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Jessie Simmons
English Composition II
October 27, 2014
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Even when celebrities try to use their fame to promote a good cause it can
sometimes backfire with certain audiences. Does celebrity activism benefit the causes and
the celebrities, both or neither? Alyssa Milano has chosen to focus her activism around
relieving the suffering of animals and children. To do that she has picked two large,
visible yet somewhat controversial animal charities as a vehicle for her efforts—PETA
(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and the Humane Society of the United
States. In addition, as a good will ambassador for UNICEF she makes online and media
appeals for funds for this organization. These involvements have brought both praise and
derision to her doorstep, but it is also evident, in her mind at least, that the positive is far
outweighing the negative and she continues to deepen and broaden her involvement in all
three charities every year.
Alyssa Milano is passionate about alleviating the suffering of children. The
United Nations International Children’s Emergency
Fund (UNICEF) posted an article about Alyssa Milano
as an ambassador titled “Ambassador Since 2003”
under a tab called Our Supporters. All over the article
UNICEF has plastered pictures of Alyssa Milano with children from the trips she has
made overseas, which portray her as a compassionate person. The biggest picture is one
of Alyssa Milano from a trip to Angola in 2004. She is shown with her arm around a sick
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child demonstrating how to use how a digital camera. These pictures not only prove that
Milano has visited these places, they also show her as a hands-on supporter of UNICEF’s
work and not just a spokesperson for UNICEF. The typical audience on the UNICEF
website is likely people looking to make a contribution or see what UNICEF is about.
Seeing the pictures of Alyssa Milano and the children she is helping, puts a face to the
cause that she cares about. UNICEF also praises Milano for her involvement with the
organization saying that “since [Milano’s] appointment as a UNICEF Ambassador in
2003, Alyssa has been influential in raising funds and awareness for UNICEF and its
mission of saving and improving the lives of children worldwide” (UNICEF 1). When
UNICEF makes this statement they are once again reaffirming the key goal of Milano’s
activism: to relieve the suffering of children and animals. Finally, the article also depicts
Milano as a person who is passionate about using her celebrity status to make the world a
better place. Milano states, "I think that celebrity is a really important thing, because we
have the voice that's recognizable, that can educate and empower people to make a
difference" (UNICEF 1). This sentiment is also expressed by another organization she
champions—PETA-- who paints Milano as an exception to the stereotypical stuck up
celebrity. Like PETA, UNICEF is not just praising Milano for her years of service but
also themselves for finding such a wonderful spokesperson.
Milano’s involvement with UNICEF is also celebrated in an article on the
parenting website More4Kids entitled “Alyssa Milano—Ambassador For Good.” This
post chronicles and praises Alyssa Milano’s achievements and involvement with
UNICEF. The website is geared towards parents and the articles are written anonymously
by parents. Their motto is “articles by parents for parents.” The website also includes
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discussion boards where parents talk about issues such as bullying. The article makes it
seem as though they are portraying a side of Alyssa Milano that most people do not know
Although many people may be aware of [Alyssa Milano’s] celebrity life, many
are unaware of the other side of Alyssa Milano. Many people may be surprised to
find out what an incredible ambassador for good [she has] been. [Milano] uses her
fame to make a difference; she is involved in many foundations and charities,
always working to help those less fortunate than herself (More4Kids 1).
This anonymous parent is showing that Milano champions making the world a better
place for the less fortunate, which is why she supports UNICEF.
Back in 2003, UNICEF invited Alyssa to become a National Ambassador for
them [as a] result of all the charitable work she had already done for children.
Since she became a National Goodwill Ambassador for this country, she traveled
to work in a variety of other countries including Kosovo, Angola, India and more
(More4Kids 1).
This statement shows that before UNICEF Milano had done good things and that
UNICEF making her an ambassador only enhanced them. This serves to reaffirm that
even before the awards and recognition, Milano cared about alleviating the suffering of
the less fortunate. Since this website is geared toward parents, it also shows that Milano
can be a role model to children and parents of how to be a good person. The anonymous
author also praises the UNICEF activities that Milano promotes which involve kids
helping kids. They inform readers “Alyssa has also been working on the Trick or Treat
Campaign to help raise money for children in other countries and [is a] spokesperson for
the cause” (More4Kids 1). The Trick or Treat campaign encourages children to bring a
cardboard UNICEF box with them while trick-or-treating. People typically add change to
the box. This shows that Milano is an advocate of children who are more fortunate
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helping other children in need. Alyssa Milano is a particularly effective spokeperson for
this cause because she also is a mother of two and wants to teach both her own and other
children to do the right thing and help others in need. In summary, this parent to parent
discourse platform presents both UNICEF and Milano in a positive light, as working
together to involve more affluent parents and their children in raising funds for less
fortunate children around the world.
Harriet Lloyd observes another benefit of this alliance in her fascinating Master’s
thesis paper for her degree from Cardiff University in the United Kingdom entitled
“Celebrity Endorsement of Charities: An Analysis of Media Texts and Focus Group
Data.” One of the points she makes are that celebrity endorsements both get the
celebrity’s name into media venues that might not otherwise mention them and also gets
their causes into media outlets that might not otherwise mention those causes. This article
on the More4Kids website does that-- it both re-reinforces Milano’s image as a caring
parent and puts UNICEF and their Trick-or-Treat campaign in front of one of their target
audiences—parents. Neither Milano nor the Trick or Treat Campaign may have been
news on this website if they weren’t connected. Both contribute to the exposure and
positive image of the other. Although it’s possible some people might be annoyed by
children asking for money as part of Halloween trick or treating, generally children
collecting money for other children in need would be viewed positively by most people.
Milano’s association with the Trick or Treat campaign to benefit UNICEF appears to
benefit both parties equally.
