色古香的四角亭、方圓錯落的客家土 experience using natural spring water from 800 meters underground. With 然礦物成份,水質更獲得英國國際水質研究所認證。 Featuring “Tropical Orient”, “Eastern Zen”, “Eastern Onsen”, “Angkor 樓中,感受蘊含火山岩礦物精華的溫泉水緩緩滲透肌 a wealth of natural minerals known for high medical and health efficacy, the 火山岩溫泉區由亞洲及大洋洲區、北美洲及南美 Monuments”,“IndigenousMāori”and“HilltopHotSprings”,theAsiaandOceania 膚 周圍具有東方色彩的壁畫和雕刻藝術滲入到身體裡 , water quality is recognised by JDIH Water & Environment Ltd. , an international 洲區、歐洲及南極洲區、中東及非洲區七大洲溫泉區 Zones are set against ancient square pavilions along with round and square 的每個細胞。以「異域土耳其」 「神秘埃及」 「超凡 、 、 water quality institute in U.K. 組 成,首先開業 迎賓的將是 亞 洲及 大 洋洲區和中東 Hakka earth buildings. Here you can almost feel the volcanic, mineral-rich 死海」 「迷失之城」 和 為主題的中東及非洲區,伊斯蘭 The Volcanic Mineral Springs reserve is represented by seven continents: 及 非 洲區,提 供 達 九十多個不同風 格的特 色泡池。 essence slowly permeating the skin, while admiring the oriental ambience of 圓頂穹窿,精美的阿拉伯式幾何花紋無不讓你仿如置身 Asia; Oceania; America; Europe; Antarctica; the Middle East and Africa. To 對於有不同調養需求的客人,可選擇如名貴中藥泉、 frescoes and detailed carvings. For an immersion into Islamic domes and quaint 西域世界的浪漫與神秘之中。 debut in advance, the Asia and Oceania Zones, the Middle East and Africa 水療功能泉 水果泉 石板泉 水力按摩池 、 、 、 、死海漂浮浴 Arabic geometrical patterns of the Middle East and Africa Zones, you will find SPA的目的,是為了讓人在擾攘的凡塵中找到心靈 Zones will provide more than 90 theme pools of different stylish designs. 以及魚療等。 the “Exotic Turkish”, “Mystical Egypt”, “Phenomenal Dead Sea” and the “Lost 的淨土。Mission Hills Spa採用源自海南島的素材,設 12 mission hills mission hills 13
  • 10. impressive repertoire of themed poolside parties, live performances and creative gourmet festivals, the facility also has a poolside beach football field for sporty-types of all ages. Hainan Island has surely surpassed its reputation as a golf paradise. And at the heart of Hainan, Mission Hills · Haikou has transformed itself into a world class spa destination as well as a top golf resort. The sheer variety of spa treatments and facilities complements the impressive Mission Hills · Haikou. With the opening of Mission Hills Spa and Volcanic Mineral Springs, the underground elixir from the natural springs can finally come to the surface and deliver an unforgettable spa experience to its guests. 在此進行瑜伽、太極及氣功運動的養生亭,採用最健 康新鮮之天然材料,提供融合中西元素的美食的水療 茶座,以及可舉辦私人聚會的理想地點的多用途廣場。 同時,酒店旁24,000平方米的戶外水上樂園是舉辦 家庭聚會及特別節慶的理想地方。這裡不僅可供全年 舉辦不同類型活動,包括主題水池派對、現場表演及 創意美食節等,精采紛呈 活潑好動的大小朋友還可於 , 泳池區內踢沙灘足球。 海南不只是可以縱情高球的寶島,觀瀾湖.海口在 City of Africa”. 計各式特色水療體驗:「珍珠光澤面部護理」 「火山石 、 身為高級高爾夫度假區的同時,也已經躍身成為具有 As the Spa provides an escape from the responsibilities of daily life, a 能量按摩」 「海貝熱能按摩」 「翠竹和諧按摩」 「香 、 、 、 一流國際水準的溫泉療養勝地。多元化的水療風格和 soothing treatment helps to reclaim your peace of mind. Incorporating nature 荔更新體膜」 「海南特色按摩」 、 ,每一種水療浴都能在 觀瀾湖.