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Memories of Dad (Dreams or Reality) ?
1) Being really young and traveling up a ski slope on a ski lift with lots of other people, getting to the top of some
fantasy like hotel and Mom taking me shopping for her to buy some really expensive dresses. I don’t know but
there is a gap in my memory where I all of a sudden am walking down an escalator and then another gao and I
am walking into some gated mansion and guns and dogs. I don’t remember much,
2) Being in a really fast car with Dad driving and Mom in the seat next to him,. There is gunfire at us and Dad or
Mom returned it from the car following behind us. I must have been really young. We sent through a tunnel, it
was dark, the other side there was burning buildings on fire. We hid and I cant remember more.
3) Being in a park in maybe Ireland and Dad and Mom and I are in a park. Tehre are people lying like flat all
over the place and Dad says “They are all sleeping.” I saw a photo in a book I have and the photo looks like it is
Ireland during the revolution and all the people are really DEAD!
4) Dad making lots of stops “somewhere” saying “I’ll just be a minute” and taking out I think remembering a
gun to kill someone, then getting in the car and we left. I remember one stop we went in for a minute and the
other I met the people and I went down a staircase and we then left and I did not want to and I asked Dad “Why
do we have to leave in such a hurry.
5) Being in I remember Vietnam and Dad putting us on a boat trip on a boat that looks like a Shark. I saw the
photo of this boot in National Geographic. I remember what look like fireworks and I asked Dad “What is all
that and Dad says to me “just fireworks Jill.” He always said this even on planes when it really in retrospect is
motor fire.
6) Being in some park and we went out on a paddle boat with Dad and Mom and we stopped on this little island
and there was a gun we picked up I think that I remember. The island had a little luxurious type of small house
on it. We paddled back and I went for a swim and I did not know where my parents were for a while.
7) Being somewhere I think in NJ and Dad and Mom took me I into this park to “play” with friends while they
killed someone. I don’t really remember but there was chasing a person down or something. Always memories of
Dad chasing people and going to kill them with a gun. And a silencer in some little took case box
8) Being with Mom “somewhere” and she was trying to register me in some school. I did not want to and I “cut
classes” and me and a friend ran around the school and we just wanted to fool around and see what the school
was about. Then we got into trouble and there were teachers that I remember trying to locate us with guns. Some
wanted to kill us for peeking at things. We went down a large cliff like and it was later in the day and it was
dark. I remember Mom found us and she must have straightened everything out and me and my friend we put in
our “rooms” they had stereos and all but we were not allowed to come out. I don’t remember more now.
9) I have vague memories of flying with Dad and Mom and I think we stopped on what they called a military
“sandwich island.”
10) I don’t know if it was a dream because I was very young./ we were what I do recall Hawaii Or some other
island were it is all clear blue water. We went on a drive and Dad pointed out the secret military installations to
colleagues. Then we went on an underwater tunnel and we saw like military stuff/buildings u underwater and
Dad pointed it out while I watched. I don’t know how young I was.
11) Being in some castle in Ireland or the Isle of Man and I remember seeing the same photo in a National
Geographic magazine recently of the castle. We drive up and took a tour. There was a checker/chess marble
floor (black & white) and a pretty maid on her knees scrubbing the tiles and Dad wanted to fuck her. I don’t
remember anything else. I remember being in a castle room for the night “somewhere” too and my window when
I looked down, well all one could see is the sharp cliffs straight down to te sea/waves crashing against the rocks
below my window.
12) I am not sure but I remember being in Croatia/ former Yugoslavia and there were bombs going off. I think
Dad said “Croatia” or “Yugolsavia/breakaway” etc… and we all drove into a few houses and ducked for cover
because there were bombs going off all around us. My little friend, some kids my age said it “happens all the
time , “ or something like that.” Then we ran to neighbors homes to get supplies and food until the motors
stopped./ I remember before this scene, Dad put me in a little airplane and the person in it said he was “Serbian”
and airlifted me to a place that had lots of refugees and Nuns ran it and they fed us and there were lots of people
tied up like prisoners of war. I can not really remember but the Nun Orthodox Christian lady helped me and
Dad and Mom (fed us etc) . She had glasses I think. I was so little I do not even know what war this could be.
13) I remember being “somewhere” with Dad and he was putting hit men (gun/silencer” in a hotel room safe
with a key and I caught him and saw it.
14) I also had a dream/ or seemed very real, about Yugoslavia way before I was five years old. Russia was
involved. We were Mom and Dad and I were at a military installation and there was a Gazebo on an island with
Serbian and Russian diplomats and Dad and Mom and I listening to some military speech. We took some boat to
this place, The gezebo was brown. The man that kept me entertained while Dad was listening on the island to the
speech said he was a Serbian man and some other stuff. I did not want to leave and I have no idea where this
was. I cried when we had to leave.
15) The business about Dad telling me that the KAL 007 flight was a spy plane for the USA in 1986 and the
weather was bad and this is exact reason why Russia shot it down. And all the people died. He was supposed to
be on this flight but his “company” told him to catch another flight right one hour before KLA 007 took off and
he got on one called 7.
16) This I know happened I was old enough to remember it. We were in San Francisco CA and we stopped on
the side of a large park. Dad and Mom brought me to a house underground. Tehre was musicians there and
friends of Dad. I do not remember how we got there but some opening in the park grass. It was like a million
dollar mansion underground. It had many rooms. Then we left after the talk. It was cool.
17) I was old enough to remember this too: We were in New York City in a boat (me Dad and Mom ) in the
water. Dad said we had to make a few stops and he said he “had to stop at john Lennon and Yoko Ono’s” place
and said he had “their key” He said this NYC island was for millionaires. We stopped and Dad tried to get in but
the key did not work. We left in a hurry as to not be seen. We sailed to another small island in the vicinity and
we did get into some other apartment and Dad and Mom washed laundry and we left. That is all I remember. It
may sound weird but this is what Dad said.
18) I was somewhere with Dad and Mom and I think I was old enough to remember this. We were at a US
military speech on an island somewhere. It was in memory of fallen soldiers. I snuck out and Dad eventually
found me.
19) We were in NYC island. There was a diplomatic party about Cuba. Dad and Mom were hobnobbing with
officials and it was like 1 am at night. Me and this other kid managed to get a boat (somehow) onto the
Manhattan mainland. Dad had to come looking for us at like 4am. We snuck into the NYC subways and there
were workers underground that did not turn us in. This really happened to the best of my memory. We snuck
onto a few trains by jumping on them.
20) This I believe really happened: Dad, Mom and I were in Brooklyn or deep in NYC somewhere and we were
in an apartment with organized crime people and some man sitting in what looked like Indian clothes like a Dali
Lama type. An altercation broke out with Dad and some people and we left. On the side back to NJ somewhere
in NYC vicinity Dad stopped the car, he got out and I followed although I think he told me to :stay there in the
car.” He shot a man and we left. When we got back into NJ in Butler NJ to be exact, where the Butler NJ
laundry mat used to be (we did not live here then) I don’t know what we were doing there but Mom said she had
to use the bathroom. Behind the laundry mat there used to be some bathhouses. Mom went in there and took out
a gun! She had a gunfight there with me there and we left. I don’t remember but I was scared and we stuck into
some people’s houses for protection.
21) Mom always carried a little dangerous GUN in her purse and whenever we went on vacation she would say
“I have to use the Pit Stop.” She would take me into the bathroom to use it while she killed someone with her gun
from her purse. She would wipe the gun off with a white rag after making the hit.
22) Dad was in Switzerland and he had a Swiss safe and he went through a special security clearance to get to
his box. He had all types of international currencies in it and I thin gun. All type of monies with rubber bands
around them.
23) Dad took me somewhere where hit men were getting a change of face and I saw plastic surgeons operating on
peoples faces.
24) Vaguer memories of my Grandfather in Brooklyn and his friends making money n a machine and hanging
the dollar bills out to dry like a money tree it looked like.
25) My Dad getting involved in some coin collecting business with certain coins that were only printed once or
twice. Maybe he was an agent to sell them. I don’t remember. But it got really ugly and we were in some large
type of federal building and I don’t know too much but I think a gun fight ensued. I didn’t see much. We left in a
26) This is real I was 7 years old. Going to the top of a Kyoto mountain that seemed the hotel opened up just for
Mom Dad and I. I think it was a part of the Japanese Emperor’s Palace because to get there we took a bus that
went around and around a huge Harry Potter type of mountain and we saw clouds. At the top the Japanese
family were only ones there and we later that evening took a family bath naked with them. The water was almost
boiling and Dad jumped right in, he must have done it many times before at that rate! I stuck my foot in and
cried like holy hell and for the remainder of the time sat under the cold shower crying. Mom, well it took her
about 35 seconds to get it when Dad said “Come on in Judy.” She managed. The next day we took a tour of the
palace gardens an a lady took me up seven levels of seven gardens each with an Olympic sized swimming pool for
me to use to myself. I loved that.
27) Being inside a volcanic crator at 7 years old with Dad and colleague John Bardget the US Geologist for
Charles T Main Company. There was gray lava bubbling and terrible smell of egg (sulfar) I was scared in it, but
John Bardgett promised me, “it will definitely NOT explode today…” Perhaps another day when we were not
going to be in it.
28) Dad taking me out for a swim in Hotel InterContinetal in Java Indonesia on the wrost Monsoon season day
ever! It was pouring rain and lightening but Dad took me to the swimming pool all the while saying go dive
while I talk to this Indonesia soldier packing a large gun buarding the pooll all in the rain. Dad said “It’s a great
day for swimming Jill.”
29) Cutting through the jungle to the Java coast where Dad says my memory might serve better than his because
this is where that huge Tsunami hit. We partially jeeped and part machetted our way to some remote part of the
Indonesian jungle when suddenly a 5-10 star hotel looking like a hughge shopping mall with several restaurants
and pools appeared just for us. It opened up just for me, Dad, and Mom and John Bargett. Bargett tried to swim
against regulations in the Under Toew Indian Ocean tide and almost drowned. Then we went all the way to
another side of the island for about 5 hours to look at some “rice patties” and I fell in the mud of the salt patty.
Then went back to the hotel. My arm was in sling and I could not swim and I hated it. We had an entire hotel
with all the shops, pools, etc. to ourselves only.
30) Going to a Cobra Venom farm to check it out with Dad where they make venom from Cobras and we saw a
King Cobra there too at a zoo. Off the venom farm. We saw a Kamoto Dragon too there.
31) Dad snuck me into China in 1971 on some ferry to take some photos and we went on a bat winged boat. I can
not find any internet photos of a bat winged boat online at all (?) Why?
32) When Dad got home from a trip I overheard Mom say to Dad” Oh Irv, when we got a couple of feet in 1971
of the Chinese Wall and when those tower guard pointed their weapons at us, I was just so frightened.”
33) Memories of what had to be Afghanistan. Dad showed me the mountains of the Buddahs (three of them) that
the Taliban took down but said they wer the ones of the Presidential faces in America to make me think we were
in America. There were desert hills with fox holes we would crawl in. There was some underground caves, Dad
used to say “OPEN SESEMIE” and the cave door would pull up and go down. I used to play in boxes of jewels in
the caves like take a bath in them. I must have been very young and I don’t know who these huge jewels
belonged to. Then we’d leave the same way we came. Some people if they did not say the right word to come into
the cave would have the door chop a hand or leg off.
34) Being with Dad and Mom somewhere. It was like a big estate or something but all I can remember is that we
were walking in the dark on the grounds and Dad like I remembeer took out a gun and Mom helped to track
someone down. I ran away running through the trees and all and they had to find me. I always liked to escape
stuff like that.
35) Being with Dad and Mom at a young age and going into some store somewhere. In the back of the store was a
train and we got on it and went somewhere.
36) I was alone with Dad if it was not a dream, we were at some car show or outside exhibit. Dad had a gun if I
remember and we ran into some car or something to escape the area.
37) I remember if it was not ad ream being in Communist China. Walking down an escalator with Dad and Mom
at a train station and we got on the train. We had a long trip and they told me not to talk to anyone. We got off
“somewhere” but we made many stops along the way. Before we got on the train, I had made a few little friends
my age and I took off with them up a grassy hill. There were communists agents Mom said searching for us and
we had to reach the top of the grassy hill with Television poles on it to get to the border of some other country so
we would not be arrested. We made it there. Something like that.
38) Being somewhere on like a Phillippino Island or somewhere exotic. We were captured on some boat. The
people had Islander skin or Indian/Maybe Thialand and we were all floating on a boat with lots of other people
(women) taken as slaves. It was night time. Then I have a gap in my memory and we had escaped and Dad said
“Hurry run!” we were running up a woodsy hill with mortor fire around us and we found ourselves a vacant old
building like it was used by an old hunter in the winter or something. We went in and his. I don’t remember the
39) I remember being really little and Mom Dad and I were on some little row boat
With other people maybe six or so. Dad drowned someone while I was swimming and we went back to dry land.
40) I don’t know if it was a dream but I remember being on some boat like one with lots of other people and we
were taking a tour. The boat got stuck and for over one day all the people and me were stuck on it and we were
like going to all die but the authorities rescued us. I don’t remember anything else.
41) I don’t know if it was a dream, I was really little and we were like on China, Dad, Mom and I took some
underground tunnel through to the side of Russia. Dad took some photos and we walked around and we did not
speak the language. I saw some Cyrillic letters and Dad said it was communist Russia. I told him that I had to
use the bathroom and he finally agreed and he took me into some little restaurant. He said not to talk too much
English to the people because they’d recognize us as American. He pointed out the tops of the Russian buildings
that had signs in Russian on the, I don’t remember how we got back or anything else. I think the same way we
came. Before we left Dad took a photo with his Nikon camera of the tunnel entrance and I forget what country
he said this was/.
42) Dad, Mom and I bought or rented some summer log type of cabin along some river with white water rapids.
I was busy lots of the time hiking and playing in the water . I don’t remember with whom. But there was Guns
and Dad tried to kill someone or something. There was some hunters cabin on the other side of the property and
we took a boat there with Mom and Dad and Dad chased some one down to kill them. They had a little cabin too
and I don’t really remember but those people wanted to kill us./
43) I don’t know if it was a dream but I went h hiking with some friend up some waterfall type river and we were
running away from my parents. Anyway, we walked all the way down it and tried hiding out in my friends place
room but Mom found us. That is all I remember.
44) I remember walking with Mom and Dad in what I think Dad said was Indonesia and were were hurrying
towards the Indonesian Embassy not the US embassy because there was a Tsunami coming or something. The
embassy employees rushed us because we were Americans out the back down either we walked or went into
some car and drove as far as we could. Then there was a terrible flood and we thought that we were going to die.
Bue we did something like the water came only to our knees but came quickly rushing towards us and I could see
it rushing towards me and was really scared. I held onto Dad.
45) I remember being on some tiny island. Dad sent me and I was to stay there at some rooming house. There
was a Mexican man and we did some laundry together. We used to sneak out but there was a curfue. That is all
I remember.
46) Being in Italy and also Greece because Dad said ti was where it was. We were running from the border of
Greece to Italy. We met some people in the little town and the Greek peple fed us and talked to us. I don’t really
remember but we crossed this little creek up a hill. I don’t really remember what we were doing but I just was
always tired and listened to Dad and Mom about ti all.
47) I was walking in Italy with Dad, he told me recently he cannot find his old passports. Anyway, I was walking
around by some local restaurants. They were making home made sauce and pizza’s and fed me the best food.
After or before we went into someone’s home in which the rear of the residence overlooked a river and I wanted
to go swimming. So I did. That is all I remember.
48) I remember being with Dad and at first he sent me alone to a distant aunt or something to stay for a while. I
don’t know where the fuck it was. But it was by an ocean scene. I stayed there for a while. Then my memory goes
to being with Dad and we were like in the arctic it was winter and we were on some ocean coast. Then a gap in
my memory and we were on some ship. It was sa piece of shit and I remember looking out from the top of the
ship somehow and I saw like polar caps and an all dark night with all kinds of beautiful stars above me. The ship
starting sinking it was getting water in it and Dad tried to get rid of the water because he said we had to get to
the mainland where ever that was before we sunk. I guess we made it. I don’t remember how.
49) I remember Dad and Mom let me wait “somewhere” I was with a little boy friend of mine. We were bad. We
took out his parents boat on a lake. Dad came looking for us and I don’t remember. It was a large mountainous
area. I don’t know what the hell we were doing there.
50) I remember Dad saying wee were in India. There was some war going on because there was fires in all of the
trees and people were getting shot and killed and burned alive. We met some natives and I don’t remember how
we got out. Dad said lots he had to take photos for National Geographic magazine and Mom always kept tons it
seemed like millions of copies of National Geographic magazine all the way from the floor to te ceiling of the
books in our basement.
51) I remember Dad and I and Mom were in Israel and we were on some plane landing. We were also in parts of
Islamic middle East bordering Israel and there was a war going on with artillary fire all around us and we went
into some friend of Dad’s house. It was a really fancy house and I thought it had a pool in it indoors where I
swam. I don’t remember except taking off in the plane with war alla round me.
52) I remember even before I was like 6 years old Dad and I flew into what he called “Croatia” I have no idea
what was going on there but some insurrection. Dad said he had to fly in to pick up some general or important
military man., We went in to get him in some plane and walked through the woods and I was thirsty and hungry.
Then we flew out and all of a sudden a memory gap and we were in New York City or some big city outskirts
and we landed Dad’s plane. The man said he wanted to go shopping and Dad said he gave him a certain time
limit. Like one hour and he had to return. Dad said we had to keep under cover and hide. I don’t remember the
rest but after shopping we got into some plane and Dad flew somewhere and that is all I remember.
53) I remember being in all types of different plane crashes with Dad and Mom and emergency landings, even in
the middle of some ocean where we had to go onto the plane wings and float around for a while. I remember
vaguely being one time on some little tube floating in some ocean and the other survivors put little me on top of
the inner black tube because I was the littlest. Eventually we got saved but before we did, someone else’s mother
drowned because she fell asleep and drowned. Another time the plane crashed and was sinking under the water
and Dad crashed a plane window , and he had this device and he said “hold onto me” and the device dragged us
up to the top of the ocean surface. It had air in it or something and he told me to take one last large breath
because we might not make it but it was the best chance we had. I guess it worked. Another time, we had some
plane crash and I saw fire coming at me or something towards the airplane aisles. Anyway another time we went
towards the exit inside the plane and we slide down like a large slide into some swampy area. There were
ambulances. Then another time something else.
54) Dad was teaching at Annaoplis military academy and he was angry because it was an all boys school
because he wanted me in there. I visited him there and I did excersizes with the male cadets. I am pretty certain
Dad said it was Annapolis. Dad used to teach the cadets at lots of places in America and I used to work out with
them and go on the obstacle course etc. training. Dad used to give them the “white glove test” and make us walk
the way soldiers do and he’d say “hut two three four etc…”
55) My Dad teaching me all types of things like chemistry, building, mazes, Lincoln logs, and basic explosives. I
remember being somewhere with Dad and there was a military base or something and there was TNT he lit it by
pushing down a lever.
56) Dad always used to bring me to work with him and introduce me to everyone at Chas T Main and I think
that I remember him taking me to an atomic weapons places and he told me that things when I asked him what
they were, they looked like Bowling ball pins, but now I know that they were really atom /nuclear bombs models.