In contrast to this positive publicity, Alyssa Milano’s television pleas for UNICEF
have also drawn detractors. One blog particularly singles out her commercials and those
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of Sarah McLachlan for the SPCA as “melodramatic pleas for donations…when I watch
those ads I feel manipulated, emotionally blackmailed…even shamed” (Overeducated
Housewife 1). This blog dissects and raises issues about the pictures/techniques used by
UNICEF and other international children’s charities that form the backdrop for Milano’s
and other pleas. The blog says these commercials show:
--the depiction of fly-covered, malnourished children with large eyes and
anglicized names
--the plea for only 50 cents or the cost of a cup of coffee daily
--the shaming technique of repeatedly asking what’s your excuse for not calling
NOW to pledge support
This blog questions the use of charitable dollars to pay for expensive television
advertising. It also asks whether the celebrity spokespeople are paid for these
commercials. Finally this blog raises the question of whether these celebrities personally
donate substantially to the causes they are asking others to support. A defender of
Milano on Overeducated Housewife points to her $50,000 donation to UNICEF and
challenge to corporations to do the same. But questions about the appropriateness of
wealthy celebrities pleading for the disadvantaged, the use of charitable dollars for self-
promotion, and the lavish staff salaries paid to the leadership of some of these charities
(i.e. the CEO of UNICEF makes $454,855) remain and are echoed on UNICEF’s
Facebook page, in other blogs and in circulating emails. Milano’s association with
UNICEF could, in some circles, taint her as minimally naive or even worse, as complicit
in these questionable uses of charitable dollars.
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The Overeducated Housewife blog in general features a number of snarky,
sarcastic and condescending articles on a broad range of topics. The majority of articles
seem to be critiques of writers, celebrities or other public figures who the blogger does
not like. The blog links to a Facebook page with the name “Knotty” (a pun on Naughty?
A reference to the knotty issues it covers?). The face is blurred on a number of images
including the profile picture so it appears this blogger is choosing to remain anonymous.
Her motto on the blog is “just another boring blog about being a boring housewife.” This
motto and the blog’s tone seem to define its audience as educated women who feel they
are overeducated for the boring job of being a housewife. The critics of Milano’s
involvement with UNICEF, in general, come across as whiny, rude, privileged and nit
picking people who are criticizing both a charity and a celebrity who are seeking to
impact some of the world’s most pressing and recalcitrant problems. They are not seen
as positing positive alternatives, but simply as critiquing and seeking to tear down others’
In addition to alleviating the suffering of children, Milano is also passionate about
helping animals. One of the least controversial animal causes Alyssa Milano has chosen
to align herself with is the Humane Society of the United States. On their website they
wrote an article titled “Alyssa Milano Wants Better Treatment for Horses” which praises
her for supporting a bill that would outlaw soring-- the act is called Prevent All Soring
Tactics abbreviated PAST.
Soring involves the intentional infliction of pain to a horse's legs or hooves in
order to force the horse to perform an artificial, exaggerated gait. Caustic
chemicals—blistering agents like mustard oil, diesel fuel and kerosene—are
applied to the horse's limbs, causing extreme pain and suffering… Through the
use of caustic chemicals and abusive shoeing techniques that create constant
pressure and pain, the horse is forced to perform an unnatural, exaggerated gait
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known as the ‘Big Lick.’ I am the proud owner of gaited horses and am writing to
urge you to co-sponsor crucial legislation that will protect these vulnerable
animals from a repugnant training practice (Humane Society 1).
The Humane Society describes Milano as a “longtime animal advocate and star of
ABC’s Mistresses” (Humane Society 1). The main point of the article is to advocate for
better treatment for horses by both describing the harmful practices and by showing
Congress how many people support the proposed law. Alyssa Milano’s support is placed
in the context of other experts on equine welfare--Friends of Sound Horses, the National
Plantation Walking Horse Association, Carolina Walkers, United Pleasure Walking
Horse Association (Missouri), and the Tennessee Walking Horse Association of
Oklahoma-- who also support this bill. Alyssa Milano’s celebrity status and plea is added
to the voices of expert horse associations which adds credibility and visibility to all
concerned and attempts to create a beneficial, high profile “voice” to get the PAST act
pushed through Congress.
Milano also practices and promotes vegetarianism as a part of her commitment to
relieving the suffering of animals. In celebrity dietician Dr. Stephen Gullo’s article
“Alyssa Milano Became a Vegetarian After 9/11,” he highlights Milano’s vegetarian diet
and lauds her for continuing to pursue this healthy diet during her pregnancy. In the
article, Dr. Gullo goes through the amount of food and different food groups that Milano
consumes on a daily basis. It seems that he is using her as a healthy role model. Dr. Gullo
informs readers that:
Alyssa Milano follows an eating plan that recommends consuming meals that
consist of 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent proteins, and 30 percent healthy
fats. Her meals often come directly from her vegetable garden. On a typical day
Milano often enjoys oatmeal for breakfast to increase her intake of whole grains.
Lunch is often a salad made from veggies from the garden such as spinach […],
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green beans, cauliflower and broccoli. Dinner [also] includes plenty of vegetables.
Alyssa often enjoys pizza topped with vegetables like broccoli (Dr. Gullo 2).
It is likely that Dr. Gullo’s diet website attracts dieticians, health enthusiasts, dieters and
celebrity watchers. Highlighting a celebrity’s adherence to a healthy, vegetarian diet,
even while pregnant, and using items available in her garden makes this lifestyle seem
easy and affordable. In line with Milano’s other rhetorical statements, this website
frames her vegetarianism in terms of relief of animal suffering. Dr. Gullo’s article states
Milano became a vegetarian “after speaking with a friend from New York shortly after
9/11. [...She] recounted how ‘he couldn’t stand the smell of burnt flesh. It immediately
reminded me of a barbecue.’ Those sickening words were enough to turn [her] into an
herbivore” (Gullo 1). The fact that Alyssa Milano compared barbecues to burnt human
flesh appears to show that she puts the lives of animals on a similar level to humans. Dr.
Gullo also portrays Milano as a person who is very committed to vegetarianism no matter
what. He states “Alyssa Milano maintained her diet during her pregnancy with her son,
Milo Thomas. Some vegetarians begin craving meat during their pregnancies, but
according to Alyssa, her pregnancy cravings didn’t stray too far from broccoli and pizza”
(Gullo 1). Dr. Gullo is portraying Milano as a person who maintained her convictions
even while pregnant. All in all, regardless of an audience’s personal beliefs about eating
meat, Milano’s portrayal of vegetarianism as a healthy, simple and affordable diet
alternative is a generally positive and non-controversial posture.