海口骨子裡恆久不變的舒適優雅的格調,藉助 motifs from Hainan Island, Mission Hills Spa offers a full range of themed 一定程度上鬆弛緊張的肌肉和神經,而這裡特別為10 着SPA及火山岩溫泉亞洲區的開幕,這些湧動於地下 spa experiences, including the “Pearl of the Orient Facial”, “Volcanic Energy 至15歲來賓而設的水療護理及健體活動,也可讓青少 達千年之久的溫泉水最終可以一躍而出,帶給到訪的 Massage”, “Lava Shell Massage”, “Harmony Bamboo Massage”, “Hainanese 年們同樣得到水療的樂趣。Mission Hills Spa「靜 朋友們一次盡享神靈之液的超凡體驗。 Signature Massage” and the “Revitalizing Lychee Wrap”. 修花園」的七個特色療程,從有多種礦物泥可供選擇的 Each treatment is set to completely unwind your tense muscles and nerves. 「礦物泥廣場」 「熔岩蒸汽屋」 「氣霧廊」 「許願 、 、 ,到 For younger spa-goers, a specially designed spa menu and spa program for 10 井」 「草本薰蒸」 與 、充滿香薰氣息的「香薰隧道」、有 to 15 year olds also gives them an unforgettable experience. 水力按摩的「礦物溫泉浴」和最後提供礦泉水及小食的 At Mission Hills Spa’s “Mineral Springs Ritual Garden”, you can find 「礦泉水休息室」,能讓所有人的視覺、嗅覺、聽覺、觸 The mineral springs at Mission Hills · Haikou brings numerous benefits: the Mineral Springs Journey with various water and heat experiences to 覺、味覺和內心 充滿滿足的愉悅感。 , 1. A visit to the mineral springs in winter can relieve skin irritations and restore moisture to the skin, pamper all your senses and mind: pick your favorite natural ingredients at 除了享受水療體驗以外,賓客們還可從水療精品店 a great way to clear away ailments formed over the summer. the “Mineral Mud Amphitheater”, then indulge yourself in the “Lava Dome 中選購一系列健康及水療產品。此處每種產品皆為休 2. Rich in restoring elements, the mineral springs water can revitalize skin damaged by ultraviolet Steam”, “Mist Shower Tunnel”, “Wishing Well”, “Herbal Steam Wells”, 閒健康的生活而設計,讓賓客可在家中延續愉悅的水 rays during the summer and relieve skin conditions such as inflammation and allergy. A bath in “Aroma Scented Tunnel” and “Mineral Spring Bath”. Finish off the journey 療體驗。而美髮及美甲中心更為賓客提供一系列經專 the water can also improve resistance against cold weather and restore the immunity system. with a visit to the Elements Bar, where you can re-energise with mineral 業驗證的產品,能有效修護頭髮及美甲。還有適合賓客 3. The rare volcanic underground water contains the keys to longevity. The effects of temperature water and snacks. alternation and natural minerals, minor skin contraction and expansion help to build up skin tips After a relaxing spa session, visit the Spa Boutique for adaptability and elasticity to sustain a youthful look. an array of health and spa products, custom-made for a 4. The temperature alternation can also train the respiratory system, expand lung capacity, healthy lifestyle, which can recreate your ideal spa at home. enhance your digestive function, speed up metabolism and generate slimming effects. Your hair and nails also deserve the best at the spa, where only professionally certified products are used. The Wellness Pavilion provides the perfect setting for 1. 冬季泡溫泉可以治療皮膚乾癢,具有保濕作用 夏病冬治。 ; practicing Yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Gong. The Elements Café 2. 溫泉水中具有很好的修復元素,能修復夏季紫外線對皮膚的傷害,可治療皮炎、過敏等症狀 增強人的耐 , turns the freshest natural product into delicacies that 寒力及免疫力。 fuse Oriental and western flavors. And if you are thinking 3. 獨特的火山岩地下水質中,富含有益於健康長壽的元素。在冷熱交替及礦物質的作用下,可刺激皮膚收 of hosting private parties, then the outdoor piazzas are 張、增強皮膚適應力和彈性 潤膚養顏,抵抗衰老。 , definitely the places to be. 4. 冷熱交替可提高呼吸系統機能,增強肺活量,提高胃腸功能,促進新陳代謝 消脂減肥。 , Next to the hotel, the outdoor aquatic theme park boasts an area of 24,000 square meters and is the ideal venue for family gatherings and celebrations. With an 14 mission hills mission hills 15
  • 11. Mission Hills members enjoy a FREE waiver on single supplement surcharge. (Valid for member only) Premier Experience at Mission Hills · Haikou 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS Lavastone Golf Experience RMB 3,280 / PERSON - Three rounds of 18-hole golf # (Green fee, cart, caddie, locker and course insurance included) # - Mission Hills · Haikou - Two nights stay in a Deluxe Room (Breakfast included) 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS Relaxing Spa Journey RMB 2,280 / PERSON - Mission Hills · Haikou - Two nights stay in a Deluxe Room (Breakfast included) - Two days of selected spa treatments or RMB 1,600 spa cash voucher 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS Holiday Family Fun RMB 3,380 / FAMILY (2 adults & 1 child ) - Mission Hills · Haikou - Two nights stay in a Deluxe Room (Breakfast included) - RMB 1,800 spa cash voucher - Three-day Activity Pass for one child (value: RMB 250)^ - Family Fun series # Three rounds of golf includes the Blackstone Course, Stepping Stone Course and another course of the guest’s choice (except the Blackstone Course). A surcharge is applicable for golf course upgrades. Pricing is based on double occupancy. A surcharge would be applied for single occupancy. ^ RMB 250 spending value of the Activity Pass is only valid during check-in period. Terms and Conditions apply. Mission Hills · Haikou reserves the final rights to interpret all terms and conditions of this promotion. Reservation Hotline Haikou Ext. Email Shenzhen Ext. Website HongKong
  • 12. 賽 事 OUR TournamenTs 觀瀾湖再添新賽事 三月舉辦中國首個歐洲 常青傳奇錦標賽 breaking new ground China’s first european senior event to be hosted at mission hills mission Hills will be hosting the ISPS Handa Senior World Championship in 2011年3月,觀瀾湖高爾夫球會宣佈將舉辦中國首 “ISPS is thrilled to announce this fantastic new event on the senior golf 身為歐洲常青巡迴賽全球大使的半田晴久博士也 March. The tournament, co-sanctioned by the European Senior Tour and Chinese 個歐洲常青高爾夫球巡迴賽。賽事得到了歐洲常青巡 calendar. I would like to thank Mission Hills for their support in helping make this 對於賽事的成立表達了由衷的欣慰,他說:「能在歐洲 Golf Association, will be played from 11 to 13 March and will be the Tour’s first 迴賽和中國高爾夫協會聯合認可 首屆賽事將於3月11 , happen,” said Dr. Handa. 