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Lillebaelt Academy of Professional Higher Education
Class: ECO1411-ECInt (3 sem EC)
Mindaugas Mazrimas
E - Concept Development
Keystrokes: 57,930
Date of delivery: 14/12/2015
CPR: 120993-3353
Table of Contents
Executive summary..................................................................................................................................4
Problem Definition...................................................................................................................................8
Social media in Denmark......................................................................................................................9
Instagram....................................................................................................................................... 10
Twitter ........................................................................................................................................... 10
LinkedIn ..........................................................................................................................................11
Google+ ..........................................................................................................................................11
Sub – conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 12
Previous year's promotion.................................................................................................................. 12
Sub – conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 12
Targeted audience ..............................................................................................................................13
Sub – conclusion .................................................................................................................................13
Online performance `15...................................................................................................................... 14
Instagram....................................................................................................................................... 14
Twitter ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Google+ ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Google Analytics .............................................................................................................................17
LinkedIn ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Facebook........................................................................................................................................ 18
Sub – conclusion ................................................................................................................................20
Questionnaire analysis.......................................................................................................................20
Research conclusion........................................................................................................................... 22
Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 23
Personas ............................................................................................................................................ 23
Sub – conclusion ................................................................................................................................26
Objectives (KPI) ................................................................................................................................. 27
Sub - conclusion................................................................................................................................. 30
Case studies ....................................................................................................................................... 30
Sub – conclusion .................................................................................................................................33
Transmedia storytelling ......................................................................................................................33
Sub – conclusion .................................................................................................................................33
Analysis conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 34
The Concept .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Social media guidelines...................................................................................................................... 35
Facebook........................................................................................................................................ 36
Twitter ............................................................................................................................................37
LinkedIn ..........................................................................................................................................37
Google+ ......................................................................................................................................... 38
YouTube......................................................................................................................................... 38
Sub-conclusion................................................................................................................................... 38
Double-tap Campaign........................................................................................................................ 38
Sub-conclusion................................................................................................................................... 43
Guess the Company campaign........................................................................................................... 43
Sub – conclusion ................................................................................................................................46
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 47
Bibliography ..........................................................................................................................................48
Internet sources .................................................................................................................................48
Books and articles .............................................................................................................................. 50
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................... 51
Appendix 1 – Instagram posts............................................................................................................. 51
Appendix 2 – Twitter analytics ........................................................................................................... 53
Appendix 3 – YouTube analytics ....................................................................................................... 54
Appendix 4 – Google analytics ........................................................................................................... 55
Appendix 5 – Facebook analytics........................................................................................................ 56
Appendix 6 – Questionnaire results.................................................................................................... 58
Appendix 7 – Facebook targeting ....................................................................................................... 67
Appendix 8 – Inspirational board........................................................................................................69
Appendix 9 – Speakers announcement .............................................................................................. 70
Executive summary
The problem my concept targets is the low audience on the Factory of Imagination's social
media channels. Improving the performance is going to be done through creating a
strategy, which can be used by the volunteers. The solution focuses on how the various
platforms should be managed, what needs to be tracked in order to reach the SMART goals
and how to increase the brand awareness.
In order to come up and develop the concept, I applied various research methods and
collected data from many sources, in addition to collecting my own data through a
I have collected data on social media trends in Denmark, analyzed how the Factory of
Imagination promoted itself the previous year and what was their target group. Moreover, I
have evaluated the way the organization performed and what was done on different social
media channels; and inspected the insights from the questionnaire on social media in order
to validate my other research, in addition to getting further understanding of the subject.
The results from this research indicated several highly relevant conclusions for my concept:
- Facebook and Instagram are the most popular social media platforms in Denmark
among the targeted audience.
- The targeted audience is broad, therefore there is an extensive spectrum of
possibilities for the Factory of Imagination to gain new followers.
- Insights on the targeted audience's demographics and behavior.
In pursuance of analysing the Factory of Imagination's target audience, I have created
personas, which my concept would target based on the demographics and behavioral
research. The personas were presenting people, who have particular interests, study in
Denmark and have certain goals. They are interested in technology, design, marketing and
innovation; and study in one of the educational institutions in Odense. They are always
looking for inspiration and do something they enjoy. The concept targets both genders, but
the primary age focus is between 18 and 24, and the secondary focus is between 25 and 34 -
mainly students and graduates.
To ensure that the Factory of Imagination's marketing team is going towards the SMART
goals, the KPI graph has been created for both Facebook and Instagram. By tracking social
media performance every week, we will be able to see, whether the developed strategies
work or not; what particularly needs to be improved and how far from the goal the Factory
of Imagination is.
Based on personas and with the support of Facebook Analytics tool, the case studies were
conducted. They were based on the targeted audience's interests, due to the ability of
checking other liked pages of the Facebook users. By doing so, I was able to find certain
patterns and get new insights and inspiration for the concept development.
I have discussed the first draft of the story behind the FOI with the volunteers and the
founders in the interest of incorporating the storyline of the upcoming event into the
concept through creation of a special social media conversation style and graphics.
Based on the findings, I have developed the social media guidelines for the Factory of
Imagination's volunteers in order to keep the spoken and visual style consistent throughout
all the platforms. Moreover, it provides information on the type of content which should be
In addition to that, two campaigns were created - one for Instagram and one for Facebok.
These campaigns will support increasing the Factory of Imagination's brand awareness on
social media channels, as well as to increasing the audience on the various platforms by
100% in 4 months.
Factory of Imagination1 is a unique event, founded by two inspiring persons, Adam
Montandon and Steffie Limere, and it is sponsored by EAL2. As the name itself suggests, it
is an event, where people are encouraged to get inspired and create ideas; where the
audience gets insights from various speakers through their presentations and
masterclasses. The concept is based on the idea of developing a creative way of thinking, as
opposed to developing physical things.
Factory of Imagination by itself is maintained mostly with the help of its volunteers. Each
year, the heads of the organization are selecting people to work within different teams. In
preparation for the last year's event, I had been lucky enough to be selected to be a part of
the online/offline marketing team, where I have mainly been working within design. This
possibility inspired me to focus my report on improving the FOI's online performance, as I
have acquired a deep understanding of how the organisation works and which areas of
operation can be improved.
During my internship, I had a great opportunity to work for a creative agency, where I have
improved my skills and knowledge in many subjects, among which was social media
content generation and management. Therefore I have gained insights, which have helped
me develop the concept for improving the performance of the Factory of Imagination
within this particular area.
The co-founder of the Factory of Imagination, Adam Montandon, has asked me to do a
social media "clean-up" with a general goal to increase the number of social media
followers by 100%.
In order for the concept to be well thought out and designed, I have chosen to define the
goal through the SMART criteria3 which has greatly helped me to achieve it. The SMART
goal is defined as specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound.
- Specific - The Factory of Imagination will increase Facebook and Instagram
followers number by 100% within four months.
- Measurable - The goal is measurable, since after the appointed time it will be
possible to compare the numbers through the social media analytics
- Achievable - Factory of Imagination will launch social media campaign through
which it is going to achieve the set goal.
- Realistic - The goal is realistic, as this time the event is going to be bigger and it has
the advantage of already having a certain buzz (it is not a brand new concept).
- Time-bound - The goal is set to be achieved within four months from starting the
SMART goal:
The Factory of Imagination will increase social media follower number by 100% in 4
months, by launching social media campaigns and measure the progress by tracking social
media insights. This will allow the organisation to bring more people to the event and
create a buzz.
Problem Definition
In order to strengthen the brand awareness and expand itself, the Factory of Imagination
has to improve its social media channels performance through a concept solution. This
report aims to answer the following:
- Which audience the Factory of Imagination aims to reach?
- How to stay consistent in terms of the communication style on all of the social
media platforms?
- How to reach the Factory of Imagination's social media goals?
- What kind of strategies need to be developed in order to strengthen brand
awareness on different platforms?
This problem definition was formulated on the basis, that I was given a task by the Factory
of Imagination to develop a solution for them, which could increase the number of
followers on different social media channels by 100%. As such, this problem definition is a
planning problem4 as I have been set some predetermined goals and are tasked with
finding a solution on how to reach this goal.
Bitsch Olsen (2005): p. 28-29
In order to get a good understanding of the FOI's overall situation, I have conducted
research within social media situation in Denmark, the online performance of the Factory of
Imagination in 2015 and defined the audience the organization wants to reach. I used
quantitative and qualitative research methods for the sake of getting as much information
as I can about the establishment, its social media and the targeted audience. The
paragraphs below explain this process.
Social media in Denmark
Nowadays more and more businesses use or start using social media to improve their brand
awareness, drive website traffic and engage with their followers5. As the numbers of social
media users are growing each year worldwide6 Denmark as a country is not an exception
here7. Businesses have exactly what they need - space where they can promote themselves
or the product and the possibility to constantly grow the network. Each channel gives the
opportunity to reach different audiences in a variety of ways. For businesses it is important
to know where their audience is and in what ways companies can communicate with them.
In Denmark Facebook has around 3 - 3.5 million users8.
The majority of the Danes on Facebook is between 25 - 34 years old, both male and female.
In all age groups, there are more women, but only about 2%. The highest level of education
reached based on self-reported data from people on Facebook is the university level. The
industries, which people are likely to work in based on self-reported data on Facebook are
arts, entertainment, sports and media (17%), management (21%), and administrative
Facebook users in Denmark have liked (followed) around 21 pages each. Within 30 days, the
Danish users write around 8 comments, like 16 posts and share 2. The number of clicked
adverts by the Danish users is around 10. Most of the audience uses both mobile and
desktop devices (63%) to access Facebook. 24% of the audience uses only mobile and 12%
only desktop. Most commonly used specific devices to use Facebook are a computer (33%)
and an Iphone/Ipod (24%).
All the gathered information is provided by Facebook Audience Insights9.
The things people like about Facebook is to see photos and videos from friends, share life
updates and get comments and likes on their own posts. On the other hand, people do not
like when their friends or businesses share too much10.
Instagram has around 1.3 million users11. 58% of them are women. The biggest age group
using Instagram is 18 - 24 years old (32%).
Over 2013, the number of Instagram active monthly users in Denmark has increased by 55%
and it is still growing12. Businesses nowadays are entering the Instagram platform in
Denmark to increase their brand awareness and communicate with their audience visually.
By creating various of campaigns, companies like “Roskilde Festival” and “Visit
Copenhagen” have experienced a major increase in the number of their audiences13.
In Denmark there is 270.000 Twitter users14, but at least half of them are inactive15. Based
on my internship company’s (Bach & McKenzie) research in 2014, 59% of users are female.
The biggest audience consists of the age group of 13 - 24 year olds16.
Twitter by itself is more used for live updates; thoughts or information is limited to a
maximum of 140 characters.
Snapchat has around 890.000 Danish users. It is mostly popular among young Danes - half
of all 12-19 year olds and a quarter of all 20 - 29 year olds17.
Snapchat is a mobile based social media platform, which lets you capture videos and
photos and share them between friends you have added to your friends list or share it as a
story. After a few seconds the content disappears forever, unless you make a screenshot.
Advertisers now are taking over Snapchat as a powerful tool to engage with their followers
and tell stories. Some of the brands already took this platform seriously by creating
campaigns and the results speak for themselves18.
LinkedIn in Denmark has around 510.000 users and 2 million visits per month19.
It is a business-orientated social network, which is used not only for personal profiles, but
also for businesses. For both, it is a great platform to expand your professional network. For
personal use it is used as a digital CV with recommendations, skills and other relevant
information. For businesses it is a great tool to tell honest, professional story of your
company and find new employees20.
