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Identify and explain in sufficient detail five of the primary responsibilities of the
Human Resource Management Department.
The Human Resource Management Department has many responsibilities, from first
seeing you as you join the company to seeing you leave. Having a great HRM department will
help the company to exceed. Bradley, J (2017) states in What Are the Five Main Functions of
Global Human Resource Management? “Once concerned with the impact of local issues on
employees, human resources must now consider the effects of workforce diversity, legal
restrictions and the interdependence between training and professional development on the
organization.” The five primary responsibilities are as follows; Recruitment, Training,
Professional Development, Benefits and Compensation, and Legal Compliance. Companies
realize that their people are their greatest assets.
Recruitment is the foundation of any business. A right Job Analysis will attract the right
people for the job. Grensing-Pophal, L (2010), states in Human Resource Essentials, “Having the
right people in the right positions allows your organization to make maximum use of its HR
investment. Any business – Whether for profit or not for profit – exists to further its
organizational mission and relies on employees to do that.” The HRM Department needs to
know what jobs need to be filled and what the jobs entail. (Side note; Even if you are not looking
for a job, it’s good to have a few job interviews through the year.)
The new candidate is now hired, how the Onboarding goes will determine how well they
are with the company. MGT201 – Human Resource Management states in Unit 4: Training and
Development, “The types of Onboarding programs vary from informal meetings to formal
presentations.” You want the new candidates to feel welcomed, but not overwhelmed. It’s best
to walk them around, show them the place, have them meet the other employees. Next would
give them the employee handbook, any employee forms/handouts, insurance/benefit forms, and
payroll paperwork. The more organize the Onboarding goes, the better the employee will feel
about the company.
Professional Development
Professional development is important in the workplace, for the new employee as well as
the employee is has been there for 20 years. Frost, S. talks in Chron (The Importance of Training
and Development in the Workplace) about four reason professional development is needed in the
workplace. 1.) Addressing Weaknesses 2.) Improved Employee Performance 3.) Consistency 4.)
Employee Satisfaction. Frost, S. states in The Importance of Training and Development in the
Workplace, “An employee who receives the necessary training is better able to perform her job.
She becomes more aware of safety practices and proper procedures for basic tasks.”
Benefits and Compensation
While Onboarding new employees should have gotten a handbook with all the informant
about benefits, but it doesn’t stop there. McNamara, C. MBA, Ph.D., Authenticity Consulting,
LLC. states in Management Help,
Benefits are forms of value, other than payment, that are provided to the employee in return for
their contribution to the organization, that is, for doing their job. Some benefits, such as
unemployment and worker’s compensation, are federally required. (Worker’s compensation is
really a worker’s right, rather than a benefit.)
Some of the benefits are insurance, vacation pay, holiday pay, and maternity leave,
retirement, profit sharing/stock options, and bonuses. Not every company has these, and some
are for full-time employees. While some of these are federally mandated, others are not.
Legal Compliance
Legal compliance helps protect the employees and the employer. You have federal and
state laws to be following. There are a few websites that have useful information about these
laws and regulations. U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission:; and U.
S. Department of Labor OSHA: Some laws only pertain if you have over ten
employees, while others are if you have minors. It is always good to learn and know your laws.
Bradly, J. (2017) What Are the Five Main Functions of Global Human Resource
Management? Chron
Frost, S. (2017). The Importance of Training and Development in the Workplace, Chron.
Grensing-Pophal, L. (2010). Human Resource Essentials: Your Guide to Starting and
Running the HR Function.
McNamara, C. MBA, Ph.D., Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Employee Benefits and
Compensation (Employee Pay) (n/a). Management Help.
Post University Blackboard, (n/a) Unit 4: Training and Development, MGT201 – Human
Resource Management,
U. S. Department of Labor, OSHA.
U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,
Before you develop a Job Description, you must conduct a Job Analysis. Using
research explain in your words what the job analysis process consists of and why it is so
important for a company to do an Analysis?