常青高爾夫巡迴賽的賽程表上添加新的比賽,我們國 event in China. It will be played over Mission Hills’ iconic Nicklaus Course and the 至13日在觀瀾湖著名的尼克勞斯球場舉行,總獎金為 Andy Stubbs, Managing Director of the European Senior Tour said, “We would 際體育促進社感到十分興奮,特別要感謝觀瀾湖的支 prize fund totals US$ 350,000. 35萬美元。 like to thank ISPS and Dr. Handa for their support, which we greatly appreciate, 持,實現和舉辦了這項比賽。」 “At Mission Hills we have long bee n proud of our position at the forefront 此站歐洲常青巡迴賽由日本商人、慈善家半田晴久 and for their continued assistance in promoting blind and disabled golf around 歐 洲 常 青 巡 迴 賽 董 事 總 經 理 安 迪.史 托 布 絲 of golf development in China and, indeed, Asia,” said Tenniel Chu, Executive 博士(Dr.  Haruhisa  Handa)主持的國際體育促進社 the world.” (Andy  Stubbs) : 說 「我們非常感謝國際體育促進社 Director, Mission Hills Group. (ISPS)冠名贊助,全名為「ISPS  Handa世界常青傳 “The European Tour Group is delighted to continue our relationship with the (ISPS)和半田晴久博士(Dr.  Haruhisa Handa)對本 “With the confirmation that we will play host to China’s first European Seniors 奇錦標賽」,觀瀾湖高爾夫球會作為重要合作伙伴將 China Golf Association to grow the game with the help of the golfing legends who 次賽事的支持,對他一如既往地在全世界推廣殘疾人 Tour event at Mission Hills · Shenzhen, I am delighted that our important role in 為賽事提供場地和運作支持。 will tee up at Mission Hills in what promises to be a fascinating new experience 高爾夫運動表示敬意。」 welcoming the most important golfing events and organization to our country 「長久以來,觀瀾湖一向致力於推動高爾夫運動在 for our Tour. We are pleased, also, to strengthen our strong links with the Chu 「歐巡賽非常高興與中高協聯合認可ISPS  Handa will continue with the ISPS Handa Senior World Championship presented by 中國及亞洲的發展。 觀瀾湖執行董事朱鼎耀表示 「我 」 , family, who are magnificent hosts at Mission Hills, and promoters WSM whose 世界常青傳奇錦標賽,賽事將在觀瀾湖高爾夫球會舉 Mission Hills,” said Chu. 們為能在深圳觀瀾湖舉行中國首個歐洲常青巡迴賽的 efforts on behalf of the Senior Tour are always appreciated.” 辦,高球傳奇人物也都紛紛響應參加。我們也很高興與 The new tournament is title sponsored by ISPS (International Sports 賽事,感到十分高興。屆時,多名高爾夫界傳奇人物的 The position at the “forefront of golf development in China” to which Chu refers 賽事場地贊助商觀瀾湖高爾夫球會以及負責賽事推廣 Promotion Society ), which is chaired by Japanese businessman and 到來必將成為中國高爾夫界的又一段佳話,帶動高爾夫 comes as the ISPS Handa Senior World Championship presented by Mission Hills 的WSM公司建立了更加緊密的關係。」 philanthropist Dr. Haruhisa Handa. 運動的進一步發展。」 further grows the club’s collection of championships at all levels of golf. 觀瀾湖一向致力於舉辦國際高爾夫賽事帶動中國 18 mission hills mission hills 19