Dad used to have some office at work somewhere with Defense Magazine with all types of weaponry etc in it. I
used to heck out the magazines while I waited for him to get off of work. At Westinghouse he had a really cool
card to get into the parking lot. I remember it. The guard used to check it when we went in.
57) I have this weird memory of Dad showing me these test experiments where he wore this jet propelled suit and
he could move in the air like it was the Jetson’s or something. Simular to that suit I saw on TV the other day
where water makes a person like jet propelled and they can fly in the air. I dont know how to describe it.
58) I remember if it was not a dream Dad taking me on these test experiments with these weather balloons
carrying things. I don’t know what the hell they were something with NASA I think.
59) I have this vague memory of Dad bringing me to a nuclear weapons test site in Nevada or “somewhere”
where atomic bombs were exploded and I remember their was an argument if that site was “permissible because
it was too close to where people were living etc.. But the government tested the bombs anyway. They tested lots
of weapons. Some did not work right and we almost got hit with crap from the test and almost died.
60) I am not sure if it was a dream but I remember pretty strong being driving somewhere in the USA around
upstate NY and Dad brought me into this military base and it was gated with a fence around it and there was a
nuclear emergency like (the computers) or something went wrong and American’s weapons/atomic bombs in
that area NY State where were were underground in an army base were going to go off because the codes got
jammed somehow and Dad only had a certain amount of time say 5 minutes left to stop them and find the
encryption codes. He did or something like that.
61) I remember it may have been a dream being on some little sandwich island and with Dad there was a large
nuclear weapon housed under the outward volcanic looking crater. It was complexly gold in color and had a red
ring around its top before the tippy top part. I don’t know but it seemed real.
62) I have this memory of Dad bringing me to this government / CIA building with a huge looking golf ball thing
on the top of it or something. I remember Dad bringing me into the Watergate meetings/court cases (?) I can’t be
certain but the CIA building I remember going to eat in the what was called “South side” dining area where if
you did not have special clearance and you went in they would the guards would shoot you on site. They’d ask
for your ID and say like this is a high clearance area and you can not proceed further without special credentials
or something. Everyone used to complain to Dad about bringing me into the building where it was supposed to
be secret.
63) I have these memories that seem to surreal to be reality but I remember being really little and Dad bringing
me on his Vietnam missions. He made me play with the military radio etc. with other veterans in the war then
from America and they entertained me. There was lots of fire and I have vague memories of walking through the
jungle it was hot and it was like a 20 mile walk or something and we walked through some watery swamp and
people got killed (shot) along there way). And I have this other memory of being inside this tank somewhere in
South/central America in the water that was firing at some enemy and I was in this tank with Dad. Then a
memory gap and Dad or someone deserted the US army in Vietnam. Dad or someone was sent in on a mission to
track down and assassinate the US army deserter because he had top level CIA information or something and I
was present or something while whomever tracked him down and tried to kill him. On Vietnam (I think it was)
one side of the island was full of war, but Dad made me stay on another side where it looked like a tourist resort
or something and Dad merely told me “I was on a weeks vacation” and I stayed with Mom I think while Dad
went to the other side of the island or somewhere to fight. I don’t know where it was really. The entire memory
seems so dreamlike.
64) I have these memories I have no idea where being on some ship with Dad. Or some submarine and we went
for a walk when it surfaced on the top of it and there was ocean all around the submarine or something and also
this memory of being on some space training mission with Dad where we had to stay in a space craft like thing
with other training astraunots who were training for space flights and we had to survive with each other floating
in the ocean in this thing that was supposed to emulate a space craft of some nature. It seems too deamy to be
real but I have this memory of it for some reason. There were separate sleeping quarters fore ach porson and
there were like 6 people on baord. We could not communicate with each other accept for certain times of ay and
to get from one compartment to another, we had to crawl through an opening that looked like a safe with a long
handle on it and crawl to the other compartments on this vessel.
65) I think this was a dream but I have this memory of Dad taking me to this parking grage in some city and I
don’t know but we ended up going up the elevator in this huge building and at the top of the apartment building,
Dad left me with some guy to watch me and he went somewhere. The man ordered some cocaine ro something
and eventually Dad came back.
66) I this wild memory of Dad flying into some foreign country like China where it was very hostile to America
and flew me in on some hang glider where I went on like piggyback to get across the border. I remember
something like landing and foreign soldiers taking us hostage or were going to kill us, but Dad traded them some
basic necessities he had with him and they told us they’d let us go and then a memory gap and Dad and me were
in some communist apartment building with some lady or something and I don’t remember anything else.
67) I remember another time Dad and I went hang gliding or something and we flew into some hostile territory
or something and we were taken hostage. We had to follow these hostile soldiers everywhere they wanted us to
at threat of being shot and I don’t remember how we escaped. I think that Dad overtook one with a gun and
fired at the rest of them or something like that. And we escaped somehow. I think the reason for this mission
was to rescue some Olympic American sports persons a woman and a man who were taken hostage by the
foreign government or something.
68) Everyone always got upset with Dad because he said he dragged me everywhere with him because he never
had a son so he wanted to teach me everything or something instead. I was like the son he never had ro
something he’d say if I remember correctly.
69) I have vague memories or dreams of flying in some helicopter and/ B-1 bomber or something over Vietnam
in airplane with Dad and remember that Napalm was dropped over the fields in Vietnam and seeing it all and I
asked Dad what is going on and I forget what he said and his colleagues complained he was brining with him
everywhere and it was not appropriate but he insisted.
70) Dad launching weather balloon experiments. And there were lots of NSAS type vehicles around and the
balloons did not land right the first time and the men wore white suits. They watched the weather balloons come
down and folded them up or something with Dad administrating everything.
71) Being with Dad on an old styled plane with the the type that you generally use for airplane shows one person
sits in one seat in the front and then one other seat is behind it like an old German plane for two military people.
He’d put a helmut on me and fly it. I dont know why.
72) I remember a wild memory that I can only really think is a dream of me and Dad parachuting together and I
have no idea why. We almost landed in a tree and we got stuck in the tree and I don’t know what the ell this
memory is or a dream whatever.
73) I have this memory of Dad and his friends during the cold war having a magazine in which one could buy
atomic bomb shelters. One could dig a whole in your backyard and put cans of stuff food etc in it and it had
some air filter and either Dad had one and/or we used one once for a week or so. I have no idea why, maybe to
test it OR maybe we were in a nuclear fallout or high radiation area?
74) I have this weird memory of being somewhere near Nevada and we Mom Dad and I into a mountain tunnel
in which in the entrance it said “secret military something or other” we went inside and there was like a really
cool secret military nuclear fallout shelter for US governmental employees like the US president there and
elevators and enough basic food and supplies for a month or a certain amount of time in case Russia shot a
nuclear weapon at the USA. This was in the 1970s I think. Lt seems so dreamy and surreal. Anyway, we tried to
get out, I think this is the same memory and may be a different memory, but Dad was with me and we were
trying to escape some tunnel and someone was trying to kill us or something and Dad had a gun or some weapon
and/or a knife and we were in some underground tunnel and we met some strange poverty stricken man lying in
the cave and I think we traded him some supplies for information as to how to get through the maze of the caves.
I have no idea where we were.
75) I have this memory or dream vaguely of Dad and me and Mom walking and Dad was leading a bunch of
natives through some woods and at the end of the path, there was a huge fire and I don’t remember anymore.
76) I have this memory of being in Ireland with Dad. We were in a car and I helped Dad set up some bomb
underneath the car. I have no idea why he was after someone. Some man got into the car with us, and, Dad killed
him because I looked over and it was only us in the car and he had a cut throat and was shot and/or a bloody
mess or something. I think we left the car a nd ditched it. We were also in some Irish park that night.
77) I have this vague memory of being in Africa during some revolution and becoming friends with a child
soldier girl, I saw a photo that looked like her in my Guerilla warfare book. We became friends and Dad and I
helped this military African group out and there was gun fire at us and back and forth and I Dad sometimes
used to allow me to carry a long type of shotgun and old fashioned type. Dad taught me how to use the release
lock and how to lock and load the rifle and I was very good at it. For my own protection. We all wore like old
military fatigues in this African nation. Dad taught me how to use old guns also that one had to load gunpowder
in too. I used to hold it a certain safe way and all.
78) I remember being in China at some fireworks factory and taking a tour of the place and Dad and the man
taught me and allowed me to put fireworks together and it was very dangerous. I was very sacred because the
entire room could have exploded at any second.
79) I remember being on some Carriabean Island on a pirate ship. It was a real one and we were somewhere I
don’t know and we were doing something I have no idea what. We stopped at an island and went onto it. The
ship had large gun power on it. I have no idea what this was.
80) I have this wild memory of being on some ship up by the Great Lakes like lake Superior and it was winter
and Dad and I well they told us not to take the trip because of a bad dangerous storm. The shipping company
decided the monetary profit was more important and we went anyway and the ship became sunken and everyone
died except I think for me and Dad. I only remember holding onto Dad and the water was freezing and then I
woke up on the shore of Michigan or something like that.
81) I also remember being in Africa and there were so many child soldiers. They all had military weaponry.
They killed each other and I talked to them and they told me how traumatized they were because of their having
to kill other rival kids. I was present when some little African boy shot another one and I was shocked.
82) I was with Mom and Dad and for the first time ever Mom was getting a helicopter flying lesson and she said
“It was my first time flying and she was very scared.”
83) I was on some TWA or similar flight somewhere with Mom and Dad and Mom wore like a blue navy
uniform like a sterwdess and she took off her gold pin with WINGS on it like for TWA and she pinned it on me
and said “you just earned your wings Jill.”
84) Dad always used to bring me with him because he was away so much I used to cry and cry and when he said
he was leaving on a trip I would hold onto his suit and noot let go and say “Dad please take me with you please
please please …” And Dad would break down and say, “Oh come on then !”
85) Dad took me to a fire testing facility and in the place they tested when materials were more flammable. There
was a couch in the room and that caught fire fastest. There was a jeep outside and all types of labels on the boxes
of fire starting stuff and the men tested how long and hot the fire got etc. I watched it all.
86) I have this memory of Me Dad and Mom traveling somewhere on a train and ther train flipped over. Lots of
people got hurt, while we were waiting to know what to do, I took off away from everything and met some
friends on some road, and walked around and around this road and it had a stone bridge and a car overpass.
Mom and Dad finally found me. Then I have this memory gap and we were in some park with some natives I
don’t know who or what country this was. We had lunch on a lawn with them and spoke for a while with them.
87) I have this wild memory of being on a plane with Dad and Mom and it crashed over New York City and I ran
into the cockpit and it flow really low over and close to the highway as we glided in. That is all I remember. I had
told Dad something was wrong with the plane flaps and he ignored me and then the plane had a problem and
everyone said they should have had listened to me.
88) I remember being “somewhere” with Dad. We were at some old persons home somewhere and all the people
kept dying one after the other and we attended their funerals. Then I found out that Dad or someone had
something to do with it. They were killing all of tehse people and I don’t know why and this is all I remember. I
remember an old man sitting on the stairs and telling me someone was killing all his friends off and that is all I
89) I remember being somewhere with Dad and Mom. We stopped at a lake that looked like a park. There were
like Condo’s there. I don’t know what we were doing. We were coming and/r going from somewhere.
90) I remember Dad and me meeting my Aunt Joyce now living in Middletown NY somewhere in California and
she owned a mansion. I walked underneath the tunnels with my two cousins Sue and Ellen and they were
bragging that this was there house and I did not have one like it.
91) I have a memory of Dad being in some hotel room fucking around with some sexy chick. I don’t know how I
got there but we had to take Dad to some airport to take a flight and drop him off. I remember it being San
Francisco (I think). But it was a secure part of the airport because we went up a humongous elevator I never saw
before and this is all I remember.
92) I remember being somewhere, maybe China (tiannemen square)? I have no idea where I was but there were
BBC news reporters and our building w as burning and there was war going on around us and we had a little
shortwave radio and someone gave me a pen and paper and told me to write a dairy to keep myself occupied.
93) Dad, Mom and I were on some vacation and I have no idea where. It was winter. We were going skiing. It
was a secret location. We ran out of gas a few times I meant stopped to get some gas. When we got to the ski
resort, it had door openings that lifted up like you’d push a button and the cement doors would rise and fall after
you walk through it. There was a water park there and I begged Dad to allow me to go on it but it was winter
and I apparently did not understand why I could not go on it. Anyway, we did go skiing. The layout of the place
was so weid. It had a part that was like covered or something and you could walk around in the warm weather in
a bathing suit and swim etc. It was weird.
94) I have a memory of driving around and around somewhere in America by where Dad’s former colleague
used to live. He left me with one of them , a lady. Apparently someone was worried about being shot and killed. I
ran around the neighborhood scared and Dad or someone found me. There were mailboxes and it was a nice
95) I remember Dad, Mom and I taking a trip with movie stars to some exotic island. Dad and Mom were
fooling around on the bed on the plane with the movie stars and I was sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed
just watching (like gross). They did not care. We arrived at some distant island and all of a sudden there was
some insurrection. All of us that were partying were called or summoned I into a tunnel/cave for a meeting. We
were all in our bathing suits. The person speaking said it was vital we left the area ASAP or we could be killed.
Gap in my memory but I suddenly am walking along the beautiful blue ocean coast with someone along a rocky
shoreline. Then a memory gap. Then I am flying out of the area in a similar plane with some movie stars and
Mom had blonde hair then and there was a blonde wig box in the plane and everyone was fucking around on the
bed. End of memory. I remember landing back in like NYC though.
96) I remember a wild memory in which Dad and Mom allowed me to fly alone to some beautiful island with
some friends. Maybe they wanted me to keep busy while they worked. I landed somewhere and the island was
like a lot of little fragmented islands you could almost walk to each one it seemed. Me and my friends walked a
few of them and we walked all the way out on a peninsula and then there was as wave warning like the peninsula
was going to be covered up by a huge wave. We ran back to the beach.
97) I have a memory of being somewhere with Dad and Mom in like a theatre you’d watch a broadway show in
or something but instead we were watching huge waves come towards us from the front of the “theatre”?? The
waves came larger and closer to where everyone was sitting until my memory brings me to running away from
the water, I was in some double decker bus and the water was flowing into the bus. I was scared and there were
some o there people in the b us. It was a good thing that I was a great swimmer even at that age. I got separated
from Dad and then I guess everything was ok because I am alive now.
98) I remember being with Mom and Dadf on some vacation and it was by an ocean. Maybe India because
people were dark skinned like that. We came to a accommodation place that had rooms. We went in and got a
room. I then have memory gap but Dad, Mom and I were inside some fancy mansion with a secured tunnel.
There were lights along the corrider. I was scared because there was like some high level meeting going on and
weapons etc I don’t really know but I ran like hell out of the place (I had been looking for Dad and Mom when I
woke up they were gone from my room at the motel). Men chased me and I his out somewhere with some little
friend I had made there. They brought me into some connecting rooms and/or tunnels and we sat hidden by a
little stream in what seemed to be partially outside and partially in the motel room. Then a memory gap and Dad
is telling me to duck and hide because of gunfire or something under some furniture or wagon inside some place.
I his under a blanket and was still. I was wild but I ghuess I surrived.
99) I was with Dad and he was holding my hand yanking me to “RUN FASTER” because some man was
shooting at us. We were in some stable or something because there was hay like for horses everywhere. We
managed to get ahead of this gunman and Dad told me to lay as still like I was dead and not move no matter how
scared I feel or we might get shot. We covered ourselves with hay and eventually the man left and we were Ok.
100) I have this wild memory of riding an elephant in India at the Taj Mahal with Mom and Dad and walking
through the jungle there for some reason.
101) I remember being in Arabia with Dad and we were starving for water and we were riding camels. We were
so thirsty, I was seeing a mirage of an oasis. Finally I saw one and it was a real Oasis. We went in and the people
there had a luxurious outlay and fountains and food etc. Id ont remember anymore.
102) I have this crazy memory of being in a helicopter crash somewhere and the persons died and were lying
frozen in the plane. Eventually I had to walk all the way down a mountain and it took days to find some village
“somewhere” and we had to eat human flesh of others that died to sustain ourselves like in the book survive. At
first I refused to eat it, but everyone told me to like hold my nose so I did not taste it and eat it or I would die of
starvation so I did. It was gross.
103) I was with Dad hiking someone in the Chinese mountains or Tibet. The natives had all these colored flags
hanging around and there were like these large vultures that used to eat humans that had died as part of a ritual.
Then a memory gap and it has become winter. I had a pair of like fur boots on from the natives and it was
snowing so bad, Dad could not find his way “somewhere.” Then Dad comes to a cliff just a bunch of rocks of a
cliff and knocks in a special way and the cave door opens. He says it is like Xanadu (lol) and we go in and it is
like a Chinese palace there with fountains and servants. They clothes and fed me and it must have been some
palace or something.
104) I was “somewhere” with Mom and Dad and it was like a circus. We went to a large swimming pool (above
the ground pool) and I think that Dad was trying to kill someone in the water.
105) My Dad and I were “somewhere” and I went to an indoor pool around 9pm for a swim without Dad. All of
s sudden if this is not a dream, the lights went out in the pool room and a man with a gun came in and began to
shoot at me. I was just a kid so I dove under the water and held my breath with all my might because Dad
taught me that when someone shoots a gun into the water, it slows down a bullet so I went all the way under the
pool to the bottom and stayed there. I don’t remember more but eventually the hit man left. I don’t know why he
wanted to hurt me anyway. Or Dad came in and saved me or something.
106) There was a fire in a university dorm housing unit “somewhere” and one student died. I think that I
remember seeing it or something and there was some argument whether the fire was deliberately started. I have
no idea where.
107) It seems like a surreal dream so I don’t know if it was but I was in some college or educational facility and I
was hiding in the floor of a bathroom gym shower room or something because there was a gunman after me. I
was alone and I don’t know where my parents were. I managed to avoid the hitman but I was shocked beyond
belief and so scared because he was so close I could like see his shoes in the next bathroom stall and he just
missed me I could all but be still and not whimper. I have no idea why this was or where it was.
108) I was somewhere at an apartment with Dad at some girl or lady friends of his in her apartment and Dad
came knocking on her door really late to pick me up or something and he killed her (I forget how). We left
somehow and this is all I remember. There was a walkway from her front door and like hedges on both sides. We
left in some car I think.
109) I have this memory of being in some submarine called “Stingray” underwater in the ocean with Dad and
he brought me to underwater governmental meetings and we could see the fishes through the like glass walls or
something. I have no idea what ocean this was but I was like a city under the ocean. The stingray submarine
looked like the stingray fish exactly for cover.
110) I remember being with Dad and we were running through some woods and he was chasing someone down
with a gun to kill them or something. It was a weird type of park. It had lots of ponds and we came to an empty
type of old building or something. It had a pool, an in the ground one in it and it had been abandoned for some
time. Dad surveyed the entire area and he did not see who he was looking for. We met some people along the way
I think, one or two and asked them instructions. Or maybe we were just looking for a way out of the place. We
were not supposed to be there. I don’t know where it was but I remember being very scared. Maybe we were just
trying to evade a group of people. I don’t remember. It was very strange place though.