One of the more controversial organizations that Milano supports is PETA—
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. In the PETA website article-- “Alyssa
Milano: Veggies Never Looked So Good” --they laud Alyssa Milano’s vegetarianism and
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equate it with good moral standards. The
discourse talks about Alyssa Milano’s
vegetable dress, which is part of a campaign in
which vegetarian celebrities take pictures with
vegetables as a way to promote vegetarianism.
PETA portrays Alyssa Milano as the exception
to the stereotype of a self-absorbed Hollywood
star. PETA proclaims that Milano “is not your
typical pampered Hollywood star. In fact, she’s
anything but. When she’s not busy acting or
producing, you can bet she’s out there somewhere championing the rights of needy
children” (PETA 1) as the UNICEF texts have shown earlier. When PETA says that
Alyssa Milano is not your typical Hollywood star they are not just praising her, but also
themselves for finding a compassionate celebrity who tries to be a force for good in the
world and who is portraying an alternate view of glamour. As an organization once
widely known for throwing blood on the fur coats of celebrities, PETA is now using
celebrities in their campaign to sexualize and glamourize vegetarianism. In addition, an
Alyssa Milano quote in the article portrays vegetarianism as a decision that makes the
world a better place. Milano purports that “The world has so much suffering in it
already—choosing to be vegetarian is one thing you can do to reduce the suffering on a
daily basis” (PETA 1). As a rhetor in this article, Alyssa Milano portrays the decision not
to eat meat as something that helps alleviate suffering in a world that is already plagued
by so much tragedy. The audience tracking this PETA campaign is likely to be
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individuals who feel sympathetic to animal welfare and view animals as having the same
or a similar status as humans.
The blog Hots Up Movies continues the discourse about the PETA campaign and
also paints Alyssa Milano in a relatively positive light in their article “Alyssa Milano
Dressed in Vegetables for PETA.” The blogger focuses more on Alyssa Milano as a sex
object and less on her vegetarianism campaign with PETA. The syntax of the “Alyssa
Milano Dressed in Vegetables for PETA,” talked more about what was under her dress
than the actual vegetarian campaign—“So we’ve got lettuce on a nude Alyssa Milano
(OK, she’s not exactly nude but we can imagine she is underneath that salad)” (Hots Up
Movies 1). Posts on this blog explain that the campaign is geared toward promoting a
vegetarian lifestyle and making vegetarianism look fit and sexy. Other celebrities
involved in the campaign include model and actress Maggie Qion who poses naked in a
field of chili peppers under the theme “Spice Up Your Life.” They also mention Eva
Mendes who poses naked saying, “Fur? I’d Rather Go Naked.” The blog supports Alyssa
Milano and the other celebrities’ decisions to attract women and men to the cause of
vegetarianism by looking healthy and sexy—even to the point of nudity. The blog Hots
Up Movies is a blog that is run by an anonymous commentator who produces discourses
about movies, television shows and celebrity activity. The commentator’s remarks are
generally positive about various celebrities; the blog itself is not negative. However, the
absence of the identity of the rhetor creates an air of mystery for the audience. Based on
the blog’s content, I would surmise the audience is likely males who are interested in
action movies and female celebrities.
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While the Hots Up Movie discourse community seems to praise the PETA
campaign for its sexy, edgy method of attracting interest in vegetarianism, NBC and
other audiences find the campaign vulgar and inappropriate. When a celebrity puts their
name on a campaign, they must be prepared for whatever negative feedback comes along
with it. While Alyssa Milano herself is generally a less controversial celebrity, the PETA
vegetarian campaign that she has associated with has received a lot of negative feedback.
NBC was one media outlet that actually banned ads from this PETA campaign. NBC
refused to air PETA ads during the Super Bowl because of their overt nudity. The music
and gaming website Harmonix posted an article titled “PETA Superbowl Ad Too Racy.”
The tone that celebrity journalist Gina Serpe reflects about the PETA vegetarian ad
campaign as a whole is judgmental and negative. Her disapproval is reflected when she
says that “NBC has nixed the critter-loving group's controversy baiting, publicity-seeking
Super Bowl ad” (Serpe 1). Clearly the rhetor’s primary exigence is to portray PETA as a
provocative, attention seeking organization. This is shown when she makes comments
such as “publicity-seeking” and “controversy baiting”. By insulting this campaign, Serpe
is insulting anyone involved in it including Milano. In addition, Serpe also casts a shadow
of disapproval on PETA by mentioning some of the actions that the celebrities perform in
the video itself. She stated that:
the ad included a woman rubbing [her] pelvic region with a pumpkin, [another
woman] screwing herself with broccoli, [another woman] licking an eggplant and,
the most graphic complaint [a woman with] asparagus on her lap appearing as if it
is ready to be inserted into vagina (Serpe 1).
Although Milano herself is not performing these acts, she could be seen as being guilty
for being associated with this campaign. As a rhetor, Serpe goes into great detail with her
description of the acts between the women and the vegetables almost painting PETA as
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misogynistic for depicting women with vegetables in such a vulgar manner. While it is
obvious Serpe has much more animosity towards PETA, it is also clear that she
recognizes the hypocrisy of NBC. While they are trying to present themselves as too
moral to air the PETA campaign, NBC allows other sketchy content on their network.
While criticizing the sexualized videos of the PETA advocates, Serpe makes it clear that
both parties are not innocent. The target audience of the Harmonix website seems to also
be people who enjoy celebrity conversation, movie chats and public opinion. However,
there are a lot more negative articles on this website and the rhetors reveal their identity
in contrast to Hots Up Movies where the anonymous blogger never reveals himself. It is
ironic that rhetors who make critical and negative comments choose to attach their names
to their discourses, whereas the rhetor of the Hots up Movies blog who writes positive
and some sexual comments chooses to remain anonymous. Possibly the Harmonix
rhetors are professional writers who want visibilty on social media, regardless of the
tenor of their comments. All in all, because Alyssa Milano did not pose nude, she is not
personally a target for the worst criticism of this PETA campaign. However, under this
critical PETA article there is a link to an article about Alyssa Milano that bashes her for
posting a selfie while breastfeeding her daughter on Instagram, because she is showing
her bare breasts. One cannot help but wonder if this is a backhanded way of trying to
sully her reputation showing that while she may be fully clothed in this ad, on Instagram
she showed her breasts to 1.2 million followers.
