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                   8th Annual

Military aviation
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Main Conference 26th - 27th October 2011
Pre-Conference Workshops 25th October2011
Conference Venue America Square Conference Centre

Optimising efficiency Of military mrO
thrOugh effective management and
technOlOgical advance
                                                                                                                              sPeaker's include:
  Military aviation rePair and Maintenance                                                                 Colonel Adam Baginski, Chief Engineer
  will Provide key insight into:                                                                                            PLAF, Polish Air Force
  Efficient and Effective Supply Chain Management: Direct insight                                              Lieutenant Colonel Jose Everardo
  on the benefits of partnering with allied nations, how this will                                                   Ferreira, Brazilian Air Force
  improve both efficiency and cost cutting. Understand the unique                                                      Lieutentant Colonel Olgierd
  relationship that the UK MoD C17 Project Team have built with                                                     Wieczorek Senior Officer MRO
  Boeing and the USAF                                                                                                     Branch, Polish Air Force
  Successful Life Cycle Management to maximise asset                                                              Wing Commander Andrew Pipe,
  availability, performance and readiness whilst remaining cost                                            Chinook Project Team, Royal Air Force
  effective with UK MoD Chinook Project Team briefing on                                                          Wing Commander Tim Ewbank,
  significant improvements to fleet readiness and a look at how                                                   C-17 Air Support, DE&S UK MoD
  this will shape the future of lifecycle management                                                             Squadron Leader Mckenzie-Owr,
  Industry Partnering how best to maximise the potential benefits                                          Tornado Engineering and Logistics Wing,
  and the true implications that their involvement will bring. With                                                                 Royal Air Force
  insight from the OCCAR A400M Project Director on how best to                                                             Bruno Delannoy, A400M
  deliver seamless service integration and support                                                                        Program Director, A400M
                                                                                                                              Programme OCCAR
  Overcoming the added strain that battlefield operations bring - UK
  MoD Tornado Engineering and Logistic wing briefing on achieving                                                         James Sutton, Director of
  optimum asset availability. Why technologically advanced solutions                                                   Plans & Programs, Ogden Air
  for life cycle management will enhance future plans                                                                        Logistics Center, USAF
                                                                                                                   Travis Osbourne, Chief, Training
  Innovative strategies and updates from Air Force Leaders,                                               Technology Requirements Branch, USAF
  such as OCCAR, Royal Air force, Brazilian Air Force and United
  States Air force                                                                                             Dimitrios Petridis, Aviation Support
                                                                                                                     Programme Manager, NAMSA
                                                                                                              Gerhard Rauniak, TPLS Programme
  Pre-conference workshoPs: 25th october                                                                     Director, European Defence Agency
  9.30 - 12.30 – The classroom of the future - how best to implement                                                Dr Baudouin Heuninckx, Head
  technology into the curriculum with lessons learnt from the USAF’s                                               of Procurement for Aeronautical
  approach to the F-22 MRO training strategy                                                                Programmes, Belgian Armed Forces
  Led by Travis W. Osborne, Chief, Training Technology Requirements
  Branch, USAF                                                                                                   Michael Golombek, Maintenance/
  13.30-16.30 – Improved supportability through obsolescence
                                                                                                          Material Section and Guy Langenaeken,
  management - how the implementation of emerging technology                                                     Logistics Division LSA / LCC / DBC
  will enhance efficiency of supply chain and assist in the management                                              coordinator, NATO Helicopter
  of ageing platforms                                                                                                        Management Agency
  With Components Obsolescence Group
                                                                                                                     MARM has been a very highly valuable                                                                                    conference, in particular for the exchange
                                                                                                                     of experiences between the end users.
Media                                                                                                           Luigi Trotta, Eurofighter GmbH

           T:+44 (0)20 7368 9300               F: +44 (0)20 7368 9301                                                E:
8th Annual Military Aviation Repair and Maintenance
                                               Day One: 26th October 2011