111) Dad and I were on some little boat in a very mountainous area like in the German oZarks. There were little
like German houses on this lake and we visited some friend of Dad’s. The house of his was like built into a tree or
something weird. I cannot remember. We went into some wied room and water started filling it up while we were
sitting in our chairs and although it seems wirrd. I probably don’t remember what really happened because I
was so young but I remember being scared at first and all the water came flooding in and holding onto Dad or
something. Then I was having fun swimming around in the lake water when we no longer were in the guy’s
house or something. I remember swimming until suddenly we were picked up on some boat and there were other
little baots chasing us wanting to “get us” or something. Then it may have been another time but I have this
memory gap. Then there are lots of people on other boats. Some of them seem dangerous to Me and to Dad. We
try avoiding them or something. But we smile as to not look suspicious or something., I don’t know where wew
were but everyone seemed to speak English. I go for a swim by jumping off the boat I think. I always was happy
when Dad allowed me to swim wherever I wanted to.
112) I have this wild memory of being in Soviet Russia and there is some checkerboard floor of some prison
where people are fighting like in the movie Beyond the Thunderdome. Prison fighters and others watching them
egging them on. Then memory gap and Dad and I are in the snow. We have cheese and chochlate and we are
trying to make it to the Russian border with Finland I think and it took us a long time and we were tired and
starving. Then, we dig under an electric Russian fence and we are careful as to avoid the Soviet border guards
with guns/ long rifles. We dig under the fence carefully like Dad says. Then we make it to the other non soviet
side of Finland I think and we walk through this forest until we get to a lake. We are scared because sometimes
the Finnish border patrol catch people and send them back into Russia as a favor to Russia USSR I meant. They
see us I think and we jump into a lake and make a swim for it until we yell and yell and this Finnish tourist boat
picks us up and saves us (end of memory).
113) I am where it is East Germany with Dad. We start out in West Germany. We come to an apartment
building and enter it and climb out on of its windows and the other side fo the apartment building is Eastern
Germany. We climb down the window as to avoid the communist guards. We sneak to an underground tunnel
and we help people dig the rest of it until we dig all the way to West Germany and help the people escape or
something and others come. Then I have this memory gap. Then Dad and I are running towards West Germany
and there is a grassy border area and a large gated fence and a river we have to jump and swim across to make it
safely to West Germany again and the East German boarder guards are shooting at us giving on one shot
warnings to halt at once or be shot and killed. Someone with us gets shot and killed and I remember running into
the river and making it across and that is all. There are like shots fired at me and I am scared I am going to be
shot and killed. I don’t know where Dad is. But he shows up later. Some people help me I think at the other side
and we get into an old type of car in the truck I think we hide and someone drives us across a border guard type
of crossing. They search the car and they were going to search the truck to and I am scared that we will be
found and shot or worse. Then the guard amazingly lets our car pass and we get somewhere and someone lets us
out of the trunk.
114) I never have any idea why I am at all these places with Dad and I am just either shocked or just think it is
fun as a young child and don’t know what is really going on. I think Dad and Mom used the “family” and “me’
as a cover for people to think they wee NOT spies for the USA.
115) I have this memory of being in a USSR park in Russia with Dad (I don’t see Mom). Dad startes speaking
Russian (I think) with this Soviet guard dressed in a black fur hate and long greenish/grayish coat and black nice
looking boots. It is night time not that late and there is a path and it kind of looks like the park Topcider in
Serbia in a way but is larger and there are lots of tall buildings around. I don’t see anyone else around us. Then
we walk “somewhere” this is all I remember excerpt I think we weal across some bridge (river) and into some
nice brick building for some reason (end of memory). Then I have a memory gap. Then we are walking into a
Soviet Russian subway area and/or some underground tunnel area we are not supposed to be at. But we get there
by traveling through the Soviet subway system. It is very nice and fancy paintings on the walls and lots of other
people going down the escalator and/or stairs with us. We get to the bottom, I don’t remember anymore but then
we are in a tunnel system and I thin this relates to the other memory where we leave Russia and go to the other
side China or something through this underground tunnel system. There is a secret system like underground
people that work the tunnels leading us to the others side like Korea and/or China border. Then we end up at the
other memory where we stand before a tunnel but this one is on the ground surface and Dad takes out his
camera and proudly shoots our last photo in Soviet USSR. Then all of a sudden Mom is standing there with us.
We leave by walking through this tunnel very scared we will be caught by guards (Soviet). We get away. And
then memory gap a little. We come to the other side (China I think). There are mountains and we escape I think
through a mountain SPA and we rest at it and it is like a “health spa” in Chinese mountains. After we get onto
some Chinese truck I think and it takes us through the mountains. Maybe this connects to the other memory
where we get onto the train. I think so and we climb that large hill and I have to say goodbye with my little
friends after we take the Chinese train and we “get out” and make it to another “safe country” with Dad and
Mom and we are all scared we will not be able to make it.
116) I have this memory of being in Cambodia. There is war everywhere. We are trying to hide with some
Cambodians up a hill and we are dressing in a certain way. There is war all around us. Then memory gap
because I am shocked. The Pol Pot regime is taking people prisoner and killing them off. We are running up a
hill with others and we are getting fired at. No one notices us being “white” because there are so many people
running. We make it safely to a village. Then we hide with the villagers in some hut. Then soldiers came and the
gang rape a few of the other little girls.. I have this memory of getting raped too. Some girl tells me that the
“soldiers come very day and if I just am good and give them sex and let them do what they want with me
---maybe they will not kill me (so I do). Anyway, some other girls get gang raped by the soldiers and they don’t
hurt me. I am raped with some other little girl dressed in white or something. Anyway, then I have this memory
gap. All of a sudden, Mom , Dad and I are taking a “tour” and we see peoples “human skulls” on a big bunch
like lying on top of each other on some heap. Mom tries to act “really like she is interested saying “Oh this is so
good to see…like she likes the idea or some shit.” I am not sure this is the same memory. But I AM SHOCKED
that Mom says this heap of skulls is “alright wit her” so plainly./ I just keep my mouth shut. Maybe this is
another memory and we are taking a tour of cannibals in Indonesia. We did take a tour of the cannibal (where
they live I meant there). I am not sure.
117) We are in East Timor involved in the USA war there. Dad and Mom and I are fighting (helping) a group of
villages fight the Indonesian army. I think that is what it is. I am scared to death. There is fires and bullets and
all types of shit. WE run and we talk to soldiers etc.
118) We are back in some African setting. We are involved in some war. We are arming some African army for
America. Everyone has fatigues on. We walk with a platoon of African soldiers through the jungle. Dad is
talking to them giving them information and/or instructions.
119) We are somewhere in South America. We fly in to some little airport on a small plane I think. Dad has a
little office with no A/C just a fan hanging over head like the kind in my house here and old fashioned office
equipment. Then I have memory gap and suddenly I am at some tour of cocaine manufacturers. Dad allows me
to help the natives stomp up and down on cocaine leaves sitting in some watery fluid. This is where they make
the cocaine I am told. I think it is fun. I jump up and down on the cocaine leaves in some “leaf type of lake.”
Then my memory becomes even unbelievable
To me. Why? Because I remember being in some “white van” and Dad and FBI (American DEA) agents are in
it). We are chasing down someone whose name can not possible be really true because it is ESCOBAR! They
have been looking for him for a long time without success. Then there is a communication to Dad and buddies
and they receive word Escobar is in some apartment building in some village and we all get I the van I suppose
and chase into this village making a stop or two a long the way. We see him sitting upstairs in a window, or at
first we break in and he is sitting downstairs. Yes that is it. He is drinking behind like a bar area in the
downstairs area of his rented place or whatever. Dad and the DEA armed bust in the door and chase him up
stairs and he has a gun. They tell him to :HALT OR BE SHOT.” He does not he runs upstairs. Then there is
door. Escobar opens it and runs outside into a roof type of area I remember. The US DEA shoot him down
several times and he has blood all over his torso. He falls down holding his wounds. He is wearing a WHITE
SUIT. Then he is collapsed. He has a mustache and shaggy little wisker type pf beard. He must be “dead” some
soldiers says because some Columbian soldiers are with us. Then one soldiers takes out his gun and shoots one
last shot in Escobar to make fun of him! Before this scene Dad and I are tracking through the Colombian jungle
with Columbian soldiers tracking down Escobar and other colleagues of his. We come across a big shot drug
lord dressed in some suit. We are/enter Into his wharehouse filled with cocaine and we destroy it and/or shoot a
friend and/or his relative. Anyway he stands outside the remains of everything gone and raises both hands up
and says “I vow whomever committed this act will die and” he looks up towards the sky. End of memory. I also
remember being in the Columbian parliament and Dad talking with different people and bombs going off all
over the town because of the USA and Columbian wars with the drugs lords etc. and Spanish signs.
120) This is a memory so real yet so unreal that I can barely state it and feel anyone will believe it but here goes.
We are in Taxes and JFK is in the car where he gets shot. I don’t kow how but all of a sudden I am with a man
dressed in all black he is going up a stairway and he is going to kill Kennedy. He walks partially up the stairwell
and he comes to a like opening in the wall. He finds a gun there and puts it together. He goes to the roof and
waits for JFK’s car to come by then he aims and fires. End of memory.
121) Then I remember a similar instance for Martin Luther King Junior too. The night before he is
assassinated, King is sitting in some hotel room several stories high and he talks on the telephone. I am
somewhere by a hotel room window. Some people a re plotting to assassinate him and they have some gun,. The
man wanting to kill him plans it. He is in his motel room and takes out a long type of gun from the bed area, like
underneath the mattress. He puts it together and puts bullets in it. Gets ready to do the hit. His suit is light
brownish and he wears an old type of hat on his head. He is ugly to me.
122) I am visiting CA and I am in my sister’s van/car and she turns around and says to me,”you are so lucky
Jill…” I am shocked and say “Why Hope?” “Why would anyone want my failure life…” I am confused. Hope
turns to me like she wants to trade places with me with all the things she has and I don’t and I am confused but
she says as she drives “You went on all those trips with Dad and I didn’t.” I am confused. She (Hope) looks so
much like she wants to actually be or trade places with me for some weird reason.
123) I have this memory being with Dad and he is taking Karate lessons in Japan and at some Ninja training
place. Anyway, we is in some Karate match and he slices through bricks with his hands, I was taught it too but
Dad earns a “black belt.” I only have a “brown.” Something like that.
124) I don’t know what war was happening in Croatia in the 1960s/1970s when I was growing up. I keep having
this memory before I even knew as an adult about being in what Dad or someone I heard say “{Croatia.” There
were some bombed out buildings that looked like Harlem or the South Bronx. This little girl was living in one
and I was there and she was poverty stricken. Maybe Dad was taking photos for national geographic? I don’t
know but it is a strong memory. I remember being in a building around I vaguely remember someone saying
“Sarajevo.” I was in a large like public housing complex filled with people of all different ethnicities. I went into
the building which looked like the Alabama Projects in Paterson NJ. They put together a little radio from old
parts because they were poor. We his and were scared. I keep getting the feeling that my Dad knew Ratko
Mladic or Radovan Karadzic and I met them as a child somewhere once before but I can not be sure this is real.
I have this vague memory of being at our New Hampshire log cabin in the summer and someone that at least
looked like Mladic used to come up on the weekends and he took me sailing. His house was across from out his
cabin I meant and it was pretty vacant of all furniture most of the times. I have no idea I just wrote this down
because I remember it. This man had a sail boat. He took me sailing once. I keep getting these memories of
“Croatia and “Sarajevo” when I was very little. I remember the words before I was 10 years old. I remember
and I think it was the former “Yugoslavia” I was being with Dad and a bunch of soldiers in fatigues. We were
behind a truck and there was war everywhere and fires bombing. We all had big weapons even I HAD ONE
TOO! I was carrying a big automatic weapon for protection. It was very dangerous. Dad said when I signal,
“make a run for cover” we ran when Dad said over behind some buildings and Dad said “Keep firing your gun
Jill no matter what..” SO when I ran I fired my gun and the people firing at us. I was really scared but I did it. I
might have killed someone. I remember not being able to live with the memory that I (may have killed someone)
that day as a child,. I knew how to fire the gun and how to hold it in the proper way because Dad taught me over
and over and practiced it because he said I needed it for my own protection. We made it by the building by kept
on firing our guns. End of memory for now. And I have these memories of Kosovo also (vague though). Meeting
some little girl who used to put old electronic equipment together from old parts and kept some diary. And
walked to the market each day through areas of rival ethnicities,.
125) I have this memory of being it must have been China/North Korea. Anyway, me and Dad were present for a
great march of the Chinese “red Army” was it because they had a red flag with like a moon and a star and we
met the person leading the military pararde march of like a thousand soldiers. Dad shook his hand and he must
have been Chinese. He was a military leader there. I think that it must have been cHina because of all the red
126) I was with Dad, and we were driving somewhere I did not know. It was a country place with flat low grassy
farms. We stopped the car and we got out and we climbed up some ladder really high and there as a rope walk
across from one side of the farm to another property. Dad was after someone he wanted to kill I think. I don’t
remember more.
127) Mom and Dad and I were in a graveyard looking place. It was very scary. Anyway,I think that the adults
where tracvkig someone down to kill them. It was a very dangerous place.
128) I was with Dad driving along a cliff with a woman in the car and I don’t kow where. It looked like Greece or
Monaco judging by the high cliffs or Montenegro. The woman was sad because of some reason. She had a little
home along the cliffs. She talked to Dad for a while and end of memory.
129) I remember being in Japan or somewhere like that. Dad and I were looking for a hotel for the night. I
whined about wanting a pool so I could swim as usual. Dad always put my pools first before his business because
it kept me busy. We checked into some large really fancy place in which after we checked in, the entire garage
level was a indoor pool that looked like it used to be used as a parking garage. I swam and had a great time.
Then we went up to the top floor and Dad invited me to come into a Penthouse party with him. He went in the
pool with sexy women and the women talked to me and said they were call girls and they really wanted to escape.
I went with them after our talk to try to find a way for them to escape. I don’t remember if we got caught or not.
13) I was in some jungle island and Dad and I were on a bus coming out of some tunnel. I was sick and tired of
him dragging me around everywhere. I don’t know what we were doing there so I took off on my own. I found a
friend my age and we started driving some automobile and drove all the way down towards the ocean. I don’t
know how we did it because we were only kids driving. But Dad probably taught us that me anyway. Dad came
looking for us very angry. End of memory.
132) Dad and I were in some place I don’t know. It was an island seaside community and very rich. It was nice
but there was a terrible storm coming and everything got flooded. I was angry and sick and tired of Dad
dragging me e verywhere again so I took off and went up to a seaside place I liked to swim and Dad came angry
and rescued me right before the monsoon or whatever storm it was.
133) Dad Mom and I took this specialized boat to a large boat floating restaurant and I have no idea where. The
people spoke English. It iwas in the m iddle of some seaside. We sat down and were going to order dinner and I
don’t know but something bad happened. Dad had a knife I think and was supposed to kill someone. I don’t
know but it was something sneaky. Then we all took off the same way we came on a boat.
134) I was in Vietnam and Mom took me on the river and it was like a flea market and people sold stuff on their
boats etc. it was kind of cool.
135) I was in some school I have no idea where. I was in a tower with like 10 other students. They had guns
though. We were not supposed to leave but we sneaked out. End of memory.
136) Dad Mom and I went somewhere I don’t know where into an underground ride of a spooky ghost house or
something like in a large arcade when it comes around. The sign said “Spooky Rides” like for Halloween.
Anyway, it was cloak and dagger inside. People Dad and I don’t know who had their rides stuck here and there
and it was dark and scary. There were people dressed in scary custume too trying to scare us. I was petrified.
People started turning up dead after there car ride through the exhibit began to go off in different directions and
disappear. Dad told me to stay with him but I ran away because I wanted out of there. I got to the outside
somehow and began to talk to some black man I think and finally Dad anad Mom came out thankful they found
me alright. I think Dad had a gun on him or something I can’;t quite remember but he was ready to ditch the
place and leave like now.
137) Dad and Mom and I were taking some large bridge driving across from one side of a land to another. I
don’t know where maybe NYC I thought but I never saw any bridge like that in NYC. I don’t know where we
were. On the way there, we stopped at a very bad neighborhood and Dad went in to talk to some call girls and
drug dealers to get some dope. They had guns and I talked to them. Then a memory gap. All of a sudden I am
told by Dad we have to hide out and sleep in a shitty dirty room with a bunch of other people from all
nationalities so I do. It was a scary situation and I don’t know what it was about. We all lied down on beds
covered with white sheets over us and laid low. Dad kept looking out of the window.
138) I don’t know where we were but a communist country maybe Russia. But soldiers were trying to shoot us.
We were going/running inside and up stairs and/or some escalator.. There were other people there shopping it
was a very large outfit. We because of Dad found a hideout with others like us and some soldiers protected us.
They were armed. I got hungry and they told me to hurry and be sneaky go to the lunch place two doors down
because that place was a “friend” of our mission or something so I did. I got my food and sat there and ate it.
Then something happened and I had to run back. We were hidden in some old like closet. I don’t remember how
we got out but organized crime Russian looking guys were walking up the stairs in long black wool coats and
shaved heads with guns shooting at us saying “I will kill you when I get you all” something like that/. End of
139) Dad and I were somewhere in New Hampshire. He was looking for little pieces of paper underneath stones.
He had said “someone took a wrong turn for the worst and they had to die” or something and that is all I
140) Dad took us to Brighton Beach once and everyone was carrying around stereos and speakers. One person
would carry the stereo in front nad his buddies each carried the large speakers following behind him.
141) Mom Dad and I were “somewhere” , and we were on a little boat sailing if it was not a dream. I don’t
remember what happened but it made an impression on me. I think that I went off and sneaked off on my own
on a little boat because I did not want tto stay with them. Mom and Dad wanted me to go with them, on their
little baot but I ran away or something and they searched the bay for me for hours and they finally found me.
There is nothing negative about this memory it is just strange.
142) I am in some European place with cobblestone streets and Dad points across the street to a building and
tells me what it is and I don’t remember what he says now. But it was very important to him. It was a
government building or some museum and I think a church. Dad was looking for someone in an old style car and
it was an important mission. He wanted to trade and/or give them information ot something. It was sunny day
out. I was very little. I may remember in time because it was a well known place I remember.
143) I remember going to the castle in a country with Dad and maybe Mom for an official visit along the Rhine
somewhere. Maybe Austria/Hungry I am pretty certain and we I think took a tour of all the Rhine castles.
Maybe the Danube.
144) I have a dreamlike memory of being “someplace” I think it was in a foreign country because the rural
landscape was not like America. I ran away from Dad and Mom like I always did because I did not like the
things they did and was always scared. I rode a bike and/or walked up a large hill and some people took me in
for a few hours talking to me until Dad found me. It was a humble home in a middle class like European town.
145) I remember Dad and Mom (one or the other) taking me in England to a lakeside restaurant to a place for
“tea” We sat inside the restaurant and looked out upon the lake while we drank our tea. My parents told me we
were in England so I knew it.
146) I have a memory that is like a dream of being on some desert terrain with Dad and there was tons of people
like an influx of refugees (hundreds and hundreds of them following Dad and the leaders wherever we were
going). We walked it seemed forever and I have a memory gap uncertain if this is the same memory like dream.
We are No this is another memory, let’s go back, we walk until we come to some unknown “city” somewhere.
We all hide in a large like military place like where they would store airplanes (like that U dome shaped
buildings you see on a military base like I saw at my son’s on Ft Bragg. We had tons of camels and animals in
there with us as we just “waited” for what I cannot remember.