It seems that even when celebrities support compassionate treatment of animals or
other causes, some discourse communities will express disdain for the celebrity and the
organizations they support. Another discourse community that has put PETA and their
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endorsers on their hit list is the website Student This is a website where students
in vet schools post their opinions about different animal advocacy organizations and their
policies. Unlike Harmonix’s celebrity journalist Gina Serpe, this community/website is
focused on the wellbeing of animals and debunking what they believe to be hypocritical
organizations like PETA. The audience this site seeks to attract are other student
veterinarians and animal rights supporters who dislike the tactics of groups like PETA.
Many students on this website who post, have avatars of animals--mainly cats, dogs,
birds and some fish. Users on the website tend to view PETA as a political powerhouse
that seeks to recruit celebrities to attract influence and support. In addition, they claim
that celebrities, including Milano, support PETA to improve their public image. User
Groominator states that:
PETA has a [...] lot of money and political power. I only assume that they
pressure/recruit people in high places for support. Now I'm sure those people don't
know any better and join out of ignorance. Because what do the masses love?
Babies and cute animals. Clearly supporting animals will make me look better to
the masses (Student Vet 1).
This user and many others clearly feel that celebrities and PETA have a mutually
beneficial relationship in which PETA is benefitting from the popular publicity and the
celebrities like Milano benefit from being viewed as caring and compassionate
individuals. There are several personal attacks on Alyssa Milano that express
disappointment at her naiveté. Zpinkpanther says: “It really made [me] sad to see Alyssa
Milano on the PETA list. She's one of my favorite actresses!” (Student Vet 2). The user
seemed disappointed to see a person s/he greatly admires aligning themselves with a
group that s/he does not support. However, this comment was one of the more tactful
articles posted about Milano. Another user said that she just made their “shit list.” The
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syntax that people used to express their disproval of Milano and other celebrities ranged
from disappointment to disdain.
Both animal charities that Milano supports—People for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals (PETA) and the Humane Society of the United States seek better treatment of
animals and the audiences that their websites attract will likely support the same.
Although both organizations are accused of being publicity-seeking and going after
celebrity endorsements, the reasons for this may be that both organizations are seeking to
broadly educate and convince the public to view and treat animals differently. To get
broad public attention, they need spokespeople and tactics that reach large public
audiences. Both organizations are also trying to pass laws and change public policy.
Typically powerful, visible spokespeople and advocates are needed to change laws and
public policy. Two notable differences between the organizations are their primary
audiences and their tactics. PETA is obviously trying to appeal to an adult audience and
has employed more provocative “in your face” publicity tactics. The Humane Society, in
contrast, targets children as a primary audience and one of their most well-known
publications is Kind News—a magazine about animals, animal rights and animal cruelty
geared toward children. They are employing a more long-term tactic to creating change,
by seeking to educate and influence the next generation. Their primary publicity tactics
also appeal to empathy and picture suffering animals as a way to raise money for their
organization. Since, unlike PETA, they do not provide any direct rescue or other services
to animals, they have actually been sued for mis-representation in these advertisements,
and have had to generalize their advertising to be clear that they are about trying to
prevent animal cruelty through education and lobbying, not through direct aid to animals.
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All in all, Alyssa Milano’s support for the Humane Society shows that she is not just
focusing on one animal cause and that she is able to align herself with several animal
advocacy groups in pursuit of her goal to relieve animal suffering.
Alyssa Milano is a celebrity who uses her good fortune and status to help make
the world a safer place for children and animals. For the most part, the causes and
campaigns she has chosen to associate with reinforce her image as a sincere, involved,
passionate, global citizen who cares deeply about vulnerable children and animals. These
causes/campaigns also build on her image as a good mother, a glamorous actress and a
health conscious individual and reinforce those images. Her involvement with these
organizations has garnered both for herself and for them, many additional media
mentions on a broader variety of media platforms and venues than any of them could get
alone. This broad exposure has both plusses and minuses—both the causes and Alyssa
Milano are more closely scrutinized from the perspectives of many more audiences. On
balance, I think this exposure has increased Milano’s popularity and also the positive
regard, political clout and fundraising success of the causes she has adopted. In a
growing media and celebrity culture is this good or bad? Does it bring worthy causes/
needs to public attention or trivialize the root causes of the widespread and persistent
problems they represent? Alyssa Milano’s endorsement of UNICEF, PETA and the
Humane Society of America may not solve the problems of child poverty and animal
suffering, but it is clear that her involvement has made a difference in raising funds and
awareness for these important causes. Although there is controversy in some quarters
about the causes she has chosen to align with and their methods for raising money, these
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causes have helped contribute to her image as a kind, caring person who is using her
fame to accomplish good things.
Works Cited
"Alyssa Milano – Ambassador for Good." Parenting at More4kids. More4Kids, n.d.
Web. 02 Nov. 2014.
"Alyssa Milano: Veggies Never Looked So Good." Peta2com Site Wide Activity RSS.
PETA, n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.
"Alyssa Milano Wants Better Treatment for Horses : The Humane Society of the United
States." The Humane Society of the United States. The Humane Society of the
United States, 15 Jan. 2014. Web. 02 Nov. 2014.
Gullo, Stephen, Dr. "Alyssa Milano Became a Vegetarian After 9/11 - Dr. Gullo." Dr.
Gullo. N.p., 17 Jan. 2012. Web. 30 Oct. 2014.
"Hots Up Movies."Alyssa Milano Dressed in Vegetables for PETA”. Blogspot, 25 Sept.
2007. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.
Lloyd, Harriet. "Celebrity Endorsements of Charities: An Analysis of Media Texts and
Focus Group Data." Thesis. Cardiff University, n.d. Masters Thesis: Celebrity
Endorsements of Charities: An Analysis of Media Texts and Focus Group Data. Web. 1 Nov. 2014.
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"If It's January, It Must Also Be Time For..." The Overeducated Housewife. Blogspot,
8 Jan. 2012. Web. 16 Nov. 2014.
"PETA and Celebrities." Rev. of PETA Vegetarian Campaign. n.d.: n. pag. The Student
Doctor Network. The Student Doctor Network, 14 Nov. 2009. Web. 12 Oct. 2011.
Serpe, Gina. "PETA Superbowl Ad Too Racy." Harmonix. Eonline, Jan. 2009. Web.