There is no detailed information on how many users in Denmark have a Google Plus
account. But the fact is, many people have accounts on this social media platform just
because they are using one or another google product, which creates a Google Plus account
automatically. However, it does not mean that those users are posting or visiting Google
Plus21. On the other hand, using a Google Plus account influences the SEO positively, which
leads to more views, web traffic or conversations22.
Sub – conclusion
Presented data shows, that the most popular social media channels in Denmark are
Facebook and Instagram. In addition, if we are taking into consideration the younger
audience, also Snapchat. LinkedIn is popular as well, but in a more professional
environment. Twitter and Google Plus on the other hand are not as popular among Danes,
but both have got their own advantages.
Previous year's promotion
The first Factory of Imagination event was promoted in two ways: online and offline.
For the online promotion, a several different social media channels were created, in
addition to the official website. All the reach, which was gained on social media channels
was organic and the statistics can be viewed at any time.
For the offline promotion, flyers and posters were created. The posters were hung in
different colleges/universities across Odense and Copenhagen, whereas the flyers were
given out to students during several promotion days.
As the event was a brand new and an unknown concept to the public, it was difficult to
promote the event as a brand. For that reason, the main message, which was supposed to
attract attention was presenting the companies, for which the speakers worked, as
opposed to the speakers themselves. The main push was for Google and NASA.
Sub – conclusion
It is more important to focus on the online marketing then offline. The online marketing
can be specifically targeted and tracked, strategies can be immediately changed, based on
the market. The offline marketing often requires print costs and it requires more staff when
using offline tools to market than the online one23.
Targeted audience
As it is stated on the official Factory of Imagination page24, the event is targeting students.
Last year, the event featured around 400 tickets both for students and businesses. The
main focus were students or graduates from different EAL departments. The information
was gathered from one of the volunteers, Adina Rizga. This year, the Factory of
Imagination plan (which has been announced during the informational meeting) is to
gather 800 students and businesses in total. It means, that when the amount of tickets
increases, the audience should increase as well. This time around FOI is not going to be
focusing only on the EAL students - the tickets are going to be available for anyone.
Based on the information from the official EAL website, there are around 3300 students,
both in Vejle and Odense, currently studying at the Academy25. At SDU, there are around
12 000 students26. Of course, if we would count other universities (also outside of Odense),
the total number of students would increase even more.
Sub – conclusion
All in all, it is just a small part who is following Factory of Imagination. So there is a lot of
possibilities to advertise the event, increase the social media performance and attract new
possible attendees to the FOI.
Online performance `15
All social media platforms have been running since February 2015. It is important to
monitor on a regular basis, how different social media channels progress, in order to find
out what works and what doesn't. The Factory of Imagination has 6 different channels:
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+ and Youtube. Some of these social
platforms provide analytics and some of them don't. In the latter case, the information
needs to be observed, based on the likes, comments or other provided information.
The social media platforms give insights on the current situation, but so does the website.
In order to look into the website data, Google Analytics has been used.
(Retrieved 11/11/2015)
As of November 2015, the Factory of Imagination account has 125 posts, 183 followers and
by itself is following 30 profiles. The posts consist of backstage photos, volunteers, event
venue, how it was built, as well as interesting posts/re-posts about the companies, for
which the speakers were working for. Furthermore, some of the content is video-based.
The activity peak of interaction with the public was from the event day. Some of the most
liked photos can be seen in Appendix 1.
The average likes per photo are 15-20, however the number of comments is low. That
means the two-way conversation is not working for the Factory of Imagination and the
approach needs to be reconsidered.
All the posts come together with a short message or a story and they are followed by these
most used hashtags: #ealdk (835 mentions), #denmark (4.013.928 mentions), #odense
(228.274 mentions), #factoryofimagination (217 mentions), #dartocreate (821 mentions),
#google (1.891.821), #robotics (107.848 mentions), #nasa (802.365 mentions), #aerovelo
(123 mentions). The hashtags help to spread the message across different social media
channels and target the specific audience with keywords – hashtags27. All statistics of the
hashtag mentions were taken from Iconosquare28, because Instagram is not providing its
own analytics tool. Iconosquare is free and provides a basic analytic tool. Additional
hashtags were used depending on the photo content.
Most of the photos were tagged by a location where it was taken. However, the photos
with speakers, volunteers or other persons weren’t checked-in for location in the Instagram
The posting was done usually 5 days per week (in a period from 02/2015 util 07/2015), once
a day between 13.00 and 17.00.
In order to improve its Instagram performance, the Factory of Imagination needs to create
more compelling content29 and start tagging people on photos to increase conversation
and engagement. Moreover, in order to reach the audience in full, the Factory of
Imagination needs to find out the best posting time.
(Retrieved 11/11/2015)
The Factory of Imagination Twitter account has 285 tweets, from which there are 75 likes in
total, 101 followers and 115 being followed.
Most of the tweets are from Instagram, YouTube and retweets from other users who were
excited and inspired by the event. In addition, there are tweets that include important
information about the speakers, tickets and event date. Most of the tweeting was done live
on-site during the event.
Based on the Twitter analytics30, in February, the Factory of Imagination reached 41 new
followers. It was the only month with such a high number of new followers. Most of these
new users were volunteers and their friends, as the account launched in February31.
The most successful month was May, when the Factory of Imagination event happened.
That month had the highest number of tweets (131), from which it got 12,4k tweet
impressions32, which means it was reached the widest audience. That month, the Factory of
Imagination's profile also got 1160 visits, 72 mentions and 27 new followers33.
Twitter analytics also gives insights on the audience following the Factory of Imagination.
Their top interests are shown in the Appendix 2 –Twitter analytics, interests.
After the event, there have been only a few posts and they haven’t led to any major
changes on the Twitter account.
In order to improve the Twitter performance, Factory of Imagination needs to increase
mentions, by encouraging speakers and audience to talk about the event. Even though
used hashtags help to spread the word among the targeted audience, increased mentions
would help reach even further in a word-of-mouth advertisement34.
There is no detailed information on how many users in Denmark have a Google Plus
account. But the fact is, many people have accounts on this social media platform just
because they are using one or another google product, which creates a Google Plus account
automatically. However, it does not mean that those users are posting or visiting Google
On other hand, in order to increase Google Search results, the posted content should be
mainly focused on the Factory of Imagination as a brand, their mission, vision and values.
See appendix 2 – Twitter analytics, February statistics
See appendix 2 – Twitter analytics, May statistics
These posts will increase Google search results about Factory of Imagination and appear
more often.
The Factory of Imagination YouTube channel has 19 subscribers, 5 videos and 2115 views in
total (the numbers were gathered on 11-11-2015). The videos contain information about the
event, an invitation to the event and speakers announcements. The most liked and
watched video is the teaser36.
Unfortunately, it does not feature a YouTube channel trailer and links to other social media
channels at the top of the cover image.
According to the YouTube Analytics, the top geographic locations by watch time in 2015
are Denmark (77%), USA (2.4%), Slovakia (2.1). Gender by views: male (52%), female (48%).
Most of the traffic comes from external link (37%), unknown - embedded player (31%) and
67% watched videos using a computer. The videos have 33 likes, one dislike and 13 shares in
total. Most of the traffic lands from Facebook and top three devices are desktop, phone and
To improve its YouTube account, Factory of Imagination needs to optimize its profile in
full38 based on the brand style. Moreover, in order to increase the number of followers and
views, more videos should be uploaded.
Google Analytics
The Factory of Imagination website data is as important as the other online channels'
performance. Based on the Google Analytics, it can be stated, that primary target group,
which is visiting the website are people between 25 and 34 years old, followed by category
of 18-24 year olds. The majority of the users is female (57.7%) and the remaining 42.3% is
See appendix 3 – YouTube analytics
See appendix 4 – Google analytics, demographics
The statistics represents interests of the visitors of the Factory of Imagination's website,
based on the analytics40.
LinkedIn account has 84 followers (the number were collected on 11-11-2015). Most of the
content consist of graphics with quotes. The rest of the content is about the speakers and
the links to the official Factory of Imagination page. However, now that the official page is
updated and links have changed, the posts with a links are leading nowhere. The posts got
around 6 likes each.
LinkedIn as a social media platform, is more focused on businesses41. In this case, the posts
need to be written in a professional manner and feature more business orientated topics. If
there is a link included in the post, it must be consistent, so that it doesn't change after a
year. For example, instead of posting links from sub-categories, which could disappear after
a year, there must be posted a link with a consistent category.
Factory of Imagination's Facebook page has 864 likes (the number were collected on 11-11-
2015). The content is about event updates, speakers and other related information. All the
posts include at least a link, a photo or a video, together with a small description. The
official hashtags for all the social media channels were as
follow: #factoryofimagination #daretocreate #creativeodense #ealdk.
As of November 2015, the Factory of Imagination's Facebook page is presenting low level of
activity. It does, however, have posts about new volunteer selection and an informational
meeting video. The page does not have “Call to Action” button42, which could lead to the
chosen page. It can be a website, video or signing-up for newsletter. It is one of free ways to
connect audience with different pages to broaden brand experience.
See appendix 4 – Google analytics, interests
Based on Facebook insights, the post reach is only organic, there was no paid advertising.
The biggest post reach was on 19th of May 2015. On that day there were 4 posts, from
which a post with a photo gallery got the biggest reach and most likes until today
(11/16/2015). The same post got 46.8K engagement43 and 114 likes, shares and comments.
Other posts which received increased post reach and engagement, include photos of the
Factory of Imagination team, where the volunteers are tagged in44.
Most of the Factory of Imagination's page followers are online from 18:00 until 22:00, based
on a weekly report. There is no difference between different days of the week - the number
of followers who are online is relatively stable45.
52% of the fans are female and 48% male. Primary age group of female fans is 18-24 years
old (23%), and secondary is 25 - 34 (19%). Primary age group of males is 25 - 34 (21%) and
secondary is 18 - 24 years old (17%).
The top 3 nationalities of the fans of the page are Denmark, UK and Lithuania. The top 3
cities are Odense, Copenhagen and Vilnius. In addition, the language most of the followers
speak are English and Danish46.
The external links, which drove people to the FOI's Facebook page were mostly the Factory
of Imagination's official website, as well as Google and Fronter47. Fronter is an educational
management tool for teachers to communicate with students. There were posted various
ads about the Factory of Imagination, that’s why this external link is one of the top ones.
Based on the analysis of the last year's performance, we can conclude, that the Factory of
Imagination should post more galleries, increase the number of tagged people and location
See appendix 5 – Facebook analytics, post reach
See appendix 5 – Facebook analytics, online behavior
See appendix 5 – Facebook analytics, demographics
Even though there are no tickets available yet, the Factory of Imagination needs to set up a
“Call to Action” function on Facebook. Moreover, the strategy which leads to other social
media channels needs to be developed.
Sub – conclusion
To sum up, this research gave deeper understanding of what was happening on social
media and what kind of people were interested in the Factory of Imagination during 2015.
Due to this research it can be claimed that most used and followed social media channel is
Facebook, then Instagram and Twitter. Other social media channels were used once in a
while or at certain events.
Some of the channels which provided insights, helped to understand what kind of people
are interested in Factory of Imagination, what are their interests, age, demographics. This
research also uncovered the parts, that need to be redeveloped and certain strategies
Questionnaire analysis
In order to come up with a concept for the company, I realized I needed to cross reference
the social media analytics data and get to know the target group a little bit better.