  • 13. Already host to elite international golfing events such as the Omega Mission 高爾夫的發展,舉辦過的賽事包括老虎伍茲中國挑戰 Previously, Mission Hills partnered with a number of famous golfers such 青少年選手學習的榜樣,激勵他們在高爾夫的道路上 Hills World Cup and Asia’s first celebrity Pro-Am, the Mission Hills Star Trophy, 賽、歐米茄觀瀾湖高爾夫世界盃及去年10月在觀瀾湖. as Nick Faldo, founder of Faldo Series Asia. There was also the Jack Nicklaus 越走越遠,越走越高。」 which was played last October at the brand-new Mission Hills · Haikou, the senior 海口國際高爾夫度假區舉辦的「觀瀾湖世界職業明星 Junior Championship and many other youth training camps and activities. 此前,觀瀾湖已經與多名偉大球手建立合作關係, event is another ‘first’ for the world’s biggest golfing facility. 邀請賽」,該賽事匯聚各地巨星,是亞洲區第一個職業 Mission Hills and Annika Sorenstam co-founded China’s first junior female 成立了諸如費度亞洲杯、尼克勞斯青少年錦標賽、格諾 “With this new event, Mission Hills has now enriched its range of golf 明星配對賽。而這次新舉辦的常青錦標賽將會成為觀 competition last October. 曼青少年訓練營等多項賽事和活動,去年10月底,又與 competitions to welcome everyone from professionals, amateurs, juniors 瀾湖創下的又一個「第一」。 “Mission Hills views its junior golf initiative as an investment in our future. We 安妮卡.索倫斯坦合作創辦了中國首個純女子青少年 to seniors,” said Chu, “In addition to introducing another new international 「至此,觀瀾湖實現了一套完整的高爾夫賽事體 are giving back to the sport and to China, not only for us but the whole industry 賽事。 championship to China, the new event also aims to present these legendary 系,即職業比賽、業餘比賽、青少年比賽及常青賽。 觀 」 will thrive in a healthy and prospering golf industry,” added Chu. 「觀瀾湖視發展青少年高爾夫為我們對未來的投 golfers as role-models for junior golfers, who shall then be motivated to strive 瀾湖執行董事朱鼎耀接着說 「這次不僅是為中國帶來 , 資。我們希望不僅觀瀾湖,而是整個高爾夫行業都可以 for better performances in golf.” 一項新的國際賽事,更希望這些傳奇人物的到來能成為 茁壯成長,繼續健康、繁榮。 朱鼎耀補充道。 」 PLAYER BIOGRAPHIES 參賽球手簡介 198 4年,格拉迪通過美巡賽的資格考 and has made an impressive start to the South Africa; he became the first player Ryder Cup history that the European Team Senior Tour titles. 試 正式成為美巡賽的會員。他在美巡賽的 , 2011 Order of Merit by finishing second at the since Tommy Horton in 1997 to win three had won all the five sessions. Torrance won the European Seniors 日子也是他職業生涯最輝煌、最成功的時 Handa Australian Senior Open and tied fifth consecutive tournaments on the Senior In 2007, Woosnam received the OBE in Tour Order of Merit in 2009, with a year of 候,尤其是1990年贏得大滿貫賽事 — PGA at the Handa Cup Senior Masters in Japan. circuit and also became the quickest the New Year’s Honours List in recognition 6 top finishes including his win at the 2009 錦標賽,同時他還贏得過1989年英國公開 賴爾擁有非常輝煌的業餘生涯,14歲就 player to achieve three victories. of his services to golf. DGM Barbados Open. 賽的亞軍。 登上國際業餘比賽舞台,1977年轉職業前 He was the winner of the Order of One of the highlights of his career was 格拉迪從2000年起擔任澳大利亞巡迴 已經贏得了多個冠軍,職業生涯共贏得18場 Merit and recipient of the coveted John the winning putt for the European Team in 賽主席,一直到2006年。同時他還擔任多個 歐巡賽。 Jacobs Trophy with four season victories 1985 at the Belfry securing Europe’s first 高爾夫頻道的評論員。 時光倒回到2009年,1988年美國名人 and earnings of €266,609. victory in 28 years. He was awarded an 賽冠軍得主桑迪.賴爾再一次參加這一大滿 文洙藍吉是亞洲高爾夫先驅,備受後來 MBE in 1996 for services to golf and the 貫賽事。