08.30 Coffee and Registration                                  13.20 THE NAMSA IMPLEMENTATION OF BATTLEFIELD
                                                               HELICOPTER SUSTAINABILITY SOLUTIONS
09.00 Chairman's Opening Remarks                                       Current challenges including helicopter shortages,
Chris Granville-White, CBE                                             national constraints and NATO ambitions
                                                                       Looking to the future as NAMSA sets the standard for
09.10 MRO STRATEGY FOR THE A400M: ACHIEVING                            battlefield helicopter sustainability solutions
SEAMLESS ENTRY INTO SERVICE                                    Dimitrios Petridis, Programme Manager, Aviation Support
       Maximising the advantages of European                   Programme Office, NATO Maintenance & Supply Agency
       collaborative procurement when sourcing MRO             (NAMSA)
       The adoption of a more commercial approach              14.00 MANAGING A MULTI-NATIONAL PLATFORM: STRATEGISING
       towards acquisition and support - industry insight      FOR VARIED DEMANDS
       as a tool for the future                                       Future MRO priorities
       Plans on entry into service - including delivering                     The impact on both industry and military plans
       ground equipment and support services                          The effect that operational tempo has on successful
       Plans to overcome the varying requirements of                  MRO strategy
       each nation                                                            Importance for the strategy to be both flexible
Bruno Delannoy, A400M Programme Director, A400M                       and sustainable
Programme OCCAR                                                       The effect that full integration with allied nations has on
                                                                      MRO success
09.50 FORGING INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIPS: CAN ONE                                  The benefits that can be seen when successful
CONTRACT FIT ALL?                                                     partnering occurs and how this further drives down cost
        The role of industry when aiming to achieve:           Gonzalo Lamana, Head of Maintenance, OCCAR TIGER
                 Consolidation                                 Programme Office
                 Competition                                                  14.40 Coffee and Networking Break
        Identifying the key factors that dictate the nature
        and need for the type of industry contract that will   15.10 EUROPEAN DEFENCE AGENCY: MRO EFFORTS TO ENHANCE
        maximise asset availability                            EUROPEAN AIRLIFT CAPABILITIES
        The shape of future industry involvement and the              The complexities of creating an MRO strategy for a
        evolution to further enhance military performance             project which has multinational use
James Sutton, Director of Plans & Programs, Ogden Air                 Illustrating the initiatives used to achieve more efficient
Logistics Center, USAF                                                existing platforms
                                                                      A look to the future - the continued evolution of the
           10.30 Coffee and Networking break                          MRO plans for this project
                                                               Laurent Donnet, Assistant Capability Manager, European
11.00 THIRD PARTY LOGISTICS SUPPORT PLATFORM: AN               Defence Agency
       How the TPLS program will increase efficiency in        15.50 NATO CODIFICATION - THE LANGUAGE OF LOGISTICS
       supply chain planning                                          How NATO Codification underpins the Global Defence
               Why increasing wider access to industry                Supply Chain and the associated benefits
               will allow for greater choice and increased            Defence & Industry Partnership on Master Data
               competition                                            Management for Inventories using the latest Data-
       How this could be implemented as an alternative to             Exchange Technologies
       outsourcing contracts                                          How a Global Partnership undertaken by almost one-
               The harmonisation of resources could                   third of all nations in the world is promoting
               provide a channel for military to reinstate /          interoperability and common approaches
               keep control of their MRO strategies            George Bond, Chairman of NATO Allied Comity, Group of
       Wider plans for the future                              National Directors on Codifications
Gerhard Rauniak, 3PL Programme Director, European
Defence Agency                                                 16.30 F-35 JOINT STRIKE FIGHTER - SHAPING PLANS FOR THE
11.40 UK C-17 CASE STUDY: UNIQUE SOLUTION TO DRIVE                     How optimum supply chain management will be
DOWN COST                                                              achieved
      An overview of the C-17 MRO arrangements with                    Ensuring on-time delivery of resources
      USAF and Boeing                                                  Why smooth delivery will ensure the overall success of
      Benefits of the unique contracting agreements                    the platform
      currently in place                                               Successful integration of MRO as the platform becomes
      A look to the future for the UK - the impact of USAF             fully operational
      policy to increase in-house maintenance - will they      Travis Osbourne, Chief, Training Technology Requirements
      follow suit ?                                            Branch, USAF
Wing Commander Tim Ewbank, C-17 Support Manager,
DE&S UK MoD                                                    17.10 Chair's Close and End of Day One
                12.20 Networking Lunch                         Chris Granville-White, CBE