27 Oct. 2014.
"UNICEF Ambassador since 2003." Unicef USA. Unicef United States Fund, n.d. Web.
28 Oct. 2014.
"Why We Euthanize." PETA Why We Euthanize Comments. PETA, 21 Mar. 2013. Web.
03 Nov. 2014.

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  • 1. Simmons 1 Jessie Simmons English Composition II October 27, 2014 No Good Deed Goes Unpunished Even when celebrities try to use their fame to promote a good cause it can sometimes backfire with certain audiences. Does celebrity activism benefit the causes and the celebrities, both or neither? Alyssa Milano has chosen to focus her activism around relieving the suffering of animals and children. To do that she has picked two large, visible yet somewhat controversial animal charities as a vehicle for her efforts—PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and the Humane Society of the United States. In addition, as a good will ambassador for UNICEF she makes online and media appeals for funds for this organization. These involvements have brought both praise and derision to her doorstep, but it is also evident, in her mind at least, that the positive is far outweighing the negative and she continues to deepen and broaden her involvement in all three charities every year. Alyssa Milano is passionate about alleviating the suffering of children. The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) posted an article about Alyssa Milano as an ambassador titled “Ambassador Since 2003” under a tab called Our Supporters. All over the article UNICEF has plastered pictures of Alyssa Milano with children from the trips she has made overseas, which portray her as a compassionate person. The biggest picture is one of Alyssa Milano from a trip to Angola in 2004. She is shown with her arm around a sick
  • 2. Simmons 2 child demonstrating how to use how a digital camera. These pictures not only prove that Milano has visited these places, they also show her as a hands-on supporter of UNICEF’s work and not just a spokesperson for UNICEF. The typical audience on the UNICEF website is likely people looking to make a contribution or see what UNICEF is about. Seeing the pictures of Alyssa Milano and the children she is helping, puts a face to the cause that she cares about. UNICEF also praises Milano for her involvement with the organization saying that “since [Milano’s] appointment as a UNICEF Ambassador in 2003, Alyssa has been influential in raising funds and awareness for UNICEF and its mission of saving and improving the lives of children worldwide” (UNICEF 1). When UNICEF makes this statement they are once again reaffirming the key goal of Milano’s activism: to relieve the suffering of children and animals. Finally, the article also depicts Milano as a person who is passionate about using her celebrity status to make the world a better place. Milano states, "I think that celebrity is a really important thing, because we have the voice that's recognizable, that can educate and empower people to make a difference" (UNICEF 1). This sentiment is also expressed by another organization she champions—PETA-- who paints Milano as an exception to the stereotypical stuck up celebrity. Like PETA, UNICEF is not just praising Milano for her years of service but also themselves for finding such a wonderful spokesperson. Milano’s involvement with UNICEF is also celebrated in an article on the parenting website More4Kids entitled “Alyssa Milano—Ambassador For Good.” This post chronicles and praises Alyssa Milano’s achievements and involvement with UNICEF. The website is geared towards parents and the articles are written anonymously by parents. Their motto is “articles by parents for parents.” The website also includes
  • 3. Simmons 3 discussion boards where parents talk about issues such as bullying. The article makes it seem as though they are portraying a side of Alyssa Milano that most people do not know about: Although many people may be aware of [Alyssa Milano’s] celebrity life, many are unaware of the other side of Alyssa Milano. Many people may be surprised to find out what an incredible ambassador for good [she has] been. [Milano] uses her fame to make a difference; she is involved in many foundations and charities, always working to help those less fortunate than herself (More4Kids 1). This anonymous parent is showing that Milano champions making the world a better place for the less fortunate, which is why she supports UNICEF. Back in 2003, UNICEF invited Alyssa to become a National Ambassador for them [as a] result of all the charitable work she had already done for children. Since she became a National Goodwill Ambassador for this country, she traveled to work in a variety of other countries including Kosovo, Angola, India and more (More4Kids 1). This statement shows that before UNICEF Milano had done good things and that UNICEF making her an ambassador only enhanced them. This serves to reaffirm that even before the awards and recognition, Milano cared about alleviating the suffering of the less fortunate. Since this website is geared toward parents, it also shows that Milano can be a role model to children and parents of how to be a good person. The anonymous author also praises the UNICEF activities that Milano promotes which involve kids helping kids. They inform readers “Alyssa has also been working on the Trick or Treat Campaign to help raise money for children in other countries and [is a] spokesperson for the cause” (More4Kids 1). The Trick or Treat campaign encourages children to bring a cardboard UNICEF box with them while trick-or-treating. People typically add change to the box. This shows that Milano is an advocate of children who are more fortunate
  • 4. Simmons 4 helping other children in need. Alyssa Milano is a particularly effective spokeperson for this cause because she also is a mother of two and wants to teach both her own and other children to do the right thing and help others in need. In summary, this parent to parent discourse platform presents both UNICEF and Milano in a positive light, as working together to involve more affluent parents and their children in raising funds for less fortunate children around the world. Harriet Lloyd observes another benefit of this alliance in her fascinating Master’s thesis paper for her degree from Cardiff University in the United Kingdom entitled “Celebrity Endorsement of Charities: An Analysis of Media Texts and Focus Group Data.” One of the points she makes are that celebrity endorsements both get the celebrity’s name into media venues that might not otherwise mention them and also gets their causes into media outlets that might not otherwise mention those causes. This article on the More4Kids website does that-- it both re-reinforces Milano’s image as a caring parent and puts UNICEF and their Trick-or-Treat campaign in front of one of their target audiences—parents. Neither Milano nor the Trick or Treat Campaign may have been news on this website if they weren’t connected. Both contribute to the exposure and positive image of the other. Although it’s possible some people might be annoyed by children asking for money as part of Halloween trick or treating, generally children collecting money for other children in need would be viewed positively by most people. Milano’s association with the Trick or Treat campaign to benefit UNICEF appears to benefit both parties equally. In contrast to this positive publicity, Alyssa Milano’s television pleas for UNICEF have also drawn detractors. One blog particularly singles out her commercials and those
  • 5. Simmons 5 of Sarah McLachlan for the SPCA as “melodramatic pleas for donations…when I watch those ads I feel manipulated, emotionally blackmailed…even shamed” (Overeducated Housewife 1). This blog dissects and raises issues about the pictures/techniques used by UNICEF and other international children’s charities that form the backdrop for Milano’s and other pleas. The blog says these commercials show: --the depiction of fly-covered, malnourished children with large eyes and anglicized names --the plea for only 50 cents or the cost of a cup of coffee daily --the shaming technique of repeatedly asking what’s your excuse for not calling NOW to pledge support This blog questions the use of charitable dollars to pay for expensive television advertising. It also asks whether the celebrity spokespeople are paid for these commercials. Finally this blog raises the question of whether these celebrities personally donate substantially to the causes they are asking others to support. A defender of Milano on Overeducated Housewife points to her $50,000 donation to UNICEF and challenge to corporations to do the same. But questions about the appropriateness of wealthy celebrities pleading for the disadvantaged, the use of charitable dollars for self- promotion, and the lavish staff salaries paid to the leadership of some of these charities (i.e. the CEO of UNICEF makes $454,855) remain and are echoed on UNICEF’s Facebook page, in other blogs and in circulating emails. Milano’s association with UNICEF could, in some circles, taint her as minimally naive or even worse, as complicit in these questionable uses of charitable dollars.