Therefore, in the Appendix 6, you will be able to find the full results of the inquiry. However,
below there will be presented most relevant results of it.
I was only able to get 60 answers, therefore this questionnaire cannot be reliable when
talking about the whole Denmark. Not only the number of answers is small, but also I could
not gather an equal number of each of the segments - age, gender, location. Nonetheless,
it turned out to be very useful in terms of getting to know the target group and their
preferences about social media.
1. Target group
55.9% of respondents are female and 44.1% are male. Most of them (56.7%) are 18 - 24
years old and 38.3% are in age group of 25 - 34. 36 respondents live in Denmark, Odense
city, where they are mostly studying at EAL in the field of Multimedia Design and
Communication or e-Concept Development. 31 of the respondents have interests in
technology, design, marketing and innovation. What’s worth noting is that 27 answers
include at least one of the following interests: sports, traveling and music.
2. Social media usage
Based on the survey, Facebook is the most popular and most used (the median48 number is
5) social media channel among target group. In the second place, by usage, comes
Instagram with median of 5, but less than Facebook. However, people are not using it as
often as Facebook. Third place - Snapchat (median of 4). 50% of the respondents are not
using Snapchat at all or just a little and other half is using it casually. Fourth place goes to
LinkedIn with a median of 3. The least used social media channels are Twitter and Google+
with median less than or equal to 2.
67.8% of respondents use their social media accounts in the evenings, between 17.00 and
21.00 o’clock. That means most of the interaction is be expected in the evening. That
means Factory of Imagination should reconsider posting time in order to reach the
audience in full.
3. Factory of Imagination advertising
61.7% of respondents have heard about Factory of Imagination mostly from friends
(teachers, colleagues) and different social media channels. 38.3% have not heard about
such an event or brand.
To sum up, based on the conducted questionnaire it can be stated, that social media
analytics data on the target group is correct. It also suggests to prioritize social media
channels, from most important to least.
In addition, the word-of-mouth and the social media marketing work well spreading the
brand awareness49 but it is also worth to think how to include the website into different
social media channels.
Research conclusion
By doing this research, I was able to find out that Facebook and Instagram are the most
popular social media platforms in Denmark among the targeted audience. Moreover, the
information, which the social media tools provide based on data triangulation50 are correct
and can be used for further marketing development. It can be concluded, that primary age
group is 18 - 24 years old and secondary 25 - 34 years old. However, it should be kept in
mind, that Factory of Imagination is planning to invite more businesses to the event, which
should impact the target group. The strategies needs to also focus on that.
In the research, there was a mention of Snapchat, which is worth considering to implement
into the online marketing strategy of the Factory of Imagination. However, since the
number of this platform's users is still relatively low, and the majority is significantly
younger than the FOI target group, Snapchat can be for now kept out of the equation.
Though, it might be worth looking into it further in the future as a tool for storytelling. Like
for example the company Huawei did for their campaign51.
Additionally, this research uncovered the basis for what needs to be done in order to
increase brand awareness and create engagement on different social media platforms and
the website. Furthermore, it helped to get a better understanding of what kind of content
and strategy worked and didn’t last year. The research results will be used to analyze data
in the next section and to develop a strategy, which is going to help Factory of Imagination
strengthen their brand on different channels.
Rothbauer, Paulette (2008) "Triangulation." In Given, Lisa (Ed.), "The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative
Research Methods." Sage Publications. pp. 892-894
In order to sort down the research data, an analysis using different methods has been done.
This analysis' results will help to understand the problem better and uncover possible
solutions for the concept and the strategy.
Personas are fictional characters created to represent the different user types within a
targeted demographic, attitude or behavior set that might use a site, brand or product in a
similar way52. Personas are very useful if we want to consider goals, desires and limitations
of users in order to make decisions about the product or service. Below there are presented
three personas of people, who have different demographics, goals, and environment.
Personas were created based on the conducted research (online performance and
questionnaire sections).
First Persona:
Fictional name: Mikkel Knudsen
22 years old
Graduated from Multimedia Design &
Communication at EAL.
Studying e-Concept Development at EAL,
Odense, Denmark.
Has a part - time job at a creative agency as a
He is Danish.
He is interested in sports, traveling, design and startups.
Goals and tasks:
He is active, social and creative. Because of the busy schedule at school and work he is
getting mentally tired, which has a result on his productivity.
- Constantly looking for a new ways to get motivated and creative.
- Looks for inspiration on the internet.
- Learning new stuff every day.
At the Academy and at work he is mainly using a laptop, but during his free time he is
mostly using a smartphone.
He has a few social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Most of the time
he is using Facebook to chat with his friends and look for updates. As he travels
occasionally, he likes to upload his photos to Instagram. Mikkel is using his LinkedIn
account for searching for new job opportunities. Most of the time he is online in the
“It is time to get some fresh air and new ideas!”
Second Persona:
Fictional name: Agneta Lindgren
26 years old
She just moved from Lithuania to Denmark,
Studying masters in Global Marketing and
Innovation Management at SDU.
Has a blog.
She is interested in innovation, advertisement and loves social media.
Goals and tasks:
She likes to participate in discussions, get new perspectives on her ideas. She is struggling
to find like-minded people in the city.
- Writes a weekly blog about social media, idea generation and reviews about
- Follows influential people on social media.
- Keeps herself as busy as she can.
Agneta always has a laptop or smartphone next to her.
She has social media accounts, like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. She is always
connected to social media and keeps herself updated as often as she can. During big events
she is interested in, she's also using Twitter to participate in discussions with people from all
around the world. Most of the time, however, she uses Facebook and Instagram. Agneta is
using her LinkedIn account to announce a new blog post for people interested in the same
“I have so many ideas, I just don’t know where to find like-minded people.”
Third Persona:
Fictional name: Bradley Andrews
20 years old
Studying Multimedia design & Communication
at EAL, Denmark, Odense.
He is from Great Britain.
He is interested in technologies, innovation, and science.
Goals and tasks:
He likes to follow news about what happens in the field of his interests. He likes to attend
various “geeky” events, but because he is unemployed, he usually can’t afford it.
- Likes to experiment.
- Looking for a casual freelance job to earn extra money.
- He is always researching.
Most of the time Bradley is using a laptop.
He has Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. He is spending time on social media in the
morning and in the evening. On Facebook he is reading all the news from the industry and
on LinkedIn he is reading the news from companies he is interested in.
Quote: “I am definitely going to check out on the event!”
Sub – conclusion
These personas are helpful to target the right audience with the right content on Facebook.
With Facebook audience analytics tool53, it is now possible to look, what kind of
pages/companies chosen audience likes. Based on these pages it can be seen what kind of
posts get the most engagement and these guidelines/examples can help the Factory of
Imagination perform even better. By following what kind of companies targeted audience
likes on Facebook, it can also be worth to look at other social media channels the same
companies have.
Objectives (KPI)
A performance indicator or Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a type of performance
measurement54. KPIs helps to evaluate the success progress toward strategic goals. In this
case, the KPI will be used to ensure, that the Factory of Imagination's social media team will
be going the right direction, to achieve the goal. The KPI graph and explanation can be seen
Carol Taylor Fitz-Gibbon (1990), "Performance indicators", BERA Dialogues (2), ISBN 978-1-85359-092-4
The main goal, set by the co-founder of the Factory of Imagination, Adam Montandon, was
to to increase social media number of followers by 100%. The goal should be met over the
given period. In this case, as I know, that the whole marketing team will be grouped in the
middle of January and event is going to be at the end of April, the goal must be met in
almost 4 months (from 15/01 till 28/04). In order to achieve this goal, Factory of Imagination
needs to create brand awareness in social media for targeted audience as the increased
brand awareness has direct impact on the reach.
As the data triangulation showed, two most popular social media channels among primary
(18-24 years old) and secondary (25-34 years old) target group is Facebook and Instagram.
That means, that Factory of Imagination should focus on these two social media platforms
in order to create wider and stronger brand awareness for targeted audience. The bottom
line for Facebook is 864 page likes and for Instagram 184 followers. That means, after 4
months of intense focus on these social media platforms, the numbers should be doubled -
Facebook: 1.728 and Instagram: 364.
To create strong brand awareness on Facebook, Factory of Imagination needs to increase
engagement and reach. To do so, based on personas and the help of the Facebook
Audience Insights, there will be guidelines, based on what the target group likes in real life
circumstances. As well as the campaign will be created.
To see how much closer we are to the goal and to check whether the Factory of Imagination
is going the right direction, performance metrics55 have been created according to the
chosen KPI. To measure increased engagement, Factory of Imagination needs to follow
these metrics:
Active followers - followers who actively interact and engage with the Factory of
Likes/shares - indication of whether or not the content is attractive to the audience.
Comments - measure how often the brand engages with the audience in a two-way
To measure increased reach, Factory of Imagination needs to follow these metrics:
Total likes - the number of total growth of page likes.
Demographics - indicates, whether or not the content targets the right audience.
To measure the performance of all these metrics, page insights tool provided by Facebook
should be used.
To create strong brand awareness on Instagram, Factory of Imagination also needs to
increase engagement and reach. To do so, guidelines and campaign will be created. To
measure increased engagement, Factory of Imagination needs to follow these metrics:
Content likes - total and new likes.
Comments - measures how engaging is the content.
To measure increased reach, Factory of Imagination needs to follow this metric:
Followers - The total number of follower growth.
Instagram is not providing analytics tool yet, so the best, free alternative I could find that
shows the the number of these metrics is Iconosquare56.
Sub - conclusion
To sum up, based on the experience from my internship, it is more than possible to meet
this goal with the right plan and the right execution. The goal and created tactics will keep
the Factory of Imagination moderator team focused and motivated. If the created social
media plan for Instagram and Facebook is not going to work, it will be clearly seen after the
first month, based on the KPI graph. That means, the posting plan needs to be reconsidered
and the posted content needs to be changed.
Case studies
Based on personas and with help of Facebook Analytics tool, case studies were conducted.
The case studies were conducted based on target group interests, to find out what exactly
they like on Facebook and how these pages are performing.
Moreover it will give inspiration to create creative posts. Below you can find three case
studies based on three different personas.
Based on first persona, the following information has been added to Facebook Analytics
tool, which can be seen in the appendix 7 – Facebook targeting, first persona.
Top 3 pages targeted audience is interested in is “Humans of New York”, “How I Met Your
Mother ” and “Roskilde Festival”. The last one is event based page, which is the most
similar to Factory of Imagination. Above I will present the main points, which can be
learned and adapted to Factory of Imagination from the top three pages.
“Humans of New York” Facebook page:
- People like real, emotional stories.
- Every single post includes a photo.
“How I Met Your Mother” Facebook page:
- Recaps from the TV show.
- Every single post includes a photo, a video or a link.
- Using shots from the TV show to ask questions or to choose between answer A or B.
These posts has increased share and comment rates.
- Posts to remind about the major events.
“Roskilde Festival” Facebook page:
- Teasers for upcoming summer festival.
- All the posts have at least a photo or video and a link included in the description.
- Organizing “Q&A” sessions.
- Recaps from the last event.
- Tags musicians in the posts, uses hashtags.
- If they have a long video, the short version of it is uploaded to Facebook and full
version is uploaded to Youtube.
- Videos of the behind scene projects (graffiti painting, installation project).
Based on the second persona57, the top three pages are “TED”, “Captain Morgan”,
“TED” Facebook page:
See appendix 7 – Facebook targeting, second persona
- Short versions of videos are uploaded to Facebook and full versions are on the
official web page.