      W: T: +44 (0) 207 368 9300 F: +44 (0) 207 368 9301 E:
8th Annual Military Aviation Repair and Maintenance
                                               Day Two: 27th October 2011

08.30 Coffee and Registration                                   13.20 REPAIR TECHNIQUES AND PROCEDURES IN CONNECTION WITH
                                                                LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT.
09.00 Chairman's Recap                                          SCHEDULE:
Chris Granville-White, CBE                                              Current procedures - how life cycle management is
                                                                        currently employed to aid MRO strategy
09.10 BRAZILIAN AIR FORCE'S TAKE ON A FRESH STRATEGY TO                 The repair types currently in use along with the
ENHANCING MRO CAPABILITY                                                advantages of these methods
        Partnering with industry: continuing to shape the               Prospects: a look to the future plans to improve life cycle
        capabilities of the Air Force                                   management
        Striving for greater efficiency: how fresh strategies   Colonel Adam Baginski, Chief Engineer PLAF and Lieutentant
        will help achieve this                                  Colonel Olgierd Wieczorek Senior Officer MRO Branch, Polish
        Future MRO plans for the Air Force                      Air Force
Lieutenant Colonel Ferreira, Material Command,
Brazilian Air Force                                             14.00 LIFE CYCLE COST MANAGEMENT – BUILDING UP AN APPROACH
                                                                FOR THE NH90
09.50 DIFFERING DEMANDS INVOLVED IN HELICOPTER MRO -                    Role of Life cycle costs in the view of the NH90 customer
HOW THESE CHALLENGES ARE MET                                            Building up LCC Management for the NH90 programme
       The differing demands that MRO for the helicopter                Lessons learned: Opportunities and Uncertainties
       place on supply chain                                    Michael Golombek, Maintenance/Materiel Section Leader and
       How management strategy must differ both for             Guy Langenaeken, Logistics Division LSA / LCC / DBC
       lifecycle planning and supply chain management           Coordinator, NATO Helicopter Management Agency
       Plans for future management - how this is being          (NAHEMA)
       shaped by industry involvement
Wing Commander Andrew Pipe, Chinook Project Team,                             14.40 Coffee and Networking Break
Royal Air Force
                                                                15.10 COUNTERFEIT OR ORIGINAL - TECHNOLOGY TO AUTHENTICATE
           10.30 Coffee and Networking Break                    SUPPLY CHAIN
                                                                       How to combat the ever increasing global trade of
                                                                       The potential hi tech applications developed by VTT for
       How to rapidly adapt the MRO strategy to
                                                                       example smart tags (RFID, NFC, etc.) that will increase
       compensate for the strain without a decrease in
       asset availability
                                                                       Application tailoring - for example fleet-wide applications
       How the long term management strategy will differ
                                                                       by the original equipment manufacture
       to overcome these demands
                                                                       How best to cope with the ever increasing environmental
       How initial strategy is set up to allow fluid changes
       How best to sustain success                              Dr Aslak Siliander, VTT Technical Research Centre, Finland
Squadron Leader Mckenzie-Owr, Tornado Engineering
and Logistics Wing, UK Air Force                                15.50 COMPATIBILITY OF OFFSET PRACTICES WITH EU LAW
                                                                        How reform of international procurement laws and
                                                                        policies will effect you
       Life-cycle cost as a key element of repair and
                                                                        The ongoing developments in the field of European
       maintenance decision-making
                                                                        Defense procurement integration policy a look to the
       How to implement Life-cycle cost analysis                        future
       Examples of good practices and potential issues for              European Defense Market integration and regulation - the
       the future                                                       possible constraints that will be placed on both industry
Dr Baudouin Heuninckx, Head of Procurement for                          and military
Aeronautical Programmes, Belgian Armed Forces                   Dr Aris Georgopoulos, Defense Strategic Procurement

                                                                16.30 Chair's close and End of Day Two
                 12.20 Networking Lunch                         Chris Granville-White, CBE

                                                     Tel: +44(0)207 368 9300 Email: Hnewsletter@defenceiq.comH
   Defence IQ is an authoritative news source for high quality and exclusive commentary and analysis on global
   defence and military-related topics. Sourcing interviews and insights directly from senior military and industry
   professionals on air defence, cyber warfare, armoured vehicles, naval defence, land defence and many more
   topics, Defence IQ is a unique multimedia platform to discuss and learn about the latest developments within the
   defence sector. So join over 45,000 defence professionals today to claim your exclusive video interviews, podcasts,
   articles and whitepapers that are updated on a daily basis at Hwww.defenceiq.comH - and all for free.