  • 6. Simmons 6 The Overeducated Housewife blog in general features a number of snarky, sarcastic and condescending articles on a broad range of topics. The majority of articles seem to be critiques of writers, celebrities or other public figures who the blogger does not like. The blog links to a Facebook page with the name “Knotty” (a pun on Naughty? A reference to the knotty issues it covers?). The face is blurred on a number of images including the profile picture so it appears this blogger is choosing to remain anonymous. Her motto on the blog is “just another boring blog about being a boring housewife.” This motto and the blog’s tone seem to define its audience as educated women who feel they are overeducated for the boring job of being a housewife. The critics of Milano’s involvement with UNICEF, in general, come across as whiny, rude, privileged and nit picking people who are criticizing both a charity and a celebrity who are seeking to impact some of the world’s most pressing and recalcitrant problems. They are not seen as positing positive alternatives, but simply as critiquing and seeking to tear down others’ efforts. In addition to alleviating the suffering of children, Milano is also passionate about helping animals. One of the least controversial animal causes Alyssa Milano has chosen to align herself with is the Humane Society of the United States. On their website they wrote an article titled “Alyssa Milano Wants Better Treatment for Horses” which praises her for supporting a bill that would outlaw soring-- the act is called Prevent All Soring Tactics abbreviated PAST. Soring involves the intentional infliction of pain to a horse's legs or hooves in order to force the horse to perform an artificial, exaggerated gait. Caustic chemicals—blistering agents like mustard oil, diesel fuel and kerosene—are applied to the horse's limbs, causing extreme pain and suffering… Through the use of caustic chemicals and abusive shoeing techniques that create constant pressure and pain, the horse is forced to perform an unnatural, exaggerated gait
  • 7. Simmons 7 known as the ‘Big Lick.’ I am the proud owner of gaited horses and am writing to urge you to co-sponsor crucial legislation that will protect these vulnerable animals from a repugnant training practice (Humane Society 1). The Humane Society describes Milano as a “longtime animal advocate and star of ABC’s Mistresses” (Humane Society 1). The main point of the article is to advocate for better treatment for horses by both describing the harmful practices and by showing Congress how many people support the proposed law. Alyssa Milano’s support is placed in the context of other experts on equine welfare--Friends of Sound Horses, the National Plantation Walking Horse Association, Carolina Walkers, United Pleasure Walking Horse Association (Missouri), and the Tennessee Walking Horse Association of Oklahoma-- who also support this bill. Alyssa Milano’s celebrity status and plea is added to the voices of expert horse associations which adds credibility and visibility to all concerned and attempts to create a beneficial, high profile “voice” to get the PAST act pushed through Congress. Milano also practices and promotes vegetarianism as a part of her commitment to relieving the suffering of animals. In celebrity dietician Dr. Stephen Gullo’s article “Alyssa Milano Became a Vegetarian After 9/11,” he highlights Milano’s vegetarian diet and lauds her for continuing to pursue this healthy diet during her pregnancy. In the article, Dr. Gullo goes through the amount of food and different food groups that Milano consumes on a daily basis. It seems that he is using her as a healthy role model. Dr. Gullo informs readers that: Alyssa Milano follows an eating plan that recommends consuming meals that consist of 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent proteins, and 30 percent healthy fats. Her meals often come directly from her vegetable garden. On a typical day Milano often enjoys oatmeal for breakfast to increase her intake of whole grains. Lunch is often a salad made from veggies from the garden such as spinach […],
  • 8. Simmons 8 green beans, cauliflower and broccoli. Dinner [also] includes plenty of vegetables. Alyssa often enjoys pizza topped with vegetables like broccoli (Dr. Gullo 2). It is likely that Dr. Gullo’s diet website attracts dieticians, health enthusiasts, dieters and celebrity watchers. Highlighting a celebrity’s adherence to a healthy, vegetarian diet, even while pregnant, and using items available in her garden makes this lifestyle seem easy and affordable. In line with Milano’s other rhetorical statements, this website frames her vegetarianism in terms of relief of animal suffering. Dr. Gullo’s article states Milano became a vegetarian “after speaking with a friend from New York shortly after 9/11. [...She] recounted how ‘he couldn’t stand the smell of burnt flesh. It immediately reminded me of a barbecue.’ Those sickening words were enough to turn [her] into an herbivore” (Gullo 1). The fact that Alyssa Milano compared barbecues to burnt human flesh appears to show that she puts the lives of animals on a similar level to humans. Dr. Gullo also portrays Milano as a person who is very committed to vegetarianism no matter what. He states “Alyssa Milano maintained her diet during her pregnancy with her son, Milo Thomas. Some vegetarians begin craving meat during their pregnancies, but according to Alyssa, her pregnancy cravings didn’t stray too far from broccoli and pizza” (Gullo 1). Dr. Gullo is portraying Milano as a person who maintained her convictions even while pregnant. All in all, regardless of an audience’s personal beliefs about eating meat, Milano’s portrayal of vegetarianism as a healthy, simple and affordable diet alternative is a generally positive and non-controversial posture. One of the more controversial organizations that Milano supports is PETA— People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. In the PETA website article-- “Alyssa Milano: Veggies Never Looked So Good” --they laud Alyssa Milano’s vegetarianism and
  • 9. Simmons 9 equate it with good moral standards. The discourse talks about Alyssa Milano’s vegetable dress, which is part of a campaign in which vegetarian celebrities take pictures with vegetables as a way to promote vegetarianism. PETA portrays Alyssa Milano as the exception to the stereotype of a self-absorbed Hollywood star. PETA proclaims that Milano “is not your typical pampered Hollywood star. In fact, she’s anything but. When she’s not busy acting or producing, you can bet she’s out there somewhere championing the rights of needy children” (PETA 1) as the UNICEF texts have shown earlier. When PETA says that Alyssa Milano is not your typical Hollywood star they are not just praising her, but also themselves for finding a compassionate celebrity who tries to be a force for good in the world and who is portraying an alternate view of glamour. As an organization once widely known for throwing blood on the fur coats of celebrities, PETA is now using celebrities in their campaign to sexualize and glamourize vegetarianism. In addition, an Alyssa Milano quote in the article portrays vegetarianism as a decision that makes the world a better place. Milano purports that “The world has so much suffering in it already—choosing to be vegetarian is one thing you can do to reduce the suffering on a daily basis” (PETA 1). As a rhetor in this article, Alyssa Milano portrays the decision not to eat meat as something that helps alleviate suffering in a world that is already plagued by so much tragedy. The audience tracking this PETA campaign is likely to be