A job analysis is gathering the right information for an employee’s position. Choosing the
rights words or the description for the job is essential for a job analysis. Having the right job
analysis will get qualified people for the job. Collect job data by questionnaires, observations and
daily logs to create an excellent job analysis.
Questionnaires can be given out to employees to see how the job is being done and what
is required of them to do the job. This is the best method as it can be accurate then the others.
Observations is where you or someone observes the job to see what is being done and
how it is being done, along with what qualification are needed.
Daily logs
Daily logs are where employees write down their daily activities throughout the day.
Smith, K. (2015) states in Conducting Thorough Job Analyses and Drafting Lawful Job
Descriptions, “Furthermore, a job analysis is an effective method to determine essential
functions of a job as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as well as
exemptions-status determinations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).” There are a few
things to help with making the right job analysis stated in the Job Analysis: Tips and FAQs;
Frequently Asked Questions;
 Identify the job(s) to be analyzed
 Determine the procedures to be used (methods) in collecting job data
 Implement the job analysis methods
 Review the data collected through job analysis
 Summarize and document the data collected
It is important for a company to have an Analysis done for each position and keep it up
dated. Some jobs change over time, with technology and environment. A Job Analysis will
attract the right people for the job. Employers want people with the right knowledge and skill
sets. (On a side note, a Job Analysis helps company with the fair labor laws.)
References: (20145). Job Analysis: Tips and FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions.
Smith, K. (2015). Conducting Thorough Job Analyses and Drafting Lawful Job
Descriptions. Employment Relations Today (Wiley), 41(4), 95-99. doi: 10.1002/ert.21479
Identify and explain in sufficient detail five of the primary external influences affecting
Human Resource Management? How do these factors affect HRM?
The five primary external factors that affect Human Resource Management are;
social/cultural, technological, economic, political/legal, professionalism. Each factor influences
Human Resource in different ways.
Human Resource Management can be affected by social and cultural aspects, from multi-
generations to social influences. I feel as if managers have a big role in social influences, if they
have “I do not care.” attitudes so will the employees. Also, it depends how big or small the
company is. Smaller companies will have more of a family friendly environment as a larger
company would have more bureaucratic environment. The Human Resource Management
Department needs to know how to deal with each culture and the different social standards.
Knowing the different social/cultural standards will help in rewarding the employees.
Keeping up to date with technology will help in the HR Department. Biro, M. in
Huffington Post, The Impact of Technology on HR and What’s Ahead, talks about HR need to
keep up with technology and adapt swiftly as more than half the workforce is Millennials.
Human Resource Management needs to be accessible through emails, text messages, or in
person. Anything that helps is having the handbook, benefits, or services online for the
employees to access at any time. The HRM Department need to make sure they are up to date
with the latest technology.
The current economy affect the Human Resource Management Department the most.
Having or knowing what is needed in today’s economy will help HRM. Just like if you have a
brick and mortar store and the gas is up, turn to E-commerce. If the economy is turning south
having a hiring freeze may help the company until the economy gets better.
The Human Resource Management Department needs to know the federal laws and
regulations. Do not let age, gender, and nationality effect your hiring process. Treat everyone as
equals, if one starts off at ten dollars an hour, then the next person who is doing the same job
needs too. If you have minors, keeping a minor log, and keeping up with the regulations of
having minor employees. The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the U. S.
Department of Labor OSHA are great resources.
Where your business is located can affect the Human Resource Management Department.
How are the employees getting to and from work? How is the surrounding environment affecting
the employees (city bus hours, extreme weather, gas prices)? As for my place of business, we
had not too long ago a snow storm, HRMD decided to let everyone go home before it hit.
There are quite a few things that affect the Human Resource Management Department.
Keeping up to date with technology, the economy and federal laws will help the Human
Resource Management Department to run smoothly.
Biro, M. (). The Impact of Technology on HR and What’s Ahead. Huffington Post.