       W: T: +44 (0) 207 368 9300 F: +44 (0) 207 368 9301 E:
Military Aviation Repair and Maintenance
                                                        25th October 2011

                                            Pre-Conference Workshops

Work shop A - 09:30 – 12:30
Many assets utilised by the Air Force are requiring ever more technical MRO procedures and combined with the added pressure
of faster turnaround times provides a very challenging environment in which to work. The needed for a sustained high level of
training to enable individuals to carry out these procedures puts huge strain on the ability of a team to continually evolve. A look
towards the future potential of technology in the classroom will help further develop the functionality of all units.

Benefits of attending:
             Learn through an interactive dissection of the revered case study of the F-22 maintenance training plan which will
             teach you how best to utilise your assets (personal) worth
             Discuss why there is a need for a strong focus on continual development of the current training schemes, with a
             look to improving future strategy
             Ensure that you are updated on future development to further enhancement of the value of MRO strategy, to
             guarantee not only technological advances are implemented correctly into the curriculum but that suitable
             provisions are made for future development

Confirmed: Travis W. Osborne, Chief, Training Technology Requirements Branch USAF.

Workshop B – 13:30 – 16:30
With the average age of the Air Fleet continually increasing the challenges associated with managing these aging platforms is
set to increase. Along with the added pressures of a raise in cost and expertise needed to keep these assets available the
problems caused by Obsolescence are the most difficult to tackle. The need for strategic management to efficiently confront the
problems associated with inadequate life cycle management, supply chain issues and maintenance and repair efforts will
continue to dictate the success and availability of the fleet.

Benefits of attending:
        Learn how the implementation of emerging technology will enhance efficiency of supply chain and assist in the
        management of aging platforms
        Develop you strategic plans through an interactive discussion of the best use of current management methods - how
        can you further improve the plans that are currently set in place
        Discuss how you can achieve a future increase in efficiency and decrease in cost can be achieved

Confirmed: Components Obsolescence Group.

                        Sponsorship Opportunities | Three easy ways to get involved

1. Thought Leadership: With an expected audience of senior military customers and decision makers
from across the globe, Defence IQ events enable you to build your reputation as a market leader in your
chosen domain through speaking sessions and subject specific conference streams, workshops and
focus days

2. Branding: We bring together buyers and suppliers in a tailored location with unbeatable facilities for
on-site branding and exposure. Furthermore, our dedicated marketing team can help you achieve your
promotional aims in the months leading up to the conference with dedicated mailings to cover 50,000
contacts through brochure drops, extensive e-mail campaigns and tailored web coverage

3. Featured Networking Events: Focused and high level, our events will provide you with the perfect
environment to initiate new business relationships and achieve face to face contact that overcrowded
tradeshows cannot deliver. Sponsorship opportunities range from exhibition stands to sponsored lunches,
cocktail receptions, gala dinners and a host of informal social networking events.

For further details, or to discuss which option is best for your organisation, please call +44 (0) 207 368
9857 or email

       W: T: +44 (0) 207 368 9300 F: +44 (0) 207 368 9301 E:
Military aviation repair                                                                                                                          5 WAyS TO REGISTER
                            and Maintenance                                                                                                                                   FREEPHOnE:                  0800 652 2363 OR
                                                                                                                                                                                                          +44 (0)20 7368 9300

                            Main-Conference: 26th - 27th October 2011                                                                                                         FAx:                        +44 (0)20 7368 9301
                            Pre-Conference Workshops: 25th October 2011
                            Conference Venue: America Square Conference Centre                                                                                                POST:                       yOuR BOOking FORM TO
                                                                                                                                                                                                          iQPC, 129 WiLTOn ROAD,
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                            * To qualify for discounts, bookings must be received with payment by the discount deadline. Only one discount/offer applicable per person.
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Military Aviation Repair and Maintenance