21年前,在奧古斯塔,他贏得了綠 者追捧, 「泰國高爾夫教父」 人稱 。2010年, OBE in the New Year Honours List 2003 夾克,收穫了職業生涯中最為漂亮的一屆大 他在歐洲常青巡迴賽的戰績可以被載入史 for his captaincy at the Ryder Cup. 滿貫賽事。2009年也是他在歐洲常青錦標 冊。他在汶萊、泰國和南非連續贏得三場歐 山姆.托蘭斯在高爾夫界非常出名。曾 賽上收貨頗豐的一年,在揭幕戰中,他表現 洲常青巡迴賽,成為繼1997年托米·霍頓後, 經贏得全世界的44場高爾夫比賽,其中包括 出色,最終並列第5位 在萬事達常青公開賽 , 首位連續贏得三次常青賽的選手,同時他也 21場歐巡賽及11場常青賽。2009年,在歐洲 上也獲得並列13位。 創造了在常青巡迴賽上最快贏得3場比賽的 常青巡迴賽收官戰沖電氣常青巡迴錦標賽 最少參賽記錄,僅僅參賽7場,上一個記錄保 上,贏得了賽季獎金王,這是他第三次捧起 持者是布萊恩.哈格特,他用了8場比賽。 約翰·雅各斯獎盃。2009賽季是輝煌的一 Boonchu Ruangkit (Thailand) – Winner 2010年,文洙藍吉共贏得26萬6,609歐 年,在巴巴多斯,他贏得了第11座常青巡迴 of 2010 Order of Merit 元,成為常青巡 迴賽獎 金王,成 功將功約 伊恩.伍斯南他共贏得29場歐巡賽及其 賽冠軍獎盃,另外有五場賽事高居前六名。 Wayne Grady (Australia) – Major Winner 文洙藍吉(泰國) 2010常青巡迴賽獎金王 — 翰.雅各斯獎盃攬入懷中。 認可的賽事,包括1991年的美國名人賽。他 作為隊長,他於2002年帶領歐洲隊在萊 韋恩 格拉迪 . (澳大利亞) 大滿貫得主 - Greatly respected by his fellow 是第一位榮獲歐巡賽(1987年、1990年)及 德杯上戰勝美國隊。17年前,也是在鐘樓球 WayneGrady(moreaffectionatelyknown professionals, Ruangkit is one of Asia’s 常青巡迴賽(2008年)雙料獎金王的選手。 場,托蘭斯的制勝一推終結了此前28年美國 as Grades) turned professional in 1978 at the greatest golfing ambassadors and often Ian Woosnam (Wales) – Former Ryder 萊德杯也是他職業生涯中最重要的一段 隊連勝的歷史。鑒於他對於高爾夫貢獻和贏 age of 21. Following his first win at the West referred to as ‘The Godfather’ of Thai golf. Cup Captain and Major Winner 經歷,2006年在K俱樂部舉行的萊德杯上, 得萊德杯,他於1996年和2003年分別榮獲 Lakes Classic in South Australia, he had 27 Sandy Lyle (Scotland) – Two-Time With victories in Brunei, Thailand and 伊恩.伍斯南(威爾士) 前萊德杯隊長 — 伍斯南榮任萊德杯歐洲隊隊長,最終歐洲杯 英帝國勳章。 second place finishes before he finally won Major Winner 及大滿貫得主 以18.5分對9分的巨大優勢痛擊美國隊,追 again at the German Open 1984. 桑迪 賴爾 . (蘇格蘭) 兩屆大滿貫得主 — Ian Woosnam won 47 worldwide 平了歷史最高分差。也成就了史無前例的萊 His most recognisable win was at the Sandy Lyle turned professional in tournament victories including the US 德杯三連冠。 1990 PGA Championship. He was also the 1977. He won 18 European Tour events Masters at Augusta in 1991. In 1987 he 由於他的巨大貢獻,伍斯南於2007年榮 runner up with Greg Norman at the 1989 and famously claimed the Green Jacket at became the first player to win £1 million in 獲大英帝國勳章。 Open Championship. the 1988 Masters hitting a stunning seven prize money in a single year, winning five Grady was the Chairman of the iron from the bunker on the last hole to set tournaments in Europe along with the Sun Australian PGA Tour from 2000 to 2006. up a winning birdie. He was the first Briton City $1 million Challenge, the Hong Kong Sam Torrance (Scotland) – Former He has worked as a commentator on to win at Augusta and also the first Briton Open and the World Cup of Golf. Ryder Cup Captain various golf channels since 2000. to win The Open Championship since Tony Awarded the 2006 European Ryder 山姆.托蘭斯(蘇格蘭) 前萊德杯隊長 — 1978年,21歲的韋恩.