147) I have a dream like memory of being with Dad. The memory was clear. There was war going on. It was very
dangerous and we were in an air place military like hangar. I saw airplane all around. Dad said something like
“hurry” and we hurried up the stairs and I see more airplanes up there too. We went up the stairs and there was
bombing all around us. We ran out some door into a grassy area and end of memory. There were people with us
just as scared as I was.
148) Me and Dad drove to someone’s home. He went in and talk ed. It was like a ranch house and I have no idea
where. I thin he had a gun.
149) This is a weird memory, I ran away again from Mom and Dad. Why? They told me to go to bed early in my
room and I was very scared. I was in a cabin somewhere and it was very spooky. I thought that I saw demons or
some ghosts and I heard noises so I got very scared and when Mom and Dad refused to allow me out of the room,
at first I went and hid under my blankets. Then somehow I escaped the cabin like I always did. I wondered until
I found some “natives” there were pine forests I remember but they allowed me to take a row boat by myself out
and I rowed and I rowed and they told me I could find an island at the horizon. So I rowed more to the direction
they pointed. Finally I came upon what was a change in scenery. It was a island like Bora Bora. I swam. I had
fun with the people there. Then for some reason I had to leave and I don’t know why. Dad was frantically
searching for me I told the natives. Anyway, a memory gap and I find myself back by the cabin running and
hiding from Dad and people that I was told by the “natives” kill and drink blood like vampires.” Finally Dad
finds me and says “there are no such things as “vampires” BUT, there are very dangerous people there and I
need to stay with him at the cabin and we return there. Tehre were others there (Dad’s friends) too. End of
memory for now.
150) I am swimming on an island setting like Bora Bora again. But I am not with Dad or Mom and I am with
some boyfriend my age that I like. We were not supposed to be in this location but we were curious what was
going on there. Dad again is searching for me for running away against his instructions. We swim and we come
to a cave/island. There was supposed to be something important there, I heard it from Dad and I don’t
remember what it was but it was important that me and my friend wanted to see if it was really there. I havae a
memory gap and Dad finds me. End of memory for now. We went inside some cave that could have housed a
missile though.
151) This memory is very real to me. I am somewhere and it is night. It is when I am little and I hear the name
“Harry Shortway” like Dad once knew the Harry Shortway I hate now. Anyway, this Shortway is driving all
over what seems close to what West Mlford may have looked many years ago frantically searching for me. I
don’t know why but this person was Dad’s acquaintance and they are “after me.” I hide and do whatever it takes
to avoid them because I am deadly scared of them because I just as a child get a “gut feeling” this person is
“evil” in some way and I think that he is scared I saw him do something “bad”. IO cannot remember now.
Anyway, I am also searching for a dog I had while I hide from Dad and this person. As I try hiding from Dad
and somehow manage to get a ride or hitch hike (yeah that is what I did hitch hike) up to what looks very l much
like Upper Greenwood Lake NJ today. Anyway, I come to a restaurant bar that seems familiar to me now and
drink sode or something. Then I walk and/or get a lift t this deserted road and I meet a kid my age. He tells me
“Hurry come to my house, around here after dark there are “monsters”. I don’t think he meant that literally but
we were kids and he was trying to convey to me something murderous was about in this area (a real person
obviously). We get to his house and he sneaks me in his room. We hide and he hides me from his parents. I don’t
kow how, but Dad finds me again in some car.I can almost draw a map of it in West Mlford of this memory and I
bet it pans out.
152) I have another memory of being on vacation with Mom and Dad and we are driving in a car somewhere I
thought in America moving towards Canada. We stop at an Indian Reservation of some kinf. I think that Dad
wants to kill someone. My parents try to hide me while they do the dead but I cannot be sure. It was weird.
153) I am with Dad and I think Mom and we are somewhere in Upstate NY or Canada border again. Dad tells
me to wait in the cabin like hotel room. There are mountains and all. Very rustic area. Anyway, I did not listen
to Dad as usual and I follow him into another room where I find blood and him and a knife and a dead lady in
the shower like he just stabbed her to death. He tell s me something I am so little I just take it in stride I guess
and go back to my room and forgot it until now
154) I definitely remember being at the Assassin school of Americas with Dad in South America or something. I
remember the natives wanted him and the US soldiers out. There was a fenced like gate around the school of the
Americas. Eventually they left. When I heard the news today I also have vague memory of Dad taking me to
“Blackwater training camp.” I am not certain but it rings a definite bell and Dad tells me it is just a camp or
155) This is REAL. I remember it very well. Dad and I are in some south american country. We land on a boat
by a mountainous area and natives help us ashore. Dad is teaching the natives how to be soldiers. We ride in a
jeep like car above the mountains.
156) Dad and Mom and I are definitely in South America somewhere and being chassed down by soldiers they
want to kill us three. Dad gets an idea and we all jump into the ocean by a yeacht club and hold our breath and
try to hide while the people chasing us down think we are not there. Dad tells me “no matter what Jill hold your
breath or we might all die. We duck under some boat and do it.” end of memory.
157) I must have been young but I remember Mom taking me to train in firearms. She would shoot at a target
like in the campers strike game and she would have to wear things on her ears. She was was quite good. She let
me do it too. Dad trained me to use a rifle type gun too because I remember at first it hurt my shoulder when I
fired it until he showed me exactly how to hold it so it did not hurt and push my shoulder back. We were in a
forest somewhere and we also trained using bow and arrows and shooting beer cans, and apples even off of
someones head. I have a memory of Dad’s friend being a knife thrower in some circus and I actually let him
throw knives around me while I stood with some tree behind me.’
158) Also I remember being at Queen Elizabeth’s cstle in England and what is really weird is that I was there
with Dad to play the “recorder” for her with other little kids and I was very nervous After or before one of the
royal Princes took us fly fishing on the grounds and he wore the traditional outfit like Prince charles wears with
the skirt thing etc when he fishes. I may have even played with Diana because we went to a Polo match and I
remember Camala thte Prince Charles new wife’s name and also Princes of Monaco pushing a baby carriage. I
watched the Polo match on the horses. This seems extremely real to me but most people would probably not
believe it. I also was taken on a tour of where the MI%/MI6 make the James Bond types of gadgets. I remember
the Queens castle was like a little city within itself although Dad refuses to admit I was there. There was like a
wall alla round it built with stones and the roads once across it on the grounds was like a little upper class city
with businesses etc. I thin we went skiing somewhere once with Princess Diana and Sarah Fergeson when we
were children in Colorado because I remember it Aspen I think but I can not be certain. Dad only knows if this
memory it true.
Prince Charles or one of them Andrew as little and we were playing in his room. We broke some things that
made noise and the Queen and my Dad came up and were going to punish us. But the lkittle boy (royal) I was
with instead of saying I broke the vase or whatever, tried protecting me from embarrassment and punishment by
saying he “broke it for me instead.” I had a crush on him and we played together in the outside gardens. The
stairway to his room was a large one which wound around and around like something out of Sleeping Beauty’s
wedding stairs. There was a carpet that went on top of each stair too and sometimes we got in trouble for sliding
down the banister I think. Dad always used to have a private joke of some nature of “who is in the tulip patch
with Selly or Sarah…and Tip toe through the tulips.. Etc. then I have memory of being at boarding school with
royals and all in Switzerland. We had to wear certain clothes and also I was on some sky lift thing like you sit in
it and it brings you up to one end of the boarding school to another in the air. Like an air cab. We slept in beds
with all girls and we had very strict rules. There were lots of beds lined up in a room and it was very prestigious.
I remember another time being a part of the English Queens reception for “something” with Mom and Dad. I
did not like it and we cars pulled us up somewhere wiyh bushes all surrounding it and we went in. We were
supposed to walk in rank and file but I ran away with a friend to a nearby bar and drank soda, Dad came in an
found me and he also found two younger royals fooling around getting drunk to together.
159) I have a memory of being with Dad in some places like Turkey because of what everyone wore *(Islamic
garb), The men were really chauvinistic. The little girls, even my age (whatever that was at the time-were being
old into marriage and had tons and tons of hours long housework chores each day with no time for fun like I did.
So me and my little friends decided we would run away (me and them some little girls because they thought that
I was right when I told them that I did not have to do the things they were required to do). But we made a large
mistake. We took a small little boat from a man to his ship (he gave some reason he said he would give us a ride
to the other half of the bay to where the landing for the clothing stores are (I must had had some money from
Dad he gave me with me). Anyway, once on board the man was going to make us into little “
sex slaves.” We managed to escape when we convinced him with my money that we merely wanted to buy
ourselves some sexy clothes or someti9ng and we then saw a police man and ran up to him and he contacted Dad.
Dad came to get me and left my friend and I was very upset.
160) Dad and I were walking in some old dirty non working factory in which we were running from people with
guns going to shoot us. We ran out a door and jumped in a moving river full of flowing garbage. Me and Dad
both flowed down the river apart from o ne another and we were scared of getting hit with the wooden garbage
and/or boards cans etc stuff in there. I don’t remember whwat happened after that. We must had made it to the
bottom. I think that I tried grabbing onto a piece of something like wood that floated. I do remember walking
out on steps out of the garbage river being 100% disgusting with filth complaining I want a shower.
161) I was walking to meet Mom at some University. AS usual I became a not listening little girl and took off
with someone I had met. I don’t know what or where I was but I was supposed to meet Mom in the tennis court
area but I decided not to. Then a memory gap. Then I am watching Dad shooting someone with a gun in an
upper college room. There is a window there. I don’t remember if he shot him in front of me because I hid my
eyes and he pushed me out or something I cannot remember. He pointed the gun at the man and they had an
argument about a woman. Dad told me to leave the room for a minute to do that hit I think (he just asked me to
step outside so he could be alone for a moment and “talk with the man alone” So I think I did. I never saw him
again. I had seen that man before.
162) The worst thing was seeing Mom always killing people in the highway “Rest Area” bathroom stalls with a
silencer while I was peeing in another. I traumatized me. I think that she used to have a bowl full up of cocaine
on the front table to share with people when they came in when I was little too. I remember it. They’d sniff it.
163) I have this vague memory of Dad going Jet Skiing and Water skiing once at a party with Escobar. He used
to smile and laugh on a jet ski thing and took a photo in font of the Washington monument, Dad and Mom and I
did the same one too.
164) I seems so dreamy, but this memory of being “someplace” it was like I think nearby an ocean and Me ,
Mom was definitely there and Dad were like hiding out in somew building made out of beautiful square stones.
The street was like cobble or some type of stones too. I ran away again and I found myself at some playground
nearby and Dad came to get me. I thin k he had a gun and had just killed a man. Then a memory gap and Dad
and Mom are drying me off from being outside and covering me up telling me I had a bad dream or something
gnad to go back to bed an dputting my blankets on me and my head under a pillow.
165) I had this dream that “some man” related to me had tried to sexually assault me and told me it was “OK” to
touch his you know what while I was really little and then a memory gap and some man like Dad or someone is
trying to kill me by putting pillows over my head and suffocating me and Dad and /or Mom comes in a saves him
166) I am somewhere with Mom and some one attacks her, he tumbles her to the floor and she drops her gun
next by her head but it is too far to reach. This bad man is holding moms’ hands and sitting on top of her, Mom
yells to me, “Hurry Jill get the gun and give it to me and/or shoot him..” I forgot what happened next. Someone
shot the man and I saved mom. I was sitting al curled up scared to death on the floor which was like a kitchen
type of tile scared to death for Mom !
167) Dad teaching me what a plane looks like when it “DOVETAILS” etc….
168) Dad or someone taking me on a plane at an air show when they do stunts and they walked out on the wings
etc and then two planes crashed together and fell to the ground in a type of fireball too that day.
169) Being in Fraica and we had to sear white suits like atronauts because there was an Ebola outbreak and
some workers were throwing bodies on top of one another and burning them because they were contagious. We
visited a hospital too and it was like a terrible dirt floor hospital hit I will never forget it the country had no food,
floor or medications at their hospital in this country.
170) Some wild memory =of hunting apes down to see if they carried the AIDS virus because people in some
African country was eating the meat they were so poor and I remember getting an (believe it or not) an AIDS
vaccine from the US government before like they already knew about the virus and had one for years because
when we went on the hunt of Ebola? AIDS apes to kill the remaining ones that were infected I was inoculated
and Dad did not put any suit on me and he we walked around in al the disease areas totally UNPROTECTED.
171) I have memories of Dad teaching me how to hear first planes overhead and then to spot them in the air.
Then he’d take out his binoculars to get a good look at them with me.
172) Me Dad and Mom went to Marthas Vinyard on vacation (for certain) I was older and I think that after Dad
left me in the motel room by the gingerbread houses there he said he was going to meet, the Kennedy’s at their
“compound.” I think he may have had some affair with a woman and Mom and he may have argued later that
night but I cannot be certain.
173) When I was little my dad sis lots of work in Saudi Arabia and I used to play with Osama Bin Laden and met
all the kids their were 16 in all and he was youngest. I remember he was older and he used to take me outside
and was only wearing shorts and no shirt and taught me how to twirl like a military baton. I met some of the bin
laden sisters too and we sued to play. One of them gave me a doll I forget her name ”salami” or something and
they gave me some others gifts. It was likea Barbie doll but it was an Islamic “princess doll.” I vaguely remember
the big bridge the bin Ladens’ worked on maybe with Dad to build to one of the pilgrimage sites it looked white
and went across something underneath. And the city was large and clean there.
174) I remember being in Holland, Denmark and the Netherlands with Dad as a Child and I met a young blonde
Dutch girl who gave me a pair of handmade clogs and bonnet. She showed me how to make cheese and/or butter
and I helped her churn it. She wore a traditional dutch costume. She lived on a farm and it had a windmill. My
Dad was involved in making wind power because of his expertise in the power field and also harnessing the
ocean for power generation. There were lots of little wind mills for generating power all around I remember.
175) I remember Dad and I in a two seater race little fancy car driving across the swiss alps or a similar
mountain range and meeting people in a remote village in Swizz alps and they lived a humble existence.
175 ) Being in Germany and the street speed limit signs were I remember exceptionally high like 75 miles an
hour or something. I think me and I were on the run from thing or someone. Then a memory gap and we came
to trucks and a governmental road block we had to wait it seemed horjus until we were allowed to move
176) I remember as a young baby in a cradle that rocked I was in a castle somewhere and there was a royal
castle and then a memory gap and Dad picked me up and I had to leave the castle where I was and Dad said I
was just leaving for a little vacation . I did not know “dad” at the time but I cried and cried and I never saw that
castle where I spent my first days again and I was very sad and eventually time faded my memories of this.
177) Visiting the Romanov’s “Winter Palace” with Dad and talking to a house maid and some of the Romanov
family as a very very little young child in Russia.
178) Being in some museum somewhere in some country with Dad. We were doing something I have no idea
hiding out or something. Memory gap and we made it to the top floor and into a seclued room that was locked
Dad got the lock cracked and we somehow got locked in this small room and water started pouring I and we
were going to drown. I don’t remember how we made it out or anything else now. Except there were people after
us or something.
179) Even before I ever did cocaine as an adult as a young child I have a memory of Mom using it a lot. She let
me try it to since it was in a big bowl on our kitchen table Dad did it too. One day I really wanted it, I must have
been no more than 6 years old or something. I as by some ocean and asked everyone where I could get it cheap. I
used to steal money from Mom’s purse always filled with so much cash money , hundreds of dollars a day in
there she never would notice I took like a few hundred. Someone told me to go under a tunnel that went between
something that looked like the tunnel that went between the Long Island Bay and sound beaches but it was not
there. I knocked on two doors in that tunnel and there were cocaine dealers that were selling and had kilos of the
stuff and sold me it. Then the police raided it and we all ran/. I ran into some huge like mall like I have never
seen before and got lost and was scared. I was looking for Dad and Mom’s car and Ic ould not find it. I don’t
know how I was able to locate my Dad but I guess I did.
179) Being in AK at the Rose Law Form with Foster and the Clintons with Dad and Mom going
whitewater rafting with them or something glike that and seeing the file cabinets and all at the Rose law firm
when I was little. I saw signs saying Littlerock I vaglue remember the signs at the Rose Law Form too. Bill
governors mansion in AK with Mom and Dad when he was governor.
180) I have some memory I don’t know where it was of being with Dad in an African country. We were running
behind buildings for cover and there were bombs and were were bring fired at. We went into a building and hid
with some other US soldiers. He’d always drag me by the hand pulling me to “RUN JIL FASTER.” Eventually
some US helicopter came to rescue us somehow but we had to get to a certain location first for to be picked up. I
remember some US soldier being shot and killed, I looked back and saw him die on the dirt ground. There was
argument whether Dad and the rest of us ought to go back to take his body as it was “US military law to bring
back all bodies of US veterans but..” we decided it was too dangerous for the rest of us and we all felt terribly
181) Being in a field in Vietnam with Dad and running into an open field to be picked up by another US
helicopter with Dad under heavy gun fire with some other US veterans to get picked up and we barely made it. I
was so young I did not really get the jist of it all then.
182) I must have been Vietnam because I saw some US soldier hold a gun to a Vietnam woman’s head and kill
her point “black” right there and then in a village.
183) Going to Libya qth Dad and meeting the now famous Col Gadaffi, before he was President, when he was
poor and living in a little shcak with a white cover on it for a roof. I saw the “rock og Gibaltra.”
184) Meeting the man associate to bin Laden named Ahmed a fat guy with the mustache with my Dad in
Indonesia in 1970/71. He was very nice to me and Dad actually .
185) Dad a few times put a green/black widow from Australia in someone’s house and/or picnic basek to kill
them but they survived and in the USA (TX or Florida) put one in aladies shoe by a pool . I saw the story on tv
once but it is true. Dad did it lots of times and took me once I vaguely remember going to some ones house that in
the basement used to make widow or poisonous spider venoms for he government. I saw all of them in a
refrigerator once.
186) I have this really weird memory of being in Afghanistan with Dad and I was running away from being
previously inside the “Afghan bank vault” and it had all this gold inside it and it was under attack. In the vault
their was a man a few of them and they were talking with Dad and I was standing there.
187) Me Mom and Dad were on some island, a tropical one and there was a gathering of people to join together
to listen to a lady diplomat (she was a d former dissident) from some country. Her life was in danger. Perhaps we
were there to try to protect her because Dad was giving her advice about her safety. Anyway, She was told and
helped to enter into some embassy building (we walked up steps to enter it) and she talked to me. I was
impressed she was taking the time to talk to little me. She seemed to life me. I don’t know who she was she
looked like from some tropical island or something. She was a bit chubby and wore earrings and her hair was
like up in a bun and she had family members wit her and she seemed very nice to me.
188) Memories of Dad and I in a little Cesna private plane, we used to drug smuggle, one time we were being
chased by another plane and to evade it, Dad drove the planer straight like we were going to crash into a
mountain cliff and at the last minute, he drove the plane up to avoid the cliff, but the plane in back of us could
not maneuver and smashed into the cliff when I turned to se it in a great fireball.
189) One time we were leaving the coast of Florida on a small plane with like maybe 10 peopl eand the plane
crashed down into the water and I survived but others died and they were searching for bodies for a while.
190) One time we were on a plane and for some unknown reason around some little islands (maybe cuba) we
had to land and wait with others on our small plane with governmental authorities for a long tim eand the people
were crabby. I dont kow what that was about. But we were not allowed to leave.