  • 1. register and Pay by 29th July to save uP to £998 8th Annual Military aviation repair and ain tena nce Milit a ry dM General Av Maintenance on Repair an /F iati Officers lag on Repair an and a 1* go forbove FREE iati Av dM ry ain ta ten Mili ance Main Conference 26th - 27th October 2011 Pre-Conference Workshops 25th October2011 Conference Venue America Square Conference Centre Optimising efficiency Of military mrO thrOugh effective management and technOlOgical advance sPeaker's include: Military aviation rePair and Maintenance Colonel Adam Baginski, Chief Engineer will Provide key insight into: PLAF, Polish Air Force Efficient and Effective Supply Chain Management: Direct insight Lieutenant Colonel Jose Everardo on the benefits of partnering with allied nations, how this will Ferreira, Brazilian Air Force improve both efficiency and cost cutting. Understand the unique Lieutentant Colonel Olgierd relationship that the UK MoD C17 Project Team have built with Wieczorek Senior Officer MRO Boeing and the USAF Branch, Polish Air Force Successful Life Cycle Management to maximise asset Wing Commander Andrew Pipe, availability, performance and readiness whilst remaining cost Chinook Project Team, Royal Air Force effective with UK MoD Chinook Project Team briefing on Wing Commander Tim Ewbank, significant improvements to fleet readiness and a look at how C-17 Air Support, DE&S UK MoD this will shape the future of lifecycle management Squadron Leader Mckenzie-Owr, Industry Partnering how best to maximise the potential benefits Tornado Engineering and Logistics Wing, and the true implications that their involvement will bring. With Royal Air Force insight from the OCCAR A400M Project Director on how best to Bruno Delannoy, A400M deliver seamless service integration and support Program Director, A400M Programme OCCAR Overcoming the added strain that battlefield operations bring - UK MoD Tornado Engineering and Logistic wing briefing on achieving James Sutton, Director of optimum asset availability. Why technologically advanced solutions Plans & Programs, Ogden Air for life cycle management will enhance future plans Logistics Center, USAF Travis Osbourne, Chief, Training Innovative strategies and updates from Air Force Leaders, Technology Requirements Branch, USAF such as OCCAR, Royal Air force, Brazilian Air Force and United States Air force Dimitrios Petridis, Aviation Support Programme Manager, NAMSA Gerhard Rauniak, TPLS Programme Pre-conference workshoPs: 25th october Director, European Defence Agency 9.30 - 12.30 – The classroom of the future - how best to implement Dr Baudouin Heuninckx, Head technology into the curriculum with lessons learnt from the USAF’s of Procurement for Aeronautical approach to the F-22 MRO training strategy Programmes, Belgian Armed Forces Led by Travis W. Osborne, Chief, Training Technology Requirements Branch, USAF Michael Golombek, Maintenance/ 13.30-16.30 – Improved supportability through obsolescence Material Section and Guy Langenaeken, management - how the implementation of emerging technology Logistics Division LSA / LCC / DBC will enhance efficiency of supply chain and assist in the management coordinator, NATO Helicopter of ageing platforms Management Agency With Components Obsolescence Group MARM has been a very highly valuable conference, in particular for the exchange of experiences between the end users. Media Luigi Trotta, Eurofighter GmbH partners T:+44 (0)20 7368 9300 F: +44 (0)20 7368 9301 E:
  • 2. 8th Annual Military Aviation Repair and Maintenance Day One: 26th October 2011 08.30 Coffee and Registration 13.20 THE NAMSA IMPLEMENTATION OF BATTLEFIELD HELICOPTER SUSTAINABILITY SOLUTIONS 09.00 Chairman's Opening Remarks Current challenges including helicopter shortages, Chris Granville-White, CBE national constraints and NATO ambitions Looking to the future as NAMSA sets the standard for 09.10 MRO STRATEGY FOR THE A400M: ACHIEVING battlefield helicopter sustainability solutions SEAMLESS ENTRY INTO SERVICE Dimitrios Petridis, Programme Manager, Aviation Support Maximising the advantages of European Programme Office, NATO Maintenance & Supply Agency collaborative procurement when sourcing MRO (NAMSA) services The adoption of a more commercial approach 14.00 MANAGING A MULTI-NATIONAL PLATFORM: STRATEGISING towards acquisition and support - industry insight FOR VARIED DEMANDS as a tool for the future Future MRO priorities Plans on entry into service - including delivering The impact on both industry and