U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
U. S. Department of Labor OSHA.
This question is two parts:
What is the process that the Federal Equal Employment laws went through to
become laws?
Federal Equal Employment laws have a long road before coming into effect. The
information that I have gather came from U. S. Constitution Online. The first step for Federal
Equal Employment law, they are a bill that gets passed by both houses of Congress. After
Congress passes the bill, it goes before the President, if the President signs it, then it becomes a
law. Sometimes the President will not sign a bill, that’s called a veto. If a bill had been veto, both
houses of Congress votes on it again. The bill must win by two-thirds majority to be a law
without the President’s signature. This would be overriding a veto. When the President can sit on
a bill for ten days, the bill can become a law without the President’s signature, a pocket veto.
What the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed the law also established an Equal
Employment Opportunities Commission.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964, also known as Title VII, prohibited discrimination in
employment; basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin. During the early 1960’s
discrimination was everywhere, employment, voting, public places, education. President John F.
Kennedy was doing his best to stop the discrimination by addressing the nation, along with Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. A year later, EEOC was established.
What are the primary functions of this commission?
EEOC primary function is to interpret and enforce the federal laws. The EEOC also
hands charges of discrimination from employees and act as a mediator between employees and
their employer.
The laws that the EEOC are responsible for; Civil Rights Act of 1964/1991, The Equal
Pay Act of 1963, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, Genetic Information Nondiscrimination
Act of 2008, The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990/2008, The Age Discrimination in
Employment Act of 1967, The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, and many more.
Guerin, L. J.D. talks about these primary roles for the EEOC in What Is the EEOC?
Regulations and guidance, Federal Employee Rights, charge processing. Regulations and
guidance is when the EEOC interpret new laws and set guide lines for them. Federal Employee
Rights is when someone feels they have been discriminated, harassed, and retaliated against they
can file a complaint with the EEOC. Charge process is where the EEOC decides how to proceed
with a case. Does the case have merit, was the employees’ right be violated, does the case need
to be investigated?
The EEOC is there for the protection of employees’ rights. It states this in Laws, Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission, “The EEOC assumes the responsibility of investigating
claims of employment discrimination and ensuring that federal laws prohibiting these practices
are enforced.”
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, (2017). http://elder-
U. S. Constitution Online (01/24/2010).
Please answer each of the following questions on Presidential Executive Orders separately.
What are Presidential Executive Orders? Why do Presidents use them rather than
going through Congress?
A Presidential Executive Order is an order given by the President that is legally binding,
that will help the agencies of the executive branch with operations. A Presidential Executive
Order does not have to go before Congress, the President is acting as head of the Executive
Branch. Most of the time, Presidents only write a Presidential Executive Order is there is a real
need for one or if they think it will be thrown out, as they can be controversy.
states this about Presidential Executive Orders, “Many important policy changes have occurred
through Executive Orders…President Clinton has come under fire for using the EO as a way to
make policy without consulting the Republican Congress.” Liptak, K. (01/23/2017) states in
Executive orders: What Trump can and can’t do, “Each President also has the authority to
reverse executive actions that previous commanders-in-chief have handed down.”
If the President feels the is a law that needs to go in effect right away, they can around
Congress and do a Presidential Executive Order. President Executive Orders helps agencies of
the executive branch to manage operations within the federal government. The President may
choose a President Executive Order over going through Congress for fear that it would be thrown
Here are some web sites that I found to be helpful;
Federal Register Readers Aids :: Insight Into FR Publications.
the White House President Donald J. Trump.
An example of a Presidential Executive Order is Affirmative Action, EO11246. Why
did President Johnson enact an EO for AA rather than going through Congress?