191) I have a memopry of being in some house in America. I was sleeping and Dad was there and it was in the
middle of the night or something. Someone lit the house on fire and the other people died. Dad told me that we
had one chance because the flames were blocking everywhere and the air was getting too hot to breathe. I was
scared to death. We went into the shower and wet ourselves and put wet towels over our heads and Dad said
"Run with all your might out the door and " we did and when we reached the outside he had already told me to
rolla round on the grass to get the flames off of us and we did. We lived and then the fireman sprayed us with
stuff for the flames and patted us with blankets to kill the flames on us.
192) I remember the Queen Elizabeth and her sister Margaret and/or Anne having some drinking problem and
she would wake up in the morning and pour herself a drink all the time in a crystal cup like the ones Arnold
gave to me.
193) Being in Monaco and the Prince there having a Tiger when he married Princess Grace or something like
that it was in a cage.

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  • 1. Memories of Dad (Dreams or Reality) ? 1) Being really young and traveling up a ski slope on a ski lift with lots of other people, getting to the top of some fantasy like hotel and Mom taking me shopping for her to buy some really expensive dresses. I don’t know but there is a gap in my memory where I all of a sudden am walking down an escalator and then another gao and I am walking into some gated mansion and guns and dogs. I don’t remember much, 2) Being in a really fast car with Dad driving and Mom in the seat next to him,. There is gunfire at us and Dad or Mom returned it from the car following behind us. I must have been really young. We sent through a tunnel, it was dark, the other side there was burning buildings on fire. We hid and I cant remember more. 3) Being in a park in maybe Ireland and Dad and Mom and I are in a park. Tehre are people lying like flat all over the place and Dad says “They are all sleeping.” I saw a photo in a book I have and the photo looks like it is Ireland during the revolution and all the people are really DEAD! 4) Dad making lots of stops “somewhere” saying “I’ll just be a minute” and taking out I think remembering a gun to kill someone, then getting in the car and we left. I remember one stop we went in for a minute and the other I met the people and I went down a staircase and we then left and I did not want to and I asked Dad “Why do we have to leave in such a hurry. 5) Being in I remember Vietnam and Dad putting us on a boat trip on a boat that looks like a Shark. I saw the photo of this boot in National Geographic. I remember what look like fireworks and I asked Dad “What is all that and Dad says to me “just fireworks Jill.” He always said this even on planes when it really in retrospect is motor fire. 6) Being in some park and we went out on a paddle boat with Dad and Mom and we stopped on this little island and there was a gun we picked up I think that I remember. The island had a little luxurious type of small house on it. We paddled back and I went for a swim and I did not know where my parents were for a while. 7) Being somewhere I think in NJ and Dad and Mom took me I into this park to “play” with friends while they killed someone. I don’t really remember but there was chasing a person down or something. Always memories of Dad chasing people and going to kill them with a gun. And a silencer in some little took case box 8) Being with Mom “somewhere” and she was trying to register me in some school. I did not want to and I “cut classes” and me and a friend ran around the school and we just wanted to fool around and see what the school was about. Then we got into trouble and there were teachers that I remember trying to locate us with guns. Some wanted to kill us for peeking at things. We went down a large cliff like and it was later in the day and it was
  • 2. dark. I remember Mom found us and she must have straightened everything out and me and my friend we put in our “rooms” they had stereos and all but we were not allowed to come out. I don’t remember more now. 9) I have vague memories of flying with Dad and Mom and I think we stopped on what they called a military “sandwich island.” 10) I don’t know if it was a dream because I was very young./ we were what I do recall Hawaii Or some other island were it is all clear blue water. We went on a drive and Dad pointed out the secret military installations to colleagues. Then we went on an underwater tunnel and we saw like military stuff/buildings u underwater and Dad pointed it out while I watched. I don’t know how young I was. 11) Being in some castle in Ireland or the Isle of Man and I remember seeing the same photo in a National Geographic magazine recently of the castle. We drive up and took a tour. There was a checker/chess marble floor (black & white) and a pretty maid on her knees scrubbing the tiles and Dad wanted to fuck her. I don’t remember anything else. I remember being in a castle room for the night “somewhere” too and my window when I looked down, well all one could see is the sharp cliffs straight down to te sea/waves crashing against the rocks below my window. 12) I am not sure but I remember being in Croatia/ former Yugoslavia and there were bombs going off. I think Dad said “Croatia” or “Yugolsavia/breakaway” etc… and we all drove into a few houses and ducked for cover because there were bombs going off all around us. My little friend, some kids my age said it “happens all the time , “ or something like that.” Then we ran to neighbors homes to get supplies and food until the motors stopped./ I remember before this scene, Dad put me in a little airplane and the person in it said he was “Serbian” and airlifted me to a place that had lots of refugees and Nuns ran it and they fed us and there were lots of people tied up like prisoners of war. I can not really remember but the Nun Orthodox Christian lady helped me and Dad and Mom (fed us etc) . She had glasses I think. I was so little I do not even know what war this could be. 13) I remember being “somewhere” with Dad and he was putting hit men (gun/silencer” in a hotel room safe with a key and I caught him and saw it. 14) I also had a dream/ or seemed very real, about Yugoslavia way before I was five years old. Russia was involved. We were Mom and Dad and I were at a military installation and there was a Gazebo on an island with Serbian and Russian diplomats and Dad and Mom and I listening to some military speech. We took some boat to this place, The gezebo was brown. The man that kept me entertained while Dad was listening on the island to the speech said he was a Serbian man and some other stuff. I did not want to leave and I have no idea where this was. I cried when we had to leave. 15) The business about Dad telling me that the KAL 007 flight was a spy plane for the USA in 1986 and the weather was bad and this is exact reason why Russia shot it down. And all the people died. He was supposed to be on this flight but his “company” told him to catch another flight right one hour before KLA 007 took off and he got on one called 7.
  • 3. 16) This I know happened I was old enough to remember it. We were in San Francisco CA and we stopped on the side of a large park. Dad and Mom brought me to a house underground. Tehre was musicians there and friends of Dad. I do not remember how we got there but some opening in the park grass. It was like a million dollar mansion underground. It had many rooms. Then we left after the talk. It was cool. 17) I was old enough to remember this too: We were in New York City in a boat (me Dad and Mom ) in the water. Dad said we had to make a few stops and he said he “had to stop at john Lennon and Yoko Ono’s” place and said he had “their key” He said this NYC island was for millionaires. We stopped and Dad tried to get in but the key did not work. We left in a hurry as to not be seen. We sailed to another small island in the vicinity and we did get into some other apartment and Dad and Mom washed laundry and we left. That is all I remember. It may sound weird but this is what Dad said. 18) I was somewhere with Dad and Mom and I think I was old enough to remember this. We were at a US military speech on an island somewhere. It was in memory of fallen soldiers. I snuck out and Dad eventually found me. 19) We were in NYC island. There was a diplomatic party about Cuba. Dad and Mom were hobnobbing with officials and it was like 1 am at night. Me and this other kid managed to get a boat (somehow) onto the Manhattan mainland. Dad had to come looking for us at like 4am. We snuck into the NYC subways and there were workers underground that did not turn us in. This really happened to the best of my memory. We snuck onto a few trains by jumping on them. 20) This I believe really happened: Dad, Mom and I were in Brooklyn or deep in NYC somewhere and we were in an apartment with organized crime people and some man sitting in what looked like Indian clothes like a Dali Lama type. An altercation broke out with Dad and some people and we left. On the side back to NJ somewhere in NYC vicinity Dad stopped the car, he got out and I followed although I think he told me to :stay there in the car.” He shot a man and we left. When we got back into NJ in Butler NJ to be exact, where the Butler NJ laundry mat used to be (we did not live here then) I don’t know what we were doing there but Mom said she had to use the bathroom. Behind the laundry mat there used to be some bathhouses. Mom went in there and took out a gun! She had a gunfight there with me there and we left. I don’t remember but I was scared and we stuck into some people’s houses for protection. 21) Mom always carried a little dangerous GUN in her purse and whenever we went on vacation she would say “I have to use the Pit Stop.” She would take me into the bathroom to use it while she killed someone with her gun from her purse. She would wipe the gun off with a white rag after making the hit. 22) Dad was in Switzerland and he had a Swiss safe and he went through a special security clearance to get to his box. He had all types of international currencies in it and I thin gun. All type of monies with rubber bands around them. 23) Dad took me somewhere where hit men were getting a change of face and I saw plastic surgeons operating on peoples faces.
  • 4. 24) Vaguer memories of my Grandfather in Brooklyn and his friends making money n a machine and hanging the dollar bills out to dry like a money tree it looked like. 25) My Dad getting involved in some coin collecting business with certain coins that were only printed once or twice. Maybe he was an agent to sell them. I don’t remember. But it got really ugly and we were in some large type of federal building and I don’t know too much but I think a gun fight ensued. I didn’t see much. We left in a hurry. 26) This is real I was 7 years old. Going to the top of a Kyoto mountain that seemed the hotel opened up just for Mom Dad and I. I think it was a part of the Japanese Emperor’s Palace because to get there we took a bus that went around and around a huge Harry Potter type of mountain and we saw clouds. At the top the Japanese family were only ones there and we later that evening took a family bath naked with them. The water was almost boiling and Dad jumped right in, he must have done it many times before at that rate! I stuck my foot in and cried like holy hell and for the remainder of the time sat under the cold shower crying. Mom, well it took her about 35 seconds to get it when Dad said “Come on in Judy.” She managed. The next day we took a tour of the palace gardens an a lady took me up seven levels of seven gardens each with an Olympic sized swimming pool for me to use to myself. I loved that. 27) Being inside a volcanic crator at 7 years old with Dad and colleague John Bardget the US Geologist for Charles T Main Company. There was gray lava bubbling and terrible smell of egg (sulfar) I was scared in it, but John Bardgett promised me, “it will definitely NOT explode today…” Perhaps another day when we were not going to be in it. 28) Dad taking me out for a swim in Hotel InterContinetal in Java Indonesia on the wrost Monsoon season day ever! It was pouring rain and lightening but Dad took me to the swimming pool all the while saying go dive while I talk to this Indonesia soldier packing a large gun buarding the pooll all in the rain. Dad said “It’s a great day for swimming Jill.” 29) Cutting through the jungle to the Java coast where Dad says my memory might serve better than his because this is where that huge Tsunami hit. We partially jeeped and part machetted our way to some remote part of the Indonesian jungle when suddenly a 5-10 star hotel looking like a hughge shopping mall with several restaurants and pools appeared just for us. It opened up just for me, Dad, and Mom and John Bargett. Bargett tried to swim against regulations in the Under Toew Indian Ocean tide and almost drowned. Then we went all the way to another side of the island for about 5 hours to look at some “rice patties” and I fell in the mud of the salt patty. Then went back to the hotel. My arm was in sling and I could not swim and I hated it. We had an entire hotel with all the shops, pools, etc. to ourselves only. 30) Going to a Cobra Venom farm to check it out with Dad where they make venom from Cobras and we saw a King Cobra there too at a zoo. Off the venom farm. We saw a Kamoto Dragon too there.
  • 5. 31) Dad snuck me into China in 1971 on some ferry to take some photos and we went on a bat winged boat. I can not find any internet photos of a bat winged boat online at all (?) Why? 32) When Dad got home from a trip I overheard Mom say to Dad” Oh Irv, when we got a couple of feet in 1971 of the Chinese Wall and when those tower guard pointed their weapons at us, I was just so frightened.” 33) Memories of what had to be Afghanistan. Dad showed me the mountains of the Buddahs (three of them) that the Taliban took down but said they wer the ones of the Presidential faces in America to make me think we were in America. There were desert hills with fox holes we would crawl in. There was some underground caves, Dad used to say “OPEN SESEMIE” and the cave door would pull up and go down. I used to play in boxes of jewels in the caves like take a bath in them. I must have been very young and I don’t know who these huge jewels belonged to. Then we’d leave the same way we came. Some people if they did not say the right word to come into the cave would have the door chop a hand or leg off. 34) Being with Dad and Mom somewhere. It was like a big estate or something but all I can remember is that we were walking in the dark on the grounds and Dad like I remembeer took out a gun and Mom helped to track someone down. I ran away running through the trees and all and they had to find me. I always liked to escape stuff like that. 35) Being with Dad and Mom at a young age and going into some store somewhere. In the back of the store was a train and we got on it and went somewhere. 36) I was alone with Dad if it was not a dream, we were at some car show or outside exhibit. Dad had a gun if I remember and we ran into some car or something to escape the area. 37) I remember if it was not ad ream being in Communist China. Walking down an escalator with Dad and Mom at a train station and we got on the train. We had a long trip and they told me not to talk to anyone. We got off “somewhere” but we made many stops along the way. Before we got on the train, I had made a few little friends my age and I took off with them up a grassy hill. There were communists agents Mom said searching for us and we had to reach the top of the grassy hill with Television poles on it to get to the border of some other country so we would not be arrested. We made it there. Something like that. 38) Being somewhere on like a Phillippino Island or somewhere exotic. We were captured on some boat. The people had Islander skin or Indian/Maybe Thialand and we were all floating on a boat with lots of other people (women) taken as slaves. It was night time. Then I have a gap in my memory and we had escaped and Dad said “Hurry run!” we were running up a woodsy hill with mortor fire around us and we found ourselves a vacant old building like it was used by an old hunter in the winter or something. We went in and his. I don’t remember the rest. 39) I remember being really little and Mom Dad and I were on some little row boat
  • 6. With other people maybe six or so. Dad drowned someone while I was swimming and we went back to dry land. 40) I don’t know if it was a dream but I remember being on some boat like one with lots of other people and we were taking a tour. The boat got stuck and for over one day all the people and me were stuck on it and we were like going to all die but the authorities rescued us. I don’t remember anything else. 41) I don’t know if it was a dream, I was really little and we were like on China, Dad, Mom and I took some underground tunnel through to the side of Russia. Dad took some photos and we walked around and we did not speak the language. I saw some Cyrillic letters and Dad said it was communist Russia. I told him that I had to use the bathroom and he finally agreed and he took me into some little restaurant. He said not to talk too much English to the people because they’d recognize us as American. He pointed out the tops of the Russian buildings that had signs in Russian on the, I don’t remember how we got back or anything else. I think the same way we came. Before we left Dad took a photo with his Nikon camera of the tunnel entrance and I forget what country he said this was/. 42) Dad, Mom and I bought or rented some summer log type of cabin along some river with white water rapids. I was busy lots of the time hiking and playing in the water . I don’t remember with whom. But there was Guns and Dad tried to kill someone or something. There was some hunters cabin on the other side of the property and we took a boat there with Mom and Dad and Dad chased some one down to kill them. They had a little cabin too and I don’t really remember but those people wanted to kill us./ 43) I don’t know if it was a dream but I went h hiking with some friend up some waterfall type river and we were running away from my parents. Anyway, we walked all the way down it and tried hiding out in my friends place room but Mom found us. That is all I remember. 44) I remember walking with Mom and Dad in what I think Dad said was Indonesia and were were hurrying towards the Indonesian Embassy not the US embassy because there was a Tsunami coming or something. The embassy employees rushed us because we were Americans out the back down either we walked or went into some car and drove as far as we could. Then there was a terrible flood and we thought that we were going to die. Bue we did something like the water came only to our knees but came quickly rushing towards us and I could see it rushing towards me and was really scared. I held onto Dad. 45) I remember being on some tiny island. Dad sent me and I was to stay there at some rooming house. There was a Mexican man and we did some laundry together. We used to sneak out but there was a curfue. That is all I remember. 46) Being in Italy and also Greece because Dad said ti was where it was. We were running from the border of Greece to Italy. We met some people in the little town and the Greek peple fed us and talked to us. I don’t really remember but we crossed this little creek up a hill. I don’t really remember what we were doing but I just was always tired and listened to Dad and Mom about ti all.
  • 7. 47) I was walking in Italy with Dad, he told me recently he cannot find his old passports. Anyway, I was walking around by some local restaurants. They were making home made sauce and pizza’s and fed me the best food. After or before we went into someone’s home in which the rear of the residence overlooked a river and I wanted to go swimming. So I did. That is all I remember. 48) I remember being with Dad and at first he sent me alone to a distant aunt or something to stay for a while. I don’t know where the fuck it was. But it was by an ocean scene. I stayed there for a while. Then my memory goes to being with Dad and we were like in the arctic it was winter and we were on some ocean coast. Then a gap in my memory and we were on some ship. It was sa piece of shit and I remember looking out from the top of the ship somehow and I saw like polar caps and an all dark night with all kinds of beautiful stars above me. The ship starting sinking it was getting water in it and Dad tried to get rid of the water because he said we had to get to the mainland where ever that was before we sunk. I guess we made it. I don’t remember how. 49) I remember Dad and Mom let me wait “somewhere” I was with a little boy friend of mine. We were bad. We took out his parents boat on a lake. Dad came looking for us and I don’t remember. It was a large mountainous area. I don’t know what the hell we were doing there. 50) I remember Dad saying wee were in India. There was some war going on because there was fires in all of the trees and people were getting shot and killed and burned alive. We met some natives and I don’t remember how we got out. Dad said lots he had to take photos for National Geographic magazine and Mom always kept tons it seemed like millions of copies of National Geographic magazine all the way from the floor to te ceiling of the books in our basement. 51) I remember Dad and I and Mom were in Israel and we were on some plane landing. We were also in parts of Islamic middle East bordering Israel and there was a war going on with artillary fire all around us and we went into some friend of Dad’s house. It was a really fancy house and I thought it had a pool in it indoors where I swam. I don’t remember except taking off in the plane with war alla round me. 52) I remember even before I was like 6 years old Dad and I flew into what he called “Croatia” I have no idea what was going on there but some insurrection. Dad said he had to fly in to pick up some general or important military man., We went in to get him in some plane and walked through the woods and I was thirsty and hungry. Then we flew out and all of a sudden a memory gap and we were in New York City or some big city outskirts and we landed Dad’s plane. The man said he wanted to go shopping and Dad said he gave him a certain time limit. Like one hour and he had to return. Dad said we had to keep under cover and hide. I don’t remember the rest but after shopping we got into some plane and Dad flew somewhere and that is all I remember. 53) I remember being in all types of different plane crashes with Dad and Mom and emergency landings, even in the middle of some ocean where we had to go onto the plane wings and float around for a while. I remember vaguely being one time on some little tube floating in some ocean and the other survivors put little me on top of the inner black tube because I was the littlest. Eventually we got saved but before we did, someone else’s mother drowned because she fell asleep and drowned. Another time the plane crashed and was sinking under the water and Dad crashed a plane window , and he had this device and he said “hold onto me” and the device dragged us up to the top of the ocean surface. It had air in it or something and he told me to take one last large breath because we might not make it but it was the best chance we had. I guess it worked. Another time, we had some plane crash and I saw fire coming at me or something towards the airplane aisles. Anyway another time we went towards the exit inside the plane and we slide down like a large slide into some swampy area. There were ambulances. Then another time something else.