- In order to introduce a video, quotes are used.
- Each post is educating.
“Captain Morgan” Facebook page:
- Video recipes how to make a cocktail.
- Photo galleries.
- Brand style is felt in every post.
“Distortion” Facebook page:
- Uses location tag in posts.
- Most of the posts are videos/recaps from the events.
Based on the third persona58 the top three pages are “For alle os som elsker at få beskeden:
"Jeres lærer er syg, i har fri"”, “I fucking love science” and “Youtube”. However, the first
page is irrelevant, because there is almost no content.
“I fucking love science” Facebook page:
- Industry relevant news, which redirects to the website.
- Video Infographics.
- Educational content.
- Post descriptions are short and to the point.
- DIY posts.
“Youtube” Facebook page:
- Posting inspirational, educational videos.
- Have separate posts, where Youtube announces about other social media channels
people can follow.
See appendix 7 – Facebook targeting, third persona
Sub – conclusion
To sum up, based on what kind of Facebook pages the Factory of Imagination's target
audience likes, the case studies were conducted. Due to the variety of pages, useful
patterns can be found, which can be turned into interesting post ideas.
Based on case studies the inspiration board59 has been created. It can be found in the
appendix 8 – Inspirational board.
Transmedia storytelling
Transmedia storytelling is a technique to tell a single story, experience across multiple,
different platforms in different formats60.
The first draft of the story behind this year's FOI, created by the volunteer team is as
“Factory of Imagination 2016 - The formula of Imagination
This time, we'll be bringing the formula for imagination, and again, across different disciplines
and sciences, not focusing only in one aspect, but pulling together a whole range of expert to
share their stories and inspirations, and the one ingredient they know best to fit in the
formula for imagination.”
The visual style according to the Factory of Imagination is going to be chemistry/test
tubes with odd things and science-related elements presented in a vintage/fantasy way.
Sub – conclusion
A strategy for various platforms and formats can be developed right away, based on the
currently provided by FOI information; though, as soon as the visual style and storyline is
updated, the strategy itself has to be adjusted.
Phillips, Andrea. (2012) Transmedia Storytelling
Analysis conclusion
By analyzing gathered data from the research, I was able to sort the amount of information
down. In order to follow social media results and how Factory of Imagination team is going
to reach the goal Key Performance Indicators were uncovered. Moreover, case studies were
done based on three different personas. The results showed what kind of pages targeted
audience likes and by analysing these pages certain inspiration and patterns were gathered.
All analysis will help to develop a strong concept and strategy.
The Concept
Social media guidelines
Factory of Imagination's marketing team is changing every year. It is important that new
team members know the basis of what was done and what worked in the past. It is also
important to keep the brand voice consistent61, which means the spoken and graphical
style can’t change. The same rules apply to every single platform the brand owns. To do so,
social media guidelines for different channels were created.
As the social media in Denmark research uncovered too many posts per day can be
annoying for the audience, the suggested post number62 per day for different social media
channels is:
- Facebook - 1 - 2 times per day. Close to the event date the number can be increased
to three times per day.
- Instagram - 1 - 2 times per day.
- LinkedIn - 1 time per weekday.
- Twitter - 3 times per day
- YouTube - depending on how many videos there are.
- Google+ - 3 times per day.
Based on the research, most of the users spend time on social media in the evenings
between 17.00 to 21.00 o’clock. The second best time for posting is the morning between
9.00 to 12.00. However, the posting time and the amount of reach need to be followed
every week in order to reach audience in full.
Whenever graphics for social media are being done, it is important to keep the same visual
style in each post. Moreover, the text, which is used in the graphics, needs to be readable
on small screens63, like smartphone or tablet.
The description of the posts needs to be short and to the point. The suggested length of
description text64 for different social media platforms are:
Facebook - 40 characters
Instagram - 25 characters
Twitter - 71 - 100 characters
Hashtags helps to spread the message to the larger audience and to the relevant industry.
This year official Factory of Imagination hashtag is #ideasnotthings. Also, as the main
sponsor is EAL, the posts must include the hashtag #ealdk. Moreover, it is also suggested
to use last year's most used hashtags #denmark, #odense, #factoryofimagination. Other
used hashtags should be based on the posted content.
It very important to follow the event sponsors, speakers and their companies, and
companies which are attending. It will help to create more conversations and build more
professional, industry relevant community.
Different channels target different audience in a variety of ways. It is important to know,
what kind of posts should be used on different social media platforms. Below you can find
what kind of content goes on different channels based on the research and case study.
Facebook is the most important communication channel for the Factory of Imagination. All
the posts must include at least a photo, a video or a link with a thumbnail.
- Photo galleries from the meetings, major team events. The location of the event
and people who participated must be tagged
- Recaps from last year event
- Posts about the event and updates about it
- Factory of Imagination sponsors
- Educational posts
- Real stories
- Inspiration
- Other important information about Factory of Imagination or event
Instagram is a visual platform, thus it should be used to upload short (30 sec) videos or
photos. It is important to tag the location and the people in the posts.
- Backstage photos
- Photos of volunteers
- Event venue and how it was built
- Companies, whose representatives are coming to the event
- Speakers
Twitter is mostly used for live updates during the event. It is important to use visual
material in posts, but also important to mention65 influential people to keep the
conversation going on.
- Live updates during the event
- Speakers
- Inspiring, creative things speakers or their companies are doing
- Instagram reposts
LinkedIn is a business oriented platform. All the content needs to be written in a
professional manner.
- Factory of Imagination important updates
- Event news
- Speakers
- Can be used as a blog
Google+ is not very popular in Denmark, however it influences the Google search in a
positive way. The additional content should not be created for Google+, instead the
content should be shared from the other Factory of Imagination social media channels.
- Information about the Factory of Imagination (location, reasons behind it etc.)
- Speakers
- Re-posts from other publishers about Factory of Imagination
YouTube is a video-based platform. The type of the content, which goes to YouTube
depends on what kind of material the Factory of Imagination has from the previous year
and what is going to be created for the upcoming event.
- Recaps from last year event (Red couch interviews etc.)
- Event teasers
- Speakers introduction
All in all, these guidelines will ensure, that whenever there is a new member in the
marketing team, they can be quickly updated on what and how different Factory of
Imagination's social media channels should be managed.
Double-tap Campaign
Instagram is a wonderful visual social media platform. Different brands create various
campaigns in order to increase their brand awareness or promote a product or a service66.
Instagram works in a very simple way. You have a news feed, where you can see all your
friends’ images/videos and you can comment on them or double tap to like photo/video.
What is interesting, that whenever you double tap, in the middle of the content a heart
Based on storytelling I was able to get from the team managing Factory of Imagination, the
Instagram heart is like a missing part, ingredient users need to add themselves. By
combining missing ingredient (Instagram like icon) idea with vintage/fantasy design style68,
I was able to create few creative graphics. These uploaded graphics on Instagram will
require just people's attention for a second, until they notice the missing ingredient. Next
to the posted graphics, the inspiring text should be included. Here are few examples:
- Light up your ideas!
- Double tap to turn on your imagination!
- Are you able to figure out the secret ingredient of creativity?
How it would look live can be seen over here: Below you can see different Double-tap
Campaign graphics.
By combining storytelling of upcoming Factory of Imagination event and Instagram, the
campaign were created. The campaign is easy to understand and use. The length of the
campaign depends on the engagement gained through the first posts. If people will be
willing to double tap the photo, more content can be created. The campaign should target
creative thinkers, which should increase engagement and reach.
Guess the Company campaign
Facebook is the main platform, where all the important information about Factory of
Imagination event is announced. A type of this kind of information last year was
announcing the speakers. The way they were introduced to the audience was very simple,
with a short description who they were and what they were doing, in addition to a photo of
them69. Based on the upcoming event theme, storytelling and visual style, the campaign for
announcing speakers has been created.
The campaign is aiming to engage people in a two-way conversation. Audience needs to
solve a “chemical” equation in order to figure out the company from which speaker is
coming. “Chemical” equation consist of different emojis70 in a style of chemical equation71.
The post should be left for a week in order to give some time for the audience to think and
engage. After a week the speaker should be announced. To embrace followers to be even
more engaged, the prize could be set up. The possible prize could be a ticket to the Factory
of Imagination event. In case there are more people who answered correct, a random user
will be chosen with a help of Random.org72 webpage.
As there are no speakers confirmed yet, based on the last year companies, only an example
of such a post has been created. The company behind the emojis is NASA.
See appendix 9 – speakers announcement
IUPAC. Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed. ISBN 0-9678550-9-8
Sub – conclusion
This campaign should add boost to the engagement and reach. It will make people think
and communicate with each other. Moreover, the users who participated, will stay
connected to the brand and will wait for the update, in order to find out who that
mysterious speaker was and whether they won.
The conducted research led to a conclusion, that the main audience Factory of Imagination
aims to reach is students and graduates between 18-34 years old with main interests in
technology, design, marketing and innovation. In order to communicate with them and
stay consistent in terms of the communication style on all the social media platforms the
guidelines were created. Moreover, in order to strengthen brand awareness on social media
the campaigns were created. The developed campaigns should increase engagement and
reach on both social media platforms, Instagram and Facebook. The campaigns not only
will strengthen the brand awareness, but also will increase the audience. However, to reach
the SMART goal, Factory of Imagination marketing team should follow weekly results from
Facebook and Instagram in order to measure the impact using the KPI graph.
It is worth noting, that social media continuously change over the time, so the strategies
should be updated as they go along.