President Johnson could see that the law was not working just right. President Johnson
felt that it would be effective if he had a Presidential Executive Order. The Executive Order
made sure that federal contractors did not discriminate employment decisions by race, color, sex,
sex orientation, national origin, gender identity. Hillsdale College Press states this about when
President Johnson signed the Executive Order, “Freedom is not enough. You do not wipe away
the scars of centuries by saying: Now you are free to go where you want, and do as you desire,
and choose the leaders you please.”
What is EO11246, Affirmative Action, and who is covered by it and is it intent?
EO11246, Affirmative Action was intended to help federal employees from being
discriminated against. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 covered the public employees, and not the
federal contracted employees. The federal contractors found a loop hole, this EO11246 closed
the gap to ensure that there was nondiscrimination in employment and recruitment. Unit 2
Lecture notes states this “Executive Order 11246 was passed to provide African Americans,
women, people with disabilities and other groups facing discrimination the ability to be fairly
represented. The intent was to correct the discrimination of the past.”
Johnson, President (1966) Commencement Address at Howard University. Hillsdale
College Press.
Liptak, K. (01/23/2017). Executive orders: What Trump can and can’t do. CNN politics., (n/a) What is an Executive Order?
Unit 2 Lecture notes (2/2017). Unit 2: Human Resource Laws, Affirmative Action and
Diversity. MGT201- Human Resource Management.
What is diversity in the workplace and how did it evolve?
Diversity in the workplace not only means having the different race and genders, but also
having different ethnic backgrounds and different generations. Kerby, S. and Burns, C.
(07/12/2012) states in The Top 10 Economic Facts of Diversity in the Workplace, “A diverse
workforce combines workers from different backgrounds and experiences that together breed a
more creative, innovative, and productive workforce.” The diversity in the workplace started in
the armed services by President Truman when he signs an Executive Order 9981. This Executive
Order required equality of treatment and opportunity. By the 1960’s the Civil Rights Act come
into play, prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin. Next
would be the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.
Diversity in the workplace has come a long way. Having a multi-generation and different
ethnic background along with the different genders have seen their ups and downs. The U. S.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has played a big part in the evolve of the diversity
in the workplace. Now with the help from the EEOC, we can keep the diversity going.
What are five major advantages of diversity in the workforce along with an
explanation on how the advantages help companies succeed?
The five major advantages of diversity in the workplace are as follows; increase in
productivity, increase in creativity, language skills, attract and retain talent, and positive
reputation. As you take these advantages and put them together you can create a great work
atmosphere. Multi-generations working together from different ethnic backgrounds can create
opportunity for many. Dickson, G. (06/23/2016) states in 5 Competitive Benefits of Diversity in
the Workplace, “Building a diverse workforce isn’t just beneficial; it’s a major factor of success
in the modern business landscape. Organizations that seek, celebrate, and embrace diversity have
several very real advantages over their competitors.”
Increase in productivity
Multi-generations and the different ethnic background can help increase productivity.
People work at different paces, and have different ways of doing things. When you bring them
all together, they can learn from each other.
Increase in creativity
Having people from different ethnic background and genders will help with the creativity
in the workplace. Everyone has their own way of looking at things or how they see things.
Language skills
I will look at my place of employment, we have a multi-generation, diversity in ethnic
backgrounds and they have their own way of talking. The older generation likes English, as the
younger generation talks in code. You ask them each a question, one says, “I do not know.” the
other says “IDK.”
Attract and retain talent
When a company is open to diversity it opens all kind of doors for them. Company can
look for the best talented employees no matter what age, ethnic background, sex, gender identity
they are. Company can see talent and not a label.
Positive reputation
Companies that by the EEOC guide lines will save themselves the heartache of lawsuits
brought on by discrimination. It will also help with the company’s reputation as being a great
place of employment.
Dickson, G. (06/23/2016). 5 Competitive Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace.
Kerby, S. and Burns, C. (07/12/2012). The Top 10 Economic Facts of Diversity in the
Workplace. Center for American Progress.