military plans ground equipment and support services The effect that operational tempo has on successful Plans to overcome the varying requirements of MRO strategy each nation Importance for the strategy to be both flexible Bruno Delannoy, A400M Programme Director, A400M and sustainable Programme OCCAR The effect that full integration with allied nations has on MRO success 09.50 FORGING INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIPS: CAN ONE The benefits that can be seen when successful CONTRACT FIT ALL? partnering occurs and how this further drives down cost The role of industry when aiming to achieve: Gonzalo Lamana, Head of Maintenance, OCCAR TIGER Consolidation Programme Office Centralisation Competition 14.40 Coffee and Networking Break Identifying the key factors that dictate the nature and need for the type of industry contract that will 15.10 EUROPEAN DEFENCE AGENCY: MRO EFFORTS TO ENHANCE maximise asset availability EUROPEAN AIRLIFT CAPABILITIES The shape of future industry involvement and the The complexities of creating an MRO strategy for a evolution to further enhance military performance project which has multinational use James Sutton, Director of Plans & Programs, Ogden Air Illustrating the initiatives used to achieve more efficient Logistics Center, USAF existing platforms A look to the future - the continued evolution of the 10.30 Coffee and Networking break MRO plans for this project Laurent Donnet, Assistant Capability Manager, European 11.00 THIRD PARTY LOGISTICS SUPPORT PLATFORM: AN Defence Agency INTERACTIVE SHOWCASE FOR EUROPEAN INDUSTRIES How the TPLS program will increase efficiency in 15.50 NATO CODIFICATION - THE LANGUAGE OF LOGISTICS supply chain planning How NATO Codification underpins the Global Defence Why increasing wider access to industry Supply Chain and the associated benefits will allow for greater choice and increased Defence & Industry Partnership on Master Data competition Management for Inventories using the latest Data- How this could be implemented as an alternative to Exchange Technologies outsourcing contracts How a Global Partnership undertaken by almost one- The harmonisation of resources could third of all nations in the world is promoting provide a channel for military to reinstate / interoperability and common approaches keep control of their MRO strategies George Bond, Chairman of NATO Allied Comity, Group of Wider plans for the future National Directors on Codifications Gerhard Rauniak, 3PL Programme Director, European Defence Agency 16.30 F-35 JOINT STRIKE FIGHTER - SHAPING PLANS FOR THE FUTURE 11.40 UK C-17 CASE STUDY: UNIQUE SOLUTION TO DRIVE How optimum supply chain management will be DOWN COST achieved An overview of the C-17 MRO arrangements with Ensuring on-time delivery of resources USAF and Boeing Why smooth delivery will ensure the overall success of Benefits of the unique contracting agreements the platform currently in place Successful integration of MRO as the platform becomes A look to the future for the UK - the impact of USAF fully operational policy to increase in-house maintenance - will they Travis Osbourne, Chief, Training Technology Requirements follow suit ? Branch, USAF Wing Commander Tim Ewbank, C-17 Support Manager, DE&S UK MoD 17.10 Chair's Close and End of Day One 12.20 Networking Lunch Chris Granville-White, CBE W: T: +44 (0) 207 368 9300 F: +44 (0) 207 368 9301 E:
  • 3. 8th Annual Military Aviation Repair and Maintenance Day Two: 27th October 2011 08.30 Coffee and Registration 13.20 REPAIR TECHNIQUES AND PROCEDURES IN CONNECTION WITH LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT. 09.00 Chairman's Recap SCHEDULE: Chris Granville-White, CBE Current procedures - how life cycle management is currently employed to aid MRO strategy 09.10 BRAZILIAN AIR FORCE'S TAKE ON A FRESH STRATEGY TO The repair types currently in use along with the ENHANCING MRO CAPABILITY advantages of these methods Partnering with industry: continuing to shape the Prospects: a look to the future plans to improve life cycle capabilities of the Air Force management Striving for greater efficiency: how fresh strategies Colonel Adam Baginski, Chief Engineer PLAF and Lieutentant will help achieve this Colonel Olgierd Wieczorek Senior Officer MRO Branch, Polish Future MRO plans for the Air Force Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Ferreira, Material Command, Brazilian Air Force 14.00 LIFE CYCLE COST MANAGEMENT – BUILDING UP AN APPROACH FOR THE NH90 09.50 DIFFERING