Internet sources
Books and articles
1. Bitsch Olsen (2005): p. 28-29
2. Rothbauer, Paulette (2008) "Triangulation." In Given, Lisa (Ed.), "The SAGE Encyclopedia
of Qualitative esearch Methods." Sage Publications. pp. 892-894
3. Carol Taylor Fitz-Gibbon (1990), "Performance indicators", BERA Dialogues (2), ISBN
4. Phillips, Andrea. (2012) Transmedia Storytelling
5. IUPAC. Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed. ISBN 0-9678550-9-8
Appendix 1 – Instagram posts
Appendix 2 – Twitter analytics
February statistics
May statistics
Appendix 3 – YouTube analytics
Appendix 4 – Google analytics
Appendix 5 – Facebook analytics
Post reach
Online behavior
Appendix 6 – Questionnaire results
Appendix 7 – Facebook targeting
First persona
Second persona
Third persona
Appendix 8 – Inspirational board
Appendix 9 – Speakers announcement

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mICF Barcelona proceedings (update 15 December 2014)
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Mindaugas Mazrimas final thesis

  • 1. 1 FINAL THESIS Lillebaelt Academy of Professional Higher Education Class: ECO1411-ECInt (3 sem EC) Mindaugas Mazrimas E - Concept Development Keystrokes: 57,930 Date of delivery: 14/12/2015 CPR: 120993-3353
  • 2. 2 Table of Contents Executive summary..................................................................................................................................4 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................6 Problem Definition...................................................................................................................................8 Research..................................................................................................................................................9 Social media in Denmark......................................................................................................................9 Facebook..........................................................................................................................................9 Instagram....................................................................................................................................... 10 Twitter ........................................................................................................................................... 10 Snapchat.........................................................................................................................................11 LinkedIn ..........................................................................................................................................11 Google+ ..........................................................................................................................................11 Sub – conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 12 Previous year's promotion.................................................................................................................. 12 Sub – conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 12 Targeted audience ..............................................................................................................................13 Sub – conclusion .................................................................................................................................13 Online performance `15...................................................................................................................... 14 Instagram....................................................................................................................................... 14 Twitter ........................................................................................................................................... 15 Google+ ......................................................................................................................................... 16 YouTube..........................................................................................................................................17 Google Analytics .............................................................................................................................17 LinkedIn ......................................................................................................................................... 18 Facebook........................................................................................................................................ 18 Sub – conclusion ................................................................................................................................20 Questionnaire analysis.......................................................................................................................20 Research conclusion........................................................................................................................... 22 Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 23 Personas ............................................................................................................................................ 23 Sub – conclusion ................................................................................................................................26 Objectives (KPI) ................................................................................................................................. 27 Sub - conclusion................................................................................................................................. 30
  • 3. 3 Case studies ....................................................................................................................................... 30 Sub – conclusion .................................................................................................................................33 Transmedia storytelling ......................................................................................................................33 Sub – conclusion .................................................................................................................................33 Analysis conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 34 The Concept .......................................................................................................................................... 35 Social media guidelines...................................................................................................................... 35 Facebook........................................................................................................................................ 36 Instagram........................................................................................................................................37 Twitter ............................................................................................................................................37 LinkedIn ..........................................................................................................................................37 Google+ ......................................................................................................................................... 38 YouTube......................................................................................................................................... 38 Sub-conclusion................................................................................................................................... 38 Double-tap Campaign........................................................................................................................ 38 Sub-conclusion................................................................................................................................... 43 Guess the Company campaign........................................................................................................... 43 Sub – conclusion ................................................................................................................................46 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 47 Bibliography ..........................................................................................................................................48 Internet sources .................................................................................................................................48 Books and articles .............................................................................................................................. 50 Appendix ............................................................................................................................................... 51 Appendix 1 – Instagram posts............................................................................................................. 51 Appendix 2 – Twitter analytics ........................................................................................................... 53 Appendix 3 – YouTube analytics ....................................................................................................... 54 Appendix 4 – Google analytics ........................................................................................................... 55 Appendix 5 – Facebook analytics........................................................................................................ 56 Appendix 6 – Questionnaire results.................................................................................................... 58 Appendix 7 – Facebook targeting ....................................................................................................... 67 Appendix 8 – Inspirational board........................................................................................................69 Appendix 9 – Speakers announcement .............................................................................................. 70
  • 4. 4 Executive summary The problem my concept targets is the low audience on the Factory of Imagination's social media channels. Improving the performance is going to be done through creating a strategy, which can be used by the volunteers. The solution focuses on how the various platforms should be managed, what needs to be tracked in order to reach the SMART goals and how to increase the brand awareness. In order to come up and develop the concept, I applied various research methods and collected data from many sources, in addition to collecting my own data through a questionnaire. I have collected data on social media trends in Denmark, analyzed how the Factory of Imagination promoted itself the previous year and what was their target group. Moreover, I have evaluated the way the organization performed and what was done on different social media channels; and inspected the insights from the questionnaire on social media in order to validate my other research, in addition to getting further understanding of the subject. The results from this research indicated several highly relevant conclusions for my concept: - Facebook and Instagram are the most popular social media platforms in Denmark among the targeted audience. - The targeted audience is broad, therefore there is an extensive spectrum of possibilities for the Factory of Imagination to gain new followers. - Insights on the targeted audience's demographics and behavior. In pursuance of analysing the Factory of Imagination's target audience, I have created personas, which my concept would target based on the demographics and behavioral research. The personas were presenting people, who have particular interests, study in Denmark and have certain goals. They are interested in technology, design, marketing and innovation; and study in one of the educational institutions in Odense. They are always looking for inspiration and do something they enjoy. The concept targets both genders, but the primary age focus is between 18 and 24, and the secondary focus is between 25 and 34 - mainly students and graduates. To ensure that the Factory of Imagination's marketing team is going towards the SMART goals, the KPI graph has been created for both Facebook and Instagram. By tracking social
  • 5. 5 media performance every week, we will be able to see, whether the developed strategies work or not; what particularly needs to be improved and how far from the goal the Factory of Imagination is. Based on personas and with the support of Facebook Analytics tool, the case studies were conducted. They were based on the targeted audience's interests, due to the ability of checking other liked pages of the Facebook users. By doing so, I was able to find certain patterns and get new insights and inspiration for the concept development. I have discussed the first draft of the story behind the FOI with the volunteers and the founders in the interest of incorporating the storyline of the upcoming event into the concept through creation of a special social media conversation style and graphics. Based on the findings, I have developed the social media guidelines for the Factory of Imagination's volunteers in order to keep the spoken and visual style consistent throughout all the platforms. Moreover, it provides information on the type of content which should be used. In addition to that, two campaigns were created - one for Instagram and one for Facebok. These campaigns will support increasing the Factory of Imagination's brand awareness on social media channels, as well as to increasing the audience on the various platforms by 100% in 4 months.
  • 6. 6 Introduction Factory of Imagination1 is a unique event, founded by two inspiring persons, Adam Montandon and Steffie Limere, and it is sponsored by EAL2. As the name itself suggests, it is an event, where people are encouraged to get inspired and create ideas; where the audience gets insights from various speakers through their presentations and masterclasses. The concept is based on the idea of developing a creative way of thinking, as opposed to developing physical things. Factory of Imagination by itself is maintained mostly with the help of its volunteers. Each year, the heads of the organization are selecting people to work within different teams. In preparation for the last year's event, I had been lucky enough to be selected to be a part of the online/offline marketing team, where I have mainly been working within design. This possibility inspired me to focus my report on improving the FOI's online performance, as I have acquired a deep understanding of how the organisation works and which areas of operation can be improved. During my internship, I had a great opportunity to work for a creative agency, where I have improved my skills and knowledge in many subjects, among which was social media content generation and management. Therefore I have gained insights, which have helped me develop the concept for improving the performance of the Factory of Imagination within this particular area. The co-founder of the Factory of Imagination, Adam Montandon, has asked me to do a social media "clean-up" with a general goal to increase the number of social media followers by 100%. In order for the concept to be well thought out and designed, I have chosen to define the goal through the SMART criteria3 which has greatly helped me to achieve it. The SMART goal is defined as specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. - Specific - The Factory of Imagination will increase Facebook and Instagram followers number by 100% within four months. 1 2 3
  • 7. 7 - Measurable - The goal is measurable, since after the appointed time it will be possible to compare the numbers through the social media analytics - Achievable - Factory of Imagination will launch social media campaign through which it is going to achieve the set goal. - Realistic - The goal is realistic, as this time the event is going to be bigger and it has the advantage of already having a certain buzz (it is not a brand new concept). - Time-bound - The goal is set to be achieved within four months from starting the campaign. SMART goal: The Factory of Imagination will increase social media follower number by 100% in 4 months, by launching social media campaigns and measure the progress by tracking social media insights. This will allow the organisation to bring more people to the event and create a buzz.
  • 8. 8 Problem Definition In order to strengthen the brand awareness and expand itself, the Factory of Imagination has to improve its social media channels performance through a concept solution. This report aims to answer the following: - Which audience the Factory of Imagination aims to reach? - How to stay consistent in terms of the communication style on all of the social media platforms? - How to reach the Factory of Imagination's social media goals? - What kind of strategies need to be developed in order to strengthen brand awareness on different platforms? This problem definition was formulated on the basis, that I was given a task by the Factory of Imagination to develop a solution for them, which could increase the number of followers on different social media channels by 100%. As such, this problem definition is a planning problem4 as I have been set some predetermined goals and are tasked with finding a solution on how to reach this goal. 4 Bitsch Olsen (2005): p. 28-29