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Mgt201 2016 unit four midterm exam questions iii

  • 1. QuestionOne Identify and explain in sufficient detail five of the primary responsibilities of the Human Resource Management Department. The Human Resource Management Department has many responsibilities, from first seeing you as you join the company to seeing you leave. Having a great HRM department will help the company to exceed. Bradley, J (2017) states in What Are the Five Main Functions of Global Human Resource Management? “Once concerned with the impact of local issues on employees, human resources must now consider the effects of workforce diversity, legal restrictions and the interdependence between training and professional development on the organization.” The five primary responsibilities are as follows; Recruitment, Training, Professional Development, Benefits and Compensation, and Legal Compliance. Companies realize that their people are their greatest assets. Recruitment Recruitment is the foundation of any business. A right Job Analysis will attract the right people for the job. Grensing-Pophal, L (2010), states in Human Resource Essentials, “Having the right people in the right positions allows your organization to make maximum use of its HR investment. Any business – Whether for profit or not for profit – exists to further its organizational mission and relies on employees to do that.” The HRM Department needs to know what jobs need to be filled and what the jobs entail. (Side note; Even if you are not looking for a job, it’s good to have a few job interviews through the year.)
  • 2. Training The new candidate is now hired, how the Onboarding goes will determine how well they are with the company. MGT201 – Human Resource Management states in Unit 4: Training and Development, “The types of Onboarding programs vary from informal meetings to formal presentations.” You want the new candidates to feel welcomed, but not overwhelmed. It’s best to walk them around, show them the place, have them meet the other employees. Next would give them the employee handbook, any employee forms/handouts, insurance/benefit forms, and payroll paperwork. The more organize the Onboarding goes, the better the employee will feel about the company. Professional Development Professional development is important in the workplace, for the new employee as well as the employee is has been there for 20 years. Frost, S. talks in Chron (The Importance of Training and Development in the Workplace) about four reason professional development is needed in the workplace. 1.) Addressing Weaknesses 2.) Improved Employee Performance 3.) Consistency 4.) Employee Satisfaction. Frost, S. states in The Importance of Training and Development in the Workplace, “An employee who receives the necessary training is better able to perform her job. She becomes more aware of safety practices and proper procedures for basic tasks.” Benefits and Compensation While Onboarding new employees should have gotten a handbook with all the informant about benefits, but it doesn’t stop there. McNamara, C. MBA, Ph.D., Authenticity Consulting, LLC. states in Management Help,
  • 3. Benefits are forms of value, other than payment, that are provided to the employee in return for their contribution to the organization, that is, for doing their job. Some benefits, such as unemployment and worker’s compensation, are federally required. (Worker’s compensation is really a worker’s right, rather than a benefit.) Some of the benefits are insurance, vacation pay, holiday pay, and maternity leave, retirement, profit sharing/stock options, and bonuses. Not every company has these, and some are for full-time employees. While some of these are federally mandated, others are not. Legal Compliance Legal compliance helps protect the employees and the employer. You have federal and state laws to be following. There are a few websites that have useful information about these laws and regulations. U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission:; and U. S. Department of Labor OSHA: Some laws only pertain if you have over ten employees, while others are if you have minors. It is always good to learn and know your laws. References: Bradly, J. (2017) What Are the Five Main Functions of Global Human Resource Management? Chron resource-management-61538.html Frost, S. (2017). The Importance of Training and Development in the Workplace, Chron.