  • 10. Simmons 10 individuals who feel sympathetic to animal welfare and view animals as having the same or a similar status as humans. The blog Hots Up Movies continues the discourse about the PETA campaign and also paints Alyssa Milano in a relatively positive light in their article “Alyssa Milano Dressed in Vegetables for PETA.” The blogger focuses more on Alyssa Milano as a sex object and less on her vegetarianism campaign with PETA. The syntax of the “Alyssa Milano Dressed in Vegetables for PETA,” talked more about what was under her dress than the actual vegetarian campaign—“So we’ve got lettuce on a nude Alyssa Milano (OK, she’s not exactly nude but we can imagine she is underneath that salad)” (Hots Up Movies 1). Posts on this blog explain that the campaign is geared toward promoting a vegetarian lifestyle and making vegetarianism look fit and sexy. Other celebrities involved in the campaign include model and actress Maggie Qion who poses naked in a field of chili peppers under the theme “Spice Up Your Life.” They also mention Eva Mendes who poses naked saying, “Fur? I’d Rather Go Naked.” The blog supports Alyssa Milano and the other celebrities’ decisions to attract women and men to the cause of vegetarianism by looking healthy and sexy—even to the point of nudity. The blog Hots Up Movies is a blog that is run by an anonymous commentator who produces discourses about movies, television shows and celebrity activity. The commentator’s remarks are generally positive about various celebrities; the blog itself is not negative. However, the absence of the identity of the rhetor creates an air of mystery for the audience. Based on the blog’s content, I would surmise the audience is likely males who are interested in action movies and female celebrities.
  • 11. Simmons 11 While the Hots Up Movie discourse community seems to praise the PETA campaign for its sexy, edgy method of attracting interest in vegetarianism, NBC and other audiences find the campaign vulgar and inappropriate. When a celebrity puts their name on a campaign, they must be prepared for whatever negative feedback comes along with it. While Alyssa Milano herself is generally a less controversial celebrity, the PETA vegetarian campaign that she has associated with has received a lot of negative feedback. NBC was one media outlet that actually banned ads from this PETA campaign. NBC refused to air PETA ads during the Super Bowl because of their overt nudity. The music and gaming website Harmonix posted an article titled “PETA Superbowl Ad Too Racy.” The tone that celebrity journalist Gina Serpe reflects about the PETA vegetarian ad campaign as a whole is judgmental and negative. Her disapproval is reflected when she says that “NBC has nixed the critter-loving group's controversy baiting, publicity-seeking Super Bowl ad” (Serpe 1). Clearly the rhetor’s primary exigence is to portray PETA as a provocative, attention seeking organization. This is shown when she makes comments such as “publicity-seeking” and “controversy baiting”. By insulting this campaign, Serpe is insulting anyone involved in it including Milano. In addition, Serpe also casts a shadow of disapproval on PETA by mentioning some of the actions that the celebrities perform in the video itself. She stated that: the ad included a woman rubbing [her] pelvic region with a pumpkin, [another woman] screwing herself with broccoli, [another woman] licking an eggplant and, the most graphic complaint [a woman with] asparagus on her lap appearing as if it is ready to be inserted into vagina (Serpe 1). Although Milano herself is not performing these acts, she could be seen as being guilty for being associated with this campaign. As a rhetor, Serpe goes into great detail with her description of the acts between the women and the vegetables almost painting PETA as
  • 12. Simmons 12 misogynistic for depicting women with vegetables in such a vulgar manner. While it is obvious Serpe has much more animosity towards PETA, it is also clear that she recognizes the hypocrisy of NBC. While they are trying to present themselves as too moral to air the PETA campaign, NBC allows other sketchy content on their network. While criticizing the sexualized videos of the PETA advocates, Serpe makes it clear that both parties are not innocent. The target audience of the Harmonix website seems to also be people who enjoy celebrity conversation, movie chats and public opinion. However, there are a lot more negative articles on this website and the rhetors reveal their identity in contrast to Hots Up Movies where the anonymous blogger never reveals himself. It is ironic that rhetors who make critical and negative comments choose to attach their names to their discourses, whereas the rhetor of the Hots up Movies blog who writes positive and some sexual comments chooses to remain anonymous. Possibly the Harmonix rhetors are professional writers who want visibilty on social media, regardless of the tenor of their comments. All in all, because Alyssa Milano did not pose nude, she is not personally a target for the worst criticism of this PETA campaign. However, under this critical PETA article there is a link to an article about Alyssa Milano that bashes her for posting a selfie while breastfeeding her daughter on Instagram, because she is showing her bare breasts. One cannot help but wonder if this is a backhanded way of trying to sully her reputation showing that while she may be fully clothed in this ad, on Instagram she showed her breasts to 1.2 million followers. It seems that even when celebrities support compassionate treatment of animals or other causes, some discourse communities will express disdain for the celebrity and the organizations they support. Another discourse community that has put PETA and their