  • 9. 9 Research In order to get a good understanding of the FOI's overall situation, I have conducted research within social media situation in Denmark, the online performance of the Factory of Imagination in 2015 and defined the audience the organization wants to reach. I used quantitative and qualitative research methods for the sake of getting as much information as I can about the establishment, its social media and the targeted audience. The paragraphs below explain this process. Social media in Denmark Nowadays more and more businesses use or start using social media to improve their brand awareness, drive website traffic and engage with their followers5. As the numbers of social media users are growing each year worldwide6 Denmark as a country is not an exception here7. Businesses have exactly what they need - space where they can promote themselves or the product and the possibility to constantly grow the network. Each channel gives the opportunity to reach different audiences in a variety of ways. For businesses it is important to know where their audience is and in what ways companies can communicate with them. Facebook In Denmark Facebook has around 3 - 3.5 million users8. The majority of the Danes on Facebook is between 25 - 34 years old, both male and female. In all age groups, there are more women, but only about 2%. The highest level of education reached based on self-reported data from people on Facebook is the university level. The industries, which people are likely to work in based on self-reported data on Facebook are arts, entertainment, sports and media (17%), management (21%), and administrative (23%). Facebook users in Denmark have liked (followed) around 21 pages each. Within 30 days, the Danish users write around 8 comments, like 16 posts and share 2. The number of clicked 5 6 7 8
  • 10. 10 adverts by the Danish users is around 10. Most of the audience uses both mobile and desktop devices (63%) to access Facebook. 24% of the audience uses only mobile and 12% only desktop. Most commonly used specific devices to use Facebook are a computer (33%) and an Iphone/Ipod (24%). All the gathered information is provided by Facebook Audience Insights9. The things people like about Facebook is to see photos and videos from friends, share life updates and get comments and likes on their own posts. On the other hand, people do not like when their friends or businesses share too much10. Instagram Instagram has around 1.3 million users11. 58% of them are women. The biggest age group using Instagram is 18 - 24 years old (32%). Over 2013, the number of Instagram active monthly users in Denmark has increased by 55% and it is still growing12. Businesses nowadays are entering the Instagram platform in Denmark to increase their brand awareness and communicate with their audience visually. By creating various of campaigns, companies like “Roskilde Festival” and “Visit Copenhagen” have experienced a major increase in the number of their audiences13. Twitter In Denmark there is 270.000 Twitter users14, but at least half of them are inactive15. Based on my internship company’s (Bach & McKenzie) research in 2014, 59% of users are female. The biggest audience consists of the age group of 13 - 24 year olds16. Twitter by itself is more used for live updates; thoughts or information is limited to a maximum of 140 characters. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  • 11. 11 Snapchat Snapchat has around 890.000 Danish users. It is mostly popular among young Danes - half of all 12-19 year olds and a quarter of all 20 - 29 year olds17. Snapchat is a mobile based social media platform, which lets you capture videos and photos and share them between friends you have added to your friends list or share it as a story. After a few seconds the content disappears forever, unless you make a screenshot. Advertisers now are taking over Snapchat as a powerful tool to engage with their followers and tell stories. Some of the brands already took this platform seriously by creating campaigns and the results speak for themselves18. LinkedIn LinkedIn in Denmark has around 510.000 users and 2 million visits per month19. It is a business-orientated social network, which is used not only for personal profiles, but also for businesses. For both, it is a great platform to expand your professional network. For personal use it is used as a digital CV with recommendations, skills and other relevant information. For businesses it is a great tool to tell honest, professional story of your company and find new employees20. Google+ There is no detailed information on how many users in Denmark have a Google Plus account. But the fact is, many people have accounts on this social media platform just because they are using one or another google product, which creates a Google Plus account automatically. However, it does not mean that those users are posting or visiting Google Plus21. On the other hand, using a Google Plus account influences the SEO positively, which leads to more views, web traffic or conversations22. 17 18 19 20 21 01238782#WT7jlC1RC83bRTao.97 22
  • 12. 12 Sub – conclusion Presented data shows, that the most popular social media channels in Denmark are Facebook and Instagram. In addition, if we are taking into consideration the younger audience, also Snapchat. LinkedIn is popular as well, but in a more professional environment. Twitter and Google Plus on the other hand are not as popular among Danes, but both have got their own advantages. Previous year's promotion The first Factory of Imagination event was promoted in two ways: online and offline. For the online promotion, a several different social media channels were created, in addition to the official website. All the reach, which was gained on social media channels was organic and the statistics can be viewed at any time. For the offline promotion, flyers and posters were created. The posters were hung in different colleges/universities across Odense and Copenhagen, whereas the flyers were given out to students during several promotion days. As the event was a brand new and an unknown concept to the public, it was difficult to promote the event as a brand. For that reason, the main message, which was supposed to attract attention was presenting the companies, for which the speakers worked, as opposed to the speakers themselves. The main push was for Google and NASA. Sub – conclusion It is more important to focus on the online marketing then offline. The online marketing can be specifically targeted and tracked, strategies can be immediately changed, based on
  • 13. 13 the market. The offline marketing often requires print costs and it requires more staff when using offline tools to market than the online one23. Targeted audience As it is stated on the official Factory of Imagination page24, the event is targeting students. Last year, the event featured around 400 tickets both for students and businesses. The main focus were students or graduates from different EAL departments. The information was gathered from one of the volunteers, Adina Rizga. This year, the Factory of Imagination plan (which has been announced during the informational meeting) is to gather 800 students and businesses in total. It means, that when the amount of tickets increases, the audience should increase as well. This time around FOI is not going to be focusing only on the EAL students - the tickets are going to be available for anyone. Based on the information from the official EAL website, there are around 3300 students, both in Vejle and Odense, currently studying at the Academy25. At SDU, there are around 12 000 students26. Of course, if we would count other universities (also outside of Odense), the total number of students would increase even more. Sub – conclusion All in all, it is just a small part who is following Factory of Imagination. So there is a lot of possibilities to advertise the event, increase the social media performance and attract new possible attendees to the FOI. 23 marketing 24 25 26
  • 14. 14 Online performance `15 All social media platforms have been running since February 2015. It is important to monitor on a regular basis, how different social media channels progress, in order to find out what works and what doesn't. The Factory of Imagination has 6 different channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+ and Youtube. Some of these social platforms provide analytics and some of them don't. In the latter case, the information needs to be observed, based on the likes, comments or other provided information. The social media platforms give insights on the current situation, but so does the website. In order to look into the website data, Google Analytics has been used. Instagram (Retrieved 11/11/2015) As of November 2015, the Factory of Imagination account has 125 posts, 183 followers and by itself is following 30 profiles. The posts consist of backstage photos, volunteers, event venue, how it was built, as well as interesting posts/re-posts about the companies, for which the speakers were working for. Furthermore, some of the content is video-based. The activity peak of interaction with the public was from the event day. Some of the most liked photos can be seen in Appendix 1. The average likes per photo are 15-20, however the number of comments is low. That means the two-way conversation is not working for the Factory of Imagination and the approach needs to be reconsidered. All the posts come together with a short message or a story and they are followed by these most used hashtags: #ealdk (835 mentions), #denmark (4.013.928 mentions), #odense (228.274 mentions), #factoryofimagination (217 mentions), #dartocreate (821 mentions), #google (1.891.821), #robotics (107.848 mentions), #nasa (802.365 mentions), #aerovelo
  • 15. 15 (123 mentions). The hashtags help to spread the message across different social media channels and target the specific audience with keywords – hashtags27. All statistics of the hashtag mentions were taken from Iconosquare28, because Instagram is not providing its own analytics tool. Iconosquare is free and provides a basic analytic tool. Additional hashtags were used depending on the photo content. Most of the photos were tagged by a location where it was taken. However, the photos with speakers, volunteers or other persons weren’t checked-in for location in the Instagram photos. The posting was done usually 5 days per week (in a period from 02/2015 util 07/2015), once a day between 13.00 and 17.00. In order to improve its Instagram performance, the Factory of Imagination needs to create more compelling content29 and start tagging people on photos to increase conversation and engagement. Moreover, in order to reach the audience in full, the Factory of Imagination needs to find out the best posting time. Twitter (Retrieved 11/11/2015) The Factory of Imagination Twitter account has 285 tweets, from which there are 75 likes in total, 101 followers and 115 being followed. Most of the tweets are from Instagram, YouTube and retweets from other users who were excited and inspired by the event. In addition, there are tweets that include important information about the speakers, tickets and event date. Most of the tweeting was done live on-site during the event. 27 28 29
  • 16. 16 Based on the Twitter analytics30, in February, the Factory of Imagination reached 41 new followers. It was the only month with such a high number of new followers. Most of these new users were volunteers and their friends, as the account launched in February31. The most successful month was May, when the Factory of Imagination event happened. That month had the highest number of tweets (131), from which it got 12,4k tweet impressions32, which means it was reached the widest audience. That month, the Factory of Imagination's profile also got 1160 visits, 72 mentions and 27 new followers33. Twitter analytics also gives insights on the audience following the Factory of Imagination. Their top interests are shown in the Appendix 2 –Twitter analytics, interests. After the event, there have been only a few posts and they haven’t led to any major changes on the Twitter account. In order to improve the Twitter performance, Factory of Imagination needs to increase mentions, by encouraging speakers and audience to talk about the event. Even though used hashtags help to spread the word among the targeted audience, increased mentions would help reach even further in a word-of-mouth advertisement34. Google+ There is no detailed information on how many users in Denmark have a Google Plus account. But the fact is, many people have accounts on this social media platform just because they are using one or another google product, which creates a Google Plus account automatically. However, it does not mean that those users are posting or visiting Google Plus35. On other hand, in order to increase Google Search results, the posted content should be mainly focused on the Factory of Imagination as a brand, their mission, vision and values. 30 31 See appendix 2 – Twitter analytics, February statistics 32 33 See appendix 2 – Twitter analytics, May statistics 34 35
  • 17. 17 These posts will increase Google search results about Factory of Imagination and appear more often. YouTube The Factory of Imagination YouTube channel has 19 subscribers, 5 videos and 2115 views in total (the numbers were gathered on 11-11-2015). The videos contain information about the event, an invitation to the event and speakers announcements. The most liked and watched video is the teaser36. Unfortunately, it does not feature a YouTube channel trailer and links to other social media channels at the top of the cover image. According to the YouTube Analytics, the top geographic locations by watch time in 2015 are Denmark (77%), USA (2.4%), Slovakia (2.1). Gender by views: male (52%), female (48%). Most of the traffic comes from external link (37%), unknown - embedded player (31%) and 67% watched videos using a computer. The videos have 33 likes, one dislike and 13 shares in total. Most of the traffic lands from Facebook and top three devices are desktop, phone and tablet37. To improve its YouTube account, Factory of Imagination needs to optimize its profile in full38 based on the brand style. Moreover, in order to increase the number of followers and views, more videos should be uploaded. Google Analytics The Factory of Imagination website data is as important as the other online channels' performance. Based on the Google Analytics, it can be stated, that primary target group, which is visiting the website are people between 25 and 34 years old, followed by category of 18-24 year olds. The majority of the users is female (57.7%) and the remaining 42.3% is male39. 36 37 See appendix 3 – YouTube analytics 38 39 See appendix 4 – Google analytics, demographics
  • 18. 18 The statistics represents interests of the visitors of the Factory of Imagination's website, based on the analytics40. LinkedIn LinkedIn account has 84 followers (the number were collected on 11-11-2015). Most of the content consist of graphics with quotes. The rest of the content is about the speakers and the links to the official Factory of Imagination page. However, now that the official page is updated and links have changed, the posts with a links are leading nowhere. The posts got around 6 likes each. LinkedIn as a social media platform, is more focused on businesses41. In this case, the posts need to be written in a professional manner and feature more business orientated topics. If there is a link included in the post, it must be consistent, so that it doesn't change after a year. For example, instead of posting links from sub-categories, which could disappear after a year, there must be posted a link with a consistent category. Facebook Factory of Imagination's Facebook page has 864 likes (the number were collected on 11-11- 2015). The content is about event updates, speakers and other related information. All the posts include at least a link, a photo or a video, together with a small description. The official hashtags for all the social media channels were as follow: #factoryofimagination #daretocreate #creativeodense #ealdk. As of November 2015, the Factory of Imagination's Facebook page is presenting low level of activity. It does, however, have posts about new volunteer selection and an informational meeting video. The page does not have “Call to Action” button42, which could lead to the chosen page. It can be a website, video or signing-up for newsletter. It is one of free ways to connect audience with different pages to broaden brand experience. 40 See appendix 4 – Google analytics, interests 41 42
  • 19. 19 Based on Facebook insights, the post reach is only organic, there was no paid advertising. The biggest post reach was on 19th of May 2015. On that day there were 4 posts, from which a post with a photo gallery got the biggest reach and most likes until today (11/16/2015). The same post got 46.8K engagement43 and 114 likes, shares and comments. Other posts which received increased post reach and engagement, include photos of the Factory of Imagination team, where the volunteers are tagged in44. Most of the Factory of Imagination's page followers are online from 18:00 until 22:00, based on a weekly report. There is no difference between different days of the week - the number of followers who are online is relatively stable45. 52% of the fans are female and 48% male. Primary age group of female fans is 18-24 years old (23%), and secondary is 25 - 34 (19%). Primary age group of males is 25 - 34 (21%) and secondary is 18 - 24 years old (17%). The top 3 nationalities of the fans of the page are Denmark, UK and Lithuania. The top 3 cities are Odense, Copenhagen and Vilnius. In addition, the language most of the followers speak are English and Danish46. The external links, which drove people to the FOI's Facebook page were mostly the Factory of Imagination's official website, as well as Google and Fronter47. Fronter is an educational management tool for teachers to communicate with students. There were posted various ads about the Factory of Imagination, that’s why this external link is one of the top ones. Based on the analysis of the last year's performance, we can conclude, that the Factory of Imagination should post more galleries, increase the number of tagged people and location check-ins. 43 rate/#sm.npzpdbovjd6juvu1lr89twke1 44 See appendix 5 – Facebook analytics, post reach 45 See appendix 5 – Facebook analytics, online behavior 46 See appendix 5 – Facebook analytics, demographics 47