格拉迪轉為職業 Jacklin in 1969 when he lifted the Claret Cup captaincy, Woosnam led his European His career has spanned over a 球手,在贏得首場勝利後,他經歷了27個亞 Jug in 1985 at Royal St George’s. team to a record equalling 18.5/9 victory remarkable 36 years, during which he has 軍的煎熬後才再一次贏得冠軍 — 1984年德 Lyle rediscovered some of this magic in over their American counterparts at the won 44 tournaments around the world, 國公開賽。 2009 with a vintage performance at Augusta K-Club in Ireland. This was the first time in including 21 European Tour victories and 11 20 mission hills mission hills 21
  • 14. 賽 事 OUR TournamenTs the mission hills club 觀瀾湖球會盟主賽收桿 championship 2010 From right to left: Gu Yu (the Men’s Club Champion 2010), Chau Pui and Bernard Yuen. 由右至左:古雨(2010男子球會盟主)、周 和阮漢基。 The mission Hills Club Championship 2010 was At the Mission Hills Club held from 17th to 18th December in Mission Hills · Shenzhen. Gu Yu won the Men’s Club Champion with Championship 2010, men’s 143 strokes, while Yvonne Wong won the Ladies’ winner Gu Yu and ladies’ Club Champion with 166 strokes. The two champions winner Yvonne Wong came were presented with green jackets, a symbol of the greatest honour from the World’s No. 1 Golf Club. out on top. Meanwhile, the championship enabled the two 古雨、黃珮瑩分別榮膺男女盟主。 The Ladies’ Club Champion Yvonne Wong winners to be qualified as the honourary observers 女子球會盟主黃珮瑩 of the Omega Mission Hills World Cup 2011. For the Men’s Club Champion, a seesaw battle 2010年12月18日,2010觀瀾湖球會盟主賽在觀瀾 was staged between Gu Yu and Chau Pui. Chau Pui, 湖深圳會所落下帷幕。經過2天的爭奪 古雨以143桿獲 , winner of the Mission Hills Golfathon Grand Final 得男子球會盟主 而女子球會盟主則由黃珮瑩 , (Yvonne 2010, finished the first round at 72 strokes, which Wong)憑藉166桿摘得。兩位冠軍均獲贈象徵世界第 kept him close to the long-awaited championship. 一大高爾夫球會至高榮譽的盟主綠夾克;同時,兩人也 However, he then fell behind in the second round after 憑藉這個盟主身份獲得了2011年歐米茄觀瀾湖高爾夫 an unsatisfactory 75 strokes. Gu Yu, the winner of the 世界盃的榮譽觀察員身份。 Club Championship 2008, eventually overtook Chau’s 兩天來 男子球會盟主在古雨和小將周 , 間展開激 leadership and won his second club championship in 烈角逐。首輪比賽中,2010觀瀾湖高爾夫馬拉松大賽 three years, with a slender lead of three shots. 總冠軍周 打出72桿,極有機會摘得桂冠;但第二天 The battle of Ladies’ Club Championship was 他僅僅交出75桿,被2008年的盟主賽男子組總冠軍古 even more competitive. After two rounds of keen 雨趕超,以3桿之差屈居亞軍,成就了古雨的三年兩冠。 competition, Yvonne Wong and Christine Kwok both 反觀女子組,總冠軍的爭奪更加激烈。兩輪過後, led at 166 strokes. The tournament then headed to a 黃珮瑩女士與郭清蓉(Christine Kwok)女士同以166 play-off at the 18th hole of Ozaki Course. The dramatic 桿並列領先,隨後,二人在尾崎將司球場18號洞展開了 scene came here: the two players tied at 5 in the first 加洞賽。極富戲劇性的一幕上演了,在第一輪加洞賽 round of the play-off! The game then proceeded to the 中 二人以5桿持平, , 比賽不得不進入第二輪加洞賽,這 second round of play-off, and finally Yvonne Wong won 一次黃珮瑩女士以沉穩的打法和精準的推桿勝出,最 the Ladies’ Club Champion with her accurate putt. 終贏得女子球會盟主。 22 mission hills