  • 8. 54) Dad was teaching at Annaoplis military academy and he was angry because it was an all boys school because he wanted me in there. I visited him there and I did excersizes with the male cadets. I am pretty certain Dad said it was Annapolis. Dad used to teach the cadets at lots of places in America and I used to work out with them and go on the obstacle course etc. training. Dad used to give them the “white glove test” and make us walk the way soldiers do and he’d say “hut two three four etc…” 55) My Dad teaching me all types of things like chemistry, building, mazes, Lincoln logs, and basic explosives. I remember being somewhere with Dad and there was a military base or something and there was TNT he lit it by pushing down a lever. 56) Dad always used to bring me to work with him and introduce me to everyone at Chas T Main and I think that I remember him taking me to an atomic weapons places and he told me that things when I asked him what they were, they looked like Bowling ball pins, but now I know that they were really atom /nuclear bombs models. Dad used to have some office at work somewhere with Defense Magazine with all types of weaponry etc in it. I used to heck out the magazines while I waited for him to get off of work. At Westinghouse he had a really cool card to get into the parking lot. I remember it. The guard used to check it when we went in. 57) I have this weird memory of Dad showing me these test experiments where he wore this jet propelled suit and he could move in the air like it was the Jetson’s or something. Simular to that suit I saw on TV the other day where water makes a person like jet propelled and they can fly in the air. I dont know how to describe it. 58) I remember if it was not a dream Dad taking me on these test experiments with these weather balloons carrying things. I don’t know what the hell they were something with NASA I think. 59) I have this vague memory of Dad bringing me to a nuclear weapons test site in Nevada or “somewhere” where atomic bombs were exploded and I remember their was an argument if that site was “permissible because it was too close to where people were living etc.. But the government tested the bombs anyway. They tested lots of weapons. Some did not work right and we almost got hit with crap from the test and almost died. 60) I am not sure if it was a dream but I remember pretty strong being driving somewhere in the USA around upstate NY and Dad brought me into this military base and it was gated with a fence around it and there was a nuclear emergency like (the computers) or something went wrong and American’s weapons/atomic bombs in that area NY State where were were underground in an army base were going to go off because the codes got jammed somehow and Dad only had a certain amount of time say 5 minutes left to stop them and find the encryption codes. He did or something like that. 61) I remember it may have been a dream being on some little sandwich island and with Dad there was a large nuclear weapon housed under the outward volcanic looking crater. It was complexly gold in color and had a red ring around its top before the tippy top part. I don’t know but it seemed real.
  • 9. 62) I have this memory of Dad bringing me to this government / CIA building with a huge looking golf ball thing on the top of it or something. I remember Dad bringing me into the Watergate meetings/court cases (?) I can’t be certain but the CIA building I remember going to eat in the what was called “South side” dining area where if you did not have special clearance and you went in they would the guards would shoot you on site. They’d ask for your ID and say like this is a high clearance area and you can not proceed further without special credentials or something. Everyone used to complain to Dad about bringing me into the building where it was supposed to be secret. 63) I have these memories that seem to surreal to be reality but I remember being really little and Dad bringing me on his Vietnam missions. He made me play with the military radio etc. with other veterans in the war then from America and they entertained me. There was lots of fire and I have vague memories of walking through the jungle it was hot and it was like a 20 mile walk or something and we walked through some watery swamp and people got killed (shot) along there way). And I have this other memory of being inside this tank somewhere in South/central America in the water that was firing at some enemy and I was in this tank with Dad. Then a memory gap and Dad or someone deserted the US army in Vietnam. Dad or someone was sent in on a mission to track down and assassinate the US army deserter because he had top level CIA information or something and I was present or something while whomever tracked him down and tried to kill him. On Vietnam (I think it was) one side of the island was full of war, but Dad made me stay on another side where it looked like a tourist resort or something and Dad merely told me “I was on a weeks vacation” and I stayed with Mom I think while Dad went to the other side of the island or somewhere to fight. I don’t know where it was really. The entire memory seems so dreamlike. 64) I have these memories I have no idea where being on some ship with Dad. Or some submarine and we went for a walk when it surfaced on the top of it and there was ocean all around the submarine or something and also this memory of being on some space training mission with Dad where we had to stay in a space craft like thing with other training astraunots who were training for space flights and we had to survive with each other floating in the ocean in this thing that was supposed to emulate a space craft of some nature. It seems too deamy to be real but I have this memory of it for some reason. There were separate sleeping quarters fore ach porson and there were like 6 people on baord. We could not communicate with each other accept for certain times of ay and to get from one compartment to another, we had to crawl through an opening that looked like a safe with a long handle on it and crawl to the other compartments on this vessel. 65) I think this was a dream but I have this memory of Dad taking me to this parking grage in some city and I don’t know but we ended up going up the elevator in this huge building and at the top of the apartment building, Dad left me with some guy to watch me and he went somewhere. The man ordered some cocaine ro something and eventually Dad came back. 66) I this wild memory of Dad flying into some foreign country like China where it was very hostile to America and flew me in on some hang glider where I went on like piggyback to get across the border. I remember something like landing and foreign soldiers taking us hostage or were going to kill us, but Dad traded them some basic necessities he had with him and they told us they’d let us go and then a memory gap and Dad and me were in some communist apartment building with some lady or something and I don’t remember anything else. 67) I remember another time Dad and I went hang gliding or something and we flew into some hostile territory or something and we were taken hostage. We had to follow these hostile soldiers everywhere they wanted us to at threat of being shot and I don’t remember how we escaped. I think that Dad overtook one with a gun and fired at the rest of them or something like that. And we escaped somehow. I think the reason for this mission was to rescue some Olympic American sports persons a woman and a man who were taken hostage by the foreign government or something.
  • 10. 68) Everyone always got upset with Dad because he said he dragged me everywhere with him because he never had a son so he wanted to teach me everything or something instead. I was like the son he never had ro something he’d say if I remember correctly. 69) I have vague memories or dreams of flying in some helicopter and/ B-1 bomber or something over Vietnam in airplane with Dad and remember that Napalm was dropped over the fields in Vietnam and seeing it all and I asked Dad what is going on and I forget what he said and his colleagues complained he was brining with him everywhere and it was not appropriate but he insisted. 70) Dad launching weather balloon experiments. And there were lots of NSAS type vehicles around and the balloons did not land right the first time and the men wore white suits. They watched the weather balloons come down and folded them up or something with Dad administrating everything. 71) Being with Dad on an old styled plane with the the type that you generally use for airplane shows one person sits in one seat in the front and then one other seat is behind it like an old German plane for two military people. He’d put a helmut on me and fly it. I dont know why. 72) I remember a wild memory that I can only really think is a dream of me and Dad parachuting together and I have no idea why. We almost landed in a tree and we got stuck in the tree and I don’t know what the ell this memory is or a dream whatever. 73) I have this memory of Dad and his friends during the cold war having a magazine in which one could buy atomic bomb shelters. One could dig a whole in your backyard and put cans of stuff food etc in it and it had some air filter and either Dad had one and/or we used one once for a week or so. I have no idea why, maybe to test it OR maybe we were in a nuclear fallout or high radiation area? 74) I have this weird memory of being somewhere near Nevada and we Mom Dad and I into a mountain tunnel in which in the entrance it said “secret military something or other” we went inside and there was like a really cool secret military nuclear fallout shelter for US governmental employees like the US president there and elevators and enough basic food and supplies for a month or a certain amount of time in case Russia shot a nuclear weapon at the USA. This was in the 1970s I think. Lt seems so dreamy and surreal. Anyway, we tried to get out, I think this is the same memory and may be a different memory, but Dad was with me and we were trying to escape some tunnel and someone was trying to kill us or something and Dad had a gun or some weapon and/or a knife and we were in some underground tunnel and we met some strange poverty stricken man lying in the cave and I think we traded him some supplies for information as to how to get through the maze of the caves. I have no idea where we were. 75) I have this memory or dream vaguely of Dad and me and Mom walking and Dad was leading a bunch of natives through some woods and at the end of the path, there was a huge fire and I don’t remember anymore.
  • 11. 76) I have this memory of being in Ireland with Dad. We were in a car and I helped Dad set up some bomb underneath the car. I have no idea why he was after someone. Some man got into the car with us, and, Dad killed him because I looked over and it was only us in the car and he had a cut throat and was shot and/or a bloody mess or something. I think we left the car a nd ditched it. We were also in some Irish park that night. 77) I have this vague memory of being in Africa during some revolution and becoming friends with a child soldier girl, I saw a photo that looked like her in my Guerilla warfare book. We became friends and Dad and I helped this military African group out and there was gun fire at us and back and forth and I Dad sometimes used to allow me to carry a long type of shotgun and old fashioned type. Dad taught me how to use the release lock and how to lock and load the rifle and I was very good at it. For my own protection. We all wore like old military fatigues in this African nation. Dad taught me how to use old guns also that one had to load gunpowder in too. I used to hold it a certain safe way and all. 78) I remember being in China at some fireworks factory and taking a tour of the place and Dad and the man taught me and allowed me to put fireworks together and it was very dangerous. I was very sacred because the entire room could have exploded at any second. 79) I remember being on some Carriabean Island on a pirate ship. It was a real one and we were somewhere I don’t know and we were doing something I have no idea what. We stopped at an island and went onto it. The ship had large gun power on it. I have no idea what this was. 80) I have this wild memory of being on some ship up by the Great Lakes like lake Superior and it was winter and Dad and I well they told us not to take the trip because of a bad dangerous storm. The shipping company decided the monetary profit was more important and we went anyway and the ship became sunken and everyone died except I think for me and Dad. I only remember holding onto Dad and the water was freezing and then I woke up on the shore of Michigan or something like that. 81) I also remember being in Africa and there were so many child soldiers. They all had military weaponry. They killed each other and I talked to them and they told me how traumatized they were because of their having to kill other rival kids. I was present when some little African boy shot another one and I was shocked. 82) I was with Mom and Dad and for the first time ever Mom was getting a helicopter flying lesson and she said “It was my first time flying and she was very scared.” 83) I was on some TWA or similar flight somewhere with Mom and Dad and Mom wore like a blue navy uniform like a sterwdess and she took off her gold pin with WINGS on it like for TWA and she pinned it on me and said “you just earned your wings Jill.”
  • 12. 84) Dad always used to bring me with him because he was away so much I used to cry and cry and when he said he was leaving on a trip I would hold onto his suit and noot let go and say “Dad please take me with you please please please …” And Dad would break down and say, “Oh come on then !” 85) Dad took me to a fire testing facility and in the place they tested when materials were more flammable. There was a couch in the room and that caught fire fastest. There was a jeep outside and all types of labels on the boxes of fire starting stuff and the men tested how long and hot the fire got etc. I watched it all. 86) I have this memory of Me Dad and Mom traveling somewhere on a train and ther train flipped over. Lots of people got hurt, while we were waiting to know what to do, I took off away from everything and met some friends on some road, and walked around and around this road and it had a stone bridge and a car overpass. Mom and Dad finally found me. Then I have this memory gap and we were in some park with some natives I don’t know who or what country this was. We had lunch on a lawn with them and spoke for a while with them. 87) I have this wild memory of being on a plane with Dad and Mom and it crashed over New York City and I ran into the cockpit and it flow really low over and close to the highway as we glided in. That is all I remember. I had told Dad something was wrong with the plane flaps and he ignored me and then the plane had a problem and everyone said they should have had listened to me. 88) I remember being “somewhere” with Dad. We were at some old persons home somewhere and all the people kept dying one after the other and we attended their funerals. Then I found out that Dad or someone had something to do with it. They were killing all of tehse people and I don’t know why and this is all I remember. I remember an old man sitting on the stairs and telling me someone was killing all his friends off and that is all I remember. 89) I remember being somewhere with Dad and Mom. We stopped at a lake that looked like a park. There were like Condo’s there. I don’t know what we were doing. We were coming and/r going from somewhere. 90) I remember Dad and me meeting my Aunt Joyce now living in Middletown NY somewhere in California and she owned a mansion. I walked underneath the tunnels with my two cousins Sue and Ellen and they were bragging that this was there house and I did not have one like it. 91) I have a memory of Dad being in some hotel room fucking around with some sexy chick. I don’t know how I got there but we had to take Dad to some airport to take a flight and drop him off. I remember it being San Francisco (I think). But it was a secure part of the airport because we went up a humongous elevator I never saw before and this is all I remember. 92) I remember being somewhere, maybe China (tiannemen square)? I have no idea where I was but there were BBC news reporters and our building w as burning and there was war going on around us and we had a little shortwave radio and someone gave me a pen and paper and told me to write a dairy to keep myself occupied.
  • 13. 93) Dad, Mom and I were on some vacation and I have no idea where. It was winter. We were going skiing. It was a secret location. We ran out of gas a few times I meant stopped to get some gas. When we got to the ski resort, it had door openings that lifted up like you’d push a button and the cement doors would rise and fall after you walk through it. There was a water park there and I begged Dad to allow me to go on it but it was winter and I apparently did not understand why I could not go on it. Anyway, we did go skiing. The layout of the place was so weid. It had a part that was like covered or something and you could walk around in the warm weather in a bathing suit and swim etc. It was weird. 94) I have a memory of driving around and around somewhere in America by where Dad’s former colleague used to live. He left me with one of them , a lady. Apparently someone was worried about being shot and killed. I ran around the neighborhood scared and Dad or someone found me. There were mailboxes and it was a nice neighborhood. 95) I remember Dad, Mom and I taking a trip with movie stars to some exotic island. Dad and Mom were fooling around on the bed on the plane with the movie stars and I was sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed just watching (like gross). They did not care. We arrived at some distant island and all of a sudden there was some insurrection. All of us that were partying were called or summoned I into a tunnel/cave for a meeting. We were all in our bathing suits. The person speaking said it was vital we left the area ASAP or we could be killed. Gap in my memory but I suddenly am walking along the beautiful blue ocean coast with someone along a rocky shoreline. Then a memory gap. Then I am flying out of the area in a similar plane with some movie stars and Mom had blonde hair then and there was a blonde wig box in the plane and everyone was fucking around on the bed. End of memory. I remember landing back in like NYC though. 96) I remember a wild memory in which Dad and Mom allowed me to fly alone to some beautiful island with some friends. Maybe they wanted me to keep busy while they worked. I landed somewhere and the island was like a lot of little fragmented islands you could almost walk to each one it seemed. Me and my friends walked a few of them and we walked all the way out on a peninsula and then there was as wave warning like the peninsula was going to be covered up by a huge wave. We ran back to the beach. 97) I have a memory of being somewhere with Dad and Mom in like a theatre you’d watch a broadway show in or something but instead we were watching huge waves come towards us from the front of the “theatre”?? The waves came larger and closer to where everyone was sitting until my memory brings me to running away from the water, I was in some double decker bus and the water was flowing into the bus. I was scared and there were some o there people in the b us. It was a good thing that I was a great swimmer even at that age. I got separated from Dad and then I guess everything was ok because I am alive now. 98) I remember being with Mom and Dadf on some vacation and it was by an ocean. Maybe India because people were dark skinned like that. We came to a accommodation place that had rooms. We went in and got a room. I then have memory gap but Dad, Mom and I were inside some fancy mansion with a secured tunnel. There were lights along the corrider. I was scared because there was like some high level meeting going on and weapons etc I don’t really know but I ran like hell out of the place (I had been looking for Dad and Mom when I woke up they were gone from my room at the motel). Men chased me and I his out somewhere with some little friend I had made there. They brought me into some connecting rooms and/or tunnels and we sat hidden by a little stream in what seemed to be partially outside and partially in the motel room. Then a memory gap and Dad is telling me to duck and hide because of gunfire or something under some furniture or wagon inside some place. I his under a blanket and was still. I was wild but I ghuess I surrived.