  • 20. 20 Even though there are no tickets available yet, the Factory of Imagination needs to set up a “Call to Action” function on Facebook. Moreover, the strategy which leads to other social media channels needs to be developed. Sub – conclusion To sum up, this research gave deeper understanding of what was happening on social media and what kind of people were interested in the Factory of Imagination during 2015. Due to this research it can be claimed that most used and followed social media channel is Facebook, then Instagram and Twitter. Other social media channels were used once in a while or at certain events. Some of the channels which provided insights, helped to understand what kind of people are interested in Factory of Imagination, what are their interests, age, demographics. This research also uncovered the parts, that need to be redeveloped and certain strategies created. Questionnaire analysis In order to come up with a concept for the company, I realized I needed to cross reference the social media analytics data and get to know the target group a little bit better. Therefore, in the Appendix 6, you will be able to find the full results of the inquiry. However, below there will be presented most relevant results of it. I was only able to get 60 answers, therefore this questionnaire cannot be reliable when talking about the whole Denmark. Not only the number of answers is small, but also I could not gather an equal number of each of the segments - age, gender, location. Nonetheless, it turned out to be very useful in terms of getting to know the target group and their preferences about social media. 1. Target group 55.9% of respondents are female and 44.1% are male. Most of them (56.7%) are 18 - 24 years old and 38.3% are in age group of 25 - 34. 36 respondents live in Denmark, Odense city, where they are mostly studying at EAL in the field of Multimedia Design and Communication or e-Concept Development. 31 of the respondents have interests in
  • 21. 21 technology, design, marketing and innovation. What’s worth noting is that 27 answers include at least one of the following interests: sports, traveling and music. 2. Social media usage Based on the survey, Facebook is the most popular and most used (the median48 number is 5) social media channel among target group. In the second place, by usage, comes Instagram with median of 5, but less than Facebook. However, people are not using it as often as Facebook. Third place - Snapchat (median of 4). 50% of the respondents are not using Snapchat at all or just a little and other half is using it casually. Fourth place goes to LinkedIn with a median of 3. The least used social media channels are Twitter and Google+ with median less than or equal to 2. 67.8% of respondents use their social media accounts in the evenings, between 17.00 and 21.00 o’clock. That means most of the interaction is be expected in the evening. That means Factory of Imagination should reconsider posting time in order to reach the audience in full. 3. Factory of Imagination advertising 61.7% of respondents have heard about Factory of Imagination mostly from friends (teachers, colleagues) and different social media channels. 38.3% have not heard about such an event or brand. To sum up, based on the conducted questionnaire it can be stated, that social media analytics data on the target group is correct. It also suggests to prioritize social media channels, from most important to least. In addition, the word-of-mouth and the social media marketing work well spreading the brand awareness49 but it is also worth to think how to include the website into different social media channels. 48 49
  • 22. 22 Research conclusion By doing this research, I was able to find out that Facebook and Instagram are the most popular social media platforms in Denmark among the targeted audience. Moreover, the information, which the social media tools provide based on data triangulation50 are correct and can be used for further marketing development. It can be concluded, that primary age group is 18 - 24 years old and secondary 25 - 34 years old. However, it should be kept in mind, that Factory of Imagination is planning to invite more businesses to the event, which should impact the target group. The strategies needs to also focus on that. In the research, there was a mention of Snapchat, which is worth considering to implement into the online marketing strategy of the Factory of Imagination. However, since the number of this platform's users is still relatively low, and the majority is significantly younger than the FOI target group, Snapchat can be for now kept out of the equation. Though, it might be worth looking into it further in the future as a tool for storytelling. Like for example the company Huawei did for their campaign51. Additionally, this research uncovered the basis for what needs to be done in order to increase brand awareness and create engagement on different social media platforms and the website. Furthermore, it helped to get a better understanding of what kind of content and strategy worked and didn’t last year. The research results will be used to analyze data in the next section and to develop a strategy, which is going to help Factory of Imagination strengthen their brand on different channels. 50 Rothbauer, Paulette (2008) "Triangulation." In Given, Lisa (Ed.), "The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods." Sage Publications. pp. 892-894 51
  • 23. 23 Analysis In order to sort down the research data, an analysis using different methods has been done. This analysis' results will help to understand the problem better and uncover possible solutions for the concept and the strategy. Personas Personas are fictional characters created to represent the different user types within a targeted demographic, attitude or behavior set that might use a site, brand or product in a similar way52. Personas are very useful if we want to consider goals, desires and limitations of users in order to make decisions about the product or service. Below there are presented three personas of people, who have different demographics, goals, and environment. Personas were created based on the conducted research (online performance and questionnaire sections). First Persona: Fictional name: Mikkel Knudsen Demographics: 22 years old Graduated from Multimedia Design & Communication at EAL. Studying e-Concept Development at EAL, Odense, Denmark. Has a part - time job at a creative agency as a designer. He is Danish. He is interested in sports, traveling, design and startups. 52
  • 24. 24 Goals and tasks: He is active, social and creative. Because of the busy schedule at school and work he is getting mentally tired, which has a result on his productivity. - Constantly looking for a new ways to get motivated and creative. - Looks for inspiration on the internet. - Learning new stuff every day. Environment: At the Academy and at work he is mainly using a laptop, but during his free time he is mostly using a smartphone. He has a few social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Most of the time he is using Facebook to chat with his friends and look for updates. As he travels occasionally, he likes to upload his photos to Instagram. Mikkel is using his LinkedIn account for searching for new job opportunities. Most of the time he is online in the evenings. Quote: “It is time to get some fresh air and new ideas!” Second Persona: Fictional name: Agneta Lindgren Demographics: 26 years old She just moved from Lithuania to Denmark, Odense. Studying masters in Global Marketing and Innovation Management at SDU. Unemployed. Has a blog. She is interested in innovation, advertisement and loves social media.
  • 25. 25 Goals and tasks: She likes to participate in discussions, get new perspectives on her ideas. She is struggling to find like-minded people in the city. - Writes a weekly blog about social media, idea generation and reviews about ads. - Follows influential people on social media. - Keeps herself as busy as she can. Environment: Agneta always has a laptop or smartphone next to her. She has social media accounts, like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. She is always connected to social media and keeps herself updated as often as she can. During big events she is interested in, she's also using Twitter to participate in discussions with people from all around the world. Most of the time, however, she uses Facebook and Instagram. Agneta is using her LinkedIn account to announce a new blog post for people interested in the same industry. Quote: “I have so many ideas, I just don’t know where to find like-minded people.” Third Persona: Fictional name: Bradley Andrews Demographics: 20 years old Studying Multimedia design & Communication at EAL, Denmark, Odense. Unemployed. He is from Great Britain.
  • 26. 26 He is interested in technologies, innovation, and science. Goals and tasks: He likes to follow news about what happens in the field of his interests. He likes to attend various “geeky” events, but because he is unemployed, he usually can’t afford it. - Likes to experiment. - Looking for a casual freelance job to earn extra money. - He is always researching. Environment: Most of the time Bradley is using a laptop. He has Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. He is spending time on social media in the morning and in the evening. On Facebook he is reading all the news from the industry and on LinkedIn he is reading the news from companies he is interested in. Quote: “I am definitely going to check out on the event!” Sub – conclusion These personas are helpful to target the right audience with the right content on Facebook. With Facebook audience analytics tool53, it is now possible to look, what kind of pages/companies chosen audience likes. Based on these pages it can be seen what kind of posts get the most engagement and these guidelines/examples can help the Factory of Imagination perform even better. By following what kind of companies targeted audience likes on Facebook, it can also be worth to look at other social media channels the same companies have. 53
  • 27. 27 Objectives (KPI) A performance indicator or Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a type of performance measurement54. KPIs helps to evaluate the success progress toward strategic goals. In this case, the KPI will be used to ensure, that the Factory of Imagination's social media team will be going the right direction, to achieve the goal. The KPI graph and explanation can be seen below. 54 Carol Taylor Fitz-Gibbon (1990), "Performance indicators", BERA Dialogues (2), ISBN 978-1-85359-092-4
  • 28. 28 The main goal, set by the co-founder of the Factory of Imagination, Adam Montandon, was to to increase social media number of followers by 100%. The goal should be met over the given period. In this case, as I know, that the whole marketing team will be grouped in the middle of January and event is going to be at the end of April, the goal must be met in
  • 29. 29 almost 4 months (from 15/01 till 28/04). In order to achieve this goal, Factory of Imagination needs to create brand awareness in social media for targeted audience as the increased brand awareness has direct impact on the reach. As the data triangulation showed, two most popular social media channels among primary (18-24 years old) and secondary (25-34 years old) target group is Facebook and Instagram. That means, that Factory of Imagination should focus on these two social media platforms in order to create wider and stronger brand awareness for targeted audience. The bottom line for Facebook is 864 page likes and for Instagram 184 followers. That means, after 4 months of intense focus on these social media platforms, the numbers should be doubled - Facebook: 1.728 and Instagram: 364. To create strong brand awareness on Facebook, Factory of Imagination needs to increase engagement and reach. To do so, based on personas and the help of the Facebook Audience Insights, there will be guidelines, based on what the target group likes in real life circumstances. As well as the campaign will be created. To see how much closer we are to the goal and to check whether the Factory of Imagination is going the right direction, performance metrics55 have been created according to the chosen KPI. To measure increased engagement, Factory of Imagination needs to follow these metrics: Active followers - followers who actively interact and engage with the Factory of Imagination. Likes/shares - indication of whether or not the content is attractive to the audience. Comments - measure how often the brand engages with the audience in a two-way conversation. To measure increased reach, Factory of Imagination needs to follow these metrics: Total likes - the number of total growth of page likes. Demographics - indicates, whether or not the content targets the right audience. To measure the performance of all these metrics, page insights tool provided by Facebook should be used. 55
  • 30. 30 To create strong brand awareness on Instagram, Factory of Imagination also needs to increase engagement and reach. To do so, guidelines and campaign will be created. To measure increased engagement, Factory of Imagination needs to follow these metrics: Content likes - total and new likes. Comments - measures how engaging is the content. To measure increased reach, Factory of Imagination needs to follow this metric: Followers - The total number of follower growth. Instagram is not providing analytics tool yet, so the best, free alternative I could find that shows the the number of these metrics is Iconosquare56. Sub - conclusion To sum up, based on the experience from my internship, it is more than possible to meet this goal with the right plan and the right execution. The goal and created tactics will keep the Factory of Imagination moderator team focused and motivated. If the created social media plan for Instagram and Facebook is not going to work, it will be clearly seen after the first month, based on the KPI graph. That means, the posting plan needs to be reconsidered and the posted content needs to be changed. Case studies Based on personas and with help of Facebook Analytics tool, case studies were conducted. The case studies were conducted based on target group interests, to find out what exactly they like on Facebook and how these pages are performing. Moreover it will give inspiration to create creative posts. Below you can find three case studies based on three different personas. 56
  • 31. 31 Based on first persona, the following information has been added to Facebook Analytics tool, which can be seen in the appendix 7 – Facebook targeting, first persona. Top 3 pages targeted audience is interested in is “Humans of New York”, “How I Met Your Mother ” and “Roskilde Festival”. The last one is event based page, which is the most similar to Factory of Imagination. Above I will present the main points, which can be learned and adapted to Factory of Imagination from the top three pages. “Humans of New York” Facebook page: - People like real, emotional stories. - Every single post includes a photo. “How I Met Your Mother” Facebook page: - Recaps from the TV show. - Every single post includes a photo, a video or a link. - Using shots from the TV show to ask questions or to choose between answer A or B. These posts has increased share and comment rates. - Posts to remind about the major events. “Roskilde Festival” Facebook page: - Teasers for upcoming summer festival. - All the posts have at least a photo or video and a link included in the description. - Organizing “Q&A” sessions. - Recaps from the last event. - Tags musicians in the posts, uses hashtags. - If they have a long video, the short version of it is uploaded to Facebook and full version is uploaded to Youtube. - Videos of the behind scene projects (graffiti painting, installation project). Based on the second persona57, the top three pages are “TED”, “Captain Morgan”, “Distortion”. “TED” Facebook page: 57 See appendix 7 – Facebook targeting, second persona
  • 32. 32 - Short versions of videos are uploaded to Facebook and full versions are on the official web page. - In order to introduce a video, quotes are used. - Each post is educating. “Captain Morgan” Facebook page: - Video recipes how to make a cocktail. - Photo galleries. - Brand style is felt in every post. “Distortion” Facebook page: - Uses location tag in posts. - Most of the posts are videos/recaps from the events. Based on the third persona58 the top three pages are “For alle os som elsker at få beskeden: "Jeres lærer er syg, i har fri"”, “I fucking love science” and “Youtube”. However, the first page is irrelevant, because there is almost no content. “I fucking love science” Facebook page: - Industry relevant news, which redirects to the website. - Video Infographics. - Educational content. - Post descriptions are short and to the point. - DIY posts. “Youtube” Facebook page: - Posting inspirational, educational videos. - Have separate posts, where Youtube announces about other social media channels people can follow. 58 See appendix 7 – Facebook targeting, third persona
  • 33. 33 Sub – conclusion To sum up, based on what kind of Facebook pages the Factory of Imagination's target audience likes, the case studies were conducted. Due to the variety of pages, useful patterns can be found, which can be turned into interesting post ideas. Based on case studies the inspiration board59 has been created. It can be found in the appendix 8 – Inspirational board. Transmedia storytelling Transmedia storytelling is a technique to tell a single story, experience across multiple, different platforms in different formats60. The first draft of the story behind this year's FOI, created by the volunteer team is as follows: “Factory of Imagination 2016 - The formula of Imagination This time, we'll be bringing the formula for imagination, and again, across different disciplines and sciences, not focusing only in one aspect, but pulling together a whole range of expert to share their stories and inspirations, and the one ingredient they know best to fit in the formula for imagination.” The visual style according to the Factory of Imagination is going to be chemistry/test tubes with odd things and science-related elements presented in a vintage/fantasy way. Sub – conclusion A strategy for various platforms and formats can be developed right away, based on the currently provided by FOI information; though, as soon as the visual style and storyline is updated, the strategy itself has to be adjusted. 59 60 Phillips, Andrea. (2012) Transmedia Storytelling
  • 34. 34 Analysis conclusion By analyzing gathered data from the research, I was able to sort the amount of information down. In order to follow social media results and how Factory of Imagination team is going to reach the goal Key Performance Indicators were uncovered. Moreover, case studies were done based on three different personas. The results showed what kind of pages targeted audience likes and by analysing these pages certain inspiration and patterns were gathered. All analysis will help to develop a strong concept and strategy.