  • 4. Grensing-Pophal, L. (2010). Human Resource Essentials: Your Guide to Starting and Running the HR Function. Function/dp/1586441965 McNamara, C. MBA, Ph.D., Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Employee Benefits and Compensation (Employee Pay) (n/a). Management Help. Post University Blackboard, (n/a) Unit 4: Training and Development, MGT201 – Human Resource Management, 27541999_1/courses/MGT201.301122073670/Powerpoint%20Presentations/MGT201%20- %20Unit%204%20Lecture%20Notes.pdf U. S. Department of Labor, OSHA. U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,
  • 5. QuestionTwo Before you develop a Job Description, you must conduct a Job Analysis. Using research explain in your words what the job analysis process consists of and why it is so important for a company to do an Analysis? A job analysis is gathering the right information for an employee’s position. Choosing the rights words or the description for the job is essential for a job analysis. Having the right job analysis will get qualified people for the job. Collect job data by questionnaires, observations and daily logs to create an excellent job analysis. Questionnaires Questionnaires can be given out to employees to see how the job is being done and what is required of them to do the job. This is the best method as it can be accurate then the others. Observations Observations is where you or someone observes the job to see what is being done and how it is being done, along with what qualification are needed. Daily logs Daily logs are where employees write down their daily activities throughout the day. Smith, K. (2015) states in Conducting Thorough Job Analyses and Drafting Lawful Job Descriptions, “Furthermore, a job analysis is an effective method to determine essential functions of a job as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as well as exemptions-status determinations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).” There are a few things to help with making the right job analysis stated in the Job Analysis: Tips and FAQs; Frequently Asked Questions;
  • 6.  Identify the job(s) to be analyzed  Determine the procedures to be used (methods) in collecting job data  Implement the job analysis methods  Review the data collected through job analysis  Summarize and document the data collected It is important for a company to have an Analysis done for each position and keep it up dated. Some jobs change over time, with technology and environment. A Job Analysis will attract the right people for the job. Employers want people with the right knowledge and skill sets. (On a side note, a Job Analysis helps company with the fair labor laws.) References: (20145). Job Analysis: Tips and FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions. Job-Analysis. Smith, K. (2015). Conducting Thorough Job Analyses and Drafting Lawful Job Descriptions. Employment Relations Today (Wiley), 41(4), 95-99. doi: 10.1002/ert.21479
  • 7. QuestionThree Identify and explain in sufficient detail five of the primary external influences affecting Human Resource Management? How do these factors affect HRM? The five primary external factors that affect Human Resource Management are; social/cultural, technological, economic, political/legal, professionalism. Each factor influences Human Resource in different ways. Social/Cultural Human Resource Management can be affected by social and cultural aspects, from multi- generations to social influences. I feel as if managers have a big role in social influences, if they have “I do not care.” attitudes so will the employees. Also, it depends how big or small the company is. Smaller companies will have more of a family friendly environment as a larger company would have more bureaucratic environment. The Human Resource Management Department needs to know how to deal with each culture and the different social standards. Knowing the different social/cultural standards will help in rewarding the employees. Technological Keeping up to date with technology will help in the HR Department. Biro, M. in Huffington Post, The Impact of Technology on HR and What’s Ahead, talks about HR need to keep up with technology and adapt swiftly as more than half the workforce is Millennials. Human Resource Management needs to be accessible through emails, text messages, or in person. Anything that helps is having the handbook, benefits, or services online for the
  • 8. employees to access at any time. The HRM Department need to make sure they are up to date with the latest technology. Economic The current economy affect the Human Resource Management Department the most. Having or knowing what is needed in today’s economy will help HRM. Just like if you have a brick and mortar store and the gas is up, turn to E-commerce. If the economy is turning south having a hiring freeze may help the company until the economy gets better. Political/legal The Human Resource Management Department needs to know the federal laws and regulations. Do not let age, gender, and nationality effect your hiring process. Treat everyone as equals, if one starts off at ten dollars an hour, then the next person who is doing the same job needs too. If you have minors, keeping a minor log, and keeping up with the regulations of having minor employees. The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the U. S. Department of Labor OSHA are great resources. Environmental Where your business is located can affect the Human Resource Management Department. How are the employees getting to and from work? How is the surrounding environment affecting the employees (city bus hours, extreme weather, gas prices)? As for my place of business, we had not too long ago a snow storm, HRMD decided to let everyone go home before it hit.