  • 14. 99) I was with Dad and he was holding my hand yanking me to “RUN FASTER” because some man was shooting at us. We were in some stable or something because there was hay like for horses everywhere. We managed to get ahead of this gunman and Dad told me to lay as still like I was dead and not move no matter how scared I feel or we might get shot. We covered ourselves with hay and eventually the man left and we were Ok. 100) I have this wild memory of riding an elephant in India at the Taj Mahal with Mom and Dad and walking through the jungle there for some reason. 101) I remember being in Arabia with Dad and we were starving for water and we were riding camels. We were so thirsty, I was seeing a mirage of an oasis. Finally I saw one and it was a real Oasis. We went in and the people there had a luxurious outlay and fountains and food etc. Id ont remember anymore. 102) I have this crazy memory of being in a helicopter crash somewhere and the persons died and were lying frozen in the plane. Eventually I had to walk all the way down a mountain and it took days to find some village “somewhere” and we had to eat human flesh of others that died to sustain ourselves like in the book survive. At first I refused to eat it, but everyone told me to like hold my nose so I did not taste it and eat it or I would die of starvation so I did. It was gross. 103) I was with Dad hiking someone in the Chinese mountains or Tibet. The natives had all these colored flags hanging around and there were like these large vultures that used to eat humans that had died as part of a ritual. Then a memory gap and it has become winter. I had a pair of like fur boots on from the natives and it was snowing so bad, Dad could not find his way “somewhere.” Then Dad comes to a cliff just a bunch of rocks of a cliff and knocks in a special way and the cave door opens. He says it is like Xanadu (lol) and we go in and it is like a Chinese palace there with fountains and servants. They clothes and fed me and it must have been some palace or something. 104) I was “somewhere” with Mom and Dad and it was like a circus. We went to a large swimming pool (above the ground pool) and I think that Dad was trying to kill someone in the water. 105) My Dad and I were “somewhere” and I went to an indoor pool around 9pm for a swim without Dad. All of s sudden if this is not a dream, the lights went out in the pool room and a man with a gun came in and began to shoot at me. I was just a kid so I dove under the water and held my breath with all my might because Dad taught me that when someone shoots a gun into the water, it slows down a bullet so I went all the way under the pool to the bottom and stayed there. I don’t remember more but eventually the hit man left. I don’t know why he wanted to hurt me anyway. Or Dad came in and saved me or something. 106) There was a fire in a university dorm housing unit “somewhere” and one student died. I think that I remember seeing it or something and there was some argument whether the fire was deliberately started. I have no idea where. 107) It seems like a surreal dream so I don’t know if it was but I was in some college or educational facility and I was hiding in the floor of a bathroom gym shower room or something because there was a gunman after me. I was alone and I don’t know where my parents were. I managed to avoid the hitman but I was shocked beyond
  • 15. belief and so scared because he was so close I could like see his shoes in the next bathroom stall and he just missed me I could all but be still and not whimper. I have no idea why this was or where it was. 108) I was somewhere at an apartment with Dad at some girl or lady friends of his in her apartment and Dad came knocking on her door really late to pick me up or something and he killed her (I forget how). We left somehow and this is all I remember. There was a walkway from her front door and like hedges on both sides. We left in some car I think. 109) I have this memory of being in some submarine called “Stingray” underwater in the ocean with Dad and he brought me to underwater governmental meetings and we could see the fishes through the like glass walls or something. I have no idea what ocean this was but I was like a city under the ocean. The stingray submarine looked like the stingray fish exactly for cover. 110) I remember being with Dad and we were running through some woods and he was chasing someone down with a gun to kill them or something. It was a weird type of park. It had lots of ponds and we came to an empty type of old building or something. It had a pool, an in the ground one in it and it had been abandoned for some time. Dad surveyed the entire area and he did not see who he was looking for. We met some people along the way I think, one or two and asked them instructions. Or maybe we were just looking for a way out of the place. We were not supposed to be there. I don’t know where it was but I remember being very scared. Maybe we were just trying to evade a group of people. I don’t remember. It was very strange place though. 111) Dad and I were on some little boat in a very mountainous area like in the German oZarks. There were little like German houses on this lake and we visited some friend of Dad’s. The house of his was like built into a tree or something weird. I cannot remember. We went into some wied room and water started filling it up while we were sitting in our chairs and although it seems wirrd. I probably don’t remember what really happened because I was so young but I remember being scared at first and all the water came flooding in and holding onto Dad or something. Then I was having fun swimming around in the lake water when we no longer were in the guy’s house or something. I remember swimming until suddenly we were picked up on some boat and there were other little baots chasing us wanting to “get us” or something. Then it may have been another time but I have this memory gap. Then there are lots of people on other boats. Some of them seem dangerous to Me and to Dad. We try avoiding them or something. But we smile as to not look suspicious or something., I don’t know where wew were but everyone seemed to speak English. I go for a swim by jumping off the boat I think. I always was happy when Dad allowed me to swim wherever I wanted to. 112) I have this wild memory of being in Soviet Russia and there is some checkerboard floor of some prison where people are fighting like in the movie Beyond the Thunderdome. Prison fighters and others watching them egging them on. Then memory gap and Dad and I are in the snow. We have cheese and chochlate and we are trying to make it to the Russian border with Finland I think and it took us a long time and we were tired and starving. Then, we dig under an electric Russian fence and we are careful as to avoid the Soviet border guards with guns/ long rifles. We dig under the fence carefully like Dad says. Then we make it to the other non soviet side of Finland I think and we walk through this forest until we get to a lake. We are scared because sometimes the Finnish border patrol catch people and send them back into Russia as a favor to Russia USSR I meant. They see us I think and we jump into a lake and make a swim for it until we yell and yell and this Finnish tourist boat picks us up and saves us (end of memory). 113) I am where it is East Germany with Dad. We start out in West Germany. We come to an apartment building and enter it and climb out on of its windows and the other side fo the apartment building is Eastern Germany. We climb down the window as to avoid the communist guards. We sneak to an underground tunnel
  • 16. and we help people dig the rest of it until we dig all the way to West Germany and help the people escape or something and others come. Then I have this memory gap. Then Dad and I are running towards West Germany and there is a grassy border area and a large gated fence and a river we have to jump and swim across to make it safely to West Germany again and the East German boarder guards are shooting at us giving on one shot warnings to halt at once or be shot and killed. Someone with us gets shot and killed and I remember running into the river and making it across and that is all. There are like shots fired at me and I am scared I am going to be shot and killed. I don’t know where Dad is. But he shows up later. Some people help me I think at the other side and we get into an old type of car in the truck I think we hide and someone drives us across a border guard type of crossing. They search the car and they were going to search the truck to and I am scared that we will be found and shot or worse. Then the guard amazingly lets our car pass and we get somewhere and someone lets us out of the trunk. 114) I never have any idea why I am at all these places with Dad and I am just either shocked or just think it is fun as a young child and don’t know what is really going on. I think Dad and Mom used the “family” and “me’ as a cover for people to think they wee NOT spies for the USA. 115) I have this memory of being in a USSR park in Russia with Dad (I don’t see Mom). Dad startes speaking Russian (I think) with this Soviet guard dressed in a black fur hate and long greenish/grayish coat and black nice looking boots. It is night time not that late and there is a path and it kind of looks like the park Topcider in Serbia in a way but is larger and there are lots of tall buildings around. I don’t see anyone else around us. Then we walk “somewhere” this is all I remember excerpt I think we weal across some bridge (river) and into some nice brick building for some reason (end of memory). Then I have a memory gap. Then we are walking into a Soviet Russian subway area and/or some underground tunnel area we are not supposed to be at. But we get there by traveling through the Soviet subway system. It is very nice and fancy paintings on the walls and lots of other people going down the escalator and/or stairs with us. We get to the bottom, I don’t remember anymore but then we are in a tunnel system and I thin this relates to the other memory where we leave Russia and go to the other side China or something through this underground tunnel system. There is a secret system like underground people that work the tunnels leading us to the others side like Korea and/or China border. Then we end up at the other memory where we stand before a tunnel but this one is on the ground surface and Dad takes out his camera and proudly shoots our last photo in Soviet USSR. Then all of a sudden Mom is standing there with us. We leave by walking through this tunnel very scared we will be caught by guards (Soviet). We get away. And then memory gap a little. We come to the other side (China I think). There are mountains and we escape I think through a mountain SPA and we rest at it and it is like a “health spa” in Chinese mountains. After we get onto some Chinese truck I think and it takes us through the mountains. Maybe this connects to the other memory where we get onto the train. I think so and we climb that large hill and I have to say goodbye with my little friends after we take the Chinese train and we “get out” and make it to another “safe country” with Dad and Mom and we are all scared we will not be able to make it. 116) I have this memory of being in Cambodia. There is war everywhere. We are trying to hide with some Cambodians up a hill and we are dressing in a certain way. There is war all around us. Then memory gap because I am shocked. The Pol Pot regime is taking people prisoner and killing them off. We are running up a hill with others and we are getting fired at. No one notices us being “white” because there are so many people running. We make it safely to a village. Then we hide with the villagers in some hut. Then soldiers came and the gang rape a few of the other little girls.. I have this memory of getting raped too. Some girl tells me that the “soldiers come very day and if I just am good and give them sex and let them do what they want with me ---maybe they will not kill me (so I do). Anyway, some other girls get gang raped by the soldiers and they don’t hurt me. I am raped with some other little girl dressed in white or something. Anyway, then I have this memory gap. All of a sudden, Mom , Dad and I are taking a “tour” and we see peoples “human skulls” on a big bunch like lying on top of each other on some heap. Mom tries to act “really like she is interested saying “Oh this is so good to see…like she likes the idea or some shit.” I am not sure this is the same memory. But I AM SHOCKED that Mom says this heap of skulls is “alright wit her” so plainly./ I just keep my mouth shut. Maybe this is another memory and we are taking a tour of cannibals in Indonesia. We did take a tour of the cannibal (where they live I meant there). I am not sure.
  • 17. 117) We are in East Timor involved in the USA war there. Dad and Mom and I are fighting (helping) a group of villages fight the Indonesian army. I think that is what it is. I am scared to death. There is fires and bullets and all types of shit. WE run and we talk to soldiers etc. 118) We are back in some African setting. We are involved in some war. We are arming some African army for America. Everyone has fatigues on. We walk with a platoon of African soldiers through the jungle. Dad is talking to them giving them information and/or instructions. 119) We are somewhere in South America. We fly in to some little airport on a small plane I think. Dad has a little office with no A/C just a fan hanging over head like the kind in my house here and old fashioned office equipment. Then I have memory gap and suddenly I am at some tour of cocaine manufacturers. Dad allows me to help the natives stomp up and down on cocaine leaves sitting in some watery fluid. This is where they make the cocaine I am told. I think it is fun. I jump up and down on the cocaine leaves in some “leaf type of lake.” Then my memory becomes even unbelievable To me. Why? Because I remember being in some “white van” and Dad and FBI (American DEA) agents are in it). We are chasing down someone whose name can not possible be really true because it is ESCOBAR! They have been looking for him for a long time without success. Then there is a communication to Dad and buddies and they receive word Escobar is in some apartment building in some village and we all get I the van I suppose and chase into this village making a stop or two a long the way. We see him sitting upstairs in a window, or at first we break in and he is sitting downstairs. Yes that is it. He is drinking behind like a bar area in the downstairs area of his rented place or whatever. Dad and the DEA armed bust in the door and chase him up stairs and he has a gun. They tell him to :HALT OR BE SHOT.” He does not he runs upstairs. Then there is door. Escobar opens it and runs outside into a roof type of area I remember. The US DEA shoot him down several times and he has blood all over his torso. He falls down holding his wounds. He is wearing a WHITE SUIT. Then he is collapsed. He has a mustache and shaggy little wisker type pf beard. He must be “dead” some soldiers says because some Columbian soldiers are with us. Then one soldiers takes out his gun and shoots one last shot in Escobar to make fun of him! Before this scene Dad and I are tracking through the Colombian jungle with Columbian soldiers tracking down Escobar and other colleagues of his. We come across a big shot drug lord dressed in some suit. We are/enter Into his wharehouse filled with cocaine and we destroy it and/or shoot a friend and/or his relative. Anyway he stands outside the remains of everything gone and raises both hands up and says “I vow whomever committed this act will die and” he looks up towards the sky. End of memory. I also remember being in the Columbian parliament and Dad talking with different people and bombs going off all over the town because of the USA and Columbian wars with the drugs lords etc. and Spanish signs. 120) This is a memory so real yet so unreal that I can barely state it and feel anyone will believe it but here goes. We are in Taxes and JFK is in the car where he gets shot. I don’t kow how but all of a sudden I am with a man dressed in all black he is going up a stairway and he is going to kill Kennedy. He walks partially up the stairwell and he comes to a like opening in the wall. He finds a gun there and puts it together. He goes to the roof and waits for JFK’s car to come by then he aims and fires. End of memory. 121) Then I remember a similar instance for Martin Luther King Junior too. The night before he is assassinated, King is sitting in some hotel room several stories high and he talks on the telephone. I am somewhere by a hotel room window. Some people a re plotting to assassinate him and they have some gun,. The man wanting to kill him plans it. He is in his motel room and takes out a long type of gun from the bed area, like underneath the mattress. He puts it together and puts bullets in it. Gets ready to do the hit. His suit is light brownish and he wears an old type of hat on his head. He is ugly to me.
  • 18. 122) I am visiting CA and I am in my sister’s van/car and she turns around and says to me,”you are so lucky Jill…” I am shocked and say “Why Hope?” “Why would anyone want my failure life…” I am confused. Hope turns to me like she wants to trade places with me with all the things she has and I don’t and I am confused but she says as she drives “You went on all those trips with Dad and I didn’t.” I am confused. She (Hope) looks so much like she wants to actually be or trade places with me for some weird reason. 123) I have this memory being with Dad and he is taking Karate lessons in Japan and at some Ninja training place. Anyway, we is in some Karate match and he slices through bricks with his hands, I was taught it too but Dad earns a “black belt.” I only have a “brown.” Something like that. 124) I don’t know what war was happening in Croatia in the 1960s/1970s when I was growing up. I keep having this memory before I even knew as an adult about being in what Dad or someone I heard say “{Croatia.” There were some bombed out buildings that looked like Harlem or the South Bronx. This little girl was living in one and I was there and she was poverty stricken. Maybe Dad was taking photos for national geographic? I don’t know but it is a strong memory. I remember being in a building around I vaguely remember someone saying “Sarajevo.” I was in a large like public housing complex filled with people of all different ethnicities. I went into the building which looked like the Alabama Projects in Paterson NJ. They put together a little radio from old parts because they were poor. We his and were scared. I keep getting the feeling that my Dad knew Ratko Mladic or Radovan Karadzic and I met them as a child somewhere once before but I can not be sure this is real. I have this vague memory of being at our New Hampshire log cabin in the summer and someone that at least looked like Mladic used to come up on the weekends and he took me sailing. His house was across from out his cabin I meant and it was pretty vacant of all furniture most of the times. I have no idea I just wrote this down because I remember it. This man had a sail boat. He took me sailing once. I keep getting these memories of “Croatia and “Sarajevo” when I was very little. I remember the words before I was 10 years old. I remember and I think it was the former “Yugoslavia” I was being with Dad and a bunch of soldiers in fatigues. We were behind a truck and there was war everywhere and fires bombing. We all had big weapons even I HAD ONE TOO! I was carrying a big automatic weapon for protection. It was very dangerous. Dad said when I signal, “make a run for cover” we ran when Dad said over behind some buildings and Dad said “Keep firing your gun Jill no matter what..” SO when I ran I fired my gun and the people firing at us. I was really scared but I did it. I might have killed someone. I remember not being able to live with the memory that I (may have killed someone) that day as a child,. I knew how to fire the gun and how to hold it in the proper way because Dad taught me over and over and practiced it because he said I needed it for my own protection. We made it by the building by kept on firing our guns. End of memory for now. And I have these memories of Kosovo also (vague though). Meeting some little girl who used to put old electronic equipment together from old parts and kept some diary. And walked to the market each day through areas of rival ethnicities,. 125) I have this memory of being it must have been China/North Korea. Anyway, me and Dad were present for a great march of the Chinese “red Army” was it because they had a red flag with like a moon and a star and we met the person leading the military pararde march of like a thousand soldiers. Dad shook his hand and he must have been Chinese. He was a military leader there. I think that it must have been cHina because of all the red flags. 126) I was with Dad, and we were driving somewhere I did not know. It was a country place with flat low grassy farms. We stopped the car and we got out and we climbed up some ladder really high and there as a rope walk across from one side of the farm to another property. Dad was after someone he wanted to kill I think. I don’t remember more. 127) Mom and Dad and I were in a graveyard looking place. It was very scary. Anyway,I think that the adults where tracvkig someone down to kill them. It was a very dangerous place.
  • 19. 128) I was with Dad driving along a cliff with a woman in the car and I don’t kow where. It looked like Greece or Monaco judging by the high cliffs or Montenegro. The woman was sad because of some reason. She had a little home along the cliffs. She talked to Dad for a while and end of memory. 129) I remember being in Japan or somewhere like that. Dad and I were looking for a hotel for the night. I whined about wanting a pool so I could swim as usual. Dad always put my pools first before his business because it kept me busy. We checked into some large really fancy place in which after we checked in, the entire garage level was a indoor pool that looked like it used to be used as a parking garage. I swam and had a great time. Then we went up to the top floor and Dad invited me to come into a Penthouse party with him. He went in the pool with sexy women and the women talked to me and said they were call girls and they really wanted to escape. I went with them after our talk to try to find a way for them to escape. I don’t remember if we got caught or not. 13) I was in some jungle island and Dad and I were on a bus coming out of some tunnel. I was sick and tired of him dragging me around everywhere. I don’t know what we were doing there so I took off on my own. I found a friend my age and we started driving some automobile and drove all the way down towards the ocean. I don’t know how we did it because we were only kids driving. But Dad probably taught us that me anyway. Dad came looking for us very angry. End of memory. 132) Dad and I were in some place I don’t know. It was an island seaside community and very rich. It was nice but there was a terrible storm coming and everything got flooded. I was angry and sick and tired of Dad dragging me e verywhere again so I took off and went up to a seaside place I liked to swim and Dad came angry and rescued me right before the monsoon or whatever storm it was. 133) Dad Mom and I took this specialized boat to a large boat floating restaurant and I have no idea where. The people spoke English. It iwas in the m iddle of some seaside. We sat down and were going to order dinner and I don’t know but something bad happened. Dad had a knife I think and was supposed to kill someone. I don’t know but it was something sneaky. Then we all took off the same way we came on a boat. 134) I was in Vietnam and Mom took me on the river and it was like a flea market and people sold stuff on their boats etc. it was kind of cool. 135) I was in some school I have no idea where. I was in a tower with like 10 other students. They had guns though. We were not supposed to leave but we sneaked out. End of memory. 136) Dad Mom and I went somewhere I don’t know where into an underground ride of a spooky ghost house or something like in a large arcade when it comes around. The sign said “Spooky Rides” like for Halloween. Anyway, it was cloak and dagger inside. People Dad and I don’t know who had their rides stuck here and there and it was dark and scary. There were people dressed in scary custume too trying to scare us. I was petrified. People started turning up dead after there car ride through the exhibit began to go off in different directions and disappear. Dad told me to stay with him but I ran away because I wanted out of there. I got to the outside somehow and began to talk to some black man I think and finally Dad anad Mom came out thankful they found me alright. I think Dad had a gun on him or something I can’;t quite remember but he was ready to ditch the place and leave like now.
  • 20. 137) Dad and Mom and I were taking some large bridge driving across from one side of a land to another. I don’t know where maybe NYC I thought but I never saw any bridge like that in NYC. I don’t know where we were. On the way there, we stopped at a very bad neighborhood and Dad went in to talk to some call girls and drug dealers to get some dope. They had guns and I talked to them. Then a memory gap. All of a sudden I am told by Dad we have to hide out and sleep in a shitty dirty room with a bunch of other people from all nationalities so I do. It was a scary situation and I don’t know what it was about. We all lied down on beds covered with white sheets over us and laid low. Dad kept looking out of the window. 138) I don’t know where we were but a communist country maybe Russia. But soldiers were trying to shoot us. We were going/running inside and up stairs and/or some escalator.. There were other people there shopping it was a very large outfit. We because of Dad found a hideout with others like us and some soldiers protected us. They were armed. I got hungry and they told me to hurry and be sneaky go to the lunch place two doors down because that place was a “friend” of our mission or something so I did. I got my food and sat there and ate it. Then something happened and I had to run back. We were hidden in some old like closet. I don’t remember how we got out but organized crime Russian looking guys were walking up the stairs in long black wool coats and shaved heads with guns shooting at us saying “I will kill you when I get you all” something like that/. End of memory. 139) Dad and I were somewhere in New Hampshire. He was looking for little pieces of paper underneath stones. He had said “someone took a wrong turn for the worst and they had to die” or something and that is all I remember. 140) Dad took us to Brighton Beach once and everyone was carrying around stereos and speakers. One person would carry the stereo in front nad his buddies each carried the large speakers following behind him. 141) Mom Dad and I were “somewhere” , and we were on a little boat sailing if it was not a dream. I don’t remember what happened but it made an impression on me. I think that I went off and sneaked off on my own on a little boat because I did not want tto stay with them. Mom and Dad wanted me to go with them, on their little baot but I ran away or something and they searched the bay for me for hours and they finally found me. There is nothing negative about this memory it is just strange. 142) I am in some European place with cobblestone streets and Dad points across the street to a building and tells me what it is and I don’t remember what he says now. But it was very important to him. It was a government building or some museum and I think a church. Dad was looking for someone in an old style car and it was an important mission. He wanted to trade and/or give them information ot something. It was sunny day out. I was very little. I may remember in time because it was a well known place I remember. 143) I remember going to the castle in a country with Dad and maybe Mom for an official visit along the Rhine somewhere. Maybe Austria/Hungry I am pretty certain and we I think took a tour of all the Rhine castles. Maybe the Danube.
  • 21. 144) I have a dreamlike memory of being “someplace” I think it was in a foreign country because the rural landscape was not like America. I ran away from Dad and Mom like I always did because I did not like the things they did and was always scared. I rode a bike and/or walked up a large hill and some people took me in for a few hours talking to me until Dad found me. It was a humble home in a middle class like European town. 145) I remember Dad and Mom (one or the other) taking me in England to a lakeside restaurant to a place for “tea” We sat inside the restaurant and looked out upon the lake while we drank our tea. My parents told me we were in England so I knew it. 146) I have a memory that is like a dream of being on some desert terrain with Dad and there was tons of people like an influx of refugees (hundreds and hundreds of them following Dad and the leaders wherever we were going). We walked it seemed forever and I have a memory gap uncertain if this is the same memory like dream. We are No this is another memory, let’s go back, we walk until we come to some unknown “city” somewhere. We all hide in a large like military place like where they would store airplanes (like that U dome shaped buildings you see on a military base like I saw at my son’s on Ft Bragg. We had tons of camels and animals in there with us as we just “waited” for what I cannot remember. 147) I have a dream like memory of being with Dad. The memory was clear. There was war going on. It was very dangerous and we were in an air place military like hangar. I saw airplane all around. Dad said something like “hurry” and we hurried up the stairs and I see more airplanes up there too. We went up the stairs and there was bombing all around us. We ran out some door into a grassy area and end of memory. There were people with us just as scared as I was. 148) Me and Dad drove to someone’s home. He went in and talk ed. It was like a ranch house and I have no idea where. I thin he had a gun. 149) This is a weird memory, I ran away again from Mom and Dad. Why? They told me to go to bed early in my room and I was very scared. I was in a cabin somewhere and it was very spooky. I thought that I saw demons or some ghosts and I heard noises so I got very scared and when Mom and Dad refused to allow me out of the room, at first I went and hid under my blankets. Then somehow I escaped the cabin like I always did. I wondered until I found some “natives” there were pine forests I remember but they allowed me to take a row boat by myself out and I rowed and I rowed and they told me I could find an island at the horizon. So I rowed more to the direction they pointed. Finally I came upon what was a change in scenery. It was a island like Bora Bora. I swam. I had fun with the people there. Then for some reason I had to leave and I don’t know why. Dad was frantically searching for me I told the natives. Anyway, a memory gap and I find myself back by the cabin running and hiding from Dad and people that I was told by the “natives” kill and drink blood like vampires.” Finally Dad finds me and says “there are no such things as “vampires” BUT, there are very dangerous people there and I need to stay with him at the cabin and we return there. Tehre were others there (Dad’s friends) too. End of memory for now. 150) I am swimming on an island setting like Bora Bora again. But I am not with Dad or Mom and I am with some boyfriend my age that I like. We were not supposed to be in this location but we were curious what was going on there. Dad again is searching for me for running away against his instructions. We swim and we come to a cave/island. There was supposed to be something important there, I heard it from Dad and I don’t remember what it was but it was important that me and my friend wanted to see if it was really there. I havae a memory gap and Dad finds me. End of memory for now. We went inside some cave that could have housed a missile though.