  • 13. Simmons 13 endorsers on their hit list is the website Student This is a website where students in vet schools post their opinions about different animal advocacy organizations and their policies. Unlike Harmonix’s celebrity journalist Gina Serpe, this community/website is focused on the wellbeing of animals and debunking what they believe to be hypocritical organizations like PETA. The audience this site seeks to attract are other student veterinarians and animal rights supporters who dislike the tactics of groups like PETA. Many students on this website who post, have avatars of animals--mainly cats, dogs, birds and some fish. Users on the website tend to view PETA as a political powerhouse that seeks to recruit celebrities to attract influence and support. In addition, they claim that celebrities, including Milano, support PETA to improve their public image. User Groominator states that: PETA has a [...] lot of money and political power. I only assume that they pressure/recruit people in high places for support. Now I'm sure those people don't know any better and join out of ignorance. Because what do the masses love? Babies and cute animals. Clearly supporting animals will make me look better to the masses (Student Vet 1). This user and many others clearly feel that celebrities and PETA have a mutually beneficial relationship in which PETA is benefitting from the popular publicity and the celebrities like Milano benefit from being viewed as caring and compassionate individuals. There are several personal attacks on Alyssa Milano that express disappointment at her naiveté. Zpinkpanther says: “It really made [me] sad to see Alyssa Milano on the PETA list. She's one of my favorite actresses!” (Student Vet 2). The user seemed disappointed to see a person s/he greatly admires aligning themselves with a group that s/he does not support. However, this comment was one of the more tactful articles posted about Milano. Another user said that she just made their “shit list.” The
  • 14. Simmons 14 syntax that people used to express their disproval of Milano and other celebrities ranged from disappointment to disdain. Both animal charities that Milano supports—People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and the Humane Society of the United States seek better treatment of animals and the audiences that their websites attract will likely support the same. Although both organizations are accused of being publicity-seeking and going after celebrity endorsements, the reasons for this may be that both organizations are seeking to broadly educate and convince the public to view and treat animals differently. To get broad public attention, they need spokespeople and tactics that reach large public audiences. Both organizations are also trying to pass laws and change public policy. Typically powerful, visible spokespeople and advocates are needed to change laws and public policy. Two notable differences between the organizations are their primary audiences and their tactics. PETA is obviously trying to appeal to an adult audience and has employed more provocative “in your face” publicity tactics. The Humane Society, in contrast, targets children as a primary audience and one of their most well-known publications is Kind News—a magazine about animals, animal rights and animal cruelty geared toward children. They are employing a more long-term tactic to creating change, by seeking to educate and influence the next generation. Their primary publicity tactics also appeal to empathy and picture suffering animals as a way to raise money for their organization. Since, unlike PETA, they do not provide any direct rescue or other services to animals, they have actually been sued for mis-representation in these advertisements, and have had to generalize their advertising to be clear that they are about trying to prevent animal cruelty through education and lobbying, not through direct aid to animals.
  • 15. Simmons 15 All in all, Alyssa Milano’s support for the Humane Society shows that she is not just focusing on one animal cause and that she is able to align herself with several animal advocacy groups in pursuit of her goal to relieve animal suffering. Alyssa Milano is a celebrity who uses her good fortune and status to help make the world a safer place for children and animals. For the most part, the causes and campaigns she has chosen to associate with reinforce her image as a sincere, involved, passionate, global citizen who cares deeply about vulnerable children and animals. These causes/campaigns also build on her image as a good mother, a glamorous actress and a health conscious individual and reinforce those images. Her involvement with these organizations has garnered both for herself and for them, many additional media mentions on a broader variety of media platforms and venues than any of them could get alone. This broad exposure has both plusses and minuses—both the causes and Alyssa Milano are more closely scrutinized from the perspectives of many more audiences. On balance, I think this exposure has increased Milano’s popularity and also the positive regard, political clout and fundraising success of the causes she has adopted. In a growing media and celebrity culture is this good or bad? Does it bring worthy causes/ needs to public attention or trivialize the root causes of the widespread and persistent problems they represent? Alyssa Milano’s endorsement of UNICEF, PETA and the Humane Society of America may not solve the problems of child poverty and animal suffering, but it is clear that her involvement has made a difference in raising funds and awareness for these important causes. Although there is controversy in some quarters about the causes she has chosen to align with and their methods for raising money, these
  • 16. Simmons 16 causes have helped contribute to her image as a kind, caring person who is using her fame to accomplish good things. Works Cited "Alyssa Milano – Ambassador for Good." Parenting at More4kids. More4Kids, n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2014. "Alyssa Milano: Veggies Never Looked So Good." Peta2com Site Wide Activity RSS. PETA, n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2014. "Alyssa Milano Wants Better Treatment for Horses : The Humane Society of the United States." The Humane Society of the United States. The Humane Society of the United States, 15 Jan. 2014. Web. 02 Nov. 2014. Gullo, Stephen, Dr. "Alyssa Milano Became a Vegetarian After 9/11 - Dr. Gullo." Dr. Gullo. N.p., 17 Jan. 2012. Web. 30 Oct. 2014. "Hots Up Movies."Alyssa Milano Dressed in Vegetables for PETA”. Blogspot, 25 Sept. 2007. Web. 25 Oct. 2014. Lloyd, Harriet. "Celebrity Endorsements of Charities: An Analysis of Media Texts and Focus Group Data." Thesis. Cardiff University, n.d. Masters Thesis: Celebrity Endorsements of Charities: An Analysis of Media Texts and Focus Group Data. Web. 1 Nov. 2014.
  • 17. Simmons 17 "If It's January, It Must Also Be Time For..." The Overeducated Housewife. Blogspot, 8 Jan. 2012. Web. 16 Nov. 2014. "PETA and Celebrities." Rev. of PETA Vegetarian Campaign. n.d.: n. pag. The Student Doctor Network. The Student Doctor Network, 14 Nov. 2009. Web. 12 Oct. 2011. Serpe, Gina. "PETA Superbowl Ad Too Racy." Harmonix. Eonline, Jan. 2009. Web. 27 Oct. 2014. "UNICEF Ambassador since 2003." Unicef USA. Unicef United States Fund, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2014. "Why We Euthanize." PETA Why We Euthanize Comments. PETA, 21 Mar. 2013. Web. 03 Nov. 2014.