  • 9. There are quite a few things that affect the Human Resource Management Department. Keeping up to date with technology, the economy and federal laws will help the Human Resource Management Department to run smoothly. References: Biro, M. (). The Impact of Technology on HR and What’s Ahead. Huffington Post. U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. U. S. Department of Labor OSHA.
  • 10. QuestionFour This question is two parts: What is the process that the Federal Equal Employment laws went through to become laws? Federal Equal Employment laws have a long road before coming into effect. The information that I have gather came from U. S. Constitution Online. The first step for Federal Equal Employment law, they are a bill that gets passed by both houses of Congress. After Congress passes the bill, it goes before the President, if the President signs it, then it becomes a law. Sometimes the President will not sign a bill, that’s called a veto. If a bill had been veto, both houses of Congress votes on it again. The bill must win by two-thirds majority to be a law without the President’s signature. This would be overriding a veto. When the President can sit on a bill for ten days, the bill can become a law without the President’s signature, a pocket veto. What the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed the law also established an Equal Employment Opportunities Commission. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, also known as Title VII, prohibited discrimination in employment; basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin. During the early 1960’s discrimination was everywhere, employment, voting, public places, education. President John F. Kennedy was doing his best to stop the discrimination by addressing the nation, along with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. A year later, EEOC was established. What are the primary functions of this commission?
  • 11. EEOC primary function is to interpret and enforce the federal laws. The EEOC also hands charges of discrimination from employees and act as a mediator between employees and their employer. The laws that the EEOC are responsible for; Civil Rights Act of 1964/1991, The Equal Pay Act of 1963, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990/2008, The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, and many more. Guerin, L. J.D. talks about these primary roles for the EEOC in What Is the EEOC? Regulations and guidance, Federal Employee Rights, charge processing. Regulations and guidance is when the EEOC interpret new laws and set guide lines for them. Federal Employee Rights is when someone feels they have been discriminated, harassed, and retaliated against they can file a complaint with the EEOC. Charge process is where the EEOC decides how to proceed with a case. Does the case have merit, was the employees’ right be violated, does the case need to be investigated? The EEOC is there for the protection of employees’ rights. It states this in Laws, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, “The EEOC assumes the responsibility of investigating claims of employment discrimination and ensuring that federal laws prohibiting these practices are enforced.” References:
  • 12. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, (2017). http://elder- U. S. Constitution Online (01/24/2010).
  • 13. QuestionFive Please answer each of the following questions on Presidential Executive Orders separately. What are Presidential Executive Orders? Why do Presidents use them rather than going through Congress? A Presidential Executive Order is an order given by the President that is legally binding, that will help the agencies of the executive branch with operations. A Presidential Executive Order does not have to go before Congress, the President is acting as head of the Executive Branch. Most of the time, Presidents only write a Presidential Executive Order is there is a real need for one or if they think it will be thrown out, as they can be controversy. states this about Presidential Executive Orders, “Many important policy changes have occurred through Executive Orders…President Clinton has come under fire for using the EO as a way to make policy without consulting the Republican Congress.” Liptak, K. (01/23/2017) states in Executive orders: What Trump can and can’t do, “Each President also has the authority to reverse executive actions that previous commanders-in-chief have handed down.” If the President feels the is a law that needs to go in effect right away, they can around Congress and do a Presidential Executive Order. President Executive Orders helps agencies of the executive branch to manage operations within the federal government. The President may choose a President Executive Order over going through Congress for fear that it would be thrown out. Here are some web sites that I found to be helpful; Federal Register Readers Aids :: Insight Into FR Publications. the White House President Donald J. Trump.