DEMANDS INVOLVED IN HELICOPTER MRO - Role of Life cycle costs in the view of the NH90 customer HOW THESE CHALLENGES ARE MET Building up LCC Management for the NH90 programme The differing demands that MRO for the helicopter Lessons learned: Opportunities and Uncertainties place on supply chain Michael Golombek, Maintenance/Materiel Section Leader and How management strategy must differ both for Guy Langenaeken, Logistics Division LSA / LCC / DBC lifecycle planning and supply chain management Coordinator, NATO Helicopter Management Agency Plans for future management - how this is being (NAHEMA) shaped by industry involvement Wing Commander Andrew Pipe, Chinook Project Team, 14.40 Coffee and Networking Break Royal Air Force 15.10 COUNTERFEIT OR ORIGINAL - TECHNOLOGY TO AUTHENTICATE 10.30 Coffee and Networking Break SUPPLY CHAIN How to combat the ever increasing global trade of 11.00 ADAPTING TO THE ADDED STRAINS THAT THE counterfeits BATTLEFIELD WILL BRING The potential hi tech applications developed by VTT for How to rapidly adapt the MRO strategy to example smart tags (RFID, NFC, etc.) that will increase compensate for the strain without a decrease in authenticity asset availability Application tailoring - for example fleet-wide applications How the long term management strategy will differ by the original equipment manufacture to overcome these demands How best to cope with the ever increasing environmental How initial strategy is set up to allow fluid changes requirements How best to sustain success Dr Aslak Siliander, VTT Technical Research Centre, Finland Squadron Leader Mckenzie-Owr, Tornado Engineering and Logistics Wing, UK Air Force 15.50 COMPATIBILITY OF OFFSET PRACTICES WITH EU LAW How reform of international procurement laws and 11.40 COST AS A KEY ELEMENT OF LIFE-CYCLE MANAGEMENT policies will effect you Life-cycle cost as a key element of repair and The ongoing developments in the field of European maintenance decision-making Defense procurement integration policy a look to the How to implement Life-cycle cost analysis future Examples of good practices and potential issues for European Defense Market integration and regulation - the the future possible constraints that will be placed on both industry Dr Baudouin Heuninckx, Head of Procurement for and military Aeronautical Programmes, Belgian Armed Forces Dr Aris Georgopoulos, Defense Strategic Procurement Group 16.30 Chair's close and End of Day Two 12.20 Networking Lunch Chris Granville-White, CBE Tel: +44(0)207 368 9300 Email: Hnewsletter@defenceiq.comH Defence IQ is an authoritative news source for high quality and exclusive commentary and analysis on global defence and military-related topics. Sourcing interviews and insights directly from senior military and industry professionals on air defence, cyber warfare, armoured vehicles, naval defence, land defence and many more topics, Defence IQ is a unique multimedia platform to discuss and learn about the latest developments within the defence sector. So join over 45,000 defence professionals today to claim your exclusive video interviews, podcasts, articles and whitepapers that are updated on a daily basis at Hwww.defenceiq.comH - and all for free. W: T: +44 (0) 207 368 9300 F: +44 (0) 207 368 9301 E:
  • 4. Military Aviation Repair and Maintenance 25th October 2011 Pre-Conference Workshops Work shop A - 09:30 – 12:30 TRAINING CURRICULUMS - THE KEY TO FUTURE MRO SUCCESS Many assets utilised by the Air Force are requiring ever more technical MRO procedures and combined with the added pressure of faster turnaround times provides a very challenging environment in which to work. The needed for a sustained high level of training to enable individuals to carry out these procedures puts huge strain on the ability of a team to continually evolve. A look towards the future potential of technology in the classroom will help further develop the functionality of all units. Benefits of attending: Learn through an interactive dissection of the revered case study of the F-22 maintenance training plan which will teach you how best to utilise your assets (personal) worth Discuss why there is a need for a strong focus on continual development of the current training schemes, with a look to improving future strategy Ensure that you are updated on future development to further enhancement of the value of MRO strategy, to guarantee not only technological advances are implemented correctly into the curriculum but that suitable provisions are made for