  • 35. 35 The Concept Social media guidelines Factory of Imagination's marketing team is changing every year. It is important that new team members know the basis of what was done and what worked in the past. It is also important to keep the brand voice consistent61, which means the spoken and graphical style can’t change. The same rules apply to every single platform the brand owns. To do so, social media guidelines for different channels were created. As the social media in Denmark research uncovered too many posts per day can be annoying for the audience, the suggested post number62 per day for different social media channels is: - Facebook - 1 - 2 times per day. Close to the event date the number can be increased to three times per day. - Instagram - 1 - 2 times per day. - LinkedIn - 1 time per weekday. - Twitter - 3 times per day - YouTube - depending on how many videos there are. - Google+ - 3 times per day. Based on the research, most of the users spend time on social media in the evenings between 17.00 to 21.00 o’clock. The second best time for posting is the morning between 9.00 to 12.00. However, the posting time and the amount of reach need to be followed every week in order to reach audience in full. Whenever graphics for social media are being done, it is important to keep the same visual style in each post. Moreover, the text, which is used in the graphics, needs to be readable on small screens63, like smartphone or tablet. 61 62 63
  • 36. 36 The description of the posts needs to be short and to the point. The suggested length of description text64 for different social media platforms are: Facebook - 40 characters Instagram - 25 characters Twitter - 71 - 100 characters Hashtags helps to spread the message to the larger audience and to the relevant industry. This year official Factory of Imagination hashtag is #ideasnotthings. Also, as the main sponsor is EAL, the posts must include the hashtag #ealdk. Moreover, it is also suggested to use last year's most used hashtags #denmark, #odense, #factoryofimagination. Other used hashtags should be based on the posted content. It very important to follow the event sponsors, speakers and their companies, and companies which are attending. It will help to create more conversations and build more professional, industry relevant community. Different channels target different audience in a variety of ways. It is important to know, what kind of posts should be used on different social media platforms. Below you can find what kind of content goes on different channels based on the research and case study. Facebook Facebook is the most important communication channel for the Factory of Imagination. All the posts must include at least a photo, a video or a link with a thumbnail. - Photo galleries from the meetings, major team events. The location of the event and people who participated must be tagged - Recaps from last year event - Posts about the event and updates about it - Factory of Imagination sponsors - Educational posts - Real stories 64
  • 37. 37 - Inspiration - Other important information about Factory of Imagination or event Instagram Instagram is a visual platform, thus it should be used to upload short (30 sec) videos or photos. It is important to tag the location and the people in the posts. - Backstage photos - Photos of volunteers - Event venue and how it was built - Companies, whose representatives are coming to the event - Speakers Twitter Twitter is mostly used for live updates during the event. It is important to use visual material in posts, but also important to mention65 influential people to keep the conversation going on. - Live updates during the event - Speakers - Inspiring, creative things speakers or their companies are doing - Instagram reposts LinkedIn LinkedIn is a business oriented platform. All the content needs to be written in a professional manner. - Factory of Imagination important updates - Event news - Speakers - Can be used as a blog 65
  • 38. 38 Google+ Google+ is not very popular in Denmark, however it influences the Google search in a positive way. The additional content should not be created for Google+, instead the content should be shared from the other Factory of Imagination social media channels. - Information about the Factory of Imagination (location, reasons behind it etc.) - Speakers - Re-posts from other publishers about Factory of Imagination YouTube YouTube is a video-based platform. The type of the content, which goes to YouTube depends on what kind of material the Factory of Imagination has from the previous year and what is going to be created for the upcoming event. - Recaps from last year event (Red couch interviews etc.) - Event teasers - Speakers introduction Sub-conclusion All in all, these guidelines will ensure, that whenever there is a new member in the marketing team, they can be quickly updated on what and how different Factory of Imagination's social media channels should be managed. Double-tap Campaign Instagram is a wonderful visual social media platform. Different brands create various campaigns in order to increase their brand awareness or promote a product or a service66. 66 campaigns-in-2015-so-far-01289074#w1PcLFXW3iccfx6S.97
  • 39. 39 Instagram works in a very simple way. You have a news feed, where you can see all your friends’ images/videos and you can comment on them or double tap to like photo/video. What is interesting, that whenever you double tap, in the middle of the content a heart appears67. Based on storytelling I was able to get from the team managing Factory of Imagination, the Instagram heart is like a missing part, ingredient users need to add themselves. By combining missing ingredient (Instagram like icon) idea with vintage/fantasy design style68, I was able to create few creative graphics. These uploaded graphics on Instagram will require just people's attention for a second, until they notice the missing ingredient. Next to the posted graphics, the inspiring text should be included. Here are few examples: - Light up your ideas! - Double tap to turn on your imagination! - Are you able to figure out the secret ingredient of creativity? How it would look live can be seen over here: Below you can see different Double-tap Campaign graphics. 67 comments/ 68
  • 40. 40
  • 41. 41
  • 42. 42
  • 43. 43 Sub-conclusion By combining storytelling of upcoming Factory of Imagination event and Instagram, the campaign were created. The campaign is easy to understand and use. The length of the campaign depends on the engagement gained through the first posts. If people will be willing to double tap the photo, more content can be created. The campaign should target creative thinkers, which should increase engagement and reach. Guess the Company campaign Facebook is the main platform, where all the important information about Factory of Imagination event is announced. A type of this kind of information last year was announcing the speakers. The way they were introduced to the audience was very simple, with a short description who they were and what they were doing, in addition to a photo of them69. Based on the upcoming event theme, storytelling and visual style, the campaign for announcing speakers has been created. The campaign is aiming to engage people in a two-way conversation. Audience needs to solve a “chemical” equation in order to figure out the company from which speaker is coming. “Chemical” equation consist of different emojis70 in a style of chemical equation71. The post should be left for a week in order to give some time for the audience to think and engage. After a week the speaker should be announced. To embrace followers to be even more engaged, the prize could be set up. The possible prize could be a ticket to the Factory of Imagination event. In case there are more people who answered correct, a random user will be chosen with a help of Random.org72 webpage. As there are no speakers confirmed yet, based on the last year companies, only an example of such a post has been created. The company behind the emojis is NASA. 69 See appendix 9 – speakers announcement 70 71 IUPAC. Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed. ISBN 0-9678550-9-8 72
  • 44. 44
  • 45. 45
  • 46. 46 Sub – conclusion This campaign should add boost to the engagement and reach. It will make people think and communicate with each other. Moreover, the users who participated, will stay connected to the brand and will wait for the update, in order to find out who that mysterious speaker was and whether they won.
  • 47. 47 Conclusion The conducted research led to a conclusion, that the main audience Factory of Imagination aims to reach is students and graduates between 18-34 years old with main interests in technology, design, marketing and innovation. In order to communicate with them and stay consistent in terms of the communication style on all the social media platforms the guidelines were created. Moreover, in order to strengthen brand awareness on social media the campaigns were created. The developed campaigns should increase engagement and reach on both social media platforms, Instagram and Facebook. The campaigns not only will strengthen the brand awareness, but also will increase the audience. However, to reach the SMART goal, Factory of Imagination marketing team should follow weekly results from Facebook and Instagram in order to measure the impact using the KPI graph. It is worth noting, that social media continuously change over the time, so the strategies should be updated as they go along.
  • 48. 48 Bibliography Internet sources 1. 2. 3. objectives-plan 4. using-social-media 5. 6. 7. &country=US 8. 9. 10. countries/ 11. twitter 12. market/ 13. 14. twitter 15. 16. twitter 17. their-results/ 18. 19. 20. network-see-the-stats-01238782#WT7jlC1RC83bRTao.97 21. 22. marketing-vs-offline-marketing 23. 24. 25. 26. care-about-hashtags/ 27.
  • 49. 49 28. 29. 30. impressions/#i.93b2tooezd4pst 31. 32. 33. channel/ 34. 35. 36. rate/#sm.npzpdbovjd6juvu1lr89twke1 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. boards/ 46. 47. 48. webdesign-12211 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. interesting-instagram-brand-campaigns-in-2015-so-far-01289074#w1PcLFXW3iccfx6S.97 54. and-improved-comments/ 55. design/
  • 50. 50 Books and articles 1. Bitsch Olsen (2005): p. 28-29 2. Rothbauer, Paulette (2008) "Triangulation." In Given, Lisa (Ed.), "The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative esearch Methods." Sage Publications. pp. 892-894 3. Carol Taylor Fitz-Gibbon (1990), "Performance indicators", BERA Dialogues (2), ISBN 978-1-85359-092-4 4. Phillips, Andrea. (2012) Transmedia Storytelling 5. IUPAC. Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed. ISBN 0-9678550-9-8
  • 51. 51 Appendix Appendix 1 – Instagram posts
  • 52. 52
  • 53. 53 Appendix 2 – Twitter analytics February statistics May statistics
  • 54. 54 Interests Appendix 3 – YouTube analytics
  • 55. 55 Appendix 4 – Google analytics Demographics Interests
  • 56. 56 Appendix 5 – Facebook analytics Post reach
  • 58. 58 Appendix 6 – Questionnaire results
  • 59. 59
  • 60. 60
  • 61. 61
  • 62. 62
  • 63. 63
  • 64. 64
  • 65. 65
  • 66. 66
  • 67. 67 Appendix 7 – Facebook targeting First persona Second persona
  • 69. 69 Appendix 8 – Inspirational board
  • 70. 70 Appendix 9 – Speakers announcement