  • 14. An example of a Presidential Executive Order is Affirmative Action, EO11246. Why did President Johnson enact an EO for AA rather than going through Congress? President Johnson could see that the law was not working just right. President Johnson felt that it would be effective if he had a Presidential Executive Order. The Executive Order made sure that federal contractors did not discriminate employment decisions by race, color, sex, sex orientation, national origin, gender identity. Hillsdale College Press states this about when President Johnson signed the Executive Order, “Freedom is not enough. You do not wipe away the scars of centuries by saying: Now you are free to go where you want, and do as you desire, and choose the leaders you please.” What is EO11246, Affirmative Action, and who is covered by it and is it intent? EO11246, Affirmative Action was intended to help federal employees from being discriminated against. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 covered the public employees, and not the federal contracted employees. The federal contractors found a loop hole, this EO11246 closed the gap to ensure that there was nondiscrimination in employment and recruitment. Unit 2 Lecture notes states this “Executive Order 11246 was passed to provide African Americans, women, people with disabilities and other groups facing discrimination the ability to be fairly represented. The intent was to correct the discrimination of the past.” Reference:
  • 15. Johnson, President (1966) Commencement Address at Howard University. Hillsdale College Press. Liptak, K. (01/23/2017). Executive orders: What Trump can and can’t do. CNN politics., (n/a) What is an Executive Order? Unit 2 Lecture notes (2/2017). Unit 2: Human Resource Laws, Affirmative Action and Diversity. MGT201- Human Resource Management. 27541997_1/courses/MGT201.301122073670/Powerpoint%20Presentations/MGT201%20- %20Unit%202%20Lecture%20Notes.pdf
  • 16. QuestionSix What is diversity in the workplace and how did it evolve? Diversity in the workplace not only means having the different race and genders, but also having different ethnic backgrounds and different generations. Kerby, S. and Burns, C. (07/12/2012) states in The Top 10 Economic Facts of Diversity in the Workplace, “A diverse workforce combines workers from different backgrounds and experiences that together breed a more creative, innovative, and productive workforce.” The diversity in the workplace started in the armed services by President Truman when he signs an Executive Order 9981. This Executive Order required equality of treatment and opportunity. By the 1960’s the Civil Rights Act come into play, prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin. Next would be the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Diversity in the workplace has come a long way. Having a multi-generation and different ethnic background along with the different genders have seen their ups and downs. The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has played a big part in the evolve of the diversity in the workplace. Now with the help from the EEOC, we can keep the diversity going. What are five major advantages of diversity in the workforce along with an explanation on how the advantages help companies succeed? The five major advantages of diversity in the workplace are as follows; increase in productivity, increase in creativity, language skills, attract and retain talent, and positive reputation. As you take these advantages and put them together you can create a great work atmosphere. Multi-generations working together from different ethnic backgrounds can create opportunity for many. Dickson, G. (06/23/2016) states in 5 Competitive Benefits of Diversity in
  • 17. the Workplace, “Building a diverse workforce isn’t just beneficial; it’s a major factor of success in the modern business landscape. Organizations that seek, celebrate, and embrace diversity have several very real advantages over their competitors.” Increase in productivity Multi-generations and the different ethnic background can help increase productivity. People work at different paces, and have different ways of doing things. When you bring them all together, they can learn from each other. Increase in creativity Having people from different ethnic background and genders will help with the creativity in the workplace. Everyone has their own way of looking at things or how they see things. Language skills I will look at my place of employment, we have a multi-generation, diversity in ethnic backgrounds and they have their own way of talking. The older generation likes English, as the younger generation talks in code. You ask them each a question, one says, “I do not know.” the other says “IDK.” Attract and retain talent When a company is open to diversity it opens all kind of doors for them. Company can look for the best talented employees no matter what age, ethnic background, sex, gender identity they are. Company can see talent and not a label. Positive reputation
  • 18. Companies that by the EEOC guide lines will save themselves the heartache of lawsuits brought on by discrimination. It will also help with the company’s reputation as being a great place of employment. References: Dickson, G. (06/23/2016). 5 Competitive Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace. Bonusly. Kerby, S. and Burns, C. (07/12/2012). The Top 10 Economic Facts of Diversity in the Workplace. Center for American Progress. economic-facts-of-diversity-in-the-workplace/