future development Confirmed: Travis W. Osborne, Chief, Training Technology Requirements Branch USAF. Workshop B – 13:30 – 16:30 IMPROVED SUPPORTABILITY THROUGH OBSOLESCE MANAGEMENT With the average age of the Air Fleet continually increasing the challenges associated with managing these aging platforms is set to increase. Along with the added pressures of a raise in cost and expertise needed to keep these assets available the problems caused by Obsolescence are the most difficult to tackle. The need for strategic management to efficiently confront the problems associated with inadequate life cycle management, supply chain issues and maintenance and repair efforts will continue to dictate the success and availability of the fleet. Benefits of attending: Learn how the implementation of emerging technology will enhance efficiency of supply chain and assist in the management of aging platforms Develop you strategic plans through an interactive discussion of the best use of current management methods - how can you further improve the plans that are currently set in place Discuss how you can achieve a future increase in efficiency and decrease in cost can be achieved Confirmed: Components Obsolescence Group. Sponsorship Opportunities | Three easy ways to get involved 1. Thought Leadership: With an expected audience of senior military customers and decision makers from across the globe, Defence IQ events enable you to build your reputation as a market leader in your chosen domain through speaking sessions and subject specific conference streams, workshops and focus days 2. Branding: We bring together buyers and suppliers in a tailored location with unbeatable facilities for on-site branding and exposure. Furthermore, our dedicated marketing team can help you achieve your promotional aims in the months leading up to the conference with dedicated mailings to cover 50,000 contacts through brochure drops, extensive e-mail campaigns and tailored web coverage 3. Featured Networking Events: Focused and high level, our events will provide you with the perfect environment to initiate new business relationships and achieve face to face contact that overcrowded tradeshows cannot deliver. Sponsorship opportunities range from exhibition stands to sponsored lunches, cocktail receptions, gala dinners and a host of informal social networking events. For further details, or to discuss which option is best for your organisation, please call +44 (0) 207 368 9857 or email W: T: +44 (0) 207 368 9300 F: +44 (0) 207 368 9301 E:
  • 5. Military aviation repair 5 WAyS TO REGISTER and Maintenance FREEPHOnE: 0800 652 2363 OR +44 (0)20 7368 9300 Main-Conference: 26th - 27th October 2011 FAx: +44 (0)20 7368 9301 Pre-Conference Workshops: 25th October 2011 Conference Venue: America Square Conference Centre POST: yOuR BOOking FORM TO iQPC, 129 WiLTOn ROAD, To speed registration, please provide the priority code located on the mailing label or in the box below. ViCTORiA, LOnDOn, My registration code pdfw SW1 V1JZ Please contact our database manager on +44(0) 207 368 9300 or quoting the registration code above to inform us of any changes or to remove your details. EMAiL: WWW.MiLiTARyAViATiOnREPAiR.COM Register and Register and Register and Military/Govt/ Standard Public Sector** ✔ Pay by July 29th 2011* Pay by August 26th 2011* Pay by September 30th 2011* Price TEAM DISCOUnTS* Conference + Save £998 Save £998 Save £998 IQPC recognises the value of learning in teams. Groups of 3 or more booking at the £399+VAT £399+VAT £399+VAT £1397+VAT same time from the same company receive a 10% discount, 5 or more receive a 15% 2 Workshops discount, 7 receive a 20% discount. Only one discount available per person. Conference + Save £750 Save £750 Save £750 £298+VAT £298+VAT £298+VAT £1048+VAT 1 Workshop*** Save £500 Save £500 Save £500 VEnUE & ACCOMMODATIOn Conference only £199+VAT £199+VAT £199+VAT £699+VAT Venue: America Square Conference Centre, 1 America Square, 17 Crosswall London EC3N 2LB, Tel: 020 7706 7700, Fax: 020 7481 4669 Accommodation: Travel and Accommodation are not included in the registration Register and Register and Register and Standard Industry Standard fee. For nearby accommodation options and best possible rates and special offers Rates ✔ Pay by July 29th 2011* Pay by August 26th 2011* Pay by September 30th 2011* Price please visit: . This map displays live availability and allows you to book directly with each hotel. 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