  • 22. 151) This memory is very real to me. I am somewhere and it is night. It is when I am little and I hear the name “Harry Shortway” like Dad once knew the Harry Shortway I hate now. Anyway, this Shortway is driving all over what seems close to what West Mlford may have looked many years ago frantically searching for me. I don’t know why but this person was Dad’s acquaintance and they are “after me.” I hide and do whatever it takes to avoid them because I am deadly scared of them because I just as a child get a “gut feeling” this person is “evil” in some way and I think that he is scared I saw him do something “bad”. IO cannot remember now. Anyway, I am also searching for a dog I had while I hide from Dad and this person. As I try hiding from Dad and somehow manage to get a ride or hitch hike (yeah that is what I did hitch hike) up to what looks very l much like Upper Greenwood Lake NJ today. Anyway, I come to a restaurant bar that seems familiar to me now and drink sode or something. Then I walk and/or get a lift t this deserted road and I meet a kid my age. He tells me “Hurry come to my house, around here after dark there are “monsters”. I don’t think he meant that literally but we were kids and he was trying to convey to me something murderous was about in this area (a real person obviously). We get to his house and he sneaks me in his room. We hide and he hides me from his parents. I don’t kow how, but Dad finds me again in some car.I can almost draw a map of it in West Mlford of this memory and I bet it pans out. 152) I have another memory of being on vacation with Mom and Dad and we are driving in a car somewhere I thought in America moving towards Canada. We stop at an Indian Reservation of some kinf. I think that Dad wants to kill someone. My parents try to hide me while they do the dead but I cannot be sure. It was weird. 153) I am with Dad and I think Mom and we are somewhere in Upstate NY or Canada border again. Dad tells me to wait in the cabin like hotel room. There are mountains and all. Very rustic area. Anyway, I did not listen to Dad as usual and I follow him into another room where I find blood and him and a knife and a dead lady in the shower like he just stabbed her to death. He tell s me something I am so little I just take it in stride I guess and go back to my room and forgot it until now 154) I definitely remember being at the Assassin school of Americas with Dad in South America or something. I remember the natives wanted him and the US soldiers out. There was a fenced like gate around the school of the Americas. Eventually they left. When I heard the news today I also have vague memory of Dad taking me to “Blackwater training camp.” I am not certain but it rings a definite bell and Dad tells me it is just a camp or something. 155) This is REAL. I remember it very well. Dad and I are in some south american country. We land on a boat by a mountainous area and natives help us ashore. Dad is teaching the natives how to be soldiers. We ride in a jeep like car above the mountains. 156) Dad and Mom and I are definitely in South America somewhere and being chassed down by soldiers they want to kill us three. Dad gets an idea and we all jump into the ocean by a yeacht club and hold our breath and try to hide while the people chasing us down think we are not there. Dad tells me “no matter what Jill hold your breath or we might all die. We duck under some boat and do it.” end of memory. 157) I must have been young but I remember Mom taking me to train in firearms. She would shoot at a target like in the campers strike game and she would have to wear things on her ears. She was was quite good. She let me do it too. Dad trained me to use a rifle type gun too because I remember at first it hurt my shoulder when I fired it until he showed me exactly how to hold it so it did not hurt and push my shoulder back. We were in a forest somewhere and we also trained using bow and arrows and shooting beer cans, and apples even off of
  • 23. someones head. I have a memory of Dad’s friend being a knife thrower in some circus and I actually let him throw knives around me while I stood with some tree behind me.’ 158) Also I remember being at Queen Elizabeth’s cstle in England and what is really weird is that I was there with Dad to play the “recorder” for her with other little kids and I was very nervous After or before one of the royal Princes took us fly fishing on the grounds and he wore the traditional outfit like Prince charles wears with the skirt thing etc when he fishes. I may have even played with Diana because we went to a Polo match and I remember Camala thte Prince Charles new wife’s name and also Princes of Monaco pushing a baby carriage. I watched the Polo match on the horses. This seems extremely real to me but most people would probably not believe it. I also was taken on a tour of where the MI%/MI6 make the James Bond types of gadgets. I remember the Queens castle was like a little city within itself although Dad refuses to admit I was there. There was like a wall alla round it built with stones and the roads once across it on the grounds was like a little upper class city with businesses etc. I thin we went skiing somewhere once with Princess Diana and Sarah Fergeson when we were children in Colorado because I remember it Aspen I think but I can not be certain. Dad only knows if this memory it true. Prince Charles or one of them Andrew as little and we were playing in his room. We broke some things that made noise and the Queen and my Dad came up and were going to punish us. But the lkittle boy (royal) I was with instead of saying I broke the vase or whatever, tried protecting me from embarrassment and punishment by saying he “broke it for me instead.” I had a crush on him and we played together in the outside gardens. The stairway to his room was a large one which wound around and around like something out of Sleeping Beauty’s wedding stairs. There was a carpet that went on top of each stair too and sometimes we got in trouble for sliding down the banister I think. Dad always used to have a private joke of some nature of “who is in the tulip patch with Selly or Sarah…and Tip toe through the tulips.. Etc. then I have memory of being at boarding school with royals and all in Switzerland. We had to wear certain clothes and also I was on some sky lift thing like you sit in it and it brings you up to one end of the boarding school to another in the air. Like an air cab. We slept in beds with all girls and we had very strict rules. There were lots of beds lined up in a room and it was very prestigious. I remember another time being a part of the English Queens reception for “something” with Mom and Dad. I did not like it and we cars pulled us up somewhere wiyh bushes all surrounding it and we went in. We were supposed to walk in rank and file but I ran away with a friend to a nearby bar and drank soda, Dad came in an found me and he also found two younger royals fooling around getting drunk to together. 159) I have a memory of being with Dad in some places like Turkey because of what everyone wore *(Islamic garb), The men were really chauvinistic. The little girls, even my age (whatever that was at the time-were being old into marriage and had tons and tons of hours long housework chores each day with no time for fun like I did. So me and my little friends decided we would run away (me and them some little girls because they thought that I was right when I told them that I did not have to do the things they were required to do). But we made a large mistake. We took a small little boat from a man to his ship (he gave some reason he said he would give us a ride to the other half of the bay to where the landing for the clothing stores are (I must had had some money from Dad he gave me with me). Anyway, once on board the man was going to make us into little “ sex slaves.” We managed to escape when we convinced him with my money that we merely wanted to buy ourselves some sexy clothes or someti9ng and we then saw a police man and ran up to him and he contacted Dad. Dad came to get me and left my friend and I was very upset. 160) Dad and I were walking in some old dirty non working factory in which we were running from people with guns going to shoot us. We ran out a door and jumped in a moving river full of flowing garbage. Me and Dad both flowed down the river apart from o ne another and we were scared of getting hit with the wooden garbage and/or boards cans etc stuff in there. I don’t remember whwat happened after that. We must had made it to the bottom. I think that I tried grabbing onto a piece of something like wood that floated. I do remember walking out on steps out of the garbage river being 100% disgusting with filth complaining I want a shower.
  • 24. 161) I was walking to meet Mom at some University. AS usual I became a not listening little girl and took off with someone I had met. I don’t know what or where I was but I was supposed to meet Mom in the tennis court area but I decided not to. Then a memory gap. Then I am watching Dad shooting someone with a gun in an upper college room. There is a window there. I don’t remember if he shot him in front of me because I hid my eyes and he pushed me out or something I cannot remember. He pointed the gun at the man and they had an argument about a woman. Dad told me to leave the room for a minute to do that hit I think (he just asked me to step outside so he could be alone for a moment and “talk with the man alone” So I think I did. I never saw him again. I had seen that man before. 162) The worst thing was seeing Mom always killing people in the highway “Rest Area” bathroom stalls with a silencer while I was peeing in another. I traumatized me. I think that she used to have a bowl full up of cocaine on the front table to share with people when they came in when I was little too. I remember it. They’d sniff it. 163) I have this vague memory of Dad going Jet Skiing and Water skiing once at a party with Escobar. He used to smile and laugh on a jet ski thing and took a photo in font of the Washington monument, Dad and Mom and I did the same one too. 164) I seems so dreamy, but this memory of being “someplace” it was like I think nearby an ocean and Me , Mom was definitely there and Dad were like hiding out in somew building made out of beautiful square stones. The street was like cobble or some type of stones too. I ran away again and I found myself at some playground nearby and Dad came to get me. I thin k he had a gun and had just killed a man. Then a memory gap and Dad and Mom are drying me off from being outside and covering me up telling me I had a bad dream or something gnad to go back to bed an dputting my blankets on me and my head under a pillow. 165) I had this dream that “some man” related to me had tried to sexually assault me and told me it was “OK” to touch his you know what while I was really little and then a memory gap and some man like Dad or someone is trying to kill me by putting pillows over my head and suffocating me and Dad and /or Mom comes in a saves him 166) I am somewhere with Mom and some one attacks her, he tumbles her to the floor and she drops her gun next by her head but it is too far to reach. This bad man is holding moms’ hands and sitting on top of her, Mom yells to me, “Hurry Jill get the gun and give it to me and/or shoot him..” I forgot what happened next. Someone shot the man and I saved mom. I was sitting al curled up scared to death on the floor which was like a kitchen type of tile scared to death for Mom ! 167) Dad teaching me what a plane looks like when it “DOVETAILS” etc…. 168) Dad or someone taking me on a plane at an air show when they do stunts and they walked out on the wings etc and then two planes crashed together and fell to the ground in a type of fireball too that day. 169) Being in Fraica and we had to sear white suits like atronauts because there was an Ebola outbreak and some workers were throwing bodies on top of one another and burning them because they were contagious. We
  • 25. visited a hospital too and it was like a terrible dirt floor hospital hit I will never forget it the country had no food, floor or medications at their hospital in this country. 170) Some wild memory =of hunting apes down to see if they carried the AIDS virus because people in some African country was eating the meat they were so poor and I remember getting an (believe it or not) an AIDS vaccine from the US government before like they already knew about the virus and had one for years because when we went on the hunt of Ebola? AIDS apes to kill the remaining ones that were infected I was inoculated and Dad did not put any suit on me and he we walked around in al the disease areas totally UNPROTECTED. 171) I have memories of Dad teaching me how to hear first planes overhead and then to spot them in the air. Then he’d take out his binoculars to get a good look at them with me. 172) Me Dad and Mom went to Marthas Vinyard on vacation (for certain) I was older and I think that after Dad left me in the motel room by the gingerbread houses there he said he was going to meet, the Kennedy’s at their “compound.” I think he may have had some affair with a woman and Mom and he may have argued later that night but I cannot be certain. 173) When I was little my dad sis lots of work in Saudi Arabia and I used to play with Osama Bin Laden and met all the kids their were 16 in all and he was youngest. I remember he was older and he used to take me outside and was only wearing shorts and no shirt and taught me how to twirl like a military baton. I met some of the bin laden sisters too and we sued to play. One of them gave me a doll I forget her name ”salami” or something and they gave me some others gifts. It was likea Barbie doll but it was an Islamic “princess doll.” I vaguely remember the big bridge the bin Ladens’ worked on maybe with Dad to build to one of the pilgrimage sites it looked white and went across something underneath. And the city was large and clean there. 174) I remember being in Holland, Denmark and the Netherlands with Dad as a Child and I met a young blonde Dutch girl who gave me a pair of handmade clogs and bonnet. She showed me how to make cheese and/or butter and I helped her churn it. She wore a traditional dutch costume. She lived on a farm and it had a windmill. My Dad was involved in making wind power because of his expertise in the power field and also harnessing the ocean for power generation. There were lots of little wind mills for generating power all around I remember. 175) I remember Dad and I in a two seater race little fancy car driving across the swiss alps or a similar mountain range and meeting people in a remote village in Swizz alps and they lived a humble existence. 175 ) Being in Germany and the street speed limit signs were I remember exceptionally high like 75 miles an hour or something. I think me and I were on the run from thing or someone. Then a memory gap and we came to trucks and a governmental road block we had to wait it seemed horjus until we were allowed to move forward. 176) I remember as a young baby in a cradle that rocked I was in a castle somewhere and there was a royal castle and then a memory gap and Dad picked me up and I had to leave the castle where I was and Dad said I was just leaving for a little vacation . I did not know “dad” at the time but I cried and cried and I never saw that castle where I spent my first days again and I was very sad and eventually time faded my memories of this.
  • 26. 177) Visiting the Romanov’s “Winter Palace” with Dad and talking to a house maid and some of the Romanov family as a very very little young child in Russia. 178) Being in some museum somewhere in some country with Dad. We were doing something I have no idea hiding out or something. Memory gap and we made it to the top floor and into a seclued room that was locked Dad got the lock cracked and we somehow got locked in this small room and water started pouring I and we were going to drown. I don’t remember how we made it out or anything else now. Except there were people after us or something. 179) Even before I ever did cocaine as an adult as a young child I have a memory of Mom using it a lot. She let me try it to since it was in a big bowl on our kitchen table Dad did it too. One day I really wanted it, I must have been no more than 6 years old or something. I as by some ocean and asked everyone where I could get it cheap. I used to steal money from Mom’s purse always filled with so much cash money , hundreds of dollars a day in there she never would notice I took like a few hundred. Someone told me to go under a tunnel that went between something that looked like the tunnel that went between the Long Island Bay and sound beaches but it was not there. I knocked on two doors in that tunnel and there were cocaine dealers that were selling and had kilos of the stuff and sold me it. Then the police raided it and we all ran/. I ran into some huge like mall like I have never seen before and got lost and was scared. I was looking for Dad and Mom’s car and Ic ould not find it. I don’t know how I was able to locate my Dad but I guess I did. 179) Being in AK at the Rose Law Form with Foster and the Clintons with Dad and Mom going whitewater rafting with them or something glike that and seeing the file cabinets and all at the Rose law firm when I was little. I saw signs saying Littlerock I vaglue remember the signs at the Rose Law Form too. Bill Clinton DID IHALE A POT JOIUNT I SAW TEM AT A PARTY WITH MOM AND DAD. I was at the governors mansion in AK with Mom and Dad when he was governor. 180) I have some memory I don’t know where it was of being with Dad in an African country. We were running behind buildings for cover and there were bombs and were were bring fired at. We went into a building and hid with some other US soldiers. He’d always drag me by the hand pulling me to “RUN JIL FASTER.” Eventually some US helicopter came to rescue us somehow but we had to get to a certain location first for to be picked up. I remember some US soldier being shot and killed, I looked back and saw him die on the dirt ground. There was argument whether Dad and the rest of us ought to go back to take his body as it was “US military law to bring back all bodies of US veterans but..” we decided it was too dangerous for the rest of us and we all felt terribly bad. 181) Being in a field in Vietnam with Dad and running into an open field to be picked up by another US helicopter with Dad under heavy gun fire with some other US veterans to get picked up and we barely made it. I was so young I did not really get the jist of it all then. 182) I must have been Vietnam because I saw some US soldier hold a gun to a Vietnam woman’s head and kill her point “black” right there and then in a village.
  • 27. 183) Going to Libya qth Dad and meeting the now famous Col Gadaffi, before he was President, when he was poor and living in a little shcak with a white cover on it for a roof. I saw the “rock og Gibaltra.” 184) Meeting the man associate to bin Laden named Ahmed a fat guy with the mustache with my Dad in Indonesia in 1970/71. He was very nice to me and Dad actually . 185) Dad a few times put a green/black widow from Australia in someone’s house and/or picnic basek to kill them but they survived and in the USA (TX or Florida) put one in aladies shoe by a pool . I saw the story on tv once but it is true. Dad did it lots of times and took me once I vaguely remember going to some ones house that in the basement used to make widow or poisonous spider venoms for he government. I saw all of them in a refrigerator once. 186) I have this really weird memory of being in Afghanistan with Dad and I was running away from being previously inside the “Afghan bank vault” and it had all this gold inside it and it was under attack. In the vault their was a man a few of them and they were talking with Dad and I was standing there. 187) Me Mom and Dad were on some island, a tropical one and there was a gathering of people to join together to listen to a lady diplomat (she was a d former dissident) from some country. Her life was in danger. Perhaps we were there to try to protect her because Dad was giving her advice about her safety. Anyway, She was told and helped to enter into some embassy building (we walked up steps to enter it) and she talked to me. I was impressed she was taking the time to talk to little me. She seemed to life me. I don’t know who she was she looked like from some tropical island or something. She was a bit chubby and wore earrings and her hair was like up in a bun and she had family members wit her and she seemed very nice to me. 188) Memories of Dad and I in a little Cesna private plane, we used to drug smuggle, one time we were being chased by another plane and to evade it, Dad drove the planer straight like we were going to crash into a mountain cliff and at the last minute, he drove the plane up to avoid the cliff, but the plane in back of us could not maneuver and smashed into the cliff when I turned to se it in a great fireball. 189) One time we were leaving the coast of Florida on a small plane with like maybe 10 peopl eand the plane crashed down into the water and I survived but others died and they were searching for bodies for a while. 190) One time we were on a plane and for some unknown reason around some little islands (maybe cuba) we had to land and wait with others on our small plane with governmental authorities for a long tim eand the people were crabby. I dont kow what that was about. But we were not allowed to leave. 191) I have a memopry of being in some house in America. I was sleeping and Dad was there and it was in the middle of the night or something. Someone lit the house on fire and the other people died. Dad told me that we had one chance because the flames were blocking everywhere and the air was getting too hot to breathe. I was scared to death. We went into the shower and wet ourselves and put wet towels over our heads and Dad said "Run with all your might out the door and " we did and when we reached the outside he had already told me to rolla round on the grass to get the flames off of us and we did. We lived and then the fireman sprayed us with stuff for the flames and patted us with blankets to kill the flames on us. 192) I remember the Queen Elizabeth and her sister Margaret and/or Anne having some drinking problem and she would wake up in the morning and pour herself a drink all the time in a crystal cup like the ones Arnold gave to me. 193) Being in Monaco and the Prince there having a Tiger when he married Princess Grace or something like that it was in a cage.